Aliens Versus Humans (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) Ch 23- AN 5-26 Complete

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Post by burningchaos »

I am posting this for Andi, she is quite ill and won't be back for a bit. She isn't going to abandon this but it is on hold for awhile.

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Post by orphyfets »

:D Thanks for tellin us...
Tell Andi that i hope she start to feel better soon :!:
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Post by sablaine »

Missing you and missing your story. I hope you feel better soon, Andi.

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Post by Spacegirl04 »

Just popping in to let you know that I will soon be updating, as soon as this migraine goes away. its kinda hard to look at a computer screen when your eyes are sensitive to light...anyway thanks for all the well wishes i miss you all and will have an update as soon as i can...:)
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Post by Spacegirl04 »

A/N I'm evil; But you know you still want to know and frankly well I want to know hahahaha Sorry for making you wait so long.

Chapter Twenty

Max felt a blast of heated energy. It felt like molten lava tearing his insides apart. He lay down in pain. The more still he remained, the less the pain crushed him. As soon as he could move, he was going to personally kill Kivar. He still wondered what the hell was going on? He didn’t want a fake heir for Antar. He had the real one. None of this was making sense to him. Of course, he had been a vegetable for the past nine months; Larek was manipulating his mind so much that he was completely useless.

Mr. Evans stayed silent. He stood next to Jim who was probably just as clueless. He would have to have a long talk with him when this was all said and done, if they were even alive after all this was said and done.

Kivar spoke in an ancient alien language that Max somehow understood. He didn’t like what he was hearing. Larek left the room. There was some sort of tunnel that lead to the rock formation behind the dome. It was underground. Larek sunk through; it was like something out of a star trek episode.

Max was watching everything but he was totally useless and couldn’t do anything. However he did have the upper hand because he knew what Kivar had really planned. It was always about the Royal Four and nobody else. He now knew that Tess was alive, and Zan, his son, whom he thought was safe from all of the alien chaos, was back on Antar. He would in his teenage years be a full fledge hybrid. He had once believed his son was completely human.

Kivar’s plan was to bring the Royal four, including Maria, Liz, and Kyle, back with them. Jim or Mr. Evans weren’t a threat. That was what he got from the conversation. This was all some ploy to get them to the Dome, one place where he could basically kidnap them. They wouldn’t go willingly.

A war would ensue and some people wouldn’t survive. Some people would get taken and some people would end up dead all because he existed. The pain was starting to subside and Kivar was getting ready to give his speech. It almost seemed as if he were like the president or someone important.

“Now, Your Highness.” He paused. “Please stand.” After all, he couldn’t give a king orders.

Max went to lunge at him as if to hurt him, but his powers were useless. It was like they were drained from him. Maybe they had been.

“The reason for this gathering is for the purpose of gaining something that is needed back on Antar. You see, we are missing a King and his second in command. We are missing his sister, Vilandra.” He stopped and noticed the look on her face. “You will all come back with me, or your loved ones will pay the price. Do you want to lose your Father?” He looked at Kyle, Max and Isabel.

“Liz, do you want to lose your parents? Maria is on my side. Her Mother is out of harms way. I’ve already made arrangements that absolutely no harm comes to her.” He looked at all the shocked faces in the room.


Liz’s mouth was agape. She was so angry. Nobody threatened her family, especially an alien who had no perspective or a plan that had any meaning. Kivar’s plan wouldn’t work. She knew it. It had to many holes in it.

She spoke. “So, if you don’t need another heir, then why did you manipulate Michael and I?” she asked with anger, green energy sparking to life again.

“Ah, you see my dear defunct, human girl, you were right about one thing.” He paused and smiled. “I can’t manipulate how people feel about each other. It has to be there already and, well, the two of you made it so much easier then I anticipated. The plan was working out nicely until people had to start suspecting, and that’s when things went wrong.” He said with anger and agitation.

“I might as well tell you that Darin never existed; he was dead a year ago when I met Maria.” He paused and smiled. She moved closer to him, but something strange was happening inside her. She didn’t know what it was. Was it anger? Human emotion? It didn’t matter because Kivar had complete control over her.

