Restoring Antar City (AU M/L Adult) Complete

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Restoring Antar City (AU M/L Adult) Complete

Post by maya »

Title: Restoring Antar City


Disclaimer: "The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."

Pairings/Couples/Category: M/L and some M/M and I/A
Rating: ADULT
Summary: King Whitman and his heir Alex Whitman die in a tragic accident. King Whiman's daughter Elizabeth becomes the Queen of Antar and is coerced into marrying Kivar who has always been after the throne and is using her to execute an evil plot. Max Evans, a poor farmer takes a job at the palace to save enough money to send home to his sick father. Will Max be able to save Liz and restore Antar?
Author's Note: There is some Max/Tess and Liz/Kivar at the beginning but this will be a Max/Liz fic. This is my first fic so please give me lots of feedback.

Part one

Max sighed as he closed the door to his fathers room. He was finally sleeping peacefully.

"How is he?" His mother asked him as she approached from the kitchen.

"Not good." Max replied. "But he’s asleep now so we should be quiet. He needs as much rest as he can get to gain his strength."

His mother nodded.

"Kyle is outside chopping some wood."

"I’ll go help him and I will bring some water in as well so that you can start supper."

His mother nodded giving him a weak smile as he went to join his brother.

Max felt completely helpless. His father was getting sicker and sicker and he and Kyle were doing their best to run the farm, keep a roof over the families heads and get the medical attention his father required., but it just wasn’t enough. His father had been sick for a long time and max was used to being the man of the house but this time things were different. Usually after a few weeks in bed his father was up and back to work for a few months, this time it didn’t look like he would be. The medicine the doctor had prescribed was too expensive and they had no way of coming up with the money.

One year ago the world of Antar was thriving. King Whitman was the most beloved King Antar had ever had. He was a kind, compassionate man who made sure that every Antarian was well looked after. Then the King and his heir Alex were killed in a tragic accident, and almost overnight Antar had changed. Elizabeth, the Kings daughter was left to take over the throne, she had married Kivar almost right away and made many changes to the Kingdom. The taxes were so high, there wasn’t enough food and water and the moral of the people was so low. She was said to be a cold Queen. There were rumors that she was cruel, that she had tortured inmates and was even sentencing criminals to death, Antar had never had a death penalty before. Queen Elizabeth and King Kivar had made this world impossible to live in and the people he cared for were suffering because of it, his father dying, his mother not eating enough so there would be enough food for her sons and his brother Kyle who was only 15years old was covered in blisters and fatigued from overwork. He felt like a failure because he was powerless to stop it.

After finishing the chores and checking on his father, max decided to get some air. He sat on the front porch and wondered what he could do to help his family. His mother and Kyle were both asleep. He knew he too needed rest but had been unable to sleep for days.

"How’s your dad?"

Max looked up to see his closest friend Michael walking up his laneway. He had known Michael since he was five years old. His parents had died tragically and he had been adopted by the Olsen’s who lived next door. They had been best friends since that day.

"There’s been no change." Max replied.

"Sorry." Micheal said putting a hand on his friends shoulder. He really felt for Maxwell, only 18 years old with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

" What was the announcement about today, in the town center?’ " He asked. He had intended to go but he had too much work.

"Representatives from the palace in Antar city were here recruiting security for the palace and servants as well."

" Really?" Max looked up.

" Your interested?" Michael asked skeptically.

" I need money Michael, I need to help my family. How much do they pay?"

"Free room and board, plus 500 antos a week"

Max’s eyes lit up. "With money like that I could buy fathers medicine."

"Who would look after the farm?" Michael asked.

"Kyle would and I could send enough money home for him to hire some help."

"Micheal I don’t have any other option."

"So you would work for that Queen who has caused this problem to begin with?" Michael questioned him.

“I don’t have any other choice Michael."

"There are always choices Maxwell."

" What about Tessa? You can’t just leave her, anyone who wants to go must leave with the royal representatives for Antar city tomorrow?"

Tessa. His beloved Tessa. It was late, but he needed to see her, needed her to understand.

" Michael, I have to go. " he said jumping up.

" I know ." Micheal laughed.

Max ran down the road, half a mile until he reached Tessa’s house, where he stopped to catch his breathe. He walked around to the back of the house and climbed in her bedroom window. He stood in her room watching her, she was so beautiful, the way her wavy blonde hair fanned out on the pillow. He sat down on the bed and stroked her cheek softly. They had known each other since they were eight years old at which time there parents had betrothed them.. They were both happy with the agreement as they had always loved each other. They had both turned eighteen and would get married in only a few months, Max was going to have to ask her to wait for him, and he only hoped she would say yes.

"Max?" she jumped up in shock, puling the covers around her. " What are you doing here? ’"

He had never been in her room before and never seen her in her nightgown. They had shared a few passionate kisses, but had not made love yet, that would not happen until her wedding night.

" Sorry Tessa. I had to see you and it couldn’t wait until morning. " he said with sad eyes.

" What is it? " she asked a look of concern on her face. " Is it your father? "

" No. I mean yes he’s still not doing well, but that's not what I have to tell you. Tessa, Im going to go work at the palace. "

" What? Why? " She asked mortified.

" I need the money to keep the farm going and help father get better."

" What about our wedding? " She asked him nervously. She was so in love with him. She had been waiting her whole life to marry him.

He smiled and pushed a strand of her hair behind her hair.

" Oh sweetheart, we will still get married. This is one of the reasons I have to go, I have nothing to offer you right now. Once I save some money we can build a home and start a real life together. "

" Oh Maxwell, I don’t care about any of that, I just want to be with you. " She said tears streaming down her face.

" I know and that’s one of the reasons I love you so " He said puling her into his arms.

" So this is the last time I may see you for years. " She said quietly.

He nodded tears in his eyes. " I will write to you. I promise. "

He leaned forward and gently brushed her lips with his own. She deepened the kiss, sinking back into the bed, pulling him with her. He ran his hands through her hair, trailing kisses down her neck. She felt so nervous, they had never gone this far before. She wanted to make love to him, she may never see him again and she wanted to remember what it felt like.

"Max. " she pleaded.

He pulled the straps on her nightgown down revealing her breasts and he took one in his mouth, the nipple hardening at his touch. He wanted to make her his. She was so beautiful he thought as he pulled the other nipple in his mouth the same way. He stopped suddenly. What was he doing? This wasn’t fair to her.

" Sorry, Tessa. " He said embarrassed.

"No, its ok. I want to make love to you.’" She replied shyly.

Max looked at her. She was such a trusting caring person. He took her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.

"No I can’t do that to you. If we sleep together and something happens to me and we can’t get married, no one would have you as a bride if you were not a virgin.’" It was an Antarian custom.

"But…but I could never be with anyone but you. " She cried.

"I can’t. " He cried getting up and moving away from her.

"I must go."

"No, please stay." She begged him.

"I can’t."

"Max." She said “I heard Queen Elizabeth is very cold and calculating. Whatever happens do not trust her. " She warned him

"Thank you." He said as he stepped through her window into the night air.

"I love you." he said and walked away.

"I love you too." She whispered as she broke into a sob. She couldn’t shake the feeling she would never see him again.

The next morning he packed his things, kissed his mother goodbye and left for Antar City. His mother cried as she watched him walk away, her poor son, his whole life had been one of responsibility, to his father, his brother, even Tessa, she wondered if her son had ever had a moment’s enjoyment in his life and if he ever would?

When Max arrived at the town square, there were only 5 other men waiting. He couldn’t say he was surprised, even though the other villagers needed money just as badly as he did the rumors of the queens cruelty were probably enough to keep them away. He signed the consent form and started to walk towards the carriage that would take him to the palace.

" Wait, wait." someone yelled and he turned around to see Michael running towards him.

"You didn’t think I would let you go alone?" He said smiling at Max.

Max gave him a hug.

Max and Michael got in one of the carriages with the royal escorts. Max couldn’t deny that he was scared. He had no idea what Antar city would be like, or what work in the palace would be like. Was this Queen really as horrible as they had said she was? What could have happened to her to make her so evil when her brother Alex and her father had been such warm people? Well he would find out soon enough he though as he closed his eyes hoping to get some sleep before they arrived at the palace. He had a feeling he was going to need it. At least Michael was with him.
Last edited by maya on Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:24 pm, edited 41 times in total.
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Part 2

Liz pulled the covers up over her naked body as Kivar got up and put his clothes on. He gave her an evil smile that made her shiver and left the room, presumably to go back to his own room but she was doubtful. He always said he needed to sleep alone, that he couldn’t sleep with someone else in bed beside him and that was why they had separate rooms. She knew it was just something he had made up because he didn’t want to be with her. She had seen the way he looked at Vilandra, one of the servants. Liz wanted her fired but Kivar insisted Vilandra stay, saying she was one of the best servers he had ever had. Liz had never seen Vilandra do anything remarkable, in fact she had never seen her do any work at all. Liz didn’t care, she was grateful he didn’t sleep with her often, just the thought of his hands on her made her feel sick. She shivered again, thinking about the last 30 minutes she had spent in his arms. She got up and went into her washroom to have a hot bath and clean herself of him.

She relaxed in the warm water. Maria would be coming up to her room shortly with ice cream and a movie for them to watch. Maria was Liz’s personal assistant, although Liz didn’t think of her that way. She was her best friend. She had worked for her the last three years and Liz didn’t know how she would have survived the last year without her. So much had happened and so fast. Her father and Alex had gone to a meeting in Cordova. A town about 40 miles away, to investigate a problem they were having with contaminated water. This was something that could very easily have been done by one of the advisors but they insisted on going themselves. They wanted all of the people of Antar to know that they were just as important as anyone else. That was so like them she thought with a smile, they were so kind and caring. Antar had been lucky to have them. They never made it to Cordova though, there carriage was overturned enroute by bandits and they were killed. Just like that Liz’s world and that of Antar was turned upside down. No one knew what to do. The senators and advisors called an emergency meeting. Antar had never been ruled by a Queen but with the only heir now dead and no other suitable royal blood in Antar, the decision was made that Liz would become the next queen.

