Someone To Love You (AU,M/L,ADULT) (Complete)

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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

A/N - Okay here it is...I worked all morning on this...I hope it's not terrible. I told Tiffany why do I always get the conflict parts and she gets the nookie parts...Raw deal I tell you LOL!! Anyway thanks again for the feedback we are glad you guys are enjoying it. Hope this part answers some questions...if not I really tried hard! *hugs*

Chapter 11


After we left Liz’s office, Tess and I headed home. I really need to head over to the restaurant and get some inventory done, but all I can think about is Liz.

Last night with her was incredible and I know that I have a decision to make. In fact I don’t even think it’s a decision anymore, I already know that I can’t marry Tess. I just have to find a way to tell her. I have been with her for so long I can’t just walk into the room and say, “hey Tess sorry I’m not in love with you and I can’t marry you because I found the love of my life and I spent the night with her and it made me realize that I need to be with her.”

Yeah that would be wrong, not that what I did last night or have been doing has been so great either. I really need to get my shit together; in fact I made a decision on the way home, I will tell…

“Hi Max!” I turn around from my wait in line for some damn coffee when I hear a slightly familiar voice behind me.

“Hi Isabel how are you?”

“I’m good and you?” She smiles brightly at me. I always thought she was somewhat of a bitch in high school but the apple can’t fall far from the tree, she is Liz’s sister after all.

“I’m okay just getting some coffee.” Can we tell I’m not really in the right frame of mind for carrying on an intelligent conversation?

“Oh so what’s new?” Boy she’s overly chatty today. Anyway I’m not going to be rude so I answer her.

“Nothing much, just heading to the restaurant to get some work done.”

“Restaurant, oh you work at one?”

“Yes, I own it.” Just when I think she’s going to continue on with her questioning she stops and just smiles at me. What the hell?

“Have you seen Liz today?” I almost choke, does she know? She can’t, right? I think I’m sweating.

“Uhm yeah with my fiancé earlier, why?”

“Oh that’s right you’re getting married.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

“Right.” Where is she going with this? It’s finally my turn to order. I excuse myself while I order. After I’m done I turn to see Isabel out of line.

“Aren’t you ordering?”

“No I just wanted to talk to you.” She says following me outside the café.

“Talk to me? About what?” I take a sip of the hot coffee. Feels so good going down and helps the fucking migraine that has yet to subside.

“Liz.” I actually choke this time and she’s patting me on my back. I’m being punished aren’t I? That’s what it is.

“What about Liz?”

“Well I know you like her.” Understatement of the century, but I let her continue, no sense in lying about it right?

“I just didn’t want her hurting you. You seem like a really nice guy and well you’re getting married so you’re obviously in love.” I’m confused. What the hell is she talking about?

“Isabel, I’m not sure what…”

“That’s her motive you know? She does this to every groom, it’s a pity how many good relationships were destroyed because of her.” Isabel turns and shakes her head. What the fuck is she saying?

“What are you talking about?” She looks back at me and she looks upset. I really wish she would get to the point.

“Look Max, Liz is my sister and I love her but you’re not the first and you won’t be the last.” First? Last? What? I guess she sees the question on my face and continues.

“Oh she does this all the time, leads guys on, and breaks their hearts. It’s probably just some grudge against all the guys in high school that never gave her the time of day, who knows. Anyway she flirts, gets what she wants and dumps them just as quickly. So if she shows you any interest don’t take it personal, because trust me you’re not special to her. She has slept with most of the ones she’s done weddings for.” What? Is she serious? I mean I couldn’t be that wrong about Liz, could I? She was just using me? I don’t even think I can find my voice right now. I feel like a fool, I’m in love with her and I’m just some pawn in her twisted fucking game!

“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but I thought you should know.” She doesn’t even let me say anything she just turns on her heels and walks away. Leaving me broken hearted and confused.



I know what I need to do. I have to call Max. We need to talk about last night but not just about that. I need to tell him how I feel and if he doesn’t feel the same way then I’ll walk away. No harm no foul.

Oh who am I kidding?! I’m in love with him and if he doesn’t feel anything for me I’ll die. No seriously, I’ll die of a broken heart. I guess I can live with that though, I had to suffer and watch him all through high school with her, so it’s no different that my adult life should be as tortuous as my teen years.

I flip through my planner for his cell phone number, damn glad I asked for an emergency number from Tess.

“Hello?” He answers but he sounds somewhat distant. I hope he’s okay.

“Hi Max, it’s Liz.”

“Oh, yeah?” I could be wrong but is he angry with me or something? That’s not possible I didn’t do anything, I’m just being paranoid.

“I just wanted to find out if you could stop by my house in a little while. I really wanted to talk to you about us…I mean about…” He just cuts me off; this is not like him at all. What the hell?

“I can’t.” He says flatly.

“Max, we need to talk it’s important. I need to tell you something and I can’t wait, not anymore.” I say quickly trying to get it all out before I loose my nerve.

“Sorry but I have to meet my fiancé in a little while, so I’ll have to catch up with you some other time.” What?! Okay what did I miss? Since when has he referred to Tess as his fiancé? And what is up with the harsh tone he’s using with me?

“Are you mad at me for something Max?”

“Mad? Ha, what do I have to be mad at you about? I’m the fool right? I’m the dumb ass in all of this, so no I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at myself.” He bits out sarcastically.

“Max, I don’t know what happened but you’re not a fool or a dumb ass. Look can you just please come over or I could meet you somewhere and we can just…”

“Liz, don’t call me anymore, it’s better that way.” I try and stop the tears from falling and the hurt from clogging my throat but it’s useless, I’ve lost him before I even had a chance with him.

“If that’s what you want. Bye Max.”

“Bye Liz.” I drop to my knees and begin to cry harder than I think I have in my entire life. I was just kidding myself into thinking that he could actually love me back and now I know for sure he never did.

I don’t know how long I stayed that way crying, but I know that at one point Alex came in and brought me to bed, which is where I am right now and Alex is trying to find out what happened.

“Where do I start?” I cry out.

“From the beginning.” He says and pushes my hair back. And so I tell him everything that just happened, even what I was going to tell Max today.



“Hi sweetie.” Tess says to me as soon as I enter the door. I finished the inventory in record time and now it’s about dinnertime and I don’t think I could eat if someone paid me to.

“Hi babe.” I lean in and kiss her lips softly. I look into her blue eyes and I know that I’ve done her wrong. I let my feelings for Liz blind me to the fact that Tess is a person who has been here for me for years. I can’t just brush that under the rug like it never happened.

“I missed you!” I feel like such an asshole. I’m supposed to be here for her but we haven’t even talked much in the past few weeks.

“Me too Tess. So you want to have some dinner and maybe watch a movie?” I ask her and her face lights up, I can’t help but smile.

“Sure! But I get to choose.” She runs, grabs her purse and we leave.

Almost four hours later we head back home and I can’t say that I didn’t have a good time. Tess and I always do when we go out. Unfortunately for me, when we got back I let things get out of control.

After some heavy making out we ended up in our bedroom, almost completely…well I don’t have to get into that do I? No didn’t think so. Anyway I was close…really close but I closed my eyes and who did I see?

That’s right! Liz Parker. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I had to explain to Tess that I had a headache and just couldn’t…perform. Yes I hang my head in shame because never in my life have I been unable to perform.

I push that dreaded thought aside and focus on the fact that I need to tell Tess what is going on. She deserves that much. I think we just grew apart, she’ll always mean something to me, and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her but I’m not in love with her. And regardless of what happens with Liz, I have to be thankful that I found her again, because if I didn’t then I would be making a big mistake marrying Tess.

I go back into the bedroom only to find Tess passed out, I guess I’ll wait until tomorrow. What’s one more day? Not like anything is going to change by then.



I guess I passed out last night after talking to Alex. Speaking of Alex where the hell is he? I lean up against my headboard and wipe the sleep from my eyes.

“Here you go sunshine!” Alex walks into my room carrying a mug of coffee.

“Thank you Alex.”

“Now Liz I have some things to take care of today. So I want you to stay right here and I’ll give you a call later okay?” Why do I sense something in his voice? I don’t know what it is; tension is about the only thing I can come up with.

“Okay I’ll talk to you later and thanks for last night.” He smiles and places a kiss on my forehead before leaving. I think I need a long hot bath and maybe I’ll head out in a few, I just need some fresh air and I know the perfect place to get that.



“So Maxwell how’s it going?” Michael asks me and let me just say I did not sleep at all last night. Today is the day; I just hope Tess doesn’t take it that bad. I mean I know she probably will but I can hope can’t I? I wanted to catch her this morning but she just ran out of the house before I even had a chance to say anything.

“It’s going. I just I need to talk to Tess and its not going to be pretty.” I tell him as I approach the bar. He’s setting up for lunch.

“Really? What’s going on?” He asks me concerned.

“I’m going to…”

“You fucking bastard!” Both Michael and I snap our heads towards the front door where Alex storms in.

“Alex? What are you…” What the hell is he doing here?

“How could you do that to her? How!” Alex roared from across the room. Michael looked confused as hell.

“Alex look you don’t….”

“Save it Evans! She is the kindest person in the world she would do anything for anyone and you just threw her away! So you could marry a girl you don’t fucking love!” I don’t need this bullshit today. I feel bad enough about screwing over Tess, but I won’t let him make me feel bad about Liz.

“First of all you don’t know shit about my relationship with Tess, so that conversation ends now! Secondly Liz is the one that screwed me over with her lies and I played right into her little game! So I think it’s best you leave now.” Alex storms across the room and Michael jumps over the bar to stand between us. I don’t want to fight with him I really don’t.

“Game? What the hell are you talking about?” His eyebrows crease in confusion and if admit it right now, I’m just as confused.

“Talk to her sister.” I bit out.

“Isabel? What does she have to do with this…shit! That bitch!” What am I missing here?

“Max you’re all wrong…” Alex starts only to be cut off by Maria running through the front doors at me.

“Max!” Why does everyone insist on yelling at me today?

“Maria what’s wrong?”

“Max…I’m so sorry but where’s Tess?” Huh? I think my head is going to explode. I’m still trying to process what Alex was trying to tell me. I was wrong? Wrong about Liz? Oh God! What the fuck did I do?!

“Max would you focus on me for a second?” I almost forgot about Maria.

“What Maria, I don’t know she left the house in a rush. Probably shopping or something.” I answer only half paying attention.

“No Max she wasn’t shopping. Where’s Kyle?”

“What the fuck is this Maria? Guess where my friends are day or some shit? Look I need to get out of here.”

“No! Max where is Kyle?”

“I don’t know he said he was on a business trip or something, who cares?”

“You should.” She answers with tears in her eyes.

“Maria what…” I grab her shoulders softly. Something is really bothering her.

“He’s with Tess.”

“What do you mean? He’s out of town and she’s here Maria. Are you okay?” Maybe she has a fever and she’s delusional.

“No Max, Tess and Kyle are together. I saw them together.”

“What do you mean…together?” I swallow thickly. Surely she doesn’t mean…

“I was across town this morning taking a look at the reception hall again and I was getting in the car and I saw a truck that looked like Kyle’s parked outside of the movie theater.”


“Well it was kind of easy to figure out really quickly that it was Kyle’s truck since the license plates say…8PLAYA. Anyway I went inside the theater and as soon as I did I ran out.”

“What Maria…what did you see?” I ask her already knowing what’s coming. And I never thought it would hurt this much but it does. But I have to hear it.

“Kyle and Tess making out…hot and heavy in the back of the theater. I’m so sorry Max.” I just nod and walk out of the restaurant. I need air, I need to think and most importantly I need to figure out how the hell I’m going to get Liz to forgive me.

I get in my car and drive to the only place I can think of going.



I’m really glad the sun decided to come out today. I could really use a pick me up. I cried almost all the way here and I need to stop. I couldn’t leave the house for a few hours I was all red and puffy but I’m better now. I lean down in the glove box and pull out some tissues; I know I’ll need them in a few minutes.

I know that I’m using this as an excuse to cry in private but I just I don’t want to let Max go, but I have no choice.

I finally pull up and see… “Max’s Jeep?” What the hell?

I get out and walk over down the small trail and when the clearing opens I see him. I thought I would be happy but I’m not. I’m furious, how dare he come here! It’s my place not his!

I march up to him and place my hands on my hips, he isn’t facing me yet, but I know he knows I’m here. His back is against the tree trunk and I can only see the back of his head.

“What are you doing here?” I bit out as I stand in front of him. He slowly raises his head and I can see tears in his eyes. Why is he crying?

“Max?” I kneel down in front of him and frame his face with my hands.

“I…I’m so sorry Liz.” I quickly wrap my arms around him. I don’t know what he’s apologizing for but right now I don’t care, right now I’ll be here for him. It’s the only thing I know how to do…the only thing I want to do.

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

My turn! Now for some nookie! :D Hope you enjoy

Chapter 12


“I…I’m so sorry Liz.” I whimper.

To my surprise, Liz wraps her arms around me and I quickly bury my face in the crook of her neck. She strokes my back comfortingly and I hold on to her for dear life.

“Max, what wrong?” She asks me softly. “You’re scaring me.”

I lift my head and stare into her shining brown eyes and I can’t think of one reason why I believed that this gorgeous, caring woman would be capable of using anyone like her sister said she had. I feel so ashamed of myself right now and add that I just found out that Tess is cheating on me with one of my very best friends, it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders.

Granted, I was planning on calling off the wedding before I knew what she was doing and I did technically cheat on her too with Liz, but it still hurts.

Liz cups my face in her tiny hands and brushes my falling tears away with her thumb. “Max, tell me what’s wrong.” She pleads.

I shake my head and drop my head onto her shoulder. “Tess is cheating on me.”

