Static Fight (M/L,Teen) COMPLETE

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Static Fight (M/L,Teen) COMPLETE

Post by Lorastar »

Title: Static Fight
Author: Lora, based on challenge by Lullaby
Rating: TEEN
Summary: Begins right at end of EOTW, but nothing after that happens. Liz can't handle the events of EOTW and does something drastic, but how will the gang survive? Note: Tess plays a crucial role in this fic, however she isn't always the same conniving little whore that she is in the show, so please, don't leave just because you don't like Tess. Dreamer insured.
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswellian, main ideas are from Lullaby.

And now...the Prolouge

Elizabeth’s hand stroked his hand gently as he twirled her on the balcony. As the cool texture of his body slipped away she twirled in the silence, her body mirroring the state of her emotions, sinking into a huddle on the ground, her own arms wrapped tightly around her torso to keep her from breaking into a million pieces. The cold wind blew steadily around her thin body as she crawled towards the window, tears flowing rapidly down her soft face and forming a puddle on the smooth cement as she collapsed and sobbed for everything she had just lost.

Her eyes lifted to the sky where the V-shaped constellation burned brightly, mocking her. She wiped her hands on the worn fabric of her jeans, and stood up, her mind yelling in protest. Her legs carried her involuntarily to the edge of the balcony, and her hands braced themselves at the edge of the wall. Her feet carried her to the edge, led her to stand on the wall, her eyes forcing her to look down into the alley below, to where she would never see Max again, to where her destiny did not lay.

Her mouth opened reluctantly and the wind carried the tortured scream from her lips and tossed it thoughtlessly into the surrounding darkness.


Her mind finally kicked in and forced her to walk calmly back into her bedroom. Her hand reached automatically behind her pillow, brushing against the smooth leather binding of her journal. Her hand clenched around the object and pulled it out, automatically opening to what she had written today.

Max came to me yesterday. But it wasn’t my Max. He was from the future. He told me things that yesterday I would’ve thought were impossible, insane, but today, today everything changed. And I don’t think they can ever go back. I know they can’t. Grandma told me years ago, that if it isn’t complicated, it’s not true love. But sometimes love isn’t enough. Love isn’t enough to save the world….

She slammed the cover shut, attempting to shut her mind from thinking about this day. It had been a long day. All she wanted now was to sleep; to escape her life. Elizabeth slipped the journal into a large envelope and reached for a pen and piece of paper. She calmed her unsteady hand and slowly wrote a note in her careful and analytical script.

Max, Maria, Alex, Kyle, Isabel, Michael, Sheriff Valenti-
I couldn’t stay any longer. I’m sorry. I was drowning, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t rise above it all to take that one necessary breath that would sustain me until everything had worked itself out. I’m sorry. I’m leaving. I’m sorry.

Her hand faltered as her tears slipped unbidden down from her eyes, cascading down her cheeks and staining the beige paper upon which she quickly scribbled two more lines and her final goodbye to her friends.

She hastily stuffed the note into the envelope and licked it closed, quickly addressing the envelope to Max Evans and haphazardly sticking stamps in the right hand corner. Her legs carried her smoothly down the stairs to drop the package into the mail slot outside of the Crashdown. She walked back slowly to her bedroom, paying careful attention to the surroundings she would never see again, all the things she had grown up with and would miss tomorrow.

Elizabeth walked cautiously into the bathroom, her hand trembling as it touched the surfaces that future Max had touched only hours ago. She smiled on the inside as she touched the glowing heart he had left for her, their initials in the center. ME + LE. But then, that’s how it was in his future. But not hers. She took a deep breath as her hands reached the bottle of pills resting on the sink. She carefully read the bottle Do not take on an empty stomach.

Her stomach grumbled softly as if to remind her that she had not eaten in almost a whole day. She wouldn’t have eaten at all if future Max hadn’t told her to. She grabbed the empty glass sitting on the sink and slowly filled it with cold water, which splashed onto her hand, numbing it even more than it already was.

Her lips opened involuntarily as a song slipped through her vocal chords.

“I’m sick of old songs that try to sound new. I’m sick of all the lies that try to sound true. I’m sick of me, I’m sick of you. I’m sick of being sick, and I’m sick of that, too. One plane ticket and it goes away, goes away. One stray bullet and it goes away. Make it out, write it down, let it out, breaking up. There’s nothing quite like the burning sting when you find out you’ve lost everything. One plane ticket and it goes away. One way ticket to a better place. Yeah, one plane ticket, a one way ticket, fifteen minutes and it goes away…I’m sick of being sick and I’m sick of that, too.

“I’m sick of being sick and I’m sick of that, too.”

Her other hand reached for the crackers in the medicine cabinet. She nibbled them slowly, before gagging and throwing the rest in the garbage. She wouldn’t need those anymore, not after tonight. She hesitantly opened the bottle and withdrew the necessary number of pills. She focused on the mirror in front of her as she swallowed them, one by one, before throwing the glass at the wall and slamming her hand into the face of her reflection. She wanted to hurt the girl in the mirror as badly as she had hurt herself, as badly as she had hurt Max. But it was necessary; all this pain had to happen, it was destiny, all of it.

Elizabeth shook unsteadily as she made her way to the bed, collapsing into the comfort it once held. Now the bed was a reminder of all the pain she had caused. She forced herself off the bed and collapsed onto the ground, swearing she would never lie in that bed again.

The last thing she saw as the darkness of sleep gained control of her body was the figure in black walking leisurely towards her from the shadows.

*A/N* So?[/img]
Last edited by Lorastar on Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:57 pm, edited 41 times in total.
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Post by Lorastar »

First of all, I want to thank ALL of you for leaving so much feedback! I have NEVER gotten so much for the first part of a story. I blame it all on Lulu, of course, seeing as how she came up with such a WONDERFUL challenge. Speaking of challenge…I hope not everyone read it, I still want to be able to surprise SOME of you.

Pureangel58- Thanks for the fb, and for being so patient! The figure won’t be revealed in this section, or for a while, but “it” will be revealed. And as for what comes next, I hope you enjoy it!

Roswellluver- Thanks for the fb! And thank you for reading!

Ezriboots- Thanks for the fb! I’m glad you liked it! You have no idea how long I worked on it to make it perfect, and that’s how it ended up. I love that song, and I thought it would fit perfectly in with what Liz was feeling. Read on to find out what Liz did…. I can’t tell you who it is yet, but it well come out, I guarantee. Thanks for the bumps!

Youre my dreamgirl- Thanks for the fb! Isn’t it a great twist? I just love Lullaby for coming up with this!

Lulu!!! Thankies, thankies. * Stands up and applauds you, throws roses onto the stage* Thank you SO much for coming up with this challenge, and thank you for BUMPING it so many times! I can guarantee I will be asking you for help soon!

Max4Liz4ever- Thanks for the fb! Liz has always been a fighter before, well…kinda…. I hope you like where this goes! Enjoy!

Panthergirl2002- Thanks for the fb! Sorry it took me so long to get back. I can’t tell you who the person is, I want to at least give you a hint SO badly, but at least they make an appearance in this section again. Can’t forget that figure, can we? Enjoy!

A Rose is True Blue- Thanks for the fb! Did you ever read Cruel? Your name sounds really familiar to me. Or maybe I was reading one of your stories. I’m so confused! Sorry it took me so long to get this out, although this is a relatively short amount of time for me. Enjoy!

Rachel! Hola, chica! Thanks for the fb! Isn’t it a great challenge? Doesn’t Lullaby rock? Thankies for all the kind words! Hmm…I hope it doesn’t say in the challenge who it is…I don’t think it does, the challenge leaves lots of room for my personal decisions, so not even Lulu knows who it is. Hehe…I love secrets like that! Can’t tell you who it is, but I think I dropped a few hints in here for you to decifer the species. Sorry it took so long! Enjoy!

Liz- Thanks for the fb! Sorry it took me so long to get back here! I hope you like this next part! Thanks for the bumps!

Emily- Thanks for the fb! Yea, it was originally a challenge by Lullaby. Sorry it took me so long to get this out, but it clearly states what happens to Liz. Enjoy!

Part One

The phone beside Max’s bedside rang annoyingly. Max laid facedown in the pillows and blankets, his Counting Crows CD singing quietly in his ears. He hadn’t fallen asleep last night, the image of Liz and Kyle naked in her bed burned into his inward eye.

The incessant ringing faded into a solemn beep. Tess’ melodious voice filled the air around Max’s head, and he burrowed deeper into the pillow. The sound of her lilt, her intonations reminding him of the events of last night, the quiet sympathy Tess had expressed, even though he had never told her what was going on.

Even Max doubted that he really knew what was going on. But then again, he saw it clearly with his own two eyes. Liz Parker, the one girl he had loved for nine years, had slept with Kyle Valenti, her ex, while he was helpless to change the flow of her heart.

“Max-“ Tess’ cloying voice began. “I know you’re upset about whatever happened last night, but you can’t hide from the world. You’re still our king, my king, we need you, I need you. You can’t let Liz domineer your life, no matter what. You have obligations now. Don’t let us down. Our meeting is still set for eight, Michael’s place. We’ll see you there.”

Max latched onto the word Liz. How did Tess know that she was the problem with him? Maybe Tess mind warped him into seeing what she wanted him to. His mind latched onto that idea, trying to use the idea to keep his sinking soul afloat, trying to create any hope his downtrodden soul would allow. But Max knew, that no matter how determined Tess was to follow out her destiny, she wouldn’t resort to this. She wasn’t a monster.

He groaned involuntarily as he lifted his head to glance at the clock. 11:35. Might as well gather himself enough to be seen in public and not have to struggle to act normal under the scrutinizing glance of his mother. Isabel was bad enough.

Max pulled himself up and sat on the bed, his head pounding in distress, as he struggled to block out the unwanted mental images. It was a losing fight, he knew, as his eyes teared up, the unwanted moisture prickling his cheeks. He wiped his face unsteadily, his hand brushing roughly against his cheeks, the bristly hairs scraping forcefully against his hand.

He stood quickly and waved his hand in front of his face, erasing any traces of mental upset before he yawned deeply and walked down the stairs. Max stumbled into the kitchen, falling into the chair, and looking at his mom. He yawned deeply again, for her benefit.

“Morning, Mom. What’s for breakfast?”

Diane looked at him, her worry shining in her eyes. “Are you okay? Are you sick? It’s almost noon.”

Max looked at the clock, feigning shock when he saw the time he already knew it was. “Wow. I sure slept a long time. Sorry.”

Diane smiled at him. “It’s okay. I know you’ve been stressed lately. I’m glad you were getting some rest.”

Max’s conscience pricked as he smiled innocently, pretending that nothing was wrong.


Max walked through the door into Michael’s apartment slowly; his head ducked down like a beaten puppy.

‘A beaten puppy. That’s what I’m acting like.’ He thought to himself. His neck slowly straightened as he became angered by the thought. She was the one who had made the decision, made her bed, and God knew now how much she liked to lay in it. This was her fault. She had led to him to believe she actually cared for him, but now that was gone. Max had seen the truth, and it had wiped him clean of the built-up years of illusion.

Max strolled casually into the room and looked around. She was going to have to see that he didn’t mind, that he didn’t love her anymore. That he never had. His eyes narrowed painfully as his gaze landed on Kyle sitting next to Tess. Kyle already took Liz; did he have to take Tess, too?

He clenched his hands into balls and sat on the couch, looking away from the sight in front of him. Michael slapped him on the back and Max nodded at him sharply. He finished his inspection of the faces in the room and realized SHE wasn’t here. His hands loosened as he finally noticed the penetrating gaze fixed on his face. Isabel was watching him. He smiled leisurely for her benefit.

“Okay, let’s get down to business. About the Senator’s office-“ Max began before Maria cut him off.

“Max, wait. Liz isn’t here yet.”

“She wasn’t at work, either.” Michael intervened. “I went and knocked on the apartment door, but no one answered.”

“Her parents are out of town for the weekend. Restaurant convention.” Kyle added.

An image of Liz and Kyle together floated through Max’s head, but he squashed it completely before he could feel a twinge of anything.

“Was the car there? Her parents left her the car.”

“I didn’t see it.”

“I’m going to go call her.” Maria pulled out her cell phone and traipsed into the kitchen.

Max sat there calmly, examining his hands while Tess watched him intently, worriedly. Why wasn’t he troubled by the absence of his ex-girlfriend?

“Max. She isn’t answering the Crash phone, her home phone, or her cell phone. She always does, you know that. I’m worried.”

Max looked at her, a bored expression gracing his face. “So? Maybe she decided to change. She’s a big girl. She can take care of herself. Just ask Kyle.”


“It’s nothing.” Kyle glared at Max, his anger rising in dangerous waves, his strong steady hands clenching and unclenching as he watched Max stare at him nonchalantly as he stood. “I’m going to go see if she’s okay. She wasn’t feeling too well last time I saw her.”

“You have no one to blame but yourself for that, BUDDY-boy. Maybe you should’ve been a little more gentle with her. I heard girls like that. Oh, and tell her Max said hi. Oh, wait…you know, she probably doesn’t remember me. I was the one in the window, her ex-boyfriend, that is.” Max watched, unruffled, as Kyle crossed the floor to stand in front of him, his muscles bulging as he stood threateningly.

“Stop it, Max, you have NO idea what happened last night.” Kyle growled at him, his teeth clenched.

“I’m sure you made the same face when you were on top of her, weren’t you, you little-“

“MAX!” Tess exclaimed. “What are you doing?”

Max glanced at her, and tilted his head mockingly. The tendons stretching to maximum capacity as his eyes drilled emptily into her sparkling blue ones.

“I thought you would happy, Tess. I’m all yours. Now that Kyle decided to go and fu-“

Max was stopped by the sudden sensation of Kyle’s fist slamming into his head. He fell onto the ground, quickly finding his footing, as he ducked another blow. He raised his hand steadily, feeling his energy flowing through him. As he began calling the energy to propel out of his hand, he was blasted from behind. Max turned, annoyed at the power pummeling into him, to see Isabel standing there with her own hand raised at him, a grim expression deeply etched into her beautiful features.


“You need to calm down, Max. I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but just cool it.”

Kyle fought his way out of Michael’s arms, and walked to the door, holding Tess’ hand in his grip. “Come on, Tess. Let’s get out of here.”

Max whirled around, his face angry. “Tess, stay. You’re not going anywhere with him. You’re my destiny, remember?”

Tess looked at him, standing deathly still. “I choose to make my own destiny, Zan.”

Max watched in shock as Tess turned and walked out of the room, Kyle trailing behind her.

Tess ran down the hall, tears streaming down her cheeks. She had always wanted Max, always been told he was her destiny, what she deserved. Now she realized she didn’t want him like this, didn’t want to inherit him out of the pain he was in.

Kyle reached her and wrapped his arms around her silently. She sobbed into his chest, hiding her face from the world.

“This whole time. Kyle, I….”

“He’s yours, you know. Now. He really didn’t act like he ever wants to see Liz again.”

Tess raised her head angrily. “What happened, Kyle? Why is Max so mad at you? What did you do? And what does Liz have to do with it?”

Kyle stroked her hair gently, soothingly, making quiet shushing noises. “Nothing. Nothing happened. It’ll be okay, Tess. I’ll make it okay.”

Kyle smiled at her as he took her small hand in his own. He stroked it softly, reveling in the suppleness that was Tess. She smiled at him shyly, before leading him out of the building and into his car. She continued watching him, her hand in his the whole ride to the Crashdown.

They climbed out of the car stiffly. Kyle followed her up the fire escape to Liz’s room. As Tess climbed onto the balcony, she slipped on the warm cement, and scrapped her knee. The blood bubbled and dripped onto the cement, mingling with the dried red spots that already existed there.

“Ouch.” She exclaimed in pain. Kyle knelt beside her and took a handkerchief to her knee. She smiled slightly as she moved his hand and squinted in concentration as she waved her hand in front of her knee, the blood and scrape disappearing like an illusion a magician plays on his audience.

‘I bring you the truth in the form of an illusion….’

Kyle helped her off the floor and Tess walked ahead to the window and climbed through the open window. The heat from inside took her breath away as she slipped down to solid footing. She moved aside to allow Kyle to climb in after her, before turning her attention to the examination of the room.

Her breath was taken away for a second time by the sight of Liz on her bed. An empty bottle of pills lay beside her arm. Her head was turned towards the window, her eyes open, staring unblinking at the girl in front of her. Liz lay there, still, in a black tank top and rolled silk pajama bottoms.

Tess turned to run and hit Kyle in the torso. She sobbed into his body as he wrapped his arms around her again. Tess missed the dried blood on the soft skin of Liz’s arm as it glowed brightly and died down, disappeared, leaving perfect skin again.

“Tess, go wait outside. I’ll be right there. Call Michael, not Max. I don’t want him here.” Tess nodded as she climbed out the window, sucking the clean air into her lungs.

Kyle walked towards the bed, calling out to Liz quietly. “Liz? Lizzie? Please wake up, Lizzie.” He climbed onto the bed, remembering the events of yesterday, her estranged attitude. But it had been good, they had been laughing together again, why would she do this? Kyle took Liz’s hand in his own, exclaiming as he felt how cold her skin was, how stiff, the opposite of Tess.

“You’re so cold, Liz. Why are you so cold?” He tucked her hand into his, and tried in vain to warm it. Her missing heartbeat stuck Kyle deeply, and he fell apart, next to her unmoving body. Her eyes stared at him blindly; death stared at him deeply. Kyle sobbed, and stared into her chocolate brown eyes for the last time, before closing them. He watched her cold face, her closed eyes and lips turned slightly up.

He wrapped her slight body in a blanket, and rubbed gently, trying to make her warm again. “Why, Lizzie? Why did you leave?” Kyle sat on the corner of the bed and watched over her.

Tess moved back into the window and called out to him. “Kyle, they’re all coming. Max, too. I’m sorry.” She mumbled her apology quietly, not knowing really what she was sorry for. Whether it was that Max was coming or the fact that Liz had left him, she couldn’t tell. She didn’t even want to try, now.

Tess moved around the darkness on the balcony, before finally sinking into the lawn chair by the wall. She looked down at the cement, as she crossed her arms around her body, her attention drawn to the vivid drops of crimson surrounding the chair. Funny. I don’t remember leaving blood there. She shook her thoughts into la-la-land as the rumbling of the jeep down in the alley distracted her.

Michael and Isabel climbed the ladder quickly, followed shortly by Maria and Alex, who looked anxious. Max took his time in ascending to the balcony. He glared coolly at Tess before turning away.

Michael took the lead. “Why did you want us to come here? You sounded upset.” Tess breathed in deeply before turning and pointing to the window.

“Go see.”

The group walked slowly towards the window, Max standing at the edge of the balcony, looking down. His attention was drawn back to the group as Maria screamed out, and collapsed into Alex’s arms, who looked as though he were about to faint, himself. Max’s heart caught in his throat as he heard the word “Lizzie” falling from Alex’s mouth.

He walked quickly to the room and climbed in through the window, his mind flashing back to just 24 hours earlier. He saw Kyle there again, naked, lying next to Liz, in the same state. He shook his head, and tonight appeared before him again. Kyle was sitting next to Liz, tears running down his cheek, as he watched over Liz who was lying still under a blanket, an empty pill bottle next to her outstretched hand.


“She’s gone, Max.” Kyle told him, quietly.

Max shook his head violently, the tears streaming down his cheeks, blinding him. “No. I can save her.” He jumped onto the bed lifted her tank top up, he laid his hand on her stomach. He trembled as his hand made contact with her cold skin. “Liz, I need you to look at me. Open your beautiful eyes for me.” His voice choked him as it came out, and Liz stayed still, not responding to him in the slightest. “Lizzie…I need you to look at me…I need you, Lizzie, I need you.”

Max’s tears streamed down onto Liz’s empty body as Isabel’s voice registered in his mind.

“I need an ambulance, please. We just found our friend. She’s dead.” Silence. “Liz Parker, at the Crashdown. Thank you.”

She’s dead.

She’s dead.

She’s dead.

She’s dead.

She’s dead.

Max fell apart, dropping onto the bed, and pulling Liz’s body into his. He shivered at the touch of her cold skin against his warm body. He trembled, and sobbed into her hair, before finally realizing:

She’s dead.

He stood in the shadows, his ears tuned to the sobbing from across the street. He smiled out of deep content. With only one callous act, he had managed to ruin them all.

