To Keep From... (AU,M/L,TEEN/ADULT) Ch18 - AN 06/03/04 [WIP]

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To Keep From... (AU,M/L,TEEN/ADULT) Ch18 - AN 06/03/04 [WIP]

Post by Lolita »

Hi everyone! Just sneaking in quickly at work. I wanted to give you guys a new part since its the new board and all. :)

Btw, I think the new server and the new board rocks!!

Title: To Keep From Loving You
Category: M/L Au. CC.
Rating: TEEN with a couple of ADULT parts
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters. Just borrowing them for a while.
Synopsis: This fic is based on a challenge by Lillie

With the death of Claudia Evans, Liz Parker Evans comes home to her family and husband that she tried to leave behind five years ago. A clause in Claudia's will states that unless Liz and Max don't have a child together, than Max will lose the family company. Pain, resentment and heartache are drudged up as the two try to figure out what they are going to do about things.

Click here for Prologue - Part 9


Chapter 10

Max rolled over and buried his face deeper into the pillow. It was a chilly fall day but the sun was out in full force on this New Mexico morning. Groaning, he forced one eye open knowing that he could not put off the day any longer.

Today, Claudia Evans would be put to rest.

Going about his morning routine, he could not help but let his mind wander rehashing the events of the past few days. It still amazed him how much had happened since he received that letter. He was surprised, to say the least, that his mother and sister forgave him for his past misdeeds. However, he could not say the same for his father. Phillip Evans was never a man to forgive and forget. “Integrity and pride, Maxwell, is all a man has,” he used to say.

Max shook his head to clear his mind of such thoughts. He cannot let himself dwell on his father’s stubbornness and pride. He had to focus on his sister and his mother. He had to be the one they can lean on. He knew his father would be the stoic patriarch that everyone expected him to be and because of that he knew that his mother would need the comfort that he and Isabel could give her.

Fixing his tie, he glanced at his reflection one last time before putting on his suit jacket and making his way to Isabel’s townhouse.

Isabel glanced over her notes one last time. Her eulogy had to be perfect. It was the only thing keeping her together. She knew she had to focus on her task, otherwise, she would be a sobbing, grieving mess. She knew she had to be strong for her family. She also knew that the philanthropic reputation that the Evans’ had, now rested on her shoulders. It was not that she minded, she had always volunteered at charities and helped her grandmother with her fundraisers. It’s just that it is a big responsibility to now take over the foundation that her grandmother had established. Claudia had specifically told her agents and executor that when she passed on, that the control over the foundation be relinquished to Isabel. Claudia saw the kindness and devotion that Isabel had for the less fortunate.

Isabel’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the doorbell. She opened the door and let her brother in.

“Morning, Isabel,” Max greeted stepping into the foyer.

“G’morning Max,” Isabel gave him weary smile.

Max, seeing that his sister was trying hard to keep it together, reached out and pulled her into a tight hug. “It’ll be okay, Isabel. I promise. I’ll be right there. I’m not going anywhere,” he assured her.

Wiping her tears and giving a little sniff, Isabel gently pulled back and thanked her brother.

“Isabel, are you almost ready to go?” Max asked glancing at the clock on the wall.

“Yeah almost. I just have put my notes in my purse and grab my coat,” Isabel replied as she wiped her stray tears with the back of her hand.

Ten minutes later, they were in Max’s rental car driving to the church.

Isabel sat there looking out the window at the passing scenery. It was really only a guise. Since yesterday, she had been contemplating whether she should tell Max about the Parkers. Two days ago, her mother had received a card from the Parker’s expressing their condolences. It had also mentioned that they will be attending the wake.

Isabel was torn. She knew that she had to tell Max. However, just like her, he was trying very hard to keep his emotions in check. She did not know whether telling him would shatter that control. In the end, however, she knew that she could not make that decision for him.

“Max?” Isabel turned to look at her brother.

“Yes, Izzy,” he replied. The corner of Isabel’s mouth twitched to a lopsided smile. He had not called her that since they were kids.

“I wanted to tell you something,” she continued hesitantly.

Max turned his head to glance at his sister and nodded his head.

“Mom received a card the other day. It was from the Parkers.” Isabel turned to look at her brother.

Max was gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles had turned white. “A-are they attending the funeral?” he asked, his voice coming out hoarse.

Isabel studied her brother with scrutiny. She knew by the way his hands were now nervously gripping and twisting around the steering wheel that there was something else that he wanted to know.

“Yes….and you should know…..,” she did not know whether she should continue or just let him find out for himself, “…Liz is with them.”

As soon as Isabel said her name, she saw her brother briefly close his eyes.

Upon hearing Liz’s name, Max took a deep heaving breath. He had a feeling that she would be there. After all, Grandma Claudia always had a place in her heart for Liz. She had welcomed her into the family after both parents had pretty much forced them to marry.

“I-I see,” was all he could manage to say.

* * * *

Liz got up early that morning. She had to get ready for the funeral and rouse Maria and Michael out of bed.

Liz was not the least bit surprised at the arrival of her best friend and her husband – Maria always knew when she needed her even if she did not voice it. Her parents had been accommodating enough to put all three of them up for the week. Liz got her old bedroom, while Maria and Michael slept in the guest room downstairs.

Tying her robe around her, she made her way down the staircase towards the guest room. Knocking on the door she called, “time to get up you guys. We have to head to the church in an hour.”

As she passed the downstairs bathroom, some muffled sounds could be heard coming from inside. Pressing her ear to the door, she distinctly heard retching sounds.

“Hello? Is that you Maria?” she asked gently knocking on the door with one hand while the other turned the knob. Finding that the door was unlocked, she peeked her head inside carefully, announcing her presence. Scanning the bathroom, her eyes landed on the rumpled, blonde figure driving the porcelain bus.

“Maria!” she said rushing over to her friend. “What happened?”

Maria looked up at her worried friend. “Oh chica! This serves me right! Not very smart of me to order clams for lunch in New Mexico!” she said trying to muster a lopsided smile but instead her stomach rumbled and she heaved some more.

Surprised, Liz flinched back and made a face. Softly laughing to herself, she moved behind Maria and held her hair back from her face. “I guess you’ll know for next time not to order shellfish in New Mexico,” she said smiling. Getting up, she walked over to the medicine cabinet searching for something. A few seconds later, she made her way back to Maria and crouched, presenting a nauseously pink bottle in front of her.

“Here drink this,” she said looking at the bottle.

“Liz, no way! I hate Pepto Bismol! I hate it so much I don’t even give it to my patients!” she exclaimed backing away.

“C’mon Ria. Just drink it,” she said pouring a dose into the little plastic cup.

“Fine. But let the record show that I think it is absolutely disgusting!” she said reaching for the cup. She gulped down the abnormally pink liquid and grimaced. “Let this prove how much I love you, chica. I will drink down iridescent pink goo for you!” she said handing the cup back to Liz.

“Yeah Ria. You’re the best,” Liz said giving her a sugary sweet smile. “Now we better get you up off the floor and back in bed before you ruin my mother’s marble floors,” she joked.

Both women made their way back to the guest room both looking a little battle weary. Maria was leaning heavily on Liz, while Liz supported Maria, which wasn’t a difficult task since Maria was not that much taller than Liz.

Entering the bedroom, Liz gently set Maria down on the bed beside the snoring Michael. “Gee, I guess nothing wakes Michael, eh,” she snorted.

Maria laid down and squeezed her eyes shut willing the room to stop spinning. “Sweetie, can you hand me my rosemary and peppermint oil,” Maria said pointing over to the dresser where her makeup case lay.

Liz walked over to the dresser fumbling for a bit then padding back to Maria to hand her the small blue bottle.

“Thanks,” Maria said as she soothingly inhaled the herbal concoction.

“Maria, I’ll be right back. I just have to go tell my parents that I won’t be coming to the service,” Liz said smiling at Maria’s twitching nose.

However, before Liz could turn to leave, Maria grabbed her wrist rooting her to the spot. “No sweetie. You should go. This is just a slight case of food poisoning. It will probably go away in a day or two. Don’t worry about me.” Shifting, Maria raised her arm and smacked the sleeping Michael with the back of her hand.

“Michael…Michael…,” she droned as her limp arm kept its comical assault, “…wake up. You need to go with Lizzie to the funeral.”

Flailing, Michael sat up and touched his head. “Damnit Maria! A good morning kiss would have suffice! You didn’t have to go all George Foreman on me!”

“Good morning to you too, Michael.” Liz said smiling. She always loved watching Michael and Maria fight. It was always over little things and it was never serious.

“Oh! Hey Liz!” he nodded his head towards her in greeting.

Liz turned her gaze towards Maria again. “No I really think that Michael should stay here with you. You’re sick Maria. I’ll be fine.”

“Liz…come here,” she whispered. Liz leaned down. “Come closer,” Maria whispered again. As soon as Liz was kneeling at her eye level, Maria grabbed the collar of Liz’s bathrobe and pulled her towards her. “Listen to me Elizabeth Parker-Evans. You will take my husband with you to the service and there will be no ifs, ands, or buts about it!” she said in a rush. Oddly sounding like Linda Blair from The Exorcist.

Liz could only nod her acquiescence. When Maria finally released her, she got up and made her way to the door. Turning back she quipped, “gee maybe next time I should lace that Pepto Bismol with some tranquilizers!” Michael fell off the bed laughing while Maria just rolled her eyes.
Last edited by Lolita on Thu Oct 09, 2003 4:39 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Chapter 11 - FINALLY!!

