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Post by isabelle »


She kissed me. My God, she actually kissed me...

Snape out of it! I tell myself. She didn't mean it like that. It was just a chaste little kiss on the cheek. Just to say thanks.

But it's all I can do to keep from reaching up to touch my face right where here lips were. I want time to stop so I can remember this for always, but it doesn't. I'm here in the middle of Sprout's class. Everyone's probably watching...

"...Plants," I say lamely as my brain starts to work. "... uh. Of course plants. It's herbology," I shrug. I manage to take my seat next to her and deliberately turn my face forward towards Sprout's bench. "She's probably gonna work on some of the ones needed for the higher level potions and spells." I say. I open up my notebook and whisper a spell to ink my quill, ready to work -- or at least I'm hoping that I look like I'm ready to work. My brain is still a bit stuck...


I don't bother to try to hide my snigger as the Gryffendor and his little partner try to recover from the bad chair. His spell will prevent me from repeating it, but I don't mind. I had my fun. And there are other things to try, if I like -- although I'd much rather try them on Potter and his mud-blood friend.

My eyes drift over that way, watching him. I'll find a way to make him look like the fool he is. Of that, I am sure.
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Post by isabelle »

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