Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 (Page 12) - Completed: 07/31/2021

This is the place to post all your General Roswell fanfiction. Any Canon fics, which pick up directly from any episode of the show and that focus on Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex or Isabel/Jesse, Kyle/Tess, or all the couples together! Rule of Thumb: If Max healed Liz in the Crashdown in September 1999, then your fic belongs here. If it picks up from the show in any way, it belongs here.

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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 12 - 05/26/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Max and Liz are getting.. IT..out of their system.
When will Maria come knocking?
Seems like things are about to get ....complicated.
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 13 - 05/28/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

The early hours came much too quickly for both of them as eyes opened and they were Liz’s and she was feeling protected in the arms of Max as they had succumbed to 10 years of implausibility and passion, aching for each other and never being able to get quite there until the night before when they lost all inhibitions and common sense because both were too knowledgeable and smart to know this was a good move for them. Especially when it had an expiration date.

And yet it was destiny.

But destiny had a morning after, and Liz could not be sure of how to react to it. Because common sense told her this was a literal nightmare for her, and she should be getting out of this bed, and running, and going back to her life. Grab her bags and leave town and never come back. Because she had changed things. And by changing them, she had made it impossible to be the person she was just the day before. But the other side of her. The one who had longed for this for 10 years, that side was weak, too weak. It is Max that personality told her overly cautious side. Max, the one who worships you, and loves you. Max, she thought, and someone who she had finally gotten to the place they both should have been able to get to years before, so she could not move from this bed.

She felt content, and her eyes closed once more and then Max’s eyes opened, and he smiled to see her still in his arms.

Something rare and something beautiful. She did not run he thought as he took in her beauty, and who was in his arms.

Even if he knew that something this rare and beautiful had to have some kind of consequences down the line. We always something that gets in the way.

Max knew this but he did want to deal with those when he had his dream girl in his arms, and she was not leaving. She was not sneaking out. She was staying.

Yeah, hell with the consequences Max thought. I can take them.

But could he, but he knew he had lived through seven years ago, so he felt he was battled tested to take what was coming now.

So, his eyes closed, and both continued to sleep.

And then before long he felt the sensational fingers of warmth coming down his arms as he found her on top of him. “Mornin’” came his response as he never knew his sexy, she could be. If only we had been able to be together, back then. So much could be avoided.

“Morning,” Liz said softly as he leaned into her as they kissed and they began to roll around the bed forgetting their world that existed outside the door, or that she was planning to leave these arms and head back to her cold reality.

“Liz” Max tried.

“Nothing about feelings or anything like that,” Liz said as she went for a kiss. “I do not want to feel anything more than what we have right now…”

“I am game for that,” Max murmured.

“Because I am leaving Max,” Liz said. “I cannot stay…”

“I know, but you are not leaving right now, are you? Max murmured yeah; I will take whatever I can get he thought as he saw the sexiness in her smile as she was on top of him and acting like she wanted to stay in their bubble.

“No, I am not” Liz confirmed. “But…”

“But nothing. Let us not talk anymore when we have now,” he smiled as they kissed some more, and stayed in bed…

…and made use of that bed.


“Where is Maria?” Amy asked her husband as she put a plate of pancakes in front of her grandson. It was early, and Charlie was up early. While there were no more disturbances during the night. Still, the echoes of the dreams stayed with Charlie. And he could not stop thinking about the man he had seen in his dream, or in the bedroom where he had spent the night. But hearing his mother’s name, he looked up, and saw the concern on his grandmother’s face. Something was not right, “Mommy?”

“She did not come back here last night,” Jim confirmed as he sat and read the Sunday newspaper. “Maybe she went to Liz’s place?” he wondered.

“Was that not her original plan? he asked as he did not get the concern because Maria was now an adult. Sure, maybe he should worry given old events, but he was going to be in denial a little while longer until he was told to wake up.

“The plan changed because it was that she would come back here?” Amy thought as she knew her daughter had accepted the offer come back here and spend the night here at the house once Liz had disappeared with Max. She had made the offer and her daughter had accepted so that they could some spend time together, but she had not seen her daughter since she left the wedding reception with the blonde who she had last been talking, Serena.

Amy knew Serena was a doctor focusing on some special project of Max and Isabel’s. That they were only privy to with the only exception being that Jim knew some of the specifics. Even if Jim did not know at the same time. But Serena passed the check Jim had done when she had come to town, and she was hired, and she had been around these parts for the last couple of years. She did not know what was going on, but suspected it had to do with Michael.

Michael Guerin Amy thought.

She could not be sure because she had not seen Michael in many years. She had been told the same story most of town had. That he had relocated out east. Which is odd one because if he had relocated, why not seek my daughter out? she wondered. And it was obvious Michael was not in New York. Not knowing what was happening. She had not elected to not to tell her daughter because of course she did not want her daughter to come back unless she wanted to come back. Even if she knew that if Maria had known than something was off with Michael’s situation that she might have come back, so she had not told her daughter, and as a result Maria had not wanted to come back.

Because she had found her career, and a lot of success and had stayed.

So, Amy had been proud of her daughter even if she longed for her daughter to return. But now her daughter was back, even if it was for a visit. She was cherishing it and worrying because her daughter had now disappeared. And it was bring back memories of a time that existed over a period of three frantic years for her daughter. She had been oblivious. But not too oblivious not to know that something was going on, and to have a clear understanding that it was why her daughter had not even chosen to finish her senior year and vanished before the completion of her final term. Graduating barely, and in absentee.

Not even coming home for the ceremony, or to pick up her diploma.

“Maybe there was a change in plans,” Jim asked as he could read his wife, and knew when she was distracted, and it was usually about her daughter. As he knew the feeling because he had the same look over his son. But thankfully his son had found his way in life, and was now happy, and secure in his life.

“Maybe,” Amy thought but did not know. “But I did not see Liz and Max last night which is why I know my daughter changed her plans. The thinking of was they had gone off together, so I doubt my daughter would have gone back to the original plan. And head over to Liz’s place she has rented for the weekend?” she muttered. “But then I saw her going off with the Serena women…”

Serena Jim thought. Someone who had come to town and stayed. A newcomer to their ranks although she had made a home here, and he had done his search of her when she first showed up, hired by Max and Isabel for some mystery project that they did not even tell him about, but he knew they had come into a bundle of money, and they were using it for some project. It was not something they wanted to talk about. And given his history of finding himself in one of their messes after another, he was not anxious to revisit that time. All he knew it was perfectly legal. Serena had some skeletons in her past but who did not he thought. But none of them warranted any concern, and even now, he was not especially concerned. Maria is famous for living her own life.

On the other hand, Maria’s son did not have the same experience with his mother, and he was going to pick up on any concern his grandmother showed, as he who was ignoring his grandparent’s conversion peaked up some interest. “How come?” Charlie asked, pipping into the conversation of his grandparents. And Amy and Jim were forced to remember that they had to deal with sensitivity of a six-year-old who loved his mother and would be hypersensitive to any mention of intrigue involving his mother.

“It’s grown-up stuff,” Amy smiled as she was trying to dissuade anything untoward from her grandson.

“Oh,” Charlie said as his smiles turned into a frown when a vibe across his mind “Is Mommy alright?” he whispered because he was quick to brush aside the assurances of his grandmother and wonder if something was indeed happening.

“I am sure she is alright.” Amy said in assurances to her grandson because she did not want to start something, but she knew well enough she had…

Charlie could not help but remember his dream. Or how he remembered feeling being watched and he did not like knowing that feeling, and now his mother was not around, and she never not came home. After all his mother had been single all these years. Charlie had not been exposed to another man, or any of next morning kind that developed after a date.

Sure, his mother had gone out. But with his Aunt Liz, or with friends. Never with some man. And if she did, they had been friends, his mother would assure him and would come home afterwards.

And she had.

And if his Aunt Liz behavior with Micah’s father was any indication No Mommy never was like that he though as he remembered how he saw his aunt interact with Micah’s father.

“She’s fine Charlie,” Amy said as she knew she was lying but she needed to tamp down any concern that her grandson might have. She knew she started something as she looked at her husband who mumbled, “fine” as he got up from the table and went to get changed. And before long, he was on the way to the station to make sure mayhem had not break out in the middle of the night.

“Thank you honey,” Amy called out as she saw him get into his truck as she went back to her grandson and worked to keep his mind of any mischief that might be going down.


A couple of hours later,

Isabel and Kyle were off on their honeymoon. Phillip had driven them to the airport himself. Diane was off with friends meeting for lunch. And now Phillip was stopping by to see if he could help Jeff and Nancy clean up, but he found it all done by the time he arrived. Jeff was at the counter, talking to one of his waitresses. Lunch service had just begun, and the doors were open. The open sign was hanging on the door “Phillip?” came the greeting.

“Good day,” Phillip acknowledged as he walked into the establishment and saw the bustling of people around the successful restaurant. A place beloved by tourists and townsfolks. Phillip was not known to come in here often but knew it was loved by his children, and his son for one particular reason. Who he had met here he thought? “I came by to see if you needed any help cleaning up. I would have been here earlier, but I needed to drop the kids off at the airport.”

“Hawaii is it not?” Jeff asked.

“Yes,” Phillip murmured. “Which means I do not have to worry about them for two weeks…”

“I am glad,” Jeff smiled. “It really wasn’t too bad. Just moving stuff around and picking the trash of the plates and stuff” he said of aftereffects of hosting the wedding reception the night before, and really, there had been nothing of any concern. So, we managed it fine on our own. We did not need any help.”

“We also wanted to express our thanks for hosting it,” Phillip murmured as he remembered that Jeff had catered, the last wedding reception. “We know it can be costly to close for a night, and lose the business,” he allowed as he though of his daughter and her new husband. “Hopefully, this will be the last time…”

“I think it will be,” Jeff smiled as he remembered the bride and groom, and how he saw happiness within them, and how they were at peace with each other.

