True Destiny -CC- MATURE/ADULT {Completed}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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True Destiny: Ch 21

Post by magikhands »

Here is another part, hope you enjoy...I have more written but I still need to go through it and edit it, correcting as many errors as I can. Should be out soon :)

Chapter 21

The Next Day…

Max had his head on the table he sat at. It had been an incredibly long morning. He, Michael, Serena, Derrick, and the diplomats had sat most of it finalizing their plans and double checking it all. The Resistance was regrouping and being sent to designated area. They had to make sure that there was as much coverage as possible to protect the innocent people of the five planets. He knew that there would be many lives lost but this was a war and that was the price that had to be paid. He would do his best to keep the count down.

The final battle would take place here on Antar inside the city but each planet had to gain control from Kivar again. The plan was to have the four planet’s Resistance divisions attack Kivar’s defenses simultaneously. Kivar would then divide his army out to fight. With Antar’s defenses lessened Max and Michael would then lead them against Kivar. Everything had to be planned and coordinated with perfection. There was to be no room for error.

Michael walked into the room and observed Max sitting alone, his forehead on the cool table.

“What is it Michael?” Max asked without lifting his head. He had felt Michael the moment he stood outside of the door.

“You ok bro?” Michael asked as he sat next to his king.

“Right about now I would rather be going to high school and hiding the truth about us.”

“What you need is a distraction. A break from all of this ruling crap.”

Max raised his head. “Michael, who has time for a break? We attack in two days and there is still so much to do.”

“I know. But Maria is about to kill me because I have spent so little time with her. By the end of the day I am so tired that I fall asleep as soon as I lie down. I know that we all need this Maxwell. Just for the afternoon. Come on, Liz and Maria has a surprise for us.”

Max smiled. “A surprise, huh? Well, I can’t disappoint Liz, can I?”

Max got up and followed Michael to the transportation room.

Max looked around and could not help but be in awe of the beauty that surrounded him. He immediately began to relax because it reminded him of the comfort of Earth. In the week that they had been on Antar they saw very little of the outside world. They had left their safe house but a few times when extremely necessary.

Max and Michael stood in a small clearing surrounded by a forest. There was a stream across from the clearing and a basketball court in the middle of the clearing. The rest of the group were already there laying bags down in a shaded area.

“Gotta love our powers.” Michael said as he smirked at the results of Liz and Maria’s efforts.

Kyle saw Max and Michael and came over, basketball in hand. “Hey, you ready for some two on two?”

“Is this really safe?” Max worried looking around. Though his mind had begun to relax his body still had its stiff, ready posture.

“Come on Maxwell. Have some fun and let loose. Serena and Derrick set this all up. All bases are covered.” Michael said patting his friend on the back.

“Come on. Let’s play while the girls get lunch ready. I get Michael, Alex is all yours Evans.”

Max chuckled. “Have you seen Michael play Kyle?”

“Hey” Michael tried to look hurt but could not help smile hearing Max laugh. “Yo, Alex, let’s go.” He called watching as Alex disentangled himself from Isabel.

“There is only one rule here.” Kyle announced as they stepped onto the court. “No powers. This will be played the human way.”


Half an hour later the ten teens sat in the shade eating a lunch the girls had prepared. Michael and Kyle had won their basketball game but only by two points. A rematch was promised soon.

It turned out that Alex was actually a pretty good player. With his newfound powers, he found that he had gained the grace and endurance of an athlete. He felt great. Not the clumsy, computer nerd he had been on Earth.

They all sat around talking and laughing, acting like normal teenagers. Max got up and led Liz to a tree not far from the group. He placed a hand on the tree, when he removed it, the same emblem that he had painted on her wall appeared. M.E. + L. P. encased in a heart. They both smiled and shared a kiss. Max sat and pulled on Liz to sit between his legs, her back to his chest. He draped his arms around her embracing her tight.

“Thank you. I really needed this.” He said kissing her head, inhaling her scent.

“I know.” Liz settled into Max placing her hands on his thighs.

They sat there for a long time talking and enjoying the comfortable silence that would fall on them. Michael looked over at them and saw two teenagers in love, doing something that most humans took for granted, even them. At that moment they did not look like a King and Queen who had the fate of five worlds on their shoulders.

“They really needed this down time. We all did.” Maria said rubbing Michael’s arm

Michael nodded then looked to the love of his life and kissed her.

“What was that for?”

“For putting up with me for so long.”

“Anytime Spaceboy.” Maria kissed Michael.


Zan, Rea, and Vilandra were in the great hall having a quiet breakfast. The night before had been the Celebration of Lovers so most of the people were late getting up that morning. Zan and Ava had made their appearance for the formal ceremony but then they went their separate ways, unknown to the Antarian people. Ava had spent a blissful night in Talen’s arms and Rea had been waiting in Zan’s room upon his return.

“Zan. You’ve got to help me.” Vilandra said taking him from his memories of his night with Rea.

Zan sighed. Sometimes his sister could be so dramatic. “What is it now Vilandra?”

Rea sat back and watched the interaction between the siblings and had to hide a smile. She could not help wondering if they saw her and Rath like she saw these too. Surely she and her brother could not be this bad.

“You have to annal my bequeath to Kivar. I can’t marry him, EVER.”

Zan looked at Vilandra concerned by her tone. He did not like Kivar and did not want him with her sister but their grandfather had made a deal but he did not push the issue. He kept putting it off.

“Vilandra…” Zan started but was interrupted.

“No Zan. I CAN’T marry Kivar.” She watched as comprehension fell on Zan and Rea. “I’m sorry. We did not mean for it to happen but…” she stopped as tears ran down her face.

“Last night?” Rea asked when she saw how shocked Zan was. They had all spoke about bonding many times and decided not to do so until some difficulties got settled.

Vilandra nodded. She looked to her brother desperate for his help. “You know what will happen if I try to be with someone other than my bonded. I am sorry.” She sobbed. Rea went over to her trying to comfort her friend.

Rea watched as Zan rubbed the back of his neck in thought. She knew that this complicated their lives even more. Rumors were floating around that Kivar had gathered a small army with thoughts of overthrowing the throne. But with no proof it was not thought of as serious. Rath had a strong, loyal army, even Kivar is not that much of a fool to try anything.

Now this. Kivar will be furious. Once an Antarian was bonded to a mate, neither may be intimate with any other. Rea had heard of stories of the pain and agony that it would cause and eventually death. Zan and Ava never completed their bonding so they have been able to be with those they truly love.

“I will talk to Mother after breakfast.” Zan simply said but his face etched with concern. That was not a good sign.

“Trouble in Paradise?” a voice asked from the doorway of the great hall. The three heads looked up and found Kivar standing there. Zan stood and moved in front of the girls.

“Kivar” he growled. His dislike for the man evident. “You are not welcome here right now. Take leave now.”

Kivar smirked at Zan and stepped into the room a few steps. “I just came to get what is mine finally. All of it.” The last statement was directed toward Vilandra.

Kivar threw up his hand and sent several blasts at Zan but in a blink of an eye the shield was up deflecting the blasts.

“Give me Vilandra and the throne. You and your little whore can leave and live out your pathetic lives elsewhere.”

Zan stood defiantly. “That will never happen.”

Kivar looked at Vilandra. “Come here.”

Fear etched her face and she shook her head even as her body got up and went to him. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back against his chest and smiled at the surprised faces.