Liz had never been interested in being queen and as Alex had been groomed for the role, she knew absolutely nothing about it. She was a carefree soul, who liked to read, dance, write in her journal and spend time with friends. She had excelled in science in school and had planned to study medicine after graduation and go on to give free services in one of the many public hospitals her father had funded. She accepted the position, what choice did she have and she decided that she would be the best Queen Antar had ever had, that she would carry on the Whitman empire for her father and brother. She immediately sought a meeting with Patrick, her fathers most trusted advisor. He said he would help teach her the ropes, guide her in her decisions. His first recommendation was that she marry right away, that having a king would give people hope for the future. A few days later he said he had found a suitable candidate, his name was kivar and he was a local well respected business man. Liz had been skeptical; could she really marry someone she did not love? She had agreed to meet Kivar and although she did not love him, she believed she would in time. He was so kind to her, always bringing her flowers and gifts, telling her about all of the wonderful things he would do when he became king, lower taxes, build more hospitals, affordable housing, youth centers. These were all things she herself envisioned for Antar and so 3 months after the death of her father and brother she had married Kivar.

Once they were married he became someone else. She had been excited about her wedding night. She thought he would be tender, loving, and attentive. She couldn’t have been more wrong. He had thrown her down on the bed, and pawed at her roughly. He then entered her quickly not even caring that she might be sore as this was her first time, after he found his own release, he had gotten up, dressed and gone back to his own room. She had spent the rest of the night crying in Maria’s arms. He became cold and distant, except when he wanted something. She knew she had made a mistake. When she had confronted Patrick about his choice he had acted shocked, said he had no idea,that Kivar appeared a perfect gentleman and that maybe she should give him time, he was after all adjusting to being a king. She was no fool, she knew Patrick was corrupt, the question was how deep in the kingdom did this corruption go?

There was a knock at the door.

" Liz, come out before the ice cream melts." Maria yelled through the door.

Liz couldn’t help but smile. She was so thankful that she had Maria.

"Oh Maria, what am I going to do? Why does he even sleep with me? I hate it. I thought he was interested in Vilandra?"

"He needs to make an heir." Maria said matter of factly.

"Great, that’s the last thing I need. To bring a child into the world that will have him as a father." She cringed.

"You have bigger problems." Maria said


"I’ve heard a lot of things when I have been running errands in town. They say you have implemented the death penalty and your charging services at the public hospitals, taxes are so high that we are taking peoples homes away from them. I know it can’t possibly be true but…they are saying you are a truly evil Queen."

Liz’s face went pale

"It’s Kivar."

"But you’re the queen by blood, he just has the title of King through marriage. Don’t you have to sign off on any decisions?"

"I did but Patrick had me give Kivar full signing authority when we got married. This Kingdom is as much his as it is mine as long as we are still married’"

"You could just leave him."

"I am scared. Patrick was obviously in on this from the start and he has replaced many of the senators and advisors. I do not know who to trust."

"Well we have some research to do then."

"We? Maria, I am willing to risk my life, My family is dead, I am married to a cruel man but I cannot risk yours."

"Well it isn’t your decision. I am doing this for you and for Antar and that is that."

"Ok I have only one condition. We start this crusade tomorrow and tonight we watch our movie and talk about boys and eat ice cream like any other eighteen year old girls would do."

"Your on." Maria said starting the movie.

After the movie Maria noticed Liz had tears in her eyes.

"It was a happy ending Liz." Maria said unsure why she was crying.

"I know, it was just so beautiful how in love they were, how they would do anything to be together. I always thought I would have that. Is it selfish for me to want that?"

"No Liz, it isn’t selfish. We are both going to find our soul mates."

"I am not sure I deserve it, Ive really made a mess of things."

"Hush. You were taken advantage of. In fact I am starting to wonder if this has been in the works for years, if your father and brothers death were even a result of bandits."

"Are you saying that you think…." Liz couldn’t even finish the sentence.

"I am saying that we have to be careful."

They had a lot of investigating to do.
Last edited by maya on Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:24 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Part 3

Liz stormed into the dining room.

"Kivar, we need to talk now."

"Good morning to you too sweetie." He sneered

"Have you instituted the death penalty?"

"What?’"He asked

"You heard me."


‘’And Why haven’t you consulted me?" She asked.

"Now sweetie, you’ve had so many functions to attend for the hospital I didn’t want you to have to worry about this."

"I am the queen. I should be making these decisions."

"Are you charging people for medical services?" She asked.

"Yes sweetheart but it is only to cover supplies, things have become so expensive." He explained.

"From now on I want to be included in all decisions. Do you understand me Kivar? Or else you’ll have to find other living arrangements."

"Of course Elizabeth. I understand completely" He said and he left the room.

Once he was out of the room she was able to relax. Confronting him had been hard but she had done it although something about it seemed too easy. What was he up to?


Maria had heard the conversation in the living room. Liz had followed the plan perfectly. Now it was time for her part, she would follow Kivar and see who he went to talk to.

Kivar entered the study to find Patrick and senator Lintor.

"We have a problem. It’s Elizabeth." Maria stood outside the door trying to hear the conversation, most of which was muffled.

"She confronted me this morning. She found out about the hospital fees and the death penalties. She is demanding to be included in all decisions."
Kivar was pacing around the room.

"Why don’t you two seem upset about this?" He asked in an aggravated tone.

"We knew it was just a matter of time before she found out and got upset. We know exactly how to deal with this don’t we Patrick." Senator Lintor said picking up the phone.

"Call two of those new security guards we just recruited from Cordova in here immediately."

Maria saw two men walking towards her , so she walked the other way.

Max and Michael were escorted into a large study. They had arrived at the palace the night before and were each given a room in the servants quarters. Max couldn’t believe his room was five times the size of his room on the farm. Three men were standing in front of them, one of which was the king.

"Your highness." Max said bowing.

"Your highness." Michael said bowing as well.

"Gentlemen, thank you for coming. We have your assignment. You." He said pointing to max "Will be Queen Elizabeth’s security guard."

"You" He said pointing to Michael "Will be her personal assistant’s security guard." He didn’t trust Maria at all.

"Are they in danger?" Max asked.

"Well you never know, many people are not too pleased with the Queen these days." The fact all of Antar thought the Queen was making these evil decisions was going to work to his advantage.

"I want you to understand that you work for me, not the Queen. You are to report everything she and Maria say and do to one of us. The queen will be confined, I am trying to make Antar a better place and I can’t do that with her interfering. I do not want her let out of her room except for approved outings and then you must not let her leave your sight. Is this understood?" He asked

"Yes." Both Max and Michael repeated before they bowed again and exited the room.


"Liz." Maria yelled running into Liz’s bedroom.

"He went straight to Senator Lintor and Patrick."

"What did they say?"

"The door was closed, the voices were muffled but two young men, about our age joined the room as well."

Lix took out her journal and wrote Senator Lintor, Patrick, Two men possibly 18 years old

It wasn’t much but at least it was a start.

There was a knock at the door. Maria answered it.

"Maria, Liz, I am glad you are both here. I would like you to meet these two men." He said ushering Max and Michael into the room.

"Max will be your security guard Liz and Michael will be yours Maria."

"Why do we need security guards?" Maria asked looking at Liz. Liz was too busy staring into the most beautiful amber eyes she had ever seen, eyes that were staring back.

"Liz." Maria screamed.

"What?" Liz said snapping out of her daze.

"You are not to leave your rooms unless I approve it. Max and Michael will make sure you do not and if you do leave they will accompany you."

"What’s going on?" Liz asked.

"They are locking us in’." Maria replied.

Before they could blink someone was boarding up the windows and a lock was being placed on the outside of the door.

Max and Michael were ushered outside the door to stand guard.

"So are you going to keep Liz and I apart?" Maria asked Kivar.

"No, I don’t want a new assistant for Liz, you already know to much and I don’t want to add suspicion, I will simply state you are feeling under the weather and that is why you are staying in your room a lot and Maria is with you."

"You pig." Liz yelled throwing herself at Kivar and beating his chest.

"Guards." He yelled as Max and Michael entered the room and pulled a tear stained Liz off of Kivar.

"Oh by the way. I will be back, we have an heir to make." Kivar said as he left the room.

Max was still holding onto Liz, after pulling her off of Kivar he hadn’t let go. She was crying, her head against his chest. She was so delicate, her skin was so soft. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he was mesmerized. Suddenly he thought of Tessa and what she had said ‘I heard Queen Elizabeth is very cold and calculating. Whatever happens do not trust her’ He pulled back and headed towards the door. Michael saw Maria crying by the window.

"Are you ok, Miss?" he asked her.

"Get away from me" She said smacking him in the head. Max had to laugh, Maria seemed feisty. Both men headed towards the door.

"Maria, let me know when you want to go back to your room." Michael said.

Maria just stuck her tongue out at him.
Last edited by maya on Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Part 4

‘Don’t you think this all seems a little strange?’ Michael asked Max. They were standing guard outside of Liz’s room wondering what was going on. Why had they been assigned to watch the Queen and her assistant?

‘Shh keep your voice down’ Max said looking down the hall to make sure that no one else was around that would hear them.