This was going to be so much easier than he thought.
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Part 2

Post by Lorastar »

First comes all the responses to all your feedback which made my week!

PuReAn9el58- Thank you for reading, and for all the kind words, not to mention ALL the bumps! hehe...if not for you and Lullaby, this story would be on page 20 by now. Not much action in this part, more transition to get past what has happened. But I hope you like it.

Itzstacie- Thank you for the fb! Are you serious? Did it really give you goosebumps?! *squeals loudly* That makes me so happy, you don't even know. topic, but, CONGRATS for all the nominations in the fan fic awards area!

youre my dreamgirl- Thank you for the fb and kind words! Seriously? You've got to be kidding, it gave you shivers? Weee..... Well...I'm back, but am not about to FIX it, per say. But I will, don't worry. And hopefully before November 15th.

extingman- thanks for the fb! Hehe...this next part will explain some of your questions. Not all of them, but the first one. The second one (about the journal) will be answered soon, I don't want to give it away too soon. Sorry it took me so long to come back!

Vicki- Thanks for the fb and kind words! It means so much to me to hear you say that!

Panthergirl2002- thank you for the fb and kind words! I'm glas you liked the Kyle part, it just seemed like something he would do, you know? Sorry it took me so long to get this out, I hope you enjoy it!

Max4Liz4ever- Thanks for the fb and kind words. This part won't put all your nerves at rest, because umm...well...I was gonna say something, but I don't want to give it all away. Max is strange, he's just dealing with so much right now, that no one can expect him to be normal. I hope you enjoy this part!

Roswellluver- Thanks for the fb and for reading! Darn that Liz, has to go and die. Hope you enjoy!

Eve- Thanks for the fb! I'm glad you read it and enjoyed it! *smiles sweetly at your question* Not saying ANYTHING to that. Enjoy!

Rachel!!! Thank you for the b-day greeting! *wipes tears away due to the pain of it being called a crappy part* j/k. Thanks for the fb! hehe...I'm mastering the art of keeping readers in the dark. Score! j/k. I read the challenge you accepted! Can't wait to read it! hehe...sice you've read the challenge, now I get to throw in a few curve balls. I'm not ignoring your questions, I'm just refusing to answer them cuz I don't want to give it away! Enjoy!

Erin- Thanks for the fb! No problem, I love keeping in contact with you guys! Cruel...was about Liz, who grew up in California, was best friends with Alex, who left her to go back to Roswell, because he "wanted her to feel again." So Liz, and new found friend Ava, return to Roswell, where Max is a male whore. They end up working and living together, fall in love. And yeah...the whole, Lora hates happy endings and refuses to write them for characters like Cruel Liz and Max. it was almost a catastrophe, but i'm writing a happy ending for it now. Whew! Thankies! Max IS an ass. That's what I love about him. lol. Yea, I see what you're saying. I'm glad you enjoyed Isabel blasting Max, and Tess'comment. I was hoping someone would catch that! This part will answer you're first question about Liz. I'm sorry! Are you still alive? I'll try to post more often so it won't be so bad! Enjoy!

ezriboots- Thanks for the fb! How could I? Simple...I'm EVIL! hehe.... This next part will help clarify some of your questions, but I can't just tell you straight out. I will tell you two things though, Kyle won't change much from that part, but Tess will. Major character development going on for her. I'm glad you liked it! Enjoy!

Lady_without_a_clue- Thanks for the fb! Yea, you've pretty much got the gist of it. I'm hoping this part will answer that question for you! Enjoy!

Lulu!!! My favoritest challenger!! Aaw...thankies for the fb and words, but seriously, I do NOT make your challenge better. it's impossible! How do you come up with so many challenges, anyway? Keep dancing!!! *sighs and misses dancing*

Katia- Thanks for the fb and kind words! *passes tissue* I'm sorry! I didn't intentionally mean to make you cry! *bursts into tears* I hope you enjoy this next part!

Thankies to all my bumpers!

Disclaimer: I used one line from the real show, the song Maria sings, is Goodbye to You, by Michelle Branch, and the song Tess is remembering is Dear Diary, by Pink. Ummm...that pretty much is it. Ooh, a line from part 1, 'I bring you truth in the form of illusion' is from The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams.

A/N: I want to thank all of you readers for reading, it make me happy to know you're willing to read this, even if you don't leave fb. I'm going to try to post more often, but don't take that as a promise, because life is hectic. i'm trying to deal with a lot of stuff right now, but I want to finish this by the beginning of December. I know I probably won't, but that's my goal. Oh, and for anyone who doesn't know my writing style, it's going to get worse before anything gets better. Sorry, but don't worry, I'll try to make it enjoyable.

And now for our feature presentation:

Part 2

The rain poured steadily over the mourners, the cold water mixing with their tears as they stood beside the open grave, the coffin slowly descending into its final resting place, six feet down in the ground.

Tess stood between Max and Kyle, separating their angers. Next to the three stood Alex, Maria, Isabel, and Michael, the latter two supporting the former two. Nancy and Jeff Parker solemnly passed out white roses, their petals weighed down by the heavenly tears from above. The few family members bowed their heads at the revelation they would never again see Liz’s smiling face.

Max traced the petals of the rose Nancy had given him, memorizing their feel, and gently remembering. White roses were her favorite. His throat clenched painfully as Maria began to sing, her quivering voice palpitating in the air around them all.

“Of all the things I've believed in, I just want to get it over with. Tears form behind my eyes, but I do not cry. Counting the days that pass me by.”

Alex grabbed her hand and they clung to each other. Michael gently stroked her back, offering his silent support.

“I've been searching deep down in my soul. Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old. It feels like I'm starting all over again; the last three years were just pretend
And I said,”

Isabel moved closer to Alex, not quite touching him, but sending her energy to him. She put her hand on his arm and squeezed. He turned to her, and smiled, painfully.

“Goodbye to you, goodbye to everything I thought I knew. You were the one I loved, the one thing that I tried to hold on to.”

Max turned away from the song, from the scene playing painfully in front of him. He turned and did the one thing he had control of. He walked away, the tears spilling painfully down his cheeks, crashing onto his smooth cheeks, and trembling as they mixed with the tears from the sky.

“I still get lost in your eyes, and it seems that I can't live a day without you. Closing my eyes and you chase my thoughts away to a place where I am blinded by the light. But it's not right.”

Kyle stepped closer to the aliens and humans he had never imagined he would ever belong with. His whole life he was the one everyone envied, but now, now, no one envied him.

“Goodbye to you, goodbye to everything I thought I knew. You were the one I loved; the one thing that I tried to hold on to.”

Nancy and Jeff approached their daughter’s coffin, and gently placed their roses on top, crying out and clinging to each other. Isabel approached next, kissing her rose gently before using her powers to make the rose indestructible. It glowed softly as it rested on the wooden box. Michael threw his down, not wanting to think about what it all meant, not wanting to say goodbye.

“And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time. I want what's yours and I want what's mine. I want you, but I'm not giving in this time.”

Kyle approached the coffin, his rose falling into place next to Isabel’s. He kissed his fingertips gently and placed them roughly onto the lid, as Tess approached him to his right.

“Goodbye to you. Goodbye to everything I thought I knew. You were the one I loved, the one thing that I tried to hold on to. The one thing that I tried to hold on to.”

Tess allowed her tears to finally pour down, allowed them to crash onto Liz’s coffin. She placed the drenched rose slightly apart from the others, and mumbled quietly into the wet air, “I’m sorry, Liz. I’m sorry.”

“And when the stars fall, I will lie awake. You're my shooting star.”

Alex held Maria’s hand as they slowly approached their best friend’s coffin. Maria gasped and her hand threw to her throat, the rose gently tickling her cheek, as it became soaked with her own tears. Alex squeezed her hand painfully, and together they laid their roses down. Alex pressed down on his, wishing for it to forever stay with his best friend.

“Goodbye to you.”

Maria finished the song. Her unsteady voice accompanied by Isabel, Michael, Alex, Kyle, and Tess. Liz’s family members turned and walked away slowly, weighed down by their heavy rain gear. Her friends leaned on each other and walked to their cars, not waiting to see their friend’s coffin disappear into the ground, to disappear from them forever.

Max stood behind a tree, watching as everyone evacuated the area, before running to kneel beside the grave. He kissed the rose angrily, and dropped it into the grave, watching as it fell onto Liz’s box. He used his powers to stain one petal blood red as it lay among the pure white petals.

He had loved her, that he wouldn’t deny, couldn’t deny. But their love had not been pure, it had been tainted. They had been tainted.

The tears stopped suddenly, as Max realized he had nothing more to release. With one last deep exhale, he released Liz completely.


They stumbled into the Crashdown, one by one, and fell into their ordinary seats. They pulled extra chairs to their table, before realizing they had pulled one too many. They stared at the empty spot next to Max.

Maria looked outside quickly.

“God is crying. He’s sorry he took Liz from us.”

Max looked at her, angrily, standing and pushing a chair over at the same time.

“There is no GOD! Why would he have let everything turn out how it has, if there was a GOD?” He yelled, sarcastically.

‘I believe in you.’

The words popped into Tess’ head as she watched Max crash into a table, a glass smashing onto the ground, breaking into smithereens. The Sheriff walked through the door at that moment, and froze in his spot, concerned by the sight of an out-of-control Max Evans.

He approached the table cautiously, waiting until Max took his seat and calmed down again.

“I need to talk to you kids.” He sat precariously, ready for the anger that was sure to follow his next words. “The coroner described Liz’s cause of death as suicide. Overdose of sleeping pills. Her stomach was empty, and she just took too many pills.”

Alex looked up quickly. “No. Liz wouldn’t do that. She didn’t kill herself. I know she didn’t.” Isabel placed her hand on his, hoping he would calm down. He shook her off. “No. Liz is dead, I can almost comprehend that, but she DIDN’T kill herself. Her heart must’ve just stopped. I don’t know.” He mumbled, his head falling into his hands. Isabel rubbed his back gently as he sobbed onto the table.

Maria looked shocked, as Michael pulled her into his embrace. He smoothed her hair, sure that the knowledge that her best friend had killed herself would destroy her.

Jeff Parker walked into the room, no one even noticing him.

“They checked, Alex. The Sheriff informed me of everything they found. The only things physically wrong with Liz were due to a drug overdose. Liz killed herself.”

The gang looked at each other, shocked by how one simple week could change all of their lives. Max gazed into the distance haggardly, barely glancing at Tess as she placed her slender hand on his shoulder. She rubbed gently, and he sat still, patient.

He turned to her and looked into her eyes, searching for the truth he had been searching for. She turned away, dropping her hand as if burned. Max stood up and walked away, out of the building, but not out of their lives. The same girl had already abandoned him twice in two days; he couldn’t leave everyone he loved.

The room became colder as the rain swished in, trying to reach the occupants of the room. Alex sat up, his tears gone, for as there is a breaking point, there is a point where one can cry no more.

Michael gently lifted Maria from her spot on the seat, and carried her limp body out the door, mumbling a goodbye. Maria entwined her arms around Michael’s neck, and buried her head, her eyes closed.

Jeff walked in the opposite direction as Alex and Isabel followed noiselessly, walking through the wet weather, together.

Valenti and Kyle nodded to Tess, who made it clear she was staying where she was, and watched them walk out and climb into the sheriff’s car parked outside. The car roared to life and carried them quickly away.

Tess sat in the booth, humming loudly to herself, singing the words she could remember.

“I've been a bad, bad girl for so long. I don't know how to change what went wrong.”

The rain continued to pour outside, as five broken souls wandered the streets, searching for something to fill the part of them they were missing. Inside, one lonely girl sang herself to sleep in the restaurant of a dead girl.
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Static Fight p.3 10.30

Post by Lorastar »

Rachel- thanks for the fb, and for telling me how you really feel about this story. Aw, yes, I remember I am your heart. Thankies. Honestly, that part just wrote itself. I’m glad you liked Isabel and Michael’s reactions with the roses. I’m glad I got it near their real personalities. I know what you mean about Tess. I liked her sometimes, too. In my other stories, she’s always the antagonist, so this is more interesting for me to write. Max stained the one petal red to symbolize his relationship with Liz, b/c he was saying it was “tainted.” So that’s why. I’m sorry it made you cry! *passes a box of tissues * I hope you like this new part!

PuReAn9el58- Thanks for the fb and the kind words! I’m glad you love it! It makes me so happy to hear that! *blushes * See what you did to me? You made me blush! I hope you like this next part! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back here with it! Thankies for all the bums!

Emily- Thanks for the fb and kind words! *passes a box of tissues quickly * Wow…you’re speechless? Now I am too…. *blushes again * I’m glad you approve of Tess. Tess is definitely different, but may in some parts, be the same. Tess is…discovering in this story. I’m glad you don’t know what happens next! It’s a wonderful challenge, I can only hope I live up to it’s potential! I hope you like this next part!

Eve- Thanks for the fb and kind words! *passes more tissues * I really liked what you said about Fmax being a skin. I actually thought about making that part of the story, or something to that effect, but then landed on something else I think you guys will like even better. Or at least, I hope you will. Max receives the diary soon. I promise. No problem about the mail. I hope you like this next part!

Katia- Thanks for the fb! *passes enough tissues to dry a river * lol. Isn’t that song the best? I wasn’t so sure that it was gonna fit, but I’m glad you thought it did! I agree, poor Max. I know what you mean about the price you pay for sad stories. I love all the angst, but sometimes you can’t help but cry. Did you ever read anything by Meagzie? She’s pretty much the only roswell fanfic writer who make me cry. I hope you like this part! Sorry it took me so long to get out!

Erin- LOVE? REALLY?! *claps and squeals giddily * Ahem. Thanks for the fb and the kind words! Yeah, I was so mad when they killed off Alex. I hope I can write him, right. I’ve only ever had him in one other story before! I’m glad you liked how the pod squad said their goodbyes to Liz. Tess. Yeah, Tess is actually a very interesting character. I mean, some people write her as a complete bitch, but she can be SO much more. She can be a bitch with a heart. Lol. Or maybe… *gasps * a good person? Hybrid, excuse me. Max, Max, Max. What can I possibly say to defend him? I’m not even going to touch that one! Hehe…I can’t tell you what happened with Liz, but the mystery guy comes back in soon. Ooh…shivers….nifty. I’m sowwy! Don’t die! Come back! Umm…here’s more, I promise!! Hope you like it, Erin!

Max4Liz4ever- Thanks for the fb and kind words! Wow. Your fb shocks me. Honestly. I’m glad you can see what’s happening! That’s been my goal for this story since I first read the challenge! It actually does have a bigger storyline, I’m just easing us all into it slowly. *blushes * THANKS!! I hope you like this next part.

roswellluver- Hey! Thanks for the fb and for reading! I hope you like this next part!

LULU!! Hello, my dearie! *passes tissues * Was it really more than perfect? Wow. I’ve never had anything I’ve done been called that before! Wow. Give me a moment to become normal again.

*minutes pass *

I’m so glad you liked Max! That’s really what you pictured?! I’m so HAPPY right now! Wow. I am in shock right now. Honestly. I’m…wow… I’m glad you approve. I hope you like this next part!

youre my dreamgirl- Thanks for the fb and kind words! How is Max going to cope? Umm…you’ll see very soon. Oh! No problem about the pm! I hope you like this next part!

Marteloise- Thanks for the fb and kind words! I’m glad you loved it! The man in the shadows is a secret. I’ll be dropping hints here and there, so keep watching for him! Thanks for reading! I hope you’ll like this next part!

ezriboots- Thanks for the fb and the kind words! Max is…Max. He’s always had problems with thinking. Oops…. Tess and the whole I believe in you thing: Technically, she’s not getting Liz’s memories. But keep watching for more lines from the show, they all lead up to an important time for Tess. The crackers: Yes, Liz ate some before she threw up. As for the not being her body, we’ll see. I hope you like this next part! Sorry it took me so long to get it out!

Lady_without_a_clue- Thanks for the fb and the kind words! I’m glad you liked it! Hope you like this part, too. Sorry it took me so long to get it out!

panthergirl2002- Thanks for the fb and kind words! *passes tissues * I am so sorry I made you cry! *hugs * I’m sorry about your friend. I actually tried to remember what I learned in psychology to use for this. The whole steps of dealing: denial, anger, acceptance, etc. I hope you like this part!

Liz- Thanks for the fb and the kind words! I can’t tell you exactly how it will be M/L, but don’t worry your dreamer heart. I pretty much only write dreamer fics. Tess did feel guilty, but not because she mindwarped Liz into killing herself. She feels bad that she was so awful to her when she was still alive. I hope you like this next part!

[/b]Liz Parker Evans-[/b] Thanks for the fb and the kind words. Nina Gordon rocks, doesn’t she? I agree, the lyrics were meant for them, I mean, the song is called “End of the World.” *smiles innocently * Can’t clarify the dreamer insurance part, only rest assured it does have it.

[/b]Itzstacie-[/b] Thanks for the fb and kind words! I know what you mean, I was breaking down when Maria sang Amazing Grace at Alex’s funeral. It was so heartbreaking. Hehe… Hope you like this new part!

[/b]Nikki-[/b] Thanks for the fb and kind words! Tess didn’t kill Liz. I’ll tell you that much. I’ll explain the song later. It does actually have more meaning, and will be repeated several times throughout the story. Yes, it IS dreamer insured. Hope you like this new part!

AznGurl87- Thanks for the fb and kind words! No, Tess didn’t kill Liz. Liz had to die because…*thinks * that’s how Lullaby wrote the challenge! Don’t worry, it’ll get better. Oooh…the mystery guy. He’s a mystery! Thank you so much! I’m glad you’re loving it! Sorry it took me so long to write this, but I hope you’ll like it.

Frenchkiss70- Thanks for the fb and kind words! Now, YOU, are a familiar face! *blushes * Oh, I’m sorry for leaving you like that! But don’t worry, it will get better! It will! I’m glad you didn’t stay away, though! Oh so very glad. Hope you like it!

Nina- Thanks for the fb and kind words! *passes tissues * I’m glad you came and read it! Don’t worry, I know what’s gonna happen pretty much for the rest of the story, and I’m thinking it will make you happy.

Teri! Good to see you here! Thanks for the fb and generous words! *blushes, then sighs * Can’t tell you how it will be M/L, but it will. No worries. I hope you like this!

Holy COW!! You guys are AWESOME. It took me such an incredibly long time to reply to all of your fb! Thank you so much!


Oh, on a more serious note. I want to tell everyone that lives in Southern California that my prayers are with them. I know a lot of people have lost their homes already, and more are being evacuated every day. I’m thanking God that they contained the Lake Skinner fire, I don’t know what I would do if it actually burnt its way through Temecula into Murrieta.

Disclaimer: Except for one sentence, all italics are either from Roswell episodes, mainly Ch-ch-changes. Song lyrics are from a Clay Aiken song, and Evanesence's Bring me to Life.

Part 3

Isabel pulled on her black dress and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her icy blue eyes melted and the tears flooded her cheeks. She wiped at them, and touched her makeup again, erasing the watermarks and replacing them with smoky eyeliner. She turned to the door and walked out, moving to place herself at the door of her brother’s bedroom. She knocked and looked in.

Max was standing at the window, touching the frame gingerly. He turned to see Isabel standing there, watching him. He smiled at her, genuinely.

“It’s time to go, Max. We don’t want to be late.”

Max smiled at her and waved her on.

“Go without me. I’m okay. I’ve let it all go.” He sat on the windowsill and frowned as Isabel walked into the room and rummaged through his clothes, pulling out a black button up shirt and black slacks.

“Get dressed, Max. Now. You’re not missing Liz’s memorial service at school. Everyone is going to be there. We’re leaving in five minutes.”

She turned on her heel and walked out the door, slamming it behind her, rage boiling in her veins.

Max walked to his bed; lifting the clothes Isabel had laid out for him, indifferently, and threw them back down. He shrugged and stripped his jeans and t-shirt off, carefully replacing them with the black.

He sat on his bed and looked out the window, as Isabel returned. She smiled at him in satisfaction. Isabel walked out of the house and climbed into the driver’s seat of the jeep, Max followed her begrudgingly.


“Today is the memorial service for Elizabeth Parker, daughter of Nancy and Jeff Parker, owners of the Crashdown Café on Main. Parker, who was found dead in her apartment last week, was number one in the running for valedictorian of West Roswell High this year. The service, planned by the deceased’s close friend, Isabel Evans, will be held at West Roswell High at noon. The Parker’s ask that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Elizabeth Parker Scholarship Fund.


