I Want You to Want Me (AU,M/L, ADULT) Pt 22 - 06/25/04 [WIP]

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Post by ps_dreamer »

Part 10

Apparently, nothing much happened after the ‘incident in the bushes’ yesterday at the party. Nope. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. Well, nothing interesting anyways. Sorry to disappoint you.

We stayed for awhile, completely enjoying ourselves while my two enemies were dead to the world. Then I went back for a sleep-over at Maria’s house. We talked until about 3 o’clock in the morning. Well…that’s not strictly true. It was Maria who did most of the talking. I just nodded and commented on some stuff.

Maria was reliving her experience with Michael, gushing about how her plan ‘B’ worked better than expected. Do you want to know about her plan ‘B’?

Okay, if you want. It’s nothing really. What she did was she flirted with Michael, teased him to no end, until the poor guy just couldn’t take it anymore, snapped and tackled her.

Sounds like a Maria thing to do? Sure does to me! She always says that, in order to get a guy’s full attention, you gotta give at least three separate verbal or non-verbal clues to guys- repeated contacts. Why? Coz they’re dense and thick-skulled as can be. (direct quote from Maria) She’s always been the bold one out of the three musketeers. Alex doesn’t measure up to Maria’s level. I, well, am probably high on the ‘shyest people’ list.

Anyway, Sunday was bliss. Maria and I just hung out all day. Talking and gossiping. I always learn a lot of new things from her. She is like, THE gossip queen. When a couple breaks up, she knows. When a couple is found making out in the Eraser room, she knows. She knows everything! Her brain is like a memory card! She remembers every little detail.

What? Did you just ask me what the Eraser room is? You mean, you really don’t know what the infamous Eraser room is for? Where have you been? Oh right, not here in Roswell. Well, I’ll forgive you then.

The Eraser room was originally for cleaning erasers. But somehow, during the old history of West Roswell High, it got transformed into a make-out room. Yes, you heard right! It’s where lots of people go to make-out It’s where Greg Coleman gave Marlene Garcia that hickey the size of a softball. It’s where Richie Roher and Amanda Lourdes consummated everything.... Or to quote Maria, “The Eraser Room does two things: cleans erasers and takes our innocence. The Eraser Room has taken some of the best of us.”

Um…yeah. I think I’ve made my point.

‘Nough said.

So here I am, at school. On Monday. Maria got a ride to school with Michael this morning. Anyway, break is almost done. I walk to my locker to retrieve the books I need for my last class of the day. While I reach in for my books, I overhear a conversation between two girls (I can’t see their faces from where I’m at).

“Have you heard?”


“Michael Guerin and Maria Deluca are a couple!”

“No way! When did this happen?”

“At Pam’s party. Didn’t you see them? They were all over each other! It was disgusting, really. Can that girl be more desperate?”

“Damn she got lucky! I don’t blame her for being desperate. Michael is HOT. No, that’s not right, he’s wayyyy beyond hot. I mean, have you ever seen his body in gym class? It’s to die for!”

“I’m with you on that. Hmm…wonder how long he’ll keep her.”

“Michael, the popular guy and Maria, a nobody? It won’t last long. I give it a week. Isabel would never allow it. It’s ‘disgraceful’, remember?”

“Yeah. Who could forget what happened to his last girlfriend, Courtney?”

“Yikes. The wrath of the Ice Queen.”

“She’s a bitch anyway. Don’t know why Michael should listen to her.”

“I don’t know. Oh, hey and did you hear that Melanie Panes broke her arm? She was in this accident at…”

The conversation drifts off as the two girls walk away. Geez. How did I forget about this? Popularity. I was bound to hear this kind of conversation sooner or later. Apparently, it’s sooner. You must know that in a small town like Roswell, the news here spreads faster than wild fire plus gasoline.

For me, I could care less about what these people say. I know that Maria doesn’t either. As long as she is happy with Michael, despite the whole ‘I’m popular and you’re not’ thing, then I’m fine with it.

I walk to my last class: AP Biology.

Going into the classroom, I take my seat. Max isn’t here yet. Looking around, I see that I’m one of the first to arrive. Oh well. The minute I set out my notebooks on the table, I notice Alex walking in.

“Hey Alex!”

“Hey Liz. Check this out.” He pulls a list from his back pocket and sits down next to me. “I made a list for my website. It’s ‘10 things you'll wish you didn't know.’ Wanna hear it?”

“As much as I want to, I’m not sure.”


“Well, it IS a list of 10 things you’ll wish you didn’t know. So I’m not sure I want to know.”

“Oh come on. I need your opinion on it, Lizzie. Want you to tell me if it sounds stupid or not.”

“Fine. Let’s hear it.”

“Okay!” Alex says happily. He can be such a kid sometimes. When it comes to things like computer and software, he’s all giddy just thinking about it. And when he talks about it, he glows. “Number 1. During an hours swimming at a municipal pool you will ingest 1/12 liter of urine.”

“Ewww!!!” Totally gross! And all those time I was in the pool…

“Number two,” Alex continues as if he didn’t hear me. “Daily, you will breath in 1 litre of other peoples' anal gases. Number three. In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects -while you slept!”

“Yuck, yuck, yuck!” My face is all scrunched up now. “Alex! That is so- *shivers* I don’t know how much more I can take!”

“Okay, okay. I’m almost finished! Just hang in there, k? I’ll read it really fast.”

“Fine.” I pout.

At the speed of lightning, Alex reads, “Number four. In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact with 15 penises (touching door handles etc.). Number five. Annually you will shake hands with 11 women who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands. Number six. Annually you will shake hands with 6 men who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands. Number seven. An average persons yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs. Number eight. In a lifetime 22 workmen will have examined the contents of your dirty-”

“ALEX! STOP!” I cover my ears. I don’t want to hear it anymore! Dis-gus-ting!!!

He stops.

“Are those things true?” I dare ask. Please say no, please say no.

Alex doesn’t say anything, just wiggles his eyebrows. He looks up. “Oh, the prince has arrived. See ya!” He runs back to his lab table at the other end of the room.


Just then Max takes his seat next to me. “Hi Liz,” he says shyly. Wait- shy? And you say he’s the captain of the Varsity Basketball team and star quarterback of the Varsity football team? Almost can’t believe it. Almost.

“Hey,” I answer, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I look at him from the corner of my eye, feeling nervous and embarrassed. Why? Because somehow, my mind wonders back to that surprising encounter in Max’s room. Where he was just coming out from a shower. Oh, and did I mention he was half-naked?!?! Well, he was!

I think it’s kinda like one of those post-traumatic experiences. I wasn’t embarrassed or shy at the party when I saw Max afterward because it was quite dark and I didn’t get the chance to see his fabulous body. So immediately, I pushed that whole scenario at the far back of my mind. But now, in daylight, seeing him again just brings it all back.

I haven’t realized that I’m lost in my twisted thoughts until Max taps me on the shoulder to tell me that we need to set up the lab for an experiment.

Okay. Work time.

We work together in silence. Our lab is finished before the others because we both take our experiments seriously, no slacking off. That’s why we’re done early. Right now, I’m taking the test tubes to the sink to clean them. Suddenly, a guy bumps into me, causing the glass tubes to slip from my hands. I feel a sharp pain on the palm of my hand.

“Oww!!” Hearing that, Max hurries over to me.

“Liz! Are you okay? Oh, you’re hurt! Let me see your fingers,” he takes my injured hand and examines it carefully. It’s only a small, but deep cut on my left palm. There’s blood. Lots of it. I guess Max is freaked out by this because he yells for a first aid kit. When it arrives, he carefully and gently cleans the cut on my palm. His touch on my hand is feather-like. Who would’ve thought a big guy could be this gentle?

Well, I hadn’t. And it’s big surprise for me- a nice surprise. Suddenly, I’m seeing another side of Max that I haven’t seen before. Shockingly…I realize that I like it. A lot.

“Are you okay now Liz?” Ms. Hardy asks in concern. “Perhaps you should go to the nurse’s office to clean your cut properly.”

“Um…yeah sure.”

“I’ll go with her,” Max speaks up.

“Max, it’s just a cut on the hand. I’m sure Miss Parker can walk to the nurse’s office by herself,” Ms. Hardy says.

Max blushes. Some guys (ALEX!) snort and some girls giggle.

“It’s okay Max,” I try to ease his worry. “I can go alone. Besides, I need someone to take notes for me.”

“Okay,” He hesitates. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure. Thanks for your concern Max.” I head off to the nurse’s office without bothering with my bag because Max says that I should go straight home and offers to bring my stuff to the Crashdown. How sweet.

So I guess I’ll see Max later.

Who says Mondays are horrible?

I think not.

"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Post by ps_dreamer »

Part 11

I’m sitting at one of the booth at the Crashdown, munching away on my order of Saturn Rings. It appears that the wound on my left hand is deeper than I thought, coz now it hurts like hell. I can’t move it. I have to use my right hand to do everything. Which, is no problem for me since I’m right handed but it’s still inconvenient.

Maria skips pass me every now and then with an extra ‘bounce’ in her stride ever since her shift started. Even a blind man can see the happiness radiating off of her. Yes, she is on cloud number 9…with Michael. Since they’ve officially become a couple, Maria hasn’t stopped smiling yet nor has she been separated from Michael.

Right now, Michael is sitting at table, ogling Maria. He arrived about 2 hours ago and there’s no sign that he’s going anywhere soon. He keeps refilling his cola…refill, refill and refill. Geez. It’s making me dizzy with all the counting. What, 16 or 17 times? I forget.

The clock strikes 6 o’clock, signaling the end of Maria’s shift.

As expected, Maria comes out of the back room (still in her Crashdown uniform) and heads straight for Michael. They embrace as if they haven’t seen each other for years and start to kiss. In a matter of seconds, that gentle smooch leads to a R Rated tonsil hockey match. My eyes are about to pop out when Michael begins to grope her in public. Hel-lo! People around? Noticed? There are kids! You know, impressionable!

Ahem. I cough loudly.

Nope, still going at it. The old lady next to me looks horrified. She mumbles something about teenagers today not being able to control their hormones.

Ahem!!! I cough louder.

No reaction at all. They keep on kissing. Now, another lady just walked out with her 8-year-old son, clearly annoyed.

