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Post by isabelle »


"Some of you are closed off, I can't touch upon your minds, enter them to show you what needs to be shown. Please, try and open your minds. Maria, please sit down and have some more tea. We won't ask you all to stay here much longer. Let me show you what you need to see then you can go and discuss things amongst yourselves." Cameron tells us.

Closed off. I'm not sure what she means. Is she talking just to the new 'sons and daughters' or to everyone?

"When you leave here, what we have said will be all we'll say until your decision is made. Don't feel that you have to return and train, Adam and I will do what we must, with or without your aid. No matter your decision, always wear your amulets. Yes, and I'll get some for your friends to have as well. Though they are not chosen of Selene, I have extras."

Now that's interesting, too. Amulets for everyone. I thought it was something to do with their mystical abilities. (yes, I know we were told it's not magic but so far I don't have a better word for it.)

"What do you mean by 'closed off'?" I have to ask. She might just mean that some are resisting her news although nobody's challenged her out-right. Afterall, we all saw what she did with them in her 'circle.' I hope that's all she means, but I have sudden fears about things like telepathy and mind-control. The telepathy wouldn't be so bad. Isabel and Michael and Tess and I used to do that a lot before we learned how to speak English. But the possibility of mind-control, or even sub-concious influencing, was another matter. "Are you trying to do something to their heads?"

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Post by emmylala »


"Maria, no," I hear Max say from behind me as the door slams shut. Twirling around I glance from Adam to Trevor, and lastly Max, who I suspect slammed the door shut.

"Maria...just calm down." Michael says from beside Max. I look at him, a shocked expression on my face. Michael moves from beside Max towards me cautiously.

"I know this is all...pretty hard to take in." he says eyeing at his brother Trevor. "But I'm sure that if we just sit down for a bit then we can all head home soon." Taking a shuttering breath

"I'm sorry, Maria," Max says, sincerely. "Please. I know it's strange, but I'm still me. Just like that amulet doesn't change who any of you are." He says, his eyes turning now to Liz as he struggles to explain. "I've wanted to tell you all since we were kids but I didn't want you to think I was strange or to be afraid," Max says finally.

"I had no idea there were so many others who were the same.." Max says, to Trevor.

"Some of you are closed off, I can't touch upon your minds, enter them to show you what needs to be shown. Please, try and open your minds. Maria, please sit down and have some more tea. We won't ask you all to stay here much longer. Let me show you what you need to see then you can go and discuss things amongst yourselves." Cameron tells us.

"When you leave here, what we have said will be all we'll say until your decision is made. Don't feel that you have to return and train, Adam and I will do what we must, with or without your aid. No matter your decision, always wear your amulets. Yes, and I'll get some for your friends to have as well. Though they are not chosen of Selene, I have extras." She adds.

"What do you mean by 'closed off'?" Max asks and I can't help but be curious of this statement.

"Are you trying to do something to their heads?" Max asks Cameron. This was all too much and I needed to be away from this area for now. If I couldn't physically leave the house, I could at least take a break from the craziness. Taking a deep breath, I look at everyone in the room and then to the woman who owns this house, Mena.

"Can I use your bathroom?" I ask Mena nods and points me in the direction of the restroom. Glancing at Michael, I turned and headed in the direction of the bathroom, half of me wanted Michael to follow, the other half didn't know what she wanted.
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Post by magikhands »


"Are you trying to do something to their heads?" Max asks and I wonder the same but don't say anything. I don't like the way Cameron said that some of us have closed minds. Was she speaking of those they say are Sons and Daughters...or maybe she has some sort of power that allows her to read our minds. That thought runs a shiver up my mind. I don't think I'm ready for these strangers to know who...and what I am.

"Can I use your bathroom?" Maria asks before anyone can answer Max's question. Mena nods and points her toward the bathroom.

Maria glances my way before she starts down the hall. I can still see the 'I've gotta run' look in her eyes and that worries me. She and I have not been exactly what people would call close. We are all close friends as a group but when Maria and I are together left to ourselves, we argue...A LOT. But I've always been attracted to her. I just have trouble showing her how I feel. It seems that everytime I get the nerve to let her know something happens and we start arguing.