“I’m sorry Max.” She says sincerely as she rubs my arm. “What are you going to do?”

I sniffle pitifully and wipe my face with the palm of my hand. “I’m calling the wedding off. But I just can’t believe it.”

“Well, Max you weren’t all that faithful with her either.” She says somewhat bitterly and I know I deserve it.

“Yeah, but I wasn’t cheating on her with her best friend.” I murmur through gritted teeth. That doesn’t excuse my actions, but it still hurts. I pick up a rock and toss it into the flowing stream a few feet away.

“Well maybe you can work it out.”

I lift my head and look her straight in her beautiful eyes. “I’m not in love with her Liz. I… I haven’t been for a long time now and it took me too long to realize that.” She nods in acceptance to my answer, but she pulls away from me and I shiver from the loss of her comforting touch.

“Liz I’m sorry for being an ass to you. I never should have listened to what Isabel told me. I should’ve known that you wouldn’t do that to me.”

She frowns in confusion. “Isabel? Max what are you talking about?”

“I ran into Isabel in the café and she told me that you had a hidden motive and that you were just playing with me.” I see her still struggling to understand and I continue. “She told me that you lead guys on and break their hearts all the time. She told me that you like to play with guys, get what you want and then dump them.”

Her jaw falls open with shock and she brings her hands up to cover her mouth. “I’m sorry Liz.”

“And you believed her?” The pain on her face is just enough to break my heart. I’m the biggest ass in the world. I don’t understand how I could’ve fucked up like this.

“Liz I didn’t want to, but I don’t know what I was thinking. I was so angry and I… I’m so sorry.”

“How could you think that I… And… and how could she…” Tears fill her eyes and I tentatively reach out to her.

She stiffens with my touch, but I pull her into my arms anyway. After awhile, she does relax in my embrace and she turns her face into my chest as she cries.


I breathe in his fresh scent as my tears lessen and I’m able to control myself.

I can’t believe that Isabel would do something like that. I always knew she was a bitch, but I never thought that she could hate me that much to go through so much trouble of making my life miserable. And the worst part is that Max believed her. He didn’t have enough faith in me and he believed Isabel’s lies.

“Liz, you have to know how sorry I am.” He says. “I know I’ve said that a million times all ready, but I feel really stupid for thinking that you could ever do that. I should’ve known better.”

I listen to his apology and as angry as I am with him, I refuse to leave the warmth of his embrace.

“You should have.” I concur through my tears as I gaze up into his amber eyes. “But then, you had no idea how much of a bitch my sister is. How could you have known what she was doing?”

“But still, I should’ve known.” Leaning forward to kiss my tears away, he lingers there long after they’re gone. His head dips forward and as much as I want to taste his lips again, I know this is wrong. He’s still engaged to Tess and even though I haven’t let that stop me before, I think I deserve better than this. I deserve someone to love me and only me. I just pray to God that Max is that someone, because I love him so much.

“Max we can’t do this.” I tell him as I push his back. “You have to figure out what you’re going to do about your relationship with Tess.” I know I’m killing myself and if he chooses to work on his relationship than I don’t even want to think of how I’ll feel. But this has to be something more than an affair.

“Liz, I told you I’m calling off the wedding. I…”

“But Max, you’re hurt right now. How do you know that when you start thinking straight, you’ll want to work on your relationship?”

He shakes his head in denial. “Liz I am thinking straight. I was going to call off the wedding before I even knew what she was up to.” He brings his large hand to cup my cheek and I lean into his caress. “I’m not in love with her Liz.”

“But Max…”

“Liz, I’m in love with someone else and I’ll be kicking myself forever for taking all this time to realize it.” His hand drifts into my hair and he plays with the ends as if he were mesmerized. “I should’ve broken it off with Tess the first time we kissed Liz. She could never make me feel the things I feel with just one touch from you. Hell, I should’ve broken it off with her the first time I saw you again.”


“Liz… I love you.” He lets out a weak laugh. “All this time I’ve been with the wrong girl. It’s you I’m in love with.”

Oh my God! I’ve waited so long to hear those words come out that very mouth and now that it has, I’m terrified.

“Max, you’re… you’re vulnerable right now and you… you need someone to be by your side right now. It’s not…”

“No Liz. This has nothing to do with me being on the rebound. I’m in love with you Liz Parker. I have been for awhile now, but it’s taken me too long to figure that out.” I’m unaware that I’m crying until he reaches up and brushes my tears away. “You don’t have to say it back. I just want you to know how I feel.”

I back away from him. He’s staring deep into my eyes now and I can’t believe what I’m hearing. This is my dream and it doesn’t feel real. He’s just found out his fiancée was sneaking around on him and how do I know that he’s not just looking for a quick rebound? As much as I want to take what he’s saying to heart, I couldn’t stand it if he decided to change his mind.

“Liz?” He reaches out for me, but I recoil away. I need some time to think and I mumble a quick apology before I run from him as fast as I can.


I toss my keys on the kitchen table and shuffle over to the refrigerator to find a note from Tess.


I’m going shopping with my mom. I’ll be back late. Don’t wait up.

Love you


I crumble the note in my fist and I wonder just how many times she said she was with her mother but really fucking Kyle’s brains out.

The thought of them makes me sick now and I push them to the back of my mind and focus on the most important person in my life now. Liz.

I’m not mad at her for running away from me. I dumped a lot of stuff on her at once and it was only natural to be overwhelmed. But I just pray that she didn’t run because she didn’t feel the same. Now that I realize and admit that I love her, the feeling seems to have doubled and it hurts that I’m not with her. Kissing her and making her moan in pleasure is the best thing I’ve ever experienced. She’s everything I ever wanted and needed in a woman, yet still it’s taken me too long to realize that.

Now I may have lost her forever. But regardless if I can have her or not, I need to end things with Tess. She’s not the only one at fault here. I’ve done the same thing to her with Liz. I’m just as guilty as her and I can’t place the blame on anyone but myself.

All those times I told her I loved her and I really didn’t. It took a night with Liz and finding out Tess was cheating to make me realize that.

I collapse onto the couch and not even five minutes later, there’s a loud banging at the door. I bury my face in the cushions on the couch and decide to let whoever it is think no one’s home.

But the banging persists followed by the ringing door bell and I groan as I get to my feet and walk over to the door. I swing it open, expecting to find Maria or Michael on the other side, but instead, I find myself staring down at the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.


Her hands are fisted at her sides and the setting sun is behind her, making her glow beautifully.

“Say it again.” She whispers.

I have to struggle to hear her, but I know exactly what she’s talking about. And I comply with her request. “I love you.”

The corners of her mouth twitch upwards to form a soft smile. “I love you too.” She jumps into my arms, crushing her mouth over mine and I respond immediately.

Stumbling back into the house, I kick the door closed behind her and we back up until my calves meet the couch. I take a seat before grabbing her around her slim waist and deposit her so that she’s straddling my lap. My straining erection presses against her center as she leans in to capture my lips once more. She moans as my tongue slides in and out of her mouth in a passionate dance and my craving for her spikes up a notch.

Her hands drift down my chest and before I know it, my shirt is gone and her tiny hands are wandering over my exposed chest.

“God Liz.” I groan in frustration as she grinds against me. My head drops forward, my lips touching the smooth skin of her neck. I nip at her sweet flesh, marking her as mine and only mine.

I’m enjoying the taste of her when Liz cups my face in her hands and I detach my lips from her neck.

“I want you Max.” She whispers huskily.

As much as I want to throw her down and take her right here, I reel in my control as much as I can.

“Are you sure Liz? We don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do.” Even as I’m talking, she’s nodding her head.

“I want you to make love to me.” I barely let her finish her statement before I scoop her into my arms and stride purposely down the hall.


With long, quick strides, he carries me into one of the bedrooms and gently lays me down.

“This your room?” I ask uncomfortably. I silently wonder how many times he and Tess have… I don’t even want to think about it. He’s with me now.

“No. Guest room. I’d thought it might be a little… you know uncomfortable…” I nod in understanding and I watch in fascination as he crawls towards me like a lion stalking his meal. I bite my lip in sweet anticipation.

It’s still hard for me to believe that this is happening. When I ran from him to afternoon, I was confused as to how I should take his confession. I didn’t know whether to believe him or think that he was trying to get with me on the rebound. But as much as I tried to convince myself that what he said to me wasn’t real, I knew that it was. I could see clear as day that what he’s telling me was the truth. It’s all in his eyes. And right now I still can see the love shining there.

He removes my shoes and kisses my bare legs all the way up to my thighs. I shiver as his tongue darts out to taste my skin and I think it’s a shame that he could make me feel this good and he’s barely touched me yet.

“Max, I… I’ve never done this before.” It’s my first time and I know I should be nervous, but for some reason, I can’t help but feel comfortable around Max. I feel completely at ease and safe in his care.

“Are you sure you want this?” He asks. “I’d understand…”

“I’m sure Max.”

He nods as his hands reach the bottom of my dress and with one sweep it’s up and over my head. I’m left in only my bra and panties. Max sits back, his eyes roaming over my body like I’m his next meal. His tongue darts out to wet those gorgeous lips of his and I can’t wait anymore. I pull him down on top of me and he devours my lips.

Soon, Max is totally naked and my bra is gone and Max is driving my crazy as he feasts on one pert nipple and his hand disappears inside my panties.

“Oh Max…” I cry as his finger traces my lower lips. My back arches off the bed as he plunges his finger inside of me as he continues to work on my breast.

“You’re so wet baby.” He moans against me. Adding another finger, he pumps them in and out, making me cry out his name in sweet bliss. Max pushes my soaked panties off and tosses them aside.

He reaches for the nightstand and opens the drawer, and pulls out a condom. After preparing himself, he crawls up my body and he kisses my lips once more before positioning himself over me.

“Are you sure?” He asks me for the hundredth time. I can feel the tip of his arousal just above my center and I’m starting to think that he’s torturing me on purpose.

“Please Max.” I whimper.

Without another word, he lowers himself into me and we both groan at the contact. I hiss with the pain as he breaks my virginity and he stills until I get used to his impressive size inside of me. He wipes my tears away with the tip of his fingers and he waits until I nod slightly before he moves inside of me.

We awkwardly move together until we find our rhythm and Max thrusts into me with slow, long strides. But I want more.

“Max… faster please.” I cry out.

“Anything you want Love… anything.” He groans as he quickens his pace. He pulls almost completely out of me before he slams into me, pushing me to my limits.

Max takes my lips in a fierce kiss, his tongue mimicking the movement of our bodies.

“Ahh… Baby you feel so good. You’re so tight.” He grunts harshly. He knows I’m close and he quickens his pace, driving into me harder with every thrust.

“Max! Oh… Max!!” I feel my walls tighten around him and I my nails dig into the smooth skin of his back.

“Let go baby.” He coaches me. I arch into him and with one final thrust my juices coat his hard member. My orgasm ignites his and second later, his head drops onto my shoulder, his teeth biting into my flesh as he empties himself.

His heavy weight collapses on top of me and I hold on to him tight.

“Baby, just give me a few minutes and I’ll move if I’m too heavy for you.” He pants, his warm breath tickling me as he talks.

“No, stay right here.” I tell him. I feel him nodding against my breast and he places a soft kiss there. Still joined, he pulls the sheets over us.

“I love you Liz.”

“I love you too.” His strong arms wrap around me, keeping me safe and holding me close even as his breathing deepens and he drifts off to sleep. I brush the damp hair off his forehead and soon I’m following him in slumber.

Last edited by sweetbrowneyes on Sat Nov 27, 2004 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Be at Peace MJ
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

A/N - I will apologize upfront if this part isn't as good as the last...but in my defense I did just write this and I have a cold and a migrane so forgive me :wink: The feedback is amazing and both Tiffany and I are so happy with the response we have had with this I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 13


I still can’t believe it she loves me. Last night was unforgettable being with Liz is like nothing I have ever experienced in my life. It was perfect and just so right, I don’t know what took me so damn long to realize that she is everything I want and need in my life.

She’s asleep right now snuggled up to my side and I can’t wait to wake up everyday with her next to me. I just hope that’s what she wants because I don’t think I could survive another day without her in my life.

I turn slightly to my left to see what time it is, since I can tell that it’s already late as hell from the moonlight filtering into the room. It’s a good thing I’m not waiting for Tess to get home, because here it is eleven and she’s not home. She would normally come home and give me her bullshit story that she was with her mother, all the while she’s fucking Kyle’s brains out. I still can’t believe I didn’t know. That definitely explains the headaches she’s been having; I just wonder how long it’s been…

“What the fuck is going on?!” Shit! Liz jumps slightly and pulls the covers up to her neck and I just pull her closer to me.

“Max, w-what are you doing?” Tess’ crystal blue eyes bore into mine, and I can see the hurt but I could honestly care less. The fucking nerve of her, I know that I just did what she’s been doing to me for God knows how long, but why pretend to be that upset?

“Tess, could you give us a minute.” I tell her sitting up in the bed. I won’t be ashamed of Liz or feel guilty about what we did tonight.

“Are you fucking kidding me?! You are fucking her and you want me to leave?! You are my fiancé how could you do this to me?!” Is she serious? She missed her calling because she’s a damn good actress. I know it must hurt, don’t get me wrong but she’s standing there telling me, of all people that I’m her fiancé. What’s wrong with this picture, is she not the one that has been balling one of my best friends?

“Tess, get the fuck out!” I say through clenched teeth because at this point I’m getting pissed off. On top of that I have Liz sitting up trying to fix herself and I can feel her trembling beside me. This could get ugly between her and I quickly. I need time to talk to her alone.

“Fine!” Tess turns on her heels and slams the door closed. I quickly turn to Liz who has already bolted out of the bed and is picking up her clothes.

