HFTH ~ Auld Lang Syne (AU, M&L, TEEN) [COMPLETE]

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HFTH ~ Auld Lang Syne (AU, M&L, TEEN) [COMPLETE]

Post by WR »

Here it is, everyone! As promised.... such a long time ago. :wink: Better late than never.

This is a continuation of my Home For the Holidays series. The stories are not standalone and follow sequentially. If you have not already done so, or if you need to read the early story(s) again (cause it's been a while) then please do so first.

Part 1 - Home for the Holidays - Christmas, can be seen here

Home for the Holidays - Auld Lang Syne

Disclaimer: I, in no way, am associated with the actors, writers, producers, etc. of Roswell. The rights to the show belong to 20th Century Fox, Jason Katims, the WB, etc.

Summary: Christmas day is over. Where do Max and Liz go from THAT kiss?

Category: M&L

Rating: TEEN

Banner courtesy of Borders InSaNiTy

December 26th - Boxing Day

Max rose early that Boxing Day morning, eager to see Liz again. After that amazing kiss beneath the mistletoe, he and Liz had spent the rest of Christmas Day as close to one another as they possibly could. Sam had demanded her portion of time with Max, as well as her big sister, but on the whole was content to share them. If anyone had noticed it, neither his father, nor his stepmother had said a word about their growing closeness, but Isabel was constantly smirking at him. They sat together on the two-seat sofa, their hands touching, while they watched the afternoon movie. As an honored guest, Liz had been forbidden to assist with anything as mundane as the washing up, and of course, Max just 'had' to keep their company entertained. When it was time for bed, Isabel made a big deal about escorting Liz and Sam upstairs. Her look toward him as they rose suggested that Max would not have the opportunity to sneak into her room, if that had been on his mind. Although he had indeed considered it, Max knew that he would never do such a thing, especially with young Sam in the same room. He did wonder if Liz might try to sneak to his room instead, but she didn't.

Already showered and dressed, he walked quietly down the hallway, pausing outside of Liz's room to try and hear if she was awake or not. He could hear no sounds, not even Sam playing with one of the many presents that Max had bought for her at the convenience store. Under the guise of Santa, of course. He did, however, hear someone moving above him in the attic. Frowning, he opened the door and walked upstairs. He found Diane, rooting through some large trunks.

"Looking for anything in particular?" Max raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, Max, honey," Diane placed a hand over her heart. "You made me jump."

"Sorry," Max chuckled. "I didn't mean to. What are you looking for?"

"Well, I'm looking for any of Isabel's clothes from when she was five. Philip said they were all up here. But what I'm particularly looking for is a snow suit."

"Why do you need them?" Max walked over to her, pulling out a case near the back. "I think this is the one you want."

"Oh, thank you. Now, how about when Isabel was about... oh, fourteen or fifteen?"

"That would be..." he grabbed a small trunk. "This one."

"How do you know all this?" Diane laughed.

"I get my, uhm... more organized nature from my mom. I helped her pack everything away."

"Well," Diane lifted a child's bright red snowsuit from the first case Max had found. "It's a good thing you did."

"Why do you need all this, anyway?" Max looked around at the opened and discarded trunks.

"Well, your new... friends don't seem to have brought much in the way of clothing, Max," she smiled.

"I think that's all they have, Diane," Max frowned. "They're kind of poor. You won't believe the life they've had."

"You're kind of sweet on her, aren't you?" Diane observed, turning to the second box Max pulled out.

"You don't approve," Max stated.

"I never said that," she shook her head as she looked up to show Max she was telling the truth. "I think she's a wonderful girl."


"There are no buts," Diane laughed. "Who you see, or don't see, in my opinion is entirely up to you. I think Liz is a lovely girl, and that she's attracted to you for you, not for your money."

"Really?" Max's face brightened. "You think she's attracted to me?"

"Like you don't already know that," Diane smirked. "I saw that kiss yesterday. We had to open the windows just to cool the room down."

"So how come she never... I mean, after that kiss she never... I just don't know," Max threw his arms in the air. "I was wondering if maybe she was just being... you know. Nice." He sighed deeply. "I don't think I'll ever understand her."

"You're not supposed to, Max," Diane laughed. "So I would have to say that was a good sign. Women are supposed to remain mysterious. If you understood her, where would the fun be in trying to figure her out? How boring your relationship would be!"

"I understood Tess," Max narrowed his eyes. "I knew exactly what made 'her' tick."

"I rest my case," Diane gave a curtsey.

"But you think she likes me?" Max started grinning. "Really?"

"'Like' is too weak a word, Max," Diane laughed. "She adores you. And so does Sam, which makes Liz adore you even more. If she's had a real hard life so far, then let her take it easy. You're probably the first person she's ever truly trusted, and she might be feeling a little vulnerable right now. So let her take baby steps into the mysterious world of adult relationships, okay?"

"Okay," Max nodded, though he looked less than happy.

"Let her make the first moves, Max," Diane gave a sympathetic smile. "Show her you care for her, that you're attracted to her, but let her dictate the pace. Okay?"

"I'll bow to your greater understanding of the female species." Max grinned.

