Honesty Fraud(AU,M/M,TEEN/MATURE) Pt 6 02/14/05 Complete

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Honesty Fraud(AU,M/M,TEEN/MATURE) Pt 6 02/14/05 Complete

Post by SpiderGirl »

Title: Honesty Fraud
Author: SpiderGirl
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly. Not even Roswell!
Summary: Not sure how to summarise this. Just read on I guess...?
Coupling: Max and Liz, CC
Rating: TEEN to MATURE

Come on, come on
Feel good don't it?
This is for warm days
And drift away
While the sun sets
And the ghettos play
Long nights on

She fixed the corner of the candystripper's skirt and continued pushing the trolley through the hospital till she reached a supply room, she waved her hand over the lock and heard it click then she began to get changed. She took off the wig revealling her temporarily dyed strawberry blonde hair and changed into a business suit. She even fastened a clip on visistor's card pass onto her breast pocket as she slipped the file into the back of her pants and covered it with her shirt and jacket before she opened the door and walked out.
She left the hospital and walked through the car park till she reached the large motorcycle. Her pride and joy! She pulled on the helmet and swung onto the large motor and revved the engine with her high heeled covered foot.

A hot summer's block
When you sip yo brew
And never touch yo glock
This is for eyes
That cry like yours and learn
To smile again
Rise above the pain

"What's taking her so long! She should be here by now!" protested the round man as he sat at the side of the man in charge
"I said SILENCE!" he roared and the large man fell into silence. He turned his attention to stare at the door.
She came in a few minutes later, she threw the door open and marched up to the desk
"I want my money!" she demanded
"I want my file" he replied calmly. He knew how dangerous this woman was and her reputation was not something to be messed with
"Yeah I bet you do but you're not going to see it unless I get my money" she replied. He leaned back in his chair and sighed
"Search her" he said to his lackeys. She stood up straight and smirked at him. The second any of his men got within five feet of her they crumpled to the floor. She pulled the file from her back and held it up for him
"You knew the deal. You know my prefferences when you came to me and for that you get nothing" she said and the file turned to dust "It was a simple job, one of the simplest I get and yet you refeused to pay me"
"You... have copies don't you?"
"It's two in the morning Shapiro. I didn't have time to find a photocopier" she replied
"No I want my money"
"After you destroyed me file? No way!" he laughed and she leaned forward on the desk. Her eyes became black shining orbs and he shivered
"You're men will wake up but if I don't my GOD DAMN MONEY YOU WON'T!" she shouted loosing her temper and the lights exploded. He gathered the envelope from his desk draw and handed it to her. She snatched it off him and walked out.
"Damn Agent Fraud" he spat. Agent Fraud's reputation was strange and deadly. She could get out of any situation and she seemed to be invincible.

This is for you and your crew
The ones that's true
Will always love you
No matter what you do

'Cause it's the life
The life, the life
The life, the life
It's the life, the life
The life, life
It's the life, the life
The life, yo life, yo life
It's the life
Your life, my life