Liz spoke again, “So, you killed a man, and took advantage of someone who shouldn’t even be a part of this. Your plan all along was to what? Kill us all?” she asked. She needed answers.

“Not to kill. To own, to control. And if I don’t say so myself, things have gotten back on track quite nicely.” He smiled.

“You might want to wipe that smirk off your face. There are few things you left out of that equation.” Liz snapped. “I have powers now, and I’m not afraid to use them on deranged, evil aliens.”

“You see, my dear, you can’t hurt me and I can use you to whatever advantage I need to. This dome is sealed. In the rock formation behind me is a ship and you will all be coming with me.” The walls started to vibrate and they all lost their balance. An earthquake in Roswell that’s a first.


It went dark. The ground shook for a few minutes and each one of them felt themselves sink through the ground as if they were in quicksand. Then they ended up in a tunnel, the longest tunnel any of them had ever seen. Kivar and Maria were nowhere to be seen. Max and Isabel started down the long corridor.

Liz was stunned. She was in shock. What was she going to do? Liz gripped Michael’s hand. She looked behind her and noticed that Kyle was there, but Jim and Mr. Evans were not. “Michael, he has Maria. She was acting so strange. What does he want from us?” She looked at him with sadness and confusion.

Michael was at a loss. He didn’t understand any of this himself. He followed behind Isabel and Max. He listened to Liz’s questions but he didn’t have the answers. Everything he thought was wrong. Kivar didn’t want their child. He had Max’s. Not that they had a child to give him; still the thought was just freaky and psychotic.

He held her hand tightly and was going to reassure her that everything would be just fine, but he couldn’t do that because he honestly didn’t know what any of this was about. Kivar wanted them, but for what? Obviously not a child. He did a good job of screwing with everyone and getting them to the location of choice, but why? Michael didn’t know what to say or do.

“Maxwell, what’s the plan?” he asked. but was on guard in case his crazy counterpart was back.

Max stopped and looked at Isabel as she did the same thing, Kyle still stood behind everyone. He was in shock and trying to make sense as well. It took Max a second to say anything. He looked directly at Michael.

“Plan. Right. We are all sitting ducks,” he said so calmly that it scared the group. “I heard Kivar and his plan, but I’m not sure I want to say it again because it is just so inhuman that nobody would be able to comprehend it.” He glared at Michael then at Liz.

“But Max if you heard his plan, you need to tell us. He manipulated Michael and I into-things.” She gripped his hand tighter. “It has to be big and deadly for him to go to such lengths to get us all in one place.” Liz started to tear up. She was finally realizing that what had happened between her and Michael was an act of Kivar’s and not of their own will. They must have both thought of each other in that way somewhere in their minds but what happened between them wasn’t self fulfillment. It was an act of Kivar’s vengeance.

She and Michael were connected now on a deeper level. He could feel her and she could feel him at any level. Kivar had that with Maria now. Isabel and Max also had that connection but only because they were brother and sister. The only person left without the connection was Kyle.

He said Tess was on Antar with Zan, but was it really that important that all of them were connected? Liz’s mind was going stir crazy. She wasn’t thinking clearly enough to make sense. She looked at all of them like she was going to have some schizophrenic break down.

“Liz?” Isabel paused. “Liz what’s wrong?” She demanded to know what was happening. She couldn’t take anymore of this craziness.

Before Liz could say anything she felt her body. It felt like it was filling with lead and she fell to the ground. She fainted. She was unconscious. When she hit the floor, she had no choice but to let go of Michael’s hand. Everything had happened so quickly that she had no other choice but to let go.

Her body vanished.

“Michael, where is she?” Kyle asked franticly. “Where the hell is LIZ? I know what I saw but what the HELL happened to her?” Kyle said in a tone that made Isabel shake.


Max and Michael just looked at each other. They had no idea. It looked as though she was going to say something important. She knew what Max knew. The sinister plan that Kivar had was starting to take place. That is why he didn’t say a word. He knew what would happen if he did.

Kivar now had something they needed. If they wouldn’t go willingly, he had something that would bring them to him. With force, if this precious girl’s life was so important, they would come, otherwise the unthinkable would happen to her.

