Always Hoping for More (AU,M/L,ADULT) Part 15 (6/10) [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: behrland..oops, I mean VIrginia

Post by Mariael311 »

Well since it is almost the new's a new part for y'all (that and my girl Jules might actually might send me a virtual ass kicking if I don't!...Love ya Jules! )

Ok..but before I get to the new about some rplies! :D
Behrsgirl77 wrote:Haha!! Loved it but yeah that's is a no like cliffies so get your ass back here soon with another part!

:lol: You give me angst so I had to give you a cliffie! :D
LTL wrote:LTL tiptoes in, trying to pretend like she's been here all along.
Trying to get past me! I see you!! :lol: I'm glad your enjoying it though! :D

Thanks to:

As always, I really appreciate that you guys take the time out to read this and that you like it! :D It means a lot!

Now on with the story!

Chapter 12

I felt like the air had left my lungs and all I can do was drop the plastic bowl on the floor in shock. Did I hear him right? Did he just ask if we should kiss at midnight? Does he mean, me and him? Or the whole group?

"Liz?" Max asked me as he came to stand next to me at the sink. "Are you okay?"

"Um, yeah. Sorry, kind of spaced out there for a minute." I lied as I start chipping the ice to put in the bowl so I didn't have to look at him. God, only knew how red my cheeks were.

"I asked if we should kiss at midnight." He repeated. "I know Alex and Iz will but what should the rest of us do?"

"I-I-I don't know." I manage to stammer out. "Take the ice and see what everyone else thinks."

"Ok. Or maybe I'll ask Maria." He says.

"Yeah ask her. She'll know."

"Ok." Then I watch him leave with ice.

Oh my God! Where did that come from? I didn't expect him to ask me that question. How was I to respond to that? What did he expect me to say? So much for Iz’s theory that the guys weren’t thinking about girls because after that comment, someone was.. I wondered what Maria may say.

"LIZZIE! Hurry up with the Coke already." I heard Alex yell from downstairs.

I guess I was about to find out.

When I got downstairs, I found that Alex had already poured a shot of rum into seven cups and was adding the ice.

"Geez, what took you so long?" Alex asked as he took the Coke from me and started pouring them into each cup. "There about to start the countdown."

"Sorry," is all I could say as I took my cup.

"It's cool." He said. "Alright everyone ready…10-9-8-"

We all start counting down with him and then together shout…"1! Happy New Year!!!"

Then all of a sudden I felt someone turn me around and the next thing I knew, I was looking right into Max's eyes. Oh my God! Maria must have said go for it! I saw his head lowering and I close my eyes as if in slow motion. Then I felt his lips on mine as he kissed me and held me in his arms. I kissed him back or what my 11 yr old mind considered kissing and then felt him pull away so that he could go greet everyone else.
"What? I can't get in on the action?" Kyle asked.

"What?" is all I'm able to say since I was still in a fog.

"Michael kissed Maria, Max kissed you and well, your brother and Iz are having their special moment." Kyle says with a pout.

"Poor baby." Maria says and then grabbed him and gave him a peck on the lips.

Kyle started blushing and then I decided or maybe the liquor decided for me, but I also gave him a peck on the lips.

"Now we're talking" Kyle said blushing.

Then I went to hug Michael while Maria wass hugging Max. I give Michael a quick peck on the lips and then I went hug my brother.

"Feliz Año Nuevo, Lizzie!" Alex said

"Feliz Año Nuevo, Alex!" I tell him.

"Ok, everyone get your cup and let's toast to the New Year!" Alex shouted to everyone while he raised his glass and we all followed his lead. "To the New Year, may it be filled with fun and friends."

We all toast or in my brother's case, chug our drink and then the phone rang. It was our parents wanting to wish us a Happy New Year. They all shouted through the phone and so did we. We really couldn't talk long since it was so loud at the party they were at, so we hung up shortly after that.

"So what do you guys wanna do now?" I asked the group.

"Yeah, the night's still young." added Alex has he made himself another drink.

"Coñio, Alex! Stop drinking so much already!" I told him as I snatched the bottle out of his hands.

"Relax Lizzie. I'm fine," He tells me as he tries to walk a fake line. "See?

"Whatever. I’m not the cops. And your obviously not driving." I said to him as I roll my eyes. "So, do you guys want to watch a movie?

"Let's go outside and play hide go seek." volunteered Kyle.

"It's cold outside." Maria responded.

"Come on, Maria. Put a jacket on. Let's do something besides sitting in here." whined Kyle.

"Yeah, how about a round of football?" Michael asked.

"Not if we're playing rough." Maria told him.

"Maria, your such a girl." complained Michael.

"I am a girl, butthead." Maria replied.

"Yeah, but I don't hear Liz and Iz complaining." He pointed out.

"Come on Maria, it'll be fun." I tell her and Iz nods her head.

"See? She doesn't mind." Michael told Maria.

"Thanks, Liz!" she muttered.

"No problem chica….any time." I shouted as I ran upstairs to get my jacket followed by everyone else.

About 20 minutes later, Maria, Iz and I meet up with the guys in the back yard.

"Damn, what took you guys so long?" asked Alex

"Well, we decided to change our clothes. I didn't want to get my jeans dirty and Liz and Maria felt the same way." Iz told him.

"Girls" muttered Kyle, which made the guys laugh and us to give them dirty looks.

"Shut up, Kyle." I told him.

"Ok, let's get started." Max said. "Let's see, there's 7 of us. So one team is going to have four players."

"Or, I could be the cheerleader, the towel/water girl or whatever and sit and watch you guys plays." Maria commented.

"Just let her stand there and freeze then." Michael said. "Let's go already."

"Fine." Max said. "Iz and Alex, you guys can be captains and pick the teams since your older."

That seemed to work for everyone so Iz got Max and Michael and Alex got Kyle and me. We had decided to play touch football but that didn't last long when Iz tackled Alex.

"What happened to touch football?" Alex asked as he got up off the ground.

"Yeah, well I'm here to win. " She told him, gave him a quick kiss and jogged to rejoin her team.