Isabel walked through the arch in time to see Alex walk to the makeshift platform Michael had built for the service. Alex took the microphone in his hand and looked around. Isabel smiled tightly for him. She could only hope her presence could make this any easier for him.

“Liz Parker and Maria Deluca have both been my best friend’s forever. I remember the day we first met. It was kindergarten. I was so impressed with Liz, she was the only five year old I knew who could read before she started school. She would help me struggle through my math and reading, but she made science fun for even me.

“We became friends one day when Paulie was picking on me. Maria and Liz both came to my defense: Maria with her temper, Liz with her quiet intelligence. Together, they managed to make Paulie think twice before picking on the skinny little geeks again. We became inseparable that day. It’s always been the three of us.

“It’s been 12 years since we all became friends, and we managed to keep our friendship in tact. Liz has always been…wa- was always there for me, whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on.”

Alex swallowed hard, trying to keep from crying.

“Liz was so beautiful. She deserved so much more than what she ended up with. She was the smartest girl I ever knew. Will ever know. She was perfect in so many ways. She was the sister I never needed because I had her. I loved Lizzie with all my heart.

“She fell in love. Once.”

Alex looked up, and scanned the room, searching for Max’s eyes. He caught them as Max attempted to look anywhere but at Alex. His eyes landed on Maria, who was huddled on the bleachers, between Michael’s protective arms and her mother’s soothing smile, trying not to be noticed.

“She loved one boy completely. I was never absolutely sure if he was worthy of her love, it was so pure and untainted. But he loved her, too, so much so that we always thought of them as the modern day Romeo and Juliet. We hoped that their story would have a happy ending, but it was not to be.”

A single tear slipped unnoticed down Alex’s cheeks before the dam brook and the tears flooded his pale face.

“She wasn’t meant to have a happy ending.”


Max sat in physics, clicking his pencil against the table roughly. It slipped from his fingers and landed on the ground. He sighed and crept under the table to retrieve it. He lingered below the table, allowing himself to remember the time Liz had dropped her pencil for him to get. He had taken her hand, and that was the first time she confessed to ever having seeing stars with him.

“Mr. Evans?” The teacher called out to him.

Max shook the memories from his mind, attempting to clear out the spider webs that had collected there.


The teacher approached his desk quickly. “Are you okay? Do you need me to assign you a new study partner? You failed the last test on Newton’s laws.”

Max shook his head and smiled up at the teacher. His frizzled gray hair was combed over a bald spot that threatened to blind Max.

“It’s just been a little rough patch, Mr. K. It’s nothing. I’m fine. Alone.”

Mr. K studied Max, searching for a sign that he was lying. “Okay, Mr. Evans. Let me know if anything changes.”

Max nodded and returned to his work. He unconsciously began doodling in the margins of his paper. He looked down to see what he had drawn. His breath was painfully whisked away as he realized he had drawn Liz.

Max gathered his papers together and stuck them in his binder. He stacked his books on top of his notebook and ran out of the classroom, the stares of his fellow classmates following him as he ran.

Max tore out of the double doors in the front of the school. As he ran through the parking lot to the Jeep, his eyes landed on the site of the makeshift memorial by the side of the road for Liz. He grimaced inside, and swallowed hard, attempting to stop from throwing up.

Unable to fight his body, he ran into the street and knelt, his stomach pushing up and emptying the contents he had eaten. Not that it was enough for his mind to be at ease. His body kept dry retching as the tears choked him in another sense.

‘Wake me up inside.’

He sobbed and knelt on his knees in the street, the bell from the school ringing loudly. A hand pushed him roughly.

“Hey, man. You okay?” Max looked up, his tear streaked face red, his eyes bloodshot. He stared into the nonchalant face of Paulie, who stood next to a repulsed Tommy.

Max struggled to stand and started to walk to the Jeep. “I’m fine.” He paused for a moment before adding a gruff, “Thanks.”

Tommy approached him from the right as Isabel emerged from the doors. He looked at her and smiled suggestively. She glared at him and rolled her eyes, confused but unwilling to express it to him.

“Hey, Max. We were gonna go party. You know, pay our respects to the dead bit- uh, Liz. You look like you could use a good time. Wanna come?”

Max looked at him, once again searching for answers. He noticed the empty look in both Tommy and Paulie’s eyes, and nodded, unevenly. He relinquished his spot on the Jeep and walked towards Tommy’s car.

Paulie handed him a water bottle. “Dude. Rinse your mouth out. That’s foul.” Max took the bottle obediently, doing as told. “Good boy.”

Isabel never heard Michael approaching as Max jumped into Tommy’s convertible. As it squealed out of it’s parking spot, narrowly missing the car and girl next to it, Michael opened his mouth.

“Hey, where’s Max going?”

Isabel looked at him, and stared as the car peeled out of the parking lot, a hand throwing a bottle at Liz’s memorial site.

“I don’t know.”

Max jumped out of the convertible as Tommy parked in Max’s driveway, his tire resting in the grass of the front lawn. He ran into the house and into his room as his mother yelled out to him.

“Max? Is that you? Where’s Isabel?”

Max pulled his pants off, replacing them with his favorite pair of jeans that were worn in all the right places. His mother walked into the room as he brushed past her to brush his teeth. Max stood in front of the mirror, running his hands through his hair. He grabbed a strand and pulled it straight up. Max cocked his head to the side and examined his appearance.

“Max. Something came for you in the mail today.” Max turned around and saw his mother holding a manila envelope in her hand. He turned back to the mirror and ran his hand over his chin, scratching himself on the light stubble. “I think you might want to look at it.”

Max sighed loudly, annoyed, and opened his hand for his mother to put the package in. He pulled it to him, as he began to brush his teeth. He looked at the return address and choked on his toothbrush.

‘Liz Parker
1234 Main Street
Roswell, NM, 60485’

He opened it quickly, pulling a leather bound book from the envelope. He peered curiously into it, and recognized Liz’s delicate script. It was her journal. Liz’s innermost thoughts were contained within his hands, and yet, he couldn’t bring himself to read it. The words blurred indistinguishably before his eyes, and with a shaking hand, he dropped it. As his attention returned to the image in the mirror, he never noticed the thud the book made as it made impact with the bathroom floor, or the letter that drifted softly out of it, it’s crease having never been opened.

Diane retrieved the letter, and stuck it back in the journal. She gathered both and hid them safely within the envelope, which she quickly carried to Max’s room. Max returned to his room, wiping his mouth dry with the back of his hand. He reached into his drawer and withdrew a handful of money and a belt. He put his belt on quickly and stuffed the money into his pocket as he grabbed his leather jacket from the closet.

He walked over to his mom, kissing her quickly on the cheek.

“Bye, Mom. I’m going out. Not sure when I’ll be back in.”

Diane Evans watched in a stupor as her teenage son walked out of the house, as though he hadn’t just seen the journal, which possibly contained the reason as to why his ex-girlfriend had killed herself.

Max smiled to the guys as he pulled his jacket on and jumped into the back seat.

“Can we make a quick stop on our way out?”

“What for?”

“I want to get my hair cut.”


Fifteen minutes later, Max Evans walked out of the salon, twenty bucks poorer, and missing an inch of himself. His hair was styled in a more mature way. The wisps of child like hair that curled slightly onto his temples that Liz had loved so much, were gone. Now, his hair was cut short.

Tommy and Paulie nodded approvingly as they squashed their cigarettes into the concrete under their feet. They waited impatiently as Max climbed into the car and put on his seat belt before jumping into the car themselves and pulling out if the parking lot. The tires left angry black marks on the ground as they burned the rubber.

Max stayed quiet for the hour long drive, silently wondering why Liz had sent him her journal. He wanted so badly to read it, but feared the truth that he would face. Would he discover why Liz had cheated on him? Was she really so unhappy with him?

The car stopped suddenly in front of a large house. The sun was going down behind it and the lights inside lit the house as though it were burning from the inside out. The Greek letters above the door gave Max a hint as to where they had ended up. A frat house.

“Come on, Max. Tonight you start to live.” Tommy called out to him as they stood in front of the house. Paulie smiled at them both, his devious thoughts running liberally through his mind as they all walked leisurely into the house. They smiled at the girls that approached them, and took the plastic glasses of beer handed to them.

“Max, man, you ever been drunk before?” Paulie asked, shouting over the roar of the music.

Max nodded, slightly. “Once.”

Tommy took a swig out of his glass, relishing the sensation of the alcohol sliding down his throat. He exhaled in satisfaction before nodding. “Yea, that one time with Kyle right? Before the concert?”

Max nodded. He waved his hand above the glass of beer, diluting its potency, making it more like water, but leaving the taste the same. He remembered the one time he had gotten drunk, how we had been out of control, and used his powers in public. It was only with her kiss that he had become sober.

Liz always made him feel out of control.

He lifted the glass to his mouth and chugged the whole thing down.

But she always brought him back.

Max looked around the room, the bright colors still standing individually. He grabbed another cup of beer from the table by the keg. He yelled over to the guys, “Let’s party.”

Tommy and Paulie grinned boyishly, grabbing their own refills and together, the three of them, walked over to a group of girls.

“Hey, baby.” Paulie called out to a blond, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She turned and smiled at him. He lent down and kissed her passionately, claiming her again. They walked away from the group and headed for the stairs.

Tommy whispered something in a brunette’s ear, and she giggled softly. She grabbed his hand and they walked outside together.

Max stood there, looking down at his watch. A dirty blond looked at him, and held her hand out to him. Max took it gently and shook it.

“Hey, I’m Eileen.”


She smiled at him genuinely, and he relaxed. “So, Max. You want to go talk about the meaning of life somewhere?”

He shook his head, smiling down at her. “Nope. I came here to party.” ‘And to forget’ his mind responded to himself. “I love this song, you wanna dance?” He whispered in her ear as the music blared through the stereo. Eileen smiled and nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the floor.

He finished his beer and placed the cup on the floor before spinning Eileen. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. She moved her hips seductively, trying to stimulate Max in ways only she thought she could. He smiled down at her, and didn’t pull away.

She played with the side of his face, tracing a path to his lips. She pressed up against and kissed him intensely, completely. He returned the kiss with fervor.

‘Stay away. You’re doing this.

No, I’m not. Liz, please. Please.

Max, Max, Max, stop! Listen to her! Do you want to kill her?’

Max pulled back, the words suddenly gone from his mind.

Eileen looked at him, worried. “You okay?”

“I need another drink.”

Max walked to the keg and grabbed another cup of beer. He waved his hand over it subtly before downing it and refilling it again. He drank it, after diluting it, and looked back at Eileen. He smiled, drunkenly, at her.

‘Just stop hurting me.

I wasn’t trying to.

No, Max, but you always do.’

He dropped the cup, clutching his head in pain. Eileen rushed to his side.

“Max? Max, what’s wrong?” She put her hands on his back, rubbing him softly to soothe him. He pulled away quickly, as if her hands were inflicting unbearable pain upon him. Max hunched over, beaten, and looked at her with tears in his eyes.

‘No, Max, but you always do’

“Stop it!” He screamed, then whispered heartbrokenly, “I’m sorry, Liz. I’m so sorry, Lizzie, so sorry.”

“Max, is your dorm around here? Let me help you go home.”

He looked at her, anywhere but her eyes. “I don’t live around here.”

She nodded, unsurprised since she had seen him enter with Paulie and Tommy. She knew they were only high school students. “Where are you from Max?”

He smiled lightly, “Lizzie asked me that once.” His face glazed over as his features became serious and he stared into Eileen’s face, “I loved her.”

‘You said love in the past tense.’

Eileen nodded, slightly wounded by the fact that Max loved some other girl but was here with her. “Why are you here, Max? Why aren’t you with ‘Liz’?” She bit out harshly, her voice trying to sound flat and emotionless.

“Lizzie died. In Roswell.”

Eileen softened, “I’m sorry.” Her eyes were cast down as she mumbled her apologies.

“It’s okay.”

“I’m gonna drive you home, okay? I don’t think it’s safe for you to drive home with Paulie and Tommy. Those guys are idiots.” Eileen guided him through the house, grabbing him a cup of coffee quickly from the kitchen. They exited through the kitchen and Eileen walked him around the house.

The sun had gone down completely in the three hours Max had been there. He hadn’t realized he had been there for so long, but the time had flown by. Eileen guided him past the morons on the lawn who were hunched over, throwing up, or those who had simply passed out from too much alcohol or drugs. She opened the passenger seat to her car and helped Max in. As she connected his safety belt, Max passed out cold. Eileen smiled slightly at the frown on his face, and closed the door. She got in the driver’s side and pulled away from the frat house.

Max whimpered softly before finally smiling in his sleep and curling up in the seat.

‘Uh, Miss?

Uh, yes, sir?

Refill, please.

It would be my pleasure.

God, do you have to do that?


Be so public. I mean, it’s kind of creepy.


Max, look, I have to get back to work.

Shh, Liz, just…


I just really need to do that.
Last edited by Lorastar on Thu Oct 30, 2003 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lorastar »

Ah, soo...the tissues won't be necessary. False alarm!

Well here...does this count as the fifth part I've posted b/c it's called P.4, but I posted a prolouge? Let's go with yea. :wink:

Umm...I will add replies to your feedback later, but I just wanted to get this to you all on the day I said I would!

Part 4

Eileen shook Max awake as she sped past the sign welcoming her to Roswell.

“Max. Max, wake up.” She looked over at him as he waved her hand away. Her attention was drawn back to the road as she narrowly missed hitting a parked car in front of the UFO museum. “Max.” She shoved him, hard, into the door. Eileen grimaced as Max’s head hit the door and he woke up, groaning.

“What?” He bit out, his head swimming painfully.

Eileen smiled at him sweetly. “Aw, what’s wrong honey? Hit your head in your dream? You really should be more careful when you sleep.”

Max’s eyes opened quickly, his ears relaying the sound of Eileen’s voice to his mind, which drew a blank when trying to associate it with a name. His eyes scanned the driver of the car, trying to assess whether this girl was a threat to him.

Eileen laughed, quietly. She knew he was going to have a killer hangover after all he drank earlier. “It’s okay, Max. I’m not abducting you. I’m taking you home. You got drunk at the party and passed out in my car. Don’t you remember?”

Max rubbed his head gingerly, trying to relieve the pain throbbing everywhere. He nodded, slowly, his memory coming back to him all at once. He remembered hearing Liz’s voice in his head. He remembered hearing Kyle to stop before he killed her. He remembered hearing Liz’s tortured voice telling him to stop hurting her, because that’s what he always did. He always hurt her. She always brought him back, and he always hurt her.

He had been drunk out of his mind, true, but he had heard Liz’s voice. Max had never thought he would ever hear that sound again. But he had, as a product of alcohol. If only he could swear to himself he would never drink again.

She nodded her head sharply, and glanced at him again. His eyes were shut tightly, creating deep lines that ran penetratingly through his forehead and chin. Eileen wished she could soothe them for him, but remembering how he pulled away from her touch earlier, she let him lie. “Max, what street do you live on?”

Max groaned again, softer this time. “Murray. Just let me out here, please. Ei-Eileen.” He stuttered on her name as he looked out the window in time to see the Crashdown Café disappear behind him.

“Max. You are in no condition to walk home. I’ll drive you.” She responded sharply.

He pulled all strength he had together and sat up. “I’m going to stay with a friend. I can’t exactly go home in this condition.” His head buzzed with the effects of the alcohol in his system. His hand dropped down between the seat and the door of Eileen’s car, and found a bottle. He lifted it to his eyes and noticed the contents were more alcohol. He gripped it tightly as Eileen pulled over to the side of the road and watched him.

“Thank you for the ride,” He responded, looking out the window into the darkness.

“Max…” Her voice trailed off as she realized he wasn’t paying any attention to her. She unlocked his door and flinched as he tried to make himself as small as he could. When her arm retracted back to her side of the car, Max opened the door and stumbled out.

As the car pulled away, Max spun slowly in a circle. Remembering the bottle in his hand, he turned and ran back to the Crashdown. Max stood in front of the building, waving his hand over the bottle, and slowly opening it. He was about to take a drink when he noticed the ladder to Liz’s balcony.

The rungs of the ladder were wet and slippery as Max grasped them with his left hand, his right hand still holding the bottle. His foot slipped and his body threatened to fall to the cold cement below him. His grip tightened and he slipped into autopilot, relying on his body to carry him the few steps to the balcony.

He collapsed onto the cement when he finally threw himself over the wall onto the balcony. His lungs gasped for air, his chest heaving up and down, as his legs bent, and his arms sprawled onto the floor. He sought the safety this place had once held, but quickly noticed it held none, now. The place where he had had his first kiss was now empty; it offered him no comfort.

Max sat up and crawled backwards until his back hit the wall. He looked around the space, searching for something, anything. He wanted answers, but was too afraid of what they would mean to openly search for them. The balcony was void of all that had been Liz. The little candles and Christmas lights she had adorned the space with were absent, her windows were covered with fabric from the inside, blocking Max’s view of the last place he had ever seen Liz.

It was his fault. All of it. The fact that Liz was never meant for a happy ending was all his fault. And yet, still, he would never take back his saving Liz. The only thing he would change was ever being with her. He loved her, would always, no matter how long he tried to hate her, he knew he would always love her.

But he had ruined her life. From the moment he had first kissed her, had first run his hands through her hair, he was a gonner. And it was that lack of control that had forced him to listen to his heart, had allowed him to open up to the possibility that he and Liz could work. But they couldn’t. It wasn’t that it was her that wasn’t meant for a happy ending, it was anyone who had the great misfortune to become involved with Max Evans.

He opened the bottle and chugged half of it down. Even weakened, it burned it’s path down his throat and into his stomach. Max choked, gasped, as he clutched his stomach. His eyes watered, from emotions or from the pain of the burning, he couldn’t tell.

He had forced her to do this. Max had messed up so many times, but the worst thing he had ever done was to involve Liz in the mess he had to call life. If only he had stayed away from her. If only he would’ve listened to Michael and Isabel. If only they would have left Roswell, if only he could’ve left Liz far behind, then, and only then, would she have had the chance to be happy.

She would’ve lived.

Max attempted to drown the sorrow that threatened to drown him in that moment. He swigged another enormous gulp, this time welcoming the burn like an old friend.

His worries began to fade as he stood. But one thought lingered. He couldn’t help but think that he was the reason Liz killed herself. It was all his fault.

All of it.

Max’s anger endangered his control once again, as he raised his hands to the sky, searching out for the constellation he knew was there. He could feel the far away warmth of the sun that belonged to his planet, it was a part of him. No matter how hard he tried, it was a part of him. Max was an alien, and from that one simple fact, the lives of everyone he had ever cared for were ruined.

He ruined Liz.

The bottle emptied as Max raised it once more to his waiting lips. The clear liquid spilled into his mouth and down his throat in one deft movement. He slammed the bottle down onto the cement, his hand crashing down with it. He cried out instantly in pain, the blood spilling from his sliced hand, and dripping onto the cold, moist cement.

And as hard as he tried to cry out wordlessly, one word refused to be held captive inside.


Max stood silent, before crumpling down into the corner. His hand moved to shelter his face as the light in Liz’s room turned on, and the fabric was removed. He peered towards the window, once again whispering the only word on his mind. “Lizzie?” His heart pounded furiously as he stood and ran to the window.

Jeff Parker opened the window and revealed himself to the drunk boy, who was bleeding slightly from his hand.

“Max?” He called out quietly, not wanting to upset his daughter’s ex-boyfriend.

Max stood, his shoulders hunched. “You’re not Liz.” He mumbled softly.

“No, Max, I’m not.” Jeff stepped out of the window and took a cautious step towards Max. “Come inside, Max.” Max sidestepped Jeff as he attempted to wrap his arms around the boy. He couldn’t protect his daughter, but he would be damned if he let Max end up like Liz: dead.

Max climbed into the room, stubbornly. He smiled as he saw the room how Liz had left it. The pictures of the two of them had been placed by the bed again, next to a picture of her with Maria and Alex. Max stumbled, drunkenly, to the bed and sank down into the comfort it once had held. He sighed loudly and spread out.

