First Daughter Secrets (AU M/L Mature) A/N 5/1

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Post by Maxsgurl »

HELLO EVERYBODY!! I just got off of work and rushed home to post this just for all you WONDERFUL readers. Now I know you all are dying for Max to tell Liz and he will...but I'm just trying to give you enough moments before I pretty much break your hearts. The truth will come out in 2 enjoy them while you can :twisted:
dreamer destiny wrote:How sweet that she needs Max to have a good night's sleep. They are really cute together and I'm enjoying this story.

Poor Liz, finding out about Max's blaming episode with Michael, Alex, and himself. I'd feel damn guilty if I was her! She and Max are quite a pair, with his secret and the guilt because of it, and her not eating and not sleeping and feeling guilty for everything. LOL.

I want a movie theater like that! I'd watch Liz stripping Max in "Sexual Healing" over and over on the big screen. :wink:
HA HA HA!! That is such a great idea...the perfect scene to watch on a big screen!
FamersAmers wrote:hey!! they were happy tears mixed with a little sad but you know why!!

such a good chapter...i loved how they all got to stay at the white house and I cant wait for the drama!! Hurry woman hurry!!!

I love it and you know that!!!
You want the drama Ams? I am shocked lol! This part has some drama...but its nothing too bad. Thanks again girlie for the thoughts....touched me soo much!! *tear* lol.
aussietrueblue wrote::D :) :D
AWWW he's a honey ......
Lol yes he is!! Thanks for posting!
Timelord31 wrote:Very good update. When Alex and Micheal were talking to Liz. For a moment there I was wondering if they were going to be reassigned or even asked to be transfered to another post. I'm glad they all stuck together and everything was fine.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
madroswellfan wrote:Great update! More soon please :D
Thank you!
confusedfool wrote:When is he goin to tell her the truth????????????????????????????????
I know you are dying...but you got to wait just a little longer!! Sorry!!
Emz80m wrote:great part girl!!

Max really needs to tell Liz the truth soon though!
Yes he does Emma....and he will!
obsession wrote:Awe, that was cute. Liz crawling in bed with Max to help her sleep. Nice touch.

Love the entertainment center. I sure would want one for myself.

See you soon.
Lol I want one of those entertainment centers that would ROCK!
martine wrote:very nice part!

I laughed when I saw how overprotective Max was with Liz and like the others I would like to have the same theater, but since I'm not living at the White House......

tell me, what Mr Parker will say when he'll find out that his daughter slept, even innocently, with her boyfriend? I don't think he'll appreciate

but you said that there will be some other Max and Liz moments before the drama, so let's enjoy them.
Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the moments...there is some drama in this part...but it will be resolved in the cliffies!
RASaero611 wrote:I don't know how I missed the last two parts but they were great! I'm glad that Jeff officially welcomed Max to the family. And what Max told Nancy was so sweet.

And this part was cute because Liz finally got to go home. It was funny when Mr. Parker walked in on them and Max was worried but Liz wasn't.

Great update
Lol Glad you caught up and that you liked the last two parts...hope you like this one as well!
Earth2Mama wrote:That really was just the sweetest part. Thanks for author's note. Yes, a warning please before you hit us with that storm. I wanna see it coming :lol:

Poor Liz. I think she's in denial about something. I really think she should talk to someone about her feelings. JMO

Great update. Post more when you can :D
I will warn you again....but 2 parts until the storm!
FSUMSW94 wrote:Loved the update :D Max is so protective of Liz and it is so endearing to watch. I hope Liz will recall all this when the real storm comes with his being an agent! There is no way he could be faking his feelings for her, but I know in the moment, she will be feeling too betrayed to care. Thanks for this new part! :D
Thanks! Glad you liked it and the moment Liz will probably not be thinking right.
Grace52373 wrote:I'm with Max! I would love a built in movie theater, were you don't have to pay for stuff! I am glad that everyone is happy, but I know it will eventually come out what Max does for a living.
Update soon!
Glad you liked it!!
BehrObsession wrote:That was great. Max & Liz are so adorable together. I hate that they are going to go through so much angst, but I'm trusting that their love with win out in the end. Can't wait to read more.
Glad you have the faith will come in handy!
ForeverADreamer wrote:aw, that was so cute...

but was the Prez gonna say when he finds them together in the morning? :shock:
You will have to find out Read on.

She didn't post...but I wanted to say Hi to DANI!!! I haven't heard from you in a while...just checking to make sure everything is ok!

Chapter 10

The next morning Jeff woke up early to get a few important phone calls to other countries. He hated time differences around the world but it was part of the job. He was happy that he didn’t have to do this stuff when Liz was younger, because he would have probably never been around.

Jeff crept out of the bedroom quietly so that he didn’t wake Nancy up, but he knew she would eventually find him; she always knew when he left the room and she always knew where to find him. Jeff headed to his office to make his phone calls.

As he was saying good-bye to the English prime minister, Jeff heard a noise at the door and he looked up to see Nancy trying to sneak into his office. When she closed the door quietly behind her she looked up to see Jeff smirking at her. “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Jeff said as he hung up the phone and motioned for Nancy to come to him. “I was just finishing up.”

“Well then I have perfect timing huh?” Nancy joked as she sat down on her husband’s lap and placed a kiss on his temple. “So how did the calls go?”

“Good. Everything is still stable.” Jeff commented as she quickly wrote down a little note and then turned back to his wife. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Please…you know you didn’t. I can’t sleep without you and you know that too.” Nancy teased. “I sometimes think you leave just so that I can find you.”

“Maybe.” Jeff joked and they sat in silence for a few minutes before he broke it. “So he seems nice.”

“He is.” Nancy responded honestly. She knew that Jeff was talking about Max before he even said anything. The past few weeks had been so stressful with getting Liz back home and adjusting to the new changes around the country…they hadn’t been able to talk about the new addition to their family.

“Did she ever mention him to you before she came here?” Jeff asked his wife. He knew that if Liz were going to tell either of them something important it would have been Nancy for sure. It wasn’t that Liz and Jeff had a bad relationship, it was just that Liz trusted Nancy with things like her relationships more so than with her father.

“No not really. She had mentioned a new friend, but I didn’t get a name and I assumed they were just friends…until this strange guy showed up at the hospital with Liz’s roommates.” Nancy explained as she remembered the day at the hospital when Max entered their lives. “Just by the way he asked questions and how he wanted to know everything that happened…I knew he wasn’t just a friend.”

“I had a feeling too.” Jeff frowned. “She isn’t supposed to fall in love Nancy. She’s supposed to be my little girl forever…I’m supposed to be the man in her life; the only man.”

“Oh sweetie.” Nancy said as she turned around a pulled her husband close to her. “You know Liz just as well as I do…and you know that she wouldn’t be with someone unless he was worth it.” Nancy explained and she pulled away to wipe the tears from her husband’s eyes. “And on the matter of you being the only man in her life…I know for a fact that no matter who comes into her life…you will always be her father. No matter who she loves and gets married to…you will always be her daddy; and she wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Jeff smiled slightly at his wife and she leaned her forehead on his. “Do you ever wish we had kids of our own?”

“Sometimes I do.” Nancy said and Jeff pulled away to look at her guiltily. “And before you even say it…that is not your fault. We decided together to not have kids. Yes…your political career had a lot to do with that, but I agreed to it. Besides…Max explained something to me that made me realize that I’ll always be the mother figure in Liz’s life…and I’m completely happy with that.”

“I love you.” Jeff swore as he pulled his wife down to him and kissed her with all the love he had. “Let’s go check on our daughter.”

“That sounds perfect.” Nancy smiled as they got up and headed to Liz’s room.


Liz sighed as she stretched her body before she curled up again. She felt someone wrap their arms around her waist and she was about to scream until the person spoke into her ear. “Morning baby.”

“Max.” Liz sighed as Max nuzzled his nose against her neck and placed kisses on her collarbone. “What are you doing here?”

“This is my room.” Max chuckled and he felt Liz stiffen in his arms. “What’s wrong?”

“How- how did I end up here?” Liz asked confused. She sat up and looked around noticing that she was in fact in Max’s room. “Why am I not in my room?”

“Relax Liz. You came here early this morning because you couldn’t sleep so you climbed in here.” Max explained and Liz seemed to calm down a little bit. “You don’t remember?”

“I do…but I thought it was a dream.” Liz sighed as she snuggled back into Max’s arms. “It just shocked me to wake up in bed with you.”

“Why? Max chuckled. “We’ve been in bed together before.”

“I know.” Liz blushed. “It’s just…every time I do wake up in your arms, I keep thinking it’s a dream; that I’m not lucky enough to have you.”

“Baby,” Max said as he lifted Liz’s chin so he could look into her eyes. “If one of us is lucky…it’s me. I have done so many wrong things in my life…that I don’t deserve you.” Max swore and he hung his head. If Liz knew who he really was…would she truly feel lucky to be with him?

“Fine. We both are lucky ok?” Liz teased and Max chuckled before he kissed her. “Max.”

“Ok. But I’m luckier!” Max exclaimed as he rolled them over so he had Liz pinned beneath him. Liz started to laugh and squirm under him…until she felt it; Max was aroused and hard above her. “Uhm…sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry. It makes me feel good that I do that to you.” Liz said shyly and she glanced up and was surprised to see Max’s eyes dark and lustful. “Max?”

“Screw it.” Max said as he bent down and started to kiss her passionately. He had wanted to wait until he was ready…but he couldn’t hold on any longer. Max wanted her and he was hoping she would have him.


Jeff and Nancy walked hand in hand towards Liz’s room. Liz had been so busy trying to recover and spending time with her friends that it left little room for the family; Jeff and Nancy planned on change that today. They were going to wake Liz up early and go have a nice peaceful breakfast as a family and just spend some time together.

“Liz?” Jeff called to his daughter as he knocked on her door; he turned to Nancy who smiled at him gently. Jeff frowned when there was no answer. “Liz?”

“Maybe she is still asleep.” Nancy explained. “The kids did stay up late last night with the movies.”

“Yeah.” Jeff said not completely convinced as he opened the door. He walked in and glanced around. Liz’s bed was not made, letting Jeff known that she had slept here. He walked over and placed a hand on the bed. “They’re cold…she hasn’t been here for a while.”

“Jeff…calm down.” Nancy advised as she watched her husband go to the adjoining bathroom still looking for his daughter. “She probably went to the kitchen or something.

“I know exactly where she is!” Jeff exclaimed as he pushed past Nancy and headed down the hall with his wife hot on his heels trying to give him some common sense.


Liz was in heaven. Although Max and her had made out plenty of times...Max had always held back his passion but right now she knew it was different; he wasn’t holding back and it made Liz hotter.

“Liz? Don’t tell me to stop…please?” Max pleaded as he ripped his lips off of Liz’s and trailed them down her throat. She tasted so sweet…Max didn’t think anything could taste better than Liz’s lips, but every piece of skin he kissed and licked was proving him wrong.

“Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.” Liz panted as she ran her hands through Max’s hair trying to hold him to her. Liz was on fire…they had fooled around before, and they had been pretty close to actually joining…but this was different. Liz felt Max’s feelings and want…she felt so sexy just knowing that Max Evans wanted her.

Max moaned at her actions as he continued to move down her throat until he was at the top of her breasts. Max stopped and looked at Liz as he started to draw her spaghetti strap down. Once both straps were pushed aside, her shirt seemed to barely cover anything and the tops of Liz’s breasts stood out begging for Max’s attention.

“Oh Max!” Liz moaned as Max suckled her cleavage. She shivered as he dipped his tongue in the valley of her breasts teasing her. Liz calmed her breathing down a little and gently pushed Max away from her.

“What? What’s wrong?” Max asked panicked. As soon as he felt Liz’s hands on his shoulders he pulled back and looked over her body to find any problems.

“Nothing. I just-” Liz said and she ran her hands down Max’s back until she grabbed the hem of his shirt and started to draw it up to her. “I want this off…I want to touch you too.”

“Right.” Max said and he quickly finished the job Liz had started by ripping his shirt off in one move and throwing it behind him. He slowly brought his weight back onto Liz’s body and he stared into her eyes. “Liz.”

“I love you.” Liz swore as a tear seeped down her cheek but before she could wipe it away, Max kissed it. Liz wrapped her arms around Max and started to caress his back and chest. “Make love to me.”

“Always.” Max vowed and he kissed her sweetly before he started his downward path again. When Max got to Liz’s breasts again he glanced up and saw her eyes closed in anticipation; he waited until she looked at him and she watched as his hands started to move the hem of her shirt up her body; stopping only when he reached the bottom of her breasts. Max bent down and kissed her stomach as he pushed the shirt up and exposed her breasts to him. Max moaned as he leaned into take one into his mouth. “Liz--”

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!” Jeff Parker yelled as he burst threw Max’s bedroom door and saw his daughter lying on her boyfriend’s bed as he was about to remove her shirt.

“DADDY!!” Liz screamed as she quickly pushed Max off of her and onto the ground as she pulled the covers over her body. “What are you doing here!?”

“WHAT AM I DOING HERE!!?” Jeff yelled back and he growled when saw Max’s head pop up from the side of the bed trying to put his shirt back on. “And you! I welcomed you into my home, my family; this is how you repay me? I thought I saw enough yesterday in the theatre…and now I come in here to see you trying to screw my daughter under my own roof!!”

“Jeff!” Nancy scolded and she watched Liz start to cry. She watched in awe as Max jumped up, not caring that Jeff wanted to murder him, and pulled Liz into his arms trying to sooth her.

“Shh. It’s ok.” Max whispered as he rocked Liz’s body in his arms trying to calm her down; he pulled away and wiped her tears before he kissed her forehead.

“GET AWAY FROM HER!!” Jeff yelled as he lunged at the boy he was trying to defile his daughter; but he was stopped by 3 pairs of strong arms. “LET ME GO!! THAT’S AN ORDER!!”

“Not going to happen sir.” Michael said through gritted teeth as he used all his strength to hold back one very pissed off president. He had been woken up from all the commotion and he quickly ran to see what he could do.

“Our job is to protect Liz…even if it’s from you.” Alex commented as he pushed against Jeff’s chest to keep him from moving forward. Alex was startled when he heard yelling coming from Max’s room and panicked thinking that something was happening.

“And I don’t work for you…so I’m not going to listen.” Kyle commented as he held on to one of Jeff’s arms and shoulder. He was shocked when he heard all the commotion and ran to help. He was surprised when he grabbed Jeff and realized that he would have to use all his strength to keep a hold of him.

“YOU DON’T HAVE TO PROTECT LIZ FROM ME!!” Jeff yelled at the boys and then pointed at Max as best he could with his arms being restrained. “PROTECT HER FROM HIM!”

“Daddy! Max didn’t do anything wrong!” Liz cried and she stood up from Max’s arms and started to walk towards her father. “I’m a grown woman.”

“Yeah, and he’s an old man compared to you!!’ Jeff responded. He had started to calm down…but he was still furious.

“Jeff! He’s only 4 years older than her.” Nancy added but she quickly shut her mouth when her husband sent her an evil glare.

“What is going on here?” Maria asked as she, Isabel and Tess walked into the room, all clearly still half asleep. “Lizzie? Why are you crying?”

“I…I need to leave.” Liz sobbed as she ran past her father and out the door.

“LIZ!!” Max called after her and started to head after her but Nancy stopped him.

“I’ll go.” She hesitantly motioned to Jeff. “I think you need to say something.”

Max watched silently as Nancy walked out after Liz and he turned to Jeff. “I don’t know what to say to you that will begin to cover how sorry I am that you had to see that.”

“You can start by packing your stuff and leaving.” Jeff snarled. He wanted nothing to do with Max right now.

“Ok…what is going on here?” Maria asked and Michael sighed before turning to her.

“Basically, Liz and Max were getting hot and heavy…when Mr. Parker walked in on them.” Michael explained and he quickly turned back to Jeff whose anger was only aggravated with his explanation.

“Oh.” The girls said in unison as they looked at Max. They all silently prayed this went well and they ducked out of the room and hurried to follow Nancy and Liz.

“Max…I think it would be best if you left.” Michael warned and Max shook his head.

“I’m not going anywhere without Liz.” Max vowed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“You stay away from her!” Jeff said and he quickly broke free of the boys and stood in front of Max. Alex, Michael, and Kyle went to grab him but they stopped when they realized Jeff was crying. “Leave my baby alone.”

“I love her…and I want to be with her.” Max said softly. “Forever.”

“Oh and you think I’m going to allow that after this morning?” Jeff commented as the tears continued to flow. “She’s all I have…don’t take her from me.”

“I don’t want to.” Max vowed and Jeff looked at him. “I just want to be with her…not take her.”


“Lizzie?” Nancy called out into the garden. She had lost Liz in a few of the corridors and had relied on the word of a few staff members that Liz had headed this way. “You here?”

Liz remained silent as she heard Nancy calling to her. She didn’t know what to do…she couldn’t believe what just happened. This morning would probably destroy any relationship between Jeff and Max, which would ruin Max and Liz’s relationship. Would she and Max ever be happy?

“There you are.” Nancy said as she found Liz sitting under one of the trees in the garden. “How you doing?”

“I am so sorry.” Liz pleaded and Nancy quickly pulled her into her arms. “Daddy probably hates me!”

“Oh sweetie, he doesn’t hate you; he could never hate you.” Nancy commented. “He is just upset…he’ll get over it.” Nancy understood why Jeff was upset, he just walked in on his daughter and her boyfriend half-naked in bed, but Nancy also understood where Liz was coming from…she was young and in love.

“Liz?” Maria asked hesitantly. The girls found Liz and Nancy hugging and they had stayed back to let them have their time…but they wanted to check on their friend.

“Hey guys. What are you doing here?” Liz asked as she wiped her eyes.

“When you ran off we thought you would need a friend and so we followed.” Tess explained and Isabel nodded.

“Yeah…Max was pretty upset you left.” Isabel added hesitantly. She still remembered the look on her cousins face when Liz bolted…he was devastated and Isabel hoped she never saw that look on his face again.

“Max?” Liz looked around hoping that he had followed but after a few moments she didn’t see him her eyes widened. “YOU LEFT HIM ALONE WITH DADDY!!”

“The guys are there.” Nancy tried to reason with Liz who was already jumping up and running towards the house. “Liz calm down!! Max is fine; the guys won’t let anything happen.”

“The guys can’t protect Max from Daddy!” Liz yelled back as she exited the garden and the other women realized she was right before they jumped up and ran after her.


“Sir, I realize that this probably isn’t the best way for you to find this out.” Max started to explain. He didn’t want to do this with Michael, Alex, and Kyle watching, but he figured it had to happen. “I love your daughter. Liz has easily become the most important person in my life. I rarely leave her side.”

Jeff turned and looked towards Liz’s agents who just nodded that what Max was saying was correct. “I’m sorry Max. I shouldn’t have gotten so mad at you…but you don’t understand what that was like for me. I went to check on Liz and she wasn’t in her room…so I came here and saw what I saw. I just--”

“Don’t even worry about it!” Max held it hand up to silence Jeff. “I have two younger sisters and 3 girl cousins who I would protect with my life. I understand why you got upset…you had ever right too. I disrespected you and your family in your own home.”

“DADDY!!” Liz yelled as she came barging in the room and ran to stand in-between Max and Jeff. “Stay away.”

“Liz-” Jeff tried to talk to his daughter but she turned her eyes to him and he gasped at the tears he saw there…knowing he put them there.

“No! I don’t want to hear it. I’m sorry you had to see that…but I love Max and I’m going to be with him; no matter what you say!” Liz vowed and Max tried to get her attention.

“Liz…it’s ok.” Max tried to reason but Liz interrupted him.

“No, it’s not Max.” Liz said as she turned and faced her boyfriend. “He can’t protect me for the rest of my life, I need to be able to grow up…and I want to do that with you.”

“Baby…” Max said as he caressed her cheek and she leaned into his touch. He was speechless from Liz’s words…she wanted to be with him; the thought was so perfect to Max.

“Lizzie…I should be the one apologizing for the way I acted.” Jeff said quietly. Liz turned around to face her father but kept her back to Max’s chest and he easily wrapped his arms around her safely. “I overreacted…I’m sorry.”

“Really?” Liz questioned hesitantly…she wanted to believe her father…but she didn’t know what he was going to do to Max. “Why are you saying this? What happened when I was gone?”

“Lets just say…Max explained some things to me and I realized I was wrong.” Jeff said as he shrugged his shoulders; he was shocked and almost fell over when Liz launched herself into his arms. “Whoa.”

“I love you Daddy. Always.” Liz whispered into his ear and Jeff closed his eyes as he hugged her tighter. “No matter who I’m with…who I love, you’ll always be my daddy.”

“And you’ll always be my little girl.” Jeff whispered back and he opened his eyes and looked at Max. “But it’s time you grew up…and turned into the woman I know you can be, and Max is going to be there the whole way.”

“Really?” Liz asked surprised that her father was allowing Max to stay. “You mean it?”

“That’s if he wants to be.” Jeff said which caused Liz to turn and stare at Max with questioning eyes…did he want to be with her?

“Liz.” Max chuckled at her hesitant face. “Baby, I am not going anywhere.”

“GOOD!” Liz said as she ran and jumped into Max’s arms and he easily picked her up and spun her around. “I love you.”

“Love you too.” Max said as he pulled her down and sealed their lips. He knew that they made a big step today…but Liz still didn’t know who he was…really. He had to tell her, only problem was, would she still want to be with him after she found out he’d been lying to her?

“Hey, where did everybody go?” Liz asked once they pulled away and noticed they were alone in Max’s room.

TBC...just a little announcement...I won a fanfic challenge at A Roswellian's Fantasies and was rewarded with an authors chat!! So I was wondering if you all would be interested in my idea...I was thinking that if you showed up to the chat I'd answer ALL most any question you have about me or any of my stories. You can ask what will happen in the end of you want to be spoiled or you can ask me personal questions and get to know me better! Let me know what you all think please!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

HEY EVERYBODY!! I'm back as promised! I'm glad you all liked the last chapter and as a warning this is basically the last chapter before the chapter someone finds out who Max is...but you will have to read to find out who!! :wink:
dreamer destiny wrote:Wow! Busted by the president getting "hot and heavy" with his daughter in the White House...that's impressive! I can't believe that Max, who was well on his way to having sex with Liz, got her dad to apologize to him! I guess his charms work on everyone, LOL.

Max is gonna be in SO much trouble when Liz finds out his secret!

The chat sounds fun, where and when is it?
Actually I found out I get TWO chats because I won two challenges. So me and the admin talked about a chat on the 10th and the 17th...the times are still in the works but I will let you know!

Timelord31 wrote:Very funny update. Jeff acted just like I thought he would when he found his daughter like he did. Kyle was a good friend but could have been put into jail if Jeff hadn't started thinking clearly. Where was his guards during this anyway. Were they just standing back and trying not to laugh during it.
There were no guards. Lol...I know it isn't realistic but I see Jeff as a very laid back president who doesn't want his guards following him around the private floors of the White it fits into the story better lol :wink:
ShatteredDreamer wrote:OMG, caught by the parents in their own house! :oops: I'm embarassed for Liz. At least they weren't already in the act. That would sooo suck to have your first time interrupted by your folks.
I can't believe that Max, who was well on his way to having sex with Liz, got her dad to apologize to him! I guess his charms work on everyone, LOL.
Yeah, I had to read that part a couple of times just to make sure I wasn't so tired that my eyes were playing tricks on me. LOL

I hope Liz finds out Max's real identity before they have sex. I think it would destroy her to think he just got close to her because of his job and that the intimacy between them was just a bonus and didn't really mean anything. Thanks for the update. Come back soon with more!
Thanks and I'm glad you liked it. No your eyes were not playing tricks on you lol...Jeff did apoligize!
OmegaRam1 wrote:So glad Jeff seen the light and realize that Liz in a young woman that is in college. There are not too many Max's out there in the world so Jeff be Liz's father and be proud of her for finding a wonderful man like Max. As for the 4 years elder, really not worthwhile mentioning. :lol:
One thing I don't like is interruption during nookie time, and the president is no exception. :lol:

Hurry back with more.
Lol I understand the nookie interruption...I hate it but I have a plan lol...and it must come to pass!
RASaero611 wrote:damn...Max sure can talk his way out of things...he stopped Mr. Parker from killing him for almost sleeping with Liz and got him to apologize. Now he needs to tell Liz and hope she understands

great update
Thanks and I'm glad you liked it!
FamersAmers is what I am thinking...