“Liz.” I say to her but she doesn’t even hear me it seems because she’s getting dressed now with her back to me.

“Liz, just look at me.” I plead with her but I still get nothing. I rise from the bed and after putting my boxers on; I kneel down in front of her. She’s on the brink of tears so I reach up and cup her beautiful face and swipe away the single tear that has fallen.

“Baby, please just listen to me.”

“No Max, this was wrong. We shouldn’t have…” I silence her with my fingertip.

“Don’t finish that sentence Liz, you know it wasn’t a mistake. We love each other and that’s all that matters. I’ll take care of Tess I promise.” I say to her but she just closes her eyes tightly and I’m terrified that she’s going to walk out and never return.

“Max your still engaged and what we did is no better than what she did to you. It’s just…” She sighs heavily and looks me in the eyes, she looks so confused but I have to ask her this next question.

“Do you regret it Liz? Tell me now because if you do then…I didn’t regret it Liz. I could never regret a single moment with you. I love you, everything about you. So just please don’t say you regret it.” I say in a hoarse whisper. I’m trying not to let my emotions get the best of me but with her looking at me and the entire situation, along with the realization that I could lose her is weighing me down heavily.

“I don’t…I don’t regret it Max. I can’t because…” I look up into her eyes and wait to hear her say it again.

“Because what Liz?”

“Because I love you Max. I have loved you longer than I can even remember. My whole life I’ve waited for you and now that I have you I can’t let you go.” I breathe a sigh of relief and throw my arms around her petite form.

“I love you too Liz, so much.” We stay that way wrapped in each other’s arms for a few moments longer. I pull away slowly and kiss her lips. Just as I attempt to stand and confront Tess, she pulls me back and seals our lips once again.

“I love you, now I’m going to go, so just call me later okay?”

“You know I will Liz. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done. I promise.” She smiles at me and we finish getting dressed.

By the time we make it out into the living room, so I can walk Liz out Tess is standing at the front door holding it open and I’m about two seconds from throwing her sorry ass out, but instead I walk Liz out and kiss her cheek, whispering again to her how much I love her.

After Liz drives away, I turn to Tess and she is standing with her arms crossed. I close the door calmly and walk into the kitchen to pick up my keys.

“What the fuck are you doing? We need to talk!” She yells out, but at this point I’m beyond it all. We do need to talk but I think someone else needs to join the conversation.

“Let’s go.” I say opening the front door and walking out to the car. I know she must be standing there wondering what the hell is going on, but in a few minutes she’ll know.

We are in the car and I hop on the highway towards my destination and I have yet to say another word to her.

“Max, where are we going?” I just turn and look at her as if she hasn’t figured it out already, I tell you Oscar performance going on here. I just shake my head and turn back to focus on the road.

“M-Max w-why are we here?” Tess says as we pull up to an all-familiar house. I just get out of the car and walk around to her side and open up the door.

“You know why we are here Tess. See all this time I was feeling guilty when you were the one that should have been.” I say taking her hand and we head towards the front door.

I pound on the front door. When I get no response, I pound and ring the doorbell. I knew that would work.

“Max! Tess…what are you guys doing here?” I want to punch his fucking lights out and under normal circumstances I would, but right now my most important priority is Liz. I need to get back to her as soon as possible; so prolonging this would not be beneficial to me.

I storm past him and enter his living room with Tess still at my side. They both have to know why I’m here at almost midnight. They can’t be that dense right?

“First of all Kyle I thought you were out of town.” I cross my arms in front of my chest waiting for his response. I mean you would think they would just confess already. But no, they are going to play the game, well I can play too.

“I was but I just got back tonight.” He says to me and I can tell he’s lying, he’s never been good at it.

“Oh was that before or after you slept with Tess?” I hear Tess beside me gasp and Kyle, well he looks a little pale right now, but I could care less.

“I…we…what are you talking about?” You have got to be kidding me, they are still going to lie, well I don’t have time for this bullshit.

“So tell me Kyle how long have you been fucking her behind my back? Or maybe you’d like to answer that Tess?” I turn to her and she I can tell she doesn’t know what to say but I think I deserve some kind of answer from both of them.

“I-I’m sorry Max…”

“You’re sorry?! How fucking long Tess?! Just tell me the truth for once!” I roar out at her and I can see her jump back a bit.

“A couple of months Max.” Kyle answers, how fucking sweet is that?

“Months? You are supposed to be my friend and all this time you’re fucking my fiancé behind my back?! Why would you do that? I mean if you had feelings for her you could have said something or better yet you could have kept your dick in your pants!” I’m up in his face at this point. It’s not the fact that I still have feelings for Tess, it’s more of the fact that how two people that I care about and that I thought cared about me do something like this.

“Max just calm down we made a mistake.” Kyle steps back a bit, I know he doesn’t want to fight me and to be honest neither do I but I have to get it all out of my system.

“A mistake, you’re kidding me right? A mistake is one time, not several times over several months!” I bit out angrily. And Tess decides to throw her two cents in.

“You are fucking Liz! So what makes you so right and me so wrong?!” I turn to face her, I don’t believe it she’s going to throw this all on my lap.

“First of all don’t ever talk about Liz… ever. Secondly, we only slept together once, and yes prior to that we kissed and we shouldn’t have, I was wrong Tess and I felt like shit, but I will tell you this, only when I realized that I wasn’t in love with you anymore did we do that, I would never intentionally hurt you, they way you’ve hurt me.” I say in a very calm tone, it’s weird that I’m this calm. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I know that Tess and I are really over, so the pressure is off.

“I never meant to hurt you Max.” She says with tears in her eyes and I have to say that I do feel bad that we ended up here.

“You didn’t? So when were you going to tell me you were sleeping with my best friend? On the way down the aisle or on our honeymoon? I mean be honest Tess, it’s over. You are trying to make me feel guilty about being with Liz and I won’t, I could never.” I tell her and honestly I’m done with the entire situation. I need to see Liz.

“You’re right Max, I should have told you the truth. I should have told you before anything happened with Kyle, but I was scared Max.” I look down at her and take her hand leading her outside.

Before we walk out I turn to Kyle who says he’s sorry, “Not as sorry as I am to know that you could do this to me.” I say pulling Tess out to the car. I think it’s easier for me to forgive Tess for some reason than it is to forgive Kyle, because he was a friend and he just should have never stepped over that line.

Tess, well honestly I don’t think she set out to hurt me but that’s exactly what she did, and whether or not she’s sorry doesn’t even matter to me.

“How did we end up here Max?” She says to me once we get back to our place.

“I don’t know, but somewhere along the way our feelings for one another changed, but we were both too…scared to let the change happen I think.” I say to her sympathetically.

“Yeah you’re right. I am sorry Max, I knew what I was doing was wrong but I didn’t know how to tell you, or let you go…I don’t know it’s so hard to explain.” She says to me taking a seat on the living room couch. I take a seat beside her.

“I know Tess but you know that you could have come to me, we have been friends for a long time, but what you did and how you did it hurt. It hurt more than I wanted it to. I was struggling with my feelings for Liz and I should have told you, so you are not all to blame Tess, but you could have told me.”

“I know, but we’ve been together so long I was afraid to let go, I don’t know who I am without you, at least that’s how I feel.” She says and I see the tears slip out the corners of her eyes, and my usual natural instinct is to wipe it away, but it’s not my job anymore.

“I understand, so I guess this is our ending.” I say to her taking a deep breath.

“Our ending, yeah I guess it is. I loved you Max, I really did and I still do but I’m not…”

“In love with me.” I finish for her and she just turns her teary gaze towards me and smiles a little. I reach out and wrap my arms around her one last time. A piece of her will always be with me, she will be my past and Liz will be my future.



Boy how awkward was that moment? I mean Tess walking in on us, thank God we were not in the middle of it is all I have to say. Tonight was perfect in everyway. It was everything I knew being with Max would be. Of course the ending wasn’t so great but I’d do it all over again if it meant Max and I would be together.

I have some of my own business to take care of and no time like the present to get it done right? Right!

“Liz, its like eleven thirty what do you want?” I want to smack her so hard right now, but I restrain myself. I burst through her front door and switch on the living room light.

“What do I want? I don’t know sis what the fuck do you think I want?! I want answers!” I yell out and I could care less if I wake her neighbors.

“Answers for what Liz?” She crosses her arms and takes a seat on the arm of the couch. I look up at her and I just can’t believe we are related. I swear I must have been switched at birth.

“Why would you do that? Why you’re my sister Isabel how could you make up those lies about me?” I look up at her and at that moment I decide I’m tired of being looked down upon by her. So I stand up and face her.

“What are you babbling about now Liz? I’m tired.”

“You are fucking unbelievable! You knew how I felt about him, why would you want to ruin the one good thing in my life?! Do you even care about me at all?!” I scream out and I know that the tears are evident in my voice but I won’t let them escape my eyes. Not this time. Not ever again will I cry over something my sister has done to me.

“I’m talking about Max, and you know damn well what I’m talking about so please jump off your high horse and meet me half way here. I just want to know what I did that was so terrible to you, that you would want to destroy me?” I look at her sadly because at this point I don’t even know how to react. I’m pissed off but mostly I’m hurt.

“Look I’m sorry I didn’t know that you liked him that much. I mean really Liz if he cared about you he wouldn’t have listened to me.” She says brushing past me nonchalantly, but I’m quick to follow her. I reach out and grab her arm forcing her to turn back around and face me.

“Don’t use that as an excuse because that shit isn’t flying anymore! I’m tired of you putting me down and intentionally setting out to hurt me. You have done it my entire life and for whatever reason I felt that I didn’t deserve better, that I didn’t deserve to be happy. That for some reason I did something to you that made you hate me, so tell me what it is because I know for a fact I haven’t done shit to you? I’ve tried to be a good sister to you, but you always shot me down, you always made me feel like shit! Why?! Tell me!” My blood is boiling at this point and so help me if she doesn’t give me some kind of answer. She hasn’t said anything but, well that’s weird she looks…hurt? That can’t be possible, that’s just my weakness for my sister, and I could care less if she’s hurt because she doesn’t care if I am.

“You really want to know Liz?” She looks me square in the eyes and I just nod.

“My whole life you were perfect. Mom and Dad always said that you were their little angel. You never got into trouble, you never dated guys and Dad just ate that shit up! But me, oh well I could never do right. You don’t know how good you had it, I mean I had to keep up an image, a façade to keep guys interested, but you…you didn’t have to do anything. You don’t even know the shit I had to say to get guys to not talk to you.” What?! I think I might actually be sick, this can’t be true, she can’t be that cruel can she?

“Wait, what do you mean? Are you saying that guys actually wanted to talk to me? And you lied to them?” I am speechless, I’m not even sure there is anything left for me to say to her at this point.

“Yes Liz. They loved you, they thought you were pretty; with your perfect skin and your perfect petite body, it drove me crazy. I don’t know how I let it get out of control but I was jealous…I am jealous. My intention was not to destroy you Liz, it’s just that…”

“You did set out to destroy me so what are you even saying Isabel? I’m your sister and I would have done anything for you…anything and you sold me out, you just let them make fun of me, and you know what I don’t even care about that. Those other guys don’t matter but Max, Max matters to me. I love him Isabel and he makes me happy, and he’s gorgeous, smart and he loves me Isabel. So even though you tried to destroy me, I still have him. You failed in your mission because even if things had happened differently I know that Max would have realized that listening to you was the biggest mistake of his life. I could forgive him, but I don’t think I could ever forgive you…ever.” I say to her and take one last look at her, because honestly I don’t see myself ever being in the same room with her again, before I walk to her front door.

I turn around one last time before closing the door behind me, and I can see the tears streaming down her face, and I can honestly say that I don’t care…not anymore.



I’m outside Liz’s house right now and she’s not home. I can’t imagine where the hell she is, I reach in my pocket for my cell phone but then I see her pull up the driveway. I stand up and wait for her to approach me. I can’t wait to hold her again it feels like forever.

“Max, I didn’t think I’d see you until tomorrow.” I smile at her and wrap my arms around her. She kisses my lips softly and rests her head against my chest.

“It is tomorrow baby.” She smiles up at me and steps away to unlock the door. As soon as we’re inside I attack her lips, nipping and sucking her sweet flesh. We stumble onto the living couch. Her hair is fanned around us like a curtain of chocolate silk; I run my tongue up her neck and then back down to cover her lips once again.

“Max?” She pulls away panting heavily and I don’t want to talk right now, that is the last thing on my mind but I answer her regardless. After all there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.

“Yeah?” I say pushing her hair back and she looks down at me, her lips all puffy and swollen. I want to suck them into my mouth once again.

“What happened?” She looks a little worried.

“It’s over Liz. I told you it was, after we yelled, we talked and we both realized that it was over long ago we were just afraid to let go.”

“Oh.” She says flatly and diverts her eyes to my chest. I tilt her head back and look her in the eyes to ask her what’s wrong.

“Nothing, it’s just are you sure Max?”

“Sure? Of what? That I want to be with you? Yes. That you make me happier than anyone in the world? Yes.” She bites her bottom lip gently and looks away from me for a split second before turning back.

“Really? I make you happy Max?”

“Liz you have no idea how happy you make me.” I smile at her and pull her back down crushing our lips together, but she pulls away again. Does she know that she’s torturing me? Probably not she’s just too adorable though.


“Yes baby.” I wrap my arms around her tighter.

“What do we do now?” I smile and kiss the tip of her nose. I sit up on the couch taking her with me. I scoop her up in my arms and ask her where her bedroom is, after we get into her room I lay her down and take the place beside her. I run my hand down her arm and kiss her lips softly before answering her question.

“Whatever we want Liz. We do whatever we want.” She smiles before pulling me down against her. I know that this is forever, that I have found someone to love me forever.