"And I'll take that as a compliment. Now, do you want to take these down to Lottie and ask her to clean them? Liz and Sam can wear them today."

"But we don't need the coats, do we? We can just stay indoors."

"Max!" Diane sounded disappointed. "The Boxing Day Bonanza!"

* * *

"It's the best we could do for the moment," Diane told Liz. The young girl was wearing clothes that Isabel had outgrown when she was fifteen. Max, Liz, Diane and Isabel were sitting at the breakfast table together. Sam was watching cartoons, currently laughing and giggling at the antics of the old classic, Tom and Jerry. "When we go shopping tomorrow, we'll buy you something more suited to a young lady like you."

"I don't know," Max smirked. "They do have a certain charm."

"Trust you," Liz slapped his shoulder with an affectionate smile. She let her hand linger.

Max looked up at Diane who winked at him. Smiling, Max laid his hand over Liz's.

"Eeew, Max," Isabel grimaced at his comment. "They were my clothes."

"Never noticed 'you' wearing them," Max shrugged. "I wonder why?"

"You don't have to do that, Diane," Liz turned to Max's stepmother. "You know... buy us anything."

"How many times do we have to hold this conversation?" Diane laughed.

"What conversation's that?" Philip came in and took his seat at the head of the breakfast table.

Max looked at him, his face full of questions. Philip gave a nod and winked.

"Liz," Diane told him. "Telling us how we don't have to spend our money on her and Sam."

"So who should we spend it on?" Philip laughed. He reached across and placed his hand over Liz's. "Please, Liz. Just accept it, okay? For now, you and Sam are honorary members of our family."

* * *

"So it's possible?" Max sat on the edge of the desk in Philip's study.

"Well, the first part's a cinch, Max," Philip nodded. "Completely possible. Peter Davidson says that he's already handled quite a few cases like it. The judge always rules in favor of the plaintiff. As long as we can prove... but we already have all that covered."

"And what about the other part?" Max frowned. "The first is no good unless the second part works."

"Pete's pretty sure it will work, given the facts of the case. It would be easier if we knew where everybody was, so that certain parties could be contacted, but in a way, this works for us, too. But we'll do it, Max. As long as you are committed to this."

"I am," Max nodded. "Even if things don't pan out the way I hope, I still want to do this. For her. For both of them."

"I know you will, son."

"And what about Tess? I take it you heard about..."

"The deal?" Philip laughed. "You know, as soon as I heard, I actually hoped that you wouldn't make it. I mean, I have nothing against Tess, exactly, but I've always thought you could do better than her. And I don't mean money or position, Max. Liz is a fine girl, and anyone can tell that she's intelligent. She just hasn't had the opportunity to prove it. Isabel told me that you were actually on time. She said that you could have made the deadline and proposed to Tess, but that you waited at the top of the stairs until it was after nine. It was always your decision, Max, and no matter who you choose, whether she's a socialite heiress, or a down and out fresh from the streets... if 'you' love her, so will we."

"I sort of thought..." Max sighed.

"Why would you think that? Didn't you know that I was once a poor boy from the wrong side of the tracks? Then your mother, the uptown girl decided that she would like a downtown guy. So no, Max. Where Liz comes from, what her past is has no meaning to me. All I ask is that you be careful, that you don't throw either of your educations away for the sake of a quick fumble. Just because Sam isn't really her daughter doesn't mean that you can, uhm... take certain liberties. Take your relationship with her slow and steady. Okay?"

"Thanks, Dad," Max nodded. "For this, for helping... for everything."

"So... when are you going to tell her?"

"Tonight," Max nodded.

"What if she doesn't want it?"

Max inhaled and released a long, slow sigh.

"One thing Mom always taught me," he sounded sad. "If you love something enough, let it go. If it's meant to be, it will come back to you. But if it doesn't..." He released a heavy sigh. "I really don't know."

* * *

The Boxing Day Bonanza was a typical enormous neighborhood potluck party. Completely unarranged, people would just turn up with whatever they thought would be useful for an outdoor gathering. Barbecues, portable stoves, even microwave ovens plugged into portable generators turned up. And then there was the food. Stews, pies, meats of all kinds, rice dishes, pasta dishes, salads, pies, cakes, bread, beer, wine, soft drinks, hot drinks... If it was consumable, someone inevitably brought it. And through it all, people mingled, talked, played and had a great time in the great outdoors. Snowmen appeared by the legion. Forts sprung up everywhere, and the kids screamed with laughter as they held impromptu snowball fights, with players changing sides on a whim. The sounds of fun filled the air.

"Come on, Max," Sam cried as she maneuvered her sled into position.

They were standing on the top of a tall hill, down which many people were sledding, tobogganing, or even skiing. Max and Sam had already been down eight times. Where she got the energy to hurtle back up that hill, the Lord alone only knew.

"Do we have to?" Max groaned.

"Come on!" she urged. "Again, again."

Max sat on the sled, pointing his feet to the front. Sam sat between his legs, holding the steering ropes.

"Ready?" Liz stood behind them with her hands on Max's shoulder.

"How about you take a turn?" he looked around at her.

"And deprive you of your fun?" Liz laughed, kissed the tip of his nose and gave the pair a push.