Kivar and Maria were safe aboard the ship that was hiding in the sky, above the clouds. It was actually acting like a cloud, but it was a ship that would take them back to their planet where who knows what would happen.

Would death happen? Would they be in the middle of a war again, fighting for their freedom? Max made a mistake in his past life and he was paying for it in this life. They had to go to Liz before anything had happened to her. They knew she wouldn’t be killed right away but she wouldn’t be left alone.

“WHAT the FUCK do you want, you bastard?” Michael yelled through the long corridor.

“Follow the yellow brick road my friend and you will get a prize.” Kivar’s voice echoed making the walls shake again.

Max and Michael both knew that there wasn’t a good conclusion to this. Max virtually had no powers. Kyle hadn’t developed any of his. Michael’s only worked once in a great while. Isabel was so emotionally drained she wasn’t able to physically use hers. What the hell did Kivar need them for? This question was eating at them.
Last edited by Spacegirl04 on Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spacegirl04 »

<center>Chapter Twenty One</center>

Maria was pacing back and forth. She was faking everything. She was going to help Liz. She wouldn’t let Kivar hurt her.

Her pacing was getting on Kivar’s last nerve. He was ready to throw her in the same room that Liz was in, but he didn’t want her out of his sight; he knew she was hiding something but he couldn’t figure out what it was.

Maxwell was going to regret ever crossing him. Although it was a past life, this version of Zan’s protégé still had memories somewhere, the memories that would help him get what he wanted. After all, it was Zan’s fault that Antar lost half its population and most of the woman were infected with a virus. They couldn’t reproduce; they'd had to have their uterus’s removed.

Max indeed would help him succeed. Liz and Maria would be the first to help him start the new population. If they wouldn’t help, well, then he would just show them what would happen. He was an evil man on his planet. All he wanted was for it to be the way it was one time long ago. He wasn’t originally from Antar, though his planet was one of the five in the astrology symbol. He still wanted control of Antar, and Max was the way to getting that control.

He had to figure out what to do with Mr. Evans and that stupid Sheriff. Maybe he could go surfing in their minds to erase whatever they saw in the dome. He wouldn’t kill anyone else. The trail would be to hard to cover up. He was evil, but too much killing was just redundant. He stood up from his chair. It was one of those that had massage, heat, you name it, had it built in it.

“Sweetie pie,” Maria said with dripping sarcasm, “where might you be off to?” She added heavy amounts of a southern drawl to her question.

He stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh, gee, Ginger Lee, I might be off to shuck some corn, or, oh, I don’t know, clean out some of the horse shit left behind in the barn.” He walked up to her and kissed her just to piss her off. This caught her by surprise. “Now be a good girl and go bring in the herd.” He rolled his eyes. “Check on your friend. She took one hell of a beating. Let that be a warning, my dear.” One last peck on the lips and he was off to his room so he could erase minds in peace.


Maria took this opportunity to run to her best friend’s side. She was probably extremely pissed off and Maria knew what Liz’s temper was like when she was pissed. Imagine it being that time of the month then finding out the love of your life slept with the enemy, got her pregnant, and then took off without so much as a goodbye. She was beyond pissed. This was so much worse than that betrayal.

Everything in the ship was activated by thought process and she now had the strength to use that thought process. She was still pissed off that Kivar took advantage of a completely innocent man, andm while having powers wasn’t something she wanted to give up, she would if she had to to save the lives of her friends. Kivar should have thought about his plan a little more before he messed with this Diva.

Maria could hear the beat of a song in her mind. She couldn’t quite place it but it sounded like a Kid Rock song. She did feel like a Bad Ass. She used her hand to open the door. God she loved having powers. She looked around the giant room, and Liz was lying on the ground, huddled in the corner she looked like she was asleep. But Maria knew better than that.

Liz was wearing a skirt and a spaghetti strap tank. Maria knew that was one of her favorite outfits but the girl needed to learn how to dress if they were going to fight this bastard. Liz had bruises and cuts on her arms and legs. Her forehead was swollen and red.

