Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 (Page 12) - Completed: 07/31/2021

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Baby, It's You - Chapter 23 - 06/25/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Maria did not answer Michael’s question because it did not make sense that he was awake. Serena could not explain it as she had walked in to see her patient fully awake and sitting up in bed. Almost like how he drifted into unconsciousness in the first place. Unexplainable she thought. As she would look at the surveillance cameras that did work within the facility of the room to see if there were any signs. But for now, nothing.

He was awake and looking at her like he was completely lucid and knew all. Even though it was five years later since his catatonia had begun. I checked him before she had left for his other job, and there had been no sign he was coming out of it. And while they did not have any other medical personnel working on this day. The other person in this whole facility today was a security guard manning the doors. Because it was a pretty empty business, and they had break-ins in the beginning. Of course, you had to be an alien to get through the technology or have the passwords which were only afforded to Serena, Max, and Isabel along with the stray other professionals they have employed over the years. So, a security guard manned the doors. Still Serena was questioning why she had not seen the signs, because she felt she should have been seeing it coming before she left for her other job since she was only gone a few hours. Since the other job was only part-time.

She was at a loss to explain it to herself or to Maria as the blonde actress were forced to deal with this new situation and across town. Max was oblivious to it. As finally he had dragged himself from Liz’s bed, with a lot of coaxing from Liz because the clock had hit twelve and he knew reality was returning to his life. As he had to be home because his daughter was expecting him be at home once she finished with her tryouts.

Liz had literally pushed him out of the bed, and out of her apartment. As she knew this was getting ridiculous. She could not live on booty calls with her high school boyfriend. It is like I am addicted, and I need him and the passion, and most of all him. As he had been the boyfriend who she had walked away and stayed gone for seven years? And who had a daughter and had a life here in Roswell.

Their hometown.

Roswell was not her life Liz though as she sat at the dinner table, not eating. Because there was no food except some eggs. Because she had not furnished it to have food. Because she had not spent much time here, except for her bedroom. She was in her robe, and she had pulled out her computer out of her bag.

The first time she had done such since she begun this trip into the past. She knew she was on vacation, but she needed to check in, on her email and make sure that everything was standing in her old life.

Her current life.

Because this is not my life she thought. The sex is amazing, sure. she knew. It was a drug like experience. And knew why it had taken a lot of willpower for Maria to separate herself from Michael and had a few relapses before she did totally break away, she thought of how her friend had ended up with Charlie in the first place. One more dalliance before she had left town. this town all those years before. With consequences to be had. But damn good consequences if the sex is this amazing and she remembered her own indecision about her own quest for a family.

She knew she was in the risky stage. Of course, you can get pregnant at almost anytime and she definitely was in that zone, since she was not on the pill, nor had she protected herself because she had gone celibate before she had come here because she had the plan to have a child. Her way and now that was all being thrown to the wind with her reckless display.

As she saw the email from her doctor. Those medical tests she had undertaken when she first hit town were in, and all was normal.

You are in your best time period to have a baby but since I know you will not being available for the next week. Call my office, and we can schedule something for next month or when you feel you want to do it. But nothing is preventing you from conceiving the doctor said.

Oh great, she thought. She wanted a baby.

She still did.

Why am I doing this to myself as she tried to get her mind out of this situation or from the fact that she wanted one particular father for her baby.

But that was insanity, right?

Max does not think so.

Why do this to our selves she wondered, and would he have the same determination if he knew what Micah could do? she wondered as tried to concentrate on her work. Something that made sense. Making sure she was set for Monday. She saw the confirmation for her rental of a home in Geneva.

It was proof that she had a life that was planned to be far from here. And it was hopeless to think she could up and return to life when she had outgrown it, and moved away from, and it deserved the success she was getting.

And she should not becoming back, for a guy, or great sex.

Even though he would be an awesome father.

Sighing as she dug deep to ignore feelings that were bubbling, as she tried to concentrate on the life, she had coming to her starting on Monday.


While next door Max was ignoring everything and celebrating the good fortune of his daughter. Seeing her happiness, bursting out when she walked through the door made him feel guilty for wanting to be next door with Liz. This is my life he thought. This is the life I should be concentrating on because the door I want is obviously not available. “I am proud of you honey,” he was saying to his daughter as she aced her tryouts, and along with Candy, they both made the teams that was out of the center. As she handed her father the first printout of when lessons were, and he put it on the fridge.

And returned to praising his daughter. Although he was quick to caution his daughter. “You know because you might be able to do something a little better than your friends, does not mean you do not have to be careful?”

“I know Daddy,” Micah smiled I have known that for a long time she thought. Because she was great at blending in.

“I am glad,” Max was saying as he saw the clock on the wall, and knew it was time for dinner. “We should celebrate,” he said to his little girl. “Would you like to go have some dinner, and ice cream for dinner?”

“Crashdown?” Micah asked.

“Where else,” Max said of their favorite place over the last year. And it did not escape his notice that he had wanted to be there no stop since that day only days ago when his miracle came alive, and his beloved stepped foot back in their town.

“Daddy, can we ask Liz to go with us?” she asked, and Max was surprised because it was in his mind, but he did not what to think of his daughter voicing his desires.

“Why, honey” Max asked because yes, it was not as if he did not want to ask for his former girlfriend to join them for dinner. Whether she would agree to come with them was another question, but it was a surprise that it was daughter coming up with the idea. Micah had not been exposed to women interested in, since there was none that he had any eye on since those memorable three years, and his daughter was not born yet, and would not be known to them. There has only been one he told himself. And that woman was the one his daughter had babysit her the night before…

Maybe I should have moved on, so Micah could have a stable life at home. Instead of just me? he wondered.

No, I could never do that he told himself. It was only Liz for me. And that is how it will stay if he could not convince Liz to come back to him. She is the only one I want.

“I like her, and she helped me” Micah asked as Max brought back his focus on his little girl. While Micah did not trust that Liz would not hurt her father and yet she did like the woman that was next door. She also needed support for what she had in mind to speak about to her father, and she wanted Liz there.

“She has her own life honey,” Max muttered as he knew he could not afford for his daughter to grow attached to a woman who could be out of her within hours, or days for that matter. “And she will be returning to it very soon.”

“But she’s here now, right?” Micah asked.

“Yes, she is” Max confirmed.

“So, we can ask her? Micah asked. “She can always say no, right?”

“Right, she can say no,” Max said softly as he watched as his daughter grabbed her jacket, and so did he and they left the apartment just as the phone rang.