Gathering Kyle and me in a huddle, Alex told us his plan. "Liz, I'm going to pass it to you and Kyle, you block Michael and I'll get Max."

"Ok." Kyle said.

"Wait, what about Iz? She'll be open and right after me." I told him.

"Just run as fast as possible and score. " Alex replied.

"Yeah, very comforting." I told him and he just smiled.

Getting back to run another play, Alex tossed me the ball and I took off like a bat outta hell. Kyle blocked Michael and I saw Alex get Iz since she was closer to him, which left Max who was chasing after me. I heard Maria cheering me on as I ran and just when I was about to make a touchdown, I felt someone grab me around my waist and pull me down. From years of watching Alex play football, I reached over the make believe line and hoped that I scored a touchdown as I fell to the ground with Max on top.

"You okay?" Max asked me as he rolled off of me and got up.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I replied as he helped me get up.

"We won!" Alex shouted as he ran over to me.

"No she didn't cross the line!" shouted Iz.

"Yes, she did! She put the ball over and had half her body over." yelled back Kyle.

"No she didn't!" Michael said as he joined the argument. "Max pinned her short of the line."

"No, he didn't" challenged Alex and the next thing you know, they were all yelling about cheating and that we didn't win.

"Yes, she did!" Maria shouted as she joined in.

I just shook my head and was about to say something when Max beat me to it.

"She made it. She got the ball over the line so they scored."

“Max, whose side are you on?" yelled Isabel.

"Oh god, you guys have fun arguing, I'm going inside to change and get something to drink" and with that I went inside.

"I'm with you." Max said as he followed me in. "This is pointless. They’ll probably be out there for a while. Iz hates to lose."

“So I see” I say to him as I heard her get louder.

After I changed and freshened up, I headed back downstairs and found everyone inside.

"So, you guys stopped arguing I see." I say as I sit down on the floor.

"Yeah" said Kyle. "It was kind of hard to prove a point when you guys both walked in.

I look at Max and he shrugs. "So much for friendly competition.

"Shut up, Max." Michael muttered.

"I guess we'll think twice the next time we play." I tell them all.

"Or set better rules," muttered Alex.

"Any ways, let's watch a movie." I say in an attempt to change the topic. "I think we need to do something we can all enjoy as a group with no fighting. So go change out of those clothes and shower or whatever and meet back down here."

"Yes, ma'am!" shouted Michael.

"Fine, let me know if you need towels. Maria and Iz you guys can use my shower and the guys can use Alex's." turning to Alex, "Use mami and papi's bathroom."

While I waited for everyone to get ready, I start popping some popcorn and looking for snacks to munch on because I knew that after that workout, everyone was probably hungry. As I began to get everything ready to take downstairs, the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Mija, your still awake?" Mami asked me

"Um, yeah. What's up?"

"Nada, we're still at the party, I just wanted to check up on you guys," she replied.

"We're fine. We're about to watch a movie"

"Ok, good. We'll probably leave the party in a little while."

"Ok. We'll probably be in the basement when you get in." I tell her and then asked. "Mami, is it okay if we all camp out in the basement?"

"Nena, I don't know."

"I mean we may fall asleep while watching the movie so it just makes sense to just move the couch and lay out the sleeping bags." I tried to convince her."

I heard a sigh over the phone. "Pues, ok. Just …"


"Be good."

"Mami! What are we going to do wrong?" I asked her.

"Nada, I trust you guys." She finally answered. "When we get home, we're just going to go to bed so we'll see you when we wake up."

"Ok." I heard talking behind me. "Well, I gotta go Mami. Bye!"

"Te quiero" she replied.

"Te quiero." And I hang up.

"Who was that?" Max asked me.

"It was my mom calling to check up on us." I replied. "Help me get this stuff downstairs. And can you help me move the couch?

"Sure. Why are we moving the couch?"

"I just thought we could set up the sleeping bags downstairs and crash there. I'm pretty sure we'll be nodding off before the movie is over since it's so late."

"I bet." He answered and started picking up bowls to carry downstairs. "By the way, thanks for letting Iz and me come over. This has been the best New Year's ever. Iz and I usually just watch the ball drop and then go to bed."

I blush, "No problem. I'm glad you guys are here. And, this is the best New Year's for me, too.

As I followed him downstairs, I thought to myself how true my last statement was. Max kissing me was the best way to start the New Year. My first kiss and what a kiss. Just thinking about it left me breathless and I could feel my cheeks flushing. I still couldn't believe that Max did that. I had to remember to thank Maria later if she told him to go for it.

By the time everyone showed up in the basement, Max and I had moved the couch back and spread open some of the sleeping bags. Then I had grabbed some pillows and blankets and spread them out so we could cover ourselves.

"I thought mom wasn't cool with this?" Alex asked me when he saw what I had done.

"She called while you were upstairs and I asked her." I told him. "She said it was cool. So what movie do you guys want to watch?"

We ended up watching "The Exorcist". Why? I don't even remember but I do remember grabbing unto Max's arm for protection. Maria was doing the same thing to Michael, while Iz was sitting on Alex's lap trying to cover her face from the scary parts by burying her face in his shirt and Kyle was sitting there on the couch enjoying the movie. Without realizing it, I ended up falling asleep next to Max with his arm around me. When I woke up a few hours later, I found Kyle on the couch, Iz and Alex on one end of the sleeping bags cuddling together. Michael was on his back, Maria was laying on her stomach and some how during the night, I had fallen asleep with my arm across Max's chest and his arm over mine. I laid there for a few minutes watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful with his mouth a bit open and I could see movement under his eyelids that had beautiful, long lashes. He must have been dreaming, so I made sure not to move. I hadn't had enough of looking at his beautiful face and thinking that when he grew up, he'd be the most handsome guy. I just hoped he'd be mine. Before I fell asleep again, I noticed that someone had turned off the tv but I didn't think twice about it. Instead, I just snuggled back into Max's arms, closed my eyes and let his warmth and breathing lull me back to sleep. This was heaven I thought to myself as I slipped into unconsciousness.



Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year

Coñio - Damnit

Mija - daughter

Nena - baby girl

Nada - nothing

Te quiero - I love you
"A penis is like a toy, a permanently attached Tonka truck"

~*Sexual Healer*~

*~Slash HO~*

Always Hoping For More

Dreamer for LIFE!!!!!
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: behrland..oops, I mean VIrginia

Post by Mariael311 »

Hey Now!

I know..I can't keep my promises but its not worth trying. Life is always hectic for me it seems! And it doesn't help that the muse took a vacation without me! That bitch! Even worse she came back but she didn't even bring me back a tshirt or anything. But at least she's back and I was able to knock out a few more chapters!

Thanks to all those that have stayed with me and sorry to everyone that has given up on me. I hate to dissappoint but here's a new chapter. This one and the one next to them are going to be a bit rushed. I felt that I wasn't going to keep dragging their early childhood. I had to start bringing in the angst a bit. That and I'm still fighting with my muse about the ending! :(


Chapter 13

The next morning, I woke up to someone shaking me slightly. My first instinct was to tell my mom to let me sleep for five more minutes, but I heard a soft voice in my ear saying my name. It took me a second to realize that it was Max and that since the last time I woke up, I hadn't moved.

"Sorry Max." I whispered to him as I moved off his arm.

"It's okay. I probably would still be asleep but I gotta pee bad." He whispered back as he shot up and ran to the bathroom.

I sat there and giggled and then covered my mouth when I saw Maria lift her head up.

"Huh, what time is it?" she asked as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

I turned around to look at the clock on the cable box and was shocked to see the time. "It's 12:30 in the afternoon."

"That's it!" She said as she put her head in her hands. "I need more sleep."

"I know but we should get up and clean up before my parent's do." I said as I got up to stretch. "Plus, if we sleep to long, we'll have problems falling asleep tonight and we go back to school tomorrow."

"Oh god! School!" Michael moaned as he opened his eyes. "I hate waking up and hearing that."

"Come on sleepy head" Maria said as she nudged him to wake up. "Rise and shine."

"I'm getting up, I'm getting up" he said as she kept poking him. "I’m rising but not shining.”

"Please, Michael" Maria said as she got up. "We all know you're not a morning person."

"Who really is?" asked Isabel as she woke up.

"No one here." Alex said as he sat up next to her.

"Too bad it's the afternoon." Max said as he walked into the room we were all in at.

"Shut up, Max." Michael said then turned and threw a pillow at Kyle who was still asleep.

"What? What?" Kyle said as he tried to get up and only ended up landing on the floor which made us all start laughing. "Thanks a lot, Mike."

"Hey, if I have to be awake, no one else is sleeping." He stated simply and then dodged the pillow that Kyle threw back at him.

"Well, I'm going to go take a shower and change." I said as I finished folding the blanket that Max and I used. "Then I'll meet you guys in the kitchen. I'll find us something to eat if y'all are hungry."

"Ok, chica. We'll finish cleaning up in here." Maria said as she started folding a blanket.

About an hour or so later, everyone walked into the kitchen to find Alex and I heating up leftovers from last night. We all sat or stood around the kitchen eating when my mom walked in later.

"Well, I see everyone is awake and eating. I'm going to call your parents and let them know." She announced and then went into the living room to make her phone calls.

By six in the afternoon, everyone had left and I was upstairs writing in my journal when my mom came into my room.

"Nena, are you busy?" She asked from my door.

"No mami. I'm just writing in my journal." I told her as I closed the book and she came into my room and sat on my bed. "How was the party?"

"Oh it was fun pero estoy cansada." She said as she yawned. "How was your night?"

"It was fun." I told her and started telling her about all the things we did.

"Bueno, I'm glad you guys had fun." She said. "When we came in, I went downstairs to check on all of you and…”

Oh no, I thought. She must have been the one to turn off the tv and was probably mad about the way we were sleeping. She is very old fashion and I knew I was in for a lecture about boys and girls and they way we should behave. How I should have known better. OH CRAP! I hope my dad hadn’t seen anything. HE would definitely be pissed!

"What, mami?" I asked her when she didn't finish her thought.

"Pues, I wasn't very comfortable about the what I saw. Especially you and Max and Alex and Isabel." She replied.

"Mami, we weren't doing anything wrong. We were watching the movie and I guess we just fell asleep." I stammered out. "Max is one of my best friends."

"Yo se, but still," she began. "Ay, no se. I know things are different and that you're young."

"Mami" I groaned.

"All I want to say is that I have things I have to get used to because I know that you guys are all friends. Just friends, right?"

"Si, mami. Just friends. Best friends." I told her.

"Ok, pero your brother and Isabel is another story." She said and then stood up. Standing in the doorway she looked back at me. "You're growing up so fast."

"I'm not a kid anymore mami. I'm going to be a teenager soon." I said with a smile.

"That's what I am afraid of." Then she left my room, closing the door behind her.

Turning back to my desk, I looked out at the windows and looked at the stars. Things were different in more ways then she knew. Max had kissed me, which I told her nothing about, and I felt that we were growing closer. I had wanted to ask him if it had bothered him that I had slept practically on top of him last night but he seemed to act like nothing was wrong. A part of me still wanted to call him and talk but I decided that tomorrow at school if he acted weird at all, I'd bring it up. Looking down at my journal, I realized I was at the part where Max kissed me. Thinking about that brought a smile to my lips as I touched my lips. I could still feel his lips on mine. I had to admit that for my first kiss, it sure wasn't bad,


The next day in school, nothing was different between Max and me. He was there at my locker when I got to school with the gang and we all headed to homeroom together. At lunch we all sat together and talked about the fun we had over break. Everything was back to normal. The one thing I found that was different was that Max seemed to be more at ease with me then ever. We sometimes would put his arm around me when we walked for no reason. When we would walk together to the buses, he would hug me goodbye. In fact, we all seemed to get in this new habit of hugging each other. It was cool but I could always see how other people would look at us. As if we were odd for being such good friends but I never cared. Deep down I think they were all jealous and they wished they had friends like I had.

