All The Things She Left Behind ~CC~ TEEN/MATURE {COMPLETE}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Earth2Mama~ I'm glad to see that you like the interaction between the kids! I love them both too! I tried to make it apparent who their parents are by making Marissa the little chatter box and Chris the shy one who listens. :-) Enjoy the next part!

Begonia9508~ I don't like the animosity between Max and Liz either... It won't last much longer, Liz has made a decision about their future... Hope it makes you happy.

strawberry_dreamer~ I'm glad you liked it! I hope you like this one too!

Cherie~ Ok... The whole thing between Max and Liz stems from before Liz even knew Max had "cheated" on her. If you remember in the first parts before she found out her and Max had a distant and not so loving relationship. Then Liz comes to find out that Max lied to her and she's still pretty hurt. The main reason no one is mad at Tess is because Tess wasn't mindwarped. She had no idea that Max thought they slept together. This was Nikolas's idea of Divide and Conquer and I guess I didn't make that clear. If you were a member of that group and Max said he slept with Tess and Tess said she didn't sleep with Max... who would you believe? I suppose I'd believe Max. But they figured out it was a mindwarp and the reason no one is mad at Tess is because she didn't lie, but Kyle did get kinda shitty with her while he was drunk. Tess didn't lie to Kyle, so he really has no reason to be mad at her. She was just a pawn in Nikolas's little game. As for everyone else being mad at Max, that's just hostility due to the way he treated everyone, especially Maria. Everyone's tired of his King act... I really didn't want to portray Max as I did in this story because I love him, but I didn't have a choice. So I hope that clears some things up for you and for anyone else... If you have any more questions just ask... Enjoy the next part!

Part 28

"Where were you earlier?" Maria asked Michael as they sat down on the bed in the motel outside Copper Summit.

"Out," He told her, a typical Michael response. Michael’s plan had been approved by King Max and the group was staying in a motel 10 miles outside Copper Summit. Tomorrow they would strike and end this once and for all, even if it cost some of them their lives. Now they were lying in bed, Michael facing the wall and Maria staring at the ceiling.

"Michael…," Maria started.

"Can we not do this right now? I may die tomorrow and I really don’t want to argue with you," he snapped.

She looked hurt. "I wasn’t going to argue with you. I was going to say it’s good you went to her grave."

"What?" he asked, not turning to face her.

"Liz told me. I was just going to see if you wanted to talk, but you obviously don’t. Goodnight." She curled up under the blankets facing Michael’s back and closed her eyes.

Michael sighed and turned to look at her. "I’m sorry Maria. I’m just a little stressed."

"We all are," she told him, opening her eyes. "We’re all scared. No one knows what’s going to happen tomorrow."

Michael pulled her into him and she buried her face in his chest. "It’s going to be fine. As long as Ava’s mind warp holds up, everything will go smoothly."

"When does anything go smoothly for us?" Maria said into his chest.

He pushed her away from him so he could look into her eyes. "I went tothe graveyard today because I feel guilty for moving on so quickly. I love you Maria, but I loved Laura… no I still love Laura. She was my wife. I mean, I love her. But I want to move on. I want to move on with you and I want us to be a family. You, Marissa, and me. So I just needed to go to her grave and… and talk to her, so that I can move on. Maria, I love you and I can’t imagine living without you anymore. I can’t imagine not waking up next to you or not being able to see Marissa everyday. I know that it’s really sudden, but I wanted you to know this in case something happens to me tomorrow. I love you, and I want to marry you."

Maria didn’t say anything; she just kissed him. He gladly returned the kiss, deepening it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, running one hand through his hair. He rolled over so he was on top of her and he found himself running his hand underneath her shirt, like he had in the car only a few days ago. He tugged at the bottom to take it off, and this time, she didn’t stop him.

* * *

"Are you ok?" Max asked as he sat down on the bed with Liz.

"Not really."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really," she told him.

"Are we ever going to get past this?"

She took his hand and kissed him gently on the cheek. "Yes, we will."

"I love you Liz; I never stopped loving you. I’ve always loved you."

"I know, and I love you, too. I just needed time, but I’m ready now. And tomorrow after everything, we’re going to get some much-needed rest and then talk about everything. And it’s going to be ok."

Max smiled at her. "You’re amazing you know that." He placed his hands on her face and pressed his lips to hers.

"We’re going to be ok. And we’re going to get Chris back. We’re finally going to be a family," she told him, lying down in his arms. It felt right, like nothing had for a long time.