Post by Lolita »

I have managed to finish Chapter 11, finally! Phew! I really should be doing my taxes but I just had to get this part done! Screw the government! They've already taken most of my money! LOL :lol:

I should say that I want to dedicate this chapter to LTF for being a beta and giving me some helpful grammatical tips :wink: and most of all to Floh for kicking my butt into gear!! Thanks Kerstin! Mwuah! Oh and I've decided that little comment you made in the email will be included in the next part. :wink:

Thank you for the hugs and well wishes, Gal and Liz. :)

Oh and for those of you who thought Maria was pregnant, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but she's not. It's actually just food poisoning. Which I've had the unpleasant opportunity to experience. I had bad Paella (a spanish dish consisting of rice, fish, and shellfish) and had thrown up that same evening. Well, it could also be from the pitcher of sangria that I drank! :wink: Who knows! LOL

Oh and I would like to give a big thank you to Debbi and Dee because reading their fics just inspired me! The angst in their stories is so overwhelmingly delicious that I couldn't help but be inspired by it.

So, without further ado, on with the story....

Chapter 11

Sitting in the companionable silence of the car, Liz glanced at Michael and smiled nervously.

“Don’t worry, Liz. Maria is fine. It probably was just the clams from yesterday. You know that stomach of hers,” he said rolling his eyes.

“You’re probably right,” she nodded her head in agreement.

Truth be told, Liz wasn't really that worried about Maria. She knew her best friend very well. If she were really ill, she wouldn't have refused help. Maria was stubborn but she wasn't stupid.

Liz was nervous about another reason altogether. She was about to confront a very painful and unresolved part of her past. Not only that but she was also about to say goodbye to a very kind and well-loved woman – a woman that had not only welcomed her with open arms into her family but also acted as a surrogate grandmother to her (her own having passed away when she was very young). In Claudia Evans, Liz had found a kindred spirit. It was this very reason that Liz felt extremely guilty at the way they had parted ways.

Claudia paused in the doorway as soon as she reached the nursery. Her eyes immediately spotted Liz, who was sitting in the wooden rocker, dressed in her pajamas staring blankly out the window. She sighed quietly and briefly closed her eyes. It saddened her to see this girl who was once so inquisitive and full of life, sitting dejectedly, lost in her own grief and self-pity.

Claudia could still remember their first meeting. She had taken an instant liking to the bright young girl. In Liz Claudia saw her own tenacious nature and unquenchable thirst for knowledge. She thought that Liz would make a perfect match for her grandson, Max. Unfortunately, fate seemed to throw hurdles in their way.

Crossing the room, she pulled up a chair beside Liz and laid her aged hand on top of hers.

As if suddenly broken from a trance, Liz blinked and turned her gaze away from the window and towards Claudia giving her a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

“Hi,” she whispered placing her other hand on top of Claudia’s.

“Hello, dear,” Claudia greeted back as she scanned Liz’s face with maternal affection. Isabel had called her an hour ago extremely worried about Liz’s mental state. Since her accident, Liz had tried to cope with the sudden lose of her unborn child. She even saw a therapist at Isabel’s insistence. After several months of therapy, Liz had claimed that she was fine and she longer needed to see a therapist. Everyone was convinced to believe her for she did seem fine. She was thinking of going back to school and was starting to attend social functions again. Everything seemed to go along smoothly, until today.

“Are you alright, dear?” Claudia inquired worriedly.

“Hmmnnn…,” was Liz’s reply as she once again shifted her attention to the now setting sun.

“I heard Isabel came by today,” Claudia said trying to engage Liz in a light conversation. “She was going to take you shopping,” she continued but still received no reaction from Liz. Thinking that this would be a conversation she was going to have by herself, she switched tactics.

“Lizzie, I know Max has been his usually distant self but…” Claudia didn't get to finish for Liz held up her palm indicating that she didn't want her to continue.

Keeping her eyes glued to the window, she stated, “Max is who he is.” With an eerie calmness surrounding her being, Liz patted Claudia’s hand and began to gently rock in the rocking chair.

Hearing the lack of emotion in Liz’s tone, Claudia deduced that the conversation was now over and that Liz was back in the solitary place in her mind where she had been residing all day. Brushing back Liz’s hair from her face, she stood up and left the room, softly closing the door behind her.

The next day, Elizabeth Parker-Evans left Roswell, New Mexico.

Stepping out of the rental car, Liz checked her watch and smoothed the wrinkles out of her skirt. Michael noticing Liz’s agitated state draped his arm over her shoulders for support.

They both entered the church and silently made their way towards a pew near the back.

As she continued with her eulogy, Isabel glanced around at the crowded church. Her grandmother really was a well-loved woman, evident from the many faces in the crowd. As her gaze drifted, a slight movement from the entrance of the church suddenly caught her eye. Her eyes widened in disbelief causing her to falter in her speech. However, she quickly composed herself before anyone could notice…or so she thought.

Max sat in his seat desperately trying to swallow back the lump he felt in his throat. It was all he could do. Since Isabel began her eulogy, her gaze would constantly drift back to him and he in turn would give her his silent show of support. He knew that his sister needed to do this by herself. He had decided since they arrived at the church that he would be here for her if she needed him.

He did not miss the slight falter in her voice when her eyes quickly drifted to the back of the church. Intrigued as to what had caught her off guard, he turned in his seat and looked towards the doors. Entering the church was none other than his estranged wife, Liz Evans, draped under the arm of some strange man.

Slightly taken aback by what he saw, he sat stiffly, his eyes rooted to the dark-haired woman from his past. He couldn’t believe that she had the audacity to bring a date to his grandmother’s funeral! However, as soon as his feelings jealousy came up, he just as soon squashed it down. Why should he be jealous? He thought sarcastically. After all, he hasn’t seen Liz in nearly five years. She was also the one that had run out on their marriage and not him. She wasn’t even considerate enough to leave a note or letter explaining why she had left. He just woke up one morning and found that she was gone.

After they lost the baby, he had pulled into himself, burying his grief in computer algorithms and data charts (a practice he continues up to this day). He took care of all of the hospital arrangements. (He wanted to spare Liz the burden of making arrangements for their dead child.) He even put Liz in therapy, after his sister’s suggestion that she needed mental help. However, he realized now what a complete ass he had been. He had spared her the grief and onus of taking care of their deceased baby but in doing so, he had taken away her right to mourn the loss of a baby that she had been connected to for six long months. He had underestimated the bond that a mother and a child in utero can share. He had thought that he was taking care of her when in actuality he had been pushing her away.

He had pushed her away because he couldn’t deal with his own grief. He had pushed her away because he had felt guilty for being relieved. Relieved that he was no longer going to be a father. He knew it was so very wrong to feel the way he had felt but he couldn’t help it. The baby had been the only reason that he was forced into marriage. He was clearly not ready to be a husband, let alone a father. However, he did care for Liz. The sweet, brown-eyed girl he hung out with in college. The one he spent time with one lazy summer afternoon. She was his friend and he was hers, but one impromptu night of passion changed all of that.

So, he really had no right to be jealous. He had brought the situation he was currently in upon himself. He was the one that drove her away. He had shut her out long before she shut him out. He could see that now. How was that saying again? Hindsight being 20/20.

Sitting down, Liz glanced around the church and thought of how well-respected Claudia Evans was. The church was full of mourners. There was barely an empty seat. Everyone from the town’s mayor to some of Fortune 500’s top CEOs were present. All of these people had come to a little town called Roswell to pay their respects to a beloved woman.

Suddenly feeling dampness on her cheek, she raised her hand to her face and swiped away at her tears. If only Grandma Claudia could see her now. She would be proud. Claudia had always expressed her belief in her. She had always been happy to hear of Liz’s achievements in college, academic or otherwise. Time and again, she would encourage Liz to go for her dreams. She had always teased her that she would be the first Nobel Laureate from the infamous town of Roswell, New Mexico.

However, as much as Claudia would have been proud that Liz had made a run for her scientific dreams, she would also be disappointed at Liz’s cowardice. When the going got tough, Liz bolted. She had felt trapped, stagnant in the situation with her marriage and her life. She once again reminisced about their last conversation…

‘Max is who he is…,’ but she had neglected to add, ‘I am who I am.’

She wasn’t ready to be a wife. She wasn’t prepared to be a mother. She had just faithfully accepted the situation. Prepared to live it out for nothing she could do could change it. She couldn’t very well terminate her pregnancy; that would be wrong. Why should an innocent life pay for her one night of careless passion and stupidity?

However, when she found out that she lost the baby she had felt sad, relieved, guilty, and confused all at the same time. Sad that the child she had carried was gone. That she would never hear her baby cry or laugh or see him or her grow up. Relieved that her baby was spared from growing up with screwed-up and dysfunctional parents. Guilty that she felt relieved and unburdened from the loss of her child. Confused as to what would happen now. Would she go back to Max and continue to live as a husband and wife that loved and hated each other both at the same time? In the end, she had felt numb and shut-off. She needed to be introspective and work her feelings and thoughts out before she could move on. In the end, she came to the conclusion that she needed to go. Both for her sake and Max’s. She couldn’t stay with him and have both of them miserable and end up resenting each other at the end. No, she would leave. She had to leave. They both needed the space. So without any word to anyone, she packed up and left.

However, once she had settled, she couldn’t file for a divorce. Part of her knew she should but she just couldn’t do it. As screwed up as her life had become and as much as she hated what Max had become, she still cared for him. Cared for the boy that dried her tears and made her laugh. For the ambitious boy who wanted to take the software world by storm with his innovative ideas and enthusiastic drive. She could not forget that charming boy. The boy she lost once he signed the dotted line of the marriage contract.