Sam shouted with glee all the way down the slope while Liz watched them fly, wearing a warm and very fuzzy feeling.

"Again, again!" Sam danced around Max when they had reached the top.

"I thought you wanted to make a snowman," Max begged. He was breathing hard from the long climb.

"Come on, Sam," Liz interceded, taking pity on an exhausted Max. "Let's make that snowman. I can help, too."

"All three of us?" Sam's smile in the middle of her little red face was wide and bright.

"Sure," Max nodded. "You, me and Liz."

"And Mr. Snowman," Sam giggled.

Max showed her how to roll the balls that made up the base of the snowman. Liz rolled another, but slightly smaller. It took all three of them to lift it onto the base. Sam then rolled the small one for his head.

"Frosty the Snowman..." Max sang while they worked.

"We have to make his face," Sam frowned.

"How about you run along to the table over there," Max pointed to where the food had been laid out. "If you find Diane, she might give you something for your snowman."

"Like a corn dog pipe?"

"Uhm," Max tried to stop himself laughing. "No. I doubt anyone has a corncob pipe. But they'll have something for eyes, a nose and a mouth."

Sam scurried over to the table, looking for Diane.

"Thank you," Liz smiled at him.

Her face was bright red from the cold, and her eyes seemed as clear and bright as any he had ever seen. With her face snuggled in the simulated fur trim, she looked adorable.

"You don't have to keep on thanking me," Max smiled. He stepped closer to her but resisted the urge to pull her into a hug. "I'm doing this 'cause I'm having fun."

"I know," Liz nodded. "But Max, don't spoil her. I have to live with her when we go home. And we can't exactly make snowmen in the middle of a stockyard in the Californian sun."

"Everything will work out fine, Liz," he smiled. "Trust me."

He ran a hand down the side of her arm and gazed into her eyes.

"I do, Max," her heart started to pound. "You know I do."

"Then...," he stepped even closer to her, allowing his arms to slide behind her. "Just enjoy it. Go with the flow."

"Oh," she smiled, looking past him. "There's Isabel. She's waving me over. I'll be right back. 'Kay?"

Try as he might, Max couldn't seem to get Liz on her own for long enough to see if she might kiss him again, even though there was no mistletoe. And Max really, really wanted to kiss her again.

* * *

"What's up, Max?" Diane asked as Max brought her some empty pots to be packed away.

"Nothing," he forced a smile.

"Uh huh," Diane nodded as she started to fasten the hamper lid. "And I'm the Queen of Sheba. Does this have anything to do with a certain dark haired beauty that is rather conspicuous by her absence?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Max, honey?" Diane shook her head. "Who else could it be?"

"I thought you said she liked me."

"And you disagree?" Diane was smirking.

"It's just..."

"You're just used to Tess clinging to you where ever you went. Liz is independent. A free spirit. You'll eventually get used to having a relationship in which there are two of you, instead of one."

"But she's avoided me all day," Max groaned. "I wanted to talk to her. About that kiss, you know? I want to tell her that I'll take it as slowly as she wants to."

"She's having problems of her own, Max. Let her come to you."

"But what if... What if she thinks I'm keeping my distance because I'm not interested?"

"Well, let me tell you something," Diane placed her arm around Max's shoulder. "You keep looking at her the way you do, and she will certainly know that you are interested. Everyone else has noticed it, that's for sure. She will too. Give her time."

"But what if she wants to leave for LA after I tell her? What if... she feels too pressured by what I want to say? What if..."

"Do you want me to talk to her?"

"Would you?" Max looked up, relief spreading across his face. "I do want to tell her myself. It's just... I don't want her to think that what I'm... what we're offering her comes with a price. And I think I might mess it all up."

"I'll tell her, Max," Diane nodded. "And I'll let her know about your fears."

"Thank you, Diane," Max hugged.

"Max?" Sam's voice called out. "Can we have one more slide down the hill before we go?"

"Of course we can, Munchkin," Max rolled his eyes.

"Oh, and Isabel tole me to tell you that her and Liz are going to go and get cold with some of her friends."

"Get cold?" Max frowned. Then his eyes widened with realization. "Oh, you mean chill."

"That's what I said."

"Yeah," Max sighed, gently placing his hand on the side of her face. "That's what I thought you said."

* * *

Diane sat at the dining room table, sorting through a pile of photographs. Through the window, daylight had long since passed into darkness. It was snowing again, thick, heavy chunks that promised a new blanket to play in the following morning. Liz walked into the room, wearing some of Isabel's old jeans and a chunky sweater. She seemed nervous.

"You wanted to see me, Diane?" her voice was small.

"Hi, Liz," Diane looked up with a bright smile. "Come on in," she indicated the empty seat next to her.

Liz sat down and started to chew on her bottom lip.

"Did you have a nice time with Isabel and her friends?"

"Yeah," Liz nodded through narrowed eyes. She wondered where this was going. "I, uh... don't have many friends back home. It was okay."

"Just, not as good as being with a certain young man whose eye you've seem to have caught," Diane winked. "Right?"

"I..." Liz blushed. She started to twist her fingers together as she looked down at her lap. "I know what you're thinking."

