Communications (AU M/L Mature)A/N 6/1 [WIP]

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Post by Maxsgurl »

Sorry about the delay grandmother is not doing so well lately so the family got together to talk about it...and then to find out my grandfather is going in for his own cancer tests...RL is getting on my nerves :?
FamersAmers wrote:Pm you if I want it changed...hmmm you cares if someone wants it is your is great the way it is!!! *nods my head*

I AM FIRST AGAIN!!! wooot woot!!!!!!!
THEY ARE CHEATING!!!! That is what they are doing...they are cheating on each other with each other. If it wasnt them that they were cheating on I would be completly livid!! LOL...sorry you know me and the cheating :oops: sorry for the rant!

Oh I cant wait for when they deal with Suzy and Sam. And oye....I need to know...hint hint...LOL!!!

You know it is awesome!!! you are awesome!!! dont forget it

Lol Yes we both feel the same way about that Am's...but just to sound stupid here...they are cheating on each other lol. There is no justifying it but that's that lol. I'm soo glad everything is ok with you your PM and was jumping for joy..but those doctors...I wanna kill them myself!!
RASaero611 wrote:damn I was hoping I would be first cause I saw that you updated but didn't change the dates yet and got excited, but then read Love's Mistake and well here I am now.

I'm basically grinning like an idiot right now. Professor Van Nutton...what a nut, he was standing there watching them talk and then tried to brush it off as erasing the chalkboard?!! haha he's just a funny character.

Max and Liz are so cute, I can't wait for them to find out who they are in this project. I was kind of hoping they would exchange numbers and screen names and they would find out that way, but then that would ruin the surprise at the end of their story they're writing.

great update
Glad you liked Van Nutton and sorry your not first lol...everybody loves being first so I know how dissappointed you were lol. Lol they can't exchange screen names...that would be against the assignment. The students aren't supposed to give any information away that would let people know who they were online.
Vicki LVCM wrote:Aww! That was sweet! :D The Professor is a bit creepy with his voyeurism though.
Lol yes but who are we to object..he got our dreamers together!
vampyrax wrote:Prof. cupid deserves an apple and a big kiss for getting our dream couple back on track I hope they don't start feeling guilty again.
Lol I'll get the apple you can do the kiss alright?
Emz80m wrote:It was great Jen!!

i'm so happy that they are going to be together, i get the feeling that things are about to get reallly interesting!
Lol you are right about that!
tijuana_lady wrote: lol Yeah I don't post feedback that you're special. Image

Great update! I'm glad they're finally together. :D

Post more soon!
I can tell from your 11 posts!! Thanks for the kind words Jules!
obsession wrote:Girl, I don't know how I miss chapter 7 but I did. So sue me. I love both of them after reading it.

Thank you Dr. Van Nutton. He is like a blessing in disguise.

I so happy that they had their talk and planning to have their first date. My only question is What are they going to do with their cyber mates.

Can't wait for more.
Glad you caught up lol and the cyber mates will be discussed a little later.
taressa05 wrote:Look at old Van Nutton! He's so slick. Max and Liz will definitely have to send him an invite to the wedding.

I knew they were finally going to have to confront the issue of their online relationships. At least Liz is deciding to trust her heart and believe that it will work out even if she doesn't choose between one or the other. Alex and Maria sure were understanding, but between Tess and Isabel, Max can't catch a break. Once they find out he's decided to date Liz they're gonna explode. :lol:

Great update, and I look forward to the next one. Will we be seeing more of Sam and Suzy?

You will Dani, but not this update. I'm trying to make Isabel and Tess a little more understanding but you are right...those two are going to freak lol.
ChemChic wrote:YOU UPDATED!!!! YAY!!! oh my lord, what a wonderful part!! I am absolutely in love with the idea that Max and Liz are cheating on each other with, well, EACH OTHER...I mean, how adorable is that (and boy, what a story for the grandkids!! LOL!) I was really hoping that Max would give Liz his SN or visa versa...seeing how this is the information age, it's not that uncommon. But perhaps they might vent out their guilt through
'Sam' and 'Suzy's' assignment...and maybe figure a few things out along the way??? Oh well, I guess I can speculate all I want, but I'll just have to wait for the next chapter to find out if I'm right!!!!!

Don't keep us waiting too long...please come back soon!!!!!

Lol I'm back and I am so happy you are enjoying this! I love the idea that they are cheating on each other with each other as well lol...its so weird but I like it! Lol normally they probably would share SN but they can't becasue at the beginning of the class the teacher said when you talk to other students you can't give that because it goes against the assignment.
Topy458 wrote:That was AWESOME!! Max and Liz have such great chemistry together. I can't wait for their date; I bet it'll be steamy as usual...hehe.

Can't wait for the next part!! You're doing a great job!!

Jenna :D
Thanks Jenna!
RosyLady wrote:How cute! What are they gonna do now about Sam and Suzy? Quite a dilemma :lol:
Lol you will find out!
begonia9508 wrote:Great part! I guess they will feel really stupid the day they discover who are their internet passion.....

EVE :roll: :wink:
Lol stupid...I don't think that is the word I was hoping for lol
roswell3053 wrote:Great part!! I can't wait for an update.

I am glad that they havedecided to try dating. Now I just wonder how everything is going to go on the "on-line" side of things.

(PS: my name is Jennifer G. as well. We have a lot of things in common.)
Lol cool! I love Jennifer G's ha ha ha...I seriously have known like 5 in my life...6 with you!
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:Goodness, how did I end up a day late on this? Shame on me!

I still gots lots of lovely quotage for for you to enjoy...
Maxsgurl wrote:It had been a week since the night at the club. Liz had basically spent as much time as possible in her apartment. She admitted she was hiding; no question.
Well, at least she admits it lol. Come now, Liz, you don't have to hide! It's just Max. Tsk tsk, woman.
What happened with Max was only described as magical, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was that not 2 hours before Max and Liz kissed; she had told "Sam" that she liked him and they had started to date. It was only an on-line relationship for now, until they could meet in person after the assignment. But even if it was only an on-line relationship...why did she still feel like she just cheated on "Sam"?
You just got to love online relationships. Sadly (or not, depends how you look at it), I don't have much experience in that department besides the time when I was like 16 and I had an internet boyfriend...but we just won't get into that now. Anyway, the point here is that I sort of understand what she's talking about not wanting to cheat on him. It's hard to know where you stand when you don't even know what the guy looks like. Very complicated, I tell you. Woo, that was a long explaination lol.
"And your heart?" Alex asked complete concern in his eyes. He knows from experience that cheating can break someone's heart...then again Liz and "Sam" were not exclusive. "What does your heart tell you?"

"It's telling me not to choose." Liz tried to explain. "That will all work out."
Aww...poor Alex. I agree that Pam needs to pay. Did that sound as cynical to you as it did to me? Hmm...back to the matter at hand. I have one thing to say to Liz...FOLLOW YOUR HEART, WOMAN, FOLLOW YOUR HEART!
"You can't ride two horses with one ass Max." Tess said and Max looked at her strange.
HAHA! Man, I've never heard it put like that before. I need to get out more.
"Hey Max...two women at a time? Nice going man." Michael said as he walked into the room eating a bag of potato chips. Tess and Isabel both turned around and threw pillows at his head; neither missed. "Ouch. What did I say?"
Oh gosh, Micheal is so FUNNY! I love how he just comes in at the end of the conversation with some crude comment, and then the girls hit him! Classic.
"Hi." Liz said softly. She didn't know how or why she had gotten up and walked to Max...but she knew she had to talk to him. "Um listen...thanks for today. You know, for saving my butt...I don't know how I forgot about the passion."

"The passion?" Max asked confused...why did she phrase it like that? Was she talking about the passion that they had?

"Yea...I meant that I was forgetting that the third one was passion...the passion." Liz tried to explain...she didn?t mean to say the just popped out. "So..."
OH, she said THE passion. Not just passion, but THE passion. Max, being the confused man that he is, didn't quite pick up on it all the way. He got the hint, but he just didn't go with it. Tsk, tsk.
Liz watched as Professor Van Nutton quickly turned away from watching them and acted like he was erasing the board. Liz sighed and turned back to Max before she spoke. "Listen...can we go some where?" Liz asked and she quickly added. "To talk."
Oh, you just gotta love Professor Van Nutton. He's such a schemer!! Always plotting ways to get Max and Liz together. Hehe, good man, good man.
"Oh!!" Liz said as everything was clearing up. He thought that Alex was her boyfriend...because they were so close and she sat on his lap. "That was Alex." Liz said and she smiled when she saw Max scoff at the name. "He?s my best friend...not my boyfriend."
Haha, Max scoffed at Alex's name. Hehe, he is so very jealous indeed!
"Yeah...I just feel so stupid." Max said as he hung his head in embarrassment.
Aww...don't feel stupid Max. We all love that possesive, cave man like side of you!
"Good." Max said as he easily matched her grin. "Can we see where this takes us?"

"Yes." Liz said as she nodded her head profusely. She knew this was going to get complicated...but she had a really strong feeling it would all work out.
Hmm...are they dating now? I hope so because they need to get together! Haha, they are just so cute when they're getting together...or whatever they are now.
Max stopped a few centimeters from Liz's lips...letting her make the decision. Although they had kissed before...this was different and Max wanted to make sure Liz wanted it to happen as well.

Liz knew what he wanted her to do and she didn?t disappoint him. She moved in the last few centimeters and sealed their lips together. Liz sighed at the feeling of his lips on hers again...she had missed it.
OOh, that reminded me of that seen in Hitch where they trying to teach Albert how to kiss on the porch. Will Smith says that the guy goes 90% of the way and then the girl meets him the rest. Hmm...yeah, that was random, I just remembered that. I should, considering that I saw that movie three freaking times in the theater! But beside that, THEY KISSED! Pardon me while I do a quick happy dance.
"Sorry...I just...I...need" Max said as he cradled her face in his hands and kissed her goodnight sweetly. "Sorry...I just really needed to do that."
Aww...he really needed to kiss her! Yes!

Alrighty, I think that is it for today. Woo, that's quite a bit. Eh, I had a lot to say! Lol, hope the next part comes soon!

Awesome part!!
HA HA HA!! the kiss thing was from HITCH Good job!! And I'm glad you did a dance that they kissed lol I am too!
neck wrote:I know it still will take some while until they find out that they are online partners, but I really can't wait for that. Until then I am really curious how it all will work out and how they will act as Suzy and Sam now.
Lol thanks Nina but I don't think I've heard from you before sooo WELCOME!!!
Earth2Mama wrote:Oh boy! This is getting good :) So, they are dating on line and in RL. Hmmm...I smell something afoot, and it smells good! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Post more soon :D
I feel out of my chair when I read "it smells good!" Lol don't know why but I found that part rather histerical!
roswellian504 wrote:I keep wondering how are they going to do this. Both Max & Liz seem guilty about cheating on Sam & Suzy but this is too confusing. How are they suppose to keep things up but NOT let each other know it's them?
Lol yes it is confusing and thats where the fun comes in!
BehrObsession wrote:That was wonderful. I'm so glad that they decided to give it a try. As much as they feel guilty about the "online relationships", there is just too much attraction between them to ignore. Can't wait to read more!
Thanks and you got it! They both know what they are doing is wrong...but they are so attracted to each other that they can't help it
Lol wow...2 Vicki? I'm shocked!
kismet wrote:Liz lissen to your heart. I think that the professor is having fun with them in the good way :wink: Taking them to the right direction when they seem to lose it.
This story is really funny. Keep up the good work and update soon :lol:
Thank you!! I agree with you that Liz needs to follow her heart!
stargrl678 wrote:i love it I can't wait to see when they find out!
FamersAmers wrote: I am a little worried :? !! Come back soon!!
Sorry Ams! I didn't mean to worry you!
RASaero611 wrote:come back soon please!!
Lol sorry I'm back!

Chapter 9

The next day Max called Liz just as he had planned. He had organized a perfect evening for them and now he just needed to let Liz know about it.

“Hello?” Maria asked when she picked up the phone. She normally didn’t answer the phone but Liz was busy making breakfast for them, so she decided to be nice and help out.

“Hi, is Liz there?” Max asked the girl who he assumed was Liz’s roommate. They had talked about the fact that neither of them lived alone right now at the café the night before.

“Who is calling?” Maria asked as she got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen to hand the phone to Liz.

“Max Evans.”

“Max?” Maria repeated. When she heard the name she stopped dead in her tracks…the hot stalker guy?

“Yeah. Liz told me to call her last night…to let her know about the plans for our date tonight.” Max explained. This girl seemed surprised that he was calling.

“Hold please.” Maria said as she covered the mouth piece and walked into the kitchen. “A Max Evans is on the phone for you.”

“Really?” Liz said with a smile as she turned the stove down to low. She wiped her hands on a towel and reached out for the phone but Maria pulled it back. “What?”

“Since when do you have hot stalker guys calling you?” Maria questioned and Liz rolled her eyes before she lunged for the phone.

“Since today.” Liz answered as she stuck her tongue out at her roommate.

“Really mature Liz.” Maria scolded as she walked out of the kitchen so that Liz could answer her call in privacy.

“Hello?” Liz said into the phone. She was happy he called…he said he would…but she was just happy all together. Maria was noticing something as well. Liz never made breakfast for the both of them…but today she just up and offered because she was in such a good mood.

“Hey Liz…its Max.” Max said calmly. He knew his voice sounded calm, but he was really a big ball of nerves. He was worried that his plans would fall through or that Liz wouldn’t like it at all. “How are you?”

“Hey! I’m great now.” Liz said with a dreamy tone. “How are you?”

“Great now as well.” Max replied. After a few minutes of comfortable silence he cleared his throat. “Well…I was wondering if it would be ok for me to pick you up at 6:00 tonight?”

“6:00 is fine.” Liz commented with a huge smile on her face. “So where we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” Max said as he chuckled. “Just wear something comfortable….casual.”

“Casual? So my outfit that I wore to the club is out huh?” Liz joked and she could have sworn she heard Max growl.

“Definitely out.” Max said as he bared his teeth…he didn’t want anybody to see Liz in that again; he hoped he would be the only one ever seeing that much of her. “It looked hot on you…but not where we are going.”

“And where is that?” Liz tried to wheedle it out of him again but Max was to smart for her.

“Nope sorry. Not going to happen.” Max said with a chuckle. He looked towards the front door when he heard Michael putting his keys in the lock signaling his return from the grocery store. “Hey…I got to go. But I’ll pick you up at 6 ok?”

“Yeah that sounds good.” Liz said and they both said goodbye before they hung up.

“Well?” Liz quickly turned to the location of the voice.

“JEEZ MARIA!!” Liz yelled as she clutched the phone to her chest and tried to regulate her breathing. “You scared the shit out of me!”

“Sorry.” Maria said and she raised her eyebrows. “Well?”

“Well what Maria?” Liz responded as she pushed past her roommate and headed into the front room to place the phone back on its holder.

“Why was Max the stalker calling you Liz.” Maria asked and Liz sighed before she fell back on the couch.

“Because I told him to when I gave him my number.” Liz responded easily. She knew Maria was going to freak.

“You gave him our number!! Liz why would you do that! Now he can find out where we live!!” Maria yelled at her naïve roommate. Liz obviously didn’t understand the danger of stalkers.

“He already knows where we live.” Liz added and she continued when Maria’s jaw dropped to the floor. “He walked me home last night.”

“Is that why you were out late? You were with him?” Maria accused and Liz sat up quickly.

“What is wrong with you Ria! A week ago you were all for me dating Max, now that I am you don’t want me too…what changed?” Liz questioned her best friend.

“Nothing I just--” Maria started to say but she stopped. “Dating? You’re dating him now?”

“We decided to see where our relationship can take us, yes.” Liz said as she nodded her head and went back to the kitchen to finish breakfast.

“I hope you know what your doing Liz.” Maria sighed as she shook her head at Liz.

Liz was pissed now. She threw the spatula in the pan and turned towards Maria. “You know what Maria? I’m tired of this shit! You know exactly how I feel about all this…I sat up all night and explained it to you and Alex. I don’t know what is up your ass right now…but don’t take it out on me.” Liz said as she pushed by her roommate intending to head to her bedroom but she stopped and addressed Maria. “I have been there for you no matter what I thought about your decisions…I never judged and I always supported you. The one time in our friendship when I really just need to know that you are there for me…you act like a bitch. I don’t need that, especially from you.”


“Hey Mike.” Max said as he met his roommate in the kitchen. “I won’t be here for dinner tonight.”

“What? Why not?” Michael asked as he placed the groceries in the refrigerator. He grabbed two apples and walked to the faucet to wash them off. “Where you going?”

“Out with Liz.” Max responded as he grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and took a drink. “Picking her up at 6.”

“Cool.” Michael said as he dried off the apples. “So you finally decided to ask her out.”

“Yeah…kind of just happened.” Max said with a shrug.

“What do you mean it just happened? If you’re kissing a girl on the dance club, they usually think that means something.” Michael said with a smirk.

“Shut up.” Max said with a blush. He looked up just in time to catch the apple that Michael threw directly at his face. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Michael replied as he took a bite of his apple. “So where you taking her?”

“Out for some fun.” Max said as he bite into his own apple. “From what she’s told me she doesn’t get out for fun that often, so I decided to force her out.”

“An Interesting approach.” Michael said with a nod.

“I thought so.” Max said with a smirk. “So what about that girl you danced with at the club.”

“The blonde? She was on fire.” Michael said as he thought about the fiery blonde that he stole from Liz for a dance. “Her name is Maria.”

“That’s Liz’s roommate’s name.” Max added as he recalled the information that he got form Liz at the café.

“Well they were there together…its very possible for them to be roomies.” Michael commended. “We’ve never dated roommates before have we?”

“No we haven’t.” Max said as he thought about the possibilities. “This should be interesting.”

“Well we wouldn’t have to worry about where we are going to sleep.” Michael theorized. “You and Liz could be here….and Maria and I stay at their apartment.”

“Don’t you think you are a little bit too hopeful here?” Max asked as he addressed his stereotypical male roommate. “I haven’t even picked Liz up for our first date…and you haven’t even talked to Maria again.”

“Hey…I’m just going on experience.” Michael said and Max raised an eyebrow at him to continue. “I’ve heard you in action before Max…and as much fun as it sounds for the people involved, its not pretty for those who are trying to sleep.”

“God Michael your sick!” Max commended as he thought about the fact that his friend had heard him having sex. “But you do have a point. When I know you are going to have a girl over, I usually try to stay out of the house until you pass out.”

“And we both know that can take a while.” Michael said with a smug smile.

“Whatever dude.” Max said as he threw away his apple core and headed to take a shower. “Ok. I’m getting ready.”

“Ok…have fun tonight.” Michael said and after Max walked out of the room Michael called back to him. “Hey! If you see Maria…tell her I say hi!”


Liz was sitting on her bed watching the first season of her favorite television show, One Tree Hill, when she heard a knock at the door. “Yeah.”

“Hey.” Maria said as she opened the door and headed into Liz’s room.

“Hi.” Liz said coldly never turning from the television.

“Wow…you really are pissed at me.” Maria assessed as she walked over to the bed and picked up a handful of chocolate wrappers. She knew from experience that when Liz was angry she sat in her room watching T.V. and eating chocolate. From the looks of this room, Liz had pulled out her heart break stash…snickers bars.

“I think I have a right to be.” Liz said as she grabbed another chocolate bar and ripped the wrapper off before shoving it in her mouth. She turned quickly when she felt Maria sit down on the bed next to her. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

“I’m apologizing.” Maria said sincerely. She let out a relieved breath when Liz turned of the T.V. and turned to her. “What?”

“I’m waiting.” Liz said as she gesture to Maria to continue.

“Liz…I’m sorry.” Maria said as she hung her head. “I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way. I had to right saying those things. You were right…I should have supported you. You’ve always been there for me…and it was horrible for me to not be there for you. I’m so sorry Liz.”

“I don’t understand Maria.” Liz said as she crossed her arms over her chest and tried not to cry. She wasn’t so much angry at Maria…but hurt. Her best friend didn’t support her and it hurt more than any guy ever had. “What did I do wrong to make you second guess my decisions.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong, I did.” Maria confessed and she reached up and wiped away a tear as it fell down her cheek. “I’m jealous.”

“Of what?!?” Liz asked shocked. Maria was beautiful…she had no reason to be jealous of anybody. If she was honest, Liz was always jealous of the attention that Maria got; she always felt plain and boring compared to her roommate.

“Of you.” Maria said softy as she played with Liz’s bedspread. “You have these two amazing guys that like you…and I have no one.”

“Oh Ria.” Liz said as she pulled her friend into a hug. “Just because you think you have no one, doesn’t mean that he isn’t out there. You’re so beautiful and one day the perfect guy is going to notice that and you will have someone.” Liz said as she pulled away and wiped Maria’s eyes. “And the thing with me having two guys….not as nice as it sounds, believe me.”

“Right.” Maria chuckled. “But you’re happy that you’re going out with Max tonight right?”

“Yeah.” Liz said with a dreamy tone that didn’t go unnoticed by Maria. “He’s really really great. I really like him, and he feels the same.”

“You sooo kissed him didn’t you!!” Maria asked and she laughed when Liz blushed. “I knew it! Ok…so tell me when and where.”

“Well…um which kiss do you want to know about?” Liz asked shyly which caused Maria to laugh even louder.

“How about the first one.”

“On the dance floor at the club.” Liz confessed. “After you left me to dance with that spiky haired guy, Max came up and asked me to dance.”

“See…told you that you would enjoy the club.” Maria added with a smirk.

“Yeah, you were right.” Liz said as she rolled her eyes. “Anyway, we danced and then we kissed….it was perfect.”

“Wow…” Maria said and she laughed when she realized her own voice had taken on the dreamy tone that Liz had. “So how many other kisses have there been since then?”

“4 I think.” Liz said as she tried to think back…they all kind of melted together after that first one that blew her socks off. “They were all just so….magical.”

“I bet.” Maria said with a smirk. “I haven’t’ seen you this dreamy since Doug…back in the 9th grade.”

“Oh no.” Liz said as she shook her head. “I love Doug and all…but he holds nothing on Max’s kisses.

“Nice.” Maria said and she quickly jumped up. “Now that we are all caught up…lets pick you something out that will knock Max’s socks off!”

The girls giggled and squealed as they ran to Liz’s closet to find something for her to wear.

TBC...the date is in the next chapter...I will be back before Sunday unless some weird un earthly disaster happens...maybe Aliens? Lets pray they are hot like the Roswellians right? Speaking of Roswellians...COME CHECK OUT A ROSWELLIAN'S FANTASIES!! Lol...did you like that segway (sp)?
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Post by Maxsgurl »

It is SUNDAY!! Hello all! I hope you have all had a great week! Here is the M/L I hope you like it!
Sternbetrachter wrote:
“Ok…have fun tonight.” Michael said and after Max walked out of the room Michael called back to him. “Hey! If you see Maria…tell her I say hi!”
he wants her! :lol: I can see that there might be some M/M action coming which only leaves the A/I open then :lol:
Lol Yes Michael does want her!!
RASaero611 wrote:yay! you're back!!! :D :D

loved the update...both of them getting ready for their date. haha Michael complaining about when Max has slept with someone how he has to hear it was funny. and he's already planning on them both dating Maria and Liz so they don't have a problem where to stay at night.

great update
can't wait to see what happens on the date
Thank you!
Earth2Mama wrote:Yeah! They are going out on their first official date. :) Hmmm...Liz doesn't get out much, so it's a fun theme in store for tonight. I wonder what Max has got up his sleeve. :wink:

Excellent update! Post more when you can :D
Thank you and I hope you like the date!
vampyrax wrote:Great part can't wait for the date. Since you gave the apples to Max and Michael instead of the Prof can I kiss them instead? I would much prefer that. Come back with more soon.
Oh man...fine you can kiss them lol! I get the old man!
youre my dreamgirl wrote:That was a cute part. I loved when Max and Liz were talking on the phone :D Can't wait to see what Max has in store for their date....
I believe you are new to the story sooo...WELCOME!! I hope you like it!
begonia9508 wrote:Liz was right to put Maria in her place!.... to be friend with a girl doesn't give you the right to spitfully critizise! Treat your friend the way you like to be treated!

EVE :wink:
Vicki LVCM wrote:Aww! That was cute! :D Sunday? Can we bribe you to come back sooner? :D
Lol sorry...I tried to get back sooner but RL and school got in the way. I'm posting during a study break...I've been reading about evolution and darwin for the last 3 hours...eww.
poisoned_muffin wrote:I just found this fic and I absolutely love it. It's funny and fresh. So Max and Liz are dating and cheating on each other with each other. :lol:
“Hey…I’m just going on experience.” Michael said and Max raised an eyebrow at him to continue. “I’ve heard you in action before Max…and as much fun as it sounds for the people involved, its not pretty for those who are trying to sleep.”

“God Michael your sick!” Max commended as he thought about the fact that his friend had heard him having sex. “But you do have a point. When I know you are going to have a girl over, I usually try to stay out of the house until you pass out.”
Max is right, Michael is sick. :lol:
HEY!! WELCOME TO THE STORY!! Glad you like it and yes Michael is sick lol
ChemChic wrote:YOU CAME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a great chapter. I'm really glad to see our favorite podsters acting like normal human beings. There are way too many fan fics where Max is WAAY too saintly and Liz and Maria don't seem to have any opinions that differ. Great job bringing real life into the world of our favorite martians!!!

Thanks for updating


great work!

Of course I came back for my readers! Glad you like the way I wrote the characters...means so much to me! And nookie will not be in this chapter....but it is coming just HANG on ok?
obsession wrote:Their first date as a couple. I can't wait.

Please come back soon.
Thank you and I'm back!
roswellian504 wrote:That was good. Michael is SO male. Already figuring out where everyone will sleep when he hasn't even spoken to Maria since the club.
Lol yes Michael is really male!
Topy458 wrote:That was great, nice and long!! :D So, I wonder where Max is going to be taking Liz on their date? I'm glad Maria and Liz were able to resolve everything. Liz was right to get mad at her, but I'm happy they worked it all out.

Can't wait for the next part! Great job once again! :D

Thanks Jenna! Glad you liked it...all my parts are starting to get longer lol but I know the readers are not complaining!
Emz80m wrote:great part Jen

I'm so glad that Liz called Maria on her bitchiness
Hey Emma thanks! I am soo sorry I haven't sent you parts in like a month lol. I keep reminding myself to do it and then Sunday is here and I didn't email you...I will get you the next part though so don't worry!
BehrObsession wrote:Loved the new part. I'm as curious as Liz about Max's plans for their date. Maria needs to be there when Max comes to pick up Liz so she can get her "hi" from Michael. Can't wait to read more!

Lol thank you and here is the date!

GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:Yay, a new part! As expected, I've got a bit of quotage for you to enjoy.
Maxsgurl wrote:"Since when do you have hot stalker guys calling you?" Maria questioned and Liz rolled her eyes before she lunged for the phone.
Lol, Max the hot stalker. At least he's a hot stalker and not a fugly one. I mean, if you have a stalker, wouldn't you want him to look like Max?
"Casual? So my outfit that I wore to the club is out huh?" Liz joked and she could have sworn she heard Max growl.

"Definitely out." Max said as he bared his teeth...he didn?t want anybody to see Liz in that again; he hoped he would be the only one ever seeing that much of her. "It looked hot on you...but not where we are going."
Haha, he growled!! Woo, Max is mighty possessive, ain't he? It just makes him all the more likeable though!!
"You gave him our number!! Liz why would you do that! Now he can find out where we live!!" Maria yelled at her naïve roommate. Liz obviously didn?t understand the danger of stalkers.

"He already knows where we live." Liz added and she continued when Maria's jaw dropped to the floor. "He walked me home last night."

"Is that why you were out late? You were with him?" Maria accused and Liz sat up quickly.

"What is wrong with you Ria! A week ago you were all for me dating Max, now that I am you don't want me too...what changed?" Liz questioned her best friend.
Maria's behavior had me a bit confused. I mean, I figured that she'd be happy for Liz. Lol, it's just too funny when she thinks Max is a stalker.
"Well they were there together...its very possible for them to be roomies." Michael commended. "We've never dated roommates before have we?"

"No we haven't." Max said as he thought about the possibilities. "This should be interesting."

"Well we wouldn't have to worry about where we are going to sleep." Michael theorized. "You and Liz could be here....and Maria and I stay at their apartment."
Haha, Micheal's already planning where they'll sleep, and he has yet to ask Maria out. Lol, jumping the gun indeed!
" really are pissed at me." Maria assessed as she walked over to the bed and picked up a handful of chocolate wrappers. She knew from experience that when Liz was angry she sat in her room watching T.V. and eating chocolate. From the looks of this room, Liz had pulled out her heart break stash...snickers bars.
Don't we all have a heart break stash, lol? However, I prefer Reese's PB Cups. Good stuff.
"You didn't do anything wrong, I did." Maria confessed and she reached up and wiped away a tear as it fell down her cheek. "I'm jealous."

"Of what?!?" Liz asked shocked. Maria was beautiful...she had no reason to be jealous of anybody. If she was honest, Liz was always jealous of the attention that Maria got; she always felt plain and boring compared to her roommate.
Hmmm, I sort of figured that she was jealous. That kinda sucks. She should ask Micheal out! Then they can plan the sleeping arrangements!!
"4 I think." Liz said as she tried to think back...they all kind of melted together after that first one that blew her socks off. "They were all just so....magical."

"I bet." Maria said with a smirk. "I haven't seen you this dreamy since Doug...back in the 9th grade."

"Oh no." Liz said as she shook her head. "I love Doug and all...but he holds nothing on Max's kisses.
Aww...she's dreamy! Well, it's good to know that she prefers Max's kisses over Doug's. That would've just been plain wrong if it was the other way around!!

Alrighty, I think that's it for this part. I definitely can't wait until the date!! Can't wait to see what Max has up his sleeve to sweep Liz off her feet!!
I prefer Reeses as well!! Cool! Yes we all like a little possesive Max don't we? I like that Michael is jumping the gun lol...most guys do don't they?
stargrl678 wrote:great part!! I can't wait for Liz and Max's first date!!
Thank you! And I'm back with the date! I believe you are new sooo WELCOME!!
kismet wrote:Can't wait to see what Max has planned for the date.
Michel was so funny, arranging their places to sleep and all :lol: He should firs ask Maria out.
Yes Michael should ask Maria out first but guys usually don't think like that lol.

Chapter 10

Liz was putting her lip gloss in her purse and double checking her hair when the intercom buzzed.

“Yes?” Liz said as she held the button to talk to the person down stairs. She knew it was Max, but it was a formality.

“Hey Liz, it’s Max. You ready?” Max asked into the intercom. He couldn’t wait to see her again. He had seen her in class and at the café…but this was different, they were going on a date.

“Yup. Come on up. I’m in 3G.” Liz said as she pressed the button to unlock the door for a few seconds and then released it before heading into the living room. “So you going to be ok by yourself tonight?”

“Totally.” Maria said as she stuffed some popcorn into her mouth. “There’s a dukes of Hazard marathon on…so I thought I’d check that out.”

“Sounds like fun.” Liz said sarcastically and she headed back to the door when she heard Max knock; she was shocked when she opened the door and saw him. He looked amazing in his dark jeans and his tight gray muscle shirt. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself.” Max said but he couldn’t form any other words since she opened the door. She looked stunning…she was wearing low-rising, hip hugger jeans and a fitted light blue t-shirt. She had curled the ends of her hair under and added a sheer red lip gloss that was begging Max to lick it off. “You look amazing.”

“Thanks. So you do.” Liz said as she opened the door wider. “Why don’t you come in for a minute.”

“Sure.” Max said with a smile as he walked in and looked around. He could tell that Liz and her roommate were very different from the decorating in the hallway. “You have a beautiful place.”

“We try.” Liz said as she walked down the hall towards the living room with Max following her. “It’s hard to find anything that Maria and I agree on.”

“That’s because you have no taste.” Maria said and her eyes widened when she turned and saw Max. “Or maybe you do.”

“Maria…” Liz warned, knowing exactly what Maria thought looked good. “This is Max. Max this is my roommate Maria.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you.” Maria said as she stood up and shook Max’s hand.

“Likewise. I’ve heard a lot about you…and it wasn’t all from Liz.” Max said and he continued when both girls looked at him confused. “Apparently you danced with my roommate Michael at the club last week.”

“Spiky Mikey is your roomie?” Maria asked and she smiled when Max nodded. “This could turn out to be very interesting.”