Shaking her head as if to disperse her heavy thoughts, she focused her eyes to the front of the church. Isabel bravely stood at the podium, giving a heartfelt speech about her grandmother’s life.

Isabel her friend and used-to-be confidant. The girl who had stood by her and had taken care of her after her loss. Who had taken the responsibility for her physical and mental well-being when her husband was ill-equipped to do so. Isabel, who she had not seen in nearly five years had grown to be a beautiful and dignified woman. Once again, Liz felt tears course down her cheeks.

As she continued to stare and listen, she saw Isabel pause and suddenly for a brief second their eyes met. However, as quickly as it happened, she resumed her speech again but not without glancing at something to the front right side of the church. Liz followed Isabel’s gaze and she gasped and stiffened at what met her eyes. There sitting in the second pew from the front was none other than her husband, Max Evans, staring straight at her.
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Chapter 12

Post by Lolita »

As promised, here is Chapter 12. Thanks Kerstin for being my beta! Mwuah!

I'm glad to see there are a couple of new readers here. :)

FYI, I'm trying to compile a little soundtrack to this story. As most other writers will probably agree, music helps me write so I thought I'd share with you the songs that have inspired me to write this fic. It's quite eclectic ;) :D

1. My Sharona (The Knack)
2. Here We Are (Gloria Estefan)
3. Here's to the Night (Eve6)
4. Protection (Massive Attack)
5. Good Mother (Jan Arden)
6. Waiting in Vain (Annie Lennox)
7. Why (Annie Lennox)

This list will probably grow as the story progresses.

Chapter 12

Liz drummed her fingers against her cheeks as she passively watched the streets of Roswell pass before her.

“So, Mrs. Evans was a popular woman, eh,” Michael prodded.

“Yeah she was,” Liz answered blankly. Her eyes were still distant.

Michael frowned, noticing Liz’s impassive state.

“Earth to Liz,” he snapped his fingers in front of her face rudely.

“Yes, Michael. I heard you,” she sighed and turned in her seat to face him.

“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Michael turned his head and glanced at his solemn passenger. “Are you okay?”

Liz had been distracted throughout the funeral service. She could not get those eyes out of her mind. His golden gaze seemed to pierce right through her heart. Even with the distance that separated them, she could see a myriad emotions flicker through Max’s eyes. His gaze had been so intense it actually made her squirm in her seat. There had been something accusatory in his stare. Who could blame him? His grandmother passes away and suddenly his estranged wife shows up.

“Wha – yeah. I’m okay,” Liz answered, giving him a small smile.

Turning his eyes back to the road, Michael continued, “We don’t have to go to the wake if you don’t want to. I’m sure it’ll be okay.” He reached over to where her hands were clasped on her lap and gave it a squeeze.

“I want to go, Michael. I want to pay my respects to the Evans. But you should go home and be with Maria.”

“Maria will be fine. Will you?”

“Don’t worry about me, Michael. I’ll be fine. Go be with your wife.”

Michael glanced at Liz and saw the determination on her face. He knew then that it would be futile to argue with her. So he let the matter go.

“So…” Michael said hesitantly. He wasn’t sure how to proceed with the conversation. He didn’t want to seem nosy but yet he was curious as to how Liz felt about the Evans. Maria had told him a bit of her conversation with Liz the week before. He knew that she had been married to the Evans’ son but he wasn’t privy to all the dramatic details.

As far as he could recall, Liz had always been guarded. Maria had befriended Liz at the hospital where they both worked. They hit it off quite well and had been good friends ever since but she was never one to easily share information about her past.

Liz glanced at Michael from the corner of her eye and smiled. “Go ahead Michael, ask me.”

“Huh? What do you mean? I wasn’t gonna ask anything,” he muttered.

“It’s really okay,” she reached over and patted his arm. “I know you’re curious. Just ask me,” she assured him.

Blowing out a breath, he prodded, “so which one was your ex?”

“It was the dark-haired guy near the front. He sat with the pretty blonde girl that gave the eulogy. That’s his sister,” she explained.

“Oh! That’s why that guy kept staring at you,” he exclaimed.

Liz turned and faced Michael’s profile, deeply scrutinizing his features. Why would Michael say that Max was staring? Sure he did look at her briefly when they entered the church but had quickly turned to face the front once they made eye contact. She hadn’t noticed him glancing in her direction throughout the service. Not that she had been looking, of course. Although her gaze did seem to wander towards his direction often during the service.

“Michael, Max was not staring. He was simply looking around the church, that’s all,” she reasoned.

Michael furrowed his brows in confusion. Liz must be really dense or in denial because he was sure that her ex was staring at her and shooting daggers at him throughout the service. However, he once again dropped the subject wanting to spare her any discomfort.

Pulling into the Parker’s driveway, Michael turned in his seat to face Liz. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he questioned.

“Michael, stop worrying,” she said trying to assuage his concern, “I’ll be fine. Go take care of Maria. Anyways, my parents will be there,” she added.

Michael nodded and exited the car. He waited for Liz to get around to the driver’s side before giving her a hug.

“Listen, if you need –” he started but was interrupted by Liz shaking her head.

“I’ll be fine. Quit worrying and get inside,” she said teasingly.

* * *

Liz slowly walked up the steps to the Evans’ front door. Blowing out a deep breath she mentally prepared herself to face the Evans for the first time in five years. Raising her hand to the door, she hesitated and dropped it. She had to admit to herself that she was not ready to confront them yet. She was a coward then and she is still a coward now.

She slumped her shoulders dejectedly and walked down the steps. She headed towards the backyard wanting to clear her head. She knew that she would eventually have to face the Evans but she needed a moment to gather her thoughts.

With her mind being occupied, she did not spot the rock in her path until the heel of her shoe caught it and she came tumbling forward.

Isabel quietly excused herself from the group of people who had come express their condolences. She had managed to keep herself composed throughout the funeral and the burial. However, she had found it too overwhelming to handle all of the people (whom she barely knew) who had come to her grandmother’s wake.

She quietly slipped out of the side door and made her way towards her mother’s rose garden.

Sitting down, she pulled out a cigarette from her purse and lit it. Taking a deep drag off her smoke, she slowly blew it out. With each slow steady puff, she felt herself relaxing and letting the nicotine temporarily numb her emotions. However, she was suddenly interrupted by a loud yelp coming from behind the bushes.

“Hello? Is anybody there?” she inquired as she moved closer to the source of the noise. Peering over the rose bush she spotted a woman dressed in a black dress suit sprawled face down on the grass.

“Excuse me miss? Are you okay?”

Liz was extremely embarrassed having caught her shoe on a rock but realizing that someone had witnessed her ungracefully doing a face-plant was absolutely mortifying!

“Uh…um…I-I’m fine,” she replied, her face heating up with embarrassment as she slowly pushed herself up.

“M-my shoe just got cau – ” her words caught in her throat as she gazed up at the person standing before her. It was none other than Isabel Evans.

“Liz?” Isabel croaked, dropping her cigarette in shock.

“Isabel?” Liz whispered, her eyes growing large in surprise.

Time seemed to have frozen as the two former friends stared at each other. Liz on the ground trying to pick herself up and Isabel standing over her unsure whether she should help her up.

“Give me your hand,” Isabel offered extending her hand in assistance.

Liz hesitated for a moment before she gratefully grasped Isabel’s hand and pulled herself to a sitting position. She preferred to sit on the ground, unsure that her legs would hold her up from the shock.

After an awkward moment of silence, Isabel heaved a heavy sigh and sat down on the ground. She was emotionally and physically exhausted from the events of the week.

“So…,” Isabel drawled trying to fill up the suddenly tense moment.

Liz looked at Isabel from the corner of her eye. What was she suppose to say? How could she apologize for the past five years? For abandoning Max and deserting their friendship.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“I know,” Isabel replied shakily, running a hand to smooth back her hair.

Liz turned towards Isabel and studied her profile. On the outside, Isabel looked elegant and well-composed but Liz knew her well and Isabel was barely holding it together. Her eyes were red-rimmed and she had chewed off most of her lipstick.

Isabel turned and faced Liz. She was angry at Liz for skipping town without so much as an explanation but her grandmother’s death had put things in perspective. She understood that Liz must have had her reasons, albeit her decision to run off had been foolish. Isabel realized that she couldn’t hold a grudge. So, she took a deep breath and exhaled letting all her anger and resentment towards Liz go.

“I’m so…so sorry, Isabel. About everything,” once Liz had opened floodgates, the emotional onslaught was out of her control, “I didn’t mean to hurt you or Max or anyone in your family like that. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was suffoc –”

Isabel laid her hand on Liz’s, stilling her speech. “I know, Liz,” she assured her giving Liz a half-hearted smile.

For a moment, Liz was stunned speechless. Shaking her head in confusion she asked, “How can you just accept it like that? Aren’t you angry? God, Isabel, scream at me! Slap me! Do something! I deserve your hatred not your forgiveness,” she ranted.

Isabel fell silent. It was so ironic how Liz and her brother were so much alike. She saw the same look of guilt and self-loathing reflected in Max’s eyes. Can these two people ever forgive themselves or will they be carrying crosses for the rest of their lives?

“Liz, look at me. I know you regret what you’ve done in the past, but that’s just it. It’s the past. Nothing we do will ever change it. If there’s anything I’ve learned from Gram’s passing, it’s to forgive past misdeeds. It takes too much energy to hold a grudge. In the end all that anger isn’t worth it.”

By the time Isabel finished, Liz could no longer hold back her tears. She hadn’t realized how much she needed Isabel’s forgiveness. Moving closer towards Isabel, she enveloped her in a comforting embrace.