Jeff turned the light off as he walked to the door. “Max? I’m going to call your parents. Have them come and get you, okay?” Max nodded in the dark, indicating his acceptance of the plan.

Jeff quietly closed the door and walked back into his bedroom. He sat next to Nancy, who quickly rushed to his side. She sat on the bed next to him, and grabbed his hand. Jeff looked down at their intertwined hands.

“I can’t let him get hurt, too. Lizzie would never forgive me.” Jeff rubbed his temples, searching for a way to help the boy.

“I know, sweetie. I know.” Nancy smiled at him, understandingly. “I already called the Evans. They said they would be here in a few minutes.”

Jeff and Nancy sat together, simply reveling in the simple pleasure of breathing together. “I don’t know what to do, Nance. These kids are hurting so badly. Amy called yesterday to tell me Maria still hasn’t left the house. She lies on her bed, sometimes crying, sometimes just staring at a picture of Liz. Michael hasn’t left her side since Liz died. I ran into Jim yesterday, and he told me Kyle has been looking for ways out of Roswell. Seems everything makes him think of Liz. And that girl Jim took in, Tess, apparently even she was affected, and she wasn’t very good friends with Liz. And now Max. He’s drunk out of his mind, Nance. I always thought he was such a responsible boy.”

Nancy rubbed his shoulders. “He’s a good boy, Jeff. He is. He’s just in pain. You know how horrible it is when you lose someone you loved with all your heart. And that’s exactly how he felt about Liz. He loved her, just as much as she loved him.”

“I’m glad our baby loved at least once.”

“I am, too.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the urgent pounding on the front door of the apartment. Nancy and Jeff rushed to the door, tying their robes tightly as they opened the door, revealing a worried Phillip Evans.

“Where is he? Where is Max?”

Jeff stepped aside to let Phillip in. “He’s in Liz’s room.” Jeff walked to Liz’s room and opened the door, revealing a sobbing Max. Max was curled into a ball, his knees tucked under his chin. His body shook with each new sob that wracked his body. He knew he was losing the hardest fight of his life, letting go.

But how do you let go of the only person you will ever love?

The other part of your life? Because that’s how Max felt, like he was now condemned to live the rest of his life as half a person.

Phillip walked hesitatingly towards the bed. He placed his hand on Max’s shoulder and squeezed softly. “Max, come on. Your mother is worried.”

Max’s tear streaked face rose to stare into Phillip’s eyes.

“I killed her, Dad. I killed her.

The Evans’ front door was ripped open by a worried Isabel Evans. She watched as her father helped her twin brother walk into house and then past her into his bedroom. Max sat on his bed and watched as his father walked out the door. The tears were gone, but the heartbreak was still a part of him.

Phillip walked past Isabel again, pulling off his jacket and throwing it onto the table. He walked in to the living room and sat next to Diane. He sighed and laid his head onto the cushion

“We’re losing him.”

“What happened?”

“He got drunk at some party. A girl gave him a ride to the Crash, he drank some more on Liz’s balcony, and Jeff found him. How could our son do this? I thought we could trust him.”

“We can. Just give him time.”

“He doesn’t have time! He needs to snap out of this now.”

“Why? Why can’t he grieve, Phillip?”

“He said he killed her, Diane. He told me he killed Liz.”
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Part 5 12.14

Post by Lorastar »

Part 5

Max hopped out of the jeep, his feet landing solidly on the ground. He tread heavily on the grass, for the first time in weeks, feeling grounded. He shook his head as thoughts of his family’s reactions to his surprising confession of killing Liz rose in his mind. His black leather jacket surrounded him completely, and he felt safe.

He still couldn’t believe that his parents had both taken the admission literally. The fight that had ensued had stuck with him, scaring him emotionally, and backing up the theory that Phillip and Diane would not love their children unconditionally if they knew the truth about Max and Isabel.

Across the street, Tommy and Paulie finished party parking and jumped out of the convertible. Tommy raised his hand in greeting, and called out.

“Evans!” They ran across the street, narrowly missing the speeding car of a teenager who was racing against time to get to the party. They jumped back in surprise, which passed quickly. Tommy reacted, yelling obscenities to the passing car and raising one choice finger high into the air. He waved it proudly, a product of his time.

Max muttered under his voice as Paulie punched him in the arm. “We lurk late. We strike straight.”

They walked together, passing a cigarette between themselves. Their fingers grasped it loosely, keeping the possibility of it dropping to the ground at any moment, very real. The smoke drifted thickly into the air, tainting the purity of everything around them. The trees and bushes rustled noiselessly as the trio walked down the block to Eliza’s house.

Tommy and Paulie stood at the walkway, Paulie throwing the cigarette to the ground. Max smashed it into oblivion, enjoying the moments without the caustic smoke finding its way into his lungs.

The music from the house assaulted their ears, but the only response it created was smiles on three faces as they stared at the house, people pouring out the door and onto the lawn. Beer bottles were nowhere to be found, the hostess respecting her neighbors enough to keep a secret from their prying eyes.

Max began walking, taking the lead as Tommy and Paulie followed him obediently. He slipped confidently into the role of leader, which he had tried so hard, for so long, to deny. In a different time, in a different place, things would have been different. In a different time, he would have no need to hunt for a means of escape. In a different place, his family would trust him, and everything he did. If things had been different, Liz would have been the family he turned to in times of trouble. If only things were different. But they weren’t.

He slipped into the house, pausing in the foyer, and glancing at his surroundings. Cigarette smoke mixed with the potent smoke of harsher and more euphoric drugs. Teens were scattered around the house. Some were smoking, some were drinking, and some were making out in public places. The only places empty of delinquents exploring their insanity in youth were the corners. The places that had once symbolized punishment and the need for obedience were stark, the youth choosing instead to congregate in the center of the room.

Warm bodies jostled against Max rudely. He smiled as he looked down on them all. The girls were dancing in their cliques, dressed in their chosen dress code. Their tops were scantily clad in tank tops, varying in color and texture, but all showing soft skin to the boys.

Eliza hurried to welcome her new guests to the party. Her eyes shifted, glazed over already, between Paulie, Tommy, and Max. Remembering the manners her mother had bred into her, she curtsied, before giggling and throwing her arms around each one.

Her eyes twinkled as they made eye contact with Max. “Hey, Max.” She whispered to him. Eliza looked down at her hands quickly, trying to hide her obvious attraction to the tall guy in front of her.

She blushed as she felt the warmth of his gaze raking over her body. Max lowered his head down to her ear and whispered softly, his warm breath tickling the skin of her neck. “Looks like a good party, Eliza.” He stopped speaking and just breathed down by her ear, before smiling and adding one more remark. “You look nice tonight. Really nice.”

Eliza’s head snapped up, and her eyes sought his. She smiled mischievously. “I can be so much more than just nice, Max Evans.” She stood on her tiptoes and whispered into his ear. “I can be naughty. Very naughty. Someday you’ll find that out.”

Her mouth angled to his and their lips made contact. Max cringed inside, but forced himself to continue. It wasn’t like kissing Liz. It didn’t make him feel warm and safe. And he didn’t get flashes like he had with Liz.

Liz had been the only girl Max had ever kissed, before Tess came to town. His only experiences kissing were full of passion- as this one was- but they were alien. And now, his physical lips were entangled with a human girl, while his mind and soul were free to wander, as they never had been with Liz.

Suddenly, as Max moved his tongue along the rim of Eliza’s mouth, she bit gently on his lip, pulling away. She smiled at the stunned look on his face as she ran her hand down his arm and walked away, wiping her mouth in satisfaction.

The taste of stale beer still lingered on Max’s lips as he laughed and walked deeper into the party, Tommy and Paulie following obediently.


The pictures spread out for feet around Alex and Isabel as hey sat silently facing each other. Liz Parker’s smiling face surrounded them, reminding them of their job at hand. Isabel’s long blond hair brushed Alex’s arm as she reached past him to pick a picture of Liz, Maria, and Alex at Liz’s eighth birthday party. Alex and Maria were both grinning innocently while smashing handfuls of cake into Liz’s smiling face, her eyes conveying her pure happiness.

A pang of guilt ripped through Isabel as she realized she had never looked into Liz’s eyes at the right moment to see the happiness shining in that magnitude. Alex glanced over at the picture and smiled wistfully.

“I remember that. As soon as we were done with the picture, she sprayed us with whipped cream. The look on her mother’s face was priceless, looking at her little angel covered in cake.”

Isabel laughed with him, gently, until she noticed the slight tremors racking Alex’s body. She grabbed his hand and stroked it gently before Alex grabbed her arms and pulled her to him. She wrapped her arms around him as they rested their heads on each other’s shoulders and cried the tears that were dying to escape.

“I love you, Alex Whitman.” Isabel murmured into his neck. His grasp on her tightened as he heard her words.

“I love you, too, Isabel Evans.” He pulled away from her slightly, stopping to gaze deeply into her shining eyes. “Never doubt that, Isabel, never doubt that.”

She smiled genuinely. “I won’t Alex. Never.”

He pulled her back to him and as the sun fell into it’s final resting spot, two souls clung tenuously to the happiness in each other they had found.


Maria didn’t even flinch as Michael suddenly grabbed her hand. Her body remained motionless, her eyes remained staring unevenly at a photo of her, Alex, and Liz. She struggled against the onslaught of fresh tears as she allowed herself to remember her best friend.

God. Why hadn’t she noticed the signs? She had been so caught up in her own drama with catching Michael with Courtney. Why hadn’t she focused more on Liz? Why hadn’t she been there for Liz when she needed her most? Like Michael was now.

Maria swallowed hard as she felt Michael’s grasp on her hand tighten. She knew he was trying to keep her with him, and he was succeeding. Physically, Maria had no wish to move, but emotionally, all she wanted was to hide inside of herself. But Michael kept her here, he kept her sane.

It had been two weeks since Valenti had told them all that Liz had committed suicide. Maria didn’t want to believe it, but she forced herself, not wanting to think of any other reasons for her death. Alex came to see her everyday after school, telling her about the two-page layout the yearbook teacher was allowing him to use for a memorial to Liz. He showed her the different pictures. He would reminisce about what was happening in each one, and smile painfully at her. But Maria didn’t want to remember; she didn’t want to feel the pain that every memory of Liz brought to her. She thought that at some point it should be easy, that she should be able to wake up one morning, smile, and get out of bed. But she blamed herself for Liz’s death too much to smile, or move at all. When she did finally leave her bed, her movements were jerky, robotic, and she ran painfully into the furniture.

Michael stroked her head as gently as he could. He grimaced as he noticed the pile of books Isabel had brought him. She was determined Michael would graduate with the rest of the gang, but Michael had resisted, openly hating school and all his subject- besides art. He reached over and pulled Maria’s hair away from her eyes and brushed it behind her ears. He whispered into her ears, his hair gently tickling her.

“I’m here for you, Pixie.”

He placed a chaste kiss on her temple, before sighing and reaching for the nearest book, paper, and pencil. He opened the book to the post-it note Isabel had placed there. He wrote the assignment on the piece of paper.

Michael focused on the assignment, struggling, and wishing he had paid attention the past three years. He was smart, that was undeniable, but with his lack of patience and routine, the assignment aggravated him. He slammed the book close, debating whether or not to use it as a target in his next blasting practice, but as he glanced over at Maria’s still form, he calmed.

He opened the book again, forcing himself to remain calm. He talked to Maria as he worked, so she wouldn’t feel alone.

“I’m going to graduate, Maria. I’ll walk across that stage with you in June. We’ll be wearing those crappy graduation gowns in ridiculous 115 degree heat, and we’ll both accept a rolled up piece of paper with fancy writing on it. We’ll spend the summer together, and then we’ll move to Las Cruces, so you can further your education. Cuz you’re meant for so much more than being a waitress in Roswell. And me, I’ll go to art school, study the classics, or maybe modern art. We’ll open an art gallery someday.”

Michael glanced at Maria, hoping to find some emotion gracing her beautiful face. No other face would ever be as beautiful as Maria’s. Michael loved everything about it. He loved her perfect complexion, her perfect nose, and glamorous lips. But mostly, he loved her gray eyes. He loved how the color would change with each emotion, he loved how with just one glance, he could tell her mood. He loved how when he would say something stupid she would shoot him a warning glance, her eyes almost black. He loved how they made him feel when they looked deeply into his. He loved the acceptance he saw in her eyes. He loved her.

Looking at her, so broken, was heart wrenching to him. He paused a moment, just to look at her, before returning to his homework.

“We’ll get married, of course. Because that’s what people do when they’re in love. I think we should have an out door ceremony. In a field surrounded by flowers. We’ll find the prettiest place on Earth. It’ll be the happiest day in our lives. As for a home, it doesn’t matter where we live because anywhere you are is my home. Then, after we have good lives, when we’re ready and in control, then we’ll have kids. Maybe three. Two little girls with blond hair and one little boy with crazy brown hair. They’ll be the best of friends, they’ll protect each other like there’s no tomorrow. And us? We’ll love them with all our hearts. We’ll both be there for every first in their lives: their first words, first steps, first day of school. Everything.

“I’ll sell my paintings to support us, so you can focus on your singing career for as long as you want. Maybe we’ll move to New York, before we have kids, so you can focus on your music. Yeah, that’s what we’ll do. Rent a little apartment, have Alex, Isabel, Max, Kyle, and Tess as our neighbors. We’ll have so much fun, won’t we, Ria?”

Michael knew Maria was crying before the hiccupping sobs reached his ears, or the sight of her shaking form reached his eyes. He could feel her pain in his own heart. He automatically reached for her, pulling her into his tight embrace.

Slowly, Maria pulled away. Michael held her by the shoulders and starred into her bloodshot eyes in amazement, he hadn’t seen her act this alive in two weeks.

Maria reached her hand out to Michael’s face, and left it there, the chill in her soul relaxing as her hand felt his body heat.

“I love you, Spaceboy, so much. Everything you said,” She looked deeply into his eyes and smiled at the sight of his sincerity and love for her shining in the infinite depths. She tried again. “Everything you said, the future you imagined, and I want all of that. I want you, Michael. Not just for now, forever. I want to love you forever, and I want to have you love me for just as long. Can you do that, Michael? Can you love me until the end of time?”

Michael released her shoulders and grasped her hands, his thumbs stroking the skin softly.

“Pixie, for as long as I can remember, ever since I was hatched, I’ve wanted to go home, back to Antar. When the Evans took Max and Isabel, I was alone. I wanted someone, anyone. But when I was placed in Hank’s care, it didn’t solve anything. Not even when Max and Isabel found me again, in third grade, did it fill that empty spot inside my heart, inside my soul. But there was this little spitfire in my class. And even though I knew I could never tell her the truth- I didn’t even know the truth myself- looking at her, teasing her, eased my need, my ache, a little.

“We grew up, and she became more and more beautiful and outgoing. I realized, along with Max and Izzy, just what made us different, how special we were. I would fight the knowledge; I didn’t want to be different. All I wanted was to be like her, to have her accept me, but I couldn’t risk my- our- existence.”

Michael paused, as the tears slipped silently down Maria’s cheeks. He wiped them away with his rough fingertips and smiled, sheepishly, at her, suddenly embarrassed. He swallowed hard, suddenly realizing he had come this far, put this much out there, that he might as well tell her everything.

“Hank was never a good man to be around. But when I entered high school, I could never seem to escape his wrath. He drank more and more, finally finding a cathartic release in the pounding of his fists against a scared thirteen-year-old boy. When he would finally pass out, I would run to Max and Isabel. Max would heal the worst of my physical problems, but inside, I was such a mess, and he couldn’t help me with those wounds. Not even I could help myself.

“Last year, Max spilled the beans. He risked exposing all of us, and as mad as I was at him, I was jealous that he got to tell the girl he was in love with. Liz Parker gave me one more reason to be jealous of Max Evans. But, I couldn’t be mad, because Liz told one person: she told a Pixie. Everything changed with the two of them entered our group. It grew from each other to a real group, especially when Alex was dragged down with us, but I couldn’t get close to the Pixie. I couldn’t let her see how much she meant to me, or how happy I actually was that she knew the truth. I knew I could trust her.

“When I couldn’t handle Hank anymore, she was the only person I could imagine running to. One glance from her could calm me more than anything I would ever find by myself.

“Maria, you’re my Pixie. From the moment I kidnapped you, and hijacked your car, I knew you were the only girl for me. So, Maria, can I love you until the end of forever? I already am.”

Michael looked away, afraid of the rejection he could only imagine was coming next. Maria placed her hands on either side of his face and pulled it close to her own. Their noses brushed gently as Maria gazed into Michael’s eyes, the fear of rejection making her gasp sharply.

“Thank you, Michael, for letting me in.”

“Thank you for letting me. I love you, Maria.”

She smiled against his lips before mumbling, “Ditto, Spaceboy.”


Tess knocked lightly on the door to Kyle’s room. She waited for a response, but was greeted only by silence. She took a deep breath and exhaled shakily as her hand tightened around the ribbon on the package in her hand, as her other hand closed around the doorknob. It turned easily in her clenched hand and the door opened slowly.

She walked hesitatingly into the room, and noticed the figure of Kyle lying on the bed, a magazine in his hand. He looked up at her and smiled tightly as she tucked her curly blond hair behind her ear. She sat quickly on the chair that Kyle had pulled up to the bed.

Her hands smoothed the wrapping of the package as he looked at it curiously. She looked down at it and her fidgeting stopped. Tess laughed nervously, before thrusting the package into his hand.

He took I, sitting up and leaning against the wall. His hand unwrapped it quickly, the blue wrapping paper falling away with the pale blue ribbon that Tess had carefully curled into perfect curly-q’s.

A CD case rested in his hands, a picture of Kyle, Tess, Maria, Alex, Michael, Isabel, Max, and Liz all smiling up at the camera gracing the cover. He flipped it over, after shooting Tess a confused look. A list of songs ran down the backside, identifying the songs Tess had chosen to put onto the CD.

He opened the case up, to find more images of all of them, along with the lyrics for all of the songs in the cover. The CD itself was a midnight blue color, glittering stars gracing it, a V shaped constellation was conspicuously missing from the replica of the sky.

“It’s a mixed CD. All of our favorite songs, plus a few more I thought you would like. I hope you like.”

Tess stood up quickly, her chair falling over in her haste to get outside of the room.


Kyle’s voice called out to her, halting her retreat. She turned around to face him, and saw he had risen to follow her. A smile graced his face as he bent down to place the CD in his stereo, the first notes floating through the air.

“Let’s talk.”


“So what are you looking for out of this life?” Kyle asked her inquisitively, his hand full of popcorn reaching to his mouth. His eyes opened wide and he leaned it, awaiting her answer.

“I don’t know.” She replied softly.

Kyle chewed silently, watching her.

“Max Evans?”

Tess’ head flew up and she made eye contact with him. “No.” She replied, truthfully, a smile grazing her face. “No! I’m not looking for Max Evans.”

“Then what?”

Tess chewed her lip, deep in thought. A wistful smile crossed her face as she came to an answer. “I’m looking…for someone.”

“Someone in particular?”

“Maybe.” She replied nonchalantly. “I’m looking for someone to have fun with. I don’t want perfection, that’s not normal. I want someone who can mistakes. I want someone to make mistakes with.”

She smiled again as Kyle leaned forward. Her own head tilted towards his as his warm breath tickled skin. She laughed gently.

Kyle leaned in closer to her ear and whispered for her benefit. “I’m really good at making mistakes.”

Her lips inched closer to his as she murmured under her breath, “I know.”

As Kyle’s lips met hers in a gently caress, she realized the others had been right all along. Their lives were their own; their destinies were theirs to create.
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Post by Lorastar »


I don't have time to reply to feedback right now, but I'll try to do that before Tuesday. Hopefully tomorrow morning. If there are a bunch of mistakes in this part, forgive me, I just really wanted to get this up for you quickly!

Disclaimer: The song at the end is Karma by Majandra Delfino. Great song, can be downloaded at Mad Siren (see link in Outside Roswell forum, thread Majandra's Album the Sicks)

Part 6

The phone rang shrilly, yanking Tess out of her deep sleep. She heard Kyle picking up the phone, his groggy voice penetrating the fogginess of her consciousness. Her lips curled slightly in a smile as she remembered the understanding she and Kyle had come to that evening. Maybe there was something on this Earth worth having.

Kyle’s voice grew agitated as he continued talking with whoever had called. He finally slammed down the phone and Tess could hear him muttering to himself loudly, moving around his room and colliding with what sounded like large pieces of furniture.

