You Know I'd Love You better(AU-M/L Adult)A/N 07-11[WIP]

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Post by Icequeen »

Amy and I thank you all for your FB. Hopefully this chapter will answer some of your questions.


~*~Chapter 11~*~*

It’s times like these where I wished I had a girlfriend. Just someone that I could call and bitch about men to but unfortunately I’ve lost contact with anyone that I considered a friend years ago. Again, I can’t completely blame Xavier for that but he does have a lot to do with it.

Jealous doesn’t even begin to describe him. He’s obsessive. It’s not that I blame him because being the man that he is I know why he hides a certain side of him. But on the flip side being who he is should allow him to live his life as he wants to. He doesn’t need the approval of anyone and it’s not like it’s illegal anyway.

I think back to my life pre-Xavier and think that it wasn’t so bad. I lived in a small apartment and had a crappy car but I was generally happy. The day that he asked me to keep this secret for him I was shocked. I wanted to ask him so many questions but in the end he managed to convince me to do it and not ask questions. The man has the gift of persuasion. He would make an excellent politician. I’ve seen him convince just about anyone he’s wanted to go into business with to agree to his terms, even when they were clearly more in his favor. It amazes me really.

“Elizabeth, come to my office please.” His voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I walk to his office.

“Yes.” I ask putting on a fake smile.

“I hope you don’t have any plans for tonight. I need you to join me for dinner. I’m meeting with a few people and…”

“Yeah, I’ll be there.” I cut him off not really caring why he’s meeting these people.

“Are you PMS’ing?”

“What? Why would you ask me something like that?” He’s a pig.

“Well, you seem particularly bitchy today so I was wondering.”

“You’re an asshole.” I roll my eyes “What time?”

“Seven. And change your attitude for tonight.”

“Whatever. Bye.” I can’t even look at him anymore.

I need to get myself ready for this meeting and decide to get my hair and nails done since I’m not in the mood to do them myself.

“Liz, hi!” Andrea my hair dresser greets me when I walk into the salon.

“Hey. Thanks for fitting me in.” We walk to the shampoo station.

“It’s no problem. Anything for you.” She proceeds to wash my hair then we walk back to the chair.

“So where are you going tonight?” She asks as she trims my hair.

“I don’t know.” I shrug and flip through a magazine.

“I would kill to be you. I bet you get to go to all the fancy places to eat.”

“Yeah.” I don’t feel like talking and continue to read up on the latest gossip.

“So what is it like? I mean I know I’ve never asked you this before but you’ve been with him for what, two years now?” Why must she remind me?

“It’s fine. I get to travel a lot so I like that.” I close the magazine. She’s obviously in a chatty mood.

“So what is he really like? I mean, I’ve seen him around but I’ve never talked to him or anything.”

“He’s a man.” I laugh.

“He must treat you like a queen. I bet he’s romantic too.” I laugh at that.

“Yeah, he is I guess. He’s just a guy Andrea. No different then anyone else.”

“Yeah right! Like there are tons of millionaires just walking around.” She starts blow drying my hair and I’m glad since conversation has stopped for the moment.

“Ok your all set. Have fun tonight.” My hair looks great and I rush to make my nail appointment. At least she won’t talk me to death about Xavier.


“You look nice.” Xavier says when I get into the car. These clients must be important since he’s hired a limo for the night.

“Thanks.” I don’t comment on his appearance and take a seat as far away as I can get without being too obvious.

“I’m going to New York on business next week. I’ll be gone for two weeks.” I nod my head not really caring where he goes but something he said gets my attention. He said He’s going on business meaning I’m not going.

“While I’m gone I’ll need you to keep up with the contractors on the new house. You know how they get if no one is there to keep them in line.”

“Ok.” I try to contain my excitement at the fact that he’s going alone and will be gone for two weeks. I know he’ll call me a thousand times a day but at least he won’t be around.

“Here we are.” He says and the driver comes around to open the door for us. We walk into the restaurant and are seated as soon as Xavier gives the hostess our names. The other guests haven’t arrived yet so I’m stuck talking to him until then.

“You haven’t said anything about me going to New York alone.” He says after ordering a ridiculously priced bottle of wine that he won’t drink.

“What is there to say? It’s not like you haven’t gone away before.” I shrug and sip the wine.

“That is true.” He doesn’t say anything else but has a smile on his face and I wonder what he’s so freaking happy about?

“Xavier, I’m so sorry we are late.” I see two men walk up to the table and Xavier stands to greet them.

“It’s no problem. We haven’t been waiting long.” Try twenty minutes.

“And who is this beautiful creature?” why do men say shit like that? Creature? What the hell does that mean?

“This is Elizabeth.” I smile and they introduce themselves to me but fuck if I remember their names.

They start talking about business and I zone out. I wish I brought a notebook or something so I can draw while I pretend to take notes but no such luck. We order our food soon after and I pray that it’s served correctly although I don’t think he will make an ass out of himself in front of all these people but you never know with him.

Dinner went by without any major incident except for when Xavier tried to fire our waiter. I’ll admit that it was pretty funny. I reminded him that he doesn’t own the place and therefore can’t fire their employees but after the show he put on I’m pretty sure the guy got fired anyway or at least reprimanded.

“That was a nice evening wasn’t it?” He asks when we get back in the car.

“Yeah.” I look out the window and admire the beauty of the ocean as we drive back to his house.

“Well, I’ll give you the details of my trip tomorrow. David will drive you home.” I’m surprised that he didn’t opt for me to go home first but I don’t question him.

I get home to en empty house and seriously think about getting a dog or something. Then again I’m hardly ever here so it wouldn’t be fair to the dog anyway. I kick off my shoes and jump in the shower. I hate wearing all this makeup.

When I get out of the shower I see that I have a few missed calls both on my cell phone and my house phone.

As expected the calls to my house are from Xavier adding a few things on my to do list. I grab my cell phone and dial my voicemail.

“Liz, it’s Max. I umm….shit…I need to talk to you. Please call me when you get this.”

The next message is from Max as well.

“I’m sorry to keep calling you like this but I really need to talk to you. Call me whenever you get this no matter how late.” He sounds odd. After quickly drying my hair off I decide to call him.

“Liz?” He picks up after one ring.

“Hey, what’s up?” I ask worried that something is wrong.

“Can you come over? I really need to talk to you.”

“Umm sure give me a minute.” I hang up and throw some clothes on wondering what the hell is going on. He goes from not talking to me in days to asking me to come over right away. Men.

I get to his house and ring the doorbell.

“What’s wrong?” I ask when he opens the door for me.

“We need to talk.” He steps aside and lets me in.

“What’s going on?” I ask worried. He looks pissed and upset if that’s even possible.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks me.

“Huh? Tell you what?” I have no clue what he’s talking about.

“About Franco. Why didn’t you tell me.” That doesn’t help either. Xavier has so many secrets who knows which he’s talking about.

“What about him?”

“Don’t act stupid. You know what. His secret Liz. Why weren’t you honest with me?” Again, he has so many I have no idea what he’s talking about.

“Look, your going to have to come right out and tell me what your talking about. I’m not a mind reader.” I sit back on the sofa and wait for him to spill it out.

“I was out last night with Michael and a few guys. Long story short we saw Franco with one of his companions.” My eyes go wide. It’s not a surprise to me but the fact that Xavier was out in public with someone shocks the hell out of me.

“Why do you look so surprised? It’s not like you don’t know all about his other life. Jesus Liz, how could you not tell me about this? Why would you have me think that you and he are really together?”

“It wasn’t my secret to tell Max.” I whisper.

“That’s not the point Liz. You and I were in a relationship, although now that I think about it, it seems like a fucking joke but either way you shouldn’t have kept something this important away from me.”

“I couldn’t betray him like that.” I say trying to defend my actions. By the look on his face I know that I’m failing at getting my point across.

“Oh right, your precious agreement. Why would you agree to something like that?”

“Don’t ok! Don’t judge me. You don’t know a thing about me do don’t fucking look at me like I’m the one doing something wrong cause I’m not. He needed me and I was available so I did it. It’s not like I had to sleep with him or anything.”

“God I hope not.” He says and it just pisses me off even more.

“And if I did it’s none of your business. It was a business arrangement nothing else. I’m not a whore Max.”

“I didn’t say that you were.” He says moving close to me but I back up.

“Your looking at me like I am. Like I said, you don’t know what your talking about.”

“Then why don’t you tell me.”

“Didn’t he tell you?” I ask wondering what they talked about.

“Not really. I’ll get to what he did say in a moment but why don’t you tell me exactly what your deal with him is.” He finally sits on the chair across from me and for the first time I’m going to tell someone about my deal with Xavier Franco and know that his reaction to this is not going to be good.

“I started working for him about six years ago. I was just a receptionist at the time. After about two years or so his assistant quit and he offered me the job so I took it. As time went by I started to accompany him on business trips and meetings and there was one trip where someone assumed we were together. I guess that’s what gave him the idea.”

“So what is the deal exactly?” He asks. I take a deep breath and hope that I don’t come out sounding like a money hungry bitch.

“I am to go along with the assumption. I’m a decoy. People assume we are together and don’t question him about not having a girlfriend or wife. I have to accompany him to dinner meetings and travel with him. I don’t sleep with him or kiss him on the lips, ever!”

“And what does he get for this? He could get anyone to be his decoy.”

“He could, but I already knew him and I guess he felt he could trust me. The only thing he gets I guess is piece of mind. Most of the people he does business with are happily married and I guess he felt different. The man that you see exudes confidence but he really isn’t. He’s wrapped up in what people think of him so much that it drives him crazy. No one knows him like I do. I know his weaknesses and not being accepted in one of them.”

“So why does he act like a total asshole most of the time?” I laugh because it’s true.

“It’s his defense. If he acts crazy then people will leave him alone. Look, I won’t even begin to get into his frame of mind because I’m afraid I’ll get suck in crazville with him but he’s not a bad person.”

“What do you get out of this?” That’s the thousand dollar question, or should I say million dollar.

“Money.” I say frankly.


“To put it bluntly he’s bought my silence. I got a lump sum at the start of this to help with my appearance. People expect Xavier Franco’s girl to be of a certain level and I wasn’t there at that time. I get a certain amount deposited in my bank account every month also.” He sits there not saying a word.

“It’s not like I don’t work for him because trust me I work my ass of. I just get paid extra for it.”

“Don’t you want your own life? Don’t you want to get married one day? Have kids?”

“Of course I do.”

“Well how are you going to do that being his decoy? How long were you going to do this? From the sound of it he’s not thinking about letting you go anytime soon.” I’m curious as to what they talked about again.

“I don’t know. I never really thought about that.” I shrug. Maybe I should have.

“So you haven’t dated anyone in what, two years?” He asks and I nod. It’s sad but true.

“What happened that night? Did you talk to him?” I have to ask. It’s killing me.

“Yeah we talked. Well he talked and threatened but yeah we talked.”

“What did he say?” I’m scared now.

“Well he said that if I told anyone he would personally see that I’m living in poverty which is stupid since about four other guys saw him and took pictures. Then he proceeded to tell me that he knows more about me then I think, which I have no idea what he meant by that.”

“H-He threatened you?” I shouldn’t be surprised but I am.

“Yeah pretty much. I don’t care, I have no interest in telling anyone about what I saw. He talked to the other guys but I don’t know what he said to them. I haven’t talked to Michael yet. I’m sure it’s something along the same lines though.

“I’m sorry that you got dragged into this.”

“It wasn‘t your fault. Has he said anything to you about it?”

“No. We went to a dinner meeting tonight but he was the same as always.” I say finding that odd.

“He’s strange.” Max laughs and so do I.

“You have no idea.” We sit in silence for a while and I’m wondering where that leaves us.

“So..” He says. “Umm I don’t really know what to do now.”