AHEM!!! Geesh…I think I’m gonna get a sore throat. Are they deaf or something? It’s the or something that worries me…

No reaction from them.

All right, Maria. I’m really sorry but…you forced me to do this. Can’t blame it on me.

I shout at the top of my lungs, “MARIA ALEXANDRA DELUCA!”

That seems to do the trick. Maria and Michael FINALLY realize where they are and stop their extreme PDA. Michael has a scowl on his face, unhappy at being interrupted. Maria turns to me, still a bit dazed, “What’d you do that for Liz?”

“Well, clearly, you guys were so into getting to know each other that you failed to notice that you are in a public diner with CUSTOMERS and you’re not ALONE!”

“Oh, sorry about that,” Maria apologizes. “But why did you have to shout?”

“I tried calling you but did you hear me? No! You were too busy-”

“So where are the customers?” Michael cut me off.

“What are you talking about Michael? They’re…” I trail off as I turn around to see an almost empty diner. “-here.” I finish lamely. Okay. How did they get out of the Crashdown so fast? “Oh. I guess they left.”

“No kidding,” Michael comments sarcastically.

Suddenly, a figure walks in the Crashdown. That figure is wearing a tight, blue dress, has bleached blond hair and probably fake boobs. Yes, my fellow worshipper. That figure is Pam Troy (Tess’ equally evil twin).

What does she want?

She walks confidently to Michael. “Hey Michael,” Pam says in her sugar-coated voice. “Have you seen Max?” She sends him a seductive glance. Maria’s eyes are shooting off daggers now. If looks could kill…

Michael says that Max will be coming to the Crashdown soon. Damn him! Why’d he have to tell her that? Coz now she’ll be hanging around here waiting for him to show up. And I don’t want her to! (did I mentioned that Max is totally popular among girls?)

“Oh well, I’ll just wait here ‘til he arrives then,” says Pam.

From where I am, I can see the faint bruise on her forehead. Not even the foundation can wholly hide it. So I guess that fight with Tess was a good one. Today Tess wears sunglasses to school and I didn’t think twice about it. Now, I think she’s got a bruise on her face too. Probably a black eye. Shame I didn’t see the catfight. All those claws and paws…*giggles*…like cats…


Oops. Did I just say that out loud?

“What’s that?” Pam turns to face me.

Guess I did.


“Oh, I don’t think so.” She narrows her eyes at me. “Look Liz, I know about your pathetic attempts at trying to seduce Max. Stop it. Or else…”

“Or else what?” I stand up and stare at Pam challengingly. No one tells me what to do. Especially a tramp like Pam Troy! I say, bring it on!

Unexpectedly, Pam pushes me backward, and I stumble into the edge of the counter. My swollen hand slams onto it.

Ouch. That hurts.

“Hey! Get your filthy hands off of Liz!” Maria screeches and dashes out (too fast for Michael to hold her) towards Pam. Michael quickly follows, not wanting things to get out of hand. He knows how Maria can be. Right now, they are fighting- with Michael in between. I look on, not knowing what to do. Suddenly I glance at the milkshake next to me and an idea pops into mind.

I take the milkshake and pour it over Pam’s head. Ha! Take that!

The milk dribbles down her hair, face and dress. She looks like a puppy in the rain. What a sight! Damn…I should’ve brought a camera.

Pam screams. Then things starts to go crazy as she grabs a hamburger nearby and try to throw it at me, but misses. The hamburger hits Maria. Uh-oh. You can practically see the steam coming out of her ears. Suddenly she grabs a plate of French fries and throws it right at Pam. A food fight ensues.

Total chaos! Now I’m running around, trying to hide from the flying food. (Thank God my parents are in Carlsbad right now and will be back late. Otherwise, dead meat! Grounded for the rest of your life!)

I run towards a corner, only to come face to face with Pam. She jumps over me and then Maria jumps over her. I struggle, trying to call out for help.

Then there he is…my knight in shining armor…err…leather jacket.

“What the hell are you doing Pam?” Max roars out. I didn’t even hear him come in. Michael is behind him. Must have been him who went to get Max.

Pam’s face turns pale (Go Max!) and she quickly lets go of me. In effect, pulling on my bandage. I start to bleed.

“Shit!” I mumble under my breath.

“Omigosh!” Pam shrieks loudly. She jumps into Max’s arm and clutches onto him. Max is desperately trying to get her off of him. Pam looks at my wound fearfully. Then I realize, she’s afraid of all the blood. Pam Troy is afraid of blood!

Maria must be reading my mind coz she says, “Ohhh…scared of blood aren’t you? The tramp has a weakness! Who would’ve thought.”

Max finally succeeds in pushing Pam away. She sways, falling flat onto the floor.

Maria smiles evilly.

Catching onto her train of thought, I hold my bleeding hand out (the wound is really nothing, but with the extra ketchup from the food fight, it look much worse than it really is). “Here Pam,” I offer in a sweet voice. “Let me help you up.”

She takes one glimpse at my bloody hand, screams, scrambles and runs out of the Crashdown.

Well, that worked out far better than I could have imagined.

I turn to Max. “Umm…sorry about that.”

“It’s okay. I brought your stuff.” He holds up my bag. Taking a good look around the messy diner, he says, “Wow. You guys really did a number on this place. Want some help cleaning up?”

Yeah. There’s food everywhere. It would take forever for Maria, Michael and I to clean it up. But with another person’s help…

“You don’t mind?”


“Okay then.” I hand him a mop and a bucket. “Let’s get started.”

“Umm…” Max looks down at the equipment and asks hesitantly. “What do I with this?”


This is gonna take awhile.

"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ps_dreamer »

More action! :wink: Enjoy!

Part 12

It’s been over two hours. I had to close the Crashdown in order for us to clean it. There weren’t that many customers anyway. We’ve been working diligently and have managed to clean most of the mess. Although there are still bits and pieces of Sigourney Weaver, Will Smith and some Blood of Alien Smoothies on the floor.

“Gosh! This is so tiring!” Maria complains. She goes to slump in one of the booths.

Michael follows to sit next to her, grumbling, “Tell me about it.”

I plop myself onto a chair. Tired? NO! I’m exhausted, worn out and absolutely drained.

I glance at Max- all sweaty and sweet looking. Can you believe that guy? He didn’t even know how to use a mop. I bet he didn’t even know what it was until I explained it to him! I mean, what planet did he come from? Antar or something? But oh, he was just so cute about it all. He was like a child learning something new, all excited and attentive.

It’s true. Max was listening, hanging on to every word that I said. I guess he finds mopping interesting or something.

*Ring, ring*

Maria pulls her cell phone out of her purse. “Hello? …I’m at the Crashdown mom…what?…yeah, I know…today? I thought it’s tomorrow!…but-….yeah, yeah…fine!…I’ll be there in about in ten minutes…Michael’ll drive me…oh puh-leese!…stop worrying!…I’ll be fine…okay…bye!” She turns to me. “Mom calls. The dinner with Sheriff is tonight.”

“But I thought it was tomorrow!” I exclaim.

Oh, in case you don’t know. Sheriff James Valenti or ‘Jim’ (as Amy likes to call him) is dating Amy. They’ve been going out for some time. Once in a while, they have these dinners so that ‘the children can become closer.’ Kyle, Jim’s son, is going to be there. I doubt that Maria will be looking forward to seeing him. They’re not enemies or anything. But I think that Maria probably prefers to spend her time with Michael instead of Kyle and the Sheriff.

“Well, mom says it’s today. Liz, I gotta jet or she’ll kill me for sure.” Then Maria mimics her mom’s voice sarcastically. “Don’t wanna be late to for a dinner with Jim and Kyle.”

She turns to Max. “You can help Liz finish cleaning the Crashdown right?”

“Yeah,” Max replies.

“Great!” Maria turns to Michael. “Wait here Spaceboy. I gotta change. It’ll only take a few minutes.”

Maria runs up to my room to change out of her dirty clothes.

Well, that ‘few minutes’ turns to half an hour! Michael and Max start talking about sport stuff- hockey, baseball, basketball etc. Things that I have absolutely no knowledge of.

Liz Parker? Sport? (insert a hysterical laugh here) Uh…I’m not really into it.

It seems like forever until Maria comes downstairs- fresh looking and clean. She waves me good bye and runs off with Michael. Leaving me alone with Max.

I look at Max. He stares steadily back.

“So…” he starts.

“So,” I echo. “here you go.” I hand him the mop. “I hope this time you know how to use it,” I tease with a smile.

He chuckles.

Hmmm…when he smiles, it lightens up his whole countenance. It makes him look even more handsome.

I start to get to my feet when Max stops me. “Liz, you look tired. Why don’t you let me finish cleaning this. You just sit here and rest. Let me do the dirty work,” he says genuinely.

“I can’t do that. It’ll be like I’m taking advantage of you.” Although I do like to sit and watch Max’s lean body as he moves, his muscles rippling…wait, what am I thinking?

“You know what, how about a compromise? I’ll finish cleaning this up, while you go and get me a…milkshake or something. How about that?” He offers.

“Well…all right, then.” I slowly walk to the milkshake machine.

From here I can see Max mopping. He took is jacket off a while ago and now he’s only in his gray t-shirt that clings to his fabulous upper body. Sweat dampens his shirt, outlining his muscles even more. Mop, mop, mop…The more he moves, the more they ripple. Geez…where is a drool bucket when I need one?

I grab a glass and begin the ‘milkshake process.’ The one that I’ve been doing without any problems since my first day waitressing. The one that I made millions of times for customers. The one that I’ve become accustomed to.

As I pour milk into the glass, I glance at Max. But that’s not what catches my attention.

What caught my attention was…his ass!

He is turned away from me so I can’t see his face- but his behind! Max is happily mopping away the mess, not knowing that as he mops, his ass wiggles! I know it’s not intentional but why the hell can’t I stop looking at it?

And why the hell am I checking out Max Evans’ ass out of all asses?

Oh God, I need professional help. ASAP!

Maybe I can make an appointment with Dr. Montgomery on Friday. But that would mean I’d have to talk to a guy about another guy’s ass. That would be embarrassing. I-

Suddenly, I feel the milk dripping off of the counter. Oh no! I poured too much! I quickly put away the milk carton and grab some napkins to clean the counter as fast as I can.

That’s what you get for checking out Max’s ass. Bad Liz. Bad Liz!

