Paradox (AU M/L,MATURE) Chpt 17 18/1/06 [WIP]

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Addicted Roswellian
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Im sorry my friends, blame it on my flu...and ill sickness and lots of lots of boring work...but here I hopefully you like it...


Chapter 12

March 14th 1983

Stale, harsh, forceful breaths smelling of tuna, seaweed and rats wafted through her nose as incoherent words were spat inside Nancy’s ear. It wasn’t the smell but the feel of a tongue sliding inside her ear that woke Nancy. She knew in an instant that it wasn’t Phillip, he was on a “business trip” and Jeff was staying inside his small cottage inside the Forrest opposite of the mansion. The initial shock lasted milliseconds before Nancy screamed. Raccoon eyes, two dark blue raccoon eyes pierced through her face as his mouth latched onto her neck.
“You know I’m only ten years older than you…” he whispered.
“What?” Nancy’s voice died and reverted to mute screaming, trying in dismay as she tried to throw his body off her. His legs pinned her to her bed and she felt him, making her cringe. No, no no no no no no no. Somebody help me! She screamed, only realizing that no one can read minds.
“She doesn’t have to know…”
“ED! It’s me Nancy. Nancy Evans. Nancy, your grandchild. Esther’s daughter????”
“ Oh…Esther, Esther, Esther, you little minx!” he moaned and he closed her mouth with a kiss. His mouth was slobbery and his tongue dashed inside her mouth, no finesse, and no pre requisites. Nancy vomited inside his mouth, which caught him off guard and he let go momentarily, in which Nancy scampered off the bed and ran outside. Her feet thumped on the dull wooden hallways as her hair streamed behind her. Her chest was still raw from Ed’s handprints impressions on her chest and on her shoulders. Nancy stopped, fell down and threw up again; clutching her arms to her stomach she forced herself to throw up, again until she felt a little better. Or maybe it was the pair of arms circling around her.
“Nancy?” it was Jeff, out of breath and his body was flushed against hers. His hands were busily tucking looses strands behind her ears.
“ He-tried..,” She couldn’t think but suddenly realized something. She broke down again and realized that this was worse than anything imaginable. It was rancid, mind numbing, that she continued to throw up. Even as nurses were rushing to her aid she threw up until her throat felt raw, her stomach burned and her body weak, weak enough to collapse into Jeff’s welcoming arms.


Dear Liz

First year students are partaking in the Shakespearean play “Romeo and Juliet” it’s on in August 31st. You know what else? That Aramai group? That secretive-law slash business group that everyone wants to be the next heir??? you remember that one? Well, anyway Liz, Monsieur Dominick de Bussey is sponsoring the production because its his favorite play or whatever. Honestly I wasn’t paying attention. All I know is that its going to be big

Max poised his pen to rest on his red leather bound journal he purchased two days ago.
“ Hey Romeo,” Kyle joked as he entered their dorm,. Max rolled his eyes.
“Hey, How was your father?”
“ Distant, which is unusual, probably work related.” Kyle was worried about his best friend. He hasn’t slept in days. He was the “immortal” the “ next Tom cruise” and “ Romeo” but Kyle knew that every night he would stare at this picture of a girl long brown hair and knew it was girl problems. He missed…what was her name again? Ah…oh yeah Liz. “See you later,”
“ Yeah,” Max grumbled and went back to writing in his “ letters to Liz” Journal. It sounded corny but he wanted to see Liz so he wrote in this journal and as soon as Liz is back where she belongs (with moi) he would give this journal as a token of his love for her. And, no, it’s not that kind of love between friends and family. It’s a loved shared between a man and a woman and he dared not say it out loud. No, he would bear that sin alone, die and go to hell for it.

I got the lead after a couple of auditions. Just about…everyone knew I was this some big star but I don’t want to be. I felt…isolated…a fish out of water. I only liked acting in the first place because I got to be with you, in your arms…
I love you. More than you’ll ever know.

Fourteen days and nothing. Zilch, nada. The sheriff left and returned with nothing from Max. Jim said he gave Kyle the letter to give to Max. Until Max replied Liz wasn’t allowed to send anymore letters. However, Liz continued to write in what she called her “letters to Max” journal. Each passage was filled with her thoughts about everything: her condition, the house and its people but most of all it was about her feelings that they never spoke about.

Liz loved him but she always thought that there was someone better for him out there. It was only a matter of time literally (Tess Hart) but Liz wrote all her anger, doubt and misery into the journal and when the time came she would send it to his dorm.

Liz placed her black leather bound journal in her small side draw. She was thankful that Michael brought her this journal. Although, she promised him that she was composing piano music, so, sooner or later she would have to botch something to fool Michael. Or, she could get Maria to distract him….hmm that’s an excellent idea. Picking up a girly magazine she saw a picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar posing in that-super woman- way with the black bold lopsided words in front of her chest, stating 10 ways to a man’s heart with red love hearts surrounding the title.

10 ways to a man’s heart, Liz scoffed. 10 ways my ass, she thought dimly but she turned to page ten and looked at the contents, since there was nothing else to do but mope, grumble and read magazines. She could write in her journal again but today’s entry was seventy pages so far. Hmm…maybe I need Michael to buy me another book.
Still wearing her hospital gown her breast began to tenderize under with no bra supporting them.
“…Michael est grand. Il est beau. Il n’est pas gros. Il est jeune…..Il est brun. Micahel est mince,” Maria entered the room with Alex, halfway through conversing in broken French. She was wearing tame clothes: navy long sleeved sweater, black denim jacket and denim jeans with rosette deigns on the pockets.

Humph, Liz thought. That’s Maria talking in French.
“Il n’est pas jeune! Il est vieux! Il est tre gros et laid!” He is not young, he is old. He is very fat and ugly!