“Me either but I want to be with you Max. I’ve missed you.” I say softly wondering if he even heard the last part.

“I do too but you have to admit that the situation is fucked right now. He’s not going to let you go Liz, he pretty much told me that last night.”

“It’s not up to him. I’m not his anyway. We have a business agreement, that’s all. I get to decide when I leave and I want to leave now.”

“It’s not that easy and you know that.”

“Why are you being difficult? You said you wanted to be with me so I’m telling you that I do too. I can handle Xavier just say that you want to be with me.”

“I do want to be with you but I can’t forgive what you did right away. You kept something from me and I don’t like it. We need to be open with each other or this isn’t going to last. I don’t want to-” He stops and collects his thoughts making me wonder what he was going to say. “I just want you to be open with me.”

“Ok.” I don’t know what the heck to do about Xavier but he and I need to talk tomorrow.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Post by FamersAmers »

Jazzy and I want to thank you all for the feedback. We really appreciate it! We would like to re-state that this story takes place in Palm Beach not in Miami, there is a HUGE difference between the two. Thanks again for reading and thanks to the lurkers too!


~*~Chapter 12~*~

~~Liz POV~~

When I get to work my stomach is doing summersaults. Xavier is there and I know he is waiting for me. After six years of working for him, I can sense him. That thought makes me want to run home and avoid him for a while. But I know the longer I avoid this, the nastier it will become.

The elevator ride is slower than normal and I stare at the floor light as it lights up signaling that I am almost there. I almost wish it would stop and I could get stuck here, but with my luck it would never happen.

The ding makes my head shoot to the doors and as they open I see the stillness of the office. Jessica is there but on the phone and I can see the Xvier has the blinds in his office up. I am sure he has them up as to know when I come in.

“Good morning Jessica.” She smiles at me and quickly hands me the mail and my messages. I look to his office and see he is not there.

“Went down to the shipping office, he will be back in a few.” I crinkle my nose my head for my office. I look through the mail and quickly look at the messages. There are some calls I have to make. I know that if I make them now I can put Xavier off for a little while longer.

“Elizabeth!” I put my hand up as I proceed to finish my conversation with the client that I am on the phone with.

“Yes, I am sure that will be no problem. Ok…yes…ok…thank you. Yes you too, have a nice weekend.” I hang up and look to Xavier who is leaning against my office door with his arms crossed.

“Yes, can I help you?” He walks in a closes my office door. “Excuse you…” I lean back in my chair as he takes a seat on my desk next to me.

“I assume Max has talked to you.” I look at him and shake my head.

“Don’t worry, you secret is safe. He won’t say anything.” He nodes his head, his arms still crossed.

“Good, it would be tragic should he say anything.” I give him my what the fuck face and shake my head.

“Oh and to ensure his silence you threaten him? That is low, even for you.” He looks at me sternly and his body stays tensed.

“Elizabeth a lot rides on my image and this can not get out. Besides Max wouldn’t want his secret out.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I know he did that to get a rise out of me, he knows how to press my buttons and he knows he pressed the right one.

“Should he open his mouth you will find out.” He smirks and stands up. He doesn’t let me speak he simply walks out of my office. I am curious as to what he was talking about, but then again he could be talking out of his ass and playing mind games.

I continue making the rest of my phone calls and when I finish Xavier steps in my office.

“I have to run an errand, stay here!” he is certainly demanding today and I don’t know what his problem is but the man needs to relax, he is going to drive me insane.

~~Max POV~~

I have been staring at the files on my desk for a good two hours and I am getting nowhere. My mind is on Liz and Xavier and the truth I discovered.

When I talked to Michael earlier he said he was threatened as well and just like me he has no interest in telling anyone what we saw.

I look at the file again and try to concentrate on the numbers in front of me. It is no use, I cant concentrate.

“Mr. Evans, Xavier Franco is here to see you.” Lisa’s voice brings me out of my thinking and for a second I feel dread. I really don’t want to talk to Franco but I know I will have no choice; he would sit there until I let him in. I know I can’t wait any longer.

“Send him in” I quickly shut the file on my desk and put my jacket on. I would leave it off, but knowing him he would find some dress code violation and have me impeached. He does not knock on the door he simply barges in.

“Mr. Franco, so nice to see you please come in.” he quickly shuts the door and as I hold my hand out to greet him he doesn’t take it. There are times when this man really makes me feel stupid. I put my hand down and wait for him to say something.

“Let’s cut the small talk Max, we both know it is bullshit.” My eyes go wide; this is a different side to the man that is usually in this office.

“Ok, what can I do for you?” I sit in my chair and look as professional as I can. He grins as he takes a seat in the chair directly across from me.

“You know my secret, this troubles me. Not because I cant trust you, I believe that I can.” I am not sure why he talking to me about this. I don’t really care about his private life besides, we discussed this already.

“However, I am sure that leaves you thinking that Elizabeth is free and you two can be together and live happily ever after.” Actually I was thinking the free to be together thing sounded good to me.

“Well, that will not happen she is mine. She works for me Max and just because you know my business doesn’t mean everyone on this God-forsaken Island does. I need Elizabeth and she does not walk until I say.” I say nothing as he leans closer to my desk.

“I own her Max.” that is it, this is my last straw.

“You do not own her; she is not one of your cars, houses, Persian rugs, or one of your many dogs. She is a person a human being. She has the right to leave when she wishes.” He laughs an eerie laugh and his grin spreads across his face.

“Max, I am a very, VERY powerful man and little do you know I own everyone, including you. You had better watch out, I know more about you that you seem to think. And what I know just might come back to haunt you.”

“So, is that a threat?” we are face to face.

“Call it want you wish Mr. Evans.” He swiftly turns and laughs his way out of my office giving me no time to respond.

Who does he think he is, God? I slam the door behind him and flop into my desk chair. I could care less about what he thinks he has on me or what he thinks he can destroy me with. Right now I am more worried about Liz.

“Lisa no calls, I am going out.” I put the file that is on my desk away and grab my phone and my keys. I seriously need some fresh air.

I feel a vibration in my pocket and quickly grab my phone. I see the name flash on the screen and for one brief moment I really want to flip it open, but I can’t, I won’t. I press the ignore button and continue my walk on the beach.

I seriously wonder if Franco has always been this crazy or if it has just been in recent years. I also wonder how it is that Liz is able to stand him. I have barley known him a few months and I already find him hard to handle. I wonder how she does it.

~~Liz POV~~

I continue to stare at the clock, time is moving extremely slow and it worries men that Xavier is not back yet.

Normally I could care less if he were out. In fact I would rejoice in the fact that he were out of office and could not care less if he were to ever come back. Yet because of the events of last night it worries me that he has yet to come back.

“A watched clock doesn’t turn.” I look up to find Xavier leaning against my door.

“You’re back!” I am curious as to where he was but I know he wont tell me

“Yes, and I have a plane to catch in a few hours. I need you to go to the house and make sure that everything is all set. Oh, and I will need you to take the dogs to my mothers. I will be gone for two weeks and they need to be around someone.” I roll my eyes and quickly grab my purse. The sooner I get this over with the better.

I pull up to the house and the Jared the security man tips his hat and opens the gate.

“Thanks Jared!” I hear him reply as I pull away and make my way up to the house. I notice the Gardener is mowing the lawn.

“Mario!” I wave at the man and he stops the lawn mower and walks over to me.

“Hello Miss Liz, what can I do for you?” I smile and point to the grass.

“You know how he is, it needs to be shorter than this.” He smiles

“Oh yes I know. I plan on going back over it.” I smile pat him on the shoulder and send him back on his way. He is a nice man, a good gardener and I would hate to see him lose his job.

I quickly head into the house and see the suitcases by the front door. I assume his driver is getting ready to pick him up. The sooner the better. I make sure everything is in order and call Xavier to tell him everything is set. I hang up and not two seconds later my phone is ringing.

“Elizabeth, are your bags packed?” I am confused.

“Why would my bags be packed?” he laughs and I really wish I could smack that laugh out of him.

“You are taking the dogs. I only have one airplane. We will fly up together, drop the dogs off then you‘ll fly with me to New York. You can go home after that.” He cant be serious.

“You are joking?” I hear the silence and know he is not joking. He is still silent.

“Fine, I need to get my bag.” I quickly shut the phone and head for his office in the house. I keep my bag there incase I need it and I quickly grab it and make sure that everything I will need is in there.

Twenty minutes later I am sitting in back of the car waiting on Xavier to come down to the car. I take this time to call Max.

I listen to the phone ringing and hope that he picks up.

“Hey” he knows it is me and I feel myself smile.

“Hey, listen Xavier is having me take the dogs to his mothers and then go to New York to drop him off on business. I will be back first thing tomorrow, can we get together tomorrow night?” I hope he says yes.

“Sure, call me when you get in.” I hear something in his voice and it makes me wonder if Xavier went to see Max today.

“I will, bye.” He says bye and I flip the phone shut just in time for Xavier to get in the car. He settles himself in the seat and then proceeds to tell me everything that needs to be done while he is away.

“Ok I got it.” He looks to me.

“Are you sure?” I roll my eyes.

“I have been doing this for four years I am not incompetent.” I keep my eye on the outside world as he laughs. I turn to him and glare. I don’t know what they hell he finds so funny, but I am about to hit him.

The car comes to a stop at the airport and we are rushed onto the plane. The dogs sit next to me so he doesn’t have to and I am actually thankful. I didn’t want him sitting anywhere near me.

The ride is short and it takes an hour to drop of the dogs to his mom and get back on the plane and head for New York.

“Elizabeth…Elizabeth” I feel my body shaking and jump when I see Xavier standing in front of me. I look around and realize we have landed. I quickly grab my purse and compose myself before stepping off the plane.

As we ride to the hotel he once again gives me the run down of everything he needs done. I simply nod my head for the thousandth time. I know what I have to do, he does not need to remind me every five seconds.

“One last thing before I forget.” I turn to him and give him a fake smile.

“I have people watching you, they will report to me. So I suggest you and Max don’t go off wondering through the city.” I look at him shock but he says nothing more leaving me there to ponder his words.
"You know what?House rules, Sammy. Driver picks music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." Supernatural

"That Dude just full on obi woned me!" Supernatural
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Post by FamersAmers »

Hey everyone, Jazzy and I want to thank you for the feedback. We really appreciate it! Thanks to the lurkers to drop in and say hello sometime.

Posion Ivy

~*~Chapter 13~*~

~~Max POV~~

Franco’s words have been bothering me. I want to be with Liz but not like this, not in hiding. Liz told me that he’s out of town for a while and that she wants to spend time with me but what happens when he gets back? Do we go back to secret meetings at night? His comment about knowing more about me then I think has me worried. There is no way he could know could he? Michael mentioned something about him starting his business in New York and I wonder if he has connections there still.

I walk along the beach on the hotel property and take in the sight before me. This is truly a beautiful place. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and pull it out to see who it is. I quickly hit the ignore button sending the call to voicemail. I’ve become the master of avoidance lately.

Liz won’t be back until tomorrow and I have until then to decide if I really want this or not. When I came here I wasn’t planning on pursing any kind of relationship but when I saw her in the little black dress I knew at that every moment that I was hooked.

When I arrived on the island I heard several people talking about this quiet restaurant on the north end. I didn’t know anyone here and it sounded like a nice place to have my first meal in Palm Beach so I headed there.

“Welcome to Antonio’s how many in your party?” The hostess asked me.

“Just one.” I smiled and followed her to a table near the back. The place was dimly lit and had a small dance floor in the middle. There were a few couples dancing to the live music and it brought a smile to my face.

“Here you go sir. Your waiter will be with you in a moment.” I smiled and sat down flipping open the menu.