This time, I concentrate on making the milkshake. Nope. I didn’t look at Max. Really!

By the time I successfully make a milkshake (without spilling anything), Max has finished up and comes sit on the bar stool opposite me.

“Here you go,” I slide the shake across the counter.

“Thanks.” He gratefully takes it. I go around the counter to sit next to Max and watch him devour the drink in a matter of seconds.

Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. All gone. “That was really good.”

I have to suppress the urge to laugh aloud. Max looks so cute with cream on the end of his nose.

I guess I’m not good at these things because he asks, “Liz? What are you smiling at?”

Can’t take this anymore. I burst out laughing.

“What? What?” At Max’s confused face, I laugh even harder.

“Nothing Max….*laugh* it’s just…*laugh*…that you have…*giggle*…this,” I pull out my pocket mirror and hold it in front of his face, “on your nose.”

He sees the cream and smile sheepishly. “You think it’s funny? Let’s see if it’s funny for you!” He wipes the cream off his nose and starts dabbing it on me.

“Eww…no. Max! Stop! Stop!” I scramble away from him. He chases after me.

With his long stride, he soon catches up. He pulls me into his arms and starts to tickle me.

“No…Max…please…stop!…Max!” I struggle in his strong arms as I laugh uncontrollably.

Looking up, deep into his eyes, I feel the mood change instantly. There is electricity cracking in the air. Sparks. Everywhere. Around us. Crackling. Attraction. Pure attraction.

The laughter dies out. All of a sudden, I’m totally aware of his warm, strong hands on my ribcage- dangerously close to my breasts.

“Sorry,” he says, breaking the spell. I extricate myself from his embrace.

“It’s okay,” I mumble, embarrassed. How did that get so out of hand?

“Well…uh…I think I’d better go now otherwise I’ll…I mean, I’ll just go.”

“Okay, see ya.”

“See ya”

I watch as Max picks up his jacket, heading towards the exit of the Crashdown. I’m conscious of this strange, weird feeling deep inside me. Never felt it before. Disregarding that feeling, I decide to head up to the apartment.

Suddenly I feel Max’s hand on my arm, as he spins me around, his hot lips covering mine. He traces his tongue over my mouth provocatively and I, unable to fight, respond to him. Then we’re kissing, hands caressing. His scent mix with his taste just overwhelms me.

As fast as it started, it finishes. Max pulls away, his face flushed. He mumbles an apology and practically runs out of the Crashdown, leaving me standing dazed and alone in the middle of the deserted diner.



I’m in shock.

Pure shock. What the hell just happened?

I grab the chair next to me as I try to steady myself on my suddenly, weak legs. Slowly, coming back to my senses, I let my finger touch my lips. One thought runs through my head.

Max Evans just kissed me.

"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ps_dreamer »

I am a dreamer: I'm afraid most of this is the same. There are minor changes...mostly in grammar and such. :)

Part 13


That’s what I’m feeling now.

Ever since that ‘close’ encounter with Max. It’s been…strange and I don’t think I’m ready to face Max yet. Whenever I think of him, I remember that brief but oh-so heated kiss at the Crashdown. Luckily, I haven’t seen him this morning.


Right now, I’m sitting outside the principle’s office. They called me over through the PA system. I don’t really know why I’m here.

Suddenly the office door opens revealing Mr. Miller, the principle and a short, brown haired girl. They walk over to me.

“Serena, this is Liz Parker. Liz, this is Serena Johnson. She’s an exchange student from Sweden,” he turns to Serena. “Liz will be your guide for today. She’ll show you around school and help you if you have any problems.”

He continues talking for a little while, then we are allowed to leave.

“Whew,” Serena rolls her eyes. “I thought he’d never stop talking!”

“Yeah, he tends to get carried away.”

“No kidding! You could’ve fooled me!”

I chuckle, which elicit a smile from her.

I like Serena already. You know the phrase ‘like at first sight’? Not love, but like, coz she looks friendly and you just *know* that you’ll become great friends? Well, that’s what I mean. She’s quite a bit taller than me…maybe 5’5 or 5’6 with emerald green eyes and shoulder-length brown hair that go with her sporty look. Not really a tomboy, but athletic. When she smiles, you can see dimples on both cheeks.

“Let me see your schedule.”

She hands it to me. “Hmmm…we have English together…and Maths. Oh, you have Psych with Maria. Cool. Come on. Let’s go.”

We walk through the hall and settle ourselves on the bench right outside the building as I introduce her to the one and only West Roswell High, Home of the mighty Comets. I tell her about the classes here, students, teachers and tidbits about the school. Things that a person should know and should be prepared for in order to stay alive in West Roswell High. Ya know, the important stuff.

We talk and I learn that this is Serena’s first time in the States. Heck, it’s her first time oversea. Serena is pretty funny actually. She is kind of a mixture between Alex and Maria put together minus that whole too much talking and telling lame jokes thing. Also she has this ‘I-don’t-take-shit’ attitude.

The bell rings, indicate that it’s lunch time. I lead her to our lunch table. Alex and Maria are already sitting there. I introduce Serena to them.

“Sweden? Europe…cool!” Alex says, clearly awed. “There was this exchange program to Sweden. I was gonna go last year but I couldn’t bear to leave my two best girls here alone. They were afraid of me finding some new girlfriends.” He stage-whispers the last part to Serena and winks.

Rolling her eyes at Alex, Maria says to Serena, “Don’t pay attention to him. He’s always like this. Must be from not having a girlfriend.” Ignoring Alex’s protest, she continues, “Soooo…tell me, are Swedish guys as hot as I’ve seen on TV?”

Then the conversation shifts to boys, causing Alex to squirm every now and then- since he’s the only guy. I vaguely hear Alex mumble about finding more guy friends. We all heard this and giggle. I laugh, enjoying the company. Maria and I love pushing Alex’s buttons to see him squirm.

Suddenly the laughter dies, like someone has turned down the volume knob on the radio. Maria and Alex seem to be looking at something behind my back. I turn around only to see…yes, you got it…Max. He’s walking straight to me.


And I was gonna avoid him like a plague today.

Seems like a no go now.

All right. I’ll face him like a woman.

“Hey,” Max nods his head to Alex and Maria. Then he looks at me and says, “Liz, can I talk to you for a second?”

“Ummm…err…I-I…uh,” I stutter.

Not a time to be acting like an idiot now!

“Sure go ahead, handsome. Seems like Liz is incapable of speaking at the moment. But don’t worry, she’ll be fine. Look, why don’t you guys stay here. Alex and I are about to show Serena something anyway. Right Alex?” Maria continues to speak without letting Alex have a say. “Right! Well come on let’s go Alex. Chop chop. Come on Serena. There’s so much to tell you, girlfriend.” With that, they all walk off. Or rather, Maria drags them away.

I narrow my eyes at them. Why do I feel like Maria knows something? And maybe Alex too?

Could she possibly know about-? Nah. I didn’t tell her. Could Max have-? I dismiss the thought. I don’t think so. But what’s with that look? The look that screams out ‘I know something that you don’t!’ Hmmm…or maybe I’m just paranoid.

“Liz? Can we talk?” Max pleads.

“Ummm…I don’t think this is a good time.” I say.

Coward! Thought you’re gonna face him like a woman!

“Please Liz?” Max begs. With those big, brown, sad, puppy-dog eyes…I can’t resist…I just…I just have to…

“Fine,” I relent.

“Let’s go talk somewhere else,” Max says, dragging me around the building into an empty classroom, ignoring the stares of jealousy and gawks of surprise from the student body.

When we’re inside the classroom, things are starting to become awkward again (not that it wasn’t before, mind you). Mainly because I know what Max is going to say. Or, at least, I think I do.

I’m embracing, preparing myself for what’s to come. Will he even remember the kiss? Is this why he pulled me into the band room? Maybe he wants to say that it was all a mistake? Like, oops sorry Liz, didn’t mean to. My hormones were a little bit whacked. Or will he just brush me off and say that he doesn’t want anything to do with me? That’s it! He’s going to say that it was a mistake. Which, I agree.

Max + Liz = not possible

I just don’t think it’s gonna work.

“Liz,” Max starts tentatively. “I want to make sure we can still be friends.”

“Yeah. I mean, we are.” Play it cool, Liz.


“Why wouldn’t we be?”

“We really haven’t been able to talk since…that night. Umm…about the other day at the Crashdown…I’m really sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that. It was wrong of me. It wa-”

“It’s okay Max,” I cut him off. See? He was going to say ‘It was a mistake.’

“It’s okay?” he repeats dumbly. I guess he expects me to throw a fit or something. But I’m not that sort of person.

“Max, people do a lot of dumb things when they’re drunk. Anyway, I understand.”

“But I wasn’t drunk,” he protests.

“That’s beside the point Max. The point is I forgive you and I won’t hold anything against you.”

“And we’re friends?”

“Yeah. We’re friends.”

“Just friends?”

“Just friends,” I repeat nervously. What kind of question is that? Is he implying something?

Then the bell rings. Save by the bell!

We walk out of the classroom, into the hallway. He’s walking right behind me. I can feel his hand, place gently on the small of my back. A natural gesture.

As soon as I see Serena and Maria at the lockers, I say goodbye to Max. Maria looks suspiciously at me. After getting the books, I walk with Serena to our next class. Maria’s class is on the other side of the building so that buys me sometime. For what, you ask? For preparing myself! I know that Maria’ll probably fire me with all her questions the next chance she gets. That girl gotta know everything. Seriously.

Serena and I walk to sit at the back of our English class.

“So Liz, who’s that guy?”

“That guy?”

“You know, the dark hair one that came to talk to you?”

“Oh, Max. What about him?” Where is this conversation going…?

“I was just wondering…does he have any girlfriend?”

“Ummm…not that I know of. Why?”

“Nothing. I just think he’s cute that’s all.”


We’re silence for a while until Serena asks again, “So that mean he’s free right?”

“I guess so.” Suddenly I feel a lump in my throat.

“Okay,” she smiles cryptically.

I don’t think I like that smile at all.

"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ps_dreamer »

Part 14

You know there are days when everything seem so perfect. When birds are singing and things are turning out just the way you want them to. Days when you actually enjoy cleaning the milk shake machine. But there are days like this, when you feel grumpy, cranky and downright angry at the whole world…when little things just irk you for no good reason.