Next door, Liz was just getting ready to get dressed so that she could meet Maria for dinner, as they were only planning on going across the street to her parent’s place. It was a chance to see her parents once more. And plus, they had been in the mood for anything fancier. She was headed for her bedroom when there was a knock on the door, and she checked the time. And could not help but think it was Maria, and she was early. She was probably bored being alone at the house. Because she knew her friend was not used to the predictableness of their hometown. It was small. Maria had spent the last seven years in New York. And was always on the go. So, it would not surprise her if her friend had come early.

But she was wrong because it was not Maria…

Sighing, as she saw her handsome ex, and his precious little girl. “Max,” Liz said softly. “Micah,” she said acknowledging the young girl who stood beside her father.

“So, that you do not think this about me, or what I want” Max said softly and with an immediacy that charmed Liz, almost she thought as Liz’s eyes went wide at the choice of words he was using. “It is Micah that has a request for you?” Max asked of his daughter and turned it over to her because if he were to voice it himself than he might get it slapped away. Which was likely to happen, he knew, so he left it to his impressionable daughter.

And he was not about to feel guilty about it. “She is the one who came up with the idea, all on her own.”

“Daddy is taking me out to dinner,” Micah stated so bravely.

“You made it through tryouts, did you?” Liz asked. Although she sensed that Max and Micah often went out to dinner together because Max did not seem the type to be much in the kitchen, although the thought of him in the kitchen was tempting, and she had to shake herself out of it so that she did not get naughty ideas.

“Yes, both Candy and I made the club” Micah said with pride and Liz knew the little girl felt it, as she could see that Max also proud of his daughter. It was something to see him as the proud dad. Blood does not always make you a father she thought. Love does she knew.

And Max had it in spades for Micah.

And it was clear Micah was relishing having a devoted father. It made up for the fact she did not have a mother in her life Nice one Liz thought.

She did not want to meet the woman who did not want Micah. She knew it had to be a complicated situation. Still, the child was precious.

It made her want one.

Too bad, she had such an appealing father who looked at her like she was the only woman alive. How can you give that up Liz? she thought to herself.

How can she walk away now she wondered?

“Unfortunately, Micah,” Liz said focusing on the girl and not her handsome father. “I have plans tonight to meet a friend for dinner.”

“Maria?” Max asked as if he did not know, although in this case he did forget as it had slipped his mind and was reminded when she saw the words.

“Yes,” Liz said. “I have to get ready…” she said as she knew she was still her robe, which she had been in when he had left her bed you are bad Liz she thought as those memories were so fresh in her mind.

“Where are you eating?” Max asked, not ready to give up.

“I think you know,” Liz replied.

“That is what I thought,” Max said with a sexy smile that made Liz instantly weak. While Micah was oblivious to the adult vibes between the adults.

“Max,” Liz sighed.

“Why don’t you get dressed and meet us over there. You can wait for Maria, or she can join the three of us” Max offered. “Micah really wanted you to join us?”

“Low blow,” Liz muttered at the idea he would use his daughter to draw her to him. And this time, she really did think it was Micah who would have come up with the idea even though it was a change from the night before. She did not think Max would go that far to use his child to entice her to him.

“Really?” Max asked.

“I think you know the answer to that,” Liz muttered as she turned her attention to focus on the little girl. “Would you not want to celebrate with your father, alone?”

“I see him every night,” Micah muttered, and Liz and Max broke out laughing. “Daddy is right. Could you not meet your friend and still meet with us?”

“Yes, could you?” Max asked with the sexiest look she had seen yet coming from the man who held her heart.

“I guess, I could check with Maria when she does join me” Liz asked as she relented under the withering desire in Max’s eyes oh god, she whispered to herself. He is too powerful she thought. “Let me change, and I will meet you over there, okay?”

“We can’t wait,” Max said softly. “Right, honey?”

“Right Daddy,” Micah said with devotion and Liz could only sigh as the father and daughter duo could be a powerful force if given a chance, and Max and Micah turned and walked away. Sighting, and taking a deep breath. Oh, dear she thought as she went to get dressed.

And was out of the door fifteen minutes later, and just as the door slammed shut.

Her phone rang.


They are ignoring my calls Maria thought as she paced back and forced out in the hall. She had tried to call Max even after Serena said she had tried and failed. And then she decided to call her best friend to say chances were that she would not be showing up at dinner. She got nothing. She called the Crashdown and said Liz had not shown up yet.

She left the message with him. And let a message on Liz’s cellphone. She did not know what to think.

It had been icy from the look on Michael’s face to her. Neither she nor Serena thought he had amnesia. It was clear he remembered too much.

Way too much.

Of course, he was not speaking to her. Michael would only speak to Serena, alone and so Maria left the room because she knew she was being iced out of it. I deserve it she thought. I did leave him she thought. As she watched through the glass, and saw how Serena was monitoring Michael, and making sure he did not slip away.

But her former boyfriend was too lucid and too with it to leave this planet she thought. As she tried once more to raise her friend and got nothing, She, has her phone off she thought.

“How is it?” Maria said immediately as Serena walked out. “How is he?”

“A miracle,” Serena commented. “Just like it was unexplainable for him to slip into his coma. It is just as much for him to wake up completely. Yes, he was beginning the process. But in cases like his. After a prolonged coma, and we are talking years here and not days. It should have been a process. And not all almost at once.”

“Well Michael is a different breed of a person,” Maria muttered.

“That he is,” Serena murmured. “You can go back in if you want…”

“Or dare?” Maria muttered.

“That too,” Serena said as it she could not fail to notice how icy Michael was to Maria once they saw each other again.

“You always had to have a strong constitution to make it through the drama of his life,” Maria muttered. “Both Liz and I learned it the hard way, and it’s not for the weak, that is for sure” she sighed. “Which is why I left in the first place, because it was too overwhelming. Just to get through the day when you did not know what was going to come next.”

“I cannot imagine,” Serena murmured.

“No, you cannot” Maria sighed but she could not resist the power that the man had over, and how she was heading back into the lion’s den when all instincts were for her to walk away. Grab her son, and leave this insanity, and not expose Charlie anymore to what it means to live in this society. Yet, she could not, and she was drawn back into it, all over again she thought as she walked through the doors, and into the room.

Serena had to admire how brave you had to be to go back for more. As she walked once more to her office, to try to rouse Max.

And to debate whether to call Isabel.


While Nancy Parker was taking over for her husband, on the dinner shift. She did it more often as the years went on once they did not have a child at home to help educate, and to make sure she got through the day. No, their child was a premiere scientist working her way to the top of the science world. And even though she was back this prior weekend. Nancy knew it was only a matter of time before she left their town once more. So, she used the distraction of working the restaurant so that her husband had a little time off.

The restaurant was in her husband’s blood. And it kept them busy although they always managed to find a way to leave it to go visit their daughter, wherever she was living at the time, or just visiting.