"You do?" Diane sat back.

"You think I'm after his money," she looked up with defiance burning in her eyes. "Well, I'm not."

"I'm glad to hear it," Diane laughed. "But he is, well... rich."

"I'll be gone soon," Liz looked back down. Her voice shook. "Back to LA. We'll probably never see each other again."

"Is that what you want?"

"No," Liz shook her head. Her voice came out as a whisper.

"Would it make you feel better if I told you that Max want's you to be a part of his life? Sam, too."

"I already know that," Liz nodded. "But it would never work. We both come from completely... We're just different."

"Would it interest you to know that apart from making sure that Sam's Christmas was as special as it was, Max has been trying to sort out some kind of future for the two of you?"

"He has?" Liz looked surprised. Her eyes narrowed. "How?"

"Yes," Diane nodded. "He has. And the thing is..." Diane stood up and crossed to the window, peering into the darkness before she drew the drapes. She turned back so she could study Liz. "He's afraid that by doing so, he'll lose any chance he has of being with you."

"I don't understand," Liz frowned.

"Max wanted to tell you all of this, himself," Diane sighed. "But he was afraid that it would all come out wrong, that you would think his plan held some kind of strings. You know, conditions. But I want you to understand that there are no strings attached to this whatsoever, no conditions. Okay? If you decide that you want to have a relationship with Max, then I know of at least six people who will be overjoyed. Two of them will be you and Max. But by the same token, if you decide that Max isn't the guy for you, and you want to date other guys, then no one will think any the less of you and the deal we want to offer you will still stand."

"I..." Liz's mouth opened and closed with no further sounds emerging. "Of course I'm attracted to him. I mean, who wouldn't be?"

"Max thinks you aren't."

"Oh," Liz dropped her head again. "I see."

"But I warned him that you would need to sort things out for yourself," Diane smiled. "He's used to Tess throwing herself at him, so the fact that you don't... I've asked him to give you time."

Liz nodded, unsure of what to say.

"But make him wait," Diane winked. "Keep him on his toes. Just don't make him wait too long."

"You said something about a future?" Liz avoided the uncomfortable feeling of making Max wait, of somehow hurting him.

"Liz, you know that he's studying Law, right?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "He mentioned it. He didn't want to study with people his father knows and would give him a fee ride. Or make constant comparisons."

"Well, Liz, he remembered something from one of his lectures. One of our friends is highly qualified in family law. And he's handled dozens of cases like yours. We feel... Max feels that it would be best for you if you were taken away from the life you live. Away from your stepfather, and those... hoodlums that surround you. He wants to place you somewhere safe for you, where you can study hard and graduate high school without the threat of someone raping you or the constant worry of looking after Sam. He wants you to have the opportunity to fulfill your potential."

"I couldn't leave..."

"Let me finish," Diane held her hand up. "Now the way to do that is for you to become what is called an emancipated minor. That means you would have to prove that you could look after yourself. You know, financially. And the way you could do that would be... by staying with us. Here. Now, I know what you're going to say. You won't leave Sam behind. And we would not want you to. Max would never allow her to be left with your stepfather in that place any more than he wants you there, or any more than you would want to leave her there. So... and I don't know what you think about this... and it's only until you graduate college and get a job and a place of you r own... and we would never take away control from you... Liz? How would you feel about Philip and myself adopting Sam?"

There was a stunned silence while Liz considered what Diane had just said.

"She would still be my sister, right?" Liz frowned. "And I could see her every day?"

"Absolutely," Diane nodded. "You'll both be living right here in this house. You can have your own rooms, or separate. And don't even think about the money side of things. We are, as you have already pointed out, rich."

"Max thought this up?"

"Yes," Diane nodded. "He spoke with Philip on Christmas Eve. Before he even kissed you."

"But..." Liz's eyes narrowed. "But Max is going back to LA after Christmas, isn't he?"

"Yes," Diane nodded.

"I thought..." she looked sad. "You said he would... I thought he liked me."

"He does," Diane placed her hand on Liz's arm. "A lot. More than a lot, in fact. I suspect the thought of being apart from you is very painful to him. But he wants to make sure you're safe, and that you achieve your dreams of graduating, high school as well as college. And he's even afraid that while he's away at college, you'll meet some guy in high school and fall in love with him. But Max is prepared to take that risk. Just to keep you and Sam safe."

"Maybe he'll meet some college girl, and..." Liz's voice was filled with dejection.

Diane just knew that these two were made for each other.

"You don't know Max," Diane shook her head. She reached out a hand and took Liz's in hers. "See, he's rather smitten with a very, very lovely young lady, and no matter how far away she is, no one else will ever stand a chance."

"Oh," Liz's eyes widened. A smile flickered across her lips. "Is this thing that he wants me to do... emancipation, adoption... is that even possible?"

"Our lawyer friend thinks so," Diane nodded. "All we need is your consent. We won't do anything unless you say we can."

"Would I go to the high school here in town?"

"Well, that was Max's idea, yes," Diane smiled. "But I suggested another one. A better one."

"What's that?"