No, I’m not PMSing.

I’m just a bit irritated and annoyed today. And I don’t know why.

At this moment, I’m sitting on one of Alex’s beanie bag (mine and Maria’s present to Alex for his 14th birthday) in the Whitman’s living room. We’re having another band practice today.

The homecoming dance is only a couple of days away. Maria has been bugging me about having a date to the homecoming dance. She, of course, is going with Michael. Meanwhile, Alex and I are dateless. I don’t really care. It’s not like I’m waiting for certain someone to ask me out or anything like that. Besides, I don’t even have a secret admirer. My love life’s pathetic, I’m telling you.

We’re taking a break from practicing. Serena and Max are in the kitchen, along with Paul, Ryan and Alex. Maria is trying to persuade me to go to the dance.

“Oh, come on babe. No date? Lizzie! Listen to yourself! Do you even know what you’re saying here? There are tons of guys in West Roswell High who are willing to do anything. Let me repeat. Anything to have you go to the homecoming dance with them. All you gotta do is say the magic word. That’s all it takes. Just one word. Yes. And poof! Voila! A date!” Maria says excitedly. I’m trying to avoid her wild gesture of the ‘poof.’

“Maria,” I say. “It’s not that simple.”

I mean, what is so attractive about Liz Parker that makes tons of guys want to go to the dance with her? Plain, long, boring, brown hair? Cup A-chest? Short and skinny?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

“Yes it is hun.”

Sigh. She never gives up does she? You’re absolutely right. She doesn’t! Grrrrr.

“Well, then tell me, who do you think would go to the dance with me?”

“Okay. Let me see. Where do I start?” Maria starts counting on her fingers. “There’s Tim Owens. Doug Shellow. Gary Mann. Richie O. who just broke up with Meredith. Larry, you know Karin’s brother? And Jonathan M. who just moved from Minneapolis. That Patrick from US History class. Paul. Eric. David. Matt. And- holy shit! My fingers aren’t even enough for counting’em.” She looks up at me. “You see my point Lizzie?”

“Maria…stop exaggerating.”

“And you know, Lizzie-behr, Max doesn’t have a date to Homecoming yet, ” she says suggestively.

“He doesn’t?”


Said it too fast.

Maria wiggles her eyebrows and smiles knowingly at me. Grrrrr to her.

I quickly realized how ‘desperate’ that must’ve sounded and try to clarify. “Don’t get any ideas Maria. I was just surprised. Mr. Popular has no date? Unlikely. Anyway, I don’t care.”

“Uh-huh. Yeah, sure. You were surprised. You didn’t care.” Grrrrr to that smug face of hers.

“Maria,” I say warningly. Trying with all my might to quell her with the scariest and iciest look I can possibly give.

“All right, chill with the cold look. Pun not intended. Sheesh, bad day much? I’ll back off.” Then her face turns serious. “Lizzie, we’ve been best friends since forever and you know that I’ve always wanted the best for you, that I’ll always got your back. I know you Liz. As well as I know myself. And I know how you feel about Max-”

“Maria! What are you-”

“-even if you don’t want to admit it,” Maria continues her speech as if she didn’t hear my protest. “Stop lying to yourself, will ya? It’s not only driving me and Alex crazy…you’re driving yourself crazy! Obviously not good for your health.”

“But I told you! I. Don’t. Have. A. Thing. For. Max” I stress the last part and add, “I don’t have one of those mushy-mushy-butterfly-in-the-stomach-and-melt-when-I-see-his-smile feelings for him!”

Maria sighs, obviously annoyed by my declaration. “Tell ya what, hun. Just think about it, ‘k? Like this one anonymous dude has quoted, ‘If you love someone tell them, don’t wait or else you will lose the chance.’ But in my Maria’s term, it’s ‘Tell him before other sluts and bitches snatch him away, leaving you to beat yourself up for your loss.’”

Yeah. Whatever. Do I want Max Evans? No!

Where did Maria come up with such crazy, absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous and totally insane idea?

I remain silent. Maria and I just sit there, staring at each other until a certain sound disrupts us.

“Omigosh!!! Really? Me too!” Serena’s voice drifts in from the kitchen, followed by Max’s deep chuckle.


Apparently, Serena and Max have become acquainted. Thanks to me. It seems that they just ‘click.’ Instant like. Or whatever. They’ve been talking and laughing ever since they got here.

“Ummm…Liz,” Maria starts.

“What?” I say crossly. Doesn’t she know that this is *so* not the time to continue that talk?

“I love your contact lenses.”

“What?” Now I’m confused. “Maria, you know I don’t wear contacts.”

“Oh you don’t?” says Maria in mock surprise. “Well then I must be mistaken coz I’m sure I just saw green eyes.” Then she leaves me and goes into the kitchen, leaving me contemplating what she just said.

Green eyes?

Oooohhhh…I get it.

She’s implying that I’m a green eyed monster. Oh puh-leez. Me, jealous of Serena and Max together? Not in a thousand years.

“Max! You’ve got to be kidding me!” came Serena’s voice again.


Suddenly, everyone walks into the living room, laughing hysterically. Well, everyone except Paul.

“God Liz!” Alex manages to stop laughing for a second. “You should’ve been there. It was so damn hilarious!”

“I totally agree,” Ryan replies. His face is red from all the laughing.

“There’s nothing fun about that dude!” Paul grumpily objects. He rubs his ass gingerly. “Ouch. It still hurts.”

“What happened?” I ask curiously.

“Serena, here, kicked butt,” Alex declares, pointing to a giggling Serena. “And I mean that literally.”

It appears that Paul had been saying the wrong thing, and ended up flat on his butt on the floor. Nothing new there. He’s always been the class clown. Everything he does is funny. In a weird way. Even his face is funny.

Anyway, the practice resumes and I spend most of my time grumpy. Because…well, because…I don’t know. I just feel annoyed. I feel like tearing up all the music sheets in the garage. Grrrrr.

Okay, I admit it. Max and Serena annoy the heck out of me, okay? Are you satisfied now?

Are you finally happy?

They seem determined to make my day even better when they mention that they have decided to go to the homecoming dance together. As friends. Let me repeat that for you. As friends. Yeah! (feel the sarcasm?) Friends, my ass. Grrrrr.

Oh, hell. Why do I even care? Max can impregnate a murderous, psychotic alien queen for all I care.

Maria gives me a sympathetic-I-told-you-so-but-you-never-listen-to-me-so-now-you’re-sorry look. Alex, well, he just shakes his head.

Then out of the blue, Maria’s words come floating into mind.

‘If you love someone tell them, don’t wait or else you will lose the chance.’

‘Tell him before other sluts and bitches snatch him away, leaving you to beat yourself up for your loss.’

I turn to look at them. A pang shoots through my heart. A foreign feeling to me.

It hurts.


Just maybe.

In a sick, cruel, nasty, strange, weird, twisted, distorted, out-of-this-world way…

I might have itsy bitsy, teeny weenie, little…very little…extremely little…feelings for Max.


Now don’t you go assuming anything.

It’s just maybe.

Maybe I do.

Maybe Maria’s right.


"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ps_dreamer »

Part 15

“Come out Liz-zie,” Maria calls out in a sing-song voice.

“Not finished yet,” I shout from the bathroom to my room, where Maria is. Adjusting the dress for the last time, I tentatively open the door and peek out.

“Let me see, let me see!” Maria screams excitedly. Then she marches up to me and pulls me out from behind the door. “WOW!” she squeaks loudly. “Aren’t you a stunner? Come on, say it Lizzie.”

“Thank you Maria. You’re the bestest friend a girl could ever have. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I say.

Yesterday, Maria dragged me out shopping. Her objective was to find “the perfect dress.” I tried to resist her by complaining all the way to the mall. But who can pull that off especially when she’s in her very helpful mode? I told her that I don’t even have a decent date. Which is true. If I don’t have a decent date, then why do I need to wear “the perfect dress?” No, Alex doesn’t count. He’s going with me as a friend. Nothing more. Otherwise that would be really sick coz Alex is like my brother. You don’t date your brother. That’s just ewwww.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, the mall. Yeah, so we looked in various shops. It took us a good couple of hours to find “the perfect dress” for me and for Maria. Maria found a long black dress with low cut back, which accentuates her feminine curves. Her hair is curled and looks very stylish. Michael won’t know what hit him. But I hope he’s not knocked dead coz then my best friend will be dateless.

What about me, you ask? Well, Maria managed to convince me (she always can) to buy a red spaghetti strap dress with slits at the sides. I also have a velvet shawl that matches. It was sort of like the one I wore when I went on that stupid blind date last year. Except it was red, not black. My hair is pinned up into a loose topknot that makes me look a little older than I really am.

Oh I forgot. I didn’t tell you about that yet. See last year, Maria entered me into this stupid radio station blind date contest, which, unfortunately, I won. So I had to dressed up all pretty and go to dinner with a ‘serious, dark-haired, mystery man from an exotic place’ at Chez Pierre. It was one of the most mortifying moments of my life. The DJ kept dodging in on us at every possible chance he got.

SO not my thing to do. It was more Maria’s style. Not mine. I mean, Maria thought it was romantic. Can you believe that? Blind date? Romantic? It’s so stupid! Like anyone would want to go out with someone a radio station picks out for you.

Okay, back to the dress. She told me that I’d be thanking her later. And that’s exactly what I’m doing now.

“Kids,” my mom comes into the room, “Alex and Michael are here.”

We quickly grab our purses, put on our high heels and follow my mom downstairs.

As I walk down, I feel like Rachel Leigh Cook in ‘She’s all that.’ You know, walking slowly down the stairs, feeling all posh and pretty in red as ‘Kiss me’ by Six pence none the richer plays in the background. Excluding Freddie Prinze Jr. gawking at me. Darn.

Instead, I have Michael, Alex and my dad staring at us in awe, mouths slightly hanging open. Michael at Maria. Alex at both of us. Dad at me. Okay, so I don’t usually dress up that often. But sometimes, a girl’s gotta be beautiful, ya know? Note to self: Thank Maria again.

After the moment has passed, my dad tells Michael and Alex to bring us back no later than midnight.