“I’ve picked up some interesting tricks on my recent travels.”

Zan suddenly felt a sharp pain that shot through his head as he felt Kivar try to enter. The pain almost dropped him to his knees. Immediately Zan blocked Kivar out but it was not easy. Kivar had ‘picked up’ the dark forbidden art.

“Give me the throne Zan.” Kivar took the hand that was on Vilandra’s waist and moved it to her breast. Vilandra cried out in pain that his touch caused as it seared her soul.

Realization came to Kivar. “You Bitch! You bonded.” His voice was low, full of anger but everyone in the room heard him. He moved his hand from her breast to her head. Vilandra screamed as Kivar dug into her mind. She was weaker than Zan. “He will pay” he murmured in her ear before he took the last bit of life from her, letting her body drop at his feet.

“No!” Zan screamed but it was all over in an instant. Before he could move he felt his sister ripped from him. Lifting his hand Zan shot blasts at Kivar but he too had a shield ready.

Kivar dug deeper into Zan’s mind breaking through the barrier. Zan’s shield fell as he fought Kivar in his mind, he was unable to hold both. Kivar saw his chance and sent a blast at the King.

Rea rushed to Zan’s body as it hit the ground. His breathing was faint and ragged. “Zan” she sobbed pulling his body to her. Using what was left of his strength, Zan opened his eyes and smiled at his soulmate. He lifted his hand and gave her his ring. “It will protect you. Go to Ava, she’ll need you.” Then he was gone.

“With Vilandra gone, I might have use of the Commander’s sister. You are from Royal descent, you may have to do.”

Rea looked up at Kivar, hate and rage filling her eyes and body. She stood and faced her enemy. “Never.”

Rea felt Kivar try to push into her head but before he could get access she pulled up the shield from the ring and fled the room through the secret halls.


Rea, Kenya, Jentar and Talen were cornered. Kivar and his army had found their hideout. Blasts were exploding everywhere in the cavern. But the four fought back for their lives, friends, freedom, and their loved ones now gone.

Rea heard a scream behind her position. Through her peripheral vision she saw Kenya fall. Then Talen, lastly Jentar, who was badly wounded. She was the only one standing and that was mostly because of Zan’s shield.

Rea looked around and thought of all that she had lost. Ava was dead. Kivar had struck her first while still in her room. She had watched as Vilandra and Zan, her beloved, die. She had felt Rath die not long after Zan. Rea felt as if half of her soul had been ripped from her body and go with him. She looked at Jentar and saw that he would die soon. He wanted his body to die because his soul had already left him when Vilandra died.

Kivar was determined and had pursued them for three days. He wanted Jentar and needed Zan’s ring to rule. She felt the sorrow and despair finally fill her numb body but beneath it all was hope and love.

Rea quit firing blasts and stood, watching the enemy’s blasts bounce off the shield. Zan’s shield. When Kivar noticed no return fire and the bodies on the ground he ordered his men to cease.

Kivar stepped cautiously into the cavern. “You are all that’s left little one. Surrender and I may keep you around for my amusement.”

Rea lowered the shield and glared at her enemy. Hate for this being filled her.

“Give me the ring.” He commanded holding out his hand.

“The only way you will get this off is when my body is cold with death.”

“If that is what you wish.” Kivar said as he turned his outstretched hand.

“Take heed Kivar. We will return one day and reclaim Antar. When that day comes, it will be I who kills you.”

Kivar laughed and shot a blast at Rea.

End Flash**

Both Max and Liz jerked awake. They were still leaning against the tree at the clearing.


“It’s alright Liz. Antar is bringing us the memories so our hearts will be in this war. To see the reason behind it all.”

Liz did not have to turn and see Max. She knew that he had seen the same as she. From the steel tone of his voice she knew that there was a new determination glittering in his eyes.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

True Destiny: Ch 22

Post by magikhands »

Ok- this is a little boring to me, just some mushy stuff and details that lead up to the battle which will begin in the next chapter...Thanks for the feedback

Chapter 22

Michael and Maria went and sat on a large rock by the stream. His arms were wrapped protectively around her. They both sat silent, watching the water rush by.

“This is the longest that you have ever been quiet Maria. What is on your mind?”

Maria shrugged her shoulders. “Life is funny, I guess.”

“How so?” Michael was afraid to ask because he knew that some of her thoughts could be pretty outrageous but he could feel that she was concerned about something. He loved that he could always feel her. She was a part of him and he was home as long as he was with her.

“I thought that my life was pretty normal but looking at it now, it never really was. My dad left when I was young and I still have no clue to this day why. I live in Roswell, alien capital of the world. My mom sells alien trinkets. I worked in an alien themed restaurant. I fall in love with an alien. Now I find out that I am also some sort of alien. That is not normal.” She chuckles with the last statement.

“Are you regretting any of it?” He asked softly, a little scared of her response. What if she wanted out, could he let her go?

“Michael, you know me better than that. It’s just that at the beginning of all of this I felt left out, useless. You, Max, Isabel, and Tess had powers. Liz is so smart, especially with all the science stuff. Alex is the computer geek, and then even Kyle had the brute strength and his dad’s connections to help. What was I but a sidekick? I really did not do much, except get on your nerves.”

“Maria, you have never been just a sidekick. You are so much more. Don’t you see that you are our glue and help all of us stay together. You support us in a lot of ways. Kind of like a cheerleader.” He said smirking.

Maria smiled at her mate, her lover. “I know that now. I’ve come to realize that we all contribute a little of something to this group. That is what balances us. It makes us the perfect family, of course with flaws.”

“You’re right. But right now we are suppose to be finally relaxing. No more deep thinking.” Michael said as he leaned over and kissed the love of his life.


Serena and Derrick sat on the blanket that had been laid on the ground for them all to eat. She watched as each couple went their separate ways, finding a spot so that they may have some time alone. The four couples sat, touched, kissed and talked acting what Serena thought was very normal for humans.

Eyeing Max and Liz settled against a tree, Serena sighed. “I like hanging out. I think they did this a lot back on Earth. I can see why, it is very relaxing.”

Derrick wrapped his arms around his wife and drew her near. “I like it also. After this is all over we need to do this more.”

Serena nodded. They were the same age as the Royals but Antarians did not do a lot of this sort of thing. Growing up was consumed by school and training. Not a lot of fun or down time like this. Both had heard the stories of the planet being full of laughter and celebrations before Kivar took over, but neither had ever experienced it before now.

“Do you think they will stay?”

Derrick looked in the direction of Serena’s gaze. He sat for a moment as he watched his King and Queen. “I do not know. It is something that cannot be seen. Once Kivar is dead, their destiny will be fulfilled. Whether they stay or go is their decision.”

“I will miss them if they go.” Serena said softly.

“I will also” was Derrick’s reply.


Kyle and Tess had chosen a sunny spot near the basketball court that he had managed to create for their recreation. They sat embracing enjoying the feel of each other in their arms.

“Are you nervous.” He asked.

“About seeing your father?”


Since first contacting Jim, they had taken turns contacting their parents. Tonight they would see Jim again, updating him on the situation. They wanted to keep someone informed on Earth about what they were going to do in case something happened. Kyle had told Tess that he had wanted her with him.