“Yeah, that’s what he said.” Max agreed. He could tell just from talking to Maria for a few moments that she and Michael could definitely working out well. “Well he told me to say hi.”

“Tell him I say hi back…and to call me sometime, since you got the number already.” Maria said and she went back to her show.

“Ok…so you ready?” Liz asked as she grabbed her jacket and stood in front of Max.

“Yup, you?” Max asked as he put his arm out for Liz to take.

“Always.” She replied as she threaded her arm threw his and they walked out the apartment and down to Max’s jeep. “Nice.”

“Thanks. It’s not the newest thing around, but it gets me from point A to B.” Max explained as he started the engine and pulled out of the parking space.

“And where is that point B tonight.” Liz inquired but it really didn’t matter. As long as she was with Max…nothing else mattered. Liz hadn’t even thought about the love triangle she was in at all today, she just wanted to be with Max because when she was…everything else just faded away.

“It’s a surprise.” Max said with a smile. He was so excited to be with Liz….he couldn’t remember a time that he had felt so at peace. Max had dated before…but he had never wanted to be a girl 24 hours a day…Max wanted Liz to be near him at all times.

“Ok.” Liz said trustfully. Never had it crossed her mind that she was in a car, alone with a guy she barely knew…Max was an honest guy.

“So Maria seems like fun.” Max observed. He definitely was going to get Michael to call her the next time he saw him. It would be a completely new experience for them to date roommates. In the past when they had dated girls, it was an issue because the girls rarely got along. But this time would be different, not only were the girls roommates, but they had been best friends since birth so they easily got along.

“Oh she is.” Liz said with a laugh. “She told me about Michael…but it never clicked that he was your roommate.”

“Well to tell you the truth the only reason I knew that you and Maria knew each other was because I was watching you dance together…so I had a little hint before Michael mentioned her.” Max explained and he blushed when he saw Liz staring at him with a strange twinkle in her eyes. “What?”

“So, you were watching me dance with Maria huh?” Liz teased and she chuckled as Max’s eyes widened and he blushed.

“I uh…no, I was just watching the dance floor, and then you walked in.” Max said as he gestured across his chest. “And then you danced over there.” Max said as he pointed to the other side of the car. He turned to Liz and took a deep breath. “Ok…yes. I was watching you dance…I couldn’t help it; you were captivating.”

“Thanks.” Liz said as she blushed and tried to hide her face with her hair. She jumped slightly when she felt a hand touch her cheek and she looked up at Max.

“Sorry.” Max said as he gently pushed the hair behind her ear. “I just…wanted to see you….touch you.”

“No need to apologize.” Liz said softly as she leaned into his caressing hand. “Max…”

“Hmmm.” Max said as he leaned in to her with the intention to taste her lips…when the car behind them honked to signal the light change. “Sorry. We should go.”

“Yeah.” Liz said as she tried to calm herself down from their near kisses. There was something about his lips…his tongue, that drove Liz wild; she couldn’t get enough.

“We’re here.” Max said as he pulled into the parking lot and found a spot. “What do you think?”

“What is this place?” Liz asked as she stared out the window at the huge building with the name Dave and Busters in bright letters.

“It’s an adult arcade.” Max said as he got out of the Jeep and walked to Liz’s door to let her out; he frowned when he opened the door and saw her worried face. “What’s the matter?”

“An adult arcade?” Liz asked with wide eyes, she had never been to an adult…well anything. “Like…strippers?”

“What?” Max asked with a chuckle when she asked about the strippers. “No…not that kind of adult arcade. It has an arcade, restaurant, and a bar…hence the adult part.”

“Oh.” Liz said with a blush and she giggled as she thought about her comment. “I feel so stupid.”

“Don’t. Honest mistake.” Max explained as he held out his hand for Liz to take which she did with out hesitation as they walked towards the building. “I just thought this would be a new thing for you.”

“Oh it definitely is.” Liz agreed and when she felt Max squeeze her hand she turned to him.

“Is that bad?” Max asked worried that she didn’t want to be there. He wanted her to have fun, but he didn’t want her to hate it or be uncomfortable.

“No! It’s good…very good.” Liz assured Max as they reached the front doors which Max held open for her. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Max said as he put his hand on the small of Liz’s back to lead her into the arcade. “So you want to eat or play first?”

“Let’s play.” Liz said as she turned to Max whose eyes had taken on a dark tint….she hadn’t meant for it to sound husky; but it had. “I need to build up an appetite.”

“Right.” Max said as he swallowed at the thought of other activates that could build up her appetite. “So game room is this way.”


“HA HA!! I won again!” Liz said as she threw herself into Max’s arms and kissed his cheek. “Are you sure you aren’t letting me win?”

“Oh believe me…I’d love to say that I’m letting my date beat me at skeeball, but I can’t.” Max said with a chuckle when Liz smiled. “So…what’s the score now?”

“From my calculations it’s 10 games for me to your 3 games.” Liz announced with a huge grin and Max just shook his head before he grabbed her hand.

“So sad.” Max admitted. “Here I am…I’m an athletic guy, I work out…but yet I’m getting beaten by my little petite date.”

“Hey!!” Liz said trying to act offended but she broke it by laughing instead. “I’m not going to let that bug me.”

“Good.” Max said as they started to walk out of the arcade. “So you worked up that appetite yet?”

“Yes! I’m starving!” Liz agreed and they headed to the restaurant.


“Thank you Max…I had a lot of fun tonight.” Liz said as Max walked her up to her apartment. She had never had so much fun before…it was just an arcade, but it was a completely new experience with Max.

“I had a lot of fun too.” Max admitted with a smile as he held Liz’s hand. It still amazed him how small she was in comparison to him. The size difference made him want to keep her safe forever.

“Yeah?” Liz asked shyly as she leaned back against her apartment door with a smirk. “You had fun on our date?”

“Yes.” Max said as he placed his left arm on the door next to Liz’s head and leaned into her. “And you had fun too.”

“Definitely.” Liz said softly as she watched Max lean in closer and she licked her lips in preparation for his startling kiss.

“Good.” Max said as he watched Liz lick her lips and he groaned. “Liz.”

“Max.” Liz moaned and Max cross the few centimeter between them and kissed her passionately.

“Hmmm…you taste incredible.” Max said as he ripped his lips from Liz’s mouth and started to nip and lick her delicate neck. He groaned when Liz started to run her fingers threw his hair; holding him against her.

“Don’t stop.” Liz panted as Max nipped an extremely sensitive area of her neck. “Don’t ever stop.”

“Liz…” Max groaned as he returned to her lips and started to feast on them. He started to move his hands from their position on her hips up her stomach; his intention was very clear. Just as his hands reached the bottom of her breasts they broke apart and stared into each others eyes…both hoping the other was ok with this. “Liz?”

“Yes.” Liz said as she placed her hands on Max’s and lifted them a little to show him she was ok with what was going on. Liz used her free hand to pull Max back against her and they kissed gently as they leaned all their weight on the door.

Max knew they shouldn’t be doing this, not here, not in the hallway; but he couldn’t stop. Everything about Liz was intoxicating and he just couldn’t control himself when he was around her. Max’s hand slowly reached Liz’s breast and he gently placed his palm over it and started to massage the mound. He smiled against her mouth when Liz moaned and pushed her chest towards him; urging him to continue. Max moved his hand down to the helm of Liz’s shirt teasing the flesh of her stomach with his fingers. He was about to push his hand all the way under her shirt when the door behind them opened and they quickly lost their balance and fell though the threshold landing hard on the floor.

“Ouch.” Liz said from under Max and they both started to crack up. “Hi.”

“Hi back.” Max said with a smirk and he was about to lean down and kiss her again when someone cleared their throat and the couple quickly remembered what happened and looked up. “Michael?”

“Hey Max.” Michael asked as he didn’t even try to hide his smirk after finding his roommate on top of a girl on the floor. “Interesting night?”

“You can say that.” Max said as he stared at his roommate in his girlfriend’s apartment. “What are you doing here?” But before Michael could respond Maria came around the corner and she seemed shocked to see them.

“Micha—Liz? Max? What happened?” Maria said as she rushed forward to get a better look. “Why are you on the floor?”

“We were leaning on the door when Michael opened it and we fell.” Liz explained and Max nodded.

“Ok…but why were you leaning on the door?” Maria asked and she watched Max and Liz stare at each other for a moment.

“Those details are not important.” Max added and Liz blushed under him.

“Right.” Michael said trying to not laugh. He could easily see what these two had been doing just from looking at them. “So…you must be Liz.”

“Oh sorry.” Max said as he got on his knees and helped Liz up. “Liz this is my roommate Michael; Michael this is Liz.”

“It’s very nice to meet you Michael.” Liz said as she got up and held her hand out for Michael to shake.

“You too.” Michael said with a smirk as he shook Liz’s hand. “So you have a fun time?”

“Yeah, we had a lot of fun.” Liz said as she and Max shared a secret glance. “We went to Dave and Busters.”

“Dave and Busters?” Maria asked shocked. “You went to Dave and Busters?”

“Yeah why?” Max asked concerned by Maria’s question. He had a sudden fear that Maria was not going to approve of him taking Liz to the arcade for their date.

“I would never have thought little Lizzie would have been anywhere near an adult arcade.” Maria said as she sent shocked and slightly appalled looks towards Liz. “You remember what Kyle told us about that place.”

“Its not an adult arcade Maria. It’s an arcade for adults.” Liz said as she pulled Max into the apartment and shut the door behind her. If the four of them were going to sit around and talk, it wasn’t going to be in the hallway. Liz lead the foursome into the living room and sat down on the couch instantly snuggling next to Max while Maria and Michael got cozy on the love seat. “Besides…you shouldn’t believe everything Kyle tells you.”

“Who’s Kyle?” Max asks to the girls. He could easily tell that whoever this “Kyle” was, Liz didn’t seem to like him to much.

“He’s a dick among other things.” Liz stated. She looked to Max and saw his stunned expression so with a sigh she continued. “Kyle is an ex of mine.”

“Who just happens to be my step-brother.” Maria said as she pointed to one of the pictures on the table between the two couples. Michael reaches forward and picks up the picture. “That’s my mom’s wedding picture which is also known as our demented family picture. That’s Jim Valenti who is Kyle’s dad, my mom, Liz ,Kyle, and then me and Billy Darden.”

“That picture was taken before the other shoe dropped.” Liz said sadly and she smiled at Max when she felt him rub her lower back.

“You look beautiful.” Max said to Liz as he examined the picture. Liz was gorgeous in a deep red dress, only problem was the guy standing behind her with his arms around Liz’s waist. “I’m guessing that’s Kyle?”

“Yup. We dated for almost 4 years…all through high school.” Liz explained as she stared at the picture…they truly were happy then. “But it obviously didn’t work…and now Kyle can’t let go.”

“But it’s been a year at least right?” Max asked worried that Liz might go back to Kyle.

“Yes it has, but every time we visit home, the idiot shows up trying to win Liz’s heart back.” Maria said as she rolls her eyes, she was so glad that she was only related to him by marriage and not blood. “His reasoning is that if Liz isn’t seeing anybody then she hasn’t moved on.”

“Well, you have now.” Max said as he leaned over and kissed Liz gently. He smiled when they pulled away and Liz blushed. “I should get going…it’s late.”

“Right.” Liz said not even hiding her disappointment that their night was ending. “It is getting late.”

“You coming Michael?” Max asked as he got up and walked with Liz to the door.

“Sure.” Michael said and he and Maria followed suit. “It was good seeing you Maria.”

“That’s right! I totally forgot to ask…what are you doing here Michael” Max asked and he watched Michael and Maria share a glance before they both shrugged their shoulders.

“I found their number in your room and called Maria. She said she wasn’t doing anything so I came over to hang out.” Michael explained easily. “No big deal.”

“No, but we do have a date next week.” Maria said with a bright smile and Michael blushed.

“Yes we do.” Michael said and he leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’ll call you later.”

“Bye!” Maria yelled out the door and Michael left; she turned and went to her room to leave Max and Liz alone.

“So…” Liz said and Max just leaned in and kissed her. “Well…that takes care of the uncomfortable silence.”

“Good night Liz. I’ll call you in the morning ok.” Max as he pecked her lips again and then walked down the hall to catch up with Michael.

“WOW.” Liz said as she leaned against the door with her fingers on her lips.

“Ok…spill.” Maria said as she walked out of her room in her pj’s. “What is Dave and busters really like?”

TBC...see you next week! And I'm seeing some nookie in the near future...just to warn you :wink: :twisted:
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hey is the next part with Nookie!! I hope you enjoy it and the next part will be mostly Suzy and Sam so...for those of you who have been missing them....they are coming back!
poisoned_muffin wrote:
“That’s because you have no taste.” Maria said and her eyes widened when she turned and saw Max. “Or maybe you do.”
That part made me giggle. :lol:

Their date was so perfect. Very dreamy.

Can't wait for that nookie. :twisted:
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! Hope you enjoy the nookie!
vampyrax wrote:Wow great date I really love their chemistry very steamy. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!
obsession wrote:Oh, I can't believe Max took Liz to Dave and Busters on their first date. I love that place. There is so many game to chose from and it is even hypotizing to watch other people play.

Woo, those two are getting close. Can't wait to see what their relationship is going to blossom to.

Ciao until next week.
I've never been to Dave and sad I know! All my friends and my bro have been but I have yet to make the trip...some day!
FamersAmers wrote:Ok can we say ass again!!! I forgot to leave feedback the last time :oops: ...sorry!!

So that was great...and they have great chemistry together. I love dave and Busters and i love skeeball!!! That was an awesome date...good times!!!

I cant wait to see where this is going...and you are killing me not knowing about Sam and Suzy and how heart broken they both are going to be...although at this point in time...I think Sam and Suzy will be just still sucks!! cause even though they are both cheating...hmm i dont know what I am trying to say!! :D

great was awesome!! and so are you!!!

werent your supposed to pm about school...hmmmmm lol I am still waiting!!! :D
Lol I did eventually pm you about school...late but it happened...we are both asses! I know what you mean about Sam and will be in the next wait a week Ams! Lol. I totally enjoyed talking to you the other day and will force myself to get off my butt and sign on again so we can talk lol!
Earth2Mama wrote:That was a perfect date. And a perfect ending, sorta, to the date. :lol:

So awkward and yet so right :) I wonder if they are going to find out about each other's online relationship...or are they going to end it? :wink:

Post more when you get the chance. :D Oooo! Future nookie? Can't wait!
This is just really about Max/Liz....very little Sam and Suzy action but that will be in the next it will all be answered soon!! And yes...future nookie!
Grace52373 wrote:I love Dave and Busters too! My friends and I have been there quite a few times. In Philly, it has a small balcony out back with a view of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, and the Delaware River docks!

I am glad to see everyone getting along! At least the next time they go to Roswell, Kyle won't bother Liz since she is taken!

Update soon!
Lol you are right about going back to although I have a feeling Kyle will still try lol :wink:
ChemChic wrote:Awesome update!!

I really like how fun and laid back this Michael is...I find him really great when he's not all broody and such. Max and Liz's date was so perfect...and falling through the door? CLASSIC!!! (that has actually happened to fiance and I were making out against the door to my suite when we were at boarding school and all of our friends were inside waiting for us to come in so that they could yell 'surprise!'-it was my birthday-but we got um, sidetracked, so my best friend opened up the door and we fell right through. Needless to say the 40 people who were at the party have still not let us live that one down!)

Thanks for posting!!!!

Come back soon!!!!

Oh my gosh!! I have never actually hear of that happening to anyone poor girl! At least you were having a little fun before they interuppted lol. Glad you could relate!
Vicki LVCM wrote:Nookie! Nookie! Nookie! OOPS! Got a bit excited about that.
Damn I need get out more! ;)
Its alright to get a little excited about some nookie Vicki...its been a long time coming for Max and Liz lol.
begonia9508 wrote:Great part!
Love Max and Liz's chemistry in this part! Poor guys, can't even kiss without some curious person behind the door! Michael and Maria really pass well toogether: nosey and sassy! :lol: :lol:

EVE :roll: :wink:
Lol I agree Michael and Maria are perfect aren't they lol.
kismet wrote:
Earth2Mama wrote:That was a perfect date. And a perfect ending, sorta, to the date. :lol:

So awkward and yet so right :) I wonder if they are going to find out about each other's online relationship...or are they going to end it? :wink:

Post more when you get the chance. :D Oooo! Future nookie? Can't wait!
Ditto ! :P
Thank you!
Emz80m wrote:great part Jen

that was a great date too bad Michael interrupted the ending
Lol yes...but I assure you that Michael will not be interrupting them this time!! Lol...even though you have already read it! Thanks again girl, you rock!
BehrObsession wrote:That was wonderful. It certainly seems that Liz & Max had a lot of fun on their date. Let's hope they get together again really soon. At least Kyle isn't around to cause trouble. Michael couldn't wait to see Maria, huh? Can't wait for the nookie! Post more soon!
Nookie is here!!
Topy458 wrote:Yay, that part was great! I loved Max and Liz's date, very cute. Can't wait until things between the couples really start to heat up. I wonder what Max and Liz are thinking about their love match online. Hmm...

Can't wait for the next post! Great job once again! :D

Thanks and your answers about the on-line relationship will be in the next just hold on a little more!
believer_evans wrote:I finally got caught up on this fic,
Loving it
So glad to see you are reading this! I love Lola and Space Pirates but you are killing me with the waiting for Max and Liz to FINALLY get together!!
Behrsgirl1230 wrote:YAY!!! I'm so happy they finally got together!!! i LOVE Dave and Busters I was so excited that they went there haha. ps...I caught onto the Hitch part in that one chapter. As soon as I read that I said to myself "JUST LIKE HITCH!" hahaha and then I read ur comment and I started laughing lol. Great updates! I'm finally all caught up!
Good!! I love to throw in lines and see who can catch them! Point for you! And I'm glad you got all caught up!
roswellian504 wrote:I loved it.
Thank you and I'm so glad!
dreamer destiny wrote:I love First Daughter Secrets, so I thought I'd check out your other fics. I really like this one, it's a unique concept and it's really good.
Wow thank you and WELCOME TO THE STORY!! Means so much to me when readers will check out my other stories and let me know they are liking them. Thanks!

Chapter 11

Aliendude: Hey
Girlnxtdor: Hey you
Aliendude: How you been? It’s been a while
Girlnxtdor: I’ve been good, you? Yeah…I’ve been really busy. Some stuff has come up
Aliendude: I’m good too…I had some other stuff come up as well.
Girlnxtdor: So…did you miss me?
Aliendude: Yes I did.

Max was surprised to see her on-line, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to “Suzy” because he did…it was just that it was hard to know that he would eventually have to choose between the two girls in his life.

Liz was surprised that “Sam” actually talked to her. They had exchanged emails…but it was just the story, nothing personal. She knew there was something about “Sam” but she couldn’t pin point it and Liz guessed that’s why she didn’t want to end it with him.

Max didn’t lie…he really had missed talking to her. The last couple days had been so busy with his classes and hanging out with Liz that he really didn’t have the time to miss “Suzy” but when he had some down time he always wondered what she was doing.

Girlnxtdor: Oh by the way, I found out what was wrong with my friend “Tim”
Aliendude: Really? Care to share?
Girlnxtdor: His girlfriend and him broke-up. She blamed it on me and my other friend, saying that she was jealous of us.
Aliendude: That sucks.
Girlnxtdor: I know, but the real reason Tim broke up with her, was because he caught her cheating
Aliendude: Damn...that’s harsh. Caught her as in he saw the act?
Girlnxtdor: Yup. He wanted to surprise her and walked into her apartment. He found her in bed with his coworker.
Aliendude: God…I hope your friend is going to be ok.
Girlnxtdor: Oh he will be. Tim is a strong man.
Aliendude: So, I’m guessing you’re not a strong supporter of cheating then.
Girlnxtdor: No! Well…ok it depends.

Max was confused at that comment but he had to know some things.

Aliendude: How so?
Girlnxtdor: If you are just seeing someone…you haven’t made it official, or said it’s exclusive…then you aren’t cheating because you haven’t made the commitment yet.
Aliendude: Gotcha…now I understand, and I agree. It’s not wrong unless there is a commitment broken
Girlnxtdor: Right.
Aliendude: Right

Both Liz and Max felt a small sigh of relief…they weren’t cheating on “Sam” and “Suzy” by being with each other. But by being “Sam” and “Suzy” were they cheating on each other?


A few days later Professor Van Nutton was talking about emotional connections between heterosexual partners and as always, he kept getting distracted by his favorite partnership.

Max and Liz usually sat a few rows apart, but today he noticed that as soon as Liz walked in the room, Max had called her over and they sat together. They huddled close and giggled and flirted. From where the professor was sitting it looked like the two had finally become a couple.

He had been shocked when he hadn’t heard from them in a few days but seeing them in person let him know that the partnership had taken the backseat for a while. Van Nutton watched as Liz took notes and Max would glance at her every so often causing her to blush and smile at him.

“Max.” Van Nutton said and he smirked when the young man’s head jumped up guiltily. “Name one thing that men and women differ on when they communicate.”

“With each other or with the same sex?” Max asked just to clarify the question.

“With each other.” Van Nutton added and he watched as Max thought for a second.

“Women tend to not want to take authority positions when they speak.” Max said. “Women in power will often ask their employees, male or female, to do them a favor…instead of just telling them to do something because the employee’s job is to work for the woman. Women fear that being in authority takes away their femininity and they try to change that in the way they speak.”

“Very good Max.” Van Nutton said. “Liz, can you give me the male version.”

“Yes.” Liz said as she straightened in her chair. “Men will not ask for favors. Male employers will often demand a woman worker do something for them. Men like being in authority because they are usually physically stronger than women.” Liz explained easily. “This causes problems because women think they must to anything the male demands and this often leads to sexual harassment.”

“Very good both of you.” Van Nutton said and he watched as the couple smiled at each other before they continued on with the class.


“I have Math now.” Liz said sadly as she and Max walked out of the Psychology building together. She didn’t want to leave Max but she had a test in the class that she needed to take.

“I have history.” Max added as he caressed Liz’s hand in his own. He glanced at his watch and realized he had 10 minutes to get across the large campus. “I have to go.”

“I know.” Liz said and she went into Max’s arms easily. She looked up and Max took that as his invitation and kissed her gently. “Bye.”

“I’ll call you later.” Max vowed and he bent and kissed her one more time before he turned to leave but her voice stopped him.

“Is Michael bringing Maria to your place or are they meeting at mine?” Liz asked her boyfriend.

“He’s going to yours.” Max answered and he watched as Liz blushed before she looked at him again.

“Can I come over?” Liz asked shyly causing Max to laugh before he quickly walked back to her and hugged her tightly.

“You don’t even have to ask.” Max said and he kissed her head before he ran off and he yelled back to her. “I’m home at 5…come over anytime after that for dinner!”


“So, Michael is coming over here tonight?” Liz asked as she watched from Maria’s bed, as Maria got dressed for her date. Michael and Maria had been officially going on for about a week now and everything was going great; Maria had spent a lot of time with Michael and they had been sleeping together for a few days. Although Liz thought it was so soon for them to be that intimate, she was happy for her friend.

“Oh man, I’m so sorry. I forgot to tell you. Are you going to be alright?” Maria asked worried. Although she and Liz had talked about Michael and Max coming over they both agreed to give each other enough warning to find somewhere else to be.

“Don’t worry about it.” Liz said as she dismissed Maria’s mistake. “Max invited me over.”

“Oh really.” Maria teased. “You two finally going to do it?”

“Maria, believe it or not, the world does not revolve around sex.” Liz said as she watched Maria chuckle at her comment. “What…just because you and Michael have already jumped into your physical relationship don’t mean Max and I are ready.”

“You sooo want him!” Maria announced as she dropped her makeup brush and turned to stare at Liz. “You do don’t you?”

“No…no I don’t.” Liz denied and she buckled under Maria’s stare. “ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! I want him…I want him bad.”

“I knew it!” Maria said it a singsong voice as she walked over and sat down next to Liz. “Why are you waiting for it’s not like you’re a virgin or anything?”

“It’s not that.” Liz said as she lay down and rested her head in Maria’s lap causing Maria to run a comforting hand through her hair. “The last guy I slept with was Kyle…and look what happened.”

“Just because a week after you two had sex my idiot of a step-brother turned into a pig doesn’t mean it will happen with Max.” Maria reminded her friend. “Is Max anything like Kyle?”

“No!” Liz said without hesitation. Max was the exact opposite of Kyle in a good way. “Max is a complete sweetheart.”

“Then what's the problem chica?” Maria asked her very confused friend.

“It’s been a year Maria.” Liz said sadly. “What if I’m not good? What if I do it wrong?” Liz watched in shock when her best friend started to crack up and almost fell off the bed. “You finished yet?”

“Oh Liz…I can’t believe you just said that…” Maria said as she held on to her chest and gasped for air. “You’re kidding me right?”

“No, why would I joke about my performance in bed?” Liz asked serious as she looked up from her spot in Maria’s lap.

“I’m sorry.” Maria said as she wiped the tears from the sides of her eyes. “It’s just I think it’s funny that you would be so oblivious to the way Max stares at you.”

“He does?” Liz said shyly as she looked at Maria who just nodded her head. “Really?”

“Not to mention the permanent hard-on he has whenever you’re around.” Maria teases and Liz blushes profusely. “I mean its bad girl! I’m surprised he can walk with that thing sticking up like that!”

“MARIA!!” Liz said as she sat up on the bed and tried to cover her cheeks. “So, you don’t think he will mind? That I’m a little past due?”

“Past due? Liz…who talks like that?” Maria questions but she then turns serious. “Liz, as your friend and newly re-registered member of the sexually active club, I can assure you that you won’t do it wrong. Just listen to how he responds when you touch him and go from there; its sex, not rocket science.”

“Thanks Maria.” Liz said as she hugged her friend and then went to get ready for her own special night. Liz just hoped she didn’t screw it up.


“Hi!” Max said excitedly as he opened his apartment door but he frowned when he didn’t see a beautiful brunette in front of him. “Oh it’s you.”

“That’s all you have to say to your best friend? Jeez Max…what’s up your ass?” Tess asked as she walked into the apartment and closed the door behind her.

“Sorry, I just thought you were Liz.” Max explained as he walked back into the kitchen and continued to make dinner; he glanced at the clock and frowned. It was 6:45 and he had told Liz to come over anytime after 5. He knew that Michael was probably already at the girl’s apartment because he left about 20 minutes ago to meet Maria. Max was worried and he just needed to see Liz.

“Oh really…” Tess said as she walked in the kitchen and looked around. She noted right away that it was clean which was a first for these two guys; she also noticed candles, flowers, beautiful music, and what smelled like a delicious dinner. “Damn Max…wait, are you trying to get lucky tonight?”

“Tess, you make it sound so impersonal.” Max said as he stirred the sauce in front of him. He picked the spoon up and tasted a little before he looked through the spice rack and added a little something extra. “We are having dinner…hopefully a romantic dinner.”

“Well, if any guy I was seeing did this sort of thing for me…. I’d do him.” Tess said as she went over and smelt one of the dozen roses around the apartment. “Probably on the table, counter, couch…hell anywhere would be fine.”

“You really are a slut Tess…you know that right?” Max teased and Tess just stuck her tongue out at him before heading down the hallway. “Where the hell are you going now?”

“I want to see what you did to your room!” Tess called from down the hall. “I want to see where all the magic happens…. In the love shack!”

“Tessa!! Get your ass back here!” Max called to her as he turned down the stove where he was cooking the food so that he could follow after her. “Don’t touch anything!”

“Well, well, well Max…looky what I found.” Tess said with an evil smile as she held her hands behind her back.

“Tess…please tell me you didn’t do anything to my room?” Max asked with sigh. He just wanted to get her out of his apartment and get Liz in it.

“Relax stud.” Tess said as she slapped his chest. “I left it alone…but I wanted to ask you about this…” Tess said as she pulled out a long feather from behind her back. “A feather? You into kinky foreplay Maxwell? As your best friend I think I deserve the right to say I am highly impressed.”

“Give me that!” Max said as he grabbed the feather from a giggling Tess and placed it on the counter. He loved the short blonde, but right now…she was driving him crazy.

“Ok, Ok. I’m sorry.” Tess said as she tried to compose herself but she had a gleam in her eyes as she pulled a box of condoms from behind her back and held them up for Max to see. “Maximum XL? Damn Max…. I knew you were big, but not that big!”

“TESS!!” Max said with a blush as he tried to grab the box from Tess but she held on strong. “Damn you woman!!”

“12 pack Max?” Tess teased. “I hope you don’t plan on using this all tonight hot stuff!”

“That’s it! Get out! Get out of my apartment!” Max yelled as he let go of Tess and pointed to the door. “You are ruining my good mood and I want you to leave.”

“Fine. I see how it is. A pretty brunette comes into the picture and your best friend gets kicked to the curb…I understand.” Tess said in a faux hurt voice and she laughed when Max just glared at her as he stirred the food. “Call me later…when you’re done.”

Tess was heading towards the door when she heard someone knock and she quickly grabbed the box of condoms and feather and opened it. She stared with a smirk at a startled Liz who just backed up to look at the apartment number to make sure she got the right apartment. “Hi, you must be Liz.”

“Um, yeah.” Liz said confused. She looked at the blonde before her and she knew she looked familiar but she couldn’t figure out where she saw her before. “I’m here to see Max?”

“Come on in, I’m Tess by the way.” Tess said as she opened the door wider for Liz to enter. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” Liz said and she admitted she was a little relieved when she heard this girl’s name was Tess. Max had told Liz about his friend Tess so Liz knew a little about her already.

“Well, I’m going to go, but these are for you.” Tess said with a smirk as she handed the feather and box of condoms to Liz. “LIZ IS HERE!! BYE MAX!!” Tess yelled and as she was passing Liz she whispered in the brunette’s ear. “I happen to know that Max is ticklish on his sides, and especially the back of his knees. Enjoy.”

“Liz?” Max asked as he turned the corner while he wiped his hands on a dishtowel. He wore a huge smile on his face when he saw how beautiful she looked in her red v-neck sweater and light jeans but his smile was soon lost when he noticed what Liz had in her hands. “Oh my god…I am soo sorry about her.”

“It’s ok.” Liz said as she examined the feather and then raised an eyebrow towards Max. “Kinky.”

“Sorry.” Max said as he rushed forward and took the items from Liz and went to put them in his room…inwardly kicking himself for letting Tess into his apartment. “Um, that was-”

“Tess.” Liz said with a smile as she interrupted him. “I know; we met at the door.”

“She can be a pain in the ass…most of the time, but she’s a good friend.” Max explained and Liz smiled before she walked further into the apartment.

“Wow.” Liz said in shocked as she glanced around the room. It was beautifully lit with candles and she could see beautiful roses around the room. “What is the occasion?”

“Well, um…you.” Max said as he scratched behind his ear. “I mean…it’s your first time here, and I wanted to make it special for you. Not that I’m assuming anything will happen, I just wanted to be prep--” But Max was easily silenced with a kiss.

“Thank you.” Liz said once she pulled back and she gently wiped her lip-gloss off of Max’s lips. “And I think you assumed right.” Liz added and she watched as Max’s eyes widened. “So, what’s for dinner?”

“Um, chicken…fettuccini.” Max said still shocked by Liz’s last comment. “Is that alright?”

“Sounds perfect.” Liz purred, as she smelt one of the roses. “You have a beautiful place.”

“I try…but living with Michael is a pain.” Max said as he served two hot plates and set them on the table before he turned to get Liz’s attention. “Dinner is served.”

“Wow, it looks beautiful.” Liz commented as she admired the beautiful dinner before her and she sat down at the chair Max held out for her. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.” Max said as he bent and kissed Liz lightly before he sat down next to her. He held up her glass and a glass bottle. “Wine?”

“Yes please.” Liz said and she took a sip of the sweet liquid when Max handed her the glass. “This is good wine.”

“Thank you.” Max said as he tried to control his breathing. Watching her drink that wine was so sensual. It amazed Max because she didn’t even do anything remotely sexual at all, just the way she moved got to him. “It’s actually from my grandfather’s vineyard.”

“Really?” Liz asked surprised as she took a bite of the amazing chicken fettuccini. “This is amazing Max…a man that can cook is really hard to find.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t let me go then.” Max said quietly and he watched as Liz lifted her head and stared at him seriously.

“Maybe I won’t.”