“Thank you,” Liz sniffed into Isabel’s shoulder.

Isabel squeezed Liz back and wiped her own tears.

A few minutes later, the two friends had picked themselves up off the ground and sat on the garden bench.

“Is that where you’ve been since you left,” Isabel queried.

“Yeah, I figured Seattle was as different as it was going to get from the deserts of New Mexico,” Liz said shrugging her shoulders.

“I’m glad you made a life for yourself, Liz.”

“Thanks,” Liz said smiling. “How about you? Did you finish your degree in Social Work?”

“Yeah. Although, Dad wasn’t too happy about it. He didn’t believe an Evans should have to be doing menial work. I mean how could he consider social work menial? Well, at least Mom and Grams were proud of me,” she sighed.

Liz listened to Isabel. It didn’t escape her notice that she hadn’t mentioned Max at all.

“Isabel, could I ask you something? How come you haven’t mentioned Max?”

Isabel turned her head at Liz’s question. Of course she hadn’t had mentioned Max. She knew he was a sore spot for Liz and didn’t want to bring back any heartbreaking memories. Wanting to divert Liz from the direction her question was heading, she absentmindedly reached into her bag, pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

After taking a puff, she turned to face Liz and saw that she was trying to hold her breath.

“Oh I’m sorry,” she apologized, “Does this bother you?”

Liz grimaced, “yeah it does a bit.”

“Oh! Sorry!” Isabel hastily stubbed out her cigarette.

“I didn’t know you smoked,” Liz said surprised.

“I actually don’t. I only do it when I’m stressed or nervous. Filthy habit, I know,” Isabel said apologetically.

Liz glanced at her and gave her a smile of understanding.

Standing up, Isabel straightened her slacks and adjusted her suit jacket. “I better get back inside. Are you coming?”

“Um…I think I’m just going to be a few minutes,” Liz said uncomfortably.

“That’s okay, Liz. I understand. Although, I hope you realize that you have to face them sometime,” Isabel advised.

“I know. And I will. I just need to muster up my courage, you know.”

Isabel nodded in understanding and bent down to give Liz a reassuring hug. “I’ll see you inside, okay.”

Liz nodded and gave Isabel a small wave.


A/N: I know there wasn't really any dreamer action in this one but the next chapter will have it for sure. ;)
Last edited by Lolita on Wed May 07, 2003 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 13

Post by Lolita »

Hi everyone! Here is the new chapter. It's a little short because I'm saving some of the 'pow' for a later chapter.

Oh and I made this last night because I was bored. When I saw the finished product I couldn't help but laugh and think "Dreamer Overload!" :lol:


Now for the story....

Chapter 13

Liz sat on the bench absently picking at the shards of grass that had stuck to her skirt from her earlier fall. Her mind was working a mile a minute. The growing tightness in the pit of her stomach had reached dramatic proportions. She was on the cusp of hyperventilating from all of the anxiety that she was heaping on herself. She knew that this had to happen sooner or later. She couldn’t very well avoid the Evans the rest of her life. After all, Roswell is only so big.

However, if she really thought about it, it wasn’t Phillip’s and Diane’s reaction that she was dreading, it was Max’s. She was afraid to see the hatred and resentment he had for her in his eyes. She couldn’t stand the fact that she was the one who had put it there in the first place.

If only it had been a different time. If only it was under different circumstances. Maybe…

But the list of what if’s and maybe’s went on and on. It was futile to dwell on something that could never be. It was time for her to face the consequences of her past actions. It was time for her to stop being selfish and do what she should have done so many years ago.

Standing up, she straightened her suit and ran her hand through her hair.

She could do this. She needed to do this.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly let it out and headed towards the house.

* * *

Max sat at the edge of the pool and rolled up his pant legs. Dipping his feet into the cool water, he heaved a heavy sigh. He was emotionally exhausted from the events of the week. He was grateful for the solace that the calm pool provided. He was not used to all the activity and ‘feelings’ being expressed inside the house. For the past five years, his work had been his life. This was quite a change from the happy go-getter he had been in his college years.

After his wedding to Liz, he had felt off-balance. It was like his hopes and dreams had been evaluated and were found to be frivolous and undesirable and were promptly chucked out the proverbial window.

His father was determined that Max own up to his mistakes. He wanted Max to realize that it was not only his life that he had changed but the Parker girl’s as well. No son of his was going to run away from responsibility.

The Evans had integrity.

They had pride.

They had always faced hardship head-on.

Phillip could remember a time when he was a boy when his father refused to sell his oil company. It had been the depression and the company’s stocks had plummeted. Everyone around them was selling their business for peanuts in order to pay for their debts and expenses. However, Walter Evans was a proud man and refused to do the same. He even bought a couple of the wells off of some of his business associates. In the end, his stubbornness and perseverance had paid off. World War II erupted and oil was a much needed commodity.

However, Max didn’t know this story. Phillip had never shared it with him. Max never understood his father’s motivation for always keeping him at arm’s length and demanding nothing short of perfect from him. Phillip had never given him praise, only criticism, which was the cause of Max’s resentment towards him.

Max wiped his hand over his face. He could do this. He had to be strong for both his sister and his mother. He had finally decided that when he went back to California in a couple of days, he would not lose contact with his family. He was determined not to make the same mistake twice. He was wrong to cut his family off for a mistake that they didn’t make.

Max stared at the pool lost in his thoughts when he noticed movement from the corner of his eye.

* * *

Liz walked through the garden towards the backyard. She thought that she should try sneaking in through the back door instead of the front. That way she might seem inconspicuous and cause less of a scene.

She was so busy trying to avoid confrontation, that the last thing she expected was confrontation to smack her right in the face.

Liz’s step fumbled as her gaze landed on the lone figure sitting by the pool. She muttered an audible ‘oh crap!’ causing the person to look up at her.

Brown eyes met golden as the two ill-fated lovers stood stunned and speechless, separated only by the length of the swimming pool.

Liz stood rooted in place. Her legs feeling like two steel rods – unyielding. Her heartbeat and breathing escalated. The edges of her vision were beginning to gray. She felt like passing out from fear.

His eyes. They were looking at her so intensely. He need not speak a word and already she felt guilty and ashamed. She quickly looked away deliberately breaking the trance they were in.

When Max saw Liz look away, he averted his gaze back to the water, hoping that she would just go inside and leave him alone. But, it seemed fate had different plans because instead of turning and heading inside, Liz slowly and tentatively made her way towards him.



Liz timidly sat down beside him, making sure that she kept at least a foot of distance between them.

Whether she wanted to admit it to herself or not, she was scared. Scared of Max and his reaction to her presence. Will he lash out at her? Would he evict her from his parents’ property? She waited for him to say something but after a couple of minutes of tense silence, Liz was the first to speak.

“I’m sorry about Grandma Claudia.”


“So many people came to pay their respects…”

More silence.

“Look Max…I’m sorry…about Grams…and…”


Liz wrinkled her brow in annoyance. She was making an effort to apologize and strike up a conversation with him and all he could do was give her one-word answers!

“No, I mean…I’m sorry…about…everything.”

Her apology was met with a snort, followed by a tense silence. All that could be heard was their breathing and the occasional twitter of a bird in the garden.

She looked at him and for a moment waited in anticipation of what he would say. When he said nothing, she sighed and moved to get up.

“Look I don’t know what you expected me to say,” Max said tonelessly, stopping Liz in her tracks.

“You show up after five years and what…apologize at my grandmother’s wake of all places,” he sighed. “Am I supposed to jump on your apology and forgive you? Well, forgive me if I don’t.”

Liz was taken aback. She expected this but still, hearing him say the same stung. How foolish of her to hope that time would have healed his wounds. That he could forgive her and they could both move on.

She turned and fixed her eyes on him. Regarding his features, she began to see the effects of past circumstances had had on him. His features were now a little weathered and matured. His expression was sad and solemn.

His eyes, however, were the same. They still held a passion to them that she couldn’t describe. The same eyes that haunted her dreams.

Realizing that she was staring, she quickly composed herself and soaked in what he said.

“You know what? Fine.” She was not about to take his sarcastic retorts. She came with the intent of making amends but if he wasn’t ready to accept that, then so be it.

Max couldn’t deal with Liz right now. First, Claudia’s death, then his reunion with his family, and now this. It was all too much. He was on emotional overload. He needed to leave. He just couldn’t deal with everything.

Making up his mind, he pulled his feet out of the water and walked barefoot towards the house, brushing past a dumbfounded Liz.
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Post by Lolita »

Kerstin, you are the best! Mwuah!

Sorry about the delay folks. Life has just been a roller coaster and a bowl of cherries. ;)


Chapter 14

Max leaned his head back and let the wind whip through his dark hair. He was slowly letting the tension slip away from his body over each mile he traveled.

Shortly after his brief meeting with Liz, he slipped inside the house and said goodbye to his mother and sister. He intentionally avoided his father knowing that he would not approve of Max leaving the wake. Max didn’t want to argue with him so he thought the next best thing was avoidance. He was prepared to deal with the consequences later. For now, he needed to get away.

Pulling the SUV onto the dirt road, he traveled over bumps and potholes until he reached the quarry.

Years had passed since he was last here. Looking around, he was glad that nothing had changed. Even time had not eroded his secret spot.

No one knew that he came here when he wanted to get away. He loved coming to this place. It gave him a sense of peace and tranquility. There was nothing but sand, sky, and the occasional desert creature to bother you. Here there were no pressures, no expectations. Time slowed to a crawl.