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

My turn! Sorry guys, no nookie this time. It's coming though :wink: Thanks for the fb. Enjoy!

Chapter 14


I start to smile even before my eyes are open and I snuggle closer into Max’s hard chest and breathe in his scent.

I can’t believe he’s mine. He knows I love him and he loves me back. I always dreamt of this day, but I never thought it’d come true.

I feel his hand rubbing my back in smooth strokes and I look up, expecting to see his golden eyes staring back at me. His hand slows before coming to a dead stop and I find that he’s still sound asleep.

I’d like to say that I wore him out with our night-long love making, but that’d be a complete lie. Though we did make love and it was the most blissful experience of my life, afterwards, we laid in each others arms and talked until the way into the morning.

It’s funny that even though I love him so much, as we talked last night, I found that I really didn’t know much about him. I knew he was kind, caring, and obviously drop dead gorgeous and among other things, that’s why I love him. But I never knew that he was afraid of dogs because he was bitten by a pit bull when he was six or that his greatest fear is to go through life without finding the love of his life. I told him about my fear of spiders and the thought of ending up alone.

He held me tight then and told me that he would never leave me alone and that he’d always be here. I couldn’t help but think of how much more I’ve fallen in love with this man.

I glance at the clock, seeing that it was only a few hours ago that I fell asleep, yet I feel so rejuvenated. Max fell asleep right in the middle of his sentence and I know he’s exhausted.

I quietly slip out of his arms with only a quiet murmur of protest from Max before I head into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hop in the shower with an extra bounce as I hum a soft tune to myself.

Once I’m done, I tie my robe around me just as I hear a loud yell coming from the bedroom and I take off in that direction.

“Ahhh! I see a penis!” Alex yells as he points in the general direction of the bed and slaps his other hand over his eyes. “Liz why is there a penis just lying in your bed like that?!”

A still half asleep Max pulls the sheets up to cover his naked body while I usher Alex out of the room.

“Liz! What the hell are you doing?!” Alex shrieks as I lead him into the kitchen. “How could you just get together with him like that? Have you forgotten what he did to you?!”

I run my hands through my damp hair as I settle at the kitchen table. “Alex would you relax. Max and I… we…” I’m distracted as I spot Max stumbling into the room, his hair sticking up in all directions, his jeans riding low on his hips.

“Hello!” Alex calls as he waves a hand in front of my face. “I was talking to you here. If you could remove your eyes from the bulging biceps that I’m insanely jealous of, we could finish our conversation.”

“Hey babe,” Max greets me as she leans down and places a kiss on my cheek. He grabs me around my waist and lifts me up before sitting in my seat and depositing me in his lap. “Hey Alex. Sorry about the peep show earlier.”

Alex mumbles under his breath and I roll my eyes. “Okay look Alex, Max and I talked yesterday and we cleaned up everything. He told me what Isabel said to him and that he was calling off the wedding.”

Alex looks slightly pleased, but I can tell he’s still a little apprehensive. “So Max knows that you love him?”

I smile brightly at Max and he returns my smile. “I know. And she knows that I love her just as much if not more.” I melt against him and he tightens his arms around me. It still sounds a little strange to actually hear that Max loves me, yet it feels like the most natural thing in the world.

“Liz could I talk to you for a second?” Alex leaves the table and I reluctantly get up to follow him. “Liz, are you sure about this? I mean he was just engaged.” Alex starts as soon as we’re in the living room.

“I’m sure Alex. I’ve never been more sure of anything.” I say with a dreamy smile. “Weren’t you the one teaming up with Maria to get Max and I together in the first place?”

“Yeah, but that was before he acted so cold to you and broke your heart. I’m just trying to look out for you Lizzie.” He says as he pulls me into his arms.

“I know you are, and you were right when you told me to go after Max. I’m sad that it had to be so ugly with Tess and Isabel, but I have him and I couldn’t be happier.”

Alex pulls away and smiles softly. “Just make sure that if he ever hurts you, you come to me. Okay?” I nod before I pull him into another hug.

“Is it okay for me to intrude?” Max says as he pokes his head into the living room. I nod and he steps fully into the room.

“Max, make sure you don’t hurt her.” Alex says as he holds out his hand for Max to shake. “Take care of her.”

Max smiles as he takes Alex’s hand. “Always.”

“I’ll see you at work.” He tells me before saying goodbye to Max and leaving us alone.

Just as Alex leaves, Max turns to me with narrowed eyes. “Does he always come in your room in the morning like that?”

I’m about to answer, but I stop when I see a certain twinkle in his eye. “Max, are you jealous?” I tease.

“No.” He pouts as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Maybe.”

“Relax Max. You’re the only one I want.” I reply huskily as I slap his ass when I pass by him. He yelps in surprise and I giggle as I make my way towards the bathroom. I don’t make it though and I squeal in delight as Max scoops me up from behind and throws me over his shoulder, marching determinedly towards my room.


I walk into Liz’s office and smile pleasantly at Rachel before I make my way to Liz’s desk. I’m surprised to see Maria sitting with her.

“Hey ladies.” I say as I approach them. I lean down to kiss Maria’s cheek before I move around the desk to give Liz a sweet kiss on her divine lips. I hand her a white rose I had hidden behind my back and she smiles brightly. I love making her smile.

“Thank you Max.”

“Awww you two are so cute.” Maria squeals. I roll my eyes and take a seat on the edge of Liz’s desk. Too bad that Maria is here and Alex is sitting across the room cause I would love to just take her right now on top of this desk. Damn!! She really needs to get a private office.

“What brings you by Maria?” I ask her.

“Well loverboy, if you must know. I’m here to ask your girlfriend if she would like to be a bridesmaid in the wedding since we have an opening and all.”

It’s been a few weeks since the whole Tess and Kyle incident and Maria doesn’t want to have anything to do with Tess, who was in the wedding party. Kyle on the other hand still is considering he’s still Michael’s friend. He’s called me and although I’m still royally pissed at him, he apologized for everything and asked me if I was willing to put everything aside for one day and get along at Michael and Maria’s wedding. I agreed, not wanting Michael to be put in the position of having to choose between his friends.

I’m not even sure if Tess and Kyle are still together, but I really don’t care. She moved out and I now sleep in the guest room where Liz and I first made love.

“So Liz, will you do it? Please.” Maria whines. “You get to walk next to Max.” She says as she wiggles her eyebrows.

Liz laughs as she rolls her eyes. “I’d be honored.” Liz says.

“Great!” Maria shrieks. “Now, I must go and see what that fiancé of mine is doing. I’ll see you two later.” She waves goodbye to Alex before disappearing out of the office.

Liz groans and rubs her forehead once Maria is gone and I swing to the chair Maria was sitting in around the desk and next to Liz. “What’s wrong?” I ask as I pull her little feet into my lap and remove her shoes.

“Nothing.” She mumbles as she leans her head back against the chair. “That feels good.” She moans as I start to rub her foot.

“Liz, if you didn’t want to be in the wedding, then why did you agree to it?” I say.

“It’s not that, I’m just tired.” She sighs. “It’s just that with my parents on my back about Isabel, now Michael and Maria’s wedding is in a week and I still have so many other weddings to do. I’m just worn-out. Why do this people decide to come to me? I’m not the only wedding planning service in Roswell.”

I can’t help but smile at how cute she is right now. “They come to you because you’re the best baby.” I wait for a reply, but none came. I realize that she’s out cold and I scoop her sleeping form into my arms.

“Alex, she’s wiped out, I’m going to take her home.” Alex nods in understanding. I head for the exit with my sleeping beauty in my arms, all the while a plan forming in my head.

“Congratulations Maria.” I say as I swing her into my arms as we sway on the dance floor.

“Thank you Max.” She giggles. She’s absolutely glowing, as she should be on her wedding day. Kyle and I managed to reel in the tension between us and the ceremony turned out perfect.

“How’s it feel?” I ask her.

“Giddy yet, the same. When we get home he’s going to be the same burping, dirty, never leaving the toilet seat down guy he was before.” She sighs dramatically.

I roll my eyes. “You’re crazy about him.” I say knowingly.

“Yes I am.” She says dreamily. “So, now it’s your turn. When are you going to pop the question to Liz?”

My eyes widen in surprise to the question. “Maria, Liz and I have only been going out for about three weeks. Don’t you think it’s a little early?”

“Come one Max. Can you honestly look me straight in the eye and tell me that you haven’t thought about it?” I stay silent. I’m busted. I’ve thought about it a lot even though we haven’t been together long. “See. I know you Max. And I know that you two love each other like crazy. Can you see yourself spending the rest of your life with someone other than Liz?”

“Never.” I say without hesitation.

“Well then. There you go.” She smirks at me, knowing full well that she’s got me thinking about what she said. She glides away to find Michael and my eyes scan the room for Liz.

I see her heading towards the bathroom and I take a step in that direction, but someone blocks me.

“Hey Max.” Kyle says as he stands in front of me. He hands me a drink and I look at it cautiously.

“Did you spike this?” I ask coldly.

He looks hurt, but frankly, I couldn’t care less. “No. Look Max, I know I’m not your favorite person right now and I can’t tell you enough how sorry I am. I never meant to hurt you; you’re one of my best friends. Things just got out of control and I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t know how to stop it.” He says. I can easily tell that he’s sincere. It takes a lot for Kyle to apologize and he’s done it to me twice all ready, but I don’t think I’m ready to forgive him yet.

“Are you and Tess still together?” I blurt out. My curiosity got the better of me and I had to ask.

Kyle shakes his head negatively and I can’t help but wonder what happened. “Look Kyle, do you truly love her or was she just a fuck on the side?” I ask abruptly.

“I do love her.”

I can’t believe I’m actually having this conversation. But I see Liz walking out of the bathroom and she looks up and smiles at me. Even with everything we’ve been through, I want Kyle to feel that kind of love that I feel for Liz, even if it’s with Tess.

“Kyle, if you love her then go for it. You’ve already come this far, why not be with her?” I don’t wait for his answer, instead, I step around him and head straight to Liz.


I walk out of the bathroom and I scan the room for Max. I spot him talking to Kyle and I wonder what they could be talking about.

Max looks up and I smile vibrantly at him. He says a few more words to Kyle before he makes his way towards me. My heart speeds up and I admire his smooth strides as he walks up to me.

“Hey baby.” He says. He bends down and pecks my lips in a light kiss.

I gesture to Kyle who is now mingling with the other guests. “What was that all about?” I ask.

“Nothing.” He shrugs. He takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles. “Dance with me.” He says, already pulling me out to the floor.

A slow song comes on and I rest my head against his strong chest as we sway to the music.

“The wedding was beautiful.” I murmuer against him.

“Only because you were in it.” He returns easily before he drops a kiss on my forehead. I blush fiercely and I hide my face in his chest.

“I hope my own wedding comes out to be perfect like this.” I sigh dreamily. I’ve been dreaming about my own wedding since I was in junior high and I hope that I get to live out that dream some day soon.

“Anything that involves you is perfect baby.” Jeez! How does he do that? Again my cheeks burn. Max tilts my chin up before he presses his lips to mine in a heated caress.

Once we come up for air, Max rests his forehead on mine and I close my eyes as I let him overwhelm me.

“Would you what that Liz?” He asks suddenly.


“Have a wedding; get married, you and me.” He says seriously.

My eyes widen in shock. “I-Is this a proposal?”

Before answering me, he kisses me tenderly. “Just a question… for future reference.” He smiles mischievously, and I shiver from the look in his eyes.

“I… of course.” I laugh nervously. Again he smiles and I want to melt. I might just have to add another wedding to my schedule.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

Well looks like it's my turn...and guess what?! I got to write *nookie* but I'm not sure if it's good or not...I can't work with it anymore than I already hopefully you like :D

Just want to say we are both glad you guys are enjoying this and welcome to the new readers and a *big* wave to the lurkers!

Chapter 15


It’s been about a month since Maria and Michael’s wedding. I can’t say that I didn’t love seeing Liz walk down the aisle. It made me really think about what I want with her and that is to be with her for the rest of my life. That is of course if she’ll have me.

I know I’m just being paranoid, we love each other and when the time is right I will ask her to be mine forever. I wonder when would be too soon though, I mean we don’t even live together. She’s been busy for the last few weeks and she has some vacation time coming up.

Which is perfect because I have a surprise planned for her. I have been working on it for a while and I finally have everything planned out, I just hope she goes for it. Liz is the type of woman that loves things simple, she’d rather have me tell her I love her than to buy her dozens of roses that will just die, her words not mine.

She’s headed over here after work, but we will be leaving shortly thereafter. Even though Tess moved out to her parent’s house right after our breakup. I told her she could keep the place and I’d stay at a hotel or something until I decided where to live. But she insisted that she go. I haven’t talked to her since then. It’s for the best, right now even though I know that I wasn’t in love with her, I still did love her how could I not? I was with her for so long she was my best friend for years and we did everything together. Anyway, Liz doesn’t really like being here that much and I can’t blame her.

Even though this is where we first made love, it holds a lot of memories not only for Liz but for me as well and she knows that. I plan on moving but not without Liz. I just have to find the guts to ask her if she wants to move in with me.

“Hey babe!” God could she look any sexier? It’s not like she’s doing it on purpose and that’s what makes it sexy to me. She’s wearing a pair of black dress pants and white cotton button down shirt and I can see the outline of her bra, one word comes to mind hot!

“Hey come here.” I pat my lap and she quickly jumps into it. I quickly bring her in closer for deep kiss. I run my hands through her hair and slide my tongue along the bottom of her lip and she just melts into my arms. I’ll never grow tired of feeling her soft warm body against mine.

“Did you miss me?” She asks while trying to catch her breath and running her fingers down my chest.

“Yes, I’ve missed you all week baby.” I wrap my arms around her trim waist and pull her closer to me and nibble on her neck.

“Max! Stop it now!” She squirms in my arms and I love hearing her giggle.

“I’m sorry does that tickle you?” She just nods and presses a soft kiss to my lips.

“I love you Max.” I look into her eyes and to be honest if she never said that to me again I’d still know that she loved me. It’s in her eyes, the love, the adoration is right there all for me. I feel my heart swell for this wisp of a woman who managed to capture my heart twice in one lifetime.

“I love you too. Now I have a surprise for you.” Her face lights up and I can’t help but smile.

“Really? What is it?”

“If I tell you then it wouldn’t be a surprise. So how about we get going?” She doesn’t need to be asked twice she’s already standing at the front door with her purse in hand.

“We haven’t been here in so long Max, at least that’s what it feels like.” She smiles at me when I pull up to our special place. Yes it used to be hers but she officially made it ours. I get out of the car and she meets me in front of it, holding a blanket. She’s like a kid on Christmas morning and I love it.

“So Max where is my surprise?” I pull her against me while I rest my back against the tree.

“Impatient are we?”

“Just a little.” She crunches her cute nose up and I have to kiss the tip of it.

“I know that lately we haven’t had time to ourselves and I know you have vacation time you were going to take so we could spend it together, so I just thought…” I did have a point to this speech, but right now looking into her big brown eyes and then down to her soft pink lips I’m distracted as hell.

“Yes Max? You thought?” She whispers in my ear and I feel chills down my spine. I resist the urge to take her right now that is until I’m done asking her my question.

“I thought it would be great if we went on vacation together.”

“Vacation? Like as in leave Roswell?!” I have to laugh at her enthusiasm.

“Yes. We will get on a plane and we will go to Mexico.”

“Oh my God really Max?!” She wraps her arms around my neck and peppers my face with kisses.
“Yes baby really.” She squeals and begins shifting in my lap, which is just not a good thing right now.

“When do we leave?!”

“In a few days.”

“For how long?”

“A week. Anymore questions or can I kiss you now Liz?” She licks her lips and that’s good enough for me. I attack her lips sliding my tongue over her wet lips before sliding it effortlessly against hers.

She runs her hands up the front of my shirt while I run my hands up under the back of hers. She is grinding her hips against mine and I don’t know how long I can hold back.

“Liz…we have to stop.” What the hell am I saying?

“Max don’t stop please.” She pleads softly in my ear and I can’t resist this woman, not even if my life depended on it. I reach in between us and unbutton her blouse, pushing it open and leaning down to suck the flesh at the base of her neck. She is driving me crazy running her hands through my hair and moaning out my name.

“I want you so bad Liz.” I say moving my hands over her now bare breasts and then leaning over I take one of her nipples into my mouth. I run my tongue over the soft pink flesh and bite down gently until I get the response I’m looking for. I go in for the kill now, I slide my hands back down between us, while I cover her mouth with mine, and unbutton her pants.

“Max…here?” I pull away and look her in the eyes giving her the, you told me not to stop look. She just looks away bashfully and I reach out to tilt her chin back to face me.

“Liz, we don’t have to here. I can wait…” She doesn’t let me finish that sentence because before I know what’s happening she’s standing in front of me pushing her pants down her creamy thighs. She then takes her time and places a kiss on my lips and roams her hands down my chest and unbuttons my jeans. I lift up and help her remove my shorts she then goes back to straddling my waist. I quickly push her soaked panties to the side and allow her to slide down my erection.

“Max yes.” She moans softly in my ear as she raises and lowers herself on me in a feverish pace. Driving me crazy with the moans and mewling sounds spilling from her sweet lips.

“Liz…yeah baby…hmm.” My hands move to her waist of their own accord aiding her movements. I thrust my hips into her hard.

“Yes Max!” She moans out and I have to quickly cover her mouth with mine, swallowing our mutual moans. Even though this place is secluded that doesn’t mean we can have her screaming out, now can we?

“Ah…baby…harder Liz…” I can’t get enough of her. She continues to slide her slick walls around me until we both cry out in ecstasy.

“That was different.” She says buttoning her shirt up.

“Yes it was, now how about we head home so I can love your body again.” I wink and her and that earns me a slap in the arm.

“Let’s go Romeo.” She says pulling me towards the car.



Think good thoughts.

Think happy thoughts.

Think you are not going to die.

Oh see that was bad right there. This is not working. I am terrified and it’s not getting better.

“Liz are you okay?”

“What! Oh yeah I’m fine why?” He reaches out his hand to me and places it in my lap. Well that helps comfort me but doesn’t stop my mind from spinning.

“Because you’re gripping the armrest like it’s your lifeline or something. I mean we haven’t even taken off yet.” He chuckles and then kisses my cheek.

Think good thoughts.

Think happy thoughts.


“Yes Max!” I yell out.

“I’m sorry, I’m just nervous. You know I’ve never flown before and what if we don’t make it Max?” He smiles again.

“I know, don’t worry it will be okay.” He tries to reassure me and it does bring me some comfort, but not enough.

Once we landed I wanted to kiss the ground but instead I threw myself in Max’s arms and he kissed me breathless. That is definitely better than kissing the ground any day.

“It’s so breathtaking Max, I can’t believe we’re actually here. It’s perfect.” I say standing outside on the balcony of our very secluded hotel room overlooking the crystal blue ocean and white sandy beach. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, then drops a kiss on my shoulder.

“No Liz being with you is perfect. There is nothing in the world that could compare to having you in my arms everyday.” I feel like crying from his words. Even though we’ve been together for weeks now it’s still somewhat surreal to me. He’s Max Evans and I’m Liz Parker and we’re together, never in my wildest dreams did I think that would ever come to be, but it has.

“I love you Max. So what are we going to do today?” I turn around in his embrace and bury my head in his chest.

“I love you too. And I was thinking we grab something to eat and maybe go parasailing.”

“Parasailing? That’s like up in the air right Max? Did you not see how terrified I was flying?” I say because at one point during the flight Max had to use the bathroom but I wouldn’t let go of his hand and begged him to stay. He did of course and then finally I felt bad so I let him go.

“It will be fine Liz I promise.”

I reluctantly agreed and I have to say that I did enjoy the hell out of it. I got a perfect view of the scenery. Now Max is in the shower and I’m getting dressed to head down to dinner.

“Ready beautiful?” I blush at his sentiment.

“Yes I am Max.”

After dinner we took a walk along the beach and Max had to carry me back because my feet were killing me. “Here you go.” He comes onto the balcony and hands me a nice colorful fruity drink. I’ve had about three of them already and I can’t say that I don’t feel great!

He takes a seat beside me on the lounger and pulls me closer to him. He looks serious; I wonder what that’s about? I place my drink on the table when he starts nibbling at my neck and running his hands down my body.

“Max what’s wrong?”

“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong Liz I just want you.”

“Well you don’t have to ask me twice.” I lay down on my back and allow him to roll on top of me.

“I love how soft your skin is.” He mumbles out after he opens my robe and slides his hands up my thighs. I love the feel of his big warm hands against my body. There is a light breeze in the air it’s perfect in everyway. I part my legs slightly allowing him to lay between them. He already removed his shorts and shirt and is now kissing a trail down my body.


“Liz it’s okay I want to do this.” He looks up at me while running his finger over my lower lips.

I can’t even speak right now so I just nod and I feel his warm mouth against my wet center as he beings to run his tongue over me as I dig my hands in his hair. I moan out his name as softly as possible, we are outside after all.

I feel my end approaching but he doesn’t let me finish instead he crawls up my body and positions his impressive length at my opening and pushes through.


“Max…” We both moan out at the feel of our bodies joined once again. I’ll never grow tired of feeling him move in and out of my body. He rocks inside of me with such an intensity and tells me to open my eyes and look at him.

“I love you baby…I’ll always love you Liz.” He says look right into my eyes and I can’t help the tears that slip from the corners of my eyes.

“I love you too Max…so much…ah…” I feel my end approaching and he increases his pace which has us both falling over the edge within minutes.

“You okay?” He asks me after we manage to get our breathing back to normal.

“Yes I’m great!” I say laying in his arms, our naked bodies cooling with the breeze.

“Liz I have something I want to ask you.” He looks serious again. I hope it’s nothing bad.


“Do you…would you want to move in together? I just I need to be with you Liz. I want to wake up every morning to your face and go to bed every night holding you in my arms.” He looks away slightly probably thinking I would say no, but he must be crazy if he thinks that would be my answer.

“I would love to Max. I need you just as much. I think it’s a great idea baby.” I have to smile at the expression on his face. He really thought I might say no. Poor thing.

“Really? I mean you don’t have to…” I silence him with my finger against his lips and then quickly replace it with my mouth.

“I’m positive Max, now I think it’s time we stop talking and finish kissing how about you?” He doesn’t even respond he pulls me on top of him and seals our lips together once again.

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Merry Christmas everyone!! Tanya and I really enjoy reading all of your great feedbcak. Thanks bunches, bunches and more bunches. :D Enjoy!

Chapter 16


“Which one do you think is going to crack first?” Alex whispers to Maria. I roll my eyes, obviously still being able to hear him.

“Um…” Maria looks between Max and I sitting on opposite sides of the room. “I don’t know. Max keeps licking his lips. I think he’s trying to seduce her back over to him.”

I shake my head at my friends before I glance at Max. He gives me a funny look and I stick my tongue out at him in return.

We’ve been like this for over an hour now all because of a dispute over who’s couch goes where. After Max and I returned from our vacation, we decided that he would move in with me and we got started moving right away. The only problem is that that Max wants to put his ugly looking brown couch into the living room and I simply refuse.

“Liz has the power of tears. She starts crying and Max is wrapped around her little finger for good.” Alex reasons.

“Hey, I’m sitting right here!” I say. “I can here you.”

They stare at me for awhile before Alex leans over and whisper in Maria’s ear. “I bet you five bucks Liz cracks first.”

“Okay you know what? I want you two out! You’re not helping the situation at all.” I say as I push the two towards the door.

“Okay, but if you two start fighting, call me because I want to videotape it. This might be the only time we’ll ever get to see you two upset with each other.” Alex says.

“Get out.” I screech as I throw open the door.

“Miss bossy body.” He mumbles as he follows Maria out of the house. Max appears behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I mold my back against his chest as he presses his lips to my shoulder.

“I’m sorry babe.” He murmurs against me.

“I’m sorry too.” He keeps his arms around me as we make our way towards the couch and he pulls me into his lap. “Max, this is your home too. And no matter how ugly your furniture is, you…”

“Liz, my furniture is not ugly.” He protests.

“What do you call that?” I say as I point to a puke green chair that I refuse to let him sit in the bedroom. If I have to wake up to that every morning, then I might just puke.

“It’s manly. All my furniture is manly.”

“It’s ugly Max.”

He glares at me and I glare right back. After a long staring contest, his eyes soften and I smile in triumph. “Liz, I really don’t care what furniture we use. As long as I have you then that’s all that matters.”

Awww, he’s so sweet. “You’re right Max, as long as you have me, you’ll be fine.” I tease.

He pokes me in my side and I squirm in his arms.

“You know what time it is don’t you?” He smiles mischievously and I shiver from the look in his eyes.


“Time for make-up sex.” He leans forward and gently takes the skin of my neck between his teeth, leaving his mark.

“Max.” I moan as his hands caress my thigh and my hip. Just a touch from him and I’m going crazy.

“Where should we do this babe?” He whispers huskily. He leaves one hand to caress my thigh while the other wander up my shirt and rest on my breast. “In the kitchen on the table? In the shower, in the bedroom?”

I moan as his pinches my nipple over my bra and I arch into him. “Anywhere Max. I don’t care.” I groan.

He pushes me back against the couch and quickly removes my shirt. With that talented tongue of his, he licks his way down the column of my neck to the swell of my breasts. After unsnapping my bra, he feasts on my breasts, biting and sucking and leaving my shiver in pleasure.

“Oh Max.” I moan as I bury my fingers in his hair. He lifts off of me to pull his shirt over his head and to unbuckle his jeans. Once his jeans are gone, he comes crashing back to my lips, thrusting his tongue against mine.

He flips us over so that I’m on top and I leave a trail of wet kisses down his neck. I want to mark him just as he did me.

“That feels good baby.” He groans as I use my tongue to flick to nipple. I love making him as crazy as he makes me. It makes me even crazier for him than before.

After I kick off my jeans, I run my hands over his washboard abs and I feel him tense underneath me as my hand brushes against his erection.

He hisses as I cup him over his boxers. “Shit Liz…” I pull down his boxers and begin to stroke him slowly. I watch with great interest as he throws his head back and bits his lip in bliss. I quicken my pace, his moans and grunts turns my on even more which in turn causes me to stroke him harder, faster.

“Ride me baby,” he grunts. “I want to fuck you until you explode!”

My eyes widen at his words. I’ve never heard Max speak that way and it’s really sexy. He grabs my waist and with great strength, he holds me over his straining cock as I push my drenched panties down my thighs.

Once they’re out of the way, Max slams me against him, pushing his thickness to my limit before pulling himself free and slamming into me once again.

“Fuck… yeah baby!” He grunts. “You’re so hot and wet!”

I cry out, screaming the loudest I’ve ever screamed before as Max continues to lift me up and slam me down. His hardness slides in and out of my slick walls and before long, I’m falling off the edge, my hands clawing at anything I can reach as I scream out in ecstasy. Max comes shortly after, erupting inside of me. Panting heavily, I collapse on top of his chest.

“You know.” He starts once he catches his breath. “You’re really sexy when you’re pissed off at me.” He says as he nibbles on my neck. “I think I might just have to intentionally piss you off sometimes.”