She sighed as she climbed off the motorcycle in the underground car park near her home and headed to the broken down Jeep in the corner. She pulled out of the car park and began to two hour journey home to get a few hours of sleep then take her daughter to school.
It had been a few years since they left and she had done what she could, a few hours after they left she found out she was pregnant. She packed up and left her hometown of Roswell and moved to New York. She took every self defense class there until she could barely move due to her swollen belly. One of the side effects of an hybrid alien pregnancy for humans was that she became alien herself. It hurt her more than them leaving knowing that she had the same power as the monster who had killed her best friend. Mindwarping was one of the powers she had been given when Lilith had been growing inside her.
She sleepily reached her home and unlocked the door, she didn't really like leaving her baby girl alone but it was only for one night every so often and she didn't have a choice if she wanted to keep the house and all her baby's things.
She shoved the envelope into a draw and heard someone shuffling around in her daughter's room. It was too early for Lily to be awake yet, she reached for the bowie knife in the holster tied to her arm. She pulled it out and held it ready as she entered the hallway and made her way to her Lily's room. She kicked open the door and saw Lily sitting on her bed wide awake. Maria followed her daughter's line of sight and saw someone she never thought she would see again sitting there.
"Brody?" she said, confused by why and how he had found her
"It's good to see you again Maria. You're a hard girl to track down and it's Larek at present time"
"Larek!" she hissed
"Get your freaky czechoslovakian ass out of my house and never bother me again!"
"They're coming home Maria. Michael, as he likes to be called, is coming home. I thought you'd want to know. Especially considering her" he pointed to Lily sitting on the bed. Maria slipped the knife back away into it's holster and hurried over to her
"Did he hurt you baby?" she demanded as she cupped Lily's face
"He said he knew my daddy. That my daddy will come and find me" she said. Maria scowled at Larek
"Get out!" she hissed "Get out before I kill you and you know I can!" she shouted. She pulled her little girl into her arms Larek just sighed and walked out the room. Maria heard the door click shut and she began to pull out Lily's suitcase
"Mommy? What's going on? Where are we going?"
"We're going to go some place safe Lily, you can meet your Aunt Liz and uncle Kyle and your Grandma Amy"
"Really?" she clapped her hands in excitement "Does t'at mean yous won't bes goin out lates anymore?" Maria stopped shoving clothes into the case. How did she know about that?
"Yes that's what it means. We're going to go stay with our family okay?" she said and Lily nodded
"Do I's hafta goes to school today?" she asked and Maria shook her head
"Come help mommy pack" she said as Lily jumped out of bed and helped her mommy pack the case up. Ten minutes later they were down and Maria grabbed the emergency duffel bag from under her bed if she ever had to leave. She changed Lily quickly and picked up her four year old girl and carried her out to the car.

This is for soldiers
Who bust they guns
(--Bust, bust--)
In the name of freedom
Not the game of fun
True Queens
Who raise they kids
Zemplement the knowledge
Show 'em how to live

Liz and Kyle were on edge. They had both got a phone call earlier that morning from Larek saying that their alien counterparts were returning home. It had been four years since they had blasted off into space with Alex's killer, it had been too much for Maria. They had tried to find her but they came up with dead ends. They didn't blame her for disappearing, they all had their hearts broken that day.
They had all gathered in the cafe, everyone including Maria and Max's parents. Jeff had closed the cafe up for them and they were all sat around waiting for the aliens.