The next major event for our group was my birthday and Valentine's Day. My birthday was two days before Valentine's Day and I knew that the guys were planning something for me but I had no idea. I had a feeling that Max might try to get back at me for embarrassing him on his birthday. I didn't know how they were going to top me but I wouldn’t put it pass them.

For my birthday, my parent's were throwing a party for me. The gang, some other friends that I knew from school and Girl Scouts and my cousins were all coming over for a party after school. My dad was going to cook dinner for everyone and my mom had ordered a cake from a bakery. I was really excited, I mean, you only turn twelve once and, well, I can't lie, I was excited to get my presents.

The morning of my birthday, my dad had made a special birthday breakfast for me. Since everyone in my family left the house at different times, my mom was going to take Alex and I late to school so that papi could leave for work and not be too late.

"Feliz Cumpleaños, Nena!" My dad shouted when I walked into the kitchen. Alex and my mom were already downstairs getting the table ready.

"Gracias" I said to him as he gave me a hug and a kiss followed by mami.

"Happy Birthday, Lizzie!" Alex said as he gave me a teddy bear with a balloon tied around its middle.

"Thanks, Alex!" I said as he gave me a hug.

"Take it with you to school, so that everyone knows it’s your birthday." Mami told me as she served me.

"Ok, it'll be different." I said to her with a smile.

Usually, I'm not a morning person but not that day. How could I be grumpy when it was my birthday and we were having a good breakfast? Even Alex was in a better mood than usual which was understandable since papi was telling us jokes. He always knew how to make us laugh. After breakfast, papi left for work and mami took us to school. When I got there, the gang was waiting for me at my locker, which had a huge banner on it.

"Happy Birthday, Lizzie!" they shouted together and then started throwing confetti at me.

"Thanks guys!" I said as I hugged each of them. "No more silly string?"

"Trying to be different," was Kyle's response.

"Well, I approve." I said with a smile on my face. As I started to open my locker, I thought better of it. "Is something going to pop out and hit me like Max?"

Michael just laughed and shrugged. Seeing that no one was going to respond, I stepped sideways and opened my locker just to be safe. Inside, were some birthday balloons stuffed into it and a bouquet of flowers.

"Aw, guys!" I exclaimed, blushing. "Y'all are the best!"

"We know. We all chipped in to get the flowers?" Max asked.

"I love them." I said smelling the flowers that was a different range of flowers.

Max smiled and he put his arm around me as we headed towards homeroom. Every morning, we always had to listen to some morning announcements for a few minutes. Sometimes, I would listen to them and other times, I would be too busy talking with everyone to really care. As usual, I was telling Maria about breakfast this morning when I heard my name over the loud speaker.

"And the last announcement for this morning…Today is Liz Perez's birthday. Her friends would like it if everyone could make sure to wish her a Happy Birthday." I started blushing and turned to face Max who just smiled. "Happy Birthday, Liz!"

I didn't even hear what ever else the principal had to say because everyone started wishing me a Happy Birthday.

When the teacher went back to her desk, I turned to Max. "Was the announcement your idea? Trying to get even?"

"Nope. That was mine." Kyle said.

"Thanks Kyle. But everyone's going to know it's my birthday with all these balloons." Pointing at them and laughing.

"Yeah, well it didn't hurt." Michael said.

"Nope, it didn't." I said as turned back around. “It was cool.”

"Just wait." Max whispered in my ear as he leaned over his seat. "My idea is coming later."

Having Max whisper in my ear, I couldn't help but shiver and blush. It wasn't the first time he had done that but this time it was different. It meant something more. It was a special moment between the both of us. To be honest, everything we did together, just the two of us, was special.

All morning long, people were wishing me a Happy Birthday in the halls and in my classes. When it was time for lunch, I went to my locker to drop off my book bag and get my lunch. Maria was the only one there to meet me and walk towards the cafeteria with.

"Ok, spill chica." I told her as we walked. "Where are the guys? What are they up to?

"I dunno." She responded with a smile.

"Liar! You're hiding something."

"I'm not saying a word." She said with a wink. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I did, now would it?"

I just rolled my eyes at her. Walking into the lunchroom, I looked for the guys but they were nowhere in sight. I was excited about what my surprise would be but at the same time, nervous. What were they planning to do to me? But I didn't have to wait long because as I was sitting down, in came the guys carrying a box.

"Happy Birthday, Lizzie!" Max said as he set the box down. "Iz and my mom helped me make you some cupcakes. We had to go out there and get it. That's why we're late."

"Ah Max!" I shouted as I jumped and gave him a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. "That's awesome!"

"Yeah, they took over baking duty." Maria said as she helped pass out plates. "Too bad we can't light a candle but oh well, we'll just have to wait till tonight."

"Yeah, I can't wait till tonight." I told them. "And we don't have to take the bus. My mom is going to pick us up after school."

"Cool." Michael said as he picked his cupcake but stopped because Maria smacked his hand. "What?"

"Liz gets to grab the first cupcake. It’s her birthday." Maria scolded him.

"It's cool, Maria." Max said as he picked up a cupcake and handed it to me. "I already put her's aside."

"Thanks, Max!" I said giving him a smile.

"See, now if you don't mind," Michael said as he snatched his cupcake.

"Um, I'm going to go around and give some of the extra cupcakes to some of my other friends, if that's cool with you Max?" I asked.

"It's cool. We made a lot" He said as he grabbed one. "Maybe too much."

"Thanks! Maria, come with?" I asked her.

"I'll go with you." Kyle said as he picked up the box after he grabbed one for himself and Maria got one.

As I walked around and gave out the extra cupcakes, I didn't notice Max and Maria get up and go talk to some people. When I was done and went to go sit down at my seat, Michael stopped me.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"You'll see!" he told me with a mischevious grin.

"What are you guys going to do-" I didn't get to finish my statement because at that moment Michael, Max and Kyle picked me up and put on the stage. I didn't know what to do. I tried to jump off but Max grabbed me from behind before I could make my getaway.

"Max, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Getting even." he said with a smile.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Maria and some other girls we knew from chorus step out from behind the curtain with a microphone.