“ Vous parles tres bien le Francais!” Maria said. You speak French very well…
“No, I don’t,” Liz replied. “ I just studied the language because my brother always spoke in English and in French…sometimes his accent will have an Irish twang because he spends most of his time in Ireland and in France on business trips,”
“Okay, just so everyone knows. Why do you call Michael your brother when he’s…”
“What? My half-uncle?” Liz laughed. “We grew together, were raised as brother and sister and its easier to think of him as a brother than as an uncle cos then he’s like, my mother’s brother and Max’s…”
“Who’s Max?”
Max, the core of my life. Max, even his name changes something inside me, makes my vocal cords hitch, my heart clenches at the vision of him in my mind.
“He’s….” She couldn’t bring herself to say that word. The word made it final, it makes her feelings seem dirty.
“….family,” Liz finished. “We grew up together,”
Maria shrugged, plopped some juicy fruits in her mouth and began chewing slowing; her jaw movements were rigid and it reminded Liz of a cow chewing grass.
“So, do you want to write another letter?” Alex asked, taking his seat beside Liz with Maria on Liz’s left side.
Liz looked down and slowly shook her head, “I would like to get out of this bed so I can see some of this mansion,”
Maria’s eyes brightened, her smile was big, and large-almost cat like, “Well, what are we waiting for? Huh?”
Alex hopped the bed and scuttled outside to wheel in a Spartan wheelchair. A metallic chair with a simple beach chair with two large wheels and silver panels for her feet, a red pillow was placed on the frayed seat.

It was too much for words. She let out a joyful cry as Maria gave her a sports bra and a loose blue shirt and silver buttons. It was a man shirt so it swallowed her form but Liz was grateful for the bra. She sighed as her bosom felt at ease. Once she was semi dressed, with her hospital gown and blue shirt over Alex placed her on the chair while Maria detached her hand from the IV drip.
“Don’t touch,” Maria pointed to the small cone poking out from the bandaged hand. “It will only annoy you,”
Maria led the way as Alex wheeled Liz around the room; the clinkering clacking sound of the wheels gave Liz mild comfort.
“So, I did promise you some history of this fine manor?” Maria drawled. Maria twirled around the hallway gracefully.
“I think Maria just likes the sound of her own voice,” Alex whispered, leaning over to speak in Liz’s ear.
“What was that?” Maria stopped, crossed her arms and tapped her left shoe on the floor.
“Nothing, oh please continue,” Alex forgot where he was wheeling and drove Liz into the wall by accident.
“OWWw!” Liz screeched, clutching her legs in vain, the pain shot, and sizzled up her legs.
“Are you okay,” Alex stopped and rushed to her side, on bended knees he frantically checked her legs.
“Nah…it was my legs….” Liz said, out of breath, her hands were warm against her shins. “I can feel,” There is feeling in my legs, I can feel my legs.
“She can feel,” Alex was trying very hard to not cry while Maria let out a gasp.
Liz broke down in sobs. “I have legs!”
Maria bit back her laughter, “A small victory,”
Liz clapped her hands, “I can walk,” Liz receptively clapped her hands. She will be outta here and she will march down to New York and demand to see Max.
“She can walk,” Alex parroted Maria’s voice.
“Oh shut up,” Maria slapped Alex on the shoulder.
Liz placed her hands on the wheel and began to push herself down the hallway and found herself by a swirled staircase made of marble. A bright red carpet tinged with orange paved a small plank way down the stairs. Liz could see faded shoes marks and indents of high heels.
“I’ll get the chair,” Maria suggested as Alex picked her frail body. She could feel the thick material of her dress shirt over her hospital gown lapped across her legs, and even the fine stitching began to itch from her lacy undergarments. Everything was coming back, however, deep down Liz knew that she wouldn’t be able to walk straight away but it was a possibility, not just a dream anymore.

Quietly Maria placed her wheelchair on the marble floor. It was snow white with lightening streaks of obsidian and it covered the entire floor and roman column that held the two levels together and provided room for the large archway door that reminded Liz of the iron gates of medieval castle.

Once Liz was back in her wheelchair, and the blanket covering her waist and legs, she was about to wheel her way to the front door when she heard the distant whistle of an Irish lullaby. It was Michael.
“Hide me…its Michael…” Liz hissed. She knew that he would not be pleased with Maria and Alex getting her out of her without the doctor’s permission. Liz panicked and wheeled herself behind the stairwell. It was a small cramped space with an outline of a door and the opposite wall. If Michael decided to walk upstairs she would be seen.
She only had Maria’s very over the top voice to go on while Alex pretended to be walking down the stairs.

“Ohhhhhh Alex,” Maria drawled. “Fancy seeing you here of all things. Aren’t you supposed to be in the kitchen….oh Salut Michael.”
Obviously Michael entered the front entrance and saw Maria and Alex. Liz held her hands in front of her lips to keep herself from laughing from Maria’s loud exaggerated French accent.
“Maria..Alex….What are you guys doing here on your day off?” Michael asked.
Liz scoffed silently when she heard Michael’s voice. Typical businessman Michael, she thought. Cold and frosty to the bone.
“We wanted to see----“
“Lea….” Maria finished just as Alex blurted out her name.
“You wanted to see Liz and Lea?”
“Well…I wanted to settle my difference with Lea and …uhm…”
“We also wanted to-to see Liz...”
“Mademoiselle Elizabeth Guerin.” Michael corrected. “Finally that dreaded heathen name of hers…Evans…Pah is gone from our sight,”
Liz clenched her hands together and felt blood starting to seep from her fingernails. Of course her father, the man she adored and tried so hard to please disowned her for the family he wanted, and she was now a Guerin.
“I’m sorry Mademoiselle Guerin was asleep but she was moaning the name Max,”

Liz bowed her head. ALEX! She inwardly cringed. Never ever mention Max’s name and I don’t moan…do I? Liz thought to herself. It’s possible that Alex and Maria dropped by when she was asleep or dropped up on drugs…it could be possible that she was moaning Max’s name but she didn’t want to dwell on it.
“Did he say moaning? We mean sighing as in out of..of---umd-udm what’s that word?? You know the way I feel when you are yelling at me?”
“Sexually frustrated?”
“What? No! frustrated as in hatred---she was angry with him….what’s it to you anyways? Liz is asleep and I---I--- mean…we after I went to see lea but—Liz was..”
“Asleep,” Michael finished. “Well…lea is away…she’s on sick leave as of yesterday. so tell me. Maria what were you really doing here?”
Oh shit, Liz thought. You guys you’ve dug yourself a deep grave. There was no choice but to reveal herself in a wheelchair. Liz tried to move her wheel chair but it made a harsh scrapping sound against the marble.
“What is that?” Michael asked, referring to the harsh sound her chair just made. It echoed across the front entrance loud and crisp before fading out.