The couple lay on the couch together watching Finding Neverland on the television after a delicious dinner and even dessert. Max had completely outdone himself with the chicken fettuccini but he surprised Liz with homemade chocolate cake which they fed each other while stealing sweet kisses in between bites, claiming the other had a little chocolate frosting on their lips.

Liz lifted her head from its position on Max’s chest and she watched him watching the movie. She watched as his eyes followed the characters around the screen and his facial expressions changed with each emotion.

“You shouldn’t stare.” Max said quietly not even taking his eyes of the screen until he felt Liz place a kiss on his chest.

“Sorry, but your too handsome not to look at.” Liz said with a shy smile as Max reached up and ran a hand through her hair.

“Come here.” Max said gently as he carefully pulled her to lie completely on his body and he covered her lips with his own. He wrapped one arm around her waist bringing her closer to him and the other arm worked its way up until his hand cupped the back of her head so he could hold her in place.

“I love kissing you.” Liz admitted as she placed small kisses on Max’s face. She felt him take a breath and she was surprised when he cupped her face in his hands and made her look at him. “Max?” Liz watched as Max seemed to be struggling with an internal battle before he slightly nodded.

“I just love you.” Max said softly never taking his eyes off of Liz to gauge her reaction. “I know it’s soon, but I am falling in love with everything about you Liz Parker.”

“Good.” Liz said and she leaned forward and kissed Max passionately before pulling away with a huge smile on her face. “Because I’m falling in love with everything about you too.”

Max let out a sigh of relief before he pulled Liz to him again and sealed their lips. He gently traced her bottom lip with is tongue asking for entrance which Liz granted easily. Max slipped his tongue in and drank from her lips…he couldn’t believe he was in his apartment kissing the woman that he loved and the best part was that she loved him back.

Liz was awed by the feelings she had when she was with Max…he flooded her mind completely. She knew she wanted to be with him and only him right now…she chooses him. She would end it with “Sam” when she got home; she had too.

“I brought a few things…overnight things.” Liz said and Max smiled before he quickly picked her up. “Where we going?”

“Bedroom.” Max answered as he carried Liz into his love shack as Tess called it. “I hope you like it.”

“Knowing you sleep there…I know I’ll like it.” Liz said huskily as she ran her hand softly over Max’s butt as she walked past him and she smirked when she heard his intake of breath. She was shocked at the room in front of her. She could see through the candlelight that the furniture was entirely masculine but it warmed her heart to know that Max decorated it with soft lighting and rose petals for her; he wanted her to feel comfortable in his room. “Max…it’s so beautiful.”

“It will never compare to you Liz…never.” Max vowed and Liz turned to him with a seductive smile. “I just want you to know that even though this room looks like this and everything that we have done and said today…I don’t want to pressure you Liz; I’d never do that.”

“I know that Max.” Liz said as she walked to him and caressed his cheek. “I know you would never push, that is why I want to do this.”

“Liz.” Max whispered as he watched Liz take of her red sweater leaving her in a sexy black lace bra. Max somehow was able to tear his eyes away from her almost nude chest to make eye contact with her.

“Make love to me Max.” Liz said as she took Max’s hand and placed it fully on her aching breast and she moaned when she felt him squeeze tentatively. “Please.”

Max quickly pulled her fully into his arms and began devouring her lips. She tasted faintly of the wine and chocolate cake from earlier but she had the strongest hint of Liz and it turned him on so much. “God Liz…you are amazing.”

“Max.” Liz moaned when she felt Max’s hands run up and down her back and teasing play with the clasp on her bra. “Just do it.”

Max fumbled a few times before he finally was able to unclasp her bra but he didn’t remove the article. Max reached up and slowly started to move her strap down her shoulder but not without kissing and tasting the newly revealed skin. Once both straps were off her shoulders Max stepped back a little and let the bra fall to the ground. “Liz.”

“Take your shirt off Max.” Liz said as she stepped forward and started to run her hands over his shirt covered chest. She knew she should feel embarrassed standing so bold in front of him but every minute she spent with Max was always so right…she couldn’t feel anything bad about it. “I have to touch you.”

Max nodded lightly as he lifted his arms and Liz pulled the hem of his shirt off his body. As soon as he threw the shirt behind him they both moaned when their naked chests touched for the first time. Max bend down and kissed Liz passionately as his hands started to drift upwards from their current spot on his waist. Max pulled away from Liz’s’ delicious lips as his hands neared her breasts and he watched as her eyes closed it sweet pleasure when he finally touched her. He couldn’t wait anymore and he quickly took a breast into his mouth and kissed and licked it eagerly.

“Yes.” Liz groaned as she threaded her hands through Max’s hair and held him closer to her chest so that he never let go. “Don’t stop…please don’t.”

“Baby.” Max said as he kneeled before her and dragged his lips over her tight stomach and paid special attention to her navel and the sensitive skin above her jeans. He raised his hands to the button fly and looked in to her eyes. “Is this ok?”

Liz could only nod as she watched Max unbutton her jeans and start to slip them off her trim legs. She stepped out of her jeans and almost collapsed when Max started to caress and lick her upper thighs. “Max…”

“Tell me what you want baby…I’ll do anything to please you.” Max said as he leaned in and nuzzled his nose against the wet spot on her panties. “Anything.”

“Kiss me.” Liz pleaded and Max accepted that answer before he started to lick her heat through her panties causing her to collapse completely into his arms.

Max chuckled a little before he picked her up and laid her on the bed and moved in-between her legs. Max gently removed her panties and quickly plunged his tongue deep into her body. Everything and everywhere on this woman tasted amazing and he couldn’t wait to feel her against his body. He groaned when he felt her walls close around his tongue and he quickly thrust 2 fingers into her and suckled on her clit.

“YES!!” Liz cried as she bowed of the bed and after falling from her peak she fell back against the bed completely drained. It took a good five minutes before she could open her eyes and she smiled when she saw Max kissing her stomach on the way back up her body. “Hi.”

“Hey.” Max said as he kissed Liz and she groaned when she tasted herself on his lips. “Was that ok?”

“Are you kidding me?” Liz asked confused. “Was my earth shattering orgasm not evidence enough for you?”

“Well no that was pretty amazing.” Max said and he traced her nipple with his fingertips and he was amazed when it hardened from his slight ministrations. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Well then you are a natural.” Liz assured him and she pulled him fully onto her body. “I’ve never experienced anything like that…so I’m totally guessing but I’m VERY sure you did that perfect…you can always use me for future practice though; I’m all yours.”

“Good.” Max said as he kissed her and they groaned into each other’s mouths when their lower bodies touched intimately. “I have to have you now. Can I have you?”

“Yes.” Liz said and she groaned in loss when Max leaned over her to get something off the nightstand. “Where are you going?”

“Condom.” Max said as he lifted the square foil for her to see. He stared at her shocked when she grabbed the wrapper from his hands. “Liz?”

“You clean?” Liz asked and when Max nodded she threw the condom across the room. “Me too…and I’m on the pill. I want to feel all of you.”

“Oh God.” Max cried as just the thought of feeling Liz’s skin around him with no barriers almost caused him to loose all his control. “I don’t think I’m going to last very long baby.”

“Then we’ll go together.” Liz vowed and she pulled Max to her. She opened her mouth in a silent scream when Max use the tip of his hard erection to rub her clit in small circles taking her to the brink before he slid inside her completely. “Yes.”

“Oh Liz…you…feel…incredible.” Max gasped as he rocked in her experimentally. He could feel her tightening her walls around him and he knew she was as close as he was. He picked up the pace quickly and Liz gasped as she wrapped her legs around him so that he was able to go deeper. “I love you.”

“I love you!” Liz cried and she climaxed when she felt Max release his hot seed into her welcoming body. Liz caressed Max’s body as he tried to regain his strength; she felt him lifting off her body but quickly squeezed him inside of her. “Don’t.”

“I’m too heavy…I’ll suffocate you.” Max said as he leaned up and placed kisses on her face but when he tried to leave her warm body again he moaned when Liz squeezed him and then tightened her legs around his waist holding him completely against her body. “Liz.”

“No…don’t leave me please.” She pleaded and Max reluctantly agreed when he heard the tone in her voice. Max nodded against her neck as he laid on top of her still intimately connected to her and they both feel asleep wrapped in each other’s bodies.

TBC....See you sunday with Sam and Suzy!
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Post by Maxsgurl »

HEY EVERYBODY!! I know I promised some Sam and Suzy and it will be here...cuz Ams wants some closure lol (all for you girl!) but since everyone else pretty much said "Screw Sam and Suzy" and that is a direct quote by the way (thanks vampyrax :wink:) I have put a lot of Dreamer time in this chapter so enjoy those!
FamersAmers wrote:oh... how loving they both were! I am awww! and I am first!! YAY!

Yeah I know I am so impatient about the Sam and Suzy is killing me, but at least Liz knows she has to end it. I want to see how everything works out once it gets ended. How the class relationship turns out.

great part as always...and ditto about talking to you...i enjoyed it!!

I know how much you love being first Ams lol. Ok so any sam and suzy in this chapter is for you...since everyone else pretty much didn't want to hear from them lol. I hope it answeres your questions and if should in a few
Earth2Mama wrote:Good it hot in here? My temperature just rose about 20 degrees. Sheesh woman! You weren't kidding were you, hot nookie. Hell yeah! :)

So, Max as Sam and Liz as Suzy are dating, but not exclusively dating. Interesting spin on that. Still wonder how they are going to react when they find out about that.

*sigh* Can I have a side order of one Max go. Please? :lol:

Awesome update! Post more soon! :D
Thanks...I'm glad you liked it lol...when I say hot nookie I mean it ha ha ha. And a side oder of Max to go? Please, i'm still looking for a place that delivers! LOL
ShatteredDreamer wrote:Great chapter!! And yay, we got nookie!! Tess was too funny but Maria takes the cake with this:
“Not to mention the permanent hard-on he has whenever you’re around.” Maria teases and Liz blushes profusely. “I mean its bad girl! I’m surprised he can walk with that thing sticking up like that!”
Liz wasn't the only one blushing after that comment. :oops: What was she doing looking anyway? :wink: Can't wait for the next part. Wonder if "Sam" will want to break up with "Suzy" too. Come back soon with more!
Lol I don't think Maria meant to look lol...just image if a guy has one that can you NOT notice lol...ahem. Anyway.
me x0x wrote:wow...
yea i think that's all i can say is wow...
more soon please!
Lol glad you liked it!
vampyrax wrote:Screw Sam and Suzy I want more Max and Liz they are totally hot together. Poor Max never got to use his kinky feather maybe next time. I really loved this part keep up the good work.
I will use the kinky feather in another chapter...just for you ok? Lol I'm sure Liz will love it!
RASaero611 wrote:bye bye Sam and Suzy. Bring on more Max and Liz. I want them to find out soon so they can laugh at what a pair the two of them really are.

The last part was so cute.
great update
Lol they will find out soon...but I don't know if they will be laughing right away lol.
dreamer destiny wrote:That was awesome! What a beautiful moment.

Sorry Suzy and Sam, lol. Hello Max & Liz!
Lol you are not alone in your wishing for Max and Liz!
lazza wrote:oh it's offical, I have to go back and study next year!!! I need to find me a Max or even a Sam....

Great part.
Lol I've been in college for 3 years and still haven't found either of them good luck looking and if you find one, let me know so I can transfer lol!
Behrsgirl1230 wrote:WOW!!! I honestly was not expecting them to move so quickly haha. Tess had me hysterical laughing! I really like that you have her as Max's best friend with no feelings at actually makes me LIKE her...I never thought that would be possible haha. I hope "Sam" and "Suzy" don't take it too hard when they break up with each other lol
I still get soo happy when people like Tess. When I started to write her character, I was concerned that people wouldn't take her as just a friend that they would assume she was just waiting to get to Max...but it really makes me smile to know that people love her and continue to laugh at her outragious antics!
BehrObsession wrote:That was wonderfully hot and sweet. They're falling in love with each other and enjoying every moment of it. I'm sure the "Sam & Suzy" situation will sting just a little, but what they have together is so worth it. Aren't they going to be surprized when they find out who's who? Please post more soon!
Surprised is not the word I would use lol!
flyawayraven wrote:Fianlly! I am so happy that I come back and I found so many amazing parts! It was fantastic!!! I really can't wait to read more! I know there is going to be some crazy jeoulous ex who is going to come in and try and ruin Max and Liz's's like expected or something! Can't wait for more! Come back soon! Jessa
An ex will come back...but she/he will not get in the way...but other problems a small warning! HE HE HE!
believer_evans wrote:YAY!!!!
I'm loving it!!
I wonder how "Sam" and "suzy" will break up?
Lol read and find out!
Topy458 wrote:WOW, that was great!!! :D

I couldn't have asked for a better chapter to read. I'm glad Liz has planned to end things with Sam. I'm looking forward to that conversation, but no worries, she's choosing Max either way! :lol:

Can't wait for the next part!

Lol yes she is...I love Sam but I'd take Max in a heart beat...since he is a real person lol.
obsession wrote:Wow, that was just out of this world amazing. I love every single part of the chapter. You really out done yourself on this chapter.

Can't wait for more like this.
:oops: Thanks!
GottaFeedTheMonkey1257 wrote:Jeez, did I miss a part on this stroy too? Good grief! Extra quotage for you!
Maxsgurl wrote:Girlnxtdor: No! Well...ok it depends.

Max was confused at that comment but he had to know some things.
That made me think. I mean, I don't support cheating, but is it wrong for someone to cheat on their internet honey? of life's tough questions.
Both Liz and Max felt a small sigh of relief...they weren't cheating on "Sam" and "Suzy" by being with each other. But by being "Sam" and "Suzy" were they cheating on each other?
That's another doozy. Are they cheating? I guess it all depends on how you view your relationship.
"Women tend to not want to take authority positions when they speak." Max said. "Women in power will often ask their employees, male or female, to do them a favor...instead of just telling them to do something because the employee's job is to work for the woman. Women fear that being in authority takes away their femininity and they try to change that in the way they speak."

"Very good Max." Van Nutton said. "Liz, can you give me the male version."

"Yes." Liz said as she straightened in her chair. "Men will not ask for favors. Male employers will often demand a woman worker do something for them. Men like being in authority because they are usually physically stronger than women." Liz explained easily. "This causes problems because women think they must to anything the male demands and this often leads to sexual harassment."
Wow, you're just making me think today!! I never really thought of it that way. Male employees are more demanding, where as females ask rather than demand. That's a good discussion!
"Can I come over?" Liz asked shyly causing Max to laugh before he quickly walked back to her and hugged her tightly.

"You don?t even have to ask." Max said and he kissed her head before he ran off and he yelled back to her. "I'm home at 5...come over anytime after that for dinner!"
Oh, Liz, don't be so shy! At least Max is there to reassure. You be the supportive boyfriend!! Ohhh...she's coming over...we all know where that's going to lead lol. I don't." Liz denied and she buckled under Maria's stare. "ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! I want him...I want him bad."
Haha! She wants him BAD! You go for it, girl!
"Oh really..." Tess said as she walked in the kitchen and looked around. She noted right away that it was clean which was a first for these two guys; she also noticed candles, flowers, beautiful music, and what smelled like a delicious dinner. "Damn Max...wait, are you trying to get lucky tonight?"

"Tess, you make it sound so impersonal." Max said as he stirred the sauce in front of him. He picked the spoon up and tasted a little before he looked through the spice rack and added a little something extra. "We are having dinner...hopefully a romantic dinner."

"Well, if any guy I was seeing did this sort of thing for me.... I'd do him." Tess said as she went over and smelt one of the dozen roses around the apartment. "Probably on the table, counter, couch...hell anywhere would be fine."
Oh, you were so right. I LOVE Tess in this story. She's so funny!! And, of course, Max is such a gentleman about it. I just keep on giving those dreamy sighs.
"Relax stud." Tess said as she slapped his chest. "I left it alone...but I wanted to ask you about this..." Tess said as she pulled out a long feather from behind her back. "A feather? You into kinky foreplay Maxwell? As your best friend I think I deserve the right to say I am highly impressed."
Lmao! Oh, that's one of those things that make you feel incredibly embarrassed for the person on the receiving end of the teasing, but makes you laugh hysterically anyway!!!
"Ok, Ok. I?m sorry." Tess said as she tried to compose herself but she had a gleam in her eyes as she pulled a box of condoms from behind her back and held them up for Max to see. "Maximum XL? Damn Max.... I knew you were big, but not that big!"

"TESS!!" Max said with a blush as he tried to grab the box from Tess but she held on strong. "Damn you woman!!"

"12 pack Max?" Tess teased. "I hope you don?t plan on using this all tonight hot stuff!"
Tess is HILARIOUS!! Oh, gosh, I nearly peed my pants laughing. Woo, that's hysterical!
"Well, I'm going to go, but these are for you." Tess said with a smirk as she handed the feather and box of condoms to Liz. "LIZ IS HERE!! BYE MAX!!" Tess yelled and as she was passing Liz she whispered in the brunette?s ear. "I happen to know that Max is ticklish on his sides, and especially the back of his knees. Enjoy."

"Liz?" Max asked as he turned the corner while he wiped his hands on a dishtowel. He wore a huge smile on his face when he saw how beautiful she looked in her red v-neck sweater and light jeans but his smile was soon lost when he noticed what Liz had in her hands. "Oh my god...I am soo sorry about her."

"It?s ok." Liz said as she examined the feather and then raised an eyebrow towards Max. "Kinky."
LOL! Max trying to be kinky, and everyone just ruins it!!
"No...don't leave me please." She pleaded and Max reluctantly agreed when he heard the tone in her voice. Max nodded against her neck as he laid on top of her still intimately connected to her and they both feel asleep wrapped in each other?s bodies.
So, I just did the end of that part, but let me tell you that it was fantastic!! They finally did it! Literally! I guess it was all worth it in the end. Now, I just want to see the part about Sam and Suzy!

Alrighty, looks like i'm done here. That part was awesome, and sorry about my obsessive quoting. Can't wait til next time!

Awesome part!!
Ok...I just wanted to explain my thinking on the cheating thing for a second. I don't think you are cheating unless you are in a committed relationship. If I am going out with a guy and someone else asks me out...I'd say yes if the first guy and I have no said we are exclusive...if we are not boyfriend/girlfriend we never said not to see other people. I would tell the first guy I have a date but unless we say we are only with harm no foul, understand? I guess that's my idea with Sam and Suzy...becasue it was an on-line thing they never said it was exclusive but Max and Liz Sam and Suzy are not cheating but Max and Liz are...make sense? Lol.

Mariael311 wrote:First of all...Dave and Busters fucking rocks! I love that place!

Second of all..HOLY SHIT!! That was hot!! YEAH!! I'm so happy I caught up! :D

Third of all..Holy shit!! you got both Jules and Vicki to post! :lol:
Lol glad you liked it Mar and yes I got Jules and Vicki...can you believe it!! Although neither posted this time...damn where are they lol, after Vicki got all excited about the nookie. I wrote that just for her!
kismet wrote:This part was HOT! And I liked how Tess teased Max :lol:
Lol glad you liked Tess...I just love her!

Chapter 12

Liz snuggled into the warm body surrounding her and she smiled when she remembered what happened the night before. Liz pulled her face away from the solid chest and looked up into Max’s face and smiled; he was so beautiful. Liz reached up and ran her hand over Max’s forehead pushing his messy hair back. Liz giggled when Max groaned and leaned his head down into her neck and tickled her with his warm breath.

“Liz?” Max asked groggily. He woke up when he heard a soft giggle and he wrapped his arms around the body in front of him before he smelled Liz’s sweet sent and opened his eyes.

“Yeah, it’s me.” Liz answered and she sighed when Max placed a gentle kiss on her neck. “You have class today?”

“No.” Max said with a smile as he thought back to the fact that he didn’t have classes on Friday and he got a three day weekend. “You?”

“Art History at 2.” Liz said and she smiled when Max frowned at the thought she would have to leave him eventually. “But I think I can take an absence.”

“Good.” Max smiled as he leaned down and kissed Liz. “Have I said good morning to you yet?”

“I don’t think so…no.” Liz said with a slight smile and sighed when Max leaned down and kissed her good morning passionately.

“Good morning baby.” Max said breathlessly after he pulled away from Liz’s addictive lips. He was filled with pride as he watched her eye lids flutter open and a dreamy smile form on her swollen lips.

“Baby?” Liz questioned and Max shrugged at the little slip. “I like it.” Liz admitted and she kissed him again. “It is a good morning isn’t it?”

“Yes it is.” Max agreed and he pulled Liz’s head down on his chest allowing him to run a hand through her soft hair.

“Max?” Liz said as she rested her chin on Max’s chest and stared up into his eyes.

“Hmm.” Max responded as he continued to play with Liz’s hair. He watched as he started to gently draw shapes on his chest as she thought about something.

“Last night was…” Liz trailed off as she tried to come up with the right word for last night but Max easily beat her too it.

“Perfect.” Max added and Liz blushed. “It was perfect Liz.”

“It was ok?” Liz questioned and when Max raised an eyebrow she clarified. “What I mean is…was I ok? Cuz I haven’t done that in a while and well I hadn’t done it a lot before anyway…I don’t want you to think I slept with a lot of guys its just one guy and then it got all weird bu--” But Max easily silenced her with a kiss.

“Liz…you were perfect too.” Max told her and Liz blushed. “You were amazing…you felt amazing; almost too good to be true.”

“Really?” Liz asked embarrassed at the conversations turn. “Cuz I really didn’t know what to do…or what you would like.”

“I didn’t know what you liked either.” Max reminded her but she rolled her eyes.

“Well you must have read my mind because you did exactly what I wanted you too all night!” Liz huffed and Max thought she looked so sexy as she rolled on to her back and folded her arms across her chest in a mock pout.

“No I didn’t read your mind, I just listened to you.” Max said as he leaned on his side and propped his head on his bent arm. “I listened to the sounds you made when I touched you and I just followed your lead…you told me without words what you wanted me to do Liz.”

“I told you?” Liz questioned in disbelief and she frowned in confusion when Max nodded. “How? I still don’t get it.”

“I’ll show you.” Max said with a smirk as he trailed his hand over Liz’s chest and she sucked in a breath when he got closer to her aching breast. “See? That breath right there? That let’s me know you like what I’m doing but you want something else.”

“What do I want?” Liz questioned and she gasped when Max sucked her breast hungrily into his mouth. “Yes…”

“I don’t think I need to explain that sound.” Max said with a chuckle as he left her breasts and trailed his hand to her stomach; with a small smirk he leaned down and kissed her skin right above her belly button causing Liz to jump. “You just told me you want me to keep doing that.”

“I did?” Liz said in between big gulps of air; he was driving her crazy with need!

“Yup.” Max said as he moved so he was leaning over Liz’s stomach and he started to place wet open mouth kisses on her stomach as he moved down her body until he was just above her dark patch of curls. “Tell me what you want baby, please?”

“Max…” Liz moaned and it was all Max needed or wanted to hear. Liz gasped when Max easily opened her folds and ran his tongue over her and slowly circled over her sensitive nub before he suckled it gently causing her to climax right there and then, filling his mouth with her sweet juice. “MAX!!”

“See what I mean?” Max asked and Liz just nodded her head quickly since she still couldn’t form any complete thoughts. “Why don’t you go out and get something to eat while I take a quick shower and then we can spend the day together ok?” Max chuckled when he was given another wordless nod as he got up and headed in to his bathroom.

Once Liz was able to move she couldn’t wipe the smile of her face as she threw on her panties and Max’s shirt that barely came to brush the middle of her thighs. Liz made her way to the kitchen to see what kind of food she would find in the apartment of these two guys. Liz reminded herself of the amazing dinner from last night and she knew that at least Max knew how to cook and was hoping he had some fruit or something.

Once she was in the kitchen Liz went to the refrigerator and opened it to see what was there. She was surprised to see every type of fruit that was in season and a fruit salad was sounding really good after last night’s activities. Liz reached in and grabbed a bowl of grapes, a couple of apples, some oranges, and a few already cut up pieces of different melons and turned to place them on the counter when she turned and screamed.

“WOAH!! CALM DOWN LIZ!!” Michael screamed as he raised his hands in surrender. “Its just me!”

“Michael!” Liz said as she held a hand to her chest and she wasn’t surprised to feel her heart pounding wildly. “You scared me to death! What are you doing here?”

“I live here.” Michael said with a raised eyebrow when he made a motion with his hand at Liz’s attire; or lack there of. “What are you doing here?”

“Well um, since you were at my place Max invited me here.” Liz explained with a blush as she tried to pull Max’s shirt further down her legs but with no success. “Why aren’t you at my place?”

“Liz!!” Max yelled at he ran into the room still soaking wet from his shower; soap bubbles were dripping down his drenched body and Liz licked her lips involuntarily at the site of Max in a towel. “Are you all right?”

“What?” Liz asked as she returned her attention to Max’s face and saw the worry there. “OH! Yeah! I’m fine. Michael just scared the crap out of me and I screamed…sorry.”

“Thank god.” Max swore as he crossed the room to take Liz into his arms but when he saw her eyes glancing over his shoulder he turned and jumped. “Jeez Michael! How long have you been there?”

“Since about the time Liz told you she screamed when she saw me…” Michael said with a shocked face. These two were so into each other that they had forgotten his presence in a moment. “Remember she just explained that to you?”

“Right.” Max said as he turned back to Liz and saw her shifting uncomfortably in his big shirt. He admitted she looked hot in it but he didn’t like that Michael could see her in such a revealing outfit. “Why don’t you go in and get dressed?”

“Good idea.” Liz whispered and she gently kissed Max before she walked past Michael with a blush on her cheeks.

“So…she stayed the night huh?” Michael asked as he reached over and grabbed a couple of grapes from the bowl Liz had set out for the fruit salad.

“Yeah.” Max said with a small nod as he saw Liz’s food and after grabbing another towel from the laundry room Max quickly dried himself off better and started to make Liz’s salad. “I invited her over since you and Maria were taking her place.”

“Right.” Michael nodded. “So how was it?”

“Michael.” Max warned him and his roommate quickly lifted his hands in surrender.

“Fine.” Michael said. He knew Max didn’t like to talk about his intimate relationships so he left it alone. “But I’ll let you know my night was great.”

“I’m glad.” Max said with a satisfied smirk and Michael got his answer from that look. Max turned when he heard a noise at the doorway and turned to see Liz standing there uneasy. “Hey.”

“Hey.” Liz said as she stood awkwardly. She had put her clothes from last night back on but she still felt weird with Michael there.

“Come here.” Max called to Liz and when she walked over to him at the counter he lifted a piece of apple to her mouth and she took a bite. “Good?”

“Very.” Liz said as she swallowed the sweet fruit and lifted her lips to kiss Max gently. She noticed that Max had cut up the apples and had started to mix all the fruits together into a big bowl. “You didn’t have to do that…I could have finished.”

“I know.” Max said with a shrug. “But I wanted to fix it for you.”

“Thank you.” Liz said and Max kissed her again before offering her a grape. “Juicy.”

“You two make me sick.” Michael teased and he watched as the two turned and they both blushed after realizing they weren’t alone.

“Sorry.” Liz responded as she pushed her hair behind her ears and looked up to Max who just shrugged.

“So…what are you doing here Michael?” Max asked as he split the salad into two bowls and placed them both on the little dinning table and waiting for Liz so he could push her chair in for her and he placed a kiss on her temple before sitting down himself. “It’s only 9 in the morning. You usually stay in bed until at least noon.”

“Yeah I normally do but… Maria was in a mood today.” Michael explained. “She couldn’t stay in bed or even seated knowing Liz was here…I am honestly surprised we actually did anything last night.”

“Man.” Liz groaned and Max rubbed her back gently. “I am in for the third degree when I get home.”

“You don’t have to go.” Max added with a smirk and Liz giggled.

“Yeah I do.” Liz responded. “If I don’t come home she will probably come over here and break down the door.”

“Damn.” Michael murmured. “She actually said she would do that if you weren’t home by 9:30.”

“Shit.” Liz cursed as she looked at her watch and realized she had to leave soon. She quickly finished the last bite of her salad and then went and put the bowl and fork in the sink. “I got to go.”

“No.” Max whined as he got up and wrapped his arms around her waist. “We were going to spend the day together remember? I even got you to skip class!”

“I know baby.” Liz sighed as they rested their foreheads together. “And we will spend later today together I promise. But I have to deal with Maria and then I’ll come back. Will you be home?”

“All day waiting for you.” Max promised and Liz kissed him before she went to get her things out of his room to leave.


“Ok spill!” Maria said as she pulled the door open even before Liz was able to get the key in the lock. “I want details!”

“Maria!” Liz said in shock but she knew she should haven’t been shocked at all…this was Maria DeLuca after all. “Can I at least get into the apartment?”

“Ok.” Maria said as she pulled Liz into the apartment and quickly took her bag and jacket from her and threw them in her room. “Come on…Alex is on speaker phone in the kitchen.”

“Alex?” Liz called out when she entered the room and headed to the refrigerator. “What time did she call you this morning?”

“Around 6.” Alex admitted with a yawn. “She said it was life and death that I stay on the phone. I’m kind of happy I’m not getting the bill for this call.”

“And I’m going to make her pay for this call herself.” Liz said as she threw a glare at Maria who just shrugged.

“Fine whatever. It was an emergency that I call him!” Maria explained. “Liz had sex last night!”

“MARIA!” Both Liz and Alex scolded her at the same time and Maria just stared at Liz and the phone completely shocked.

“Ok…how the heck did you do that from across the world?” Maria questioned and she shuttered. “That is just freaky.”

“Please do not tell me that you called me at 6 in the morning to tell me that Liz slept over at a guy’s house and you just presumed she had sex with him.” Alex said in an angry tone. He loved his girls but Maria had gone a little too far with this one.

“Oh, I’m not presuming Alex.” Maria said with a smirk and Liz blushed. “From the glowing color on Liz’s cheeks I can tell she got some.”

“Maria!” Liz exclaimed. “You are just as bad as Michael…no wonder you get along so well. And may I remind you that I was not the only one in the company of a man last night.”

“What!” Maria said shocked. “On whose authority do you accuse me of sleeping with someone last night?”

“Michael.” Liz said smugly and she smirked when Maria blushed. “So…I wasn’t alone last night was I?”

“No.” Maria admitted but before Liz could count the point she countered it. “But I was not the one who was freaking out about having sex after a year…and Michael and I have been sleeping together for a few days…not a big deal anymore.”

“I wouldn’t let Michael hear you say that Maria.” Liz chuckled as Maria rolled her eyes.

“Ok…this is getting a little out of hand and personal.” Alex finally spoke up. “I’m your best friend but I don’t want to hear who you two have been sleeping or not sleeping with…its weird. You two are like sisters to me and to hear that you are having sex with men is freaking me out.”

“Alex…its not like any of us are virgins.” Maria reminded him.

“Still freaks me out.” Alex admitted. “Ok…so Liz, congrats on the sex thing I guess…um I’ll call you later. And Maria grow up and don’t call me at 6 in the morning unless it is extremely important. Love you two!”

“Ok, now that the parental unit is gone lets talk details.” Maria said after she hung up the phone. She turned and grabbed a carton of ice cream and handed Liz a spoon. “Dish.”

“Maria.” Liz whined. “Its not even ten in the morning and you are already pulling out the ice-cream…oh hey is that cookie dough?”

“Please!” Maria scoffed at her friend. “Like I would have anything else for this occasion.”

“Thanks.” Liz said with a small smile as she took a bite of the cold cookie dough ice cream and when she looked up Maria was staring at her with an expectant look on her face. “What?”

“Don’t wait me!” Maria cried. “How was it?”

“Maria…” Liz whined but Maria shook her head quickly.

“No. You can’t do that this time Liz.” Maria vowed. “We have to talk about it. You have to talk to your best friend about when you lose your virginity and then anytime you have a first time with a new partner. It’s like an unwritten best friend rule.”

“I’ve never heard of that one.” Liz said as she thought about what Maria had said.

“Well you wouldn't have…it’s an unwritten one.” Maria begged. “LIZ COME ON!!”

“FINE!” Liz announced and Maria started to jump up and down clapping her hands. “What do you want to know?”

“How was it? How was he?” Maria asked and she smirked when Liz blushed profusely. “That good huh?”

“No.” Liz said as she shook her head. “He was even better.”

“Wow.” Maria asked shocked. “Ok so I have to ask. Compared to Kyle how was he?”