"Oh no!" I said as I tried to hide my face in Max's shoulder. But he turned me around and held me tight.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Maria said into the mic. "Today is my best friend, Liz's, birthday. We'd like to sing her a Happy Birthday so I hope you guys can help."

And with that said, Maria and the girls began singing happy birthday in spanish and english. I was so touched that tears actually came out of the corner of my eye. Some people sang along in English but not in spanish. But who could blame them? I'm sure they didn't know the words. When they finished, I ran to Maria and gave her a huge hug.

"I love you, Maria!" I whispered in her ear. "I'm sure everyone already knew it was my birthday after this morning.

"I love you, too Lizzie! Always!" she whispered back. "Yeah, but you can't blame me since it was Max's idea.

I could only laugh and then I went to hug the other girls and thank them. Walking back to my seat, I couldn't think how lucky I was to have such great friends. They really cared about me. Enough to embarrass me in front of the whole school, but I loved it. I loved them.

After lunch, I wanted to talk to Max but I didn't get much of a chance since people kept stopping me and wishing me a happy birthday. Even the principal stopped me and said that I had some good friends. I could only smile and agree with him.

Sitting down in Science class, I finally got my chance to talk to Max alone.

"So I guess we're even?" I told him

"Yeah, we're even." he said with a smile.

"Thanks Max." I said to him with a blush. "So far this has been the best birthday ever."

"I'm glad!" He said as he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.


"A penis is like a toy, a permanently attached Tonka truck"

~*Sexual Healer*~

*~Slash HO~*

Always Hoping For More

Dreamer for LIFE!!!!!
User avatar
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:52 pm
Location: behrland..oops, I mean VIrginia

Post by Mariael311 »

Hey Now! :D

Well, I'm back with a new chapter! I'm sorry it took so long but lately...i just find myself writing more then posting. Things have been crazy in life and with every new event or problem, I find inspiration to keep writing this fic. I think I have about 10 new chapters so let's all cross our fingers that I don't flake out and try to post more regularly! :D

My only problem is that I keep editing everyting I write thinking I can make it better but yeah...I don't know anymore. So tell me what you think! Feedback is so much appreciated!

Thanks to all those that have bumped up this story and for waiting patiently for me! I hope to make it up to you...

Last note...short I know but it happens! :D


Chapter 14

When Science class was over, Max walked me to the locker rooms so that I could meet up with Maria for gym.

"What am I going to do with all these balloons? I asked her. "They don't exactly fit in my locker."

"Just leave them on the bench." She told me as she tied up her sneakers. "I doubt they're going to get up and walk away when you're gone."

"True." So I put them on the bench and I left my bear and flowers locked up.

During gym, we played dodgeball since it had begun to snow outside. I was having so much fun, I didn't think twice about the safety of my balloons till I went back to change for my next class. Walking in, I stopped dead in my tracks. Someone had gone back into the locker room and had decided to pop half my balloons. I was so upset that I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall to cry. I couldn't understand who would do such a thing. I was never mean to anyone so why would they do such a mean thing to me? There were people there I didn’t like but I just never talked to them. I never thought that was mean. I wanted to yell at the people around me and find who had done it but deep down, I was too hurt to even get out of the stall.

"What the hell?" I could hear Maria shouting from locker area. "Who is the evil, jealous bitch that did this?"

Before the locker room was full of the normal sounds of girls talking, opening up their lockers and changing. But after hearing Maria, it got really quiet. Even I got quiet even though no one could probably hear me. I was too embarrassed to have anyone hear me cry.

"Oh, so no one's going to fess up, huh?" Maria continued to shout. "Just you wait. Who ever you are. When I do find out, you are so going to regret this."

A few seconds later, I heard someone in the bathroom calling my name. Instead of answering to Maria, I just opened the stall door.

"Lizzie, I'm so sorry." She said as she gave me a hug.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You didn't pop my balloons." I whispered.

"I know but look at you. They hurt you. I can't understand why anyone would be so mean to do that to you and on your birthday." She said as she brought me a wet paper towel to clean off my face.

"Join the club." I said as I wiped my face. "Thanks. I should be used to it but it still hurts."

"Don’t say that. You didn’t deserve that." Maria said as she raised her voice so that the girls passing by the bathroom on their way to the next class could hear. " I hope I find out who did this to you. I'll make their life miserable."

"Maria!" I said. "What's that going to do?"

"It'll make them think twice about messing with you, that's for sure." She said then tried to get me out of the stall. "Come on, we're going to be late for class."

"I just want to wait for everyone to leave." I told her since I wouldn't budge. "I don't want anyone to see me like this."

"I'll wait with you then."

"No, we can't both be late. Just go ahead and go cover for me. I'll try to get an excuse slip from some teacher."

"Lizzie, I don't want to leave you alone."

"I know and I love you for it but just go. Please?" I said and then added when she tried to say something else. "I won't take long."

"Fine." She said with a sigh. "See you in chorus."

"Ok." I said as she gave me another hug and ran to change.

I waited in that bathroom stall for what seemed an eternity waiting for everyone to leave. Luckily, there was no class the following period so I had some time to my self. When I knew for sure no one was around and heard the bell ring that announced the next class, I crept out of the stall and made my way back to my locker. I sat on the bench opposite of it holding the remains of my balloons. Why did people have to be so cruel? What did I ever do to anyone that they would want to hurt me like that? I remember people being mean to me in elementary school because I had to go to ESL (English as a Second Language) but that was only one time before my mom found out. She got so angry at the school for discriminating against me because of my last name. I was forced to take some exams that I aced but ever since then I never really made any friends. Stupid? I know but that’s kids for you. Mean.

Here I was…12 years old and in a new school and there were still people that had a grudge against me. Why? I don’t think I’ll ever know. Then again, I didn’t care why. No one knew me like my best friends. They were all that mattered to me. Well, besides school and my family. But then again…they were my family.

I was so busy sitting there lost in my thoughts, I never realized that my gym teacher had walked into the locker room and found me,

“Perez, what are you still doing here?” she asked. “What’s this mess?”

Startled, I dried the tears of my face with the back of my hand and told her what happened. I guess she felt bad for me because she just shook her head.