Kyle had noticed something about the group lately. Serena had warned them that communicating with Earth would weaken their powers but none of the eight ever felt drained after contact. In fact they felt invigorated, almost filled with energy.

Kyle had pondered on this and discussed it with Derrick. They came up with a theory that seemed to make sense. The Pod Squad had noticed that since coming to Antar their powers and abilities had become stronger, more focused. Derrick said that he and his family had felt a change in Antar also since their arrival. He described it as feeling more alive, the earth more fruitful, fertile. Almost happy. Kyle had felt that also the past few days. He and Derrick deduced that the Pod Squad and Antar were feeding from each other. Kyle hoped that it was a good thing and would help get this all over with faster.

“Well, a little. I’m not sure how he’ll accept me. I came to town and turned all of your lives upside down. Because of me, you unlocked your powers, and I have taken you from your life to some strange planet to fight a war that started in our past lives. I am scared that he will not like me for that.”

“Tess. I’ve told you that he has sent his blessings. He only cares that I’m happy. Isn’t that what every parent wants for their child?”

“Are you? Happy, I mean?”

Kyle turned Tess so that she was facing him. “I am the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life and it is because of you. I would spend the rest of my life in a hellish war as long as you were with me.”

Tess smiles and kissed her mate. She opened herself and let all of her love and feelings fill him. When the kiss finally broke, she looked into his soft blue eyes. “Are you scared?”

Kyle did not need to ask what she was talking about. They all knew. “Yes. Even on Earth I hated fighting except when absolutely necessary.” He ran his knuckles across her cheek. “This is one of those times. I will not lose you again. I won’t let Kivar do that to either of us again. We are all together this time.”

Tess responded by snuggling her body deeper against Kyle allowing the feel of him fill her. She closed her eyes and prayed to God, the Divine One, Buddha, or whoever was out there that he was right.


The next morning Serena showed up at breakfast with an announcement. “Larek needs to see you today Max.”

This surprised Max but not Liz. When she woke she had a feeling that they were going out that day. Her intuition was becoming stronger.

“We can’t just go to his place if he is being watched. We will be recognized.” Max was nervous about meeting his old friend. They had communicated during the past week but only through Serena. He did not know what to expect with Larek. Would he take a look at Max and think of him as a weak human? Or just a child? Would the respect that was there in his past life pass on to this one?

“Don’t worry. I finally got the transporter to link to his chambers and made it undetectable. No one will know you were ever there. I will go visit him like I normally do then you can join us.”

“I want Liz and Michael to come with me.”

Serena smiled. “I would not have it any other way Max. Grandfather said that you would insist on them coming.”


Serena was standing over Larek’s shoulder as they went through something on his desk when Michael, Max, and Liz appeared. Larek stood and approached the trio. He was 75 years old but he only looked to be about 45 years of age. Once an Antarian hit puberty they physically aged slower than humans allowing them to live longer.

“Max.” he said as he embraced his King. Max was glad that Larek had used his name rather than Zan. That was not who he was. Max was hesitant to return the embrace but relented as he felt suddenly at ease with this man. Larek stood back and looked at the three before him. He bowed.

“My Queen. It is an honor to have you here. Commander, always a pleasure.” When Larek straightened his green eyes were dancing. “When Serena told me that you looked similar to your past selves I was glad but now that I see you with my own eyes, it’s like looking through my memories. Amazing. Our scientists did an excellent job.”

“Larek. I am glad to finally meet you. Again.” Max said smiling. His earlier nervousness was gone. He knew this man. He was a friend, a confidant, one to be trusted.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

True Destiny: Ch 23

Post by magikhands »

Ok...I got done sooner with this part than I thought so I thought I would go ahead and post it

Chapter 23

The day of the attack had finally come. None of the Pod Squad really slept. They were all too nervous about the day’s events. Max felt the tension through the group.

Max lay in bed thinking about his meeting with Larek the day before. It had gone well. He, Michael, Liz, and Larek were quickly at ease with each other. Larek had filled them in on some last minute information that he had received from his spies in the palace. He also spoke of their parents and about how proud they would be of them now.

Almost as if one mind decided, the group got up as a whole and met in the conference room. Max was surprised to see Serena, Derrick and Jansan already there.

“Couldn’t sleep.” Jansan stated trying to smile to put the kids at ease. It didn’t really work.
Liz stood near the door watching her mate as he stood with Michael and Jansan covering some last minute details.

“Hot, aren’t they?” Maria whispered.

Liz felt a smile creep to her lips. “MMMM.” She agreed. Her eyes swooped over Max’s tight body. They all wore these black suits that reminded her of the old sci-fi move Dune she’d seen when she was younger. The main character in the movie had ended up being a King over the planet, controlling the spice that was used for space travel. Looking at Max, Liz saw that he reminded her of the actor that played this character. Tall, dark haired, mysterious, and good looking. But her Max was much cuter, damn straight gorgeous.

An image suddenly entered her head but instead of Max she saw Michael and Maria being very intimate.

‘Yew! Maria, keep those pictures to yourself. He’s my brother.’

‘Same here chica. I don’t enjoy seeing you and my cousin doing the freak.’

They both chuckled. “I think we need to tighten our hold on this connection thing a little more.” Maria said.

“I think you are right.” Liz still chuckling.

“Come on. Let’s get our men and get this show on the road.”

“Maria.” Liz said stopping her friend. “Be careful out there.”

Maria looked at Liz and saw something weird in her eyes. She could feel that Liz was suddenly uncomfortable. “I will.’ She said trying to put Liz at ease. “You do the same.”

Liz smiled, the moment of unease pass. “I will. I’ve got the great King over there to protect me.”

“And I will be with the great Commander. What could go wrong?”

Max, Liz, Kyle and Tess entered the palace through tunnels that no one but the Royals knew of. They took no soldiers. It would be just the four of them confronting Kivar. All Liz cared about was being there to fulfill her promise to him.

During their many training sessions during the week the Pod Squad found out a lot about themselves. Liz and Max were by far the most powerful of the group, especially when they link together. That was clearly expected by everyone but Max and Liz.

Kyle and Tess held the strongest mind warp abilities. Those powers would be needed to get them all to Kivar’s Command Chamber. Alex was not the only one good with computer systems. Isabel found that she had a knack for it also. She and Alex would also be using the tunnels to gain access to the main control room. Once in the control room, they would disable all of the communications with Kivar’s men and the four other planets.

Michael and Maria found that they worked awesome as a team strategizing. They would lead Team 1 storming the palace. Maria was Michael’s perfect partner. She loved to plan things and was very good at bossing others around. Derrick and Serena, both having military training, would lead Team 2 on the attack. They were both very confident with their leaders and the decisions made.

All was going as plan. As the simultaneous attacks began on the other planets, Kivar dispatched his troops to give support. This left Antar’s defenses not at strong.

Kyle, Max, Liz and Tess made their way toward the Command Chamber where Kivar should be. The palace was quiet and almost empty as they went along the halls.

‘I don’t like this Max. Something does not feel right.’ Kyle communicated.

‘I feel it too. Just keep your eyes open.’ Max responded.

As they turned the next corner blasts came from the hall. “Shit” Max mumbled as he threw up a shield protecting them all as they ducked back around the corner. Blasts started from behind now. “Liz” Max shouted. Liz put up a shield protecting them from behind. They were being ambushed and trapped in the hall.

“Tess, Kyle. Now would be good.” Max said.

