Defying Convention (UC/ Adult ) Thread #1

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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


His large hands run down m back and stop to grip my ass firmly. His mouth meets mine and the soft sensual way our tongues battle for control leaves me feeling exhilarated. It’s time. He rolls our bodies and is careful when handling me as if I am a delicate and precious thing to be treasured. He ends the kiss and peers deep into his eyes. There’s something so peaceful about knowing that the person you love can see deep into you very soul and accepts you imperfections and all.

He glides my legs apart so that he can place himself directly in between my legs. It’s obvious to see how much I want him. Attempting to cover up my need would be useless because now he can sense my emotions as I have them. I take great comfort at the mere thought of that. For so long I‘ve had to hide my true feelings and fears but never again. With Rath, I‘ll never have to pretend again.. He reaches between our slick bodies and takes his member in his hand and slowly guides himself into me.

"Ya so tight" He reveals huskily. The color of his eyes have changed dramatically and I see a primal drive within them that arouses me even more if that’s even possible. He reaches my barrier and seems a tad reluctant to push through. Grasping his shoulders as if I was hanging on for dear life I lean up and crush my lips to his. At the same time I thrust my hips forward and relinquish what was left of my innocence. The pain is intense but fleeting.

I pause for a moment letting my body grow accustom to his size before I begin to rock my hips letting him know that I’m okay to continue. Without meaning to I moan out the first thing that comes to mind. :wink: “I love you, Rath.”
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by RiaRath101 »


Maria grasped my shoulders tightly and leans up crushing her lips to mine. At the same time she thrust her hips forward relinquishing what was left of my innocence. I relished at the fact she was now truely completely mine while wishing that the pain wasn't so intense. I enjoy the way our bodies fit together while she needed the time to adjust.

She rocks her hips telling me without words she is ready to continue. I nod my head as she moaned, "I love you, Rath.” I could sense she hadn't meant to say that yet though I had felt and she had shown me how true that was with everything she had done tonight. I had a feeling that was what I was feeling for her too as I slowly pulled my hardened cock back. I found myself voicing my thoughts a moment later as I thrust my hardened cock back inside of her heat.

"Iz loves ya too"I said in a thick and husky voice. I knew she could sense though it felt strange for me to say those words I honestly did mean them. I continued to thrust my hardened cock in and out of her tight heat. Enjoying how our bodies fit together. My large mushroom head brushed against her g-spot as I thought, Ya knows Iz didn't think Iz would find anything in Roshell when Iz got here. Guess I couldn't have been more wrong.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


He slowly pulls himself back and I’m about to try to access some damage control when he thrusts back into my warm waiting form while announcing, "Iz loves ya too" Wow, with everything we’d said and done tonight that should have been a given but to hear those words escape his lips was just amazing. We’ve been intimate with one another on a whole other level. I just wish there was some way I could prove the truth behind the sentiment. Those three words are said too much. They are not enough. What I feel for him is so far beyond that.

I let my body do the talking for me. It gives and takes. He picks up the perfect rhythm to ride my body into senselessness. My nails graze his back as he hits that sensitive spot that leaves me reeling, I can hear his thoughts as if they are my own. ‘Ya knows Iz didn't think Iz would find anything in Roshell when Iz got here. Guess I couldn't have been more wrong.’ Smiling I run my hand along his shoulder and up to his face to caress his cheek.

‘Well, I’m a hell of a souvenir don’t ya think?’ I tease with a warm smile. ’I was so lost before you came here. I didn’t know what I was doing or where I was going. Now my purpose is clear. I want to be with you. Where ever that may be.’ I acknowledge while meeting him thrust for thrust. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by RiaRath101 »


I can sense her amazment as I said i loved you which I had never said to anyone else in this life nor did I plan on saying them to anyone else. Sensing for her those words didn't compaire she showed me with her body while meeting my thrusts. Her nails rack my back and I growl in pleasure. Pain and pleasure is something for another day,I thought while she responded to my comments.

I smirked hearing her say, ‘Well, I’m a hell of a souvenir don’t ya think?’ with a warm smile. ’I was so lost before you came here. I didn’t know what I was doing or where I was going. Now my purpose is clear. I want to be with you. Where ever that may be.’she told me while meeting my thrusts. I make my large mushroom head brush against her g-spot again while telling her, Ya even babbles in ya mind.

Wanting to push her over the edge, I thrust my hips slightly harder and faster making my hardened cock brush against her g-spot with each one of my thrusts. Ya feels so good around my cock, Iz can'ts waists ta feel ya walls clamp down on my cock likes they did when Iz drank down ya juices. I licked my lips at the meer thought of drinking her down. She just tasted so good my favorite flavor. Ya knows ya mights have my taste for sweet and spicy, I say with a smirk.