A woman with jet black hair and sunglasses on came to the door carrying a young girl in her arms, she pulled the door open and came inside. Jeff stood up and walked over to her
"Sorry but the cafe's closed today" he said, she just smiled and nodded then removed the glasses
"Hey Mr P" she said
"Is yous my granpa?" asked the girl in her arms
"Maria!" he gasped with joy "It's good to see you! Come sit down" he led her in "Everyone it's Maria!" Amy gasped and staggered up throwing her arms around her daughter
"Oh my god my baby!"
"Mom! Mom I missed you! I missed you so much mom!"
"Yous my granma Amy?" asked Lily Amy looked down at the girl in her arms
"I'd like to introduce you all to Lilith Guerin. My daughter" she explained Amy walked back then sat down
"I can't believe I have a grand daughter. How old is she?" asked Amy looking up at her daughter
"She's four" she said. Liz and Kyle wriggled out of the booth and put their arms around their long lost friend
"Kyle! Liz I've missed you both!" she said as she put Lily down, then she turned to Lily kneeling down to introduce them
"Lily this is your Aunt Liz and your Uncle Kyle"
"Lyle and Fiz!" she said then giggled "Its nice ta meet ya"
"Oh she's adorable" said Liz, she knelt down and gave Lily a little hug they both stood back up and Maria turned to her oldest friend
"Are they here yet?" she asked seriously
"No... she might be with them" began Liz and Maria flinched
"W-wha..." she closed her eyes and tried again "What?" she swayed feeling dizzy
"They don't know what she did. She's still innocent to them"
"I'll kill her. I'll kill her with my bare hands!"
"Mommy?" gasped Lily in fear, she had never seen her mommy so angry. Maria looked down at her daughter and tears came to her as at the terrified look on her baby's face
"Don't worry Lily. It's okay, mommy's just a little angry at a bad lady"
"Aunt Fiz the bad lady?" she asked and she kicked her in the shin "Bad! Horrible mean Fiz!" she shouted
"She's Micheal's daughter alright" joked Kyle. Then the bell over the door rang and they all turned. In walked the four of them followed by who they could only guess was Larek. Maria lost it and went wild, she pulled her gun out and aimed it at Tess
"You murdering bitch!" she yelled as she lunged at the blonde queen, she knocked her down to the ground and pressed the gun at her temple
"Get her off me!" screamed Tess. Lily was peering round a table at her mommy. Liz had to stop it, she couldn't let her friend become a killer!
"Maria! Are you really going to kill her in front of your daughter?"
"Lily sweetie. Close your eyes for mommy? Okay baby?" she said and Lily did as she was told "I'll kill you. I'll kill you for what you did to Alex! You took them away from us! You murdered my best friend! You deserve to die and suffer!" she sat back and Tess slowly sat up. Maria relented and shot Tess in the leg. She cried out as the bullet entered her body, Michael shoved Maria off Tess and snatched the gun from her hands
"Are you insane!" he shouted. Max knelt down to heal Tess's gun shot wound. Maria stood up and backed away
"Why did I even come back here? I was safer where I was, no one knew me or my baby! I was doing so well and making money and she was in school. Things were good then you mess it up once more! You should have stayed on Antar where you belong"
"It's not where we belong!" Isabel interejected "This is our home"
"Funny way to show it!" snapped Kyle "You left us behind. Your friends and family and you leave with the bitch who murdered the only guy you loved"
"What are you talking about? Tess didn't kill Alex!" shouted Max
"No of course not! She's all sweet an innocent" added Liz with bitterness
"I saw it. She mindwarped me to carry his body out to the car, I broke out of it the day you were leaving but we were too late to stop you from leaving" he explained
"Tess" whispered Max "Is this true? Did you kill Alex?"