Kyle and Tess clasped hands and closed their eyes. Together, their energies joined as they began their warp.

‘Let’s go.’ Tess said. They moved down the hall as a group, Kyle and Tess still clutching hands, Max and Liz holding their shields as occasional blasts bounced off them.

Relying on their memories they found the Command Chamber. They entered quickly but found that it was empty. The shields and warps came down as the door closed behind them.

“Damn it. Where is he?” Max growled banging his hand on the table.

Explosions and blasts could be heard in the distance as alarms suddenly sounded. Michael and Derrick had begun their attack.

Max started pacing the room, rubbing the back of his neck. ‘Where was Kivar? What about the ambush? He’d known. That is why he is not here. He knew. How?’

“Welcome home Zan.” A figure appeared.


Michael and Maria led their team through the main gates. Blasts filled the air and alarms were signaled. Adrenaline shot through his system. He was definitely made for this. Everything was now instinct as he shielded himself and throwing blasts.

Once Michael took the gate, soldiers began to recognize him and many dropped to their knees, bowing before him. Would he ever get used to this? As they bowed, they pledged their loyalty to the great fallen Commander Rath and King Zan. Michael quickly scanned their minds (a neat little trick that Serena had taught them) and saw their loyalties were true. He allowed the soldiers to join with his troops seeing it as an advantage.

This was where Michael and Maria were to split into groups taking different directions.

‘Be careful Mar.’ Michael said as he gave her a long, loving look. He was not thrilled at the idea of her leaving his side but this was the best way for their plan to work.

‘Same to you Spaceboy. See you soon.’

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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True Destiny: Ch 24

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 24

Max immediately recognized Kivar and threw a blast at the figure. It soared through him, hitting the wall. Kivar chuckled. He looked exactly the same as he did the day he killed them all.

“Kivar” Max growled.

“Do you really think that you could come to my planet and me not know? But you did surprise me Zan. I did not think that you had the guts to return. When your little whore told me that you would all return, I shook it off as a last minute death threat. Then I found out what your parents had done. Do you want to know how I killed them all Zan? Do you want to know if your mother begged for her life?”

Max held his tongue but his hands balled into fists at his sides as energy of rage traveled along every nerve.

“I left you alone on Earth because I thought you would be too much of a coward to come back here. Too human. Or maybe I was just hoping that you never found her. You know, I knew where you were this entire time. I could have killed you long ago Zan but I was willing to let you live out your pathetic human life there. Now I have to kill you all over again. All of you.”

“That will not happen this time Kivar.” Liz stepped next to Max. Her voice was laced with venom. “I have a promise to follow through.”

Kivar laughed at the petite child in front of him. “I did it once, I can do it again. Do you really think that eight puny, weak humans can scare me into defeat?”

Max communicated to the Pod Squad to let their block on their energies drop. He watched with interest as the hologram stumbled back and grow fuzzy for a moment. He also caught a glimpse of fear rush through Kivar.

“Do you think that we are just weak humans now?” Max asked quietly.

Kivar was seething. “I will destroy you all again.” Then he disappeared.

Max threw another blast across the room, releasing the built up rage. “Damn” he muttered.

Liz came up to him and rubbed his arm. “We’ll find him.” Her voice carrying confidence. Max looked into his mate’s eyes and saw that she knew that they would.

“Max.” Kyle called getting his leader’s attention. “This is blown, let’s go help the others.”

Max nodded and led them out to the halls.


Max and his group maneuvered the halls helping to clear the way for Michael and Derrick. With every group that they encountered, there was always some that recognized Max. They would then bow before the group and pledge their undying loyalty to King Zan. Max’s group of four grew to many.

Michael met Max near the control room where Isabel and Alex were.

“Maxwell. Maria is not here yet?”

“No. We haven’t seen her.”

Michael reached out seeking her. ‘Michael. We are cornered in the south section. We were just ambushed.’ She sounded weak and tired.

Michael could feel that she was blocking something from him. He started running down the halls toward her position not caring if anyone went with him. His only thought was to get to Maria. Halfway there, he felt a scream tear through his head, pain bringing him to his knees. ‘Maxwell, she’s hurt. Oh, god, she’s hurt.’ He thought as pain seared his body.

Max was right beside him, helping his brother to his feet.

“They have her Maxwell. She’s hurt.” He moaned leaning heavily on Max.

“I know. I felt it. Come on, let’s get the others.”
“No. We have to get Maria.” He protested but he was so weak he could not push away from Max.

“We will Michael but you can’t do anything for her like this. He won’t kill her, he needs her to get to me.”

“Maria.” Michael mumbled as he passed out.

Derrick had just caught up to them catching Michael just in time before he slid to the floor. He helped Max carry his Commander to a safe place.


Maria woke slowly but her eyes were heavy and hard to open. She could hear voices but they were jumbled. She could not understand any of them. As consciousness came closer to the surface, the voices became audible, the words clear.

“I wanted the King or the Commander. Not this little thing.” An angry voice said.

“But sir, this is Kenya, the King’s cousin, the Commander’s mate. The others were in sets, we were unable to get to them.”

Maria heard an almost animalistic growl. “Get out of here before I change my mind about my mercy toward you for at least bringing me one of them.”

She finally raised her head to be greeted by Kivar gazing in her direction. He quickly took a couple of steps so that he stood in front of her. He placed his hand on her head and allowed healing heat rush through her system. The wounds she had received were gone, as was her groggy head and fatigue.

“Now that you are better, shall we begin Kenya?”


Do you hate me yet??? I will try to work on this over the weekend so that the next part can be out Sun or Mon...
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True Destiny: Ch 25

Post by magikhands »

Here's a new part, sorry it is short but I've been really busy this past week as reality rears its ugly head....more at a later time

Chapter 25

The Pod Squad set up in the Command Center. Michael was lying on a pallet on the floor with Isabel playing mother hen to him. Michael was sweating and moaning as he went in and out of consciousness. His body seemed wracked with pain. Occasionally the moaning would turn to screams and grabbed at his head.

Max looked up from the maps he had in front of him. “Damn it Derrick. Where is he? Where could he go?”

Max was absolutely frustrated with the turn of events. He hated seeing Michael like this, so helpless. He felt the pain from Maria, they all did but Michael possessed a part of her soul. He felt everything that she was going through. They all knew that she was going through her own hell. Max could feel that Kivar was digging into Maria’s brain for information about them and the book. Max knew that their enemy would not retain the book. He was the only one who knew where it was and only if he died would the information be passed to the strongest family member.

Max had sent Liz with Serena to scan the soldiers that had surrendered for any possible information about Kivar. He knew that she would insist on helping. Michael was her brother and she would refuse to stand around and watch as he suffered with her best friend. Max felt as torn inside as Liz seeing Michael this way, they all did.

“Max. He can’t be far from here. I think he is here, in the mountain. There are stories of how he made secret rooms and tunnels through out the rock.”

Max sighed still looking at Michael. “It’s just so big and we don’t have that much time. Find someone who knows about it.”

Isabel knelt by Michael, placing a cool cloth on his brow. This was really scaring her. He was burning up with fever and his body was shaking as sweat poured from his body. Michael began moaning Maria’s name again. Isabel’s brows drew together as she tried to block out the discomfort that filled her.