“Give me a sheet of paper so I can give you a slip to excuse your tardy.” She said.

“Thank you” I replied quietly. “I really appreciate this.”

Instead of saying anything, she handed me my note, squeezed my shoulder and headed back out. Realizing that I couldn’t hide all day in here, I got dressed and headed for the exit. What I didn’t expect when I walked into the hallway was to find Max standing next the door.

“Are you ok?” he asked me.

Looking into his sad, amber eyes, I couldn’t say anything. I was too afraid that I would cry and make a fool of myself out here for all to see. Instead, I just dropped my head and before I knew it, Max put his arms around me. We stayed like that for a few moments until I could calm down.

“What are you doing here, Max?” I asked him as we broke apart from our hug. “What about class?”

“Its cool. Maria told me what happened so I asked my teacher if I could use the bathroom pass.”

“Oh,” was all I could say. But seeing him look at what was left of my balloons, I couldn’t help but ask, “Why would someone do this?”

“Because people are mean pricks”, he replied.

“Max!” I said trying to sound stern but failed.

“Its true.” He replied. “When I find out who did this, they’ll be sorry”

“Max, don’t do anything.” I said.

“They deserve to ….”

“Don’t bother! I doubt you’ll find out who did this.” I admitted dejectedly even though deep down I would have loved nothing more to see who ever did this pay. “ I don’t think anyone would go around bragging about what they did. Especially, after Maria’s lovely threats in the locker room.”

“We’ll see about it.” He said and before I could say anything to change his mind, he added, “Let’s not worry about it. It’s your birthday. Don’t let what happened bring you down. Haven’t you had a great time so far?”

“Yeah, until this…”

“Then think of that. Forget about the balloons. They’re not important. They can be replaced” He said trying to cheer me up as we walked down the hall. He put his arm around me and we just walked.

When we got to my classroom, I stopped shy of the window so my teacher wouldn’t see Max.

“Thanks Max,” I began. “For everything. For being my friend”

“Your best friend”, he corrected me.

I nodded and for the first time in the past 20 minutes, I smiled. “My best friend. I hope you won’t get in trouble with your teacher”

“I’m not worried about it. Your more important that class.”

“Thanks for saying that but…”

“Stop! Don’t worry about it. I’m pretty sure I haven’t missed out on anything that I can’t catch up on later.” He told me. “Are you gonna be ok?”

Looking up at him, I smiled. “I’ll be fine”

“Good. Don’t worry about what happened. I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again.”


“I promise. I’ll always be there for you.” He said. “You’re my favorite girl, Lizzie. I hate seeing you hurt and as long as I’m around, I’ll always be there for you. I'll never hurt you.”

That was a promise that I held unto for a long time and one that he kept all throughout the 3 years we were in junior high. In fact the whole group was there for each other. We even got in trouble together and had to serve a Saturday in school suspension after we found out who tried to ruin my birthday and got revenge. But it was worth it, even though during that day we suffered and still got grounded.

Junior High School passed us by so quickly but we never noticed it from all the fun we were having. Yes, we had our moments where there would be fights among us over stupid things but we always made up. The one time that caused some tension in the group was near the end of the seventh grade year when we found out that Mr. Valenti and Ms. DeLuca were engaged. Poor Maria and Kyle! It took them awhile to get used to the fact they were siblings after the marriage. They fought all the time about things but they got over it. What helped was the day that some guys were saying that Maria was easy because they caught her kissing some guy at an after school dance. Which wasn’t even true. Some loser got shot down by Maria and wanted to get her back. Like I said kids are just mean. When Maria came crying to tell us what happened, Kyle ended up beating up the guys for talking about his sister and Michael helped too. They both got in trouble but it brought Maria and Kyle closer. It even brought Maria and Michael closer but nothing would happen for some time.

We upheld all our traditions, made new ones and even spent our summers together at the beach, amusement parks, or kept in touch when the guys went to sports camp and when my parents would ship me off to spend the summer abroad. But the best summer ever had to be when everyone got to come home with me to Puerto Rico the summer before our freshman year of high school. We spent our time at the beaches, jumping off cliffs at some beautiful waterfalls, at the different festivals and even went hiking in El Yunque, the only rainforest in the U.S.

My fondest memory of that trip was the night before everyone had to go back home and leave me here on the island alone. We walked to the beach that was by my house and had a beach party; the seven of us. We brought blankets to sit on and made a fire where we sat around. We talked about the rest of our plans for the summer and talked about high school. Personally, I was scared of the whole idea. In a month or so, I was to go to a school with over a 2,000 other kids. I was afraid I’d get lost or worst, lose all my friends. Alex and Iz promised us that there was nothing to fear. They were going to be seniors and no one would mess with us. They said they would take us to parties, which shocked me since I thought it would be seen as not cool for them to be seen with underclassmen.

“Please! You guys are going to be with us.” Iz said: “When we leave for college next year, you’ll be remembered and be popular.”

“I don’t wannabe popular if I lose the people I care the most about. You guys!” I said

“You won’t”, Max reassured me. He sat next to me and put his arm around me. “I promised you that I’d always be here for you Lizzie. I’m not going to break it.”

I took comfort in those words and the promises from everyone else. But Max’s words were the ones that meant the most to me. In the three years that I had been friends with Max, I fell in love with him. Sure we had our moments where he would hold hands and do things couples did like to go to movies or dances but nothing was official. He always called me his girl and I loved it. I would have loved more if he had told me that he loved me but I just hoped that some day in the future he would. I guess you could say I was always hoping for more but as long as he was around and kept his promise, I’d be patient.

Little did I know that high school would be the best four years of my life and the worst all because of Tess Harding, the thorn in my side that I wanted nothing more to rip out and break in half. Her presence in our lives caused me so much pain and made me doubt Max, which was something I thought would never happen. But it did and it was all my fault.


ETA:: as you can tell from the ending of this chapter, the rest of the chapters for now are the High School years. Here, the angst begins and hopefully, I'll be able to explain what happened to Max and Liz.
"A penis is like a toy, a permanently attached Tonka truck"

~*Sexual Healer*~

*~Slash HO~*

Always Hoping For More

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Post by Mariael311 »

Hey Now!!!