I don't know why...but I love to watch her eyes blaze when she gets fired up. Her lips press together but not in a thin line like others. Their plumpness seems to push out further and her lovely green eyes flare with a hidden fire making them sparkle in the light. She's got such spark in her and I love being the reason for it.

She disappears down the hall and my eyes follow her. With a slight hesitation I decide to follow. Giving Max a quick glance he give me a slight nod. I follow the directions Mena gives and come to the closed door that is the bathroom. I reach out and put my hand on it and stand there for a moment wondering what to say. I'm tempted to tell her that it was me that closed the door on her but that may freak her out more.

I give a soft knock when I hear nothing on the other side of the door. "Maria." I say softly. "Are you ok?"

The was no answer so I knock again. "Maria?" Still no answer and my heart starts pounding with fear. Was there a window in there that she could escape from? Why was she not answering?

I turn the knob but find that it's locked. I look up and down the hall to make sure no one was around. Like making the door close on instinct I use my powers to open the bathroom door.

"Maria?" I say as I walk in but don't see her. There is a window near the sink but it is closed. I take a step further in and look around. I hear a sniffle and turn towar the tub. The curtain is drawn so I can't see what is behind it. Slowly I draw it back to find Maria sitting in the tub, her knees drawn to her chest and her hands holding the amulet. She was studying it and twirling it with her fingers as if it would tell her more about who she was.

I understood what she was doing. I'd done it many times with a oval rock with a strange yet familiar design on it that I have hidden in my room.

"Maria..." I say quietly as I close the door and kneel beside the tub. I hesitantly reach out and brush my hand over her wet cheek. "I'm here. You can talk to me."
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Post by emmylala »


Disappearing into the bathroom, I opt to sit in the tub rather than on the toilet seat, where I can close my eyes and huddle up into a ball of security, away from the craziness in the living room.

As I sit there, trying to register everything I'd seen and hear I hear a gentle knock on the door, but choose to ignore it. I'm not quite in the mood to talk to anyone right now, despite my fleeting desire earlier for Michael to follow me.

"Maria." A voice from outside the bathroom calls. "Are you ok?" Again, I remain silent, clutching the amulet in my hand, a single tear falling down my cheek.

"Maria?" Michael's voice calls again, this time a little louder. When I do not reply, I hear him attempt to open the door, which I do not recall having locked, in my haste to get away from the others.

The sound of a creaking door fills the room and I realize that I must not have locked the door after all. Wanting to kick myself for being so absent minded, I hear Michael's voice echo in the tiled room.

"Maria?" he calls, and I can tell without seeing him that his eyes are searching the room. Sniffling slightly, I use the sleeve of my shirt to wipe away the tears from my eyes. As Michael's body casts a shadow throughout the room, I realize that he's discovered my hiding spot. Drawing back the shower curtain he finds me sitting in the tub, fiddling with the mysterious amulet I'd only tonight discovered was more than it appeared to be.

"Maria..." He says closing the door and kneeling beside the tub. Without looking away from the amulet, I feel his finger tips brush the side of my cheek, wiping away a tear. "I'm here. You can talk to me." he says, in a more caring tone than I'd ever heard Michael Guerin use before.

"I'm fine Michael, really there's nothing to talk about." I lie, wiping my face after Michael. I felt a little more than uncomfortable having Michael find me in such a state, in a bathtub, no less.

Finally tearing my eyes away from the amulet, I look up at Michael's understanding face and think to myself what I wouldn't have given to have had him alone like this not hours earlier back at the club, before all the chaos began.

"I appreciate your concern, but your brother needs you now, especially after..." I say, my words trailing as I remembered Trevor's revelations from earlier and Michael's reaction to it. "...after what happend." I add after a short pause.

"God, I feel so stupid for freaking out the way I did with him and Max. Especially with everything we heard tonight." I say, referring to the significance of the amulets and what they meant for Alex, Kyle, Liz and I.