"That you join the Lexington Academy. There are a few places available, and you would have to work really hard to catch up. But then, with Max on the other side of the country and you not being interested in any one else... at least I assume you won't be interested in anyone else," Liz was nodding her head at Diane's statement. "Then with my assistance, you will be able to apply yourself to your studies without distractions and prove Max right."

"Why?" Liz looked intrigued. "What did Max say?"

"That you were the most intelligent person he's ever met."

"Really?" Liz couldn't help grinning. "What about Sam?" Liz frowned. "Does the academy have a kindergarten?"

"No," Diane smiled. "But if we adopted her, you can bet that she will get the same education that Max and Isabel did. And when she's ready for high school, of course it will be the Academy. Liz, what do you think?"

"Uhm," Liz looked embarrassed. "I can't pay for any of this. How could I prove financial independence..."

"No one's asking you to pay for anything. As Sam's adoptive parents, we will pay for her education. And yours will be paid for by the new 'Evans Scholarship' fund. A fund that will help young dark haired girls from deprived neighborhoods who are in love with Max Evans."

Liz turned this over in her mind.

"I say... go for it," Liz grinned.

"Do you need to go home for anything? Possessions? Good-byes?"

"No," Liz shook her head. "Well, maybe there are one or two... good-byes, but it's better if I don't go back. There are some people I'd rather not see. Maybe Max could..."

"Max would do anything for you, Liz," Diane winked. "Surely you know that. Besides, I think Max might take great pleasure in settling your affairs out there for you."

Liz nodded but looked at the ground.

"And now you're wondering how to approach him," Diane understood.

"It was hard before," Liz nodded. "You know, wanting to be near him but afraid of what might happen... but now..."

"Be yourself, Liz," Diane smiled and wrapped her in her arms. "It's who he fell in love with."

* * *

Max was sitting alone in the library, working on his homework. Although there were a number of books open in front of him, he wasn't paying any particular attention. His mind was elsewhere. When Liz had come home with Isabel, he had deliberately stayed out of her way. Partly to give her the space Diane felt she needed, but mainly so that Diane would have a chance to tell her of his idea. He hoped she was not too proud to accept help. He couldn't stand the thought of her returning to her stepfather, or to that Sean DeLuca. He couldn't help shudder at the thought of Liz standing on a street corner, like Julia Robert's friend in Pretty Woman.

"I wonder how she took it," Max asked out loud.

Unable to concentrate, Max closed his books. He had just put the last one away when the door opened. He felt her presence at once and turned to face her.

"Diane just told me," she spoke from the door, which she was leaning against.

"Oh," Max nodded. His voice was filled with hesitancy. "So... uhm... so what do you think?"

"Don't you want me in LA with you?"

Max sat on the edge of the table. He remained silent for a moment.

"I would love it if you and I could see each other in LA, Liz," Max scratched his ear. "But it's not possible. In order for you to finish high school, you'd need to leave Sam with someone. And even if you left Sam here, it would still put you too close to... I don't want you or Sam anywhere near those two. What if they were waiting for you outside the gates?"

"I could transfer schools."

"Who would accept you, Liz? What if the faculty at your school in LA told your new school about your reputation, and... This way, you get a fresh start. When Mom requests your records, and they say anything about you... it's Mom they're telling, and she knows the truth. No ugly rumors. No insinuation. A fresh start."

"What about us?" Liz started to step toward Max.

"I want there to be an us, Liz," Max nodded. "I really do. But I want it... right. I want you to feel happy, that you're with me because you want to be, not because you feel you owe me something. Or not because I'm a distraction from a crappy home life."

"And you think I would feel obligated, if I came out to LA and saw you as my regular boyfriend?"

"Liz..." Max was lost. He knew that everything she said made sense, and he wanted to be with her, as much as possible, but he had to think of her future. And Sam's. His own, too. "Do you think you could continue the way you were? Working? School? Looking after Sam, too? 'Cause I know that if you come to LA with me, Sam will be coming too. And where would we find time to just go out on dates?"

Liz had not considered that.

"Will you visit?"

"As often as I can," Max nodded. "And you can come out to LA when I can't."

"Is it going to be a secret relationship?" she frowned. A bit on the side.

"Do you want it to be?"


"Neither do I. Liz, I'm not ashamed of you. You shouldn't be, either."

"What if this doesn't work out?" Liz didn't look at him. "What if you... find someone else?"

"Well," Max resisted the urge to laugh. The mere thought of finding anyone else as captivating... "Then at least we tried. But it won't change anything. You'll be part of the family, whether you're dating me or not. And it works both ways, too. I hear there are a couple of hot jocks at the Academy."

"And what's in it for you?"

"Hopefully," Max grinned. "A girlfriend. Maybe... more. One day. But also the knowledge that I have helped two people make something of themselves. Given someone else the opportunities that I've taken for granted."

The library fell silent.

"Do I have to wear a uniform at this academy?" Liz smiled.

"Oh yeah," Max grinned.

* * *

Max waited for Liz in the hall, just like he had seen Jesse do time and time again while he waited for Isabel to get ready. As if thinking of these two was some kind of summons, Jesse and Isabel walked out from the dining room, arm in arm, laughing at some private joke between them.