I am thinking that Max told Jeff that he was her secret service agent when they were all in the room together..maybe not!! Because not dad is that understanding to any man even husband doing that to his baby girl!!!

hmmm... and two are killing me!!!! thoughts are with you..and i feel ya on the work thing!! YUCK!!!

Work sucks Ams lol...we both know that! And you keep guessing lol...I ain't telling you a thing...unless you visit my chat HA HA HA!
martine wrote:break our hearts? Nooo that can't be that bad? Yes that can!! ok, and how long did you plan to let our hearts bleed? I hope for ONE part, that'll be enough.

anyway, this part was great! and Jeff Parker infuriated to see his daughter in bed with Max was priceless. the moment I prefered, when Max said to Jeff how much he loved his daughter and when Liz did the same later, that was so emotional....

can't wait to read the next part.
Glad you liked it and I hope you feel the same about this one! Enjoy!
Emz80m wrote:Hey girl wonderful part!

Jeff Parker certainly over reacted so i'm glad that he calmed down in the end.

I would love to come to your authors chat but unfortunetely since i'm on the other side of the world i'm normally sleeping while you're chatting.

anyway great part
Lol I have come up with a solution for the time thing...HOPEFULLY. There are actually two they will be on different days and the times are still in the works. Also I have a domain there for a little bit and I have threads for both personal and story questions...I'd love to hear from you either way!
BehrObsession wrote:Great part. I can understand why Jeff acted the way he did. It was a tremendous shock to him to see his "little girl" in an intimate situation with Max. He wasn't ready to admit just how grown up she is, but he doesn't have much of a choice now. I just hope that not everyone turns on Max when they find out he's an agent. He hasn't been deceiving her to hurt her. He was just doing his job and fell in love in the process. She's got to forgive him eventually. Right?
Eventually but Liz is a stubborn girl, haven't you learned?
Michelle17 wrote:
RASaero611 wrote:damn...Max sure can talk his way out of things...he stopped Mr. Parker from killing him for almost sleeping with Liz and got him to apologize. Now he needs to tell Liz and hope she understands

great update
ForeverADreamer wrote:
dreamer destiny wrote: I can't believe that Max, who was well on his way to having sex with Liz, got her dad to apologize to him! I guess his charms work on everyone, LOL.
Yeah seriously. Speaking from personal experience, that's not usually how the situation ends up. But then again, with Max as the guy, the dad should be begging him to be with his daughter
Lol personal experience? OOOHHH were you a bad girl? Lol...I've never been caught so I can't relate on that one lol.
madroswellfan wrote:Great chappy! :D Please continue!
Thanks! Glad you liked it
obsession wrote:Max is one lucky guy. Getting caught by THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, he is able to explain in a way for the president to understand where he stands with Liz.

Yes Max is lucky...but lets see if his luck continues!
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:Oh my gosh! I missed an update! I'm so ashamed. Shame on me!! Well, it gave me more to read this time around! Anyway, on to some quotage that is oh so fun to do.
Maxsgurl wrote:Liz sighed as she stretched her body before she curled up again. She felt someone wrap their arms around her waist and she was about to scream until the person spoke into her ear. "Morning baby."
Damn, don't you wish we could wake up like that? Lucky girl.
"Ok. But I'm luckier!" Max exclaimed as he rolled them over so he had Liz pinned beneath him. Liz started to laugh and squirm under him...until she felt it; Max was aroused and hard above her. "Uhm...sorry about that."
Heh, he apologized for it! I would've been like no need to apologize for that, cowboy.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!" Jeff Parker yelled as he burst threw Max's bedroom door and saw his daughter lying on her boyfriend's bed as he was about to remove her shirt.
OMG!!! I knew that was going to happen. How embarrassing!! Ugh, if that was me, I'd runaway...but Max'd come with me for obvious reasons. Plus, you don't want Jeff to murder him in his sleep.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!!" Jeff yelled as he lunged at the boy he was trying to defile his daughter; but he was stopped by 3 pairs of strong arms. "LET ME GO!! THAT?S AN ORDER!!"

"Not going to happen sir." Michael said through gritted teeth as he used all his strength to hold back one very pissed off president. He had been woken up from all the commotion and he quickly ran to see what he could do.

"Our job is to protect Liz...even if it's from you." Alex commented as he pushed against Jeff's chest to keep him from moving forward. Alex was startled when he heard yelling coming from Max's room and panicked thinking that something was happening.

"And I don't work for I'm not going to listen." Kyle commented as he held on to one of Jeff's arms and shoulder. He was shocked when he heard all the commotion and ran to help. He was surprised when he grabbed Jeff and realized that he would have to use all his strength to keep a hold of him.
Jeez, chaos all around!! Kyle, lol, "I don't work for you so I'm not going to listen." Hehe...he's so funny!
"I love her...and I want to be with her." Max said softly. "Forever."

"Oh and you think I'm going to allow that after this morning?" Jeff commented as the tears continued to flow. "She?s all I have...don?t take her from me."

"I don?t want to." Max vowed and Jeff looked at him. "I just want to be with her...not take her."
Aww...that was such a sweet moment amid all the chaos!! Poor Jeff was in tears, Max was trying to get the point across that he loves Liz, and Liz is nowhere to be found!!
"Love you too." Max said as he pulled her down and sealed their lips. He knew that they made a big step today...but Liz still didn't know who he was...really. He had to tell her, only problem was, would she still want to be with him after she found out he?d been lying to her?

"Hey, where did everybody go?" Liz asked once they pulled away and noticed they were alone in Max?s room.
AWWW!! That was such a great part ender! Yay, Max gets to stay! Hopefully they'll hold off on the adult stuff until after hours.

Okey doke, that's it for today. At the top, you said that you're going to break our hearts!! NO! Oh gosh...I hope everything works out. I may just have to come by your author's chat thingy (which is a fantabulous idea, btw) and beg you for answers!!!

Awesome part!
Lol you can beg for answers at the domain I have there for questions on my story!! I'd love to answer your questions lol!
Earth2Mama wrote:Yikes! I though for a second there that joint chiefs of staff and congress would have to be alert because the Prez was about to declare WWIII. :shock:

Glad that Max and Jeff had it out though. I think Jeff respects Max more for it.

Post more soon :D I'm dying for Liz to find out Max's secret. But, will she be the first one to find out about it...or someone else? :wink:
You will have to wait and find chapter...I'm so evil aren't I?

FSUMSW94 wrote:
BehrObsession wrote:Great part. I can understand why Jeff acted the way he did. It was a tremendous shock to him to see his "little girl" in an intimate situation with Max. He wasn't ready to admit just how grown up she is, but he doesn't have much of a choice now. I just hope that not everyone turns on Max when they find out he's an agent. He hasn't been deceiving her to hurt her. He was just doing his job and fell in love in the process. She's got to forgive him eventually. Right?
Ditto! Man, that was some confrontation :shock: :oops: :shock: I thought for sure Max was going to be murdered by Jeff. When Jeff was crying, I felt :cry: for him, that has got to be traumatic to witness your "little girl" making out heavily with her boyfriend :shock: :oops:

Please don't drag out the angst for too long :cry:
I'll try not too...but it's got to happen you know?
taressa05 wrote:Jen, I'm so sorry about not posting on the last part of this story or your other ones. I've been so busy with helping my friend move and paint her apartment, signing up for classes, looking for jobs, and training to substitute that I haven't had that much time to feedback. Plus, you have to factor in my lazyness. :lol: And was this the one with the Buffy line in it? Because if it was then dammit, I'm losing my touch because I couldn't find it. But anyway, things are A-OK here, and if someone, I'm not naming names, would ever be on AOL perhaps we could have a nice little chat. :wink: :D

Great update though. Jeff really freaked out, but it was completely understandable. I was surprised though that he and Max came to an understanding. What a dad. Still, why couldn't they have found them basking in the afterglow? I know like to build us up and let us think it's gonna happen and then dash our hopes you evil, evil tease. :P Can't wait for the next one, and I'll try to be a good feedbacker from now on. :D
No this wasn't the chapter it was the one before so ch. 9. The line were Max says that he isn't ready and then Liz says "But I thought you had before?" That whole convo is from Buffy....when Willow tries to seduce Oz for christmas...3rd I know too much about that show!
Lizza wrote:ok i'm a lurker and i came out to tell you i love this first incredibly i love the movie its based on and this is so much better...
Can't wait till the next part, but i'm worried about whats gonna happen when she finds out he's an agent?
OH A LURKER!! YEAH!! WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!! Your kind words have me blushing in my room...thanks for the compliments they mean so much to me!! And you will have to wait to find out about her reaction!
loviedovie wrote:Omg! I missed like a bunch of updates :o! But don't worry... i'm caught up now, phef! :oops:
Max and Liz are sooo sweet!! I can't believe that her dad caught them like that :shock:! And then Jeff really overeacted... well I guess that its kinda okay b/c he's her daddy. But I really loved what Max said to him, he was sooo sweet and sincere! I'm glad that Jeff calmed down and it was soo cool how Michael and Alex stuck to Liz and Max's side! :D I hope that Liz doesn't get too angry with Max when she finds out the truth...
Great updates! Post again soon!
Thanks and glad you liked it!
Dreamer 4 Ever wrote:I can't wait for the update, I love this story!
Hey Jen!! Glad you posted! Thanks for letting me know that you are reading and loving this story! Means the world that a great dreamer like you is reading! :wink:

Chapter 11

The whole gang called the school administrators and told them they were going to be coming home the next day and that they had every intention for making up every class they had missed the past week.

Liz talked to her teachers before she left and they decided that instead of having her make up all the quizzes and homework that she would have missed, they were going to allow her to study the material and then take a test that covered all the topics. She was happy about that because she had missed an extra week before the group had come to Washington, now she wouldn’t have to worry about making up a ton of past homework.

“So what are we all doing today?” Maria asked as she threw her self on one of the leather couches in the home theatre. The gang was just hanging out there and trying to decide what they were going to do before they had to head back to the boring tale of college life.

“Whatever it is,” Liz said from her seat in Max’s arms. “It has to involve a lot of high calorie food. I’ve lost so much weight that I don’t even fill in my jeans anymore. I want my booty back.”

“That’s my baby.” Max said as he affectionately kissed Liz’s temple. “She isn’t preoccupied with losing weight…she wants to gain it.” Max said and everyone laughed at his comment.

“I’m serious!! Look!” Liz said as she got up and started to hold the waist of her pants out. “That’s like 2 inches of jeans!!” Liz turned around. “And there is all this extra material around my ass…I have to fill that in.”

“I hate to tell you…but you never filled that in anyway Liz.” Isabel said from her seat next to Alex. “But that’s ok…we can do some exercises in the dorm to firm up your glutes…no problem!”

“It’s ok sweetie.” Max said as he pulled Liz back down into his arms on the couch. “I liked your booty before. It fit perfectly into my hands.”

“MAX!!” Liz said as she slapped his arms but cuddled deeper into him. “I can’t believe you said that.”

“It’s true though.” Max said and their friends groaned as they started to kiss passionately. “Sorry.”

“You two seriously need to find a room.” Michael said as he got up and got a soda. “And this time….lock the damn door. I can’t save Max’s life all the time.”

“I didn’t need saving from him.” Max said offended that these guys thought he couldn’t handle himself. He got the top marks in his class in the agency and his name was on a few plaques as well. He’d show them all one day…

“Awww…poor baby. Did they hurt your ego?” Liz said as she caressed Max’s cheek and whispered in his ear. “If you remind me….later I’ll make sure it’s inflated properly.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Max said as he nibbled on her ear.

“Dude, seriously…don’t make me throw you off her.” Alex warned as he threw some popcorn at the heated couple.

“GUYS!! I’m bored….” Maria wined and she grabbed a pillow and started to throw it in the air and catch it. “What are we going to do?”

“Since you’re the one that it sooooo bored, why don’t you pick.” Isabel said with a roll of her eyes. She loved Maria, but the girl could be so dramatic.

“Let’s go see a movie.” Maria suggested.

“Why? We can do that here.” Tess said barely looking up from her psychology book. She had called Kyle before he left campus and asked him to bring her books so she didn’t have to miss too much class. Everyone else thought she was crazy but she really enjoyed Psych and didn’t want to miss anything.

“Fine.” Maria huffed and she looked around the room trying to get some sort of idea. “Want to go to the water park?”

“That sounds like so much fun!” Liz squealed from Max’s lap and he had to tighten his arms around her to keep her from falling off the chair.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ from Liz.” Kyle said with a chuckle. “What about you Max?”

“Whatever Liz wants…I’ll do.” Max said as he looked lovingly at Liz which caused her to blush before she kissed him sweetly. Ever since the talk with Jeff in his room, Max had decided not to take any time he had with Liz for granted because she was such a treasure to him. Whenever he could he would pull her away and kiss her gently, whispering sweet words in her ear…just to let her know he loved her. He thought that when the truth came out it would be easier for Liz to remember how much he loved her if they had those moments.

“Whipped.” Michael said although he tried to cover it up with a cough. “Sorry, uhm, I swallowed too much soda.”

“Michael, I want to go to the water park.” Maria said with a smirk as Michael wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

“Yes dear.” Michael said and all the guys started to laugh at him. “What?”

“Yes dear.” Max replied imitating Michael. “And you said I’m whipped.”

“You will be later.” Liz teased huskily in Max’s ear causing him to groan. Liz licked his ear before turning back to the group. “So, does everybody else agree?”

“I’m down for the water park.” Alex said. Truth was, he was dying to get Isabel into a bikini and if he had to get into some swim trucks to do it….Alex would do it.

“Whatever. I can work on my tan.” Isabel said as she nodded her head that she would go.

“Tess? Kyle?” Max asked the other couple.

“I would…but I didn’t bring my suit.” Tess said sadly. When she had packed to come to Washington she hadn’t planned on going to a water park, she had planned on visiting her sick friend in the hospital.

“BAH!!” Maria yelled as she made some dismissive gesture to Tess’ comment. “Have you learned nothing about living at the White House?”

“I don’t understand.” Tess said as she closed her textbook and sat up. What did living at the white house have to do with bathing suits?

“Tess, we have a room full of extra clothes. All different styles, cuts, and sizes. It’s pretty much your very own department store.” Liz explained after she saw Tess’ confused expression. “You all can go and find something there.”

“Really?” Tess asked completely shocked that the white house had such a room and that she was going to be able to get something out of it. She looked around the room and then chuckled. “I should have known…I mean look at your theatre.”

“Nothing but the best for the president and his family.” Michael said with a smirk. “You should see Liz work the mojo over her father to get the clothes in that room updated every season…it works every time.”

“Hey! I do not work the mojo on him…he loves me and would do anything to make me happy.” Liz said as she stuck her tongue out at Michael and he returned the gesture.

“Ok you two…do I need to put you in timeout?” Alex joked and he watched as both his friends shared a look before throwing pillows at him; both had perfect aim. “OUCH!!”

“Suck it up Whitman.” Liz said with a laugh as she looked at her friends. She never would have guessed that when she went to college she would have all these people in her life. She had 6 amazing friends…and then there was Max. Liz felt so lucky to have found him and she never wanted to let him go. Liz kissed Max’s neck to get his attention. “Do you need a suit?”

“Have anything that would fit?” Max asked huskily as he trailed a hand up Liz’s arm and placed it on the back of her neck, gently massaging her muscles.

“I think we can find something for you to squeeze that hot bod into.” Liz said just as huskily and she felt Max getting aroused under her.

“I can’t wait to see you in your bikini.” Max said as he raised his eyebrows suggestively and Liz laughed.

“Let’s hope you remember the top this time, Bikini Bottoms.” Alex said and he was promptly hit with a pillow. “Damn it…stop doing that!”

“Come on guys…let’s go pick out some suits!!” Maria got up excitedly and everybody followed her example. Liz tried to get up from Max’s lap but he held her down.

“Max? What is it?” Liz asked concerned when she saw his face. She couldn’t pin point the look but she would guess it was a mix between jealousy and arousal.

“You can’t get up right now…I don’t wanna embarrass myself.” Max said as he lifted his hips a little to show Liz exactly what he was talking about.

“Oh…sorry.” Liz said with a little smile but it faded when Max’s demeanor didn’t change. “Hey, what’s the matter?”

“I hate that he’s seen you like that.” Max confessed but he didn’t meet Liz’s eyes. He felt so stupid…he knew it meant nothing, but it didn’t make him feel any better that other guys had seen Liz like only he was supposed to see her.

“Who Alex?” Liz questioned and Max just nodded a little bit. Liz sighed as she used her finger to bring Max’s chin up. “Max, you don’t need to be jealous…you’ve seen a lot more of me then Alex ever did.”

“I know…I just.” Max said as he huffed and rubbed his eyes. He felt completely stupid. “Just forget about it.”

“No, Max. If this is bugging you this much, you need to tell me.” Liz said as she caressed his face lovingly. “Look…I had to deal with the Vicky issue and you made me talk to you about it. I think it’s only fair that I make you do the same.”

“Damn you woman.” Max said in a slightly teasing manner because he knew she was right. When Liz was insecure about his past relationship with Vicky, Max had made her tell him why it bugged her and they talked about it. If he wanted this to last he needed to tell her how he felt. “Ok, I hate that any guy has seen you like that…call me a possessive boyfriend…but it’s just who I am.”

“Well that’s good, because I like you the way you are.” Liz said as she turned around and straddled Max’s lap as she wrapped her arms around the back of his head. “I love that you are my possessive boyfriend.”

“That’s good; because I hate that any guy looks at you. I hate that when you walk around campus, guys think about asking you out. I hate that I can’t just lock you up in my room and keep you safe forever.” Max admitted with a heavy sigh. It felt good to get that all off his chest, but he hated that he felt that way. No girl had ever done to him what Liz had done so easily.

“You wanna lock me in your room? I have no problem doing that.” Liz teased. “I would even go so far as to let you chain me to the bed.”

“What happened to my sweet, innocent Liz huh?” Max asked as he stared at her. Over the past month she had gone from a girl who had never been kissed to a girl who was openly arousing and sexually teasing Max; he loved it.

“She was corrupted by her possessive boyfriend.” Liz said as she sealed their lips and let their tongues mate before she addressed him again. “And as for those other guys…I don’t even notice them Max. Why would I when I have you in my arms? You are everything I ever dreamed of and so much more…I could never be with anyone else.”

“I love you so much Liz.” Max said as he pushed her hair out of her face and framed her face. He was going to tell her and soon; he had to.

“I love you too.” Liz said and she kissed him gently before she stood up. “Now let’s get you into a bathing suit mister!”

“Only if I get to pick your bikini out!” Max joked as he wrapped his arms around Liz and they walked towards the door.

“If you’re good…maybe I’ll give you a private viewing of how I got my nickname.” Liz said and she laughed when Max dropped his arms and just stared at her retreating figure.

“That girl is going to be the death of me.” Max said as he adjusted his growing erection and headed down the hall to get ready.


“This was such a good idea Maria.” Isabel said as she laid out her towel and got ready for a day of tanning. She loved the bikini she found. It was a deep read one with light pink flowers embroidered onto the top and bottoms.

“You girls in bikinis….yup, that’s my dream day.” Alex admitted and Isabel smiled at him before blowing him a kiss. Alex had almost fallen down the steps when Isabel came out of the bathroom wearing her bikini. It fit her like a second skin and Alex was thanking the weather gods for allowing the sun to be out that day. He had his suit at the white house so he didn’t have to pick a new one. He wore basic board shorts with an array of Hawaiian flowers in shades of blue.

“You’re such a guy Alex.” Maria teased as she pulled her long hair into a bun on her head. She luckily had an extra bikini at the white house from the last time Liz and she had gone to the water park. It was her favorite so she was happy to wear it. It was a lime green color with little beads on the straps and an extra one on the end of each of the strings.

“He just vocalized what we are all thinking.” Michael commented. He had always loved Maria in the bikini she was wearing. He still remembered the first time she wore it around him back when she was 16. She didn’t fill it out as well as she did now, but she still caused him too quickly to the bathroom and take a cold shower. Michael also had his board shorts at the white house since the last time he had worn them. His were basically a light orange with a small white stripe down each of the legs.

“See, comments like those are what cause teenage girls to have eating disorders and never go out in a bikini.” Tess scolded the boys and she pulled over her cover up. She wore a light blue bikini that easily matched her eyes. It was solid blue with a cute butterfly on the left breast.

“Tess, honey, no psychology today. This is a fun time.” Kyle told his girlfriend as he ran his hands over his chest rubbing in the sunscreen. His suit was also light blue in a checkered pattern. Kyle loved Tess in anything blue, but he loved her body as well so anything in blue that showed off skin….was fine with him.

“Did anybody see where Liz and Max went?” Alex asked only slightly worried. Over the last month he had grown to trust Max completely with Liz, but he still didn’t like not knowing where they were.

“Max said Liz wanted a soda so they were going to the food court.” Maria replied and Isabel looked at her weird. “What?”

“We brought a cooler of soda’s and water.” Isabel commented as she pointed to a blue cooler in the middle of the group. They decided to bring it since it would be cheaper than everyone buying their own sodas and this way they would stay cool in the ice.

“Like Max said earlier…whatever Liz wants, he does.” Michael said as he rolled his eyes but he had a pretty good idea of what they were doing if the tent in Max’s shorts when he saw Liz was any indication.


“Max.” Liz moaned but Max quickly covered her mouth with his. “We…have…to stop.”

“I know.” Max replied as he licked and sucked on Liz’s neck. He didn’t care if he left a mark because he wanted everyone to know she was someone’s girl.

“Everyone is probably looking for us.” Liz gasped when Max sucked on a particularly sensitive spot on the base of her neck. She lifted her leg and placed it high on Max’s waist causing him to lean more onto her body.

“You’re right.” Max said but he didn’t stop kissing her exposed skin. Max had been completely stunned when he saw Liz walk out of her room in her light pink and burgundy Hawaiian printed bikini. She looked dazzling and it awed Max that she didn’t even seem to notice what she was doing to him. When they got to the park Max gave the group a lame excuse and he searched for somewhere private. He found a shaded area behind the lost and found building and he quickly pinned Liz to the wall and kissed her fiercely.

“I don’t want them…to worry.” Liz said as she nibbled on Max’s ear and ran her hands over his sculpted back and down to his butt. She smirked when Max growled as she squeezed his tight butt over his dark green and black Hawaiian flowered suit. The colors mixed with his tanned and toned body perfectly and Liz had to actually wipe her mouth a few times in the car to make sure she really wasn’t drooling.

“Me either.” Max whispered as he trailed his hand up her leg that was on his hip and he lightly caressed her thigh as he made his way to her heat.

“Max.” Liz moaned when she felt Max’s fingers touch her over her suit bottoms that she was sure were soaked with her essence.

Hearing Liz moan his name brought Max out of the sexual fog they were drowning in and he realized their position. Max was very close to screwing Liz out in the open against some building…he wouldn’t do it; her first time would not be like this. “We should get back.”

“Yeah.” Liz said sadly. She wasn’t sad that Max stopped, because it showed he really cared. She was sad that they had worked themselves up and they both had no release.

“Why don’t we both go get a little freshened up?” Max offered and Liz nodded as they headed to the bathroom to remove the evidence of their actions.