‘I know what you mean. The queen is supposed to be evil but she seemed so sweet and vulnerable when she was crying in my arms’ Max said and that was all he could think about, how soft her skin was, how beautiful she was.

‘Well maybe that is just an act, she wants us to believe that she is innocent. You heard Kivar, she’s the one who has made all of these decisions, raising taxes, making Antar a horrible world to live in. Kivar is trying to right those wrongs.’

‘I don’t know Michael. There is just something about her’ he was so drawn to her.

Michael rolled his eyes. His friend had always been a romantic.

‘Don’t go falling for her charms Max, we have a job to do here. Remember why we came. You have a sick father to think about.’

‘I know’ Max replied.

‘That Maria does seem evil. She’s got quite the mouth on her and she is so annoying’

‘You like her don’t you’ Max laughed at his friend.

‘No, I just said she was annoying.’

‘Like I said, you like her Michael’ he chuckled.


An hour later the door opened and Maria walked out.

‘Ok security man, I am ready to go back to my room.’ She said as Michael followed her to her quarters.

‘I was going to call the kitchen and get them to send me up some dinner.

' Have you eaten?’ Liz asked Max peering out into the hall.

‘No I haven’t but I don’t think I should…..’he stammered.

‘Look your supposed to guard me, right? So you can come in here and eat with me, right?’

‘Yes, you are right. I guess it wouldn’t be such a bad idea’ They starred at each other for what seemed like the longest time before Liz closed the door.

Thirty minutes later Isabelle arrived with the food and was surprised to see a very good looking man in a security uniform standing outside of Liz’s room. She hated Liz. Kivar was supposed to be hers, he promised that once Liz was out of the way she would be his Queen but it was taking so long. Liz would have to produce a heir before that could happen and she wasn’t even with child yet. It was so infuriating. Until that happened Kivar would continue to sleep with her, when it was her bed that he should be in. It just wasn’t fair.

Max unlocked Liz’s room so that Isabelle could bring the food in. Max followed behind her and Isabelle suddenly realized why two dinners were ordered. She had assumed the other was for Maria. She looked at Max who was starring at Liz as if he was oblivious that Isabelle was even in the room. Surprisingly Liz was looking at him the same way. Isabelle smiled. It would be perfect if Liz’s affections were kept elsewhere and this was something she would not tell Kivar she thought as she left the room. Max locked the door with his key from the inside and sat across from Liz at the small dining table in her room.

‘I hope you like steak’ she said to him with a nervous smile.

Why did he have this affect on her she wondered and why did her stomach feel so queasy? Maria and she had decided that since their only contact with the outside world would be through these security guards they were going to have to get to know them and see if they could be trusted. Maria had been doubtful, since they worked for Kivar but Liz felt that if the men knew the truth they would do what they could to help the girls. In fact she was counting on it, it was the only way they could restore Antar.

‘I love steak, thank you’ he said as he took his first bite.

Here she was being held prisoner in her room and she was concerned about whether or not she had ordered him the right meal. She seemed so kind, much like he had heard the previous king and his heir had been. He shook his head, what was he thinking, this was probably just her way of getting him to trust her so she could escape and he could not let that happen. This was going to be so hard. She stirred something in him that he had never felt before. Sure he loved Tessa, he had known her his whole life, she and Michael were his only friends and he felt protective of her. She was beautiful but he didn’t feel a real passion for her. He didn’t even realize it until now when he felt it for someone else.

Liz felt the same way, he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. His voice was so husky, every time he spoke she felt dizzy and he was such a gently person, not gruff like Kivar.

‘So Max, tell me about yourself? How did you become a security guard here?’

‘Well there was a meeting at the town hall and they were recruiting so I signed up. My father is ill and I needed to earn enough money to buy his medication’

‘I am so sorry to hear that she said. Has he been sick for long?’

‘For as long as I can remember but he has gotten so much worse’ he sad sadly. Why was he telling her this? He knew he shouldn’t be getting close to her but she was so easy to talk to.

‘What town are you from?’ she asked him.


Liz’s face fell.

‘That is where my brother and father were headed when they were killed’ she said tears coming to her eyes.

‘I am so sorry ‘he said reaching across the table and taking her hand.

Thank you’ she said.

‘It’s just so hard. I miss them so much and now Kivar is changing Antar, and he’s holding me hostage here so I can’t do anything about it.’ She was sobbing now.

‘No’ max yelled letting go of her hand and getting up from the table.

‘You are lying’

‘What?’ she asked him looking up surprised.

‘It is you who are ruining Antar, I have heard many things at the town hall and Kivar said that…’

‘Said that what?’ she asked cutting him off, ‘That I am the one making all of these decisions?’ she asked angrily.

‘He has made all of these decisions without my consent and now that I have figured it out, he is holding me hostage so that I cannot stop him.’

‘Don’t you believe me? She asked him hopefully.

He looked at her big brown eyes, they looked so honest. He was so confused; he just didn’t know what to believe.

Thank you for dinner, I must resume my post’ he said bowing and taking his leave.

Liz lay down on her bed and sobbed. She needed him to believe her, it was the key to finding out what Kivar was up to and finding a way to stop him. But she also wanted him to believe her because as crazy as it sounded she couldn’t stop thinking about him. She had feelings for him that she had never felt before.
Last edited by maya on Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Post by Guest »

Author's note: Thank your for the feedback and please keep it coming. I will try to update this fic every 2nd day if I can. Just a warning there is some violence in this next scene.

Chapter 5

‘Good evening your highness’ Max bowed as Kivar approached Liz’s room.
‘There is no reason for you to bow every time you see me Max. After all we will be seeing a lot of each other now that you are my eyes and ears in this place. In fact you are my right hand man now. How do you like that?’ he asked
‘I am honored your highness.’
‘Call me Kivar’
‘I am here to see my wife and we are not to be disturbed no matter what’ he said as he entered Liz’s room and closed the door behind him.

Liz had been writing in her journal and looked up to see Kivar entering her room. She felt sick.
‘What are you doing here?’ she glared at him.
‘I told you earlier, we have to make an heir’ he said sitting on the bed.
‘There is no way I am going to let you touch me now. Not now, not ever’ she spit at him.
Kivar was angry. He was in charge now and she would do as he said. He grabbed her by the arms so hard she knew she would have bruising.
‘You will do as I say’ he said crashing his lips into hers as he pinned her to the bed and pushed her dress up around her waste.

Max struggled to hear what was going on in that room. He had been so torn as to whether he should believe Liz or Kivar so he figured if he observed what was going on he could make his own decisions. He could hear Kivar yelling and Liz yelling back but could not make out what they were yelling about. What was going on?

Liz bit Kivars lip hard, drawing blood.
‘You bitch’ he yelled slapping her face so hard that one of his rings cut her cheek. She felt the pain but didn’t care. She continued to fight back as he thrust in and out of her, she dug her nails into his sides, he put all of his weight against her so that she could not move at all.
‘Max Help!’ she screamed when she could take it no more.
Max heard her scream for him through the door, and he had to fight the urge to run in the room. He didn’t know what to do. If he entered the room now, Kivar would never let him help Liz. Besides he didn’t even know what was going on in there.
‘You think Max will help you. You stupid Bitch! He works for me’ Kivar said covering her mouth with his hand to shut her up. He finally came releasing his seed into her and immediately got up to put his clothes on.
Before he opened the door he turned to look at Liz who had blood dripping down her face.
‘Kivar, I will get Antar back, and rule the way my father did’ she said to him with confidence. He through his head back in a laugh, he had to hand it to her, she was very strong willed, but it wasn’t going to get her anywhere.
‘It’s over for you Elizabeth. I rule this kingdom, I make the decisions and Antar will never be as it was. Your father did what was right for the people. I will do what is right for Kivar’ ‘And you will give me an heir’ he said
‘And then what?’ she asked him
‘Then I won’t have a need for you anymore’

Max took a step back from the other side of the door. He hadn’t been able to hear everything that had gone on in the room but because Kivar had been standing so close to the door he had heard every word of that last conversation. The queen had been telling the truth, he had to help her, but what was he going to do?

Kivar exited the room and looked at Max with a smug look on his face.
‘The queen will be retiring for the evening. You can also retire to your room for the evening. Make sure she is secured in the room. Even if she does escape, I have guards at all the exits so there will be no problem. I want you back outside this door at 6 am sharp’
‘Thank you Kivar’ Max said trying to hide his shakiness. He was so angry. He wanted to kill Kivar for hurting Liz. But he knew he could not. This was probably the most evil man he had ever met in his entire life and he couldn’t give away the fact that he now knew the truth or he would surely be killed.

Kivar walked down the hall towards the servants quarters where he knew Isabelle would be waiting for him.

Max waited until Kivar was out of sight and unlocked Liz’s door entering her room.
He found Liz in a robe, curled up on top of her bed in the fetal position.
‘Max’ she said in such a soft voice that could barely be heard as she looked up at him and then buried her face in a pillow.
‘Max’ she sobbed.
‘It’s ok’ he said joining her on the bed and pulling her into his lap.
‘It’s going to be ok’ he said as he began to rock her back and forth.
‘Did he?’
‘Yes he raped me’Max wanted to Kill Kivar. He felt so protective of her.
‘Oh my god your face is bleeding. Let me get you a towel.’he said starting to get up.
‘No’ she screamed wrapping her arms round him.
‘please stay with me’
‘I believe you.’
‘What?’ she asked looking up at him with tears still running down her face.
‘Our conversation earlier. I believe you. I heard what Kivar said before he left tonight. I know he is the one that is ruining Antar and I will do anything I can to help you.’
Liz looked up at him and smiled. She felt so safe in his arms and somehow she knew that because of him things would work out alright.
His face was just inches from hers and he was staring at her beautiful soft lips. He wanted to Kiss her so badly, the feeling was almost overtaking him. But there were so mnay reasons why this was a bad idea. He was a security guard, no queen would fall in love with him, would they? He was betrothed to Tessa and he couldn’t take advantage of Liz while she was so vulnerable.