Maria was afraid to touch her. She had to get a message to Max. Was she strong enough to get into his mind? Hell she didn’t know what powers she had, but each alien had remnants of all the powers the other one had. She closed her eyes and aimed her attention to Max’s mind. She hoped that Larek didn’t fry it to much. She sent a picture of Liz and a message that she was on their side, and that Kivar hadn’t completely gotten control of her mind.

As soon as she was finished sending Max the message, she called out to Liz. “Liz, sweetie wake up?” She touched her lightly. “Liz, Its Ria. Please wake up. I need you. I can’t fight this bastard alone,” she said quietly.


Kivar laid down on his king size bed. This was the bed of a king, he thought to himself as he got comfortable. It was big enough for lots of women, and he always got what he wanted. Humans were stubborn creatures but he was making them weaker every minute. He closed his eyes and looked for the two men that were left behind in the dome. They were still standing there like idiots. What kind of Sheriff was this man? Not a very good one. He laughed to himself.

He started with Jim, who was sitting on the ground. He was trying to get a grasp on what happened to his son. He wouldn’t lose him; not now, not like this. Kivar was laughing silently in his mind. What a wuss. Jim had a lot of memories in his mind. This man had a lot of baggage.

Amy, Maria’s mother - she was beautiful. He would never harm her. Maybe he would bring her too. She could help in the reproduction of Antar and his planet. He had plenty of time to surf Jim’s mind, so he decided to take a tour. Ah, Hubble, the man was a pain in the ass; Naseado was a pain in the ass but he did have his good qualities. A human protecting two alien-hybrids, now there’s a first time for everything.

Time to skip ahead; what did Jimmy see?

Unfortunately everything.

So all he had to do was wipe clean everything relating to his son Kyle, and what happened in the dome, and he would be fine, a little short of a few brain cells and his job was done. Next would be Phillip Evans; the Ward Cleaver of Roswell, New Mexico.

Phillip's mind is like a puzzle, a flower child. Who would have ever thought it? He snickered to himself.

Pity he had to take care of Diane. She would have been useful. She was a stubborn old lady, not too smart. He wondered how she even became a lawyer in the first place. She wasn’t cut throat enough, happy marriage blah blah blah blah, memories of kids that weren’t even theirs. Pity.

Vilandra what a sensual woman. She would be his first conquest, well maybe second. Maria would be first. He did have a thing for mentally challenged blonds.

This is so exhausting. He doesn’t package any memories does he? They all have to be in one spot.

Skipping ahead. Ah, here we go. Well what do we have here? Phillp and Mr. Parker conspiring together? Who would have thought it" He knows about Isabel and Max being “different”. Now this is where things get interesting. Poor kids. Have to leave mommy and daddy such a lifetime family moment. Puhlease. Makes me want to vomit.

My favorite part Larek killing Diane, the look on her face was just priceless. Too bad she had to die
. Something threw him out of Phillips mind.

Damn Damn Damn!!!! He sat up and jumped up off the bed. “Damn her!” he yelled as he walked quickly to the control room. “Larek!” he yelled Where the hell was the ingrate?


Maria sat patiently next to her friend that was lying helplessly on the ground. Why couldn’t Max just come to the ship? Why did he have to play the hero? Isabel gave her that job. She was trying her hardest to follow through with the game, but when her friends were being messed with it was kind of hard to protect them from danger.

She was with Darin/Kivar for the last year. She had to know what his weakness was. All those late night conversations and the alcohol he had - he must have slipped at least once.

Maria noticed Liz moving. She was trying to sit up. The poor thing was completely battered. They needed Max. All he had to do was come to the ship and his powers would work again. She hoped he got the message.

“Help me,” Liz said hoarsly. She was getting weaker by the minute.

“I’m here, honey. There’s something you need to know about me.” Maria looked into Liz’s eyes. She helped her sit up and lean against the wall.

“Where am I?” Liz said confused, she needed water.

“I don’t think you really want to know that answer,” Maria said seriously.

“Maria, I need to know. Is there any water in this place?” She felt faint again.