My food had arrived when I saw her. She was sitting alone at a table nearby but was blocked from me by the couple that was seated in front of me. She was on her cell phone and when she snapped it shut our eyes met. That was the first time I saw her brilliant smile. Our eyes only met for a brief moment but I was hooked. I couldn’t stop staring at her and barely touched my food.

The band came back after a short break and the moment I heard the first notes of the song I had to ask her to dance.

“May I have this dance?” I asked her extending my hand out to her.

“You know how to tango?” She asked prompting me to shake my head yes.

“Do you?” I prayed that she would say yes. When she smiled up at me I had my answer.

There is something sensual almost erotic about the tango. Not many people know how to dance it and the only reason I learned was because Isabel made me. She was on some “let’s do something new” trip and dragged me along with her.

“Not many men know how to tango.” She said to me as we walked to the dance floor. I simply smiled and led us to the middle of the floor. The band played Por una cabeza as we glided across the floor. Our eyes were locked onto each other as we moved our bodies to the music. Her body was pressed tightly against mine as I spun her around.

My heart was beating a mile a minute by the end of the song. It wasn’t the physical aspect of the dance, it was her. The scent of her perfume, the feel of her hair, the softness of her body pressed against mine.

The last bars were played and I took a chance and kissed her. It was meant to be a short peck but something took over me as I parted her lips with my tongue exploring her soft mouth. She granted me access and we stood in the middle of the dance floor oblivious of the time or people around us.

We broke apart paid our tabs and ended up at my place.

I still don’t remember what we talked about that night but I’ll never forget the feelings I had. Feelings that I’ve never felt before.

I laugh as I think about what Isabel would say. She would kick my ass surely but I can’t think about that now. It’s too late to go back. I realized that I think I may be falling in love with her.

The next day Liz and I meet at a local place for lunch. I woke up in an especially good mood for some reason and drive over there with a huge smile on my face.

“How was your trip?” I ask her after having spotted her.

“A pain in the ass.” She laughs. We order some food and make small talk. I can tell she has things on her mind but don’t press her.

“How are things with you?” She’s fishing for conversation, I know it. We never had his problem before.

“Liz I want you to leave him. For real this time.” As soon as I say it I want to take it back.

“I know you do.” She answers me calmly, as if she expected it. It’s bothering me in a way.

“Well?” I fumble with the salt shaker. Why am I nervous? I need to take charge of this. Enough is enough.

“I’m going to tell him when he gets back. I’m giving him my resignation as well.” That’s not what I expected but I’m happy anyway. I was prepared for her to tell me that she can’t or one of her other thousand excuses.

“Good. I know he’s done a lot for you but you really needed to get away from him Liz.” She looks like she’s zoning out on me. Maybe she doesn’t like to hear the truth?

“What’s up? You look distracted.”

“I’m sorry. I was just thinking about something. It’s nothing though.” She shakes her head and tries to put on a smile for me but I know it has something to do with Franco, it always does.

“Talk to me.” I reach over and grab her hand. She looks up at me and smiles the most beautiful smile.

“It’s just something that Franco said.” I knew it was about Franco. I can’t wait for the day that his name doesn’t pop into my head.

“What did he say now?”

“He said something about you not wanting your secret to get out and that if you said anything about him being gay I’d find out what said secret was.” I try my hardest to not turn white as a ghost but I’m sure I failed at that. There is now way he could know right? RIGHT!

“He’s crazy. I don’t know why you listen to him.”

“I’d like to think of him as more of a psycho then crazy. Seems more fitting.” I laugh and lay some money down for the check. I’m not really sure what she wants to do at this point and I have to say that her comment earlier has scared the shit out of me. I wonder how he could know and why he would care? Well, I have a feeling I know exactly why he would care.

“So what do you want to do? We have all day together.” She snaps me out of my thoughts.

“Whatever you want to do.” She winks at me and we get in the car and drive back to my place.

When we get to my house I see that I have a few voicemails. I want to check them but something tells me doing that in front of Liz might not be a good idea.

“I’ve missed you.” She straddles my lap and pulls my shirt off over my head.

“Me too.” My hands trail up her back under her shirt reveling in the feel of her silky skin.

“I don’t like sharing.” I trail kisses around her neck and collar bone.

“Me either.” she tips her head back exposing her slender neck to me. I want to bite her but I hold back not wanting to scar her beautiful body.

“I want you to be mine.” I lift her shirt over her head and toss it on the floor.

“I am.” I know she wants to mean it but I know she doesn’t. Her hands work her way down to my belt. She pulls it off and starts working on my button and zipper.

“I want you Max.” And I want her. God, do I want her but I think she and I are thinking of a different kind of want.

“And I you.” I answer. Now is not the time to discuss definitions of want and need. My pants are open and I feel the cool air hit my boxers. I pull her zipper down and lift up so she can pull my pants off.

Once we’re completely naked she sinks down onto me and rocks her hips back and forth making me throw my head back in ecstasy.

“Liz, we need to…” She must know what I meant because she slides off of me.


“Top drawer right side of the bed.” I watch her naked body and she slowly walks to my bedroom…painfully slow now that I think about it.

“Here we go.” She comes back and rolls the latex onto me. I’m rock hard and need to feel her or I think I’ll explode. I can now enjoy her without worrying about pregnancies. That is about the last thing we need right now.

She moves expertly and brings me close enough to the edge but doesn’t let me fall over. She knows what to do to turn me on. I open my eyes and come face to face with her perky mounds bouncing up and down in sync with her thrusts. I grab her hips and slow her down a little.

I can’t resist and lean forward taking one of her nipples into my mouth. She rocks her hips harder bringing us both to the edge.

Hours later I get up and open the sliding door letting the warm breeze surround me. The sounds of the ocean seem to be calling me and I step out closing the door behind me. I want to take the day off tomorrow and just lay in bed with Liz all day. I sit back and realize that we haven’t really had a chance to start a relationship and I want that.

“What are you doing out here?” Liz comes out wearing one of my shirts and I have to say she looks adorable.

“I just wanted to get some air.” I open my arms allowing her to sit on my lap.

“You cold?”

“No it’s perfect out here.” She wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek.

“This view is priceless.”

“I know. When I first got here and saw this I was in shock. Very different from our view in the brownstone.”

“Our?” Did I just say that out loud?

“I meant Isabel and I.”

“Oh.” She shrugs and rests her head against my cheek. I can’t believe I let that slip. Maybe it’s a sign.

“Let’s go inside baby, it’s late.”

Laying in bed with her tucked under my arms feels nice. I only hope to have more nights like this.


The next morning I wake up to the delicious smell of fresh coffee. I love how good coffee can fill up the entire house in the morning. Cracking open my eyes I see Liz walking into the room with a silver tray.

“Good morning. I wasn’t sure what time you had to be at work so I got up early.” She tells me to sit up and places the tray on my lap.

“This looks great.”

“I’m glad you like it.” She sits next to me and I wonder why she isn’t eating.

“You don’t want any?”

“I was starving this morning so I ate already.” I laugh and slowly sip my coffee.

“I’m not going in today. I though we’d spend the day together. Maybe you can show me around a little. I haven’t really left the island.”

“Really?” She reaches over and hugs me tightly. I love how excited she is about spending the day with me.

“I just have to sign some checks but it won’t take more then fifteen minutes.”

“Ok, I’m going to go home and change really fast then. I’ll meet you back here in an hour?”

“Sounds like a plan.” She snatches a piece of bacon from my plate and kisses me softly on the lips.


I feel badly about taking the day off but we need this. Everything is running smoothly at the hotel so it shouldn’t be a problem.

“Good morning Lisa.” I walk passed her and head straight for my office. A few moments later there is a knock on my door.

“Come in.” I get settled in and pull the checks out.

“How nice of you to come in.” Michael walks in with a stack of papers in hand.

“Hey.” I scribble my signature as fast as I can wanting to start my day with Liz already.

“So what gives? I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“I know, I’m sorry.” I feel as if I’m letting him down for some reason. “Liz and I talked and she’s going to stop working for Franco.” I realize that that may not mean anything to him since he doesn’t know the whole situation but I say it anyway.

“OK?” He says sounding confused.

“It’s just good news that’s all. She and I are going to spend the day together.” I sign the last check and put them in the folder to give to Lisa.

“Ok well I’ll get with you later for this paperwork then.” He turns to walk out but stops. “Have a good time Max.”

“Thanks.” I have a strange feeling about that but push it aside. Today is about Liz and I.

“I’m going to be out of the office today. I have my cell but only call if it’s an extreme emergency and can’t wait.”

“Ok sir.” I hand her the folder and walk back to the cottage. As I push my key into the door I hear the phone start to ring. My heart drops thinking it’s Liz wanting to cancel for some unknown reason and I rush to answer it.


“What are you doing home?”

“I’m taking the day off.” I’m more then relieved that it’s Isabel and not Liz.

“Why?” This is the down side of having a sister. She’s nosey as hell.

“I have some things to do. What’s up anyway, why were you calling me at this time at home?”

“Well I just wanted you see how you were doing.”

“Umm I’m fine. Why? What’s going on?” She sounds strange.

“Nothing. Ok fine there is something. I wanted to know what you did.”

“Did? What are you talking about?”

“What you did to fix…you know…the situation.”

“Ok your subtle hints are too subtle. Spit it out please.”

“No phone calls, no run in’s, what did you do?”

“Nothing.” While I’m glad she’s not being bothered anymore it gets me thinking and wondering what happened.

“Oddness. Anyway what are you up to today?” I hear the front door opening and know it’s Liz.

“I have to go Isabel. I’ll call you later.” I hang up before she has a chance to answer. I really didn’t feel like answering questions anymore.

“Hey, are you ready?” She’s wearing a pair of dark blue jean shorts and a white tank top, it takes every ounce of strength I have not to rip it off of her.

“Yup. Let’s go.” I grab my keys and follow her out to her car.

“I’ll drive since I know where I’m going.” I smile and follow her to her car.

“So where are we going anyway?” We head down A1A and I admire the view.

“Singer Island. There’s this water taxi that takes you to a secluded island. There usually aren’t that many people out there so it’s pretty private.”

“Sounds good.” We drive for about twenty minutes then pull into a marina where I assume we’ll catch this water taxi.

Taking a water taxi was different. I guess it’s like catching the ferry to Long Island only smaller. There were only two other couples on with us and a family that was down here on vacation.

The Island is pretty large compared to what I thought it was going to be. At first glance it looks as if no one has stepped foot on it in a long time but once we stepped onshore you could see a few umbrellas and chairs around.

Everyone went their separate ways and Liz and I went around to the south side of the Island.

“I love this side. You can see starfish and the most beautiful fish over here because of the coral.” She sets her bag down and opens one up.

“How much stuff do you have in there?” I laugh as I watch her pull more and more things out.

“Well. I brought a volleyball just incase you wanted to play, snorkel equipment, sunscreen, water, chips-”

“Ok I get it.” I help her take everything out and lay a blanket down for us. We decide to go snorkeling first and she was right. There were all kinds of fish to see. We picked up a few starfish but decided to put them back. It was my first full exciting day at the beach and I’m glad I spent it with Liz.

The day was going so well I didn’t want it to end.

“Let’s have dinner tonight.” I suggest on the way back home.

“Ok. I’ll go home and change then meet you back at your place?”

“Stay with me tonight.” I blurt out. She smiles and slowly nods her head.
This has been the most perfect day so far.

As I get dressed for dinner I can’t help but have a bad feeling in my stomach. I know that Liz and I had a good day and I know that there is no drama from Franco but I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. I feel as if a storm is brewing. A knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts.

“Are you ready?” She steps into my room and kisses me on the lips softly.

“You look beautiful.” Her white dress looks great against her newly tanned skin.

“Thank you.”

“I’m ready.” I grab my wallet and keys and walk her out the door.

“I hear about this place just over the bridge.” I drive over the bridge and
to our destination.

“Great, I’m starving.” I laugh, when isn’t she starving. As soon as we get out of the car I look up at the sky. I notice lightning in the distance which is not unusual for Florida but is for me.

“Looks like a storm is coming.” She points out. Neither of us knew at that moment just how true that was.

All throughout dinner I had a feeling. I can’t exactly say if it’s a good or bad feeling but a feeling.

“You look preoccupied.” Liz’s voice snaps me out of my haze.

“I do? I’m sorry.” I reach over and grab her hand. Dinner has been nothing but perfect so far.

“This place is really great. The food is to die for.” I laugh and watch her devour her food.

“Michael actually told me about this place.”

“Well it’s great.” I’m glad she likes the place.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“So now that you’ve been here a while tell me. How do you like Florida?”

“I like it. It’s-”

“Are you ok? Drink some water.” Liz hands me a glass of water as I
practically cough up a lung.

“I’m fine.” I try to get out as tears cloud my vision. “Wrong pipe.” I say lamely trying to get myself together.

“Are you sure?” I can’t hear her. Everything fades into the background
and all I can focus on is her….and him!
"You know what?House rules, Sammy. Driver picks music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." Supernatural

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Post by FamersAmers »

Thank you guys for the awesome FB!!

~*~*Chapter 14~*~

There’s no denying that she’s a vision. She’s always been able to walk into a room and turn heads. The problem is she was always well aware of that fact. Still, I can’t take my eyes off her, and I hate that.

Liz’s voice snaps me out of my haze and I wonder if she’s aware of who’s here.

“Hey, you were a million miles away.”

“Sorry.” I realize that from this angle Liz can’t see them. I’m still not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.

“It’s ok. I’m going to go to the ladies room.” I stand up and wait for her to get up. A few moments later I see her go to the ladies room as well and resist the urge to run in there myself just to know what, if anything, was exchanged between the two.


Today has been one of the best days Max and I have ever had. Except for his odd behavior in the past ten minutes, everything has gone smoothly. So why, I wonder, do I have this bad feeling?

“That dress is to die for on you.” As I’m washing my hands I see a tall raven haired girl at the sink next to me.

“Thank you.” I smile slightly and go back to washing my hands.

“I mean it, the cut is great.” There is something odd about her. Maybe I’m just not used to overly friendly people.

“Thanks.” I grab one of the towels on the sink and start to dry my hands.

“Have a nice evening.” she walks out and I follow right behind her. I walk behind her but stop dead in my tracks when I see who she is having dinner with.

“There is no freaking way.” I mutter under my breath.

“Hey, you alright?” Max asks me when I get back to the table.

“Yeah, just tired. Can we go?”

“Sure.” I grab my purse and loop my arm around Max’s but not before turning back one last time to see them. What the hell is going on?

~*~Max POV~*~

I don’t know if she saw them or not. She wouldn’t know her but if she saw him I’m sure she would have said something…maybe.

We’re both quiet on the drive back home. Maybe she can sense that I have something on my mind. Maybe I’m completely insane.

“Are you staying over?” I ask.

“Not tonight. Tomorrow though.” She smiles and in a way I’m glad she decided to go home for the night.

I drop her off and drive home partially in a daze. I kept replaying the end of our night over and over wondering if it was really her. Who am I kidding, I know it was her. I know her better then anyone, I’d know her anywhere.

When I get home I head straight for the answering machine. There is no blinking light and I look at my cell phone to make sure there are no messages on there.

“Nothing” Damn! I hit the counter. What the hell is she doing here? This is plaguing my thoughts. I grab my phone and call the one person who I know will help me.

“Hello” she sounds out of breath and I know she ran to the phone.

“Hey” I cant hide anything especially in my voice and she automatically asks me what is wrong.

“Iz, she is here in Florida.” I don’t even have to tell her who she is because she is already spouting off.

“That COW, I knew something was funky when Miss Thang stopped getting all up in my Kool-aide.” I wrinkle my brow; did she just use the word Kool-aide?

“I will kill her Max, I swear to Bob…” who is bob? “I will kill that cow.”

“First off there will be no killing, second there is more to this story.”

“Oh, well please tell.” I settle on the bed and take a deep breath in. She is not going to be happy and unhappy Isabel really scares me.

“I am dating someone…” I don’t get to finish because once again she is going a mile a minute.

“Isabel please?” she blows out her breath I can here the puff of air into the phone and she quietly speaks.

“You haven’t told her about Lara?” I don’t answer and I know she has her answer.

“Iz, what am I supposed to say. Hey Liz lets go to dinner? Oh and by the way I am married.”

“Um…NO, but that is a good start if you want to get slapped. So tell me more about this girl.” I tell her about Liz and how we met and I know it is coming.

“You slept with her didn’t you? Sheesh Max, has being married to Lara taught you anything?” I roll my head back.

“Well, it isn’t really any of my business you are twenty-eight years old you can do whatever you want. But that is not the point, the point is that this is all going to end badly.”

“I know, but I don’t know what to do about it Iz.” She sighs again.

“Start with the truth Max, remember all of those old sayings? The truth will set you free? They weren’t bullshiting. You need to tell Liz about Lara and you need to do it ASAP!” she is right but I don’t know what to say, the truth is easy, but how to I tell her about my part in all of this.

“Iz…” she stops me right there and I know she is going to let me have it.

“Max, no! I am serious. If you are half as smart as I know you are you will tell Liz about Lara. If she is as wonderful as you say she is she will understand, any woman would, it isn’t that hard to grasp. However, what she wont understand is that you lied to her from the get go.” I am too tired to think about this and I tell her I have to go. She makes me promise to call her tomorrow and keep her up to date. I promise and I flip the phone shut and let out a deep breath.

I look at my phone and I know I need to make another call, one that I have been avoiding since I moved down here.

I dial the number. I know it by heart, even now six months later I know it and I wish I didn’t.

It rings a few times before I hear her voice. It hasn’t changed at all, not that I thought it would, but I hoped it would.

“Well well, I see it took me coming to Florida to get you to return a phone call.” I know she is smiling I can hear it in her voice.

“Well I thought you would get the hint when I moved and didn’t tell you where I was going or why. And then when I didn’t pick up the phone or call you back.” She laughs and it makes me cringe.

“Max, you know me better than that.” I do and that is the problem.

“Lara what are you doing here?” I think I know what she is doing here but I need to know for sure and I need to know why she was with Franco.

“You should know that too…”

“Dammit Lara, I am not in the mood to play your games. What the hell are you doing here?” I have never raised my voice at her even in the eight years we were together, this was a first.

“Wow…” she is speechless and I almost feel bad,

“Look, I’m sorry, I am stressed and tired and I want to know why you are here.”

“Well it is a long story.” I look at the clock

“I have time.”

“Not over the phone Max.” I don’t want to see her but if seeing her gets me my answers than fine.

“Ok, where are you staying?” I pray she is not at Franco’s.

“The Waterfront.” That figures he would put her up in my hotel.

“You know what; I will come to you in the morning. I have to be there anyway.” She agrees and we both say goodnight.

I throw my phone on the bed and I turn off the light. I won’t be sleeping at all tonight. I am too anxious for tomorrow.

I want answers, I want answers so I can talk to Liz before I destroy any chance I have with her.


I wake up early to get ready. I told Lara I would be there at nine and I want to go to the office first.

I fix my tie and I don’t bother taking my car. I need the walk; it will help me get my head in order.

I head straight for my office and the whole wing is dark. Lisa doesn’t get in till 9 and so I have to turn on the lights and unlock my office.

I look at the files on my desk and sign some of the documents that need to be signed and then look at the clock, I might as well get this over with now.

I head for the lobby and ask the front desk for Lara’s room. The young girl is very helpful and she tells me that Lara is staying on the fifth floor.

I am about to head up when I hear her behind me.

“You always did look great in a suit.” I breathe in and turn around. I can smell her perfume already and it is intoxicating. It is just like I remember, she is just like I remember.

When I finally look at her she is beaming and I know why I fell in love with her, I know why I married her and from looking at her you would think she was great. But I know the real Lara and this is a façade.

“You look good” she does it isn’t a lie and she blushes when I tell her, I always did have a way of making her blush. I used to love it, now I loath it.

I lead her to the small restaurant in the hotel and I tell her to order whatever she wants. Of course that is a piece of toast and water or a small bowl of fruit and water with a cup of coffee.

She orders toast and water and I laugh. I told you, some things never change. The waiter brings our coffee over and I automatically hand her two sweat n low’s and the cream, she thanks me and hands me the real sugar.

“Thanks you, so tell me…” I don’t want to waste time. I need to get this over as soon as possible.

“Well I was sitting at home, the one that you so generously will buy me soon, however it isn’t the brownstone.” She sighs but I don’t care she is not getting that house.

“You aren’t getting the Brownstone Lara, you can forget that. Now get on with the story.” My tone is rough and almost rude. She looks at me shocked and she shouldn’t be she is not getting my brownstone

“You are getting feisty in your old age Maxwell.” She flips her hair over her shoulder and takes a sip of her water. It is driving me crazy that she is taking forever, and she knows it.

“So anyway I was sitting at home and I get this phone call, from a very very rich man.” I snicker.

“You always did have an eye for the rich.” She smiles a twisted smile.

“You should know.” I huff and wait for her to continue.

“So this man tells me that he knows where I can find my husband. And then he tells me the best part. He knows that my husband is sleeping with his assistant and if I come to Florida with him he can help me.” I knew he wasn’t going to let my past go.

“It still doesn’t explain what you are doing here. What could he help you with Lara?”

“I want you back.” I have to laugh, she can’t be serious. But when I look at her face I know she is.

“What about Adam?” she keeps her eye straight on me.

“What about him?”

“Well, he is the reason why we aren’t together anymore Lara. You slept with him in our bed.” She laughs I don’t know what is so funny.

“You are still holding on to that?” I look right at her how can expect me not to hold on to that. “It was over a year ago Max.”

“It doesn’t change that it happened Lara. Besides who else have you been with since him?” I don’t really want to know that, the though of my wife sleeping with another man makes me want to throw up.

“Max it isn’t important, the important thing is, is that I love you and we belong together.” I lean back in my chair and fold my arms across my chest.

“I filed for the divorce, you agreed.” She leans forward and looks me square in the eye with the most serious face.

“Things change Max and if you go through with this I will contest.” I am staring at her so intently I don’t notice the couple that has come up to the table.

“Contest what.” I look up and there he is with none other than Liz. I want to tell her to leave, go now, but I can’t.

He is smiling his famous smile and Liz has no expression on her face. She isn’t even looking at me. Her eyes are on Lara and Lara is staring at Liz and if looks could kill they both would be dead.

Franco looks around and decides he needs to speak. “Good morning Lara, Max.” he looks at me and I don’t say anything. He just smiles.

“Hi you must be Elizabeth, I am Lara.” Liz puts her hand out and they shake hands.

“And of course you know my husband Max.” I look at her trying to signal to her but she simply looks at me.

“Good morning Max, nice to see you again.” There is no emotion in her voice and that worries me.
"You know what?House rules, Sammy. Driver picks music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." Supernatural

"That Dude just full on obi woned me!" Supernatural
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Post by Icequeen »

Amy and I thank you each for your awesome FB. Sorry I don’t have time to post to each of you individually but know that we appreciate each comment. :D

~*~*Chapter 15~*~*

Nice to see you again? What the hell is going on? Of all the things she could have said she says that? I half expected her to scream or throw something at me but all I get is nothing.

I look up and see the smirk on Franco’s face then wonder what Liz is doing with him. She said she was going to resign.

“So, Liz how exactly do you know my husband?” Lara has this way of being a total bitch but being totally nice at the same time. It’s a gift really.

“Well he runs the hotel here and I’m sure you know all about Xavier’s interest in the hotel.” I’m still amazed at how calm Liz is being.

“Yes, he was kind enough to fill me in on all of that.” Lara smiles at her.

“Well I have to get going, I have a lot of errands to run.” I get up wanting to follow her when I feel someone grab my arm.

“Please remove your hand.” I say through clenched teeth.

“I wouldn’t go after her if I were you.”

“Well your not, thank God.” I pull my arm out of his grasp and chase after Liz. I’m lucky that the main lobby isn’t full this time of day because here I am practically running down the middle of the lobby as I pass thousand dollar vases and priceless tapestries.

“Liz!” I call just as she gets into her car.

“Tony I need a car. Now!” I basically yell at one of the valet.

“Yes sir.” He hands me the keys to a jag that they were about to park and I jump in burning rubber as I pull out of the parking lot.

Luckily she got caught at a red light and I’m able to follow her. She’s heading down a residential road and I assume she’s headed home.

A few turns later she stops in front of an older set of condo’s. This must be her house. I get out of the car and run to catch up to her before she gets behind the gate.

“Liz wait!”

“What do you want?” She turns to look at me and I can tell she’s been crying. At least she does care.

“I want to talk to you. To explain.” She stops in front of the gate and looks me right in my eyes.

“Explain what? That you have a wife and that you’re a bullshit liar? Is that what?”

“Can we not talk about this here please.” I look around and see a few people looking back at us.

“Whatever.” After punching in her code the gate opens and I follow her upstairs to her apartment.

“You have ten minutes to say whatever you feel you need to say and get the hell out of my face.” She sits on the sofa with her arms crossed and I sit across from her on an overstuffed chair.

“I didn’t tell you about Lara because when I left New York we were already in the process of getting a divorce. I don’t even know why she’s here actually. She agreed to the divorce and everything was pretty much settled.”

“So you withheld information.”

“I guess you can say that.”

“It’s the same thing as lying Max.”

“Your right and I was wrong but I’m sorry. I’m truly truly sorry for that.” Her eyes are cold. I’m not getting through to her and it’s scaring me.

“Whatever. Your sorry, fine. Can you go now?” I realize that I’m not going to get through to her today and reluctantly leave.

I’ve never hated Lara more then I do right at this very moment.


The next day I head into work early after no sleep. I tossed and turned most of the night and finally gave up and came to work. No one was in the offices yet and it felt strange to be here alone like this.

At around eight Lisa came in and was surprised to see me. I caught up on some work and was about to ask Michael to lunch when there was a knock on the door.

“I’m sorry to bother you but um - well there is someone out here.” she looks nervous.

“She uh- says she’s your wife and is demanding to see you.”

“Send her in.” I take a deep breathe and brace myself for whatever it is that she wants.

“Your secretary is a bitch.” She storms in and sits on the chair in front of my desk.

“She’s not my secretary, she’s my assistant and she doesn’t know you.” I smile inwardly that Lisa gave her a hard time.

“Whatever. Take me to lunch. I’m hungry.”

“Lara your at a hotel. There are four restaurants here plus food service.” I turn my head back to some checks I was signing hoping she would leave.

“Well I want to go out.”

“So go.” She’s doing it again, being a whiney pain in the ass.

“I want you to take me out and I’m not leaving this office until you do.” The bitchy ‘I always get my way’ Lara comes out. I’ve seen it a hundred times and I know that she does always get her way, one way or another.

“Fine.” I grab my jacket and walk out of the office with her closely behind.

“I’m taking my EX wife to lunch. I’ll be back in an hour or so. Call my cell for anything.” I emphasize anything hoping that there are some distractions while I’m out.


“This place is nice.” I shrug. I could care less where we are. I just want her to eat so we can leave already.

“What’s the matter Max? You used to love going out with me, love me being on your arm while other men were jealous of your wife.”

“Use to. Can we order please?”

“You never were this rude before.” I laugh.

“Yeah well, you were never ruining my life before.”

“That’s not my intention.” She says and for one moment I think that she’s sorry for what she’s doing.

“Well then what is? What exactly do you want because I know one thing, I’m not going back to being your husband.”

“You will.” And the moment has passed.

“Lara, I’m serious. It’s over between us, the moment I saw you in our bed with him it was over.”

“Jesus your like a fucking elephant, you remember everything. Why can’t you move on? It was just the one time.”

“It shouldn’t have happened Lara. It-. You know what. It doesn’t matter because I’m through Lara.”

“I know you love me and you know I’d love you better. You know I’d love you better then anyone Max.”

“How you can say that after what you did?” I have to laugh at the irony of her statement.

“It was once and it’s over now anyway.”

“I really don’t care about the details. I just want you to sign and leave.” I look around for our waiter. He’s probably too scared to come over here. Anyone can see we are in a disagreement.

“Sorry but I’m not leaving Florida without you.”

“Well then get used to the humidity.” If she wants to be a bitch then I’ll be an ass.

“You know I always get what I want Max.” She smiles and to anyone else it would be beautiful. To me it’s evil.

“You did, until the day I caught you with your ass in the air.”

“I can’t talk to you anymore.” She huffs.

“Good.” Score one for Max.

Our waiter finally comes to our table and we order then eat in silence. It was the best lunch I could have hoped for with Lara. I drive her back to the hotel. She needs to leave now. I just have to figure out how to go about doing it.

“So dinner tonight at Seven ok.” She says as she gets out of the car. Is she serious?

“I’m not eating with you again. I took you out today to try and talk to sense into you. Since that didn’t work I no longer need to see you one on one.”

She gets back in the car and leans into me. “Let me explain something to you Max. I came here for a reason, you know me well enough to know that I get what I want.” I lean in so that I’m inches from her face.

“Let me explain something to you Lara. That was true once upon a time but you couldn’t keep your legs closed. So now you don’t get to act like a spoiled princess, not with me anyway.” Her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. I get out of the car and toss the keys to the valet leaving her sitting there. She can process that and do whatever she wants with it.

I’m in the middle of paperwork when my door opens.

“So your married?” It’s Michael.

“Technically yeah.”

“OK? So why is she here? To stake her claim or something?”

“Sort of. When I left New York she had agreed to sign the divorce papers now all of the sudden she’s here and hanging out with Franco.” his eyes widen.

“Shit. How the hell do you think he found out?”

“How does he find anything out?” I shrug.

“So he’s using her to break you and Liz up?”

“I guess. But I won’t let it happen, I don’t care what I have to do.”

“It would be great if you threatened to take something from him.” Good idea but what?


“Well what means more to him then anything?” We both smile because that’s when it hits us.

“Money.” We both say at the same time.

“We find a way to ruin his business empire.”

“Exactly.” Michael agrees. “Only one problem Max. One small glib.”


“How the hell are you planning on bringing down Xavier Franco when he owns most of Palm Beach? The man is friends with politicians for Christ sakes.” He’s got a point.

“Michael, working here should have taught you something I learned right away.” I sit on the edge of my desk.

“What’s that?”

“Rich people hate scandal, especially old money types.” I smile.

“So what are you going to do?”

“We create suspicion with his businesses, then we try and find one if his old boy toys. A man like that has to have at least one jaded lover.”

“It won’t work Max and when he finds out what your trying he’ll have you killed.”

“But at least I would have tried.” Michael looks worried and so am I but I have to do something.

“I may know someone that can help.”

“Who is it?” I ask wondering who he knows that would be able to help.

“She’s someone I met a while ago. Let’s head over there if you have time.”

“I have time but how do you know she’s home?” I ask as I follow him out.

“Trust me.” He says with a smirk.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Post by FamersAmers »

Hey all! Thanks so much for the feedback, I am running a little behind and I dont have time to thank each person but you all are awesome and Jazzy and I thank you for each and every comment!!!

~*~Chapter 16~*~

Michael and I drive over the bridge and into town.

“So, how do you know this person and what is her name?” I have to ask. Michael doesn’t really talk about anyone so this is new.

“We have a past.” Shit is this his Ex wife! “She’s not my ex wife.” He says quickly.


“I met Maria around the same time as I met my wife, we went out once but she was involved at the time so I backed off then I met Courtney, my wife.”

“So your still friends?”

“Kind of. We just started talking again a few months ago.” He makes a few more turns and we pull up to a huge building.

“This is it.” He parks in guest parking and we walk into the lobby where we sign in. The ride up is odd. Here I am trying to screw Franco over when Liz isn’t even talking to me. I doubt this is going to work.

We ride up to the 14th floor and ring a doorbell.

“Why are there only four doors?” I ask looking around.

“You’ll see.” There goes that smirk again. What is up with this guy? I’ve never seen him smile or smirk so much in one day.

“Yes?” A man asks. Michael gives his name and we wait.

“Michael freaking Guerin what brings you by?” I see a blonde standing in the doorway with her arms wrapped around Michael.

“We came by to talk if you have a minute.”

“It depends on who ‘we’ is.” She says. I watch their interaction and can tell that they are familiar.

“Maria this is Max. Max, Maria.”

“Well well well the infamous Max Evans from New York. I was wondering when we would meet in person. Come in.” She steps aside and now I know why there are only four doors. The place is huge and I also know why Michael knew she would be home. Half of the apartment is a photography studio. There is an exposed brick wall on one side with a lighted table where she must preview her pictures.

“Maria is the editor of Palm beach Magazine.” Michael leans in and whispers. That explains everything. She would know all of the gossip if she runs the only magazine on the island.

“So you’ve heard of me?” I smirk but also wonder what she’s heard.

“Are you kidding me? Honey, everyone’s heard of you. You’re the talk of the town.” I blush a little. I’m not used to be talked about.

“Hear anything interesting?” I ask as we are seating in the living room.

“It’s all interesting to me but nothing more then the usual stuff. Marriage status, income, breeding, you know the important stuff.” She’s quiet for a moment but then laughs.

“Michael take his boy out for a drink or something. Are all New Yorkers this uptight?” She offers us some coffee but we refuse. It’s too hot for coffee, to me anyway.

“Not all of us.” I say and she laughs.

“I like him.” She reaches over the arm of the couch and grabs a long thin white Cigarette.

“So we need some information on Xavier Franco.” She takes a drag and slowly lets the smoke out.

“Really? Like what?” As if on cue her butler comes out with an ashtray as she leans over to ash her cigarette.

“Anything.” She arches her eyebrow at him and for the first time Michael looks kind of scared.

“Michael, you and I both know that information on Xavier is hard to come by. The man pays a lot of money to keep a lot of things secret. So if you want me to spill I need to know why.”

“So you have information on him?” He asks.

“Are you kidding? It’s me we’re talking about, of course I do.”

“I’m sure you’ve heard all about Max and Liz, Franco’s assistant?” He waits for her to nod.

“Well we need enough information to get him to back off.” she doesn’t say anything and I’m starting to get worried. She just sits and smokes her cigarette as if we’re not even there.

“Do you love her?” she asks me point blank.


“Do you love her? Because if you don’t I suggest you leave before I say anything because once I tell you this you’re going to be a whole other world.” Ok she’s making it seem as if she has some grand information.

“I-I” Shit! Do I love her? I think I do? Fuck!

“I-I what? Yes or no?”



“Yes!” I shout. I do love her. Shit I’m risking my life for her.

“Good. Here’s what I know.” She leans in further and gives us more then we could have ever hoped for.

We leave her house a few hours later both shocked.

“Shit, I knew the guy was messed up but this is crazy.” Michael says as we get into the car.

“Yeah. So where do we go from here?” I ask still trying to process the information we were given.

“I have no idea but I’m sure we’ll figure it out.


I decided to go back to the office after my outing with Michael if I go home I would have to think and thinking is the last thing I want to do.

I walk into the office to find that Lisa is at lunch. I almost wish she wasn’t so that I wouldn’t have to be alone, that is why I didn’t go home. I look at the clock and realize it is only one and there are at least three more working hours in the day.

There are a pile of messages on my desk and as I look at them five of them are from Lara. I crumble them up, throw them away. I am not interested in calling, I don’t want to see her, have dinner with her or do anything with her.

I decided to go over a few of the proposals on my desk but I don’t get very far before my mind is wandering. This is why I came to work so my mind wouldn’t wander and it isn’t working. I keep thinking about what Liz said to me about lying to her.

I know that a lie by omission is still a lie but did she not do the same thing with Xavier? I mean she let me believe she was simply his assistant when there was obviously something more going on. It wasn’t until I saw him at the club that she admitted what was really going on.

I don’t get very far in my thinking before I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I already know who it is and I ignore it. Lisa then knocks on my door and has yet another pile of messages and files that need my signing.

“If they are from Lara throw them away.” She takes the messages and throws them all away. I give an annoying laugh and shake my head.

“If she continues to call don’t write the message down. There is no need to waste perfectly good paper.” She shakes her head and waits for me to sign a few papers.

“I am not a bad person.” I look up from the paper to Lisa. “I have never stolen anything, killed anyone, I have never even broken the law and yet the bad follows me. I must have been horrible in another life, karma has come back to me.” It is true Karma has caught up with me, that is the only explanation.

“Mr. Evans, you aren’t a bad person, you just seem to attract the eccentric ones.” I laugh she means crazy I know she does.

I smile and as her phone rings she excuses herself so that she can answer it. I continue to look at the things on my desk but it is no use, this not thinking is not working.

I grab my jacket and decide that maybe a hot shower and the basketball game might keep my mind from thinking.

The walk home is peaceful and I actually think that this is all going better, but of course this is me and I should have known because the moment I step into my house I know better.

The smell of food is thick in the air and as I wander to the kitchen I can hear her singing. She really does have a good voice but I can’t think about that, I have to get her out of my house. After I find out how she got in in the first place.

I round the corner and what I see almost makes me laugh. She is standing over the stove in her Gucci suit and matching shoes in a 99 cent apron. Fist off Lara has never cooked a meal in her life and seeing her in the kitchen is really very humorous.

“How did you get in here and when did you learn to cook?” She spins around and has her infamous smile.

“Your security guard let me in…” that figures, I need to get a woman security guard.

“He’s really nice. And I learned how to cook somewhere in the time frame of you walking out of our house and me being here.”

“What, Adam didn’t make you dinner every night? Well it is good to know that you learned something from this whole thing. ” She gives a nasty grin and I walk over to see what she is cooking.

“It is pasta.” I can see that.

“Yeah and it is liable to poison me.” She rolls her eyes and moves me out of the way with her hips.

“No one said you had to eat it.” Then why is she in my kitchen.

“No, but there is no reason for you to be cooking in my kitchen if I don’t have to eat it. You have a hotel room and room service is top of the line, and I am sure that Xavier has his table in the restaurant, he can feed you.”

“Maxwell what is lodged in your ass? I am your wife and everyone at the hotel knows it. I mean they are starting to talk about why you are having me in the hotel when you have a house.” I have to laugh. She’s so out of touch with reality it’s sad really.

“Remind me to send a memo tomorrow; you are staying at the hotel Lara. And I want you gone by the time I get out of the shower.” I take my tie off and head to my bedroom.

I flop on the bed when something catches my eye. I sit up and there in the corner by my closet is the Louis Vuitton luggage that I know all too well.

‘Oh no she isn’t’ I think to myself as I stalk into the kitchen. “You are not staying with me.” I pick up the phone and call the hotel and tell them to send a bell boy down to pick up Lara’s luggage.

“Max, please I don’t have anywhere to go.” She is doing it again that pity thing where she reels me in and makes me cave, but I wont, not this time.

“You have a room in the hotel that is one of the hardest to come by and if not there I am sure that Xavier has a room at one of his many mansions. Go occupy those, you will not occupy my house let alone my bedroom!” I head back to the room and get the luggage and drag it out to the front.

I had forgotten how heavy it was till just now and when I get back there are tears in her eyes and I have a feeling I know what is coming, and I am not prepared at all.

“How can you be this cold Max? I just want to talk to you, to spend time with you.” The tears fall like crazy and I take deep breathes trying to calm myself.

“Lara I don’t think we need to go over what led us to this point again. I don’t know how else to tell you that it’s over. I’m sorry that you can’t let go and I’m sorry that you feel like a simple I’m sorry will fix all of this but it won’t.” I just want her to go already.

“I’m trying to make this work Max. Why are you fighting me?”

“Make it work? Make what work? There is nothing to work out don’t you get that? It’s over Lara, I’m done.” She wipes her eyes and in a matter of seconds it looks as if she never shed a tear.

“Fine Max. You want to play hardball then I’m game. We’ll see who you come back to when I’m through. You keep forgetting that I have eight years of knowledge on you Max. I know you in and out.”

“Then you should know that I’d never go back to a cheater.” She reaches out and smack me across the face. It brings me back to the last time she did that. The night that I caught her in bed with my friend and called her a whore.

“Don’t ever call me that.” She storms out of the house and gets into the golf cart where the bellboy is waiting to take her back to the hotel.

I close the door and take in a deep breathe. I’m exhausted, but I want to talk to Liz. I need to find out what if anything she knows about Franco’s business before I move forward.

I glance at the clock and see that it’s still early. Quickly I change before heading over to her house. I would have called first but she just wouldn’t answer or leave before I got there.

As I get dressed I think back to the last time Liz and I were happy. It seems so long ago. I know I can make her happy, I just need to get her to forgive me first.

I rehearse my speech on the way over there but when I pull up to her condo and park I start to get nervous. I walk up to her door and get ready to ring the doorbell when I see a delivery guy walking my way.

“Please let it be for Liz.” I silently pray. “What apartment you going to?” I ask the kid before he rings the bell.

“4C.” He says. I hand him a hundred dollar bill and take the food from him before hitting the buzzer. I try to disguise my voice when she asks who it is and simply say delivery.

“What are you doing here and how did you get my food?” She opens the door and is more then surprised to see me standing on the other side.

“I needed to talk to you.” Reluctantly she lets me in. I look around the apartment and see that it’s kind of a mess. I’ve never been here before but she doesn’t seem like the type to have her place like this.

“Are you sick?” I ask when I see several empty boxes of tissues all around the living room. She nods but doesn’t look up at me. “Liz look at me. Are you sick?” I place my fingers under her chin and bring her eyes to mine.

“It’s nothing, I’ve just been a little sick. What do you want Max?” She scoots away from me on the sofa and it hurts me. All I want is to be near her and she wants to pull away.

“I need to talk to you about Xavier.” She rolls her eyes.

“That’s what you came here for? I’m done talking about him Max.” She tries to get up but I pull her back.

“Liz please, this is important. I need to know some things about his business.”

“I don’t have anything to do with that.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

“I know you don’t but I recently got some information and I need to know if you know anything.”

“Why? What are you planning?” She sounds worried. I look up at her and notice that she’s sweaty and her face is flushed.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m fine, just tell me what’s going on.” And I do. I tell her everything that I was told.

“Max there is no way that-” She runs out of the room and I follow quickly behind her. I see her run into her bathroom and see her hunched over the toilet throwing up. I rush over to her and hold her hair back away from her face.

“Liz your not fine. Have you been to see a doctor?” She shakes her head and continues to throw up.

“Shhh it is ok” I grab a washcloth and soak it in warm water before wiping her mouth. I toss it into the trash and grab another washcloth.

“Have you been to see the doctor sweetheart?” her body is on fire. I hold her in my lap as I stroke her hair.

“I have an appointment for next week.”

“Baby I am going to run you a bath ok?” she nods and I lay her down using a towel as a pillow before turning the water on. I cant remember if it should be warm or cold water so I do warm to be on the safe side.

“Ok let me help you up.” Gently I lift her off the ground and take her shirt and shorts off. I place her in the tub and grab the loofa.

“Is the water ok?” I ask getting a nod from her. I look at the tub and she has several body washes to choose from. I grab one with mint hoping the smell with sooth her.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” I ask softly as I rub the sponge up and down her body.

“It’s not a big deal, I think the food upset my stomach is all.” I’m not buying it, something tells me this isn’t the first time this has happened in the last few days. I help her sit up and rub her back.

“Do you want me to wash your hair?” I notice she is shivering and reach over to
turn the hot water on.

“Max I want to get out, I’m going to…” she leans over the side of the tub and starts to vomit again.

“Liz this can’t wait for next week. I’m taking you to the hospital.” I help her out of the tub and turn the shower letting it steam up.

“Stand here honey while I clean this up.” She steps in and I grab the towels and clean everything up.

“Ok baby, lets get you dressed.” I help her out and wrap her in two towels before holding her close to me.

She points out where the clothes she wants to wear are and I help her into a comfortable pair of sweats and a tee-shirt.


On the drive over I notice she is sweating again. I wonder how long this has really been going on and worry that it is something serious. I pull up to Good Samaritan Hospital and rush her into emergency.

“We need help. She is burning up one minute and freezing the next, she has also been vomiting.”

“Ok fill these out while I take her to a room.” They place Liz in a wheel chair and hand me the clip board.

“You will have to wait here sir.” The nurse tells me sternly.

“I don’t think so. I’m going with her.” I brush past her and stand next to Liz.

I watch the doctors give her an IV and take her temperature. I watch as they tie the tourniquet around her arm and take a few vials of blood.

“She’s dehydrated and has a high temperature. The IV fluids will help with that” he turns to leave but I stop him.

“What could be wrong? She is vomiting like crazy.”

“I cant be certain yet, but it looks as if she has some type of virus. I will be back in a few moments once I have reviewed her test results.” I let him go and hand Liz some ice chips to suck on.

“Liz what have you eaten the past couple of days?” I try to figure out if she ate something bad.

“I’ve been eating soup and crackers until today.”

“That’s it? Can you think of anything else you have had?” she shakes her head no

“Ok, you are going to be fine, just rest.” She closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. I glance at my watch and see that it is already eight at night.
Knowing I will not be able to be in the office till late I call Lisa’s voicemail and leave her a message.

The IV seems to be doing it’s job as Liz has been laying comfortably for the past hour or so. She’s asleep now and I’m about to go look for a doctor when I see him walking towards the room.

“Did you find out what she has?” I whisper.

“Yes but we need to wake her before I say anything.” I find that request odd but slowly wake Liz anyway.

“How are you feeling Miss Parker?” He places his hand over her forehead and checks the IV bag.

“OK, a little tired.” I see her trying to sit up and get some pillows to place behind her to hold her up.

“Well, we’ve found out why you’ve been sick.” He looks over a chart and I’m about to smack it out of his hands when he says it. The two words I did not want to hear right now.

“You’re pregnant.” I see his lips moving in slow motion as the room starts to spin.

“Shit, this is not good.” I think as I look over at Liz trying to asses her facial expression.
"You know what?House rules, Sammy. Driver picks music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." Supernatural

"That Dude just full on obi woned me!" Supernatural
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Post by FamersAmers »

Thank you everyone for your FB, Amy and I are glad you enjoyed the last chapter.

L-J-L 76

~*~*Chapter 17~*~*

I can’t read her expression and I’m almost afraid to say anything before she does. IS she happy? Upset? Pissed? I have no idea.

“Thank you doctor” she says calmly and I don’t say anything, I just stand there, shocked. I guess she’s not mad then.

“One more thing, based on your HCG levels you may be carrying multiples. I can’t be certain, further tests will tell us for sure.” To anyone walking by the room I must look like a ghost. Not only is she pregnant but possibly twins.

“I will leave you to get some rest.” he gives me a small smile and walks out. Again I am at a loss for words. I look at Liz and see that she is just as scared.

“So…” God, I feel like an idiot.

“I didn’t plan on this happening.” She says quickly.

“I know” and I do know. She wouldn’t do that, Lara maybe, but not Liz. Lara… FUCK! This is so not good.

“You don’t have to…I mean I don’t expect you too…”

“I’m not going to abandon you.” It sounded harsher than I wanted it too. I guess me standing with my arms crossed isn’t helping.

“Look, I know that this is the last thing you need right now. I’m just saying that you don’t have to add me to the list of things you need to deal with. I have money saved…I will be fine.” I don’t know why but the thought of Franco’s money supporting my kids pisses me off. And did I just say my kids.

“I can support my own children” that was intentionally supposed to sound harsh. I feel insulted right now.

“You can’t be around Max, we both know that.”

“And why not?” I stand firm.

“Because I’m sure your wife wouldn’t like that.” Ouch! Score one for Liz.

“She has nothing to do with this. She is not apart of my life anyway.” Take that.

“Oh she isn‘t? So you mean it is all in my imagination that you’re still married and she just delusional right?” ok that was below the belt and I need to keep my guard up.

“Technically we are but we no longer have that relationship. I came here thinking she would sign the divorce papers in a few weeks. I didn’t expect her to changer her mind, especially when we agreed and I made it more than clear that I was done with her.” I really hope that softened her heart a little.

“Either way you lied and I clearly remember you getting upset with me when I didn’t come clean about Xavier right away.” Ok I guess it didn’t work.

“You’re right, but I got over that. All I am asking is the same from you. Why is that so hard to do, is it that hard to forgive me?” I walk closer to her bed and stroke her hair.

“I…never mind” I don’t push her, honestly I am too tired to.

“Get some rest. I’m going to go get some coffee, do you need anything?”

“Some juice maybe.”

“Ok” I bend down and kiss her forehead like it is the most natural thing. Once I get outside I take a few deep breaths. What have I gotten myself into?


I get to the newsstand and order my coffee and Liz’s juice. I need to figure out what I am going to do. I won’t leave Liz to deal with this alone but I am not exactly excited about this.

“I need Elizabeth Parkers room.” You have got to be shitting me. What is he Colombo? This guy knows everything!

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I rush over to him and grab his arm.

“The next time you touch me you will wish you were in this hospital again” He snatches his arm out of my grip.

“Answer the question.” I can see the nurse looking back and forth between us out of the corner of my eye.

“I don’t answer to anyone, least of all you” he turns around and asks the nurse for Liz’s room number again.

“You can’t see her.” I snatch the pass out of his hands.

“I’m sorry do you run this hospital?” he is looking around like a smart ass. “I didn’t
think so. Now get the hell out of my face.” He walks past me if I am not even there.

“I’m serious Franco, you cant go in there.” I walk after him trying to get in front of him to stop him.

“Look, I know you think you are all in love or whatever but if you try to stop me again these four men will be dealing with you.” he snaps his fingers and like freaking magic four men in black suits are around me. They must be ex CIA because I have no clue where they came from or that they were even around.

Having no other choice I back off but still follow him to her room. There is no way that he is going to be alone in that room with her.

“Xavier what are you doing here? How did you find me?”

“That doesn’t matter” He reaches over and runs her arm softy. I think about reaching over and punching him but I’m outnumbered by four. “We are getting you into a private room and I am flying my doctor in to check on you. What ever this quack said is bullshit.” Where did this guy come from? He’s crazy.

“I’m fine Xavier. I don’t need to be checked out again either.”

“Nonsense, you cant trust these doctors Elizabeth. Dr. Martin is already on his way.” He is making himself comfortable completely ignoring me.

“Xavier I said I was fine. Besides I’m checking out first thing in the morning.”

“Well then what the fuck is wrong with you?” Like Jekyll and Hyde he snaps at her.

“Nothing, I just ate something bad.” My head snaps up, why would she lie?

“Really, well…” He’s about to say something when the doctor walks in the room and reads off a chart.

“Ok Miss Parker, I’ll need you to come back in three days to test your HCG levels again. If they keep rising we will know if it is twins or possibly triplets.” Franco’s face is bright red as the doctor goes over Liz’s orders. I have to admit it’s pretty funny.

“Thank you doctor.” Liz’s eyes are wide and I have a smirk on my face. Franco’s head is about to pop, this is classic and I LOVE it.

“Did he just say what I thought he said?” Franco asks not taking his eyes off of Liz.

“Yes he did.” I chime in. Suddenly I’m happy about this.

“Well, we will just have to some minor damage control. We will say that although unexpected we are both extremely happy about the impending birth of our twins. We plan to marry before they are born of course and that all is well with both mother and babies and they are both doing great.” Huh? He cant be serious? HE. CAN. NOT. BE . SERIOUS, can he? I mean is he that far gone?

“Xavier..” that is all she says, he wants to raise my kids and that is all she is going to say, FUCK that.

“I think you need to leave.” He goes to object but I don’t give him a chance.

“I don’t care about your four men in black. Get out of this hospital room before I throw you out.” He laughs and sits back in the chair.

“You think this is funny?” I ask clenching my fists.

“Actually I do, I think it is funny that you assume you are the father. I also find it funny that you think you can go up against me.” I don’t even get to think before Liz yells.

“STOP, just stop, I am too tired to deal with both of you. Xavier we will talk about this later, Max I will see you in the morning.

I agree reluctantly and after Franco tells her goodnight I kiss her forehead. We both know we have a lot to discuss and have a long road ahead of us.


I don’t even want to get up this morning but I know that I need to, I have to be at the hospital with Liz.

I get dressed as quickly as possible and head down to the coffee shop that Liz loves and get her a bagel and some juice. I wonder what she is going to do without her coffee fix?

When I get to the hospital I see no Franco in sight. If he were here his car would be parked in the emergency loading zone like it was last night. I swear that man thinks he can do whatever he wants.

I get up to her room and she is packing up the last of her stuff. She looks beautiful and it is true what they say about women and being pregnant because she is glowing.

“Morning” she turns around and I hold out the bag with the bagel in it. She smiles takes the bag and thanks me.

“This is just what I needed” she is in heaven and I am surprised she is eating it since she hadn’t been able to keep anything down the night before.

I sit there watching her eat and right as she finishes the doctor comes in. “Well Miss Parker your HCG levels haven’t risen any since the last blood test so I am doubtful you are carrying multiples but you will need to make an appointment with your OBGYN to have everything checked.” He continues to go over everything with her and I hear none of it because I am more interested in the fact that he said that there possibly wasn’t multiple babies. I am so worried about the one I don’t think I could handle two.

“Thank you doctor” I watch as he leaves and she is all ready to go.

I bring the car up and help her get in. “You can stay at my place if you want.” I am really trying here and I would like to be able to look after her. I mean I may not be thrilled about this but I won’t not take care of her.

“I think my place is best.” I nod and drive her to her apartment. It is a long drive and once again I am left in an uncomfortable position where I don’t have a clue what to say.

We pull up and I help her out of the car and up to her apartment. I try to go in but she stops me at the door.

“Listen, I know you want to be here for me and I know that you want to be the Knight in Shining Armor that helps the lady in distress but right now I over that. I need to figure out what I am going to do and I need you to give me some space.” She has got to be kidding me. I try to object but I do not succeed because she puts her hands up to stop me.

“Max it is obvious that Lara is still very much a part of your life and you need to deal with her. I will call you when I know something.” She shuts the door and I am almost at a loss. I just got shot down, again. Liz three Max zero.


This has got to be the longest day of my life. I keep staring at the clock willing it to jump ahead about four hours. My mind keeps wondering back to Lara. I know I should be thinking of Liz and what I am going to do, what we are going to do, but I also keep thinking about Lara and what I am going to tell her.

The idea of having children was always with Lara. For years I saw my life spanned out in front of me and Lara and our children were always a part of it. But that dream changed, it changed when I watched her screwing him in our bed.

I can’t even concentrate on my work. “Mr. Evans I am going down to the lobby to pick up some documents.” Lisa knocks softly and lets me know.

I jump up and offer to go for her, anything to get me out of this place is welcomed. I head to my elevator and my phone starts to ring.

“Good morning Isabel.”

“How did everything go?” I sigh and she can tell right away that it isn’t the way we had both hoped.

“Oh Max, she didn’t take it well did she?” I know I need to tell her about Liz but right now is not that time.

“Max she will come around, just give her some time. What about the Hell Beast Cow?” I have to laugh. I don’t know where she comes up with these names but they make me laugh and right now it is just what I need.

“Hell Beast Cow?” she snickers.

“Yes Max that is what she is! Has she left yet, because you know fish and company smell in three days, and she has started to rot!” God love her.

“She tried to take up residence in my house.”

“She didn’t? She needs a reality check Max; a good foot up her ass might do the trick.” I shake my head. Isabel has always hated Lara and she never tried to hide it, especially after we split up.

“Well, I sent her back to the hotel and told her that she could stay with Franco. I really have a feeling that the money ran out and that is why she is back. I can’t prove it though.” And I can’t but I know Lara and I have that feeling that she spent all of her money and now coming back to me or helping Franco would put her back in the luxury she has always been accustomed too.

“I could have told you that, she has always been about money Max, ALWAYS!” yes I know, she doesn’t have to tell me every time I talk to her.

The door to the elevator opens and I don’t get to say anything more because I hear a blood curdling scream coming from the lobby.

I don’t even have to tell Isabel what it is she already knows. “Oh God, she still does that shit?”

“Not in my hotel!” I tell her I have to go and hang up the phone. I make my way as quickly as possible over to where she is screaming.

It really is the most annoying thing I have ever heard. It is ear piercing, enough to make your ear drums burst. I remember the first time I ever heard it, I thought she was dying.

A crowd has gathered around and I have to assure everyone that she is ok. I wrap my arm around her waist and grab her hand and gently take her out of the lobby. I am putting a show on because if I had my way I would have grabbed her by both shoulders and shook her.

I close the door shut and turn to her “What the hell is wrong with you?” she is doing that sobbing bit where she is crying so hard she is fighting to breathe.

“This!” she suddenly stops and throws the paper at me. It hits my upper chest causing me to flinch and it drops to the floor before I can grab it.

I look at her annoyed and she has her arms crossed and her right foot is slightly out.

I bend over and pick it up and the story on the front page catches my attention. “What the …” He put it in the paper. That asshole actually announced Liz’s pregnancy.

“We are pleased to announce the pending birth of our child…” He is crazy that is all there is too it. He needs to be taken off the streets.

“Only a psycho.” I look up at Lara and her expression is unreadable.

“Now last time I checked my gay-dar was still in perfect working condition and you and I both know that baby isn’t his.”

“And?” I am being a smart ass because I know she hates it.

“And that makes it yours!” I smile and it is the first time since I heard the news that I have smiled.

“Why do you care Lara?” I am not sure why she cares, it isn’t like we are together anymore.

“Because we are married and you are cheating on me!” Oh this is rich!

“WE ARENT MARRIED! That piece of paper is all that is left, the legal standing. The day you spread your legs for Adam is the day you and I were no longer married. So who I love, who I have kids with no longer concerns you!” She’s impossible.

“We are still married! The sooner you realize this you can stop this bullshit and come home. It is where you belong. ”

“I don’t belong there anymore.” I knew she was persistent but she must be dense because none of this seems to be sinking in.

“Yes you do, the only reason you are staying here is because you couldn’t keep it in your pants. She is using you Max, I should know!”

“You would.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” she is right up in my face and I clearly remember the night before when she slapped me for calling her a cheater.

“Take it however you want, but this conversation is done.” She keeps her firm posture and continues to stare at me as I open the door for her.

“This isn’t done Maxwell.” She goes to walk out but I stop her.

“Lara, what are you doing here? Really, what is it that you want? You have to know that I’m not going back to you.” I’m curious at this point.

“I want you. It’s just that simple.” She has a gleam in her eye that is scaring me because I know it well. She’s hiding something.