"I bet that feels strange," Jesse smirked at Max.

"What's that?"

"Waiting like some normal guy in your own home."

"Yeah," Max smiled. "But I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything."

"So where are you taking her?" Isabel grinned at her brother. "Anywhere special?"

She had been only too aware of Max's frustration as she and her friends had worked hard to keep Liz away from Max almost all week. She had certainly seen Liz's frustration. She hadn't done it out of spite, or some petty jealousy. No, Isabel liked Liz and recognized that she was going to feature very prominently in Max's life. The more her friends got to know the real Liz, the better it would be for her if any rumors started to circulate. She wanted Liz to be surrounded by real friends when Max returned to college. She wondered if his pocket would be deep enough to afford a trip home every weekend.

"D'Arlio's," Max smiled. "Over on Connecticut Avenue"

"No way!" Isabel's jaw dropped. So too did Jesse's. "You got a booking for D'Arlio's. On New Years Eve? Max? Who did you have to kill to get those?"

"I didn't have to kill anyone, Iz," Max smiled. "D'Arlio owed me a mega favor, and I asked if he could squeeze me in. And he said yes."

"And you didn't think to get a table for four?" Isabel was more than a little put out.

"That would be no, Isabel," he chuckled. "You kept her away from me all week. You're not doing it tonight, too." His face fell. "Do you think she'll like it?"

"She'll love it, Max," she grinned. "Boy, I think I'm glad I made Liz buy that dress after all."

"What dress?" Max looked intrigued.

"You'll see," his sister winked. "Are you going to make it to the Ellipse for Midnight?"

"We'll be there," Max smiled.

"Maybe not," Isabel winked. "Not after you see Liz, tonight. I bet you'll be finding your own private party place. See you later, bro."

"We'll be there, Iz," Max smiled. "It's tradition."

"It'll be different though," Isabel chuckled. "You'll be there with Liz on your arm while Kyle will have his new fiancé, Tess Harding on his."

"That sounds so good," Max smiled.

* * *

Isabel had not been far from the truth. When he saw Liz at the top of the staircase, he thought his heart had stopped beating. He certainly stopped breathing, for a while. The dress she wore was made of silver silk. Although it hugged her hips and thighs as though it had been sprayed on, the top was a series of folds that looped from her waist, across her breasts to a clasp at the back. Although she was not a big girl, she still exposed an awful lot of cleavage. Her hair had been piled high atop her head with a few delicate strands twisting down her cheeks. She used her silver-gloved hands to lift her skirts to allow her to descend the staircase. She wore silver heels on her feet but he could see that her legs were bare. Forces within him started to stir and he remembered Isabel joke about a private party. She wore a silver necklace and a silver bracelet. Max also saw that she had silver earrings in her ears. When she reached the bottom of the stairs where he could see the jewelry more clearly, his jaw dropped.

"I gave them to her, Max," his father's voice behind him made him jump. "I know your mother would want her to have them."

Max nodded and turned to look at the vision before him again.

"Liz, you look... I mean..." Max's tongue started to swell up. He couldn't speak properly. "Wow."

"What he said," Philip laughed. "You look charming, my dear."

"Isn't she lovely?" Diane came down behind her. "She has such a natural beauty, I hardly used any makeup at all. Here, Liz. You can borrow this."

Liz's eyes bulged.

"It's not real," Diane whispered. "It's only a fake, but it looks real, doesn't it? Just as warm, too."

Max took the coat, and held it so that Liz could slip into it. His eyes widened when he saw her back. Completely naked. It was going to be a long night.

"Have fun you two," Philip kissed her cheek. "See you in the morning."

"Be good to each other," Diane winked. "And if you are very good to each other, be careful."

Both Max and Liz blushed as Diane walked away, giggling.

"Is Sam okay?" Max looked up the stairs.

"Are you kidding?" Liz grinned. "She fell asleep while I was showering"

Outside, a taxi beeped its horn.

* * *

"Wow," Liz looked at the brightly lit D'Arlio's Restaurant as the taxi cab drove past it. "It looks... packed."

Outside the restaurant, a line of hopefuls had formed, waiting in case someone with a reservation didn't show up.

"It, uh... looks exclusive, too."

"Are you kidding, lady?" the taxi driver smirked. "Not just anyone gets in to D'Arlio's on New Years Eve. You guys must have some kind of connections, huh?"

"Something like that," Max paid the driver, leaving a substantial tip. "Are you on duty all night?"

"Through till morning," he nodded.

"Can I be sure of a taxi home from the Ellipse, say around two a.m.? There'll be eight of us."

"With a tip like this," the driver smiled, "I can guarantee it. Me and a buddy will take our breaks at two exactly. We'll wait by the entrance to the Department of Commerce on 14th for fifteen minutes. After that, we gotta go back on duty."

"Thanks," Max nodded. "See you at two."

"What was all that about?" Liz looked up at him as she climbed from the car, behind him.

"Making sure we have a lift home tonight," Max grinned. "Give him a good tip, he'll make sure he drives me home to get another one."

"What it is to have money," Liz rolled her eyes.