“What was what?” Maria asked.
“What was that what Maria?” Alex said.
“That sound.” Michael seemed curious but also he was still angry and if she was caught she had no idea what torture lay ahead for her.
” Alex did you hear a sound?” Maria can sound so innocent, like a perfect angel when she need be and Liz wished she could see Maria’s face pouting at Alex, pretending she had no clue what was going on.
“No Maria,” Alex replied, his voice revealed no hesitation. It was calm and neutral.
“Well I certainly didn’t hear anything,” There was a clap, probably from Maria’s hands coming together in exasperation.
Liz tried again to move her wheelchair but as she leaned over…she must have sat on something because her wheelchair gave way and she fell on the floor with the wheel chair clasped between her legs, its heavy weight was unbearable and she bit back her scream. Also, the sound was like a vase being forcefully smashed to the ground.
“What was that?’ Michael asked again.

“What?” Maria replied. Liz scrunched up her face in pain, her legs were on fire and her pelvis was throbbing.
“You know what?” Michael challenged.
“You know what now?” Alex sounded confused and Liz knew she shouldn’t laugh but Maria and Alex together are the perfect duo to distract anybody, including her uncle Michael.
” You know that thing that happened in you know where?”
“ Look you know what there was no you know what or whatever you know what happened over you know where at you know when…okay?”
“I’m confused,” Alex said then he continued after a long space of silence. “Did he say something about you know what in where now? ‘
“ Yes!!! but nothing happened as there waaaas no you know what that didn’t happened just now,”

“Just now?” Alex parroted.
”Just now.” Maria agreed.
“WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP!!!!” Michael yelled, silencing them both.
Liz was on the floor, hugging her stomach with her face pressed against the pavement to keep herself from laughing.
She heard a scrapping of a door moving and found the door beside her opening but the door was pushed backwards to reveal a scruffy middle age man, the same age as her father, possible a little older with almond eyes and longish dark brown hair. He leaned over and with his two long arms and detached the wheel chair and picked her up, scooped her into the passageway and closed the door.
“Don’t talk just yet, Liz.” He instructed. Liz could hear voices gradually getting louder and louder.

“A wheelchair?” Michael fumed.
“Yeah...Well…it’s an art in progress…I mean it’s in progress for Liz.”
Liz ignored the outgoing fight sizzling between Michael and Maria and tuned back to staring to the face of her savoir…or captor?

“Who are you?” Liz asked, normally she would be screaming but there was something familiar about him. She didn’t know why but he was helping her escape and that’s all that mattered.

“Care to keep a secret?” He asked as he walked down a dim underground passageway littered with small light bulls, illuminating the dirt footpath.
“My life is one big secret,” Liz replied. Her mother said that she wasn’t related to Max, obviously saying that she can be with Max in the open. She was in love with Max who was her supposed half brother but she didn’t know if he actually felt the same way and her father, the one she grew up with and worshiped disowned her.
“My name is Monsieur Jeffery Dorian Parker.” Jeff replied.


“I remember Maria saying something about you but I can’t remember,” Liz said in Jeff’s lounge room. The underground passageways lead to a secret cottage in the forest a hundred meters from the mansion. She was sipping on a small cup of hot coco while Jeff was sitting with her on the opposite side of the couch. He was wearing a black woolen jumper and his hair was slicked back. His hair was shoulder length and half of it had been pulled back with a black hair tie. His eyes were a dark brown color as his voice was huskily and scratchy as if he spent the last ten years smoking.

“Well, I trust you that you won’t tell anyone. I mean anyone,” he emphasized.
“Why is that?” Liz couldn’t help it, she was curious.
“You are your own prisoner in that god forsaken hellhole,” His voice had fragments of an accent, it sounded European.
“Okay, I promise but tell me about you-you,”
“Well, first off. I’m dead to the world.” He chuckled. “When I found out I was related to Ed I kind of became distant,” His eyes adverted to the floor and she could see a shield cloud around his face. This thing….being related to Ed cut him deep. Liz wanted to know why but now was not the time.
Let him talk, she reminded herself.
“Whadda mean? And how can you be related to someone in past tense? Wait does that even make any sense?”
Jeff chuckled softly. “Ed was one sick and twisted man. I didn’t want to cause grief to anyone, including both families so I staged my death. But it caused Ed to become distant too and slowly insane but it wasn’t entirely my fault, there were other factors too,” Jeff sighed, he seemed troubled. “I left the people I loved behind and went back to France. I met up with my father and I stayed with him until he died and I took over the family business,”

Liz knew that there was more to his story but she knew how he felt. Sometimes when things got bad, often she was speak to Max about staging their deaths and running away. However, they couldn’t do it. What happened to Jeff that caused him to stage his own death, and cause so much grief?
“So, what do you go by now?”
Monsieur Dominick de Bussey,” Jeff smiled. “You seem pretty calm about this. So like your mother.

“You knew my mother?”
“Very much so,” He faulted. “But there is a time for everything,” He clapped his hands together. “Now, the piano,”
“You own a piano?”
“I’ve been playing ever since I was a child,”
“Me too. I love the feeling of the ivory keys against my hands and how each sound is in harmony with others. You just have to find the right notes of course,” Jeff must have caught his eye on something. “ Ack, the time, not much time. We must get you back. It’s almost sunset...” He jumped from his chair and was about to scoop her up when he saw her face, he paused, his face whitened as if he was seeing a ghost…a loved one perhaps? Liz didn’t know but for one second she saw a flash of immense sadness. The same sadness she had on her face when she discovered her mother died and her father disowned her.