Last month had been Paris, France. Last year it had been Los Angeles. Before that was England. And therefore, her daughter was all over the place. And seemed to love the life. She was not settling down it was obvious to her parents, and Nancy wished in a way her daughter could find something to settle down in and make a life even if it were not Roswell, she thought because her talented daughter was too big for Roswell.

She did not resent it; she was proud of it. Like Jeff, she knew a large part of their daughter’s wanderlust was because of one man. A boy who had taken her daughter’s heart at sixteen, and it was an incredibly rocky road, and it led her daughter down some strange paths and so they had been proud when she got out of their town. First by boarding school. Something she had not agreed with her husband about at the time.

Because she wanted their daughter to be there, in their home. And she knew she he was using it as a wedge to drive their daughter away from her boyfriend. Due to the highly rebellious actions, they were undertaking at the time. Not that Nancy did not worry about their daughter When your daughter is picked up in another state and jailed, and on the verge of prison. Well, your eyes open and you start to worry Nancy thought. But she knew that the way Jeff was going about it. It was driving their daughter away from them. Closer to Max. And it was a recipe for disaster.

Fortunately, disaster was adverted just in the nick of the time. But it led to a lot of worry and large part of it was stuff she and her husband were still in the dark about, but it kept their daughter alive.

At the same time. Liz was left to think to herself if they only know but her parents did not know. And so, the secret continued. So, Jeff and Nancy could just stay in in the land of obliviousness and be happy that their daughter was saved and could grab her future.

So, Nancy worked the restaurant and was able to be proud at her only child’s accomplishments. As the door opened, her eyes went wide as she saw her daughter walk into the restaurant, following Max and his daughter, Micah.

Where did this come from? Nancy thought to herself as she did not see Max and Micah waiting outside or Liz coming across the street and joining them. All she saw was them walking into the restaurant and taking a seat at a booth.

Armed with Maria’s message. Nancy left the counter to her a wait staff member, and she walked over the table “Honey?”

“Hi Mom,” Liz said. “I guess you know Micah Isabel” she asked of the little girl who looked at Liz’s mother with interest.

“Not formally,” Nancy said. “But I have seen the two of you around,” she said to her daughter’s ex-boyfriend.

“Yes, we have seen Jeff around here more,” Max said softly as he loved being so close to Liz and even if it were destined to end too soon, he was going to cherish while he could.

“I am giving him some time off the floor,” Nancy murmured as she could see the connection between her daughter and Max was still alive, after all these years. It was powerful and hard to contain she could tell, and she also sensed something more between them, and she could only sigh to herself they are adults she thought. They are not sixteen anymore.

“Is everything alright with Dad?” Liz asked.

“Oh, everything is fine” Nancy said softly. “Your Dad just works too much and now that I do not have you upstairs, I have free time?”

“Right,” Liz said softly. “Life moves on, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it does” Nancy said. “So, you are here for dinner?”

“I am waiting for Maria…” Liz sighed.

“Oh,” Nancy said as she was quick to remember her daughter’s best friend’s message. “One of the reasons I came over was Maria called because she could not reach you over across the street,” she said. “Maria is unable to make it,” she murmured. “She also said for you to call her.”

Damn Liz thought. My wall of defense against the charms of Max. “Did she say why she could not make it?” she asked because with Maria home alone. She was surprised that her friend would bail so completely on their dinner plans, while she could see from the grin on Max’s face. He was eating it up.

Micah was oblivious to it.

Nancy was not.

“No,” Nancy shook her head.

“Oh,” Liz said. “I guess I better check in,” she said as she got up from the booth and turned to Max and most of all Micah “I will be back?”

“We will be waiting,” Max said simply.

“I am sure you will be,” Liz said under her breath, in only at one her mother was privy too, she and stood amused. As she and Max watched Liz open her cellphone and walk away…

“Mrs. Parker,” Max said softly. As he and Nancy had not had a close relationship. Of course, he did not have a close relationship with either of his parents. But it was Jeff he had more contact with, for good and for bad. And back in high school, it was mostly on the bad side once things started to roll down the mountain and start to overwhelm them.

“I think you can call me Nancy by now,” Nancy muttered. “We all are older now, but it does not mean we do not have the capacity not to be hurt,” she murmured before walked away, giving Max something to think about. Not that I did not know that before now he thought as he glanced Liz standing in a corner, obviously still on her phone. And he knew because it was Liz. And he knew he would go through all that hurt again, if it meant he would have the option of her coming back to him.

“Why did Liz’s mom say that?” Micah asked her father…


I see I was missed. I guess I left it at a good cliffhanger LOL. I was away, now I am back, and more regular updates as we figure out how this all ends...

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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 23 - 06/25/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Wonder why Serena didn't see signs that Michael would wake up?
Liz was right, Max would make an awesome father to her baby.....
Is Micah getting attached to Liz??
How is Max going to answer Micah's question???
Thanks for coming back to us!
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 23 - 06/25/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Thanks for posting.
Can't wait to find out what happens next.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 23 - 06/25/2021

Post by Superman86 »

I'm soo Happy to see your back, I know I've literally checked everyday for an update. I'm glad your ok, I hope you had a nice trip. Anyhow you really do have your readers spoiled by your frequent updates. I sure I can speak for all when I say We Love it :P . Also if Liz turns up prego by Max you should have her try and explain it to Nancy and Jeff, the whole Alien background and all, lol so worth the read. :D
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 24 - 06/28/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Max did not answer his daughter’s question. He punted to a new subject. And quickly got his daughter onto thinking something else because Max all along had recognized the potential of his heart being totally trampled if attempts at convincing Liz to give him another shot did not pan out. But he knew the truth my heart has never recovered in the first place. These seven years had been a sham. A phony façade of getting through the day. All because of other facts in his life, and most of all the little girl across from him. She was the reason he was still functional otherwise he probably be hold off in some cabin somewhere, on the edge of the world, and not communicating with anyone because he had lost the one good thing in his world. He knew the attempts he was having to be with Liz was only setting himself up for the greatest stabbing that was coming his way.

If Liz did leave him. And did not come back.

And he knew his attempts to let him help give her a baby was a way to maybe convince her to let him have a chance. He would be lying to himself if wanted her to take the baby away from their town. But then I lived through that once before he thought. Which is the truth. He knew giving he the one thing she dreamt of, would be a way of linking them together.

In a way that Charlie was a link that existed between Michael and Maria. He wanted that chance. Even though he was on the edge of wipe out if she did leave him behind?

“Daddy, are you okay?” Micah asked as her father had just gone into some strange trance, but her words had brought him back. “Daddy?”

“I am fine Micah,” Max said softly as she looked across the room where Liz was getting off the phone. “Just thinking…”

“Thinking takes you strange places?” Micah asked.