“Maybe it will be our kids next” Phillip asked with a lack of seriousness because he knew his son and Liz were a long way from that, were it to even happen at all and he had his doubts because like he had told his daughter the night before. Max and Liz were different people today than they were back in high school. Liz had her career, and his son had his daughter he needed to raise, and concentrate on, and therefore he had no idea where that would take them. But as long as his son was happy, he could handle it.

Jeff could only laugh at the comment because he longed for his daughter to settle down and provide him and his wife some grandchildren so they could love and see often. Grandchildren that would be something he thought but he doubted his daughter would get there anytime soon. So, he laughed, as the door opened, and they turned to see Jim walking in. “Good morning Sheriff.”

“Today, it’s just Jim” Jim smiled. “I am off duty although Amy doesn’t know that…” he laughed.

“What’s up” Jeff asked.

“I was curious if you have seen Maria?” Jim asked. “She did not show up at home last night, even though that was the plan, and so Amy and Charlie are now worried…”

“Maria is a big girl; I am sure she is fine” Phillip murmured allowed as he looked around the restaurant and he did not see the blonde who had spent so much time here in high school along with his son, and Michael.

Michael, he thought. Someone he had a combative relationship over the years. But had helped when the boy needed to get out on his own. And therefore, he knew he was basically a second brother to his daughter, and family, and so his absence was noticed. And he never truly had bought the excuse his children had passed around town. Something they would say about Tess too he thought. He had come along way and knew a lot more now than he did at the time, but he did know how they explained away Tess’s disappearance. So, he knew something was up there, but he did not know what… Given how secretive his children were known to be, and still were to an extent. And he knew how much Michael had rebelled after Maria left town.

Until he disappeared completely.

Jim sensed the confusion in Max and Isabel’s father. “I am sure she is, but then Charlie claims he got visited by someone last night. And now we cannot account for his mother, so it makes me a little curious” Jim murmured. And makes my wife curious more like it because Jim knew his stepdaughter had her own life, and she was leading it quite well but then there was always something about Roswell that attracted the angst and the drama and Maria had long been apart of it… Thanks to who she chose to love.

“Really?” Jeff asked as his eyes shot up.

Jim did not seem worried or let it show. I am not worried. I know the signs of something that should be a concern, and this is not it “I am sure it was just a bad dream that looked too real when he woke up, but now Amy gotten worried, and so I was hoping your daughter was around for breakfast or even an early lunch, and I could ask if she knew where Maria might be off to?” he sighed. “I doubt she would have returned home without mentioning it to Amy, or letting his son know?”

“Sorry,” Jeff shook his head. “We just opened. I have not seen her. Nor have I have seen my own daughter this morning,” Jeff confirmed. “We kept it closed for the breakfast service to clean up from last night, so we just open, and since we did, we have not seen Maria. Nor Liz. In fact, I tried to call her this morning, but I have not heard anything?” he said as he looked at Phillip who looked amused, and the men could only smile. “Micah was at your place last night, right?”

“Right, and now she’s at a friend’s house for an all-day birthday party” Phillip confirmed since my son did not show up to drive her to the party, we did the honor. “I have not spoken to my son since the party…”

“Anyways, I was hoping…” Jim murmured.

“If I see her, I will tell her that her mother is looking for her” Jeff said. “And to reach out.”

“Thank you,” Jim said as he left the restaurant.

“Well,” Phillip asked.

“Could it be something to do with Michael?” Jeff asked as he handed Phillip a menu. Because Phillip was going to stay with a burger.

“I have not seen him in years,” Phillip commented. “I have been told he relocated?”

“We were told the same, but you never know with the kids, right?” Jeff asked. We often were not told the straight story…


“I want a baby” were not the words Max had been expecting to hear as they were out of bed, and now in the in the living room portion of the apartment. Max was shirtless but in his pants. Liz was wearing his shirt. Because her dress was too in disarray to even attempt to wear the garment next door so she could change into something more sensible. She had stayed and they had eaten eggs in silence as neither of them knew what to say as reality was slowly coming back to the situation as they just stared at each other, and neither approaching each other with anything more than a simple smile.

To Max. He did not care because as long as he had his dream girl in his vicinity than he was good to go. And he did not even need words. As long as she was here, and he could see her. And Liz had not wanted to leave even though she knew this was a situation that had no good ending because their story always had an ending that had rough edges around it. And yet she did not get up and actually leave and go back to the coldness of an apartment that was not even hers.

Instead, they sat on the couch. Reality was returning. Ever so slowly they were finding. And so, Max knew that despite the rush, they had used protection once back within the constraints of the apartment. But they had not on the roof, and they both knew it, and they both knew Max had overheard what he did the day before when Maria blurted out what she did. Neither had said the words. But Liz finally admitted she was not on the pill because she was undergoing testing, and he was concerned, and so he asked, and she finally admitted that she was planning on becoming a mother.

Using a sperm break, she was quick to assure him. She was just trying to figure out the right approach. A scientist to her very core.
The mere revelation of a baby had shocked him and sent him reeling. A baby Max thought. He had not heard wrong. He had not thought he did, but it was the last thing he had expected.

“You do?” Max said as he did not know what to say so he was trying to come some type of comprehension.

“Yes,” Liz murmured and knew that some part of him was thinking that she might have been using him. “I was not planning on using this weekend against that goal. Because I have been abstaining recently. And I was going through testing and everything. And using the time to really think whether I want to go through with it. So, regardless of what Maria said, I was not using this weekend for that goal. But I do want a baby, and I am planning one of these days. When I do not know. But I wanted to know that it is possible. Still, do not think I was trying to use you…”

“Why would I think that?” Max asked as his mind was still coming to terms with what she was saying. She is not Tess he thought. Now that was a woman who had used him and used sex to get what she wanted from him. A baby. Not thinking of the ramifications of such a decision on him, or their child. Although given the child was out there, somewhere in this world hopefully he thought. He knew he was to blame for falling for those lies. If only he had wised up sooner. But he had not because it had been a weak time between him and Liz, and for their whole group and little did he know that Tess had engineered the events, whether they were intended or not or just a result of the carnage that she inflicted on them. Still in comparing his former girlfriend with his one time something with Tess.

Liz was nowhere near as diabolical as Tess. And he knew she would never use him like Tess did. Unless he wanted to go there…

And maybe he did, came into his mind as he was spacing out where did that come from, he wanted to ask himself of his thoughts as Liz quickly brought back to reality as she started to speak once more. “Last night, this morning?” Liz wondered.

“Last night was not expected, and same with this morning” Max murmured and got a look from Liz, I would never think you were using me he thought even if a part of almost wish she was “What?”

“I knew coming back I would see you. I might not have known exactly what would have happened, but I certainly had my chances to not go there, and we could have stopped ourselves but still I was not looking at you for that…”

“Because of whom I am?” Max asked, slightly twinged. “Of course, you would not want my baby?”

I would love your baby Liz thought, because it was the truth. Max was an ideal candidate to be any potential father. Gorgeous, loving, and compassionate, and perfect… “I would never discriminate like that…” she though of any potential father for her baby. Even if she knew from the baggage even if she had not walked the shoes of Max or Isabel. Still, she had experienced enough of it by being on the outside, and just watching back when they were teenagers. But she knew Max being the father of her baby would be opening a door that neither of them should be opening.

She wanted her baby to happy and healthy. She would not knowingly discriminate on the basis on what could happen. Because they knew nothing really about the genetic code and as far as she knew, Max was perfectly healthy. Only Michael they had sketchy information about, and even then, she saw in Charlie that he was a healthy little boy. Maria had done as much genetic testing as could be feasible without it telling her everything about her unborn baby, so they knew on that front Charlie was normal. How normal he was is another matter to find out one of these days she thought. Since he knew Max was very much human to his very core. His genetic material coming from his status came through him, in other ways.

“Why, would you not?” Max asked. “I bring a lot of baggage to any baby?”

“You do not know that” Liz sighed as she felt the burden in Max. “We do not know exactly what we would be getting in any potential baby from the two of us” she thought as if that was going to happen, and she knew it was not going to. “And that goes for the general population as well. Any new parent would not know what they would be getting within their child. I mean you did not know what you would be getting with Micah. It was a worry which is why you decided to step in, but you did not know. She could have been human, so no, there are no guarantees. I only meant that we are over, and why do we want to complicate that with a baby?”

Why could we not he Max thought without actually saying those words. “Do you consider us over, after last night?” Max asked as he knew it was true that they did not know how any child would turn out. Still, it was a weighty discussion to be having and one he did not like having, because it meant having to look at who he was, and what it meant for the next generation. So, he chose to concentrate on that other matters between him and his former girlfriend.

“Max,” Liz sighed as she hated to say the words. Which is the reality of this morning. “I am leaving. You are Roswell. You have a life here with your daughter. This is not my life anymore. I am not our hometown anymore. I move around so often; I do not have a home base. I suppose I guess I should have one if I am going to have a baby. But I guess the closest one I have is New York because of Maria and Charlie. Life is different for me because of the jobs I take, and those projects can take months and even years depending on what is going on with them. I move back and worth between them, which is why I am often rootless. You and I are complicated.”

“I know that Liz, after all we were complicated at sixteen. And certainly now, would be even more so because we are older and wiser…”

“I doubt you could call us wiser,” Liz muttered. “I mean just look at last night?”

“Right,” Max nodded with a slight smile Look at last night?

“I want a baby, but I do not want the relationship…” Liz sighed as she voiced the truth of the situation. A relationship was not her goal. She knew she would be terrible within a relationship that was not with someone she loved. And she had not loved anyone since those days in high school. And even now, she knew her heart was taken. So, why would she do that to some guy. Give him her second best. So, all she wanted was a baby.