OMG!!! I'm back with a new chapter! Did hell freeze over? LMAO!

I want to say thanks to everyone for reading this story. your feedback is just so amazing and I love reading what you have to say! And it's so funny how y'all hate Tess already and don't even know what she did. So I hope I can justify how horrible she was so that you can understand how she caused Max and Liz's separation.

Tanya- :P I'm not telling! Your just gonna have to suck it up and read! LOL!!! Ain't I mean?

Mama- Love you too!

I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's kinda meh...but I just thought it was needed. The next chapter should be longer and better.

Enjoy..I hope! Looking forward to the feedback.

Chapter 15


I hear someone talking to me from far away, but not just anyone. It’s Max and he sounds worried. I can hear Maria in the background and I hear Michael yelling. Why? I can’t make it out, but the sound of Max’s voice has my complete attention. Or is it my imagination? I can’t remember how many times I’ve thought I’ve heard his voice or seen him.

I want to move but I can’t. I’m lying still on the ground. How did I get here? Nothing makes sense. Why is Maria crying? Why is Michael yelling? Why is Max worried? Am I dreaming?

“Lizzie, can you hear me?” Max says, practically demanding me to respond but I can’t.

“Max is she awake? Is she okay?” Maria is crying.

“Calm down Maria. I’m trying to get her to respond” Max yells at her.

“Lizzie, wake up please. You’re scaring me. Lizzie? Lizzie?” Max is practically shouting at me.

I open my eyes but I still can’t see anything. All I can see is darkness and amber. I know that color of amber anywhere. It’s Max’s eyes but I can’t seem to focus on anything.

“Max?” I whisper.

“Lizzie! Hold on please. The ambulance is on its way.” He whispers to me.

I want to ask what’s going on? Why is the ambulance on its way? But I can’t. The darkness is taking over the amber and I just don’t have the strength in me to fight it. All I hear is Max shouting for me stay with him. But it’s a losing battle and as much as I want to keep my eyes open for him, there’s an even bigger part of me that doesn’t. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him that I’m not ready to give in to him.


Charles Dickens described my whole entire high school experience in two simple sentences. “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” But I guess that’s just life period. I’m not going to say that high school was some traumatic experience because that would be a lie. I had a blast partying and hanging out with the gang thanks to Alex and Iz. They were the popular ones in the school and they helped set us up in that ring of popularity. We were always seen with them and I guess were seen as “the” group to be with. I wish I could say that our popularity status meant nothing to me but that would be a flat out lie. I loved being popular. I loved never feeling alone and being invited to all the great parties. It also helped keep the gang together with out different interests taking us in different directions. We were the only freshmen that were invited to senior parties and outings. At the same time though, my life began to change that year and in ways I didn’t realize would affect me till now. The popularity wasn’t always great but at times a comfort when home was a mess, which it was a lot. But I’m getting ahead of myself….

Before school officially started, Maria and I became managers of the football teams. All 3 of them: Varsity, Junior Varsity and Freshman. Why some may ask. Well, Alex felt bad for me being trapped in the house when I got back from Puerto Rico with no where to go since my dad was always working and my mom was always at work, school or church. She had decided to become a minister when I was about 13 so she was always busy getting her degree and license. So before I knew it, I was being woken up every morning at 5am to get ready to go to football practice.

The first day I hated the fact that I had to wake up so early but my parents were totally behind Alex and wanted me to be more active in school as long as my grades didn’t suffer. So before I knew it, I’m sitting in a golf cart, watching boys of all ages and sizes slam into each other and fight for a spot on the team. It was pretty exciting and fun. I never thought it would be like this but I was hooked. Even better, Max, Michael and Kyle were all playing freshman football so it gave me more time to hang out with them. Sounds a bit stalkerish I know but I didn’t know that then.

At the end of the first day of practice, the coaches were so impressed on the way that I helped out that they asked me to be the manager for all 3 teams. I couldn’t refuse but I didn’t want to do it alone. The next day, I made Kyle drag Maria with him. Boy did she bitch the first day.

“Damn Lizzie! It’s summer, it’s 6am and what the hell am I doing? Sitting in a golf cart watching boys hit each other.” She groaned as she sipped her coffee.

“Yeah Maria but it’s hot sweaty boys hitting each other and we’re the only girls around.” I told her with a smirk on my face knowing that that comment alone would get her attention.

Before she could say something back one of the older guys that was friends with Alex came up to me asking me for a bandage. Maria took one look at that and literally tripped over her own feet trying to get out of the cart and get him a bandage. She was hooked.

For the 2 weeks before school started, you could find Maria and I sitting on the sidelines joking around with the guys and tanning. We got in trouble a few times for showing too much skin and starting water fights. I guess we were distracting the boys. But that didn’t mean we stopped having fun. The boys were always goofing off trying to get our attention and we loved every moment of it. Sometimes I think Max, Michael and Kyle would get jealous since we spent so much time with the older guys but they were hot! How could we not? But deep down, I always watched Max practice. I loved to watch how his would be so focus on plays, goofing off with the guys and watching him take off his pads and shirt at the end of the practice. I didn’t like the sweaty hugs I would get from the guys after practice…. wait, no I lied. I did! Sick I know!

The week before school started I met my competition. Not just one girl but like every girl that was trying out for freshman cheerleading and some other sports. I would loved to say that it wouldn’t bother me when I would hear Max talking with the guys about who they thought were pretty but yeah…it did. At times it made me feel like I didn’t exist when I would wait the guys for their ride while I waited for Alex to finish his shower so we could go home. The guys would have girls approach them and flirt their asses off. It was so obvious that they were completely infatuated with Max. I couldn’t blame them but trust me when I would be giving them the “eye” Some girls would see it and run off with hopes to get him alone but they didn’t always luck out. I wasn’t the only jealous. Maria would be make fun of them in their faces when she saw them hang all over Michael. Seeing her act protective would make me laugh thinking how she would act if they did get together and made me hope I wasn’t that obvious. Michael wasn’t really into really into the whole flirting and thank god that neither was Max. They preferred to chat with us about practice or laugh at Kyle who loved the attention. Sometimes it would be a battle with him and Maria to get home.