Coming Soon: The battle to get Tess back...
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 29

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Part 29

Max, Michael, and Isabel sat in Michael’s Ford Escape and slowly followed Kyle and Ava who were driving Kyle’s Cavalier. Michael held the walkie-talkie securely in his hand, waiting patiently to hit Copper Summit’s city limits. Copper Summit was a ghost town and had been since 5 years ago when Tess had eliminated all but one of the skins with a fire mind-warp after they had captured the Royal Four. The exception was the leader, Nikolas. The Skin’s husks had been dying and another Skin, Courtney, had destroyed the new husks that had been growing.

Nikolas should have been dead, but he wasn’t. Michael was ready to do something about that. Michael was going to take Nikolas down today. He wasn’t dying unless Nikolas went with him. Rath and Lonnie were going to be out of the picture for good, too. They had screwed with everyone’s lives enough. It was time for this to be finished.

They entered Copper Summit’s city limits and Kyle radioed Michael. "We’ve got freaky mind control," Kyle said.

"Got it," Michael said. "Isabel, you’re on."

He watched as Isabel steadied her breathing and touched a picture of Tess. She drifted to sleep and Max spoke up. "You really think this is going to work?" he asked Michael.

"It better. I’ve got a kid to go home to," Michael told him, not taking his eyes off Isabel.

"Me, too," Max said.

"Listen Max, if anything happens to me…"

"Michael, don’t," Max said.

"No, really. Just make sure Maria and Marissa are taken care of, ok?" Michael said.

Max nodded. "You got it."

Isabel shook and opened her eyes. "She’s in the same place she was. Lonnie, Rath, and Nikolas are with her. That’s all," Isabel said.

"Good," Michael replied. He pushed the talk button on his walkie-talkie and spoke to Kyle. "It’s just the three. This should be a piece of cake."

"Let’s hope," Kyle replied. Michael watched Max pull the car over behind Kyle, in front of a barn. Kyle got out, while Ava remained in the car, concentrating.

"Is she ok?" Max asked, referring to Ava.

"She’s doing fine. She told me she can hold it for a long time," Kyle said.

"Ok Kyle remember, get Tess out, and let us handle Rath, Lonnie, and Nikolas," Michael told him.

"Not a problem."

* * *

Max, Isabel, Kyle, and Michael quietly walked down the steps to the basement. Isabel led them to the room where Tess was being kept. When Kyle saw Tess lying on the hard, cement floor with ropes restraining her, he almost cried out. He bit his lip to restrain himself, seeing her all beat up. It killed him. He took a deep breath as they walked right in front of Tess’s captors. They didn’t even blink, and Kyle knew that Ava’s mind warp was working. Kyle hurried to Tess while the others did their thing. He pulled a pocketknife from his jeans and slashed the ropes. "Tess…," he said, shaking her gently. "Tess, wake up."

Kyle heard a loud noise behind him. He saw Lonnie and Rath crumple to the floor as Isabel and Michael hit them hard, simultaneously. They were going to kill them. Kyle knew that he had to get Tess out of there, because she wouldn’t be much use if they were caught. He lifted her into his arms and started making his way to the door. Michael, Max, and Isabel began to surround Nikolas, and Kyle moved faster. Michael stood behind Nikolas with a crowbar, ready to dust him. Suddenly he heard Isabel scream. He turned around and saw Michael fly through the air and slam into the wall.

Kyle started sprinting as fast as he could. He didn’t even turn around when he heard Nikolas start speaking. "Thought you had me didn’t you?" Nikolas cackled. "Now, I have you."

* * *

Maria paced back and forth in the hotel room. "Something bad is going to happen," Maria said.

"Maria, it’s going to be fine. Nikolas, Rath, and Lonnie won’t even know what hit them. They’ll be dead before they realize it," Liz tried to assure her.

"No, something bad is going to happen. I can feel it," Maria told her.

"Maria… you need to calm down. You’re going to hyperventilate," James said.

Maria glared at him. "Don’t start. We are still on not good terms due to the fact that you kidnapped my child," she snapped.

"Sorry," he said quietly.

"I think we should go there," Maria told Liz.

"No! Maria, no," Liz said.

"Liz, I can tell something bad is going to happen. Just trust me."

"All the more reason to stay away. We have to consider the fact that if something does happen to Michael or Max, we have kids to think about."

"No, I’m going. Michael’s in trouble, I can tell. Give me your car keys," she said, holding her hand out to Liz.

"No. You are not going there alone."

"Liz! I’m not joking. Give me the keys."

"No, Maria!"

"Liz!" Maria yelled.