Tess rose off the couch and grabbed her robe that was resting on the floor next to her makeshift bed. She pulled it around her and cinched the tie closed. Rubbing her eyes, she walked into the room and ran head first into a fully clothed Kyle. He grabbed her by the arms to prevent her from falling and she yawned deeply at him.

“What’s wrong? Where are you going?” She asked quietly, hoping not to wake Kyle’s dad.

Kyle dropped his hands and threw his head back, sighing deeply, angrily. “I’ve got to go help save some alien butt.”

Tess narrowed her eyes at him? “What?”

Kyle smiled weakly down at her, finding the sight of her blond curls falling out of her messy ponytail adorable. He grinned genuinely as she frowned and wiped at her eyes before another yawn captured her.

“Go back to sleep. I just have to go help get Max back into his house without his parents noticing him.”

She nodded, turning back to return to the couch. As comprehension dawned in her sleepy mind, she turned abruptly, again colliding with Kyle’s firm torso. She giggled softly, “Sorry.” Her head tilted up and her eyes made contact with his twinkling eyes. “Who called? Max?”

Kyle grabbed his keys off the dinette table and his jacket that Tess had hung in the closet. “No. Eliza Campbell.”

Tess frowned again, and through the haze that was still lingering in her drowsy mind, she wished she could understand everything that was happening. “Why is Eliza Campbell calling you for help with Max?”

“He’s at her party. She said he’s plastered off his ass. I congratulated her on not attempting to take advantage of him. I’ve got to hurry- she sounded as if she was contemplating something poor Maxie wouldn’t be able to stand.” Kyle wrapped one arm quickly around Tess and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Bye.”

Tess touched her shirt and pajama pants with her hand, allowing her powers to transform them into normal clothes. She ran to the couch and grabbed her shoes, pulling them on and running back to the door.

“I’m coming with you.”

Kyle started to shake his head. “No. You’re not even dressed and I can’t wait long enough for you to get-“ He turned and looked at her, his mouth falling open quickly when he realized she was dressed. He held the door open as Tess brushed past him. “How’d you do that?”

She waved her hand flippantly in the air. “You know, my alien mumbo jumbo.” She smirked as Kyle followed her quickly, mumbling under his breath about how he wished he could do that.

Alex parked his car quickly in front of Eliza Campbell’s house, not caring that he had been told to party park when he got there. He glanced over at Isabel, who was perched on the edge of the passenger seat, ready to spring out into the house. He grabbed her hand and she jumped slightly before smiling dimly at him. He climbed out of the car and grinned, as Isabel was already half way up the walkway before he could reach her door to open it for him.

She waited for him impatiently at the front door, before finally walking down the stairs to reach him. Alex reached for her hand and she placed it trustingly in his. Together they walked up the stairs to Eliza’s house and walked in without bothering to knock.

Isabel had been on edge ever since someone had called to say that her brother was in danger of losing himself at the party. The mystery tattler had hung up before Isabel could even place the voice, but something made her think even if he had stayed on the phone she wouldn’t have been able to figure out who he was.

Alex coughed slightly as the fumes of the party entered his lungs unbidden. He glanced over at Isabel, who was deep in her ice princess act, a grimace of distaste gracing her features. They paused at the door to get their bearings before walking in the direction of where they could hear loud singing.

They walked, hand-in-hand, into the living room, presenting a united front to all who cared to examine their relationship. They stood in the doorway, examining the patrons of the party. People were milling around, their heads bashing to the music blaring from the sound system. Alex grinned, he had to give it to the Campbells- they sure knew how to buy a smokin’ sound system. His head bopped involuntarily until he could feel the icy stare of Isabel as she stared at him disapprovingly, her hand crushing his.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, his boyish grin instantly appeasing her.

Her grip on his hand loosened, and he knew that he had been forgiven. Alex took a deep breath, realizing that the number one priority on his list tonight was to keep Isabel sane and in control. It was going to be a long night.


Maria watched as Michael hung up his phone in confusion, cursing under his breath. She reached out to touch him lightly. He turned to look at her, closing his phone angrily. A scowl was pasted on his face, and Maria wished she could just smooth it out for him and make everything better.

But it wasn’t possible to make everything better for another person. Each person needs to figure out how to heal without someone else interfering and screwing everything up even more by trying to take it onto themselves to fix. Maria understood this, and waited patiently until Michael opened his mouth to speak. No words came out, as he turned away, his mouth closing as he stood up.

She took the lead, leaning off of the bed to approach him. “Who was that?”

Michael looked at her again, his forehead furrowed into deep wrinkles. “I don’t know.” He responded, grabbing his coat. “I have to leave. Bye, ‘Ria.” He walked to her and kissed her quickly, shoving his feet into his shoes.

Maria waited for details as she pulled away from the kiss, her hands retreating off of his arms and onto her hips. “Where are you going?”

“Eliza Campbell’s party. I have to go take care of Max.”

“What?” She screeched loudly.

Michael covered his ears and grimaced. “Damn, Maria. Keep it down, you want to wake your mom?”

Maria recoiled at his words and narrowed her eyes at him, straightening her back and standing domineeringly at him. “What is going on with Max, Michael?”

He cringed at the tone of her voice and quickly relinquished the minute amount of information he had. “He’s at Eliza’s party, smashed.” Noticing the surprise on her face, he continued. “Some guy just called to tell me that, he didn’t say who he was or anything. All he said was that Max has been drinking a LOT, and to” he paused, trying to remember the exact phrasing the man had used, “get down there before he loses himself.”

Michael, smirking soundlessly, watched Maria grabbing clothes out of her closet, pulling her pajamas off and the clean clothes on. She brushed her hair quickly, pulling her wavy locks into a tight ponytail.

“Hold on.” She yelled at him as she disappeared into the bathroom. He heard the sound of running water as she brushed her teeth. She reappeared in front of him, clutching a purse that held her staple makeup products. Her compact was open as she grabbed the keys to the Jetta and tossed them at Michael. “You drive.” She told him as she began applying her makeup, grimacing as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was pallor, as if she were the one who had died.

A wave of grief tore through Maria, and she gasped at the sudden urge to begin to cry again. She reached out for Michael, who pulled her into his arms.

“Just stay here. I can handle this.”

Maria pulled away from him, her eyes flashing in anger and irritation. “I know I haven’t been myself, Michael, but Max is my friend, too. We bonded over summer. He’s hurting, and I am not going to let you hurt him more. Plus, you need someone to get through to him without making a scene.

Michael snorted as he followed Maria out her bedroom window and down to the Jetta parked in the driveway.

’Oh, yeah,’ he thought, smirking, ‘[/i]this should be fun.’[/i]


Kyle drove quickly, staring straight ahead at the street in front of him. He knew he was driving on autopilot as he turned down the secluded street that the Campbell’s house was on.

Tess watched the houses slipping past her as she stared out the window, wondering when her life and world had started to fall apart. It had been before Liz died, for sure. As she sat there, allowing the memories to flow rapidly, she remembered how she had tried to tear Max away from Liz by using the powers Nasedo had taught her. A grimace passed fleetingly over her face as she remembered how Nasedo had told her that Max was hers, and that she could do anything she needed to secure him.

And she had. She had played with the feelings and emotions of the humans because she had been raised by a monster who felt humans were inferior to them. Now that she had lived among them, allowed herself to associate with them on the same level, she realized that Nasedo had been wrong all along. The hybrids had powers thanks to their alien side, but they had something human that Nasedo would never understand.

They had emotions and feelings. Humans were susceptible to pain that crippled them, made them weak and vulnerable. But with the crippling emotional pain, came the power to have happiness. And with happiness came other overpowering emotions: love, friendship, loyalty, contentment.

Max had found all of these, but Tess hadn’t understood that this made him stronger, she thought it made him easier to take advantage of. She had found it so easy to lure him into the kiss they shared in the rain. Her lack of emotions had always made it easier for her to function with a man who never offered her any love or anything akin to it.

How could she have ever believed Nasedo? Why hadn’t she realized before that he was a monster who would do anything for his own good? The whole crash had been his fault, he had crashed the ship so that the plans he had made before leaving Antar could be completed. So that Queen Ava would be able to return with the heir to the throne, and the other members of the Royal Four to be executed so that Khivar would finally rule unopposed.

But one thing had ruined Nasedo’s plan. He hadn’t taken into consideration the fact that Tess wasn’t Ava, that somewhere along the way she had changed. Maybe it was the human DNA, or maybe it was being thrust to live among humans after Nasedo had gone off to take Agent Pierce’s place in the SU.

Somewhere along the line, she realized she couldn’t go through with the task. There was no way that she could take advantage of Max and deliver them to their enemies.

The flash ripped through her mind painfully.

“They aren’t my enemies, Max!”

She gripped at her head as the headache receded. Kyle continued driving past Eliza’s house, finding an empty spot far enough away to not attract attention to their destination. Kyle stopped the car and they both climbed out before walking briskly to Eliza’s house. The music pounded still, even though a glance at Tess’ watch confirmed that it was after one in the morning.

Kyle glanced through the window, judging the party by how many people were still in attendance. The full front room made him grimace as he thought about the task in front of him. Getting a drunk Max back into his house unnoticed was one thing, but getting him out of a packed high school party where half of the party-goers were drunk or high was another thing.

Tess stopped in front of the house, sensing Kyle’s tenseness. She glanced at him, worried. “You want to stay out here? I can get him alone.”

She stared after Kyle’s back as he cut her off with a gruff no and continued walking up the stairs to the front door. He waited for her at the door, and glanced at her, taking her hand. “I might need you to make a distraction to get everyone’s attention of him and me, after I find him. You ready?” He asked, his voice softening.

Tess nodded, muttering an unnoticeable “As I ever will be.”

The door swung open quietly as Kyle and Tess made their way into the crowded room easily. Tess tightened her grip on Kyle’s hand as he lead her deeper into the crowd.

She stared at the people who surrounded her in shock, people she had never imagined outside of school milled around, dancing up against each other as some popular song blared in the stereo system. Above the heads of the human girls she never imagined she would associate with, she spotted Alex’s head.

Tess squeezed Kyle’s hand and he looked back at her. She pointed to Kyle as random people walked precariously towards her, empty plastic glasses teetering dangerously in their hands. Their slurred voices melded into one cacophonous sound as they called out to Kyle and Tess. Tess ignored them, as Kyle, remembering his societal duties, sent them tight lipped smiles as he followed his girlfriend.


Michael parked in Eliza’s driveway, right next to Alex’s car. Maria smiled when she saw the car, knowing that Alex would be here with Isabel to take care of her brother. She started to climb out of the car, but paused as she realized Michael was pulling out his cell phone and calling a number.

He dialed the numbers quickly and waited for someone to pick up the phone. It was answered quickly and he smiled a full blown grin as he heard the operator reply: “Thank you for calling the Roswell police. How may I direct your call?”

“I’d like to report a disturbance please.” He replied.

Michael could hear as the operator began to punch the keys of her computer. “And what would this disturbance be, sir?” She asked, unruffled.

“A party. On Matheson street. I’ve tried being patient, but those darn teenagers won’t turn down their idiotic music. I want them shut down. Now. 1542 Matheson. Thank you.”

He hesitated before hanging up, and as the operator replied, “Yes, sir. I’ll have someone out there in ten minutes.” He was glad that he had hesitated.

Michael hung up, and turned to Maria. “We have ten minutes before the cops get here.” They climbed quickly out of the car and walked around to the back of the house, entering through the kitchen. The scent of beer attacked their noses and Maria wrinkled her nose in distaste, the scent triggering memories of the parties Liz had dragged Maria to when Liz had been dating Kyle.

“Should we split up?” She asked, glancing around at the people slumped over the furniture.

“No.” Michael replied quickly, unwilling to let Maria loose in a place where he didn’t know what would happen. Plus, he didn’t want to not be able to find her before the police arrived there. They needed to get their friends and leave in eight minutes, now.

Wandering deeper into the throng of grinding teens under the influence of several different classifications of substances, he recognized students from his various classes. He felt a twinge of amusement how the parents of these “responsible” kids probably had no idea that their wonderful kids were standing in crowded houses dancing dirty with each other, one hand on someone else’s body and the other holding a cup of spiked punch or beer.

Out of the corner of her eye, Maria caught a glance of someone she thought was Max. But, no, that was impossible. This guy was dancing obscenely close with Eliza Campbell, his hand running over her back as their hips moved in almost in unison, his eyes shut tightly against the visions in front of him.

Maria walked closer, stopping ten feet away from the sight, peering closely at the guy who looked so stunningly like the love of her best friend’s life. Michael called after her, but then noticed what she was staring at. His mouth dropped open in shock as Max kissed Eliza with an open mouth.

Who was he?

The kiss was too much for Maria to stand. She stood there with her anger flowing rapidly through her body. She tensed, and then the tirade began.

“MAXWELL EVANS! How could you do this?! Have you forgotten completely about Liz already? LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!” She screamed loudly at him, not caring that countless legions of her classmates were staring at her and Max.

Max pulled away from Eliza, but she grabbed his hand. The words Maria had screamed at him slowly began to make sense to him. He shook off Eliza’s hand and made a clumsy, eager step towards Maria.

“No! Maria! I haven’t forgotten her.” His head began to feel as if it were splitting and he clutched at it, groaning as the sharp pain began to feel as though someone were repeatedly poking a tender spot in his head.

He smiled weakly as the flashes and “memories” began to flood his brain.


“Max? Max?!”

“No…No, you’re in danger.”

“Max? What- what happened to you?”

“I don’t know. I- I’m in this body, but it’s not really me.”

“Oh, my God. Okay, okay, let me help you.”

“Shut UP! There’s no time! I can’t hold out much longer, I…you have to kill this body. You have to stop Clayton.”


“You have to…he’ll kill you if you don’t. Liz, please. Take the club…do it?”


“DO IT! Liz, do it.”

“I’m so sorry, Max. I love you.”


Max was filled with an overwhelming sense of loss that gripped his heart as he cried out, his voice blending with the voice in the flash. He only wished he could remember why he had been telling Liz to kill him.

He looked at Maria from the spot he had slumped down onto. His puppy dog eyes didn’t even weaken her resolve one bit. He pulled himself off the ground and stared at her, suddenly sober, but filled with an unyielding sadness.

“I haven’t forgotten Liz, Maria. But it hurts, right here.” He pointed to his heart, tears filling his eyes as in his somewhat sober state he allowed himself to remember the pain he had felt by losing Liz.

Maria’s eyes glared at him and he recognized the enraged look that he had never seen directed at anyone except for Michael, who he noticed was wisely hiding behind Maria.

“Do you think you’re the only one who is hurting, Max? You aren’t. You think I like waking up every morning and knowing I should’ve been there for my best friend? You think I like blaming myself for being so caught up in my own problems that I wasn’t capable of stopping my best friend from killing herself? You weren’t- aren’t- the only one who loved Liz! We all did, but you’re too blind to open your eyes and see that we’re all hurting.”

Max allowed the feelings of grief and guilt to wash over himself, briefly welcoming it. He whispered quietly, still starring at Maria, “I’m so sorry, Maria. I am so sorry.” The tears never even rose to his eyes.

Maria swallowed hesitatingly. She walked towards him and wrapped her arms around him, wincing as he did the same, squeezing her tightly against him. Somewhere behind her, she heard Eliza huff off, probably annoyed that the guy she thought she had snagged was now being comforted by Maria.


Alex had heard the commotion by the kitchen, and after getting the attention of the others, they hurried to see what was happening. They arrived just in time to see Max fall to the floor, clutching his head as if in pain.

As Max seemed to become normal, Tess was hit with another wave of pain in her head. She threw her hands up to her temple, trying to rub away the pain as the flash hit her, leaving her breathless.


“Liz? You brought me back….”

“I guess that makes us even.”

“What happened?”

“Let’s go home.”

The pain disappeared as Michael walked towards them, keeping an eye trained on Maria and Max. Michael nodded at them sharply. “You guys, we’ve got to get out of here. The cops will be here to close down the party in,” he glanced at his watch, “two minutes. We’ve got to go, NOW! I’ll take Max and Maria. Get out of here.”

Tess glanced back at Maria and Max who were walking out the kitchen door, she presumed to the car. Taking action, she grabbed Kyle’s hand and thanked Michael, dragging Kyle out the same way Maria and Max had left. She could hear the others following closely behind them, and she allowed her mind to wonder what was wrong with her.

Why was she receiving these flashes of Max and Liz? And why had this one had Maria in it, too? She struggled to find a common thread between the times she’d had the flashes. The other time was in the Crashdown after Liz’s funeral when Max was losing control. This time was when Max had been drunk.

So apparently Max was the common thread, but what was he doing to her to make her have these flashes?

She shook her thoughts away, telling herself she would think about them later, now was a time for a quick getaway.


Michael pulled away quickly, Alex right behind him. As they drove down the street, they slowed their speed as the police cars passed them heading towards Eliza’s house. Michael smiled as he imagined the scene that would soon be occurring.

The two cars increased their speed as they drove through the sleeping town, but decreased it again as they entered the residential streets leading to Murray Road. Maria began humming quietly, her hums quickly progressing to singing.

“Karma called and said I have to learn.
Said I’ve been way too giving.”

The words caught in her throat as she realized it was the first time she had sung since Liz’s funeral.

Max’s voice began singing the words, complementing hers. She looked at him shocked, unaware that Liz had taught him the words to the song they had composed with Alex the night they had gone to see the fortune teller.

“Susceptible, naïve- I don’t agree.
I fought it and said you were my fate,
But it insisted fate was nicer, cleaner, and less violent.”

Michael pulled up in front of the house as Whitman’s car parked behind him. They just sat there as Michael pulled the key out of the ignition and Max and Maria continued the song.

“It’s unfair, you’ll do fine.
At least I have a boy to say is mine.
Sometimes you’re there,
What more do I deserve?
Why are things making it as if I should kick you to the curb?”

Maria sang the verse alone and Michael turned to look at her, an indescribable look flitting over his face before it was replaced with amusement.

Max’s voice once again blended with hers.

“Karma called and said it doesn’t matter to your life,
That I will lose myself.
But it’s time to enjoy and not to bleed.
Yes, it’s true
How could it be? Can you explain it to me?
Why am I being taken from you?
When I still love you so completely?”

Maria’s voice again filled the emptiness of the car as Michael glanced out the window and saw Isabel and Alex approaching the car. Maria, Max, and Michael climbing out of the old Jetta, as Max began to sing again- allowing his feelings to escape through song.

“But at times it was beautiful and all I really need.
But you can’t experience some bliss ‘till you’re willing to bleed.
At first you gave me nothing,
But now you give me less.
But I still think of myself as livin’ in bliss.”

Alex smiled sadly as he recognized the song and tune that Maria’s voice was weaving around painfully as Max’s strong voice added a anchor for Maria to return to. Opening his mouth, he allowed his graceful voice to enter the mix as they all walked towards the window leading to Max’s bedroom.

“Look, I can’t fight it.
So unless you can control it,
I’m gonna have to listen, baby.
Take my wings and leave.”

Maria glanced at Alex confused as she ended the last note gracefully and leisurely. He shrugged and turned to Max as he ran his hand unevenly over the lock to his room.

“How did you know that song, Max?”

He shrugged, and Alex then realized that he was still slightly drunk. “I don’t know. I just did.” He opened the window and climbed in clumsily, followed closely by Isabel. Before her feet could even hit the ground of Max’s bedroom, the light came on. Isabel threw her hand over her face to shield her eyes from the light, as she saw Max doing as well.

An angry voice pierced her ears. She quickly recognized it as belonging to her father. Her hand fell away as she watched Max standing tall face to face to her father.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m coming home and going to bed, DAD.” He muttered sarcastically.

“At this time of night?” Phillip’s face tightened and Tess couldn’t help but wonder if it was painful to him.

“Yes, at this time of morning.”

Phillip leaned in and peered at his son. “Are you drunk?”

“Yes.” Max answered honestly, unabashed of his actions.

“I told you not to come home drunk again.”

“I didn’t come home, I came to a house that you own.”

“Don’t do this, Max.”


Phillip breathed in deeply, trying to resist the waves of anger that flowed rampantly through his body. “Doing this. I want you out. Now.”