“Please!” Liz exclaimed. “Kyle knows knowing compared to Max. I know Kyle and I were only intimate a handful of times…but all those time combined didn’t even equal the first time with Max.”

“The first time?” Maria asked after hearing Liz’s little slip. “How many times were there.”

“Just one.” Liz admitted but then blushed. “But…he did a little demonstration this morning.”

“What kind of demonstration are we talking about here?” Maria questioned and when Liz looked up at her from under her eyelashes Maria’s eyes widened in understanding. “Oh…wow. How was that?”

“Lets just say it took me a good 5 minutes just to be able to speak let alone move afterwards.” Liz explained and started to laugh hysterically when Maria fell from her chair and landed hard on the floor with a big thud. “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine.” Maria said as she rubbed her butt and got off the floor. “Why do you always get the good ones huh?”


After dealing with Maria, Liz signed on-line to check her e-mail and noticed that “Sam” was on-line. She knew she needed to end things with him if she wanted to be with Max, but now that the time had come Liz was having second thoughts. She never dumped a guy unless it was in person but this was a different situation and Liz just needed to get this over with.

Max was bored out of this mind at his apartment. Liz was dealing with Maria while Michael had decided to get a few more hours of sleep before he worked later that night, so Max was left to himself to miss Liz. He wasn’t lying this morning when he said last night was perfect. Although he was more experienced than Liz was, Max wasn’t as experienced as Michael and honestly half the things he did with Liz the night before were a first for him too…he hoped they got to experience a lot more firsts together in the future.

Grlnxtdor: Hey
Aliendude: Hey! God, I’ve missed you so much!
Grlnxtdor: Really…
Aliendude: Yeah, you are never on-line anymore.

Liz had been taken back when Sam said he missed her and she honestly felt bad. Ever since she officially started to date Max she had not been around much.

Grlnxtdor: I know. But I rarely am on-line anyway. The best way to reach me would be the cell or apartment.
Aliendude: And because of this stupid assignment I can’t get either of those…yet.
Grlnxtdor: Yet?
Aliendude: Well yeah. I just assumed that once the assignment was over you’d let me take you out for real. What do you say?
Grlnxtdor: Wow. I don’t know what to say. I guess we can see.
Aliendude: I’ll accept that. I know this is weird…having an on-line relationship with someone you’ve never even met or even know their real first name but…I’m glad we are trying.
Grlnxtdor: About that…I don’t think I can do this anymore.
Aliendude: What do you mean?
Grlnxtdor: Its just this relationship really isn’t working for me.
Aliendude: Why? What did I do wrong?
Grlnxtdor: Nothing! You didn’t do anything wrong I promise. It’s just this…
Aliendude: situation
Grlnxtdor: Right. You are an amazing guy and I think under different circumstances we could really be something more but like you said it’s hard…not being about to be with you in person.
Aliendude: What about when the assignment is over? Can we try?
Grlnxtdor: I don’t know…I’ve sort of met someone. It’s new and nice but I like him a lot…so we’ll see.

Liz felt like shit. There was something she could say or do to make this easier for Sam or herself. Liz signed off after they said their goodbyes and got ready to go back to Max’s apartment. She needed to see him now more than ever…she needed to know she made the right choice.

“Hey.” Max tried to say happily when Liz entered his apartment later that day. He had planned a great afternoon for them to go out and let the world see them together but after being dumped by Suzy he just wanted to mope around the apartment. From the look on Liz’s face she wanted to do the same.

“Hey.” Liz said as she walked to him and without any reason or hesitation she wrapped her arms around Max’s neck and pulled him into a tight hug. “I love you Max.”

“I love you too Liz.” Max said with a smile despite his previous attitude and wrapped his arms around Liz’s waist to hold her tighter to him. At least he still had Liz in his arms…she would never leave him. “So…you just want to hang around here?”

“Please.” Liz said as she nodded her head against Max’s shoulder as he easily picked her up and lead her to the front room where they spent the rest of the day eating popcorn and watching day time television both thinking about what the future held.

TBC....ok, so I don't want you all to hate Max for not wanting to break up with Suzy, it will be explained don't pick up your stones and aim yet!

AUTHORS CHAT NEXT SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH AT 9 P.M EST!! A Roswellian's Fantasies I'm ready and able to answer questions on what will happen to Sam and Suzy or anything else!
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hello everyone! First I want to thank you all for not killing Max yet...even though I know you are all wanting too lol...the truth is out there and we are fast approaching it so get ready!

Secondly, I am in complete shock so :shock: :shock: :shock: That's me with a little bit of :oops: :oops: :oops: that thrown in! As most of you know Round 8 awards are now open for nominations and I was completely shocked at the responses so far. Although this fic has not been nominated as of yet (I don't think people realize that I write this one as well as my other two lol...but we will see!) I have been nominated by a few of you and I wanted to thank you all soo much for even considering me for any of these amazing awards

Favorite Leading Portrayal of Max Evans First Daughter Secrets
Favorite Leading Portrayal of Kyle Valenti Love's Mistake
Best Dreamer Fanfic Love's Mistake
Best Challenge Response Fic Love's Mistake
Most Improved Writer
Favorite Newcomer
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! I don't even know what to say!!

Third (last thing I promise), this part is dedicated to FamersAmers...cuz I basically got the idea for this part from her lol...late night talking and here is to you girl! *HUGS*

poisoned_muffin wrote:Trying not to hate Max right now. What is he thinking? I thought he was in love with Liz and now suddenly he wants to date Suzy. Men. :roll:
Thank you for not hating Max..or atleast trying!
vampyrax wrote:Boy I'm glad that you had that little note at the end I really did have my rock ready and aimed but I'll let you explain later. Anyway you really have written my dream Max he is so sweet a good cook and an attentive lover can't really ask for more. I'll be looking forward to Max or Liz using the feather I think it should be Liz I mean thanks to Tess we know his ticklish spots and I would love to hear him giggle that sounds kind of perverted doesn't it. I can't wait for your next update I really love this story.
Lol yes reading authors notes are VERY important lol. HA HA!! I will be using the feather later in the story so watch out! Thank you for loving this Max...I think he is one of my favs!
FamersAmers wrote:ok...I am trying to say calm I really am!!

I am trying not to hate him...I really am...but I keep thinking about Liz. I am trying to think that Maybe Max knows that Liz is his partner...or when he said take her out maybe he is talking about them becoming friends.

I am looking at Liz through my point of veiw...which um is tainted but Max and her have just slept together...he seems to be promising her a relationship and here he is with "SUZY" and while they are the same person neither of them knows that. How is she going to feel when she knows that while right after she slept with Max, while not knowing that she was Suzy was going around on her behind her back!! I would be crushed! I mean shouldnt be mad because they are the same person...but how can you not!!

great part and I cant wait for more! You have hooked on how Max is going to do this and how Liz is going to react! you are awesome!

Look away Ams!! You can look through Liz's view anytime...even if it is as you say "tainted". And I agree with you completely...although they are the same person, they do not know that and its still a normal society, but we have learned that in my little head Max and Liz are not normal!
believer_evans wrote:yeah i was a little put down by Max saying he missed Suzy and not wanting to break up, especially since Liz did spend the night there.
But you said you would explain so I'll try to be patient and wait...i'll try
Lol thanks for trying...that's all I ask!
RASaero611 wrote:I'm trying not to want to hate Max can he still want to be with Suzy after being with Liz? Like I said, not mad yet.

great update
Yet? Lol...thanks for understanding!
obsession wrote:A girl could really wake up to that every morning. Who would mind at all?

OK I am patiencely waiting for your explaination of Max's behavior.

See you soon.
Lol I know I wouldn't mind! Ahem...I mean, I have NO idea what you are talking about...nope not at all!
lazza wrote:I would not want to be Max when Liz sinds out he was Sam.....wanting to meet 'Suzy' after being with Liz all night. At least Liz did the right thing and was honest with Sam, max needs to fix that ASAP.
Lol you are right...Max is an idiot. It's ok, I can say that cuz I wrote him and I know what's going to happen lol.
dreamer destiny wrote:I'm thinking that as much as Max likes Liz, he "knows" Suzy better so he's hesitant to end their "relationship" since they click so well. At least I hope that's it, or something like that, 'cause otherwise I have my rock picked out and a nice shiny sling shot.
Thank you for thinking about Max's thoughts and you are right...he knows Suzy a little better than he does Liz but I'll let Max try to explain his view.
pandas2001 wrote:i'm sorry but it's kinda funny... Liz dumps "Sam" aka Max FOR Max.

When the truth comes out its got to be hilarious.
Lol yes it will...which is the funny thing about this story!
Vicki LVCM wrote:I'm here! I'm here! NOOKIE! :D Just got caught up! :D Off to read the last chapter now! :D
Nookie!! You like that don't you vicki lol! Here is some more for ya!
ShatteredDreamer wrote:Yeah I was really wondering why Max wanted to keep things going with "Suzy" after he told Liz he loved her, etc. I'll just hold the rock I have in my hand until I hear Max's explanation. Come back soon with more.
Lol hold that rock for a little bit longer...just read the chapter and enjoy!
roswell3053 wrote:I hope that you will be redeaming Max by telling us that he actually knows that Suzy is Liz. Please, Please, Please let that be the case. Surely he wouldn't be like most typical guys in college and just tell the girl that he loves them only because he wants to get in their pants, and then goes off to find his next conquest. I can't wait for another update.
Max does not know that Liz is Suzy but he is not most typical guys...that's all I will say!
begonia9508 wrote:I suspect that Max knows who Suzy is..... otherwise he is an ass!

EVE :wink:
Lol no...not an ass, well not in my opinion but you are very intitalled to you own!
kismet wrote:Hurry back with more !
Thank you!
Vicki LVCM wrote:I'm all caught up! Can I kick Maria's butt! She is always interrupting Max and Liz!

Great part!
Lol...that stupid pixie! least this time they weren't ACTUALLY doing anything...yet.
Behrsgirl1230 wrote:thanks for the little warning at the end...cuz I really was mad at Max but if it's all gonna be explained then he's ok.....for Great update! :D
Yes for now...thanks for holding back your rock for a little bit!
Topy458 wrote:I agree. If Max is so in love with Liz, why is his relationship with Suzy any concern to him anymore? I don't hate Max, I'm just confused by his behaviour. I'll be waiting to see how it all pans out.

Post more soon! :D

You are not alone in the confusion Jenna so don't feel bad at all!
BehrObsession wrote:I'll heed your warning about Max for the time being, but the explanation better be a good one. I can understand Max not want to completely "write-off" Suzy because they seem to have so much in common, but he just spent a beautiful night with the woman he professes to love! How can he tell Liz he loves her and mean it if he's asking to take Suzy on a date once the project is over? Like I said, the explanation better be good. BTW, I have a pile of rocks at the ready just in case.
Lol...I'm scared of that pile of rocks...I warned Max so he said his explanation is good...but then again he is a guy (no offense to any male reades...I do love ya) and they tend to not think clearly. *shrug*

Chapter 13

“So…what are you doing tonight?” Tess asked Max as they are hanging out at the little café down the street from the campus. “Plans with Liz?”

“Not really.” Max said with a shrug. He and Liz never really had plans…they just called each other and then meet somewhere. “Why?”

“I was wondering if you would come to a party with me tonight?” Tess asked as she batted her eye lashes at her best friend. “Please?”

“I don’t know Tess.” Max answered. “Remember what happened last time?”

“Yes and you got a girlfriend from it!” Tess explained. “So I think in an act of gratitude you should come with me.” Tess said and she watched as Max picked up his ringing cell phone and checked the screen causing his face to light up. “So I’m guessing you have plans tonight with Liz…now.”

“Hey you.” Max said huskily into the phone and he smiled brighter when Liz giggled.

“Hi.” Liz said softly as she tried to wipe the smile of her face. All she had to do was hear his voice and she felt her heart melt. “You busy?”

“No, just having lunch with Tess.” Max explained and he mouthed his apologies to Tess who just shrugged and sipped her soda.

“Oh. Tell her I say hi.” Liz said and she continued after Max relayed the message. “Maria is staying at your place tonight.”

“Really? And what do you propose we do?” Max joked. He loved their relationship that way…they could be completely serious but then joking the next minute and neither was lost in the turn of events.

“I was calling to invite you to a sleepover at my place.” Liz said with a sexy smirk even though Max couldn’t see it Liz knew he could hear it in her voice. “My parents are gone for the weekend.”

“Really.” Max said as he leaned back in his chair and lazily scratched his chest. They had been dating for a month now and Max loved Liz’s teasing manner…she didn’t live with her parents but it was sexy as hell that she liked to do a little role playing that way. “You are asking me to come stay with you…at your place with no parental supervision?”

“Yup.” Liz joked back. “As long as you behave though…daddy doesn’t want to have to hunt you down.”

“I don’t want that either.” Max said with a little chuckle. To be honest, Max was nervous as hell whenever Liz’s parents were brought up…he had never met them but they called every Sunday and he had been with Liz when they called once. Mrs. Parker seemed sweet but Mr. Parker was a bulldog…he reminded Liz on the phone about his gun and shovel; stating that no one would look for Max if he accidentally went missing if he hurt Liz.

“So you want to come over?” Liz asked with a seductive yet innocent tone. “I’ll make it worth the trip.”

“I have no doubt you will.” Max said huskily and he smiled when he heard Liz’s breathing speed up. “I’m in.”

“Yeah!” Liz giggled. “Oh shoot…I got to go…but I’ll be home around 3…if you want to come over a little earlier for some …extra time.”

“I’ll be there.” Max vowed. “I love you.”

“I love you too Max.” Liz answered before they hung up and Max turned back to Tess.

“Sorry Tess…looks like I got plans.” Max said with an apologetic face. “I think Isabel is free tonight you should try her, you know she is all for a party.”

“She doesn’t like going out anymore.” Tess said with a shrug. “All she does it sit and talk with some guy on the internet…I think they are dating.”

“Really?” Max asked shocked at the news that Isabel met someone on the internet especially after his whole ordeal. “Is it serious?”

“I don’t know.” Tess explained and she frowned when she saw the look on Max’s face. “I’m sorry about your relationship Max.”

“It’s ok.” Max said as he tried to smile but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I just wish I knew the real reason…I think she was holding something back.”

“But it’s probably for the best.” Tess explained and Max nodded.

“There was just something about her Tess; she was so familiar to me.” Max tried to explain as he thought about Suzy. “It hurt so much when she ended it; honestly it probably hurt as much as it would if Liz broke up with me tonight.”

“You told me that you tried to get her to stay with you. Why?” Tess questioned Max. “By being with Suzy you are cheating on Liz…there is no right way to say that. When she broke up with you, you were in the clear…free to be with Liz.”

“I know, but I felt like it wasn’t wrong.” Max declared. “Being with Suzy and Liz at the same time was ok. I don’t like cheaters, but I didn’t feel like being with them both was wrong in anyway.”

“I’m sorry Max but I really don’t understand how you can feel that way…they are two different girls.” Tess said as she studied her friend’s confused face. Tess loved Max like a brother and it hurt her to see him in such a sad mood. “No two girls are going to want to share their man…it was either Liz or Suzy, you can’t have both.”

“I guess.” Max sighed before he went back to eating his lunch.

“Max!” Liz giggled as she threw herself at her boyfriend who just opened her apartment door. Liz had given Max a key to her main door so that Max could easily get into the building and Liz always left her apartment door unlocked if she was home. “I’ve missed you soo much!”

“I know.” Max agreed as he held her small body against his. It had been a week since they had any real time together. Liz had been busy with studying for a biology test and even though Max had offered to help her study, Liz always turned him down because when he was over all he wanted to do was study her anatomy. “It’s been to long.”

“Yes it has.” Liz said before she sealed their lips for the first time in a week. “God I missed that!”

“Then why did you end it.” Max pouted and Liz giggled before she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and licked it before releasing it with a loud pop. “Liz…”

“Sorry…but the door is still wide open and I don’t want to give little old Mrs. Mohr down the hall a heart attack.” Liz giggled as Max pulled her up to wrap her legs around his waist and turned to close the door with his foot. “Such a multi-tasker.”

“I’ll show you multi-tasking!” Max vowed as he headed down the hall and opened the first door on his left. He turned the light on and realized it was the bathroom and smirked at Liz before heading to the next door.

“No.” Liz said as she nipped at Max’s neck and jaw. “That’s Maria’s room.”

“Fine.” Max grunted as he leaned his shoulder on the wall to keep from falling over at the sensations Liz was causing him. He reached the next door and opened it to find a small hall closet. “Damn it.”

“Laundry room.” Liz announced when Max moved to the next door and she licked his ear causing him to growl and lean her against the wall before he ripped her shirt open and sucked a bra covered breast into his mouth. “Max!”

“Which damn door is it Liz?” Max panted against her breast. “I haven’t been to your room before, help me out.”

“Last…door….on….the….right.” Liz panted as Max trailed kisses all over her exposed chest. “Hurry.”

“Yes.” Max said as he quickly pushed off the wall and ran as fast as he could to Liz’s room and after pushing the door open quickly threw her on the bed before following her and covering her body with his own. “I need you so much Liz.”

“I can tell.” Liz teased as she lifted her hips causing her core to rub against Max’s straining erection. “I need you to Max…please.”

“Liz.” Max groaned as he leaned up and started to unbutton Liz’s jeans since her shirt was still in the hallway. He felt Liz’s hands on the hem of his shirt trying to lift it off his body so he sat up and removed it before settling back against her. Max’s eyes rolled back into his head when Liz kissed a nipple and lightly licked and bit the tiny bump. “My turn.”

“Max…yes!” Liz exclaimed when Max quickly undid her bra and pulled her naked breast into his mouth as he suckled on it before moving to the next one. “Hurry Max…please!”

Max didn’t hesitate as he helped Liz sit up so he could finish pulling her jeans off her body before he unbuttoned and pulled his off as well. Soon they were both kissing any skin they could reach and Max’s was easily cradled in-between Liz’s thighs as they centers rubbed together only being separated by Max’s boxers and Liz’s panties.

“Now Max.” Liz begged and she felt Max nod his head from its spot on the side of her neck where he had been sucking and tasting her sweet skin. Max quickly pulled Liz’s panties down before pulling down his boxers and entering her in one easy move. “YES!”

“Liz…you feel…so good…so tight.” Max said as he began thrusting into Liz quickly as she thrust back just as hard and fast. Max knew she was close to her peak when he felt her walls flutter around his member and he covered her mouth with his to swallow her screams when she came around him causing him to follow soon after.

“So…when was this?” Max asked Liz later that night. They had barely moved from the bed and it was only to use the restroom or get refreshments from the kitchen before they headed back into the bedroom for the next round. They were now cuddling in Liz’s bed with Max leaning against the headboard and Liz leaning against his chest from between his legs. Max had noticed a picture on the nightstand of a younger Liz, Maria and another guy and after picking it up Max asked about it.

“That was freshman year.” Liz explained with a smile and she held the picture in front of her but still let Max see the photo. “Maria and I worked at the local teen hang out called the crashdown. They had these hideous uniforms but everyone who was anyone either worked or ate there. Maria got us the jobs to meet guys.”

“And is that were you met him?” Max asked as she pointed to the dark haired guy in the picture with his arm around Liz. Max was normally not a jealous guy but seeing this guy touching Liz like only Max was supposed to touch her caused his blood to heat up.

“No, that’s Alex. Remember him from the café?” Liz said with a smile and she felt Max nod and kiss her temple at the name. “You thought he was my boyfriend.”

“I remember.” Max confessed as he looked at the picture; he could barely tell it was the same person. “He has changed a lot.”

“Yup he has.” Liz agreed as she looked at the geeky skinny boy who had grown so much over the last few years, especially with him going to college early. “This picture is over 4 years old. He hadn’t even had his first girlfriend yet”

“Does he date a lot?” Max asked. He already knew more about Maria than he ever should have thanks to Michael, it was time to learn about the other friend in Liz’s life.

“Not really.” Liz tried to explain. “When Alex dates he doesn’t do it lightly. I think the shortest relationship he has had was a year. He just broke up with his last girl friend of a year and a half a few weeks ago.”

“Wow, that’s a long time.” Max said and he silently hoped that he and Liz could easily beat that time limit. “What happened?”

“He found her in bed with one of his co-workers.” Liz explained and she idly planned with Max’s fingers. “He went to her apartment to surprise her and found them in bed.”

“Wow.” Max said with a frown…this conversation and especially Liz’s answer sounded so familiar but he couldn’t really place it. He looked back at the picture when he couldn’t remember why this sounded familiar and Max smiled when he stared at a younger Liz. “You’ve changed too.”

“I know.” Liz said with a shudder. “I was such a tomboy back then…this short uniform was the closest thing I had to a dress or skirt.”

“How short are we talking about here?” Max said as he nuzzled his nose behind Liz’s ear and placed a gently kiss there.

“Short.” Liz said with a giggle as she moved her neck to the side so Max had more room for his teasing of her neck. “There was another girl named Vicki who worked with Maria and I for like a day. I remember watching as she dropped a fork on the ground and quickly bent down to pick it up before Maria and I could warn her. All the guys on the football, basketball, baseball, and wrestling teams saw her and she earned the new nickname of “Hello Kitty.” She eventually changed schools because the teasing got so bad.”

“Why did they call her “Hello kitty”?” Max asked with a confused face and Liz smirked when she turned around and faced him. “What?”

“She was called Hello Kitty because when she bent down at her waist without bending her knees first the skirt rode up. When it rode up it caused anyone looking to have a clear view of her pus--” Liz tried to explain but Max quickly silenced her with a kiss.

“I get it.” Max said with a laugh as he smiled against Liz’s mouth. “So, we’ve never really talked about it, but where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?”

“Wow…we getting serious here.” Liz joked before she wrapped her arms around Max’s neck and shook her hair off her shoulders. “Let me see. Well besides being a successful molecular biologist, I think I’d like to be married maybe with a little family….just be happy you know?”

“Yeah I do.” Max said as he lifted a hand and push Liz’s hair away from her face. He laughed and answered her unspoken question for him to give his answer. “Well, basically the same as you…but I really don’t know what I want to do with my life yet.”

“Really?” Liz asked shocked that Max didn’t have a major yet. “You have no idea at all?”

“Not really.” Max said with a shrug. “That’s one reason I’m in this psychology class. My counselor said I might like psychology.”

“And I thought you were here to just find hot girls.” Liz teased and Max tickled her sides. “Ok sorry.” Liz said after she calmed down from her laughing fit. “So…do you like psychology?”

“I guess. I mean its ok.” Max tried to explain to Liz. “I have no drive for anything.”

“Nothing?” Liz asked still shocked that Max had no interest in something. “You aren’t interested even a little in anything at all?”

“I’m interested in you.” Max asked seriously and Liz blushed.

“Besides that.” Liz said as she nuzzled her nose against Max’s.

“I don’t know Liz.” Max sighed. “I just don’t know.”

“Well…what about writing?” Liz asked after she thought about it for a few minutes. “Do you like to write?”

“Write?” Max asked confused. “Where did that come from?”

“Well for psychology class we had to write a story…did you like doing that?” Liz inquired.

“Yeah I guess I did.” Max said quietly as he started to think about Suzy but he quickly pushed it aside and turned back to Liz. “Writing is cool but I honestly prefer reading.”

“Ok.” Liz said as she thought about the new information for a few moments. “Who are some of your favorite authors? Do you like the classics or contemporary works?”

“I prefer the classics myself.” Max said trying to figure out where Liz was going with her questions. “What?”

“Do you prefer Jane Austen or John Steinbeck?” Liz asked and she watched as Max thought about it. “Think about their writing skills, styles, the times in which they wrote…not the authors themselves.”

“Jane Austen is a great author but I’m more interested in Steinbeck.” Max said and he smiled when Liz started to bounce up and down on his lap. “What?”

“Congratulations!!” Liz screeched as she threw her arms around Max’s neck causing him to fall onto back onto her bed. “You’re an American Literature major!”

“What?” Max asked as he push Liz up a little so he could see her face. “What are you talking about baby?”

“You! You have a major!” Liz squealed as she leaned down and started to place kisses all over Max’s face. “I think we should celebrate…and I know exactly how to do that.”

“Liz.” Max moaned as Liz ran her tongue along the rim of his ear. “I like your…enthusiasm and your celebration idea…but I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“Its quite simple Max.” Liz explained as she sat up on Max’s body. “I asked you a series of questions to weed out other options and after answering the questions I have deduced you Mr. Evans are an American Literature major.”

“God you really are a scientist aren’t you.” Max teased and laughed when Liz smacked his chest. “What does an American Literature major do?”

“I don’t really know.” Liz said with a frown. She had gotten the idea but she didn’t know everything about it. “You should make an appointment with your counselor and ask. Just because I thought of it doesn’t mean you have to do it…it’s just a suggestion and it won’t hurt to ask. Just make yourself happy.”

“You make me happy Liz.” Max vowed and he pulled Liz for a kiss. “Thank you…I will make an appointment. But if I had this major…what could I do with my life, I can’t make money reading the classics.”

“No, but you could make money teach them.” Liz said and she got an excited twinkle in her eyes. “You could be an American Literature teacher Max!”

“I don’t know…teaching?” Max said with a grimace as he thought about a class full of rowdy little kids with sticky hands.

“I think you’d be great with kids Max.” Liz added confidently. “A natural.”

“With our kids maybe.” Max said with a laugh. “Other people’s kids are a completely different story.” Max saw Liz blushing and looking at him from under her eyelashes. “What?”

“You said our kids.” Liz blushed even more when Max’s eyes widened and he blushed also. “Yo-you think about having kids…with me?”

“I—um, yeah.” Max admitted and he watched Liz’s eyes tear up. “I would want nothing more than a beautiful little girl who looks just like you.”

“Only if we have a boy who looks like you.” Liz cried as Max wiped her tears away. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.” Max said easily as he pulled Liz to lay down next to him and cradled her at his side. “We’ve never really talked about that…good to know we are on the same page though.”

“Yeah it is.” Liz said as she traced invisible shapes on Max’s chest. “So…what do you think about teaching?”

“I like it…but how much American Literature can I teach little kids.” Max questioned and Liz giggled. “What?”

“I was thinking you’d deal with older kids.” Liz commented. “Like high school students. By then most of them know how to act and you wouldn’t really have to deal with punishing them, plus you’d only have them for like an hour a day before they moved off to their other classes.”

“You are a genius you know that?” Max asked as he stared at Liz adoringly. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Liz said with a smile and she moved so she was laying on top of Max and grabbed his hands from her waist and placing them above his head one at a time. “I think we should really celebrate your new career options Max.”

“I agree.” Max said as Liz leaned down to kiss him but just as their lips were about to meet she pulled back. “Liz, come here.”

“Anxious are we?” Liz teased as she placed soft kisses on the sides of Max’s face and jaw.

“No horny.” Max confessed as he lifted his hips to show Liz just how horny he was; he smirked when she moaned in his ear. He had never been more happy that they were already naked from their previous activities. “Ride me.”

“Oh God.” Liz moaned as she felt Max trail his hand between their bodies and grasp his hard member in his hand and place the tip at her entrance waiting for her to move down it.

“Yes.” Max hissed as Liz sat up and pulled Max fully into her warm and welcoming body. He placed his hands behind his head and stared up at her with lust filled eyes. “I’m all yours baby.”

“And I’m all yours.” Liz panted as she started to move her hips up and down Max’s body using her hands on his bare chest to support her. After a few minutes of Liz’s movements she was getting tired and frustrated by not being able to reach their peaks. “Max, help me.”

“Liz.” Max moaned as he placed his feet on the bed so that he had some leverage to trust his hips up for Liz. “Better?”

“Yes.” Liz grunted as she neared her peak wit the help of Max. “Don’t…don’t stop Max.”

“Never.” Max groaned as he held her hips and pulled her down onto him as he thrust up. “Ready baby?”

“Hurry.” Liz cried and she opened her mouth in a silent scream when Max fingered her sensitive nub causing her to fall over the cliff. Her walls fluttered around him causing Max to groan and continue to trust into her until all his seed was planted in her body.

“Wow.” Liz said once she found her voice. After her climax she had collapsed on Max’s hard chest and he wrapped his arms around her as he gently caressed her back in a soothing manner.

“That’s all you have to say?” Max teased as he kissed her damn head. “That was better than wow if I do say so myself.”

“You are such a guy.” Liz chuckled as she leaned up and kissed Max gently. “It seems like it just keeps getting better…is it always like that?”

“Only with you.” Max answered honestly as he stared into her beautiful dark eyes. “I’ve been intimate many times before Liz…but not a single one of them compared to you baby…not a one.”

“I love you.” Liz said as she moved her body so that her face was directly over his and she started to place kisses all over his face. “I love you so much.”

“Me too Liz.” Max vowed as he pulled her lips to his for once final passionate kiss before they fell asleep in each others arms.

TBC...also I have another author's chat on Saturday at 6 P.M EST which is 3 P.M. PST...I really hope you can make it since I had a blast at the last many questions answered!!
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

*Walks in and taps computer screen* Hello? Anyone still there? Lol...I hope I didn't lose all my readers for my delay...but on a happier note you get a SUPER long update for it, so I hope I get no complaints lol.

On a much happier note, this fic was finally nominated for something lol......
BEST SUPPPORTING PORTRAYAL OF TESS HARDING!!!! That's right, the Tess that you have all grown and loved has been nominated...THANK YOU SOO MUCH and I hope you all continue to go and nominate!

Mistakes: A few of you have pointed out CRITICAL errors on my part and I thank you and apologize for confusing you or making you think less of my beloved characters.

1. Max did not mean to tell Liz he had sleep with multiple PARTNERS just that with the few partners he's had....he's been with them multiple TIMES. I'm sorry that a few of you were pissed at how Max said that and even madder at Liz for not realizing what he said. She didn't realize it because I didn't mean to write it that way lol...SORRY AGAIN.

2. NO MAX DID NOT THINK HE WAS DATING ISABELLE ON-LINE. One, although it would be funny, it doesn't fit in the story because Isabelle is not in the psychology class and it's just ew. lol

For those of you who like warnings read on...those who don't want a spoiler don't read this paragraph. The next part is when Max and Liz find out who they are...some of you will have mixed feelings, some will be happy, and then some will be sad...sooo just be doesn't last long though.

This part is dedicated to Dani...cuz I basically wrote this after our little talk the other night it's all for you girl. Before the sh** hits the fan lol. Smut for the smutacholic!

dreamer destiny wrote:Hmm...I wonder if Max will figure out that "Tim" is Alex. That would be verrrrrry interesting. I love Liz deciding his major and them both wanting kids with each other. I love them, great story!
Thank you!
Vicki LVCM wrote:::THUD:: Great part! Looks like Max is starting to put the pieces together slowly. :D
Yes...VERY slowly!
vampyrax wrote:That was a great part Max and Liz are so cute. I hope Max figures out where he heard that story from.
Lol thank you!
lazza wrote:I love how Liz figured out what Max should do with his life, and her method of celebrating!!!!

I still think Max is stupid and blind, if he can't see it's cheating in Liz by 'being' with Suzy then he needs to watch more Jerry Springer. I can just imagine the episode, 'My boyfriend cheated on me with me. Tales of online love gone wrong'.
Good on Tess for pointing it out to him.

Great part
Lol thats a good idea...end the story at Jerry Springer lol...hmm they would fit in perfectly wouldn't they?
confusedfool wrote:awesome update!!
Thank you!
BehrObsession wrote:Wonderful update! I still have a major problem with Max. How can he not see that continuing a cyber relationship with Suzy would be cheating on Liz? He's telling Liz how much he loves her and they're talking about a possible future together with kids...and he's been pouting because he couldn't convince Suzy to continue the relationship? That is so not right. I mean, was he not the first one to say "I love you" to Liz? I hope he does put it all together and realizes what an ass he's been. After all, Suzy was very attracted to Sam, but she called it off because she'd met someone that she had strong feelings for. Too bad Sam didn't have the same dedication. I can't help but think that Liz is going to be hurt when the identities are revealed. Can't wait to see what happens. idea, Max is a guy lol...need I say more?
obsession wrote:Excellent part. Maybe Max will figure out why he felt that way. We'll see.

Love the loving between Max and Liz.