A baby she could handle. A baby she could love. Someone who would love her, and be there for her, and she could guide in this life.

A man would want more, and she did not have more.

She wanted to be a mother.

“That is good to know,” Max said with a sexy smile because the idea of Liz being with any one after the experience they had, which had been downright memorable. Sure, he knew she was not a virgin, but the idea of her being with anyone other than him, and then to have someone else’s baby. He could not handle it.

“Max,” Liz muttered.

Max could not help but laugh, and Liz did not know how to take his reaction. Because this had not been the one, she had expected when she had said those words about wanting a baby. She assumed it would scare him away. Tell him to leave her alone. Allow her to go back to her new life and focus on the possibility of the future. But he had not reacted like that, instead he was taking it as a challenge. And she did not know what that meant for her, because she did know they could not work.

Could they?

“The idea of you with anyone does not go down well with me Liz,” Max thought. “The idea of you having someone else’s baby…” he said in the softest of voices. “I hate the mere thought of it, Liz. I know it is the life you could have had these years. And certainly, I know you were not alone, and celibate…”

“No, I was not” Liz muttered.

And Max hated to acknowledge it. “I was…”

“Max…” Liz sighed even though a secret part of her liked it. Most of the town would not believe it since he was raising a little girl. But she knew the truth. So, the knowledge that he had not moved on was almost thrilling even though it was wrong…

“I was wait…” Max murmured but Liz stopped him with a mere touch of her fingers against his lips.

“Stop Max,” Liz said. “Because it does nothing…”

“Maybe it does,” Max murmured. “You are here for a reason Liz. You walked away years ago. But you are back. We are back. I know we have our challenges…”

“This is not that I was trying to get you to say when I told you what I told you?” Liz asked. “I only came back for a simple weekend.”

“Nothing is simple with us or our town,” Max murmured. “You were trying to scare me away were you not?” Max asked as he could sense her motivation behind her statement. “But regardless of whether you were, I know you will be an amazing mother Liz…” he smiled, and she felt weak to hear those words coming from the man she had wanted at one time to be the father of her child. But he was not, he was someone else’s father. Someone else had gotten that opportunity. She ended up alone. “Whenever you choose to have a baby, and no matter in whatever way you do conceive that child.”

“I do not know what kind of parent I will be, but I want a chance” Liz asked as she still could not believe the reaction hearing him speak gave her. “I know I am still young, and anything can happen. But…”

I wish you would have my baby Max thought for the briefest of seconds but did not say it, and before he might have blurted it out. They got interrupted by a knock on the door. Damn he thought and she thought it as well, but she knew it was only right that someone was trying to interrupt the insanity of their discussion.

“Saved by the bell?” Liz asked out loud at the announcement of their visitor because she knew leaving them alone to their own devises could be not that advisable.

Max laughed as he got up, not caring that he was still shirtless, or that Liz was in his shirt because as long as she was in it, it meant she was boarding a flight to wherever she called home. Opening the door, “Jim” he said, surprised because he had been half expecting his daughter which would have led to another awkward conversation.

“Hello Max” Jim smiled as he could see that he was interrupting some kind of moment. One he knew that had a level of intimacy attached to it. But he had a reason to be here. “I knocked on Liz’s door, because I know she is staying next door?”

“Yes, she is” Max said but he chose to turn his head to see that Liz was standing behind him. “But you will find that she is right here…”

“I gathered,” Jim said with a smile. “Hello Liz…”

“Hello Jim,” Liz murmured as she had to laugh at the absurdity of this moment. Being interrupted by the town Sheriff. Only us she thought as she came back to the reality of this day. “Jim, can I ask, what is the matter?” Liz asked as she was surprised that Jim was at the door because she like Max, she almost expected it to be Micah because after all this was Max’s apartment, and his daughter lived with him, which is something we have not gotten to, she thought.

“I have to ask if you have seen Maria?” Jim asked,

“Not since last night,” Liz thought as she and Max remembered that they saw their friend going off with Serena.

“Do you know where she went off to?” Jim asked as it was a not a surprise to him that Liz or Max would know where his stepdaughter might be. “She did not come home last night, and therefore Amy and Charlie are getting worried…”

“I am sure she is fine Jim,” Liz tried because she had checked her phone, and gotten some texts from her friend that were short and to the point, you knew, and I cannot lose him and by him. Liz knew him referred to Michael, and that Maria knew the truth. But she had not a chance to talk to her friend and give her the support that her friend would need because she was in the middle of her angst and complicating what she was sharing with Max on this morning. “I have not talked to her, but I do know she was fine when I last heard from her?”

“Do you know where she went off to?” Jim asked.

“Yes,” both Max and Liz thought.

“Can I ask, does this have to do with Michael?” Jim asked because he could only think of one way to get Maria away from her son. After all that was why he was sure she had stayed away all these years because of Michael, and because of Charlie.


Yes, it did Maria thought as she was dreaming a good sleep. She had not gone anywhere. She did not care that people were looking for her, because she was not going anywhere. Not until Michael woke up. Unfortunately, as much as Serena downplayed it to her bosses. She knew it was likely at this point, to be a lost cause, and she knew it, but Maria was not seeing it. She is too new to this Serena thought. To her, this had been years. Even if Max and Isabel did not want to acknowledge the likelihood but still down deep, they had experienced the depressive wait of hoping, and having that hope fall outside their grasp.

Maria did not have the years of waiting. She was new to this. So, she had all the hope in the world even though she had walked away, years before.

And now she was back and hoping against all hope. As she stayed by the bed and waited ever so patiently for Michael to wake up. Until she had fallen asleep with her head in her hands on his stomach,

While Serena went to her own bedroom off the floor, for those nights where it was late. And now she was coming back on duty, and not surprised to see Maria asleep. “I figured as much” she told herself.

As she checked the vitals of her patient.

And she found changes. Subtle changes. Nothing that would change the long-term viability of the patient she felt confident to tell herself and the chart. But subtle ones, because after many years on the case. She knew the case. And knew when to notice changes and nothing had changed in years.

But now it had, and she made notes of it in the chart, and then walked back out of the room and allowed Maria to continue to sleep.


As outside in the parking lot. As they waited for Jim to finish with a phone call from the station that he had been asked to partake in. Max and Liz were standing by the car they had driven in because they had been sure Maria would be here. After dodging Jim’s questioning about Michael. Liz had gone back to her apartment and gotten changed and came back to join the men looking so different from the seductress she had been the night before. In her jeans, and blouse, and jacket. So professional and so grown up. It made Max think again about her idea about using a sperm bank to be a mother. Because she was walling herself off from a true relationship. Not that he should be advocating of her trying to find love because he did not want her to fall in love, if it meant it was not going to be him. And yet she had gone there with him the night before, and then this morning.

So, the fact they were on this mission was a diversion that they needed so they did not talk about the elephant in the room. Still, she was standing next to him as they waited. The knew Maria was here because he had called the facility. And Serena had answered and told him that Maria was fine. Emotionally beaten up but was accounted for. Which was what he figured. Back during their high school years. Maria had a hard time walking away.

She might have ultimately succeeded in doing such a thing but today was a different story, and it was an entirely different to see Michael in his apartment, in some kind of funk when he was now in a hospital bed unable or unwilling to wake up.

Max did not know if it was one or both. And he knew Serena had been largely placating him and Isabel over the years because they had not wanted to pull the plug. Any scientist or doctor would have a long time ago. But Michael meant something to them, and he could not do it. And now Maria was back and getting an eye-opening view of it.

Jim had wanted to make sure with his own eyes that his stepdaughter was fine so he could go home and assure his wife even if he knew it was something tied up with Michael. Despite Max and Liz’s claims to the contrary.

But a call from the department had stopped their movement into the facility. So, now he and Liz waited. And could not go in because he knew it was a nightmarish technology dream to get inside, and only with someone with access could get through it.

Only Serena, Isabel and he had the keys for that ability.

So, as they waited Max and Liz just stood next to each other. “I guess you did not expect what I laid on you this morning?” Liz asked softly. “I am sorry for it, but I had to tell you…”

“Yeah, it was indeed a surprise,” Max allowed.

“Only Maria knows what I want to do, I mean I have not even told my parents. They probably think they will never have grandchildren because I refuse to bring anyone home to meet them,” she said a laugh, and Max could only smile. “Telling them would only make me doubt that I could do it. So, it has been only Maria, and even then, she does not know exactly how I am going about it” Liz sighed. “So, when you heard her comment…”

“It did throw me for a loop,” Max sighed.

“I am sorry for that,” Liz sighed. “But you needed to know. Okay, maybe not everything I did lay on you but usually I protect myself, because you never know…”

“No, you do not know,” Max sighed although I have not put myself in any situation for it to happen, so I do not know he thought since Tess.

“I only want you to be happy,” Max sighed. “That is only what I have ever wanted for you,” he allowed as he though back to over these past ten years. “Which is why I stepped in that day, you know, because I wanted you to have a chance to live your life and take advantage of everything you have dreamt of…” he said of what he had started a decade before when he had jumped in and saved the day and brought her into another world.

“And I thank you, because if it was not for you…” Liz sighed. “Then I would not have had the chance of these years,” she sighed of all she had experienced with her second chance. Even if circumstances had robbed her of the only man, she had ever truly loved. Still, she had gotten a chance these years to experience all that life had to offer. The good and all the bad of humankind. Still, she had a chance.

Because of Max.

I only wish I could have spent these years with you Max sighed to himself but that was his own private little rant at himself. Because she had a chance to make a life for herself, and it would not have been possible if only he had let that bullet succeed. “You have had a chance…” he smiled. “Maybe I can help you again in gaining something you deserve?” he was said but got interrupted by Jim approaching them. Busted again before it gets interesting, he thought to himself. “Is everything alright at the station?”