“Why, Dad? Don’t you love me? Isn’t that a condition of being a parent? Having unconditional love?” He sneered openly at Phillip, who reached out and grabbed a bag that was sitting on Max’s bed.

He threw it into Max’s surprised hands and walked to the doorway. He paused, turning and speaking in a dull, low tone. “Get out, now. I’ll tell your mother you said goodbye.”

Max looked at the bag in his hand, opened in and walked to the closet. He mumbled under his breath as he grabbed his shirts and pants before moving to the dresser and pulling everything out of it. His hand hit the envelope that contained Liz’s journal. For a moment he entertained the thought of leaving it here, but then grabbed it and stuck it in the bottom of the bag, hiding it from sight.

He looked around the room, grabbing pictures and cd’s as he walked back to the window. He zipped the bag and climbed back out, walking away as Isabel called out to him. The others stood around, shocked at what had just occurred. Michael chased after him, finally reaching him. They walked in silence.

Michael finally spoke. “You need a place to stay? My place is always open.”

Max nodded. “Thanks.”

“One condition, though.”


“No playing your Counting Crows CD’s.”

Last edited by Lorastar on Sat Jan 10, 2004 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Lorastar »'s the next part. Thanks to my beta, Kay! Okay, I hope you like this part, I changed part of it (added two pages to it) cuz my beta hated it. So I'm thinking some of you might, as well. But trust me, it starts getting better soon, and then you'll see why I say there is dreamer insurance. I didn't lie when I wrote that. And if you're wondering if Max has to die for them to be together: No.

Hope you like it!

Part 7

Michael groaned loudly as Max opened the blinds letting the blinding sun into his bedroom. He rolled over, trying to escape it, but Max pulled his blankets back, cheerfully calling out something that sounded awfully like “Wakey, wakey, little flaky.” Michael opened his eyes and gave Max a patronizing glare.

“What did you just say?”

“Get up for school.”

Michael groaned again, hiding his head under the pillow, unwilling to force himself to go back to that place where all the teachers looked disapprovingly down at him and his fellow students stared at him and scurried away- frightened by his sullen and aggressive attitude.

“New condition: you can’t wake me up for school, especially not with ‘Wakey, wakey, little flaky.” Michael threw his pillow across the room and stumbled across the floor into the small bathroom for a quick shower.

Max grinned and shook his head as he made his way into the kitchen to get something for breakfast. Finding nothing except empty boxes of cereal, he called out to Michael.

“You have nothing to eat. Should we stop somewhere before school?” Michael walked into the kitchen, drying his hair as he ran his hand threw it. His black t-shirt and dark blue jeans with the ripped knee made Max think that even when your world is flipped upside down, some things will always remain the same.

Michael opened the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of milk. He unfolded the top and sniffed it, passing it to Max. Max sniffed and grimaced, “Man, don’t you ever clean out your refrigerator?”

Michael shrugged. “You think you can do something about it?”

“The refrigerator? Even Isabel can’t fix that.”

“No, the milk.”

Max shrugged, taking the open carton of milk. The drink by date caught his attention: two weeks ago. Well, that would explain it. Max sat down at the counter and concentrated on checking for any bacteria that he would need to expel from the liquid, and for any way to reduce the aging. He held his hand over the carton, pouring his energy into the job in front of him.

He opened his eyes and relaxed, passing it to Michael for inspection. Michael hesitantly took the milk and sniffed again.

“That is foul, Max.”

Max glared at him, “Seriously?”

“I think it’s worse than it was.”

“Oh well.” Max shot daggers at the offending carton of milk and wished one of his powers was to shoot lasers out of his eyes.

Michael noticed the way he was glaring at the carton, and he convened before things could get out of hand. “You want me to blow it up for you?”

“Let’s go get something to eat.”

“Something flaky?”


Max and Michael walked through the quad area to the table their group had acquired sophomore year. Alex, Isabel, Tess, Kyle, and Maria were already sitting there, staring at each other or into the distance. Their surly expressions caught Max off guard: if he was supposed to go back to how he was, weren’t they supposed to, too?

He grinned at them, swinging his weight onto the table, careful not to spill his Starbucks coffee. “Hey guys, why you looking so down?” Nobody answered, but as he looked at the picture taped to the table, he got an idea. The smiling face of Liz Parker surrounded by all of them, Max’s arms wrapped around her tightly, was held down to the table with duct tape. The happy smile he had tried to maintain quickly faded.

“Who put that there?” He asked angrily, trying to rip the tape off of the table.

Shadows fell across Max’s face but he didn’t bother to look up, still intent on prying the candid memory of the happiness that they all had found from being so publicly displayed. Voices penetrated the haze Max had submerged himself into, as one corner finally began to rise from the table.

“Evans, there’s going to be a really good party Friday night. You in?”

Max ignored them, hearing Maria answer for him.

“No, he has plans.”

Paulie answered, a smirk displayed prominently on his face. “With who?”


Tommy dismissed her with one glance, which fueled her anger. She couldn’t stand these dimwits who thought they ruled the school and all of the students.

“Yea, we heard about that little incident, Evans. We’re willing to forgive you for making a scene.” Paulie glared intensely at Maria. The moment Michael reached out to take her hand, she realized that they weren’t worth getting riled about. They would get what was coming to them sometime, she could only hope it would be in the form of a beer gut and bald head by the time their thirtieth birthdays rolled around.

Max finally looked up. “Thanks, but no.”


“I’ve got plans.”

Paulie began to get upset. “With who?”

Max replied calmly, “With my friend, Maria.”

Tommy took a step closer to Max, who stood to meet the challenge. “You would rather be seen with them, then us?”

Max looked at his friends, the only people in this world he knew he could trust. His eyes landed on the photograph of when they had been happy and united; suddenly he knew his answer. “Them. No contest.”

“You’re committing social suicide, Evans.”

He winced at Paulie’s choice of words, chosen, no doubt, to ruffle him. “Good for me.” Max sat down on the table again, his hand unconsciously landing on the edge of the photograph.

Tommy noticed and elbowed Paulie in the side, muttering to him under his breath. Paulie sneered and turned back to Max. “You’re dead to us, Evans. Just like Valenti, here. Oh, and yeah, Liz Parker, too.”

Max controlled his anger until Paulie brought up Liz. He could deal with the mistakes he had made and the consequences he now had to suffer, but for Paulie to keep talking about death, and suicide, in correlation to his Liz’s name, was too much. He flung himself off the table, calculating his steps. He couldn’t actually fight them, not here, not now; but he could intimidate the hell out of them.

Max’s eyes narrowed as he walked slowly, his body stretching itself so that he could tower over the two guys in front of him. His head rose above theirs, and his body clearly showed more muscle than both guys had combined. When he spoke, his voice was cool and calculated, only a hint of his anger showing through. “I never want to hear you mention her name again, got it?”

Paulie and Tommy slouched down a little, before straightening again and glaring back at Max. “Why? Does it hurt your feelings too much to hear about your dead ex-girlfriend? Wake up, Evans. The girl would rather kill herself than be with you.”

Pain and anger flitted through Max’s eyes. Unwilling to let these idiots see it, he closed his eyes slowly, as though blinking, but held them closed a little longer than normal, until the fleeting emotions were tucked safely away, and out of sight of the two guys in front of him, who would pry on his inner soul if they could only see it.

“You don’t know anything about Liz Parker. She was the kind of girl who knew something good when she saw it. Maybe that’s why after the first glance, she never looked at you again. And as for bringing her up, I told you not to. If you ever dare to utter her name again” he paused menacingly as Michael, Kyle, and Alex all stood to stand slightly behind him, lending their support.

Paulie glared at him and turned to walk away. Tommy paused, standing on his own for the first time. “It’s not over, Evans. It’s never over.” His eyes glowed darkly, Isabel would later swear the whites of his eyes disappeared as he glared at Max. The darkness made her shiver against her will as she turned from the pervading of feeling of pure evil that made it’s way through the space to her.

Tommy turned to stare at her, no expression torturing his face. Slowly, he grinned as he noticed recognition of what he was in Isabel’s face. As soon as he walked five steps to join Paulie, he collapsed to the ground, his eyes once again blazing black.

Screams from the cheerleaders attracted Isabel’s attention and she snapped out of the reverie she had lost herself in. Tess leaned over, having just witnessed Tommy’s passing out.

“Isabel?” She asked gently, laying her hand on Isabel’s shoulder and shaking her gently. “Are you okay?” Her voice conveyed her true concern, which confused Isabel for a moment.

She shook her head slowly, “Yea, I’m fine. Thanks.”

Tess sat on the bench watching as Max turned from the humans surrounding him and strolled into the school. He hadn’t gone back to the guy he had been before, she doubted he ever could. Even if he had turned away from alcohol, he had changed. Max now was capable of standing up for himself and all of them, not turning away like he had- claiming they couldn’t be noticed.

As she watched, she recognized the fake exterior he was wearing. He had suffered the wounds of another emotional battle, but continued on his trek.

Maria approached her, her face a blank emotional canvas. “I want to talk to you.”

Tess nodded, slightly apprehensive.

Maria sat next to her and took a deep breath. “It’s just something I realized. And it’s not just you, it’s all of you, all of us.”

Tess looked at her curiously. “What is it?”

Maria turned to look at her and made contact with her. Tess was stunned at the depths of emotion she saw in the girl’s eyes. Had she ever made eye contact with her before without having some ulterior motives?

“You’re above all this, Tess. You’re above all this teenage bullshit. It’s not because you’re a queen, I don’t care about that at all, Tess.” Her eyes pierced the pale blue eyes of the girl next to her. “It’s the way you were raised, it’s what you are. It’s the secrets you’ve had to keep to save your life. So if you ever think of sinking low, just remember you’re not like everyone else.”


“I’m not saying this because I suddenly want to be your best friend. I don’t. My best friend died almost a month ago, and I will be damned if I let another person I care about end up like that.”

Maria stood suddenly and walked away, leaving no room for Tess to respond. She sat there silently thinking about what Maria had just told her. Suddenly, she had the urge to talk to Max.

Tess waited for a moment, debating whether or not to follow him. Finally, she rose and trotted off into the school, unaware that Kyle had been trying to catch her eye. Curious, he followed her.

Max was standing at his locker, shoulders slumped, as he rummaged through his locker, searching for the right notebook. Tess approached him slowly, her hands behind her back. She leaned around to his side, and uttered a cheerful, “Hi.”

He turned to look at her, and nodded slightly. “Hey.”

She leaned against the locker next to his and wondered where to go from here. “Someone told me something I thought I should share with you.”

Max continued rummaging through his locker. “What?”

“You’re above all this teen bullshit, Max. You’re worth more than it.” She paused. “I’m here for you, Max. I know you don’t know how to trust me, but I’ll always be here for you.”

He looked at her, closing his locker with a inaudible click. “Thanks.” He mumbled, leaning in to hug her. She wrapped her arms around him, tightly.

Tess squeezed him tighter, gently asking him, “How are you doing?” She wanted to know the emotions that were running through his mind, she wanted to understand him completely, but somehow lacked the words that would demonstrate this need.

His voice was void of emotion as he answered, “Nada y nada y pues nada.”

From his viewpoint, Kyle gasped as he saw the two embracing. Once again, he had come in second.


The young man in the shadows laughed as he watched the queen’s young friend walk away, his pride hurt. He listened to the words the young king uttered and continued the quote of Ernest Hemingway he thought was apt for the situation: with just one act, their story turned into nothing.

“Our nada who art in nada, be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but to deliver us from nada: pues nada. Hail nothing, nothing is with thee.”

Giving one last acerbic laugh, he turned from the young royals to the eraser room. Closing the door behind him, he pressed a hidden button and smiled as the otherworldly beam of light penetrated the room. Lifting this head to the light, it collapsed- unconscious- onto the floor so many earthlings had desecrated.


Maria parked the car in the lot and looked over at Max. He took a deep breath and they climbed out of the beat up Jetta with the new bumper Michael had refinished for her Christmas gift. Together, they walked to the ticket window, Maria moving to purchase two tickets as Max gazed around the building. The neon pink, blue, and purple lights lit up the 7:00 night sky.

Max jumped slightly as Maria placed her hand on his arm lightly. She smiled as he looked down at her and they walked into the building, foregoing the snack lines for the treats Maria had stashed in her purse from her house. She had explained to him, grinning sheepishly, that by doing the movies her way, he would save twenty bucks. And of course, she added, he was paying for tonight. Michael had just shrugged when Max’s beseeching gaze had befallen him.

The lights dimmed rapidly as the movie reels began and sound erupted from unseen speakers. Maria handed him a container of cookies that held a small container of Tabasco sauce. He took them graciously, enunciating his gratitude with a muffled “Thanks” which Maria couldn’t possibly have heard over the roar of the announcers advertising the sound track of the movie they were about to see. She nodded imperceptibly as her ear relished the music, memorizing it so she could sing the song later.

As the movie began, the overpaid actors and actresses made their dramatic entrances to the screen and their imaginations. Max settled back, waiting to see where the ride was taking them.


The tears flooded down Maria’s face as the lights came on. She had started crying when the girl had said her goodbyes, driving away into the dark, leaving the people who loved her behind in a cloud of dust and broken dreams. It had turned into a torrent of tears when the burst of light met her eyes, the scream of a horn, the squeal of tires, and the smashing of metal hit her ears. Max had reached over and grabbed her hand as he watched impassively as the credits rolled over the screen.

Maria clambered to her feet and allowed Max to guide her as her tears slowed, and finally stopped. They walked past the parking lot, down the street to the small park. The swings rocked back and forth gently in the cold 9:00 breeze. Maria traced the links of the chain as she sat on the swing, wrapping her arms around the supportive chains. Max pushed her slightly as she extended her legs, and then folded them under her. Higher and higher she soared, until Max backed away, not wanting to be hit and pummeled to the ground: he’d survived enough beatings in the last month.

Not allowing his mind to remember anything, he plopped down on the swing next to Maria’s, watching as she slowed her swing down until it rested next to his. They both stared at the cars that crawled slowly down the surrounding streets, content to sit in silence together.

“It’s been a month, Max.” The silence was broken violently as Maria allowed the truth to linger in the air. If he paid close attention, he could’ve sworn the air had just shuddered and shimmered.

“I don’t want to talk about this, Maria.” He tried to respond warmly, but he wasn’t ready to talk about her- Liz- yet. He gulped hard as the name brought back the memories of her, each more painful than the last, culminating with three memories exploding at him, one after the other. Max was forced to watch in slow motion as Liz was shot, and collapsed to the ground, blood already staining the front of her uniform. A third-party, Max watched as the other version of him ran to her side, disappearing behind the counter. Then he saw Liz and Kyle in bed together, laughing and talking quietly to each other. Lastly, the image of Liz, lying dead, cold, and lifeless in Max’s arms stuck in his minds eye. He shook his head to rid himself of the images, reiterating his earlier statement. “I don’t want to talk about this…yet.” He added slowly, offering the possibility that he would want to, sometime.

Maria gazed at him, worried. “Girlfriend,” she started carefully, using the term she had dubbed him with that summer. “We need to. I need to. Michael, Michael let’s me talk as much as I can, but he doesn’t really understand. He tried to, but you know.”

He nodded slowly, knowing what his answer should be. “He doesn’t love her. You were her best friend. What about Alex?”

She rolled her eyes at the thought. “Alex is great. But lately he’s been like the Energizer Bunny on crack when he hears anything about Liz.” Max resisted the urge to laugh; he’d noticed the same thing.

Silence settled upon them uncomfortably, blanketing everything around them with a thick layer of separation and despondency. Maria stared ahead, not wanting to ask the next question, but knowing that it was necessary. For what, she wasn’t sure, whether it was needed for Max to heal, or for her own comfort of mind wasn’t obvious.

“Max, when you were dancing with Eliza….” She paused as he grimaced, not wanting her to bring that up again.


“Were you dancing with Eliza…or Liz?”

He rolled his eyes angrily and moved away from Maria.

“No, Max, tell me. Were you dancing with Eliza or Liz?”



Max shut the driver door, the silence between him and Maria continuing comfortably. He remembered the bittersweet smile that had crossed Maria’s face when he had told her he had been dancing with Liz. The moment had withered when he had recognized the fact that he didn’t feel anything. He couldn’t feel Liz anymore. The small section of her soul that had taken refuge inside of his was gone. As was the piece of his: forever lost with the one girl he would ever truly love.

Maria turned the ignition key, waiting for Max to climb into the passenger seat so that they could leave, drive around aimlessly until the night was old, or the day was young. Or until they ran out of gas. They were leaving it all to fate.

Fate. Another word for Destiny. How she despised the word. And yet, with every waking moment, they fell victim to both.

Max climbed in, shut the door, and buckled his seat belt. Maria put the car into drive and they pulled away into the dark. They continued driving in silence, comfortable to just be together. Whatever they went through, they would always understand each other

They pulled onto 285 South and noticed they were the only car on the highway. Turning to look at each other, they smiled mischievously before Maria floored the gas pedal and the car shot down the empty stretch of road.

“It had to happen, Max. You know, that don’t you?” Maria asked as her speed slowed and she noticed a car behind them.

“What did?”

“Liz dying.” She frowned slightly as she noticed the car picking up speed and racing towards them.

Max stared out the window at the dusty stretches of dry desert. “Why?”

“You put her on a pedestal. Her only options were to die and preserve the sense of perfection you shrouded her in, or to fall. And if she fell, she wouldn’t be the only one who shattered.”

“She fell and then died.”

Maria turned to look at him, but Max was still staring out the window. In the moment that her attention was diverted from the road, something crashed into the car. Maria slammed on the breaks, breathing rapidly as her heart threatened to pound out of her chest.

Max looked at her, making sure she was okay, before glancing into the rear view mirror to see who had hit them. He moved to put the car in park for Maria when he noticed the car behind them backing up, the front end somehow not dented at all. The face of a young boy grinning maniacally flooded his mind as the car continued backing up.

Soundlessly, it raced back towards them. Max noticed Maria was still trying to remember how to breathe, rummaging through her bag, doubtlessly for one of her oils. He spoke calmly, keeping his voice low and even, “Maria, put the car back into drive and go.”

She paused, turning to look at him. His eyes flashed at her before turning back to watch the car gaining speed to crash into them again. “Now, Maria. Don’t ask questions.”

Putting the car back into drive and pressing down onto the gas, Maria nodded. The small red car raced down the abandoned road, the large green car trailing after them. The driver was playing with them, slowing and letting the Jetta escape before once again meeting them.

Silence met them as Maria continued flooring the gas pedal. The needle of the gas gauge dipped lower and lower as they continued, burning their tracks as they attempted to escape an unknown terror.

“Max.” Maria whispered slowly, glancing at the gauges in front of her.

He tensed unconsciously. “What?”

“We’re out of gas.”

Max glanced back out the window. As the Jetta slowed to a stop, fate finally spelling out the end, the green car began racing faster and faster before slamming into their back end. He threw his hands out to protect Maria and surrounded the two of them with a green shield that protected them from crashing into the dashboard.

The cars finally stopped and Max released his shield, red, blue, and white lights flashing through the air.

“You okay?”

Maria nodded as they both struggled with their control, finally stepping out of the car.

Hanson parked his car behind the two cars, wondering how the irresponsible drivers would explain this. He stepped out the police cruiser and towards the people climbing out of their crunched green car. The woman was alternating between sobs and yelling at her son who looked shaken.

From his view point, he noticed Max Evans and Maria DeLuca walking shakily towards them, checking the damage to the Jetta. Strangely, they noticed neither car was severely damaged, even though Maria’s new bumper was hanging on by a thread again.

Hanson cleared his throat. “Who was driving?” he asked, pulling out his pad of paper to make notes for his report.

Maria cringed. She had forgotten to pay her insurance bill this month. Max spoke quickly, “I was.” She looked at him and he smiled warmly, taking her hand in his. His smile seemed to say: don’t worry, I’ll take of everything.

The woman who was still sobbing managed to point to her son and blame the whole thing on him. Hanson looked at him, he judged him to be about fifteen. “Do you have your license, son?”

The boy shook his head, “No, sir. But I got my permit a few weeks ago. I’m awfully sorry.”

He sighed. “What’s your name?”

“Nicholas Crawford.”

Hanson nodded reassuringly at him, then turned to Evans. Why did it seem he was always there when something went wrong? If he was superstitious, he might have been forced to believe the boy was bad luck. Maybe something he did in his past life….