More please.
Thank you!
Behrsgirl1230 wrote:I love the idea of him being a lit teacher. I can so picture him doing that. And he'd be the cool hot teacher too hahaha. Lucky girls that will be in his classes
Oh my gosh you totally reminded me of my bio teacher. He is a dream boat lol...he's probably like 10-15 years older than me but he's soo hot! Lol...if I get bored in class I find myself staring off into teacher land lol. I'm having fun now, so I would love to be one of the girls in Max's class lol.
kismet wrote:Great part. max should guess already that Liz is Suzy.
Yes he should...but he's a guy lol.
brillantsmiles wrote:This is getting better and better

i wonder, will max and liz realize that they are partners as well?
Lol you will have to wait until next part to find out...dun dun dun!
RASaero611 wrote:I love how Max and Liz are familiar with their writing partners, like they know them already. I can't wait to see how they find out

great update
Thank will be an interesting day!
FamersAmers wrote:Ok...well sitting here I thought I had left you feedback and um no I guess I didnt!! ( i have gotten addicted to LOST!!! (shh dont tell)

But...ooooo, you dedicated it for me!! Oh and not only that but he has my major...(sniff sniff)..he is going to be me!! well not really me but like me!! Cause you know secretly everyone wants to be like me...shhh dont tell that one either :wink: :roll: I am full of shit!!!

Ok so still on the Sam and Suzy thing...but I am trying very hard!! And I mean very hard!! It is so hard to like him when I see this side of him...I jsut am not too sure what to think!!

make it up to me!! LOL...I cant wait for Sunday..the count down

great part! youare awesome!
Thanks Ams...I know you're still stuck on the Sam and Suzy thing (you have a right too be, but we will not go there lol :wink:) but I really appreciate you giving it a chance though :smooches: And everybody does want to be just like you lol!
roswell3053 wrote:Great chapter. I can't wait for the next update.
Thank you!
Eccentric One wrote:
“I’ve been intimate many times before Liz…but not a single one of them compared to you baby…not a one.”
Talk about a slap then a compliment. Nobody really wants to know how many others and how many times. (I'm purposely ignoring the health implications.) But then to follow it up with but none of the great multitude of women I've had sex with before compared to you. I don't think I could be mushy about that. I'm sure he didn't mean it that way. But since Liz has already expressed concern about her performance...

Max is getting clues about Suzy and Liz, but doesn't seem to be fully connecting the dots yet. Liz doesn't seem to have even that much. Will either of them figure it out before the end of the semester? And how will they react once they do?

Wow...I didn't even see that until after you mentioned it Kara...when Max said he'd been intimate I did not mean for him to say he'd had mutiple PARTNERS just that he's done the...act multiple does that make sense? I meant it to be in a reassuring Max is very serious about intimate relationships and all that good stuff. Thanks for pointing out my idiotic mistake of making Max an a**...I'll fix it in the chapter for you lol.
And I don't think Liz wants to connect the dots...she's given up on she really doesn't care about the little details

Earth2Mama wrote:I can't believe I missed 2 parts! :x

I hate being sick :( So, I'm all caught up now. :lol: Please don't tell me that Max thinks he's been seeing his sister on-line? ROTFLMAO That is just too funny!

So, when is Max and Liz going to realize they are in fact Sam and Suzy?

Post more soon :D
It's ok...being sick does suck and no Max doesn't think he's been seeing his I didn't mean to write it that way and it will all be explained better later. I'm on a roll huh? Screwing up two details in one chapter...JEEESH!
2004 wrote:Congrats on your noms! You deserve it. :D The interaction between the characters is great. Loving your Tess!

What's up with Isabel? Hmmm... online boyfriend?

Maria is ... well ... Liz HAD to drop her plans with Max to run home and talk to Maria? Calling Alex because Liz had sex? They give in too easily to her.

What a sexist caveman thing to say Max! Especially since she told him she had only been with one person.
Maxsgurl wrote:Liz chuckled as she leaned up and kissed Max gently. “It seems like it just keeps getting better…is it always like that?”

“Only with you.” Max answered honestly as he stared into her beautiful dark eyes. “I’ve been intimate many times before Liz…but not a single one of them compared to you baby…not a one.”

“I love you.” Liz said as she moved her body so that her face was directly over his and she started to place kisses all over his face. “I love you so much.”

“Me too Liz.” Max vowed as he pulled her lips to his for once final passionate kiss before they fell asleep in each others arms.
I wonder when Liz will realize what he said?? It was brushed over by their "I love you's."

I plan to join the chat at ARF tomorrow. Plaese come back soon! :lol: Do you have schedule of when you post? It seems like it's once a week :?::?:
Ok, like I said to Kara up above..I didn't mean that Max had mutiple partners just that with his FEW partners he did the act mutiple times...does that explain it?
FamersAmers wrote:the countdown is coming to an fact i have one day!! Actaully less I have a few hours depending!!!

lol can we tell I am a little excited!!

so hurry it up...why do you make me wait.... :D
Lol sorry Ams...I hate making you wait lol!

Chapter 14

“I don’t wanna go.” Max mumbled against Liz’s lips as they stood at the threshold of her apartnment. “Don’t make me go.”

“You have too.” Liz chuckled when Max stuck his lip out and she quickly pulled it into her mouth and sucked on it for a few seconds. “I’m going to miss you when you are gone.”

“You don’t have to miss me.” Max replied and he pulled away from Liz’s delious lips to meet her eyes. “You could come with me.”

“Max, this is your time with your family…you don’t need me there.” Liz said touched that Max wanted her to spend time with his family. Max had gotten a call from his parents earlier in the week saying his cousin was getting married and he had to come to the ceremony. “You’ll have Isabelle to celebrate with…you don’t need me to get in the way.”

“I may not need you to celebrate with…but I need you for other things.” Max said huskily as he pulled their lower bodies together and grinded into her hips seductively. “Isabelle can celebrate with me…but I need you for those other things.”

“Max.” Liz warned although it came out more like a moan. “You…you have to go. I can’t get off.”

“I can help with that.” Max said as he let his hand play dangerously with the button on Liz’s jeans. “I’d really like to help you with that.”

“Max, you’re going to miss your flight.” Liz said but she pulled Max closer to her body completely forgetting that they were in the doorway where anyone could walk by and see them together when Max slipped his hand in her pants and started to trace her lower lips with his fingers.

“Nope…I decided to drive.” Max groaned as he felt Liz start to place kisses on his neck. “Please baby…let me help you.”


“Mrs. Mohr!” Liz screeched as she tried to push Max away from her but instantly realized that his hand was still in her pants. She looked up at Max with a questioning glare but realized that if he moved his hand now, it would be even more obvious what they had been doing. Liz turned her head back and smiled sweetly to her elderly neighbor who had never really liked Liz or Maria for some strange reason. “How are you today?”

“Fine.” Mrs. Mohr sneered at the young couple in fornt of her; she though it was so indecent how touchy they were in public…right now Liz had her chest plastered against the young man’s. “Are you going to let go of the boy?”

“No!” Liz yelled before she looked up into Max’s worried eyes and tried to calm down. “He likes to be held.”

“What can I say…I’m a cuddler.” Max added and held back a laugh when Mrs. Mohr growled and stomped away before slamming her apartment door. “God, what is it with that lady.”

“I don’t know.” Liz laughed as she reached over and closed her own apartment door seeing as Max wasn’t going to be leaving anytime soon. “She probably hasn’t gotten laid since the Nixon administration.”

“That long huh?” Max replied huskily as he allowed his fingers to move along Liz’s slick lower skin again. “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy….you should always be able to lose yourself in your partner.”

“Yes.” Liz openly moaned when Max finally pushed a finger into her. “Please Max…please.”

“Come with me Liz…I want you there with me.” Max pleaded as he added another finger. Max didn’t want to go without her…he would miss her too much. He knew he was playing dirty pool but it was probably the only way to get Liz to go with him. “I need you there baby.”

“I want; I need you too.” Liz responded as she unabashinedly grinded herself on Max’s hand as she held onto his upperbody tightly. She shuttered in release when Max pinched her sensitive nub. “I’m coming!”

“Good.” Max responded a few minutes after Liz calmed down. He pulled his hand from her pants and brought his fingers to his mouth where he licked them clean of Liz’s flavor. “I knew you’d see it my way.”

“No fair.” Liz frowned as she pulled herself from Max’s arms so he didn’t see how much an affect him licking his fingers had on her. “You tricked me in the thraulls of passion….you cheated!”

“You got your reward.” Max said with a shrug as he head to the door. He turned back and licked his lips. “I got mine.”

“You still cheated.” Liz scolded him but Max reached his hand around the back of her head and pulled her lips to his forcefully.

“I’ll be back in 2 hours…so you can pack and all that.” Max winked as he walked out the door to get his own stuff packed and let his parents know he was bring home someone…very special.

Liz closed the door after Max left and she leaned her forehead on it and started to bang her head. “What did I get myself into?”


“Are you sure about this?” Liz questioned once she and Max pulled up to a beautiful house with a white picket fence. After Max had left Liz called work and took a week off for personal reasons and called her professors to let them know she had to go to a funeral. She was lucky that her teachers were nice enough to set things up for Liz so that she would be able to make up and labs or tests that she would miss. “I don’t want to introude.”

“It will be fine Liz, I already called my mom and she called my aunt to make sure there was room at my table…everything is fine.” Max assure Liz as he squeezed her hand before exciting his jeep. As soon as he closed the car door he heard the house door open and he turned to see Isabel walking out. Max frowned when he saw the scowel on her face but he returned his face to neutral when he saw Liz cast a worried glance between the two siblings. “Come on.”

Liz took Max’s offered hand and he helped her out of the jeep before closing the door behind her and leading them up the drive way. “She hates me.”

“What? Liz, she doesn’t know you.” Max responded when a shaky laugh at Liz’s comment. Although Isabel knew about Liz, Max hadn’t actually told her that it was serious enough for her to be coming home with him. Isabelle had always been nice to his past girlfriends so there was no reason to worry now…right? “It will be ok.”

“Tell your sister that.” Liz warned as they drew closer to Isabel and Liz watched as Isabelle’s eyes zoned in on their clasped hands and her eye brow raised. Liz tried to pull her hand out of Max’s but he held firm and even lifted their hands to his mouth and kissed the back of her hand. “Max?”

“Do you trust me?” Max questioned. He had stopped them walking and turned Liz to face him. “Liz? Do you trust me?”

“Of course.” Liz answered honestly and Max released her ahnd only to bring his hands up to come her face and he kissed her gently letting all his love shine through.

“OK OK, I get it…you like her.” Isabelle scolded her brother once she realized what he was trying to do. Isabelle closed the distance between the group and looking Liz over thoughfully. “You must be Liz, I’m Isabelle.”

“Nice to meet you.” Liz squeaked and hse cleared her thoat before continuing. “Max has told me soo much about you.”

“Relax Liz.” Isabelle chuckled as she locked arms with Liz and started to walk towards house. “I’m not the one you should be worried about; wait till you meet Tess.”

“I’ve already met Tess actually.” Liz said as she turned back and staired at Max who had an amused smile on his face.

“Oh really?” Isabelle asked as she turned and glared at her brother. “So you let Tess meet her before me?”

“I hardly call it letting her Isabelle.” Max explained as they continued into the house. “You know Tess…she basically harassed me until Liz showed up at the apartment.”

“I resent that Max.” Tess said as she stood up from her seat at the kitchen counter and hugged and kissed Max’s cheek before hugging a confused and surprised Liz. “Nice to see you again Liz.”

“You too.” Liz said and she turned to find Max only to realize that Isabelle had pulled him into another room and left her alone. “Um...”

“Oh relax, any friend of Max’s is a friend of mine.” Tess tried to comfort Liz but it didn’t last long when shouting was heard out back and Tess smiled when she realized that the “family” was coming in the house. “But I can’t say the same for everyone else.”

“Tess? Where did you go?” A female voice asked as she rounded the corner and saw Tess was not alone. “Oh, are you a friend of Tess’?”

“Actually, she’s Max’s girlfriend.” Tess said coldly as she watched the woman’s eyes shoot up before checking Liz out. “Jessica this is Liz Parker, Liz this is Jessica Buckley.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Liz responded and she barely restrained the urge to run away from the blonde in front of her. There was hate easily visible in the girls eyes and it was directed towards Liz.

“I’m sure.” Jessica responded as she glared at Liz but she turned to Tess. “So…where is Max?”

“Isabelle dragged him away, not that it’s any of your business Jessica.” Tess said as she rolled her eyes. Jessica and Max had dated briefly over a year ago but Jessica had never let it go. “He’s here with Liz.”

“Doesn’t matter.” Jessica snarled before glaring at Liz again. “Max will talk to me if he wants too.”

“Whatever.” Tess rolled her eyes and pulled Liz towards the backyard. “Sorry about her…I hate her.”

“Who is she?” Liz asked hestitantly as they walked through the house. “Who is she to Max?”

“She’s someone from the past who can’t let go.” Tess explained as she raised her hands in a dismissing gesture. “Max had obviously moved on…and she needs to do that.”

“So…they dated?” Liz asked as she tried to clarify what she was hearing. The girl was extremely beautiful with amazing long blonde hair and a curvy figure…the complete opposite of Liz. “Was it serious?”

“Oh god no, it was like a month tops and Max couldn’t stand her after a week but wanted to be a nice guy and tried to work it out.” Tess stated and she sent a friendly smile to Liz. “Obviously it didn’t work.”

“Oh Tess sweetheart, who is this?” An older blonde woman came up to them and was instantly drawn to Liz. “Is she a friend?”

“Well, actually she’s mine.” Max said as he came up behind Tess and Liz and wrapped his arms around Liz’s waist before placing a kiss on her neck. “Mom this is my girlfriend Liz, Liz this is my mom.”

“It’s very nice to meet you Mrs. Evans.” Liz said in awe of the woman in front her. She knew she would be meeting Max’s family but to meet his parents…well that was a big deal. “You have a beautiful home.”

“Oh thank you dear, and it’s Diane…Mrs. Evans makes me feel old.” Diane teased and when Liz laughed Diane sent an approving glance to Max who just beamed at his girlfriend. “Why don’t you take Liz around and introduce her to everyone.”

“Sure.” Max said as he reached forward and kissed his mother’s cheek before turning his attention back to Liz. “Sorry, Isabelle wanted to scold me for not introducing you two earlier”

“I hope it wasn’t too bad.” Liz said as she walked further into the backyard to meet the rest of Max’s family. Liz felt someone’s eyes boring into her head and turned only to find Jessica fuming at them. “I don’t think she likes me very much.”

“Who?” Max questioned as he looked around for Isabelle. Truthfully he was surprised at how much Isabelle liked Liz in such a short time. “Isabelle?”

“No Jessica.” Liz said and she pointed behind them when Max’s eyes widened. “She had been giving me death glares since Tess introduced us.”

“Shit.” Max cursed as he saw Jessica smile seductively at him before glaring at Liz again. “I’m so sorry Liz, I had no idea she would even be here.”

“Its ok.” Liz reassured Max as she reached up and cupped his face with her hand. “You don’t still have feelings for her do you?”

“I can’t believe you just asked me that Liz.” Max said but there was no anger or accusation in his voice. “I love you woman.”

“That’s good cuz I love you too…man.” Liz teased and Max kissed her.

The kiss was just getting good when someone cleared their throat and spoke next to them. “ I need to tell you to get a room?”

“Dad.” Max said as he straightened and shook his father’s hand. “This is Liz Parker, Liz this is my father.”

“Pleasure to meet you Mr. Evans.” Liz said and she was shocked when he pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheeks. “Um, hi.”

“It’s Philip and sorry but you’re just too cute not hug.” Philip explained to Liz who just blushed and buried her head in Max’s chest.

“Get your own woman dad…this one’s mine.” Max teased and he kissed Liz’s temple which caused her to blush even more.

“Speaking of, have you seen your mother?” Philip asked as he glanced around the yard looking for his wayward wife.

“She just headed into the house.” Max explained and Philip left after promising them they would talk later. “, those are my parents.”

“God, what is it with the Evan’s men huh?” Liz teased as Max rubbed the back of his neck. “You men can’t keep your hands off me.”

“Well he was right…you are too cute not hold.” Max said huskily as he pulled Liz isn’t his arms and bend to kiss her. “Among other things.”

“Max.” Liz sighed and as their lips were millimeter apart but before they could actually touch they heard someone walk up and stop next to them.

“Hello Maxie.” Jessica said in her most seductive voice but Max thought she sounded like she was sick. “What? No kiss for me?”

“What are you doing her Jess?” Max sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Max smiled down at Liz who had placed her hand on his back and rubbed up and down letting him know she was there and didn’t feel threatened by Jessica.

“Oh, Josh invited me.” Jessica said as she stepped closer to Max but he and Liz just stepped back just as quickly.

“Why would my cousin invite you? He knows we split up over a year ago.” Max explained and he looked around for his good for nothing cousin.

“Oh well Josh and I dated for like a week before he met Stephanie…and we stayed friends.” Jessica admitted and she batted her eyes before reaching out to touch Max’s arms. “What can I say…I have a thing for Evan’s men.”

“Well if I had a brother I’d warn him.” Max said as he brushed her hand of his arm and Liz snorted next to him before turning her face into her arm to hide her smile.

“So, Lindsey, how long have you and Max been dating.” Jessica asked as she turned her attention to Liz trying to ignore Max’s comment.

“Actually it’s Liz, and we’ve been together for about 2 and a half month.” Liz said and she couldn’t help but look at Max adoringly when she thought back to these last few months.

“Well, isn’t that nice.” Jessica sneared when she saw the way the couple stared into each others eyes. “We were together for about a month, but Max has probably already told you all about that.”

“Actually he never did.” Liz said and she held back a smile when she saw Jessica’s satisfied smirk, knowing she was about to take it off. “Obviosuly it wasn’t that important to mention.”

“You bitch!” Jessica said and she raised her hand to hit Liz. Liz closed her eyes andturned her face in preparation of the impact of her hand but when she didn’t feel the sling of skin to skin contact, she opened her eyes hestitatnly. When she was able to focus her eyes Liz was awed to see Jessica staring at Max in complete shock while Max held her hand centimeter from Liz’s face.

“I suggest you never raise your hand to her again…or I won’t just stop you, I’ll hit you back.” Max threatened as he forcefully let go of Jessica’s arm and turned to Liz. “You ok?”

“I’m fine…you stopped her.” Liz said still in complete shock that Max had protected her. “Thanks.”

“I couldn’t let her hit you…you may have deserved it a tiny bit.” Max said as he held his finger and thumb up to show a small amount. “But I couldn’t live with you getting hurt over me.”

“I know I deserved that…what I said was actually really mean.” Liz said and she turned to apologize to Jessica only to see empty space where she had once stood. “Well…nevermind then.”

“Having fun?” Max asked in a teasing voice and he walked over to where Liz was sitting at the kiddy table with the little cousins.

“Actually yes.” Liz said without taking her eyes off the bundle of joy in her arms. Max’s cousin Stacy had an adorable little boy about 2 months ago and when she asked Liz to hold him, Liz just couldn’t say now. “This little guy has captured my heart.”

“I thought I did that.” Max pouted as he kneeled down and ran a hand over the baby’s soft hair. “You’re barely two months old and you are already stealing my woman…what’s up with that Nicky? I thought we were cool?”

“Shut up.” Liz teased as she turned to Max and kissed him gently before running a finger down Nicky’s cheek. “He’s soo small.”

“He doesn’t feel that way coming out, believe me.” Stacy said as she came up and hear Liz’s comment. “Thanks so much for watching him..I had to pee so bad.”

“No problem at all.” Liz assured the brunette as she kissed the baby’s head before handing him back to his mother. “He’s an angel.”

“You’ll just have to return the favor for us one day.” Max said as he wrapped his arms around Liz and Stacy raised a brow in question.

“You…you aren’t pregnant now are you?” Stacy asked in a whisper as she looked around to make sure no one heard her.

“What? No, I was just saying in the future…in a few years.” Max explained with a blush when he realized how his comment had sounded.

“I was going to say.” Stacy said her voice a lot calmer than it had been a few minutes before. “Your parents would kill you. I love being a mother, but I’d honestly have waited a few more years for this little guy.”

“How old are you?” Liz questioned. She looked over the woman in front of her and she would have guessed she was around 24-25 yrs old.

“I’m actually barely 19.” Stacy asked and she wasn’t surprised when Liz’s eyes widened. “I know I look a lot older, but in my defense I’ve had to grow up a lot faster than other people my age.”

“I’m sorry, but wow…your soo young!” Liz exclaimed and she blushed when Max poked her in her side. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“Oh no…none taken don’t worry about it.” Stacy assured Liz. She’d only met one of Max’s ex-girlfriends, and even though it was Jessica, Stacy could already tell this was the one for Max. “I’m just glad that my husband and both our families were so understanding.”

“Your husband?” Liz asked as she tried to think back to everyone she had met today. Had she met Stacy’s husband?

“Yeah his name is Ben, but I think he ran to the store cuz I haven’t seen him in a while.” Stacy said once she looked around for her husband but couldn’t find him. “Ben and I had already planned on getting married last year when I found out I was pregnant or Max here would have been the leader of the linching mob.”

“Hey, no one knocks up my favorite cousin and then doesn’t marry her.” Max said in his defense. Max loved Ben, he was a stand up guy and treated his cousin like a queen…but if he hadn’t married her, there would have been world war 3 in this very backyard. “Ben has a solid head on his shoulders through.”

“Well excuse me but this little one needs his diaper changed. It was great talking to you both.” Stacy said as she hugged Max and when she hugged Liz she whispered in her ear. “He loves you…and soon it will be your wedding barbeque.”

“Ok…what did she just say to you.” Max asked Liz who had not stopped blushing since Stacy walked away. “Come on…you know I have ways of getting you to tell me.”

“She said that you love me and that soon it will be our wedding barbeque.” Liz said and she smiled when Max pulled her into his arms and laced his hands low on her back.

“Damn..she just had to go and tell you my plan.” Max teased and he kissed Liz gently. “Want to go swimming?”

“What?” Liz asked confused and then she realized that Max wasn’t wearing his shirt or pants that he came in. “Where are your clothes?”

“I went and changed into my suit suit when you were watching Nicky…why you don’t like?” Max pouted but Liz stopped him with a kiss.

“Oh I like…I like a lot.” Liz said as she let her hands run down Max’s arms and back up to his strong shoulders. “My suit is in the house…want to help me change?”

“God yes.” Max said before he pulled a giggling Liz into the house and upstairs.


Liz barely cleared the door before Max’s mouth was sucking on her breast and leading her towards his old bed. “Max…hurry.”

“I’m trying.” Max mumbled against her sweet neck as he pulled Liz’s jeans off and then moved to take his swim suit off. “Let’s get you naked first.”

“I can’t believe we are doing this.” Liz said as she pulled her panties down just before Max entered her in once full thrust. “Yes…you feel so good.”

“What’s wrong with what we are doing?” Max managed to say before Liz shut him up with a kiss and no words were spoken as they both reached their peaks calling each others names. “Ok…so what is wrong with what we just did?”

“Max! We just had sex at your cousin’s wedding party.” Liz scolded but she rolled her eyes when Max still didn’t understand. “It’s rude to leave the party like that because people could be looking for us…plus we just had sex on your old bed.”

“So? I rather like the idea that next time I sleep on this bed it will smell like you.” Max replied as he nusseled her neck. “Besides, the only person who would be looking for us would be Jessica…and I could care less.”

“Why is she so clingy, you guys only dated for a month…it couldn’t have been that serious.” Liz questioned as she thought about what could have happened between the couple. “Unless you expressed some feelings for her.”

“Liz, I know we said we loved each other really early…but I think we had a special situation.” Max responded. “I have never told a girl that I loved her…before you.”

“Did you sleep with her?” Liz asked…not because she needed or wanted to know but because she was trying to make sense of Jessica’s obsession with her boyfriend.

“Yeah I did.” Max said sadly. “I told you before I’ve been intimate multiple times…but I’ve only had 4 partners, you included, and Jessica was one of them that I wish I could take back. It was just sex with her.”

“If it was just sex…why is it so big in her eyes? Or is she just that crazy.” Liz reasoned and she felt Max start to kiss her shoulder. “What?”

“You’re amazing you know that?” Max admitted as he stared lovingly into Liz’s eyes. “Most girls would be pissed at the situation…but you’re open and aside from the little fight earlier, you’ve been completely nice to her. Why?”

“It’s in the past.” Liz added with a slight shrug. “I know that its over…you’ve told me that and I can tell from being with the two of you that you can barely stand being in the same city with her. I don’t care because it has nothing to do with me…you’d never freak out if you met Kyle.”

“Actually, that’s probably not true.” Max said quietly. “Guys are different Liz. If I ever met Kyle I’d probably start a pissing contest with him and threatened to whip out my dick and measure it.”

“What?” Liz giggled at the image that Max was creating. “Why?”

“Guys are extremely competitive. Although girls are just as competitive, guys are more into sexual or physical strength competition while girls focus on beauty and populatirty.”

“Well to save you the time of “whipping it out” as you said…I’ll let you in on a secret.” Liz said huskily as she leaned up to whisper in Max’s ear. “You’d win hands down.”

“Really?” Max said not even hiding the prideful smile on his lips. “Hands down?”

“God yes.” Liz giggled. “You’d win by a good 3-4 inches…and I’m not just talking cuz I like you…it’s really bigger.”

“You sure know how to inflate my ego.” Max teased and he felt his spent member stiring to life in Liz’s warm walls. “Among other things.”

“I can see that.” Liz said as she wrapped her arms around Max’s neck and started to thrust her hips up to meet his.

“Am I better than Kyle?” Max asked although the answer was clear from Liz’s moans and pleasurable sighs. “Do I love you better?”

“Yes.” Liz moaned as Max continued to hit a pleasurable spot. “I don’t even think I got off with him.”

“Damn…glad I was here to help.” Max said and once again his prideful smile returned. Max noticed he was fast approaching his peak but he also saw Liz was not as close. Wanting to make sure they went together Max reached between them and tweaked her nub before picking up the pace and thrusting his hips harder and faster.

“Max…YES…MAX!” Liz cried as pleasure flodded from her toes to the top of her head and she shuddered again when she felt Max spill his hot seed inside of her. “Wow.”

“Yes…wow.” Max grunted as he fell on top of Liz but tried to keep as much of his weight off of her small frame as possible. “Although I’ve said this before it needs reiterating…you’re the best I’ve had too.”

“Good.” Liz said and she leaned up to kiss Max but they were interrupted by a female screech from the door. “GET OUT!”

"Jeez sorry." Tess said as she turned to leave the room. "Didn't think you were such a prude Max.

“Tess…get the hell out!” Max yelled as he grabbed the blanket on the bed and tried to cover their naked bodies as much as possible. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I came looking for you, cuz your mom was asking for you.” Tess explained as she rolled her eyes. “And what are you doing here?”

“What does it look like Tess?” Max responded as he reached down and grabbed his trunks before slidding them on and pushing Tess out of the room to give Liz some privacy to dress. “This is my room…I’m allowed to be in it.”

“I don’t think your mother wanted you to screw your little girlfriend at a family party Max.” Tess scolded but as soon as Liz came out of the room in her bikini with red cheeks she softened quickly. “I’m so sorry Liz…I didn’t realize that you all were together in there.”

“It’s ok Tess.” Liz said but still not able to meet the blonde’s eyes. “I’m just going to go to the bathroom and freshen up…so it doesn’t look like we were doing what we were doing.”

“I have a better idea.” Tess said with a secret smirk as she walked over and messed up Liz’s tosseled locks even more before grabbing some water from the bathroom and splashing it around Liz’s body so it looked like sweat drops. Tess turned to Max and repeated the process before stepping back to admire her work. “There…now there is no doubt what you two were doing.”

“And why would we want people to know?” Max questioned as he looked over Liz and couldn’t help the surge of arousal that he played some part of Liz’s pleasured look.

“Not everyone…you just want to make sure that Jessica sees what you’ve been doing.” Tess said with a wink before walking off towards the bathroom.

“She’s a very strange girl.” Liz said as she cocked her head to the side as she thought about Tess. “So strange.”

“But she has a point. If Jessica sees just how “together” we are…she might just back off.” Max explained and Liz nodded before he wrapped his arm around her waist and headed down stairs. “Let’s go show off my handywork.”

“You’re such a guy.” Liz giggled as they walked down the stairs.

TBC...thanks again for the lets get some more people...those boards are looking so empty...sooo sad.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hey Everybody!! Wow...I just want to thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, well wishes, and pms. All of it means soo much to me!

Just to update grandfather is out of the hospital. The problem was that his blood pressure was soo high that he was clotting and he started to bleed they had to go in with a lazer to clean things up. He's 75 years old so all that surgery took a toll on him and he's having trouble moving around but he's getting better. He has to take his blood pressure 4 times a day and they did find some cancer cells in his bladder so he has to have chemo for that...but the doctor said his chances are really good.

Ok on with the show...just a warning...this part contains some VERY ADULT scenes and I will warn before if you don't want to read it...then don't...but you are warned...they are very adult and nothing like I usually write lol.

vampyrax wrote:Tess is so funny. Liz sure seems to be a hit with the Evans family. So what is this about the shit hitting the fan? Does this mean that Liz gets mad at Max about his not wanting to break it off with "Suzie"? I hope you don't take so long for your next update I was just getting ready to start bumping you.
Glad you liked it soo much and thanks for sticking with me!
dreamer destiny wrote:I'm glad Liz is so popular with the Evanses. Tess is so funny, lol.
Thank you! Glad you like Tess!
lazza wrote:Sweet part, now I like Max's way of changing Liz's mind...that's a man who knows what he wants!!!

But I feel that this is the calm before the storm....and I believe the storm is called Sam.

I'm glad the Evan's clan liked Liz, but what a stressful place to met everyone, at a wedding!!!!
I agree about the wedding...but at least it turned out ok!
Heavenli24 wrote:Great part, I can't wait for Max and Liz to discover that they've been talking to each other online!

Please update again soon :) !

Thank you!
Emz80m wrote:great part

they're such horndogs
Lol they are aren't they!
Earth2Mama wrote:I love Tess in this fic.

Who'd have thought I'd live to say that?! :shock:

Great update. Post more soon :D
You know...that is the most common thing people say lol..."I like Tess...I can't believe I just said that!" Thanks! no matter how many times I heard it I still blush!
BehrObsession wrote:Wonderful part. Liz had no problem winning over Max's parents. They have to see how happy she makes him. Jessica needs to stop living in a fantasy world and get a real life. Max doesn't want her and that started long before he met Liz. I hope she sees them, knows what they've been doing and gets royally pissed. Pissed enough to leave, even! Can't wait for more!
Lol you will find out what happens this part...enough :twisted:
Behrsgirl1230 wrote:FABULOUS part! I like the character of Jessica cuz u need someone to stir things up to keep it suspenseful. And what Stacy said was just too cute about their wedding being next! :D
Thanks...I agree...I needed an ex-girlfriend to just throw a wrench in the machinery lol.
brighteyes wrote:This is an awesome new part

Jessica is certainly something..

Great part can't wait for more!
Thank you!
taressa05 wrote:Wowzer! I've never had a chapter dedicated to me before. It makes me feel so special. :D I'll just have to beg for the smut on aol more often. ;)

So I have a couple of comments, and then one really important here goes. First of all, Liz should not feel any remorse about what she said to Jessica. In fact, I feel that it wasn't nearly mean enough. That bitch actually deserves for Liz to stomp her into the ground, or at least say some really nasty things about her behind her back. :lol:

Second, you can't be mean enough for them to have some major angst because of them finding out that it was themselves on the internet? I can just see Liz taking a break from Max because he was cheating on her...with her. But why am I even asking? I think you are evil enough to do that to us. :lol:

Finally, THE QUESTION. Where the hell was that feather? ;)

What are you trying to say Dani? I like the drama? know i do! And like I told you in the pm...your little friend is making his appearance. Hope I do it justice!
Erina258 wrote:Wow...I just loved this part!

Max can persuade woman very good, if he wants something from her... :twisted:

Glad that Max's parents and Isabel accepted Liz very well, even Philip... :lol: Loved that line about Evan's men.

Post more soon!
Lol I love Philip...such a dad lol
2004 wrote:Crazy funny part!! Max and Liz sure do get very carried away and oblivious to the outside world.
Yes...but it's that what is soo great about them?
RASaero611 wrote:haha go Tess for helping them out!

great update
Thank you!
froufrou wrote:BUMP :!:
neck wrote:Well lets hope Jessica will notice and will finally realize that she has no chance anymore. Really love Tess in this Story, glad that she is Max friend and that she really likes Liz. I am also sure that she will get along with Isabelle sooner or later. I mean when she sees how much Max really loves Liz she will accept it.
Thanks Nina you are right...Isabel will get alone just find with Liz
FamersAmers wrote:OK when are you updating this for me? And what did you mean by when we found out that they find out it would be happy and sad...because I am looking for...well you know what I am looking for!!