She could feel Kivar in Maria’s head and could not help but shudder at the thought of the vile man. She did not want to think about what would have happened to Alex and her if Kivar had captured them both. She felt sure that it would be ten times worse than what Maria was experiencing. He still sought revenge against her.

She and Alex had almost stepped into an ambush at the main control room. They knew what had happened with Max and the others so Alex wanted to make sure that their position was still safe. Alex used a mind warp on the soldiers inside of the room to see how they would react at the sight of them. At least ten others came from a secret passage thinking that they had Alex. In their confused state, which Isabel helped boggle their minds, she and Alex were able to catch them off guard and attack before they could gather back together. Kivar had known their plan and was prepared to take them.

Isabel brushed his hair back with a shaking hand. “Sshhhh. We’ll find her Michael.”

Alex placed a hand on her shoulder. He did not need to ask how Michael was doing, he felt it. He never dreamed that when he became infatuated with Isabel, that he would end up feeling more than his teenage, hormonal emotions.

Isabel looked up at Alex with tears falling from her eyes. “Did this happen to Jentar when Vilandra died? Was it this bad?”

Alex shook his head. “No. He and Vilandra had just bonded. He just felt as if a piece of his soul was missing. What we have now is stronger and more intense than before.”

“I am scared Alex. This reminds me of how sick he got when he went to see River Dog. I don’t think he will last if anything happens to Maria.”

“Kivar has managed to do what the heat of the sweathouse did. He has taken our balance. I can feel that we are off. Not just Michael, but all of us.”

Isabel nodded as she looked back at Michael. Kyle made his way over and knelt on the other side of Michael. He laid his hands on Michael’s temples.

“Michael. Give this to Maria. It will help you both.”

“What did you do?” Alex asked when Kyle lifted his hand from Michael. He saw that Michael had calmed down, his breathing slower, deeper. He could see that Michael was resting for now.

“I just passed some healing energy to him and he will pass it to Maria. It helps with the pain.”

Kyle and Max had found that they could intentionally draw energy from Antar, enhancing their healing powers. Since they all shared the same powers, they had been trying to teach the others to do it as well but Max and Kyle seemed to be the strongest, the most apt at this due to how closely linked to their home planet they were. Both shared a piece of Antar. Max by being the blessed, true king, Kyle by birth.

“Thanks Kyle.” Isabel said trying to smile.

Liz and Serena burst into the room dragging a young man behind him.

“Max. We have something.”

When the young man saw Max, he immediately bowed, refusing to meet his King’s eyes. Liz impatiently pulled the man up. She didn’t have the time for all of this formality crap. Her best friend and brother’s lives were in danger.

“This is Kam. He has pledged his loyalty to you. His parents have been servants here in the palace since your father. He knows where Kivar is.”

“How can you be sure it’s not a trap?” Tess questioned feeling doubt that it could be this easy.

Max stepped up to Kam and placed his hands on each side of his face. He could feel the fear from this young man but also respect and admiration he held for the Royals passed on from his parents. Max opened a connection and searched his mind. The type of scan that Max did was not painful like Kivar’s raping. Max was extremely patient and gentle with the extraction.

Breaking the connection Max turned to Derrick. “You’re right. He’s in the mountain and I know where.”

Max went to where Michael lay and laid a hand on his brother’s forehead. He passed an enormous amount of healing to him. Michael opened his eyes slowly. “Come on Commander. Let’s go get Maria.”


Maria felt pain. A lot of pain throughout her entire body. It was so intense that she wanted to black out but something or was it someone was keeping her awake. He was in her mind again. Searching, digging. She knew that he would kill her in the end.

“Where is the book?” His deep voice asked. His face was blocked by the shadows that filled the room. She knew who the man was but his name was out of her reach. He’d messed with her mind too much. She’d been calling out to someone but now she could not remember who.

“I don’t know.” Her voice was hoarse from the screaming. She had endured so much torture by this man as he dug deeper. There was nothing she could tell him. She did not know the answer to what he wanted.

She felt a sudden burst of healing rush through her body. The pain was subsiding, her thoughts becoming almost clear again but then the pain was back in her head causing intense agony. He was there again, tearing it apart for information she knew that she did not have. She screamed then all went black.

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True Destiny: Ch 26

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 26

Kyle and Max took turns giving Michael enough healing energy to keep him on his feet. Automatically he sent some of it to Maria, helping her also, trying to keep her alive. Michael could feel her fear and confusion but it was weak and fading. Time was running out. He tried calling out to her but he was blocked. The only thing that got through was the energy Kyle and Max would send.

Max had left Derrick and Serena in charge of the Army and the attack on Kivar’s people. The Pod Squad were to stay together this time. They knew they’d have to be their strongest to save Maria from Kivar.

“Maxwell. She’s down there.” Michael puffed as they came to the end of a hall.

Max was supporting Michael, his shield already up and protecting them both. He could feel Kivar was close and hate burned through his body for all the man had done, past and present. Max was determined that he would not have a future.

Isabel and Alex quickly dispatched the guards that stood watch outside the door. Right before they entered the room, an alarm sounded signaling Derrick’s attack. ‘Perfect’ Max thought.

Max opened the door and led the group in before anyone there could respond to the alarm. Tess and Isabel teamed up, quickly taking care of the soldiers leaving only Kivar, Maria and Lorna. The last person was a surprise to the group. Larek knew that there was a spy in the ranks that helped Kivar stay just one step ahead of the Resistance, allowing them to play cat and mouse games. The spy was good, real good, making it almost impossible to find the identity.

Kivar took a step back as they all entered the room. He hid the grimace that threatened his features at the power that surged through the room. One look at the group, the people he’d killed before, doubts filled his head. Something was different this time. They were different. He had felt that from Kenya because she had somehow managed to block him from her most inner self. Even with all his strength and power, he was not able to break her barrier. He could feel the doubt fill his body like a cold snake wrapping itself around its prey.

Kivar buried his fear and doubt and smiled. He refused to be beaten by mere human children. “Zan. Always a pleasure.” His voice dripping with sarcasm.

Max looked over at Lorna ignoring Kivar for the moment. “What would you get out of betraying your planet?”

Lorna looked away, ashamed at being caught by Max as she saw the disappointment in his eyes. She had found that she liked the boy king but Kivar had seduced her with the promise of power and pleasure.

“Lorna is to be my second in command, among other things.” They all saw the desire that lit his eyes as he looked upon her. “Heir to my reign. I had to give up having a natural blood heir seeing that Vilandra and Kenya are both bonded. Just the act of sex with them would kill them. Trust me, I’ve tried it.” He said laughing at the memory of the tortured cries of a young girl from his past.

Suddenly Maria screamed from her place in the corner of the room, strapped to a chair. Michael fell to the floor screaming while holding his head.

“Interesting.” Kivar observed as he watched Michael’s response. He’d heard of mates so strongly bonded that one felt the pain and death of the other if it came before their time. He had yet to encounter such a couple until now. It also explained how Kenya was able to stay alive this long through his torture. She was feeding off Rath’s energy along with any that Zan sent their way. Kivar had to admire their strength.

“Let them go.” Max ground out, blocking the pain that ran through him from Michael and Maria.

Kivar continued his menacing smile as the entire group felt him start to rape their minds. He knew that one of them had the book and he was determined to find out where it was. Soon the teens were down to their knees as the shared pain in their heads spread through them, their connection intensifying it.