“But the piano?” Liz gestured with her hands, playing invisible keys and giving her signature puppy dog eyes. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze, like a father trying to comfort his child.
“Tomorrow,” He clarified. “But first, I was wondering if you would like to read this?” He turned around and picked up a small white spiral binded folder. It felt slightly heavy and she could see that it was a script for a play.

Romeo and Juliet?” Liz quailed. Her favorite play, not only because it spoke about love but she and Max always used to read this play together.
“I adore this play. I’m sponsoring a group of actors who are performing this play in August, nothing big, it’s really just for fun and they need someone to play Juliet. I know its all of a sudden but it will give you something to do and its in New York so you’ll get away from here...”
New York. Two words. New York. Max is in New York! Liz thought to herself, if she continued in secret reading the play and learning how to walk again by the time she is in New York. she’ll play Juliet then spend the next eternity looking for Max. With that set in her mind she accepted Jeff’s offer.
“Monsieur Parker? I love to,”


the walls are closing in.....can you guess the secret???


i'll try an update soon but its nearly end of term...and i'm still very very ill...(wails in agony) I HAVE NO VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 115
Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2002 2:57 am

Post by »

Thanks guys

Here is another part....hope you like it...

Chapter 13

How do you fall out of love? Would falling out of love make the day go by easier? Would it replenish the heart quenching nights, the agony and tears? Would it diminish the fear and twisted worry of being isolated from a love one; or if a loved one hasn’t called, emailed or written to you? Would falling out of love be the answer? Is there a miracle drug that could numb the endorphins targeted to making someone feel love?

Every woman craves love. Deep down they all want someone out there to love them for who they are, at the same time love comes with the unspoken circumstance such as silence, frosty eyes and cold shoulders, where love is frozen and hearts are destroyed. No one warns us of that.
Liz curled up against a small blanket with three day old oatmeal stains, the pungent smell wafting over the body odor Liz festered in from days on end.

It’s July the first. Still no answer. Don’t guys understand? Women, especially Liz needed Max to answer her. For these images inside her head tormented her through the night and kept her awake, listening to the floorboards speak to each other.

Liz squeezed the life out of her blanket as her legs remained emotionless. She couldn’t move them much anymore- her lack of enthusiasm dwindled as the days went by and the lack of response from Max.
Jeff was another story all together. Considering everyone believes he is dead he sometimes sneaks through the hidden passageways throughout the mansion and converse with Liz during the night. This was fine with her, she rarely slept and if she had a nightmare Jeff would calm her down like a father would.

Her father was nonexistent now. Her life was fucking fantastic.
With the playbook tossed aside Liz managed to scoot upwards—supported by her bed of red pillows she poured herself another glass or champagne with orange juice. The three empty bottles of experience wines lay beside her. Liz didn’t even bother to measure the percentage but was in awe of the bubbly liquid swirling in with the strong yoke of orange juice. How the hell did she end up like this? Well If you survived a car crash, killing your mother, leaving your temporary and possibly permanently paralyzed for life-your lover has deserted you and any family connection you have is a senile great-grandfather who talk to you, telling you old family secrets, then bash you in the next?

Welcome to rock-bottom land or should I call it bubble land? Ah yes… bubbles hehehh bubbles give you happy thoughts and make you feel like you’re stuck in teletubby land. You know? Dipsy? Lala? Po? Remember the happy dancing alien people? Ah well, maybe in another life.
Liz poured herself another drink and sipped on the sharp taste, sighing, she poured in more orange juice, splashing orange over her shirt and drenching half of her greasy hair. Shrugging her shoulders her glazed eyes looked at the drink of death before guzzling the contents, hearing voices of angles speak to her as she swallowed the fire-burning bubbles.
A man clad in green, wearing a mask swirled into her room and using vampire hands snapped the bottle from her weak clutches. Liz stared at her bare hands…wasn’t she? Didn’t she have? Wait…what was it….blankness greeted her like an old friend while chipmunks sang Christmas songs..

Her stomach was churning as the fire built up, she suddenly felt cold and hot at the same time, her forehead beaded with small stink sweats.
“Max..” Liz clutched her head in vain. Ah no…hallucinations…
“Ma petit enfant..” The man in green replied, picking her up from her death box she was carried into a dark hallway. “Ca va?”
Liz groaned. Why didn’t she stop at two bottles. or was it three? I distinctly remember five…no wait six…soixante-deux…..quarte-vingt-cinq….
“Osake nomisugiru desune…” I’ve drank too much alcohol…
“Mon dieu!” The green man replied, flying into the sky with her small frail body in his arms…

Am I dead? Is this all some hallucinogenic to persuade me to accept death?
No one remembers much….Liz can’t think right now but when a toilet bowel fazed into view she vomited. Her stomach clenched and her throat burned, crying as she threw up again. She clutched her stomach, groaning as her head swelled. No, she won’t throw up again. She burped and felt the thickness inside her gullet rise-she opened her mouth and vomited again.

“Shh its okay,” Jeff whispered, holding her like a precious face as he pulled her hair away from her pale-stricken face.
“He hasn’t replied..” Liz mumbled. Why hasn’t Max replied to her? Her heart was burning in agony as she cried against Jeff’s shoulder.
“ ..Alors…Eh.. I have no idea what is going on in your life…but let me give you some advice…” Jeff pushed her chin upwards so she was staring into his chocolate brown eyes. “ The only way you’ll get out of this is by yourself. No one can make you walk…the only person who can do that is you ma petite. Only you can repair the emotional trauma and walk again. No one else. So who ever this is person is. forget them. Repair yourself. Focus on you..and then you can find out why they haven’t replied to your letters,”

Liz felt like slapping him but broke into another chorus of sobs, hiccupping violently, she wailed. “How do you know? Huh? Have you ever been in love that it hurts when you’re not around them?”
“Yes, I have,” Jeff curtly replied. Liz stopped for a brief moment and watched a shadow fall across Jeff’s face. “I’ve been in love. I loved her so much that I …”

“Faked your own death?” Liz finished for him. Jeff nodded sadly.
“What? How...did? I mean how can you even think that I mean…”
“You don’t the full story Liz. I was eight years older than her. She was married.” Jeff sighed. “We had a forbidden love at that time…it was forbidden for us to marry,”

“Why. She was married? Couldn’t she get a divorce?”
“Yeah…plus…family issues but once I discovered a way for us to be together. She was gone and…”

“What?” Liz implored, placing her hand on his shoulder. His faced looked raw and beaten. Heartbroken like she was.
“She’s never coming back. But I learned to move on…I repaired myself and now I live a life that I enjoy..”