"I’ll drive," Liz said, grabbing the keys and her purse.

"For the record, I think this is a bad idea," James said.

"Well for the record, I don’t care. If anything happens to me… tell Marissa I love her." Maria and Liz quickly got to the car. Liz sped away before Maria could even put her seatbelt on. "I can feel it Liz. Something is not right."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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Part 30

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

Part 30

"You really are stupid," Nikolas sneered. "You thought you could come in and just do away with all three of us without even blinking an eye. It doesn’t work that way." Nikolas looked at Rath and Lonnie who were lying on the ground. "Pity that you had to kill them. Oh well, less for me to do."

Michael stood up shakily and glared at Nikolas. He raised his hand to blast him and flew into the wall again with a flick of Nikolas’s wrist. "You never were a quick learner, Rath. You were always trying to be a hero. It’s a shame really; it’s what got you killed in the first place." Max and Isabel joined hands to combine their power but Nikolas sent a strong blast their way. They both landed on the ground, and slumped over, unconscious.

"We’ll give you the Granolith, just leave us alone," Michael said sternly.

"Tsk, tsk Rath. You see, I’m not in the business of making deals with the second in command. Besides, you forget, I have the Granolith."

"Yeah, but you don’t know how to use it," Michael told him. "How do you expect to get anywhere in it without the key? You need me to tell you where it is."

Nikolas shook his head and laughed. "You really are much stupider in this life than you were in the last." Nikolas sent a blast and Michael was stuck to the floor. Nikolas kneeled by him and held his palm about his head. "I don’t need you to tell me anything." Nikolas touched Michael and he screamed in pain. He felt like his brain was going to explode as Nikolas raped him of his memories.

Nikolas took his hand off Michael’s head and smirked. "I have to say I do enjoy the memories of you having sex. Those are fairly interesting, like watching a porn movie."

"Yeah, because you’re stuck in a 15 year old misfit’s body. We all know you aren’t getting any," Michael spat.

"I can’t decide which one I like best, though. The blonde or the brunette."

"I’m gonna fucking kill you." Michael glared, his eyes blazing with anger.

"I don’t think you’re really in the position to threaten." Nikolas pressed his palm against Michael’s forehead and he cried out again, this time his scream was worse; it was pure agony coming from his throat.

* * *

Liz pulled up in front of the barn behind Michael’s Escape. Maria jumped out of the car and saw Kyle running out of the barn with Tess in his arms. "Where’s Michael?" Maria asked, panicked.

"Nikolas has them," Kyle told them, putting Tess in the backseat of his car.

"And you left them in there?" Maria cried. She ran towards the barn and Kyle ran after her, holding her back.

"You can’t go in there, Maria; Nikolas will kill you with the flick of his wrist. They can handle it," Kyle told her.

They heard a loud scream come from the barn and Maria’s face grew pale. "That was Michael. I’m going in there."

"Maria, you can’t!" Kyle said, not letting her go.

Maria shoved Kyle away. "I already fucked up and lost him once, I won’t do it again!" she yelled.

She ran into the barn and grabbed the heaviest thing she could find. She snuck down and peered into the room where the battle was going on. She saw Michael lying on the ground, screaming, while Nikolas held a hand to his head. She got as close as she could without being noticed and threw the heavy item at Nikolas. It hit him in the upper back and she cursed, having missed the seal of his husk.

Nikolas turned around, his face masked in anger. "Stupid bitch!" he yelled. "That hurt!"

"Maria, get the hell out of here," Michael choked out in a strangled cry. He was still in a lot of pain.

"Not without you," she said.

"How cute," Nikolas smirked. "Now I get to torture you both while the other watches. I love this part."

Maria then flew to the ground next to Michael, unable to get up. It felt as though a car was sitting on her chest and she had to hold back a scream. She turned her head to look at Michael and she started to cry. "I’m sorry," she whispered. Michael reached over and took her hand in his and she flashed him a bittersweet smile. "At least we’re together," she told him.

"It’s not ending like this," he said, determined not to give up.

"Are you two finished?" Nikolas asked, annoyed. "I’ve got some torturing to do. Now… where to begin?" Nikolas pondered his options for a few minutes then grinned evilly. He held his hand out over Michael and a red burst of energy shot out from it.

Michael started to sweat and Maria watched as he squeezed his eyes shut, then cried out in pain. Maria felt tears stream down her cheeks. "Stop, please, stop hurting him!" she cried.

