Three's a party (UC/CC/AU ADULT) Thread 1

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Post by bluebballjumper »


Alex's sudden boldness catches me off guard for a second, but once his lips hit mine, my shock disappears. As his lips massage mine, I am captivated by his gentleness. This must me the sweetest kiss I have ever had, yet it still contains so much passion.

Alex and I slowly separate. "Wow. That was umm..." Can I really say that all I really want to do is kiss him again? I look into Alex's eyes and can see how similar his true interests are with mine. Without thinking, I grab Alex, pulling us closer together. I kiss him again, but this time hungrier and I take it deeper.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"Wow. That was umm..." Isabel says sort of breathlessly and I can't hide my grin

I feel like a million bucks right now.She liked my kiss *doing happy dance in head*.This is the side of Isabel I always knew existed,not the Ice Princess persona everyone else at school gets to see.

Out of the blue she grabs me again and kisses me aggressively so I know now that this is serious business...oh my god!!I am going to freak out...just kiss her back you fool.

Since she parts her lips in invitation I deepen the kiss and let my tongue slide along hers,tasting her,revelling in the feelings exploding inside of me.This is like a dream.My fingers rub slow,lazy circles on the small of her back,as I shift forward to be closer to her.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I'm so lost in the fact that as we entered we found a space on the dance floor and began dancing together. Though we didn't have to be close, he'd drawn me into his arms and we danced slow though it could have been fast. I can't believe how amazing it feels to be in his arms and to be so close to him. My eyes close as I rest my head against his chest, even as the song ends.

After a moment, I look up at him and smile, not moving as I feel so blissfully exhilerated. "Liz..." Zan's voice seems as husky and soft as it had when we were in my apartment and I find my breath hitching while looking at him.

When his hand lifts to slide gently over my hair and along my forehead and back down, I find myself expelling that breath as I watch him wet his lips. I find my pulse beating rapidly as he leans toward me and before I can think, his lips touch upon mind causing everything around me vanish.

I slide into the enjoyment of the tenderness and it takes less then a few seconds before I begin returning the kiss. My head spins as the moment seems to last for a long time and yet not long enough before he's pulling back and looking at me with a smile.

I'm not sure what to say or do, I can't think straight about it. I want to feel his lips back on mine. I can feel the smile on my lips even as I look into his eyes a moment before simply slipping my arms around his neck. "Zan..." I begin and shake my head, words impossible to speak at the moment as I find my gaze shifting to his lips again. "I..." I break off and lean up to him, pressing my lips against his this time.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by bluebballjumper »


After the shock of me practically attacking Alex wears off, he starts to kiss me back. His hand moves to the small of my back as he starts to make small circles there, sending chills up my spine. I unconsciously move one of my hands to go through Alex's hair as the other one makes its way to his chest. As I realize the firmness of his chest, I start to kiss him harder.

Reality of the situation suddenly hits me, causing me to break the kiss and somewhat distance myself fairly quickly.

"This is...moving way," I say breathing hard while trying to get my breath back. "I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't mean to...just attack you like that. I guess a little carried away."
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Post by KarenEvans »


"This is...moving way," I knew this was too good to be true

"I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't mean to...just attack you like that. I guess a little carried away."

Composing myself and trying to get my heart rate back down to that of a normal persons,I think of an appropriate comment to make in a situation like the one I am in right now.

Running my fingers through my hair I nod my head,"'re right,this is way too fast.I just got over-whelmed.I mean,you're you,Isabel,the girl I never thought I'd get within touching distance off and then suddenly we're kissing."

Feeling really sheepish for telling her that I try to avoid looking at her but can't,"Look I'm sorry...we should talk first.I mean what is this?" I ask waving my hand back and forth between us "What's happening between us?"
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Post by bluebballjumper »


"'re right,this is way too fast.I just got over-whelmed.I mean,you're you, Isabel, the girl I never thought I'd get within touching distance off and then suddenly we're kissing." Has Alex really liked me all this time? I can't help but smile at the thought.

"Look I'm sorry...we should talk first. I mean what is this? What's happening between us?" I force myself to focus on the situation at hand.

"Well," I say in a thoughtful way, feeling confident that I can express my true feelings with Alex, "I never thought I'd say this, but I guess I'm falling for you."

I lift Alex's face and force him to look at me. "I don't regret anything, Alex," I give him a sweet and gentle kiss to show him I really mean what I say, "So I guess we just have do decide where this puts us. Are we dating, friends with benefits, or what?

"What do you want, Alex?"
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Post by KarenEvans »


I think I have just died and gone to heaven.If this morning someone had told me that Isabel Evans would be telling me and I quote,"... I guess I'm falling for you.",I would have laughed till I was blue in the face.

"What do you want, Alex?" she asks after giving me a gentle kiss and looking in to my eyes with an intensity I have never quite seen before,except may be when there's a swim meet on and she wants the team to win

"I...I want to be with you Isabel.You're the only girl I've ever liked and wanted to be with.There's never been anyone else." I state truthfully,knowing that I am baring my soul by being so forthcoming with my feelings
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Post by bluebballjumper »


"I...I want to be with you Isabel.You're the only girl I've ever liked and wanted to be with.There's never been anyone else." This must be the biggest smile I've had in months.

I shyly look down and then back into his mesmerizing gaze. "Well, I guess if we're dating now then it would be okay to do this." I kiss Alex with even more passion than before, allowing myself to get lost in his kiss.

After a few moments when I know he least expects it, I playfully push Alex into the pool. His shocked expression causes me to laugh hysterically. "What?" I try to look as innocent as possible. "I had to cool you down before you got too 'hot and heavy'."

I jump into the pool with him and his still shocked form. "I guess since we're now 'cooled off' we could..." I say in my most seductive voice before picking up where we left off. Of course my thought process wasn't too complete as I realize how difficult making out in a pool can prove to be while trying stay above water.
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Post by KarenEvans »


Taking me completely by surprise she pushes me back in to the pool and I just about manage to yelp "Isabel!!!" before hitting the water.
Sputtering I hit the surface,my mind already bent on getting back at her for that sneaky move but before I can do anything she jumps in and starts kissing me again.

Pulling away from her for a moment I whisper softly in her ear "What did I do to deserve you Isabel?" Placing my lips against the smooth column of her throat I start kissing and nibbling her neck,at the same time trying to stay afloat.

Too much work here,holding Isabel,kissing her and moving my legs to keep afloat.Common sense tells me to push her backwards towards the wall of the pool which I start doing,all the while never leaving off kissing her neck.
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Post by bluebballjumper »


"What did I do to deserve you Isabel?" Alex asks me as he nibbles at my neck, which by the way I can't say how good if feels. With what he's doing and beginning to move backwards, it takes me a while to answer.

"I guess you must have been really...really good," I say much more breathier than I intend, but at the moment it's all I can manage. "Because...geez, Alex. I can't think when you do that." I say trying to act upset. Was this his blissful torture for me throwing him in the pool? I know he must have a really cocky smile on his face so I decide to get him back.

Disappointed to have to make him stop what he's doing, I grab his head and begin kissing him in a way that I know will make him go crazy. To draw out his torture, I begin slowly placing open mouth kisses down his neck. At the same time I start running my fingers through his hair as I reach his chest.

"So, Alex," I say in between kisses in yet a very cocky and seductive way myself, "If you ever start to think that you've got one up on me, just remember that you don't."
Maria: If you buy a girl shampoo at least don't get her the generic kind.