Liz was on her hands and knees like the others trying hard to fight Kivar’s power. Her body trembled from the exertion, the pain becoming excruciating. The more she called upon her powers, the more she felt disconnected from her body. He was so strong and filled with evil. Suddenly flashes flew through her mind.

She reached over and took Max’s hand then reached for Kyle’s with her other hand. ‘Draw upon Antar’ she commanded to her lover and friend.

With much effort she felt the pain in her head start to ease some as the energy from the planet ran through the three of them. ‘ Draw the others in’ she urged them.

Within moments, Liz felt seven different energies swirling within her body and the pain was completely gone. She rose and faced Kivar, who was now starring at her in complete shock.


Liz held up her hand, her Royal seal was glowing but not just the usual gold hue. The seal alternated colors, switching from gold to blue to red then purple. She had been shown how to defeat Kivar. The combining of their energies overpowered the evil within Kivar.

“I have a promise to fulfill Kivar. I told you that one day we would return and that it would be I who would kill you. You will no longer bring pain and suffering to another being.”

With that said a blast shot out of her hand. She watched as it slowly penetrated the shield that Kivar had thrown up then as it shot into his body. Instantly he was dead.

The room fell silent as the screams of the group were silenced. Liz looked to Lorna. “We trusted you. Your people trusted you to do what was right for them. Traders will not be tolerated on Antar.” Liz’s voice was quiet and calm, almost diplomatic as her eyes glowed gold.. Lorna fell to the floor dead near Kivar.


Just to let you know, this is not over yet...a little more problems on the way for our favorite Pod Squad
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True Destiny: Ch 27

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 27

Max lifted himself off the floor and went to Liz ignoring the pain that was left in his body. He wrapped his arms around Liz holding her tight against him. She stood starring at the bodies before her, her own body rigid and trembling. “Liz. It’s all right. It’s over.” Max tried soothing her.

Liz looked at her mate, her King, her whole life. She opened her mouth to say something but no words came except sobs. Max pulled her close and held her as she let her emotions flow free. He could feel her grief engulfing her. She’d killed. It did not matter that Kivar was evil and Lorna needed to be punished, she’d killed another being. He knew this was the initial reaction to such an act by some so innocent. He remembered how Michael had first reacted after killing Pierce protecting Valenti and him. Max knew that he would be here for her and they would work through it together.

When the pain finally left his head enough for him to move, Michael immediately ran to Maria’s side. She was unconscious and her pulse was weak. He could feel her slowly drifting away, dying.

“Maxwell. Get your ass over here.” Michael yelled. He knew that he could start the process but he knew that his powers were as uncontrollable as his emotions right now. If he tried, while feeling so overwhelmed and weak, he would kill her. He would step back and let Max do what he does best.

Max disengaged his embrace from Liz reluctantly and handed her over to Alex to watch. He wanted nothing more than to hold her and comfort her but Maria needed him now. He would not lose anyone again to Kivar.

Max lifted Maria’s head, cradling it gently in his hands. She was so pale. Not at all like their spitfire, hellcat friend. He could feel her life energy seeping back into the planet that had given her life. Max opened his connection to his cousin and gasped at the damage he found. Max was surprised that she was even alive with all the physical damage Kivar inflicted. He knew Maria was strong but she was fading fast now that Kivar’s hold over her was gone. Time was not on their side.

Max began with her most vital organ, slowly healing the damage to her heart and lungs first. It was a slow and strenuous process and soon he felt the beginnings of weakness.

“Kyle” he gasped, knowing that he would need help with her. There was too much damage for him to take care of by himself.

Kyle went to his friend and placed his hand on Maria’s forehead joining Max’s connection. What he saw shocked him and he knew that Max had already healed some of the most vital parts.

Max and Kyle worked together diligently mending Maria’s body, drawing upon the planet’s energy to help them. When they finally reached her mind, they hit a wall, literally. Before them, they saw this large stonewall with no way around it. She had placed it there to block Kivar from the last part of her mind that would kill her. They broke their connection knowing that physically Maria was out of danger.

Michael took Maria’s hand and looked to his brother. “Why is she still unconscious? You finished healing her right?”

“We have repaired her body and most of her mind but we can’t get all of it. She has put up a defense wall. We can’t get through it.”

A wall? Michael thought. He reached within and searched for his love and found himself at a large stonewall that Max had come to. There was no door or window, just hard, cold stone.

‘Maria?’he called out to her. ‘Maria, it’s Michael. It’s safe to come out now. Let Max and Kyle finish their work.’ He was met with silence. ‘Maria’ he called again, his voice cracking a little.

He could feel her presence behind the wall. She was scared and hurting. This was how she had fought Kivar off, blocking her inner soul so he could not reach her. Michael raised a hand and sent out his raging anger at the wall as he thought of what that monster had done to her. The blast hit the wall but then bounced off like a ball. He heard a whimper from behind the wall.

‘Maria. Please come back to me.’ He begged, not knowing what else to do.

Isabel stood between the two girls trying to decide who needed her most. Her cousin or her Queen. She watched Maria and saw that she was still passed out and Michael had her in his arms talking softly to her. Liz sat stiff and unseeing in Alex’s arms chocking back sobs. Isabel could almost feel Liz retreating from them to a place that could not be seen. She went to Liz hoping to keep her here with them and try to help in any way possible.

Max knew that if anyone could bring down that wall Michael would be the one. Seeing that his job was done for the moment he turned his attentions once again to Liz. He saw that Alex had her cradled in his arms while Isabel stood near speaking to her softly. A pang of jealousy ran through him but Max knew that Alex was doing what he needed to do for one of their family.

Max walked over and knelt beside them. She had finally quit crying but her eyes were red and puffy from the tears. Her eyes were focused on nothing as she clung desperately to Alex.

“Liz” Max said softly, sweeping her hair behind an ear.

Liz trembled and whimpered, her knuckles turning white where she clutched to Alex.

“Liz, baby. What is happening? Speak to me.” Max said, softly caressing her wet cheek.

“Cold. So cold and lonely. Scared. Maria. No, he can’t be…” Liz mumbled. “Michael.” She continued. “MICHAEL” she yelled.

The sound of his name being yelled broke him out of his thoughts. Michael handed Maria over to Kyle and ran to his sister. Why was she calling for him when Max was right next to her?

“Max. What is wrong with Liz?”

“I don’t know. I can’t reach her. She can’t seem to hear me. Maybe you can.”

Michael concentrated and searched for Liz. He found himself in front of a stonewall again but this time it had a door. He looked around but saw no one. Softly he knocked hoping that Maria would answer. The door opened and Liz stood before him.

‘Liz, why are you here? Where is here? What’s happening?’ Michael asked rushing to the door. He hit an invisible barrier when he tried to step through. He growled in frustration as he hit it with his fists.

‘Calm down Michael. We are ok. Maria pulled me in here with her. My grief of killing someone drew her to me and she wanted to save me.’ She tried to smile and comfort him but it caused him to worry more.

Michael knew exactly how she felt. He wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms and comfort her, to let her know the he understood. He knew that it would have to wait. He needed to get her and Maria back first. ‘What can I do to get you both out? I’ve tried but she won’t listen to me.’

I will do what I can in here but you can’t give up on her. Keep trying. Be here for her. Kivar has really messed with her; she thinks you are dead so she does not want to face life without you. She doesn’t want to face to pain of loss.’

