Fics from Bored to Mundane life

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Bored to Mundane life
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Fics from Bored to Mundane life

Post by Bored to Mundane life »

BtMl's fics:

Hola! Here are all the fics I'm currently working on, although it'll take time to actually finish them all. I also have several other writing projects in mind, mostly related to 'DAA' once it's finished. But I'm not revealing any details about it yet.

Doppelgangers All Around (WIP)

Multi-crossover (Highlander, Dark Angel, BtVS, Charmed, X-Men and Spider-Man), post 'Wipe Out', CC/UC (Alternate Liz's have other pairings, and there will be interactions based on it, but when the "mess" is sorted out, it'll be CC), PG-13 mostly, R when Liz's evil copies are in the spotlight.

The Pod Squad is recalling the events that took place in 'Wipe Out', when Liz suddenly has a dizzy spell. It passes, but something happens all around Roswell that will eventually rock their world in a very bad way. At least 15 alternate versions of Liz has 'popped up' in this realm, and 3 of the alternate Liz's have very sinister plans of their own. Mayhem, confusion, shocktherapy, revelations and Max-bashing (in gory way as well) all the way. Will the Roswell survive this encounter?


Shattered Images (WIP)


Winner of the following awards:



X-Men: Evolution crossover, post EOTW, Mi/L, Ma/Ma, UC, PG-13 to R

The story starts 4 days after the events of EOTW. Liz is feeling miserable, due to the fact that the Pod Squad sans Alex and Kyle are shunning her for what she did to Max. But none of them knows about her own secret. That she's a mutant. However, her life goes from bad to worse when she's diagnosed with a leukemia that will kill her in 8 months unless she finds a suitable donor for a bone marrow transplant. Can Liz do this, when her mutant status got her kicked out of her home, and the Pod Squad is giving her a cold shoulder? With the help of Alex, who also is a mutant and the nephew of Charles Xavier, perhaps.


Eternal life trilogy

Concept of Eternity (WIP)


Highlander crossover, CC, PG-13 to R

Liz is having a normal day at the Crashdown, when the argument between 2 customers gets out of hand and one of them shoots Liz to the stomach. Liz is rushed to the hospital, where Liz's life hangs on the balance. Fortunately, she survived the predicament...or did she? During her recovery, she is startlet when she discovers that the bullet wound has completely disappeared. That's not normal. Then, her history teacher, Marcus Thorne, reveals her what she is. Liz Parker is an Immortal, a new member to a group of men and women who are unable to die, and she is also dragged into the 'Game'. Now Liz must train herself under the tutelage of Marcus to prepare herself to the day when the 'Game' catches up with her. But Liz isn't the only with secrets in Roswell, New Mexico. Max Evans, Isabel Evans and Michael Guerin have their own secrets as well.


The Rules of the 'Game' (Starts after 'CoE' is finished)

The Longest Journey (Ends the trilogy)
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Ace Roswell
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Post by Ace Roswell »

nmcook wrote:please return and write more
i just love Concept of Eternity :D :D
Dark Angel
Alec: Check it out Grandma got a big screen Tv
Max: Slap
Alec: OW what
Max: You 're not coming back here to rob her
Alec: Why
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Post by jurczynska »

Love Concept of Eternity. Read it about 10 times now... I would love you to write more, but I must say Shattered Images is my all time favourite...

Hope you will continue with both of these

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