Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 88 - Completed - 01/10/2024

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Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 83 - 12/18/2023

Post by totallizfan »

Thanks for the update.
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Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 83 - 12/18/2023

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Wow. So Maria's dad is involved in everything!

Thanks for the update.

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Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 83 - 12/18/2023

Post by Superman86 »

Total Cliffy! :D
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Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 83 - 12/18/2023

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Just found this. Can't wait to see what else is going to happen.
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics! ... 1&t=155639
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Family Matters - Chapter 84 - 12/28/2023

Post by Parker1947 »

They have not wondered into a different story. But indeed, the villain of all this one was someone unexpected and no one had expected it, when it was thrown into middle of such a tense situation. And Maria Deluca Guerin was still dealing it herself across town as she got out of her car and took some deep breaths. As she stood outside the Sheriff’s Department. A place that had history to it, but it was a place in recent times that had not brought trauma to her, because we have grown past this or so she thought, as she knew she had to do this. As she walked into the Sheriff’s Department, and gave her name to the deputy on duty, and told him who she wanted to see.

She was not seeing the villain, but his understudy. Nope, the real kick in the stomach departed this town she thought, and he is unaccounted for, and likely has skipped the country once it became certain that the jig was up, she thought. Good riddance. Not that I particularly want to see him and apparently, I did she thought of the other night at Cow Patties, and a quick sighting. But I had not seen him since I was a kid, so how did I know that was my father she muttered to herself But now he has run for the hills she sighed, what else is new. That is all he can do. Because he spent so much of my life in absentia she murmured. But this was a visit she did have to make. After delaying it for three days.

Ever since the incident at Ava’s cabin. My defence was that I was trying to get my bearings she knew of the bombshell.

Because the disclosure in the hours after the incident would pass as a stunner. In the discovery that the person who had abducted Claudia and Kyla was actually her half brother.

Yes, half brother.

Chase Delaney.

Maria Deluca Guerin had almost fainted on that one. But stayed standing and was still standing. But it turned out that Richard Delany had been Maria’s biological father. The man who had walked out on her and Amy when she was a child. And changed his name. Although Deluca apparently was Amy’s maiden name, and she chose to raise her child as a Deluca.

When there was a Delany in the midst, or whatever his name was. Maria did not know, and I don’t want to know.

But he was the one who got in the midst of them. And forced Liz away from Max. It did not feel good to know her deadbeat father was behind all this, it would be so much easier to blame a rogue alien for this, but nope it was a human who hated who they were and hated those who were different or that his daughter had fallen in love with one.

And procreated with one. But Richard Delaney, Special Agent of the old Special Unit of the government had gone rogue. And made it seem like he had the blessing of the government, and now back in 2002. There was a distinct possibility that there were branches of the government who might not have liked the pod squad, and those who were different. But in a lot of different ways than today.

But they had disbanded the Special Unit officially in the wake of everything that went down in their day. With the army base explosion, that Tess engineered Maria muttered. But Richard Delaney would eventually go his own way and started up his own faction of the Unit and went hunting and eventually would find Liz and would make her pay. And she had not known any difference or that she could have said no.

She could have said no.

And she had no idea.

She believed everything was up and up. And she ultimately made a decision that would force herself and Claudia away from Max. On faulty information Maria cursed.

Which would bring eighteen year of pain to all involved. She also now knew that Liz was only chosen because her dear old biological father Richard knew that coming after Maria would only bring among the media’s attention since she had started to become a up and coming music star in Nashville. And while certainly, he could have cause trouble. But he also knew that making a play on his daughter, and her spouse or grandchild would have elicit attention, and those in higher branches of government would notice, and his rogue actions would be called into question.

And he was not going to have that…

So, after he would raise the son that he would go on to have with his second wife, or girlfriend because he and Amy had not been officially married. She had been too much of hippie to want marriage at that time in her life. Anyways, the child he would have with another woman, Chase Delaney would be raised to think that his father’s beliefs were the right thing to believe.

And not to go against him.

And when in recent days, Liz had come back to Roswell.

The news drifted along the vine to Richard. Who was incensed.

And he would act and would send his son in as a sacrificial lamb and would skip town before they were able to get to him. But his name was now on all the watch lists, so if he ever did come back to town.

While Chase was in lockup.

In Roswell.

And on this day, Maria was coming to visit.

Not that she wanted too.

But she had to protect her family. This is all about protection she murmured. I can see what Liz was going for she thought of her friend’s decision all those years ago.

Because I will do anything to protect my family.

“We have to talk,” was all she said to her half brother as she faced Chase in the jail cell. And Chase sat in the jail cell.

Chase looked up at his older sister, with a battered and bruised face because he had gotten in the way of Max the other night, not a pretty sight. And a little bit coming from Kyle. Chase would be arrested, and even though Jim knew he did not have jurisdiction. He still brought back the younger man to face the furor in Roswell.

Unfortunately, only so much could be said to the press. They all knew that Claudia and Kyla had been found safe and sound.

They did not know there was someone in lockup. Or that Claudia had nearly died, because her injuries were healed by the time she was brought back to town by her mother and father and therefore did not need the aid for a hospital, which was good given the state of the health care system at the moment.

“I don’t know you; you don’t know me but if you do anything to mess with my family,” she threatened. “Then I will end you.” And I have my ways she thought. I have someone who cause a lot of harm she murmured, not that I want to use that method she thought.

Smirking, “You cannot do anything to me,” Chase muttered as he knew that his sitting here in lockup was all a facade, and that he was unlikely to be able to be held much longer. Because whatever injuries had had brought, were now not in the record. I cannot prove the charges he thought, because I can talk, he thought. The press might not believe me. But there will be a realm of the public who will believe me. “Otherwise, I spill the whole story to the media the truth about your husband and your daughter,” he threatened and knew he had a winning hand. “Dad has told me everything about you, and I have documentation.”

“I am sure he did,” Maria muttered of the man she not seen in many years, and now had no desire to see. As if I ever, she murmured because he walked out on me, she thought. And left Mom and I to scrape by. “Where is he? Where is this father of ours?” she asked and made a point of looking around and then back to Chase. “Don’t you understand. Our dad has thrown you under the bridge. Because he has not come to rescue you Chase,” she muttered. “He has skipped town,” she muttered. “He used you as a fall guy for his agenda, and he has left you in the lurch” she muttered. “You will get nothing else from him,” she sighed. “You tried to mess with my family. And that was very wrong of you.”

“I cannot believe you fell in love with one of those people,” Chase muttered.

“I did and I do, and I don’t care what you think about them, because they are my family, and you are nothing to me,” she sighed. “I don’t know what our father told you all these years. But they were lies, and you were stupid to believe in him,” she sighed. “Look at what he has done to you. Just like he left me once upon a time, he has left you.”

“He knows I am going to get out of here,” Chase muttered. “Your Sheriff will not be able to keep me much longer,” he asked. “What are even the charges going to be?” he asked. “We will meet up again.”

Dream on Maria muttered at the thought that their father would allow Chase to find him. “Whatever they end up being,” Maria murmured. “But if you are released. You are going to leave this town and never come back okay, and if you ever do hear from our father again, tell him the same thing,” she murmured. “You are nothing to me.”

“I am your blood,” Chase muttered. “Dad is your blood.”

“Dad is nothing to me,” Maria muttered. “My mother is my blood. I am a Deluca. She raised me. Our father walked away from me as a child, and then he chose to mess with me, and therefore he is nothing…”

“Mess with you,” Chase laughed with a crackle. “My god, he protected you,” Chase muttered. “Do you know how many times I had to measure up to you. The famous country music star,” he spat. “You were famous,” he murmured. “You made something of yourself,” he sighed. “He was proud of you, and he used me because he could have gone after you, and your husband” he demanded. “He could have come after your husband for what he did back when he was younger” he taunted. “There is no statue of limitation on murder,” he muttered. “But he protected you.”

Maybe not, but he would not be able to prove it Maria knew. But she did not believe that her father had protected her for a minute. She knew the downside of coming after her, and it was no solace. “He only stayed away because of how it would have looked if he did,” Maria sighed. “His jig would be up. He was on his own. He was rogue. He was doing it against the wishes of his bosses. It is all about the perception of it. It was not about love,” she sighed. “I have built something here, and it is about love, and you will not do anything to mess with that, okay?” she murmured.

“You cannot do anything to me,” Chase murmured.

“And if you think you can use the media, think again” Maria warned. “The media does not know of your relation to me,” Maria murmured. “I will deny that we are related. They won’t believe you. Do you here me, you are nothing to me,” she sighed. “If you try to mess with us, I can make sure that you regret that decision.”

“And wreck your career?” Chase challenged.

I don’t care about my career. I care about my Space Boy Maria mused. I care about my family. “Don’t mess with me Chase,” Maria threatened. “I will win every time,” she sighed. “I am done with this,” she sighed. “We are finished,” she murmured as she walked away without another word and saw the encouraging smile of Jim.

The father who means something to me Maria muttered. Jim was the one who walked me down the aisle she thought. That is what family is.

Blood is not always everything she sighed. “Do you think it will help?”

“You never know,” Jim said softly as they walked into his office. “He is right, I am going to have to let him go,” he sighed. “I am sorry you had to do that Maria,” he sighed. “It is never easy to disown family.”

“No, it is not” Maria sighed. “I feel for him that he had to deal with having my father in his life,” she sighed. “But he chose to follow his teachings…” she sighed, as they walked into the office and wilted when she saw her mother there for her. “Mom?” she said softly as she saw her mother.