There was a refrigerator in the corner. Kivar kept water and other food in it. He had it stocked. He knew he was going to need it. Maria walked towards the fridge and got a bottle of water out, then walked back towards Liz. She handed Liz the water.

“Drink it slowly,” Maria reminded her that she wasn’t in mint condition.

Liz sipped her water. “Now tell me where I am,” Liz said sternly.

“You're in a spaceship,” Maria said seriously. “Kivar somehow brought you here against your will. He’s waiting for the rest of them to get here. He won’t hurt you as long as you cooperate with him.”

“That’s not going to happen. I won’t give into that bastard, and neither will Max, Michael, Isabel and Kyle.”

“He changed me; he forced you and Michael to do things. I get that your pissed. I would be too. Look, we have to cooperate to stay alive. It sucks but we have to do it.”

“Maria, I don’t give into peer pressure. You know me. He hurt Alex and Diane. I refuse to be nice to that thing. You've compromised yourself into believing the good things about him. I could kill him you know,” Liz said with serious tone.

“If you don’t cooperate he will kill you first. I tried sending Max a message. I hope he got it because frankly were going to need his help, whether you want it or not,” Maria said with frustration. “He’s coming, Liz, please.”

“Maria he’s using you. I know you want to believe that part of Darin is still in him but he isn’t; Darin is gone. Kivar is all that remains, and do you know what he is planning on doing with us?” She said quietly but with just enough anger. “Its just so wrong. I don’t want to repeat what I know, but I have to so you will see what a monster he is.” She had to take another sip of her water, her throat was so dry. “He is planning on using us, as some sort of tool to help recreate what the Royal Four took from him.”

The door flew open in a fit of rage. It shocked them both to the point where Maria flew backwards hitting the wall behind her. Kivar stood in the doorway, rage taking over him. “Talking about my little plan, were you?” He paused. “You see, this is why I was just going to kill you both, but I need you to get back what is mine.” He saw the shock in their faces.

“I told you he wouldn’t kill us as long as we cooperated, but you wouldn’t listen to me.” Maria stood up rubbing her head.

“Save your speech, sweetheart. I know you'r on the wrong side. I may need you but I don’t need you conscious,” he said as he raised his hand.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” said a voice from behind Kivar. Just the sound of that voice made him want to kill something but he put his hand down to face the intruder.

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Chapter Twenty Two

Kyle was standing in the middle of the hallway when it happened; this never happened before. He got a flash in his mind. Maria was telling him about Kivar’s plan. Instead of Max getting the message, it somehow managed to get into Kyle’s mind. He did the only thing he thought was necessary; he went to them. He didn’t know how he even got there in the first place but; for whatever reason he ended up in a spaceship.

Max, Isabel, and Michael were all stunned. They ended up right behind Kyle. Luckily for Kyle, Kivar was so busy dealing with everyone else he didn’t think to take Kyle’s powers away. He didn’t know he had any until that message got into his mind; then the same thing happened to him as it did to Liz. He started to form green electricity throughout his veins.

He was learning that it was a mind over matter issue; as long as he stayed calm, he would be able to focus his energy to one area. His hand was shaking; Kivar was staring at him. He knew if he didn’t do anything they would all die or end up on Antar with Kivar being his Yoda.

“Oh,” said Kivar almost breaking out in laughter. “What do you think you will do to me? Electricute me?” He smirked. He reached for Maria; he was going to grab her by the hair; but a force from behind him pushed him into the giant refrigerator. He slammed into it, falling to the ground; he fell so hard that the door to the metallic refrigerator flung open and some of its contents spilled onto him.

He wasn’t going to let Kyle get away with this.

Max looked at Isabel and Michael; he was stunned by the level that Kyle was at already. He put his hand up and stood next to Kyle. “One of us needs to get the girls before he wakes up. It could be very bad if he wakes up and were still standing here,” Max said. He was finally getting back to normal.

“I think you should go, Max,” Isabel said with insistance. “You need to do this in order to heal yourself.” She was surprised by what she just said.

Max looked at both Kyle and Michael, Michael nodded as well as Kyle. Max stepped forward; his hand was still raised. He wasn’t going to let Kivar take his women away. He would rather die then let that happen.