“There you two are.” Maria said when she saw Max and Liz walking towards them hand in hand. “What took you so long?”

“What?” Max asked confused. He had already forgotten about his excuse to get Liz alone.

“You were going to get Liz a soda…remember?” Michael explained but there was a teasing tone in his voice.

“Right.” Max said and Liz smiled before she picked up the story.

“The line was really long and by the time we got up to the counter they had run out of the type of soda I wanted.” Liz explained easily as she and Max sat down on one of their towels.

“Really?” Tess said as she looked at the couple suspiciously.

“Yeah….why?” Max asked as he open a bottle of water and handed it to Liz. She took a sip and handed it back.

“Well I was just wondering how Liz got that hickey on her boob if you were standing in line.” Tess added and everyone laughed when Max spit his water out of his mouth before he turned to Tess.

“WHAT?” Max asked as he wiped the water from his chin and he noticed he got it all over his legs.

“Oh my god! Look at it!” Maria laughed as she started to point at Liz’s breast and all the other girls leaned in to see. “Right there.”

“Get off me!!” Liz said as she swatted their hands away as the girls tried to get a better look. When they backed off Liz looked down and sure enough, right above the fabric of her top, was a small hickey. “Max…”

“Sorry.” Max said as he slightly fingered his mark with a smirk. “I guess I got a little carried away.”

“You think?” Liz said in a teasing tone. She leaned in a whispered so only Max could hear. “I’ll let you do it again later.”

“Damn it Liz.” Max stated as he looked down and once again, he had a hard-on. “You’re going to pay for that.”

“I can’t wait.”

TBC...I hope you enjoyed. Also info on my chats. There are going to be two of them hopefully the 10th and 17th of September...the times are still in the works. Also for those of you who aren't going to be able to make it or are just too impatient (like me!) I have a domain there and I have set it up for you to ask me basically is a non-line chat. I have a thread for personal and story questions...I would love to see you there!! I go by Maxsgurl85 there and here is the link! My Domain
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hello everybody!! Sorry this is a day late but I had my first bio test to study for so I didn't have time to post...on a happier note I think I got an A!! this is pretty much where the drama hits the fan...Liz is finding out in the next chapter so be WARNED.

Also, my beta is gone for 2-3 weeks so these next couple of parts will not be edited by anyone but if there are any HUGE mistakes PM me and i'll be glad to fix them!

dreamer destiny wrote:Hahaha, that hickey line cracked me up. I love their playfulness and how close all 8 of them are. Great story!

You mentioned something about California. Do you live there? What school do you go to?
Yes I am from Cali. I got to a small community college in the Bay Area but just got word that I will be transfering in Fall of 06 to U.C. Davis...YEAH!!
What about you? You from L.A.? My bro is in Laguna I've been around there.

roswell3053 wrote:Yeah!!! I'm first. I think that this is a great story. I hope that Max tells Liz the truth before they make love. I can't wait for an update.
Actually you are not first...looks like you missed dreamer destiny at the bottom...but its ok lol.
Emz80m wrote:great part

I'm glad to hear that Max is planning on telling Liz next part because he's already left it too long!!

The two of them are so hot for each other, Max's declaration is sure to be like a bucket of cold water

can't wait for more
Lol yes it will about a mood killer!
martine wrote:I liked this part too. That was so funny to see how Liz is able to arouse the poor Max with anything..a bikini or just the promise to let him mark her with a hickey...she's turning him on just to be in the same place.

but as you said, that was the last "happy" the drama...Liz's going to find out Max's secret...

Do you really have to make it that hard? I hope you'll have mercy for us, poor readers...

I'll look forward to your next part..
Lol mercy...what is that? :wink:
BehrObsession wrote:Great part. I hate that the angst is on their doorstep. Liz is a very stubborn young woman, but I hope she won't be able to hold onto her anger at Max for long. They've fallen so deeply in love, it would be a horrible shame if she tosses it away. Can't wait for more.
Thank you and I agree...Liz is very stubborn so that shows you what we are in for..
Lizza wrote:Should i be getting nervous about Liz finding out any time soon?
Great part as usual, loving it even more hurry back!
Yes, be nervous...Liz find out next time...
Grace52373 wrote:Glad to see them all having fun! Great chapter! Post more soon Please!

Thank you!
FSUMSW94 wrote:That was a hilarious update! Max and Liz are total gonners and with the angst around the corner it is going to be so hard on both of them :cry: Liz will justifiably feel betrayed by him, especially if she finds out from someone other than Max. Max has waited too long to confess and it is going to have devastating consequences on all of them. Alex and Michael I'm afraid is going to be highly upset with Max as well. Post again soon please :D :!:
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed that part and I'm also happy to see you are prepared for what is too come!
Timelord31 wrote:Very funny. Can't for the next part. When and How is Liz going to find out about Max.
Thank you and Liz will find out next wait and see!
ForeverADreamer wrote:loved it. too funny. great job

I loved the "Damn it Liz" cuz i can totally hear and picture his saying that
Glad you liked it! and that's one of my fav quotes too!
orphyfets wrote:I read all ur parts so far
an i have to say its amazing
I'm look forward to what happen next
Come back soon
Stefanie :twisted:
Hey Stefanie, glad to finally see you lol...I remember you from Promised and was waiting for you!
Lizza wrote:is it too early for a bump
Never too early for a bump!
vampyrax wrote:Okay so I started reading the beginning of this fic a while ago but thought it wasn't for me but after loving your other fics so much I thought I would give it another try I'm glad I did I'm just loving it so now you can look forward to me putting in my two cents here aren't you lucky. Any way Max better spill the beans soon I feel like the longer he waits the worse it's going to be for him.
Kinda sad you didn't like the story at first...but SOO glad you gave it another chance!
dreamer destiny wrote:Bump!
Lol thanks!
madroswellfan wrote:Looved that chapter! Was brilliant! The Max/Liz action is amazing! And when the friends all talk it's like were there with them! It's really amazing! Please write more soon!
Thank you! I'm soo glad you liked it and can feel yourself in the story...such a great complement :oops:
FamersAmers I want the drama, I want her to find out about Max, I want it all!!! LOL I sure want a lot!!

lol beggers cant be chosers and I guess i will get it when I get it!! LOL

hurry back with more I cant wait!

Lol Ams likes the drama...ha ha! I know its a long way coming but it is here...well next chapter!
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:
Maxsgurl wrote:"Whatever it is," Liz said from her seat in Max's arms. "It has to involve a lot of high calorie food. I've lost so much weight that I don?t even fill in my jeans anymore. I want my booty back."

"That's my baby." Max said as he affectionately kissed Liz's temple. "She isn't preoccupied with losing weight...she wants to gain it." Max said and everyone laughed at his comment.
Lol...well, it's good that she's getting her appetite back. Man, wouldn't that be nice if I actually wanted to eat all that high calorie food to gain weight? And Max is always being the supportive boyfriend.
"Whipped." Michael said although he tried to cover it up with a cough. "Sorry, uhm, I swallowed too much soda."

"Michael, I want to go to the water park." Maria said with a smirk as Michael wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"Yes dear." Michael said and all the guys started to laugh at him. "What?"

"Yes dear." Max replied imitating Michael. "And you said I'm whipped."

"You will be later." Liz teased huskily in Max's ear causing him to groan. Liz licked his ear before turning back to the group. "So, does everybody else agree?"
Haha...I love their batner!! It's so funny! Boy, Liz is turning into a little devil! You go girl!
"Damn you woman." Max said in a slightly teasing manner because he knew she was right. When Liz was insecure about his past relationship with Vicky, Max had made her tell him why it bugged her and they talked about it. If he wanted this to last he needed to tell her how he felt. "Ok, I hate that any guy has seen you like me a possessive boyfriend...but it's just who I am."'s ok, Max, we love that possessive side of you!! I'm glad he talked about it though. That just wouldn't have gone down if he let it slide.
"Well I was just wondering how Liz got that hickey on her boob if you were standing in line." Tess added and everyone laughed when Max spit his water out of his mouth before he turned to Tess.

"WHAT?" Max asked as he wiped the water from his chin and he noticed he got it all over his legs.

"Oh my god! Look at it!" Maria laughed as she started to point at Liz?s breast and all the other girls leaned in to see. "Right there."

"Get off me!!" Liz said as she swatted their hands away as the girls tried to get a better look. When they backed off Liz looked down and sure enough, right above the fabric of her top, was a small hickey. "Max..."

"Sorry." Max said as he slightly fingered his mark with a smirk. "I guess I got a little carried away."
HAHA! That part was so funny! All the girls were poking on Liz and what not. Oh...hilarious.

Okey doke...I think that's it for today. You should expect me at the author's chat thing-a-majig, and I'll be there begging for answers lol!!

Awesome part!
Yeah!! So it won't just be me there talking lol...thanks for letting me know you will be there..I'm looking forward to it and ready for questions!
dreamer destiny wrote:Bump!
Lizza wrote:bump!!
You de-lurked and now you are just a little bump-aholic aren't you lol!

Chapter 12

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch….” Maria echoed as she walked into the white house holding her arms out and trying no to move very fast.

“I told you to put on sunscreen but no…you didn’t listen.” Kyle said as he walked up to Maria and stared into her bright red face. She was the only one of the friends who hadn’t worn any sun screen and she was paying for it now.

“Kyle, I warn you now…if you don’t shut up….I WILL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!!!!” Maria yelled and the group turned when they heard someone whistle from the stairs.

“Well, well, well…all you ladies look amazing.” A dark haired guy with an accent said with a smile as he descended the stairs. “Especially you.” He said as he pointed to Liz. “Little Lizzie Parker; I remember you when you were all knees and elbows….you’re all grown up now.”

Max did not like the way this guy was staring at Liz and he was about to step in front of her when she took of running towards the guy. Max watched in shock as the guy caught Liz in his arms easily and lifted her in the air causing Liz to squeal in delight.

Liz couldn’t believe it. When she saw him walking down the stairs she thought she was seeing a ghost but as soon as he spoke in that amazing British accent…she knew he was real. Ben Colder had been a back up agent of Liz’s for years. She usually used him when her parents dragged her to Europe for the summer. He was an adorable guy and Liz easily admitted having a crush on the foreign cutie when she was growing up.

“I can’t believe you’re here!!” Liz yelled as she was placed back on her feet and she reached up to place a sound kiss on the Ben’s cheek. “What are you doing here?”

“Mum’s upstairs.” He said and Liz nodded in understanding. Over the years their mother’s had formed a close friendship and they would fly to visit each other at least twice a year and usually Liz and Ben made it a point to tag along. “I hear you’ve had a very interesting couple of weeks young lady…I can’t leave you for a few minutes?”

“I know.” Liz said as she sighed but she couldn’t get the smile off her face because her friend was here. “You’re here! I still can’t believe it…why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, you know me.” Ben said as he rubbed his head. “I lost your bloody school number and when I tried to call your cell I couldn’t get the damn number right.”

“I’m going to have to get it tattooed on your ass along side of my name!” Liz teased and she laughed when Ben blushed. “You haven’t got it removed have you?”

“Um, no. It’s still there, but I’ve made a little modification.” Ben said and Liz opened her mouth in shock.

“With out telling me!!” She said with a smile. “You’ll have to show me later.”


“Oh gosh…I’m so sorry.” Liz said with a blush as she grabbed Ben’s hand and pulled him to the group. “I’m so stupid. Everyone this is Ben Colder.”

“Maria Deluca.” Ben said as he looked the girl up and down. “From the blistering burn on your skin, I see you are still not listening to reason.”

“Ben I love you…but if you say one word about Paris…I’ll kick your arse.” Maria said and Ben laughed and nodded. “I’d hug you…but you’re not worth the pain. I mean you’re easily the hottest guy I know…but I'm not going there.”

“Ben, good to see you again.” Michael said as he held his hand out for the fellow agent and then pulled him into the manly hug that guys do. Michael had always liked Ben. The two agents were so much alike in the fact that both wanted to follow protocol while Alex wanted to have fun with Liz. “How long you staying?”

“Let’s see, our mum’s haven’t seen each other in what…6 months?” Ben asked and he turned to Liz who nodded. “I’d say I’m able to stay a good month.”

“Well, you have to come back to school with us.” Michael added. “You’ll love it.”

“Oh yes!” Liz cried and she grabbed Ben’s hand much to Max’s confusion and distaste. “You can stay with me…I have plenty of room.”

“Sharing a bed with you again Parker?” Ben teased. “I wouldn’t sell that opportunity for a million dollars.”

“I would…she started to snore since the last time you saw her.” Alex said he stepped forward and greeted the agent much like Michael had earlier. “How’s England?”

“Same old.” Ben said and he pulled a package out from his pocket. “Here’s your latest stash.”

“Man…if I was gay, you’d so be in trouble.” Alex said as he quickly grabbed the package and opened it. “This tea is the best stuff…can only get it in England though, so I have Ben smuggle it over for me.”

“Ben, I’d like you to meet Isabel Green one of my roommates.” Liz said as she pointed to the tall blonde. “She is also Alex’s girlfriend.”

“Seriously?” Ben asked as he looked the blonde up and down. “Damn Alex…good job.” Ben said and he got a slap in the head from Liz. “Sorry, Ben Colder, nice to meet you Isabel.”

“You too.” Isabel said with a smile. She didn’t warm to people quickly but if Liz, Maria, Michael, and Alex trusted him…he was ok in her book; plus she liked his accent.

“Ben this is my other roommate Tess Harding.” Liz introduced the curly blonde.

“Tess…very interesting name…I love it.” Ben said and Tess giggled like a school girl. Liz rolled her eyes at her friend. Ben was a flirt and he easily wrapped a girl around his finger just by speaking their name.

“Thank you.” Tess said and she tried to hide her blush.

“This is Kyle Valenti a friend of mine and also Tess’ boyfriend.” Liz introduced Kyle who stepped up and shook Ben’s hand.

“No more girls?” Ben said and everyone who knew him laughed. “I guess he’ll do.”

“Um. Nice to meet you.” Kyle said a little unsure but Liz just smiled at him before she grabbed Max’s hand.

“And this handsome stud…is my personal toy.” Liz teased as she hugged Max’s waist. “Ben Colder, meet Max Evans my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend huh?” Ben said with a raised eyebrow as he shook Max’s hand. “I thought that was my job.”

“Not anymore.” Max said through his teeth. He had had enough of this pansy ass and he wanted to personally see this one back to his home country.

“Everyone, this is Ben Colder…he is one of the U.S. agents who is stationed in Europe.” Liz explained to those who didn’t know Ben. “When I spend time in Europe he usually backs up Alex and Michael because he knows the land.”

“Except for the time he actually kidnapped Liz and we couldn’t get a hold of you for 3 days.” Michael reminded the usually dependable agent.

“What…she said she wanted to see Germany. So I took her…no big deal.” Ben said with a shrug.

“Yeah, no big deal except the local tabloids had pictures of you two kissing under the headline ‘first daughter marries’’’ Alex said and Liz blushed. “Your dad almost had a heart attack.”

“Ok…one the couple was not us!” Liz explained and Ben nodded. “and two…I would not get married how they described it…no way.”

“This means he didn’t ask you.” Maria said with a smirk and Liz slapped her arm. “DAMN IT LIZ!!”

“Oops.” Liz said with a small smile and they heard voices coming from the stair so they group turned.

“Sheila!” Liz said as she jogged to the stairs and hugged the older woman. “How are you doing? How was the flight?”

“I’m fine dear and the flight was perfect.” The dark haired woman said as she cupped Liz’s cheek before turning to the group of kids. “And who are all these people?”

“Sheila, you remember my friend Maria.” Liz said and she waited for Maria to slowly raise her hand. “My agents Michael and Alex.” Both guys waved. “These are my roommates Isabel and Tess.” The girls waved their hellos. “My friend Kyle.” He nodded his head. “and that is my boyfriend Max.”

“Max?” Sheila said as she stared at Liz. “You’re mother was telling me about him…you better be careful young lady. I better not get any calls from your mother telling me your pregnant, it would break poor Benny’s heart…he loves you so much.”

“MOM!!” Ben whined and Alex and Michael laughed at him. Max watched the whole interaction between the agents and for the first time since he went uncover, Max wished he was a normal agent so that he could have other agent friends…he felt like an outcast.

“Sheila.” Liz said as she hugged the woman again. “I don’t think me getting pregnant will break his heart. You raised a resilient man.”

“I happen to be 22 thank you very much.” Ben wined as he crossed his arms and Max realized that he knew Ben…not personally but he had heard a lot of stories about him.

“You old man!” Liz teased and her mother quickly slapped her arm. “What?”

“Max is 22 as well Liz.” Nancy said pointedly. She could tell Max was confused about whom Ben was to Liz and he had every right to be…Nancy knew about their relationship but it was a hard one to watch from the outside.

“But he’s young…cuz he’s with me.” Liz said as she blew a kiss to Max who smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Colder?” Jeff Parker said as he came down the stairs and saw the familiar agent. “You here to ask for Lizzie’s hand in marriage?”

“Yes Sir.” Ben responded and Liz just laughed at their joke.

“About damn time.” Jeff said and he walked out of the room.

“He loves me.” Ben said and Liz smacked him upside the head. “Owie.”

“Maria…are you ok?” Nancy asked worried once she realized how burnt the young girl was. “Maybe you should see the nurse?”

“Couldn’t hurt.” Maria said and she stepped forward and kissed Ben’s cheek. “See you later stud.”

“Bye Ben” Michael said as he followed his girlfriend out.

“Those two still going strong?” Ben asked and both Alex and Liz nodded. “Such a shame...Deluca could do so much better.”

“Alright.” Nancy said and the kids turned to her. “All of you go get changed for dinner.”

The couples split up to get ready, Max and Liz lead Ben to his room and as soon as the door closed Liz turned to Max. “Ok...what's up?”

“Nothing.” Max lied as he rocked on his heels which Liz knew he did when he was nervous and hiding something.

“Come on.” Liz said as she grabbed Max’s hand and silently pulled him to her her room and she addressed Max. “Spill.”

“I don’t like him.” Max announced and Liz just stared at him “I don’t like him, and I don’t trust him; he’s British.”

“So? What’s wrong with him being British?” Liz questioned her irrational boyfriend as she got up and stepped into her closet and started to change out of her suit.

“He’s go that whole…James Bond thing going on…and I don’t like it!” Max announced as he threw himself back on his girlfriends bed. “He thinks he’s so suave…but the act is tired and old.”

“Max, I hate to tell you but it’s not an act for Ben…that’s just who he is.” Liz explained as she zipped up her pants.

“Ben.” Max hissed with a funny face. “What kind of name is that hmm? One syllable and all. He couldn’t remember a longer name?”

“MAX!” Liz yelled as she peaked her head out and addressed her crazy boyfriend. “Baby, your name is only one syllable as well.”

“No…my name is Maxwell.” Max said as he clapped out the syllables. “See….two syllables…dumb pansy.”

“Max.” Liz scolded her boyfriend again. “He’s name is Benjamin…that’s 3 syllables.”

“Damn.” Max cursed. His girlfriend just had to point out all his short comings compared to the GREAT Benjamin!

“Max…what’s the matter?” Liz asked as she pulled her shirt off the hanger. “It’s not a competition.”

“He wants in your pants.” Max blurted out and he looked over when he saw Liz pull open her closet door and stare at him.

“Now you’re just being silly.” Liz said as she walked to her vanity and started to brush her hair. “Ben isn’t like that.”

“Oh yes he is.” Max said as he shook his head. “He’s a 22 year old British guy.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Liz questioned her boyfriend. She watched him through the mirror and she almost laughed at his serious expressions.

“Well, I’m not British…but I am a 22 year old guy, and I know what we think.” Max stated. “And he was thinking about it with you!”

“Max.” Liz scoffed as she continued to pull her hair up into a clip. “You are being so weird right now.”

“No, I’m not!” Max yelled as he sat up on the bed. “He wants in your pants…I could see it in his eyes.”

“Believe me…he does not want in my pants Max.” Liz said as she shook her head at the thought.

“You’re all grown up now.” Max said as he imitated Ben’s accent horribly. “That was British for I wanna see your tits!”

“MAX!” Liz yelled and she slammed down her brush and turned to him on the bed. “You need to stop this ok? Ben does not look at me that way.”

“Liz, you don’t see it…the way he was watching you and the way he was touching you…he wants you.” Max said sadly because he also watched the way his girlfriend was watching and touching back.

“Ok Max.” Liz said as she got up and straddled Max’s lap on her bed. “If I tell you why I know for a fact that Ben is not interested in what is in my pants…will you drop it?”

“No.” Max scowled and Liz placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth to entice him. “Fine.”

“Promise?” Liz said as she let her tongue flick over Max’s bottom lip quickly.

“Y-y-yes.” Max stuttered as he watched Liz lean over and he groaned when she licked his ear before whispering seductively into it.

“He’s gay.”

“WHAT!!” Max said as he jumped up and almost dropped Liz. “You’re kidding me?”

“No.” Liz said with a laugh at Max’s expression. “Ben is gay; he likes guys Max and so he would not be interested in my pants” Liz said but she smirked a she ran her hands down to the waistband of Max’s shorts. “But in your pants…he’d be very interested.”

“Liz!” Max sighed as he fell back against the bed and rubbed his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t think it was important.” Liz explained as she watched Max shake his head. “What? Hey?” Liz said as she caressed Max’s cheek. “What’s the matter?”

“I feel like such an idiot.” Max said. “You were being so touchy with him.”

“No more than I am with Alex.” Liz admitted and Max rolled his yes.

“But I knew who Alex was.” Max stated. “I knew it was against the rules for Alex and you to be together.”

“What did you mean that you knew it was against the rules?” Liz asked confused. “How would you know that?”

“I would assume it would be against the rules…” Max explained. “He’s supposed to be protecting you, not dating you.”

“Oh.” Liz said. She suspected Max was holding something back but she trusted Max and left the subject alone; for now. “So, are you ok now?”

“I guess.” Max said as he wrapped his arms around Liz and pulled her close to him. “What about you’re dad asking him about marrying you?”

“Dad way of being cool with Ben.” Liz explained with a shrug. “Dad knows that Ben is gay so his way of accepting that is teasing him about not marrying me.”

“And the tattoo?” Max questioned. He didn’t understand why Ben had a tattoo of Liz’s name on his ass. “If he likes guys…why your name?”

“Oh man.” Liz said as she sat up and shook her head. “Ben took a bullet for me a few years ago.”

“What?” Max asked as he jumped up and grabbed Liz’s arms. “Are you ok? Did you get hurt at all?” Max realized that her file didn’t say anything about a shooting attempt.

“I’m fine.” Liz said and she smiled at Max to reassure him. “It was 2 years ago. I was spending time in England with my parents and so naturally Ben was there. It wasn’t meant for me, but a shot was fired and Ben naturally took action and covered me. He got a bullet in the butt for it and it left a scar.”

“So, it’s not a tattoo? Just a scar?” Max asked and Liz disagreed.

“Ben surprised me one day by literally walking in the room and dropping his pants to show me that he got a little tattoo of my name on the scar.” Liz explained. “I guess it was his way of letting people know he took a bullet for someone special.”

“Wow.” Max said as he laid back down on the bed and Liz easily snuggled back up to him. “You drive me crazy you know that right?”

“I’m sorry.” Liz said as she laid her head down on Max’s chest.

“Don’t apologize.” Max said as he ran his hand through Liz’s long hair. “It’s strange…but I like that you drive me crazy.”

“I love you.” Liz vowed and she was about to seal their lips when someone knocked on the door and it opened.

“Oh sorry!” Ben said as he quickly covered his eyes. “I didn’t know Liz was entertaining company.”

“It’s ok Ben.” Liz said as she and Max sat up. “What do you need?”