Liz couldn’t believe how close they were, she could feel his warm breath on her face. She thought he was going to kiss her and she wanted him to but then he pulled back. She wasn’t surprised, why would he want used goods like her, and she probably looked a fright with her cut face. Well, at least he was on her side now, she sighed. She would let Maria know in the morning.

‘Do you want me to get Maria?’ he asked.
‘No, I will just let her sleep. I can talk to her in the morning.’
‘Ok he said getting up. ‘At least let me get something for your face.’
She nodded.

Max got up and walked into her bathroom. He came back with a face cloth he had run through warm water. He cleaned her wound and then walked towards the door.
‘Max, could you stay here tonight?’
Max turned and looked at her. What was she asking him?
‘I mean, I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to get you into trouble, could you just stay until I fall asleep?’
‘Of course he said’ taking a seat in one of the chairs across from her bed. She smiled getting under the covers and turned out the light.

Once he heard her deep breathing he got up and quietly left the room. He locked it, he knew she wouldn’t try to leave but he had to keep up the pretense for Kivar. He was so glad to be out of there, watching her sleep was just too much temptation for him. He had to think straight and he just couldn’t do that when he was around her. He had to help her overthrow Kivar that’s what this was about, and once this was all over he would go home and marry Tessa. Tessa, was who he was destined to be with he continued to remind himself over and over again like a mantra as he walked down the hall. No matter how hard he tried Liz’s beautiful face kept overtaking Tessa’s in his mind. Why was this happening? She was the bravest, most wonderful woman he had ever known but they could never be together. He headed towards Michael’s room. He would wake him up, and explain that Liz was not the evil Queen Antar thought she was. They had a lot of talking to do.


Michael wasn’t in his room so Max decided to see if he was in Marisa room. When he got there he could hear raised voices, he knocked but no one came to the door. He tried his key in the lock and the door opened. Michael and Maria were standing in the middle of the room, and were involved in a heated argument. They were so absorbed in it that they didn’t even notice Max enter the room.

‘You are so pig headed it is unbelievable.’ Maria said to Michael
‘Well you are annoying’
‘No your annoying’
‘Liz is a Queen, she shouldn’t be locked up like a caged animal and neither should I’ she said with her hands on her hips. Talking to him was like talking to a child.
‘I am just doing my job’
‘I’m trying to tell you wer are innocent’ she was so frustrated.
‘That’s what they all say’ Michael rolled his eyes.
‘Now will you just shut up’
‘I will not shut up until you listen to what I have to say Michael’
Michael grabbed her around the waist. Pulled her close to him and crashed his lips against hers.

Huh hum’ Max said clearing his throat and raising his eyebrows at Michael. Michael immediately let go of Maria and she fell to the floor.
‘What, I just had to shut her up for a minute’ Michael said to Max.
‘Michael, she is telling the truth. I just heard Kivar talking to Liz, he is the one making all of the changes and holding Liz against her will.’
Maria stood back up and smiled.
‘See. I told you!’ she said sticking her tongue out at Michael.
Max couldn’t help but laugh. These two had it bad for each other even though they would never admit it.
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Part 6

Max quietly opened the door to Liz’s room. The four of them had agreed to meet in Liz’s room each night at 11 pm, Max and Michael were technically off duty then anyway and Kivar would think that they were each in their own rooms sleeping.

Liz was sitting on her bed with Maria comforting and she jumped up with wide eyes in fear when the door opened.

"Sorry Max, I thought you were Kivar." Liz said.

Max gave her a puzzled look.

"She was worried he would come back to try to make an heir tonight." Maria explained.

"Oh’." Max said and that was when he noticed that Liz’s eyes were red from tears.

"She’s still having a really hard time since last night, and she doesn’t know how she will be able to endure it again."

"No, he will not touch you again." Max said clenching his fists. Just the thought of Kivar touching Liz, hurting Liz made him feel so angry he could feel bile rising in his throat.

"How can we stop him, he needs an heir so that he can finally get rid of me, he wont stop until I am with child." Liz said looking at Max.

"We will come up with a way sweetie." Maria said pulling Liz into a hug.

The door opened, it was Michael. "Kivar is in Isabelle’s room for the night so it looks like we are all clear." He said.

Maria blushed when she saw him, still embarrassed from kissing him the night before.

"What did I miss?" Michael asked.

"We are trying to come up with a way to prevent Liz from having to sleep with Kivar again, but since he wants an heir…" Max trailed off.

"If Kivar wants an heir, why don’t we give him one?" Michael suggested.

"What do you mean?" Liz asked.

"Just tell him you are pregnant." He replied.

"He will want it confirmed by a doctor." Max said.

"Liz." Maria said jumping up excitedly "What about one of your friends at the hospital, could you get one of them to lie for you?"

"Well Dr. Soo is a good friend of mine. I have worked with her on many occasions. But what if he finds out, I will be in even more danger." She said looking at Max, she was scared.

"Liz, I promise I will keep you safe. This will buy us some time, we have at least 3 months before you would normally start to show." Max said looking at her with such warmth in his eyes that she felt herself relaxing.

"Meanwhile we can find out how to get Antar back for you." Michael added.

"You two make a great team." Liz said looking from Michael to Maria who again were both quiet.

"Well I’m tired. Liz, if you don’t need me I think I will retire to my room." She said.

"Ok Maria, sleep well." Liz said smiling at her friend.

"What’s with those two?" She asked Max after Maria and Michael had left the room. Maria wasn’t exactly the type of person that was quiet, especially around Michel.

"They kissed last night." Max said with a smile ."and I don’t think they know how to act around each other right now."

Liz was surprised but happy.

"I am so happy, I was really hoping that Maria would find someone. I know she has given up a lot to be my personal assistant the last three years."

"I know I feel the same about Michael." Max said sitting down beside her.

"He had such a hard life, growing up, being adopted, I know he felt lonely a lot. It would be really nice if things with Maria would work out. I just don’t think he has ever had a relationship before and he isn’t really one for etiquette. Maria will have her hands full." He laughed

"Oh Max." she said laughing. "So will Michael. Maria isn’t exactly low maintenance."

"No you are right, she is not." And they both started to laugh.

There was silence between them as they just sat and stared at each other. Liz was so happy for her friend but couldn’t help it if she was a bit jealous.

"I should never have married Kivar." Liz said.

Max looked at her surprised. He still didn’t know her to well and didn’t really know what to say.

"It’s my fault this is happening. If I hadn’t married him…" She trailed off not wanting to continue.

"Hey." Max said putting his hand on her chin and turning her face back to meet his.

"You didn’t know this would happen. He tricked you. Your trusted advisor convinced you it was the right thing to do." He said to her. How could she hold herself responsible for all of this?

"What a huge weight to carry on your shoulders, the responsibility for the fall of Antar." he said looking at Liz.

Liz just nodded but it wasn’t very convincing.

"Maria and Michael and I talked a lot last night and Maria explained everything, how nice Kivar was to you, the push you got from the senate to marry him. It was all planned Liz and you were just a pawn in it all. You could not have foreseen this. Plus you were still in grief from the death of your father and brother. Promise me you will stop feeling responsible, you are the gentlest, kindest woman I have ever met. You could never hurt anyone." His heart felt like it was breaking in a million pieces. She was in so much pain and he wished he could just take it away.

There lips were inches a part, she smelled so sweet, she licked her lips and he groaned, he would never get over the effect she had on him. Just one kiss he told himself, one kiss wouldn’t hurt.

His lips brushed hers gently and then he pulled away. He loved the feel of his soft lips on hers. She had a grin on her face. God she was beautiful.

He took one of her hands in his, placing the other on the small of her back and pulled her in close to him, his lips crashing into hers with such great intensity her whole body felt like it was on fire.

So this was what heaven felt like she thought. There hands began to roam up each others back as the kiss deepened, his tongue seeking access to his mouth which she granted.

A few minutes later he pulled back suddenly.

"Are you ok?" He asked her stroking her hair gently, catching his breathe.

He hadn’t meant to get so carried away but she was intoxicating.

"Yes." Was all she could say.

She too was trying to catch her breathe, feeling absolutely ravished. That kiss stirred a desire in her she had never felt with Kivar. She kissed him again with even more passion, this time exploring his mouth with her tongue, he tasted so sweet and she felt so safe in his arms.

"Liz." He said when they paused for air. "We can’t do this." He was panting.

"Why not?’" She said looking at him with child like wide eyes.

He could barely think straight. Never in his wildest dream did he think a woman like Liz could be interested in him but she was. She had been the one to initiate that last kiss. Kissing her was unlike nothing he had experienced before. Kissing Tessa was nice but there was no spark. He even felt the spark now just by holding her hand.

He got up and paced the room.

" First of all you are married." he said continuing to pace back and forth.

" I do not love Kivar. I was tricked into marrying him, I….oh you hate me don’t you for breaking my wedding vows." she said tears brimming in her eyes

"No." He said kneeling in front of the bed and taking her hands in his.

"It is not that at all. I just wish I had met you sooner." He said

"What do you mean?" She asked.

Max took a deep breath. "I am betrothed to someone else. Her name is Tessa, she lived in my town Cordova."

"Oh but why did you kiss me then?" She pulled her hands away and got up and stood by the window.