"I hope you don't think I'm showing off," Max's face fell. "I... It's what we always do. I make sure that we have a ride home, so that we can have fun at the Ellipse and not worry about anything."

"No," Liz shook her head. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be funny. I, uhm, should we go inside, do you think?"

"Yeah," Max nodded, looking at his watch.

He led Liz to the door where the two huge, heavyset bouncers that made Sean's goons look like midgets blocked the way.

"Hey, Max," one bouncer nodded. His voice was deep. "Heard you split with the bimbo."

"Yeah," the other smirked. "Did you know your pal was in here with her before Christmas? They looked pretty cozy together."

"She's marrying him," Max chuckled. "Guys, this is Liz. She's uh, my date. Liz, this mountain of lard is Gary."

"Lard?" the first bouncer chuckled. "One hundred percent muscle, skinny boy."

"And this one is Dean".

"Hi," Liz nodded a little uncertainly.

Both of the men shook her hand, dwarfing hers in the process.

"How's the knee, Dean?" Max's smile faded.

"It's coming along," he nodded. "Doc says it's fifty-fifty whether I'll play again or not."

"I have my fingers crossed for you, buddy. Hope everything works out. Any way, I'd better get in before Guy lets my table go."

"Heck, Max," Gary rolled his eyes. "You know he'd never do that. Not your table."

"See ya, guys. Have a great New Year, huh?"

"Same to you, Max. Bye Liz, nice meeting you."

"Your table?" Liz raised her eyebrows.

"It's not what you think," Max chuckled as they stepped into the reception.

Inside, Max helped Liz out of her fake fur coat and handed it to the young girl at the cloakroom desk.

"Ah, Monsieur Maxwell," a very thin and very French looking man in an impeccable suit rushed to his side. He shook his hand firmly, using both of his before greeting Max in the traditional French way. A kiss on both cheeks. "It is an honor to have you with us tonight. We do not see you here enough."

"Guy," Max smiled. "It's good to see you again. I'd like to introduce my date, Elizabeth Parker."

"Ah, Mademoiselle," Guy took her hand and held it like a flower. "I am charmed to make your acquaintance." He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. "And where has Maxwell been hiding you? Surely I would remember a woman as beautiful as yourself."

"I'm, uh..." she was startled when he kissed her on both cheeks as well.

"She's been hiding from you, Guy," Max smirked. "Your reputation precedes you. She's heard all about you."

"I am crushed, mon ami," he held his hands over his heart as he winked at Liz. "But enough of this idle banter. Come, come, your table awaits."

Guy D'Arlio himself led Max and Liz to a small table for two by one of the front windows, intimately lit by a single, long tapered candle.

"He really, really likes you," Max winked at her.

"How can you tell?" Liz looked around, taking in her opulent surroundings.

"He only flirts like that with girls he truly believes beautiful," he smiled as she blushed. "Plus the only time I ever brought Tess here, he didn't kiss her hand like he did yours. Or her cheeks. Looks like I'd better keep my eye one you, huh?"

"Well, in case you hadn't noticed," Liz leaned forward, careful not expose herself. "But with the way some of these ladies are looking at you, I might need to do the same t thing."

"It's agreed, then," Max chuckled. "We keep our eyes on each other."

"Deal," she nodded. "So what's the story? Why is this 'your' table? Lots of conquests?"

"Nothing so... gauche," Max laughed. "I worked here for a while. As a waiter. I was helping clear up after a private function when Guy sliced his wrist open on a broken glass someone hid under the table. This table, right here."

"How awful!" Liz gasped, holding her fingers to her mouth.

"I was nearby and applied basic first aid until the paramedics arrived. Guy insisted that I saved his life, and told me that anytime I ever wanted a table for two, all I had to do was call. He would fit me in."

"So how many times have you made use of that special arrangement?" Liz's eyes were sparkling in the candlelight. Max couldn't take his off of them.

"Uh, let's see?" Max started to count his fingertips. "This would be the... uh, first time, actually."

"Really?" Liz's eyes widened.

"Really," Max nodded. "This is the first time I have ever really, really wanted to bring someone. The times I came here with Tess, she booked."

Liz looked at him, her heart in her eyes. The more she grew to know Max Evans, the more she grew to love him. How hard it would be to live on the East Coast when he returned to the West.

"So," he started to look through the menu. "See anything you like?"

Still looking at him, Liz started to nod.

* * *

"Monsieur Maxwell," Guy appeared at the side of the table. "Mademoiselle Elizabeth, you enjoyed you meal?"

"Yes, Mr. D'Arlio," Liz nodded. "It was wonderful."

"Ah," he smiled. "No, no, no, no, no. If you are here with Maxwell then you must call my Guy. Only my staff and my customers, they call me Monsieur D'Arlio. My friends, they call me Guy."

"Thank you, Guy," Liz lowered her eyes.

"And now, you have finished your meal, I will bring for you the coffee and perhaps the two of you would care to dance?" He indicated the dance floor that he had installed for this special night.

"Would you dance with me, Liz?" Max leaned over and asked in a low, emotion filled voice.

"I'd love to," she breathed.