Michael but his hand on the barrier as Liz did the same. ‘I will never give up on her. Please be careful, do what you can to convince her that it’s safe, that I am alive. I need her and I just found you Liz, I can’t lose both you and her.’

Liz smiled at her brother then everything vanished. He was back sitting by Liz in the dim room.

“Michael, what did you see? What is happening with Liz?”

Michael looked at Max and sighed, running a hand through his hair. They were all tired. This was so much pressure for just a group of teenagers. They had the victory over Kivar but at what cost? Taking a deep breath, Michael explained to Max and the others what had happened.

Derrick and Serena were finally able to break away from the assault teams and find their way to the Royals. They knew that Kivar had been destroyed; they both felt it when it happened but the balance had not been restored. Something else was wrong. Entering the room, they saw Alex holding Liz, as Isabel stood near looking pale and worried as she fidgeted. Max was pacing the floor, his face clearly showing his pain and worry. Michael, Kyle and Tess stood watch over Maria who was unconscious in Michael’s arms. Dead bodies littered the floor but the group was oblivious to them.

Serena went to Max. “What happened?”

“We’ve killed Kivar but he is still finding a way to hurt us.” Max stated looking to Liz then Maria, his voice heavy with concern and grief. He blamed himself for not being able to find the identity of the trader sooner. It was Tess who quietly explained what had happened to Derrick and Serena.

“Let’s get them back to the palace, somewhere more comfortable.” Serena looked at her King. “We will find a way to get them back.”

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True Destiny: Ch 28

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 28

Liz and Maria lay near each other on a large bed. They had found a room not far from the Command Center. Michael sat with Maria, refusing to let anyone touch her. Everyone could see the emotional pain in his face as he stroked her hair and softly spoke to her, pleading with her to wake up. Michael himself was pale and had dark circles under his eyes. The loss of the connection with his mate was really taking a toll on him physically.

Max stayed for a few moments after he laid Liz on the bed. She looked so beautiful; her features had softened once she was in his arms as well as her rigid body relaxing and the trembling stopped. She finally closed her eyes and sunk into a restful slumber. He could sense her near but there was no way of communicating with her. He was glad that his connection had not been completely severed.

Inside Maria’s mind…

Liz and Maria sat in a corner of the ‘Crashdown’. They watched as Maria relived memories. Liz watched herself, Maria, and Alex fooling around as they cleaned up the restaurant. Liz saw that this was shortly before that fateful day in September when the alien abyss invaded their lives.

“Maria, what are you doing? Why are we here and seeing this?”

“This is my happy place. Nothing hurts here.” She said not looking at Liz, just watching the scene before them play out.


“Shh. Watch.” Maria said as the scene changed to a time that Kyle was not being a jerk and had joined the three for lunch. They were laughing and having a good time. Liz could not help but smile and enjoy the scenes Maria evoked of their simple lives before Max and crew came bursting into their lives.

“The other planets have reported in declaring victory over Kivar’s troops. Since word of his death, his armies are failing.” Derrick said as he entered the Command Center.

Max nodded barely registering what Derrick was saying. The day was close to being gone and his love and cousin still lie in a state of a coma. They were trapped in Maria’s mind and he was no closer as before on how to help them.

Max knew that he had responsibilities but his heart ached from sorrow and burden. How could he help five planets and rule them when he could not help the ones he loved? He was beginning to get used to his role as leader before this. It was feeling natural especially with Liz by his side. He and Liz, the leaders of their two little groups, brought alien and human together for what? To lose Liz and Maria in the end? He felt so helpless and blamed it all on himself.

“Max, don’t do that.” Derrick said getting his King’s attention. He felt the inner turmoil that Max was doing. He knew that Max was blaming himself for not being a good or strong enough leader. “You healed Maria. You got there in time before Kivar was able to kill her. Now, we have to wait. It is not your fault. Give them some time. They will come back.”

Max looked at Derrick and was grateful that he understood. Max really liked Serena and Derrick. They had been such help to them all. The friendship that had formed was quick and secure. He felt as if they’d know each other for years. He knew that they completed their family unit.

“Derrick, you and Serena get with Larek and start organizing support and relief for the people of the system. Kivar did some damage to everyone and the fighting did not help matters.”

“But Max. Shouldn’t you…”Derrick started but Max interrupted.

“You and Serena know us well enough to know what Liz and I want.” He looked into those deep blue eyes that reminded Max so much of Kyle. “Don’t you feel it? The pull to us? How you are able to read us,feel us? The bonding has begun and our family will grow by two soon.” Max placed his hand on Derrick’s shoulder. “I trust you and your wife with my planet, my family, and my life.” Max turned and left, leaving it in Derrick’s hands for now.

Max walked into the room to find Michael pacing, very agitated. Isabel stood near the girls apologizing.

“I am sorry Michael. I can’t get in. I’m trying but I won’t do anything that may harm them.”

Michael stopped and had his mouth open to say something when Max spoke. “Thank you Iz. I know that you are trying.” His voice was soft and calming though that was the last thing that he felt. He was also hoping that Isabel would be able to get in. “Where are the others?”

“Tess took Kyle to rest, which is what you should be doing. You are both exhausted. Alex went to talk to Jansan.”

“Why don’t you get Alex and rest some. It has been a long day for all of us. Michael and I will be here with them.’

Isabel sighed. She was being relieved her mother hen duties. “All right. But call me if you need anything.”

Max sat on the bed next to Liz and ran his fingers through her hair. It was silky and smooth as always. Sitting there watching his beautiful Queen the exhaustion finally settled in. He had used a lot of power and now the draining effects were on him. He watched as Michael settled in with Maria, curling around her body keeping her warm and protected. He took his Commander’s lead and did the same with Liz hoping to get a little rest.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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True Destiny: Ch 29

Post by magikhands »

Sorry, it took longer than I expected to get this final part out. I tried to get it out over the weekend by I've had a horrible case of Strep Throat and have not been in the mood to hardly sit at the computer, let alone write... But now I am all better and my birthday wish was to finish this story so here is the last part. Happy B-day to me!! Enjoy :)

Chapter 29

In Maria’s mind…

Maria and Liz still sat in the ‘Crashdown’ watching Maria’s happy memories flash by. At times it was dizzying to watch. Some of the scenes dragged on and played over and over while others flew by quickly, just short snips. Whenever a sign of sadness or hurt was evident, the scene would suddenly change.

“OK Maria. That’s enough. Stop this.” Liz said firmly as she watched another scene start again for the 15th time. It was really starting to get annoying. Especially when it involved her and Michael making out. Maria had even conjured up the time that she and Michael bonded but Liz quickly protested making her switch it. That was not something she wanted to witness.

The scene before her stopped and switched once more only this time the players were frozen. “But we were all so happy then. Why can’t it be like that again? Can’t we go back in time?”
Liz looked at the scene before her. Max sat in a booth, his back resting against the wall while she sat between his legs, her back leaning against his chest. Isabel and Alex sat across from them trying hard not to look obvious with their attraction to one another. Michael sat in a chair pulled up to the booth, Maria perched on his lap. The six teens were laughing and smiling. Liz remembered this. It was a night after the restaurant had closed. She and Maria were still in their uniforms minus the silly antennas her father made them wear. They were sitting around eating ice cream while talking about ordinary, normal teenage issues. This was before Tess came into their lives, before Pierce and the Special Unit, before the Sheriff and Kyle became allies, and before they all knew who they really were. A simpler time.