“Max!” I squeal as he playfully nips at my jaw. “Stop, I told you that tickles!”

“Would I piss you off if I didn’t stop?”

“Yes.” I say just to get him to keep going.

I don’t know how, but somehow, we end up in the coffee table with Max pounding into me. I’m riding him on the floor next, thrusting into him until I shudder violently with my orgasm.

Max pulls us both onto the couch and I stretch out on top of him.

He chuckles and wipes the sweat from my brow. “Sorry about that. I just… I just couldn’t get enough.”

I sigh in contentment as I curl into his warm embrace. “I’m not complaining.” I giggle. He kisses my lips and holds me tightly in his arms. How I love his strong arms.


“Hmm?” He answers sleepily.

I lift myself on my elbow and peer down at his gorgeous face. “Wore yourself out huh?” I laugh.

He blushes. How could he blush after what he just did? He’s so cute. “Yeah I kinda did.”

“Before you drift off, I have a suggestion.” He rolls us over so that I’m sandwiched between him and the couch and he stretches his arm out for me to lie on. “What if we just found another place to live?”

He opens his eyes and looks at me curiously. “Liz I can’t ask you to just leave your home.”

“You’re not asking me. I’m offering.” I say as I stroke back the hair on his forehead. “I think it would be better for us to get a place that’s all our own. You know we could go shopping for furniture that both of us like and then just find a place together.”

“Mmhm.” He answers as his eyes drift close. “You sure?"

“Yes. I’m positive.” He mumbles something more, but I really can’t tell want it is. Before long, he’s relaxing into a peaceful sleep and I kiss his lips before I follow him in slumber.


I pull into the driveway of mine and Liz’s new home. OUR new home. It took us a little while to, sale Liz’s house, our old furniture and to find a place and then to buy new furniture, but we did it and I couldn’t be happier.

Liz giggles as I sweep her into my arms and carry her through the door. “Welcome home babe.” I say before I kiss her lips.

“This is so exciting!” She squeals as I set her on her feet.

“I know. What do you say we christen the place?” I suggest as I wiggle my eye brows.

“Max, we have to unpack.” She protests.

I step behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I don’t know why I’m so horny for her all the time. It’s like all I want to do is make love to her. I’m addicted to her and its really hard for me to control my cravings.

“Liz we can unpack later.” I retort as I kiss her neck.

“Yes, but I don’t want Maria and Alex barging in on us like they did last time. That’s still stuck in my head.”

I chuckle softly, peck her lips and then reluctantly let her leave my embrace. The day Liz and I decided to find a new place, Maria and Alex decided to come back over and saw us sleeping naked on the couch. Now, Alex won’t come near me because he’s afraid of seeing my penis for a third time and Maria is… she’s just traumatized considering the fact that Liz and I were still joined when they found us and we had had sex on the couch she’d been sitting on not too long ago.

“Babe, we could just lock the door, close all the blinds and then I can have my way with you.” I say as I pull her into my arms again.


“Come on.” I nibble on the space just above her collarbone, knowing full well they she won’t be able to say no now.

I know the moment she gives into me and I happily carry her up the stairs towards our new bedroom.

I know we’re not going to get any unpacking done today.

Last edited by sweetbrowneyes on Sat Dec 25, 2004 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Be at Peace MJ
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

A/N - Okay guys...we are nearing the end there are only two more chapters left of this story. Tiffany and I appreciate all the feedback we've gotten, so thank you!!

Chapter 17


“So sun and fun do you good Liz.” Alex says while taking a bite out of his bacon cheeseburger. I can’t eat a thing and actually everything I put in my mouth makes me sick. I swear I better not be coming down with some kind of flu, I have work to get done.

“Yeah it was so great Alex, I loved it there.” I prop my elbow on the table and rest my hand against my cheek just remembering it.

“So you told me and Maria about a thousand times.” He says throwing a clean napkin at me.

“Don’t be jealous Alex.” He rolls his eyes at me and I just giggle a little.

“Liz aren’t you going to eat?” He asks me pointing to my full plate of food and just looking at it is making me queasy.

“I don’t really feel good.” I say shrugging my shoulders.

“Are you still stressing over Isabel, because don’t waste your time on her Lizzie, she’s just not worth it. I mean I have moved on to bigger and better things.” He says popping a fry in his mouth and I can tell he’s lying is ass off right now.

“Bullshit Alex, you know you still have a thing for her.” I look at him knowingly and I still can’t figure out what he sees in the devil’s spawn also known as my sister. I see his shoulders sag and he pushes his plate of food away.

“I can’t help it. I’m a fool in love Liz. I know she’s just a bitch to you and always has been but I seriously thing she’s never met a challenge before.”

“And are you supposed to be the challenge?” I huff out because personally I could care less. In fact I would grow much pleasure out of the fact that my sister live a miserable life from this point on.

“What is that supposed to mean?” He crosses his arms defensively across his chest.

“That means, you are not a challenge Alex. You drool over the girl always have and always will, that’s not a challenge that’s called a puppy in heat.” I say leaning back in my chair and taking a sip of my lemon water.

“A puppy? Liz! You are supposed to be my friend. And I am a challenge for her. I mean look at it this way, she’s always dated hard asses, mainly because they took her shit, I mean the practically got off on it. But not me Liz, I am the challenge because I won’t take her shit.” I smile at Alex’s determination but she is still the devil’s spawn and I don’t want him getting hurt and I tell him as much.

“I won’t Liz. But I need to know if you are going to be mad at me if I try to go after her.” I hate that I would do anything for Alex right now and for whatever reason on this God’s green earth he likes my sister, so I can’t deny him. But I will kill her if she hurts him that is a promise.

“Alex if you want my fucked up sister you can have her seriously I don’t mind. But don’t bring her to my place unless you’d like me to serve your balls to you on a shiny silver platter.” I smile and pop a fry off my plate into my mouth.

“Violence? Since when Parker?”

“Since my sister has been playing me for a…”

“Hi Alex…hi Liz.” I think I just groaned out loud.

“Hi Isabel.” Alex says too enthusiastically for me. I just roll my eyes and take another sip of water. I don’t feel the need to greet my sister, so I don’t.

“So Isabel what brings you by on this sunny afternoon?” I feel the need to gag so I better leave before I do. I start to rise from the table but Isabel stops me with a hand on my arm. Which I of course yank away, how dare she feel she can just touch me! Bitch!

“Alex I came here to talk to Liz and…”

“Well Liz doesn’t want to talk to anyone right now.” I bite out angrily. The nerve of her!

“Liz I just want to say I’m…”

“Isabel keep your fake apologies to yourself. Don’t you think after all these years I can tell if you are being genuine or not? I mean come off it. I’m not going to let you walk on me. You might be my blood but you stopped being my sister long ago and just remember that was your choice not mine.” I say through clenched teeth. I make my move again to leave the table but this time Alex stops me.

“Liz can’t you just give her a chance?” I whip my head around and I swear if I didn’t love Alex I would have decked him. But I see the softness in his eyes and I know exactly why he is the way he is, and I also understand completely why he wants me to forgive Isabel.

“Alex I can’t. Don’t ask me to do something I can’t do.” I plead with him softly and I back away from the table. But I know he’s going to follow me, sure enough I am right. He’s standing in front of me before I even get to my car.

“Liz I know this is hard but be the better person here.”

“Better person?! I have been my whole life, when is it her turn Alex?”

“I know she’s been a terrible person but Liz you know she looks up to you, in her own twisted way she feels like she’s not good enough for you, that she’ll never be.” My eyes narrow because how the hell would he know that’s how she feels?

“You talked to her already?! Alex! God! This is just too much for me right now, I don’t feel good and I’m tired.” I say and brush past him.

“Liz you know that I will never forgive myself for not telling Jack that I forgave him. Now he’s gone and he’ll never know that I forgave him but I was just so stubborn about it. He was my brother and I let him leave that house pissed off and hurt, and he never came back Liz. I don’t want you to wake up like I do every morning wishing I had five more minutes with him to tell him that I’m sorry for holding stupid things against him. I know she hurt you Liz, I know that she broke your trust, but she loves you Liz. She just doesn’t know how to show it, she doesn’t know what she can do to get you to believe what she’s saying to you.” I look at Alex and I can see the sadness in his eyes and I can’t deny him anything. I wrap my arms around his neck and tell him that I will think about it.

“I’m sorry Alex but that’s all I can give right now. Just tell her that if she wants to prove to me she’s being sincere then it’s going to take time, and that the small things count more.” I tell Alex that last part because my mother used to say that to us. Since growing up we didn’t have much money she would always say it was the small things that spoke a thousand words. That’s why I always tell Max to not be extravagant with anything because I don’t need material things I just need his words, his sincere words to make me happy.



I’m sitting around waiting for Liz to get home she said she wasn’t feeling good when I talked to her this afternoon. I just hope it doesn’t have anything to do with the small confrontation she had with Isabel earlier today. It drives me crazy that Isabel her own sister would do the things she’s done to her.

I know it tears Liz up inside enough though she puts a brave front about the whole situation. I just don’t know if there will ever be resolution between them. I hear a knock at the door and I know it can’t be Liz.

I swing to door open and it’s the last person I expected to see, “Tess.”

“Hi Max, can I…can I come in?” She looks upset so against my better judgment and praying that Liz does not come home yet I let her in. She’s standing in front of me and I can tell she’s upset.

“Are you okay Tess?” I ask her and she just breaks down.

“What?” I ask her and pull her into my arms, again I have a heart and I can’t just stand here watching her cry her eyes out.

“Max…I…I…can I have some water please?” She asks me through her broken sobs and I tell her to take a seat in the living room as I run to the kitchen to get her something to drink.

“Here you go.” I hand it to her along with a few tissues.

“Thanks.” She gives me a small smile and I’m getting worried. Why would Tess be here after all this time? I’m getting a very unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Tess what are you doing here? If Liz comes home and finds you she’s going to be…”


“Pissed off…wait? What did you just say?” She did not just say what I think she said right?!

“I think I’m pregnant Max.”

“No, well it’s not mine!” I tell her and run my hands through my hair because this is a fucking problem. She can’t be pregnant, I’m with Liz and things are going great and…

“I’m sorry.”

“Did you take a test? I mean you’ve been with Kyle for weeks Tess…weeks! Why are you telling me this?” I ask her through clenched teeth. I cannot loose Liz, not again.

“I just came from the doctor and I have to wait until tomorrow for the results but I thought about you and I thought you should know that there is a possibility that if I am pregnant than it could be yours.”

“No it can’t be Tess! I mean how late are you to begin with?” I really don’t want to get too personal with her but I need to know this.

“Two months.” She mumbles out.

“Two months! And you’re just what having a fucking revelation or something? I mean it can’t be mine Tess, think about it.” I say taking a seat beside her because this is just too surreal and I feel like passing out.

“I don’t really know how late I am Max, I mean I switched birth control and well it’s been so screwy for the last six months.” She tells me and she looks completely confused.

“Why aren’t you going to Kyle with this, after all you were with him more in the last six months than me.” I bite out angrily. I mean she was fucking him behind my back, so how the fuck can it be mine?

“Tess you need to go home and talk to Kyle, because if you are then we’ll have to wait until it’s born to find out who the father is but I’m more than certain it’s not mine.” I say probably more to convince myself than her.

“Okay Max. I’m sorry.” She says softly rising from the couch. I walk her out and just as she’s pulling away guess who pulls up?

“What was she doing here Max?” Liz says as she slams the front door closed.

“Hi baby, how was work?” I ask her wrapping my arms tightly around her. I know I’m a chicken but she looks so upset.

“Don’t hi baby me Max Evans, tell me!” She pulls off her jacket and places her purse on the couch waiting for me to join her.

“She needed to talk to me about something, but she only stayed a few minutes.”

“Well what did she want to talk to you about?”

“Liz please I just, I don’t want to fight with you.” She melts into my side and I wrap her in a tight embrace. I pull her into my lap and I see tears swimming in her eyes.

“Liz? Baby what’s wrong?” I ask her turning her face back to mine when she starts to look away.

“Max I have to tell you something.”

“Okay go ahead.” I say softly and rub circles across her back to help soothe her.

“No you first, what was she doing here?”



“Liz please.”

“Max please…”

“You first Liz you tell me what’s wrong, that’s more important to me.” I tell her honestly and I see the pleading in her eyes so I take a deep breath and tell her.

“Tess thinks she might be pregnant…”

“I think I might be pregnant…”

“What?!” We both say and she jumps off my lap. She looks so hurt, that’s like a kick in the gut for me. I don’t know what’s going on in her head but I have to make sure she knows that the possibility that it’s mine is slim to none.



This has got to be the cruelest fucking joke on the planet. I mean did I hear him wrong or did he just say that his ex-fiancé is pregnant? I mean is it his? It can’t be right? They haven’t been together in quite a while.

Deep breaths Liz.

“Are you Liz?” He asks me and I can tell he’s shocked but as soon as that wears off I see a hint of a smile in his eyes. It’s a relief to know that if I am that he’s happy about it.

This afternoon after lunch I decided that I really needed to find out, so I bought a test. I’m not that late and I have been under a lot of stress. I was going to take it at work but decided against it.

Now of course I pull up to our house and I see Tess leaving and I’m of course shocked as hell then he tells me that she thinks she’s pregnant I mean this day is not looking better.

“I don’t know Max, but what about Tess?” He quickly pulls me back down and I settle into his lap.

“Liz she went to the doctor and they took a blood test, she won’t know the results until tomorrow. I honestly don’t think it’s mine Liz. I haven’t been…”

“I know Max…I know.” I just don’t want to hear it if you catch my drift.

“But you Liz, do you think you are?” He kisses my lips softly and brushes the tear stains from my face with the pads of his thumbs.

“I don’t know Max. I haven’t been feeling good but it could just be a bug you know?” I shrug.

“What if you are Liz, do you…I mean we didn’t talk about it.” I know what he’s getting at and I love him more for it, I can see the happiness dancing in his eyes at the thought.

“I do Max, I want them with you and only you.”

“Me too Liz.” He brings his forehead to rest against mine and kisses my lips softly.

“So what do we do now Max?”

“You have to find out Liz.” I look up at him and nod. I extract myself from his embrace and pull out the pregnancy test from my purse.

“Here goes nothing.” I smile at him and walk down the hall to the bathroom.

A few minutes later he’s sitting in the living room completely still and I walk over to him and take a seat back in his lap.

“False alarm Max, I’m not pregnant.” I tell him somewhat sadly. I mean I always thought I would get pregnant after I got married but I know that if I was pregnant at this moment I wouldn’t regret it, because it would be his.

“I love you Liz so much and one day we will baby.” He says pulling me down for a sweet kiss.

“I love you too.” I then take a deep breath, “so tomorrow?” I say softly and he just nods against me.

“Than let’s stay right here Max, until tomorrow.”

“Whatever you want Liz.” He wraps his arms around me and we lay down on the couch and fall asleep shortly thereafter.



I’ve been pacing all morning. I swear there is a hole in the rug near the phone. I mean how long does it take to get the damn results? Liz is in the shower right now she said she needed to just be alone for a little while.

I can’t say that I blame her I know she’s scared, hell so am I. But like I told her I’m almost positive if Tess is pregnant, it’s not mine. However if it is mine, then I will love my child no matter what, but I know the problem that will cause between Liz and I.
When the phone rings I practically jump into the air. “Hello?” I say into the phone completely out of breath, like I was just running a marathon.

“Are you sure?”

“Okay…thanks. Bye Tess.”

I walk up the stairs and I can hear the shower stop. I know Liz will be making her way out once she’s dressed. But instead of waiting I call out to her from the hallway.

“Yes Max?” She says walking down the hall wrapped in a white towel, her hair still dripping wet.

“Come here Liz…Tess just called.” I tell her and I see her face fall. I pull her into a quick embrace before I pull her away gently by her shoulders.


“Just tell me quickly.” I have to smile at her beautiful worried face.

“She’s not pregnant.” I feel all the air escape my lungs in a rush as she jumps on me and wraps her legs and around me pinning me against the wall. I quickly rip the towel from her body and hold her against me tightly.

“Really Max?” She asks me with one of the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen on her beautiful face.

“Really.” I smile back and she doesn’t even let me finish she’s pulling my shirt up over my head.

“Let’s practice Max.”

“P-practice?” I say in a strangled whisper, she’s kissing and nibbling my neck and I am about ready to take her at this moment.

“Yes, practice for later Max.” She smiles and drops back down to her feet and pulls my shorts and boxers down in once swoop.

“Oh…yeah we can practice Liz, right here.” I say lifting her up by her ass and pinning her against the wall.

“Now Max…please…” Well damn I can’t resist her urgent plea. I thrust deep inside her, “Max!” She screams out and I continue to glide against her slick walls over and over until I feel her come around me.

“More Max…more!” She moans out and I do exactly that. I lift her up higher on my chest and she locks her hands around me neck. She starts to lick the shell of my ear and I can hear her heavy pants and that makes me just want her more.

“Fuck Liz….you are so fucking tight baby…” I moan out as I slam into her welcoming body. I pull all the way out and slam back into her enjoying the moans emanating past her sweet swollen lips.

“Harder Max…harder…” Damn if I do it any harder she’s going to go through the wall, but I can’t deny her anything so I turn us around so that my back is against the wall and slip my hands underneath her and lift her up by her ass and guide her up and down my slick erection enjoying not only the new feeling but the strangled cries coming from her.

”Max…yes…ah…Max…” I feel her walls tighten just before I feel the rush of her climax down my erection and legs.

“Liz…yes baby…oh God….yes….” I say right before she swallows my moans with her mouth as I come inside her.

She slides down my slick body and places a kiss against when my heart is beating frantically.

“You’re mine forever Max.” I reach out and frame her beautiful flushed face with the palms of my hands and place a chastised kiss on her lips before pulling her against me still trying to get my breathing under control.

After a few minutes I feel our bodies begin to cool and I lift her up in my arms carrying her to our bedroom. I lay her on the bed and take my position beside her. As I run my fingers down her face, I lean in and kiss her softly, enjoying the look of utter satisfaction on her face.

“I am yours forever Liz, and you are forever mine.” She smiles and pulls me back down against her. We fall back into each other’s arms loving each other much slower than before, taking the time to explore one another’s bodies before falling into a deep sleep.

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Hey everyone! Thanks for all of the feedback. It's really amazing and Tanya and I appreciate it. So there's only one part left after this one, so I hope you enjoy. :D

Chapter 18


I slowly awake to the sound of the bedroom door being slowly pulled open and I realize Max’s strong arms aren’t around me like they usually are when I wake up. I glance at the clock beside the bed and notice it’s five in the morning.

Where the hell is he?

This isn’t the first time I’ve woken up and found he wasn’t in bed. Usually, if he wakes up before me, he’ll stay in bed with me until I wake up. But lately, that hasn’t been the case.

I hear his soft, deep voice murmuring in the distance and I throw the covers back as I climb out of bed. I creep into the hallway and crouch against the wall beside the top of the stairs. He’s sitting in the living room, just out of my sight. I can hear him clearly now.

“She’s asleep right now.” He whispers. “I didn’t wake you did I?... Good. I know it’s early, but this is the only time I could talk to you. My girlfriend can be so nosy sometimes.”

That jerk! Even though I am sitting here eavesdropping on his conversation, I have a right to know what’s going on.

“So how about we meet for lunch later at your place?” I suddenly feel a pain in my chest and a lump in my throat at his words. Who is he talking to? “How about one?.... Yeah…. No, she thinks I’m going on a business trip this weekend.” He appears in my line of sight and I scoot back so I won’t be seen. He glances at the stairs before turning around and peering out the window. “I know… I can’t wait until this weekend. But I don’t know if I can hold out until then… I know that Julie.”

Who the hell is Julie and what is Max doing calling her this early in the morning?

His soft laughter brings me back to his conversation, but I’m not sure if I want to hear anymore. “Do you know what she would do if she found out about this?... I know…. She’d go ballistic.”

Oh my God! I can’t hear any more of this. I hurry back into the bedroom and burrow under the covers. I will the tears away as my heart refuses to believe what my mind is telling me.

Max is cheating on me.

I shuffle into the office and I feel even worse then after I listened in on Max’s conversation. He came back to bed and acted as if nothing even happened. I had the tough job of acting as if I were asleep so I wouldn’t have to face him. He fell back asleep and I took the opportunity to slip out.

On top of all that, this flu or whatever I have is getting worse. My head feels like its about to explode and even though I went to bed early, I feel dead on my feet.

“Hey Lizzie.” Alex says as I drop into my chair at my desk. “You’re looking quite horrible today.”

“Gee, thanks best friend.” I mumble.

He settles himself on the edge of my desk. “Still feeling like crap?” I nod as I feel a heavy wave of nausea. I already threw up my breakfast this morning, which only consisted of an energy bar and some milk. I didn’t have time to eat before Max got up.

Before I know it, I sprinting towards the bathroom and emptying my stomach for the second time this morning.

Alex appears beside me, holding a glass of water. I drink half of it down before I slump on the floor in exhaustion.

“Lizzie, what’s going on with you?” he asks he carries me to the couch.

“Alex, I think Max is cheating on me.” I sob out suddenly.


I lean against him as he strokes my arm. “Lately, he’s been getting up really early and I didn’t think much of it until this morning and I was curious about what he was doing. I… I heard him on the phone talking to some woman named Julie.” I spit out the name as if it were toxic.

“Liz, Max is crazy about you. He wouldn’t do that to you.”

“I know. But I heard him Alex. He’s meeting her for lunch today and… and he lied about that business trip this weekend. I think he’s going somewhere with her.” I cry.

“Oh Lizzie, I’m sure this is jus one big misunderstanding. Max loves you and the last thing he would want to do is hurt you. Face it, you’ve got him wrapped around your finger.”

“You’re right.” I sigh. Max loves me. I mean he broke off his engagement because he’s in love with me. This is just one big misunderstanding. I’m sure Max has a good reason to lie to me. I know in my heart that he’d never do that to me. But even as I try and convince myself, my logic doesn’t want to let the suspicion go.

“Come on. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“I don’t need to go to the hospital Alex. “I protest. I’m fine.” He looks at me as if I’m crazy and I quickly give in. I know I look like crap and I feel like it too.

“I’ll call Max and let him know. He’ll probably want to be there knowing him.” Alex offers.

“No!” I shout. “I mean, he’d just worry. There’s no need to disturb him right now. They’ll just probably tell me I have the flu or something.” Alex stares at me with narrowed eyes and I stare back with pleading ones.

I can’t face Max right now. I just know I’ll break down.


“Did you talk to Julie yet?” Maria asks me.

“Yeah. I talked to her this morning and we’re supposed to meet at her shop at one.” I say brightly as I practically hop out of my restaurant.

“God, Liz has you so whipped.” Michael comments.

“Don’t act like Maria doesn’t have you in her clutches too.” I retort. “You know you like it. Don’t even deny it.”

He smirks and throws his arm around Maria’s shoulders. “But why do I have to come? I couldn’t even pick out Maria’s engagement ring let alone Liz’s.” He grumbles.

“Because I don’t want you sitting on your ass all day like you did yesterday. You need to get out and breathe in the fresh air.” Maria says.

“Fresh air my ass.” He mutters.

“What was that?”

“Oh… um, nothing dear.” I burst into laughter, ignoring the harsh glare Michael is sending me.

“Hey Julie!” I greet as we enter her shop. She steps into my arms for an embrace before turning to Michael and Maria.

“Maria, I haven’t seen you since high school. I see you decided to keep this one.” She says as she gestures to Michael. “Good choice.” She winks at Michael before turning to me. “Now as I understand it, you’ve been doing some planning for your girl and I have some rings that are just perfect for Liz.” Julie moves to the front and locks the door before she ushers us to the back.

Julie is an old high school friend. She’s a year older than me, but we were pretty good friends. Now she owns this small jewelry shop right in the middle of Roswell and has done pretty good for herself.

She leads us into her office and tells me to take my pick of the beautiful diamond rings. I can’t wait until this weekend.

I watch my angel sleeping peacefully in my arms. She’s so beautiful and I can’t believe she’s mine. I glance at the clock and groan at the time. I don’t want to wake her. I love just watching her, uninterrupted. She‘s my beautiful angel and I thank God everyday for sending her to me.

“Liz, baby wake up.” She stirs and I find those brown eyes that I adore so much staring back at me.

“What Max?” she mumbles as she cuddles deeper into my embrace. I know she’s tired. She’s been sick for awhile now. I think its just the flu and I just hope that the flight won’t make it worse.

“Babe, get dressed.” I nudge her once more and she looks up at me with sleepy eyes.

“What? Why? Where are we going?” She asks once I finally get her to get out of bed.

I smile brightly as I take her into my arms. “It’s a surprise.” I kiss her sweetly, before she scampers off into the bathroom.

I blow out a nervous breath as I start to get ready. Now all I have to do is get through the eight hour flight before I go crazy and blow the whole surprise before she even gets it.

“Max, where are we going?” She asks once more as I put our packed bags into the car. “And I thought you had a business trip today?”

“Well, you’re coming with me.” I wink at her and she looks at me suspiciously before I guide her into the passenger side of the car. I head back into the house to make sure I have everything, and call Maria to let her know that we’re leaving. I grab the ring that I had hidden in my underwear drawer where I know Liz is afraid to go into, lock up the house and soon we’re on our way to the airport.


I seriously don’t know what’s going on. Max won’t tell me where we’re going. Every time I ask, he just looks at me and smiles, before telling me it’s a surprise. I can tell he’s bursting at the seams and I am too. When Alex took me to the hospital, I found out that I have my own little surprise for Max and I don’t know how to tell him.

“Max, who is Julie?” I blurt out as the plane levels. I’ve kept quiet about it for the last two days, but I need to know. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if Max was cheating on me. I refuse to lose him to this Julie person.

“How’d you find out about her?” He asks with wide eyes.

I feel the tears cloud my eyes. I hate that I’m so freaking emotional now. “I heard you talking on the phone with her two nights ago. You… You said that you wanted to meet her for lunch and that if I found out I’d go ballistic.”

His face falls. “So… so you think that I’m…”

“Max, I didn’t know what to think. You lied to me about the business trip and you’ve been so secretive these past couple of weeks. I was scared that I was losing you to another woman.”

“Oh baby. You’ve got it all wrong.” He tilts my chin so that my teary gaze can meet his. “She was helping me with my surprise for you. Don’t you know how much I love you? Don’t you know that I could never be with anyone else? You’re it for me baby. There’s no one else for me and there never will be.”

I can’t even deserve the relief I feel at his words. “I’m sorry Max. It’s not that I don’t trust you, and I knew that you would never do that to me, but I couldn’t help but think…”

“It’s okay babe. I know it must’ve looked bad.” He pushes up the arm rest and pulls me into his arms. “I love you I’m yours and only yours.”

“And I’m yours.” I smile as he leans down and kisses me gently. “I love you.”

I sleep the rest of the way, and I wake up to Max’s sweet voice in my ear. “Welcome to Montego Bay.” He says.

“Montego!? In Jamaica!?” He laughs at me and I launch myself into his arms until the stewardess tells us to fasten our seat belts for the landing.

“I don’t believe you Max!” I say as I bounce into our suite. “Oh my God!! How long are we here?!”

“Two weeks. You like? I can’t really tell.” He laughs.

“I love it and I love you.” For the tenth time today, I launch myself into his arms and shower his face with kisses. “Max look at this view!” I say as I pull him towards the balcony. We’re right on the beach and I have to shield my eyes since it’s so bright. The water is crystal clear and the sun is shining brightly, I can’t wait to get out in that beautiful water.

“Yeah, yeah… the view. Why don’t we check out the bed?” He says as he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Okay, maybe the water can wait. Before I can answer, he swings me into his arms and that where I remain for the rest of the day.


I’m watching my angel stare out at the sparkling water and the setting sun and she’s never look more beautiful to me. We ordered room service and now we’re having a nice, quiet dinner out on the balcony.

“You okay?” I ask her as I pull her into my lap.

“Yeah, just a little sore.” She blushes and so do I. We did get a little crazy, having in our room all day.

“Well, I have one more surprise for you.” I tell her. I get up and sit her on my seat before I get down on one knee in front of her. That’s when I realize that I’m probably just as sore as she is.

“Oh my God!” She gasps.

I blow out one last nervous breath before I start. “Liz Parker, exac….”

“Oh my God! Yes!” Before I know it, she’s pulling me to my feet and fusing my lips with hers.

“Liz… I think… I think you’re supposed to wait until I ask you. I had a speech planned and everything.” I mumble between kisses.

“Huh? Oh yeah…. right.” She blushes and I chuckle lightly. “Sorry, I’m a little over-eager.”

“Hey, it takes off the pressure. I know what your answer is.”

She smiles and return to my kneeling position. “As I was saying, Liz Parker, exactly one year ago I meet the love of my life again. You walked into my restaurant and I knew that everything was going to change. All my feelings for you came rushing back and I fell head over heels all over again. My only regret is that I didn’t have enough courage to talk to you in high school, but… I have you now and that’s all that matters. So…” With shaking hands, I pull the ring from my pocket and hold it out o her. “Liz Parker, my love, my life, my everything… will you marry me?”

With a trembling smile, she nods her head. “Yes.” She whispers.

I slip the diamond ring on her finger and pull her into my arms. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I slant my lips over hers, but before I can deepen the kiss, she pulls away.

“Max, I have a surprise for you too and I guess this is the best time to tell you.” She’s beaming now and I fall even deeper for her.

“Max, I’m pregnant.”

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

A/N Talk about pressure. I wanted to make this part really great for you guys, so I really hope you enjoy it! Tiffany and I are very happy we finished our first fic together, but sad at the same time. We wanted to say to those that have been with us since the beginning, those that have joined in the middle and for those of you who just found this...THANK YOU! It was fun for us to write and for those of you wondering if you'll see us worries we are working on it :wink:

Chapter 19


Aww poor thing…I actually think he’s going to pass out. His hands drop to his sides, his jaw is hanging open and his beautiful golden amber eyes are opened wide.

“P-pregnant…you’re sure?” He asks finally taking some much needed air into his lungs.

“Yes Max, we are going to have a baby!” I am so excited right now; I can’t even keep the joy concealed any longer. I’ve been bursting at the seams to tell him.

“Oh my God! Liz…we’re gonna have a baby!” He says as he wraps his arms around me and twirls me in his arms. After a few minutes of peppering my face with kisses he places me gently back on my feet and tells me to take a seat.

“Max I’m not made of glass I can stand you know?” He kneels down in front of me and runs his hand over my abdomen, but he’s suddenly grown very quiet. I hope he’s happy…maybe he’s not ready or…

“I love you Liz. I love you more than I thought it was possible to love another human being. I love our baby and I’m…” He looks up at me, his eyes glistening and then he gives me one of the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen cross his handsome face and tells me, “You have made me happier than I think I deserve to be, and I will love you Liz…I will love you for the rest of my life.” I can’t help the tears that slip down my cheeks at his words. It’s not pregnancy hormones that are causing me to be so emotional, it’s the pure and unadulterated love that I know he has for me.

“I love you Max.” He leans up and kisses my lips softly then lifts me in his arms and carries me back into our room. He places me on the edge of the bed and kneels back down in front of me. I look down into his eyes and frame his face with my hands. I place a feather light kiss on his lips. He slowly slides his hands up my legs and when he reaches the edge of my dress he looks me in the eyes, waiting for my approval before pulling the dress up over my head. He gives me one of his classic smirks before standing and removing his shirt and pants, he then leans forward and whispers in my ear softly, “I want to show you how much I love you baby, let me show you…” He nips at the soft flesh of my neck and I feel the chills down my spine.

“Yes Max…” I moan out softly, holding my breath until the moment he touches me again. He helps me to lay back further on the bed before taking his place beside me. His hands run all over my body, he leaves no place untouched. He pulls me onto my side and wraps his arms around me and swings one leg over my hips bringing me that much closer, he then covers his lips with mine. I part them awaiting the feel of his warm tongue sliding across mine, we taste and touch each other until our need to become one takes over.

“Come here Liz.” He calls softly to me and I roll on top of his hard body and wait for his next move. Max slides his hands through my hair, down my neck and shoulders, over my breasts, down my stomach and landing once again over the soft swell of my belly; where our baby lays. I lean down and kiss his lips as he joins our bodies.

Afterwards we lay in each other’s arms, in total silence. It’s not awkward it’s perfect just like I know my life with Max and our baby will be.


3 Months Later


I still can’t believe I’m getting married to Liz, in two days. If you’re still wondering I’m still in shock that we are going to have a baby. I don’t have the proper words so I’ll just say that I’m ecstatic. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her. We have decided to wait to find out what we’re having until the baby is born.

So are you wondering what a man who is going to be married in two days is doing at this particular moment?

Standing in line to get my lovely bride to be an ice cream cone, with extra sprinkles…literally. See Liz doesn’t want the ice cream she says it makes her sick, so I have to order an ice cream cone filled with rainbow sprinkles. Wonder how she eats it? Cause I did too at first, see she bites the bottom of the cone and then the sprinkles fall out from there. She’s a strange one but I love her just the same.

“Thank you honey! I was dying for this.” She smiles and takes the cone from my hands. Let’s not talk about the looks I got when I ordered the cone that way.

“Welcome, now can we please get out of here Liz?” We’re at the mall and well no one was available to take her today; all the girls are getting their fittings today. Big problem apparently with the dress shop, something Liz does not want to talk about. I’m a guy I know when to talk and when not to, so if she doesn’t want to talk about it…neither do I.

“Yes, I’m all done!” She is practically skipping beside me and I just have to point out how adorable she looks. She is glowing and smiling brightly, when you’re around her you can’t help it.

“Do you think I’m showing too much Max? I mean I know that people know I’m pregnant but I mean…” She says taking a seat next to me after we finish dinner.

“Baby you are beautiful and you are even more beautiful carrying my baby, so don’t worry. You are perfect Liz, don’t even doubt that.” I kiss her on the lips softly and just as things start to get good, the doorbell rings. Liz tells me she’s going to take a bath since all she was wearing was a towel when she took a seat next to me.

“Hi Max.”

“Hey Kyle, what’s going on?” I guess I should explain where Kyle and I stand. We are not the friends we used to be, but I can at least hang out with him and not feel like applying pressure to his neck. Slowly we are working towards being good friends, and maybe one day we’ll be back where we were. It again wasn’t that he was sleeping with Tess, hell it could have been anybody I was seeing it was the principal that he was supposed to be my best friend and he let me down.

“I needed to talk to you about that wedding.” I never questioned the fact on whether or not I would invite Kyle to the wedding but in doing so, now that he is together with Tess, I knew that this conversation was coming, I just expected it a little sooner.

“Sure, come on in and have a seat.” He looks nervous and well I’m in such a good mood that I think I’ll take some pressure off him.

“Kyle if this is about your guest for the wedding, I want you to know that Liz and I already talked about it and it’s okay with us.” I say looking at the surprised look on his face.

“Really? I mean…Max she was…”

“Exactly Kyle, she was. But you love her in a way that I couldn’t and you make her happy. I think everyone deserves that Kyle.” He just smiles and I know he wonders just what the hell happened to me and the only answer I can offer is, Liz. That woman does some crazy shit to my head, she makes me see things that I don’t want to and accept things that I feel I’m not ready to. And I love her for it.

“Who was that at the door before?” Liz asks as I pull her closer to me and wrap my arms around her. She snuggles close to me under the covers and I kiss her lips softly before answering.

“Kyle, he wanted to ask about bringing Tess.”

“I hope you took my advice Max.”

“I did Liz, how could I not you are always right after all.” I don’t mean that, cause let’s face it she’s a woman and she changes her mind like she changes nail polish, but she’s having my baby and marrying me so right now I’d tell her the sun was pink if that made her happy.

“Love you baby.” She says as she’s falling asleep. I lay away watching her in the dark, listening to her breathing evening out and I kiss her one last time before falling asleep.



I am getting married today! I am getting married today! I am…ahem…sorry. I’m just a little excited about it can you tell?

“You look so beautiful Liz.” I freeze at the voice. I knew she would be coming I got the invitation back after all. I’m sure she was just as surprised in receiving one as I was in getting her response.

“Hi Isabel.” We haven’t really talked except when she comes to my job on a daily basis and tells me about her day and asks about mine. She has made an extreme effort to have normal conversations with me, and I have a soft spot because she is my sister. I only get one and she might not be perfect but I truly believe she has learned from her mistakes, but I’m not ready to let her back in completely. I love her, but I don’t trust her…but I think that will be changing. Maybe it’s the maternal instincts or maybe it’s the fact that despite it all I know deep down the person she became is not the person she has the potential to be.

Let me also point out that I have Alex, who is now officially dating my sister, who tells me about her. About how she is when they are alone, that’s how I know that the sister I had always wished I had is in there, and slowly but surely she’s showing me her true self.

“I just…I just want to say thank you Liz. Thank you for letting me be a part of your day. I can’t…” She begins to cry and I turn around and grab a tissue for her, I want to wrap my arms around her and tell her that I love her and that I forgive her, but I can’t…not yet.

“I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you and to Max for letting me share this day with you. I know we’re not good yet Liz, but I hope that one day we can be. I took you for granted, I looked you over and I punished you for my flaws, but I learned something and it’s probably the hardest lesson and the biggest pill I’ve had to swallow so far.” She still has tears in her eyes, and I reach out my hand and lead her to the small couch on the opposite side of the room and take a seat beside her.

“What’s that Isabel?”

“That you Liz, are the best sister anyone could ever ask for but more than that you are the by far one of the strongest people I’ve ever known. And you’ll never know how sorry I am that I missed all that time with you, all that time I took for granted when I could have been enjoying you and your great spirit. You’re so easy to love Liz, it’s any wonder why Max fell in love with you all over again.” After her speech I can’t help but let my tears fall and I give in and hug her tightly. Sometimes words are enough…sometimes words mend broken hearts and sometimes words help bring trust back.

After Isabel regains her composure she stands and looks at me and tells me that my makeup is running a little.

“Damn!” I say running over to the mirror. I’m trying to fix it but it’s useless. Isabel comes up and stands behind me, she looks into the mirror at me and smiles.

“What?” I don’t get it. I look terrible and she’s smiling?

“Liz, Max would marry you if you had on a pair of flannel pajamas.” We both smile and burst out laughing at how true that statement is. It feels really good to laugh with her I think I could get used to it.

“Now, let me help you Liz. You’ll be ready in no time.” I turn around and look her in the eyes giving her my nod of approval.

I could definitely get used to this.


“The rings please.” The priest asks and Michael pulls out the rings from his pocket and hands them over.

“Max, take his ring and repeat after me.” He looks so handsome in his tux. I can’t wait until later. Oh! I shouldn’t say that after all I’m in church and I’m pregnant. Luckily we were able to find someone to marry us with me four months pregnant, so I shouldn’t press my luck.

After Max is done and places the ring on my finger, I repeat the process and place his ring on his finger. I can’t wait until they announce us; I’m practically jumping off the walls in anticipation.

“…I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” Max seals our lips and pulls me in close for our first kiss as husband and wife.

“I love you.” Max whispers to me as he pulls away.

“I love you too.” I smile back at him and then we turn to face everyone, who is of course clapping and smiling happily at us as we make our way down the aisle.



It’s our first dance and I have my lovely wife in my arms. Wife, I love that word. I can’t imagine looking back at this moment, this day and picturing anyone other than the woman in my arms right now. She looks up into my eyes and all I see is love, a love that is the purist of them all and I will forever cherish it. For as long as I live I will remember this moment and I will be thankful for being blessed with such an amazing person to share my life with.



I love being in his arms, I’ll never grow tired and I knew from the first moment I saw him that he was the one for me, and that he was that someone I was looking for all my life.

I know now that life is anything but perfect and we are the furthest thing from perfect, but there is one thing that is, and that’s love. They say it’s complicated, but I say they’re wrong. We are complicated individuals in a sometimes-cruel world but in that same world exists this amazing thing. There are no words to describe what love is, it’s a feeling of total completeness, it’s trust and friendship and adoration in its purist form. The soft rumble of his voice breaks my thoughts.

“I love you baby.” He says to me and kisses my lips softly as we sway to the music.

“I love you too Max. Are you happy?” I ask him and not for the most obvious reason either. It’s a little game we like to play.

“Yes, very and you know why?” He says with a twinkle in his eyes and smirk on his lips.


“Because I found someone to love me.”

“You know what Max?” I say with a big smile across my face.

“What’s that baby?”

“I found someone to love me too.” I smile and lean up on my tiptoes sealing our lips together as our song comes to an end.

While the song is coming to an end our life together is just beginning, and what a wonderful life it’s going to be because I finally understand what is means to have someone to love you.

The End