“Your mum is asking for you…dinner and all.” Ben said with a smirk and the couple got up and started to walk towards the door. “If it’s all right with you Liz, I’d like a word with Max.”

“Um sure.” Liz said as she turned to Max who nodded that it was ok. “I’ll just see the both of you down stairs.”

“Bye.” Max said and he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Liz’s lips before turning to Ben. “Look, I feel like I need to apologize for earlier.”

“No, you really don’t.” Ben said as he blocked the door and crossed his arms over his chest. “Max Evans, 22, originally from Roswell New Mexico. Secret Service Agent I.D. number 0586463.” there it is..I know it's a cliffie, but it needed it! Ben Colder is not mine...I just took him from the creators of Chasing Liberty and I made him gay.

Also just to remind you again..I have an authors chat this SATURDAY the 10th at 9 EST...remember I will answer QUESTIONS!! I hope to see you all there! Author's Chat There is a little underlined link that says join chat now and it will say how many people are in the that and join the fun on saturday!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

:shock: :shock: I was completely shocked to see most of you a little upset that Ben was, sorry. I personally didn't want him gay, but if he wasn't I'd have to write a new character in and I didn't feel like doing that lol.

So this is the part...all you dreamers, you are going to hate me SOOO much, BUT!! I am a dreamer and I promise this does not last TOO long ok?
dreamer destiny wrote:Ooh crap. Busted! Max is in soo much trouble!

Yeah, I live in Los Angeles. But I'm moving to Pomona (about 5 minutes from Covina, where they filmed Roswell) for school in a little over a week. When I was younger I wanted to go to Davis, haha. I have a bunch of friends there now.
Cool Davis rocks lol. I had to drive there (its only about 45-60 min away) twice a week to take my dog up to the Vet school because he was going through cancer treatments there.

Erina258 wrote:Really great part! I loved Ben and his 'relationship' with Liz is really funny. :lol:

I was laughing when Liz and Max talked about Ben, especially about names Max and Ben. That was hilarious!!!

How Ben found out about Max? I don't think Alex and Michael have even suspicions about who Max is... Was Ben specially checking on him??? :?

You wrote earlier that Liz soon will find out about Max... Will that be in already next part? I really don't see Ben as the one who tells Liz the truth. I think he is a really great guy and Max loves Liz...Ben would not tell Liz, would he??
You find out how Ben knows about Max in this chapter and yes Liz finds out this chapter and I promise Ben does not tell Liz.
martine wrote:great part! and I like when Max felt threatened by Ben and Liz relationship. Why did you make him gay, that would have been funny if not, he looks gorgeous what a loss for the girls!

tell me Max didn't seem to know him but Ben knows everything about Max, how is it possible? and how Liz is going to find out? is a relationship between a secret agent and the person he has to protect forbidden?

does Jeff Parker know about Max? If not, how is it possible that a President is ignorant of Max's job?

I know I have a lot of questions...I hope that I'll get some answers later.

looking forward the next chapter.
Wow, lots of question lol. Yes, Liz does find out and a relationship between an assigned agent and their charge is forbidden. There are no rules against a civilian agent and his charge, because it is a different situation. Jeff knows about Max's job because he asked for a civilian agent to be assigned, but he doesn't know that it is Max.
madroswellfan wrote:Oh dear! Busted!
Oohh thats such a evil place to leave us!
More soon please!
Sorry had to leave it there lol.
vampyrax wrote:I think I want to skip the next part I can't see Liz handling this well at all I just hope her friends give her good advice on how to handle this she has been known to freak out. Poor Max he better come up with a good plan to win his girl back when the shit hits the fan. So is Max getting pay checks for his work? that would piss me off the most if I was his girl. I really wish that he would have given up the assignment and just looked after her anyway as her boyfriend. Perhaps there is still hope for that but I wont get my hopes up.
Yes, Max is getting paid for working. He does not get paychecks for guarding Liz in itself, but he gets them for being a civial agent and he is getting a little bonus because he is on assignment.I promise not to make the drama last very long ok?
Emz80m wrote:great part chica

But i totally thought that Max was going to tell her!! Also, i dont really think the fact that Ben is gay is any reason for Liz to be touchy with him. Liz seems to be oblivious to Max's feelings sometimes

I'm getting cranky with Max and i know the only reason he's going to tell her now is because Ben will, if he doesnt
Yes I agree Liz doesn't really notice Max's feelings but she is soo naive to those sorts of things. Max will tell her this part. Did you think Ben was going to tell her, or that she would find out last part?
FSUMSW94 wrote:Hilarious new part! I like Ben gay or not, he seems cool. 8) I hated that Max was jealous at first, but now he's got bigger problems given Ben knows his true identity. Wonder how he knows this and if that is the reason for the visit? :? Liz is so going to freak out and understandably so. She is going to feel so betrayed, and especially Alex and Michael. Things are going to go downhill quite fast for our Dreamers. Just don't hurt us for too many chapters :cry:

Come back soon please :wink:
I promise not too many chapter lol. And no this is not the reason for the visit, Ben will explain a little bit of how he knows.
orphyfets wrote:Nooooooooooooooo
You didn;t leave it there ur so mean
come here now lol lol
u need to coem back sooooooooooooo
I need to know lol
Stefanie :twisted:
Lol sorry Stefanie...I had to do it
BehrObsession wrote:Things are about to go to hell in the proverbial handbasket. It would seem that Ben has been studying up on Max. Will he be the one to tell Liz of Max's "job"? Liz is going to go ballistic when she finds out. And she'll have good reason to feel used and betrayed. This is such a difficult situation for them. He never intended to hurt her, but this definitely will. Max truly loves her and wants to be with her. I just hope her love for him is strong enough to guide her back into his waiting arms. I'm going to buckle up for the bumpy ride ahead.
No Ben does not tell Liz...I promise Max does. Lol yes lets hope you are holding on tight!
Rhbadcat wrote:Hey dont diss all the english men hun!! ....Cos that's our (English girls!) job!!! Some of em are decent u know ok not many but there's a few! I just thought that the banter between ben and liz was brilliant and that max beeing jealous of a GAY guy was really funny...I can't believe he actually knows who max is tho...ohhh wots gonna happen?

Anyhow great fic so far it's making me laugh so much :lol: and i just love it, i've neva seen the film so i dont' know if your story is similar or what but its making me want to watch it :) anyway great fic can't wait for the next chapter
THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO THE STORY!! Lol I did not mean to diss the english men...I personally like them lol, but I know a lot of American guys are very threatened by them cuz us American chicks like accents lol.
And about the movie lol...some say the ending sucks...which I agree on, so my ending is COMPLETELY different than the movie

ForeverADreamer wrote:OH NO!! Ben better let Max tell Liz himself before he goes blabbing everywhere.

So, did he know before he got there, or did he find Max suspicious and do a background search on him from his room??

Jealous Max was cute. I wish Liz had been a little more understanding of his reaction at first, even if she thought it was ridiculous b/c Ben's gay, she knew Max didn't know that.

Please post soon. Although I dread the angst, I want it to come quickly so it will get over with and Max and Liz can move on together.
No Ben did not know before he got there...Max did something to make Ben search. Lol I will try to fastforward the angst as much as possible.
roswell3053 wrote:OMG!! He is busted!!! I wonder how Ben found out who he really was. I hope that you update soon.
Thank you and you will find out how Ben knows this chapter.
ShatteredDreamer wrote:
“No, you really don’t.” Ben said as he blocked the door and crossed his arms over his chest. “Max Evans, 22, originally from Roswell New Mexico. Secret Service Agent I.D. number 0586463.”
Damn! That is so not good!! I wonder if Ben recognized Max from somewhere or if he checked him out that fast. Wonder how Liz is going to find out.

That was a great chapter! I don't know how but I'd missed reading the one before it too. Now I'm all caught up! I loved how Max was so jealous of Liz's relationship with Ben and was trying to convince her that Ben wanted in her pants. Then he finds out Ben's gay. Can't wait for the next part. Come back soon with more!
Thank you and yes...this is not good!
Lizza wrote:DUH DUH DUUUUUUUUUUUH! I liked ben to bad he had to be gay i mean really i love him! Well i'm preparing myself for the next part!
Great chapter i need more STAT
Thanks and yeah...I really wanted Ben to be straight but I didn't have an extra girl laying around for him lol.
confusedfool wrote:...and the secret is out...max should tell her before ben does....
Yes he should and he does!
orphyfets wrote:I'm gone be a dork an bump already....
I soooooooooooooooooooo need to know what Max an Ben are gone do...
come back soon plesssssssssssssssss
Stefanie :twisted:
You not a dork at bumping drove me to write fast lol!
FSUMSW94 wrote:Bump! I need more please :lol: :!:
Sorry I was really stuck on this part lol...but I'm good now!

Chapter 13

“What?” Max asked shocked. How did Ben get his I.D number? That was confidential.

“So it is true.” Ben said without backing down from his spot. “When we were introduced, I recognized your name and called a contact who logged into the system to get your information and he messaged over a few things.”

“Oh Man.” Max said as he fell back into Liz’s desk chair and he ran a hand through his hair. “What else do you know?”

“Enough.” Ben said and he pulled a file out from behind his back and threw it on the desk. Max opened it and noticed it was the file for this case; Max guarding Liz. “She doesn’t know does she?”

“No.” Max said as he found a picture of him and Liz together and he smiled when he remembered that date. It was a picture of them “breaking into” the warehouse for his private carnival for Liz. Max sighed; he should have known the agency was watching him. “I haven’t told her yet.”

“Yet? So you planned on tell her at some point?” Ben asked as he dropped his arms and sat on the edge of the desk. “Why did you do it Max? No where in the procedure for this case did it say you were supposed to date…or even make contact with Liz.”

“I know.” Max said sadly. “I accidentally ran into her and then I couldn’t get her out of my mind. So I went to see her again…I just had to one more time. But then she showed up at my club meeting and everything just escalated from there.”

“How did this happen?” Ben asked and he watched Max turn to him not saying anything. “You feel in love with her didn’t you?”

“Yeah I did.” Max admitted and he smiled a little. “I love her so much.”

“Who knows who you are? Or what you’re doing here?” Ben asked. He felt bad for Max, he really did because his identity was compromised now and the case could be in danger.

“Only Isabelle.” Max answered and he explained when Ben looked confused. “Total coincidence, but she’s my cousin and also Liz’s roommate.”

“I see. So Michael and Alex think you’re a regular guy?” Ben asked and Max nodded. “This isn’t good…you do realized that right?”

“Yeah I do.” Max sighed. Everything was going to change from now on. “I’ve wanted to tell her for so long…I just couldn’t.”

“She’s going to feel betrayed Max, no matter what you tell her, she is going to think you used her.” Ben said and Max quickly jumped to deny it but Ben stopped him first. “No, I’m not saying you used her because I can see just the way you look at her that you really do love her but she isn’t going to see that.”

“I know.” Max said but Ben shook his head.

“No I mean it Max. You weren’t there with the whole Alex thing…you didn’t see how torn up she was about it.” Ben explained. “I sat there and listened to her cry her eyes out about the fact that the only guys she is around are her agents and she can’t even date them…now here you come, supposedly average college guy, and you end up being a secret service agent. No matter what you say…she isn’t going to listen to anything except that you are an agent.”

“I don’t know what to do.” Max said and Ben just sighed. “How does Liz make her agents who are trained to keep her at a professional distance…fall for her? I thought it was just Me, Alex and Michael…but now you show up and you care for her too.”

“Yes I do, but its still different that Alex and Michael.” Ben explained. “I may love Liz…but I can still be professional with her.”

“Didn’t seem like it when I first met you.” Max commended and Ben nodded.

“You’re right. When we are alone I treat Liz like my little sister, but when we are out in the open…she is a target and I am her guard; simple as that.” Ben declared. “The difference between Alex, Michael and I is that they can’t see her as just someone they protect…she never has been a professional job to them and she never will be.”

“I think they would surprise you.” Max said as he remembers the way he was manhandled the first day that he met Liz. The agents had actually left bruises from where they had held him back.

“No. You don’t understand what I mean.” Ben said and he paused it get his thoughts together. “They would protect her if they had to yes and so would you. They would take a bullet for her, you would too and I have. But there is no way that Alex or Michael would be able to deliver an almost lethal shot to Liz to get her out of the way. I know that if I was in the position I would do anything to get Liz out of harms way…even if it meant shooting her myself. Could you do it?”

Max thought about it. Would he be able to aim his gun at the woman he loved? Would he be able to pull the trigger knowing that the shot was going to injure the person who held his heart? “No.”

“That’s the difference between us.” Ben said as he got up and headed towards the door. “I would do anything to keep Liz safe…you’d do anything to make sure she was ok.”

Ben walked out the door but turned back and re-entered. “Tell her. You have to tell her Max and the sooner the better.”


After dinner the group decided to go to the theatre room and watch some T.V. together for their last night at the White House. It was around 7 P.M. when Max decided he needed to talk to Isabel.

He looked to his left and watched as Liz sat and participated in a heated conversation between Ben and Alex, he looked up and caught Isabel’s eye. He made a motion with his head for her to go into the hallway. To anyone else the move was just a twitch but to Isabel that was her cousin’s way of letting her know he needed to talk and she quickly got up to leave the room.

“What’s up Max?” Isabel asked as soon as Max entered the hall and she could easily tell something was wrong. “What is it?”

“Not here.” Max said and he lead Isabel by her arm to his bedroom. “Ben knows.”

“Ben knows what?” Isabel asked and when she looked into Max’s heartbroken eyes she knew the answer. “How?”

“He recognized my name and did a background check.” Max said as he sat on his bed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do Iz…I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.”

“Is he going to tell her?” Isabel asked and she walked to sit next to her cousin and offer him some sort of comfort.

“He didn’t say…he just told me that I needed to tell her and the sooner the better.” Max said and Isabel nodded.

“That’s what I’ve been telling you Max.” Isabel added. “I know you love her…but the longer you hold this back the more it is going to hurt her when she finds out.”

“I just don’t know how to do it.” Max admitted and Isabel sighed.

“The easiest way is the truth Max.” Isabel commented. She felt for her cousin because she knew from nights spent up talking with Liz that she trusted Max with everything she had…to find out that he was holding a huge secret from her was going to destroy the small brunette. “You just have to tell her.”

“Tell me what?” Liz said as she pushed open the door and walked into the room. She watched as both Max and Isabel jumped from the bed and glanced at each other. “Tell me what?”

“Liz.” Max sighed. “How long have you been there?”

“Long enough to know you’re hiding something.” Liz said a little coldly. Max had been acting weird since his talk with Ben and Liz couldn’t get answers from either one of them but after hearing the last few comments in Isabel and Max’s conversation she knew that something was going on. “Max?”

“I’m just going to go.” Isabel said as she got up and she headed towards the door. When she passed Liz she stopped and placed her hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

“Max?” Liz questioned again once Isabel was out of the room. “What does she had to be sorry for?”

“I have to tell you something.” Max breathed. He knew this was the moment of truth and he honestly knew it wasn’t going to go well at all. “Come sit down with me.”

“Max…I’m going to be honest here and tell you that I’m getting freaked out.” Liz said with a small chuckle but it stopped as soon as she saw her boyfriends face. “How bad is it?”

“Um…pretty bad.” Max said once Liz sat down next to him. He gently took her hand in his and kissed it gently. “I want you to know that no matter what I love you. I never set out to hurt you ok?”

“Ok…I’m really scared now.” Liz said and she felt her heart beating faster in her chest. She didn’t know what to expect but she never thought she would have heard the words that came out of his mouth.

“I’m a secret service agent.” Max said as he waited for Liz’s reaction.

“I’m sorry…say that again?” Liz asked barely above a whisper. “You’re a what?”

“I’m a secret service agent.” Max repeated. His heart was racing hoping that she wouldn’t hate him for this. “I’m your agent.”

“I don’t understand.” Liz said as she shook her head. Max couldn’t be an agent, let alone her agent because her dad promised that only Alex and Michael were going to go to college with her.

“I’m a civilian agent Liz.” Max explained as he tried to read her expression. “I’m called in for special projects…and you going to college is one of them.”

“You lied to me.” Liz stated more than asked. She couldn’t react. She wanted to be angry, hurt, anything…but she couldn’t feel a single thing yet.

“I wasn’t supposed to make contact with you, just watch.” Max pleaded for her to understand that he never meant to hurt her at all. “But, after that first day…I couldn’t just let you go.”

“You knew.” Liz said and she glanced down at their entwined hands before she quickly pulled hers out of Max’s and causing his heart to break. “You knew the rules…you knew how I felt about being with an agent and you did it anyway.”

“Liz no--” Max tried to explain that it wasn’t against the rules for them but Liz brought her hand up quickly and slapped him causing the sharp smack to echo in the room.

“No.” Liz cried and she lifted her hands to her mouth to control the sobs. “You…lied to me. I trusted you and you took advantage of me.”

“Liz please believe me.” Max said as he stood up to come closer to her but she just stepped back. His tears flowed down his cheeks easily and Max knew they were not going to stop anytime soon. Max never cried but knowing that Liz didn’t trust him and the feeling of her hand across his face brought the tears from their hiding place easily. “I never wanted any of this to happen.”

“Right.” Liz said as she tried to wipe her cheeks free of her tears but more followed down the previous tracks. “You just used the fact that I thought you were a normal guy to your advantage. Got you closer huh Max…got you closer to me to do your job.”

“No.” Max said as he shook his head hard. “Nothing I ever did with you was just for my job…if I did my job you wouldn’t even know my name, but I failed because I fell in love with you Liz.”

“Don’t!” Liz screamed as she held her hand up to tell him to stop. “Don’t ever say that to me again…you never meant it.”

“Yes I did.” Max pleaded with her. He felt so heartbroken standing in his room feet away from Liz begging her to understand that he never meant for this to happen. “I am a normal guy Liz…and I did fall in love with you.”

“Right.” Liz said as she rolled her eyes. “I should have known…no normal 22 year old guy would give me a second glance…I should have known something was up with you.”

“Baby…” Max tried again but Liz slapped him just as hard as before.

“Don’t call me that.” Liz spit out. “You have no right anymore…agent.” Liz said the last word with so much venom that it caused Max to close his eyes in pain. Max swallowed back sobs and tried to think of something to say to Liz but he was sorely lacking. Max opened his eyes just in time to see Liz turn and walk out the door, but he made no move to leave. Max gasped, trying to get air into his lungs but no matter how much he breathed in…nothing was taking away the feeling of someone squeezing his chest.

Liz had to get out of the room; she couldn’t stand to be in the same room with him. Liz felt more betrayed then she ever had...he was supposed to be a normal guy...why did he had to be an agent?

Liz started to pick up the pace and ran to her room. She pushed the door closed and collapsed on the floor clutching her stomach and her heart; hoping that both would not burst from her body. She felt sick, like she was dieing. Nothing anyone could say right now would help her…she was in pain and the only person who could take it away, was the one who gave it to her in the first place.

Max let out a sob when he heard her door close down the hall. Knowing that she shouldn’t be alone right now Max stood up but did not wipe his tears or even try to look presentable in anyway. He walked in a daze to the theatre and opened the door. Seven pairs of eyes turned to him; 5 looked shocked at the way he looked, but 2 of the pairs were knowing.

“You tell her?” Ben asked from his spot on the ground. He knew the answer but he had to ask. He loved Liz and even though he knew this would break her heart she deserved to know what she was getting herself into and she had a rite to choose for herself.

“Yeah.” Max barely squeaked out. He turned to Isabel when he heard a quiet sob come from her.

“I’m so sorry Max.” Isabel gasped out. She barely registered that Alex came to her and held her, trying to comfort her without knowing what was wrong. “How…how is she?”

“Not good.” Max whispered and he turned his eyes to Maria and Tess, knowing Isabel would not be welcomed right now. “Um, she shouldn’t be alone right now. Could…can you two go be with her please?”

“Sure.” Tess said as she kissed Kyle quickly and started to head to the door but she stopped when she realized that Maria wasn’t following. “Maria?”

“I need to know.” Maria said and she didn’t take her eyes off of Max. Something was going on and if she was going to help she needed to know. “What did you do Max?”

“Please…just be with her.” Max said as he barely held in a sob. “She…she really shouldn’t be alone right now. I don’t know what she will do.”

“Oh jeesh.” Maria said once she heard the fear in Max’s voice. She would get answers but she had a feeling that if Max was this broken up, that Liz would barely be able to speak, so her answers had to wait. “Come on Tess.”

“Ok…what’s going on?” Alex asked once the girls left the room. He turned back to Isabel who was sharing a look with her cousin. “What is Liz so upset about?”

“I need to tell you guys something and you’re not going to like it.” Max said and he almost collapsed on the floor when he hear Liz wailing down the hall, he assumed that the sound got louder because Maria and Tess had opened the door.

“LIZ!!” The group heard Maria yell down the hall and then the sounds were dimmed when the door was shut.

“OK! You need to stop being cryptic right now!” Michael said as he got up and stood in front of Max. “What the hell did you do?”

“Liz found out I am with Secret Service.” Max said and he watched confusion flicker in Michael’s eyes.

“What do you mean you’re with secret service?” Alex asked as he stood up but remained next to Isabel incase she needed him.

“I’m a civilian agent and I was assigned to protect Liz.” Max said and he watched as his friend’s eyes narrowed.

“Alex?” Michael said and Alex nodded as he pulled out his cell phone.

“Already on it.” Alex said as he started to dial the Agency number but Ben’s voice stopped him.

“Don’t bother.” Ben said and when Alex and Michael turned to him he stood up. “I already called Brody…he’s telling the truth.”

“You knew about this?” Alex said as he turned to his friend with a cold stare.

“I found out after I met him today.” Ben admitted. “I told him he needed to tell her the truth.”

“You knew this would happen Ben…you knew what this would do to her!” Michael yelled at his fellow agent. He could only imagine what Liz was going through. He wanted to go to her and he could tell that it was also on Alex’s mind but they needed to take care of this first.

“I knew! But I also knew that Liz should know what she was doing.” Ben countered easily. “You know her, she wants to know every detail and after I found out Max was hiding this…I knew she had to find out.”

“Ben, this is going to destroy her!” Alex yelled as he stepped up to the other agent. Alex’s only concern was to protect Liz and Ben was a threat to her safety. “You know she can’t survive this!”

“I DID WHAT I HAD TOO! Do you think he should have kept lying to her?” Ben yelled and he was about to push Alex away from him but Kyle jumped in between the two agents quickly.

“Knock it off you two.” Kyle warned. When he saw both agents back down he lowered his arms and ran a hand over his face. “Ok…for those of us, mainly me, who aren’t in the know…what the hell is a civilian agent?”

“A civilian agent is a person who is hired to pretty much go about their lives as normal but to secretly protect a target. Basically that means that Max was at Las Cruces and someone assigned him to secretly watch Liz.” Michael explained. “I get that right Maxwell.”

“Yeah.” Max said sadly as he sat down on one of the couches. “I wasn’t supposed to make contact…but I did and I couldn’t stay away.”

“Jeez, this is just great.” Alex huffed as he swung his arms around his body. He had so much energy flowing through him that if he didn’t hit something soon, he would explode but he still needed answers. “Who knew about this?”

“It was completely classified.” Max said but he sent a guilty look towards Isabel who saw wide-eyed watching the interaction.

“You knew who he was?” Alex asked his girlfriend. It made sense now, she had asked so many questions about the rules, and she knew so much about his profession…why hadn’t he seen it before. “How long?”

“Since the day I saw him in the dorm.” Isabel admitted as she pleaded with her eyes for her boyfriend to forgive her. “When I saw him there I knew something was up, so I asked later.”

“I can’t believe this.” Michael said as he threw a pillow at the wall. “Does the president even know?”

“He was the one who asked for a civilian agent…but he doesn’t know it’s me.” Max said. Jeff was going to kill him, and Max knew that he would not be alone. From the looks on faces of the people in this room, Max knew Jeff would only be a part of the lynch mob, not the leader. “I’m sorry you guys.”