Plus...I am getting antsy here!! I want to know...I need to know!!! and you hold it all in your your your hands and you dont share!!! How mean is that!!! *hmph* crossing my arms*!!!

Ok miss jennifer...get back here...well i will give you a break since I know that your brother is with you...and I know how important that I will igve you a little *putting my index finger and thumb together* and I MEAN little break!! But hurry back!!

I need to know about Sam and Susy!! forget Max and Liz!!! LOL!!

Lol when did I become doll? Lol...not that I mind..but that's a first lol. I hope you get this girl..cuz I know what your going through so I would be surprised if you came on at all...but if you do...I'm here and all that for you lol...don't want to get all mushy and all but you know me! Love you girl!
tijuana_lady wrote:So glad to hear that your grandpa is out of the hospital.
Maxsgurl wrote: The same info goes to all my stories...we are basically at turning points for all and I want to get it since I've been gone forever I'm making the parts extra long and get ready!
"steamy" favorite word. :wink: lol

Can't wait to read your updates, babe. :D
Yes...I know steamy is your fav word lol...hope you like this part! Oh and my little warning about adult parts..are not for you lol...I have a feeling that you will read them over and over :twisted:
POM wrote:Sorry about that!! I hope he gets well soon!! On a side note I'm love this story!! :lol: So funny with Tess and everything :D I'm seriously not likeing Jessica Image!!!

Hope you come back soon with the next chapter :)

Thank you and I'm glad you love this story and like Tess...she is my fav to write in this story!

Chapter 15

Max opened his eyes and instantly smiled when he heard Liz’s soft snoring next to him. He glanced to his side and saw Liz’s sleeping form. Sometime during the night she had turned over onto her stomach and her hair was covering her face.

Max couldn’t resist the need to see her so he reached over gently to push back her hair. When Liz’s face came into view Max couldn’t help but wince at the angry red mark on her beautiful cheek; obviously evidence of just how well Tess’s plan had really worked.


After being “dressed up” by Tess, a giggling Max and Liz came out into the backyard hand in hand. “Your mom is looking at me strange.” Liz whispered to Max as she clung to him tightly; hoping no one would see her and know what they had been doing.

“Really? Cuz my dad is staring at me.” Max said as he glanced over his shoulder and met Liz’s eyes. “Why is my mom staring at you?”

“Cuz! She knows what we did…she thinks I deflowered her baby boy!” Liz said with wide eyes as she glanced across the yard to Mrs. Evans who was actually not even aware of the couple’s presence yet. “Why is your dad looking at you?”

“Baby, my mom knows I’m sexually active and she isn’t even looking here.” Max chuckled as he assured Liz. “And my dad is looking at me cuz he knows I just had sex with my amazingly vocal girlfriend.”

“MAX!” Liz screamed when Max quickly picked her up into his arms and started to walk towards the pool. “Don’t you dare!”

“Too late!” Max said as he released his arms and Liz fell into the pool with a splash.

“Max!” Liz yelled as she surfaced and pushed her wet hair off her face. As soon as she blinked the water out of her eyes Liz saw Max sitting on the edge of the pool swinging his legs in the water.

“Hi baby.” Max said when he saw Liz swim over towards him. He knew she was a little pissed but he had his own agenda.

“Don’t you ‘hi baby’ me Max Evans.” Liz scolded as she stood in front of Max with her arms across her chest. “Why did you do that?”

“Cuz you look so hot in your bikini.” Max said with a smirk, as he looked Liz up and down in the 3 feet deep water. “I wanted to help you cool down.”

“Well, thanks for that.” Liz said as she stepped closer and stood in-between Max’s legs. “But now I’m cold.”

“Ah, but that’s the beauty of this idea.” Max said as he pulled Liz even closer and wrapped his arms around her. “Not only can I cool you off but I can also warm you up.”

“Max.” Liz moaned as he nuzzled her ear and placed a kiss behind it.

“God, didn’t you two get enough?” Jessica said as she stood over the instantly annoyed couple.

“Excuse me?” Max questioned as he looked back at Liz who was also confused. “What do you mean?”

“Please, we all know you two screwed upstairs. We heard you all the way from down here.” Jessica sneered jealously. “God Max where did you find her?”

“In my dreams.” Max answered as he gazed at Liz lovingly while Jessica growled.

“You always find the slutty one’s.” Jessica said as she started to walk away but a wet hand on her arm stopped her.

“I know you didn’t’ just call me a slut.” Liz said as she pulled her hand off of Jessica’s arm and stared at her in the face. “Cuz, you are one to talk.”

“Well I have enough decency to not screw at an engagement party.” Jessica said with a smirk.

“That’s a lie.” Max said as he came to stand behind Liz. “You were the one who told me you slept with a guy right before your cousin’s wedding and it turned out to be the groom.”

“What!” Liz gasped as she turned to Max who just nodded before Liz turned back to Jessica. “Look, I tried to be nice to you, but you obviously you aren’t going to go for that so I’m through with it. I want you to leave my boyfriend and me alone. You’re a slut and Max deserves someone better than you.”

“And you think that’s you?” Jessica asked and she watched Liz glanced at Max who just gave her an encouraging smile.

“Yeah, I do.” Liz answered. “Move on Jessica, Max obviously has and I’m not going anywhere.”

“You bitch!” Jessica yelled as she reached up and slapped Liz hard causing everyone to turn and stare at them.

“I warned you Jessica.” Max said as he checked to make sure Liz was ok before pushing her behind him. “I told you if you slapped Liz, you’d have to answer to me.”

“She deserved it Max.” Jessica cried as she looked into the eyes of a protective and angry Max. “She called me a slut!”

“You are a slut.” Tess said as she spoke up from behind Jessica causing her to turn and Jessica soon realized she was blocked in.

“Please, slut doesn’t even begin to describe her Tess.” Isabelle added as she stepped up as well. “She’s the queen of sluts.”

“Look this has obviously gotten out of hand.” Jessica tried to reason as she held up her hands.

“You’re right.” Liz said as she stepped from behind a reluctant Max. A red handprint was visible on her cheek and it just served to anger Tess and Isabelle even more. “You should leave.”

“I agree.” Tess added. She’d dealt with Jessica for a year and this was the last straw.

“You two can’t make me leave.” Jessica said with a smirk. “You don’t belong here.”

“Yes they do.” Isabelle vowed. “They are family.”

“So what you got to spread your legs to be in this family?” Jessica asked causing everyone at the party to gasp. “I know Tess does readily and Liz is obviously not far behind her.” No one saw it coming. Before anyone else could react to her words, Liz lunged forward and attacked Jessica causing both girls to fall into the pool.

“LIZ!” Max screamed as he rushed forward with everyone else and watched as Jessica dunked Liz. He was about to jump in when he was pulled back and a furious Tess jumped in. “Tess! Help Liz!”

Tess swam to the middle of the pool and pulled Jessica off by her fake blonde hair allowing Liz to come back up for air, before she turned around and started to dunk Jessica with Tess’s help.

“God dammit!” Max screamed as he watched the girls slap, pull, and dunk each other. Max glanced around and then pointed to Isabelle. “You get Tess.” Then to his cousin. “And since you invited her dumbass, you get Jessica.” Max jumped down into the shallow water. “I’ll get the brunette.”


Max had used almost all his strength to pry Liz off of Jessica, but he smiled when Liz ripped out a huge handful of her hair in the process.

They had also found out that Jessica had lied and Max’s cousin hadn’t invited her at all, no one had and Jessica was told to leave and never come back unless she wanted the cops involved.

Max knew Liz felt bad about what happened but everyone assured her that it wasn’t her fault and all the women said that they would have done the same if they were in her place.

“Hmm, morning.” Liz mumbled as she opened her eyes and saw Max staring at her.

“Morning.” Max said as he leaned over and kissed her softly while gently caressing her red cheek. “How you feeling?”

“Ok.” Liz answered honestly as she scooted closer to Max who wrapped his arms around her. “You should see the other guy.”

“I know.” Max chuckled as he thought of Jessica’s black and blue face. “My personal favorite was when her face was slammed against the side of the pool.”

“That wasn’t me!” Liz vowed as she looked up at Max. “That was all Tess while I merely…assisted her.”

“Right.” Max said as he kissed Liz’s temple but someone knocking at the door caught his attention and he sat up and pulled his boxers on.

“Who could that be?” Liz questioned as she glanced at the clock. “It’s only 7 a.m.”

“I don’t know.” Max replied as he leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Go back to sleep.”

After answering the door Max headed back to the room while shaking his head. His neighbor had locked himself out again and asked to use the spare key that he had luckily kept as Max’s apartment.

Max walked in the room and smiled at the sight before him. Liz was asleep again and the covers had slipped down revealing her perky breasts to Max. Max had an idea and glanced around the room until he found what he was looking for. Returning to the bed with the mystery object in his hand Max sat down next to Liz and watched her sleep for a minute or two until his desire took over.

“Baby?” Max whispered into Liz’s ear but all she did was whimper and quieted down again causing Max to chuckle. Max raised the object and gently touched the tip of it to Liz’s soft skin below her neck.

<center>WARNING **ADULT AHEAD!!** WARNING</center>

Seeing he got no reaction Max lowered the object down her upper chest and circled it around her nipple; Max watched in amazement when the light brown skin puckered for him. Giving into the temptation Max lowered his head and sucked the distended skin into his mouth with a groan.

“Max.” Liz moaned yet still didn’t open her eyes to Max’s ministrations causing him to think she was dreaming of him. Max suckled her breast harder as he trailed the object down her naked body with Max soon following its path.

Max lifted the covers completely off Liz’s body before sliding down to lay between her legs, which he had easily spread for his body. Max got comfortable in-between her legs before taking the object and with one hand he opened her folds gently before taking the object and teasing her heat gently.

“Yes.” Liz moaned out as she started to wake with pleasure shooting threw her body. She opened her eyes slightly and groaned again when she looked down and saw Max between her legs. Although she had no idea what he was doing or what he was doing it with…she was enjoying it and was going to get him to continue it. “Max…more.”

Max smiled before leaning down and while using the object to tease her clit while he lapped at her juices and eased a long finger into her causing Liz to groan and bow of the bed in ecstasy. Her juices poured steadily out of Liz’s body and Max eagerly drank them up as they flowed onto his tongue. Before Liz was able to completely calm down from her recent climax Max entered her quickly and started to build her up again. “Yes.”

“You feel so good baby.” Max assured her as he rocked and thrust into her welcoming body. He groaned when Liz clinched her silk walls around his body as she started to climb to her peak. “God baby…you’re amazing.”

“I’m…I’m almost there.” Liz groaned as she wrapped her arms around Max trying to hold him deeper. “Hurry.”

“Hold on…I’m trying.” Max grunted as he picked up the pace trying to go with her. Max noticed Liz’s hands had drifted down his back and he assumed she was going to hold his hips or grab his ass, which she knew he loved. When her hands left his body all together Max just assumed she was drifting into her passion. Max jumped when he felt something soft caressing his lower back and drifting lower to graze his ass. “Liz…what…are you…doing?” Max panted as he thrust deeper and harder into Liz praying she wouldn’t snap in half.

“Playing.” Liz said with a smirk as she let the object slide slowly in-between Max’s cheeks towards his back hole. Max grunted and shivered at her continued caresses. “With me baby…come with me.”

“Shit! I’m coming baby!” Max cried as he started to shake as his semen shot from his body but all hell broke lose when he felt Liz probe a finger into him while using the object to tickle his tight sack. “Liz! I’m coming again…FUCK!”

“YES!!” Liz screeched as more of Max’s warm juices filled her womb and caused her to tense and cum with him.

They laid in complete silence except for their own harsh pants. “Damn Liz…that was intense.”

“I know.” Liz replied as she pushed her sweat laden hair away from her face and held up the object in her hand with a raised eyebrow.

“Are you ok?” Max asked as he caressed Liz’s arm and she twirled the feather in her hand. “I didn’t now you’d feel about me using that.”

“Don’t worry…I definitely liked it.” Liz assured Max as she laid her chin on his chest and Max caressed her cheek. “I was actually wondering when we were going to get to use that ever since Tess mentioned it. I honestly never would have thought you were so kinky.”

“I could say the same for you.” Max said and Liz smirked knowing he was referring to her own use of the feather. “I’ve never…ever cum that hard or much before.”

“I know.” Liz said as she lightly bit Max’s nipple. “I felt it inside of me.”

“Really?” Max questioned as he thought about what Liz said. “You can feel it?”

“Max.” Liz chuckled as she sat up and laid on top of him letting their chest touch. “Of course I can…there are nerve endings there obviously since I get pleasure.”

“I know.” Max blushed at what Liz was saying. “But I didn’t think you could feel when I …when I came inside of you.”

“Oh yeah.” Liz stuck her tongue in Max’s ear. “Every last creamy drop.”

“Liz.” Max groans as he easily flips them over and enters her quickly. “This is insane!”

“Are you complaining?” Liz asked as she feasted on Max’s neck while he pumped into her already aroused body.

“Hell no!” Max grunted and he quickly felt his climax coming again. “Shit…you better be ready baby.”

“Always.” Liz assured him and she tightened her walls around him to milk him of ever drop as they screamed each other’s names.

“As soon as I can walk we are going to take a shower.” Max promised as he covered his eyes with his arm and tried to get his breathing back to normal, although he knew it wouldn’t last long.

“Oh…round 3?” Liz teased and she giggled when she saw Max already hardening at her words. “Can’t wait.”


<center>End Adult </center>

“So you nervous?” Max asked Liz, as they both got ready in his bathroom a few days later

“I guess…not really…maybe.” Liz said as she glanced threw her makeup bag for her blush.

Today was the last day of their psychology class and they were going to find out whom their partners were. The couple was on edge, which probably accounted for their intense and extremely exerting intercourse that morning. They both knew each was nervous but for different reasons.

Liz was nervous because she’d have to face Sam today. Although she knew that they had left their relationship on rocky terms, but she’d told him that she’d met someone…so she hoped he respected that and let her move on. She knew it was wrong to say they might be able to go out after they met but Liz really didn’t want to…she’d have to explain to Max and she didn’t know how he’d take it.

Max on the other hand was nervous to see Suzy because he’d dreamed about this for months…what Max felt for Liz was real but something was calling for him to meet Suzy. Max didn’t understand why or how to explain it but being with both of them was not wrong to him…his gut said it would work out and today was the day he was going to see how right his gut was.

“You’re worried about your grade aren’t you?” Max teased when he saw Liz nibbling on her lip. “Baby, I’ve read your writing and it’s awesome; I’m an American Lit major so that says a lot.”

“You like that don’t you?” Liz asked when she saw Max’s proud smile. “Having a major…telling people you have a plan.”

“Yeah I do.” Max agreed as he watched Liz put a little lip-gloss on in the mirror and he couldn’t help but want to kiss it off. “I spent a year here before you Liz and I wasted all that time not knowing what to do. Then you show up and in a few months you get me so much that you find my major for me. I don’t know how I survived without you here.”

“Aww.” Liz cooed as she turned to Max and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You better be careful or I’d think you loved me or something.”

“We wouldn’t want someone to think that would we.” Max said as he leaned down to sample Liz’s glossy lips when she pulled out of his arms and walked out of the room. “Liz…”

“Quit whining you big baby.” Liz teased from Max’s bedroom as she put her stuff back in the drawer that Max had cleaned out for her stuff when she stayed over. It wasn’t much but Liz loved the intimacy and the security of having a special place for her stuff at Max’s and his stuff at hers; they had also exchanged keys a few weeks ago.

“Liz!” Max called to her from the bathroom as he played with his hair in the mirror before frowning. “My hair!”

“You know, one of these days you’re going to have to learn to do it yourself.” Liz scolded as she walked into the bathroom and jumped up to sit on the counter in front of Max. He had recently gotten his haircut and didn’t feel comfortable styling it so whenever he was at Liz’s place or she was at Max’s she always had to style is hair; when she wasn’t around he wore a hat.

“Why would I do that when I have you around?” Max teased as he stepped in between Liz’s legs and placed his hands on her hips. He watched in fascination as she placed a little styling product in her hands and then worked it into his hair. “God baby…that feels so good.”

“Don’t start.” Liz warned as she let her hands run threw Max’s dark locks. Although she teased and scolded him she secretly loved the time she got with Max like this. They were growing so much closer and Liz knew she was almost at the point of no return. She never thought she’d be one of those girls who fell fast but as soon as Max came into the picture she couldn’t find the urge to trust him with all her heart; she just hoped it didn’t bite her in the ass.

“You have the best hands Liz.” Max assured her as he bent his head down so that Liz could reach all the way to his neck. The product was mixed in his hair and both knew this had nothing to do with styling anymore. “You always know what to do.”

“Stop.” Liz lightly tugged his hair to get him to stand up straight which he did but not with out a pout. “We don’t have time baby…as much as I’d like too…we won’t have time. We took an extra long shower this morning and it cost us.”

“That’s cuz you kept getting dirty.” Max said as he raised his eyebrows suggestively and Liz blushed. He loved that about her…they had talked dirty to each other all night but as soon as they woke up Liz blushed at the memory and Max prayed she’d do that for the rest of their lives.

Max had thought about the future already. Tess and Isabel could tell how deep Max was in it with Liz and approached him about their future.


“So…can you see yourself getting married to her?” Tess questioned as she had lunch with Max, Isabelle and Michael. “I mean it’s pretty serious right?”

“Yeah it is.” Max answered honestly and he saw his sister staring at him strangely. “What?”

“How serious?” Isabelle questioned her brother.

Max was going to answer but Michael beat her to it. “He gave her a key and a drawer.”

“Shit Max!” Tess screeched causing people around them to stare. “I didn’t know you gave her a drawer!”

“What? it’s no big deal,” Max tried to play it off badly. “She brought over things for when she spent the night and I didn’t want it all over the floor…it’s not fair to her.”

“You got a drawer at her place?” Isabelle asked as she took in the new information. Don’t get her wrong, she loved Liz and thought that she was perfect for Max but no sister wants to have competition for her brother’s attention.

“Yeah but I’m pretty sure it’s empty.” Max said and he explained when the girls looked at him confused. “We are rarely over there. Liz stays with me and Michael stays with Maria.”

“You got a drawer?” Tess asked Michael who just scoffed at the thought.

“Hell no.” Michael grumbled. “I have a dusty corner to throw my bag in and if I’m lucky I get a hanger to put my jacket on.”

“Yeah well we can’t win them all can we Guerin.” Tess said and Michael easily flipped her off. “Point is Max, it’s serious and as a girl I must warn you.”

Max’s eyes widened at the tone in Tess’ voice. “What?”

“If I know Liz which I think I do from the time I’ve spent with her, she’s going to want a commitment from you soon.” Tess explained. “You’ve known each other for about 4 months…have you even talked about the future?”

“Yeah.” Max assured her. “We’ve talked about kids and marriage but we’re taking one day at a time.”

“Max…it takes most guys a year to let their girlfriends have the things you’ve given Liz in a few months.” Isabelle added. “At the rate you’re going Liz will be pregnant with you’re 5th kid in a year!”

“Aren’t you being a little dramatic Isabelle?” Max asked his sister who just rolled her eyes. “Not all girls are focused on the commitment and getting a ring on their finger. Liz is different and she’s only a freshman…she’s got all the time in the world for that kind of thinking.”

“Fine.” Tess said as she held up her hands in defeat. “I just suggest you give her something serious before you do something to screw it up.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Tess.” Max grumbled.

“I know you Max and once you start to think with the head south of the border you tend to screw up royally and I’d hate to see Liz hurt in the process.” Tess explained and Max nodded.

“I know.” Max agreed and the table fell into silence.

“Well since I’m not one for uncomfortable or even comfortable silence I must ask,” Michael turned to Max. “I know girl friends practice and all that shit and since I know from experience Maria’s talent…does Liz give good head?”

“MICHAEL!” All three of his friends screeched at him.

Michael held his hands up in surrender. “All I’m saying is that if Liz is anything like Maria I’d hold on to that one.”

“Liz has many a talent Michael…many a talent.” Max assured him and turned to Tess. “In fact we just used that feather the other day Tess.”

“Do I want to know the kinky details?” Tess asked as she started to squirm in her seat. “On second thought never mind; I’m getting wet just thinking about it.”

“Eww Tess!” Isabelle cried. “Over share.”

“What I need to get laid.” Tess said as she laid her head on the table and her friends laughed.


Max had decided he was going to take the plunge and ask Liz to move in with him after Christmas. He wanted to fall asleep and wake up in her arms and since Michael was practically living with Maria as is and Liz was basically already living with him…they might as well make it official and switch roomies.


Professor Van Nutton nervously watched the clock ticking down the minutes until his class started. Today was the big day that everyone found out who they had been talking to all semester and why. He normally was excited but today he was nervous for his favorite couple. Their reactions today could make or break their relationship and he hoped it was the former.

Van Nutton looked at the clock again waiting for Max and Liz to show up so he could start class. He was about to check the clock again when a soft giggle from the door announced the entrance of a student and Van Nutton sighed when he saw that they had arrived.

Max and Liz entered the class holding hands with big smiles on their faces; it was clear to anyone who saw them that they were in love. Max lead Liz to their seats in the front row and they sat down.

Nutton watched as the couple put their stuff down on their desks and got ready for class. Liz bent down tot fix her pant leg and as her hair fell into her face Max pushed it back and caressed Liz’s cheek causing Liz to blush.

“Ok class, good afternoon.” Nutton said and he smiled when a few students wished him a good afternoon as well. “As you all know today you will find out your partner's name but before that I want to discuss what you learned. So tell me some differences in your partner and your writing styles?”

After a few moments a big blond jock spoke up from the front row. “Well I noticed that in the middle of a war scene my partners would start bringing up romantic feelings in the middle of the action.”

“Good observation Nick.” Van Nutton said. “Women want to talk about their feelings more often than men and usually during very inappropriate times. Anything else?”

“My partner always wrote his characters as the boss. They were usually the leaders and didn’t care about my characters.” An outspoken redhead stated.

Van Nutton nodded. “Very good Jenna. Men usually view themselves and their male friends as the authority figures. Women are molded by society to be submissive to men.”

After a few more observations Van Nutton started to announce the partners and their grades. After telling everyone else their grades it was finally Max and Liz’s turn though neither realized they were the only students left.

“Max Evans,” Van Nutton said as he glanced up from his list of grades and smiles at Max who had sat up straighter at the mention of his name. “First off you and your partner got an A. I thoroughly enjoyed your writing. You two learned how to work together very quickly and it continued though the semester.”

“Thank you.” Max blushed and Liz squeezed his hand letting him know how proud she was of him.

“Without further ado, let me introduce you to your partner and real life girlfriend, Liz Parker.” Van Nutton held his breath as silence filled the large classroom.

Max turned to Liz and when their eyes met his mouth broke out into the cheesiest smile before he kissed her passionately causing the class to break out in applause. “I love you.”

As soon as the dazed fog lifted from Max’s kisses Liz pushed against his chest and stood up while wiping her lips with a shaky hand. “Excuse me.”

“Liz?” Max questioned when Liz quickly fled the classroom and left him standing there dazed. He jumped up and followed her but by the time he got outside she was nowhere in sight.

Pulling out his cell Max proceeded to call Liz’s cell and left a message after she didn’t pick up. “Liz it’s me.” Max sighed. “Please baby, I don’t know what just happened but I want you to know I love you and I’m sorry if I hurt you somehow.” Max hesitated while he tried to think about anything to add.

“Call me back…please.”


Liz walked silently down the hall to Max’s apartment. She was fully aware of her cell phone’s constant ringing in her pocket but she also knew who was calling as she didn’t want to talk to him; not yet.

Liz lifted a shaky hand to the dead bold lock and used her key to quietly enter the apartment praying she was alone. Making her way to Max’s room Liz remembered all the little things about Max. He rarely kept the toilet seat up which always surprised Liz since he was a college guy living with another guy. Liz also noticed when she walked into his room that Max never made his bed in the morning. Liz sighed as she made her way to the dresser and pulled her stuff out before placing them in her bag.

Liz made her way to the bathroom and made sure she hadn’t left anything under the sink. As she was standing up Liz caught sight of Max’s hair and health care products and she was instantly reminded of the special moments that they had.


“Like this?” Liz asked as she stared into Max’s eyes.

“You can press a little harder…I’ll tell you if you cut me.” Max assured Liz with a bright smile.

“Don’t do that.” Liz scolded and she waited until Max relaxed his face but she could still see the smile in his eyes. “I need a smooth working area and you smiling is ruining that.”

“So sorry baby.” Max said as seriously as he could and he held Liz’s hips to steady himself as she raised the razor and slide it across his face. “You’re good at this.”

“You would be too if you were a girl.” Liz confessed. “You only have to shave your face daily. Try two long legs, two arm pits and an occasional bikini line…you’d be an expert in no time.”

“Point taken.” Max said as he lifted his chin so that Liz could get to the underside of his jaw. Liz finished shaving his face and Max stood in front of her as she took a warm towel and wiped his face clean before turning to grab a jar of some cream. “What is that?”

“Oh I picked this up for me.” Liz said as she opened up the jar and smelled the spicy scent. “It’s after shaving cream. It will help calm your skin down and keep it extra soft and touchable.”

“I’ll let you be the judge of that.” Max teased as he watched as Liz dipped her fingertips in the jar and proceeded to work the lotion in his face. After a few minutes Max could feel the after shaving tightness in his face fade away and he turned his questioning eyes to Liz. “Well? How do I feel?”

“You feel ok to the touch.” Liz commented as she ran her fingers over Max’s smooth skin. “But there are other ways to touch.”

“Really? Do tell.” Max said as he took a step closer to Liz and she wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled his skin with her nose. “Liz…”

“You smell so good.” Liz said as she leaned forward and kissed Max’s cheek before moving down to his jaw and letting her tongue come out and gently taste his hairless skin. “You feel perfect.”


Liz shook her head to clear the thoughts out of her head. Max cheated on her, although it was with her he still cheated and Liz couldn’t get over that.

Zipping up her bag and turning off the lights Liz left Max’s apartment and took the stairs down to the bottom floor. She never knew that if she’d stayed a second longer she would have seen Max stepping off the elevator.

Max dragged his feet as he walked to his door. He’d left Liz at least 10 messages and had checked everywhere he could think to find her.

Max opened the door and headed to his room to try to think things through but when he opened his door he instantly noticed Liz’s drawer was open and it looked empty. Max rushed across the room praying his eyes were deceiving him but as soon as he was close enough to see it clearly Max felt his heart stop…she was gone.

“I can’t believe this.” Maria said as she and Liz vented over a gallon of ice cream. “Max is really Sam?”

Liz nodded as she swallowed more ice cream. “The worst part is he doesn’t know he did anything wrong.”

“You’re kidding me?” Maria questioned. Max had always done everything right in Liz and his relationship. It surprised Maria that he didn’t know how to fix this.

“No, he left numerous messages saying he didn’t know why I left and that he loved me.” Liz rolled her eyes. “Like that will fix it."

“I’m sorry chica.” Maria comforted. “I know you really liked him.”

“No I didn’t like him.” Liz corrected. “I loved him.” Liz sighed with the realization. “I still love him.”

“But can you trust him?” Maria questioned. “Although he was cheating on you this time with you…can you trust it was a one time thing? I don’t know Max as well as you but I’ve seen the boy around you Liz…he’s a total goner. I don’t want to make you do anything or whatever but I don’t think he’d do that to you for just any girl…but that’s just my opinion.”

“I know Ria.” Liz commented. She was about to add something else when she heard someone try to open the apartment door and she turned to Maria. “It’s him.”

“How do you know?” Maria asked as she watched Liz wipe away the tears that were falling from her eyes.

“Cuz I gave him a key and he was bound to show up here once he realized I took all my stuff from his place.” Liz replied sadly.

“Oh sweetie.” Maria said quietly as she reached out and hugged her best friend. “Want me to go deal with him?”


“LIZ!! PLEASE! I KNOW YOU’RE HOME!” Max screamed into the apartment from behind the door. Although he had a key and had gotten the door unlocked he still couldn’t get it open all the way because someone had used the chain lock across the door. Max knew that the girls only used that at night and when they didn’t want someone coming in…that hurt more than Max ever thought possible. The thought that Liz didn’t even want to see him; that she'd chained him out of her life. “BABY! PLEASE! DON’T DO THIS!! LET’S TALK!”

“Will you keep your voice down before you get us evicted?” Maria said coldly as she stepped out of the hallway and into Max’s line of sight. “You have a lot of nerve showing up here asshole.”

“Maria!” Max smiled when he saw the girl before him thinking his salvation had come. “Please, you have to let me in to talk to Liz…please; I don’t know what’s going on.”

“You want to know what’s going on?” Maria questioned and Max nodded at her with wide eyes. “Fine I’ll tell you since you are so stupid not to get it yourself…you cheated on Liz!”

“What? I don’t understand.”

“Oh please…you tried to continue dating “Suzy” while you were in a committed relationship with Liz…you were sleeping with Liz and telling her you loved her all the while you were trying to get to Suzy!” Maria explained and she watched as understanding flashed in Max’s eyes before they returned to uncontrolled apology.

“But Liz is Suzy!” Max reminded her and a soft voice came from the shadows.

“Did you know?”

“Liz?” Max questioned and he sighed in relief when he saw her step out of the shadows. She had on baggy sweats, her hair in a pony tail, her make-up off and her eyes looked red and blotchy…she was easily the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. “God baby…what did I do?”

“I asked if you knew.” Liz repeated as she stood with her arms across her chest a few feet away from Max.

“Knew what Liz?” Max pleaded as he reached inside as much as he could to touch her but she quickly stepped aside, easily dodging his reach. “I don’t understand!”

“At anytime during this semester…did you know I was Suzy?” Liz questioned and she watched as Max hung his head. “When you asked me out and slept with me…did you know I was Suzy?”

“No.” Max whispered and he looked up into Liz’s eyes and watched as the tears easily slipped down her cheeks. “I had no idea…but for some reason I knew it would be ok…I even told Isabel and Tess that I knew it would be ok to be with you both.”

“Well you were wrong.” Liz added sadly.

“What are you saying Liz?” Max asked and he knew instantly what she wanted as soon as their eyes met again. “You aren’t going to be able to get past this are you.”

“No…not yet at least.” Liz confessed. “I don’t care if it was me Max…what if it wasn’t me? It doesn’t matter who it was…cheating is still cheating. You were thinking about someone else when we kissed…when we made love. Did you ever even love me at all?”

“God yes!” Max cried. “Every time I ever told you or showed you how I felt it was all for you baby…all for you!”

“I’m sorry…I can’t.” Liz took a deep breath. “I believe you…I don’t know why but I believe you.” Max sighed in relief. “But that doesn’t mean I trust you…I can’t do that.”

“Please…don’t do this Liz.” Max sobbed as Liz turned to her purse and pulled out the key to his apartment. “No…I don’t want it.”

“Take it.” Liz said as she held it out for me and once he reached out and took it she kept her hand out flat for him. “If you give me the key back you’ll save me the time and money of changing the locks.”

“I’m so sorry Liz.” Max pleaded as he handed her the key and Liz started to close the door on him. “I love you…I’ll always love you.”

“I’ll always love you too.” Liz said softly to the closed door as she slid down it and cried.


1 Month Later

“Come on Max, do it for me please?” Isabel begged her brother. Max had been in a crappy mood for over a month and Isabel was tired of it. “Mom misses you.”

"I was home a month ago remember, the wedding?" Max reminded his sister. “Besides, why would I come home now?”

“Does the term Christmas mean anything to you?” Isabel added as she tried to get Max to come home to spend time with his family. “Look…I’ll let you call me the Christmas Nazi alright?”

“Hail Hitler.” Max teased but sighed deeply. “Sorry Izzy…as tempting as that is…not enough.”

“Fine, I’ll tell you the truth.” Isabel confessed. “I’m bringing my boyfriend to Christmas dinner and I want you to meet him.”

“Really?” Max questioned surprised. “Is this the internet boyfriend?”

“Yes but its more than that now. We stayed on the net cause he was on the east coast but he’s in New Mexico now so we’ve3 been dating for a month and a half.” Isabel paused. “I really like him Max.”

“Then I’m sure he’ll pass my test.” Max replied honestly. It had been a while since Max had seen his sister this happy. “I’ll come home.”


“Please Liz…” Maria begged her best friend through the bathroom door. “I don’t want to go alone.”

“Maria, no.” Liz said as she opened the door and looked into her friend’s eyes. “I’m sorry…but I’m not going to go to Alex’s apartment and hang all day with a bunch of couples!”

Maria had been trying to get Liz to go spend the day before Christmas at Alex’s apartment with her and Michael. Alex had finally moved back to Roswell and was having a Christmas get together at his new apartment. The party was also a way to introduce his new girlfriend to Liz and Maria. Alex wanted to meet Michael so Maria was able to drag him along and now she just had to get Liz to go to.

“It’s not going to be all couples Liz.” Maria assured her. “Alex’s girlfriend invited her brother and a guy friend…I’m pretty sure the friend is going to be late, but the brother is supposed to be there…so you won’t be the only single there.”

“Fine.” Liz mumbled as she walked past Maria and into her room. “I’ll go but I’ll drive myself there…no way am I sitting in the car with you and Michael even for 5 minutes.”

“Good!” Maria said as she ignored Liz’s last statement. “So…you have Alex’s address right?”

“Yes Maria…and I think I can find my way around my hometown.” Liz rolled her eyes. “Where did Alex say his girlfriend is from?”

“Albuquerque I think.” Maria said as she tried to remember. “That’s the same as Michael and Ma...Anyway, I wonder if they know each other.”

“Right.” Liz said as she sobered at the innocent slip of Max’s name.

“Liz he’s hurting too you know…” Maria tried but at the glare from Liz she quickly changed the subject. “So…um, you got that box for me?”

“Yeah it’s in your old room.” Liz said and she watched as Maria nodded and headed to retrieve the box of left over things. Maria had pretty much moved out of their apartment and moved in with Michael. They had gotten a one-bedroom apartment next door to Max and Michael’s old apartment. “So…is it everything you ever dreamed it would be?”

“More or less.” Maria said as she placed the box down at the foot of the bed and sat next to Liz. “I’ve pretty much lived with Michael here…but this is different. If he pisses me off I can’t send him home you know?”

“I know.” Liz laughed. “But if you need a night away you know you are welcome here...I’ll have the extra room anyway.”

“God Liz I’m so sorry.” Maria turned to face her best friend. “I totally just left you this big apartment by yourself…I can still pay rent if you want until you find a new roomie.”

“Don’t worry about it. We had to grow up and live on our own sometime right?” Liz shrugged. “And I’m not going to get a new roommate…I don’t think I couldn’t live with anyone that wasn’t you.”

“I don’t know about that.” Maria said under her breath as she thought about a certain dark haired cutie that lived next door to her.

“Well it’s getting late so you should probably get back to your man.” Liz said as she got up and walked Maria to the door. “I’ll see you in a few days at Alex’s ok?”

“Ok…I love you Liz.” Maria said as she hugged her friend. “You’ll get through this…you know that right?”

“Eventually…I will.” Liz assured her friend as they parted ways.


The day before Christmas Eve

“Are you sure I look ok?” Isabel asked her boyfriend for the tenth time that hour. His friends were coming over and she wanted to look perfect for them. She knew how much her boyfriend relied on his friend’s opinions of his girlfriends so Isabel knew she was facing the firing squad tonight.

“Baby…you look amazing.” Alex said as he came forward and wrapped his arms around Isabel to calm her down. He’d never let her know that he was equally nervous to be meeting her brother and hopefully their friend. “Stop worrying ok? They are going to love you…I know it.”

“I just want them to like me…” Isabel sighed as she started to smooth out imaginary wrinkles on her skirt.

“They will.” Alex promised as he placed a kiss on her forehead and then turned to the door when he heard the buzzer. Alex walked to the little speaker box and pressed the microphone. “Hey.”

“Um hi…this is Max Evans...” The voice on the other end said a little embarrassed and confused at what to say. “I’m Isabel’s brother.”

“Sure, come on up.” Alex said and he pressed the door bottom for a few seconds to let Max get through before turning to Isabel. “That was you’re brother.”

“Oh good!” Isabel said with a huge smile before she noticed Alex’s nervous expression. “Hey…what’s wrong?”

“You’re brother isn’t… a big guy is he?” Alex asked Isabel. He looked her up and down. She was a tall woman and her brother was her twin so they should be around the same height right? “I mean…he’s tall like you right?”

“Yeah I guess…why?” Isabel asked and she scrunched her brows when she noticed Alex stood to her side and tried to measure himself against her. “Honey, what are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Alex lied but he confessed when he saw one of Isabel’s perfectly groomed eyebrows raised in question. “I’m just worried that he’s going to kill me.”

“What? Why?” Isabel giggled. “Max is a sweetheart and he’ll love you…don’t worry.” Isabelle said before kissing his cheek and moving to open the door when she heard Max’s knock.

“You’re not the one sleeping with his sister.” Alex told Isabel who just laughed at his comment.

“Max!” Isabel greeted as she hugged her little brother. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too Izzy.” Max said, as he looked over his sister shoulder at the guy standing a few feet away from the siblings. “You must be Alex.”

“Oh Alex.” Isabel said as she held out her hand for her boyfriend to take. “This is my brother Max. Max this is Alex Whitman…my boyfriend.”

“It’s nice to meet you Alex.” Max said as he shook the lanky guy’s hand. Max felt that he should have known this guy…there was something familiar about him but Max pushed it off as the fact that he was nervous of meeting Isabel’s family. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“I could say the same about you.” Alex said, as he looked at Max confused, there was something about him. “Well come on in and let’s get acquainted.”


“Shit!” Liz said as drove down the main street to Alex’s apartment. She had stayed up late last night worrying about being alone for the holidays and she slept through her alarm this morning causing her to leave the house later than normal.

Liz was surprised at how easy she found a spot on the street being it so close to Christmas and the shopping days almost gone. She rushed up the stairs to the door and pressed the buzzer and waited for Alex’s voice. “Hello?”

“It’s me.” Liz said with a smile. Although this morning she would have done anything to not be here but as soon as she heard Alex’s voice she knew she had made the right decision to come; she missed her friend. “Buzz me in.”

“Hey! Come on up.” Alex voice told her and then Liz heard the buzzer signally the door was unlocked so she turned the handle and walked up to Alex’s apartment.


“Hey.” Alex said as he returned to Isabel after buzzing Liz in. “That was Lizzie. I’m going to the storage cage for a minute so can you let her in if I don’t get back in time?”

“Of course.” Isabel promised as she received Alex’s kiss and then turned back to mixing the batter for the homemade biscuits for dinner. She had been so focused on the task at hand that she covered in flour when the door rang. “Oh no!”

“What is it?” Max said as he came in to the kitchen from the bathroom and saw his sister’s panicked expression.

“Alex’s friend is here and I’m a mess.” Isabel explained. “Can you answer the door while I clean up?”

“Sure.” Max assured his sister and he watched with a smile as she rushed to the bathroom to clean up and he headed to the door. When he turned the knob he never expected to see the face behind the door. “Liz?”

“Max?” Liz said in shock. She glanced at the address on the paper in her hand and then to the number on the door making sure they matched; they were exact. “What are you doing here?”

“I um…I’m.” Max tried to explain but he turned when he hear Isabel return to the room.

“Max?” Isabel asked and she gasped in shock when she saw Max shift and the petite girl in front of him. “Liz?”

“Isabel?” Liz questioned, as she looked confused between the siblings. “What’s going on here?”

“You’re Alex’s friend?” Isabel questioned in realization. Alex talked about Liz all the time. “Then that would mean that Michael’s Maria is also coming today.”

“Um yeah.” Liz said as she tried not to stare at Max but it was hard. This was the first time she’d seen him in a month and Liz could easily admit he looked great…she also noticed he was wearing a baseball hat which meant he hadn’t figured out how to do his hair yet.

“What?” Max questioned as he watched Liz chuckle next to him.

“Nothing.” Liz assured him with a smile. “It’s just you’re wearing a hat.” Liz commended and Max reached up to adjust the hat on his head. “Still haven’t gotten the hang of the hair style huh?”

“What can I say?” Max said with a shrug. “No one can style it like you.”

“What are you two talking about?” Isabel asked the two in front of her. She didn’t know what was going on between the two lovers but she could felt he sexual tension from across the room.

Before either Max or Liz could answer Alex showed up behind Liz and lifted her into his arms. “LIZZIE!!!”

“Alex!” Liz giggled when Alex put her down and she turned to hug him tightly. “God…I’ve missed you so much!”

“Me too Liz, me too.” Alex assured her and he pulled away to look into her eyes. “You look tired…is everything ok?”

“Um, yeah.” Liz said as she cast a glance over Alex’s shoulder and met Max’s eyes. “Just life stuff you know?”

“Tell me about it.” Alex said as he leaned down and kissed both her cheeks and her forehead. “Need me to kick any guy's ass?”

Liz glanced over his shoulder again and saw Max’s wounded expression. “I’ll let you know.”

“Oh jeez, I’m sorry.” Alex said as he turned to Isabel and Max for introductions. “Liz this is Isabel and her brother Max.”

“We’re already old friends.” Isabel said with a weird face as she noticed how close Alex and Liz were standing and how Alex had his arm around Liz tightly. “Liz is actually dating Max.”

“What?” Alex said as he turned surprised eyes to Liz. “Seriously? You’re dating Isabel’s brother? What about the guy from your class?”

“Um…he is the guy.” Liz assured him and she watched as Alex’s eyes started back in forth before landing on Liz in shock. “Wait…is he the guy from the café?”

“Yeah.” Liz replied as she remembered the first time that Alex saw Max.

“I can’t believe this.” Alex said as she finally pulled Liz into the apartment and closed the door behind him before turning to his friend. “YOU DATED YOUR STALKER?”

“WHAT?” Max exclaimed.

“YOU STALKED LIZ?” Isabel turned her attention to her brother; shocked that he could do that.

“NO!” Liz assured Isabel and then turned to Alex. “Was dating…I was dating Max and he didn’t stalk me.”

“Thank goodness.” Isabel said and then she registered what Liz said. “Wait…was dating? You broke up?” Liz nodded and Isabel turned to Max. “YOU IDIOT!”

“Excuse me?” Max said as he put his hands up to block Isabel’s slaps and punches. “Isabel! What?”

“What did you do?” Isabel accused. “I knew you’d do something to screw this up…god Max…she’s perfect for you and you had to go and break up with her!”

“Hey!” Max replied. “I didn’t break up with her…she dumped me a month ago.”

“So that explains your bad attitude.” Isabel concluded. “So…what did he do?”

“He cheated.” Liz stated causing both Alex and Isabel to turn back to Max with hatred in their eyes.

“You cheated on her?” Isabel said as she continued to slap and punch him.

“Isabel stop!” Alex said as he pulled his girlfriend away and then moved her to the side before turning back to Max. “Let me have a few shots.”

“Stop!” Liz said as stepped in front of a shocked Max and stopped his attack. “He cheated on me…with me.”

“Ok…now I’m confused.” Isabel held up her hand.

“Remember I told you about Suzy?” Max asked and he couldn’t help but notice how Liz’s shoulder stiffened at the mention of the name.

“What does that have to do with anything Max?” Isabel asked her brother.

“I’m Suzy.” Liz stated causing Isabel to gasp.

“You’re Sam?” Alex questioned and Max nodded. “This is insane.”

“Tell us about it.” Liz said and they all turned when her phone started to ring. “Excuse me.”

“I told you this would come back and bite you in the ass Max.” Isabel said and she stepped up to Max.

“I know and you were right Isabel.” Max said as he watched Liz talk on her phone quietly across the room. Max sighed when she looked up and quickly diverted her eyes before turning her back to Max for privacy. “She can’t trust me.”

“I know Liz like my own sister and I can tell she’s extremely hurt right now.” Alex said as he watched Liz as well. “I also know that she loves you a lot… trust me Max; she’ll get over this. Just give her time.”

“That’s all I have.” Max commented as he watched Alex go to Liz and pull her into a tight hug like he wished he could do.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Hey all! Here is the next part as promised! I hope you all like it.

I want to remind you all that part 2 of the voting is open and I'm nominated for Favorite New thanks for the votes and noms...please go out and vote!!

From Part 15:
“I’m Suzy.” Liz stated causing Isabel to gasp.

“You’re Sam?” Alex questioned and Max nodded. “This is insane.”

“Tell us about it.” Liz said and they all turned when her phone started to ring. “Excuse me.”

“I told you this would come back and bight you in the ass Max.” Isabel said and she stepped up to Max.

“I know and you were right Isabel.” Max said as he watched Liz talk on her phone quietly across the room. Max sighed when she looked up and quickly diverted her eyes before turning her back to Max for privacy. “She can’t trust me.”

“I know Liz like my own sister and I can tell she’s extremely hurt right now.” Alex said as he watched Liz as well. “I also know that she loves you a lot….trust me Max, she’ll get over this. Just give her time.”

“That’s all I have.” Max commented as he watched Alex go to Liz and pull her into a tight hug like he wished he could do.

Chapter 16

“So, who was on the phone?” Alex asked Liz as they got a couple drinks from the fridge.

“Maria. I was just warning her who was here.” Liz said and Alex raised a confused brow. “Max really isn’t Maria’s favorite person right now.”

“I bet.” Alex said with a smirk. “If you hadn’t stopped me I would have done some serious damage.” Liz grinned. “Well I would have tried to.”

“Thanks Alex.” Liz said as she hugged him. “You always know what to say.”

“That’s my job as the best friend.” Alex answered as he kissed her cheek.

“Hey Liz.” Isabel said as she came up to the friends and made a gesture with her head for Alex to leave.

“You don’t have to do that you know.” Liz said once Alex left and went into the other room to keep Max company.

“What?” Isabel asked trying to sound innocent.

“The switching off thing.” Liz said with a raised brow. “You don’t have to keep us separated; I promise to be civil.”

“Right.” Isabel said with a sigh. “Look, I hope I’m not overstepping a boundary here but I know that he loves you Liz.”

“Isabel-” Liz tried to cut in but the blonde just continued.

“He talked to Tess and I about it…well you, Suzy, the whole thing.” Isabel said. “I told him it was wrong but from the beginning he said it would be okay. I never wanted to believe him until I knew it was you. Since the moment I met you I knew he truly loved you.”

“You and Alex met on the net right?" Liz asked and Isabel nodded. “How would you feel if you found out that even after you’d met and become exclusive, Alex was till talking to other girls; making plans with them.”

“I’d kill him.” Isabel said honestly then her eyes widened when she realized what just happened. “Oh.”

“Yeah, oh...” Liz said as she looked around the apartment and saw Max listening to Alex. “Its not that I don’t love Max, because I do; it was never a question of that. I just don’t know if I can trust him again. This time it was me…what if it wasn’t me or what about next time.”

“I know my brother and believe me when I say there will not be a next time. “Isabel assured her. “He’s learned his lesson.”

Liz was about to say something when the front door swung open hard, slamming against the wall. Once it was fully open an irate Maria Deluca stormed through followed by an embarrassed but amused Michael Guerin.

“Where is he?” Maria asked as she threw her purse on the kitchen counter next to Liz and raised an eyebrow. “Well?”

Not knowing who she meant but knowing that Maria was looking for a guy Liz pointed blindly into the other room where both Alex and Maria were sitting. “In there.”

“You have a lot of nerve young man.” Maria said as he walked into the living room causing Max to cower awaiting the physical and verbal lashings he was bound to receive. “Oh calm down Max…I’m talking to Alex.”

“Me?” Alex asked shocked. “What did I do?”

“You’ve been in Roswell for a month now and this is the first time we’ve seen your place?” Maria shook her head. “You’re in big trouble mister.”

“What about him?” Alex said while pointing at Max. “He’s the one who cheated.”

“Oh believe me…I know.” Maria glared at Max causing him to drop his eyes to the ground. “And don’t worry; I’m not through with him either.”

“Stop.” Liz sated firmly. “That’s it; I’ve had it!” Liz screamed as she came and stood in front of everybody. “I’m tired of all you bad mouthing Max.”

“Liz we were--” Alex tried to explain but Liz easily interrupted him.

“No, I don’t care what you were trying to do Alex.” Liz stated as she looked around at their shocked faces. Little Lizzie Parker rarely spoke up to people but when she did t was shocking.

“What happened between Max and I,” Liz said and she briefly met Max’s worried eyes before turning back to the group. “Was exactly that; between Max and I. This is Christmas and we are going to have fun and not talk about anything that has happened. Excuse me.”

“Wow.” Isabel said as she watched Liz leave the room and head to the garden in the backyard. “If she’s that defensive when she’s on your side I can’t image what she’s like against you.”

“You have no idea.” Alex assured her and he turned to watch Max sigh sadly before heading after Liz.

Liz breathed deeply the crisp cold air of Christmas. She always wondered why the air outside always smelled so “piney;” like you were walking through a pine forest. Maybe it was all the houses having their own trees inside that caused the whole town to smell; whatever it was Liz loved it.


Liz turned to see Max standing by her with his hands in his pockets, rocking lightly on his heels; both of which were signs that Liz had learned meant he was nervous. “Hey.”

“Can I…” Max stuttered as he pointed next to Liz. “Can I join you?”

Liz silently scooted over on the cold marble bench to allow Max to sit next to her. Without saying anything she turned back to the dark sky and watched as the stars seemed to wink at her.

“Thanks.” Max said suddenly after a few minutes of silence. “For saying all that stuff inside. You didn’t have to so thanks.”

“You’re a guest here Max.” Liz explained quietly, barely turning to face him. “You should be welcomed, not attacked.”

“Is that the only reason?” Max asked and Liz sighed.

“Look Max-”

“Hey Liz!” Maria yelled from the sliding glass door. “The Calvary is here.”

“Come on.” Liz said confused as she got up and headed into the house with a reluctant Max following a few steps behind her.

“Lizzie!” A red-haired woman said as he opened her arms and gladly accepted the smiling Liz into a tight hug. “Oh how I’ve missed you!”

Max watched with a small smile as Liz hugest and kissed the older couple who Max assumed were her parents. He wanted to talk to her about what really happened between them but every time he tried they were interrupted.

“What are you doing here?” Liz asked as she pulled out of her fathers embrace.

“Well we heard you were here and couldn’t wait till tomorrow to see you.” Jeff Parker said as he brushed away the hair from his daughters face; a move that he’d perfected since she was a baby. “We saw the Whitman’s and the Valenti’s leaving to come here and they invited us.”

“Well I’m glad you came.” Liz smiled before moving to greet her friend’s parents who have come to be her sergeant parents over the years.

“Oh, god…I’m so sorry.” Alex said as he held his hand out to Isabel. “Mom, Dad, everybody this is my girlfriend Isabel Evans.”

“This is my boyfriend Michael Guerin.” Maria added as she wrapped her arms around Michael’s waist.

Liz looked around and realized everyone was looking at her to introduce Max. “Oh um…this is Max Evans.”

“Evans?” Jeff asked the young man who clearly had a thing for his daughter.

“Twins.” Both Max and Isabel responded causing everyone to laugh.

“So how do you know Lizzie?” Nancy asked as she watched Max stare at Liz like she’d instantly disappear if he blinked.

Before anyone could answer the door was opened and a light brown haired guy came in. “Sorry I’m late everybody.”

“Mom! I told you not to bring him.” Maria whined. “Alex’s landlord doesn’t allow dogs in the apartments.”

“Very funny Maria Deluca.” Amy Valenti scolded. “Now, apologize and saw hello to your brother.”

Step. He’s my Step-brother.” Maria said as she stepped forward and awkwardly hugged the stranger.

Step-brother. Max started to think back to the first date he and Liz had and the guy holding Liz in the picture of the Valenti wedding. Maria’s step-brother. Max watched as the guy hugged Maria all the while staring directly at Liz…it was the same guy.

“Hello Lizzie-bean.” Max rolled his eyes at the ridiculous pet name. He stole a glance at Liz and smiled when he saw she didn’t seem to pleased with the name either.

“Kyle.” Liz said politely but she was pushed forward suddenly and she turned to stare at the perpetrator. “Alex?”

“Well don’t act like you two haven’t seen each other naked before.” Alex teased.

“Alex!” Liz and his parents scolded as Liz turned a bright red.

“What?” Alex said as he rubbed the spot on his arm where Maria punched him; hard. “I don’t have to like it but we all know it’s true.”

“Still doesn’t mean we all want to hear about it.” Jeff said as he glared at Kyle. He was a father and no dad wanted to think his little girl was capable of something like that.

“I personally wouldn’t mind a reenactment.” Kyle said with a smirk but Maria who was the closest to him slapped his arm. “Dammit Maria!”

“Kyle…language.” Jim Valenti said as she scolded his son. Jim turned to smile at Liz. He would have loved having her as a daughter-in-law but Kyle screwed that up easily. “Hey Liz.”

“Hi Jim.” Liz smiled as she hugged the older Valenti man. She didn’t know how Kyle became the guy he is with Jim as he dad. “How are you?”

“Good but I’ve missed you around here.” Jim replied which caused Liz to blush.

“Ok dad…leave my woman alone.” Kyle said as he stepped up to Liz.

“Kyle, I’m not your-” But Liz was shocked silent when Kyle hugged her.

“How you doing?” Michael whispered to Max when he saw his best friend clinched his fists when Kyle hugged Liz.

“Peachy.” Max growled. Kyle was still hugging Liz and in Max’s opinion the hug had gone on long enough. Max had to hold himself back from attacking when he saw Liz struggling to get free of Kyle’s arms. “Just fucking peachy.”


“So, how do you know Lizzie?”

Max looked up from his soda on the counter to see Kyle standing in front of him. “Oh, we were partners for a project in psychology class.”

“That’s cool.” Kyle said as he stood across from Max. “She’s always been really good with stuff like that.”

“Yep.” Max nodded. He had wanted to say he was Liz’s lover, boyfriend, anything that would let Kyle know she was taken but Max didn’t know how Liz would feel about that so he decided to play it safe. “She’s great.”

“Yeah she is.” Kyle said with a smug smile. “Excuse me while I get back to my girl.”

“Right.” Max hissed and he watched in horror as Kyle walked up behind a smiling Liz and wrapped his arms around her waist. Max got up and went outside to get away from the pain.


Liz closed the sliding glass door quietly behind her to make sure no one was aware she was leaving the room; but she just had to get away. She would not have agreed to come if she knew Kyle was going to be here.

Liz had felt dirty as soon as she noticed him staring at her but she really needed a shower after Kyle hugged her. Liz had to actually pry his arms off of her to get free of his embrace. After Kyle’s hands wandered down to grab her butt Liz had pushed against his chest to get him to release her but after that didn’t work she moved her hands to his and forcefully removed them.

She was shocked when she was happily talking to Jim and her Dad and she felt arms wrap around her waist and someone kiss her neck. She could tell from the guy’s height that it wasn’t Max and there was only one guess as to who it was. The thought of Kyle touching her caused her to physically shake.


“Jeez Max!” Liz said as she turned with her hand on her chest to see Max sitting on the same bench they shared earlier. “You scared the crap out of me!”

“Sorry.” Max apologized and he scooted over in silent invitation for Liz to join him. As she walked over towards him Max shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around her when she sat down. “Here.”

“Thanks.” Liz said as she reached up for the fabric of the jacket and pulled it tighter around her. “What are you doing out here?”

“Trying to get away from all the happiness.” Max said as he looked into the sky much like Liz had done earlier.

“Tell me about it.” Liz replied. “It’s sickening.”

“You didn’t seem to upset about Kyle groping you earlier.” Max said and he turned to see the hurt flash in Liz’s eyes. “I’m sorry…that was out of line.”

“It’s ok.” Liz whispered as she tightened the jacket around her. She felt something hard in the pocked and reached for it, pulling out a black jewelry box. “What’s this?”

“Your Christmas present.” Max replied not taking his eyes off the sky. He knew what she was asking about and he knew he wanted her to have it.

“You got me a present?” Liz asked shocked and Max just nodded. “Why?”

“We were dating and I love you.” Max answered. “Seemed like the thing to do.”

“But we broke up a month ago.” Liz reminded Max sadly. “Why do you have it now?”

“I just picked it up.” Max said as he finally turned to Liz and took the box from her hands to open it and then he showed her the beautiful white gold necklace with a rose pendant handing on it. In the middle of the beautiful blooming rose was a stunning diamond. “It was ready for me to pick up today. I had it designed for you months ago.”

“Wow. Max it’s beautiful.” Liz said as she reached out and fingered the beautiful rose before withdrawing her hand sadly. “Whoever buys this from you will love it…it’s truly amazing.”

“It’s yours Liz.” Max said as he pulled the necklace out and held it for Liz. “I made it for you and no one will have it but you.”

“Thank you.” Liz said as she turned so Max could place it on her. Once she felt Max let the chain go she reached up and touched the necklace and turned to him. “How does it look?”

“Perfect.” Max said with a smile and he turned to stare at the stars. He saw a shooting star and instantly made a wish that Liz would talk to him…really talk to him.

“Her name was Michelle Mills.” Liz said quietly and she waited until Max turned to her letting her know she had his full attention. “She was new to Roswell and I befriended her instantly.”

“Go on.” Max said quietly letting Liz tell her story.

“I took her with me everywhere…she even took over Maria and Alex’s jobs for awhile.” Liz chuckled at the memory. “She was a great friend…until she met Kyle.”

“Liz?” Max asked hesitantly and as soon as her eyes met his he saw the tears. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I do.” Liz smiled and she unconsciously reached up and played with her necklace. “She thought he was so handsome…perfect and every way. She also knew he was my boyfriend, but she didn’t really care. She talked about him all the time to me about how what he said and what he had done that made her life; never letting me forget she had an eye on him.”

“I felt bad that we weren’t intimate because Kyle and I had been dating for a year, but he was great about it and never pushed or quilted me into feeling pressured like most sex starved teenage boys.” Liz explained. “It was a summer party at Maria’s cousin Sean’s house and that night I told Kyle I was ready.”

“He didn’t…not there right?” Max asked as he reached over and took Liz’s hand in his.

Liz nodded as she wrapped her other hand around their joined ones; using the physical contact as a life line to ground her. “In the pool house with everyone outside.”

“God Liz…I’m sorry.” Max said honestly. “Not all guys are like that.”

“I know.” Liz said with a smile as she thought to their own first time together. “But he was.”

“Anyway, things were great for a while.” Liz added. “He was sweet, attentive and we were intimate a few more times before the rumors started.”

“What rumors?” Max asked. He knew this story would explain a lot about Liz and his own relationship so he was going to get as much as he could.

“That not only did Kyle get Liz Parker to sleep with him but he’d also been screwing her friend for months.” Liz confessed and she reached up and wiped away a tear.

“Oh god Liz…I’m sorry.” Max said honestly.

“I don’t think I ever really was ready you know?” Liz continued like she never heard Max’s apology. She didn’t want petty back then and she certainly didn’t want it now. “But I knew Michelle was interested and I could see Kyle getting interested so I guess I told myself I was ready so that I didn’t lose the only guy who’d ever cared for me.”

“That’s not true.” Max vowed as he reached up and caressed her cheek.

“Back then it was.” Liz stated. “I should have seen the signs you know? I mean what teenage guy doesn’t at least mention sex with his serious girlfriend of a year unless he’s getting it somewhere else.”

“Liz you couldn’t have known.” Max assured her but Liz shook her head.

“When we were together.” Liz swallowed. “He knew what he was doing. We were both supposed to be virgins, messing up and learning together but for some reason he was confident. Like he knew his way around a woman’s body but that first time he was just learning mine.”

“What did you do?” Max pressed on because he really didn’t want to know that much detail about Liz’s past experiences.

“I confronted Michelle after all the puzzle pieces started to fit together and she admitted it.” Liz confessed. “They had been seeing each other secretly for over 3 months…so as soon as she started to hang with me she was dating and screwing my boyfriend.”

“What about Kyle?” Max asked. The way that Kyle acted inside was not a guy who cheated and was asking for forgiveness…Max knew that look very well.

“Denied it ever happened.” Liz sighed. “Still to this day he says it was a lie…but I heard from a lot of sources and why would Michelle lie? She didn’t get Kyle so she had no motive except losing a true friend.”

“I don’t know what to say Liz.” Max whispered. “Why did you tell me this?”

“So that you knew why I acted the way I did.” Liz explained. “That whole thing hurt me so much Max. He was supposed to be my first love and then I found out that he hadn’t even loved me and that he’s chosen someone else over me. I was just his runner-up Michelle.”

“That’s where you’re wrong Liz.” Max vowed. “She is your runner-up.
Kyle is still trying to be with you…not her. She might have gotten him for a moment but I know Kyle will be kicking himself for the rest of his life because you were the one that got away…I know I will.”

“Oh Max.” Liz replied as she turned to face him and look into his eyes. “You didn’t lose me…I’m just hurt; really bad. I can’t promise when but I know I love you and I want to be with you. I’m sorry for acting the way I have over this last month but I just kept thinking you would leave me like he did if you found another Suzy.”

“That could never happen Liz.” Max promised. “You’re the one that I want and I’ll wait for you.”


“Where were you?” Kyle asked when Liz and Max came back inside a little later. He watched with a suspicious eye has close they stood together.

“We were outside talking about some things.” Liz explained and she smiled at Max who placed his hand on the small of her back for support.

“Did you deal with the problems?” Maria asked secretly hoping they got their problem fixed.

“Not completely but we are on the same page nod.” Liz explained with a smile and she turned to Max when she felt him move his hand down and intertwine their fingers.

“We’ll get through it.” Max assured as he squeezed her hand. “Together.”

“That’s a beautiful necklace Liz.” Nancy stated when the sparkled of the diamond caught her eye and she stepped forward to look at it. “Where did you get it?”

“Max gave it to me.” Liz beamed as all the women surround her to get a look. “It’s my Christmas present.”

“It’s beautiful.” Maria said as she turned to Max. “Where did you buy it?”

“I had it designed especially for Liz.” Max explained and all the women sighed at the romantic gesture.

“Well as touching as that is, I’m hungry.” Kyle grunted instantly breaking the sweet moment. “Can we eat?”

“God Kyle…do you always think with your stomach?” Maria said as the group moved into the dinning room.

“Among other things.” Kyle answered as he sent an appreciative glance to Liz, which caused Max to turn red in anger.


“Great dinner Mom.” Alex said as he cleaned his plate of any food pieces. “That’s one thing they didn’t have back east…your lasagna.”

“Thanks sweetie.” Mrs. Whitman said. “I’m just glad I made enough for this big group.”

“There’s half the pan left.” Mr. Whitman reminded his wife. “That’s more than enough.”

As everyone started to get up to leave Kyle cleared his throat. “Actually I was wondering if everyone could sit back down because I have an announcement to make.”

“Kyle?” Jim asked as he sat down but Kyle stayed standing. “Is everything alright?”

“Everything’s fine.” Kyle assured his father as he took a sip of his water and then moved towards Liz. “I’m just doing something I should have done along time ago.”

“Kyle?” Liz questioned as she watched Kyle pulled something out of his pocket and bend on one knee in front of her.

“Liz, will you marry me?” Kyle asked as he opened a black box to show an engagement ring causing Maria, Alex, Michael, and Isabel to gasp while Max just stared at Liz from across the table silently begging her to do something.

“Well Lizzie, answer the boy.” Jess smiled. He’s always liked Kyle so he was happy to hand over his blessing when Kyle asked him yesterday if he could marry Liz.

“Absolutely not.” Liz said as she reached forward and closed the ring box. “No way.”

Max was just about to sigh in relief because Liz had turned Kyle down but as soon as it register what happened everyone attacked Liz.

“Elizabeth!!!” Jeff yelled as he stood up and scolded Liz. “How dare you! You owe Kyle an explanation.”

“No, I don’t.” Liz said close to tears. “He asked a question and I gave him my answer; no.”

“Well I don’t except that.” Jess howled. “What is wrong with you? Kyle is a good man.”

“No he’s not dad.” Liz vowed as she tried to stop the tears. “He’s an ass…and if you can’t see that…then I pity you. But I will not marry him.”

“Elizabeth!” Jeff screamed as Liz ran from the room and he turned to Kyle. “I’m sorry son, I don’t know what happened.”

“He cheated on her.” Max said shocking everyone.

“What!” Kyle said as he turned angry eyes to Max. “No I didn’t.”

“Does the name Michelle Mills mean anything to you?” Max smirked when Kyle’s face drained of color at the name.

“Michelle Mills?” Maria asked as she looked between the two of them. “Wasn’t that Liz’s friend in High School?”

Max nodded. “She was also the girl who Kyle was sleeping with months before he and Liz became intimate.”

“What?” Alex said as he turned to Kyle who had yet to deny this. “How could you do that to her?”

“I was trying not to pressure her.” Kyle tried but Maria slugged his arm.

“ASS!!” Maria yelled as Michael held her back form killing her step-brother. “So you were screwing Michelle for months and then just let Liz believe you were each others’ first?”

“She wasn’t supposed to find out.” Kyle said out no one really paid attention.

“Kyle…I can’t believe you would do something like this.” Jim scolded his son. “Liz is a perfect girl…how could you hurt her like that?”

“Max.” Maria said as she turned to the only person who could help Liz now. “She shouldn’t be alone right now.”

“Where would she go?” Max asked, instantly knowing what Maria was asking of him. “Back to the apartment?”

“No too far.” Maria said as she turned to Alex. “Desert?”

“Too cold at night.” Alex said. “That water fountain thing you two used to meet at?” Maria shook her head. “Then where could she go?”

“Her balcony.” Jeff spoke up sadly from his seat. This was his fault…he had trusted this boy with his baby girl and all Kyle did was use and hurt her. “She’d go to her balcony back at the Crashdown and sleep under the stars.”

“You sure?” Max questioned as he pulled out his keys and grabbed his jacket.

“That’s about the only think I know right now.” Jeff said as he glared at Kyle. “She’ll be there.”

“How do I get there?” Max asked and after getting directions he left quickly.

“Who is he?” Jeff asked as he watched Max walk out of the apartment.

“That Mr. Parker is the next guy to ask Liz to marry him.” Maria explained. “And she will say yes.”


Max turned down Main street following the directions Alex gave him and he sighed in relief when he saw Liz’s car parked in front of the Crashdown. After parking next to her car Max jumped out of the jeep and headed to the alley underneath Liz’s balcony.

Max stood at the bottom of the latter and he took a deep breath before he started to blink. The further up he got the easier he could hear the soft music playing. When Max reached the last bar he quietly looked over the brick wall and saw Liz sitting among a pile of pillows and candles flickered all around her. Max could tell from her slight shaking that she was crying but she looked absolutely beautiful in that light.

Max made his way over the wall and he heard Liz softly call out to him. Max could tell from her voice that she wasn’t surprised to see him but relieved. He turned around to face her and instantly ran to her side. “I’m here baby.”

Liz cried as Max settled on the pillows and pulled her into his arms comforting her instantly. “Max.”

“Shh.” Max rocked her in his arms. “It’s ok…nothing is going to hurt you.”

“I’m sorry.” Liz sobbed as she buried her face into his shirt and sniffled. “I didn’t think it would be that hard.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell them?” Max asked making sure there was no accusation in his voice just concern. “You let them think Kyle was a saint.”

“I was scared.” Liz confessed after a few moments. “I thought they would blame me…more than I already blamed myself.”

“Liz…it wasn’t your fault.” Max assured her as he gently cupped her face in his hands. “It could never be your fault.”

“How?” Liz pleaded with Max to explain it. “He obviously wasn’t pleased with just me.”

“No Liz.” Max quickly spoke up. “I know from personal experience that you not pleasing him wasn’t the problem.” Max caressed her cheek as he wiped away the tears. “Kyle was selfish and didn’t see what an amazing girl you are. He asked you to marry him Liz…obviously you pleased him enough for him to try to come back to you.”

“Do…do I please you?” Liz asked gently.

“I can’t belief you just asked me that.” Max chuckled. “You know you do.”

“Then why wasn’t I enough for you?” Liz asked honestly. Although they had talked about why Liz reacted the way she did they hadn’t even really talked about why Max did it.

“The whole month we were apart I spent my time thinking about why I did what I did.” Max paused as he tried to word his thoughts correctly. “Why I would get involved with someone else while I was completely and utterly happy with you.”

“And what did you come up with?” Liz asked quietly. Although she asked, she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to hear this.

“When we ran into each other the first day of class I honestly thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world.” Max explained. “The more I watched and saw you the more I realized that you were gorgeous inside and out. My only dream was to be with you.”

“And Suzy?” Liz questioned completely touched by Max’s words. “How did you feel about her?”

“When I first started to talk to Suzy I dreamed she was you.” Max confessed. “Every time we talked I was pretending I was talking to you.”

“I did the same thing.” Liz said as she began to understand. “Why did you want to be together? Why after we were a couple did you still pursue Suzy?”

“We were so perfect together Liz.” Max knew Liz agreed when she smiled. “I felt that with you and Suzy. I guess I held onto the fact I pretended Suzy was you. I didn’t want to give any part of you up.”

“I’m sorry.” Liz said as she caressed Max’s cheek. “I over reacted because of my own insecurities.”

“It’s ok Liz.” Max promised. “I shouldn’t have done what I did and I honestly don’t know how I would react if it had been me.”

After a few minutes of just enjoying being with each other Liz reached behind her and pulled out a small box. “I have something for you.”

“For me?” Max questioned as he held the beautifully wrapped box in his hands. “You got me a present?”

“Of course.” Liz assured him. “I ordered it months ago but it just arrived last week.”

“Why if you had a present for me did you act shocked that I had once for you?” Max asked and Liz shrugged.

“My insecurities I guess.” Liz replied as she played with a pillow in her lap.

Max lifted her chin so their eyes met. “I’m going to do all I can to help you get over those.”

“You’ve already done so much.” Liz promised and after a few moments she cleaned her throat and pointed to the present. “Are you going to open it?”

“Of course.” Max said as he swiftly pulled the paper off and opened the box in awe. “Liz.”

“I saw it at the store and had to get it.” Liz explained nervously. “Do you like it?”

“I love it.” Max vowed as he pulled out the exquisite watch and looked at it in the light. “It’s amazing.”

“I had it engraved.” Liz advised him and she watched as Max turned the watch face over and read the back.

<center>Like time our love will last forever.</center>

“It’s perfect.” Max said as he fastened the watch on his wrist. “Thank you.”

“Merry Christmas Max.” Liz said as she leaned forward and kissed Max gently.

Max was shocked when Liz kissed him. It had been so long and to be honest, he was pretty sure that Liz hadn't been ready. When they pulled apart Max searched her face for any regrets but when he saw none Max slowly cupped the side of her face and drew her to his lips again for another taste.

Liz couldn’t help but sigh when Max kissed her harder. Not too hard but it was the perfect pressure as he caressed her lips under his. After a few minutes of gentle kisses Liz needed more so she wrapped her arms around his neck while lifting up to stand on her tip-toes to get closer.

Max moaned when he felt Liz pull herself closer to him and he wrapped his arms around her waist as she molded to this body. She still tasted the same and Max would know because he'd dreamed about this moment for a while. Their kisses grew passionate and Max felt Liz lay down on the pillows behind her and pull him on top of her. "I missed this, I missed you."

"I missed you to Max." Liz answered as she played with the skin of Max's chest that was visible from the neckline of his shirt. He felt so perfect over her body that Liz never wanted him to move. "Stay here tonight with me. Make love to me Max."

"Are you sure Liz?" Max asked as he looked into her eyes. "There is no going back. Once we do this again...I won't let you go...I can't."

"I know." Liz signed as she thought about what Max was telling her. He wanted her but it was up to her to decided if she'd let him have her...only him. In a sense it was a proposal...or a promise of one. Liz knew she was still a little hurt about the whole situation but she didn't want that to hold her back from what her heart wanted and it wanted Max; it needed him. "I don't want you to let me go...ever."

"Liz." Max whispered before he bent down and lovingly kissed her letting her feel his love in each caress. He felt his tears spill from his eyes and meet with hers but he didn't care if it wasn't manly...they were together again. "I love you...I never stopped."

"Me either." Liz promised as Max started to nip at her neck, placing little love bites and Max marks all over her. She didn't care if her parents saw them tomorrow...he was marking her as his and she'd do the same to him later. "Take my shirt off."

Max did not wait for her to repeat her request. He lifted her upper body quickly and just as fast pulled her shirt from her upper body and covered her with his own just as quickly. Max's hands quickly found the back clasp to her bra but he didn't want to rush her so he just rested his hands there.

"Do it." Liz commanded and Max easily removed the silky garment. As soon as her chest was bare Liz saw Max's eyes fill with desire as he leaned forward to kiss her chest but she stopped him. "Take your shirt off first...I have to see you too."

Max smiled while he pulled the back of his collar over his head and then threw his shirt into a corner of her balcony. Max moved back over Liz and started to kiss down her chest finally coming to her breast.

“Max.” Liz moaned as her back instantly arched into his mouth trying to get closer. Max did not disappoint as he played equal attention to both her breast before moving down and unbuttoning Liz’s jeans. “You’re turn.”

“What is this a contest?” Max teased as he moved off her body and removed his pants. He turned back to Liz and saw her shiver. “Cold?”

“Just when you aren’t near.” Liz replied with a smile but frowned when Max stood up in his boxers and held out a hand for her. “What?”

“We are going to move this inside. It’s way to cold out here and your bed is probably a lot more comfortable than these pillows.” Max explained and Liz got up and they climbed through her window.

As soon as Liz’s feet hit the ground Max lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed before laying her down and removing both their underwear and entering her easily. “God I missed this.”

“Me too.” Liz replied as she met Max’s thrusts like it had not been a month since they were last together. Liz knew she wouldn’t last long and from the speed of Max’s thrusts she knew he was almost there as well. “I’m…YES!!”

“LIZ!!” Max cried as he continued to thrust as he emptied himself into the woman he loved. Max pulled out with a disappointed groan and rolled over but Liz quickly fixed the problem by curling up to his side causing Max to smile. “Thanks.”

“Welcome.” Liz said as she started to fall asleep. “I love you.”

“I love you too baby.” Max smiled as he pulled the covers around them and kissed her forehead before falling asleep.

Thanks exactly how Jeff Parker found them a few hours later. Although he was upset that his daughter had hide her pain from him he was happy that she had found someone to trust completely with her heart and her soul. Jeff left them in piece but not without whispering into the dark room. “Welcome to the family Max.”

TBC....see you in a few!
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Post by Maxsgurl »

:!: :shock: :shock: :!: What is that you say? An update? You got that right lol. Sorry for the wait but I hope you enjoy it anyway!! Thanks for all the feedback.

Sadly this story is coming to a close. We only have about 2 parts left so I hope you've enjoyed it!!

dreamer destiny wrote:Yay, you're back! How beautiful, I'm glad they worked it all out.
Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it!
Spicy trini1 wrote:I'm so glad that you're back. Wow that all three stories in one night I feel like it's Christmas. Kyle has some nerve asking Liz to marry him after he cheated on her. I'm glad that Max and Liz were able to work through their differences.

Update Soon!
Lol I'm glad you enjoyed having all my stories in one night. Doesn't happen often but I did it for you all lol. Yes Kyle had some nerve but I promise he won't be a bad guy at the end of the story.[/green]

roswell3053 wrote:Awesome update. I am gald that they worked everything out. I can't wait for more.

Thank you![/green]

lazza wrote:Wow, what a part.

Kyle was being a ass and if I was Max I would have punched him no matter what. I'm glad everyone knows the truth about what Kyle did, and I bet he wasn't having a very fun time at dinner once Liz and Max left.

Good to see both Liz and Max talking it out, and I hope Liz can fully trust Max again soon. Glad that Jeff didn't do anything rash to Max after finding him in Liz's bed :)

Lol yeah don't worry about Jeff he's still going to have some fun with these two![/green]

maya wrote:Great update!


Behrsgirl1230 wrote:oh my god that ending was soooo amazing!!! I loved what Jeff said...that was amazing. So happy you're back!

Thanks, I'm glad that you liked the ending cuz I did too![/green]

vampyrax wrote:And all's right in the world again. Did I mention that I love this Max?

Lol a couple times! But don't worry cuz I love him too![/green]

Earth2Mama wrote:Whew! Glad everything worked out. Post more soon :D

Me too!![/green]

POM wrote:Great update...Happy that Liz & Max are back together!! :wink: But Can't believe Kyle...what a jerk face :x

Great update...can't wait for the next one :)

Great way to describe Kyle but he won't be a ....jerk face at the end lol[/green]

Emz80m wrote:great part

gee Kyle had some nerve

Yes but he's a guy lol...some of them are like that![/green]

behrluv32 wrote:
“We were so perfect together Liz.” Max knew Liz agreed when she smiled. “I felt that with you and Suzy. I guess I held onto the fact I pretended Suzy was you. I didn’t want to give any part of you up.”

ok to start off im glad ur back and i loved this part. im happy max and liz are together but the answer max gave liz about suzy was pure bullshit. oh i didnt want to give her up b/c she reminded me of you...come on that bull and we all know it, but anyway any1 can see that he regrets it he loves liz and im glad you put them back 2gether :wink:

Although I thank you for your feedback and your honesty you are the one and only person to say anything bad about this part. I completely disagree that what Max said was Bullshit...but we all have our opinions and I thank you for sharing yours![/green]

BehrObsession wrote:That was a truly wonderful part. They finally talked about what happened and worked through it. They belong together, always. I can't believe that Kyle was enough of a dumbass to actually propose to Liz after all this time and in front of everyone. Did he really believe that if he denied cheating that it made it so? And Jeff's reaction was horrible. He should be whipped for the way he spoke to his daughter. I can't wait for everyone's reaction to Max & Liz getting back together. I doubt it will be very long before Max is proposing and there will be a yes from Liz this time. Post more soon.

[color=green]Lol thanks! Yes I agree that Jeff should be whipped...he was very uncool! And you'll get a reaction in this part but the rest are later lol.[/green]

roswck wrote:kyle needs tess yo whip him in to shape.

[color=green]I'll see what I can do about that for you :wink: [/green]

RASaero611 wrote:Kyle is such a jerk. I can't believe after all of that he has the nerve to propose to her, and his excuse was that she wasn't supposed to find out.

i'm glad that Max was there for her and that they pretty much talked everything out. I am surprised that Jeff didn't flip out to find Max and his daughter in bed...I mean just fatherly instincts should be like that but I'm glad that he let them be

great update

[color=green]Jeff will explain a little bit in this part...but I agree most dad's would FREAK lol.[/green]

Dreamer 4 Ever wrote:What a beautiful part!!!

[color=green]Thanks Jen!![/green]

believer_evans wrote:great update!!

[color=green]Thank you![/green]

kismet wrote:I so needed this part :P

[color=green]Lol a lot of people did! Glad you liked it![/green]

Erina wrote:
RASaero611 wrote:Kyle is such a jerk. I can't believe after all of that he has the nerve to propose to her, and his excuse was that she wasn't supposed to find out.

i'm glad that Max was there for her and that they pretty much talked everything out. I am surprised that Jeff didn't flip out to find Max and his daughter in bed...I mean just fatherly instincts should be like that but I'm glad that he let them be

great update

Agree. Did Kyle really expect Liz to say yes? :shock: I was kind of worried when Max told everyone about Kyle's cheating, because, I don't know, Liz had kept all that time inside her and now ....Max blurted that simply out. On the other hand, I believe that Liz's parents now needed some ....prove, that Kyle really isn't the one for Liz.

Can't wait for more! :D

[color=green]Great point about Max blurting it out but I agree with you as well that Liz's parents needed the evidence of Kyle's bad behavior.[/green]

FamersAmers wrote:Ok how is it that you make me hate Kyle with a passion and then I like him in another story....HMMMMM? Well stop! LOL!! I either want to hate him or like cant be just cant!

And FINALLY!!! I got what I wanted...her to tell him what her point was...why she was so mad. Liz I feel ya! Men and their reasoning still make me wonder...but yeah whatever floated his boat!!!

However you know I love this!!! So keep it coming! I have missed it!


[color=green]Whatever blows his skirt that doesn't work. Oh! Whatever tickles his pickle! Yes...cuz he really does have a pickle Ams lol. See I can only say this shit to you...anyone else would think I'm a freaking LOONEY!! Make room for me in that padded room will ya? Lol you know I love you and all that. I expectially love our late night ventation lol...that's what I call a good time!! :P [/green]

confusedfool wrote:yea they made up!!!!! please come back with an update!!!

[color=green]I'm back!![/green]

Luvya wrote:I love this fanfic I just read all of it and want more so can we have another update?

[color=green]Lol welcome to the story!! I'm so glad that you found it and are enjoying it so much. So in honor of our new reader...this part is for you!! Enjoy![/green]

Chapter 17

Liz’s eyes started to flutter open and she groaned when she heard birds singing outside signaling that morning had arrived. Liz sighed as she snuggled deeper into her covers seeking warmth; she definitely was not ready to wake-up yet. She smiled when she found a huge warm area and sighed as she rubbed her cold noise against her warm pillow; a masculine scent filled her noise and Liz repeated the move.

“That tickles baby.”

Liz’s eyes almost bulged out of her head when she heard her warm “pillow” speak and she sat confused until she saw the tousled raven head next to her and she smiled. Max. Thoughts of her emotional night flooded back to Liz as well as the reason Max was with her. They were back together and planned on staying that way.

“Why are you smiling?” Max asked causing Liz to jump. He smiled when she settled down and rested her chin on his chest.

“Cuz I’m incredibly happy with my boyfriend.” Liz said as Max raised a hand and ran his fingers through her hair.

“Me too Liz, me too.” Max assured her as he leaned down awkwardly and kissed her before lying back down.

“Really, you’re happy with your boyfriend too?” Liz joked and Max smirked before rolling her over and covering her with his body. “Max!”

“You know what I mean woman.” Max teased as he tickled Liz’s sides while she twisted and turned trying to get away from his fingers.

“Max!” Liz squealed as she brought her legs up to help push him off of her but after wiggling around Max was settled perfectly between her naked thighs. “I missed you like this.”

“I missed you too.” Max smirked as he started to enter Liz causing them both to gasp. “No one could ever feel this good.” Liz instantly tensed causing Max to pull back and study her face. “What?”

“You didn’t…not while we were apart did you?” Liz asked hesitantly. It hurt her immensely to think that Max could have moved on during their month apart. “I mean…I wouldn’t care cuz we weren’t together but I just wanted to know cuz it doesn’t matter bu—”

“Baby.” Max laughed as he cradled Liz’s face in his hands and kissed her to shut her up. “No…not that it matters but no I didn’t…I never even looked at a single girl.”

“I’m sorry.” Liz sighed as she hung her head. She knew it was none of her business to care but the thought of Max with anyone else almost broke her heart. To hear him say that he didn’t even look at another girl warmed her. “I feel so stupid.”

“Don’t.” Max rushed to assure Liz. “I understand how you feel…you have no idea how much it hurt to think you were back with Kyle.” Max tried not to cringe at the visual of Kyle’s hands all over Liz.

“God no.” Liz said but she had not problem showing her cringe. “I would never go back to him. I couldn’t go to anyone after you.”

“I love you.” Max vowed as he entered Liz and they both moaned at the long lost sensation. Max sighed when he felt Liz wrap her arms around his neck holding him as close to her body as possible. “God Liz…you feel like heaven.”

“Yes.” Liz moaned as they thrust their hips together creating a pleasurable friction that had them both close to the edge. “MAX!”

“LIZ!” Max cried out as he reached his climax right behind Liz.

After a few minutes they settled down side by side just listening to each others steady breaths. “Can I ask you a question?”

“You can ask me anything you know that.” Max assured Liz as he caressed her thigh that was draped over his waist. “What’s on your mind?”

“What do you plan on doing for break?” Liz asked as she turned and watched Max’s face fill with confusion. “Like before Spring Session starts?”

“I really don’t know yet.” Max shrugged. “Relaxing is usually on my agenda for vacation…and this year I’m going to be spending a lot of time with you. Why?”

“I was just wondering if you were going to be around because I wanted you to help me with something.” Liz smiled nervously. “See…our landlord is upping the rent on our apartment and Maria and I can’t really afford it anymore so we are moving out and Maria is thinking about moving into her own apartment with Michael.”

“Michael mentioned moving in with Maria.” Max nodded for her to continue. He was a little upset that he would be losing his best friend as a roommate but they were guys and they didn’t care about things like that. “What’s that got to do with me baby?”

“Well I’m going to have to get my own place and I have a lot of stuff and I wanted to make sure you’d be around to help me move everything.” Liz asked and Max chuckled before pulling her into his arms and kissing her forehead.

“Of course Liz. I’d never let you move all that heavy shit…you’d end up getting hurt.” Max laughed when Liz stuck her tongue out before blushing and looking away. “Ok…there’s more to your request huh?”

“Yeah.” Liz sighs nervously. “Ok, so you don’t have to say yes Ok? I was just wondering that maybe when we’re moving my stuff into this new apartment that maybe you’d want to move your stuff in…with me.”

Liz was getting nervous when Max did not responded immediately and she started to regret making her offer. “Look…just forget I said any—MMM”

“Are you sure?” Max panted once he pried his lips off of Liz’s. He couldn’t believe she just asked him to move in with her…to their own place. “I won’t do this unless you’re 100% positive about this.”

“I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t.” Liz assured Max. She scooted closer to him and rubbed her nose on his. “So…is that a yes?”

“It’s a hell yes!” Max replied and Liz laughed when he rolled over onto her and started to nibble at her neck before finally placing kisses on Liz’s sweet lips. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” Liz smiled as she ran her fingers through Max’s bangs and pulled lightly on his ears. “I can’t wait till we move in together.”

“Neither can I.” Max answered with a kiss before pinning her with a stare. “When do we move in?”

“Um, as soon as we want. The day we get back if you like.” Liz giggled when Max smiled widely. “You want to move the day we get back?”

“Yes.” Max nodded eagerly as he looked at his new roommate. “So…do we get to share a bed?”

“Yes.” Liz chuckled. “I got a two bedroom apartment closer to school. We could use the spare room as a library and study room or a guest room.”

“I like that idea.” Max agreed with a mischievous smile. “I like the study room idea…but lets put a small bed in there just in case you piss me off and I want my own room.”

“MAX!” Liz laughed as she pinched his arm before snuggling up closer to him. “So…does all this sound good to you?”

“It sounds perfect.” Max replied as he kissed her gently. “So…when do I get to see this place?”

“Oh I have pictures and a simple floor plan.” Liz said excitedly as she turned to grab something from her side table when she froze. “Oh no.”

“What?” Max said as he turned and caressed her bare back trying to calm her down or at least find out what was wrong.

“SHH!!” Liz turned quickly and started to look around with the deer in the headlights look. “Do you know where we are?”

“Um…your room?” Max answered in a whisper following Liz’s example.

“YES!” Liz covered her mouth quickly and her eyes darted to the door. “My room!” Max raised his brows in confusion. “At my parent’s house.”

“Ok.” Max said but the pieces of the puzzle started to come together and his eyes widened. “Oh God…you’re parents are here!”

“I know!” Liz cried as she jumped from the bed and started to look for her clothes. She noticed Max had yet to move from her bed so she turned to him and rolled her eyes. Seems Max had gotten distracted when she jumped from the bed because she was completely naked and he was now staring at her with his mouth open. “Stop it…you’ll get to see this when we live together.” Liz smirked when Max shook his head free of his sexual fog and started to get up. “That’s if I can get you out of here without getting killing by my father.”

“Why would he kill me?” Max asked as he laid back and watched Liz walk around trying to get some sort of clothes together. “He loved me last night.”

“That maybe so…but that was before I just screamed your name out.” Liz said as she pulled on an old pair of Max’s briefs and a gray wife-beater. “I doubt he’ll love you now.”

“Right.” Max said as visions of Jeff beating his head in with a fry pan flashing into his head and he quickly jumped up. “Let’s get me out of here.”

Jeff Parker sat at the kitchen table reading the newspaper while drinking a hot cup of coffee. He’d gotten to sleep last night after checking on Liz and woke up when he heard the restaurant downstairs start to open for the breakfast rush.

Jeff was just starting to read an article on what can help the San Francisco 49ers next season when he heard low voices coming from the hall and he looked up to see Liz and Max trying to sneak out. “Those niners are going to need more than a new offensive line to get to the playoffs next year.”

“DADDY!” Liz screeched as she stood in front of Max and tried to pull the wife beater down to cover her bare legs. “Hi!”

“Max.” Jeff nodded to the young man sweating behind his barely clothed daughter while he tried not to smirk at the fear in both their eyes. “I see you managed to take care of my daughter last night.”

“Sir, I didn’t mean to disrespect you in any way--” Max moved before Liz to stand face to face with her father but Jeff raised his hand signaling Max to be silent.

“Save it Max.” Jeff said as he placed his coffee down and folded his paper flat. “I saw you two last night.”

“What?” Liz said as she made a disgusted face at the fact that her father may have seen them in a compromising situation. “When?”

“Don’t worry I didn’t see anything scaring.” Jeff laughed at their relieved faces. “I just saw how much you care for each other.”

“We do.” Liz spoke up as she stood by Max and held his hand securely. “I love Max very much.”

“And I love your daughter with my entire heart sir.” Max vowed not breaking eye contact with Jeff until he saw the older man gently nod his acceptance.

“I know you both do.” Jeff said as he took a deep breath and prepared himself for what he had to say. “And I want to apologize to you Lizzie for not seeing that you were in pain. I kept pushing Kyle towards you and I just kept hurting you even more. I’m so sorry Liz.”

“Daddy.” Liz said as she rushed forward and hugged her father closely. “You couldn’t have known.”

“I should have though.” Jeff said as he pulled Liz away and stared into her deep brown eyes. “You’re my daughter and I know you…I knew something was bothering you but I never did anything to find out what it was.”

“It’s ok Daddy…its ok.” Liz hugged her father again before pulling back and holding her hand out for Max who easily took it. “Dad I want to introduce you to someone.” Liz smiled as Max took a deep breath. “I’d like you to meet Max Evans the love of my life.”

“Nice to finally meet you Max.” Jeff winked as he held his hand out and shook his future son-in-law.

A Week Later.

“Liz?” Liz smiled as she looked up at the sound of her boyfriend’s voice.

“In the bedroom!” She called back as she wiped the sweat from her brow. It was moving day and Liz was busy putting the finishing touches on their bedroom. The couple had decided to sell Max’s bed because Liz’s was bigger and then they used the extra movie to buy a couple cheap desks and pieces of furniture for the apartment. Liz heard Max coming down the hall and she turned to see him walking in the door. “Well? What do you think?”

“Wow.” Max said but he was more intrigued by the small woman sitting on the floor than the room she was in. Liz was sitting Indian style on the ground in a pair of dark jean shorts and a small tank top that barely skimmed her stomach. There was a light sheen of sweat on her skin and she had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and the front was covered in a light pink bandana. Max had never thought she looked hotter.

“I know right!?” Liz smiled as she got up and started to stretch her tired muscles never once realizing how her boyfriend was watching her every move. “Its really came together once I got the clothes folded and off the bed and then put the sheets and curtains up. But I think these pictures on the dresser of us from Christmas really bring it together. What do you think?” Liz walked to the bed and adjusted the sheets before turning around to face a speechless Max. “Well? What’s wrong with you today? Your like totally zoning on me right now.”

“Sorry.” Max smirked as he ran a hand on the back of his neck. Work had been pretty rough on him and he had just wanted to come home and relax by snuggling with Liz and watching a movie…but now he knew that wouldn’t work. “What else did you do today?”

Liz narrowed her eyes at Max but after deciding that he was just stressing she shrugged her shoulders and continued explaining the changes to her boyfriend. “Well, I fixed those paint chips that you and Michael nicked when you moved in the stuff.”

“Hey! That was totally Michael’s end.” Max defended himself while Liz narrowed her eyes at him. “I held my end of the dresser just fine.”

“I know you did, cuz you’re my big strong man.” Liz teased and she turned around and walked to the window to fix the curtains. She was adjusting the curtains so that they met in the middle of the window when she felt arms around her waist and she jumped. “God you scared me.”

“Sorry.” Max mumbled as he planted open mouth kisses on Liz’s neck. She looked amazing and even sweaty she tasted so good…he couldn’t handle it any more. “I want you.”

“What?” Liz turned around and looked at Max shocked. “Are you kidding me? I’m all sweaty.”

“You’re hot.” Max assured her as he cupped her butt in his hands and started to grind their pelvises together. Max smiled against Liz’s neck when she moaned and started to move her hips on her own. “Seeing you in this outfit turns me on so much.”

“Why?” Liz panted as Max’s lips traveled lower on her chest. She didn’t know what had gotten in to him but she definitely loved it right now.

“Cuz these shorts make your ass look better than Jessica Simpson’s in that damn Hazards movie.” Max explained as he roughly squeezed Liz’s ass causing her to screech in both pain and pleasure. “And this shirt gets to me too. All I would have to do is lift it up like 3 inches and your breasts would be open for me…now that’s hot.”

“God Max.” Liz moaned as she felt her knees buckle but she was lucky because Max was ready to catch her at any moment. Liz sighed as Max lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed but to her astonishment he didn’t just pounce on her but once Liz was lying on the bed Max just laid next to her with his head propped up by his arm. “Are you sure you want to do this Max? I mean it’s not to late to get your own place.”

“Liz, we sold my bed, I think it is a little to late.” Max joked as he ran his hands across Liz’s bare stomach. “I love you woman. I want to wake up with you in the morning and I want to go to sleep with you at night. I want to live with you.”

“Well as long as your sure.” Liz smiled with a happy twinkle in her eyes as she rolled over onto Max and pulled her shirt off in one swift move. “Oh…and I want you too.”

“Liz.” Max groaned as his hands caressed her thighs that were left bare from her shorts. Her skin was so soft and Max had never seen her use anything special on it. After paying enough attention to her thighs Max’s eyes and hands were drawn to the silky flesh of her breasts but just as his hands were about to touch her chest Liz jumped off of his and walked to the bathroom. “WHAT THE HELL!! LIZ!!”

“I’m sweaty and I need a shower.” Liz said with a shrug as she walked in the bathroom. She was gone maybe 30 seconds before she poked her head back in with a wicked smile. “Want to help me clean up?”

Liz laughed when Max jumped from the bed and quickly shed his clothes at a speed Liz had never seen before. She eyed him appreciatively as he pulled his boxers off and she couldn’t help but think about how his body felt against and inside of her. “god you’re amazing.”

“Shouldn’t I be saying that to you?” Max answered as he stepped into the fogging room and pulled Liz against his body. He left his hands play with the top of her shorts before he easily moved them to the bottom and started to undo them. “I’m supposed to say sweet things to you to get into these shorts.”

“Shut up.” Liz groaned as Max peeled her shorts and underwear from her body and led her to sit on the counter. She was about to protest being placed on the cold surface when Max eagerly started to lick and nibble at her core. “MAX!! YES!”

Max made an appreciative noise when Liz opened her legs for him to have more room to move. Liz whimpered in need so Max made a swift move that baffled Liz, he thrust his erection into her causing them both to groan. “You feel amazing Liz.”

“You make me that way.” Liz assured him as she raised her legs and placed them on Max’s hips allowing him to thrust at a different angle.

Due to their feverish pace it didn’t take long for the couple to reach their climaxes easily together. As they leaned against each other trying to catch their breaths Liz smiled and kissed Max’s neck. “You made me sweatier.”

“And I told you earlier that you were hot.” Max answered as he tested his legs ability to hold his own body up. “Still applies.”

“I love you.” Liz said as she looked at Max with love shining through her eyes. She couldn’t picture her life without Max nor did she want to try it. Although they had some hard times behind them they both learned from them and their future definitely looked brighter.

“Not as much as I love you.” Max smiled and his ears suddenly picked up the running water from the shower and Max smirked as he picked a surprised Liz up and carried her to the shower. “I believe I promised to help you clean up.”

“That you did Max.” Liz laughed as Max carried her to the shower and cleaned her…before dirtying her again.

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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

I just wanted to post and let you all know i am not dead...just behind a little bit lol.

Thank you all for your warm wishes, healing thoughs and prayers for my family. They were all felt and appreciated so much.

Now to the good internet seems to be working much better and i will finally be able to post. My net crashed a few months ago and then wouldn't even let me sign on to post a note that i was having trouble...wouldn't let me get to this site for some reason...but i am here now and am ready to go.

Since my net crashed i have had lots of time to write on paper and just need to sit down and type it give me a little longer and you all will have your WAY OVER DUE updates...YEAH YEAH YEAH!!

Again..thank you so much for your is truly appreciated.