"Because I am in love with you. I am more sure of that then I have been of anything in my life. I would risk my life for you, do anything for you. I know it sounds crazy, we just met but…’" He looked at her helplessly at her mercy.

She turned to look at him, tears still falling.

"Max, it isn’t crazy, I feel the same way, but what about your fiancé? Do you not feel that way about her?"

"I realize now that the love I feel for her is more of a sister, but Liz I made her a promise and a man is only good as his word."

"What are you saying?" She asked him not knowing if she really wanted to hear his answer.

"I must keep my promise. I must marry Tessa." Tears were streaming down his face.

"I will do the honorable thing but I will still work with you and Micheal and Maria to overrule Kivar, I will still risk my life for you and know that even when this is all over and I am back home with Tessa I will never stop loving you." He walked over to the window and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her forehead softly and she leaned against his chest.

After ten minutes of just enjoying being in his arms she pulled back and looked at him.

"Please leave me now." She said

"I can stay until you fall asleep." He said to her with a small smile.

"No Max, my heart hurts too much to be around you right now and you are right we have to focus on Antar, I need to clear my head and get some sleep."

"As you wish, Liz, as you wish" He said leaving her room, locking it behind him and heading to his own room, knowing neither of them would be able to sleep.


Tessa was frustrated. Max had only been gone two weeks and she knew it would have taken him a few days to get there and that mail took a while but she had really hoped to get a letter from him by now. What if he never came back, what if something happened to him in that palace or what if he met someone else, there were bound to be pretty servants there? She couldn’t be alone, she just couldn’t.

She had known Max forever and had decided at age 8 she wanted to Marry him, so she begged her father to make an agreement with Max’s parents, and they were betrothed. He was the only man she considered attractive in Cordova and until his father’s health had really started to deteriorate his farm was flourishing, one of the tops farms in Cordova. This was important; her future husband had to have money. She had started to worry this last year when his status changed and he was poor but she knew he would turn it around, he was smart and hard working. Right now she worked as a school teacher but once she was married she would no longer work herself. She would not clean, cook or do any other chores, she would hire help for all of that. She should have been born into a rich family, but fate she decided could be cruel and that just meant she would have to work a little harder to create herown destiny. After all her destiny was to be rich, beautiful and powerful, she had always known that.

Max was a sucker for caring unselfish woman, and she had played that act so well for years, she had him eating out of her hand. She had suggested they make love that night he left, hoping she would get pregnant ensuring he would some back to her. He was such an ethical man, he would never abandon a child.

If he didn’t come back what would she do? She needed a back up plan she thought as she walked to Max’s house. Twice a week she walked over and visited with his mother and dying father, continuing to play the part of the caring fiancé. When she arrived there she saw Kyle out chopping wood in the backyard. He had taken his shirt off, and looked more handsome then she remebered.

"Hi Tessa." He greeted her.

"Hi Kyle, how are you doing today?" She asked him with a smile.

"Great. Max just sent some money home and we have hired someone new who will be helping tomorrow."

"That’s good news." she said.

"Can I say that your look beautiful today, that peach dress suits you."

"Why yes you can, thank you Kyle." She smiled.

Kyle, she thought, a little young but he was starting to look more and more like his brother every day and with this money coming in, once his father died the farm would pick up again. Maybe she should get to know him better, just in case, after all, one must always have a back up plan.
Last edited by maya on Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:27 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Part 7

Max knocked on the door to the study hoping Kivar was there.

‘Come in’ Kivar said.

Max walked into the room to see Kivar with four men, two he recognized from when he and Michael were given their assignments but the other two he had not seen before.

‘Sorry for the intrusion but I wonder if I could speak with you privately for a moment?’ Max said hoping his face did not reveal his feelings of hatred for Kivar.

‘Max, you can speak freely in front of these men, they are all well aware of the situation.’

‘Ok. Liz would like to leave the grounds to go over the medical center today and you had asked that I clear all of her excursions by you, of course I will accompany her’ he said looking at Kivar for his reaction.

‘She probably wants to do some work over there. Its out of the question.’ Kivar said folding his arms.


‘No?’ Kivar asked him. Max was saying no to him?

‘I mean, no that is not why she wants to go, it’s a bit of a delicate matter really.’

‘Well, don’t keep us in suspense.’

‘Liz thinks she might be with child and she wants to confirm it by going to see her physician at the hospital.’

‘Liz is pregnant! This is exactly what I was hoping for!’Kivar exclaimed happily.

The other four men also looked very pleased.

‘We have perfectly good doctor here at the palace; there is no reason she has to leave the grounds’

‘I know but he is a male and she would prefer to see a female.’ Max said clearing his throat awkwardly. He hoped that would be a good enough reason for Kivar.

‘OK I will allow her to go but you must stay with her at all times, in case this is just a ploy for her to escape. If the doctor confirms the pregnancy I want her to write up a full report which she can give to you and you will deliver it to me upon your return.’

‘Of course. I assure you that she will not escape.’ Max said and he started to take his leave.

‘Max, how are the girls doing?’ Kivar asked stopping him.

‘Well if I may speak freely’ max said looking at Kivar who nodded.

‘They have not tried to escape but obviously they are not happy about the situation and have been complaining a lot and that Maria has a big mouth’ Sorry Maria he thought to himself.

‘That she does’ Kivar laughed.

‘But It is nothing that Michael and I cannot handle.’he said

‘Good.’ Kivar replied.

‘Ah, it is turning out to be a wonderful day’ Kivar said after Max had left the room.

‘If Liz truly is with child we can put our plan in motion.’ Patrick smiled in agreement with Kivar.

‘Once the child is born I will have no need for her and Vilandra can rule at my side’

‘I hate to rain on your parade but there is still one matter that could ruin everything’ Gary said.

‘Oh yes’ Kivar rolled his eyes. ‘I am well aware that we still have a missing person to find. I sent out a group of 20 of my best officers and they still have not located him. How difficult can it be to find one man!’ he screamed.

‘Patrick, send out another troop. He must be found and he must be killed’ No one was going to ruin his plans.


Liz and Max were in the carriage on their way to the hospital.

‘I am surprised Kivar agreed to this’ Max whispered to Liz taking his hand in hers.

‘I am not, after all he really wants an heir’ she replied.

‘Who were the other two men in the study with him.?’ She asked him.

‘I did not get their names’

‘Well describe them’

‘One looked to be about 50, had white hair and was gaunt’

‘That was lord Kelsington’

‘The other dark hair, glasses, tall’

‘Garry, our other advisor’

‘So we can add those to our list of conspirators?’ he asked her raising his eyebrows.

‘Its easier to find out who is against us than who we can trust’ she said sadly.


‘I hate putting you in this position’ Liz said after she had explained the situation to Dr.Soo in her private office at the hospital.

‘Liz, I will do this for you. When I started to hear all of the rumors, I knew they couldn’t possibly be true. I have known you since you were a little girl and you are of the same character as your father. You have been so compassionate in the work that you have done here, there is no way you would be capable of the suggested cruelty. You are so brave to stand up against Kivar. I will help in any way I can.’ said Dr. Soo as she left the room to type up a report confirming the pregnancy for Kivar.

Liz smiled at Max with relief. He took her hand in his and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, before pulling her to rest against his chest. ‘It is all working out sweetheart’

Liz nodded. ‘But at a huge price to you, Michael, Maria and now Dr. Soo. All people I care about. ' She replied sadly.

‘Max, I want you to tell me what the drug is that your father needs. We can take it from the hospital today. I will talk to Dr. Soo about it.’

‘But how will we get it to him?’ Max asked. He loved the fact she was willing to do this for him but was worried about the consequences.

‘I will send Maria and Michael on an errand to Cordova. They have fine fabric there and I will tell Kivar I need it to decorate the baby’s room’

‘Out of the Question. It is too risky. If Kivar finds out then he would know that we are working together and’ Liz put her finger on his lips silencing him.

‘Max, I love you. I want to do something for you. You took this job so that your father could get well. Let me do this for you.’ She knew that if Max was caught Kivar would sentence him to death, the thought of which she could not bare. At least now she would know that his father was ok.

Max just nodded. This was something she really wanted to do and he knew he could not argue with her.

‘Thank you Liz’ his heart was so full of love for this woman he felt it would bust. He leaned forward to kiss her lips but she turned her head so that his lips brushed her cheek instead.

Liz looked at the hurt expression on his face.

‘Max, you said last night that you must keep your promise to Tessa and you are right.’

‘But I love you’ he pouted.

‘And I love you’ she smiled taking his hand again.


‘I am going to miss you’ Maria said giving Liz a hug. She would be leaving for Cordova with Michael in the morning under the pretense of buying cloth for the babies room.

‘I will miss you to but I am so glad we are doing this for Max. Now I wrote down all of the directions for the medication. You will make sure that he has taken the first dose before you leave, right?’ she asked Maria.

‘Yes, your highness’ she laughed. Liz always had lists.

‘So what is going on with you and Max anyway? He looks at you like you are the only woman in the world’ Maria laughed.

Liz blushed. ‘Oh Maria’ she said with a pained look on her face. ‘I am so in love with him, but he is to be married to someone else, Tessa, she lives in Cordova. He said that he loves me to but he must keep his promise to her.’

‘I say fight for what you want. If you really love each other you should be together. This Tessa can find someone else.’

‘No, it just isn’t fair to her, to just steal her fiancé away from her. I could never do that.’ Maria rooled her eyes, Liz was always thinking about everyone else.

‘Cordova, huh?’ Maria asked with a mischievous look.

‘I will make sure we see her when we deliver the medication. I will find out everything I can about her, what she looks like, what type of person she is.’