“Honey,” Amy said softly as she held out her arms and Maria rushed into them and held on tight as she looked at Jim with a smile, and happiness at what they had discovered together, and the family they had built together. And Amy would do anything to protect her daughter. And help her. “What do you want to do now?”

“I need a drink,” Maria muttered. “Badly.”

But she knew she needed something more…

She needed Michael.

But Michael was still gone.

So, she chose her next best alternative…


The Park,

“Are you okay?” Archie was asking as he, Claudia and Lucy had gone for a walk and found themselves in the park. Claudia had felt the needed to get out of the neighborhood she did not know, and figure out if she was really in reality, or was she in some elaborate dream land, but the more she was on the outside, the more real it was becoming because the emotions of everything over the last few days was starting to catch up. And after Lucy had to go off to meet her mother, it only left Claudia and Archie alone in the park.

And they both knew it was time for a chat, a real chat they both thought.

“I am fine,” Claudia said softly because she could sense that Archie was being cautious with her, like I am going to fall apart she thought. “You don’t have to worry about me.”

“But I do,” Archie sighed.

“Why are you still here in Roswell after all that happened?” Claudia asked as she looked at her boyfriend. Are we even still dating? She thought, everything is rush she thought, everything was coming back to her, and she did not know where they were standing. She remembered what she had been thinking before the worst had happened, but she did not know what that meant today, when she was in a new world.

“You,” Archie sighed. “I could not leave you,” he murmured. “You matter to me, and you almost died.”

“I am fine now,” Claudia sighed.

“But you weren’t Claudia,” Archie sighed. “I saw you. Lucy can tell you what she was told but I saw you. I saw you were barely with us, and you nearly died. Even after your father saved your life, in a way that still blows my mind, because really, you are that kind of person,” he asked. “I still don’t know what it all means.”

“You and me both,” Claudia sighed. “I was always told by mother to be careful of who I told, and being in Boston, I was taught early that being different is not always accepted, and therefore, I tried to present myself as someone different, and mostly I am that person, I just have different quirks about me.”

Quirks Archie thought. “Quirks, sure” he sighed. Let us go with that he sighed, that is easier to manage.

“Can you accept me for being who I am?” Claudia asked.

“Can you accept me for me being me, and who my birth mother is?” Archie asked.

“It was never that I could not accept that, or did I think you were lying to me” Claudia sighed. “I know I accused you of that,” she sighed. “But the last couple of weeks has shocked my system, and it was all a shock you know, to hear how close that you were in my world, even when you are not in that world, because my father is not your father,” she sighed. “I liked that you were someone different from me, someone who I did not be myself with…”

“I am still that person,” Archie murmured. “I just know more now,” he said. “At the end of the day, it does not matter to me who my birth parents are. I am a Holmes, and I know who I am, and who I want to be.”

“Where does that leave us?” Claudia asked.

“Where do you want it leave us?” Archie asked.

“I don’t know,” Claudia sighed. “I appreciate that you stayed. I know you could have gone running…”

“I love you Claudia,” Archie murmured, as he took her hand, and held it in his own, and they looked into each other eyes. “I know everything won’t be like it was before, and I am okay with that,” he murmured. “But I love you, and I don’t want to run.”

“I love you too,” Claudia murmured.

“Then how about we try at least to see if we can make it work?” Archie asked. “Knowing what we know and see where it takes us?” he murmured. “Can you do that?”

“Maybe,” Claudia sighed. “Can you accept me for me,” she asked. “Knowing that I have quirks that go beyond what a conventional girl might give you?”

“You have never been conventional?” Archie said with a smile. “So, why would I expect a conventional girlfriend now?”

Claudia smiled.

“I have always loved that about you,” Archie said. Truly. “Even when you mystified me, so what, you just have a few more unique quirks?”

More than a few quirks “You don’t know all I can do,” Claudia said with a sexy suggestive smile.

“Well, I have seen a few of them,” Archie smirked right back.

Claudia smiled, and wondered if something was going back to being normal.



Kyle was asking that of himself. Because he did not know if his life was normal. And because he was experiencing for first time what it was like to have a kid in his house for more than a few days. Because his custody agreement with Sue Ann in relation to Tripp had always flowed differently according to their individual schedules. So, it was not like he was used to being a full-time father. So, this was different. This was being a parent twenty-four hours a day, and he loved it.

He did not know what he and Kyla were developing. But at least he was there for her. And it had been only natural to offer to take his daughter in when it was clear that Max wanted to have Liz and Claudia along with JJ at his house, so that he could keep a eye on them, and particularly Claudia because her recovery had not been according to expectations. And therefore, she would not be able to go back to the Crashdown.

And with Liz and JJ at the motel. Being at the Evans household was next possible option, and I doubt if Liz will ever leave again, he muttered, but that only a guess on his part, and even though Liz was saying to anyone that would listen that it was only temporary, they all knew the truth about Max and Liz.

Nothing could separate them for long.

And it has already been eighteen years.

So, Kyla needed a new place to stay until her mother had come home. And so, he and Tripp offered to put her up, and she had said yes.

And because Kyle had pressed Isabel to keep going on her trip, instead of coming home, which had been Isabel first instinct. But Kyle knew that Isabel would have wanted to be there to pick the girls up, and see Poppy and Katy for herself, instead of sending Michael to pick them up, and even though the girls knew Michael. It was better for the girls to see their mother. And he could handle Kyla at his house.

And especially given recent events, he wanted to keep an eye on their daughter. Because he did not trust that there was not a repeat incident.

Even though Kyla had given her statement and said, that they had only wanted Claudia. She was just a bonus. Because she was trying to save Claudia and forced herself on the kidnappers. Which made her biological father happy, but it did not dissuade doubts about the future, because there are always threats out there.

And even though Kyla came home completely safe, and sound.

He did not know if she was completely sound.

“Are you sure that you are, okay?” Kyle was asking Kyla as he was getting ready for the game that would be on television. Tripp would be come over, and they would be joined by his father.

“I am fine,” Kyla insisted. “You keep asking me that…”

“And I will keep asking you that,” Kyle smiled.

“Seriously Kyle,” Kyla said with a smile. “I am fine.”

“Good,” Kyle said softly. “Do you want to watch the game with Tripp and Dad, and me?” he asked.

“No, I am going over to Jennifer’s place,” Kyla said. “If that is allowed.”

“Sure, it is” Kyle said simply.

“Thanks Kyle,”

Kyle nodded.

“Have you talked to Archie yet?” Kyla asked, quietly. Because she knew how hard the last few days have been, and she could see the frown on Kyle’s face. “I just wanted to ask.”

“You can ask,” Kyle said softly. “I know it is a weird situation but no, I have not talked to him,” he said honestly. “I don’t know what is happening on that front,” he allowed. “I am leaving it with him to approach me,” he sighed. I don’t even known how I feel.

“Oh, okay” Kyla murmured. “I’ve got to go.”

“Go, have a great time” was all Kyle could say because he knew this was a completely unusual situation.


It was completely unusual situations all around and Max knew this as well as anyone. Claudia was still not back, but he figured she was alright, or I hope so he thought, but he felt that life was finally working out, or at least I hope so he told himself once more. But he prayed it was, and he was doing some of the mindless chores he should have done days ago, but got diverted by life and death pain, and with the house full these last days, he had not wanted to make too much noise because Claudia was sleeping.

And not waking up.

Mystifying them all. Because he had healed her injury, and she should have woken up, but it was almost like she was not waking up for a reason, and it kept them all on edge. But now, she was awake, and life was starting to right itself. Although if it did, it meant that eventually the house would be empty again, and Liz would leave.

Because this was temporary.

He knew this, but he did not want it to be temporary, but if he tried to say that to his former wife than she would run.

And so, he was fine with their arrangement, and he was not about to say anything. Even if he wanted it to be more, but he would take whatever she would give him.

So, with her constantly on his mind, he was doing some repairs, to keep his mind occupied, with the house empty.

His father was actually out and about. Doing something. What he was doing. Max did not know, and he did not ask. After all, things were better between the two. And Max knew that having Liz in the house had been an antidote for him, so he prayed that the antidote didn’t run out, but he was finishing up, when he heard the doorbell ring, and he sighed, and went to the door.

“Hello,” he said to his visitor. “Come in,” Max said softly, inviting Maria into the house.

“Is Liz here?” Maria asked, as she looked around. She had not seen her friend’s car out front, but she was hoping that it meant that she would still be here at the house.

“No, unfortunately, it is just me” Max said softly. “JJ was invited to sleepover, and Liz was taking him over there,” he said simply. “And then I think she wanted to do some errands,” he said softly.

“JJ is making friends, that is good” Maria sighed but from the tone of her voice, it was clear she had other matters on her mind “How is Claudia?”

“Yes, it is” Max murmured. “Hopefully, that will mean that Liz will likely stick,” he said with a smile. A smile meant that he did not seriously think that Liz was a threat to leave, because he could see how she was for the last few days, and he felt secure that life was a lot more settled. “Claudia is awake, and out figuring out what to make of all this,” he asked, and he would like to know what to make of all this. But he was not an eighteen-year-old just out of a three-day coma after experiencing some hair-raising experiences of late.

Thank god Maria thought. “I am glad Max, truly” Maria said feeling the weight of relief lift off her, in that Claudia was now awake. And at least one thing had been righted. “But I don’t think you have to worry about Liz running,” Maria sighed, but also gave a smile. “Not anymore.”

Max could see the conflict in her friend and could understand it. No one wants to be totally shocked… “How are you doing?”

“I wish Michael was around,” Maria sighed of her Space boy, and she wished she had a bit of his gruff and his sense of control, and because her life was a little spinning, and spiralling, and she needed to feel settled. “I just had to go down to the jail, you know.”