And at this exact moment, Max wanted nothing more than for time to slow or even stop. He didn’t want to go back and face his father. Even after all of these years, he was still intimidated by Phillip Evans. The man was a formidable presence. Max had always tried to emulate him, to please him, but nothing was ever enough for Phillip. He always pushed Max. But Max never pushed back. He was always the good, obedient son. He wanted his parents to be proud of him, to make them happy. The only time he threw caution to the wind, where he thought of his own joy instead of his family’s, ended up having dire consequences.

Sighing, he opened the truck’s door and walked to the edge of the quarry. He looked down into the ravine lost in thought.

The cliff looked jagged and dangerous. How easy it would be to just fall in. No one would ever know.

Pushing his hands into his pants pocket, he shook his head. Here he was, 30 years old and still afraid of his father and his estranged wife! What’s the worse thing they can do? His father could disown him, but he was ready for that, and Liz, well, she had already broken his heart. There’s nothing left to break.

He knew he had to have closure. He needed to settle matters with his family and Liz in order to proceed with his life. He knew that he had only been going through the motions during the past five years. He had a successful business, a nice house, and he was making a name for himself, he should have been happy, but instead he ignored the accolades and focused on his work. It had been his salvation. He clung to it with all his might. Pushing and pushing but it was never enough. The feeling of success always came up short.

Making up his mind, he drove toward his hotel.

* * * *

Liz tossed and turned as she dreamed…

Sitting beside Max by the poolside, she reached out and touched his hand.

Upon feeling the warmth of Liz’s hand on his, Max automatically recoiled and turned his head to glare at her.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?! You have no right to touch me!”

Max pulled his feet out of the water and got up. Liz mimicked his movements and began to pursue him.

“I’m so sorry, Max! Please! You have to believe me!” She pleaded as tears rained down on her face.

Suddenly, the scenery changed. Liz now found herself and Max standing by a cliff in the middle of the desert.

“I don’t have to do anything!” Max yelled back. A look of pure anguish masked his handsome features. “Don’t you know? I have nothing left to give. Everything that I had, I gave to you but you threw it away! God! You’re really something…” Shaking his head, Max slowly backed towards the edge.

Liz stood rooted on the spot. Everything that Max had said was true! She did ruin him. It was all her fault and now she was paying for it. They could have worked it out but she ran away instead. She shouldn’t expect him to forgive her for what she had done.

Max wiped his angry tears with the back of his hand. “I hope you’re happy now,” he smiled at her bitterly. “You got what you wanted. You’ve punished me. There’s nothing left for me now….,” he whispered. He took one more step backwards before slipping off the edge of the cliff.

“No, Max! Noooooo!!!!!”

Liz bolted upright in her bed. Clutching at her chest, she began to slow her breathing. Her dream felt so real that she half expected to be standing in the middle of the desert. Shaking her head to orient herself, a sudden breeze swept into her room and she felt the dampness on her cheeks. She raised tentative fingers to her face and wiped her tears.

What was wrong with her? She had been stupid enough to believe that all she had to do was explain and apologize and everything would be okay again. She was so naïve!

She had been the one who decided to get in the car that fateful evening. She knew she was too distraught to drive but she didn’t care. She was too angry at Max and frustrated at their current situation. All she wanted to do was clear her head. She never expected to veer off the road and collide with a highway fence.

In all her selfishness and heightened emotions, she didn’t even think of the baby when she should have. That should have been her first priority all along, but instead she was too wrapped up in her own needs and wants.

However, the more she thought about it the more she knew that everything began spiraling downward the minute she let go of her logic and thought with her emotions.

The evening that Max had come over to comfort her as a friend, she took advantage of him. She knew that now. However, at the time all she wanted was to just make the ache in her heart go away. It was all too convenient that Max was there with his gentle eyes and his caring words. She easily gave in to her desires. She knew that Max cared about her and she felt the same way but they only wanted to keep their relationship on a platonic level and nothing more. The slip into sexual intimacy had been so effortless, but it had been a mistake. If it weren’t for her self-centered needs none of this would have happened. Max would have been on his merry way to becoming the head of some software conglomerate and she would have been a geneticist, not still studying to become one. She could have also spared both their parents the heartache and the humiliation that their children had caused them.

The burden of culpability was great to bear and it was all hers. She had no one to blame but herself.

She ran her fingers through her unruly hair as she leaned over and reached for the glass of water on the bedside table. She really needed to get a handle on her emotions. All this guilt was starting to take a toll her mentally as well as physically. She was sleeping less and less and she was beginning to develop an ulcer.

Taking a big gulp, she replaced the glass on the table and snuggled back down into the covers.

* * *

“Ms. Evans, Mr. Robinson is ready to see you now. Please follow me.”

Liz followed the receptionist down the hallway until they came to a door marked, ‘Conference Room.’

She gingerly turned the doorknob, noticing how clammy her hands felt. She was extremely anxious and had been popping antacids like they were candy.

As the door opened, five pairs of eyes turned to face her.

A look of shock passed over Liz’s face but it disappeared just as quickly, replaced by a calm and indifferent demeanor.

She held her chin up as she took her seat at the conference table, purposely avoiding any eye contact.

Marcus Robinson, the executor, was the first to approach her. He stood up from his seat and shook her hand in greeting.

Isabel, in turn, gave her a warm smile as she continued to turn her ring around her finger nervously.

Phillip Evans looked at her with a cold hard glare. His brow crinkled in disapproval.

Diane Evans merely glanced at her and then continued to stare blankly out the window.

Out of all the persons in the room, she had expected Max to bore holes into her from his stares but instead he didn't lift his eyes off of the file of documents he was currently reading. It seems he was not going to acknowledge her presence.

That was just fine with her.

She was tired of berating herself for her past actions. After her dream last night, she decided that she would tie-up all loose ends before she headed back home to Seattle. She had made her peace with her parents and Isabel. All she needed to do was apologize to the Evans’ and, if her luck held out, have a proper conversation with Max.

“Thank you for coming everyone,” Mr. Robinson smiled as he handed out folders containing extracts from Mrs. Evans’ will.

“I am deeply sorry for your loss. Claudia Evans was a great woman,” he acknowledged.

Marcus Robinson began to describe the details and specifications of the will. Her real estate properties were given to her son, Phillip. She had requested that a portion from the sale of her estate be donated to her various charities.

Diane was given all of Claudia’s jewelry and a portion of her bank account in Switzerland.

Isabel was given the other half of the Swiss account along with the responsibility of overseeing all of Claudia’s charitable foundations.

Everything had been going swiftly and smoothly, until he got to the part of Max’s inheritance.

Clearing his throat, he proceeded. “Max, it seems that she has put a small clause to your inheritance.”

Max looked up expectantly.

“Your grandmother wishes for you to take over as CEO of Evans Oil.”

“What?!” Phillip rose angrily from his chair. He had put half his life into that company and how was he being rewarded? He was getting usurped by Junior! Well, that just wouldn’t do! He opened his mouth to argue but was quickly stopped by Mr. Robinson.

“Phillip, calm down. Let me finish.” He looked toward Phillip waiting until he sat down before he continued. “As I was saying, she wishes for Max to take over the company…only after he and his wife, Elizabeth, produce an heir.”

“What?!” Both Max and Liz spun in their seats. Did they just hear what they thought they heard?

“Excuse me?” Max looked at Mr. Robinson expectantly. “Could you repeat that?”

“Your grandmother has specified that control of the company will be relinquished to you only after you and your wife produce a child.”

Max stared blankly at the wall processing everything that was just said. “And what if I refuse?” he challenged.

“Then, Evans Oil and all its assets are to be sold to Texas Industrial who already presented quite a generous offer.

“I know it is a lot to take in. So, I’ll leave you to think about that,” Marcus Robinson nodded his head and walked out the door, leaving five stunned faces staring at his back.

“Oh God! This isn’t happening,” Liz mumbled as she shook her head.
Last edited by Lolita on Fri Jul 11, 2003 7:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Chapter 15

Post by Lolita »

Thanks everyone for all your patience. My computer is now all better :)

Chapter 15

Liz sat on the bus bench absently playing the straps of her purse. Her eyes looked blankly out onto the busy downtown street. People passed by and stared at her but she barely noticed them. Her mind was too preoccupied with what had just occurred in the lawyer’s office.

As soon as Mr. Robinson left the conference room, the tension escalated. Max brooded, while Phillip fumed. Moments passed until finally Phillip exploded and Liz took the opportunity to slink away from the room.

A bus rumbled by and stopped but Liz paid hardly any attention to the driver as he shut the door on her and drove away.

“Hey…,” a gentle voice called out.

“Hey…,” Liz replied dully as Isabel sat down next to her.

“Thought I’d find you here.”

Liz nodded vacantly.

Isabel glanced at Liz from the corner of her eye getting a fleeting sense of déjà vu. Wasn’t it just the other day that they were in the same position?

She knew what her grandmother had requested was harsh and unfair but if neither Max nor Liz complied with it; her family would not only lose their livelihood but her grandfather’s legacy as well.

The two women sat in contemplative silence. Neither knew what to say to each other. Isabel wasn’t sure whether she should mention her thoughts and Liz felt the same way.

Finally, Isabel spoke, “Liz, I want you to know that I understand how you must be feeling right now. It’s quite a heavy burden Grams has put on you and Max but you must understand how important this company is to my family,” Isabel turned and chanced a glance at Liz. Noticing that she hadn’t moved since she sat down, she continued, “This is my family’s main source of income. My grandfather started it and my dad has put his life into it.”