Michael was livid. How could Max have done something so irresponsible? He could only imagine the amount of alcohol he had consumed to do this. And how could he possibly take Maria with him when she was most likely scared out of her mind?

The door opened and Max and Maria walked into the room. Michael stopped pacing and stared at them. They were smiling, as though Michael hadn’t just gotten a call that Max caused a car accident.

“How could you do this, Maxwell?” He yelled.

Max stood still, staring at back at him, challenging him. “Do what?”

“How could you have driven drunk and caused an accident?”

Max’s eyes narrowed as he returned Michael’s glare.


“I can understand you wanting to die, but to take Maria with you?! Liz is dead, and you’re in pain, but why do you have to take Maria away from me?”

Maria interjected loudly: “Michael-“

He hushed her and continued his fight. “Wake up, Max. You can’t do this anymore. Not here.”

Max’s eyes narrowed as he stared at his second in command who was not budging physically or mentally. “Fine,” he replied gruffly, his voice a low growl. “I’m leaving.” He walked around the room, stuffing his meager belongings back into the bag his father had given him, making sure he still had Liz’s journal where he had placed it.

“Give me the keys to the Chevelle and I’ll be gone.”

“What?” Michael’s brow wrinkled in confusion.

“Give me the keys to the Jeep and I’ll be gone.” Max repeated.

Michael frowned when he felt Maria tugging on his arm. He ignored her and threw the keys to Maxwell, unwilling to keep him in a state of pain and confusion. Hoping that he would find his way to safety, he watched him walk out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

“Michael, what have you done?”

He looked down at Maria and watched as she shook her head mournfully. “What?”

“He wasn’t drinking, Michael, or driving.”


Tess walked in through the front door and noticed Kyle slouching angrily on the couch. He pressed a button on the remote with excessive force as he stared at the screen before scowling at the television and pounding the button again. Tess tiptoed unnoticed to stand behind the couch. When Kyle changed the channel, she waved her hand and unscrambled porn flooded the screen.

Kyle scowled and hit the remote again, turning to E.T. Tess grimaced as she watched the little brown wrinkly puppet waddle across the set. She’d never liked this movie and could never understand the human fascination with it.

As Kyle became engrossed with the movie, Tess became worried. Was she in a relationship with someone who thought of her like he thought of this creature on screen? But Tess was nothing like ET. She looked like a human, not an old brown wrinkly puppet with long arms and short, stubby legs, and fingers that were longer than a human hand. Her voice was melodic, not a voice derived from an older smoker woman who had permanent damage to her vocal chords. But most important, she wasn’t trying to go home. No one from her home planet was going to come and rescue her. And even if somehow they did come for her, she wasn’t so sure she would leave. Tess was ready to find her own home, somewhere she belonged.

Tess stared as the spaceship landed and ET said goodbye to his human friend. When the movie was finally over, she lifted her hand and turned it off quickly. Kyle turned around and found her standing there, her gaze resting on the blank screen, a look of disgust blazing in her eyes.

Feeling his intense gaze upon her, Tess’ facial expression softened and she turned her eyes to return the look. She found him taking in every bit of who she was. For the first time, Tess felt like Kyle was looking through her, seeing every secret she had kept hidden away. And it scared her that he was possible seeing the evil and dark soul she was cursed with.

Forcing her arms to stay pined at her sides, and her eyes to maintain contact with his, she spoke self-consciously. “What?”

He watched her as she moved farther away from him. Quickly- smoothly- he stood up and moved closer to her. “Why’d you do it, Tess?”

“Do what?” she asked nervously, backing up even more as he began to walk towards her.

“Everything.” He answered easily. “Why’d you make Liz kill herself?” he swallowed hard, struggling internally with some hidden emotion that threatened to completely overcome him.

Tess stared agape as he stood, waiting for a reply. “I didn’t make Liz kill herself! I swear I didn’t.” She furrowed her forehead, wondering what was making Kyle act this way. Ever since he had seen that photo of all of them taped to the table, he had seemed upset.

“No.” he acknowledged slowly. “No, you didn’t force Liz to take the pills that killed her. But you helped bring her to that point.”

She breathed out a confused gasp of breath. Bringing her hands to her hips, she challenged him defensively. “What did I do to do that, Kyle? Please, enlighten me.”

“You tried to steal Max from her. You stole her happiness.”

Tess’ mouth dropped open in surprise as the now familiar guilt ripped through her body, making her shiver slightly. Kyle noticed, but overlooked the signs of discomfort she was unconsciously displaying.

She took a deep breath, trying to regain the composure that flitted just out of reach of her fingertips. Failing miserably, she burst out. “That wasn’t my fault, Kyle. It was destiny. I was raised by a murderer who taught me Max was mine, and that I should do whatever I needed to do to get him where he belonged- with me.”

Kyle’s eyes blazed with anger as he yelled at her.

“And you believed him? You have no one to blame but yourself for your own actions, Tess. No one.”

Kyle turned away from her, and she called out defensively, “Liz tried to get me with Max, Kyle, the day she killed herself.” Her voice dropped, became somber, as she continued. “Now I know why.”

“No, Tess, you don’t. You have never understood Liz’s motives and you never will because they were pure and selfless. You don’t even have all the facts. Liz broke Max’s heart on purpose that night by pretending to sleep with me when she knew Max was coming to get her. I don’t understand why she did that, but that’s what she did.”

Tess’ heart went out to Max as she remembered how broken he had seemed when she ran into him in the park. Just like he is now, she thought sadly.

Kyle recognized the look on her face and automatically knew who she was thinking of. He asked coldly, “You’re thinking of Max, aren’t you?”

She looked back at him, her heart breaking just a little more as she realized how badly Kyle was hurting. Had anyone tried to help him heal? Had anyone talked with him about what he was feeling, or had they all concentrated on Max instead? Tess realized it was time for someone to put Kyle first, and Max second, and right now it seemed obvious that she was the right person for the job.

She walked towards him, ready to lie, but as his eyes pierced hers, she halted and forgot the fabricated lie she had been prepared to tell. Instead, her mouth fell open and the truth spilled out, unbidden.


Kyle walked closer, responding to her simple answer in short, clipped tones. “Then why don’t you go to him now? He is your destiny after all.” He glared at her, challenging her wordlessly.

Anger began to rise again in Tess and she wished for the breaths she was taking to calm her. When nothing helped, she stared back at him, her voice rising again.

“Because I don’t want to be with him. I don’t care about Destiny anymore, Kyle. If-“

Kyle cut her off, his tone hurting her more than any physical blow ever could. “Destiny is never something to stand in the way of, Tess. Liz didn’t, and I don’t want to anymore. Go to Max.”

She rushed to him, placing her hands on his arms to stop him from moving away from her. “Why won’t you just listen to my side, Kyle?”

“Oh, so the murderer has a side? That’s rich.” He rolled his eyes as the sarcastic words tumbled effortlessly from his mouth. Her eyes opened wide as he walked back towards the couch.

Her response came out as a whisper, but he still heard it. “That’s not fair, Kyle. I didn’t kill her.”

He turned on her and she was privy to the anger and pain that resided in his usually carefree eyes.

“No, Tess. What isn’t fair is that the sweetest girl I have ever met in my life is lying in a wooden box six feet below the sunshine. What’s not fair is that the Crashdown is closed tonight because the Parker’s couldn’t bear to see people after they got their daughter’s acceptance letter from Harvard. What isn’t fair is that Liz isn’t here to read the letter and smile a smile that would rival the sun. What isn’t fair is that she won’t get to go to Harvard and follow her dreams. That’s what isn’t fair. And you know what else isn’t fair? That Liz gave up so much for all of us and never got anything in return, just you, who came and took everything from her.”

Tess stared at him as he sat back down on the couch, holding the remote in his right hand, but making no movement to turn the television on. Pain registered in her mind once again, causing her voice to flatten, “Are you saying you wish I were dead, instead?”

His silence spoke volumes about how he honestly felt. She stood there, stoically, feeling the tears threatening to forcefully break down the dam she had built.

“I was a fool, Kyle, a fool. I believed everything Nasedo told me, even when he told me humans were inferior because of their emotions. But you guys made me see that not all emotions cripple. Max, Isabel, and Michael are all made stronger by their emotions. We’ve all seen Max without Liz. Without her, he’s irrational, unsafe, and makes idiotic decisions. He’s weak, ineffective, broken, and lost. But with Liz by his side, with her love on his side, he was strong and had a purpose. Emotions are something that make us stronger, and I want to thank you for showing me that.”

She swallowed hard, wondering how much he really knew about her. “Destiny, Kyle. If your father made an arranged marriage for you before you were born, would you go ahead and marry the person? What’s the difference if I chose to create my own path? All my life Nasedo had been filling my head with lies. He sold me into an agreement before I was even born, Kyle. He told me I had a different destiny, but I’m not following either. Why can’t you see I’ve changed, that my priorities are different?” she questioned him beseechingly.

“When did you decide to change?”

“Why does it matter?”

Kyle turned his head to look at her. “It does. Was it before or after Liz died?”

She looked at him, a tear escaping its confines, “Before we found her.”

He looked at the TV, silently turning it on and pretending to be absorbed in the random scenes he had turned on. Tess stared longingly at the only guy she could imagine herself falling for.

“Kyle, please.” She didn’t care that her words had ended on a begging note: all she wanted was for him to acknowledge her, to make her feel like she belonged, like she was human. But as the silence pounded deafeningly in her ears and heart, she realized one thing: that was too much to ask, because she didn’t belong. Not here, not anywhere, but especially not here because she wasn’t human.

Not wanting him to witness the tears that were about to spill, she ran to her room and slammed the door. As she threw herself on the bed and sobbed for everything she had lost and everything that had gone wrong, she was blissfully ignorant to the fact that was exactly what Kyle was doing.

Music thundered past the house as a car sped down the street, testing it’s new sound system.

“Oh how we’ve shouted, how we’ve screamed. Take notice, take interest, take me with you. But all our fears fall on deaf easy. Tonight, they’re burning the roads they built to lead us to the light, and blinding out hearts with their shining lies, while closing our caskets cold and tight. But I’m dying to live.”

In the one house, two separate souls cried for their mistakes, the loss of one young girl, and the loss of each other.


Max pulled into the Valenti’s driveway, wishing he had the comfort a bottle of alcohol always brought him. He was suddenly glad for the stash he had hidden under the passenger seat. Climbing deftly out of the Jeep, he tried to remember which window lead to the room Tess slept in.

The gate squeaked loudly in objection as he pushed it softly. He reprimanded it quietly and hoped that no one had heard it. It would be just his luck for someone to see him and think he was breaking into the Sheriff’s house at two am. When no lights turned on, he continued into the backyard.

He stopped at Tess’ window and rapped loudly on the panes of glass. Her head lifted off the pillow and her face quickly showed her surprise as she saw him standing outside. She kneeled on the bed and unlocked the window, the human way, and pushed it open.

“Max!” she exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

He glanced at her and stepped closer to the window and her. His hands found their way to her cheeks, pulling her closer as his head met hers. Their lips met and cringed in the closeness they both were revolted at. Tess drew back, her hand moving unconsciously to her lips to erase any remnants of Max.

“Run away with me. I’ll tell you fantastic stories you’ll pretend to believe, and I’ll make you beautiful promises I can never keep.” He said seriously.

Tess watched him, stunned by their actions and his words. She thought for a moment, remembering the words and accusations she and Kyle had shared. Shaking her head as she remembered how angry he was at her, she replied: “No.”

Shocked, Max stared at her, trying to determine what was different about this girl in front of him. “Please, Tess. I need you.”

Tess shook her head again, folding her arms around herself as she rejected the young man in front of her. “I can’t, Max. I can’t put you first again. Kyle needs me more.”

“We don’t belong.”

“Together we don’t.”

“Here, Tess, we don’t belong here.”

She made eye contact with him and was instantly overwhelmed by the pain and misery he tried to hide in his amber eyes. His eyes- always so warm and inviting- were cold, lending him a lifeless appearance.

She’d seen two other people with that same expression.


And Kyle.

“Stay here, Max. Stay in Roswell.”

He shook his vehemently, disregarding the possibility of finding happiness in this town. “No. Something bad is happening, and the only way to stop it is to leave. I have to leave, even if it’s alone.”

For a moment, fear flooded Tess. She was afraid for Max, something she’d never felt before. Wrinkling her brow and trying to figure out exactly what she was afraid of, she realized this new emotion: fear, and caring about the well-being of others, was one of those human emotions that both crippled and strengthened. Her epiphany struck suddenly, she wasn’t afraid of whatever bad thing was coming, she was afraid of losing Max. More specifically, she was afraid of losing Max the same way Kyle had lost Liz. She was afraid of losing a friend who was dear to her.

Because that’s all Max would ever be to her.

She whispered softly, “I can’t, Max. Kyle needs me more.”

“I need you.” He pleaded. How was it possible for a king to be kicked out of two homes, and turned away in his time of need? He had been a great king, in another life. In another time, in another place, another life. That’s what it came down to: he wasn’t a king, he wasn’t royalty, he was only a boy. A scared boy at that.

Bowing his head in defeat, he turned and walked away. Tess sighed, anxiety now the new emotion she was experiencing. How could she let him leave and never return? Because that’s what would happen if he left alone: he would never return.

But if she left, she would be proving Kyle right. And that wasn’t a possibility. She wanted to show Kyle that all she wanted was to belong, to be loved, wanted, respected. And it to prove that, she had to turn her back on her friend, that was necessary, right?

The pain flooded her mind spontaneously and she cried out, grabbing onto the window frame to steady her body.

Liz... they're taking our home from us. ...They want to kill us... and... they might. ...But when I look in your eyes, I... I don't feel angry... or... deprived. ...I feel like the luckiest half-human on the planet. You're pure... you're... you're true... and... you're real. And right now that seems like the only thing that's important. ...I want to be with you Liz... forever.
...Forever may only be twelve days...
Then we'll take those twelve days we'll live twelve life times.
Liz Parker... will you marry me?

The flash ended and guilt flooded her again. She had taken that away from them. Because of her, Max and Liz had never gotten their happy ending. She had to make it right, she had to save Max.

Scribbling a note to Kyle, she explained why she was leaving. She told him that all she wanted was to belong, that in a way she was responsible for Liz’s death, but that she would not find herself responsible for anyone else’s, and that was why she was leaving. But she would be back when she had saved a life.

She told him that she loved him.

And would be back for him.

Then she grabbed her clothes, stuck them in a bag and threw them out the window. She walked out to see Kyle, placed the note under his arm and placed a feather light kiss on his temple. Crying lightly, she walked back into the room and climbed out the window.

Max was crying in the car, his face screwed up and his cheeks wet.

“Move over. I’m driving.”

He looked up and smiled lightly at her, the bottle of alcohol dropping from his hand.

“Thank you.”

She grimaced.

“I’m not doing this for you.”

“I don’t care.”

“I know.”

Tess turned the key and they quickly pulled away from the place they knew neither belonged. They were leaving Roswell behind.
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Post by Lorastar »

Part 8

Tess was cold. The heater warmed the air around her in the small skanky hotel room, but the artificial warmth couldn’t touch her. Her eyes rested on the form of Max, his unblinking eyes trained on the window from his spot on the floor. When they had arrived at the hotel at the crack of dawn, he had claimed the floor, allowing Tess to rest in what he had assumed would be comfort.

She cringed at the stains on the ceiling and walls, imagining the horrible things that had happened in this room. The worn map in Max’s jeep had ceased to tell them where they were as 5 am had approached, and now they had no ideas.

And even if the map had continued its quest with them, they still would have no idea, because they were both lost in a completely different way. Max stared at the window, wondering what the next day would bring. Darkness fell outside and he began to stir from his resting spot.

Wiping his eyes, he sat up and looked at Tess who was lying in the same position she had been when he had fallen asleep at seven in the morning. This wasn’t normal, he was very aware, but then they weren’t. Remorsefully, he wished for just one day of normality.

The closest he had ever gotten to feeling normal was in Liz Parker’s arms. And now that she was gone, he had to accept that he would never feel that again.

Tess sat up, mirroring his position, as they stared into each other’s eyes, searching for a shred of comfort that neither could give. Both had given their hearts to people who would never return the feeling with the intensity they both desired.

Max had fallen hard to find no end of the emotions he would feel. As one ended another would begin, and he would feel his heart breaking yet again. Tess smiled softly as she spoke:

“The night is young.”

He looked at her, wishing he’d left Roswell alone, rather than dragging Tess with him when it was his fight. It was always his fight, and always would be. Last night, when that punk kid had ran into Maria’s car, he had realized this, that his enemies would always be after him and people would get hurt if they were around him.

And that was why he had run, and Michael hadn’t tried to stop him. Maybe it was for the best, he could protect his friends and family from the pain they would feel, but he had brought Tess and didn’t tell her what they were up against.

“I’m not a king, Tess. I’m a boy.”

She nodded, backing up against the headboard of the bed, and patted the spot next to her. Max ignored her actions and paced around the room.

“But my enemies don’t respect that. They look at me like I’m the king who ruled over an alien nation over fifty years ago. I am not a threat to them; I have no wish to reclaim what is supposed to be mine. I’m not the man I was in that lifetime, Tess.”

Playing with a corner of the blanket, Tess nodded, understanding his words and what he had to battle to speak them to her.

“They’re here, Tess. They probably followed us here.”

She gasped.

“What are you talking about, Max?”

“The Skins. Nicholas. He’s one of them; I know it.” Turning to face her, he was sure that she would leave him to deal with his problems alone. Surprisingly, he found Tess smiling. Her smile quickly faded.

“Max. Are you sure? Is that the bad thing you thought was going to happen? We can take care of Nicholas. He’s not the one who’s going to bring about the end of the world. Nasedo told me the weakness of the skins. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.”

“No,” he interrupted. “It’s my problem. I brought them here. I’ll do it.” He sank onto the bed; relieved he wasn’t going to be abandoned again.

Wrinkling her brow, she looked around the room. “How did we end up here, Max?”

“I don’t know.”

Fear of rejection pounded inside her heart, and she closed her eyes against the torrent of feeling. Biting her lip, she asked the question quietly: “Is it because of Liz?”

“Everything is.”

“Her death? Or something else?”

He mumbled his reply, wanting to lose himself in the air that whipped around him, drawing artificial heat to the small area. “Not just her death. You know what, Tess?” She looked at him and their eyes met, once again she was astounded by the emotion in his eyes. Only this time, it wasn’t pain, it wasn’t a sense of loneliness, or a feeling of being lost, it was hatred. But the hatred wasn’t directed towards her, it was directed towards the one person he had loved with his whole heart.

Max Evans hated Liz Parker.

“That bitch deserved to die.”

Dazed, she gaped at him. “She didn’t sleep with him, Max.”

He stared back at her, the hatred slowly fading from his face. Shell-shocked, he replied, his head drooping in defeat, “I know. I think I always knew.”

“Then why do you hate her?”

Max stopped pacing, turning instead to face the girl on the bed. “Because she left me. She left me even though she knew I loved her.” He slumped against the wall and slid slowly down it, resting on the warped floor as tears slipped from his eyes and wet his cheeks. “I would’ve done anything to make it work, but she left me. She left me alone, and I hate her for that.”

Rising quickly, he ignored Tess’ protests and ran out of the motel room.

Wind blew harshly around his shaking form as his feet pounded against the cold cement. Thunder rumbled loudly in the sky above him and the clouds threatened to open and soak him. Instead of fighting with the wind, he allowed it to guide him, his arms beating against his sides as he attempted to put distance between himself and anything that could be construed as familiar.

Rain descended from the dark skies, splashing against the darkness between buildings. Puddles quickly formed in the alleys as Max ran quickly down them. Reaching a dead end, he stopped, turning quickly. Nothing was here.

Nothing was always with him.

Suddenly worn out- empty- he slumped to the ground, his soaked clothes sliding up as they caught on the rough side of the building. His tears mirrored the rain that poured down on him, penetrating the invisible wall he wished he had built stronger. It always hurt when his defense was down, as it always was when someone tried to bring up Liz.

Waves of drowsiness crashed into him and Max’s eyes slammed shut as he gave himself up to the sensation. His dreams were a reflection of his waking life. The rain still poured over his half-frozen body. Why didn’t he freeze completely? Given a chance to let go and let death take over his the amalgam fiendish form, he would not fight; he would go willingly to wherever he could find Liz. Max would go willingly into death.