“Enjoy?” Liz raised her eyebrow in disbelief. “Pretending to be someone else? Being dead to the world,”
“Better than the alternative Elizabeth Claudia…,”
“My mother always called me that when she was defensive,”
“Your mother was an extraordinary woman...”
“Really? Yes Jeff but you see I just…I just need to know if he’s okay,” Liz was referring to Max but she wouldn’t say his name out loud---it would make things…worse.

“ well. do you know his number?”
“ Yeah..I think so..” Liz thought for a second but her heart was already racing with the possibility of talking to Max.
“Well if I do something for you do you promise to take care of yourself and learn to walk again, and learn the part of Juliet”
“Yes,” Liz whispered.
Jeff scooped her up and carried her to his living room. Placing her on the worn out but comfortable couch he placed a phone and a phone book in her hands.

“Give him a ring, and then you, my lady are having a bath,” Jeff smiled and Liz couldn’t help by smile back at him. He had this warmness around him that made her feel special, like a fairy princess.
“Yes dad,” Liz rolled her eyes sarcastically. Jeff seemed to be taken back by her comment. However, at this moment Liz was focused on pushing the numbers to her salvation.

“Hey..this is Max Evans---“ His voice almost sliced her whole. She forgot how rich it sounded, like melted honey and how his deep, intense rumble of words caused butterflies in her stomach.
“ And Kyle Valenti’s—“ Kyle’s voice sounded different to Max’s…not as special but kind of southern twang to it…it was possible that his background was near Texas or Huston. or something like that.
Kyle’s voice continued.“ Dorm..We are not here to take your call so please leave a message after the tone and we will get back to you eventually---“

“Hey Max…it’s me Liz…I don’t have much time but I wanted to know that I miss you and why haven’t you replied to my letters…please call me as soon as you get this …on…”
Liz looked up at Jeff as he reentered the room and handed her his phone number..
“On…555-768-0293…got that? Please call Max I really really need to hear from you...”
Liz hung up and prayed to God that Max would ring in the next five minutes.

Tess shoved past Katie and Gwen as she strode down towards her husband’s dorm. Although they weren’t legally married Tess made it her duty to let the entire female population of New York that Max Evans was off limits.
“Maxiepoo?” Tess cooed as she prowled through his dorm entrance. It was empty but the answering machine was running. Who could be calling at this time?

“Hey Max…it’s me Liz…I don’t have much time but I wanted to know that I miss you and why haven’t you replied to my letters…please call me as soon as you get this …on……555-768-0293…got that? Please call Max I really really need to hear from you...”

Tess blood boiled. Liz Guerin. That half-blood twit! Tess knew how much Max cared for that bitch and she knew that if Max heard this message…Tess would think nothing of it. Walking over to the answering machine that was on top of the coffee table, next to Kyle’s work bench she yanked out the cassette tape and was about to drop it…
“What are you doing here…” it was Max! Scared out of her wits Tess dropped the tape and in fell in between Kyle’s bench and coffee table and out of sight.

“ I was here to check up on you Maxiepoo”
She saw him cringe at her nickname and Tess clenched her fists. She was his future wife and she will make this work.
“ Can’t I’m rehearing with Kyle for the play..”
“ You need to work on your Romeo and Juliet lines…” Tess suggested. The entire university knew of the scandal surrounding the mystery missing player…viola Juliet…apparently a Claudia Parker was starring as Max’s counter part but due to family issues she won’t be rehearsing with Max. Max will only see his leading lady at opening night. The idea was preposterous but The Aramai was behind this and therefore…they-meaning entire Faculty board had to except it.
“ Nah I’m fine…” Max absently replied. “I’m late for class...” he placed his hands in his pockets and left his dorm, leaving Tess to seethe by herself.

Jeff gave her an old red shirt to wear as she soaked in the bath. He handed her a loaf and three jars of smelling oils to use while she bathed and washed her hair.
Who was she? Liz wondered, lathering her hair with strawberry scented shampoo. Who was the woman the claimed Jeff's heart? What happened?

August 23rd 1983

Normandy France

He felt dirty inside. How come he wasn’t told sooner? As pure as his love her Nancy he knew that their love would neither free her nor give her the happiness she deserved.
“Now you know, my son,” His fathered said. “All women are whores and descendants of Eve…wretched women of Troy they are…”
Jeff bit back his lip from trembling. How much he adored Nancy. She was the evening star in his life. She understood him in ways that no body else could. However, none of that mattered now. This revelation will surely destroy any feelings she had for him. He was due back at the Edwardian château in two days. He had two days to prepare for the hell he would endure, avoiding her. She must never know.
“Look after Edward. He’s not well in his mind and would need constant care.”
Jeff nodded. “I will father,”

_ _ _ __

It was tomorrow for everyone else but it was today for Liz. Today was the first day Liz was going to small steps to recovery. Plus, Alex finished his exams yesterday and Maria was back from visiting her Aunty in Florida.
Today was also the day Liz was going to find out more about her mother’s past and Jeff’s past.

“Hey Chica…I brought a ton of ice cream and the O.C for us to watch.” Maria walked in wearing a pair of low slung jeans and a pale pink peasant top. Alex followed in suit, wearing a pair of jeans and a thin cotton white shirt.

“I bought…The Matrix...Chucky…Friday the 13th…Edward scissor hands...” Alex gestured to his plastic bag. “All we need is Sarah Michelle Gellar and we’re set.”
“Oh PL-EAZE!” Maria sighed, rolling her eyes at Liz as she plunked herself at the edge of the bed. “Give me a set of chains and Brendan Fher any day!”

Liz smiled, she was so glad to see them. “Hey...Guys…do you know someone by the name Jeff Parker?”

“You mean Monsieur Jeff Dorian Parker?” Maria replied, rolling her r’s in her exaggerated French accent. Liz nodded. Alex sat on the opposite side of Maria, crossing his arms he leant against the headboard, his shoulders touching Liz’s shoulders, giving her warm comfort.

“It’s a legend really,” Alex said for Maria. “Apparently Monsieur Jeff Dorian Parker went out riding one morning and drowned himself in Lake Laurie two miles from here. Only his horse, sapphire survived. His body was never found.”

“Which lead everyone to think Jeff was still alive---” Maria added.
“But there was blood all over the Horse and a suicide note?” Alex argued.
“Yeah and you know how much pain it caused to Edwards…”
“Yeah poor Eddie….senile man he was so heart broken when….he died...”
“What? When Jeff died why did it mean so much to Ed?”
“You don’t know? How could you not know? Jeff was…”

“Disturbing Liz are we?” Edward stood in his moth eaten robe and red silk slippers. His face was pale and his big blue eyes stuck out like two swollen pineapples.

“I’m sorry sir we were just...” Maria said, gesturing to her and Alex.
“Helping in the kitchen,” Ed finished, crossing his arms sternly Maria and Alex quickly said their goodbyes and left the room. Ed took one look at her, smirked before closing the door. Liz prayed to God that Max would call soon. She coulnd't stand living like this any longer.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

hope you like it
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Thanks jess....Lol......and I love your signature by the way... understand this next part here are two links...Please watch them..(they are not rude or anything) so don't get your panties in a twist...they are quite amusing which gave me inspriation for this part so please watch them before you read the next part.

The badger Badger Badger mushroom chant

Badgers invade kenya
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Chapter 14

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So by now you've watched them

Disclamier: i used the lyrics from the two badger songs so they are not mine...just covering my own behind so please don't sue me

Chapter 14

Liz watched from the shadows and gazed hungrily at Anakin, whom was staring into the open wide ocean of the secluded Naboo lake resort. Only wearing her sleeping attire she felt compelled to walk out there and join him when Yoda stopped her.

“Nager J’aime. Hmurp” He whispered.

Liz jolted awake and sleep hit her like a brick. Star Wars’ Attack of the Clones was playing in the background.

This would explain my dream, Liz thought, and laughed. A few seconds later Alex and Maria rushed in, chanting together in an unceremonious way.

“Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger, Mushroom Mushroom!” Alex and Maria waved to Liz as they charged in like a pack of rhinos.

“SNAKE!! Ahhh it’s a snake!” Alex hissed, waving his hands up and down.
“OHHH you’re watching Star Wars!” Maria squealed, ending their chant. “Hayden Christensen is such a hottie. He should come with a warning label...”

“Badger badger badger badger mushroom,” Alex continued. At the same time Maria kept hyperventilating as she squealed about Hayden’s hotness.
“Hayden is like…oh my god such a god…those eyes and the hair…and the body….” Maria purred, rolling her eyes around and wiggling her eyebrows together while watching Hayden Christensen kissing Natalie Portman.
‘Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger, Mushroom Mushroom’ Alex continued in the same mocked monotone.
“He can use the force on me at any time-” Maria commented as a close up of Hayden’s blue eyes flared up.

‘Badger Bader a…badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger, Mushroom Mushroom ahh snake Ahhh it’s a snake…it’s a badger.’ Alex waved his hands about. What the hell is he on? Liz wondered. Notice, how two friends can talk about almost anything at the same time and still make sense to the listener? However, Liz was caught in a dilemma. To laugh hysterically or frown. She felt like doing both.
“There was this one time when Gary—the shop keeper guy I dated a year ago who was a star wars fan who wanted to take me behind while wearing a Darth Vader suit,” Maria offered. Liz cringed, that’s just too much information. There should be an unspoken rule about boundaries and when information like that should be kept to yourself. And yet, Alex still managed to carry on in his monotonic and yet Jamaican sounding chant.
“Only in Kenya…come to Kenya we’ve got lions…only in Kenya… got lion and tigers only in Kenya…forget Norway…Kenyaaaaaa ohhhhhhh Kenyaa where the giraffes are…and the zebraaaa…Kenya Kenya kenyaaaa…kenyaaaa…going to Kenya….’ Alex plopped himself next to Liz while Maria remained standing in front of Liz. Liz remained, mobilized in her bed. She had been bedridden for days. Her bedpan lay underneath her bed. Sooner or later Liz would call a maid and get her to empty its contents.

“But yeah now if we get Anakin…Lestat from queen of the damned and Aragon form lord of the rings we can have come kind of dark seduce thing…’ Maria waved her hands in the air, mirroring some Indian tribal dance.
Alex stopped his singing mid way through. Liz was thankful to give her ears a rest “So…..if Anakin walked in right now and say he wanted to have his----“Alex stopped midway through, and blushed. “Force with you…would you?”
“OH GOD YES” Maria’s reaction was like a half moan and half squeal. Her face flushed and her eyelashes fluttered shut in a dreamy smile.
“But he’s not even real.” Alex protested, causing Maria to come back form her revive, open her eyes and flash him an acid glare. Liz placed her hand in front of her face to stifle her giggles.
“Ever heard of fictitiously” Maria crossed her arms and tilted he head to one side.
“Fictitious what? That’s not even a word Maria?”
“Yes that,”
“What’s that?”
“That thing”
“What thing”
“The thing you just said,”
“Fictitiously,”Liz offered.
“Yeah,” Maria nodded. “In which girls fantasize… lots of force with sexy characters. like um..Anakin Skywalker…and Anakin. .although Sam from Life as a house is a hottie too,”
“But knowing you Maria some bozo could walk in wearing a Darth Vader mask and you immediately scream Anakin and beg him to use their force against… the foosball table,”

“That’s sooooo not true,” Maria yelled, a little too high pitched as one of Liz’s tea cups shattered and tumbled to the floor. Maria blushed, almost flabbergasted. Alex was grinning. Liz, on the other hand was trying in vain…to not laugh at her best friends’ antics.
“Are we forgetting Matt’s party two weeks ago?”

“Don’t remind me,” Maria groaned, her smile turned sour and her eyes dropped to the floor.

“Yeah..”Alex waddled his finger in the air at Maria “Just proving my point and to prove it further ..”Alex turned to Liz. “Did you ever hear about the Moe supermarket incident a month ago,” Alex asked but Liz’s eyes were trained on Maria, and more importantly-her reaction.

“OH Alex you promised!” Maria screamed, her arms wavered in the air like a little girl as her lower lip trembled as her eyes flashed her best puppy dog look.

“Oh look Maria…its Anakin!!!!” Liz pointed to the screen. It worked. Maria’s face blushed and she smiled. However, she reverted to squealing like a twelve year old.
“Oh my god anakin anakin is sooo divine delicious want to lick his…”
“MARIA!!!!!think of the children,” Alex shook his head. “ a month ago a lady went to Moe’s supermarket and brought a few groceries and went back to her car and remained there for quite some time…until a bystander went around the driver’s seat and asked what was wrong, and she replied that she had been shot and she has been holding her brains in for the past hour or so..anyhoo the bystander called 911 and the medics arrived, only to.. discover that she was holding strawberry purée cookie dough. The lady brought strawberry fudge and cookie dough and placed it the back seat. She called a few friends and since it had been a hot day..the puree exploded, along with the cookie dough..which sounded like a gunshot..and the cookie dough which hit the back of her head she thought were her brains,”
“She was blonde,” Liz offered, what was the point of that story? Why was Maria so…..
“She was Maria Deluca,”
“No shit,” Liz’s eyes almost bugged out from their sockets.
“ was quite funny,”
Liz had to laugh at that.

Knock Knock

“Come in if yoooooouuurrrrr single” Maria squealed as she continue to ogle Hayden Christensen.
“I hope that you didn’t mean it literally, Maria,” His cold clipped Irish French twang filled the room with ice. There stood Michael in his completely seductive attire. His jacket was open and he was wearing a Middle Eastern style white shirt with a long v neck that reached the centre of his muscular chest. His neck was adorned with thousands of tribal silver necklaces and his longish hair was unruly kept but styled backwards. He wore black leather pants and Italian style boots.
He must be in a good mood, Liz thought, staring at him.
“What is he doing there,” Michael asked, referring to Alex who had his arm around Liz’s shoulders.
“Oh…nothing Monsieur,” Maria laughed. “He is just like you and your office…talking. Nothing wrong bout that..” Maria blushed.
“You mean Alex tied her to the bed and wearing a Darth Vader mask he spanked......”
“NO!” Maria held her hands in the air, looking between Alex’s amused expression and Liz’s pale stricken face. Maria glared at Michael, trying to ignore the feelings his presence stirred within her, “Not that,”
“Not that,” Michael raised his left eyebrow.
“Yes that,”
“SO if they weren’t doing what you said that they were but they weren’t what were they doing,”
“Yes Monsieur,”
“Nothing at all,”
“All right
“Right then”
“You can cut the tension with a butter knife,” Alex whispered to Liz as they looked at Maria and Michael squabbling.
Liz smiled, looking at Michael she noticed how he stood in Maria’s presence and she knew right then that Maria and Michael were a perfect match. If only love like that existed in her life.
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chapter 15 A

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Thanks everyone--I can't tell you..enough how you all mean to me but i have to gett of as other people want to use the computer. Update will be soon as this is a two-parter.

Chapter 15 A

Liz placed her copy of Romeo and Juliet on her bed and looked down at her bedpan, covered up with a black lien cloth. Liz was glad that it had been changed earlier for that smell it created was like dead maggots festering in egg salad.

Truth was. She had been throwing up for the past few days ever since Maria had been in charge of cooking her meals. Liz didn’t want to say anything about it as Maria was her best friend and she spent the entire day preparing her meal.

It was probably nothing, Liz thought.

Her stomach lurched and her body clenched. Liz curled her upper self into her semi-human ball before keeling over and throwing up on the plush carpet. Her stomach burned and her throat felt raw and Liz knew that another wave of nausea was about to surface. Clenching her hands against the edge of the bed Liz tried blacking herself out as her body was convulsing and throwing up her stomach fluids.

Where’s the intercom? Liz screamed to herself, still clutching herself in agony as her pale legs were flat and. She struggled to move her heavy dead weight legs she threw up on herself as its hot liquid searing her skin-Liz wailed in pain.

Her eyes fell upon a small framed photo Ed Harding had placed on her bed side table a few days ago. It was a picture of her mother, and her family at the annual Edwardian ball. She felt her eyes like cement brick, she felt so cold and found it harder to breathe as her vomit was blocking her airways.

It funny, hilarious even, once her eyes began to focus on the three figures in the front row that she recognized someone. She remembered Ed saying that he was in the photo with his family in the front row. Liz could clearly see great-grandmother Jacqueline and Ed but why was Jeff there? Standing next to Ed with his arms around Ed’s lanky shoulders with the same smile plastered on his face? Jeff’s eyes like hot chocolate were the last image Liz remembered before blacking out.
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chapter 15B & CHapter 16---added bonus!

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Chapter 15 B

Maria’s heart quickened once she caught word that Liz had been poisoned. Who would do such a thing? Maria asked herself. As soon as I find out what skank or bastard who tried to kill her best friend she could club him to death with her red high heals.

“Outta my way…”Maria mumbled to the two guards flanked in the hallway. Ed was standing in front with a vial of half empty cough medicine.
“This was found in your bag, Madame Deluca.” He was smiling, really smiling as his grin reached his slouching hollow cheekbones. “You are to be formally escorted from the premises and permitted never to see Liz again…or ill press charges,”

“But I…”Her heart sank. I never have seen that vial in my life. It’s a set up, it has to be. Michael, she thought. Where was he? Maybe he had the answers she needed to shove that vial up Ed’s arse. Maria clobbered down the stairs, her arms fiercely snaked around the two burly bulked guard’s arms.

Alex was downstairs in the main foyer, alongside Michael.
“What’s the meaning of this??” Maria cried and hugged her best friend. Alex pulled back, and replied, “Sabotage my dear, Sabotage,”
“Whadda mean?”

“It means that we were all framed for attempting to endanger Miss Harding.” Michael softly offered as they were escorted outside.
“Harding,” The front door slammed shut, sealing them off from their best friend.

“Yeah,” Michael laughed softly, he was speaking so soft that it was hard to hear…this scared Maria for she has never seen Michael so lost, afraid, and broken. “She’s a Harding now,”

Chapter 16

“No need to fear, my sweet. She’s gone,” Ed whispered, his index finger sliding down the hem of Liz’s hospital gown.
Liz shuddered, she was drugged with painkillers she didn’t need. She was frozen, her body full of lead. All she could do was lay there and watch this man defile her with his hazy ashen eyes.

“Where’s Maria. Michael. Alex, I wanna seem them…” it was hard to speak as her lips felt rubbery and her muscles felt slack.
“You need a bath silly,” Liz knew that his arms were beneath her but she couldn’t feel anything. He drugged her with something…

Steam rose from the small bath alcove. He dipped her inside the water, she was chest deep and she slowly sank deeper into the water.
“Now we can do anything without her around,”

Somehow, Liz got the feeling that Ed wasn’t thinking straight. Who was she? This woman he namelessly referred to?
“With whom around?”

“Your mother silly,” Ed replied, shaking his head. “Don’t know why I married her when I could’ve had you,”
Okay, now that was wrong….deeply wrong….

“Nancy is my mother, your grand-daughter…I’m your great-granddaughter, Elizabeth. Where’s Maria? Where’s Michael,”
He whispered, trying to convince her that she was safe “Esther… wouldn’t you like me to rub your back?”

Esther, Esther was Edwards’s stepdaughter. Margo, Esther’s mother married Edward when Esther was eighteen. Now, something happened, something terrible to drive her grandmother, Esther away. Liz now knew that horrible truth. Esther, her grandmother ran away pregnant with Edward’s child. This meant that Nancy was Edward’s daughter, which meant that Edward was her grandfather.

“My name isn’t Esther….its Liz….”She stressed, her body remained limp inside the hot bathtub.

Regarder-moi Monsieur,” Jeff stood by the doorway. He was clean-shaven; his clothes were tailored in black silk shirt and black pants. His collar length hair framed his glowing brown eyes.
Brother,” Ed whispered. “No…you’re….” His face was frozen in confusion.
Jeff crouched beside Ed and scooped Liz up, soaking wet form from the Bath tub.

Tu ne me connais pas! Je n’ai pas des fréres!” He barked in fluent French, clutching Liz closer he carried her out into the hallway, with Ed close behind him—barking at Jeff in French, “Je te connais!!,”
Elle ne me connaît…pas..yet” Jeff slipped the English word in, “Mais….Elle te connaît ! You sick bastard!”
“Guards!” Ed screamed, as he heaved nosily behind them.
Jeff weighted out his options.

“What now?” Liz whispered.
“yeAWWW!”a loud war cry, followed by a chair braking on Jeff’s back filled the room. Jeff howled and fell to the floor, Liz’s body wobbled onto the floor and she remained back against the staircase with her frozen legs lying corpse-like on the floor.

“Don’t chú dare run away like that! Ever! ” Ed roamed towards her with a broken leg chair in hand. Jeff lay on the floor in pain, unable to help her. Liz quailed as two guards grabbed her arms.
“Never!” The wooden leg slammed onto her legs, her legs jolted and Liz could feel her nerves in her legs returning back to her…the drug was wearing off.

‘No…stop…stop please no please stop…maAAX!’ the pain was almost unbearable and yet irony flashed in her mind. The day her legs retuned is that day he breaks them.

Each word was emphasised with a loud thwack against her legs until they were covered deep wooden splinters, and gashes from where the chair leg ripped off a layer of skin.
“I am yours,” Ed slid his index finger down his own face, his face smiling in desire.
Liz looked over to where Jeff lay but he was gone….
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* this chapter is short, and I'm sorry but i'm trying to get back into the saddle here***

***thanks to I am a dreamer for remding me that it was chapter seems that the virus which i had last week ate a few of my chapters***

Chapter 17

“I swear when I get my hands on that slime—“
“Maria there is no need to—“
“He kicked us out and accused me of poisoning Liz---“
“Liz was food poisoned…your food…”

“I never cooked anything in my life…..I am violate in the kitchen and its all a rouse to have Liz to himself. We have to get her out of here…”
“Don’t you think I realize that now. I was fired too ya know…”
“Nah….I thought that was all an act Michael,”
“Guys, will you too stop bickering,” Alex complained as he was gazing into his morning coffee. “I’m trying to have a nice cup of coffee in peace and I can’t do that without you too jabbering in the background like a bunch of hicks—“

“Hicks? He’s the hill billy here?” Maria, hands on her hips nudged her head over at Michael, whose white shirt was un tucked and messy brown hair.
“Hill billy?” Michael crossed his arms, “Talk about Miss over here? Where did you get your clothes at? At Bums R’ Us?”
“GUYS!!” Alex yelled, at the same time he dropped his mug and spilt the contents on the kitchen table.
Just great…..

Alex sighed; never in his life did he image being stuck in New York with Michael and Maria. Maria was accused of poising Liz’s food and Michael protested, knowing full well what Maria actually does instead of cooking meals and because of his work relationship with Maria Ed fired both of them. Technically, Alex hadn’t been fired so if he wanted to he could go and get Liz but he knew that it wouldn’t do Liz any good right now. They had to get Liz out of there pronto and he knew there was only one guy who could do it. Max. Whoever this guy was he is gonna track down and get him to get Liz out of there.
Last edited by on Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.