“Maria. This is just a memory. They all are. This has already happened. Your life, your real life is out there waiting for you to make new memories.” Liz said pointing to the door.

Maria shook her head, fear entering her eyes. “No. All that is out there now is a monster. My life out there has been destroyed. Nothing is left but pain and grief.”

“Kivar is dead Maria. I killed him myself. He will never hurt you or anyone else again. Michael is out there waiting for you, along with the rest of your family.” Liz pleaded.

Maria got up and started pacing and mumbling to herself. Liz took a deep breath trying to remain calm for her friend, her sister. Her mind reached out and felt his warmth wrap around her. She knew that Max was out there holding her, protecting her, waiting for her to wake. She held tight to that feeling of safety, hanging on to Max. Liz stopped Maria’s pacing, placed her hands on her shoulders and looked Maria in the eye.

“Michael has been trying to reach you. He is out there waiting for you. Open up and let him in.”

“No. That monster killed Michael. He showed me. I saw it Liz. He showed me all of it.” Maria sobbed allowing her grief to finally release.

Liz pulled Maria to the window. “Did you feel it? Did you feel Michael die?” Liz had seen how Michael was when Maria was dying. He was slowly dying with her, feeling her slip away. “Look. There he is.”

They both watched as Michael tried again and again to break through the wall that stood strong before him. He was shouting in anger and frustration then grief filled his face. Liz knew that he was feeling desperate now. She knew that she would have to do something, and quickly before she lost both of them for good.

Maria shook her head in denial. “It’s a trick. He is trying get to me. He is making it look like Michael is there.”

They both watched as Michael slid down the window, his back leaning against it as he wept openly. They saw the weariness in his features from the stress and worry as the anger left with his tears.

“Open up a little and listen. Feel him. He is there. You know your mate; no one can trick you like that. If you allow yourself, you can still feel him.”

Michael felt eyes upon him. He looked up and found that the stonewall had turned into the front glass of the ‘Crashdown’. “Maria?” his voice filled with disbelief as he saw her looking out at him.

“Look at him. Can you feel him? Hear him?” Liz urged.

Michael quickly stood and looked in at Maria. She was so beautiful. He blonde hair was growing out long. He liked how it framed her face, accenting her sparkling green eyes. He fell in love with her all over again every time he looked at her. He had tried turning her away many times in the past only to be drawn back to her. She was his, always had been. He’d just been too stubborn in the past to admit it but he knew he’d never deny her again.

“Maria. Please come back to me. Let me in.” Michael begged. “I need you. I feel so dead inside. I am nothing without you. Please baby. Open up.”

Maria watched as tears fell down his face. He did not wipe them away or try to hide them. Slowly she reached out to him and his love for her slammed into her making her gasp.

“I’ve seen things. Maria, I’ve seen our children. Your children.” Liz said softly. She could feel Maria begin to break down.

Maria pulled her gaze from Michael. “Children?”

Liz nodded and looked into her friend’s eyes, their gazes locked. The scene around them changed. They watched as an older Maria and Michael lay in bed together embracing and talking softly with one another. Their love evident by the way they touched and caressed each other. Suddenly two children, a boy and girl about four years of age, rushed in and jumped on the couple. The room filled with laughter and squeals as the adults tickled the little ones.

“Do you want to deny Michael this? Deny yourself? If you stay here, this will not be. Do you want to deny parenthood to any of us? It will happen if we don’t leave. Do you want that?”

“I’m scared Liz.” Maria said as she looked to Michael again her voice cracking. “There is so much pain out there. How do I handle the hurt and the things I’ve seen?”

“I am scared too. But we are not alone. Michael, Max and the others are there with us. To help us through all of the grief and pain. Remember what Grandma Claudia always said? Follow your heart. Yours in tied to Michael’s and the rest of us. Together we can overcome all of this.”

Michael placed his hand on the glass. “I love you Maria.”

“I love you Michael.” She said placing her hand on the other side of his. The glass dissolved, their hands joined. Maria found herself wrapped in his warmth, hands joined, their connection open wide. She turned and found his lips. She felt as if she could not get enough of him. His touch, his scent, filled her with need. She needed him closer. She felt an urgency to have him inside of her as her skin vibrated with his touch.

Michael had woke with Maria feeling her need. Instantly their clothing was gone as Michael rolled on top of her, his stiff cock at her entrance. He felt as if he was in a trance with only thoughts of being inside Maria. Maria pulled him down for a kiss as he pushed into her, their lips suppressing the moans.

Next to them Liz had woke in Max’s arms. She nuzzled into his body leaving kisses everywhere she touched. Max slowly awakened to the feel of Liz’s kisses against his skin. He looked down and saw that they no longer wore clothing. They both felt the strong urge of connect, join together in the most intimate way. Growling, Max turned Liz over to her back and entered her in one swift movement. They both groaned at the pleasure of his length being embedded into her wetness.

Oblivious to one another, the two couples made slow, passionate love sending them to new levels of pleasure and calling to the others. Meanwhile in separate rooms nearby Isabel and Tess woke feeling the desire and need rise in their bodies. Tess woke Kyle by nipping at his chest then gently soothing them with her kisses. Isabel was gentler as she used her tongue and lips along Alex’s neck and ears then traveled down to his hardening cock. Both guys woke feeling the intense desire to join with their mates. An invisible force was driving them to become one, opening all of their connections.

Serena and Derrick chose the room next to their King to rest. Serena woke with the urge to be with her husband. She gently kissed and caressed Derrick’s bare chest until he too awoke and was filled with the strong desire that flowed through them both.

“Derrick. What is happening? I have not felt this way since our bonding.” She asked between kisses and gasps of pleasure as her husband’s touch sent her soaring.

“They are pulling us in, completing their family. We are bonding with the Royals.” He gasped as she sat upon him, plunging him deep into her waiting core.

The five couples made love to their mates, seeing and feeling only their partners yet their minds joined as one. Deep inside of Antar, the energy of the planet swirled, building strength and sending it throughout the planet. The ten climaxed together with such power and passion the earth below the palace began to quake. During their escalation to release a swirl of colors encased each couple. Mixing together but never really combining hues of gold, purple, blue, red, and now green filled the rooms. As they all came down from their intense orgasms, they saw flashes of the future that lay ahead. Antar would again prosper and become powerful again

Derrick and Serena lay in each other’s arms in awe of their experience. They now felt a connection to the other eight teens and they felt love and warmth flow through their bodies as the group accepted their presence within them. Serena held up her hand as it began to glow green.


Derrick in turn held his up and watched as Royal seals appeared on their hands proving that they were now a part of the Royal family. The long awaited saviors of the Antar System.

Liz snuggled closer to Max and sighed with contentment. She knew that she had seen more than the others and held the sights close to her heart. They had all been shown their children and that it would be them that brought Earth in allegiance with Antar. But then she’d been shown their grandchildren. They would be the key to it all. They would be the ones who save Earth from an unseen evil and choose human mates allowing Earth to bond with Antar permanently. Thus finally completing the original Pod Squad’s true destiny.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed this. I would love to write a sequel to this if a good idea ever comes to mind. Thanks for all the feedback, it made it easier to write this.
Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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