This is for those
Who stand in line and
Feed their babies (--I know--)
While were runnin'
Out of time
This is for the
Injustice behind bars
Our lovers, our leaders

Last edited by SpiderGirl on Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:57 pm, edited 7 times in total.
"Would it be okay if I ride home with you after school?"
"Sure you can ride me home... I mean ride you home..." he trailed off feeling deeply embarrassed
"I'd like that" she said feeling unlike herself, he grinned and they began working although not really paying attention. - Max & Liz in Where I Follow.
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Post by SpiderGirl »

Title: Honesty Fraud
Author: SpiderGirl
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly. Not even Roswell!
Summary: Not sure how to summarise this. Just read on I guess...?
Coupling: Max and Liz, CC
Rating: TEEN to MATURE


Maria's phone broke the awkward silence. Tess looked away only confirming her actions. Isabel backed up then rushed to the toilet slamming the door behind her. Everyone could hear her throwing up Max swayed dizzily before he sat down on a stool at the counter. Maria answered her phone
"Agent Fraud. My favourite lady"
"Not now Azriel I'm on my vacation" she replied and he chuckled
"You? On vacation. I find that very hard to believe" he replied in his thick foreign accent "I have a job for you to do"
"Please I said not now"
"Please? Is someone holding you hostage?" she could picture him raising an eyebrow in surprise "Do you want me to send Marie?"
"No I'm not being held hostage. Don't send Marie I'm fine, I'm in Roswell" she said and he burst out laughing
"I never pictured you in the alien capital of the world" he chuckled and she shook her head
"This is were I was born and grew up"
"Okay, but you owe me some time when you get back. Bring me back an alien" he said before hanging up. Michael had heard every word Maria had said to her boss
"Was that your boyfriend?" he asked trying to sound casual about it
"No he was my boss"
"I see. And are you sleeping with him?" he was blunt and she didn't like it
"No I am not. Did you sleep with Isabel?"
"No... she's my sister" he began "We decided it was better to be brother and sister than lovers"
"Well that's good"
"Mommy? Do you haftsa go gain?" asked Lily pulling on her mom's pants. Maria picked her daughter up and shook her head then sighed
"No I'm not going to go away. Lilith there is someone really important I want you to meet"
"Okay" she said
"Lilith Ellie Guerin I would like you to meet Michael Rath Guerin"
"We's gots da same name!" she said clapping her hands "You's gots da same name as mommy and me! Are yous my daddy?"
"Is she..." he looked to Maria and she nodded
"Yes she's your daughter. She's four years old" she told him "Everyone calls her Lily"
"It's nice to meet you Lily" he said
"Nice ta meet ya too daddy-o" she said then clapped her hands again. She leaned forward wrapping her arms around his neck and jumped into his arms. Maria just smirked at the terrified look on his face, alien armies he could handle but an excited four year old was the end of the world!
"Daddy yous smell funny" she said "Yous gots to take a shower!" she said before reaching back out for Maria. Maria laughed and sat down on a stool. They had created their own circle and temporarily forgot about the murdering girl still on the floor.
Max however had not, his eyes were trained on her. He had no idea what to do with her. It had been a painful four years away on Antar, his son had been captured by the enemy and when they found out he was human they killed him. He had kept on fighting until Antar's people were free to live their own lives then he gave up and began to make arrangements to return home to Earth. He had been tired, tired and broken. The fighting on Antar had robbed him of all the things he held dear and it had been twice as hard knowing that Tess was with him instead of his true love. His soul mate Liz. He stood up and walked over to Tess, he grabbed her hand and pulled the ring off her finger. She whimpered like she was in pain
"How could I ever trust you?" he whispered as he melted the ring in his hand till it was nothing but air. He turned to Maria "You might want to take your daughter some place else"
"I want to watch this" she replied. Amy stood up and carried Lily off into the back.
She swallowed hard as she stared up at them, after all this she was going to die. She had worked for this moment and realised it would have been easier if she didn't trust the one person who had been there for her. Maria pulled out her gun again and they began to question why she had one. She closed her eyes for a moment then knelt down pressing the gun to Tess's head
"I can make this easy for you. I know where to shoot to keep you alive and in the most terrible pain and I know where to shoot to kill you instantly. Right now I'm preferring the former" she said as she moved the gun around her head and pulled the trigger. Tess was still alive but she slumped to the floor.
"We should take her to the FBI. Give her to the Special Unit" she said standing up.
"I never wished that on my worst enemy"
"Oh Max would you give it a rest! It's not about you anymore! She killed Alex, it became our pain when you left with her. It's our vengeance and we'll say what we want. You have to deal with what you've done" she shouted "I'm going to take Lily back to Los Angeles where she was born. I have a job there and taking off time for this is costing me" she said
"Maria... wait" began Michael, he looked to his brother and sister "Can I come with you?"
"Sure but you have to get a job and not question the things I do" she said and he nodded. She barely heard him say ok before she walked off into the back.
After they left Tess's unmoving body where Agent Burns could find it they all headed home to be with their families. Liz, Max and Isabel all went to the Evans. Kyle went home and Michael, Maria and Lily left with Amy fro the Deluca homestead. It had been a long and tense day so all parties agreed to bunk down and sleep off their journeys.