Maria was watching Kyle; she wasn’t sure how to react. A part of her wanted to run to Kivar’s side and the other part wanted to run and hide behind Michael. She kept telling her feet to pick a direction but for some reason they wouldn’t move. She felt a tug on her pant leg. Maria looked down. “Liz, I’m so sorry.” She grabbed the petite girl by the elbow, and helped her steady herself.

Max ran to Liz’s side. Isabel was right. He had to redeem himself, if not physically; he had to do this to be whole again. This was the only way. He saw that Kivar was coming too. He had to act fast. Max took his hand and placed it on Liz’s head where the worst of her injuries were. The bruises on her face would have to heal on their own.

“Help me keep her standing up.” He looked at Maria and noticed she was tempted to help Kivar. “Leave him there. He deserves what he gets.” Max once again was taking his throne back.

Max placed his free hand on her forehead; yellow light succumbed her forehead. Maria had to grab a hold of her because otherwise she would have fallen down again. She kept looking towards Kivar. She was worried about him. She had this weird feeling that he wasn’t just Kivar anymore; was Darin back?

Max could see everything that had happened in the last 48 hours. He wasn’t happy about Michael and Liz sleeping together; but he couldn’t be angry right now; he had to focus on healing Liz so they could get out of there before it was to late.

He saw Liz and Michael embrace; he could feel how strong his feelings were for Liz. He saw Michael cry for the first time in his life. He saw when Michael was in the parking lot with Liz.

He was violently thrown out of the images; so violently that he went flying backwards in the opposite direction that Kivar was in. He tried to stand up but he hit his head; he needed a few seconds to stand up and compose himself. He saw a hand; it was Michael’s. Max hesitated before taking it. He looked up at Michael with confusion in his eyes.


Michael could see the hurt in Max’s eyes. He knew what Max had seen in the flashes. After he helped Max to his feet, he walked over to see Liz; Maria had her sitting on the ground again, and had run to Kivar’s side. She was really confused right now; he could see that. He motioned for Isabel to get her away; he hoped Isabel had enough strength to use her powers.

Isabel listened to Michael and ran over to Maria, she touched Maria’s shoulder. Kivar still wasn’t concious. But Isabel feared he would be waking up any minute and all hell would break loose. Maria turned to look at Isabel; the look on Maria’s face broke her ice filled heart.

“Maria, I think you should stand behind Max and Michael; he’s not who you think he is.” Isabel tried to sound convincing. She didn’t think it was working.

“Something isn’t right. Kivar would have woken up by now,” Maria said with desperation in her voice. “Isabel, you have to believe me,” she pleaded again.

“This is how Kivar works. He’s like the devil. He makes you see what you want to see. This man probably had a family somewhere; but Kivar wore out his mind and he died. He’s not worth the time of day, Maria,” Isabel said a little harsher then intended.

“I know what your saying and a part of me wants to believe you, but something is telling me...” she paused and looked at Darin/Kivar. “This is Darin in the flesh. He’s really here and alive I can tell the difference,” Maria said trying to convince Isabel again.

Michael had enough. He was worried about Liz; but he had to get Maria away from Kivar. If she wouldn’t listen to Isabel, she would listen to Michael. At least he hoped she would. Michael ran over to the two girls, he knew Liz was safe with Max.

“Maria, I know your mad at me right now but you have to listen to us. Kivar is evil. He can make people see whatever they want to see. He’s playing you right now. Please hear us, otherwise you will end up like Tess or worse.” Michael didn’t know what else to say he wasn’t good at this kind of thing, Max was usually the hero.


“Maria,” said a hoarse voice from below them.

Maria glared at Michael and Isabel, “I told you it wasn’t, Kivar.” She smiled She bent down and hugged the man that sit before her. She felt him trying to get away. “Darin, its okay. Its me, Maria.”

“Get away from me you bitch,” he said with anger. She looked at his eyes and they were black.

“MARIA LET’S GO NOW!” Michael said, pulling her away from Kivar. “I told you he was only showing you what you wanted to see; now let’s get out of here.