“Cool. Don’t worry Mr. P,” says Alex with ease. Unlike Michael, he has no reason to be intimidated by my dad coz he’s been to my place thousands of times and he’s like a son to my dad. Besides, my dad trusts Alex. But as for Michael, that’s a whole different story. Since Maria’s dad left when she was 7, my dad is the only father figure she has. My parents have accepted her as another daughter with open arms. So that’s why all the threatening looks go to Michael.

“Michael?” my dad’s voice booms.

“Y-yes si-sir. I’ll have her b-back by then.” Michael stumbles out as Maria covers her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle. I admit, my dad can be very intimidating. Even Michael, the dauntless rebel, is scared of my dad. Way to go daddy!

No, wait. I take that back. Having an intimidating father is not a good thing. What if I’m going out with my boyfriend? Dad’ll scare the shit outta my boyfriend. And then he wouldn’t date me anymore…then I’ll die an old maid…or worst, I’ll die a virgin!

“Dad!” I hiss and nudge him gently from behind him. “Enough with scary-dad stares!”

“Hmmph,” dad grunts.

“Jeff, let the poor kids go and have fun!” my mom exclaims. I give her a grateful smile as she ushers us through the door, wave as off and tells us to enjoy ourselves.

As soon as we’re outside the Crashdown, I hear Michael let out a breath that he was holding. Alex laughs hysterically. “Man! That was priceless!”

Maria tries to stop the imminent bickering between the guys (considering how Michael glares at Alex), she says loudly, “Come on guys! Don’t waste time! We’re meeting Max and Serena at Chez Pierre at 6! Let’s go!”

Oh yeah. How can I forget?

Max and Serena.

Hold on while I get my puke-bag will ya?


Finally! Finally the dinner at Chez Pierre is over.

It took us a good 15 minutes to get to Chez Pierre. There, we found Max and Serena waiting at the table…looking cozier than my liking. Serena was wearing a cute brown dress and wear make-up that seem to bring out her green eyes. And I remember holding my breath when I saw Max coz he looked darn handsome and striking as usual.

Are you surprised?

I admitted to myself a while ago that indeed, Max is attractive. What the hell, he’s hot! Anyway, so I thought that ‘why not enjoy the view rather than block it?’ Do you get my weird sense of metaphor there? So yeah, I’ve come to realize and accept it.

Okay. Back to Chez Pierre. Not that I didn’t like it. It was fun, hanging out with people your age. Just talking about everything and anything, having a good time. I got to know more about Michael, Max and Serena. (who knew that Max used to sleep with a teddy bear when he was 8 years old? how cute!) But there are split seconds when I feel uncomfortable. Uncomfortable about what, I don’t really know. I just know what while I really like Serena, she’s funny and a great friend to me. Her, sitting next to Max, laughing at an inside joke…it was nagging me.

“-otherwise we won’t be able to take some pictures before the dance!” I catch the end of Maria’s current speech.

Oh yeah. Did I tell you that we’re taking pictures at the photo booth before we go to the dance? Well, it’s a tradition that Maria, Alex and I have. We want to keep the memory alive by imprinting it onto a strip of photos. Everyone always look nice before the dance so it’s reasonable to take pictures when you look good.

“Take pictures?” Michael’s eyes go wide. I guess he’s not the let’s-take-a-picture type. Something that Maria’s gotta work on…hmmm…

“Why not?” Max shrugs.

“Uh…err.” Before Michael can protest, Maria manages drag us into a photo booth in a small store, miraculously fit all of us in one booth. She pulls a coin of her purse and presses it down the machine.

Before we know it, everyone is giving their cheesiest smiles. After numerous ‘flashes,’ Maria pushes all of us out coz she wants pictures of only her and Michael. Poor guy. This is one of the things he has to endure if he’s going to be with her.

Maria and Michael seems to take forever in the photo booth. Michael must’ve come out scarred for life. Again. Poor guy. Then, finally, she come out and pushes Alex and Serena in for a picture. When they’re finished, she pushes Max and I in the booth. Much to my unwillingness.

Yes. Max and I. As in, I’m sitting on Max’s lap. Goshhh…if I weren’t sitting flushed against Max right now, I’m sure I’d run out to find a dark corner and hide. It’s embarrassing! Definitely humiliating! And…and…so not a Liz Parker thing to do!

“Smile,” says Max in that silky voice of his. I try to move away but Max’s hands on my hips still the action. “And stop wiggling around.” His arms curl tightly around my waist.

I swear, I’ve never been this red in my whole life. Never! Considering, I’ve never sat on one of the hottest guys on Earth, heck, in this entire universe’s lap. If it were you, you’d be as red as tomato too.

When Maria, Michael, Alex and Serena took the photos, it seemed so fast. But now, somehow, time passes by extremely slowly. His smell…gosh…it’s so…Max. His warmth, radiating off of his body, is doing strange things to my senses.. It stops my nerves from feeling anything except…well, except Max. I think might go crazy from sensory overload. Oh no!

Fortunately for me, the machine stops taking photo. We get up and awkwardly step out. While Maria runs around, gushing about all the photos, I try to look anywhere but Max. But I can feel his stare on me.

After some time, Alex exclaims, “All right guys! I think it’s time for us to boogie. Let’s go to the dance!”

“Lead on Alex!” says Serena.

Then, one by one, each of us walk out of the store. I walk past Max, to trail behind Maria. Although I try to be indifferent, I can still feel his heated gaze on me.

I can feel my heart thumping a hundred miles per minute.

I take a deep breath.

The night is still young. Wonder what more it’ll bring?

"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ps_dreamer »

Part 16

‘Rock DJ’ is blasting. People dancing like maniacs. Couples shamelessly making out in the dark corners regardless of the prying eyes. Drunk people puking outside of the gym. Why did I ever think of coming to this stupid dance anyway?

After one long, tiring round of singing with the band, Maria and I decide to take a rest. But right after Maria steps down from the stage, Michael steals her away. So that’s why I’m alone at the punch table right now. I eye the lonely punch bowl and sigh, “Punch, I guess it’s you and me now.”

“Talking to yourself Parker?” a voice asks. I turn around to see Kyle walking up to me, wearing a tux “Why are you alone, Liz? Where’s your date?” he asks.

“Well, my date,” I motion towards Alex on the stage, “is having fun up there entertaining. I got tired so I’m taking a rest. So what about you? Who are you here with?”

“Um…Vicki Delaney actually,” he scratches his head in discomfort. “And no, before you even think about it, I’m not going out with her. I’m just here with her coz she asked me.”

“Oh, you almost gave me a heart attack there. Wait, but why would you do her a favor? I thought you don’t like Vicki.”

“Not anymore. I’m a changed man. I decided to help her, regardless of our not-so-pretty past.”

Changed man. Oh yeah. I forgot about that.

See, it all happened during the past summer. Kyle went to this football camp, but when he came back to Roswell, he started acting weird. He keeps saying stuff about achieving enlightenment and burning those stinky incense sticks in his room. Sheriff Valenti even found a copy of ‘Buddhism for Beginners’ under Kyle’s bed, sandwiched between Hustler and Busty Biker Babes. (surprise, surprise) Yep, our ego-maniac jock had somehow transformed into a spiritual, loving, caring Buddhist. Incredible, huh? I thought so too. I guess there are miracles in the world after all.

However, this is a secret okay? So don’t you go around telling people coz Kyle has a certain reputation…whatever.

“Besides, Buddha teaches that our bodies are merely vessels.” He whispers the last part. Then as the fast beat turns into a slow song, Kyle offers his hand. “Hey, you wanna dance?”

Seeing my hesitation, he adds, “For old time’s sake?”


Now I’ve decided last year to forgive Kyle. But not forget. I blamed almost everything on Tess. I mean, who was she to steal Kyle away from me when we were dating? Tess always seem to have a radar. The I-know-who-Liz-likes radar that detects all I the guys that I take a shine to. What a bummer. I think that if Tess is gone from my life, then my currently non existent love life might improve. Don’t you think so too?

“Hey, would you look at that.” Kyle points to something on his right.

I twist around to see one of the most amusing scene of my life unfolds right before my eyes. Sigh. The things people would do to become the homecoming queen. Yep, you know who I’m talking about. The one and only Isabel Evans.

Isabel has maintained the position of homecoming queen for two years and I guess she wants it this year too. What that girl wants, she always gets. And I mean, always! I haven’t seen things not go Isabel’s way.

I watch closely as Isabel walks towards Pam. Rival number 1. Let’s see how she handles it. Isabel strolls elegantly in her stunning red dress and accidentally bumps into Pam, causing the punch in her hand to dribble down onto Pam’s white dress. Hmmm…discreet. Pam glares at Isabel but is intimidated by Isabel’s well known ‘Ice Queen’ look. No one dares to cross her royal Ice Queen’s path.

I continue to watch as Isabel inconspicuously slips something into someone’s drink. Oh God! I never would have thought that she’d do something like this. Wonder what it is? Is it some sort of drug or what? Oh geez, I so pity the poor girl…whoever that is.

No, wait. I change my mind. I don’t pity that girl. In fact, I support Isabel! And I certainly hope that she put poison in that drink because the owner of the drink is Tess Harding! Rival number 2. Yes, I’ll be forever satisfied if Tess drinks that and disappears forever. I almost forgot that although socially, Tess and Isabel are equal, the incomparable Ice Queen detests the Gerbil (that’s Maria’s nickname for Tess. It suits her, don’t you think?).

Tess drinks the punch and a couple of minutes later, she makes a dash for the bathroom. Hahaha! So that must have been some kind of purgative agent or something else that would keep her in the bathroom indefinitely. Smart girl, Isabel.

“She deserves it,” I comment.

“Ditto.” Kyle agrees. “Karma. What goes around comes around.”

Suddenly, Max appears out of nowhere and sweeps me into his arms. Literally sweeps me off my feet. He left a shell-shocked Kyle in the middle of the dance floor as he practically carries me to the corner of the gym where there are less people. He holds our bodies close together as we ‘dance.’

“Hey Liz,” he smiles shyly.

“Hey Max.” I look up into his sparkling brown eyes and silently wonder, is this what people call ‘when a guy sweeps you off your feet?’

Then a thought strikes me, you’re not suppose to be doing this. You’re not suppose to look at a guy, who’s clearly with someone else, as if he’s your knight in shining armor. Like he’s your prince in some ancient fairy tales. Like he’s an alien who’s been hiding all his life but decides to expose himself in order to save the girl that he loves. It’s just not…right.