“Everything is fine,” Jim acknowledged as this was his chance to look at Meta Medical “You really have financed this place?”

“Yes,” Max said. “Isabel and I both.”

“And it was because of your inheritance?” Jim asked, and it did surprise Liz who was still dealing with the insinuation within Max’s last words to him as if he was going to offer her something and got cut off because of Jim’s approach and she knew what it was going to be, and it made her lose her breath at the mere thought. And now she was forced to wonder who could have died because she knew Phillip and Diane were still alive, and his grandparents definitely not having the money for their grandkids to finance this kind of operation because as a scientist she had experienced her share of highly secure medical labs in her career.

“Who died?” Liz asked.

“Liz does not know?” Jim asked, surprised by the fact Liz would be in the dark when he knew the details, or some of them at least.

“No,” Max admitted as he turned to his former girlfriend. “And it’s not like it was some great loss. But it was Kal Langley” he allowed, and it did surprise Liz. “I know, I know, he left me something in his will which was a shock, because of how we left things,” he allowed because he had told Liz the whole story when he had come back groveling from California. “But I guess his attorneys told him that he had to leave the money to someone otherwise the government would take it and given his distrust of the government. That meant we qualified and since he did not show any love for the others…” or us for that matter.

“You mean Ava and her friends” Liz asked as she remembered their very memorable encounter with the basically clone versions of Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess. Under the identities of Rath, Lonnie (short for Vilondra) and Ava which were the Antarian identities of alien four. As they would find out when they sent them down to earth. They had duplicated them with another set ultimately ending up in New York. While Max, Isabel, Michael, and later Tess would settle in Roswell. Although Tess would spend her life outside the circle. Until Lonnie and Rath decided they wanted to go back to Antar. And they were thinking Roswell was the way it would happen because the Granolith had been left with Roswell grouping and they needed to go to a Summit of the Planets yeah, sci fi alright and they needed Max. But those in New York were truly a different breed, and it was only Ava who had any moral compass within her, which was upgrade from the version that they got to encounter here in Roswell. Once the dust settled. Ava had been one to survive, and she had gone off years before, while Rath and Lonnie disappeared and were thought to be dead or at that was insinuation. But no one really did know… There was something decent in her she thought.

“Yes,” Max murmured. “Anyways, the wealth in his will came to us, and we used it finance the creation of this place…”

“You never mentioned why,” Jim asked as he glanced over at Liz. “Before they greenlit the money. The attorney’s contacted me to make sure Max, and his sister and Michael were on the up and up” he said.

“Naturally,” Liz said as they walked into the doors. And she looked around, and it was so sterile, and so like the many labs she had been in over the years. She had not known what to think and now she did.

As Max guided through the many barriers and layers to get into the facility and before they were walking down the hall that took them into Michael’s room.

And Maria was still asleep…

“Whoa,” Jim whispered as he walked into the room and he took it all in as they were entering, and he saw the short hair blonde nearby. Someone he had seen at the wedding festivities the day before and seen around town but did not know her. Although he did know she was close to Max, and Isabel, and now he knew why. Serena spotted the activity as she had been in the corner of the other room and she saw the crowd building and she sighed and came over.

“Max” Serena murmured.

“Can I ask. What do we have here?” Jim asked as if the sound in the room echoed through it, and suddenly Maria woke up, and she rubbed her eyes and looked and saw that Michael was still the same way he had been when she fell asleep, and she turned and saw Max and Liz, and her stepfather Jim.

“Max, are you sure there is not anything more you can do?” Maria asked.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 13 - 05/28/2021

Post by totallizfan »

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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 13 - 05/28/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

more than complicated I'd say!
Max, Liz and Maria were all missing after the wedding.......
Liz wants a she isn't using Max.
Good to know Max and Isabel inherited the special funds from Kal.
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 14 - 05/31/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

I cannot lose him Maria thought as she walked out of the facility and into the sunlight, and fresh air. Which she had not felt since late the previous night when they arrived at this facility and her life felt upended. I know I am a hypocrite she thought and said as much “I know you want to laugh at me and tell me I am being hypocritical?” she asked as she stopped and turned and viewed her best friend who had come out with her. As they both were needing fresh air, as they both thought of what they had experience inside.

“I would never say that” Liz said with a sympathy for her friend even though it had been more of a need for Maria to seek some air, than her because she was used to existing in such labs. She had made her career in such places. Still, it was quite a shock to see Michael there, unconscious to the world “I am sure I would be just the same if it had been Max, but it’s not, because it’s Michael,” she though as she had scene many patients over her years, especially in those early days when she was working in research, but they were treating patients. Only lately, she had been more in the lab, and whatever it called for when looking for the breakthrough in the genetic realm. Still, none of them up to this point had any personal ties attached to her and now she knew someone who was a victim of something silent. She was at a loss to understand it.

She had read his file.

And agreed with Serena that there was no known cause for what had decided to strike Michael. She could not see how too much alcohol could send him into a coma. Even though she had known what he had been known to engage in before she left town. But still, Michael was still special. He, like Max is like no human we ever will know she muttered to herself. So, she did not know how it could come to this even though she remembered his prior sickness, back in high school. Something that scared her and caused her and Max to pause their relationship. Because she was seeing there was much, she did not know and that would be in the end, an understatement and so she Max took a step back from each other. Seeing it come to this for Michael. She wondered what made him break. As she could see why Max and Isabel wanted to hang on. He is their family and even though they have others who loved them and have raised them. Michael is their only connection to their home planet she muttered. The scientist in her knew that any other facility would have pulled the plug a long time ago because there was no hope.

Max would never be able to handle it, she thought. Which is why he is holding on for a miracle. And it was why she had gone along all those years ago with the future version of Max because she knew how much Michael and Isabel meant to the core that was Max. She saw it in the hope on his face when Serena admitted there had been subtle changes since Maria’s arrival. She also saw the glimpse and the flicker of hope in her friend. But she agreed with Serena. Michael showed no signs of waking up. Nothing to indicate he was coming back after such a long coma. She knew that coming out of these kinds of vegetative states were extremely rare. She had not wanted to say it, but she could tell Max knew it.

Deep down.

But he held on to the same hope any family would until the plug was pulled, and the brainwaves have ceased.

Because Michael was his brother. And he did not want to pull a plug on his family. Someone who had come to from his original planet. And therefore, he was hoping for some kind of miracle. Isabel would be the same if she were not on her honeymoon. And given this had been going on for many years now, she would be the same. There would be no giving up she thought.

A miracle. A Hail Mary pass she thought. “But you cannot help him?”

I walked away from him so yeah, I forfeit my right she thought. She was not special. She did not have Max’s powers, or even her best friend’s powers because they both knew that her friend had ability of foresight, but she had pretty much disowned them as they had calmed down once, she went to boarding school, and settled into a new life.

“Someone needs to, because I cannot lose him” Maria muttered even though she knew she had a very thin layer of ice she was standing on. “I have never wanted this for him?”

“No one would,” Liz allowed. “But you have to think about your son?”

Charlie she thought. Her tie to Michael. The reason her heart never gave up and met someone else. She always felt by having Charlie she had a chance to come back again. And pray that Michael would one day want her if that were to happen. Of course, it had been seven years and she had not come back. And only had come back now because Liz had forced her by taking her son back to their hometown. But there had been that hope down deep that she would come back one day to Roswell. And Michael would be there waiting.

Stupid and unfair she thought. And maybe it had been a pipe dream. But that was what her friend had basically done. She had seen the level of intimacy between her friend and Max and knew things had changed for them. Way to go girl she mused. She did not know what it meant for either of them, but it was Max and Liz, and they always like to complicate things.

Just like she always saw it as easy. She would hit it big. She would redeem the fact she had walked away from Michael. From someone who loved her. Telling herself neither of them were ready, and also Michael had his share of baggage. And because they had seesaw so wildly during high school. How could they make it work in real life, once graduation was over, and they did not the school halls to be within each day?

How could the daily grind not do them in?

So, she had walked away.

And now he was dying. She saw the glances between her best friend, Max and even Serena. They all saw the that the changes did not mean he was coming around. It could be that he was finally giving up. Now that she was here, to say her good-byes.

But she could not say the final good-bye. Because they had something real.

And it has given them a son.

Charlie, she thought again. Someone real. Someone who was a product of them. And that had to mean something. The fact he had left her with a link to him.

“I cannot lose him” Maria muttered as if on a loop,

And Liz could only stand and watch her friend suffer because she knew she would be worse, if she had lost her former boyfriend. Fortunately, she and Max had never had moment come to them.

Instead, she had left him, and therefore he had stayed alive, and move on, and become a father. And yet was here, sexy as ever and looking at her like she was the only one for him. A woman liked that feeling she thought. But she knew if they could not work at sixteen. How could they work now…?

“I know the feeling,” Liz sighed. Even though she did not.


“The time is coming is it not?” Max asked Serena as he and Jim stayed within the belly of the facility. They had seen Maria run out, and then Liz following, and he knew that Liz had seen the reality of the situation. Just as Serena does, but she had placated him over the years because he had not wanted to lose him. And Isabel had not wanted to lose him. Max supposed that was because of the connection Michael and Isabel shared. Closer than even he, and Michael were on Earth, even though they had gone their own directions within their destiny pairings. After all I did not want Tess, he thought. No, he had found Liz and wanted her from the very moment he had seen her on that schoolyard. It baffled him and them when Tess did show up on the scene. And then there was Michael and Isabel. Once on this planet. They had gravitated to a brother and sister type friendship. And then of course, Michael had found Maria, and Isabel eventually would find Kyle. After some bumps along the road. Showing even more that they could defy the plans of their Antarian roots. And plant new roots.

That they could find people that truly meant something to them. And they had. But Michael and Isabel had a rare connection that was different than the one he had with them, and so if he could have pulled the plug. Isabel was even more resistant against it as they were both hoping for that miracle.