Kyle was standing with Max and Liz. “Were not leaving!” Max said with anger. Liz was able to stand on her own now. She was okay for now. “Maria, you're not yourself right now. Kivar brain washed you. Michael, take the others and get out now. This is between Kivar and myself. Just do what I ask, please.” He ordered them.

Maria just looked at him, “Brainwashed, I think I would know if someone brainwashed me,” she looked at him with anger, “I’m not going to let you kill him!” She spouted back.

“Maria, the whole point to being brainwashed is that you don’t know its happening,” Michael said with frustration. “We have to go; you don’t want to see this.” He reached for her hand, she was torn between them. Darin was himself at one point this year; she knew it. She just wanted him back to his old self. She couldn’t process anything right.

“Just listen to Michael” Liz said with her voice still raspy, the bruises were almost gone. She looked like she was almost human again.

“Why should I?” she paused; she was standing between Isabel, Michael and Kivar. Kyle stood next to Max, and Liz.

“Because deep down you know we're right. Would I lie to you Maria?” Liz pleaded with her best friend. “I know I’m not your favorite person but please let Max do this. We will be able to redeem what is left of our lives; otherwise who knows what will happen?” She tried but was failing miserably.

“Screw this1” Michael yelled loud enough; Liz just looked at him.

“Michael what are you doing?” Max said with agitation in his voice.

“She’s obviously not going to listen; if she wants to stay here and become his love slave for eternity then let her,” he said with extreme anger in his voice.

This caught Maria’s attention; she noticed the hurt in his eyes; she also knew that this was taking a lot out of him. He wasn’t known for being so emotional; for some reason he was showing her how he felt. Maybe that’s what she needed to see. She also knew that they wouldn’t end up together his feelings were with Liz. She was still angry about that; maybe that’s why she needed Darin to be okay.
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Post by Spacegirl04 »

A/N I just wanted to thank all of the people who read this story it was fun to write and in writing this for me it wasn't really serious at the time, but now I've come to love it and am turning this into a series. But this portion is now complete so thank you all for reading this and thanks for telling me what you thought it helped me write each chapter...It will be back soon with a new title...and everything will be explained but for now let me know how you like the ending....hehehe

<center>Chapter Twenty Three</center>

Michael was unsure of what Maria was going through; maybe it was classic Stockholm Syndrome - falling in love with your capture - or perhaps she wanted to simply be with him. In either case the thought was revolting; sure he hurt her by sleeping with Liz, but he wouldn’t do it purposely.

He wouldn’t stop his feelings for Liz either; even though he was manipulated into having sex with her, his feelings were real. This entire situation had gone from bad to worse really quickly.

Nobody could process what their feelings were; Isabel couldn’t even function. She was zoning; Isabel never zoned, not in this way; Max really did a number on her or was it Larek? Either way what happened to them was psychologically damaging.

If Maria didn’t follow them he would simply leave without her. Endangering everyone was just stupid; Liz was still hurt even though Max healed her head injuries. They needed to get her to a bed so she could rest; she kicked Max out because she didn’t want him seeing certain things. He couldn’t argue with that.

Isabel finally spoke up. “Maria, we have to go NOW” She was in full ice mode. She only ever got that way when she was pissed off at Max. Now she was pissed at Kivar. He had hurt them all enough.

Maria was still hovering over Kivar like he was some hurt puppy dog; Michael and everyone else knew this wasn’t the case. He was manipulating her; he probably wanted to take her back to antar with him. Max wouldn’t let him leave... at least not alive.

In the midst of all his thought he felt something in his hand; he looked down and he should have known. Liz grabbed his hand to stop it from shaking; his powers were about to go ballistic.

She looked at him; then touched his face. She needed to calm him down. They couldn’t do what they usually did; so she simply took her hand and touched his cheek; just soft enough to bring him back to earth. She wanted more then anything to be with him; but they couldn’t, not right now.

Michael stopped thinking for a moment and just looked at her. She had done it again. She stopped him from blowing something or someone up. He was ready to de-limb Kivar one body part at a time. But Liz had this way about her; she stopped him from being angry - something Maria could never do; she usually made him even angrier.