“For some of us,” Max said softly. “Is everything alright with Maria?” he asked as Liz was approaching.

“I could not reach her, but she left me a weird message” Liz said softly. “But I will deal with it later,” she sighed. “She was probably brooding about something.”

“Sounds about right,” Max said. “Do you want to join us?” he asked.

“I guess I do not have dinner plans anymore, but I do have to eat” Liz said softly as she could see her leaving would make Micah upset.

“Then join us,” Max asked.


One of the reasons Liz could not reach Maria was signals were not working within the facility except if you were calling out, from a sanctioned phone line. And yet Serena could not rouse Max. Which meant she might have to take other methods in telling Max what was going on and figuring what to do about Isabel.

She did not want to ruin the honeymoon, but she knew how personally Isabel had taken Michael’s illness. Even more so than Max. Who came and went over the years, because he had Micah to concentrate but Isabel never strayed from coming to the facility to visit? She had heard the story how on their former planet, and under their former identities. Michael and Isabel’s former selves were destined for each other.

But their planet had other plans for them, but still they had kept some of that bond which meant they were closer. Even though to Isabel, he was another brother. But her brother had woken up from a long nap.

But Hawaii was a far away.

As she came back to Michael’s room, and saw that he was still awake, and I guess he did sleep for way to long she thought and saw how Maria and her patient was still in a stare down. Neither saying anything, but Michael had not kicked her out of the room, this time she thought.

And she did not know how mobile her patient was after five years of being silent. In a suspended animation. Unable to do anything and be someone.

She knew Max needed to know, so she elected to leave Michael and Maria in their standoff and left the facility in search of her boss.


“Are you going to say something?” Maria asked as she was in a standoff, yes, with a former coma patient. The emotion in her was mixed with irritation because this was not how she dreamt it as, and probably something she would have come home to if he had been standing on his own two feet and she had come back and told him the truth, or just visited her hometown before this past weekend.

“Where were you?” Michael asked. Unsure of how to handle all this. As his mind was in a different state. Fuzzy and unwelcoming. Serena had filled him on some, as she could see he had full recall of most of what had come before, but he had not taken it well to hear he was on the edge of another decade. That it was 2009 and not five years before. Where his recall had come from. Now, he was being visited by his past.

Someone who had left him in 2002. And he did not know how to handle it. All he remembered was that he had woken up in a metal facility, a hospital room that looked like no hospital room he knew of.

And now he had to deal with the fact he was older, but still had only memories of five years prior when it was all too fresh that Maria had walked away.

“Should I not be saying that of you?” Maria batted back.

“I guess,” Michael muttered as he glanced around. “Was that doctor right, and it’s 2009?”

“Yes,” Maria acknowledged. “September 23rd,” she said. “Not that you care about dates, right?” she asked as this small talk was surprising because she did not know what else to say because the last thing she should say was, about their son, because for all she knew, it could shock him right back into that coma. “Life has gone on?”

“So, it seems” Michael muttered.

“And the doctor’s name is Dr. Serena Thomas,” Maria said as she was almost relishing this small talk because it prevented them from talking about the weighty stuff.

“What is this place?” Michael asked.

“A facility that Max and Isabel founded to be able to aide your recovery, although I am told nothing helped until now,” Maria allowed.

“Where did they get the money?” Michael asked.

“Some inheritance…” Maria asked although she did not know the specifics. Although she knew Liz knew more but all she knew was that Kal died, and left the trio his money, and it was a bundle.

“Kal,” Michael remembered.

“You remember?” Maria wondered.

“Yes,” Michael murmured.

“What else do you remember?” Maria asked.

“I remembered you left me,” Michael accused.

“Back when we were high school,” Maria muttered as her heart flipped. She loved that she was in this showdown with the love of her life. It meant they were sparring, which they did best, unless it was other activities, which were more passionate and explosive between the two of them. “You moved on…”

“I do not remember that” Michael muttered, and it was clear to Maria as she could only smile at the blatant lie that was coming from her former boyfriend. She knew he was remembering too much. As she did feel for Max and Micah, the fallout that could be coming from Michael waking up.

“Liar,” Maria muttered. “I think you do remember…”

“It does nothing for me to remember,” Michael muttered. “As you said, it’s five years later. Which means…”

“Yes,” Maria muttered as she guessed what he was guessing at. “I know Michael. I know what you did, or who you did, and what came from it or how you left it Max to deal with it and to raise your child.”

“Max chose to pick up those pieces” Michael muttered. “All on his own. I did not ask him to help me…”

“Ass…” Maria sighed as it would serve this man right if she turned around and walked out of this facility, drove back to her mother’s home, and waited for her son to come back, and get on the first flight back to New York. And leave Michael forever, which is something she should be doing, and yet, she was not…

“You should leave me alone,” Michael muttered.

“So, you can slip away again, no thank you” Maria muttered as she hated how he riled her blood. Got her sparring and made her challenge everything he said and did.


As across town. Back at the Crashdown. Liz was watching father and daughter interact. And she could tell how much the two of them loved each other. She could see the awe and the equal measure of devotion on Micah’s face, and saw the same on Max’s face as he witnessed his daughter grow up.

She knew she should be walking away because this was not the life for me, but she could not do it.

What else is new she thought as she saw her mother focusing on their table. She knew what her parents had to be thinking, and especially her mother.

It would have been better for her if she had moved on and been happy. It might have been better for me in the long time she thought. I would not have stayed connected to the past. She knew she had the time away, to do that, and still, she could not do it.

And now she was back and tying herself back into pieces once more.

“Your father makes delicious burgers,” Micah muttered.

“It’s one of the good things to come out of this place,” Liz said as she glanced over at the simmering heat on Max’s face, and in his eyes, and not the only good thing she thought as she remembered how he had saved her life in this same restaurant.

They were both thinking of that day.

When everything changed, they both thought together. And she had never changed back. And she now knew, even if she could get the closure she sought. It would never happen. She was too different to ever go back to who she was once.

She was a new person.

“Daddy,” Micah asked, interrupting the silence and the memories of both Max and Liz. As they brought their attention back to the little girl who was a witness, but someone who at five would barely be able to understand what was going on between the two adults at the table.

“Yes, sweetness” Max asked.

“Liz says you saved her life here,” Micah asked as she spotted the surprise in both Liz and her father’s face as they looked at each other.

“She did?” Max asked.

“I did not get into specifics,” Liz muttered. “Just that you did something to save me, and I will always be grateful for that…”

And so, will I Max thought. You gave me the time of day he thought in the aftermath of that unconscionable day. It was almost like she can read my mind he thought as Liz looked at him like she knew what he was saying.

She did not, but she was thinking nearly the same from a different point of view. She remembered how special it was to get a look into his mind and know how he felt about her. Wanted, and special she thought, but did not say it out loud.

“So, did you?” Micah asked.

“In a way I did,” Max said softly. “And I will always be grateful for that day,” he said as he glanced at the love of his life.

“So, will I” Liz asked.

“Was it like you saved me?” Micah asked softly, and Liz’s eyebrows went up, because they were landing in an area of no way out, she thought and knew why Micah had wanted her at this dinner.

“What is this about?” Max asked softly as he looked over at Liz who shrugged her shoulders, but he suspected she knew because it sounded like they were broaching on the subject his daughter had talked over with his ex, in the first place.

“This is about me,” Micah murmured. “You love me, right?”

“Of could I do,” Max said. “Every minute of the day,” he said and knew he meant, and it made Liz’s stomach a quivering mess to know he was sincere in his devotion to his daughter. And it was not out of a sense of obligation. He does love her she thought. This was not what it might have been if Tess had sticked around.

“Even thought you are not my real Daddy,” Micah blurted out. And Max’s heart sunk, and his stomach flipped because this was the subject he was dreading. Which is something Liz could tell was something that would have come one day, but it was not something he wanted now, today, when she was only five years old.

“Honey,” Max said. “Of course, I am?”

“I found the letter from my Mom,” Micah muttered. “My real mom, it was something she wrote to you, and I know she did not want me, nor did my real father. Someone named Michael,” she blurted, and Liz felt for Max for having to endure this. “Who is Charlie’s father, isn’t he?”

“Honey,” Max sighed. Where is this coming from, he asked. How she is finding this out at five he thought. He had known she was advanced for her age, and was truly gifted to bypass kindergarten, but this kind of knowledge.

“How did you know?” Liz asked, but of course she already knew.

“I pick up on things,” Micah muttered. “You guys let me” she sighed. “You think you are hiding it from me, but I know…”

“Obviously,” Max sighed.

“So, is it true?” Micah asked.

Is it Max, are you going to tell her the truth? Max told herself. She probably does not get the true meaning of it, but she is too smart for her own good he thought which is something he loved about her, but not today he thought.

“Is it true?” Micah repeated.

Liz wanted to take Max’s hand from across the table and hold it and give him the support she knew he needed on this day. She knew Maria felt it from her own side of the conversation. But this was Max. “Are you sure you want to know?” she asked the child. “You are too young for this?”

“I need to know,” Micah muttered. “I know I am different…”

Shit Max thought. Why does life want to be this complicated he muttered out loud and Liz could only smirk at what he said, because she felt it every day as well.

“Daddy,” Micah asked. “Can you still be my Daddy?” the child asked.

And just like that Max could see the fear in his daughter. Of being different and losing what she loved. I know something about that he thought.

He was different.

And he had lost someone he had loved. It was vastly different a lost love like he had with Liz, and a parent. But then he lost his biological parents as well…

What he had on this planet was a very different than what his DNA told him he had been.

So, he could relate to Micah’s struggles. But he was 25. Not only 5 years old. So, he felt for his daughter’s struggle.

“You are very much my daughter, and you will remain my daughter, no matter what happens okay?” Max muttered. As Liz felt for him, to make that kind of promise and not know he could fulfill it even though she sensed that Michael would not want to be Micah’s father. He did not know the girl, and the girl did not know her biological father. “You are my daughter. No matter what,” he said to assure the girl.

That she had a father who she loved, and who loved her.

“I hope so,” Micah muttered as the door opened, and in rushed Serena and from the look on her face Liz got a clear idea of what was going on, as she had a quick flash of only Michael come to her.

Why do these powers pick now? she thought to herself. 10 years ago, she thought, even she would not know for another two years the extent, but she had largely allowed them to go dormant. Because she had allowed them to go dormant. It made her face all kinds of questions. Where did that come from, she thought of the burst.

Serena came rushing over when she saw Max, Micah, and Liz at the table.

Max who had been concentrating on his daughter did not see Serena as quickly as Liz had, but now it was not hard to miss. “Serena, what is it?”

“I have been looking for you everywhere,” Serena blurted as he spotted her boss, Max. They often did not look at it like an employee friendship. Only a friendship, but there were days like this…

“What is it?” Max asked as over these five years. It was not often he had seen Serena so frantic as she was now.

“Michael is awake,” Serena said softly and quickly. “All the way Max. Awake and fighting it out with Maria. You have to get there right away…”

“Oh Shit,” Max said not caring that his language was inappropriate for a five-year-old to hear. Liz went pale, and Micah eyes went fearful, as she knew the name, and did not like knowing her birth father was awake.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 24 - 06/28/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Yes Max...oh's about to hit the fan.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 24 - 06/28/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Love how Max danced around Micah's question.
Oh boy, Michael and Maria are back to normal it appears.
He remember everything!
Micah is too smart for this group.
It's time she knows the truth Max.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 24 - 06/28/2021

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Now that Michael is on the mend, nothing is keeping Max in Roswell. He and Micah could follow Liz to Europe.
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 25 - 06/30/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

It was not the first reaction Max had thought he would have when first being told his best friend from childhood was awake after a five-year coma, he told himself as he quickly ran out of the restaurant, following in the wake of Serena, and got into her car, as she would drive him over to the facility. To check out the situation that was unfolding Michael is awake and fighting Maria he mused. Naturally, he thought. That was all Michael and Maria could do was clash he thought. Which is why they worked in the first place and why Michael had been so lost without her, his sparring partner as fortunately for Max Liz was sticking with Micah Thank you Liz he though once more but had not had time to vocalize before he had to go.

Liz had pushed him to go. As she quickly told him that she would stay and pick up the piece of his daughter’s heart. Which is something Max wanted to do, but he had to figure out what was going on at the facility with his own eyes, so he could stay the little girl’s father “This is not how I wanted my daughter to find out,” he said out loud with the car.

“Yeah,” Serena said as she had quickly gotten a sense that Micah now knew the lay of the land, and some of the story of how she came to be but only to the level of what a five-year-old could understand, if she could possibility know what was going on?

An adult most of the time could not know, Serena thought as she drove across town. “I feel for you.”

“I just want to deal with and get home,” Max said although he knew that Liz was going to call his parents and have them pick Micah up, and she could spend the night because he did not know how long it would take to deal with this developing situation. But Liz could not come with him because she had to make sure his daughter did not meltdown over fear that she was going to take away from the only father she had every known.

He had custody papers giving him custody of Micah. But only signed by Yvonne, where she signed away her rights to the girl, he would tell himself. Michael had been a wildcard who had not signed off on anything before his state of unconsciousness, and therefore it meant anything could change, at anytime.

Until he saw Michael, and knew what would happen, he had no idea of how it would land. And knew his five-year-old was fearing the worst, when it should be simple for a five-year-old. And he prayed that Liz could help her.

Liz knows what to do he thought as they continued to drive.


While back at the Crashdown. Nancy Parker was watching her daughter with Micah. She could tell there was something awkward between Liz and Max’s daughter. Something that did not register with me she thought. Like Jeff. Nancy had not seen another woman with Max in the periodic time after her daughter left for boarding school, and when Micah was born. Of course, it was once in a blue moon that Max would come into the Crashdown during that period until the past year or so when things changed, and it was the little girl getting older and wanting to come in. Before, Max only came in with Michael when he was still in town or with his sister, Isabel. Then it was Micah bringing her father into the restaurant.

Because it was not natural for Max to want to come in here once upon a time. But it has all changed these last days…

Micah was not talking to her daughter. Nancy approached the table. “How about Micah, you can come into the back. Liz’s father is doing inventory, and he could use some supervision.”

“From me?” Micah asked as she finally ended her silence. Liz was grateful for her mother’s attempt. Because she had not been successful since Max had left. She was almost ready to go over to the apartment complex and let Micah watch some television to get her mind off her troubles.

“Any supervision would be nice” Nancy smiled.

“Thank you, Mom,” Liz sighed as she watched as Micah went off with her mother. She could only sigh as she a lot was coming to her mind; this is what you want huh Liz with your own child she sighed.

A child with abandonment issues

If the child does not know their origins, and their father or mother as in Micah’s case but in Liz’s case it would be not knowing their father if she raised said child away from the father, but she did not want to think about it. The last thing I need to do is think about this she thought as her mother came back a few minutes later “Micah,” she asked as she knew that Phillip would be on the way shortly to pick his granddaughter up.

“Your father was thrilled to be keeping an eye on her. Inventory is always boring work,” she laughed. As she could see a lot was on her daughter’s
mind. “Honey, are you okay?”

“Mom, I am super” Liz said even though that not quite the truth.

“You are leaving, right?” Nancy asked. As she and her daughter had not had much of a chance to talk since, she surprised them in coming for this visit. Not that they tended to speak about her daughter’s personal life. Liz does like to keep it guarded Nancy mused. She knew things had gotten hinky back when her daughter was in high school. Things had gotten confusing in a hurry, and there was still a lot that she and Jeff did not know of that time.

“I am, so you and Dad should not be thinking that I am suddenly going to decide to stay,” Liz murmured.

“We would never do that honey,” Nancy laughed. “We know you have a life you are building elsewhere.”

“Yes,” Liz sighed as she thought of that life. Which seemed to be so isolated, and alone now. And yet I am intent on going back to it she thought. “I have to be in Geneva on Monday.”

“Which means?” Nancy said, not surprised it was another European destination for their daughter because she seemed to be doing a lot of work these days in Europe, and less close to home even though Nancy would never be foolish to think that her daughter could have come back to New Mexico for more than a visit.

This had been a blessing, even though they had not spend much time together so far during her daughter’s time here in Roswell, because it was something of a miracle, and they knew it was unlikely to be repeated anytime soon.

Max or no Max.

Especially since she did not often see her daughter come into the restaurant with her high school boyfriend, and his daughter, and look like they were small family. And she knew from Jeff that her daughter had been spending a lot of time with Max these days, in some kind of fashion, and anyone seeing them could see whatever bond they held, was still there. And given they were no longer sixteen and no longer had restrictions of being kept away by disapproving family members…

Which made her daughter’s actions awkward?

But Nancy was not going to say it.

“I am leaving,” Liz answered. “I should have been gone by now, but something always seems to delay me.”

“Is it Max?” Nancy asked.

“Mom?” Liz murmured as it was the last thing, she wanted to do was explain the unexplainable which was Max and her, and why it was flaring up now, of all times.

“Honey, it was easy to see how you and Max were the other night at the wedding for Isabel and Kyle or how you were just there a few minutes ago when Max was still here,” Nancy asked as anyone in this restaurant could have seen how her daughter and Max were behaving together before they happened to vanish at almost the exact same time. “Is there is something brewing between the two of you?”

“Whether there is or is not, it’s not relevant to my life. Because there cannot be something brewing between us,” Liz muttered. “Yes, I admit I am letting things get a little blurred when I have to be in Geneva come next week, and I should have had the strength to stay away, because it does nothing to make it complicated.”

“Sometimes we cannot help it,” Nancy wondered.

“Mom,” Liz sighed. “If you or Dad disapprove?”

“Honey, no, you can put that out of your mind. Because your father and I both know that might be how we felt in the past. But we are past that because you are now an adult. You are no longer sixteen or even on the cusp of eighteen when things did start to get out of control for the two of you,” Nancy murmured of that time, and how confusing it was to see their straight A daughter, who had been on the way to a life one dreams of their daughter taken down a whole other road, one full of bumps, and jeopardy, and it was all so senseless and did not make a lot of sense for her and her husband. And something that had not gotten any easier to understand except that their daughter had stayed away from their town, and it had allowed her to achieve her dreams, and what Nancy and her husband wanted for their daughter.

“And I am sorry about that,” Liz sighed because she knew there was so much my parents do not know of that time, and even now she thought.

“I know you are, and you have made quite a life for yourself,” Nancy murmured as she stood proud of that life for her daughter, even if she wanted something more for her daughter love, and to be settled she thought and said as much. “Still, it does not take a genius to see that you have not been settling down these past years?”

“I am still young Mom,” Liz sighed.

“I know you are, and I am not asking you to make wedding plans tomorrow,” Nancy laughed. “That would be a little too soon especially since your father and I have never seen you with someone other than Max,” she asked, and Liz smiled. “Certainly, you have been able to carve out an amazing life for yourself. Fulfilling your dreams, and those that your father and I had for you, but sometimes you need to slow down a little. And sniff the flowers. Trying to ignore what is there is not going to help you…”

“I get you Mom,” Liz sighed at that sentiment coming from her mother. She wondered if she shared it, which is why she stayed but still… it cannot be with Max she thought. “And Max has to think of his daughter?”

“Which is how it should be, but I am thinking of my own. And while I love that you are going for your dreams, but sometimes you have to take your time to enjoy your life…”

“I know, life is too short” Liz muttered. “Sometimes people do not get the chances I am getting…” she as she thought of who in her life had not gotten such a chance. I still miss you, Alex.

“No, they do not” Nancy admitted as she knew her daughter was thinking of her lost friend, Alex. Someone is whose death had almost destroyed her daughter and was the catalyst for sending her down a rocky path and yet she could not help but remember her own past when she took a chance on a boy that had caused heartache, and everyone was telling her she should walk away because the one she loved was too wild for her and was a screw up. I did not listen she thought. So, why should my daughter do the same when were telling her to stay away she thought. “We all should be very fortunate by where we are in our lives, because yes, not everyone has that chance, and yet it does makes us want to make sure our lives are fully lived?” she murmured. “We do not want to settle for anything less than we deserve.”

“Which is why I am going for my dreams,” Liz sighed. “Because not everyone has that opportunity, and I have had those opportunities where my chance could have been snatched away by my own actions, or others’ actions against me, and I am not about to give up on my chance. Alex would not want that for me. Because he did not get that chance, so I should live my life to my fullest?”

Nancy nodded. But do not forget to slow down and relax she thought “Can I ask, why did Max have to run out of here like that…”

“Something came up,” Liz murmured as she thought of what it was going to be like for Max to see Michael again, conscious, and alive for the first time in many years. It did not help matters that Micah had just shocked him, and then to hear what Serena have to say. She wished she knew what was going on.

“Is it something bad?” Nancy asked.

“Something that was unexpected, that is all” Liz murmured as she saw Micah coming out of the backroom with Jeff as he finished up with his inventory, and he was treating her to a milkshake. And Liz could see how happy the girl was, as she was observing. She remembered how happy she had been as a child to watch her father work behind the counter, as she got a sense of how this restaurant worked.

She wanted it for her own child. Oh, dear she thought to herself.

“I could not help but overhear,” Nancy mused to her daughter as she saw her daughter observing Micah with her father.

“What did you hear?” Liz asked as she remembered once more how good her parents were at overhearing what they should have been ignoring. She had certainly seen it the hard way back when she was a teenager.

“Is Micah Michael’s?” Nancy asked.

“God,” Liz muttered.


Max did not know how to handle it as he and Serena bypassed the security checkpoints within the facility. The drive had been one full of nervous apprehension. For so long he had gotten used to the no movement, and endless status quo. Wanting to come and visit and find out everything had changed, and now it had. And he had a lot of worry inside him. And it was because Micah was no baby anymore. She was growing up, and obviously was listening and knew too much and that meant he had to worry about how this would go down for her.

He had responsibilities.

And he knew it as he continued the walk. Serena could tell how nervous Max was and she did not envy him because she could not imagine what it would be like to lose such a close friend for so long and then for him to come back, and not know how it would turn out since he knew as a medical professional that these outcomes were extremely rare, and usually did not happen and for it to happen, it was a medical miracle.

People move on in the time away. And it does not always go well when the patient wakes up if they do at all. And she knew the story of Micah, and how she was being raised by Max even though biologically she was Michael’s and some mystery woman Yvonne who had long left Roswell. “Are you okay?” she was asking her friend and employer.

“I do not know if I will ever be okay with this,” Max offered. “I have wanted this for so long?”

“But it is very different for it to actually be happening?” came Serena.

“Right,” Max murmured. “I know you asked about Isabel, but I have to think about that. I ruined her last honeymoon. I do not want to do that again, even though she will want to know. But Hawaii is a long flight away?”

“Yes, it is” Serena agreed.

“But Isabel would have my head if she does not get told,” Max allowed. “Let me figure it out once I have seen him,” he sighed as they continued to walk down the hallway and they could hear the loud voices of two people clashing with each other. “Of course,” he muttered as if the sound was normal. And it was. Something he had heard in seven years but something that made it seem like he was coming home.

“Is this considered normal between them?” Serena asked of the tone of the voices, and the fact it did not seem to be fazing Max. As if he had seen too much of this, and like hearing it.

“Yes,” Max nodded. “Fighting is like breathing for them. They were always clashing. And yet they could not stay away from each other. But Maria eventually walked away for good, and Michael was as lost as I was without Liz, but he chose to act on it differently than I did” he muttered as he thought of how those days, and months went once they both lost the ones we lost.

“Sometimes we cannot handle loss,” Serena sighed.

“That is for sure,” Max acknowledged as he went back to the previous dark place in their lives when they lost Alex, and how they all acted differently in that loss. Michael had been the upstanding boyfriend, while he himself had off the cliff in terms of his actions, but for Michael, it was tenfold worse when Maria eventually did walk away and stayed gone.

As they stood at the door, and he watched, and he could see the agitated Michael in a stare down with an angry Maria. “You are not grateful for anything are you?” she accused the former coma patient.

“Should I be?” Michael asked.

“That is enough,” Serena muttered as she walked in because she did not want anything to get in the way of Michael’s recovery since it was so new.

Maria had been in the thick of the interplay with Michael that she did not even notice that Serena had left the facility, and she turned and saw Max, and knew Serena had to have gone and found Max wherever he was… “Max,” she said softly when she saw the emotion on Max’s face as he stood at the door and watched.

Michael also stopped and faced the door and saw his friend for the first time. “Max,” he said, “You are older?”

“And so, are you?” Max said softly. “But you have been sleeping this whole time?”

“So, I have been told?” Michael asked. “So, I hear a lot has gone down. It’s what hell, 2009?” he asked as he purposely kept his attention away from Maria, even though it was hard, and on his best friend.

“Yes,” Max said.

“How have you been?” Michael asked as Maria huffed and stormed out of the room. Serena walked out after her, and Max could almost laugh because this was exactly what he would have expected from the two of them.

It was as if everything was normal when it was anything but…


“Are you okay?” Serena was asking Maria as she followed the disgruntled ex of her patient out of the room. Maria was now pacing and ranting about how annoying Michael was, and it was all so normal even though Serena had not experienced it in the first place.

Maria stopped and faced the newcomer, and she knew she should not have let Michael get to her, but it was so damn easy she thought. This was them to a tee she thought. We argue, we get miffed with each other, and we come back for more.

But she had not. She had left for seven years and was only now back because it was not her choice. She would not have come if her son had not come this way with her best friend. She knew Michael had a right to be miffed. The man has been a in damn coma for five yeas, what gives him a right to so upset? she thought.

That they went back to their corners, the moment they saw each other for the first time. “That man is so infuriating. If he had not just come out of a coma. I would have yelled at him for how much he is a jerk,” she thought as if she did not know that she had already basically done such with her ex.

“I gather,” Serena muttered.

“He does this to me every time?” Maria muttered. “And then to top it off, he then looks at Max like they are best friends, which, of course they are, and they fall into lock step, as if they had not missed a minute of time. While all I want is to strangle him,” she muttered as she should feel resentful because she knew the angst would be coming, she was certain.

It was one of those facts of life.

“When our hearts are involved,” Serena muttered. “We cannot help because I do sympathize with you because I have had those relationships that get to me, and I do not have nearly as much of a bond with them as you and Michael obviously have with each other?”