“Alex? Michael?” Maria came into the room looking scared and her tears were swarming in her eyes. “I think you better come talk to her.”

“Is she ok?” Max asked worried. Maria was his only link to how Liz was doing.

“What do you think asshole?” Maria said angrily to Max. “She is in their blubbering about killing herself, because she feels so stupid for letting you use her.”

“Maria, you know that isn’t true.” Max jumped to his feet and pleaded with her. “You know that I didn’t use her.”

“Do I?” Maria questioned with a raised eyebrow. “In-between inane sobs, she mentioned you using her for sex.”

“WHAT?” Michael and Alex both yelled as they turned murderous eyes to Max.

“NO!” Max vowed. “It wasn’t like that. We didn’t do anything.”

“What about the other day when Jeff found you two?” Kyle questioned. He felt so out of the loop, but he knew their lives would not be the same for a while.

“Ok, we’ve done stuff…but he didn’t have sex. We kept getting interrupted.” Max explained. He didn’t think it was any of their business what was going on between him and Liz but in this situation he knew he couldn’t keep this in.

“Oh, you mean you actually followed that one rule?” Alex bit out angrily. “You follow the only damn rule that would get you fired isn’t that right Max.”

“Alex.” Isabel squeaked. She knew her boyfriend was upset but she didn’t want to see him attacking Max. “He loves her.”

“Don’t.” Alex said barely looking at Isabel. “I don’t want to hear from you right now…I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“Look, before this gets even more out of hand…I think you two really need to go to her.” Maria said as she looked to Michael and Alex. “Tess and I can barely hold her down…and she’s making herself sick again.”

“Damn it!” Alex said as he started to rush out of the room after Maria but he stopped and turned to Max and searched his face. “She hit you?”

“Twice.” Max admitted and he watched Alex nod.

“Good. You’re lucky that’s all you get.” Alex said and he started to walk off. “For now.”

“Michael I--” Max tried to say but Michael raised his fist to hit Max but stopped an inch from his face.

“You’re not worth it.” Michael said and for the first time in his life he had tears streaming down his face. “What that girl is going through in there…it’s because of you but you aren’t worth it. Not a single tear that is falling from her eyes. All she did was love you…and you definitely don’t deserve that.” there it is.

If you want answers come to my chat! TODAY! At 6 P.M EST which is 3 P.M PST...I don't know any others sorry lol. I hope to see you all there! A Roswellian's Fantasies You need Java to get into the if you don't have it go to the Help Needed thread and there is a link to download it!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

I want to thank you all for reading the last hard as it was. I promise I am a dreamer and this HORRIBLE drama will not last long...I have a plan and Max will have a very unexpected allie after this chapter lol.
FSUMSW94 wrote:OK, I knew this was coming, you were nice enough to warn us plenty in advance, but having to still read it was just :cry: :cry: Jesus woman! You have completely ripped out my Dreamer heart! Liz mind was already so fragile, and now this :cry: Please don't let her attempt suicide, that would just be too much :cry: Michael and Alex were so torn apart, and since Izzy had to admit she knew about Max being an agent, it looks like her relationship with Alex may be on the outs as well. I feel so bad for Max too because he does truly love Liz with everything he has :cry: I knew Liz would feel betrayed and I am just glad she has so many people around her who loves her and is willing to protect her. What Ben said to Max was like :shock: about his willingness to shoot Liz if he had to to protect her :shock: wow, I never thought along those lines.

Well, I had better get plenty of kleenex ready for these upcoming parts. This is going to be a doozy :cry: :cry:

Great job though! Thanks for posting :D
Thank you for trying to understand my sadistic The kleenex will be needed for this one...but you shouldn't really need it that much after that...
dreamer destiny wrote:Oh wow. That was harsh. Poor Max. I think that Liz is being a little irrational, although I do understand where it's coming from, but a blind person could see how much Max loves her, so I think everyone needs to take a chill pill and realize that Max is a good guy.
Ok...I'll take a prescription of those chill pills if you got it.
Erina258 wrote:Wow... That is really sad... :( I knew this was coming, but still..

If I understand right, Max was not supposed to have any contact with Liz, she was not supposed to know about him. So actually Max was doing his job, but it still was not right to keep that from Liz for that long time...

I never thought that reaction from Liz's agents would be THAT bad...
:( All those things Alex and Michael have said to Max... Maybe he deserves that, but still it is too harsh...

Hey, I am glad about Ben. He turns out as a really great guy, who supports Max!

Please post more soon!!!
Thank you and I agree...although the things the agents said to Max were true...they are also harsh and very hurtful.
roswell3053 wrote:OMG!!! I knew that Liz would take it bad, but I didn't expect for everyone to turn on Max just like that. They should at least tlisten to what he has to say. I can't wait for another update.
I agree they didn't listen and they should...things would be a lot clearer if they just did that.
vampyrax wrote:I knew I wasn't going to be happy with this part but I read it anyway it's kind of like a car wreck you just have to check out. I feel really bad for Max, Liz and just about everyone else pretty much hates him but what else could he have done I think Nancy is going to have to step up with some motherly advice for Liz after all she has talked to Max and knows that this is more than just a job for him. I hope this rift doesn't last too long as others have said my poor little dreamer heart can't take it.
Lol I was laughing in a sick way about your analogy of this part with a crash...soo true. Thank you for reading and being honest about your feelings.
taressa05 wrote:Dammit woman! You are as angsty as ever. In fact, I think this is more angsty than your last one. I think you really enjoy torturing us, you evil writer you. :lol:

Although, I sort of have to agree with the poster that said Liz is being a little irrational. Please, everyone hold off on stoning me for that comment. :lol: Really though, she's making herself sick and talking about killing herself...and while I can understand where she's coming from, I still feel it's irrational and no guy is worth you doing those kind of things to yourself.

Also, I feel like everyone else is way overreacting and not even giving Max a chance to explain. They are really behaving like they think Max has just been using her, when they know for a fact that he loves Liz more than anything in the world because they've seen it with their own eyes. I feel like the White House has been invaded by crazy people! :lol: Honestly people...if Max was just looking for a piece of ass, which he still hasn't managed to get yet btw, he could have gotten it from someone other than the one person that could make him lose his job because of it. (Yeah, and that sentence doesn't seem like it made a whole helluva lot of sense :lol: )

But anyway, great chapter Jen. I had to come out of lurkdom because I felt so bad for poor Max. I'm such a Max sympathizer, lol. Hope to see your ass on aol soon (not literally ;) ) because it feels like it's been forever since we chatter. :D

You this is worse then Promised? Wow...I'm really losing it then. I though this was cake compaired to the drama in Promised...hmm.
katan wrote:Wow, the shit has hit the fun, amazing chapter and obviously necessary. It's well known that Liz is very naive in relationships matters but she's acting very irrationally and the others aren't acting too well too, they are overreacting big time and max is getting too much blows.

I think Max is gonna be fired and kicked out of the whitehouse by Jeff and Liz's agents and Max's chances to explain himself to Liz will be slim, probably the only chance would be if he gets a bullet destined to her in college.

Nice writing by the way.
Thank you and I agree...Max is getting it hard and no one is listening to him. You'd ben surprised about him getting fired...
cowgirl wrote:OMG I cant beleave they want listen to him, I hope everything works out between them.
Thank you and it will...I'm a dreamer.
omwf wrote:Liz is definetely irrational and I think this so unfair to Max. He only did his job, and NEVER used her. I hope big apologies (to him) are coming in the future.
Thank you
martine wrote:ok, I knew that something like this would happen, you told us that the drama was near.
everyone but mostly Michael and Alex are blaming Max because of his lies. ok, they're right, he should have tell her before anything else. but I don't understand that rule. An agent is not allowed to be with his target, why? who institued that rule?

you know I'm a dreamer, but I think that Liz overreated there. Ok, Max lied to her, he hid his real job, but I'm sure that he forgot everything because he fell in love with her...she didn't want to listen anything from him, she thought that he used her and I don't understand why?

did Max force her to be with him anytime? did Max force her to almost make love? I don't think so, and yet, she's accusing him to have used her for sex.

I can understand that she's upset, furious or anything else because of these lies but I think that she's loosing her mind too. She had to think about everything that happened, she had to think about her own behavior and Max's as well.

anyway, this fic is a dreamer one, isn't it? so I don't have to worry, do I?

I like that part even if my dreamer heart has been really rocked here!
Great pounts and you don't have to worry..Dreamer here :wink:
To_Kiss_A_Frog wrote:
omwf wrote:Liz is definetely irrational and I think this so unfair to Max. He only did his job, and NEVER used her. I hope big apologies (to him) are coming in the future.
Sorry Jennifer, I love your stories but I have to agree here. Yes, Liz has a right to be upset that she was lied to but to sit there thinking about suicide and making herself sick just seems a bit selfish to me. And if Max was really just trying to use her for sex then all the interruptions in the world wouldn't have stopped him from eventually getting it.

Kind of weird how they all turned on Ben too. Did they think it was right for Max to keep hiding the truth? If so then they shouldn't be as angry as they are with him because then they'd be condoning the lie.

As I said, I'm totally not bashing you, you're a great writer. I'm just a little frustrated with the characters.

Lol don't worry Cyn...I understand no bashing here. Thank you for your honesty! Everyone is so hurt and confused that they are just reacting and not really caring who gets even more hurt.
madroswellfan wrote:Omg omg omg!
Poor Max! Poor Liz!
Awww man!
Hurry back and sort out this mess!!!!!!!! :cry:
(ooc: This is great please continue soooon!)
Thank you and I'll sort it out as soon as possible!
dreamer destiny wrote:
martine wrote: An agent is not allowed to be with his target, why? who institued that rule?
Well, I'm not an expert, but I'd say it's like Ben said - you get emotionally involved with your assignment and you aren't thinking clearly and you could put them in more danger - in a high risk situation, you need a clear head and when you're in love with your assignment, you might not be thinking clearly. The rule makes sense, it just sucks for Max.
You are absolutely right. Agents are not allowed to date their target because of the emotional involement. Look at the movie "The Bodyguard"...Kevin Cosner (sp?) fell for Whitney and it turned out that's a good reason why they wouldn't guard someone they love.
orphyfets wrote:Poor Liz....
I don't feel so bad for Max...
I mean he should have told her before things got so far...
I wonnder what Liz is gone do know.
Come back soon
Stefanie :twisted:
Thank you!
Emz80m wrote:Well that went as well as i expected but now i dont blam Max for telling everyone because look at the way they're all acting, to think that now they're all saying he used her?? when its obvious that he loves her.

Also, it's very obvious now that Liz is unstable... and i think Max should let her get better before he tries to get involved with her again

great part

cant wait for more
Wow...tell me how you really feel Em! Lol just kidding...thanks for the honesty, I really appreciate it and Liz has some problems yes...but how do we not know that Max can heal them? They seem to come out whenever there is a chance Max is going to be gone...just a thought.
FamersAmers wrote:awwww... :cry: not only did I miss a how did I do that!! But I am crying!!

Ok poor Liz...she had to find out and i can understand why everyone is so mad...and I understand everything!!!

I cant wait for more...awesome you are!! And I am pming you now!!

Damn...I'm a loser cuz I didn't want you to cry Ams! That's not my intention! And I got your PM and PMed you back lol and now I'm waiting for your PM about some drama..??? As you can tell from this chapter...I LOVE DRAMA lol.
2004 wrote:OK I'm glad I read this. Image It was great chatting with you and Ms. Anonymous earllier. Image I got all caught up in the last few hours and will be watching this. Liz certainly has a way with the men in her life! She's also kinda how Maria's portrayed at times - being so emotional.

Too bad Max didn't get to explain that Brody knew he was dating her. All of these big manly be are sobbing alot in this fic. They are real men since they're not afraid to cry.

I've gotta go to sleep. My eyes are watering. Image

Have a great weekend! Image
Thank you and I had fun talking to you too. Glad that you gave this fic and chance and that you like it. I promise I won't leave cuz we both hate that! I won't say what...but you caught a KEY point in your feedback...that I was shocked that no one else POINT FOR YOU!!
spacecowboy wrote:Max couldn't tell Liz he was a agent earlier. Being a civilain agent his cover would be blown & taken off the case. He knew she would be mad & the goverment wouldn't need his service anymore. He might have felt it was the only way to stay close to her. As wrong as it was not to tell Liz, for love you do stupid things. sometimes you can't control who you love. Great part hurry back soon!!
Thank are right on target!
ForeverADreamer wrote:ouch. that was seriously uncool on so many levels

liz, i woulda hit him too. but take a chill pill with the suicide n such. NO guy is ever worth that. Maybe if she sat and really thought about it, she'd realize that there was something about these guys that attracts her to them, some quality that makes them a good agent that also makes them a good person, trustworthy and strong, like any girl would want out of a boyfriend...

alex and micheal- seriously, although she knew alex was an agent when that thing went down, he had no right to go off on max like that. double standard much?

Izzy- just feel bad for her. she did the right thing by keeping her loyalty and secret to max and she got burned by alex. that's crap

max- it'll work out for you honey. she'll see the light
Laughing soo much that you addressed the characters directly...soo cute, I loved it!
ShatteredDreamer wrote:Awesome chapter! Thanks for the warning, btw. Liz needs some professional help! I don't understand how she could think Max was using her for sex when they never had sex. Maybe she was just upset and her words came out twisted or Maria misunderstood her. Okay and what is up with killing yourself over a guy. Dreamer and all but there are way too many guys in this world to get that upset/depressed over one.

I expected everyone to pretty much turn on Max. They are reacting to Liz being upset and when she calms down then they probably will too. They might even be able to reason with her and get her to think more rationally about her relationship with Max.

Glad Ben stood up for what he believed in! He's right. As much as it hurts Liz to know Max is an agent, it would hurt her even more to find out at a later time and/or from someone other than Max, esp. if they'd had sex. Can't wait for the next part. Please don't keep us miserable for too long! :D
Lol I agree that Liz was hurt and just talking...they didn't have sex and Max was usually the one to stop, so she's just hurt
BehrObsession wrote:Damn, but that was hard to read. I knew it wasn't going to be good, but that was way worse than I expected. I have to agree with some others that say Liz needs some help. She seems rather unstable when it comes to handling anything stressful. I can understand her being hurt from the lies and secrets, but to contemplate suicide...that's so drastic and she made herself sick when grandmother died. I hope that everyone gets over being angry at Max and starts dealing with the real problem. Jeff needs to get Liz some therapy quick before she can do something stupid. I sure hope you intend to fix this sometime soon.
I do intend to fix this and Jeff will do more than therapy lol.

Chapter 14

“I can’t believe this.” Isabelle said as she sat with Max in his room. They had tried to talk to Liz but no one would let them into the room.

“I can.” Max said as he let out a sigh. “I betrayed her. Liz has trust issues and I overstepped the boundaries…I know this isn’t the end of this.”

“What do you mean?” Isabelle questioned.

“Well,” Max sighed. “I know that I’m not done getting harassed, they have barely said a word to me.” Max said as he got up and played with a sweater that Liz had left in his room. He lifted it up to his nose and took a small smell; it still smelled like her. “All those people in that room love Liz and to them; I’m the enemy. Believe me…I am just getting started.”

“Hey.” Kyle said as he opened the door and walked into the room. He hated what was happening. Everyone in Liz’s room were taking turend trying to calm her down, she was getting sick and all she could think about was that Max used her.

“How is she?” Max asked as he barely lifted his eyes to look at Kyle because he was scared at what he would find in his friends eyes.

“Not good.” Kyle said as he ran a hand through his hair and took a step forward. “Look, I hate to do this…but I think it’s best if you two left.”

“What?” Isabelle cried. She looked at Max who just nodded slightly and started to grab his stuff. “So that’s it? You’re just going to leave? You’re not going to try?”

“What can I say to her?” Max sighed as he headed to the closet to get his suitcase. “She won’t listen to me and I doubt anyone will let me near her anyway.”

“Look, she’s just hurt right now.” Kyle tried to explain. “She’ll get over it eventually.”

“I don’t think so.” Max said as he started to throw things in his suitcase haphazardly. If it would make Liz feel better for him to leave, then he would be out of here as soon as possible. “Can you just do one thing for me Kyle?”

“Depends.” Kyle asked hestitantly. He was told under no circumstances to let Max talk to Liz…he was supposed to deliver the message and come back. “What do you want me to do?”

“Give Liz something for me?” Max asked as he went to the desk in his room and pulled out a letter that he had written earlier. He traced her name on the envelope with his fingertip and turned to Kyle. “I wrote this for her…can you give it to her please?”

“Sure.” Kyle said as he took the letter. He didn’t know how he was going to get it to her, but he’d try. “I’m just going to go back now. I’m sorry you guys…I’ll see you two later.”

“So, what are we going to do Max?” Isabelle asked once Kyle left the room.

“Go back to school I guess.” Max sighed as he went to the bathroom to grab his toiletries. “Give Liz time to forgive me.”

“What about me Max?” Isabelle asked as she played with her hands. “I live with her…how am I going to deal with that?”

“I don’t know.” Max sighed; he hadn’t thought about that. Liz was angry at the both of them; Max for lying to her and Isabelle for keeping the secret from her. “If it gets bad, you can stay with me.”

“Do you think it will come to that?” Isabelle asked and they both looked up when they heard yelling coming from what they assumed was Liz’s room.

“I don’t know, I don’t know anything anymore.” Max said and he continued packing.


“Liz…you can’t stay in there forever!” Maria yelled through the bathroom door to Liz who was currently locked inside crying her eyes out.

“Yes I can and I will.” Liz yelled before placing her head back on her knees and letting the tears fall. Just when she felt as if she had cried her last tear more would follow and Liz couldn't stop them. She cried for Max, what he did to her and she cried for them...for what they would never have because of his job. “Leave me alone.”

“Can’t do that Liz.” Alex called through the door. He knew she was hurting, hell he was hurting as well, he trusted Max and Alex felt responsible for putting Liz in the position to get hurt. “Please…come out.”

“NO!” Liz yelled back at her friends. She knew they were concerned for her but she didn’t want to hear or see them pitying her. She let Max Evans hurt her and she deserved everything that happened to her. “GO AWAY!!”

“Cant’ do that either.” Michael called from next to Alex. If Liz wasn’t going to listen to Maria then it was Michael and Alex’s turn. “If you don’t come out…at least let us in please?”

“No.” Liz cried.

“Let me try.” Tess said quietly to the agents who just stepped back; they would try anything. Tess knocked on the door before she addressed Liz. “Liz? How long you been dizzy?”

“Half an hour why?” Liz responded confused at how Tess knew she was dizzy which was the reason she was on the floor in the first place. Everytime she tried to stand up the room would spin and she'd almost pass out.

“I bet that doesn’t feel so good huh?” Tess asked and she got a groan in response. “Why don’t you at least come out and eat something? Then you will have some energy and the dizziness should stop.”

“Fine.” The group heard Liz say softly and they all looked at Tess shocked.

“What?” Tess said nonchalantly. “I’m a psychology major….tricking the brain is my job.”

“I could kiss you right now!” Michael said and they all turned when Liz opened the door. “Hey.”

“Let’s get some food before I regret standing up.” Liz said as she walked past all them and started to head out the door. “The sooner I eat…the sooner I can come back.”

“Well, it’s a start.” Alex said sadly and the group headed out after Liz.


“Why don’t you slow down?” Maria asked Liz who was currently shoveling anything she could find into her mouth. “You’re going to make yourself sick.”

“What’s your point?” Liz asked before she ate some more cake.

“Liz…we know you’re hurting, we do. We are all so mad at Max that we sent Kyle to tell him and Isabelle to leave.” Maria told her friend.

“He-he’s leaving?” Liz asked and she felt the tears forming in her eyes again.

“Yeah.” Tess nodded and she quickly jumped up to catch Liz when she almost fell from the chair. “SHIT!!”

“What happened?” Michael said as he ran in the room. The agents had been outside talking and they were trying to give the girls some time alone to comfort Liz but when they heard Tess yell they all came running in.

“I don’t know! She just…fell out of her chair.” Tess explained and Alex and Michael quickly helped hold her up.

“She needs to go to the hospital.” Ben said as he grabbed his cell and started to dial but a soft hand on his stopped him. “Liz?”

“No.” Liz said weakly, barely keeping her eyes open. “No, hospital.”

“But Liz, you shou--” Ben tried to reason but Liz shook her head.


“Let’s take her back to her room.” Michael said and he quickly lifted her into his arms and started to carry her up the stairs.

“LIZ!!” Max yelled when he saw her passing out in Michael’s arms. He quickly dropped his bags in the hall and ran to her side. “Liz? Oh god…what happened?”

“Get away from her.” Alex seethed as he pushed on Max’s chest. “Haven’t you done enough Agent?”

“Please…just tell me what happened.” Max begged and he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. “I just want to know what happened.”

“She passed out. Probably from not having any food in her system.” Ben said as he stepped up next to Alex; both men offectively blocking Max’s view of Liz, although if you looked close enough you could see the sympathy in Ben's eyes.“She’s being crying all day; her body is shutting down.”

“Liz…” Max said quietly as he fell to the ground with the two agents just towering over him. “She needs a doctor.”

“She won’t go.” Alex explained. “She told us not to take her to the hospital.”

“What?” Max asked surprised. “You can’t be serious? She is thinking irrationally!”

“It’s what she wants.” Ben said. “You should have told her who you were so that she could choose what she wanted. You stole that from her…among other things.”

“ she going to be alright?” Max whispered. He was sitting on the floor of the white house crying over a girl, not just any girl but the president’s daughter; he never would have thought he would ever be here.

“She will be.” Alex said as he nodded slightly. “As long as you stay away from her, she will be.”

“I’m sorry.” Max said and he looked up and watched Ben and Alex walking away.

“Alex!” Isabelle said as she walked out and saw her boyfriend walking away from her destraite cousin. “Talk to me…please?”

“Like you talked to me?” Alex questioned. “I can’t do this Isabelle…you knew and you didn’t say anything.”

“I’m sorry.” Isabelle cried and Alex just shook his head before walking to Liz’s room.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Max said after a few minutes and he picked up his bags and headed down stairs.

“Agent Evans.” Max heard Jeff say and he groaned before he dropped his bags and turned to his superior. His whole life he had wanted to be an agent and be address as “Agent Evans.” But these last few hours when Alex, Michael, Jeff, and even Liz called him “Agent” it felt like a shot to the heart…painful and deadly.

“Sir.” Max said as he looked into the eyes of Liz’s father.

“So, you’re the civilian agent I asked for.” Jeff said as he looked into Max’s eyes. “I thought you would have had more tact than this…using my daughter.”

“Sir, I can assure you that I did not use your daughter for anything.” Max vowed. “I love her.”

“Funny way of showing it Agent.” Jeff said as he stared at the young man who was the cause of his daughter’s distress. “You know you can get fired for this.”

“What?” Max questioned.

“For dating a case…it’s ground for termination.” Jeff explained. If it was anyone else he would have they fired in a heart beat, but he saw the way that Max doted on his daughter and he knew that the young Agent loved Liz…the situation just sucked for everyone involved.

“Sir,” Max said and he took a deep breath to keep the tears from falling down his face. “I love my job, I have never thought about giving it up for a second since the day I got my first case. But knowing that Liz is angry at me because of what I do…I’d quit in a moments notice if Liz told me that was all it would take for her to be with me. I’d give it up and never look back because she means the world to me.”

“I know.” Jeff said softly, surprising Max. “I can tell that you seriously love Liz, the problem is that Liz thinks you lied to her and used her inexperience to your advantage.”

“You know your daughter, is there anything I can do?” Max asked shocked that Jeff Parker was trying to help Max get Liz to forgive him.