Unfortunately, time was not on their side, and he was beginning to see that.

Serena saw the confusion in her boss and friend. “To be honest with you Max. If Maria did not change things, I cannot think of any way he can come out of this” Serena muttered. “Given that it has been five years. While he is still remarkably healthy, for being on a vent and the other machines for this long, but it possible that he is finally giving up, and so he most likely can last until Isabel returns from her honeymoon but yes, you and Isabel might have to make such a decision one of these days.”

“Could it not be that he is trying to wake up?” Jim asked as he could not believe this was happening as he was trying to process it. “You said there has been changes in the last twenty-four hours?”

“There has been, but nothing indicates that anything is changing overall” Serena sighed. “We usually would by now see signs he is trying to wake up, and unfortunately that does not appear to be the case at this time…”

“I am truly sorry Max,” Jim murmured as he still felt blown away by all of this. Given Michael had been the one to come across his radar the most, once those early days were over, and the suspicions he had over Max were found to be groundless and unwarranted mostly and it was Michael who came across his desk. Still, while he had not seen Michael in several years. He never would have imagined this over these years. After all, he was left to figure that the teenage rebel had probably given up hope that Maria would ever return and gone his way and done his own thing. Even if it were away from Max and Isabel since the three would have ways of keeping in touch but no, he thought now. Boy was I wrong “I know how close you and Michael were, and the three of you…” he muttered of the three musketeers who had bedeviled him in those early days before he was let in on their secret.

“I have been slowly trying to make my peace with it for five years,” Max said. “Of course, it does not mean I can do it, but Isabel has been the one more resistant. And maybe I was hoping that with Maria back, or Charlie, then that might change things?”

“Yeah,” Jim murmured as he could see that thinking because he had remembered how special the connection Michael had formed with Maria had been.

“Thank you, Serena,” Max murmured.

“I am sorry if I was not supposed to be telling Maria?” Serena asked. “I know you want to keep it quiet?”

“It’s alright,” Max sighed as more and more were coming into the secret and maybe that was the wisest course of action as he and Jim left the room not long after as they walked back through the labyrinth of the building. “Maria is part of Michael’s story, and she has stuck by us in the past. I just pray he can see how much she does care…”


Maria did care. Liz could see it as outside, up in the day light. Liz taking in the fresh air. And she checked her phone as Maria was pacing as tried to will some change in the reality they were facing. She wanted the future to figure itself out. While Liz was checking her phone messages. And she found a phone message from Charlie, and it made her pause. Listening it. She smiled at the child’s creative imagination but underneath that imagination. She could feel the worry in the boy’s voice. She knew how close Maria and her son were, which is why she wanted one of her own. A reason to go home at night. And not to roll between one bed to another.

Now that she had been, and been with Max. She did not know how she could handle being that Elizabeth anymore. Everything pale in comparison. Even the plan to use a nameless sperm donor as her child’s father. Remembering the words of her ex, and the jealousy surrounding it stuck with her. Max should not have this impact on her and yet he did, and it was clear. Still, she tried to ignore it and concentrate on her friend. The friend that needed her and so she was trying to concentrate on her, and not on her romantic life, and what could be and was not “Your son is worried about you.”

“I know I know,” Maria sighed as she thought of her son. “I have to get back to him?” she declared even though she did not want to leave the facility because it would mean leaving Michael behind and she hated that feeling even though it was rich given that she had left him for these last seven years and had not even known about his condition for a sizable portion of that time and the only reason she did know was she came home to her town after so long.

“Yes,” Liz acknowledged as she saw the hesitant nature of her friend. “I get it Maria because if were me…”

“But it is not you,” Maria sighed. “You are fortunate…” she murmured as she was looking for a diversion. Something that prevented her from getting in car and leaving or having to own up to her son that his father might be dying. She would have to tell him he had a father.
Charlie had many questions over years she knew. And she had batted them off. Telling him that his father could not be with them because it was his choice.

When it was her choice because she had a sincere belief that Michael would have stayed for her. Which is why she had not come back and told him, instead picked her career over him. And kept their son from him.

And if only she had. Maybe it would have kept certain events would have happened. She did not know, but she had a good guess because she had remembered the eighteen-year-old who had wanted her and expected that they would get back together after their final time together. As the doors opened, and they saw Max and Jim coming out. “So, tell me, what is going with you know the two of you?”

“I do not want to discuss it,” Liz sighed as she could not help but keep the glances away from Max, and she felt weak. Once again. She wished they could hold up in some kind of bubble, but no, they could not. They had to live in the real world Still, he is so patient, and so determined she thought.

“I bet you do not,” Maria sighed with a laugh as she saw her friend go off on some trance again. Which could only happen between the two of them. Some nameless baby daddy, yeah, right? She though of her friend’s plans for the future. “I guess I better get home and face the music with Mom and Charlie?” she asked of her stepfather as he and Max approached.

“Charlie is anxious.” Jim allowed.

“And I am anxious to see him,” Maria sighed because she was. She needed to see her son. She needed to see Michael in those eyes. “Can I get a ride with you?”

“Sure,” Jim nodded. “Charlie will be relieved to see you because it did not help that you did your disappearing act because your son claimed he got visited by someone or something last night, and then when you did not show up this morning” Jim sighed and both Max and Maria became alert. “So, naturally Charlie got a little worried.”

“What?” Maria asked as something other than Michael’s predicament registered in her, and it was fear for her son.

“He woke up not long after we got back to the house. Said he saw someone in his room,” Jim sighed. “Your mother had me look, but there was no one there, but he was sure he saw it. But I told him that it was a side effect of his dreams, and he believed it, and went back to sleep, and was not disturbed again for the rest of the night,” he murmured. “You should not get all stirred up Maria. I am sure it was nothing, only because Charlie has a very vivid imagination?”

“Oh god,” Maria muttered. “And I know what kind of imagination my son has,” she thought of all the outlandish stories she had heard from the mouth of her son. But then she also knew they were back here in Roswell. The land of outlandish she mused. He is also Michael’s son and she had always been on the lookout for anything different in her son. But she never saw anything. Same with Liz. They knew the signs. But they also never had to deal with a six-year-old. And the fact that kids do not always tell everything to their mother or their favorite aunt.

“He’s fine Maria,” Jim assured the young mother as behind her Liz could only look at Max. Max did the same thing and was afraid it would allow Liz to stay away, to run, once again, and take her plans for the future to someone else. “I am sure it was just a nightmare. And he is fine because he is at home with your mother, and she has not let him out of her sight all morning.

Maria was not sure. But she allowed herself to be placated for the moment.

“I will drive you home” Jim offered, and Maria decided she needed to accept the offer so she could see her son for herself and know he was okay, and it was just a kid’s nightmare.

“Can I get a ride back too,” Liz asked as she stepped into the confines of the conversation as she glanced at her former love, and then back to reality which was the Sheriff and her best friend. She could tell that Max was standing surprised that she would not want a drive back with him given they were headed in the same direction. “I think I would like to see Charlie myself?”

“I could give you a drive home?” Max asked as if to change her mind. “You are staying right next to me?

“I know you could, but I do not think it advisable,” Liz sighed as she felt like reality had finally busted through the desire, and the wishes, and she had to stay away from him and get some common sense driven back into her. “At least right now…”

“If you wish,” Max sighed as he checked the time. “And I guess I better go and check in on my daughter,” he mused because he did remember that he did have responsibilities. That go farther than the past with Liz. Liz is right he thought to himself I hate that he sighed. I exist here in Roswell he mused I have Micah, and I have responsibilities as he forced himself to think of his daughter. The girl he was raising as he looked at Liz and she almost looked away. “That birthday party should be finishing up, and I have not been spending enough time with her I think…”

“Go, see Micah” Liz smiled as she knew they were both jumping at a distraction, and it was true Max had a life that did not involve her so why would want to complicate it she thought. I do not she mused “I will be fine.”

“If, you are sure?” Max asked.

“Definitely,” Liz sighed as if the word chicken came into her mind and that she muttered to herself and yes, she knew she was chickening out because as much as she would love to spend time with her former boyfriend. She also knew it was the last thing she should be doing. They needed time and distance. Too much of this trip back to her hometown was visiting the past. This was not what she had come to this town for It was closure she thought. That is what I needed to do, not start a new chapter she thought.

“Hopefully, we can talk before you leave” Max asked as if a request that she did not run on him and leave and vanish before they saw each other again.

“Yeah, maybe” Liz sighed as she stood uncommitted as she watched as Max left, as he walked away and got back into his car. With her eyes trailing him the whole way. And she was the not the only person to know this…

“And you think I am bad?” Maria muttered as she and Liz casually walked towards Jim’s car and was driven back to the Valenti house.

Yeah, I am bad off Liz thought as she sat in the car as she thought of the night with Max. Just how far gone am I? she wondered as they walked into Jim and Amy’s home not much longer after than and watched as Charlie ran into his mother’s arms. “Mommy” he yelled. “You scared me” came the scared little boy who was so relieved to see both his mother and his Aunt Liz.

As both women got a load of what it meant to be in Roswell. “I scared myself,” Maria muttered as realty was coming back for all of them. As she looked at her mother “Thank you for taking care of my son for me” she asked as she hugged her son once more, and knew she had to think about Charlie and not about her past. Because it was in the past. And there might be nothing she could do. But she had someone counting on her, in the present. And Michael would want her to concentrate on her son.

“He’s my grandson,” Amy said shaking it off. As she could see from Jim that her daughter was going through something emotional. She had certainly seen enough of it when her daughter was growing up. Especially during those years where she was in a relationship with Michael.

Which meant Michael was the reason her daughter was out of the sorts.

And she did not even know half of it.