Maria woke the next morning and rolled over to find Lily clinging to her still asleep. She smiled at her little girl and loosened her fingers from her hair before getting up and getting some coffee. Amy was already up and way too perky for this kind of morning
"Mom you are waaay too happy today"
"Don't care. Got my daughter back and I have a granddaughter, I'd always thought that I'd feel old but I don't. I can be a cool kick ass grandma" she grinned
"Well once the weeks over Lily and I are going home. My contracts are already backing up"
"Yeah I forgot to ask. What is it that you do?"
"I do all sorts really. I'm in this job were someone wants you to do something, if you can do it they pay you for it"
"Ahuh" she nodded "Sounds like you're a hooker"
"Mom!" cried Maria before taking a sip of her coffee
"A-Are you?" she asked and Maria looked up at her
"No I am not. I would not raise my child with that dirty money!"
"You've become very responsible" she noted and Maria nodded
"Yeah, yeah I have haven't I?" it was more of a statement than a question.
Michael padded out of the guest room the same time Lily came out of Maria's room. She spotted her new daddy and squealed loudly, he groaned as she jumped into his arms
"Daddy! Daddy! Make me pancakes!" she shouted and he held his head
"Lily daddy travelled billions of miles in a very short time so please keep your voice down" he said. Her chin wobbled and her lower lip stuck out as her eyes filled up. Maria just watched, she had grown immune to the powerful cry of Lily Guerin. Lily burst out crying and Michael did everything he could to calm her down
"Alright! Alright! I'll take you to the Crashdown! They serve pancakes, that's if it's okay with your mommy?" he looked up at her as Lily stopped her fake crying
"Fank ya daddy" she said before kissing his cheek and scurrying off to get ready
"I'll come with you. I need to get out of the house for a while, maybe you and I could catch up" she suggested and he nodded
"Yeah, I'd like that" he leaned toward her to kiss her but she held her hand up stopping him
"Four years pally. The last time you got lucky was the last time I got pregnant" she replied before moving off to help Lily get ready.

Last edited by SpiderGirl on Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Would it be okay if I ride home with you after school?"
"Sure you can ride me home... I mean ride you home..." he trailed off feeling deeply embarrassed
"I'd like that" she said feeling unlike herself, he grinned and they began working although not really paying attention. - Max & Liz in Where I Follow.
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Post by SpiderGirl »

Title: Honesty In Agent Fraud
Author: SpiderGirl
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly. Not even Roswell!
Summary: Not sure how to summarise this. Just read on I guess...?
Coupling: Michael and Maria, CC
Rating: TEEN to MATURE


Maria pulled the door open and the three of them went in. She half expected to see Liz waiting tables and Michael working at the grill. Alex sitting at the counter watching Isabel Evans do her homework and Max stare at Liz. Her heart broke when she didn't see any of those things here now, they would never be back.
"Mommy! I wants some pancakes"
"I'll get them" said Michael "You two go sit down" he said and went over to order.
Maria lifted Lily up onto to the seat and she slid across and grabbed a handful of napkins and began to twist them. Michael slid into the seat and grinned at his two favourite girls he lost his smile when he saw Maria's face
"What's wrong?"
"I'm thinking about Kivar"
"Oh" he replied and glanced to Lily "Is she... part Czechoslovakian?"
"I don't know. It's too early to say, I've never checked"
"What do you mean it's too early to say? Get Liz to check her out"
"No Michael I will not turn our daughter into a labrat just to see if she's part Antarian" she hissed
"Wots Antrian?" as Lily as she began to rip the napkins up into little bits
"That's where I've been Lily. Antar is a planet far, far, far away from here and I had to go and stop a bad man from doing bad things"
"So yous an alien?" she asked and he nodded "Cool! Like ET!"
"Yes but it means something else too" he began but was interrupted when a loud voice rang out throughout the cafe
"Honesty!" said Azriel, she gasped as she saw him standing there in his white panama suit and shoulder length black hair she slid from seat and went over hugging him
"Azriel what are you doing here?" she asked him then looked to Michael and Lily sitting at the booth watching her
"They don't know what I do for a living. Please I don't want them to know" she whispered
"Anything for my favourite girl!" he patted her shoulder and she sighed with relief
"I need you to come back to New York Honesty. That stunt you pulled with Shapiro Fiore has left me in a lot of hot water"
"He wasn't going to give me my paycut. The envelope is back at my house. I'm taking a week off and if Shapiro gives you anymore trouble I'll pay him a visit when I get back"
"This is no joke Honesty. Shapiro is a big business man, he could ruin us"
"I've been with you from the start on this. We started this together, I'm your best field agent, I know what we'd loose if this gets screwed up"
"Very well" he relented "You have two weeks to get back to New York and fix this mess"
"Okay" she nodded "Now can I have my week to spend with my daughter and boyfriend?"
"You have a daughter? I never thought you would, you're only twenty two aren't you? You're too young to have a daughter"
"Yeah I know" she replied as she walked off and sat back down. He left to find a hotel
"Who was that?" he asked possesively
"That was my boss"
"That's your boss!" he gasped "He looked like a pimp from the Bronx!"
"And how would you know? Been selling yourself out on Antar? Getting a lil sumthin sumthin?"
"It's been a dry four years" he relpied and Maria chuckled
"I'm glad that I'm the only girl for you" she said and Lily looked at them. Her mommy was happy and her daddy was... well he wasn't scowling and that seemed a good sign! She put the torn pieces of napkin on the table and waved her hand over them turning it into a complete napkin again. Michael stopped chuckling when he felt energy being used, he saw Lily waved her hand and gasped
"She-She-She..." he pointed and Maria went pale
"Wots rong mommy?" asked Lily