Isabel paused and swallowed. “God! What are we gonna do?” she asked, rubbing her hand on her temple.

Liz was speechless. What did Isabel expect her to say? She knew how important this company was to the Evans. It was unfair for her to take it away, but how could they expect her to bring a child into this world for money?! That’s just wasn't how it was supposed to be done! If she did, what kind of woman would that make her? And what about Max? How did he feel about all of this? He must be shocked, to say the least. He was pretty much stuck up shit creek without a paddle. If he didn’t have a child with her, his family would lose their business, and if he did, it would only be for that reason. It’s not like he was still in love with her. After all, she was the one that ruined his life in the first place.

Shaking her head of her thoughts, she reached out her hand and touched Isabel’s shoulder.

“Isabel, I don’t want to take your family’s company away,” she assured her. “But God! A child?! How can Grandma Claudia expect that from Max and I? It wouldn’t be fair to a child to bring her into a broken home. I mean I understand that the company must be kept within the family but that’s not a sufficient reason to have a kid,” she sighed. “It’s like the baby is some sort of commodity to be made and traded,” she added shaking her head at the horrible thought.

Upon hearing Liz’s heartfelt plea, Isabel turned her head toward her and blinked. Liz had made a valid point. She just couldn’t believe her grandmother would put her own family in this position. She just couldn’t understand what her motive was.

“I think I should leave now. I’m sorry Isabel but I need to be alone. You should be with you family. They need you right now.” Liz got up dejectedly and walked away leaving Isabel alone and confused.

She really didn’t want to hate Liz but it was getting really difficult not to. She knew that it was irrational but it was her family for Pete’s sake! For once, she wished Liz would stop being selfish and think about others for a change.

Sighing, she stood up and made her way back to the office.

* * *

The silence in the room was deafening. Everyone was sitting in their respective corners like they had just finished a heavy weight match.

“What do you plan to do about this, Max?!” Phillip asked through gritted teeth. He was so angry that it was taking every ounce of his self control not to lash out at his son. He had remained silent since the announcement of the clause but as the seconds ticked by his resolve began to wane. He had been trying to wrap his mind around the reasoning that might have been behind his mother’s pronouncement but the rationale eluded him.

His mother knew that he poured his heart and soul into that company. She had watched him quit his law practice in order to run the company full-time after his father passed away. She saw how he had missed his children growing up because his concern was focused on building the company and keeping up his father’s legacy. Why then would she turn around and virtually slap him in the face?

Max sat on the executive chair absently clicking his pen. He had no idea what he was going to do. Glancing at his father from the corner of his eye, he knew that he had to be livid. Slowly, all his childhood insecurity was rearing its ugly head. Once again, his father is going to look at him like a failure. After all, he hadn’t done anything his whole life that his father could be proud of. All he’d accomplished had been one disappointment after another.

First, dropping out of law school. Secondly, getting Liz pregnant, and now this. It’s ironic that Grandma Claudia had spun him full-circle to where he was before he left Roswell.

There weren't a lot of options before him. He could refuse to comply and have his family lose the company – essentially flushing all of his father’s and grandfather’s hard work down the proverbial toilet. Or, he could impregnate Liz, which would screw up not only his but her life as well. Both options left a sickening taste in his mouth.

There was no running away now.

A choice had to be made.

Max turned to his father and opened his mouth, but try as he might no sound would come out. It seemed ridiculous that a grown man his age could still feel intimidated by his father.

Though shameful as it was, it was still true.

Grabbing his folder, he pushed his chair back and abruptly stood up.

“Max! Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Phillip yelled but it was too late. Max was already out the door and was walking into the bright New Mexico sunshine.

“Damn it!” Feeling frustrated, Phillip raked his fingers through his hair. There was nothing he could do. This situation was out of control and if it was one thing that Phillip Evans hated, it was being not in control.

* * *

Liz strolled down the sidewalk in no particular direction. She didn’t care where she ended up as long as it was away from the law office. She wasn’t so sure she wanted to go home yet either. She wasn’t ready to answer the questions that her family might have. She wanted to sort things out for herself.

There had to be a way for the situation to be resolved. After all, fate wouldn’t be this cruel. Every cloud had to have a silver lining, didn’t it?

Max hopped in his SUV and gunned down the busy downtown street. He wanted to put as much distance as he could between himself and his family.

So much for not running away, he thought wryly. It seemed old habits were hard to break.

He knew that he had to discuss matters with them but for now he needed some air. All that tension was clouding his brain. He needed to lay the problem out and solve it logically. He couldn’t let his emotions control any of his decisions.

As he rounded the corner, he noticed a dark-haired woman in a black cardigan sweater walking briskly down the street. Speeding up, he caught up to her and pulled his truck onto the curb.

“Get in,” he commanded as he unlocked the passenger door.

Liz stood on the sidewalk dumbfounded. How dare he speak to her this way! Barking an order at her as if she were some sort of servant.

“Liz, please,” he pleaded softening his tone. “Just get in the truck. I’ll drive you to wherever you’re going.”

Liz contemplated her choices at the moment. She didn’t have a ride home but if she got in the car with Max, she’d be forced to actually have a conversation with him, and at the moment she wasn’t sure she wanted to have a heated discussion.

In the end, fatigue won out. She sighed and walked toward the opened door of the SUV.
Last edited by Lolita on Sun Sep 07, 2003 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Surprise! Suprise! Chapter 16

Post by Lolita »

Chapter 16

“So where are you going?” Max asked, glancing at Liz from the corner of his eye.

“Not home, I suppose,” Liz replied, crossing her arms over her chest defensively.

They had been aimlessly driving around downtown Roswell for the past fifteen minutes. Neither had said much. They were both wary and tired from that morning’s tumultuous turn of events.

“Where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know. Anywhere. Nowhere,” Liz said shrugging her shoulders.

Max didn’t press any further when he saw her lean her head against the window and close her eyes.

A few minutes later, Max and Liz both found themselves driving down the old desert highway.

Liz fixed her eyes directly ahead and fidgeted with her hands on her lap.

What had she been thinking getting into the car with Max? She knew that it wasn’t such a good idea but there was still that nagging little voice in her head that told her that they had to talk; so the uncomfortable situation she found herself in now was nobody’s fault but her own.

Liz wondered why Max was being so cordial. Wasn’t it just the other day he was being ornery towards her? The sudden change in his attitude was throwing her for a loop. However, despite her misgivings, she kept her silence. She thought it best to see where this tentative truce would lead.

Sliding a glimpse at Max, she found that his expression was of someone deep in thought.

Liz wearily ran her hand through her hair.

How could anyone expect either of them to produce a child for money? The situation was utterly ridiculous.

If the Evanses hated her six years ago, they must really despise her now.

Max pulled the SUV onto the dusty service road. He didn’t know what had possessed him to take her here but it felt right. No one knew of this place, or that he came here to be alone.

Stopping the car, he pushed the door open and stepped out. Everything was so quiet and still.

Leaning his back against the side of the car, he looked out over the pit.

He and Liz needed to have a conversation that was long overdue. He needed to know what she thought about this whole mess. Was she willing to comply with his grandmother’s wishes and save the company? Was she as angry as he was at the unfairness of it all?

Liz watched as Max rested the back of his head against the frame of the truck. She knew that he wanted to speak to her, since he did take her out here in the middle of nowhere. However, he had yet to raise the subject that was occupying both of their minds.

Unbuckling her seatbelt, Liz stepped out of the car and followed Max to the edge of the rock quarry.

“So…,” Liz broached, slowly approaching him.

“Yeah…,” he replied.

Liz stood beside him and crossed her arms over her chest.

“So…what are we gonna do?”

“I don’t know.”

For a moment, the two of them stood there side by side just looking over the rocky valley below.

“Max, maybe I should go home. You probably want to be alone. I’ll just call my mother to come pick me up,” she said turning and heading towards the truck.

However, she didn’t get very far because Max shot his hand out and gently grasped her arm, making Liz spin around to face him.

“Why Liz?”

Liz scrunched her face in confusion.

“Why did you leave?”

Liz stared at Max’s imploring face. God! She wanted to tell him but she didn’t know where to start. She wanted him to understand her state of mind back then but she was afraid that it would just cause more damage than she had already inflicted. She didn’t know how he would react if she told him the truth.

However, it was what he wanted. He deserved to hear the truth and so did she.

“Max…I…I don’t know where to start,” she stammered shaking her head. “When I first met you, I thought that you were this great guy. You were sweet and thoughtful and you took care of me. I actually had a big crush on you,” she admitted blushing furiously.

She raised her eyes and studied his profile, looking for some kind of reaction from him, but she got none.

“However, I realized that you had a life before me and you were such a great friend that I didn’t want to spoil that, and so, I kept my mouth shut.

“The funny thing was, the more time I spent with you the bigger my stupid little crush became,” she whispered, shaking her head, “I was so enamored with you, Max.” A ghost of a smile appeared on Liz’s lips as she reminisced.

“I tried to move on. I really did. I even started dating that asshole, what was his name…?”

“…Peter,” Max helpfully added as he stared blankly out into the ravine.

“Yeah, Peter,” Liz noticed that for a second it looked like Max had smirked, but that couldn’t be. It was probably just her imagination.

“I always thought of you as this awesome friend who was always there and you proved that the night I broke up with Peter.

“You were just there and…and…I…I-I’m sorry I ruined your life!” Liz’s steely control over her emotions finally broke. A sob bubbled forth and she was helpless to stop the onslaught of tears that fell down her pale cheeks.