But if he died, where would he go? Does God take pity on freakish hybrids? Or does he condemn them to the depths of hell? If he gave them the same chance as a normal being, would Max be punished for letting Liz kill herself? Would he find himself alone for the rest of eternity for letting God’s sweetest angel die? Or would God have mercy on him, and allow him to find refuge and safety in the arms of the angel he had allowed him to become attached to?

All he wanted was to be with Liz. To be safe in her warm embrace and to feel the radiant glow of her smile.

Weren’t dreams supposed to be a release? A safe zone where he could lose himself? Then why was he stuck in this place, in the cold, in the rain? Why was he still alone?

As if in answer, quiet footsteps approached him. Max looked up, convinced his eyes were playing tricks on him, as Liz Parker was standing in front of him. Her long brown hair shimmered in shiny waves against her white flowing dress. Earthly rain could not touch her: she seemed to glide above the puddles, the water cascading mere centimeters from her form.

Max sat still, tears still streaming down his cheeks, soaked thoroughly. But as Liz reached her hand out for his, he took it, and quickly dried. He walked through the rain with his angel, as though it was afraid to touch them.

He was fearful to speak, afraid that one sound would break the spell and she would disappear forever. If it was necessary to never look back in order to keep her here with him, he never would, not when the future beckoned him so appealingly.

Liz led him quietly, turning occasionally to smile at him. She waved her hand and her old bedroom appeared, her clothes instantly changing into a red long sleeved shirt and jeans. Sitting on her bed, she watched Max as he grimaced at their surroundings.

Looking down at her clothes, she spoke: “This was supposed to be a happy outfit. I’ve seen what would’ve been, Max. Something good would’ve happened when I was wearing this.” She smiled fondly, remembering the memory that would never be.

He kneeled at her side. “I love you, Liz. But I can’t stay here.” He grabbed her hand and waved his own. The room began to transform into somewhere he had been once, somewhere he had wished he could take Liz. The scene change halted, then turned back into Liz’s room.

“No, Max. You have to see this place, you have to see the truth.”

He turned to her and yelled, “Then show it to me, Liz. Show me the damn truth! Why’d you kill yourself?”

She didn’t flinch. “I gave you the truth, Max, but you were to dense to read it. And I am showing it to you now, ‘I give you the truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion.’”

Scowling, he turned away and mumbled under his breath. “I don’t see a pleasant disguise. I see the room where you pretended to betray me.”

“It was a game of pretend, Max. It was all an illusion.”

He faced her, and tried to contain the rage that blazed inside of him. It would kill him to have her leave him again because of his inability to control himself. But the anger he felt was numbing; it tore him in two. What emotion was supposed to win in the daily battle? Was he supposed to be angry with her for leaving him? Or was he supposed to express his undying love and devotion for her, try to keep her here forever? What is here? What is now? What is forever?

“It wasn’t a very nice game, or a pleasant illusion, whatever.”

She reached her hand out and smiled wistfully as it rested on his. “Of course not, I never said it was. I was a fool, Max, please don’t follow my path.”

Her hand was cool on his warm one, and he remembered the feel of her lifeless body resting in his lap, the way her head had flopped back as he attempted to heal her, to bring her back. His hand grabbed hers and squeezed tightly. Tears decanted down his cheeks, splashing onto their clenched hands as she squeezed his painfully in return.

“Why’d you leave me, Liz? I hate you for that.”

Tears poured out her own eyes as she stared at the man in front of her, the only man who had ever honestly touched her heart. “I didn’t leave you, Max. How could you ever think that? I would NEVER leave you.”

“Are you alive?”

“No, Max, I died that night. But I didn’t leave you; I live inside your heart. I will never leave you.”

Their tears mixed and melded into united drops as Max threw himself into her arms, their cheeks resting against each other’s.

“Will you come back, Lizzie?”

The smile that flitted across her face was bittersweet as she battled the emotions that the past month had created for her. She wasn’t real, not alive, but the feelings were still overwhelming. More than anything, she wanted to say yes, that she would be back, but she knew that in this lifetime it was not possible.

“I can’t promise you anything, Max. It’s up to you now.”


Tess wanted to throw something, anything. The bad thing about emotions was that they overwhelmed you all at once. Pain is stupid. What could possibly be useful when it makes you feel like the world is ending and your heart is breaking? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

She grabbed Max’s bag and threw it at the wall, screaming loudly. It hit the wall solidly and slid back down to the ground. Still not satisfied, she chucked it at the wall again using her powers. Annoyed at how using her powers didn’t make anything more clear to her, Tess stomped across the room and grabbed the bag, throwing it across the room again.

The wall dented on impact.

Tess patched up the hole in the wall, and unzipped Max’s bag. Angry at the situation she had found herself in, she lifted the bag above her head and shook it, laughing moronically as its contents fell out. Frowning stubbornly, she turned and sat on the bed, her arms folded tightly. There, let him take care of his own mess.

Tess was so over this.

So over Max.

She grabbed her own bag and the keys to the Jeep off of the dresser before kicking Max’s clothes across the room. Her foot made impact with a package and she leaned down to look at it. It was addressed to Max, and the sender was identified as Liz.

Curiosity got the best of her, and she set her stuff back down on the ground, reaching for the package. She opened it carefully, attempting not to rip or wrinkle the packaging. Two letters fluttered slowly down to the ground as she opened the worn leather journal.

She picked them up and opened one of them, smoothing the deep crease out with her hands. The script was unknown to her; it didn’t match the writing of the journal. Maybe she shouldn’t read it, what would Max do if he walked in and found her reading the journal Liz had sent him, and the letters it contained? But it was worth the risk to understand Liz Parker, to see inside the pure spirit that everyone had loved so much. That everyone still loved so much.

Her eyes focused on the words, and her mind wished that it knew who wrote them. They seemed familiar, but alien to her.

My Dear Liz-

In my lifetime, we lived a life that no one would believe. We fought nightly to protect the rights of people we knew would persecute us, destroy us, exterminate us, or- my worst fear- stick us in the white room and examine us until we died. I never wanted that for you, or for any of our friends.

I know that it killed you to pretend to not love your Max. But trust me, I did this for all of your safety. I did this to prevent the end of the world; I did this to save your life. And the lives of everyone we love: your parents, my parents, Isabel, Michael, Maria, Alex, Valenti, Kyle, yours, and mine.

I don’t know what this life will bring for you; I can only hope that it’ll bring you happiness. You told me that I was the love of your life and that anyone else would be second best, and you have to know that I feel the exact same way. I will always love you, Liz Parker.

But it’s impossible for us to be together in this life…or at least it is at this point in time. This is a different world now, Liz, and I can’t predict what will happen. All I know is that when we decided for me to come back and try to change the future, we put ourselves aside.

I know I already said this to you, but it was a different version, but I know me, I know that your version of me would say the same thing. Thank you for being you, for accepting me. Thank you loving me when I was all alone and lost. Thank you for letting me save you, and thank you for saving me. Thank you, Liz, for every kiss, for every smile.

Maybe someday things will change, but right now it’s not safe. I know you don’t care about what’s safe or not, but I do. I want you to stay safe, and I want us all to live. You said you want to have children and for them to be safe. I want the same thing for you, Liz.

We never had children because we didn’t want to bring them into this world where they could be kidnapped and killed just to get to us. It wouldn’t be fair, and we both knew it. I know you wanted children, and I wanted them almost as badly, but we understood. You were so brave, Liz, braver than you should’ve needed to be.

This is to keep you safe, to keep our enemies away from you.

One last thing, Liz, never be afraid to open your eyes and see. And know that I will always love you.

Eternally yours-


P.S. I’ll see you in our next lifetime.

Tess frowned and reread the note again, grasping for an understanding that eluded her. But maybe the other note would make it make sense. She unfolded it and began to read vivaciously.

Max, Maria, Alex, Kyle, Isabel, Michael, Sheriff Valenti-
I couldn’t stay any longer. I’m sorry. I was drowning, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t rise above it all to take that one necessary breath that would sustain me until everything had worked itself out. I’m sorry. I’m leaving. I’m sorry.

I’m doing this because I love you more than you will ever know. More than I will probably ever know. But I promise to return when things make sense, when I can breathe again. I promise.

Elizabeth Parker

Tess opened the journal instantly, desirous to see what went through Liz’s mind when she wrote this note, what she was thinking before she left their world for something unknown.

I’m so sick of this. Of all of it. It broke my heart to tell Max that I didn’t want to die for him. He saved my life- putting his life at risk- and I repay him by breaking his heart. Our hearts. I can’t stand to sit here and watch him as he dies inside. No, he won’t die inside, because he’s stronger than that, he can survive anything.

And now the world won’t end. But if it does, it won’t be on the shoulders of Max and me.

I wish I was strong enough to stay here and watch over everyone, but I’m not. I know I could do something drastic, I could slit my wrists and bleed myself dry, or swallow all my sleeping pills, but I won’t. Because I hope that someday everything will get better. Someday I’ll be able to breathe again without remembering that I destroyed everything I had ever wanted.

So I will leave. But I will return before graduation. Nothing could keep me from being with those that I love at the moment we graduate into our adult lives- even though it seems we did that two years ago when Max healed me- and to share their happiness. And maybe by then, I can gaze upon Max without feeling dead inside.

I need to see something alive and breathing, but nothing like that exists here in Roswell. Not anymore. Not for me.


The ground was cold and hard when Max awoke. He gasped sharply, reaching his hands out automatically to grasp Liz. He sobbed aloud as he realized she was gone. And he was awake.

It wasn’t just a dream, he was sure. He was also sure that he needed to read that journal.

Scrambling to get to his feet, he slipped and slid back to the ground. And as he did, his sleeve rose a little higher and his eyes landed on the mark still glowing through the rain.


He touched the initials in the perfect heart and smiled as it glowed brighter, and then dimmed down. Touching it again, it brightened. Liz was right: she was in his heart.

Finding his balance at last, he tore off to the hotel, intent on finally finding out the truth. No longer would he hide behind his alcohol, or other people, he would finally face what was his second worst fear.

He’d already faced his worst when he had failed to bring her back to life.

But now it was time to bring him back.


Tess stared at the words in front of her, unwilling to utter the words stuck on the tip of her tongue. The door ripped open and Max stood there, soaking wet. She tilted her head and opened her mouth.

“Liz didn’t kill herself.”
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Post by Lorastar »


Umm...guess what! I wrote something and decided to share it with you. It's a crappy part, and short, but after 5 months of not working on this story, it 's the best I could do. Sorry it it's dissappointing. Thank all of you for the wonderful fb. I'm too lazy to reply to all of it right now, but it's greatly appreciated!

And here's the new part.

Part 9

He stared at the journal he held tightly within his hands. It was amazing how something so simple- pieces of paper bound together inside a leather cover- could change someone’s whole life. No, it wasn’t the simple journal that had altered their lives; it was the words that scrawled on the pages. It was the way the words spoke to him, the emotion of a now dead girl coming to life in another way. Liz wasn’t here to tell him all these things, but she had left him her words. She had left him a piece of her soul that could never be destroyed.

Max hated himself after reading the words she had written. He hated the future version of himself who had come and destroyed all the hopes and dreams he and Liz had ever had. He hated that he was so selfish. Why was it fair for this other version of him to have had a long life with Liz? Why had it been right for them to be together, but not for him and his Liz?

But even more than hating things he had done, consequences he had made, he hated that he had hurt her. Liz Parker- how he wished he could’ve someday made her name Liz Evans- was the sweetest girl who had ever graced the Earth. Many times he had found himself watching her, memorizing the enchanting way she moved, thinking she was an angel. No one could ever compare to her.

The feelings she had felt, she should have never had to feel them. She never should’ve had to feel like she was being torn apart. Liz had left Max because he had a destiny, because he was supposed to save a planet, but every time he tried to get her back in his life, it tore her apart a little more. She had hated pushing him away when all she wanted was to find safety in his arms. Although, in his arms always seemed to be the place she got into the most danger, the most trouble.

That didn’t change anything: Elizabeth Claudia Parker had still loved him with her whole heart.

Until her dying day.

Max struggled against the tears that threatened to choke him as he realized that. His throat tightened painfully and he gasped for air, the tears spilling again, unbidden, down his tear streaked cheeks. The journal in his hands warmed, as though Liz was offering comfort from beyond the grave.

It was his fault that she was dead.

He hated that he was an alien. He hated that he had gotten her involved in the alien abyss. He hated that because he was different, she was killed.

The door opened and Tess stumbled in, jarring his thoughts from Liz. Max looked up at her, his mouth opening in shock.

Tess closed the door quickly and leaned against it, her hands held out in front of her. A pile of ashes glowed in her palms. Her eyes were closed, and when she opened them, they glowed slightly, the crystal blue gleaming in the dark. Her arms were slashed, blood still spilling from her veins. Dried, dark crimson splotches of another’s blood stained her clothes, her face. Her curly blond hair was dark, tangled, matted. She looked alien to him.

“What happened?” He asked, panic showing clearly in his face. “Did they follow you? Did they get to you?”

She turned to glance at him, whispering, “It’s over, your Majesty,” before her eyes slipped into the back of her head and she collapsed onto the ground. Glowing ashes scattered into the air.

Max sprang off the bed, tears still blurring his vision. He never even noticed until he was kneeling beside Tess’ still form, that he was still holding Liz’s journal tightly. His free hand landed on Tess’ arm; blood wetting his palms and oozing between his fingers. He grimaced slightly, but concentrated on the girl in front of him.

He blocked any negative thoughts he had ever had about her, instead focusing on her selflessness, her ability to leave behind comfort to help out a friend in need. He focused on her eyes, wishing them to open to let him in. He refused to let Tess pay for the mistakes he had made. He refused to let another innocent die in place of him.

“I’ll fight your war. Promise not to lose.”

“Tess.” He whispered her name over and over, urging her to open her eyes. “Tess, I need you to open your eyes. Come on, Tess, wake up. Just for a second, all I need is a second. It’s not your time, Tess, it’s not your time.” He cursed under his breath as her eyes stayed tightly shut against him.

Her eyelids flickered slightly, her glowing eyes showing for a split second. Max took advantage of that second and forged a connection with her. The first thing he noticed was the starkness of her mind. When he had connected with Liz, he had been surrounded by love; but Tess had apparently learned to store away her feelings and thoughts.

Max concentrated on her wounds, wishing he understood what had caused him. Inadvertently, a memory broke free of the holds Tess had them under. He was hit by the intensity of hatred that Tess was feeling as she stalked the perimeter of an abandoned building. He looked through her eyes, seeing the young boy who he recognized as the driver who had hit Maria’s car. The boy- Nicholas- taunted her. He raised his hand, and threw a ball of energy towards Tess. He called her a traitor. He smirked. He laughed as she fell. He laughed harder as he used his powers to throw her into a wall, pieces of the building raining down on her. He saw Tess’ head land in the mud, bricks falling around her and onto her arms. He saw her struggle against the pain and use her powers to get rid of the debris pinning her to the ground. And at that moment he knew the thoughts that were running through her head.

She was thinking of Liz.

She was going to kill Nicholas for Liz.

Her mouth opened and the words spilled easily. “You’re dead, Nicholas. You killed Liz, and for that you must die.”

He laughed openly. “I didn’t kill her. Why would I waste my time on that pathetic human?”

Tess’ fury mounted, she raised her hand and in a deathly calm voice, she replied: “You’re the pathetic one, Nicholas. It’s a shame you never learned how to be human.” And with those words, she released all the energy she possessed in her body, knocking Nicholas down, the seal in his back breaking. When she glanced again at where he stood, all that remained was a pile of ashes.

Max checked over Tess’ body one last time, making sure he had gotten all her injuries when she suddenly opened her eyes. Still connected, their eyes made contact and both felt their energy calling to each other. He gasped steeply as Tess raised her hand, and reached for his own that still rested on Liz’s journal. The journal began to glow as their hands made contact.

Thoughts, memories, emotions flowed easily through their connection, but neither attempted to process anything. Max raised his other hand and Tess mirrored his actions. Their hands drew closer and closer, both wished they were immune to this alien…thing…but neither could resist the power forcing them together. Tess stared deeply into his eyes, and he tried to pull away. Unsuccessful, their hands made contact, their power and energy finally connecting.

Their energies clashed and forced them away from each other. Tess was thrown back into the wall by the door and Max’s body flew into the wall by the bed. They both laid in the spots they had been deposited in, shocked. Where they had once been, a bright light glowed, spinning and growing. It slowly took form, a strong wind blowing through the room, blowing Max’s scattered belongings everywhere.

The light stopped glowing, the form solidifying, growing more real as they stared in shock at the form of Liz Parker standing in the middle of the room.

“Liz?” Tess whispered the name softly- afraid she was hallucinating.

Liz turned to her and smiled slightly, reaching her hand out to her. Tess just stared at the girl before her: she looked like she had the day they had found her dead body, only…alive. Her skin looked warm, her face vibrant. Her body was clothed in a black tank top and black pajama pants, the tops rolled down slightly, exposing a stretch of her abdomen. Her eyes glittered from an internal light, something not even death could dim.

“Hi, Tess.” She replied.

“Liz?” Max asked, too.

A brilliant smile overtook her face as she glanced at him. “Max,” she whispered adoringly. “You finally read my journal. Do you know how annoyed I was getting that you wouldn’t do that? You kept throwing your life down the drain when you could’ve at least found a degree of piece by knowing everything I wrote to you. But, NO! You had to be a boy.” She turned to Tess. “Tess, boys are stupid. I know you love Kyle, but he’s a boy, and so therefore stupid. Don’t blame him when he does something stupid, he can’t help it.”

Max stared at her in shock, and asked again: “Liz?”

She turned back to him, and launched herself on the ground next to him, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even tighter to him. The familiar smell of her hair reached his nose and he inhaled deeply, closing his eyes.

“How are you here?” He asked slowly. “I thought you were dead.”

“I am,” she replied. “But…I needed to talk to you both.” Liz pulled away and sat on the bed, looking first at Max, then at Tess. “You are both connected to me.”

Tess shook her head in confusion. “What? Liz, you never liked me in life, why am I connected to you?”

Liz sighed. “When I was…killed. Wait…you were both having visions of my life, or how it could’ve been, or how it was, right?”

Max nodded and watched as Tess slowly nodded, too. Why hadn’t she ever said anything about that to him?

“When I was killed…he told me something. He told me that I was the seer.” She glanced at Max and cut him off before he could say anything. “Max, you need to figure that out on your own, I don’t have much time. Anyway, he told me to see that you guys would be better off without me. See…I can see how life would be, and he jump-started the process for me. But I saw two different lifetimes, and somehow, I reached out to both of you. Max, for obvious reasons, and Tess, because you were physically closest to me at the time. My memories…visions…were transferred to you. And for me to be here, you both needed to be connected, and my journal was the catalyst.

“He…he screwed up the time line. Future Max had come back to try to set things right, but he messed up, too. It wasn’t his fault, just things happened differently, and I was killed. It’s not your fault, Max. Turns out, I wasn’t EXACTLY human to begin with.

“The important thing is, you need to fix things. I can’t come back again to help you; you’re on your own. Max, Tess, you need to trust each other. Only if you two can work together, uncomplicated, can you fix things. Max, you are loyal, trustworthy, and responsible- for the most part- everything a good leader should be. Tess, you are cold, manipulative, and hiding secrets everyone needs to know. Don’t be afraid to let them see who you are, because I can see you are changing. You’re becoming human, don’t be afraid of that. And don’t be afraid of letting Kyle in, tell him your secrets first, let him help you. You two are stronger together than you could ever be apart. Learn to trust each other, put your faith in each other. Everything will be okay.”

She flickered slightly, and Max cringed, afraid she was going to leave him again. Liz turned to look at him again, “And you, Mister, never forget that I love you. Do you like the little tattoo I gave you?”

He glanced down at his arm and she touched the mark, making it glow again. “Yes. I love you, too. Always will.”

Liz hugged him tightly, whispering in his ear. “I’ll see you in our next lifetime. Goodbye.”

She pulled away and walked over to Tess, quickly enfolding her in a hug. “Kyle loves you, too. I trust you, Tess. Bye.”

Tess and Max both stared silently as Liz disappeared, her trademark smile gracing her face for the last time.

“What do we do now?” Max asked.

Tess stared blindly at the door: “I go back and stop her from dying.”