“I know, Jim called” Max said softly of the phone call, or the warning that came from the Sheriff. “I am sorry.”

“I am sorry,” Max said.

“Why would you say that?” Maria asked. I should be saying that to you. “It’s my family who screwed with yours?”

Max could see the weight on the shoulders of his friend, and he felt for her. I could never blame for her for the sins of a parent he muttered, I know something about that he thought in his own father, and my own actions. “You did not see it coming nor did we see it,” Max sighed. Because who would think that their threat was coming from Maria’s father, someone she had not seen since she was a child.

“Jim won’t be able to hold him much longer,” Maria warned.

“I know,” Max said simply. And while it was a mucky situation, he was not giving it any real concern.

Maria did not know what to think. “Which means he could come after us again, and this time on his own” Maria asked. “I have no idea where my father is, nor do I want to know” she sighed because she was over the man. “But it means that the threat is not completely over?”

“We will be watching,” Max said simply. I choose to believe it is over.

Maria murmured.

“Don’t worry Maria, you have nothing to worry about” Max said softly. “We don’t blame you, and you should not blame yourself.” she sighed.

“I wonder if Liz will?” Maria asked.

“She will be fine with it,” Max said softly.

“I hope so” Maria sighed. “But my father messed with her and put her through hell to force her to leave you, and you lost her and your daughter for eighteen years, all for nothing, because he was doing it all on his own, and not under some directive.” Simply because he did not like who Max, and her husband were…

“But they are back now,” Max said simply. “The past is over. And the future is what we should be concerned with, for good and for bad.”

Maria sighed.

“I have faith that it will work out,” Max said. “So, don’t worry about it on my behalf…”

“How can you have so much faith?” Maria asked, weary that Max could be so lighthearted after all he had experienced.

But Max had hope. He did not know why he had it. But he did, and he believed in it. Someone has to believe it. “Because I lost her once, and she’s back, and that means I have a chance to get it all back again” Max sighed. “Sure, we are different people. But hopefully we are better for it, because I know what it was like with her and Claudia, and I hated it, but I have a chance to make it all work out.”

Maria sighed. “I sure hope it works out for you.”

“So do I.,” Max smiled I only hope Liz is with me on this he thought, but he had faith, but he could still sense that his friend was still antsy. “Have you spoken to Michael?”

“I am sure you have spoken to Isabel…” Maria sighed.

“I have,” Max agreed.

“Then you know they are in Portland,” Maria sighed. “They should be starting the drive back tomorrow.”

“Yes,” Max nodded. “Which means that you and Lucy will get him back soon enough.” Max said softly, because yes, he had been talking to Isabel because Isabel tended to need a backup to say that everything was fine over at the Valenti house, and as far as Max knew, things were fine with Kyle and Mikyla.

“Thankfully,” Maria sighed as she looked at the clock. “When will Liz be back?”

“I don’t know, honestly” Max said. “I was doing some chores around here…”

“Then I better go,” Maria sighed as she checked her watch and winced, as time was getting away from her.

“If you want too,” Max said with a smile.

“I don’t want too, but I have to,” Maria sighed. “I have to meet my daughter for an errand that we have to do together,” she sighed of the plan to meet up with Lucy. “But how about you, Liz and I meet up at Cow Patties tonight for some relaxing entertainment. I think we all will need it” she sighed. “Lucy has plans, and with Michael gone. The house will be boring.”

“Sure, I will check it out with Liz,” Max said simply. Because he figured Maria needed a night out, not thinking of her private worries. We all could all use some fun.

“Thank you, Max,” Maria murmured as she realized how much she valued Max’s trust in her, “For everything, and the pep talk.”

“And I meant every word,” Max said softly as he walked Maria to the door, and watched as she got in the car and drove off, and he picked up his phone and dialed a familiar number, “About that favor I asked, are we on?” he asked, and smiled at the answer. “Great, thank you” he said as he put down his phone, and got back to working on those chores.

Yes, life was finally working out.
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Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 84 - 12/28/2023

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Maria's father and brother are messed up. Poor Liz, Max and Claudia had to suffer because of Maria's father.
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Family Matters - Chapter 85 - 12/30/2024

Post by Parker1947 »

Hours later,
Cow Patties,

The music was playing, and the bar was filling up and it was going to be a good night, It cannot be any worse than the last couple of days has been thought the owner because for Ava. She had seen better days. She was getting over being used, and almost falling into a trap. Fortunately, she had walked into a cabin in effort to get it ready and found out the truth in the nick of time. But not in the nick of time for Claudia and Kyla.

But fortunately, she had been the one to walk in cabin, and Claudia’s life was saved, and life was beginning to get back to normal. If any of our lives can be seen as normal, she thought as she milled around the counter, getting orders for customers and making sure the till had enough cash in it, and all the machines were working. It gave her something to do, and something to think about because she hated feeling used.

She had gotten her life together over the last years, and she hated how she had almost lost it all. By trusting the wrong person, as she muttering to herself, but strumming along with the music. It is going to be a good night she prayed. As she saw the door open, and Claudia’s head poke in, Thank god she whispered.

Not that she was thrilled that the clearly underage teenager was coming into a bar, after her escapades of the other night, and even the night before. Because she had heard Claudia had a night to remember, if you could call it memorable, she thought, but she had heard of Claudia’s adventures in underage drinking, and she had instructed her bartenders to be careful about accepting identifications for young people. But she knew Claudia did not look eighteen, she looks older she thought. And she probably feels older.

But she still was thrilled to see the girl now, and to know Claudia was okay. “Claudia?” she said softly.

“Hello, Ava” Claudia said softly as she walked, but she was not alone, not this time she thought. She had Archie beside her, and Ava immediately knew who the companion was, and she stopped, yeah, this might be something she thought.

“I hope you did not come for any substances?” Ava said with a smile. “I was told of your last adventure, here.”

“I am sure you were,” Claudia sighed. That truly was a night she thought, I was feeling a lot the next day she remembered, “And no, I am being good today,” she sighed. “I don’t think anyone would appreciate it.”

Ava laughed. “I am glad to see you, because the last time I saw you…”

“I left an impression on you, huh?” Claudia asked.

“Yes, you definitely did,” Ava muttered. “You scared us, so I am glad to see that you have recovered,” she sighed as she was not making any effort to talk to Claudia’s companion, and Claudia could sense it. Ava knew who Archie was. They had seen each other the other night of course, but everything happened in a flash, and that meant they had not talked. “Who do we have here?”

“Archie Holmes,” Archie murmured. “We met the other night.”

“Briefly,” Ava acknowledged.

“You are related to my birth mother” Archie asked, voicing the knowledge that he now had. Claudia had filled him in on the way, not of the whole grittiness and the truth of it but the story that was told to everyone, you don’t want to get into stories of duplicates and clones both women would think.

People have a hard time believing in that stuff.

They knew they already was giving Archie enough to deal with then acknowledging that there was a duplicate of his birth mother alive. “We are twins,” Ava sighed. Basically, but so much more than that but it was an easy cover story. “Raised apart, so I did not know her except for a meeting shortly before she died.”

Archie nodded.

“We have lived vastly different lives,” Ava murmured “So, if you are looking for any insight on your birth mother?”

“No, I am not, just curious that all” Archie murmured. “Claudia mentioned the association, that is all. And I know that I am happy with my life,” he said simply. “I am not looking for anything more,” he said. “Just to know.”

Ava nodded.

Claudia could feel the tension. “We were not looking to start anything, but I wanted to come by and say thank you for helping me and Kyla the other night. You did so much for us, and I appreciate it. And I am sure my parents do too.”

“Yes, they did say their thanks,” Ava murmured. “And it was the least I could do. I am glad that my cabin could be refuge for the two of you,” she sighed. “And that I could help, although there was only so much, I could do, because your father is the one who truly brought you back,” she sighed. “Who rescued you.”

Claudia knew this. “I don’t have a lot of memories of that time,” she admitted. “It all is a blank, mostly.”

“You were very weak, so it does not surprise me” Ava sighed of the situation that had happened, and what could have happened if Claudia and Kyla had not gotten away. “I am just glad you are doing so much better.”

“I am better,” Claudia sighed. “If we promise not to drink, can we stay? We have not had a lot of time to be spend together,” she asked of Archie. We have not even really dated since he came to town, she thought. She did not know how long he was staying, we have not broach that, but she did know he would have to get back to Colorado for his jobs, and he was probably staying too long as it was…

“Sure,” Ava smiled. “We do sell other beverages,” she sighed. “But I will be watching.”

“You don’t have to worry about us,” Claudia assured. “That night created a lot of regret,” she sighed. “So, I am not looking to repeat it anytime soon.” Or until I know I won’t be watched like a hawk she sighed.

This place gets too much familiar traffic she muttered. But it’s not like I am looking to repeat the other night.

“Good,” Ava murmured. “Go, get a table, and I will bring your drinks?”

“Soda for me,” Claudia ordered.

“Iced tea for me,” Archie murmured. “Virgin.”

“Right,” Ava said with a smile. “You two have a good time.”

As Claudia and Archie went and got a table. While Ava’s mood improved greatly.


Max’s Place,

Max and Liz were getting ready to meet Maria at Cow Patties. Liz had come back from her errands and agreed immediately to the idea of giving Maria a pickmeup night at the bar. She knew Maria was feeling overwhelmed with Michael gone, and the weight of recent admissions, I have been on that side before, and she was not looking to take out the truth about Richard Delaney out on his daughter. Someone who had not even asked for the venom of her father’s actions. And clearly believed different than her biological father. And also, Liz knew that a lot could have been different if only she had said no, but like with Future Max, she had believed in the cause, and she was desperate to save her family, so if anyone had come to me, I probably would have cracked she knew. And she should have known something was up.

But she was desperate to save Max and Claudia, and she was not looking at the red flags of warning.

And it was over. She was back here in Roswell, and Max had a chance to know his daughter. Claudia was healthy, finally they both thought. “Claudia still is not back?” Max commented as he watched his true love come downstairs from the spare room, she had been staying in.

Because she and Max had been in separate rooms. For all of their closeness the last few days. They did not want to give JJ to wrong impression. Of course, JJ was getting the wrong impression anyways, because like anyone around them, except maybe their daughter, who had been unconscious for it. But everyone assumed it was just a matter of time.

The ten-year-old was on to them and was already questioning Max about his intentions to his mother, more than once.

I promise you JJ if something changes, I will come to you and your sister for your permission Max had promised.

JJ only nodded and walked away. Not sure he believed that things had not already changed.

But now he was at a sleepover. Which was one more point in the column for Max to know that Liz was staying. She was not going to leave again. Or that was the hope he was trying to convince himself of…

“She is with Archie,” Liz said.

“Really?” Max asked.

“She texted that they met up, and I think they are trying to see if they can make it work,” Liz said softly. “Are you upset?”

“Of course not, I want Claudia happy” Max said softly. Because it was the truth. I want nothing but happiness, and it was a unique situation, but Archie is good kid, and they were happy before all this. “I want both of you to be happy,” he murmured. “That has never changed,” he murmured. “Are you happy?”

“I am close,” Liz said with a smile because she knew what Max was asking, and she was not ready to go there not yet she thought. “That is all I can commit to.”

I will take that “I am glad,” Max said as he glanced at the woman he loved. “Are we ready?” he said. “For tonight?”

“Yes,” Liz said softly, as she took his hand, and they walked out together, and Phillip who had been watching from the other room smiled.

Life was indeed getting better.


Kyle was also feeling that too as he was having dinner with Tripp and his father Jim. Amy was off on a buying trip for the store that she still ran. And therefore, Jim had come over the game and to spend time with his son and grandson. “Son, how has everything been?” Jim was asking after Tripp had taken the dishes to the kitchen.

And was on kitchen duty, even though they had ordered in pizza.

“I am fine, really I am Dad, you don’t have to worry about me” Kyle said with determination. “I am expecting business to pick up soon,” he sighed. Hopefully some news will come on the Crashdown project he thought. Or even the Evans house.

Jim knew his son was able to juggle a lot, and yet his son had not been one to want to talk about his life, and usually Jim was okay with that, but now he felt something had to give. “A lot has happened lately and coupled with that you have been keeping an eye on Kyla.”

Kyle could only laugh. “You don’t have to worry about me on that front. Kyla has been no trouble,” Kyle said softly. “Like Tripp, she comes and goes, and we have been managing well enough… and it’s only for a few more days. Isabel should on the move back here starting tomorrow, which means by the weekend, Kyla should be back home.”

“I am glad,” Jim said with a smile. But he also knew a lot was being covered up, and not talked about, which is a trademark of my son and Isabel’s relationship but yeah, something has to give he knew. Of course, he helped it along by not talking to his son about the whole thing with the deal and that had been a secret kept for many years, but Kyla is now fifteen and that was a lot of years to keep such a secret, and especially when the girl is looking more like my son Jim thought, and now there is that other bombshell. “And about that other thing?”

Kyle knew that subject was going to come up. Dad has been too quiet about it he thought, and Kyle had liked that silence, but eventually, it was going to end. And it was subject that was still young, and so tender, and he did not know how to take it himself, how am I supposed to explain it to my father. “He has not come to me Dad,” Kyle said simply. And he was hanging his head on that one. “He’s now an adult, and I am leaving it to him on whether he chooses to come to me to talk it over,” he said softly. I did not do anything when he was a baby, so why should I expect anything now.

It’s on Archie whether he wants to know for sure.

Jim could only nod. “Have you spoken to Isabel about it?” Jim asked.

“She has been away.” Kyle said with a laugh, and Jim laughed.

That is an easy out and both knew it.

“You could have done it on the phone you know,” Jim murmured. “And it might have been an easier conversation over the phone.

“It is a hard conversation to have,” Kyle said. “And I have been trying to get a hold of it myself before I talk to her about it,” he sighed. “And I think I owe it to her, to speak to her face to face instead of having it be over the phone.”

“Do you think it will matter?” Jim asked.

“I don’t know,” Kyle murmured. “But I hope not.”

“The pizza is put away,” Tripp said as he walked in on his father and grandfather, and could not help but hear the conversation, and he could only sigh, a little more drama in this family he thought, what else is new.

“Thank you, son,” Kyle said. “Do you have plans with Crystal?” he asked, and he had to laugh because this was such a cartoonish situation, this is so bizarre he thought at the thought that Crystal was Archie’s dating, and she has been spending time with his son.

“Sure,” Tripp murmured. “She’s heading home tomorrow.”

“Really?” Kyle asked.

“Yeah, she needs to be home by the end of the week because of some prearranged engagement or something,” he said simply.”

“And her brother?” Kyle asked.

“I don’t know Dad,” Tripp murmured. “Something tells me he’s sticking around, but probably not for long” he sighed. “You know you could ask himself yourself,” he sighed. “You two have not talked, have you?”

“No,” Kyle said.

Tripp sighed, “I am going out. We are going to join her brother and Claudia at Cow Patties,” he sighed.

Cow Patties both men thought with a sigh. My old haunt the older man said. A lot of fun was done there he thought of the time off the job, and his need to do something different. Fortunately, he was soon back on the path back to his true calling. “Is that so?” he asked. “Should I worry?” he asked, putting on the Sheriff hat and not simply as Tripp’s grandfather, with a laugh.

“Grandpa,” Tripp sighed.

“It’s a legitimate question,” Kyle said. “You don’t usually go to a bar?” he asked. “And is Crystal not younger than even you are?”

“Only a year, and we are not looking to drink, and if her brother is going to door. You can trust us to be on our best behavior,” he laughed. “Come on Dad, you can trust me” he asked. “They do have other beverages you know, and music, and with Crystal heading home tomorrow, she wants to spend some time with her brother. Because they have not spent a lot of time together these last days with Claudia’s condition being the way it was.”

“Which I take it, has taken a turn for the positive?” Jim asked.

“Yes,” Tripp murmured. “She’s awake, and she and Archie are trying to make a go of it.”

“And what do you think about that?” Kyle asked. Because he knew of his son’s crush at one time on Max and Liz’s daughter.

“Dad, I am seeing Crystal” Tripp murmured as if that mattered. I might have a crush at one time. But that was all there was too it, and Claudia is taken.

“But she’s heading home tomorrow,” Jim asked. “Can you do a long-distance relationship?” he asked. “It takes a lot of commitment?”

“I don’t know what we will be doing Grandpa,” Tripp sighed. “Leave it to the two of us to decide, and we will. But for tonight, it will be about some fun, and music even if we won’t be drinking.”

“Then fine,” Kyle said simply because he did know that it was an incredibly odd situation.

“Thank you,” Tripp sighed. “I will be home later.”

“Remember your curfew,” Kyle called.

“Yeah, yeah” Tripp sighed as he walked out the front door.

“Son?” Jim asked.

“It’s a difficult situation Dad, and I am trying to manage it, okay?” Kyle murmured. “It’s not something you ordinary would run into,” he said, and he thought had seen his share of unusual situations, but this one has it beat.

“I know,” Jim sighed.

“Since Amy is busy, do you want a drink before you head home?” Kyle asked. “Because I should be staying home until Kyla comes home.”

“Sure, why not?” Jim said with a laugh. “And you can tell me again, why you never mentioned you and Tess?”

“Gee,” Kyle murmured as he only went to the fridge and got out two beers and handed the drink to his father. “That is definitely not something I want to talk about,” he muttered. That is not something to be proud of.

“I figured,” Jim sighed and knew his son was still trying to process it, and he was not going to get on his case about it. “And about Isabel?”

“And that is definitely not something I want to talk about,” Kyle muttered. Why cannot it all be simple he thought. Why is being single so much more difficult.

“Something does have to give?” Jim managed.

“I know,” Kyle sighed “I do know that.”

Jim could only nod.


Roswell Landing strip,

It was not an airport per se, but it would do for the little flights, and a flight was coming in from Portland Maine. Not a true flight, but it was a chartered air flight. Done as a favor. And now the four passengers were coming off the plane, and picking up their luggage but it was not a difficult thing given they were the only people on the flight, except for the pilot and one stewardess.

“Welcome back to Roswell, girls” Isabel murmured as she walked her daughters Poppy and Katy off the plane.

“It’s been while,” Poppy said as she looked at her hometown, or the outskirts of it, because they were outside of town.

“Yes, it has” Isabel sighed. A lot has happened she thought. She knew she had to pay her brother back for this favor he had called in. She knew how expensive these flights truly were, and yet Max had given her the gift of getting back earlier than ever thought possible. “It’s good to be back.”

“Kyla will be surprised, won’t she?” Katy murmured. “She’s not expecting us back, yet?”

“Yes, she will be,” Isabel murmured. “So, how about it, Michael, are you happy to be home?” she asked.

“Glad I did not have to drive,” Michael grunted. But yes, I am happy to be back he thought. As he could not wait to see his wife and daughter. It is not usual that I am away for this long he thought. So, he did have to hand it to Max for thinking this option. We should have thought of it in the beginning he muttered, but it costs a lot of money, so I am curious how Max covered it.

“Me too,” Isabel said with a smile.

“I am going to call that uber car,” Michael muttered. “The other car should be delivered to you by the end of the week,” he thought of Isabel’s car that they had driven to Portland in. But they were having it shipped back, because neither had wanted to drive and when this offer came up suddenly. They had grabbed onto it, and now they were back in Roswell.

“Good thing I have a spare,” Isabel muttered softly as she thought of her late husband’s car. A car she had be saving for Kyla when she turned sixteen with her next birthday. She knew Neil would have appreciated and it was not an old car, and it was kind of new, and unfortunately Neil had been taken from them too soon.

Michael nodded, as he checked his watch, and this his phone as it had service once more. “It looks like Maria is at Cow Patties with Max and Liz,” he muttered.

“Michael, be good” Isabel demanded, as the trip away had told her that she needed to accept her brother wishes, and if he wants his former wife in his life than so be it she sighed. And Michael was slowly coming along, since the whole fiasco with the girls happened, and the revelation that Liz had been had.

She had been conned into making that deal.

She had not done it all with some motive to hurt them, but because someone had gotten to her, and made her do it.

It did not make everything alright, but Michael was slowly accepting that, any of us would have gotten conned if they had come to us, but of course they had not he knew. They knew Liz wanted to something to sacrifice…

And he and Isabel were those who Richard Delaney hated. Even if Michael was his son-in-law he muttered. That had been a bombshell, and Maria is still reeling from it he knew. And which is why he had taken Max’s offer to come back on the chartered flight so they could surprise his wife, and be with her while she processed all this…

And to protect my wife and daughter in case Richard Delaney shows his face, or if his son Chase showed up once more.

But somehow, he and Isabel doubted they would show their faces again, because we know now.

We will not be fooled again.

“Are you going over?” Isabel asked.

“I am going to drop myself at the house and go see my wife” Michael murmured. “And you?”

“I have the girls,” Isabel murmured.

“We would be fine Mom,” Poppy murmured “We are not babies.”

“I know sweetheart, but you just got home,” Isabel sighed. “But there might be someone I want to see,” she murmured ever so softly, and Michael could only groan because he knew who that person was. And whether he approved or not, he knew Isabel deserved to be happy, whoever it is he murmured. She is too young to be single for the rest of her life.

“Call your father,” Michael suggested.

“Yes, call Grandpa,” Poppy asked. “Kyla said he’s not as withdrawn anymore, and he might want to see us.

“I guess,” Isabel murmured.

But would she?


Cow Patties,

Meanwhile, at the car, no one knew of the new arrivals or their agendas for the night. They were arriving at the bar. Max and Liz walking hand and hand which was a development their daughter as she and Archie were on the dance floor when she noticed her parents entering the bar, just great she thought, and knew she had not run her plans with her parents, either of them she thought as she had only just said she and Archie had plans to her mother, and Liz had not told her daughter either.

While Maria walked in moments later, and now the bar was getting full. “This is why it’s not a good idea to sneak a drink,” she commented to Archie. “If I did not have already have Ava watching me like a hawk with each drink that we order than now I have my parents, and whoever else decides to come tonight,” she said softly as she Archie danced.

“It’s a small town I guess,” Archie said softly, as he noticed his sister and Tripp Valenti showing up, yes, it is he commented and Claudia noticed the newer arrivals, and she also laughed at the sight of the newcomers. “Are we going to know everyone here?” she asked.

“It sure adds to the fun,” Archie murmured. “Don’t let it bother you,” he commented.

“I am not bothered,” Claudia sighed. “Yet,” she said with a smirk. “Speak to me when we know more than we don’t know,” she said softly, as she thought this would be a nice evening. A date night when there is nothing else really to do in a town that is just starting to wake up.

“Then let’s have a good time,” Archie suggested. “And ignore the onlookers,” he asked, and Claudia smiled.

And across the dance floor, Max and Liz also could not help but notice the young couple. “I guess we are not the only who decided to come here tonight,” Max murmured as he pointed out their daughter and Archie to his former wife.

Of course, she thought, and Liz only smiled. She was happy to know Claudia was happy and it did look like she was having a good time with Archie. “It would be only fair if we went over and say hello,” Liz said softly as Maria nodded, and they headed over towards the bar.

“Yes, let’s go over,” Max said as they maneuvered through the crowds, and headed over to Claudia and Archie.

It only took a second.

“Hello, you two” Max said casually even though it was still something he was marvelling at that he had to look at his daughter as a young woman, and not his baby that he had last seen, she is her own person now he thought. And he was still having to get used to it.

“Mom, Dad” Claudia sighed. This is truly weird to think. “I see we all had the same idea,” she murmured. “You don’t have to worry. We are not drinking.”

“I did not think you were,” Liz said with a smile. More eyes are watching this time.

“I hope you are having a great time,” Max said softly.

“We are,” Archie nodded.

“Yes, we are” Claudia murmured.

“We are glad,” Max said softly. As they all knew this was a vastly different time than it had been previously.

“Are you?” Claudia asked with a smirk.

“Of course, honey,” Liz murmured. “We should all be celebrating that you are doing so well,” she sighed, because we have been on edge on that front for the last few days she thought. “And we hope that continues.”

“Definitely,” Archie murmured. “I think we can all drink that,” no matter what we are drinking he was thinking.

And there was laughter, which was good. After many stressful days.

“So,” Claudia murmured. “Can I ask what is with the two of you?” she asked. “What is going on with you two?” she muttered, because she could not help but ask it because it was the question on her mind.

Gee Max and Liz sighed as they looked at each other.

What is going on with them?
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Family Matters - Chapter 86 - 01/02/2024

Post by Parker1947 »

Yeah, what is on with us Liz could not help but wonder herself as there was laughter to Claudia’s question. And plenty of looks that went between her mother and father because they could not tell you what was going on between them. Except what Max hoped was happening. But he knew he often was on a different page, and plus, he also knew it was only going to be temporarily that he would have his former wife and her children in his house. I sure do want it to be longer he was thinking, but he did not dare say. And therefore, he did not know where Liz’s head was on the matter except to know she was a little gun shy given her behavior at the house before they came over to the bar.

He was not about to push, so he only laughed and act like it was nothing important when it was so damn important. “Speaking of drinks, Archie do you want go for one?” he was saying because he figured it was best to get away from the conversation as quickly as he could for fear that he might get an answer that he did not want. Archie could sense the tension between Claudia’s parents, and he understood that tension, Sure, why not. “Want a new drink?” he asked of Claudia who only nodded, and he and Max silently walked away.

“He sure was quick to walk away,” Claudia commented to her mother who stayed.

Probably because he does not want to answer Liz muttered to herself. “You should not worry about it honey.”

“I am just curious Mom,” Claudia muttered. “What is going on between you and Dad?” she said as because she knew this was too weird. Too many kids have massive amounts of distance between their divorced parents, but I have two people for parents who look like they cannot stay apart from each other even though they have spent eighteen years apart she mutters. Therefore, she did not know how to classify her parents. “Mom?”

“Honey,” Liz muttered.

“I want you happy,” Claudia sighed. “I know how much you have worked all these years, and I am not sure you were that happy.”

“I was happy to have you and your brother in my life,” Liz muttered. I was happy she muttered to herself. I just was a different kind of happy she muttered. “I was able to go for my dreams,” she sighed. “I was able to have a lot in my life.” I just did not have your father in it.

“But you wanted more?” Claudia asked. “You wanted Dad?”

“I might have, once upon a time, but I gave him up, and therefore I had to figure out how to make my life without him in it,” Liz sighed as she glanced over at the bar, and to where Max and Archie were. Maria was on the other side, and she knew there in different places these days, so much is different eighteen years ago she sighed.

“So, what are you going to do now?” Claudia asked. “It is obvious that Dad wants you back?” she asked.

I don’t know what I am going to do Liz knew. “Honey.”

“I know I know,” Claudia muttered. You can divert my questioning all you want Mom, but I know what, or who you really want she sighed. She also knew her mother had been great at denying herself what she wanted all these years, to protect me, or to protect others she thought. Claudia might completely get, and she knew there were factors to it that she could not possibly get, but still. “This is not even about me. Because you were there for me, and I appreciate it more than I probably have shown it.” I know I have been a difficult over the years she thought. “But this is also about you and Dad too. Of course, I don’t know him well and that is partly on me because I am not trying to know him more, or not yet, but it obvious he worships you, and even after all that has happened between you two, he loves you, and wants you back, so should you not want that kind of love?” she asked. “Or try to see if you can make it work.”

You should Liz knew. “I don’t know honey,” I want to believe in it… “Not everyone gets what they want.”

No, they don’t but they should not give up the chance at a love of a lifetime that is just right there she sighed, for a second time she muttered. Not everyone gets a second chance at that love she sighed. “Just think about it,” Claudia smiled. I don’t even know why I am advocating for the coupling, because it still mystifies me, she muttered, but here I am she sighed as she looked over and saw her boyfriend. “I am going to rescue Archie,” she thought. “I don’t know how much I want him to be bonding with Dad?”

Liz laughed. As she had to give her former husband credit for trying to be supportive of their daughter’s relationship, when the circumstances of it was pretty bizarre. Even by our standards. “How is going with the two of you?”

“It’s Day 1, but we are trying, and that is all I can say right now,” Claudia said simply as she spotted Archie and her father once more. “Things were so simple and so easy and then…”

“And then something happened, and it has made you question it, huh?” Liz asked. I have been there she thought as she looked over to where Max and Archie were, things were fine, and then they were not.

“Yeah, but Archie is not to blame,” Claudia sighed as she saw her mother’s look over to where her father was, she is hopeless she could not help but think. “But it feels as we are different people, but then we have always been different people.”

Liz sighed, and sometimes that attracts you she thought. And sometimes it brings you a world of trouble, but you cannot find yourself walking away she muttered as she sighed.

As Max and Archie came back with the drinks.


And back at the bar. Maria was sitting by herself, nursing the beer in her hand, and feeling a little sorry for herself not as if she was not entitled. She was still muttering to herself under her breath about surprises, and how she hated them. Even after more than two decades of being in love with an alien, a living and breathing alien she muttered, and the many surprises that come on a daily basis with her marriage to Michael and being a mother to their daughter Lucy. It still did not instill her with the fortitude to get through this shocker.

She loved her mother. Amy Deluca was a unique and inspiring woman, but still…

But she had always wondered about her father. Because he walked out when she was so young and did not look back. Now, I know why she muttered. Not that her mother had not tried to explain in that she would say they just did not get along because of their different philosophies know I know why she muttered, and while her father loved Maria, he felt that it was better that she stays with her mother, Amy.

And he left.

And did not look back and she now knew that she did not want to know the man who was her father. It is just too much she thought. She wished she had not had to go through the shocker without her husband.

My Space boy knew how to settle me she sighed.

No matter the grief he gave her, he knows me she sighed.

“Deluca,” came a familiar voice. Yes, that is who I am she muttered.

She never questioned the name, and now she was glad she had it. As she looked up and saw Ava. Ugh she thought, not the person I want to see she knew.

Especially given recent days.

When Maria did not answer. Ava did not take it personal. “Going to drink that drink or throw it away?” she asked.

“I am going to drink it,” Maria muttered.

Ava nodded. “So, look.”

“I don’t want to talk about it okay,” Maria murmured. “I know we should, but I am just not that ready yet.”

“Totally expected,” Ava sighed. “I am not really ready to deal with it either you know,” she sighed. “It shocked me too, and I should not have been given I did my research on the guy and still I did not know what I was getting into,” she sighed. “I mean, I knew about Chase not that your father…”

“Hey, he’s not my father” Maria protested.

“Sorry,” Ava sighed. And knew she already had a dicey relationship with Maria, given the events of her twin sister’s life and actions and so she did not need this, but still… “Richard, he did not tell me about Chase or you, I knew he might have daughter out there, but it was all so vague” she sighed.

“Yeah, vague that is how he has treated me since walking out on my mother and me,” Maria sighed. “I did not need this. I had my life figured out. And I was happy, so no, I did not need this…”

“I know,” Ava sighed.

“To know he hurt my best friend,” Maria muttered.

“Not him, but his goons” Ava murmured.

“Still, it was him who hated my husband and Max, and thought they could get to them through Liz,” she sighed. “To know why he did not even attempt to come after me,” she sighed. “Because of how it would look since I was starting to make a name for myself,” she sighed. “So, instead he goes after my best friend and puts her through a torturous experience, to get her to leave her true love” Maria muttered. “Which is why he wanted her to just walk away. Because he had no means to do anything else,” she moaned. He had no backup she sighed, which should make me happy she knew. It does, but it was all so bad in hindsight. “And I got to keep my happy life?”

Ava felt for Maria. She knew how close Maria was to Liz, and visa versa which makes it all so much worse. “She does not blame you,” Ava sighed.

“She should,” Maria muttered.

“But I don’t,” came a voice from behind them and Maria twisted and found that Liz was watching her, and Ava. “Maria, I don’t blame you.”

“You should” Maria muttered once again. “It was my father?”

“That man was not your father,” Liz sighed. This is all a mess. “His DNA might be part of you. But he was not your father. Your mother was more your father, and Jim Valenti was more your father,” she sighed. “My own father was more your father than that man was or is,” she sighed, “I don’t blame you for actions of your father.” You were never a part of any of this.

“Liz,” Maria sighed.

“Don’t, okay” Liz said softly. “The past is the past. The one thing I have learned these last weeks is that we can’t redo the past no matter how much we want too, and we have to figure out how to make peace with what we did. I should have figured it out myself that something was wrong. The Special Unit was supposed to be over, and even with what happened with the explosion before graduation,” she sighed as she was being careful not to invoke the army base explosion in a sea of people. You don’t know who is listening. “We had people after us, but it was the government, not that unit. I should have seen the red flags. He knew what buttons to push, because it was personal too me, and I should have seen it, but I had Max and Claudia to worry about and I was worried about them, so I could not see straight.”

“They hurt you” Maria sighed. “My father was the figure head, who gave all the orders.”

“Sure, but I listened, and I am the one who left,” Liz said. “It’s your father’s fault. It’s my fault.”

“You cannot be faulted,” Maria muttered. “Any of us would have done the same. Look at what they did to you?” she asked. “Yeah, who would not have cracked?”

“But you did not have a hand in it,” Liz sighed. “You have always been my best friend, and I don’t think that has changed even with all that has happened,” she sighed. “Maria, I am not going to blame you,” she sighed. “And if I am not going to be doing that. Then, I don’t want you blaming yourself. Because then that gives him the power. And he does not deserve that kind of power. When he hurt you and left you.”

Maria nodded. He did not even let himself get caught she sighed. He used his son as a sacrificial lamb.

It is all so messy Liz and Ava knew. “Then come and join Max and me?” Liz said. “I think we could all use some friendly cheer. And some drinks,” she suggested to a smile from Maria. Good she thought. “We are trying to focus on the future. Because enough with this messy past. It’s over, and we cannot do it over.”

No matter how we would have liked too because we would have done so much differently.

Maria smiled.

“That does not mean what you think it means,” Liz tried.

“Sure Petunia, sure” Maria smiled. “I know the two of you. And you two are so hopeless for each other,” she sighed. “If you don’t want me to give Richard Delaney the win. You should do the same. Don’t let him win, because Max wants you back, even after all that crap, and you love him, so why not give it another chance.” I know you love him, so let’s give up on the charade that you think it’s over between the two of you.

Because it is never truly over between Max and Liz.

No matter the years that go by.

“Maria,” Liz muttered.

“You are melting, I know you are” Maria sighed. “Although I am not sure I want to come and see how disgusting the two of you are with each other,” she sighed. “When I don’t have my own Space boy with me?”

Liz sighed. “You will have him back very soon,” she sighed. “Maybe sooner than you think,” she sighed. Because Liz knew of course of Max’s offer to Isabel and Michael. “Come and join us,” she suggested. “You can keep Max from obsessing about our daughter and Archie.”

Maria burst out laughing and gave in and took her beer and headed over to the table with Max at it.


Michael dropped the bags on the floor. The drive had been tedious but at least he was not the one behind the wheel this time, but he looked around his home and giving thanks to finally be home I have missed it he thought even though it had only been a few days, and after checking in with Isabel to make sure she and the girls had reached home base safely. He was just about to head out the door, and over to the Crashdown, and join his wife, when he saw a noise, and then a voice. “Dad?”

“Lucy?” Michael asked as he looked up at the top of the stairs.

“What are you doing home?” Lucy Guerin asked as she rushed down and jumped into her father’s arms. Because she was not used to her father being the one who was away, because even when he was on a case. It was only a day or two that he was away, not this long she thought because it was usually her mother who was the one who was travelling so it was something she had grown up with until the last year or so.

“Your Uncle Max decided to commission us a charter flight,” Michael muttered. “It got us home quicker than we would have otherwise been able too,” he sighed. “So, what’s up, your mother said you had plans tonight, so why are you home?”

“Plans fell through. Stevie came down with the flu,” Lucy said. “Only the flu,” she clarified. “So, I was watching a movie in my room. Mom is at Cow Patties with Uncle Max and Aunt Liz,” she said.

“So, I am told” Michael said with a smile.

“You have missed a lot these last few days,” Lucy murmured.

“I know,” Michael sighed. I go out of town, and madness descends he muttered to himself. “I am glad you were safe and sound” he allowed at the thought of his daughter being in play.

“I was never in danger,” Lucy sighed. “It was Claudia they wanted, and Kyla got caught up in the ensuing mayhem.”

Michael sighed, cursing at the whole situation.

“Dad,” Lucy asked as her laughter turns to frowns. “Did Mom tell you?” Lucy asked.

Not Maria Michael thought. She still has been unable to talk about it he knew. As he had tried to broach it, but it was Max who had been the one to tell Isabel and himself the true identity of Richard Delaney. The mastermind behind it he cursed. And the fact he was so close to his wife made him queasy, because if he had chosen to come after us, he thought. Maybe we should be happy that Maria became a celebrity in her own right he sighed of his wife’s career. But it does not feel like we were lucky.

When Max got hit.

And Liz
Michael sighed. He still had a lot of complicated feelings about his best friend’s former wife, but she did not deserve what she got dealt.

And I do admit that…

“Your Uncle Max told me” Michal said. “Are you okay with it?”

“I never knew the man Dad,” Lucy sighed. “Mom is having the most difficulty with it. And even I think Grandma Amy,” she muttered because she had heard the man curses Amy Deluca had given her husband, about her ex.

And ex that deserves the ex before its name Lucy muttered to herself. And that is according to Grandma Amy.

Michael nodded. “Which is why I am going to go over and see your mother.”

“She will like that.” Lucy said softly.

Michael nodded.

“Can I come?” Lucy asked.

“You are seventeen,” Michael muttered not liking how close to eighteen his daughter was. “I am going to a bar.”