"Max was right. His being a telekinetic doesn't change who he is anymore than my being a daughter changes who I am." I say, wiping another rouge tear away from my face.

"It's just...the idea that we have to stop things like what attacked us at the club tonight, doesn't exactly induce warm and fuzzy feelings, you know?" I say with a short laugh of sarcasm.
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Post by magikhands »

ooc: I'll be back with a Michael by Monday. We are doing some more moving this weekend and things have been hectic the last few days. Sorry for taking so long :oops:
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Post by emmylala »

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you all that due to significant personal issues; I will be departing from this site. :cry: I regret to say goodbye to so many whom I have come to regard as friends and feel terrible about putting you all in the awful predicament of having to recast my parts. To those whom will be inconvenienced by this, I offer my apologies and hope for your understanding.

Again, I want to apologize for the abruptness of this action and hope for your understanding. Thank you all for providing me with a warm and friendly environment within which I was able to write freely and imaginatively about a show that will always live in my heart. I will always hold Fanatics and its members in the highest esteem, thank you all for the memories.

Emmy :cry:
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Post by M »

I will post as soon as I get a chance to catch up.

The problem with changing the world is that it makes any life beyond that impossible...
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Post by magikhands »

ooc: Sorry, computer didn't give me updates and I forgot about checking this one :oops: I'll get a Michael up as soon as I can.
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Post by magikhands »


"I'm fine Michael, really there's nothing to talk about."

I can tell she's lying as she tries to wipe the tears away.

"I appreciate your concern, but your brother needs you now, especially after...after what happend."

I can see that she's trying to divert my attention from herself but I won't let it happen. Trevor and I will have a long talk when we leave here tonight but that is for later. Right now Maria is the one that needs me. Through the years I've watched from afar...but not tonight.

"Trevor...he's a big boy."

"God, I feel so stupid for freaking out the way I did with him and Max. Especially with everything we heard tonight. Max was right. His being a telekinetic doesn't change who he is anymore than my being a daughter changes who I am." She wiped another lone tear away from her face.

"It's just...the idea that we have to stop things like what attacked us at the club tonight, doesn't exactly induce warm and fuzzy feelings, you know?" She gives a short laugh.

I slipped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. I could feel her body trembling like she was cold but her skin was hot, covered iwth sweat.

"It's ok 'Ria. I'm here. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll be there when you need me." I know I was rambling but I didn't know what else to do. I'm not the best with words or showing my emotions. I've always felt as if I needed to watch out for everyone. Make sure no one found about about us. But at the moment, I don't care who knows as long as I can protect her.

"Those things won't get a chance to harm you." I gently shifted her body and crawl behind her so she sat between my legs and my arms wrapped tightly around her.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"It's ok 'Ria. I'm here. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll be there when you need me." I have to admit that hearing those words coming out of Michael Guerin's mouth cause me to feel a warmth flood through me and yet, I'm also surprised because for as long as I can remember, he'd never been like this. Having his arm around me made me feel both joy and hurt because I knew that as much as I had wanted to, Michael and I would never be more then friends.

I wish that he could see me as more, I've wished that for a very long time.. but I know he won't. "Those things won't get a chance to harm you." He crawls in behind me and settles with his arms around me, my form between his legs. For the moment, I was tempted to lean back into his embrace and simply let myself imagine things.

I sighed and went ahead and relaxed back against him, closing my eyes as I shook my head. "Michael, you can't protect me." Even as I spoke, I felt the telltale signs that my molecules were shifting.

I can't afford to go invisible now, I can't. If I do, how will Michael respond then. I bite my lip, the pain instantly calming the molecular shift, at least for the moment. "I... I want to forget this happened. Forget that I'm destined to do something." I don't want him to let me go, because as much as I am feeling things, I am also finding comfort.

Even that is interrupted as I glanced down at his hands, placing mine over where his rested around me before shifting slightly to look at him. "Why are you being so nice?" I decide to ask quietly, this isn't like him and this was a side of him I didn't understand.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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