Nikolas stopped focusing on Michael and turned to Maria. Again, a red burst of energy emanated from his hand, this time aimed at her. She felt a wave of heat overcome her body and she closed her eyes, trying to take her mind somewhere else. The heat grew stronger and Maria felt as if she was on fire. She could almost see the red-hot flames shooting up around her. She tried not to think about it. She tried to think about anything happy: Marissa, Michael, Liz, and her mom. She thought about how Michael and she were going to get married. It helped for a few minutes but the pain started to intensify. She bit her bottom lip, trying not to give Nikolas the satisfaction of her screams.

It was almost to the point that she couldn’t take anymore when everything became cold again. Her eyelids snapped open and she looked above her. Nikolas was gone and she felt tiny bits of ash fall on her face. She thought that she had to be dead; that Nikolas had killed her, but she was still in the basement of the barn. She tried to move and realized that she could. There was still pain in her chest, but she ignored it as she tried to sit up.

"Oh God, Maria… are you ok?" Michael said, helping her off the floor. He pulled her into his arms and stroked her hair.

"I’m ok. What happened?" she said, resting her head on his chest.

"It’s over. It’s all over. Kyle saved us," he said to her.

She looked over at her stepbrother as he helped Isabel and Max get up. She watched as Liz hugged Max tightly. Ava helped Tess down the stairs and they joined the group. Maria let go of Michael and the group stood in a circle, looking at each other.

"We make one hell of a team," Kyle said, a smile on his face. He put an arm around Tess and she leaned against him for support.

"Kyle, you’re like a hero," Liz told him.

"Nah…," he said. "Well, ok."

"What happens now Max?" Isabel asked.

Max smiled at the group. "We go home."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."
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The End

Post by RoswellChic4Ever »

A/N: Ok guys... well, I hate seeing this end, but at this moment I don't have time to write a sequel. I'm working on two others that I really want to post eventually. So I'm posting both endings, just in case you were curious, but I think I'm just ending the story here... Thank you all for all the feedback and reading, I LOVED writing this story and I'm sad to be done with it. I'll miss my characters but, all things must come to an end so... I hope you guys liked reading this story as much as I loved writing it and I also have to give a special thanks to my Beta MJ cause she was so patient with me throughout this whole story... Well... here it is... the last part... Enjoy it! ~*Holli*~

Part 31

"Mommy!" Marissa squealed as she jumped into Maria’s arms.

Maria had a huge smile plastered on her face as she smothered her daughter in kisses. "I missed you so much, Marissa!" she said.

Marissa pushed away from Maria and reached for Michael. He gladly took her in his arms and hugged her tightly. "I missed you, Daddy!" Marissa said.

"I missed you, too, Marissa." He set Marissa down on the ground and smiled at Maria, who took his hand.

"Did you have fun?" Maria asked Marissa as they followed the little girl into the house.

"Oh, yes! I made a friend!" Marissa said excitedly. "He’s in the backyard; do you want to meet him?"

"Sure sweetheart," Michael said, letting the little girl lead them to the backyard.

"This is Chris!" Marissa said, pointing to a small boy swinging.

"Oh my God." Michael’s mouth dropped.

"Is that…," Maria looked at Michael with a smile. He nodded. "Oh wow." Maria walked over to the boy and sat on the swing next to him. "Hi, Chris, I’m Maria."

"I know you!" Chris said, pointing at Michael. "You’re friends with my mommy and daddy."

Michael nodded. "I sure am. You want me to take you home to them?" Michael asked.

The little boy looked at Michael and grinned. "Yes, please."

* * *

Maria knocked on Max’s and Liz’s door. Michael stood next to her and held her hand tightly. "Hey guys," Liz said, opening the door. "I thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow."

"Well, things change," Maria said.

"We brought something back from California for you."

Liz looked confused. "What?" she asked. Maria and Michael parted and a little boy about six, with dark brown hair stood between them. Liz’s face lit up with joy as she hugged the little boy to her chest. "Oh my God!" she cried. "Max!" she yelled into the house, not letting the little boy go.

Max ran to the door, looking panicked. "What, what’s going on?" he asked.

"Hi Daddy," Chris said, as Liz let him go.

Max looked at Michael and Maria, silently thanking them before hugging his son. "Hey son, I’ve missed you."

Michael and Maria walked away hand in hand, happy that they had brought a family back together. Michael kissed the top of her head and pulled her close as they walked to the car. "I love you," he told her.

She grinned at him. "Good, cause I love you, too."