“What about Serena?” I can’t help but ask.

“What about her?” Max asks, raising his eye brows in question.

“She’s your date for the night. Why are you dancing with me?”

“Coz I want to.”

Ask him, Liz. Ask him about what’s been bugging you for the past few days, what’s been causing you insomnia. Ask him!

“Ummm…aren’t you guys together?”

“Who?” he asks absently as he plays with the strands of my hair.

“You and Serena.”

“No. She’s just a friend, Liz. I told you that,” his face serious.

“Right.” Rightttt. Like I would believe it. After all those giggling, laughing and joking…arrghh…I’m starting to feel sick from thinking about it.

“Really.” He tries to assure me.

“Do I care?” Act like you don’t care, act like you don’t care, act like you don’t care…

“I think you do.”


“I know myself thank you.”

“You sure?” His smile widens into a smirk.

“I’m positive, ” I say confidently.

“I’m sure you do.”

Is he mocking me???

And what are you staring at? I know myself! I do!

Then before I can think of a good come back for that, he reaches out to caress on my right cheek oh-so-gently. (face cheek not that cheek!) “So soft,” he mumbles. His eyes become the shade of midnight. Luring me in…


What am I getting myself into?

However, his next words shock me back to reality. “I want you Liz.”

WHAT??? Excuse me??? He didn’t just say that did he???

“Wha-what?” I ask, flushed, flustered and flabbergasted and…

“I know you want me too. And I know that you think I’m just your typical jock…but I’m not like how everyone else sees me. When I’m with you, I feel different. I feel like I can be myself and don’t have to pretend to be someone else. Please give us a chance.”

Whoa…that was really unexpected. He nearly knocked me off my feet! How do I respond to that? Suddenly the tension is unbearable and it’s hard to breathe.

“Max. This is too fast for me. I…I need time to think.”


“Umm…I think some fresh air will do me good,” I mumble. The next thing I knew, I am running outside the gym into the dark street of Roswell. Taking a deep breath, I feel so much better. But still confused. Baffled. Puzzled. Perplexed. Choose your SAT word. But that’s what I’m feeling right now. Does Max expect me to jump into his arms or something? Or say ‘yes’ right away Liz Parker aka Miss I-gotta-have-a-plan doesn’t do that. She ponders, over and over again.

Inside my skin there is this space
It twists and turns
It bleeds and aches

Inside my heart there's an empty room
It's waiting for lightning
It's waiting for you

The cold wind blows and I hug myself tighter. Seems like I forgot my shawl in the gym. Oh well, I’ll get it later. I walk through the moon kissed streets, continuing to think about what just happened. Distantly, I can hear Maria’s voice singing.

And I am wanting
And I am needing you here
Inside the absence of fear

There is this hunger
This restlessness inside of me
and it knows that you're no stranger
you're my gravity

My hands will adore you through all darkness aim,
They will lay you out in moonlight,
And reinvent your name.

For I am wanting you
And I am needing you here
I need you near
Inside the absence of fear


(Song: Jewel – Absence of Fear)
"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ps_dreamer »

A/N: More action! Enjoy. :D

Part 17

“Rise and shine!”


Hearing the bedroom door slams close, I groggily open my eyes and look at the clock on my bedside table. 8.34am. Who can be here this early on a Saturday morning?

“Lizzie, wake up!”


“Yes, it’s me who else could it be?” Maria sits on the bed in her red tank top and jeans.

“What are you doing here this early? You, of all people, should know that every girl needs her beauty sleep.” I slowly pull myself up in the bed. Arranging my pillow against the headboard, I plop against it tiredly. “Can’t this wait?”

“No!!! This cannot wait!” Maria exclaims. “Lizzie! What happened to you yesterday? One minute you’re at the dance and then the next, BAM, you’re gone! I mean, you said that we were gonna stay with the band until homecoming King and Queen were announced. Which, Isabel again. That’s her third year as queen, by the way. Big surprise there. Anyway, why didn’t you tell me first that you were leaving? I called but you’re mom said that you were sleeping. I knew something was up. Tell me Liz, what happened?”

Wow. She just said that in one big breath. The girl never cease to amaze me with her unique talent for talking nonstop.

Incredible, really.

“Wait, wait, wait, one thing at a time.” I hold my hands up to slow her down. “It’s still early Saturday morning.”

“Why’d you leave last night?”

“I…uh…um,” I hesitate, biting my lower lip in uneasiness.

“Spill it girl!”

“Well, see…I was dancing with Kyle last night when Max jumped out of nowhere and swooped me into his arms-”


“-and we were talking when out of the blue, he just blurted out ‘I want you Liz.’”

“Aww…,” comes Maria’s baby-sweet voice again.

“Maria! Didn’t you hear what I just said?” I ask, irritated. Hasn’t she been listening to me? At all? What’s so ‘aww’ about that?

“Huh?” It takes only a few second for that statement to register in Maria’s brain. Then she squeals so loudly that I have to cover my poor, sensitive ears. “Omigosh! Omigosh! He did?! I can’t believe it! He did it! That man makes his moves faster than a jet plane! This is so great! So what did you say? Oohhh…I really can’t believe it. And after all those talks about you…how he acted so shy…this is like, really amazing! I’m so glad I had that talk with him yester-” Maria stops suddenly, realizing she just spilled her secret. “Oops.”

“WHAT?” I shout, fully awake now. “You talked to Max about ME behind MY back?! Maria! How could you? And what did you tell him?”

“Lizzie, just calm down okay? I need for you to calm down.” She pulls out her Cyprus oil from her purse and holds it out for me, shaking it so that I can get a whiff of the oil.

“Maria. Explain yourself. Now.” I demand, taking a deep breath.

“First you gotta listen all the way, ‘k? Don’t interrupt me.”

I nod.

She continues, while holding my hands in hers, “Well Lizzie, here’s the thing. Alex and I knew that you’ve liked Max for a long but you just haven’t admitted it to us or to yourself yet. So we couldn’t wait anymore and decided to play a little, jusstt a little bit of matchmaking on our part. And we…uh…boosted Max a teeny tiny bit.”


“Yeah. Umm…he wouldn’t be able to make his moves on you if he was still shy.”

Suddenly, everything clicks. All the weird looks Maria and Alex gave me. The urgent need to have me going on a ride with Max- for us to be alone. Their not-so-discreet Sherlock Holmes act. Alex, leaving me to dance with Max. Maria, pushing me into the photo with Max. Max, suddenly being so bold at the homecoming dance.

“Are you okay Liz? You understand right? I mean, we’re your best friends and we want you to be happy. Please forgive me- us. We have good intentions. We meant no harm.” Maria pleads. “Really. Girl scouts’ honor.

“Maria, you were never a girl scout. Well…okay. Seeing your so-called ‘good intentions.’ I forgive you.”

“Thanks Lizzie,” she sighs in relief. “Uhh…but why don’t you release that hold on my hand. It hurts.”

“Oh sorry,” I say, ignoring the whining from Maria as she rubs her hand to alleviate the pain. Why are you looking at me like that? I can’t let Maria get away with it that easily.

“Okay, let’s get to the topic at hand.” Gone was the pleading-for-forgiveness Maria. Instead, the usual bubbly girl is back. “So what’s the problem with ‘I want you’? I’d melt on the spot, hearing a line like that. Hmmm…Michael never said that to me. Gotta work on the wooing speeches.” She mutters the last part.

“Not me. I mean, hello! ‘I want you?’ I’m not a piece of meat!” I throw my hands up in exasperation. “Oh…can I have 3 kilos of Liz Parker please? Yeah right!”

Maria laughs, “Well, then Max can certainly get a piece of you.”

I glare at Maria. “You’re not helping.”

“But I was making a point there.”

“And what point would that be?”

“Max likes you.”

“He likes me?”

“God, Liz! Have you been blind all this time?” Maria looks at me in complete surprise, her face disbelieving.. “The guy is absolutely crazy for you! He worships the ground you walk on…”


“Yes really! What kind of a question is that? And he just said so last night!”

“I had no idea…well, before last night that is.”

“Lizzie, you’re certainly slow for a genius like you!”

“So he likes me?” I ask again, not believing it.

“YES!” cries Maria in annoyance. “How many times do I have to say it to get it into that pretty head of yours?”

“Maria. What do you think I should do?”

“Well, babe. It’s easy really. He likes you. You obviously like him too. The key word here is ‘couple.’ He asked for a chance last night. Then give it to him, girl!”

“You think?” I ask, unsure.

“Yes! Sometimes I think that you guys should kiss and get over it already. The sexual tension is killing Alex and I!”

I blush, remembering the incident at the Crashdown that night.

“What??? You two kissed and you didn’t even tell me about it?” Maria pouts. Suddenly her cell phone rings and she groans as she picks it up. “Hello? Yeah, mom. Okay…I know, I know…bye.”

Turning back to me, she says, “I gotta go now. Mom wants to get some more Alien t-shirts. But this is not over yet Lizzie. We’ll continue this conversation later over ice-cream.” Then she dashes out of the room, leaving me alone…to myself.


It’s been hazardous to stay with myself these days. Oh, you know. Talking to myself and all that.

Thinking back about what Maria said. My mind is a whirlwind. Spinning. I don’t know what to think anymore. I try to let my mind blank out but it’s no use. It has a mind of its own. That’s when the battle inside my head starts.

To admit or not to admit.

Admit what?

Admit that you like Max!

But I don’t like Max!

Yeah right. And why did your legs feel like Jell-O when he’s around you? Or you feel those butterflies in your stomach when you look into his eyes? Or feel the room brightens up when he smiles? Huh? Explain that!

Well, my legs could feel like Jell-O because I’ve been walking around too much. My stomach could be feeling a little woozy, because did you know there’s a flu going around? The room brightens up when he smiles? Must have been the sun shining at the same time he smiles. Coincidences happen.

But what about the feeling of jealousy when he’s with other girls? Like Serena?


Admit it Lizzie. You can’t hide from yourself forever. You like Max. You want to be with him. You want him. That’s why it hurts so bad. Give in Lizzie. You can’t fight this anymore. It’s suffocating you. Don’t you want to breathe?