“Dad, it has music. I mean even Grandpa worked there for a time. And I am told Uncle Kyle visited all the time, and so did all of you, when you were underage,” she murmured. “So, why cannot I come?” she asked. “They do have non alcoholic drinks you know,” she said with a smile. “I am not suicidal, so I won’t be drinking with so many eyes on me” she said softly. “I have never been that kind of person.”

Or not yet.

“I know,” Michael muttered. Thankfully.

“Then why not let me come?” Lucy sighed. “I am growing up you know,” she sighed. “You cannot keep me away from those types of places much longer. When Mom was playing in them, fine, but I am seventeen now.”

“Oh, I know how old you are.” Michael sighed.

“Then can I come?” Lucy asked.

“Sure, why not” Michael muttered. You only live once, right? he asked himself. Although he thought, but he looked at his daughter and knew she was not like him and he could trust her, “Yeah, sure, come on.”

“Thanks Daddy,” Lucy said with an exaggerated smile and Michael only shook his head, This is harmless he knew. We are all going to be there, so what could happen.

Famous last words.
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Family Matters - Chapter 87 - 01/05/2024

Post by Parker1947 »

Lucy rushed to get ready, and soon she was in the car with her father and headed to Cow Patties. At Cow Patties, Max and Liz were just happy to have some stress-free time on their hands. Neither knew how to classify each other. Liz was still resistant despite their daughter’s obvious matchmaking ability; she has skin the game her mother knew. But Liz did not want to hurt Max, not again.

Therefore, she was only taking it one moment at a time. That is all you can do, right?

Max would agree.

“Do you want to dance?” Max asked as they had just been standing at the table, and looking at the fun being had, and with quick glances over at their daughter and Archie. Who seemed to be having a good time. Which is what both of them wanted. So much has happened they both thought. Maria had gone to the washroom, and so it was just them at the table.

“Do you?” Liz asked.

“I have always wanted you in my arms,” Max said softly.

“Max,” Liz sighed.

“I promise I will be good,” Max said. “Tonight,” he promised. “But no promises about tomorrow,” he said a laugh. “It’s only a dance Liz, so how about it?”

“Sure, why not” Liz said.

As across the dance floor was Claudia and Archie, Tripp, and Crystal. She had wanted to be away from her parents, so they could be in their own bubble. But she knew that would not be totally possible, but at least they are not bothering us she thought. “Hopeless,” she thought of her parents. “There they go again.”

“What?” Crystal asked. Obviously not up on the intricacies of Claudia’s parents, and how infamous they were for their bond. Although the last eighteen years had disproved that notion, she sighed, but the last whatever it has been since we have been in this town, it has been a different story she knew. They cannot stay away from each other. “My parents. They cannot stop it.”

“What?” Crystal asked.

“Claudia’s parents. Max Evans and Liz Parker, formerly Evans, they cannot stay away from each other” Tripp murmured. Even though he had grown up knowing that the opposite was true, too much time was spent away from each other, so it was unique to see the opposite tonight he thought.

Crystal spotted Max and Liz on the dance floor. “I thought they were divorced?”

“They are,” Claudia murmured. “But you would not know it from how they act with each other,” she sighed. I should love it and something about means I do, but still… “So, they should just cut the nonsense and get back together,” she muttered.

“Do you want that?” Crystal asked.

“I don’t know what I want,” Claudia muttered. “But they are pretty hopeless with each other,” she sighed. It is kind of endearing in its own way.

“Do you want to dance?” Archie asked of his girlfriend.

“Sure, why not” Claudia sighed, as she and Archie walked to the dance floor.

While Gloria Estefan’s Here We Are begun to play.

Here we are
Face to face
We forget, time and place
Hold me now
Don't let go
Though it hurts and we both know
The time we spend together's gonna fly
And everything you do to me
Is gonna feel so right
Baby when you're loving me
I feel like I could cry
'Cause there's nothing I can do
To keep from loving you, no no no

Max and Liz were in each other words, as the music swayed over them. Everything seemed simple when they were in each other’s arms. Away from those arms, things can become difficult they knew but when we are together, everything seems alright they both knew. As they both knew they had faced too much difficulty.

Neither were ready to classify each other. Even if Max knew what he wanted. And anyone could see their bond. All Liz knew was to be with Max again was the definition of perfect. But she did not want to mess it up again. Too much hurt has gone down.

While Maria just wanted her husband. The man she loved. She missed him. More tonight than since he had been gone. Sighing as she came back from the washroom although her spirits were lifted up with the sight of Max and Liz on the dance floor, although the song brought memories of Michael too her, so she sighed some more.

Just as the door opened to Cow Patties and she noticed two people walking in. What is Lucy doing here she thought. And then she stopped when she spotted her dream guy. Someone so gruff and difficult at times, but he made her melt. “Michael?” she whispered.

Here we are
All alone
Trembling hearts, beating strong
Reaching out, a breathless kiss
I never thought could feel like this
I want to stop the time from passing by
I want to close my eyes and feel
Your lips are touching mine
Baby when you're close to me
I want you more each time
And there's nothing I can do
To keep from loving you

Michael saw Maria coming at him, and he did not think of anything else. She was the reason he was still on this planet. She was the reason that he had a family. “Maria?” he said softly, as his wife came into his arms, and they kissed.

Gross Lucy thought, but she also loved every minute of it because she loved that her parents loved each beyond reason. But she did not want to see it.

She saw Claudia and Archie. Perfect she thought. Even though they were on the dance floor, she did not have anyone to dance with, so she saw Tripp and Crystal, and she smiled, and she went to join them. “What, is everyone here tonight.”

“Almost,” Tripp smiled. “Since when did your father come back?” he asked, as she spotted Maria dragging her husband to the dance floor.

“Apparently it was something Uncle Max took care of,” Lucy murmured.

Cool Tripp said. “So, I guess the only people not here are Dad and Isabel” he muttered. “If your father is back, then does that mean Isabel is also back?

None of them knew the answer.

As the music continued to play.

There's nothing I can do
I'm helpless in your arms
Oh baby what you do
I'm in love, this is it
There's no turning back this time
No no no

Here we are
Once again
But this time we're only friends
Funny world
Sometimes lies
Become the game, when loves the prize

And though no one knows what's going on inside
And all the love I feel for you
Is something I should hide
When I have you close to me
The feelings so sublime
That there's nothing I can do
To keep from loving you,

No no no
Can't keep from loving you baby
No no no
That there's nothing I can do my baby
To keep from loving you


Isabel was indeed back. And once she and the girls had arrived back at the house. The doorbell rang and it was Phillip, who hugged her daughter. “Glad to have you back,” Phillip said as he walked into the house. “It has been an eventful few days,” he said as he grinned as he saw his granddaughters. “You girls have grown so much.”

“It has been only a few weeks Grandpa” Poppy Anderson to her grandfather.

“It feels like it has been a year,” Phillip murmured with a smile at his daughter. So much has happened while you two have been gone. “We have missed you.”

“Sorry I could not be back, you know when…” Isabel murmured, but drifted off. She had not told her in-laws or the girls of their sister’s excitement. Because Kyla was back at home and was fine, it did not seem wise to get the in-laws upset for nothing although she knew the twins were likely going to hear of it now that they were back.

“We handled it,” Phillip murmured. It should not have happened, but thankfully it solved itself. “Everyone is safe and sound.”

“I am glad,” Isabel muttered. “Sorry Kyla could not stay with you longer.”

“She was better off with Kyle,” Phillip murmured. “Your brother wanted Liz, and the kids to be at the house, and given recent events, I totally understand it, and Kyle wanted to keep an eye on Mikyla, so the trade worked for all involved.”

It did Isabel muttered. But it would mean that things had to change now that she was back. She and Kyle would not be able to go back to behind blinders, and Isabel had a lot of time to think on the road and she did not know whether she wanted too, “I appreciate the offer anyways.”

“No problem,” Phillip muttered. “Speaking of Kyle?” her father asked with a sly smile.

Smooth Dad, smooth Isabel muttered. “If you can stay with the girls for a little while. I wanted to go over and see Kyla if possible.”

Sure, Kyla he murmured. Even though he knew his daughter probably wanted to see her daughter, but he also knew there was a much bigger enticement “And maybe Kyle?” Phillip asked and could not help but smile at the hint of a blush that came to his daughter’s face. I want my daughter to be happy he thought.

She cannot be single all her life.

“Dad,” Isabel muttered. Maybe I liked it better when the bottle was covering up his feelings she thought as she saw how far her father had come in the last couple of weeks, scratch that, I like this new and improved version of my father she thought. But she did not want to be talking to him about her love life.

“Go, honey. I will stay with the girls” Phillip sighed. “They can tell me what they were up too, and how much ground I have to make up in spoiling them,” he said to laughs of the room. As Isabel hugged her girls, and then her father, and she headed for the door. “Say hello to your daughter for me,” he called. “And Kyle.”

“Grandpa, you look much better” Katy murmured. As the girls were not used to seeing their grandfather so lively, at least until June or later their mother and uncle would think. May was the anniversary of Diane’s death and it always took a toll on the family.

“I feel better,” Phillip smiled. “So, girls, what are we going to do?” she asked of his granddaughter.

Which was something to savor, that I have my family he thought. Diane would want me to be back in the land of the living he knew as he finally felt back in the land of the living, and grateful to have his family.


Cow Patties,

Maria was still processing the fact that Michael was back in her arms. They were now at their own table because Max and Liz were still on the dance floor. They had not been off. They cannot stay out of each other’s arms she noticed, but her mood was greatly improved now that she had her own Space boy to spend time with.

She did notice once more that Lucy was now here, “She got you to bring her, huh?” she asked of her daughter who was now over sharing a table with Claudia, Archie, Tripp, and Crystal. The younger generation is in full force tonight she would think.

“She weakened me,” Michael admitted as they watched over their daughter. Lucy had burst out laughing to some joke coming from Claudia. “She’s growing up. And we have to let her grow up, and it’s not like she is going to get into too much mischief with all of us here, because practically almost everyone is here,” he said with a laugh.

“Only Isabel and Kyle aren’t” Maria murmured as she spotted her daughter laughing and joking with her friends, and yes, she knew there was only so much Lucy was going to be able to do, we do have to let her grow up she thought. It is not like she is not used to this places she thought of all those dives she tended to play when she was up and coming. But Lucy was small, and unlikely to get into trouble she thought.

Being older is more dangerous.

“They probably will be spending time together before long,” Michael commented.

“Really?” Maria asked.

“Really,” Michael sighed. “Distance makes the heart think,” he sighed. “So…”

“So,” Maria asked.

“Are you okay?” Michael asked. “Lucy said that you have been dealing with it all on your own,” he said. “Although she said Amy has been helping you?”

“Mom definitely has her own view of the situation,” Maria agreed. Because Amy Deluca was way more vicious about her ex than her daughter or even her son-in-law could be, but she had Jim to tamper any revenge fantasies. And Michael has me.

I am almost glad I was alone when this came down because Michael would been insane, she knew. She also knew she had him to stick on her so-called brother or father if they ever showed their face again.

“And you?” Michael asked.

“I know I am lucky,” Maria sighed. “I did not feel lucky a few hours ago, but I have you and Lucy, and I know that family is what you make of it. And you don’t always have to be related by blood,” she sighed of the whole fraternity of family that she has amassed over the years. “We are family regardless; Richard Delaney can go to hell.”

“Hopefully,” Michael agreed. Although she knew that this was the beer was talking for his wife at the moment, so tomorrow might be a different story.

“I am good Space boy,” Maria said with a smile. “You don’t have to worry about me,” said as she leaned over for a kiss. “I have you and Lucy to help me, and everyone,” she sighed of Max and Liz who were still on the dance floor.

“You will never lose me,” Michael said softly.

“I better not,” Maria swore as they leaned in for another kiss.

And she dragged him on the dance floor once more.


Kyle was alone. His father, Jim had gone home. And he was watching television, and eating pizza, cheering at the score on the scoreboard. He was not waiting up, per se even though Kyla had called she and Jennifer could only get into the late show, so she would be home later than she had said she would be. But Jennifer’s father would be picking them up and would drop her off when the movie was over. Although he could have nixed it, Kyle allowed it, because despite how well his daughter had been dealing with her ordeal. Kyle knew that Kyla needed to let loose, and enjoy herself, and not worry so much.

A lot has happened.

A lot has happened in the last year, and Kyle knew the girl needed to see her friends, and enjoy herself, and she is teenager. She will sleep in in the morning he would think. So, Kyle continued to enjoy the game.

It is not like I have anything else tonight he thought, and there was a knock on the door,

Checking his phone, to see if he mixed a text from Kyla. He found nothing, he got up, and went to the door. “You are home early?” he was planning on saying, but he was not prepared to see who he saw. “Isabel?”

“Hello Kyle,” Isabel smiled.


Stammering, Kyle could only say, “What are you doing back already?” he asked softly, but still in shock.

“It was all last minute,” Isabel smiled. “Max arranged a chartered flight, so, we all got back a little while ago.”

“You did,” Kyle asked. “You did not call,” he sighed “If you did, Kyla could have been here to greet you, but she went to a late movie with her friend Jennifer.”

“I can see her tomorrow,” Isabel said softly. “In don’t intend to force her to come home tonight, but I know that I could have called, but it was all so last minute,” she sighed. “But I wanted to come and say hello.”

“You did,” Kyle asked, as he was all still stammering. It has only been a few days he thought. There were a lot of other times where we did not see each other for days at a time he knew, so why did it matter now.

“I know I have been leading you on,” Isabel said softly. “You have always been a wonderful friend to me Kyle, and sometimes I took you for granted.”

“You have done none of that Isabel,” Kyle murmured. As he was trying to get a handle of this, all of this.

“But I really wanted to do this,” Isabel murmured. “I just never got up the courage,” she said.

“What did you want to do?” Kyle asked.

“This,” Isabel said softly, as she leaned, and grabbed Kyle in for a kiss, and it exploded into something that neither of them anticipated.

And they found themselves moving inside the house, and the door slamming shut behind them.


Lucy was at Claudia and Archie’s table. Tripp and Crystal were on the dance floor, but they were getting ready to call it a night because Crystal’s bus was early the next morning. Tripp was planning on driving her there, to spend more time with her, but it meant they had to call it a night. Lucy was just watching and having a good time.

She could not wait until she got older and could come to places like this regularly. Mom and Dad won’t be anywhere near me when I come back.

She started to walk away from the table, to head to the bar, but because it was crowded around, she, did have a clean lane to walk in, so she ran into someone, “Hey,” she said as she bumped into someone, and they both almost fell onto the ground.

And they looked up, interesting was Lucy’s first instinct.

“I don’t know you,” Lucy asked. And that is saying something on this night she thought.

“I don’t know you,” came the cute guy who had bumped into her.

“Sorry,” Lucy said. “I just know a lot of people here tonight,” she said with a smile. “So, it, feels interesting to me, not to know someone.” For once.

“Same with me,” the guy said. “Except I don’t know anyone either” he admitted. “Just got into town.”

“You did?” Lucy asked. “Where do you live?”

“Seattle,” the guy said.

“Interesting,” Lucy murmured. “I lived all my life in Nashville, but I have family here in town, and we just relocated back here…”

“What is your name?” the guy asked.

“Lucy Guerin,” Lucy smiled.

“Nice name,” the guy said.

“What is yours?” Lucy smiled.

“Shane,” the guy said.

“Shane who?” Lucy asked.

“Shane Evans” the guy said.

Evans Lucy thought are you friggin kidding me she thought. This is too much she muttered. “Sorry,” she thought. “I know several Evans,” she muttered. “Any relation too any in this town?”

“Nope,” Shane smiled. Maybe one. “My family is all from out of this town, except for my stepmother,” Shane murmured. “Who I am in town visiting, or that is my intention.”

“Who is your stepmother?” Ava asked.

“The owner of this bar, Ava Evans” Shane murmured.

Are you kidding me? Lucy said bursting out laughing. Gee, come on here.

“What?” Shane asked. “Do you know her?”

Oh, I know her Lucy murmured. “You are Ava’s stepson?”

“Former,” Shane murmured, “She and my father are now divorced,” he said softly as he and Lucy walked towards the bar.

At the bar, Ava had her ear to the phone, “I don’t know what to tell you Rick,” she muttered on the phone. She was talking to her ex-husband. Someone she had not heard from in more than a year. “You moved the kid to that city and took him away from his family and friends on the East Coast, so, now he has rebelled” she was saying. “So, no, I have not seen your son” she was saying of her former stepson. “You are one to talk,” she muttered. “I am trying to run a business here, so I am not about to go look for your son,” she sighed as she looked up, and sighed, “Scratch that, I know where Shane is,” she sighed. “Yes, he’s here” she sighed at the sight of her former stepson. Eighteen-year-old Shane Evans talking to Lucy Guerin, Shit she muttered of the two clearly smitten teenagers. “I will get him to call when he actually introduces himself,” she sighed as she hung up.

As she moved to the other part of the bar, and loudly coughed.

Loudly enough that it got Shane and Lucy’s attention.

“Ava,” Shane muttered.

“Hello Shane,” Ava sighed. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see if you could spend some time here?” Shane asked. “Dad and I had a disagreement, and Mom is off on her honeymoon” he muttered.

“You wanted to come here?” Ava asked, weary.

“You talked about it so much when you and Dad were together, so I thought why, not” Shane muttered. “I am about to graduate, so it’s not like I am going to miss school” he said with a smile. “Which was the source of my disagreement with Dad.”

“I see,” Ava muttered. Rick is very big on education she knew. Which is why we did not last because her former husband did not approve of the fact that she had not even graduated high school, and definitely did not further her education when you grow up in the sewers of New York, high school is not a big deal she sighed. I have made a life for myself regardless. “Your Dad had a sense you were heading here, Shane, he wants you to call him.”

“I bet he does,” Shane muttered, “So, can I stay?”

We will see. “We will give it a couple of days,” Ava muttered. “You are going to have to work here at the bar.”

“Fine,” Shane muttered. “Just don’t make me go back to Seattle.”

Ava only shook her head.

“Glad you are staying,” Lucy murmured.

“I am glad I am too” Shane smiled.

Across the dance floor, Claudia was noticing that Lucy was talking to someone new as she left the dance floor with Archie. “That is interesting?” she muttered.

“What is?” Archie asked.

“Lucy,” Claudia smiled. “She might have found someone,” she said with a laugh. “She has been looking…”

Archie nodded, as he spotted Claudia’s father was finally off the dance floor. “Your parents are taking a break,” he commented.

“Finally,” Claudia smiled.

“I am going to go get some fresh air, be right back” Archie sighed as he had seen Crystal and Tripp got off not long before. “I want to check to make sure my sister made it back to the motel, alright.”

Claudia nodded as she watched as Archie go off.

And Max noticed and came over. “Claudia?” he asked of his daughter.

“Dad,” Claudia acknowledged. Acknowledging also that they had not spent a lot of time together, we are still feeling out the situation he knew.


It's all come down to one final chapter. Coming next. With the final threads tying up, and we shall see where it all leads us.
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Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 87 - 01/05/2024

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Loving this sad that it is coming to an end.
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