* * *

Christmas Day - 2006

The wedding was beautiful. They held it outside at Maria’s request, and it was just lovely. Michael dressed in a black tuxedo, as did Max, Alex, and Kyle, his groomsmen. Liz, Isabel, and Tess were dressed in a light pink, much to Michael’s dismay. He hated pink, but Maria wanted it, so he gave in. Anything for her. The bridesmaid’s dresses were fitted at the top, with spaghetti straps and then flared out at the hip. The chiffon flowed down to the ground and the girls looked absolutely gorgeous.

Little Chris was the ring bearer and he had been dressed in a tuxedo as well. All the girls thought he was just adorable. Marissa was the flower girl and her dress was white. Maria wanted her in pink, like the bridesmaids but she insisted on wearing white to match her mommy. Maria couldn’t say no, so she wore a cute little white dress with a rhinestone headband placed in her unruly, curly blonde hair.

Michael almost choked when he saw Maria walking down the aisle with Jim. She was absolutely stunning. Her long blonde hair had been pulled back into a ponytail, then curled and pinned. Her veil was a rhinestone tiara and the mesh fell over her face, but he could still see her. She was crying in happiness. Her dress was strapless and had a beaded pattern on the bodice. The skirt was long and flowing and she wore clear shoes. She felt like Cinderella.

"How ya doing Mrs. Guerin?" Liz asked as she pulled Maria aside at the reception.

"I’m great. I’ve never been this happy in my life," Maria told her.

Liz smiled. "I’m so happy for you. I love you." Liz hugged her best friend tightly.

"There’s my bride! People keep taking her away from me," Michael said, joining Liz and Maria. He put his arms around her waist from behind and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Well we all have to have time with her before all she becomes too busy with wife things to do anything else," Liz said.

Michael laughed. "I’m sure that will be the case. I have a feeling that I’ll be the one doing the wife things."

Liz smiled. "Well, she can hold her own against you, Guerin."

"Guys, I’m right here," Maria said.

Michael kissed the top of her head. "We know."

Liz wandered off and left the newlyweds alone. Maria turned to Michael and looked into his eyes. He put his hands to her face and kissed her gently.
"I’ll like waking up to that every morning," she said, kissing him again.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Marissa ran over to them and Michael picked her up in his arms, kissing her on the cheek. "Grandma and Grandpa want a picture!" Marissa said. The three looked over to Amy and Jim, and posed for the picture. Michael had one arm around Maria and had Marissa in his other arm. They looked perfect, just like a family should.

* * *

6 Months Later

Maria watched from the beach as Michael and Marissa played in the ocean. Her hand rested on her stomach and she thought about the little one that was resting in there. She was excited about telling Michael later tonight that they were going to have another baby.

She heard Marissa squeal in delight as Michael threw her into the water. Maria couldn’t help but smile as she watched Michael and Marissa play together. Michael looked over to her and flashed her a smile. She waved and sighed in happiness. This was her life, the life she almost left behind.

The End! :-)


Maria felt someone shaking her. She wasn’t ready to be awake yet. "Hmm… go away," she said, swatting at the person trying to wake her.

"Maria, honey, wake up." Maria was confused. It was a guy’s voice trying to wake her, but Michael never called her honey.

"What?" She opened her eyes and turned to see James shaking her awake. She looked around at her surroundings. She was on a plane and Marissa was sitting next to her, fast asleep. "What’s going on?" she asked, panicking.

"We’re almost there," he told her.

"Almost where?" She looked around. What was going on?

"Roswell," he said. "Did you forget? We’re going to meet your mom and tell her about how we’re getting married."

"What’s the date?" she asked.

James looked at her as if she was nuts, but answered anyway. "November 6th, 2006."

Maria looked down at her hands and saw the engagement ring from James on her finger. She felt uneasy as the plane began its descent into Roswell, New Mexico. Maria stared out the window, not quite believing what was going on. It had been a dream, the whole thing. Michael, Tess being kidnapped, Laura dying. Laura, what if she didn’t really exist. What if Michael was still single? Would he take her back? This was just all too confusing for Maria.

"Mommy?" Marissa awoke next to her and tugged on her sleeve. "Are we almost there?"

"Yeah Baby, we are," Maria said. The plane finally touched down and slowly came to a halt. Maria held her breath so as not to throw up. This was just too much for her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Roswell, New Mexico. The time is currently 4:15 PM and the temperature is 78 degrees. I hope you enjoy your stay." The pilot’s voice boomed though the speaker and Maria closed her eyes. She whispered quietly to herself, not quite believing it was true. "It was all a dream."
"What do I look like? The Wizard of Oz? You need a brain? You need a heart? Go ahead, take mine. Take everything I have."