"Would it be okay if I ride home with you after school?"
"Sure you can ride me home... I mean ride you home..." he trailed off feeling deeply embarrassed
"I'd like that" she said feeling unlike herself, he grinned and they began working although not really paying attention. - Max & Liz in Where I Follow.
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Post by SpiderGirl »

Title: Honesty In Agent Fraud
Author: SpiderGirl
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly. Not even Roswell!
Summary: Not sure how to summarise this. Just read on I guess...?
Coupling: Michael and Maria, CC
Rating: TEEN to MATURE


Maria picked Lily up and the three of them headed out before they even paid for their orders.
"Did I do sumfin wong mommy?" asked Lily as Maria sat in the back of the car with her and Michael drove
"No baby we just had to go home, before anything else happened"
"But da pancakes"
"Your grandma can make pancakes for you at home after we find out how different you are and give you a big long talk"
"I not been bad ave I? I pwomis I be good mommy!" she said as she began to cry. Michael felt his parental instincts kicking in and he slowed to a stop and turned round in his seat
"Why'd you stop"
"She thinks this is a bad thing. I have to show her it isn't, I don't want her feeling like I did growing up, she deserves better" he said as he lifted Lily's chin "Watch my little Princess" he said and made his hand glow "Daddy can do this as well. It's not bad, or wrong it's just different and sometimes people might get angry that you're different, they don't like change or new things"
"But day like babies aight? Babies are new" she said
"Lily sweetie," began Maria "People like your father... your father and you aren't new. You're different, part of you comes from a place far, far, far away in the stars"
"Like ET? Dey wan'ed to urt him too but da boy won't let em. I don't let em eiva" she said
"Lily, part of you is like ET. One day bad people might want to get you"
"My mommy and daddy stop them" she said honestly "Daddy send the bad peoples away"
"Lily you're so smart. But you must promise your mommy and me that you will never, ever tell people you're like ET otherwise the bad men that mommy and daddy can't stop will try and take you away from us"
"Okay I pwomise" she said nodding seriously
"Good girl" said Maria "Let's go home now" he nodded and started the car back up. They continued back to Deluca residences but they had no idea that one of Shapiro Fiores lackeys was driving right behind them in a silver sedan.


Maria watched Lily playing on the grass happily, she had raised her daughter these past four years and she thought long and hard about going back to that job. Could she really do it now that Michael and the others were back? She had took it because she was angry, angry that she had lost him and she had lost Alex. Lilian's middle name after all was Alexandra, she heard a screech of tires coming toward her baby girl
"LILY!" she shouted as she raced down the porch, she pulled her gun out and she could hear Michael coming out the house as fast as she was going. She scooped her daughter up and aimed the gun at the men shooting from the car, they were going to kill her little girl if she didn't put a shield up. She dropped her gun and threw it up quickly pulling her daughter close against her, Michael took one look at the scene before him and blasted the car with the men still inside it. He hurried down the grass as Maria let down her shield. She cried out when she saw blood on Lily's shirt
"Lily... no!" she gasped

"Would it be okay if I ride home with you after school?"
"Sure you can ride me home... I mean ride you home..." he trailed off feeling deeply embarrassed
"I'd like that" she said feeling unlike herself, he grinned and they began working although not really paying attention. - Max & Liz in Where I Follow.
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Post by SpiderGirl »