Max was tired of all this; he wanted to take Kivar down. He couldn’t with everyone in the room; it would get really ugly. A horror movie in reality, now there’s a concept. He was done being patient with Maria; he walked over to her and grabbed her lightly by the arm.

“Maria, he is a killer. Do you not understand this? He belongs in prison, if there was a prison for evil aliens,” Max rambled.

“You are just like the rest of them; you don’t believe that he was once a human with a life; a life with me.” She still didn’t show emotion. “You JUST don’t want to see me happy!” she yelled.

Kivar still sat helpless on the ground. He was waiting for the right moment.

“Maria, I understand where you’re coming from; but the longer we argue about this, the faster we die. Is that something you can live with? Killing us all? Do you really want to let Alex die in vain? Do you?” Max shook her while keeping eye contact.

“He isn’t responsible for Alex dying.” She still wasn’t showing emotion.

“Maria, you have something called Stockholm’s Syndrome. He messed with a part of your brain that wasn’t ready to be messed with. If you can’t snap out of it...” He stopped, then thought of a way to get her back. “Then I’ll have to do it for you.” He leaned in and kissed her; it was an angry but passionate kiss, partly to get back at Michael for his sleeping with Liz. His hands were rubbing her back. It was a way to help anxiety.

Isabel and Kyle just looked at each other. They didn’t know what to make out of this latest groping session. Michael and Liz just stood there in shock. Michael wanted to pummel Max but he didn’t he knew what was really going on.

They needed to get out of there; maybe Kivar was really waiting for Max to be alone. It was Max and Kivar’s turn to fight. Who was he to mess with fate? He hoped that Max had it in himself to kill that bastard.

“Guys,” Kyle muttered under his breath.

“Max!” Isabel retorted.

“Get her out of here NOW!” Isabel grabbed Maria by the arms. She was still so in shock from the kiss Max had just planted on her that she didn’t have to time to fight. All five of them left; they left Max behind to clean up yet another mess.

“Were just going to leave Max alone,” Liz spoke up, they were all running to find a way out.

Michael stopped and turned to look at her. “Liz please don’t do this. He’s capable of fighting this war,” Michael pleaded with her.

“I know it’s just, shouldn’t we wait to see if he will come out of there alive? what if he needs us to heal him or something like that?” Liz stood there in shock.

“Michael she’s right.” Isabel stepped in.

“Not you too,” he groaned. “You of all people should know how strong his powers are.”

“But he’s alone; nobody knows what strength Kivar has. He could kill him with one blast,” Isabel said with tears in her eyes. “I can’t lose him”

“If Maxwell needs us he will let us know.” He looked at Kyle for some help.

“Michael’s right; Max is strong enough to fight this bastard. I need to get to my father and your father needs us too,” Kyle reminded her.

Michael hoped that worked.

“Your right,” Isabel said, while still protesting all of this negotiation.


Just as they were about to exit the ship; a loud blast came from inside the room. A huge ball of fire was headed in their general direction. Nobody knew what to do. Isabel screamed for Max and Maria was about to run towards it when Kyle grabbed her and stopped her.

He used his mind and they were all on the ground in the desert next to the Dome. Sheriff Valenti and Phillip Evans were standing there like nothing had happened; they looked as though they had been lost in the desert for days and were dehydrated.

Kyle ran up to his father. “Dad!”

“Son!” Jim ran up to his son; he had somehow figured out what was happening to him when Kivar was trying to erase his mind; he pushed him out. His head felt like it was splitting in two but he managed to get the alien out of his mind. He wouldn’t let anyone take his memories good or bad. They were his.

Phillip ran over to Isabel. Kivar never really got a chance to mess with him; he was interrupted. He hugged his daughter but was confused as to what happened to Max. He didn’t really know what was going on; he just knew he was confused. He hoped he would get some kind of an explanation from his daughter.

“Daddy!” She hugged him.

“Honey, where is Max?” He looked at her with innocence.

To be or not too be--
My Fics

Save the cheerleader Save the world,-heroes, I say huh?