“Yes, he is” Maria smiled as her son grabbed his mother hands and led him to the kitchen. “I hear you had a scare yourself last night?” she asked of her son as she looked at Liz who nodded. “Tell me all about it” she said as the women disappeared into the kitchen with the six year which only left Amy and Jim to speak to each other.

“What happened?” Amy asked.

“You would not believe it,” Jim muttered.


“Honey are you okay” Diane Evans was asking her son as Max arrived at the family house to pick up his daughter. As he was back to facing the reality of his life. That did not involve whatever his feelings were for his former girlfriend yes, former he thought. Something he did not like to register even if it was the truth. Nothing that takes place this weekend will have changed that fact he thought. The goal had been for him to pick Micah at the party, but he got delayed because of an accident and then construction on route, which had led to traffic jams. Which meant that he got a call from his mother saying she had gone and picked up his daughter, and that her son could come and pick his daughter up at the family home. Which was fine with Max, even if it meant he would have to field questions from his parents who were curious.

Or mostly it was his mother Diane Evans who was nosey about her only son’s love life. Phillip wisely knew to leave it alone, and therefore, he largely kept refrained from asking questions because he knew his son would rather, they not ask. And of course, now that their daughter was settled, and happy and on her honeymoon, which meant that it was going to an open fire on him because he was single, and while they did have a grandchild.

Still, they wanted him to be settled and happy. With the prospect of more grandchildren which was not going to happen he muttered to himself unless Liz allowed him to help her. Pipe dream, come on, it’s not going to happen he said beating up on himself. Mostly he allowed the inquisition from his parents because he knew they loved him, and were worried, and because yes, they wanted him happy. And they wanted Micah to have a home with two parents.

While Max wanted that too… for my daughter to be happy.

But he disagreed with their ideas that he finds someone new. His dream always only envisioned Liz in that role. But he knew that was not going to happen because he had heard her quite clear, she was not looking for the relationship. She wanted a baby.

Someone else’s baby. Someone who she did not even know. Who does that?

Me, he thought. He was raising a child he got from a complete stranger even though he knew the father of his daughter, and it was not him. Still, Liz was going by it in a very different direction, and it was all he could think about as he arrived at his parents’ home and put on his mask that he always showed when he was with his family.

A mask that was a facade with his parents. They only knew the bare bones of what was going on with them. They did not know the full story. And as long as they could tell them something, which was their status which had not been easy to say, but in those weeks after Liz had left him. He had been dark and depressing. Even though he still lived with his roommate Michael and out of the family house.

But as it was becoming clear Isabel’s marriage was not working. And that Jesse was different. His father had set about months before to investigate, and spy on his children. And it had come to a head with a video camera. Which captured the grittiness of who they were? And they could not lie. Thankfully, the resulting conversation was not marred by other events, just parents curious about their children, and finally Max and Isabel and fessed up, and told the bare bones of what they were.

And some of their adventures, but lightly skimmed facts of what had gone down. Basically, a Dummies guide to their lives.

That they were alien human hybrids. Who were born on this planet, but came from another one and that they were gifted with superhuman abilities, but they were normal? Phillip and Diane were stunned but as their minds put the pieces together, well, it made sense, and still it had taken time for total trust to come but it quickly allowed the family to reunite once more as their parents proved to be there for them.

Not that mayhem had been unleashed. Because it was not. Only in our dreams Max thought maybe. It was all so normal. Until Michael got sick, and was lost from them, and he became a father even though he had never been with anyone other than Tess.

Until now, with Liz.

Still, he was a father. And while his biological child was out there in some other solar system, and not on their planet. Yet, he was a father. To a precious little girl who meant everything to him because she had kept him going when he had lost the one person who mattered next to Liz. And that was Micah’s biological father.

“Daddy,” Micah asked as she saw her father zoning out again. Not that she had not seen it before, but she knew how to get him back to reality. Most days she thought but her grandparents just laughed because they had often seen this because it meant Max was thinking of his former girlfriend, Liz.

Which he was, but not only him.

“Yes,” Max asked.

“Grandma wants to know if you are, okay?” Micah Isabel asked as she saw her father was different. Even a five-year-old could see that there was less tension in him but still he was her Daddy. And there was so much she did not know, nor was polite for a child to know.

Max could only laugh at the concern coming from his daughter. Parroting what she was hearing from her grandmother. As he grinned at his daughter tendency to be blunt. “I am fine Mom,” he said focusing on his mother because that is where the question had come from. “Just an unexpected morning that is all” he allowed more like an unexpected 48 hours or so he thought.

“Are you sure?” Diane asked as she had rarely seen her son this distracted. Not in years. Not since those days when his heart got broken. Max would tell his parents that it was not Liz to be blamed, that he had hurt her, and it was just coming back at him, and he did not blame her or hate her. Still, those months were tricky for her son to get through, but he had. And she had not seen this distracted in a long time.

“Diane,” Phillip murmured. “At least our son did show up, as he would not if something truly was bothering him.”

“Which is right,” Max murmured as he hugged his daughter. “I am fine Mom and Dad,” he said as he concentrated on his daughter. “Sorry I did not get to pick you up at your birthday party. Did you have a good time?”

“Super fun” Micah smiled. “Angie wants me to come over tomorrow after school. Can I?”

“We will see what tomorrow brings, but I do not know why not” Max murmured as he relished in something that made sense. Something was normal to his real life. Watching as her daughter got enjoy a normal life. Have child worries. Ones that were not so mixed up in her abilities which they did not know if she had them as Micah had the sense to know how to blend in, and what not to speak of so only Charlie knew that Micah had abilities like him. Which made their parents oblivious to what could be coming from the next generation. Still, Micah had normal worries and was a normal child and Max wanted to keep it like that. One day the angst will come “I guess we better get home?”

“How about you and Micah stay dinner?” Diane asked as she did not want her son to be leaving. “With your sister away for the next few weeks, and she and Kyle often come for Sunday night dinner. So, without the two of you, we will be alone” she asked. “We have lots of food. Micah was helping me when you arrived?”

“How about it Micah?” Max asked as he looked down and his daughter. Who he could not help but think was looking so much Michael with her brown hair, and now even Charlie despite Yvonne’s ethnic mix adding some flare? Seeing Micah being able to have a normal human life. It made him hate knowing that they could be losing Michael before long if they did not get some miracle play.

“Sure,” Micah smiled.

“Then I guess we are in,” Max said as he and his daughter stayed as they both settled into their traditional roles. Which was nothing different than what they usually did. And yet all Max could think was about Liz, and the chance for something different. Something real. And something meaningful for himself and for his daughter.

And yet he would rather be alone if it could not be with the one who had captured his heart so long before this weekend.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 14 - 05/31/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Don't know what to say here.....
This is one big mess and I don't see any reasonable way to resolve things now.
Still curious about the visits Charlie and Micah are receiving.....
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 15 - 06/02/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

While Max allowed Micah to revel in the embrace of her grandparents and even allowed his mother to spoil both him and his daughter. And even smother him which was her way of showing how much she cared, and he had long experienced this and come to terms with it with a smile. Even if he bristled against it at times. But today it allowed his mind to exist in another plain where all his thoughts were of one woman. And how he had gotten a miracle this past weekend with being able to spend time with his dream girl. Yet he knew it all could be ending anytime now. But still it allowed him to think of her, and to be able to spend time with a little girl who also had his heart. While on the other side of town. Liz was spending the night at the Valenti house. Staying for dinner with Jim, and Amy and along with Maria and Charlie. Charlie was full of questions about the fact this was her mother’s hometown. And Maria had even answered a few of them, and Liz had enjoyed spending time within the family as she could tell that Amy was relishing in the fact, she had her daughter and grandson in her home. And Jim enjoyed the fact his wife was happy because he had experienced too often the sadness that was Maria’s hesitation in staying away. Despite Amy’s ability to go and see her daughter and grandson. But there was something about having her daughter back in their home. Celebrating each other as family.

So, he was enjoying Amy spoiling her daughter and grandson. And Liz enjoyed watching this because she knew she should be making her flight reservations because nothing was keeping her here because now that Maria was around. She would be taking her son home whenever she was ready to depart their hometown. Whenever that was. And at the moment. Maria was being evasive about wanting to leave. Even though she had play she had to return to. But it has allowed Liz to be on her own. She could be calling for the first flight in the morning if she wanted to.

But something was keeping her from making the call. She knew she was not expected back in the office, or shall we say the lab until the following Monday since she had added time to her leave to drive back to New York. But now that was not necessary, and the car was a rental so she could return it to the agency close to the airport. And be on her way.

Back to the life she had earned via the hard work she had put in after walking away from a love of a lifetime.

Yet something was keeping her from getting on a flight…

And from leaving Roswell behind.

Maria could sense it too as finally she had gotten Charlie to turn in for the night. A spirited G rated poker game among the adults and Charlie. Which the boy was startling too proficient in, had finally gotten the boy tired, and turning in for the night. Even though the boy wanted to stay up with his mother, and his aunt. But they saw how much the stimulation was having on the boy. He needed sleep as it was one more thing Maria was seeing was doing her son a disservice by keeping him to herself in New York when she was not exposing to all he could have in his life with the rest of his family. But he was in bed, finally, and now she and Liz were spending time in the living room as her mother and Jim had gone out for a drive, and a walk in the park once the game was over. It left the younger women alone. Both were distracted and thinking of their own personal lives, and how different it should be right now, because they had been successful in leaving their hometown behind them.

Anyone would want to be them when they saw how successful they. But the other sides of them told another story.

One that had their past back, and they were haunting them, and it was a matter of how much they could handle. “And we thought we had given up this life?” Maria muttered as she handed Liz a beer. Which she was also drinking, as they were just talking.

“Why do they do this to us?” Liz muttered right back.

“Why do we do this to ourselves,” Maria answered with a smile. “I know I am just as bad as you but at least my past is not talking to me, all sexy, and seducing me into bed with him” she said with a laugh. “Okay it might have been me once before. But it was seven years ago? And I can blame being young and mixed up she mused. What are you now Maria she asked I am still young, but a little older? And now I am a hell of a lot more mixed up.

“How did you guess?” Liz asked.

Maria could only laugh. The fact that her friend could be so oblivious to the fact everyone could tell just how far she and Max had taken things. “Liz, anyone seeing the way you and Max were together today could see it,” Maria murmured. “I mean the two of you were hardly subtle,” she said with a smile. “Which tells me that the other night was the appetizer round. Last night became the full meal,” she laughed as her friend looked elsewhere. “Sometimes we are just hopeless,” she sighed. “But I am happy for you yes, but you do agree that you are being reckless, right?” she asked. “You have told me yourself that you and Max are not compatible?”

Oh, we are compatible Liz thought and knew the night of passion was simply magical. Given she had a lot of experience in the area. She knew for what she speaks of. “We are compatible in some respects, but not in others…”

“Oh, I see,” Maria sighed with a laugh. “Michael and I were very compatible in that area too. It was the rest of the time that got us down?”

“It was pretty unbelievable,” Liz muttered. “And having experienced it. It makes wonder if I should be reckless?” she asked of herself and the room. “Maybe I was too cautious when we were teenagers and where did that get me,” as she could help but wonder if her All American, cautious demeanor had hurt her back when she was a teenager. She had made it out of this town. But still, she was not where she wanted to be in her life. “I was off alone, and I allowed Tess to move in…” she asked. “And yet it can be all so overwhelming…”

“Which was a nightmare in itself,” Maria muttered as they both thought of what they had lost in that drama of the last nineties and the early millennium. And how they had lost Alex. Oh, Alex they both cried.

“Alex would have wanted us to be happy,” Maria muttered. Which in some ways why she had wanted to come back? Because Alex had not been able to go for his dreams. She wanted it all not to be in vain. That they could be happy. That she could be happy. And Liz was the same way. She had gone for her dreams. When she knew she could have been incredibly happy with Max If I had let myself be… She chose differently because not everyone had the opportunity, and they had gotten lost in the battle, so she had given up on love because she did not want to get dragged down by it.

“I know,” Liz acknowledged. “I though I could come back here and use the fact that it is so many years later, and I was able to lead my life. Successfully. I was hoping that it would mean I could come for a simple wedding. Stay a few days, and not be affected by seeing Max. I really though I would be stronger than I was in the beginning” she thought Who am I kidding? I am always drawn in by Max she thought. “It was the same way after that summer in Florida,” she muttered as she thought of how she had been drawn in by a single individual even though she had gotten out of town for a few months. “Why is it seven years later, and he still makes me quake. One single glance and all the wounds opened up, and I feel like I was sixteen again,” she asked.

“I know,” Maria nodded. “I feel the same way with Michael. Of course, we are a different situation, but I saw him, and I immediately felt like I was back in high school even though we hurt each other. We were not simple. It was not the easiest of times. And I left him. Therefore, I hurt him. Whether we would have made it work if I had come back and told him I was pregnant. That is open to debate. And I chose me” she thought. “I gave Charlie a good life to compensate for the fact he did not have a father. Given where he is today. All I can think about is that he wanted me, and I walked away…” she sighed with tears coming down her face “He’s dying Liz…”

“Maybe there will be a miracle?” Liz wondered.

“You are a scientist, so you know” Maria muttered. “If it has not happened by now. How is it going to happen?” she asked. “I should have come back before now. Maybe all of this could be different?” she asked. “If I had only told him that Charlie was his…”

“You could not have known, and you made something of yourself” Liz sighed. “We both know that Michael would have wanted that for you and Charlie,” he allowed. “And yet no one ever truly knows,” she sighed. “Every day, I think of the what if. What if I had stayed? Or come back from boarding school. Would I have been happy with Max. Knowing what I know now. I think we could have been, but I will never know…”

“You want him to be the father of your baby, don’t you?” Maria asked with a smile.

With Liz only giving an aggressive shake of her head, “That is so not going to happen” she sighed even though I want it so much she mused. “It would be the last thing that we should be doing because I am leaving this town, and why would I do that to me, and to him. This is not my home anymore,” she sighed. “He already has a child he cannot see.”

“That is a very different situation,” Maria murmured she thought of the situation with Tess and shook her head.

“Yeah,” Liz sighed. “And he has Micah.”

“Yes, he does” Maria allowed Micah which was something she had not heard the full story of. “She is Michael’s, isn’t she?”

“Yes,” Liz confirmed.

“I knew it,” Maria sighed. “I look at her, and while she’s different than Charlie but still they could be twins, even with their different ages and obvious heritage differences.”

“A woman named Yvonne,” Liz sighed. “Max tried to say it was him, but yeah…”

“Michael did not want the baby, right?” Maria asked as she read the situation. And Max walked in and saved the day.”

“Something like that,” Liz sighed. “But to him, she is his daughter.”

“Which has to make it hard for you?” Maria asked. “He’s a father. And I bet he is a wonderful father, and it makes those maternal bell rings, right?” she asked. “And you would not mind if you did get pregnant…”

“That will not happen,” Liz sighed. “It would make everything complicated.”

“As if you and Max don’t eat complicated for breakfast,” Maria asked. “Everything about you two is complicated…”

“Still…” Liz tried to say.

“Still… what more could you want than a sexy man that you know is much better than an anonymous sperm donor” Maria asked. “I know you are thinking about it?”

“I can think of it all day long. But it is not going to happen” Liz said as she put down her beer. And checked her watch and knew she had to get back to her room while she was sober enough to think and walk straight, so she just smiled as they walked to the door, as Maria saw her out.

“I am only making sure you do not do something you will regret?” Maria could only say as they stood at the door because I have too much experience in that area.

“Which is why it would be insane to go there for Max and me,” Liz sighed. “We are both too smart to make our lives even more insane than they are already. You know what with Michael. And now I know it will with Max…”

“As you said. I went there with Michael,” Maria murmured. “I have Charlie. I will never regret that little boy. Charlie is a link that binds us, forever, no matter what happens today, tomorrow, or next year. It is insane. Yes, I left him. I know, I should have told him, and who knows where that might have taken us, but then I have his baby…” she sighed. “So, I am only giving you something to think about” Maria smiled. “With me, you can see the two sides of the situation, and know what ground you are walking?”

“Thank you,” Liz smiled and yes, she was seeing from Maria’s example. And while it would be a different situation. She knew she was too smart to even think about sharing a baby with Max. It was the last thing they should be doing. After all. Michael was not part of Charlie’s life. Yes, he might be a link. But is not here…

Max would be very present. How could she go there, knowing this is now her life anymore? It would be doing both of them a disservice.
And what about the baby.

Because how could she have Max’s baby, and keep him out its life?

Right? I am not Tess she thought.

Liz was in conflict as she walked back to the apartment. While Maria could only sigh. As she turned and cleaned up the bottles of beer. Unaware that a little person had been at the door of his room and had overheard the conversation between his mother and his aunt Liz. And he had load of questions in his head that was running through his mind Mommy knows my Dad? And I have a sister he asked himself because he had heard the name Michael. Which is not the first time I have heard the name Michael, is it? And he had also heard Micah’s name mentioned.

Whoa he thought as he slipped into bed and tried to pretend to be asleep when Maria looked in a few moments later before going to bed herself.

While the not so final spirit was watching it all…

And appeared in the spare room that Maria was sleeping in not long after and watched her sleep. But she was not fully asleep yet, and her eyes opened, and she was sure she seen a figure…

Looking too much like Michael.

Nah she thought as she fell sleep.

But Michael stayed and watched both his son and his mother sleep.


The next morning,

While Maria borrowed her mother’s car because she had returned her rental and loaded her son into it for a day of sightseeing and spending the day with her son. Liz was indeed thinking about Max as she was going for her morning jog. It was a chance to think as she ran through the woods. She had her color safety bands on this time so that she did not get run down by any sexy aliens. Not that she figured her sexy alien was on the road. He figured he was home with his daughter. Getting on with life. Now that the wedding was over, and she was absolutely sure that she could on the road tomorrow, and head back to her life. All she needed was the guts to pack her bags and get into the car, and drive. She did not have her flight to Geneva where her next project was aimed to begin. All her plans had been centered by the certainly of driving Charlie back to New York. With a plan to go to the beginning of previews of Maria’s big play on the weekend. She already had a ticket for Saturday night. After she did the routine of dropping Charlie off in his home, and spend time in the big city, and catch the flight out of New York on Sunday.

Now, everything was in flux. She had more free time. And when she had free time. She tended to spin out of control. She knew this, and still it was a possibility, so she was doing something constructive by going for a run. So, shew was using the time to think. But she knew having free time maybe was not a good thing because it made her want to risk it all. Which is why she was exercising, so that she could taken some of the adrenaline and the need to be unpredictable and rash out of her blood for the day. As she desperately was trying not to think about her past. Or the fact her heart had picked her baby’s father. And her brain was trying to fight against the choice. But her heart like Maria’s suggestion that the father was not so anonymous, and she knew he would do it for her.

But why mess things up? Which is what her brain was telling her. And she should be listening to it.

It would be the worse thing she could do was mess up their friendship. Yeah, friendship that ended up with the two of you in bed she thought as she ran and tried to get her mind back on her career. And her job. That was soaring, and she had a great new project to work on when she got overseas the following week. A lot of possibilities were attached to it, and she could concentrate on being a mother on her off time.

None of those had possibilities were tied to a man she loved at sixteen and left at eighteen. So, what if they had ended up in bed she thought. We are adults. Grownups she mused as she ran, and thought Grownups sure, but I feel like I was at sixteen she thought. She hated how her run was being dominated by thoughts of how sexy Max had and how good it had been to be in bed the day before. And how she wanted it to happen again. But she knew she could not as she was out of breath as she finished up her run. As she ran up the street that held the building, she was staying in.

This time she was staying on her two feet, as she was out of breath and walking as she walked up to the apartment building. And she spotted a familiar car, uh oh she thought as she stopped in her spot and watched as a sexy and handsome brunette got out of his car and turn to lock his car, and he stopped when he spotted her.

“Hello,” said Max as if his breath was taken away by the sight of her, so sweaty and obviously out of breath.

“Hello?” Liz asked tentatively.

“You are still in town?” Max asked unsure. It was not as he thought she would be on the first flight out of town. But it was a possibility. And she had done such before. Ran before he saw her again “You were out for a run, were you not?” he asked.

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “I am still targeting tomorrow for my departure,” she sighed although I have not made any reservations, she told herself, but she knew she could get in the car and drive, and maybe that is what she should do so they did not run into each other. “And you were?”

“Dropping Micah off at school,” Max said as he thought of his daily duty.

“Right” Liz nodded as a it was a reminder that he had something she wanted. “What year is she?”

“She’s in Grade 1,” Max sighed. “She is only five years old. But she is gifted academically and so she started earlier than those in her age group, and she passed on by Kindergarten.”

“That is good of her,” Liz said as it was hard to make small talk, as they had not really talked about much of their real lives. So much of there time was focused on their past. And what should have happened back then. And not so much on the present except for certain exceptions “I am sure you are proud?”

“I am” Max acknowledged as they were awkward together as they both remembered they were at the bottom of the stars together, as neither wanted to do the elevator. So, they did not say anything except to walk up the stairs together, “So, are you on vacation?” he asked. “If you could take time off for the wedding?”

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “Of some sort. My project got switched, and so I have time off before I have to locate to the city where I will be working on a new discovery.”

“Where is that?” Max asked.

“Geneva, Switzerland” Liz commented. “I was working in France…’

“Wow,” Max mused “You always did want to travel” he commented as they both remembered one of the differences between them as teenagers. The fact he was Roswell as she so recently had stated. And she wanted to get of Roswell and to be able travel. And he had not been able to. All these years, he had settled in their hometown and not gone anywhere, and the little he did know was that she had been able to travel.

“Yes, I did” Liz allowed. “It is such a world out there,” she sighed. “And I have been fortunate,” she said. “I guess this is me,” she sighed as she thought of her schedule for the day. Nothing which was rare she knew.

“Yeah,” Max acknowledged as he was trying to think of what to say. “I am glad we got a chance to see each other”

“Me too,” Liz sighed as she unlocked her door. And walked in, turning to smile, and say good-bye to Max. “See you sometime.”

“Yes, I hope so” Max muttered as he watched as she closed the door behind her. As he turned to face his own apartment. And he opened it, and walked in. And felt the coldness. And it was not as if the heater was not working. It was. But it was lonely in the apartment now that Micah was in school full time. Micah who was such a joy was at school. And therefore, it was quiet in his apartment. The wedding was done and completed so there were last minute things to deal with as if that were ever a concern for him. Since his sister had it prepared from the very moment of the engagement. The consummate planner. No. All he could feel was the desire that had been on the face of his ex. And the fact they both were too sensible to do anything about it. And he knew he had to get over the facility and check on Michael.

So, he had been unable to have his shower that morning because he and his daughter had both overslept, and it had been a struggle to get her to school on time. Fortunately, they had just made it. But it meant, he had not been able to shower, and relax and now all he wanted was a cold shower so that he would stop thinking of his ex-girlfriend We are over he thought. She has a life. In Switzerland he mused. Switzerland is too far from here he thought as he walked into his bedroom, and quickly got undressed, and walked into the bathroom.


Meanwhile, next door. Liz stopped herself from getting in her own shower by something she had forgotten to tell Max. She did not know why she was torturing herself. She should be just kept it to herself, and not told him because it was not like it meant anything of any substance. But it kept her from getting into her own shower. Instead, she put her robe on, and walked out and given that she knew they were the only two apartments on the whole floor. So, she went to knock on the door but found it was still to be partially open. She still knocked, and she called out,

“Max” she called into the apartment.

But she found it empty. She knew his daughter was at school. She also knew he had no job to speak of because of his inheritance she thought. That was a shocker she mused. Not that she knew Kal Langley personally but still to think he would willingly leave money to Max. Given how they left things. Because according to her former boyfriend. It had been messy. But anything that helped Michael…

“Max,” she called once more. But then she heard the shower and running of the water. Figures she thought. His own shower

Knowing she should be going back to her own room. Her own shower. Something took her over, and she did not know what. All she knew was she walking like she was in a trance, towards the shower. She tried to talk some sense into herself Liz, come on. You know this is the opposite of what you should be doing but she did not care. All she felt was this desire come over her. She did not know if it was the bond that she knew she and Max shared back when they were younger. When they were linked together by unique circumstances. Still, that bond had been severed when she left town.

Or so she thought. After all she had come to the wedding did, she not. She had not known what possessed her to offer to take Charlie here to New Mexico. She been fine with her life. Her career was going speeding by. She got to travel. See her parents on those travels some of the time. Others, she went alone to travel. And was able to do everything that she could not have done if she had stayed in Roswell. She was not lonely at night. So, why was she so centered onto the past? When she knew it could not work? Sure, we have a bond? she asked herself. But the bond broke. And it was messy. And I hate messy which was an understatement.

Go back Liz, she told herself. But she did not. Instead, she continued to walk into the bathroom, attached to what she knew had to be Max’s bedroom.

She knocked. But the water was running.

Max, she said weakly. Too weakly she thought.

Instead turning back. She walked on as she knew this was the last thing a sane of reason Liz Parker would do. But she was no longer the girl she had been a decade before… She walked into the room. And she stopped in her spot.

She stayed in the room.

So, what would he do?

She would find out.


Max was trying to valiantly not to think about her ex-girlfriend. The brunette that he had fallen for when he was in third grade. So new to this planet. This country, and all its differences. When finally, he and Isabel had gained some normalcy to their existences. While they had not met up with Michael yet. That would happen eventually. Their new parents putting them in school here in Roswell. And on the school playground. One day. He would set eyes on a small little brunette in a cupcake dress playing with her friends.

And instantly he was taken and despite their ages. She would find herself in his mind. And for years as they grew up. They would slide through the grades together, and in many of the same classes because he had a brain like she was. And because of his very formative code had instilled in an appreciation for science. Maybe not as much as Liz loved it. But still, they often were partners together. Not saying a word. And when she became of age, and when she began to work at the Crashdown Café which was owned by her father. He would park himself in a booth and watch her work to the annoyance of his best friend or his sister. Who could not quite get why he would want to be there? When she did not even think he was alive. But still it kept him going each day. Sitting there, and watching…

Even when she was growing up and becoming more beautiful by the day. And he had not though she noticed him. And if she did, she probably thought he was someone ordinary at school. Any other lab partners. Until that day in 1999.

September 18th to be exact. It changed everything for them.

And it gave him a chance with her. By having a chance. They walked down a path that was completely rocky and would have its share of unfair challenges. And finally, it became too much for her and she would walk away from him, and from Roswell.

Only to come back. So many years later, older, and sexier.

And she would give him chance.

Even though they were completely different people than they had been at sixteen.

And because he had a chance to be with her. She was in his brain nonstop, like an invasion and he could not stop it.

When he should be older, and wiser. After all he was a father. And should be thinking of his responsibilities towards his daughter. And his best friend who could be leaving them any day now.

Nope instead, he was thinking of a sexy brunette. Liz, he whispered, and said it out loud.

“Yes,” was something he heard in a whisper. A faint whisper. He was sure of it. And it sounded so familiar and so sexy in tone. And he almost believed he was going crazy finally this is what has been my fate going crazy because I cannot forget the past he thought.

“You called my name?” said the voice. And he knew he was not going crazy because he had heard it once more.

“Liz” he said finally. “You are…”

“Yes,” Liz said not needing any more words. “This is insanity,” she said. “I do not know who is possessing me, but…”

“Do you want to come in and join me?” Max asked in his sexiest voice as he saw her in just a robe.

“Would you mind?” Liz asked.

“Hell no,” Max murmured and with that the robe came off and he thought he had officially lost reality and was in some sanitorium and this was all a dream. Maybe I am sick like Michael and in some coma, and this all resides in a dream? he asked of himself.

But no, it was reality as the robe came off, and the brunette walked into the shower, and with a simple touch.

He knew it was real. She was real. And she was here with him.

“This does not mean anything,” Liz tried saying but she knew it did. She had come here, knowing what she was doing. She had a chance to go back, and she had not, but instead she was here. She did not know what would come next, but she knew she could only blame herself she knew.

“Of course not,” Max said of course it does not mean anything he thought as he felt her touch, and he was willing to take anything as long as he felt her touch on his as he leaned in and they went for a kiss, and before they knew it, the fire had lit.

The flame had exploded, and they could not keep their hands off each other as they felt each other’s fingers on each other, and they felt like they were going in insane Insanity, definitely an option Liz told herself as she pushed Max against the wall as they kissed before he twisted them around and felt her towards the wall. And felt his kisses on her skin.

As they were both succumbing into the unknown together…
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 15 - 06/02/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Michael is having an out of body experience?
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 15 - 06/02/2021

Post by Superman86 »

:wink: Wow! Max and Liz are on fire, she gonna get that baby sooner than she think if they keep that up :lol:
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 15 - 06/02/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Can just see Charlie in the poker game......remember who his father is!
Yes Liz, YOU allowed Tess to move in.
What's going on with Michael???
I know what's going on with Liz and Max......
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