“Just wait.” Jeff said sadly and Max nodded. “When she is ready, she will come to you…but you better be prepared to grovel like no man has ever groveled before. Actions speak louder than words Max.”

“Why are you doing this?” Max questioned. “Helping me I mean.”

“Because I know Liz better than she knows herself sometimes and she loves you. Although no father wants to see his daughter grow up and fall in love, Liz has done that with you and even though you lied about who you were originally I know you love her and will take care of her” Jeff said as he turned to walk out of the room but Max’s voice stopped him.

“Thank you. For knowing I didn’t mean to hurt her…and for helping me.” Max said and Jeff turned around quickly.

“You’ll get her back Max…trust me.” Jeff responded before turning back to the door. “Oh and if anyone finds out I’m helping you then you’re on your own…I’m not going to the dog house like you.”

“Man, it feels good to be home!” Maria said once she stepped into the dorm room.

“I guess.” Liz said sadly. She didn’t want to be here…everything about this campus reminded her of Max. They just walked past the Law building and she had to hold in a sob.

“Anything is better than being stuck on a plane.” Tess added as she took of her coat. It was surprisingly cold for New Mexico this time of year. “Air Force One is nice and all…but it is still a plane.”

“Right.” Liz said as she looked around the dorm room and noticed it was a lot cleaner than it was when she left. “Did you guys clean before you came to Washington?”

“Actually no…we were in a rush and we didn’t get a chance.” Maria said guiltiy. “We’ll clean as soon as we get a chance…no reason for you to do it since you weren’t here.”

“That’s the thing.” Liz said as she ran her finger over a cabinet to check for dust. “It’s already been cleaned.” She turned her finger to show her friends. “See, no dust.”

“Oh good you’re home!” Isabelle said as she walked out of her bedroom. She wasn’t oblivious to the death stare she got from Liz or the worried stares from Tess and Maria as she went to the kitchen and walked to them with a tray. “I made cookies!!”

“So that’s it huh?” Liz said coldly as she stared at the cookies. “You think some chocolate chip cookies are going to fix everything?”

“No I don’t.” Isabelle said and she added with a big bright smile. “They are double chocolate chunk cookies! My mother’s recipe.”

“Oh, well in that case.” Liz said as she rolled her eyes and walked past Isabelle.

“Look,” Isabelle said as she placed the tray of cookies on the counter. “I understand why you are mad…I really do. But we live together, do you really wanna finish the rest of the semester with you mad at me?”

“No.” Liz said which brought a small smile to her roommate’s face before it fell quickly. “That’s why I put in a request to change dorms.”

“WHAT!!” Tess and Maria both streached from across the room where they were trying not to listen.

“But.” Liz said as she threw a glance to Maria and Tess. “It was denied. No other rooms avaialbe so I’m stuck here until next semester.”

“Liz, I don’t know what I can say or do…to let you know how sorry I am.” Isabelle pleaded and she watched surprised when icy Liz Parker wiped away a tear.

“I know.” Liz sighed. “I’m sorry, I just need time. I understand you didn’t mean too…but you hurt me you know?”

“I know.” Isabelle said sadly. “So…I can stay?”

“What do you mean?” Liz asked confused.

“I can stay here? In the dorm?” Isabelle explained and Liz nodded but was still confused. “I was worried because Max said--”

“LOOK!” Liz screamed to make sure that Isabelle heard her. “I’m ok with you living here…but I’m not ok with his name being spoken around me…got it.”

“Yeah.” Isabelle said, Max was right when he said it wasn’t going to be easy. “He’s hurting to you know.”

“Good.” Liz said before she went into her bedroom and closed the door.


Max walked into his bedroom and froze; he couldn’t even look at his bed with out crying. He turned back around and shut the door deciding to sleep on the couch for a while.

He didn’t know what to do or say to Liz, if she ever talked to him again. Was he supposed to apologize? He felt like he had been doing that for days.

“Hey.” Max looked up but wasn’t surprised when he saw his cousin standing before him.

“Hey.” Max said and he moved over on the couch so that Isabelle could join him. “How did it go?”

“Surprisingly good.” Isabelle said. “She’s still pissed as hell, but she’s letting me stay.”

“That’s good.” Max said a little disappointed that Liz could forgive Isabelle so easily but he was also happy that he would have a confidant that would be able to tell him how Liz was really doing. “She look ok?”

“Tear tracks perminantly on her cheeks.” Isabelle told her cousin honestly. She watched as he closed his eyes in pain and she felt bad but she wanted to be truthful with him. “Other than that…she’s ok. I’m pretty sure she is eating.”

“How are Michael and Alex?” Max asked. He had to know if they would get in the way of him trying to see Liz.

“Pissed off.” Isabelle said with a small chuckle. “I personally think they both feel guilty. They pushed Liz into getting to know you…and look what happened. Ben is the worst though.”

“Ben?” Max asked surprised. “He’s here too?”

“Yeah, Liz asked for another agent until the end of the semester, for added protection.” Isabelle explained and she watched as Max shook his head. “What?”

“That added protection is to protect her against me.” Max said and Isabelle sighed.

“this really isnt’ over huh?” Isabelle said and Max nodded. “He’s only staying a month.”

“And after him it will be another suit who won’t let me get close to her.” Max said and he rolled his eyes when he heard his cell phone ring and he picked it up without checking the id. “Hello?”

“Evans?” The voice on the other end said and Max tried to figure out who it was but could not.

“Yes, who is this?” Max asked still confused.

“Brody. I got a new assignment for you.” fun thinking about this one. I hope it was less drama and tears and more confusion...cuz it is confusing lol. See you next week for explainations!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

WOW!!! So I'm finally back with a new part and to top if off the next part is ready to be sent to my beta tomorrow so look for that one pretty soon as well.

My muse seems to have finally caught up with me and allowed me to get back on track but it still wants me to work on new stories. So I can't promise when I'll be completely back on schedule but it should be pretty soon!

Thanks for all your patience and I hope this chapter is worth the wait...but I promise you the next chapter will be MUCH better!

I was going to do my personal thanks and sorries to all of you but since I've been gone for sooo would have taken me over 2 hours and I didn't want you all to wait. Just know I read them all and I want to thank each and everyone of you for writing but I do have a few people to personally thank!

FamersAmers: know I love you girl and from what I ears should be burning right about now. You are recommending my fics...AWWW. You have no idea how much your good words mean to me girl! I love you!!
Taressa05: know I love you're little rants so please feel free to continue with those lol!
SAFIRESKYE26: Hello Mel!! Let me first say thank you for the kind words and I think Amy is exaggerating a little bit on my stories but she means well doesn't she lol. Welcome to the story and I hope I don't disappoint you with these next couple of parts!
Earth2Mama: Thanks for all your thoughts sweetie!
FSUMSW94 : Thanks!!

To everyone else who I did not have time to personally thank...I will be sending out personal pm's when I get a chance so look for those! And again...thanks for even leaving me an messages at all!

Chapter 15
1 Month Later

“God I hate these things.” Max admitted as he grabbed the neck tie from Ben’s hand and placed it around his neck.

“Comes with the territory of active duty.” Ben said with a shrug as he glanced at Max is his suit. “You look hot though. Bet all the girls fancy you in that suit.”

“Fancy?” Max said as he raised a brow in question. “I could spend a year in England and still not understand the lingo.”

“Aw yes, how is the mother country?” Ben questioned with a smile at Max’s poor excuse of a tie job. “Did you enjoy protecting the Prime Minster’s daughter?”

“It was really nice…easy job.” Max stated as he undid his tie and tried again. “England is beautiful; just the place to go to get away from some drama.”

After a few minutes of silence as Max tried once again to fix his tie, Ben got up and stood in front of Max to help him. Max couldn’t wait anymore and finally asked the question he was dying to ask. “How is she?”

“Good.” Ben admitted with a nod. There was no question as to who Max was asking about, it was a well known fact that he’d thought about Liz daily. “She’s doing really well. She missed you though.”

“Oh?” Max asked; shocked at the information. With the way things ended between them Max was surprised Liz hadn’t cursed his name and trash talked him to anyone who would listen.

“She doesn’t know why you left or where you went.” Ben explained as he finished the tie and stepped back. “She didn’t like that we knew what was going on and couldn’t tell her.”

“I hope she didn’t ride you all too much.” Max stated as he checked out the tie; Ben did a good job. Max knew Liz and if she wanted some information she would do anything to get it.

“Nah, she understood but still didn’t like it.” Ben said as he walked to the chair in Max’s room and grabbed the sports coat to help Max get dressed. “She’s not upset anymore. We’ve even been able to say your name without her shutting down on us. She actually smiles when we talk about you…I think she thinks about all the good times you two had.”

“That’s good.” Max said as he put his arms through the sports coat and adjusted it in the mirror. “This still isn’t going to be easy is it?”

“Not a chance.” Ben smiled and slapped Max’s shoulder. “Come on it’s time.”

They walked down the hall towards Liz’s room and Max couldn’t help but feel nervous. He hadn’t seen Liz for a month and he admitted that was too long. He felt his hands start to sweat and he subconsciously tried to wipe them on his pants. He easily remembered walking this hallway to Liz’s room a month ago, when he was taking Liz on their first date.

When Brody called with a new assignment Max instantly said no but later when Jeff called he accepted the job. Jeff explained that if he wanted Liz he’d have to give her time to get over the hurt and Max finally agreed

Max went to England to guard the Prime Minister’s daughter and admitted he had fun being back in his suit. Jeff explained that there would be an opening soon and Max took the job: before reading the assignment.

“Ready?” Ben asked as they stood outside Liz’s dorm room.

“No.” Max said but he was nodding his head. He took a deep breath when Ben knocked and they were rewarded with Liz’s sweet voice allowing them to enter.

“Hey.” Ben said as he opened the door slightly as he blocked Max from view. “You busy?”

“Ben. Hey.” Liz greeted from the couch. She glanced around her at all the binders, books, and notes before turning back to Ben. “Not really, what’s up?”

“Just wanted to stop by and introduce you to my replacement.” Ben stated as Liz got up and headed towards the door.

“Well bring him in. I’ve been dreading this for a month, so let’s get it over with.” Liz said and her mouth dropped open when Ben revealed the identity of the new agent. “Max?”

“Agent Evans reporting for duty ma’am.” Max was barely able to form words when he saw her. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. Her lips were red and Max instantly remembered what it was like to kiss her; to taste her.

“I’m going to get going Liz.” A male voice said and the intrusion instantly caught Max’s attention. The voice belonged to a good looking guy with thick blonde hair and even thicker arms. Max could clearly see his muscles under the tight shirt the guy was attempting to wear and Max unconsciously flexed his own muscles in contrast.

“Excuse me.” Liz said quietly as she walked back to the couch and talked quietly to the new guy.

Max instantly turned hateful eyes to Ben. “You never told me she was dating someone.”

“You didn’t ask.” Ben defended himself and he continued when Max rolled his eyes. “I don’t think they are dating.”

“They obviously look close to it.” Max said and he ran a hand through is hair. “I can’t do it Ben; I can’t follow her and that muscle bucket around.”

“Hey…you’re the best one for this job.” Ben hissed and he glanced to see Liz heading their way. “You signed the contract…you will do it.” Ben smiled as Liz stepped up and he turned to greet the new guy. “Hey David, how are you?”

“Good Ben.” The “David” guy said and he turned to Max. “Hi, I’m David Marshall.”

“Oh, sorry.” Liz blushed once she finally tore her eyes away from Max. “David this is my new agent Max Evans. Max this is David Marshall.”

“Nice to meet you.” Max said calmly. Ben and Liz shared a look because they both knew Max well enough to know he was not calm.

“You too.” David said with a smile, clearly not noticing the barely contained fury in Max’s eyes. David adjusted his backpack and turned to Liz. “So, I’ll see you tonight at 7 right?”

“Yep.” Liz said and she accepted David’s hug but not without sending a cautious look at Max over David’s shoulder. “Bye.”

After David left there was an uncomfortable silence as Max and Liz stared trying to take in all the changes with each other.

Max noticed Liz had put back the weight that she lost from the week after her grandmother had died. Max lowered his gaze and smiled when he noticed the glut exercises that Isabelle promised to show Liz were working because her butt looked tighter than he’d ever seen it. Her hair was parted on the side letting her shortest layer of hair fall slightly to the side of her eye…she looked sophisticated and breathtaking.

Liz noticed the differences in Max as well. His hair was cut differently; short and spiked; Liz barely curbed the impulse to run her hands through it. He seemed to have built more muscles in his month away…Liz couldn’t tell very well from the suit he was wearing but he seemed to have a trimmer waist and broader shoulders.

“So where are we going tonight?” Max asked Liz after a few minutes of silence. They both realized the awkwardness of their situation but Max’s comment made Liz’s eyes shoot up to him in realization…he was here to protect her and nothing more.

“Oh um. David and I are going to the Art Museum.” Liz announced and she watched as Max and Ben shared a glance. “What?”

“You hate museums…especially art.” Ben said with a smirk and he glanced at Max who wore a similar look of puzzlement. “Dust gets to you and you think the tour guides just repeat the comments from the museum pamphlets.”

“So?” Liz asked and she watched both guys smirk again. Liz got tired of both the guys thinking they knew her so well so she lifted her hands in defeat. “Ok fine! I hate museums…but I have to go.”

“Just cuz it’s a date doesn’t mean you have to do something you don’t want to do.” Max said sadly. Liz was going on a date with another guy….she had moved on while he was away. Max momentarily resented Jeff for making him take the job; Liz obviously didn’t need time away from him, she needed time to get over him.

“A date? What?” Liz asked confused….David was just a friend. “He’s a friend from Art History class; we have a report due and we are getting a head start.” Liz noticed the way that Max’s eyes flashed with her declaration…he almost seemed to have hope.

“Oh ok…whatever.” Max tried to sound nonchalant but a jab in the side from Ben showed he wasn’t doing so well. “I’ll make sure the guys and I stay back…giving you two some privacy.”

“Thanks.” Liz said as she stared at Max strangely. She still couldn’t believe that after a month he was back. She had been so worried when he left so suddenly and felt horrible thinking she caused him to leave but after Isabelle and her agents assured her he was safe Liz felt hurt that he hadn’t even said goodbye. “So…where were you? I mean I know you had an assignment…but um, where? Can you tell me now…since it’s over and all?”

“Yeah I can.” Max said and he held in a smile at how cute she looked rambling on….he obviously still had some affect on her. “I was in England…guarding the Prime Minster’s daughter.”

“Charlotte?” Liz questioned and Max nodded. “Wow, how is she? I haven’t seen her in over a year.”

“She’s good and says hello.” Max said easily. He was happy at the conversations direction…so far it wasn’t awkward or strange to be near her. “Why were you in England?”

“Oh there was some sort of League of Nations thing I think.” Liz said and she looked to Ben for confirmation which he only shrugged to. “Anyway, Charlotte is only a year younger than me so we hung out a lot. She’s a wild one; always trying to sneak into clubs and such.”

“She’s calmed down a bit.” Max stated and Liz’s eyes widened at the information. “She’s been dating a guy from her school and he isn’t into that scene…so she changed to be with him. He’s a great guy and they are really happy together.”

“Must be nice.” Liz said with a small smile and just as Max was going to say something Liz quickly added. “I should start to get ready for tonight. Excuse me.”

“I’ll just wait outside.” Max said as he nodded and left Ben and Liz alone.

“So.” Ben said as he leaned against the door frame to Liz’s bedroom once Max was gone. He had stood back and let them talk and tried to see how they reacted to each other…it was obvious to him that they both still cared deeply for each other and he hoped that by Max being close to Liz again they would try to work out this time. “That was interesting wasn’t it?”

“Ben.” Liz scolded as she organized her books and binders back on her desk before sitting on her bed and looking up at Ben. “Did you know he was going to be your replacement?”

“I knew the job was offered to him.” Ben said as he walked into the room and sat next to Liz on her bed. “I knew he was the best for the job…but I didn’t know until earlier this week that he’d been the one chosen.”

“Do you think he missed me?” Liz asked hopefully as she stared into Ben’s eyes. “Did he ask about me?”

“Oh sweetie, of course he did; on both accounts.” Ben said as he pulled Liz to lay her head on his lap and ran a comforting hand through her hair. “You still love him.”

“How could I not.” Liz responded to Ben’s statement. Liz’s feelings for Max had not decreased one bit since he left and if Liz was honest she would admit they seemed to have gotten stronger instead.

“So, what are you going to do about that?” Ben asked and Liz sat up and sighed. “Liz?”

“How can I be with him Ben? After everything I said to him…how can I ask him to love me again?” Liz asked softly as she wiped a tear away. “I said the worst things to him…I was so angry and hurt and I used everything I knew about him to my advantage and hurt him. I was stupid and immature to let him go.”

“I agree with you…but you know that now, you’ve changed since then.” Ben assured her. “And about him loving you again, well I don’t think he ever stopped.”

“Why? How?” Liz cried. “How could he still love me after what I put him through? Why would he want to? God, Alex and Michael told me some of the things they said and just hearing them say it…I know it hurt him…that must have been his worst nightmare, to have them turn their backs on him. They knew he was trying to protect me but they attacked him anyway.”

“What happened between Alex, Michael, and Max is between them.” Ben explained to Liz as he reached up and wiped her tears away. “They need to work on that themselves…but you need to work on you and Max…apologize to him, and let him know you love him…that’s all he’ll want from you.”


Max stood guard outside of Liz’s room just thinking about what had happened between Liz and him. What he knew confused him, but what he didn’t know confused him even more.

Max knew Liz did not hate him; Ben had told him that much, but did she still love him? Want him? If Liz still loved him wouldn’t she have shown it? Hugged him, kissed him…anything but stand there and stare at him over David’s shoulder.

Liz told him David was just a friend but Max knew better. Was he just a friend or was he one of those friends who would eventually express his feelings for Liz and they would be together forever like Max and Liz were supposed to be.

Max was drawn from his thoughts when he heard footsteps coming down the hall and he quickly placed his hand on his gun in his hustle to prepare for any trouble.

“Max?” Isabelle questioned when she turned the corner and saw her cousin standing outside of her dorm room; she quickly rushed into his arms. “What are you doing here?”

“God I’ve missed you Izzy.” Max whispered into her ear as he pulled her close momentarily ignoring her second question. He looked over her shoulder and met Alex and Michael’s eyes before smiling at Maria and Tess hesitantly.

“Me too.” Isabelle said as she pulled away and wiped her tears. “Why are you standing out here?”

When Max did not answer Alex stepped up with understanding. “You’re Ben’s replacement.”

“Have you seen Liz yet?” Isabelle asked as soon as she realized how big of a role Max would have on her roommate’s life.

“Yeah…Ben just re-introduced us.” Max said with a small smile and he watched as the girls all shared a look. “What?”

“We’re just going to go.” Isabelle said as she pointed into the room. She leaned forward and hugged him again, promising to catch up sometime as she quickly entered the dorm followed by Maria and Tess as they searched out their roommate.

“So.” Max said once the girls were safely inside and he turned to Alex and Michael. To be honest, Max didn’t know what to expect from them…did they still hate him for what happened with Liz?

“We need to talk.” Alex said as he and Michael stood side by side with their arms crossed looking exactly like the agents they were.

“Ok.” Max said as he tried to hide the nervous hitch in his own voice.

“We want to apologize.” Michael said quietly as he rocked on his heels. Apologies were never his strong suit but after a few months with Maria he’d learned quite a lot.

“Excuse me?” Max asked shocked. He had expected a fight with the two agents in front of him…not an apology.

“Michael’s right.” Alex stepped up. “We owe you a huge apology for the way we treated you before you left.”

“It’s ok.” Max said hoping that the conversation would end then but he was not so lucky.

“No it’s not.” Michael strongly disagreed. “You did not deserve to be treated the way we treated you.”

“You were angry.” Max replied letting them know he understood why they attacked him. “You were trying to protect Liz.”

“So were you.” Alex reminded Max who just shrugged. “I don’t think we can ever thank you for what you did for Liz.”

“What? Ruin her life?” Max said sadly as he hung his head but he looked up surprised when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“No, you loved her.” Alex declared.

“So did you.” Max said but Alex shook his head.

“Not like you did.” Alex said but he quickly realized his error. “You do still love her right?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” Max replied and he watched both the agents nod and smile.

“So…what’s it like to be back?” Michael asked and Max smiled before turning to look into the room at the girls surrounding Liz.

“Wild.” Max said before turning to the other agents and his next question caused them to laugh. “So…who’s this David guy?”


“Liz?” Isabelle asked once she dropped all her things at the door. It was out of the norm for her to throw her things down the second she got into the dorm but this was a special case and Maria and Tess followed her lead. “Sweetie?”

“In here.” Liz called from the kitchen where she was making herself a cup of chamomile tea hoping to calm her nerves. She smiled up from her steaming tea when she heard her roommates all rush into the kitchen. “Hey guys.”

“Don’t hey guys us Liz! We just saw Max outside.” Maria said and she watched Liz shrug and take a sip of her tea. “Well?”

“What Maria? What do you want me to say?” Liz asked as she sighed. Although Tess and Isabelle had grown very close to Liz over the last few months…Maria had been Liz’s friend since they first started school so Liz knew that she wouldn’t get past her.

“Anything! Please don’t act like it didn’t bug you to see Max again.” Maria said and she narrowed her eyes when Liz shrugged her shoulders.

“It didn’t.” Liz lied but she shouted in protest when Maria quickly grabbed her cup from her hands. “HEY!!”

“AH HA!!!” Maria yelled after sniffing the liquid in the coffee cup. “You’re drinking tea! You never drink tea!”

“Give me that!” Liz said as she grabbed her cup back from Maria and then tried to act like it was no big deal. “I drink tea all the time Maria…stop making a big deal out of it.”

“She does drink iced tea, Ria.” Tess said and she cowered slightly at the murderous glare that Maria sent her. “What? She does.”

“Thank you, Tess.” Liz said with a pompous air hoping that would end the conversation.

“But that’s not Iced Tea is it Liz?” Maria questioned and she smiled in satisfaction when Liz hung her shoulders. “What is it Liz? What kind of tea?”

“It’s chamomile alright!” Liz screeched and caused her to spill a little of her tea on her hand. “Shit!!”

“So, what’s the big deal she’s drinking chamomile tea? It’s supposed to have calming properties.” Isabelle said and as soon as she said the words she understood. “Oh.”

“Fine!” Liz said as she put her cup down to reduce the risk of her spilling it and burning herself again. “I was trying to calm myself down ok?”

“From what Liz?” Tess asked instantly slipping into her psychology mode. “Why are you nervous?”

“Did you not see who’s outside Tess?” Liz said sadly. “Did you not notice the man of my dreams is standing outside my room? And the worst part is that I have no idea what to do about that.”

“Oh sweetie.” Maria said and she moved to hug Liz but she had already moved out of the room and curled up on the couch. Maria frowned but followed her best friend and she sat next to Liz and rubbed her back in calming circles. “Talk to us.”

“I don’t need your pity.” Liz whispered as she tried to keep her tears at bay. She’d already cried with Ben…she didn’t want to do this again. “I caused this…I need to fix it but I just don’t know how.”

“Liz, we all helped cause this.” Maria sighed. “I wasn’t the nicest person to Max before he left either.”

“And about what to do? Just talk to him Liz.” Isabelle added. “I know my cousin and if there is one person he will listen to…it’s you.”

“Well it will have to wait a few hours. I’m meeting David tonight and I believe Max is guarding me.” Liz said and she nodded when the girls winced in understanding. “Yeah…tell me about it. It’s going to be one fun night.”

“Well let’s get you all pretty for it!” Maria said as she jumped up and smiled down at a confused Liz. “What? You have to look nice.”

“Maria, I don’t think this is such a good idea.” Liz argued when she was pulled off the couch and pushed towards her bedroom. “I don’t want to give David and wrong idea about this being a date.”