Why am I so weak? She thought bitterly. After all of these years she still wasn’t over it. She had put as much distance between her and Max as she could but she still could not get away from it. All their old wounds were being torn open and left to bleed. There were so many issues that were left unresolved that she didn’t know where to begin.

Wiping furiously at her tears, she took a deep breath and composed herself.

Max, for all his stoicism, could not help but be moved by Liz’s sudden emotional outburst. He did care about her, despite the deep fissure in their relationship.

“Liz,” he sighed. He was so very tired.

“There is so much shit going on that its making me so fucking confused!” Max ran an agitated hand over his face.

“If it wasn’t for this stupid clause, we wouldn’t have to deal with each other and we could have both just gone on with our lives.

“But now we’re stuck. Whether we like it or not,” he confirmed gruffly.

“What are we supposed to do?” Liz inquired hesitantly.

“I don’t know,” Max replied, “Whatever we have to, I suppose,” he shrugged his shoulders and pursed his lips.

Liz tipped her head back in frustration. Once again, Max built up his emotional walls, preventing any future discussion of the issue.

Liz turned her scrutinizing eyes at Max.

“You know what?! This…,” she waved her hands frantically in the air, “this is why I left you! How can you stand there and just shut me out like this?!

“After all these years, you’re still the same. What are you?! An emotional retard?” she blurted out before she could stop herself. Anger coursed through her veins and the resentment that she had long ago buried spewed forth.

Max’s eyes widened at Liz’s boldfaced accusation. The knot of aggravation that he felt had suddenly come alive as it found an outlet and was waiting to be released.

“You listen here,” he seethed, pointing his finger at her, “at least I was the one who stayed. I faced up to the consequences. I wasn’t the coward that ran away!”

Liz’s body shook with barely contained fury. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He was calling her a coward! Her?!

The one that bore the pain of losing her baby.

The one that put her life plans on hold so that she could marry Max and do right by her child and her parents.

“Ah! That’s brilliant Max! Calling me a coward when you’re the one that abandoned me long before I even left town.

“I tried so hard to make our marriage work but you didn’t leave me much to work with. I knew you felt trapped and you didn’t hesitate to let me know it!

“God Max! I saw you with that woman. You were fucking cheating on me when I was pregnant with our child!” Liz advanced on him with a ferocity she didn’t even know she had. So blinded was she by her anger that she hadn’t noticed that root that was sticking out of the arid ground until her toe caught it and she fell sideways into the ravine.
Last edited by Lolita on Mon Sep 22, 2003 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Am I that cruel?

Post by Lolita »

Hi everyone! Wow! A lot of you must really be hating Max right now, eh? I just want to remind everyone that relationships are always complicated. Perceptions usually get crossed which might lead to the erosion or strenghtening of a relationship. In this case, it lead to the estrangement of Max and Liz.

With that in mind, on to the next part! :)

Chapter 17

“Liz!” Max screamed as he tried to grab Liz’s flailing arms.

Liz’s piercing scream echoed through the vast quarry. She slid down the steep slope of the ravine until her hands managed to grasp onto a jutting rock.

“Hang on Liz! Don’t let go!” Max shouted as he crouched down onto his stomach and inched along to the edge of the gaping cavity.

Liz grabbed onto the rock with all her might. Wincing, as she realized that she had a dislocated shoulder. Her tears blurred her sight and her body shook with pure adrenalin. Never had she felt terror like this as she looked up at Max who was trying so valiantly to reach out to her.

“Grab my hand, Liz!” Max pleaded, panic seeping into his voice.

His heart thumped loudly in his chest as he willed his arms to stretch.

What was happening?! One moment they were having an argument and the next, she was dangling precariously on a rock. It was all his fault! He couldn’t lose her! Not like this!

“Liz, try to reach for me, okay,” he calmly instructed when in reality he felt just the opposite. His palms were slick with sweat and his breath was coming out in pants.

“I can’t Max! It hurts!” Liz cried, feeling the protrusions of the rocky surface digging into her hands and torso.

Inescapable terror unfurled in her belly.

She didn’t want to die! It wasn’t her time. Fate wouldn’t be this cruel. Not after the life she’s had.

“Max! Don’t let me fall! Please don’t let me fall!” she sobbed hysterically.

“I won’t Liz!” he assured her sliding his body further along the ledge, “Reach for me, sweetheart. You can do it,” he coaxed.

Liz thrashed her legs about until they came into contact with a small fracture on the rocky wall. Bracing herself, she tentatively uncurled one of her hands from their death grip on the rock and reached for Max’s outstretched hand. She let out a keening sob when she realized that she couldn’t quite grasp it.

She dropped her hand back to the rock and gripped it until her knuckles turned white.

“Max I can’t!” She shook her head fiercely, “You’re too far!”

“Shit!” Max cursed when he saw Liz move her hand back to the rock.

He bolted up off the ground and took off his jacket, while his mind worked furiously to come up with a plan.

He was going to get her out…or die trying!

“Liz, listen to me,” he said soothingly, “I want you to grab onto my jacket really tight and I’ll pull you up, okay.” He took the sleeve of his jacket and wound it tightly around his fist.

Liz nodded and gathered up her remaining strength. Her hands and arms were beginning to ache and all she wanted was respite from the pain.

Once again, she stretched her arm up trying to grab onto the jacket. Her fingers clutched onto the sleeve as she tentatively moved her other arm from its hold on the rock to pull her body up.

Max tugged with all his might. The relief he felt when his fingers made contact with hers was unbelievable.

As soon as Liz’s body passed the edge, he dragged her onto his lap as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, enveloping her in a cocoon of safety. He pressed his lips against her temple as he rocked her back and forth. His heart felt like it had burst from his chest.

“You’re okay. You’re okay,” he kept mumbling like a mantra as he cradled her to his chest.

He rubbed his hands up and down Liz’s arms to soothe the tremors that he felt coursing through her lithe body. He felt inexplicable joy at knowing that she was alive and safe. However, when he looked down at her, he saw that her eyes had drifted closed and her body gone limp.

“L-Liz…Liz!” he called, panic rising in his throat when she wouldn’t open her eyes.

In a frenzied manner, Max picked her up and carried her to the car, fastening her seatbelt securely around her.

He needed to get to the hospital. He didn’t know what injuries she had sustained in her fall but he knew that it was bad. Quickly glancing at her, he saw all the cuts that marred her delicate arms and beautiful face. Her left arm was lying in an awkward manner in her lap and her lip was bleeding.

Pursing his lips to control his raging emotions, he said a silent prayer hoping that his wife would be okay.

* * *

Max sat in the cold plastic chair in the waiting room at Roswell General kneading his jacket between his hands.

He had burst into the emergency room thirty minutes before carrying a pale and bloody Liz Evans in his arms.

When the doctors saw him and his inert cargo, they immediately rushed over and extricated Liz from his arms.

Once she was rushed into one of the trauma rooms, the doctors had turned their attention to Max wanting to attend to his own injuries. They had tried to calm him down, stating that he was hurt and needed medical help, but he would have none of it. He was belligerent and demanded that he be let in the room with his wife. It wasn’t until a hospital security guard approached him that he settled down. Now, here he was, alone and pacified, totally unsure of what to do.

His mind was a whirlwind of emotions. He was so shaken by what had happened that logic was failing him. His mind kept repeating the accident and the look of terror on Liz’s face over and over like a twisted horror movie. He knew that that look would stay etched in his memories until the day he died.

He had almost lost her!

If she had died, their last conversation would have been a petty argument. She didn’t even know how he felt about her. Hell, even he didn’t even know how he felt about her!

He rested his elbows on his thighs and cradled his head. Everything was a mess! His father resented him and Liz almost died because of him…again! What was wrong with him?

He ran his fingers through his dusty, tousled hair and noticed that his arms were shaking and realized that he too must be suffering from shock.

He laid his palms face up on his lap and inspected them. His fingers were cut and along his right arm was a gash that was caked with dried blood and sand.

He shook his head.

There would be plenty of time to worry about himself later. For now, he had to take care of Liz.

Standing up from his uncomfortable seat, he made his way to the phone booth and dialed his sister’s number.

“Isabel?” he asked hesitantly.

“It’s me. Max. Could you please come to the hospital? I’m at Roswell General…in the emergency room,” he continued interrupting Isabel before she could even utter a word.

He quickly hung up the phone and picked up the phone book. He was dreading making this call but he knew he had to.

Dialing the number with tremulous fingers, he listened and waited.


“Hello, is this Mrs. Parker?”


“This is Max Evans,” he swallowed, “There’s been an accident.”

* * *

Nancy Parker was beside herself. From the moment she heard that raspy voice, she knew that something was wrong. After all of these years, Max Evans still managed to walk into her family’s life and create havoc.

“It’ll be okay, Mrs. Parker,” Maria reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze.

Nancy smiled wanly at her and gave her hand a pat.

Maria and her husband, Michael had been home when she received Max’s phone call. She had seen the panicked expression on Nancy’s face and immediately rushed over.

If it wasn’t for her daughter’s friends she would probably still be sitting on the couch sobbing incoherently. Maria had soothed Nancy’s fears, taking charge of the situation. She had called Jeff Parker, quickly explaining the urgency of the situation and arranged for him to meet them at the hospital.

As soon as the car pulled into by the hospital driveway, Nancy and Maria were out of the car and rushing to the emergency room.

Maria immediately headed to the nurses’ station to ask about Liz’s status, while Nancy stood stiffly by the sliding doors.

After being refused information by the admitting nurse, Maria ran over to Nancy trying to grab her attention.