Title: Honesty Fraud
Author: SpiderGirl
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly. Not even Roswell!
Summary: Not sure how to summarise this. Just read on I guess...?
Coupling: Michael and Maria, CC
Rating: TEEN to MATURE


"Oh my god!" gasped Maria as she saw the blood on her daughters shirt. Lily's eyes fluttered open and she looked up at her parents
"What happened?" she asked. Michael pulled her shirt up and found unmarred skin "Did she heal herself?"
"MOMMY!" screamed Lily pointing to the large growing patch on her mommy's chest
"Oh" said Maria. She had never felt so relieved to be shot in her entire life, she was shot not her little girl her baby was ok. She let the air rush past her as she fell down and hit the grass.
"Maria! No. Come on Maria don't die on me!" he said as he pressed his hands over the wound "I can heal you. We said that we would go back to Los Angeles and be a family!" he focused hard but nothing happened "No Ria!" he sobbed lifting her up into his arms
"DADDY MOVE!" yelled Lily shoving him out of the way. She laid her hands over her mommy's chest and focused. Soft white energy covered her hands then she fell back tired from it all and fell asleep. Maria arched up, sucking a fierce breath inside her. She looked round and saw Lily with closed eyes
"Is she okay?"
"She's fine, she healed you Maria. She saved your life" he explained as he held his precious little daughter in his arms
"I was shot? I don't get shot. I DO NOT get shot!" she shouted as she stood up dizzily and pulled out her phone
"What are you doing! Put the phone away you were just shot"
"No I'm going to find out who those goons were!"
"Maria they were Kivar's lackeys out to get me!"
"You're not the only one with enemies space boy!" she snapped "Yeah hello? Azriel! Who on Earth put a contract out on my head? Was it Shapiro?"
"I just found out about it now Honesty"
"I don't care if they shoot at me. I've had four years to train but shooting at an innocent little girl is just low. I'm going to pay him a little visit"
"Honesty no..."
"Azriel when we started this I made it clear that if anything happened to my daughter I would go on a personal vendetta and you agreed to it. Fuck Shapiro Fiore, he almost killed my little girl. He is a dead man"
"Fine, don't get caught"
"I never do" she replied then slapped her phone shut "Let's get her inside where she's safer!" he stood up and they hurried inside. Amy had been in the shower and missed all of the hubub
"What on Earth happened!" she cried when she saw her grandaughter
"She's okay, that's my blood. Look it's a long story but I have to go away for a few hours"
"Maria you're not really going after them"
"They tried to kill my little girl hell yes I'm going after them!" she hissed "Please, can you look after her, protect her, while I'm gone"
"Maria..." he began but she closed her eyes and when he looked up she was no longer in the room.


Shapiro put the phone down, he had heard what he wanted to before the van exploded. He didn't care about the loss of the men he was just glad that show-off hit woman was dead. She wouldn't be costing him anymore money and he didn't have to fear her anymore, she was supposed to be working for him and look where that had ended up!
"Hello Fiore" someone whispered in his ear and he stiffened, he'd know that voice anywhere!
"Honesty Fraud" he plastered on a tight smile as she moved round his desk and sat down in front of his desk
"So you put a hit squad out on my life?"
"It wasn't like this I mean it Honesty!" he said as she slowly stood
"Oh I'm not bothered about me. I don't give a damn what happens to me but when you put my four year old daughter in the crossfire then I get pissed!"
"I didn't know you had a daughter"
"She could have been shot. How would you feel if someone you loved were killed? How would you feel if someone killed you?" she climbed up onto his desk kneeling above him. The fans stopped spinning and the lights flickered
"Please Honesty! I'm sorry!" he cried as she wound his tie around her hand and pulled him close
"You forget one thing" she said
"What?" he sobbed looking up at her
"My name isn't Honesty" she confessed then punched him square in the face so hard it killed him instantly "It's Maria Guerin. Nice to meet ya" she replied as she leaned back. It all came flooding back to her, now tearful she had to go back and be with her little girl.