“Who said anything about David?” Maria scrunched up her brows as she started to play with Liz’s hair. “This is for Max...I want you to knock his socks off!”

TBC....see you in a few days! Look for updates on my other stories soon as well!!
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Here is the next chapter, let me know what you think!!

Thanks for all the nominations as your Favorite Newcomer...please go out and vote!!

Chapter 16

“Are you sure about this Liz?” Isabelle asked as she nervously watched Liz adjust her skirt in the mirror.

“Yes…no…I don’t know!” Liz huffed as she threw her hands up in the air. “I want to look nice but not for David. I want to look nice for-”

“Max.” Maria interrupted when she saw the figure appear over Liz’s shoulder. Maria was surprised her friend did not see him but as she watched Liz repeatedly search through her drawer she understood how distracted Liz was.

“Yes Max…” Liz said as she searched for the perfect lip gloss. “I know I shouldn’t but I want to look good for him.”

“Liz?” Max questioned as he stepped closer trying not to appear knowledgeable about their conversation.”

“MAX!!” Liz said in shock as she turned to see the man in question standing behind her. “Um…hi!”

“Hey.” Max smirked and he watched as the girls, excluding Liz understood that he knew what they were talking about. “I just wanted to let you know David was here.”

“Oh ok…um great.” Liz said as she walked by him not at all bothered by the fact that she had to brush against him in the small doorway. “Just let me grab my bag.”

“Ok.” Max smiled as he walked back into the living room and relayed the message to David.

“Good.” David answered. The to men stood side by side silently waiting for Liz. After a few moments David spoke up. “So, are you joining us tonight or am I finally able to go solo with Liz?”

“Sorry…you’re stuck with me tonight.” Max smirked when he noticed the disappointed look on David’s face.

“Hey.” David said when he saw Liz enter the room. He smiled at her, not even noticing the way she tensed when Liz saw him.

“David hi.” Liz said but she barely met his eyes as she adjusted her purse strap. “You ready to go?”

“Sure.” David said as he moved aside to let Liz walk in front of him. They walked down the hall and David hesitated a little before placing his hand on Liz’s lower back to guide her down the stairs

“So, are you hungry? We could stop for dinner. I know this great place.” David announced once they were in his car. David and Liz sat up front while Max watched silently and uncomfortably from the back.

“Um, actually I had a big lunch.” Liz lied. She truthfully just wanted to get this over with. “Lets just go to the gallery.”

“Oh ok.” David said a little upset his plan for a romantic dinner was destroyed. “Maybe we could get dessert after.”

“Maybe.” Liz said as she stared out her window distractedly. What no one knew was that she was staring into the side view mirror searching for a glimpse of Max whenever a street light would illuminate his face for her.


“Well, I had a lot of fun tonight Liz.” David said as he walked Liz to her dorm room later that night.

They had gotten all the information they needed from the gallery and Liz believed she had enough to finished their report early. The evening went well; they talked and laughed but for Liz it was never on the inside.

“Yeah, it was nice.” Liz agreed as she pulled her keys from her purse. She turned and noticed how Max stayed at the far end of the hall giving them the privacy that David had wanted all night.

“I’m really glad you decided to give us a chance and go out on a date with me.” David said as he leaned closer to Liz and placed a hand on the door frame next to her head causing her to lean against the door behind her.

“Wait…” Liz raised her hand when it registered what David said but before she could say anything more his lips were on hers.

“David stop.” Liz pleaded but her objections were swallowed by David’s possessive mouth.

“Liz.” David moaned completely oblivious to Liz’s hands on his chest pushing him away.

“Wow, that was great!” David said with a smirk once he removed his lips from her.

“What the hell is wrong with you David?” Liz hissed once David moved back enough for Liz to breath.

“Oh come on Liz.” David said. “Don’t act like you haven’t been dying to be with me.

“What?” Liz said shocked but before she could stop him David had her pushed against the door as he kissed and groped her roughly.


“Hello?” Max said once he picked his ringing phone up and placed it at his ear.

“Hey Max.” Alex greeted. “How’s it going?”

“Wonderful.” Max groaned as he turned away from Liz and David’s conversation on the other end of the hall. He had watched them all night and even though everything was completely innocent he didn’t want to see how the date ended. “They are saying goodnight right now.”

“Oh, tongue?” Max heard Michael say and he realized he was on speaker phone.

“Shut up dumb ass.” Max joked and he smiled as he realized he was finally able to talk to her agents as an equal. “No, actually…” Max began to say as he turned and he felt his breath catch on the sight in front of him.

Liz was against the door with David pulled tightly against her. Max felt angry and hurt that Liz had lied about this being a date until he noticed Liz’s little signals. Her leg that he thought was wrapped around David’s waist was actually trying to kick him off of her and her hands were actually pushing against his chest not pulling him to her.

“SHIT!!!” Max screamed as he dropped his phone and pulled his gun. Realizing he didn’t have a clear shot with Liz so close to David Max put his gun away and took off in a spring to get to her as fast as possible.


Liz felt the tears falling from her eyes as David continued to assault her. She had lost most of her strength but the adrenaline in her system still allowed her to fight a little. She felt David’s hand sliding up under her shirt but she quickly stopped him by pulling his hand back.

“Don’t think so.” David scolded as he pinned both Liz’s hands with one of his and moved his other hand back under her shirt.


Max felt like he was going in slow motion as he made his way to Liz. No matter how fast he told himself to run or how hard he worked he felt he would never get there in time.

Max growled low in his throat when he saw David’s hand up Liz’s shirt and he found some inner strength to get to her and pull the attacker off.


Liz held her eyes shut as she felt David’s fingers skim her bra and she tried to prepare for the worst; but it never came.

“GET OFF OF HER!!” Max bellowed as he threw David onto the ground with a fist straight to his face.

"FUCK!!" David screamed as he fell to the floor hard. Normally Max probably wouldn't have had a chance against him, but since David had been distracted Max had gotten the upper hand.

"Don't you ever touch her again!" Max commanded as he looked down at David. He hadn’t even noticed Liz was not standing there anymore because he was so focused on kicking this guys ass.

“You'll pay for that." Davis snarled as he got up and wiped away the blood leaking from his mouth.

"Don't think so." Max smirked as he pulled his gun and aimed it directly at David. "If I were you I wouldn't make any empty threats right now.”

"Fine." David answered as he slowly started to back down the hall. "But this isn't over."

"Not its not." Max promised as he signed when David was gone and he finally was able to put his gun away and turn to Liz.

"Liz?" Max said as he tuned and saw Liz was missing. He quickly glanced around and tried to think if he had seen her run down the stairs past him but when he looked down the hall he noticed his dorm room door was open and he sighed in relief knowing that Liz had gone there for safety.


Liz ran to Max's room when she saw David fall to the floor and she was so thankful that he has left it unlocked. As Liz pushed open the door she was instantly surrounded by Max's scent and it comforted her immensely.

Liz was amazed at the fact that after a month of not being here, she still felt comfortable in the presence of Max's things. Liz made the decision to lay down and although the couch looked comfortable, she knew where to go.

Max entered his room and locked the door after him. He knew he should call headquarters or at least Alex and Michael but the only thing on his mind was Liz’s safety.

Max knew instantly where she would go so he let his heart lead him to her in his room. When he saw her his heart instantly broken when she saw him and burst into tears. Max quickly ran to her as she curled into a ball on his bed and wept. “Liz, come on, you have to calm down sweetie.”

Max knew what he was about to do was wrong on so many levels but he also knew Liz would get sick if she didn’t calm down soon. Max quickly placed his lips on hers and let all his love flow to her.

Liz’s mouth opened instantly at the contact of Max’s lips. His love healed her not only from David’s attack but also the month of pain and loneliness she suffered since he left.

Max was shocked when Liz responded so easily. He had been expecting some sort of struggled especially after the way David had forces himself on her but Max relaxed as their tongues danced for a few moments before he pulled away.

Liz groaned and pulled Max into her arms not really ready to let go of him yet. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and nuzzled her face into his neck before whispering. “Thank you.” For calming me, saving me…loving me.

Max squeezed Liz’s waist gently before quietly answering. “It’s my job Liz.”

“Right.” Liz sighed. She should have know it was just a job to him.

Max instantly heard Liz’s tone and saw where he thoughts were going so he placed his hands on her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb. “And even if it wasn’t, I’d still come for you.”

“I love you.” Liz couldn’t help but say. She watched as shock appeared on Max’s face so she moved to explain. “I love you…so much Max. I’m so sorry for what I said to you and how I acted…”

“Liz.” Max interrupted with a smile. “I love you too and you’re forgiven.”

“Oh god.” Liz cried as she buried her face in his chest.

“Hey.” Max pulled her off his chest when he felt the teats soak his shirt. “No more tears okay?”

“These are happy tears.” Liz assured with him a smile. “I’m so happy you’re here, I missed you so much.”

“Me too baby.” Max confesses. “I couldn’t get you off my mind.”

“Kiss me?” Liz asked as she started to lay back on the bed pulling Max on top of her. “We have a month to catch up on.”

“My pleasure.” Max said before he quickly caught up from their month apart.

After a few minutes their kisses turned very passionate and before they even realizes both their shirts were off and Max was nipping at Liz’s bra covered breasts. Reality hit Liz quickly and she pushes Max away and pulled her shirt to cover herself. “We can’t do this.”

“What?” Max asked breathlessly as he tried to calm his ragging hormones.

“We can’t do this.” Liz said as she got off the bed and started to pace around the room.

“Liz, if this is about what happened with David,” Max tried to say but Liz shut him up quickly.

“This has nothing to do with David.” Liz argued as she stood with her hand on her hip. “This is about you and me. I can’t do this.” Liz wipes a tear as she prepared herself for what she was about to do. “I love you, but I can’t do this again.”

“Liz I don’t understand.” Max states as he tried not to get worried but was failing quickly.

“You’re my agent and I can’t be with you Max, I won’t…I’m sorry.”

“Liz, this is a temp job.” Max explained with a smirk when he saw Liz’s mouth drop open.

“Wait, what?” Liz asked shocked.

“2-3 months tops.” Max said but he didn’t hide his smile this time. “Ben is going to kill me for telling you this but he’s coming back to stay because he actually met someone here.”

“Really?” Liz said and Max laughed when her eyes brightened at the mention of her friends happiness. “Why didn’t he tell me?”

“Don’t know, Maybe he wanted to surprise you.” Max shrugged as he lifted Liz’s chin so she looked into his eyes. “When he comes back I’m off the case Liz, we can be together.”

“Max.” Liz sighed as he pulled her into his lap and started to kiss her neck. “What about now? I’ll distract you.”

“But what a distraction.” Max jokes as he leaned up and hungrily kissed her. “Do you want to wait? Can you really wait Liz?” Max sat back as he watched different emotions cross Liz’s face.

Liz was trying to be strong. If they waited…they both had a better chance of surviving these few months but to be honest she didn’t know if she could be around this fine piece of man without stripping naked and laying across him as an offering. She wanted to be sensible and safe but there hadn’t been any threats lately…except David but Max handled that. Although there were no threats at present time she was always told that is usually when the threats happen. So it’s settled then Liz thought to herself just as Max ran his tongue on the bottom of his lip and Liz snapped. “Fuck it!”

“Whoa!” Max laughed as Liz literally attacked him but he sucked in a breath when he felt Liz bite his nipple and her hands start to unbutton his pants. “Liz…uh, what….what are you doing?”

“I’m about to give my boyfriend a very pleasurable night.” Liz answered as she moved her mouth down his body. Just as she started to kiss below his belly button she felt Max tense and place his hands on her shoulder stopping her. “What?”

“Don’t.” Max said as he looked down at Liz. She looked so amazing and he wanted her now more than he had ever before but he didn’t want her like this…not when she was feeling vulnerable after David.

“What?” Liz questioned and her eyes widened when she realized he wanted her to stop. She looked down at his groin, although she knew the basics of human sexuality…she thought she knew what that bulge in his pants meant…maybe it just happens sometimes. “I thought you wanted me.”

"I do." Max promised as he non-ceremonially grabbed her hand and brought it to his crotch groaning when Liz tightened her hand around him. "That's for you...only you Liz."

"Then why don't you want to make love to me?" Liz asked as she nibbled on his throat while never stopping her caresses of his lower body. "Don't you want to take me Max?"

"" Max struggled from the dual pleasure Liz was giving him but he quickly stopped her hand and pulled her way so he could see her eyes. "What is going on Liz? Where is all this coming from?"

"Oh god." Liz sat up embarrassed. She covered her face with her hands and let out a frustrated sound. "I've been hanging around Ben to much haven't I?"

"Ok, um for future reference...lets not talk about Ben and any form of sexual discussions or experiences when we're in bed okay?" Max joked and he relaxed when Liz smiled. "Ok so truthfully...what's going on here. You know I want question but what's with the Sexzilla attitude?"

"I just wanted to get it over with." Liz explained. "No offense...but whenever you've been in charge you've stopped...or something interrupts us cuz you've gone too slow. So I thought if I was in control and we were would finally happen."

"I do not go to slow!" Max exclaimed offended. "It's our first time Liz...hell it's your first time. I don't want to rush it."

"I know that...but I'm going to die a 85 year old virgin if you don't hurry up and do something about it!" Liz said frustrated.

"FINE!" Max answered.

"Fine!" Liz replied before scrunching her brow in confusion. "Wait...what just happened here?"

"We're going to make love." Max answered as he pushed her back on the bed and settled over her.

"Now?" Liz asked and Max nodded. "I don't really feel like it now."

Max smiled when he saw the teasing glint in her eyes and he nipped her neck causing her to giggle. “You little tease.”

“So you promise this is a temp job?” Liz asked as she caressed Max’s shoulders and arms. “You’re not lying to get into my pants?”

Max instantly stilled and looked into her eyes. “Liz…you know I never wanted to lie to you right? I’d never lie to you again.”

“I know…I just wanted to hear you say it.” Liz leaned up and kissed Max. “You stopped again.”

Max smirked as he kissed her and wrapped his arms around her to remove her bra. Once it was gone and he had full view of Liz’s chest Max sucked in a breath at her beauty. “It’s been way to long since I saw you like this.”

“I can say the same for you.” Liz answered as she ran her hands over Max’s chest as his eyes over hers. “Touch me.”

“I kind of like the assertive Liz.” Max joked as he raised his hands and gently palmed Liz’s chest. “It’s a definite turn on.”

“Shut up.” Liz chuckled but she quickly sucked in a breath when Max took her breast in his mouth. “That feels good…don’t stop.”

Max smiled against her skin and he followed her command. After paying equal attention to both her breast Max started to move down her body and he unbuttoned her jean skirt revealing the smooth skin of her abdomen. A small rectangular object caught his attention and he ran his finger over the smooth surface. “How did you cut yourself here?”

“What?” Liz asked and she looked down where Max was rubbing the beige patch. “I didn’t cut myself. It’s my birth control patch.”

“Oh.” Max nodded before it registered what she said. “You’re on birth control?” Liz nodded. “Since when?”

“Washington.” Liz shrugged. “After my dad walked in on us I set up an appointment with my doctor…we were getting closer so I wanted to be prepared.”

“Are you covered?” Max asked still staring at the small magic patch. “Do I need to use anything else?”

“No…after the first week it’s effective…so we’re good.” Liz explained and she caught Max’s eye. “I just wanted to be ready when we finally got to this point…cover all our bases.”

“Liz.” Max sighed as he moved up and kissed her lovingly. “Thank you…for thinking about that…I honestly had never thought about protection so you were really smart to think about that for us.”

“You’re welcome.” Liz kissed him quickly. “Wanna see if it works?”

“Absolutely.” Max answered as he moved back down and pulled Liz’s skirt off and then removed his own pants before returning to the bed. “Ready?”

Liz rolled her eyes as she reached down and pulled Max’s boxers down and then looked into his eyes. “Does that answer your question?”

“Pretty much.” Max stared into her eyes and fingered the hem of her panties. “I wanted your first time to be special; romantic. This really isn’t it.”

“It perfectly romantic because it’s you Max.” Liz said as she caressed his cheek. “You make it so perfect because you’re here with me like this.”

“I love you.” Max declared as he reached down and helped Liz shed the last barrier between their bodies. “I gotta tell you…it’s been a while.”

“I love you too.” Liz sighed as she felt Max’s fingers on her delicate skin. “It doesn’t matter how long it’s been…we’ll learn together.”

The next few minutes were filled with Liz’s tears but they were instantly kissed away by Max as he stayed perfectly still for her and whispered his love to her. He was still amazed that after everything he’d ever done wrong in his life…he was here with Liz, the love of his life.

After a few rocky moments where they both tried to start a rhythm that neither liked…they finally got it right after Max had forced her hips still so that he could find his own rhythm before helping Liz meet his.

“Max.” Liz moaned as she thrust her hips up at Max as he laid fully on her body and the position had their chest rubbing against each other with amazing friction.

“It was never…” Max said to no one really as he continued to caress and thrust trying to bring them both to their climaxes. “this good.”

Liz quickly pulled Max’s mouth down to hers as she felt her toes curl and as they kissed she dug her nails into Max’s butt trying to bring him deeper.

Max groaned into Liz’s mouth as she urged him to thrust harder and deeper. He knew he wasn’t going to make it much longer so he brought one hand between their bodies and rubbed her sensitive bundle to bring her closer.

Liz screamed as she fell over the edge and her contracting walls brought Max with her as he screamed her name. Max stayed pulsing inside of her as long as he could before he feared his weight would suffocate Liz and he pulled out and laid back on the bed; smiling when Liz shifted so she was laying on top of him.

“So…that was…that.” Liz giggled as she rubbed her noise on Max’s chest.

“Yeah.” Max panted still trying to catch his breath.

Liz leaned up and caressed Max’s moist forehead and cheeks. “I’m glad I waited for you.”

“Me too.” Max leaned up and kissed her before they both returned to their previous positions. Max brought his hands up rubbed Liz’s arms. “I’m sorry if it was quick…it…I’ll get better.”

Liz chuckled as she sat up and straddled Max’s lap. “It doesn’t matter to me if it took a minute or an hour…it amazes me that I could make you do that.”

“You make me do and feel a lot of things Liz.” Max said as he rubbed his hands up and down her thighs. “Like right now I can’t believe how much I love you.”

“About as much as I love you.” Liz answered as she leaned down and kissed Max. She giggled when Max flipped them over and then she gasped when she felt Max against her hip. “Not to sound hopeful…but again?”

“Oh yeah.” Max chuckled as he leaned down and covered her lips as he entered her. “I never thought it would feel so good.”

“Me either.” Liz replied as she met Max’s thrusts easier that she had the first time. Max flipped them over once again and Liz braced her hands against his chest and she tried to find a new rhythm with the novel position. “Max…help me.”

Max gladly helped lift Liz up and down his body and they were just getting into it when his bedroom door flung open. “ISABEL!!”

“Oh God!” Liz screeched as she laid down on Max who grabbed the corner of the bed sheets and shielded them from the blonde’s view.

“SORRY!!” Isabel said as she covered her eyes and turned her head. “I didn’t see anything….that I haven’t seen since you were 5 Max.”

“Damn it Isabel...what are you doing here?” Max questioned as he held on to a shaking Liz tightly. It took him a minute to realize that she was laughing and not crying.

“I’m sorry…I just hadn’t heard from you guys and wanted to check on you.” Isabel said as she uncovered her eyes but looked around to room so she didn’t make eye contact with the couple.

“Well…we were...and are kind busy…so can we get back to you?” Liz asked through her laughs as the blonde nodded and headed out but turned at the door.

“One question…didn’t you have a “date” with David?” Isabel asked.

“Let’s just say I had a change of heart.” Liz answered as she looked at Max who smiled sweetly.

“Ok…well um...I’ll see you to later.” Isabel said as she turned around again. “Much later and maybe not as much of you.

“Oh Iz?” Max called to his cousin before she completely left the room. “I’ll be taking my key back.”

“Already on the counter.” Isabel replied as closed the door behind her. As soon as she left the couple burst into giggles.

“If it’s not your dad it’s my cousin.” Max laughed. “You do realize we will never be left alone right?”

“Then it might be good that you get it done quickly then.” Liz joked and Max quickly flipped them over and started tickle her. “MAX STOP!!”

“Take it back.” Max smiled down at his lover. “I could easily last longer than you and you know it.”

“Then prove it.” Liz challenged and they spend the rest of the night proving Max was right when he brought Liz multiple releases before he finally collapsed himself.

TBC...ENJOY!! and I'll see you in a few!!
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hey all! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas. I got a new laptop which should be here I can write anywhere and not have to worry about turning on my old PC...yeah!
Spicy trini1 wrote:OMG. I'm so glad that there is finally a new chapter of this. I absolutely loved it. I'm so glad that Max and Liz got back together. That David guy is a creep.

Update soon!
Glad you liked it and yes David is a creep lol!
FSUMSW94 wrote:I'm so happy you updated :!: That David was an asshole :x what a creep for not taking "no" for an answer and attempt to rape and maul Liz :x Thank God Max noticed and beat the fucker down :x

I am so happy Liz admitted her true feelings to Max and they've reunited. It has been too long and they deserve happiness together :D Their first time was so special and beautiful. Glad her almost rape didn't overshadow their moment. Isabel walking in on them was funny as well. :lol: :oops:

You deserve the nominations hon! Thanks for posting :wink: :!: :!:
Lol glad you liked it and thanks for the noms lol :oops:
lazza wrote:I wonder why Alex and Michael didn't come after hearing Max swear??

So glad that Max and Liz finally talked and well did it!!! It's going to be interesting dating like this but I hope they can make it work.

I also hope David gets more than one punch from Max for what he did, if Liz wasn't who she was then he could have gone a lot further.
Don't worry...David will get whats coming to him!
dreamer destiny wrote:Hehe, awesome. I'm glad they're back together & happy.
Me too!!
Earth2Mama wrote:YES! They are finally together. Oh happy day. Isabel was sure a mood killer though. LMAO But at least they could laugh about it. :lol:

Post more soon :D many stories have the love making interrupted...I wanted to make it a funny moment lol
orphyfets wrote:that was amazing
come back soon
Thanks Stefanie, glad you liked it!
vampyrax wrote:So glad they are together in more ways than one.
Lol me too!! Way too much sexual tension in this fic lol
VeronicB wrote:OMG!!! That David guy is such an a$$!!! I can't believe he went on like that after she said no! Thank G-D that Max woke up and fugured out that Liz didn't want that!
As much as I loved the fact they're together I realy do think they should have waited a little longer about the making love/sex part... I'm just so scared that it'll get out from the group and then Max will be in sirious troubles!
That been said I'm realy happy that they're together and happy... Now I just hope that David guy won't cause to much troubles...

Can't wait to
Thanks Veronica...totally agree with your thoughts that if this gets out Max will be in trouble :twisted: Have to wait and see!!
Gater101 wrote:Yuss! That was SO GOOD! And so long in the making! I love it! :)

Laura xx
Glad you liked it! And thanks for the patience lol!
madroswellfan wrote:Great chapter! More soon please!
Emz80m wrote:great part, god that David had some gall to do that to Liz when he knew she had a secret agent watching her.
Lol yes he did Emma...some guys are just jerks lol
OmegaRam1 wrote:I enjoy that chapter, mainly because Max and Liz finally got a chance to show just how much they love each other. Oh! and that dickhead David should have been shot on the spot, but what was so odd is that he felt like he own the world and can do whatever the hell he please with anyone. He should be thankful that Max didn't kill him on the spot, which wouldn't have been a bad ideal. Talk about a first class asshole about the incident isn't over. Max know how that to definitely not let Liz go anywhere along. Max, Alex and Michael should find David and beat the shit out of him, putting him in a coma for the rest of his life.

Glad you are continuing with more updates to this fic and hurry back with more soon.
The coma idea sounds good....hmm lol thanks!
POM wrote:Yes. Loved it!! :)

LOL @ Isabel for walking in one Max & Liz :lol: Too funny!! :D

Great update...come back soon after the holidays :wink:

<3 POM
Is two days after Christmas good lol?
roswell3053 wrote:Awesome update. I am glad that Max and Liz are back together. Isabel is just too funny. Hurry back with another part.
Thank you! Glad you liked Isabel lol
BehrObsession wrote:Fantastic part. David turned out to be a real ass. I can't believe the guy treated Liz like that with a Secret Service agent just down the hall. I mean he actually attacked her and expected her to like it and the agent to ignore it. HA! I doubt they've heard the last from him. I just hope he gets a royal ass whipping the next time he shows his face. It's a shame that it took all that to finally get Liz & Max to talk it out and declare their love for each other. Now that they've had a taste of that love, I figure they're going to be spending lots of time in bed. Preferably, without Isabel as a spectator. Can't wait to read more.
Lol yes lets hope Isabel doesn't stop by and watch...EWW!

Shadowlynxbehr wrote:Wow! Great part! Honestly, I can't believe it was that easy for everyone to 'make-up'. Even though it's been a month since Max has seen any of them. I'm glad that all of them really thought about how they treated Max and to see Michael apoligize was nice. Glad that Liz wasted no time in telling Max she loves him. Yeah, I totally agree with BehrObsession they will hopefully be spending more time in bed :lol:
Lol yes they will!
Antarian Chick wrote:LOL now that everything is pretty much the way it should be I'm curious about new development...David coming back to act on his threats perhaps? And who is Ben's new love interest? Btw making Ben gay was mean, the guy has the cutest habit of nibbling his lip...<sigh> I think I have to go re-watch the movie...bye :D

btw...I really like your fic, have I told you that? :wink: only thing I found weird was Max calling Liz "baby"...somehow didn't fit...
Lol really? You don't like the "baby"? What should he call her lol? Oh and I know about Ben being gay..THAT HURT SOO BAD!! But after screwing with Max's head with Alex I didn't want to do it so bad with Ben...but I agree with the lip thing...yummy!
Erina wrote:Is this really happening? :shock: Are they finally together? :shock: OH yes, and what a great part that was!

Although that David is somehow creepy. He will come back, right? He had said so... :(

By the way loved whole love scene, and the way Liz told Max that he was always going to slow! :lol: That was funny!

Hurry back with more! :D
Glad you liked my comedic love scene lol...they have to have some humor in an akward moment like that lol
FamersAmers wrote:I could have sworn I posted on one of these...and I guess I didnt...either that or I am an idiot who didnt see the first time...I always look For Jay and Silent Bob to be up there...I am like the only person with that!

Ok so anyway...finally for this one was about time they talked and made up and did that stuff all in one night! Oye! LOL

cant wait for more!

Last but totally not least lol AMS!! And I totally look for your Jay and Silent Bob too...don't know what I'd do if you changed lol! I'm going to post this cuz I guess I forgot to last time..sooo YOU ARE TOTALLY AWESOME AMS!! don't know how much almost always lol (sometimes you can be a bum you say!) it means to me to see your feedback letting me know you read and your feelings on the part good or bad...but you alwasy share the good. Thanks girl!!


Chapter 17

“Dammit.” Max cursed as he frustratedly pulled his wrinkled tie from around his neck and went into his bedroom quietly.

Max glanced at the bed and smiled, Liz was still sound asleep across his bed. Max had hated getting up and leaving her side but if he wanted to survive these next few months he’d have to be as professional as possible…at least in public. There was no way with Liz and his new found intimacy that he was going to be able to keep his hands to himself all day.

After picking a new tie, Max moved back into the bathroom and tried to tie it again. “Where is Ben when I need him?” Max heard a giggle and he turned to the door.

Liz smiled when Max looked at her and she padded into the bathroom barefooted. “I’ll let Ben know you miss him.”

“You’re supposed to be asleep.” Max said as he lifted Liz to sit on the counter and he stood in between her legs.

“And you should be keeping me warm.” Liz replied as she adjusted Max’s tie on his neck and began to fix it.

Max stood there taking Liz in. Her hair was tangled and definitely bed head. Max smile when he noticed her lips which were puffy; still showing evidence of their passion from the night before. He lifted his hand and ran his fingers through her hair. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Liz beamed up at him. “Now don’t you look handsome.”

Max looked at himself in the mirror and noticed his perfect tie. “How do you know how to do that?”

“How do you not?” Liz leaned up and kissed his chin. “I am the Presidents daughter. Before Nancy came into the picture when I was eight, I was my dad’s helped. I tied his shoes and tie. I even made sure all his flashcards were in the right order and always in his left breast coat pocket.”

“Tough job.” Max teased as he wrapped his arms around Liz and settled them low by her butt.

“Someone has to do it.” Liz responded. “When Nancy moved in I pretty much stopped because I didn’t want to be traumatized by walking in at a bad time.

“Like Isabel last night?” Max questioned with a smirk.

“Yes.” Liz blushed. “We should probably go apologize and plus I have class at noon.”

“Right.” Max agreed but he only tightened his grip. “I need to do something fist.”

“What’s that?” Liz asked as she stared into Max’s love filled eyes and she remembered how he had whispered her name last night with the same look in his eyes.

“This.” Max stated as he cupped her face and kissed her causing Liz to suck in a breath before moaning. “Good morning baby.”

“Huh? Oh right…morning.” Liz said as she hugged Max while tucking her head into his neck. “I thought I was still dreaming.”

“It’s real Liz.” Max whispered into her ear as he hugged her tighter. “Nothing about us is a dream.”

“You smell amazing.” Liz moaned as she took a deep sniff of Max’s neck. “So fresh.”

“And you…” Max repeated Liz’s move. “Smell like me.”

“You like that don’t you?” Liz giggled. “Me marked as your property.”

“I wish I could honestly tell you no…that I’m not one of those stereotypical guys that want their girlfriends to wear a shirt that says ‘Property of…’ but I can’t.” Max explained with an disappointed sigh. “I want every guy that looks at you to know you are loved by me.”

“And I want every girl to know you are loved by me.” Liz answered while running he ands down Max’s chest and pulling him closer by his belt. “I want to skip class and stay in bed showing you how much I love you.”

“God Liz…I want that too.” Max groaned as he licked her neck. “But the guys need to know what happened last night.” Liz’s eyes widened and Max quickly jumped to correct himself. “With David…I’d never tell them what happened with us…ever.”

“Isabel probably told them enough anyway.” Liz answered as she pushed Max away and jumped off the counter. “Fine…I’ll go get dressed but you owe me a night of pleasure buddy.”

Max watched Liz walked out of the room and he noticed how sexy she looked wearing only his shirt from yesterday. It barely covered her butt and Max’s gaze instantly focused on that.

“Max, I need your help!” Liz called from the bedroom. “I can’t find my panties.”

Max raised his hand to his neck and loosened his tie. “Is it hot in here or is it just me?”


“Stop it.” Max whispered as he followed Liz across the quad.

“What…I’m not doing anything.” Liz giggled when she heard Max groan.

“You’re shaking your butt and you know it.” Max growled when Liz exaggerated a shake. “You have no idea how good you look in these pants Liz.”

“I bet I look better without them.” Liz smiled when she reached the table. “Hey guys.”

“Well look who finally decided to get dressed and say hi.” Maria joked as Liz blushed and sat down. Maria was happy for her friend…she had seen Liz around other guys but even when Liz and Max were just talking Maria had never seen her friend this happy. She was glad they found each other. Although their road had been bumpy…they made it through so far. “Fun night?”

“You could say that.” Liz laughed as she grabbed a donut from the middle of the table. The group had breakfast in the quad together everyday and who ever got there first got breakfast and coffee.

“What’s up with Max?” Tess asked as she noticed he stayed back clutching his hands at his sides. “He looks sick.”

“I know that look.” Kyle said as everyone turned to glance at Max. “That’s sexual frustration.”

“Oh damn Liz already?” Michael laughed when he noticed the signs as well. “He just got back in the game and you’re already bringing out the defensive line.”

“Ok…what is it with guys and bringing up sport lingo?” Isabel asked and all the girls nodded in agreement.

“It assured their masculinity if they talk in sport talk and it’s even better if its harder to understand.” Tess explained the psychology before turning to Kyle. “And for the record you haven’t been sexually frustrated a day in your life…yet.”

“OH BURN!!” Michael laughed as he and Alex high-fived each other at Kyle’s up coming sexual abstinence.

“As the only one of the group that at the time was sexually frustrated I must tell you Kyle that you are or were in no way sexually frustrated.” Liz explained. “In fact from what I hear you get more than Alex and Michael…combined.”

“Damn Liz.” Michael pouted as he slumped back in his chair and loosened his tie in a depressed manor. “Why did you have to insult my manliness that way.”

“Thanks Liz.” Maria pouted alongside of Michael. “you just made Izzy and I prudes while Tess is a slut.”

“WHOA!” Liz helped up her hands in surrender. “I said nothing like that. I just voiced my observation that usually…Kyle gets more. I didn’t say anything about the girls.”

“So I’m a prude?” Alex asked and Liz rolled her eyes.

“Hey guys what’s up?” Max said as he walked up to the group and stood behind Liz. He finally got his hormones under control enough to be near the group. He placed his hands on Liz’s shoulders and started a gentle massage…he just had to touch her.

“Maxwell you need to teach your girl here how not to offend my masculinity.” Michael advised the fellow agent who sat down next to Liz while discreetly holding her hand under the table. “She had the audacity to say that Kyle got more sex than me and Alex put together.”

“Is that true?” Max looked at Liz who turned to Isabel and Maria who shared and look and nodded. “So…he gets more sex…big deal.”

“It’s just that…well, I’m a guy.” Michael tried to explain and he looked around to see everyone raise a brow to his logic. “I just never really want to hear that my sex life is inadequate.”

“At least you were getting some.” Max reminded Michael with a smirk. “Some of us weren’t getting any.”

“This is true.” Alex added. “But if what Isabel said is true…none of us have that problem anymore.”

The group all laughed and talked about their plans for the day never noticing the guy approaching the group until he was in front of Liz. “Hey Liz.”

“What the fuck do you want!” Max said as he stood up and quickly placed himself between Liz and the visitor. “I thought I told you to stay the hell away from her.”

“And I told you it wasn’t finished between us.” David said as he looked Max up and down. “You wouldn’t have been able to get to me last night if you hadn’t surprised me.”

“Either way that black eye looks like it worked.” Max smirked as he pointed to the black and blue circle around David’s eye and the purple splotches around his mouth and nose where Max had hit him. “You should have tried some steaks on those…might not have bruised.”

“Shut the fuck up…”David said as he moved forward but Liz quickly jumped up and stood in-between them with a hand on each of their chests. “If you wanted to touch me all you had to do was ask.”

“Both of you stop it.” Liz warned as she glared at David. “I don’t know what you think your doing…but your damn lucky that these guys haven’t shot you yet.”

“Oh please…like these pansies can do anything to me.” David laughed as he crossed his arms over his chest and glanced at Alex and Michael who were both standing up ready to attack at any moment. “If you put these two together they still wouldn’t be able to take me.”

“Maybe not.” Max agreed as he gently pulled Liz in to reach and as far from David as possible. “But I have to warn you now that if you don’t step away in 10 second I will be on the phone with the Presidents Lawyer and he will be filing a charge against you for the attempted rape of the first daughter.”

“WHAT?” Alex and Michael said quickly before both drew their guns and pointed them at David causing all the girls to scream.

“Calm down everyone!” Liz quickly stepped up and got in front of David much to the disbelief of her agents.

“Liz get the hell out of the way.” Alex warned but he still kept his gun aimed at David’s chest. “I don’t have a clear shot.”

“And your not going to get one.” Liz stated as she crossed her arms and glared and Michael and Alex. “You are all being rather silly and I don’t feel comfortable knowing you are handling guns right now.”

“Well to be technical…you’re the one that stepped in front of them.” Max reminded her but he was quickly reprimanded with a look. “Sorry.”

“Now Alex and Michael but the guns away before I give you a reason to get less than Kyle.” Liz threatened and both agents quickly but reluctantly put there guns away but made it very visible and within reach. Liz sighed before turned to look at David. “Now to deal with you.”

“Oh…do I get a colorful threat too?” David said with a smirk but it was quickly removed when Liz lifted her hand and punched him as hard as she could. “What the fuck was that for?”

“What do you think asshole!” Liz screamed as she stood there watching his test his nose for blood. “Oh I didn’t hit you that hard you pansy.”

“What the hell did I do to you Liz?” David said as he continued to test his nose for sensitive spots.

“Oh please.” Liz laughed a little but Max watched and he knew she was barely hanging on. “You knew I didn’t want you touching me and you still did it. I don’t know what would have happened if Max hadn’t shown up.”

“Aw yes…Max the savior.” David sneered. “Before he came back I had to listen to you sit there and mop about him and then all of a sudden he’s back and in my way…he was taking you from me.”

“I hate to tell you David…but you can’t take something that was already yours.” Liz said as she smiled at Max. “I gave Max my heart and I guess I never really took it back.”

Max stepped up holding back his own tears as he placed a comforting arm around Liz. “I suggest you leave us all alone David or you will be hearing from our lawyer.” The group watched silently as David walked away before they turned their attention to Max and Liz.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Alex asked hurt that Liz’s safety was in jeopardy and he was not contacted. “Where did this happen?”

“At the dorm, outside the room.” Liz said quietly as she kept her eyes off of everyone’s faces. “And…I really didn’t want to deal with it last night so I went to Max’s room.”

“Where he took advantage of you.” Michael stated easily.

“What? NO!!” Liz exclaimed and she turned to Max ready to assure him that he did nothing of the sort. “Max didn’t push anything last night…I called the shots.”

“But you had just been assaulted.” Tess reasoned. “You might have been in an easy position to be pushed around.”

“No.” Liz assured everyone. “Max and my first time was what I wanted and needed last night. I don’t regret it and I wish we could stop talking about it.”

“But Liz…was it even romantic?” Maria questioned softly. “I mean we always talked how we wanted our first times to be and I know I got mine…did you?”

“Look…I was young when I made those stupid scenarios up.” Liz explained as she watched Max in the corner of her eye. “It didn’t matter if there were no candles or rose petals. I was with the man I love and that’s all that matters ok?”

“Fine.” Isabel said tried to keep everyone calm. She knew her cousin was feeling guilty and she could tell he was about to bolt. “Why don’t we leave them alone guys…it’s their business not ours.”

“Thank you.” Liz said as she turned to Max. “You ok?”

“What? Oh yeah sure.” Max smiled weakly before glancing at his watch. “Look I got to go…see you later.”

“Max wait!” Liz called but Max was already jogging towards his class leaving Liz standing alone with their friends. “Thanks guys…I really appreciated that.”

“We’re sorry Liz.” Alex sighed as Liz fell back down into her chair soundly. “We were just worried about you.”

“I know.” Liz sighed as she stood back up and grabbed her purse. “Who’s with me today?” Liz asked and she nodded when Michael held his hand up signaling he was her agent for the afternoon. “Good…lets get going.”

Michael got up ready to follow Liz but he noticed she was not heading to her classroom “But Liz…class is this way.”

“I know.” Liz assured him as she kept walking. “But I’m skipping.”

“What why?” Michael said as he started to jog to keep up with the fast pace Liz had set.

“Because of you all…Max thinks I regret last night; which I don’t.” Liz said as she pulled out her cell phone and started to dial a number. “So now I have to plan a romantic night for us…and you’re going to help.”

“Ah Man.” Michael grumbled as he listened to Liz call for a taxi and they headed back to the dorm where they would be picked up. “This is going to suck ass.”


Max felt like a complete ass…he didn’t know what had happened earlier today but he knew he needed to find Liz and apologize. He didn’t mean to leave her like that…but he really needed to get away.

All day he couldn’t focus on anything except Liz’s face as she thought about Maria’s comment on their first time. Max knew Liz would regret their unromantic night…he had been an ass to take her like that with no show of his love for her.

Max made his way to Liz’s dorm room and sighed before he knocked. He had royally screwed this one up…and was going to totally play it by ear and see how he did.

“Hey Max.” Kyle greeted through a yawn. He answered the door in just his boxers causing Max to laugh. Apparently Tess’s sex hold out didn’t last as long as everyone thought. “What’s up.”

“Hey…um, is Liz here? I really need to talk to her.” Max asked as he glanced around the apartment behind Kyle.

“Um no actually it’s just me and Tess tonight.” Kyle explained. “Everyone else went out to a movie or something.”

“Oh ok…thanks.” Max felt his heart breaking at the thought that he’d lost his chance to apologize….would they ever get it right? “Tell her I’m looking for her?”

“Sure no problem.” Kyle promised before closing the door and heading off to do whatever it was he was doing…Max could only guess.

Max was near tears as he opened his dorm room door and closed it behind him leaning against it for support. His apology would have to wait until tomorrow but he just hoped it wasn’t too late.

As Max made his way to his bedroom he kicked off his shoes and socks somewhere around the dorm…right now he didn’t care. As he walked into the room he slipped of his jacket and threw it on the chair in his room.

“Hey.” Max spun around quickly scared to death at hearing a voice in his room. He reached for his gun but realized he had taken it off earlier in the day.

Max squinted in the low light trying to find out who the voice belong to. As soon as the figure sat up in the moon light Max sighed in relief. Not only that it wasn’t some murderer in his room but that his luck had just changed. “Liz.”

“I thought we could talk.” Liz said as she stood up and walked towards Max but stopping just out of arms reach. “You obviously have some issues and I want to deal with them.”

“Look Liz I’m so--” Max tried but Liz shook her head for him to stop.

“No you were right Max.” Liz stated. “Our first time wasn’t traditionally romantic; for either of us. I started to think about what honestly made last night so special to me and I already told you; it was you. You could have surrounded us in sweet smelling roses or candle light and it would have meant the same thing to me…because it was you.”

“Liz.” Max whispered in awe of the woman in front of him. She always knew the right things to do and say to make everything ok for him. “I’m sorry for today.”

“Don’t be.” Liz made a dismissing gesture with her hand. “To be honest they were right; it wasn’t romantic and it made me think of something.”

“What’s that?” Max asked as he moved further into the room and sat on the bed next to Liz. “What’s on you mind?”

“Well just the fact that guys and girls have different ideas of romance.” Liz explained. “Girls obviously think roses, candles and gifts are romantic but guys are totally different…they don’t like those things. They like doing them because they get a reward…but it’s not what gets them in the mood.”

“Ok.” Max said somewhat hesitant about Liz’s thoughts. “If you say so.”

“Think about it.” Liz said as she pulled her legs under her body and got comfortable. “If you would have walked in here tonight and saw the place covered in flowers and candles would you really like it? Not the fact that you assumed we were going to make love…but just the fact that I would do that for you?”

“Well…I guess not no.” Max chuckled. “So…if that’s not romantic to a guy what is?”

“I read this article in a magazine once.” Liz smiled and Max started to laugh. “Don’t laugh I’m being serious.”

“Sorry.” Max straightened his face. “Go ahead.”

“Anyway. The article explained that guys are visual beings and they like being wanted. For a guy, a woman waiting at home for him ready to make love as soon as he enters the room is romantic.” Liz explained

“Ok…I don’t really agree with that.” Max assured Liz. “We can do a lot of things together that I like just as much as making love.”

“True.” Liz agreed easily. “But are you telling me that if you were on your way here and I called you saying that I was lying completely naked in your room waiting for you…you wouldn’t come home a little bit faster?

“Um…maybe.” Max said as he scratched behind his ear. “What does this have to do with a romantic night for us?”

“Well since I already said that just being with you is romantic to me…after you left today I thought about what I could do to make our night romantic for you.” Liz smiled as she got off the bed and stood in front of Max. “Are you ready for this?”

“I guess so.” Max said as he leaned back on his arms not really expecting anything to happen.

“Ok.” Liz smiled as she easily removed her jeans since her shoes were already on the floor. Liz reached up and pulled off her jacket before letting her hands play with the hem of her big t-shirt before removing it slowing and standing in front of Max. “Well? What do you think?”

“Liz.” Max whispered as Liz removed her t-shirt revealing what she was wearing underneath. Max stood in shock as he let his eyes travel up her shapely calves and slim thighs to hem of her barely there panties but the main attraction was the small tank top Liz wore. He focused his eyes and read the tanks screen writing on the front. In bold white letters that shown in the moon light were the words. “ Property of Max Evans.”

“I thought since this morning you said you wanted me to wear a shirt that said I was your property…that it would be romantic to actually do it.” Liz shrugged; her earlier confidence easily gone. “I guess I wanted to somewhat fulfill your fantasy.”

“Liz.” Max said as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with all the passion he could muster. He felt wetness on his cheeks and he pulled away expecting to see Liz in tears but he was shocked to see her eyes were fine…they were his tears.

“Shh…it’s ok.” Liz promised as she wiped away his tears; a move he’d used so many times on her. “You don’t have to hide your tears from me.”

“I like that.” Max said with a smile as he traced his name on Liz’s shirt. “And I definitely like this.”

“So you approve?” Liz raised a brow as Max lifted her into his arms and threw her on to his bed quickly covering her body with his.

“Hell yes.” Max kissed her as he removed his shirt and started to undo his pants. “Thank you for doing this…you amaze me.”

“Well I’m pretty amazed by you too.” Liz said as she helped Max remove his pants and she easily snaked her hand into his boxers and stroked him. “I need you now.”

Max closed his eyes in bliss at Liz’s words and he removed her panties. “Did your magazine tell you to say that too?”

“Maybe.” Liz said coyly. “I do need you thought.” Just as Max was about to lift the shirt off Liz’s body she flipped them over and settled over him easily bringing him into her body with a moan. “Max.”

“Wow.” Max said as Liz started to pump up and down his erection with great passion. “God…you feel amazing.”

“You too.” Liz moaned as she threw her head back and placed her hands on Max’s chest for support. Liz started to groan at the need to feel Max against her skin and Max instantly knew what she wanted and pulled the tank off her body.

“As much as I love seeing you wear that…I want you out of it now.” Max grinned as he pulled Liz to him and threw the tank on the floor. “We’ll use that again later.”

“Yes.” Liz moaned as Max latched onto one of her breasts and suckled deeply. “I’m…I’m almost there.”

“Let go Liz.” Max coached as he ran a hand down her body and found her sensitive nub easily. “Let go for me baby.”

“MAX!” Liz screamed as she found her release but shrieked in surprise when Max flipped them over and continued to pound into her bring her to another climax as he found his as well.

They laid together afterwards as their bodies cooled and Max smiled as he turned his head and kissed Liz’s temple. “I love you so much Liz.”

“I love you too.” Liz answered as she snuggled into his shoulder. “So I’m guessing you liked the tank?”

“I love it baby.” Max assured his girlfriend. “You have no idea…just thinking about it is turning me on.”

“Well than its probably good I didn’t wear the matching panties.” Liz said through a yawn. “You’d probably be dead right now.”

“M-matching panties?” Max stuttered and Liz pulled out of his arms and dug into something on the side of the bed before holding something out for him. The small pair of underwear were white cotton but written just like the tank was the phrase “Property of Max Evans” with a sparkly arrow pointing down. Max could only imagine how perfect the placement of that arrow was. “Good god woman…where did you get these?”

“Michael and I went shopping.” Liz shrugged and Max’s eyes widened. “Well he didn’t see what I was buying.”

“Good.” Max answered as pulled the fabric tight in his hands. “This is hot…I can’t wait to see you wear these.”

“Later…” Liz smiled as she threw the underwear over her shoulder and climbed on Max’s lap. “I want you now.”

“You have a way with words.” Max said and he caused Liz to giggled as they rolled around the bed for the rest of the night.

ENJOY AND SEE YOU SOON. My other stories should be updated in a few days!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.