“Mrs. Parker, they need a next of kin,” she said, “they won’t release any information unless you’re family,” she stressed, tugging her hand. When Nancy still didn’t move, Maria followed her gaze and saw that she was staring at a disheveled, dark-haired man seated on an orange plastic chair.

Nancy squared her shoulders and stormed towards the waiting area. Her blood was boiling and anger fueled her thoughts. Nothing was going to happen to her baby! Not again! It was time to set things straight.

“You!” she hissed, causing Max to jerk his head up, “What have you done?!”

Nancy Parker stood threateningly over Max. Never in her life had she been this angry nor this afraid.

Her eyes narrowed accusingly at him.

“Mrs. Parker, I-I…,” he stuttered.

“No! I don’t want to hear it! Every time my Lizzie is with you something bad always happens.

“I don’t know what went on between you two but it stops right here and now! I want you to stay away from her! You hear me?!” she barked, pointing her finger at him to emphasize her command.

Max closed his mouth shut and nodded his head mutely.


See! I'm not cruel. I wouldn't kill off dear sweet Liz! :lol:

p.s. thank you Liz for being the diligent beta that you are! Mwuah!
Last edited by Lolita on Mon Sep 29, 2003 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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It's my birthday today!

Post by Lolita »

Chapter 18

Nancy held her daughter’s flaccid hand in between her palms as her maternal concern kicked into overdrive. Her eyes roved over her daughter’s prone form, seeing every agonizing cut and bruise that marred her body.

Liz was still unconscious and had been for the past hour. The doctors had given her some pain medication after they had treated her dislocated shoulder and fractured leg. They had assured Nancy that the medication would probably keep Liz down for a few more hours, therefore, she shouldn’t worry if she remained unconscious for a little while more.

However, Nancy couldn’t help but worry. She wasn't going to rest easy until her daughter opened her eyes.

Nancy bit her lip to keep from crying. Her baby, her poor baby had almost died and it was all that Evans boy’s fault!

Max Evans had brought nothing but heartache and pain to her daughter. It was her place, as Liz’s mother, to make sure that this ridiculous cycle was stopped. She had been right in telling him to stay away from Liz. No good would come from them reconciling. If Liz hadn’t been pregnant six years ago, all this would never have come about, and it wasn’t like they were even together. They might have been married five years ago, but that wasn’t necessarily true in the present. Max Evans no longer had any claim on her daughter!

Sighing, she released Liz’s hand and bent down to retrieve a hairbrush from her purse. Sitting on the edge of Liz’s hospital bed carefully, so as not to jostle her, she began to brush her daughter’s tangled hair. Nancy smiled, recalling fond memories of Liz’s childhood when they would perform this same ritual. She remembered how Liz used to love getting her hair brushed before she went to bed. She would put her head on her mother’s lap and talk about anything and everything, letting the brush’s soothing strokes lull her to sleep. However, as she grew older, Liz had needed her guidance less and less, until it stopped altogether.

Nancy had missed it.

Being as Liz was her only child, Nancy had indulged her. She had given Liz the world. So, when her daughter came home from college, alone and pregnant, she had taken it as a personal failure.

She had failed as a mother.

A good mother would have taught her child right from wrong.

Nancy’s shoulders hunched in defeat, realizing that there wasn’t much use in dwelling about the past when there was nothing she could do to change it. What’s done was done and all she could do was live with the consequences.

* * *

Isabel burst through the sliding doors of the emergency room. Her eyes desperately searched the crowded waiting area.

“Max!” she exclaimed, “What happened?!” Breathlessly, she dropped to her knees in front of him. Her eyes roamed his face noting the dirt stains and scratches. What had happened to him to put him in such an unkempt state?

“You scared me half to death when you said you were in the emergency room and hung up!” She moved her head trying to catch his eyes but he refused to lift them up.

“I-I…,” he croaked, licking his lips, “I fucked up.” His shoulders sagged and his grip tightened its hold on his jacket.

“What do you mean, Max?” she asked, “Max, look at me,” she pleaded, brushing his hair away from his forehead.

When he finally looked up, Isabel frowned with concern. Her usually calm as a cucumber brother was looking like an emotional wreck. His eyes were glassy and his lip quivered with the effort he was using to keep from bursting into tears.

Did something happen to her parents? she thought anxiously. Oh god! She was just with them a few hours ago.

“I-Is it Mom and Dad? Did something happen to them?” she asked apprehensively, her muscles stiffening as if preparing herself for a physical blow.

Max shook his head and raked his hand over his face. Isabel assertively grabbed his wrist, startling him.

“What’s this?” she demanded, turning it over so that the inside of his arm was showing.

Isabel stared at her brother’s injury. It was quite a large gash but had been left unattended to for quite a while judging from the dried blood and sand that encrusted it.

“Nothing,” he responded gruffly, snatching his arm away from her.

“Bullshit!” She grabbed his arm again. “It’s not nothing! Why are you still waiting here?” she asked irately, “Someone should have tended to this. Can’t they see you’re hurt? Why are we donating all this money to this place when they can’t even attend your injuries?!” Angrily, she stood up prepared to ream-out one of the hospital staff when Max’s hand shot out, grabbing her wrist.

“No Isabel,” he shook his head, “I’m fine. I’m not hurt.”

“Oh really,” she retorted, raising an eyebrow. Her concern was reinforced when she saw him wince as she grasped his forearm.

“See! You are hurt! C’mon Max! Stop being such a man! I’m getting you a doctor,” she snapped, her tone allowing no room for argument.

Max tugged on his sister’s hand. “Please Isabel, I’m fine. It’s not me you should be worried about. It's….i-it's Liz,” he whispered.

At the mention of Liz’s name, all the fight went out of Isabel. So that’s what this was about, she thought, finally understanding what had put her brother in such an anxious state.

She gently squeezed his hand as she eased herself onto the seat beside him.

“What happened, Max?” She asked, fearing the worst.

Max swallowed, hoping to relieve his parched throat. How was he going to explain the circumstances that led to the accident without sounding like the bastard that he already knew he was? How was he going to tell her that yet again Liz had ended up in the hospital because of him?

“I took her to the quarry…to talk,” he explained, shaking his head, “…I just wanted to talk. I didn’t expect…,” he swallowed the lump of guilt that threatened to overtake his composure.

Suddenly, he felt a hand rubbing soothing circles on his back. He turned to look at Isabel who gave him a nod, encouraging him to continue.

“She started crying…a-and we…started arguing. It got pretty heated, a-and the n-next thing I knew, she had slipped off the cliff!” Max bowed his head in shame. He felt like it was entirely his fault that it happened. He should never have taken her to the rock quarry. He should have taken her home. At least there she would have been safe.

Isabel gasped in shock and looked at her brother in pity. “Max, listen to me. It’s not your fault. It was an accident. Stop blaming yourself. I mean, it’s not like you pushed her or anything…did you? Push her, I mean?” She asked, her eyes widening in horror.

“God no, Isabel!” Max replied, appalled that she would even consider the thought.

Isabel looked chagrinned. She couldn’t help thinking that her brother might have had a hand in this incident since he did look so guilty and she knew he was harboring resentment toward Liz.

“Okay, then why are you looking so guilty, Max?”

“It was my fault,” he croaked trying to rein in his tears.

“C’mere,” Isabel coaxed wrapping her brother in a comforting embrace. She felt him take ragged breaths as she gave him all the support she could give. After all of these years, Max was still the same. He might have covered it up well with his indifferent demeanor, but she knew. He was still the same boy she grew up with, still burdened by responsibility and self-loathing.

She soothed him until she felt his sobs subside and his breathing even out. She didn’t speak until she felt that he had sufficiently calmed down. “Where is she?” she asked, her gaze flickering to the paramedics that had just entered the emergency room.

“I don’t know. Last time I checked she was still in one of the trauma rooms,” he replied woodenly.

“C’mon. Let’s go find her.” Isabel stood up and held out her hand to her brother. Max looked at it uncertainly but grabbed it nonetheless. Nancy’s words still rang loud in his ears.

Stay away from her!

“Hi there,” Isabel greeted in her most polite tone, “I was wondering if you could tell us where they took Liz Parker. She came in with my brother…,” she quickly glanced at her watch, “…about an hour ago.”

The nurse quickly scanned the list of patients in her computer. With a frown, she looked up at Isabel, “I’m sorry Miss, but there’s no Liz Parker listed in my computer. However, there is an Elizabeth Evans.

A look of confusion flitted over Isabel’s face momentarily but was quickly gone.

“Yes, yes that’s her,” she assured the nurse.

The nurse pursed her lips and looked at them suspiciously. “I’m sorry. There are no visitors allowed other than family. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.”

“Oh,” Isabel said dolefully. However, before she could turn around to leave, Max grabbed her hand and leaned over the counter.

“She’s my wife. I’m Max Evans,” he pronounced confidently.

Isabel’s jaw dropped in astonishment. What the hell was he talking about? Weren’t they divorced?!

“Oh. . . okay. Let’s see here. . .,” she once again perused her computer until her finger landed on the name she was looking for. “They took her upstairs to recovery on the fifth floor. Room 515.”

Max nodded his thanks and dragged a still dumbfounded Isabel to the elevators.


Thank you for all the feedback everyone! I struggled with this part but my kind beta was sweet enough to help me out. ;)
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Post by Lolita »

Hi everybody :) I just wanted to let you know that I do plan on continuing this story, it's just that I'm not inspired at the moment (I haven't been in quite a while). I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read this fic. It puts a smile on my face to see that people actually miss this story. It was my first piece of fanfiction ever and the bad writing makes me cringe. :oops:

Anyways, just know that this story will be finished sometime this year. Thanks for all your patience.