“It is so damn annoying,” Maria muttered.

As inside the room. Max was dealing with the complex emotions that was going on within him. Nothing looked different. Michael was acting normal.

And their interaction was almost like the last five years had not happened. It has. Because he had a five-year-old at home, and they both looked older.

Although Michael looked a hell of a lot more rested.

“It is hell of a situation,” Michael asked as he was trying to figure out what was going on in this new world. “I hear you cleaned up my messes?”

“I would not call Micah a mess,” Max said softly as he was quick to think of his daughter.

“Micah?” Michael asked as the name was foreign to him because it was.

“Yes, Micah Isabel… my daughter” Max murmured. “Or if we are talking biological technicalities. I guess she is your biological daughter.”

Oh, hell they were both muttering to themselves.

As reality stormed into the room.


While all this was happening. Liz was across town watching as Micah was observing her father behind the counter as the restaurant was starting to close up for the night. The end of the night service was in effect. With the kitchen now closed, and it was just a matter of waiting out the last paying customers to finish with their meals. She knew she had not answered her mother’s question as suspicion hung in the air, neither being confirmed or denied for that matter.

While they also were waiting for Phillip Evans to come. He had called and said an emergency with a client had caused him to be late leaving the house. And he was coming over as soon as he could. So, Liz was sticking it out at the Crashdown as she knew it was allowing Micah something of a diversion.

Away from her fears. And Liz enjoyed seeing her father feeding off the attention of a little one. She enjoyed seeing it. She knew her parents craved grandchildren, and she wondered what they would think of her ridiculous plan? Or by Max’s offer she thought. She knew they would clearly relish having grandchildren, but if she were to have a child. Roswell was not going to be their life. Somewhere else, anywhere else would be, but she knew her parents would love to have a grandchild to love and to spoil.

Ah, life she thought as she mused about doors opened to her, and ones she was resisting just as the door opened, and she saw Phillip walk in as his eyes went into a smile on his face when he saw his granddaughter and Micah stopped her supervising and smiled when she saw her grandfather. She could tell there was a lot of love there. “Phillip” Liz said as she acknowledged the older man.

“Thank you for calling me Liz,” Phillip murmured. “Sorry it took me so long to get over here. Crazy case at work…” he laughed. “You would not think it was possible with my focus on the more mundane areas of law,” he sighed. “But there are those cases that make you sit up and take notice.

Liz nodded that is life. “It was no problem,” she said. “I figured Micah could use the company while we waited for you to come and pick her up.”

“What caused my son to seek you out for babysitting duty?” Phillip asked as it had been a shock to know that his son’s former girlfriend who did not even reside in their town was babysitting his granddaughter while his son had disappeared on some matter that had come up.

“Long story,” Liz commented.

“One of those, huh?” Phillip asked of Liz.

“Yes” Liz murmured as she did not know how much the Evans knew of their children’s life. While relations between parents and children were obviously much smoother than in high school as evident of the time at the wedding. But still, there was still so much she did not know. She was reminded she was still largely out of the loop. This is not my life anymore so, why do I want to know more…

“We understand,” Phillip sighed as he glanced over at his granddaughter. While he did not know everything. He knew some… “My son and daughter have leveled with my wife and I on some of what you went through back in the day?”

“I am glad,” Liz asked as she glanced over at her mother and father both conferring with each other, and she wished her parents knew more. She knew the diary was still upstairs. She had made sure to check when she had gone up there, ever so briefly, before Max came and they let matters get out of control the other night. She had let it stay there because it seemed better to be there than anywhere, where she resided because too much was on the line if anyone ever got a handle on her writing.

Sure, most would laugh it off as fanciful writing of a teenager confused with her world. No one would truly understand what she had gone through, or that it was real what she had been writing about, until she stopped when she left town.

Vermont was a different life. She had not written anything there. It was a brief stop and then university was something else, entirely.

Believing he had room to speak. Phillip watched as his granddaughter milled around and could see there was on a weight on her face. “Is everything alright with Micah?” he asked of his granddaughter to Liz. He knew it was a crazy situation. But it gave them a little girl to love, and he could see that Liz was now aware of a lot of what had gone in her absence.

“She’s aware of more than Max was thinking she was,” Liz confirmed.

“That means?” Phillip asked.

“It means she knows, and it does not make much sense to her yet, but Max had to go off before he could explain it more fully…” Liz thought as if Max had actually wanted to have that conversation with his daughter, he did not she knew.

“We are aware of some of it” Phillip allowed. While we do not know everything, but we know the situation involving our grandchildren he thought and knew as Max said, his son was out there, and how his son now had a daughter even though she was not biologically his. Even though Max had tried to sell his mother and father on the concept that he might have gone there with Yvonne. Phillip knew his son and knew his son had not moved on from his past, and while Max never came out with who was but once he saw Charlie. He knew. The links of the two children were too similar. “We know…”

“That Max…”

“Right,” Phillip murmured as neither was willing to bring the secret out into the air although Liz knew her mother had guessed it, and she did not know if her father knew. Of course, no one knows what happens behind closed doors she thought. Thankfully… “My son loves Michael like a brother… We do not know what happened to our children’s friend over these years, but I know my son did step in?”

“How could you have known?” Liz asked. “Isabel and Max were keeping it a closely guarded secret I am told?”

“Simple. We saw no one with out son once you left,” Phillip murmured. “You are the only one to capture our son’s heart, and it’s evident you still hold it?” he said of the complex situation that existed between the two. I might know more than I did but he knew he could not begin to explain that all Max and Liz had to have gone through that time, and how life was not the same for his son after Liz did vanish from his life, and their time to move on to a different life.

Liz did not know how to respond. While of course she would recognize they had a bond, but she remembered how too easily Max’s attention had been fallen to someone else. “Unfortunately, your words are nice, but I was not the only one?”

“Tess?” Phillip asked. As he did know of that chapter in his son’s life. And knew his son was constantly thinking of that time and regretting his actions. And that it had involved a baby that was now missing.

“Yes,” Liz admitted.

“We know we have a grandson out there,” Phillip murmured forgetting that others were in the restaurant, and they could be approached at anytime, and certainly this time, they did not hear the footsteps coming up from behind them before Max’s father said all he was able to say. “We know our son has a child out there.”

“What?” came a surprised voice of a small child. “Daddy has another kid?”

Fuck Liz muttered as she also saw her father behind Micah, and his eyes were going wide, Yeah what? Jeff Parker was thinking.
Roswell Fanatic
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 25 - 06/30/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Little ears can always hear things, will we ever learn?
Poor Max, he's got so much explaining to do........
Glad Phillip and Liz had a good talk.
Great part, thanks!
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