“Kyle, our ride’s here.” Maria would tell him.

“Tell Amy I’ll be right there. I’m talking.” He would tell her so he would go back to talk to whatever girl it was that had him in her grasp.

“No Kyle, get your ass in the car. I want to take a shower and hopefully a nap.” Maria would say and if he wouldn’t move, she would walk over to him, pull his arm and tell the girl “Sorry honey, your not flirting with my brother on my time”

All you would hear is the two of them bicker as they would walk to the car. Or should I say Maria dragging Kyle to the car. This was like a daily fight and a sure source of entertainment.

The day before school started, Maria and I went shopping for some more clothes. Actually more like Maria went shopping and she dragged me along.

“Maria, do you really need more clothes?” I complained. “We’ve been to like every store on the first floor and you’ve tried on more that you’ve bought..”

“Liz, I don’t have the money for all of this but if I’m really nice to Jim he might give me money later.” She said as she checked out her latest outfit in the mirror.

“Then bring him with you. Let him suffer.” I mumbled.

“Oh please. Don’t act like your suffering over there. You’ve bought more stuff than I have.” She said pointing at the bags in my dressing room. I guess I should admit that I’ve also done some shopping but in my defense I’m not as bad as her. “You’re the spoiled one here not me.”

“Yeah, well your sure coming up close in second place” I tell her which makes her throw a hanger at me.

“Whatever Lizzie you know…OMG! You have to buy that!” She says to me as I step out of my dressing room and show her a cute skirt.

:”You think? I ask her as I look in the mirror.

“Hell yeah! IT shows of your tan beautifully. You’ll have Max eating out of the palm of your hand.”

Blushing I head back to my room. “Who said anything about Max?”

“Oh don’t act innocent with me chica. I know what your doing. You think that he’s even interested in any of those fake cheerleader wannabes. Go team go!” She shouts and kicking in the air. “Your wrong!”

“Maria…stop!” I laugh hysterically watching her act like a cheerleader and watching the other customers give her weird looks. “Your scaring people”

“Pfft..if I’m scaring them then they don’t want to see the pathetic airheads that are the cheerleaders”

As we walk out of the store after I purchase my skirt, we head to the food court to see if Alex and Iz have arrived with the guys. We were all meeting up to see a movie which is a good thing since I had to put all these bags away and there was no way I was bringing them into the theatre. But they were nowhere to be found so we decided to stop buy the smoothie stand.

Sitting outside on the benches waiting for them, I turn to Maria and ask, “You really think Max isn’t interested in any of those girls?

“No, he’s not. I mean why would he bother with them when he has you? You’re his tropical beauty.” She stated as if it was the truth.

“Maria, I’m being serious? Don’t guys like the cheerleader types?” I ask again.

“Lizzie, I’m being serious. If he were to pick one of those wannabe bimbos over you, I’d personally hurt his ass for you.”

“No you won’t. Focus on Michael and I’ll worry about Max” I told her trying to change the subject.

“Pfft…this is Michael. Whoever wants to be with him, be my guest. If they can stand his ass, then they deserve him”

“So says the green eyed monster” I tell her.

“Who’s a green eyed monster?” I hear someone say behind me making my jump up off the bench.

“Max, you scared the crap out of me.” I shout as he grabs the smoothie out of my hand.

“Sorry..mmm…coconut. Thanks” He says as he grabs some of my bags and starts walking towards the parking lot.

“Hey you owe me 3 bucks for that punk!” I shout after him as I follow him.

He turns around and gives me that look as if he knows damn well I’ll never see that money because I never mind sharing with him. “Whatever you say Lizzie.”

“Damn Liz! How much money did dad give you?” Alex asks as he starts putting stuff away in his car.

“What are you complaining about? This is nothing compared to me when I go shopping.” Iz says.

“Ain’t that the truth!” I hear Max and Alex both mumble which earns them each a slap on the head from Iz.

“I’m hungry and the movie is starting soon. Can we get this show on the road already? Michael asks as we start walking towards the mall again.

“Yes sir, anything else your highness. Whatever you wish.” Maria sarcastically responds as she gives me the “look” that says ‘See what I mean’,

“Smart Ass” is all he says and then we see Maria chasing him into the food court.

Watching Maria chase him around the food court and then seeing Michael trip over a chair only to land on his and get smacked upside his by Maria made me laugh so hard, I had to stop to catch my breath. Max waits for me to stop so that we could catch up with the rest of the guys.

“Ready?” he asks.

“Yeah…oh my god, they’re going to kill each other one day.” I say as I try to wipe the tears out of my eyes.

“I know.” Max says as he looks at the food court but the turns to me. “What I meant is, are you ready for tomorrow?”

Becoming serious, I look down and say, “Yeah I guess. I don’t know. It’s going to be so different. There’s going to be so many people there with both middle schools merging and all. Not even including all the returning people and…”

“Lizzie, you have nothing to worry about, Remember, you’ve got me.” He says with a smile.

“I remember” I smile at him feeling better.

“Good, now” putting his arm around me and handing me back my smoothie, “Lets go grab something to eat before the movie starts.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. HEY!” I shout shaking my cup, “You drank all of my smoothie.”

“Oh did I? Sorry about that.” He smirks at me “I thought I left you some.”

“Max Evans!” I shout then smack him on the butt and take off running towards the food court with him chasing me.

"A penis is like a toy, a permanently attached Tonka truck"

~*Sexual Healer*~

*~Slash HO~*

Always Hoping For More

Dreamer for LIFE!!!!!
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Post by Mariael311 »

Bumping this up so I know where this is so I can post my update later today..just tweaking it a bit.

Just to let you know, I don't know what happened to Part 9 but I couldn't find it when I was going through my fic. So if you don't remember if you read it or whatever...go check it out! It's on Page 1! :D

BBL with a new chapter....:D
"A penis is like a toy, a permanently attached Tonka truck"

~*Sexual Healer*~

*~Slash HO~*

Always Hoping For More

Dreamer for LIFE!!!!!