"Would it be okay if I ride home with you after school?"
"Sure you can ride me home... I mean ride you home..." he trailed off feeling deeply embarrassed
"I'd like that" she said feeling unlike herself, he grinned and they began working although not really paying attention. - Max & Liz in Where I Follow.
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Post by SpiderGirl »

Title: Honesty Fraud
Author: SpiderGirl
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly. Not even Roswell!
Summary: Not sure how to summarise this. Just read on I guess...?
Coupling: Michael and Maria, CC
Rating: TEEN to MATURE


She let herself into the house and found Michael sitting there waiting there was a gun rested on his knee, her gun, she looked round frantic
"Are the others up?" she asked but he shook his head
"I found this in your suitcase. Where did you get it?" he asked her
"I bought it," she replied suddenly feeling afraid
"I needed it" she shot back with the short answers
"I'm going to ask you something... and I want you to be honest with me Maria" he stated and she nodded "What do you do for a living Maria?"
"I... do what you do Michael" she replied casually
"You're a soldier? You joined the army or something?" he asked but she shook her head
"No Michael. I'm not in the army, I kill people" she whispered and he hung his head
"Lily doesn't deserve to have two killers for parents, I did it out of protection. When I killed Pierce... I was protecting Max and Valenti and my family. I didn't make a job out of it!" he shouted as he stood up
"Then what was Antar? Why did you leave?" she whispered
"I had no choice. This life is my own and I cannot change it, cannot escape from it but why you would want a life like this, for you, for your daughter!"
"Don't tell Lily! Don't you dare tell Lily! I did what I had to to survive, don't you come back and lecture me on raising my daughter when you couldn't even stick around to be her father!" she yelled angrily
"So when you go back to New York... are you goind to keep doing it?"
"No... Yes... I don't know, I'm stuck Michael. Even if I wanted to get out, it's like the alien abyss. Once you're part of the club you can't leave unless you're dead" she said as she flopped down on the couch
"Maria, surely the is a way out of this"
"Not for me" she whispered then smiled as he shook his head
"Maria Lily would never live if you... don't okay. Don't even think about doing that"
"They only want me, I've done so much. Oh it's been long, when I think about it I cannot believe the things I've done. I'm reaching the end Michael, you're back now and I can't go on with this. I lost myself in it, in anger and fury because you were gone. Because you left us, you left me, and I wanted to make people pay but the more I did the more I couldn't escape from it. I understand what you mean about cannot change and cannot escape because they will never let me go. If I leave then they'll just come after you and Lily and that's something I can't have" she stood up and took the gun off him.
"Look after Lily" she whispered before leaving. He stood there silently in the early morning light and began to cry.


She knocked on Azriel's door, he opened it and let her inside. She walked in and sat down on the bed
"Honesty? What's wrong?" he asked her
"Honesty is something I'm not. My name is Maria... Maria Guerin and I came here because I want out"
"You... want out?" he smirked "If I didn't know you so well I would have sworn you had taken something"
"No Azriel. I want out, I'm serious"
"You're suicidal!" he snapped "Why did you come to me? Eh? Why did you come asking me to do this?"
"Because I know you will"
"No Honesty, this is something I will not do" he replied "You are my best agent, my business would fall with out you"
"Then let it, please would you kill Honesty Fraud?" she asked calmly "Kill her or I'll kill!" she shouted and pulled a gun out pressing it to her temple. He shook his head and took the gun off her... he checked it was loaded then aimed at her head and fired.


Maria stood outside, she had mindwarped Azriel into shooting Shapiro in the head, she had brought him with her from her last little excursion and now he would be framed. She had called Valenti on the way there, Azriel would loose his business and to him Honesty was dead. She was free...

"Would it be okay if I ride home with you after school?"
"Sure you can ride me home... I mean ride you home..." he trailed off feeling deeply embarrassed
"I'd like that" she said feeling unlike herself, he grinned and they began working although not really paying attention. - Max & Liz in Where I Follow.
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