You know it’s not good to keep things bottle up inside you. Someday it’s gonna blow up right in front of your face. Then…

OKAY! I admit it. I do want Max. Gosh, I like him! And I want him! I want, want, want, want him!!


That’s better.

Okay everyone, I’m back from the battle field. Liz-wants-Max wins 1-0. I do want Max. Maybe I’ll give a chance. Hmmm…Max and Liz…Liz and Max…there’s a certain ring to it…(insert dreamy sigh here please)

Snapping back to reality, I realize something. I need to take a break from all this thinking about Max. It’s not healthy. What teenage girl thinks about a guy 24-7?

Don’t answer that. It’s suppose to be a rhetorical question and you’re not suppose to say anything. Got it?

Good. And you know what I need? All I need is some good music to take my mind off of things. Maria and I use to dance our lives away to release all our worries. Might sound a little childish. But it actually works.

I reach forward to turn on the radio, when I hear:

"I'll be over at ten", you told me time and again
But you're late, I wait around and then (bah dah dah)
I run to the door, I can't take any more
It's not you, you let me down again

(Hey, hey, hey!) Baby, baby, try to find
(Hey, hey, hey!) A little time, and I'll make you happy
(Hey, hey, hey!) I'll be home
I'll be beside the phone waiting for you

I get up on my feet on the bed and start dancing. Forgetting all about Max. Just focusing on the music and the movement of my body. I sing along.

“Why do you build me up (build me up) Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around
And then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
When you say you will (say you will) but I love you still
I need you (I need you) more than anyone, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart”

I grab a brush nearby and pretend as if it’s a microphone.

“You were my toy but I could be the boy you adore
If you'd just let me know (bah dah dah)
Although you're untrue, I'm attracted to you all the more
Why do I need you so

(Hey, hey, hey!) Baby, baby, try to find
(Hey, hey, hey!) A little time and I'll make you happy
(Hey, hey, hey!) I'll be home
I'll be beside the phone waiting for you”

Closing my eyes, pouring in everything I’ve got, I cry, “Ooo-oo-ooo, ooo-oo-ooo!!!

“Why do you build me up (build me up) Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around
And then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
When you say you will (say you will) but I love you-”

I open my eyes, only to see my two-minutes-ago object of affection leaning against the door frame. Max.



In surprised, I stumble forward and-



Falling off the bed is not a pretty sight. Certainly doesn’t feel good either. Omigosh! I can’t believe Max just saw me, dancing like a maniac on my bed, in my Powerpuff girl PJs!!! (what? I think they’re cute)

“H-hi Max,” I stagger to stand up. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

“You’re mom let me in. You…uh…forgot this yesterday at the dance.” He hands me my velvet shawl.

“Thank you Max.” I smile sincerely. “Umm…sorry about yesterday…for running out like that.”

“It’s alright. I understand how I might’ve freaked you out. I really don’t know what possessed me to say that. I’m sorry.” His face regretful.

“But I’m not.”

“What?” His eyes wide.

“You shouldn’t be sorry for what you said. Coz I’m not. I mean, you really meant it right?”

“Yes. I meant every word.”

“Good. So my answer is yes.”

“Yes?” Max looks confused.

“Yes, I will give us a chance. Umm…if you still want to, that is.” I hastily add the last part, seeing the stunned look on his face. Maybe he doesn’t want it anymore…

“Of course I want to Liz!”

“Okay,” I lick my lips. Suddenly, his near-proximity makes the temperature in my body, and the room, rises up towards the boiling point. Looking up into his eyes, is he leaning closer or am I?

“Okay,” Max echoes huskily. His gaze fix on my chin. Or lips? He leans closer…closer…until we’re inches apart.

He’s going to kiss me! He’s going to-


Damn that phone! Groaning, we hesitantly move apart. Whoever called, that person’s dead meat! I pick up the phone on my bedside. “Hello?”

But what I hear on the phone makes my knees weak. I feel like a ton of stones just fell on my head. Suddenly, I can’t stand anymore. My legs give out as Max catches me.

“Liz! Liz? What’s wrong?” He cries in panic.

“M-Maria,” I manage to force out the words. “She’s in the hospital. Th-there’s been…an accident.”


(Song: The Foundations – Build me up (Buttercup)
"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Post by ps_dreamer »

Part 18

“Maria Deluca.”

Before the nurse can answer me, I see Alex running my way. “Lizzie!”

“Alex!” I dash up and hug him. “How’s Maria? What happened?”

“I heard that there was something wrong with the brake. She crashed into a tree. The doctors are taking care of Maria right now. She’ll be okay, Liz. Don’t worry.” Alex tries to assuage my fear but I can see that he’s worried about Maria himself. “Come on, let’s go sit and wait.” He nods his head to Max.

Alex leads Max and I to where Amy is sitting. I go up to hug her, giving her my comfort.

We sit in silence for a while. No one dares to say anything. Time seems to go by really slowly. Only 5 minutes has gone by? It sure feel like an hour already! Everyone sit on the edges of their seats, waiting for to hear of Maria’s current condition. I look at the clock on the wall.

In this stressful and tense situation, I’m glad that Max is here to hold me, otherwise I know I’ll break down for sure. He’s my rock on which I’m holding to. As cheesy as it might sound, it’s true.

Thinking back to that phone call from Amy, I was shocked beyond words. After hearing the news, I hastily changed my clothes and went straight to the hospital. Max offered to drive me there. I think it was the longest ride of my life. Gone was that frustration of not kissing Max. Instead, it was replaced by fear.


She’s my best friend in the whole world (besides Alex, of course) and I never thought something like this would happen to someone as good as her. It’s like I live in this bubble and suddenly, the reality of this cruel, cruel world starts to pop it.

“Are you okay Liz?” Max’s voice full of concern.

“What do you think? My best friend just had a car accident, now in the operating room and I don’t know whether she’ll make it or not. What do you THINK???” I snapped angrily. Suddenly all my fears that I’ve repressed latch out at Max like a thunder bolt. Then I wince at his pained expression.

Damn it Liz! What did you do that for? Max was just being his caring self and asked if you were okay. He asked you nicely, but what did you do? You snapped at him!

“I’m sorry Liz. I didn’t mean it like that.”

“No, Max. I’m the one who’s sorry. I’m sorry for snapping at you. It’s just with Maria in the hospital…*sigh* She’s my best friend and she’s hurt.” I try not to sob but I can feel the tears threaten to fall.

“I understand Liz.” Max wraps his arms around me. One hand rubs my back soothingly. “It’s okay. Just let it all out.”

Then the tears finally fall. And I cry into his shirt. Well, switching between sobbing and hiccupping is more accurate.

“Smile for me buttercup,” he teases lightly.

I let out a small chuckle, muffled by his warm leather jacket, as the image of what happened earlier this morning comes to mind. “That was embarrassing.” Inhaling Max’s male fragrance, I say, “I feel better now. Thanks you. I didn’t mean to bawl on you. Now your shirt’s all wet.”

“All that matter is you and that you’re feeling better. The shirt, well, I’ll just wash it.” I hug him tighter. I’m so lucky to have him.

He adds quietly, “Maria will be okay. She’s a tough gal. She’ll make it through.”

“I hope so Max. I hope so.”


Finally, after what seem like forever, the doctor comes out of the operating room.

“Doctor!” Amy runs to him. “How’s Maria? How’s my baby?”

“Well, she’s a lucky girl. The car accident could have injure her more but she only has a fractured leg and minor bruises on her body,” the doctor informs.

Relieve sighs can be heard from everyone.

“So can we go see her?” I ask.

“Yes. However, keep in mind that she needs to rest so try to keep quiet.”

“Will do doctor,” Alex agrees urgently. He really wants to see Maria. So do I. Amy understands this so that’s why she lets us go in to see Maria first. Meanwhile, Max waits for us outside.

Alex and I walk into the room. From the place where we are standing, we can see Maria’s body lying on the bed with wires hooked around her. Her face is pale and there is a big band aid on her forehead. I wince inside. Hearing a soft gasp next to me, I know that Alex is feeling the same way as I am. We aren’t used to see Maria in this kind of state. Most of the time, she’s happy and carefree. It’s just heartbreaking to see her like this.

I walk to stand next to her, reaching out to hold her hand. By some way or the other, I hope that my energy can travel to her by our clasped hands. And suddenly Maria will be miraculously healed. Wishful thinking, I know. But I can’t help it.

Alex comes to stand by me. His one hand is placed over my shoulder while the other over mine and Maria’s. The two of us just stand there in silence…not wanting to say anything.

A while passed, we decide to leave, knowing that Amy is anxious to see Maria as well. We walk out of the room and are about to go tell Amy that she can come in to see Maria, when we unintentionally overhear a conversation between Amy and Sheriff Valenti.

“My God, Jim. I’ve never been this scared in my whole life. Just one second, I thought I was actually going to lose my baby and that made me terrified to death. I’m glad she survived this accident.” Amy’s voice is full of concern and relieve at the same time.

Sheriff Valenti hesitates, then says seriously, “To be honest Amy…there’s more than that.”

“What do you mean Jim?”

“Well…it might not be an accident…”

“WHAT?” Amy screeches, her eyes threaten to bug out. “You mean someone is deliberately trying to hurt my baby?”

“We examined the car and we saw that someone must’ve cut the brake.”

“Who would have want to hurt Maria? She’s never done anything to anybody.”

“I really don’t know Amy. But that’s my job to find out.”

“I’ll come by the station later today okay?”

“Sure. I need to-”

Then the sound drops to a low tone. I can’t hear what they are talking about anymore. Simultaneously, Alex and I turn to each others, eyes wide in shock, hearts thumping wildly. Sheriff’s revelation still fresh in our mind. Someone wanted to hurt Maria? Who?

Then our eyes meet. Realization visible in Alex’s eyes.

“You don’t think…” I start.

“It’s a possibility,” he says.

“Isabel? No way!” I argue. “Isabel may be a bitch but I don’t think she’d go as far as that.”

“How about what happened to Courtney…” Alex trails off, his face thoughtful.

“But we don’t really know what happened to Courtney. It could be anybody that made her leave Roswell.”

“Exactly! It could be anybody. I could be her. From what we do know, one minute Courtney was still in Roswell, then BAM! she was gone. Strange don’t you think? Especially after that fight with Isabel. I mean, the whole school knew about it Liz,” Alex says.