The music was soft and romantic. A little uncertain, Liz allowed Max to simply sweep her into her arms and hold her. She felt so warm, so incredibly safe and so very, very loved. In some ways, the intensity of his feelings for her, as well as her feeling for him frightened her. But she knew one thing. She could never imagine happiness with anyone other than Maxwell Evans.

"Having a good time?" his words melted like honey into her ears.

"Mmm hmm," her response was almost dream like.

"I'm glad," Max admitted. "And I'm so glad that you're here with me."

"Me too, Max," she sighed. "Me too."

* * *

Dean hailed them a cab when they eventually left the restaurant, leaving them half an hour to get to the Ellipse. Both of the bouncers shook Max's hand and kissed Liz's cheek when they left.

"This is as close as I can get you, buddy," the driver called over his shoulder to Max.

"Uh, thanks," Max noticed the time. They would be pushing it.

He handed the driver his fare, a tip and the young couple slid from the cab. Liz immediately slipped her hand into Max's. He smiled at her and gave it a squeeze.

"I hope you know where you're going," Liz's eyes were every where at once.

They were by some buildings, but ahead, Liz could see that it opened up into a large, empty space. To her right, reaching up into the night sky, she could see the floodlit spire of the Washington Monument. All around here, there were so many people. Many were dressed up like her and Max; others were dressed casually. Some were a little drunk, most were sober, but everyone appeared to be having a good time.

"I do," Max nodded, smiling down at her as he led her along the road. "Just up here and to the left, that's the Ellipse. Remember I pointed it out to you from the car? We're going to meet by the trees. Every year, we pick a tree from a specific state, and that's our meeting place."

"Which state did you guys pick this year?" Liz's eyes were sparkling in the street light.

"It was Jesse's turn this year," Max rolled his eyes. "He chose New Mexico. Oh, look. Through the trees. That big building over the back? It's the White House."

The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

"Wow," she breathed. "Max," tears formed in her eyes. "This is just so awesome. And to think that because of you...Sam's going to grow up like you guys did, with friends who'll come here and have all their traditions..."

"You have time to make them your traditions, too, Liz," Max reached up with his free hand and wiped a tear away.

"She has a future, Max. A real future."

"And you do too," he wrapped his arm around her. "Don't ever forget about yourself, okay? She's safe, now. You're safe. You can let go and live a little. Tonight, just act like an eighteen-year-old teenager, out with her date. Okay?"

"Okay," Liz nodded, pulling herself closer to Max. "And just so you know. You don't have to worry about me when you go back to college. I'll be right here, waiting for you."

"That same goes for me, too. Come on," he urged. "It's nearly midnight and the gang will be waiting for us."

Jesse, Michael and Isabel were grinning wildly when they met up with them. All three of them greeted them warmly. Kyle wasn't too sure how to act. He wanted to rub Max's nose in his victory, to gloat, but it was so hard to do that when Max really didn't seem to care. Tess too wasn't too sure. She was visibly upset that Max had gotten over her so easily, that he wasn't destroyed by the fact that she had accepted Kyle's proposal. She wasn't terribly happy that he had so easily moved on to someone else, someone who made him smile the way she never had. Both of them, however, greeted the couple as friends. Maria greeted Max with a hug and a smile, while simply casting Liz a look. Clearly, she did not approve of Max's new girlfriend.

"Hey, guys," Michael reached them first. "Isabel tells me you got into D'Arlio's. So what did you think, Liz?"

"It was... I mean, wow," Liz could only shake her head.

"Step up from McDonald's," Maria whispered to Tess. "Supersize me means something else to her."

Tess sniggered but didn't make a comment.

Max produced a small bottle of Champagne, enough for two, and two plastic champagne flutes. He handed the glasses to Liz.

"Where did you get those, Max?" Liz's eyes widened as the champagne cork popped and flew up into the air. Kyle caught it on the way down and he shook his head.

"Where else?" Max grinned as he filled the two glasses. "Champagne, in France. Guy gave them to me."

He put the bottle down and took one of the glasses from Liz.

"To you, Liz," he smiled, touching the plastic rims together. "To your new home, to your new life, your new future." He looked into her eyes, allowing the depths of his feelings for her to shine. "To your new destiny."

They drank the champagne as the crowds started to chant the countdown.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one...."

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone bellowed.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?

While all around them, the crowds burst into song, Max placed both of his hands on Liz's cheeks.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days of auld lang syne,

His head dipped toward her, his lips parting slightly as they sought out hers.

And days of auld lang syne, my dear,
And days of auld lang syne.

Their lips touched, brushed against each other, a reintroduction of lost lovers from a whole week ago.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And their tenderness lost, their kiss intensified. Their lips tussled, their tongues teased. They meshed together as one, two lost souls reunited at the start of something new, something wonderful at a time special made for new beginnings. They were in love, and they were forever. There would be trials ahead, obstacles along their path as they navigated through the pitfalls of a long distance relationship, but they had friends and family to help them. They had also had something very special. And when all was said and done, that was all they needed. Each other.

And days of auld lang syne.[/i]


* *

* * *

The End....

Of THIS part.

Plenty more holidays in a year. :wink: Send in your requests and I will try to fit them in, as and when I can.. :wink:
