Roswell Next Generation (Thread 2) (ADULT/UC/CC)

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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

<center> Oliver </center>

Amy stayed silent, and I frowned worriedly. She was obviously very scared, but I didn't think I could say anything to soothe her. How could i make someone else feel better, when I was just as freaked out by this whole mess? I had tried to ignore my powers, thought that if I didn't acknowledge them, then they just wouldn't exist. But tonight I had more than acknowledged them. I had used them to the point of exhaustion, and now I couldn't deny anymore that I was different from everyone around me. I was scared that by putting out the fire, I'd opened a can of worms that was better left closed.

It was just so peculiar that everyone in our group seemed to have powers. We'd always known each other, because all of our parents had grown up together and were the best of friends, but it seemed outlandish to think that all these people could have powers. How was it possible?

We pulled up to the Crashdown, which is dark and eerie looking. I shook the cold feelings I was getting off and hopped out of the car, walking around and opening Amy's door. She looked terrified, so I quickly pulled her into my arms and gave her a swift kiss.

"It'll be ok." I promised her, hoping I was right.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

<center> Liz </center>

I continued driving toward the Crashdown, letting the conversation in the car die down to a comfortable silence. Or, it would have been comfortable, had neither of us been fretting over what to tell the kids. Max would take over in that department, he always did. We would stand next to him and let him explain, and then help to answer some of the questions the kids had. But Max still had most of the responsibility in saying what needed to be said. I didn't like it that way, but that was just how it was. He would always be the king.

I glanced over at him to see if he was feeling any better, and quickly frowned at the look on his face. His eyes were closed, and his brows were pulled into a tight line that said he wasn't just resting his eyes.

"Max?" I called, waiting for a response. When he didn't so much as blink, I called again, louder, "Max! You ok?"
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by madroswellfan »

We finally pull up at the Crashdown. He walks around and opens my door. I slowly get out. God whats going on...whats happening... what...

Oliver pulls me into his arms and kisses me.
"It'll be ok."

I sigh and nod. "'ll be ok" I repeat.
"We just have to....stay calm..."

I take in a few deep breaths trying to relax...allowing myself to feel calm...sending out my calm waves to things around me...
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

<center> Oliver </center>

"'ll be ok," She reiterated, but her voice was shaky. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "We just have to stay calm...." She murmured.

I continued to hug her and began to rub her back soothingly. I felt her relax... and then the strangest thing happened. Here I was trying to help her calm down a little, and then all of a sudden I was feeling better. My tense muscles began to unclench, and pretty soon I felt like smiling. Alarmed, I pulled back.

"That was weird. Did you feel that?" I asked. It wasn't normal, how I'd just felt so... comforted. It was almost like I couldn't help it, like my body was responding without my permission.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by madroswellfan »

I sigh as I feel a bit better.

He pulls back
"That was weird. Did you feel that?"

I look at him alarmed. "What are you talking about? Feel what? Is something bad going to happen?"

Im starting to work myself up again. "Oliver?"
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

maxandliz4ever1357 wrote:<center> Laura </center>
I followed Aunt Liz as she walked over to Uncle Max, motioning for my mom to follow along with me. It was clear that something was going on by the way the parents and kids were whispering urgently, and I wanted to make sure I was there. I walked up in time to hear Oliver demanding answers. Something about being able to do something, and wanting to know why. I fidgeted; they couldn't mean the way I could sometimes move things by just thinking, and how I would get flashes of past events from touching an object and concentrating, could they? I had been almost certain that I'd been alone in having special abilities...

Arrangements for driving back to the Crash were made, and I listened without much interest. It seemed everyone was all right, and that was all that mattered. I was still a bit depressed about Tyler, but that didn't seem to mean much anymore, not with everything going on.

I turned away from the group and caught sight of the man who had pulled me out of the fire. He was very good-looking, I realized now, but he looked to be 18 at least. He would never want anything to do with me. I was too young, and I wasn't even that pretty anyway. I sighed and continued to stare, thinking about how great it would be to be 18. As I was thinking of these things, he glanced up and I suddenly found myself staring into a set of deep crystal blue eyes. Startled, I averted my gaze from him quickly, hoping he didn't think me immature for staring.

I finally tuned back into the conversation, and heard that the plans were almost finished being made. "Is there anyone I can take in my car?" I asked. I didn't really want to be alone, but it seemed to be turning out that way... again. I was always alone, it seemed. I had no one to hook up with, and now even my family was grouping off and leaving me. I sighed.
I think Laura's post may have gotten lost. :D
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by magikhands »


"Max! You ok?" Liz nearly yells to get my attention.

I open my eyes and turn finding that we are sitting in the CrashDown's parking lot.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just...well..." I sigh. Liz was the only one who knew of the open connection Kyle and I shared after healing him. Of course, by the time I told her, it had gone pretty well domant.

"Kyle saw some...people tonight. One was putting out the fire with her hands and the other he got these strange feelings from." I shake my head trying to gather my thoughts. "We are not the only aliens in Roswell tonight."

Looking out the window, I see Kyle and Eileen inside getting things ready. Other cars have pulled in and the kids and adults are getting out.

"We'll talk about it after we talk to the kids. Kyle will be able to tell us more."

ooc: maybe since Tess and Marcus have kind of gotten lost somewhere along the way, maybe Laura hitched a ride to the Crash with them? Just a suggestion. I can help Storm temp for him if needed.
Or maybe hitched a ride with brother Oliver?
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


"Is there anyone I can take in my car?" Laura asks.

“I think that everyone is pretty much sorted out honey,” I state, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Maybe you could leave your car here for tonight and come in the car with me and your Dad.”

I don’t want to let either of my kids out of my sight right now. It nearly half killed me to watch Oliver go off with Amy but I know that he wouldn’t want me making a fuss and embarrassing him. Laura is still here though and I really don’t want her alone at the moment. I want to make sure that she is okay emotionally and mentally.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

ooc: I don't know what to do with Liz.... is almost everyone at the Crashdown?

<center> Laura </center>

“I think that everyone is pretty much sorted out honey," My mother said, tucking my hair behind me ear. My face fell and I nodded mutely. “Maybe you could leave your car here for tonight and come in the car with me and your Dad.” She added, and I smiled my first real smile today. Mom would always be there for me, no matter what. She'd never leave like the others did. And that meant more than I could say.

"That's fine," I said happily. I wrapped my arms around my mother and gave her a quick hug. "I'm glad you showed up, mom. It means a lot." Then I turned and walked toward where her car was parked.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

ooc: sorry I'm taking so long, I'll try to get posts for all my characters (including brad lol) up asap.
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