‘Maria!’ Liz said hitting her with a pillow.

‘What, she’s the competition. The more we know, the more advantage you have.’ Maria said picking up another pillow and hitting Liz back. They were in a full blown pillow fight now, laughing away.

Finally Liz collapsed on the bed and looked at Maria seriously.

‘Maria, with you gone, I will be alone with Max for the next four days. It will be absolute torture, not to be able to touch him.’

Maria, felt for her friend. She and Max were so prefect for each other. Maybe this time alone together would make them realize, that no matter what the obstacles, they should be together. And this time she had with Michael she could use to come up with a plan to help them see this.


‘I wish that you could go, so that you could see your father.’Micheal said as he packed a few things in a duffle bag.

‘Michael, you know that it would look too suspicious. Kivar would never let Liz go shopping for cloth in Cordova while she is with child which means that I must stay here since I was assigned to be her security.’

‘You be alone with her for four days. How will you cope?’He asked Max, knowing how besought he was with Liz.

‘I will be fine Michael.’ It was obvious Max did not want to be having this conversation but Michael decided to finish it anyway.

‘I know you Maxwell, better than anyone knows you. Have you told Liz how you feel?’

‘Yes, I have’

'And?’ Micheal said wanting more information.

‘She feels the same way but I am betrothed to Tessa so nothing can ever happen with Liz and I. Too much has already happened.’ He said thinking back to the Kiss they had shared. Now that he knew what her lips felt like, tasted like, he wanted her even more.

‘You and Tessa are not married yet, there is still time to back out.’

Max Glared at Michael. ‘Don’t talk about things you don’t understand’

‘Please give this letter to Tessa for me.’ He said handing an envelope to Michael.

‘Ok’ Michael said slipping the letter into his pocket. He wanted to say more but he knew Max would not listen.

‘Well, Mr. Casanova, since this topic of conversation is off limits, how about some advice for me about my relationship with Maria? How exactly does one court a lady properly because according to Maria I am not doing a very good job’



Tessa walked down to the Evan’s house with a picnic lunch she had prepared for Kyle. The new farm hand they had hired had started the previous day which meant Kyle would have more free time. Free time she planned to use to get to know him better.

‘Hi Kyle, I brought you some lunch’ she said smiling. He was pitching hay.

‘Hi Tessa. That was very nice of you’ he said whipping the sweat of his brow and smiling at her.

‘Hey, Jim’ he called ‘come out here, there is someone I would like you to meet.’

A man about Max’s age, tall with light brown hair, emerged from the barn and put his hand out to shake Tessa’s.

‘This is Tessa, my brother Max’s fiancé. Tessa this is Jim’

‘Oh, nice to meet you.’ Jim said as he shook her hand.

When their eyes met, Tessa gasped. She knew who this man was and his name wasn’t Jim. Was she the only one who knew who he reallywas? She would have to do some investigating to find out what was going on. Until then this was something that she would keep to herself until the time was right. A smile crossed her lips as she continued to talk to Kyle and Jim. Fate was on her side once again.
Last edited by maya on Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Part 8

Michael and Maria were in the carriage on route to Cordova. Michael looked at Maria awkwardly, they had made out quite a few times since that first kiss they shared. The rest of the time they just seemed to bicker. Michael had never had a relationship before and he really wanted to have one with Maria which was why he had gone to Max for advice. Max had told him to try to talk to Maria more and really listen to what she had to say. Michael began asking Maria about what her life was like growing up but somehow the conversation veered to that of Max and Liz, they both agreed that they belonged together.

“Michael, why doesn’t he just break things off with Tessa again?” She asked him. She really didn’t get it at all. They weren’t married, why couldn’t he just call the engagement off?

“You have to understand Maxwell. His whole life has been one of responsibility and obligation. He has had to run the farm, look after his mother and then his father got sick. Kyle helps out as well but he is not as strong as Max is physically or emotionally.”

“Sounds tough but what does this have to do with Tessa?”

“Well he feels as obligation to look after her as well and his parents were the ones that betrothed them so he does not want to let them down.”

“Do you think he loves her?”

“Sure he does, the way he loves me, and the rest of the family. He has been so busy I don’t think he ever really thought of even looking for love, passion, the kind of love he could have with Liz.” Michael said. He felt sorry for his friend.

“He sounds a lot like Liz, always helping out the sick people at the hospital, her family. Marrying Kivar as she thought it was what was best for Antar”

“I think we should put together a plan to get Max and Liz together.” She said excitedly.

Michael sighed. “Maria, as much as I agree they would be great together, we have to respect there wishes. The last thing we need is to stir up more trouble than we already have with Kivar.”

Maria folded her arms in her chest and pouted. “Michael.” She whined.

“Ok, Ok, once we have saved Antar we can talk about finding a way to set Max and Liz up.” He said feeling his resolve crumbling. He didn’t know what it was about Maria, all he knew was that no matter what she asked him he could never say no, and by the smile on Maria’s face he knew that she knew she had that effect on him.

“So what is Tessa like?” She asked him a few minutes later.

“I don’t know. She is Tessa, I have known her my while life.” The truth was that he wasn’t sure he trusted Tessa. There was no reason in particular, Tessa always said and did all of the right things but he just got this feeling from her, that she was not what she seemed. He didn’t want to tell Maria, she would get too worked up about it and he was hoping to keep Maria rage free for the duration of this trip.

“Is she pretty?” Maria asked, wondering if Michael found Tessa attractive.

“Yes” Michael said but when he saw Maria’s face fall he added “If you like that sort of look” Maria raised her eyebrows. “Which of course I don’t” He stammered to which Maria smiled. She had Michael wrapped around her finger and she loved it.

“Do you think I’m pretty, security boy?” she asked him suggestively.

“You know I do” He said pulling her into his arms and attacking her lips fiercely. Conversation could wait.


Liz was going out of her mind sitting in her room alone. Max was outside her door standing guard. Although he denied it she knew he was avoiding her. If he felt anything like she did she couldn’t blame him. She didn’t trust herself to be alone with him, ever since they had kissed, she had been able to think of nothing else. But she was lonely, with Maria gone she had no one else to talk to. She decided enough was enough, they were both adults who could keep their hands to themselves. She opened the door, poking her head out to smile coyly at Max.

“At 11 when your shift ends, I want you to join me for movies and ice cream.”

“Sweetheart, I don’t think that is such a good idea.” Max replied. Being alone with Liz in her room at night. No this definitely was not a good idea.

“Please, Max?” She asked again bashing her eyelashes. “I know we can’t be together the way we want but I still want to spend time with you.”

“You know the more time we spend together, the harder it will be when this is all over and we are apart.” He reminded her.

Liz knew what he was saying was true, she had only known him a short time and already she could not imagine him not being a part of her life, but she did not want to think about that now.

“I don’t care Max. That is all the more reason to spend time together now. To cherish the time we do have.”

“Ok, I will see you at 11pm. I’ll bring the ice cream” He winked at her.
She was so beautiful, how could he not spend time with her.

“Liz smiled. “I am so glad you agreed”

“Was there every any doubt?” He asked and they both laughed as Liz shook her head.

At 11pm, Max left his post and went to his room to change. After changing into a sweat suit he went into the kitchen to grab Liz’s favorite ice cream and two bowls.

“Liz’s favorite,” A voice startled him just as he had pulled the ice cream out of the freezer causing him to drop it on the floor. It was late and the kitchen was dark so he didn’t think anyone was there. When he looked more closely he saw a man who appeared to be in his 50”s sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in his hand.

“Um , yes she asked me to get her some before I went to bed.” He said as he bent down to pick up the ice cream container.

“Why do you look so nervous?” The stranger asked him.

I am not nervous, just startled, I didn’t think anyone was here.” He said hoping to cover up his nervousness.

“The name is Valenti.” The stranger replied standing up and holding out his hand.

“I”m Max.” Max replied shaking his hand.

“I know Liz’s security guard. I am one of her and Kivars advisors. Its one of my jobs to know everything that is going on” great max thought. He works for Kivar. How is it going to look that I am getting her ice cream this late at night..

The two men stood there face to face in the kitchen for a few minutes in silence. Finally Valenti spoke up.

“If there is ever anything you need, you can come to me”

Max looked at him confused,” What could I need? I am simply a security guard; my job is to make sure Liz does not try to escape.”

“All I am saying is that I know a lot more than you think. I am on your side Max, yours, Liz’s, Michael’s, Maria’s, Antar’s. You can trust me.” With that he got up and left the kitchen leaving Max standing in the middle of the kitchen holding a carton of ice cream wondering what he meant and if they could really trust him.

“Valenti, was a very close friend of my fathers. Maybe we should trust him.” Liz said as she put another spoonful of chocolate mint ice cream in her mouth. She and Max were eating the ice cream on the couch in her room getting ready to watch a movie. Max had told her about his rather strange conversation with Valenti.

Max watched her sensuously lick the spoon and was very glad he was wearing sweat pants, so she would not notice his arousal. This woman could make anything sensual he groaned. Every time he was with her it just got harder and harder to concentrate. Focus Max he told himself, Focus.

“It is completely up to you Liz. I don’t know any of these people and I trust your judgement.” Valenti had seemed genuine; he actually reminded him some of his own father but it could also have easily been a trap set by Kivar.

“Just remember if you are wrong he will go to Kivar and your plan will be ruined, Michael and I will be killed. If you are right and he is on our side and we let him into this whole craziness he will be in danger.”

“Why don’t we talk to him tomorrow, see if we can find out what he knows without giving him too much information?” she suggested. She couldn’t bear it if Kivar found out and something happened to Max.