“They’re just rumors! We’ve never actually seen the fight, Alex. And rumors are never true. Besides, what does she have against Maria?”



One word says it all.


Michael Guerin. One of the famous four. Popular guy.

Isabel Evans. One of the famous four. Popular girl.

Are we sensing a pattern here or what?

My train of thoughts is lost when I notice Max walking towards us, holding drinks in his hands. Aww…he’s such a sweetie. Note to self: Will have a serious discussion with Alex about this later.

Max hands us the drinks. Alex gratefully receive it. He gulps it down in a matter of seconds and say, “You know what, I gotta run. I have some business to take care of. Bye Liz. See ya Max.”

Watching Alex runs off, I don’t know what to feel. I have this weird hunch that Alex is going to do something rash. Like spying on Isabel Evans.

Nah. He won’t go that far.

Will he?

What if-

Don’t finish that sentence, I mentally scold myself.

Trying to shake off that weird feeling, I try to enjoy the warmth that Max’s embrace has offered. But that feeling is still nagging me, pricking me. Hugging Max tightly, I revel in his Max-ness. He can really makes me feel better without doing anything. Just being him is enough.

I wonder.

Isabel is Max’s sister. Max has a gentle soul. Surely, Isabel must be kind too. She wouldn’t want to hurt Maria for a stupid reason. Right?


And the feeling is back to nag me again.

"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by ps_dreamer »

A/N: All questions will be answer in due time. Meanwhile...back to Max and Liz... :)

Part 19

“So Maria…the red or the black?” I hold up the two tops for Maria’s inspection.

It’s been over a week since the accident. Maria has returned to her old healthy, cheerful self again. Although the doctor let her come home about a week ago and she has been recovering quite well, Amy still fusses over her. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Otherwise you’ll hurt yourself. It’s driving Maria totally crazy. So that’s exactly why she’s at my house right now. Well, that and the fact that she’s here as a moral support.

Moral support for what, you ask?

Tonight’s my big night.

Yep! My first date with Max Evans! The most attractive guy at West Roswell High.

Ah-ha! Excited to hear more about it, aren’t you?

Well, it was the day of Maria’s welcome back party (Alex and I arranged it and invited a couple of friends- namely, Max and Michael.) that Max asked me out. I was getting more Men in Blackberry pie from the refrigerator when he asked. Weird place to ask a girl out right? I mean, you’d expect some more romantic place. But there we were, in the kitchen with pies in our hands. Max was so cute! He had this deep blush that reached his cute ears and down to his neck. And as adorable as he was, who was I to say no?

So here I am, asking Maria’s opinion on my choice of clothing for tonight. A very hard decision might I add because I don’t know where Max’s going to take me. He just said that I need to dress warm and comfortable.

My guess is that he’s taking me out for a moonlight picnic. Dining under the stars…hmmm…sounds great right? But I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to see.

“I like the red one better,” declares Maria from where she is sitting on the bed. “Red is color of love and passion. Maybe you’ll get lucky tonight.” After a smack from me, she continues, “Lizzie, wear these hip huggers. Show off your midriff. Max will die. Not literally, I hope. Besides you look good in it. And it falls into the criteria. Warm and comfortable.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little bit…showy?” I hesitate.

“Nuh. It’s called being sexy Liz. A girl’s gotta be sexy sometimes.”


Sexy, sexy, sexy. I repeat in my mind. I can be sexy. Even if it’s just for the night. There’s nothing that Liz Parker can’t do when she puts her mind to it.

So I end up wearing the red v-neck shirt with a cute hip hugger, accompany with black boots. I let my now-wavy hair loose. Damn! I stand sideways, looking at the mirror. These jeans make me look like I have a decent butt. Approve!


“Max is here honey,” my mom calls from downstairs.

“Oohh…better go before your dad decides to grill Max instead of ribs,” Maria warns with good intent. She and I both know how protective or over-protective my dad can be. Good grief- at times I’m surprised that he doesn’t just grow a beard and carries a shotgun around wherever he goes.

I run towards the stairs.


I pause at the top of the stairs. Wait, I gotta be cool, and calm. Yes. Serene. Taking a deep breath, I start to calm myself down…slowly reclaiming my composure.

I walk down confidently only to see dad being…well, dad.

“Max,” he says sternly. “I trust you to have her back at midnight. Not 11.30, not 11.15, not even 11.01. Exactly 11.00 you hear?”

“Yes sir.” I can see that Max’s a little scared of my dad. Who wouldn’t?

“Good. And I’ll be waiting.”

I can see some light stubble growing on his chin. Maybe he’s considering a beard…oh no! I need to rescue Max!

“Dad!” I cry. “I’m 17! At least make it midnight.”

“No, Lizzie. I say eleven and it’s eleven.”

“Daddy please??”

“No.” He crosses his arms.

“Pleeassseee?” I put on my ‘I’m your only daughter and only child’ look.


And the old man falters.


“All right. Midnight. It is.” Dad finally give in and I smile inside. See? A father can never resist his daughter’s charm.

“Have fun kids,” Mom hands me my coat with a smile.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” comes Maria’s voice from upstairs.

“Bye Maria!” Grabbing Max’s arm, we head out the door.

Once we’re alone, I apologize, “Sorry about that. My dad…he can be very…”



“It’s okay. I understand.” He escorts me to his jeep. “Did I already tell you that you look beautiful tonight?”


Don’t Liz, it’s not time. Do not melt. I repeat. Do not melt under Max’s heated gaze.

“Well, you do.”

Blushing, I reply, “Thank you. You too.”

What? Is that all I can think of? You too?


“What? Beautiful?” He laughs huskily. Whoa! He even laughs sexy.

Deciding to change the subject (before I become redder than I am), I ask, “So, where are we going Max?”

“You’ll see,” he says with a mysterious smile.

Soon enough, we arrive at the middle of the Roswell desert, which is pretty much the middle of nowhere. He leads me up towards the rocky hillside. ‘It’s worth it,’ he told me. And I believe him. Hmmm…can’t wait to see what he has in store for me.

But the scene before my eyes leave me breathless.

There, under the moonlight, lies a small outspread blanket. There’s a big picnic basket on it, accompany with lit candles. The view is breathtaking too. From up here, you can see the unending Roswell desert and above us are shimmering silver of the distant stars.

Sitting on the blanket, I look at my surroundings, still dazed in amazement. “You did all this?”

“Yeah,” he admits shyly. “I know my cooking is not the best in the world but it’s edible. Or at least, it’s supposed to be.”

I smile, deeply touched. He really is amazing. How many guys would cook for their girlfriends on their first date? Or for their girlfriends? Or do guys even cook at all? I swear, this guy surprises me every single day.

Come on everyone, let’s say it together.


I really want to squeal at his sweetness, but I’m too afraid that it’ll scare him off. Heck, I’ll probably scare myself too.

I was just guessing, hoping that he’d bring me out here for a picnic. I never thought that Max would have actually gone to all this trouble.

This is just too cool for words.

What is it that they say? Great minds think alike?

“Wow. This is…wow. Thank you Max. It’s really sweet of you.”

“Well, try to remember that when you taste the food Liz.”

He starts to unpack our dinner when he speaks again, “Liz, I know you must be wondering why I’m bringing you here instead of a expensive Italian restaurant on our first date. It’s not that you don’t deserve a nice restaurant, you do. But the reason is…you’re special. I wanted our first date to be just us, so we could get to know each other. For you to get to know me, the real me.”

You know that feeling you get when you’re *so* overwhelmed that you feel like you’re going to burst?

“I’d really like that.”

And I mean it. I really want to know the real Max, not the popular jock Max.

So we sit under the stars and talk. About friends, family, dreams…everything. Like last time at Pam’s house. Max’s a great a person to talk to. He doesn’t judge or criticize me. I find him very easy to talk to. He, being the great listener that he is, makes me feel comfortable and secure in his presence.

The way he is focusing all of his attention on me makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

What can I say?

I love it.

Every minute of it. No, that’s wrong. I love every second of it.

All too soon, sooner than I’d like, the night finally comes to an end. That’s right. The awful, appalling-to-every-teenager ‘C’ word. Curfew. We drive back to the Crashdown in comfortable silence. You know, the kind where nothing is said but you feel like you just had the best conversation ever?

Arriving at our destination, Max walks me to the front of the Crashdown.

“Goodnight Max.”

“Goodnight Liz,” he says, then reaches out to tuck a lock of my hair behind my ear. “You had uh…”

“…a hair thing.” I finish for him.

“Yeah.” He gaze deeply into my eyes. Hmmm…is this what people call ‘soulful eyes?’


Instead of pulling his hand away, he cups my face tenderly and leans in. His lips brush over mine ever so gently. Soft and sensual. Like a cool breeze in summer, leaving you shivering for more. He pulls away, his eyes dazed. That’s probably how I look too. Dazed and happy. Because certainly that’s how it feels like for me.

Feeling bold, I reach behind his neck and pull him for another kiss. This one is more passionate than the first. The moment our shy tongues touch, my legs turn weak, and I’m unable to stand. I’m melting into a puddle, sweet Lizzie puddle. Then, as if Max is reading my mind, I feel his hands creep down to the small of my back, supporting me.

He tilts his head for a better angle and deepens the kiss. Oh God, if this is what heaven feels like, then I’m willing to stay here forever with Max. Nothing’s can drag me away…

Suddenly the porch light comes on.

…okay, nothing except my dad who is probably anxiously running around to find a shotgun to shoot Max.

We close our eyes, rest with our foreheads together, panting. Just standing still.

“Umm…” I manage to get the words out. “I think that was my dad’s signal for us to say good night.”


“So…I had a great night Max. Thank you.”

“You deserve it.” He leans in to give me a small kiss on the lips. “Good night Liz. Sweet dreams.”

I’ll be dreaming about you…

“Good night Max. You too.”

He reluctantly walks back towards jeeps and drives off.

After watching the jeep disappear around the corner, I walk inside the Crashdown, humming softly to myself. So this night has been more perfect than perfect. Though not like what I’d expected, it’s fabulous in itself. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

And you know that warm, fuzzy feeling I feel when I’m with Max?

I don’t think it’ll go away soon.

Last edited by ps_dreamer on Sun May 23, 2004 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." - Aristotle