“Sounds like a plan sweetheart” He said putting his arm around her and pulling her close so that she rested her head against his shoulder and they started the movie. Liz loved that he called her that and she found it so amazing that despite the fact her life was more in danger than it had ever been before, she felt safer than she ever had before. When she was in Max Evans arms she felt like anything was possible.

When the movie ended Liz looked up to see Max’s eyes were watering.

“Max?” she questioned him. Was he actually crying?

“I’m not allowed to cry?” he asked her. “It was sad Liz. They were so in love but everything stood in their way and then in the end he died and they never got to be together.” It reminded him of his life. Anything could happen to Liz, to him and he wanted to be with her so badly, but he knew he couldn’t. He had a promise to keep.



Jim was exhausted as he got into bed at the Evans house. He had never done manual labor before, but the last few months that was all he had done, moved from farm to farm picking up what work he could so that he would have a place to stay and food to eat. He was starting to get some of his strength back and he would soon come up with a plan. So far things had worked out well, he had been worried someone would recognize him, but no one had. The more time went by the less chance there was it would happen, he had grown a beard and his finger nails were now covered in dirt, his hands were rough, he had cuts and scrapes on his legs. He had truly become Jim the farm hand. He had chosen that name because it was that of someone who was once very important to him. Someone that he knew if he could find could help him.

He liked working on the Evans farm the best of all the places he had worked so far. He slept in Kyle’s brother’s room rather than in servants quarters and the Evans family spent time with him, treated him like part of their family. It was sad though, watching Kyle’s father so sick, reminding him that he still had been unable to grieve himself, he hadn’t shed a tear since that day he had escaped and he doubt he ever would, it would just be too much too much to bear.

He really wondered what was going on with that woman Tessa. She was supposedly Max’s fiancé but she spent an awful lot of time with Kyle and the glances she sent him at first made him suspect she knew his true identity. He had dismissed that thought though, after all if she had recognized him she would have said something. What reason could she possibly have for keeping it a secret? He sighed as he turned out the light. He would have to be up in another 6 hours to start another day’s work. He always assumed this type of life was a difficult one but he never understood how difficult it was until now.
Last edited by maya on Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by maya »

Part 9

Kyle was sitting on the front porch drinking some lemonade with Tessa when he saw two people walking towards him. One was a blonde woman he had never seen before but the man with her looked familiar

“Michael is that you?” Kyle yelled.

“Yes it is” Michael said as he and Maria walked up the front path joining Kyle and Tessa on the porch.

“Oh Michael, It’s so good to see you”, Tessa said throwing himself into her arms. “

“Where is Max? He is with you isn’t he?” She said walking past him and looking down the road, hoping to see Max.

“No he isn’t here” Michael said

But why are you here then?” she asked pouting. She really wished Max would come home “I mean you are here to stay then aren’t” you?” She asked him.

The girl standing beside him looked nervous as she grabbed Michaels arm and gave him a look, whispering something in his ear. Tessa wondered who she was.

“Why isn’t Max with you and who is this woman”? She whined.

“No Tessa, we are not here to stay, we are only here until tomorrow. Look can we step inside and continue our conversation in there. I would like to talk to Mrs. Evans as well.” Michael said

“Of course” Kyle said jumping up and opening the door.

Once they were inside Mrs. Evans made some tea and they all sat at the dining room table.

“This is Maria. She is Queen Elizabeth’s personal assistant” Michael explained . “This is Max’s mother, brother and his fiancé Tessa.” He said to Maria

“Hello” Tessa said putting her hand out for Maria to shake. If Maria worked for the Queen she would definitely recognize Jim. She would have to make sure she prevented them from meeting each other. It wouldn’t be easy but it could be done. She would have to keep them both busy and far away from each other.

“We are here because we have the medication for your husband’s heart condition.” Michael explained to Mrs. Evans. “We have a 2 months supply, by the time it runs out Max should have enough money to send home so you can purchase refills yourselves.”

Mrs. Evans eyes welled up with tears. Her husbands healthy had gotten even worse since Max’s departure and she had really started to worry. The medication had come just in time.”I don”t understand Michael, how did Max get this medication?” she knew Max had not been away long enough to make enough money to buy this, especially after sending home some money to hire a farm hand.

“Max and I are security for the queen and her assistant and she sent us with the medication. When she heard Max’s father was ill she wanted to help.”

“Help? But the queen is so cruel, why would she do that?” Tessa asked jealousy blazing through her.

“No she isn’t. The queen is the kindest more lovable person I know” Maria replied shooting an evil look Tessa’s way. She really did not like this Tessa.

“You have to say that, you’re her assistant” Tessa replied angrily.

“You have a lot of nerve insulting the queen.” Maria said getting up from the table and walking towards Tessa

“That’s enough.“ Michael replied grabbing Maria and guiding her back to her chair. Maria gave him an evil look.

“I don’t trust her either” He whispered to Maria and her hard look softened a little.

“Can I trust you to be calm?” He asked her and she nodded. He breathed a sigh of relief. He was on Maria’s side but there was no time for this conflict now, the important thing was getting the medication to Max’s father.

“This is wonderful. Please thank max and the queen for us.” Mrs. Evans said smiling.

“How is everything working out with the money max is sending?” Michael asked.

“Oh Michael, it’s great. Kyle hired Jim to help us, he is absolutely wonderful.”

“Oh you should meet him, Jim.” Kyle yelled

Tessa had to think fast. Jim and Maria could not meet.

“Oh he went for a walk in the woods.” She said to Kyle

Kyle looked at her quizzically. “But he was working in the barn when I went out to sit on the porch, wasn’t he?”

“He was but just before I came out to join you he mentioned he was going for a walk.”

“Oh, well I am sure we can meet him later” Maria said wondering just what Tessa was hiding.

“Of course you can.” Tessa replied with a smile. Maria smiled back just as fakly.

After supper Maria and Michael had shown both Mrs. Evans and Tessa how to administer the shots so that they could continue to administer Mr. Evans medication it after they had left in the morning.

Maria decided to go for a walk by herself by the river. She hadn’t been out of the palace in quite a few days since she was under house arrest and wanted some time to clear her head. Michael decided to stay back and talk with Tessa and Kyle to make sure that everything was going well with the farm.. Making sure that Max’s family was taken care of was very important to Michael, just another thing she loved about him. He was so loyal. She and Michael had given Mr. Evans the first dose of his medication and he was sleeping soundly.

Michael was happy with everything Kyle had told him. He knew the house was running exactly as Max would have wanted it. He hoped to meet the new farm hand before he left in the morning as Max would want a full report.

“So how is he really?” Tessa asked Michael.

“He’s doing well.” Michael said not quite knowing what to make of Tessa. She had seemed so tense earlier and was completely out of line at dinner but now was like the old Tessa again.

“I miss him a lot Michael. Will he be home soon do you think? He did go to save his father and now that he has sent the medication I can’t imagine he would be much longer.” After all she thought, max had said once we saved enough for the medication he would be home and they would be married.

“It will take him a while to save enough to pay for the rest of the medication” Michael said. He knew he should tell Tessa the truth, that although max was still looking after his family he was also trying to protect the queen and save Antar in the process but he was conflicted. Part of him saw her as the woman who adored Max and knew she would understand and the other just didn’t trust her at all. His gut was telling him to say nothing so that’s exactly what he did.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the letter. He had wanted to read it, to see if his friend had told her the truth, but knew it would be wrong to betray his confidence.

“Tessa, Max asked me to give you this.” He said handing her the envelope.

Tessa’s face lit up.” A letter, oh thank you Michael.” she said.

“If you don’t mind, I think I will go home and read it” She said getting up.

“Of course.” Michael replied. He didn’t mind at all.

Maria sat by the river throwing a rock in every now and then. It was so nice to feel free of all of the stress she had been feeling for the last few weeks. It was so hard watching her best friend in pain, over losing her father and brother and then with Kivar. She so wanted her to be happy and she knew that Max could make her happy. She knew Michael agreed with her but he didn’t want to interfere with Max and Tessa’s relationship. He was convinced if Liz and Max were meant to be it would happen on its own. The problem was that Liz and Max were so engrossed in doing the right thing and not thinking about themselves, it wouldn’t happen without a shove in the right direction. She was going to have to talk to Michael again, convince him that they needed to intervene to make their friends happy.

The more she thought about Tessa the more concerned she was. She really didn’t trust her at all. She had seemed almost jealous at dinner and she was convinced she was hiding something. She planned to find out exactly what it was.

Maria headed back to the house to talk to Michael. She decided to stop in at the bran and see the horses before going in. She had loved horses since she was a little girl. She and Liz usually rode together twice a week.

When she entered the barn she saw a man brushing one of the horses. He had his back towards her and didn’t hear her enter the barn.

“You are so beautiful “ he said quietly as he brushed the horse.

“I had two of my own horses at home. I miss them both. One day I will get back to them.”

“Where is home?” Maria asked walking towards him.

Alex jumped back startled causing the horse to kick its feet forward knocking him over.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to sneak up on you” Maria said as she bent over putting her hand out to pull him up.

“Oh no problem” He said as she pulled him up so that he was facing her.

“I was just…..” He stopped mid sentence as he looked into her eyes.

“Maria?” He asked “it just can’t be.”

“Alex!” Maria screamed

“Is it really you?” She asked

He nodded.

“Ah” She screamed. “I can’t; believe it. Your alive.”And she jumped into his arms knocking him over against the floor of the barn.


Tessa closed the door to her bedroom so she could read the note from Max in privacy. As she had walked home she had pictured herself marrying Max.

She opened the letter, wondering what he had written. He was always so romantic

My dearest Tessa,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am sure by now my father has taken medication and will be well soon. I am so grateful for that. I know you are hoping I will be home soon however I do not anticipate that happening anytime soon. So many things have happened and as a result my help is greatly needed and even once father is well I will have to stay on here , for how long I am not sure. It may be only a few weeks, but could be months or years. There are things going on here that I know I should not discuss in this letter but I do know that I can trust you. Kivar has created a corrupt senate and is holding Queen Elizabeth hostage. I know you will understand why I must stay and help out.

I want you to be happy and would never ask you to wait for me. You are still young and with your beauty could easily find another husband. I do not want you to end up alone. I am leaving the decision to you. If you want to find another I will understand. I wait for your decision.

Love always,

Tessa closed the letter in fury. He was dumping her. He was making it sound like it was in her best interest and because he loved her but he was looking for a way out. Well there was no way out. She was going to Marry Maxwell Evans whether he liked it or not. She put her jacket back on and headed over to find Michael and Maria, she would find out what was going on and put a stop to this madness.

As she walked back towards the Evans house she thought about what Max had said. Kivar was holding the queen hostage. He must have been the one to kill King Whitman and his son Alex. Kivar would surely be interested in knowing that Alex was still alive and well living in Cordova. This piece of information would prove even more useful to her than she had originally thought.


“So, they have probably arrived in Cordova by now” Liz said as she took a bite of her salmon. She and Max were eating dinner together in her room.

“Yes, I wonder if father has taken the medication? Max asked.

“You don’t like the food?” Liz asked looking at Max’s plate. She was half way through her meal and he had only eaten two bites.

“No it’s not that”He said playing with his food.

“Well, what is it then?” She asked reaching across the table for his hand and intertwining his fingers with hers.

“I am just nervous. I hope everything works out for Maria and Michael” He lied. He was actually wondering if Tessa had gotten his letter. What would her reaction be? Would she let him out of the engagement? Could he and Liz finally be together?

“I love you Liz” he said looking into her eyes

“I love you too Max but we can’t keeping telling each other that. It is not right to Tessa and we both know that.” She said looking at him lovingly. As much as she loved hearing those words she knew it was a betrayal of sorts.

“We are not doing anything wrong.” Max said to her with a pout. He wanted to Kiss her every minute he was around her but he restrained himself, he had to but he couldn’t not tell her how he felt.

“Technically you are right but Max you are engaged to one woman and telling another woman you love her. How is that not a betrayal?”

“I tell you I love you because it is true he said” getting up from the table and pulling Liz with him.” Come here.” He said pulling her over to the couch and sitting down with her.

“Liz, I know I shouldn’t tell you this because I don’t want to get your hopes up but…”

“What” she asked him, with no idea what he was going to say.

“I wrote a letter to Tessa” He answered. Liz’s face fell

“Oh” she said looking away. He had written her a love letter, not exactly what she was expecting him to say. She should have expected it, after all Tessa was his fiancé but in her heart she had hoped he was going to tell her he would find away for them to be together.

Max turned her head to face him and then took both of her hands in his. He pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear and stared in to her eyes.

“Sweetheart, you misunderstand. I wrote to Tessa that I may be here for a long period of time and didn’t know when I would be back. I gave her the option of finding another fiancé.”

“Do you think she will?” She asked him

“I don’t know, I can only hope” He said his face falling

“This is goods news isn’t it?” She asked him. Maybe he didn’t want to be with her

“Of course it is I just feel bad, I mean what kind of person is hoping their fiancé will call of their engagement?” He asked her

“Max, you are the most wonderful man in the whole universe.” She said smiling.

He leaned forward kissed her lips softly. She always knew what to say.

“I love you Ms.Elizabeth Whitman”

An hour later Liz was writing in her journal in her room when she heard something being pushed under her door. She got up quickly to find a letter.

Dear Liz,

Just to clear up our earlier conversation, you are the only one I want to be with. You are the only one I will ever write a love letter to. I wish I could tell the world about our love and shower you with flowers and gifts. I wish I could make love to you everyday and give you the wedding of your dreams. I pray one day we make children together.

I don’t know if any of this is possible. I hope and pray it is, but even if it cannot happen my heart will always belong to you Elizabeth Whitman. I love you./

Last edited by maya on Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by maya »

Part 10

“How do I know that I can trust you?” Liz asked Valenti, looking over his shoulder at Max who was standing near the door, trying to gauge his expression.

Valenti had come to her door at 8 pm asking for an audience. She wasn”t surprised, after the conversation he had had with Max in the kitchen she had expected he would try to contact her. Liz had asked Max to be present as her security guard, pretending she was concerned for her safety when in reality she wanted him to hear what Valenti said. She couldn”t risk Valenti knowing that Max was helping her.

“I have told you all about Kevlar’s plans, your highness, what more can I do to convince you?” He asked letting out a sigh of frustration.

Max didn’t know why but he trusted Valenti and he nodded his head slightly at Liz to let her know. Liz wasn’t quite convinced though so she persisted with her questions.

“It could all be made up. Kivar might of sent you here as a trap.” She said once again thinking of Max, not wanting anything to happen to him.

“Your highness, I know Max, Michael and Maria are helping you and I couldn’t be happier. You need all of the help you can get. I have said what I came to say. I will help you in any way I can, all you have to do is ask.” He said as he turned and walked towards the door.

Max sighed. This conversation had gone nowhere. He decided to follow his instinct and step forward.

“Valenti, wait.” Max said as a look of pure fear crossed Liz’s face. She didn’t want him to get caught.

“Tell us something to prove your loyalty to the Queen.” Max said pleadingly.

Valenti turned away from the door and walked over to Liz putting a hand on each of her shoulders.

“Your brother Alex, the true heir is alive.” He said staring at her.

Liz’s facial expression remained unchanged. Had he really said what she think he did? Could Alex really be alive? She couldn’t even entertain the thought as if it wasn’t true and she got her hopes up it would be like losing him all over again.

“How?” She asked him.

“Kivar’s men killed your father but Alex fled before they could kill him. Kivar has an army out looking for him. There are a few of us here still loyal to him who are also looking for him using our own resources. We believe he is still alive.” Valenti answered.


“What’s going on?” Michael said as he stormed into the barn, grabbing Alex by the neck and pushing him against the wall in the horses stall.

“Michael, what are you doing? Put him down.” Maria screamed.

“I heard you yell Maria. Thought you were in trouble. What’s going on?” He asked still holding Alex.

“Michael Guerin, do you realize that you are forcefully holding the King of Antar against the wall of barn?” she shouted in a raised tone but couldn’t help but smile. This whole situation was a bit funny.

“I’m what?” Michael asked dropping Alex immediately and looking at him confusion.
“I thought you were….I mean…and Maria screamed so…Oh what have I done” Michael rambled on covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.

“It is ok Michael” Alex said patting him on the shoulder. “I am just so grateful to have found Maria.” He said picking Maria up and enveloping her in another hug.

“Alex you are supposed to be dead.” She said enjoying the hug still trying to accept that her eyes were not deceiving her. “What happened?”

“It’s a long story.” He said with a smile.

“Let’s go have some tea then, shall we?” Michael said as they headed towards the kitchen.


Max let Valenti out of the room and closed the door behind him. Max walked over to the window where Liz was standing and stared at her with a smile. He put his hands on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze. When she turned to look at him her eyes were filled with such joy. When he had first met her she had been dealing with the death of her father and brother and Kivar’s betrayal but even then she was not filled with bitterness. She was filled with love and trust and it amazed him. This was the first time though that he had seen real hope and happiness in her eyes.

Max, Alex is alive. Can it really be true?” she smiled like a kid who had just opened her Christmas presents.

“I believe him.” Max said smiling.

“So do I. I don’t know why but I do.” Max took her hand and brought it to his lips in a soft kiss. “And your father is going to live”

“I know. We have so much to be thankful for beautiful, so much.” He said kissing her hand again.

“We have to find him Max, before Kivar does.” She said a pleading tone in her voice.

“We will. As soon as Michael and Maria get back that’s exactly what we will do.” He knew they would be leaving in the morning and it would take them almost 24 hours to travel back to Antar city.

“Liz.” Max said bending his head towards her so that his lips were just a few inches away.

“Yes?” Liz asked her heart beating so loud she could barely hear herself think.

“I can’t wait to be with you.”

“I feel the same.” She replied “But what if Tessa won’t let you out of the engagement?” she asked

“I don’t care. We can deal with her later.” He said wrapping her arms around her.

Just as their lips were about to touch the door opened and Liz and Max looked up to see Kivar enter the room.

“What is going on here?” He asked in a booming voice as Max and Liz jumped apart.

“A mouse. I saw a mouse” Liz replied thinking fast hoping Max would follow her lead.

“What?” Kivar asked. He didn’t even think Liz had a fear of rodents.

“I heard her screaming and came in to investigate. It turned out she was scared of a little mouse. It was really quite funny” Max said forcing a laugh.

“Did you find it?” Kivar asked.

“I did see it. It just ran by and Liz jumped into my arms in fear” Max said thinking he was dead. This was a pretty lame story and he doubted Kivar was buying it.

“Oh this is ridiculous. Go take your post outside Max. I need to speak to my wife alone” Kivar said turning towards Liz. His tone was so angry it made Liz’s blood run cold.

Max headed towards the door and looked back to see Liz looking at him with fear in her eyes, a look that begged him to stay. He mouthed the words sorry to her over his shoulder as he opened the door. He felt like he was dying a thousand deaths as he closed the door behind him and stood outside.
Last edited by maya on Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.