“You can’t have me. I’m having a baby with someone else, I love someone else. You and I are done.” She walk over to me and I think that she’s about to slap me again when she gives me a lingering kiss on the cheek. I’m officially surrounded by psychos. Someone help me.

I pick up the paper and fold it carefully before taking it back with me to my office so I can read it in private. The sick fuck actually took out an ad to announce this. I’m sure everyone in Palm Beach has heard of the news by now which is exactly what he wants.

As I read the article for the tenth time I hear a knock on the door.

“Come in.” I try to hide the paper and look up when I see it’s Michael.

“Have you seen the paper today?”

“No. Why?” He knows I read the paper everyday and by this time of day I would be in the middle of reading it.

“This is why.” He tosses me the same article I know by heart and I pretend to read it.

“Wow.” I try to hide my true feelings.

“Wow? That’s all you have to say? The woman you love is pregnant and you weren’t going to tell me.”

“Well that doesn’t matter anymore. She’s with Franco now. She’s having his baby.” He bursts out laughing so hard that he has to sit down.

“Do you think I’m an idiot?”


“Then why would you attempt to tell me that Liz’s baby is Franco’s. I know it’s yours Max.” He looks me right in the eye and I have to admit that I’m sweating.

“Why can’t it be Franco’s? They do have a relationship.”

“Cut the bullshit Max. The question now is what the hell are you going to do about it because sitting here looking like someone killed your dog isn’t helping.” He’s never talked to me like this before and it takes me off guard.

“What exactly do you want me to do? I have too much on my plate right now. Lara is here, God only knows why, Liz is pregnant and not talking to me and on top of it all I have a shit load of things to do here.” I run my hands through my hair and take deep breaths.

“Don’t worry about work, I’ve got you covered there. The first thing you need to do is figure out if you love Liz for real and if you do, which I think you do, then get rid of Lara and fast. I’m sure you know her well so figure something out. Once she’s gone you get Liz back.”

“What about Franco? He’s not just going to step back.” This seems hopeless.

“I have something in the works for that. I’m just waiting on a call back from someone. Why don’t we meet at your place tomorrow night and I can tell you what the plan is.” This seems like a covert operation now.

“Alright.” I sigh and turn to look out my window. I have no idea how to get rid of Lara but Michael is right, she needs to go.
"You know what?House rules, Sammy. Driver picks music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." Supernatural

"That Dude just full on obi woned me!" Supernatural
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Post by FamersAmers »

Hey all! Jazzy and I want to thank you for the feedback, we always appreciate it! We hope you enjoy this part and thank you to all the lurkers.

Chapter 18

~*~Liz POV~*~

I’m having a baby. While it’s something that I’ve wanted, now that it’s here it’s scary. Max and I are virtually nothing to each other right now, we can’t be anything anyway. Xavier put an ad in the paper and I’m in love with a married man. Things pretty much suck right now.

I don’t have the strength to go to work today. After seeing that insane article I knew that seeing Xavier right now would not be the best thing. The fact that he thinks I’m going to go along with his charade is beyond funny, then again I shouldn’t be surprised, it is him we’re talking about.

After a few hours of flipping through channels I decide to take a shower and get dressed. I need to get out of the house.

As a sort of celebration I decide to head to my favorite boutique and buy myself an outfit.

“Hey Liz. Long time no see.” Andrea, the boutique owner greets me.

“Hey. How are you?” I make small talk with her then she shows me the latest things she’s brought in.

“I’ll leave you to browse around. It was nice seeing you again.” I think her and sort through the racks.

“I think I’m going to take these for now Andrea.” I walk back over to the register after about thirty minutes of searching.

“Good choices.” She smiles and starts ringing me up.

“Yes those are good choices; I wonder how you are affording those.” I turn to see who the hell just said that and come face to face with her.

“What business is it of yours?” She’s everywhere, like a freaking roach.

“You became my business when you started fucking my husband.”

“Listen, what I do is not your business regardless of who I’m fucking. What the hell do you want anyway? Hasn’t he made it more then clear that he’s done with you? I mean, you do understand simple English don’t you?” I hear Andrea laugh and smile.

“Your cute you know that. I can see why Max was attracted to you but know this. You are no match for me. You’re not in the same league as me sweetheart, I know Max and I know how to win him back. Now do yourself a favor and stay away from him.” Just when I think she’s going to walk away she steps in closer and whispers in my ear. “Besides, you wouldn’t want anything to happen to your precious baby now would you?” She walks away and I know that this crazy bitch didn’t just threaten me and my child.

“What the hell is her damage?” Andrea asks. I just shake my head and pay for my things. I should have stayed home.

As she leaves the store I wonder what the hell Max ever saw in her. Then again I’m sure she wasn’t always this annoying.

I get home only to find that I left my cell phone on the kitchen table and I have twenty missed calls and I am sure that at least seventeen are from Xavier. I pick up the phone and find that all of them are from him. I don’t have time to listen to the messages he left nor do I want to. I don’t know why he left a message in the first place he knows I don’t check them.

I throw the phone back on the counter and head toward the living room. I need to find another job. There is no way I’m going to keep working for him, I don’t want to. The only problem is who is going to hire a pregnant woman? Exactly, so I need this job.

Frustrated I decide to try on my clothes again, they always look different when you get home. Besides I want to get as much wear out of them as possible before I get any bigger.

My cell phone rings moments later but it is not Xavier, he has his own annoying ring tone. I look at the number and see that it is Max. After two more rings I answer.


“Liz whatever she said I am sorry” He blurts out.

“She didn’t say anything” There is no sense in going over what she did say.

“Liz, I know she said something, she told me she did” Then why is he asking me?

“It doesn’t even matter Max” he says nothing and I start to hang up when he speaks.

“Did you see the paper?” Is he insane? Of course I saw it.

“Yeah” I say causally

“Well? Aren’t you going to say something to him?”

“Max we are talking about a crazy person, and trying to talk to him is useless it will be like talking to a brick wall.” I should know. Besides, I don’t speak crazy.

“I guess you are right. How are you?”

“I’m fine. I am not going to be one of those women Max.” I sigh. I’m sick of people asking me how I am. It’s like they expect me to not be ok.

“What women?”

“The kind that are always in pain and complaining” I hate that.

“Ok, dually noted” he laughs and there is an odd silence and I wonder when we got like this.

“So, I am assuming you have to get checked?”

“Yes but not for a few weeks.” Does he want to come? Cause if he does he should just ask not skirt around the topic.

“Oh, ok then” There it is again that stupid silence and I have had about enough of it.

“Ok well I guess I will talk to you later.” I can’t do the awkward silence thing, it wastes minutes.

“Ok, bye.” I hang up and shake my head. Why is everyone so weird? I need to relax so I grab my stuff and head to the beach, without the cell phone.


It’s a typical humid day but the ocean breeze is soothing. I rub sunscreen on my face and shoulders and lay back with a magazine in hand. I feel someone walk up behind me but I don’t look up, they might just be passing by.

“Elizabeth get out of the sun!” I guess not, it was wishful thinking.

“What do you want, do you have a lo-jack installed in me?” I block the sun with my hands so it won’t stream into my eyes as I look up at him.

“I want you to get out of the sun and come into the office.”

“I’m not going in—today or tomorrow. I quit!!” There, I said it. Score one for me! He starts laughing loudly and people stop to stare.

“Stop playing games. Let’s go!” He reaches over to grab me by the arm but I pull away.

“I can get up by myself, I am not a child!” it is snide but I don’t care, I don’t want him touching me.

“I need you to come back to the house with me.”

“Yeah, I don’t think so!” I walk past him and up the boardwalk.

“Do not walk away from me Elizabeth.” We stop just in front of his car.

“Xavier I am not going to the house so stop asking,” he grabs my arm and I start to scream when I hear the window roll down.

“Xavier leave her alone, we have more important business to attend to anyway. All she is trying to do is get to Max.” that woman is everywhere. She is like that pesky fly that you keep shooing away but keeps finding its way back. Someone should swat her.

“Please, go attend to your business; you wouldn’t want to keep the princess waiting.” I walk away and head for my house. I really need to get away from these lunatics.

I walk in my house and feel much better. I love this house, it is cozy and relaxing, it is me. I have an overstuffed chair next to the bay window and right now it is calling my name.

I grab my favorite blanket from the wicker basket by the couch and warp myself in it and sit down.

FUCK! Who is at my door? Whoever it is was smart enough to get past the downstairs door and is now annoyingly knocking at my door. Everyone just needs to go away.


“So what is the plan?” I ask Michael. I’ve been dying to hear this all week.

“Ok well I checked on everything Maria said and she was right.”

“You doubled her?” I ask wondering why.

“Come on Max, I had to check it out, I mean this is huge,” he’s right and I nod for him to go on.

“Anyway I’ve got it set up so that a friend of mine goes in as a buyer, the catch is that he’s undercover.”

“Franco is not stupid, he might figure it out.” He smirks and I have to laugh.

“I know how it all works Max, we know what to say and do.”

“And how does it all work? Why does he do this? He has a legit business.”

“One word—greed! Not many people live like he does.” He does have a point.

“It doesn’t make sense but you do have a point.”

“The way it works is he finds buyers for these imaginary cargo ships, these ships carry the electronics, toys, all kinds of things. He gets a sort of down payment promising to sell the cargo at discounted prices once the ship passes customs.”

“And…the cargo never arrives?”

“Exactly, he has a list of excuses until the buyers cut their losses.” Hmmmm.

“But don’t they ever wonder what happened to the cargo? I mean no one asks?”

“Some do and to those he shows them some merchandise, stuff that he buys himself. He’s smart, I’ll give you that much.” I sit back in my chair and take it all in. Everyone’s lives are about to change and drastically

“So when does all of this go down?”

“My guy makes the call tomorrow, I will keep you posted.” I’m suddenly worried, worried about Liz, I don’t want her hurt.

“I’m worried about Liz.”

“She is not involved. I did some investigating, I wouldn’t put her at risk.” I thank him and offer him a beer.

We sit out back and drink a few more before he leaves. In the back of my mind I cant help but think that this is not a good idea but I am hoping I am wrong.

When Michael leaves my mind is still on overdrive. I not only have to worry about Franco I still need to find a way to deal with Lara because this has all gone too far.

I am about to pop a DVD in the player when the front gate buzzes. After the last incident they are not going to let anyone in without buzzing first.


“Mr. Evans, Miss Parker is here.”

“Let her in” I have to admit, my heart just jumped a little knowing she is here. I open the door just as she is pulling up. She slowly gets out and walks up the stairs. I didn’t know what to expect but when she pulls me into a hug I am a little taken.

“Hey’ she says softly once she pulls away.

“Hi” I laugh and lead her into the house. “What’s up?” I don’t want to sound rude but the last time we talked she wanted space.

“Nothing, I just missed you and I’ve been thinking about everything and I wanted to say I’m sorry, I had no right to act the way I did when you forgave me so easily.” I am in shock.

“Liz… I”

“No please let me get this out.” I nod and sit next to her. “I know things are crazy right now but I am happy about this pregnancy Max. Now I know you have a lot to deal with and that is ok, I will be her when you are ready, if this is what you want.”


“Don’t say anything”

“I have too.” I take her hands in mine. She looks up at me with a worried expression.

“I’m glad that you are happy about this pregnancy and I am very happy that you are ready to forgive me. I care about you and I want you to know that I am here for whatever you need. I said I wouldn’t abandon you and I wont but right now I have a lot to deal with. I don‘t want to end up hurting you. Things are so screwed up right now and I don‘t think I‘m ready to love you the way you deserve to be loved right now.” I see the tears from in her eyes and it kills me, but I have to do this.


“Trust me Liz, it is better this way.” She shakes her head no as the tears start falling freely now.

“But…I love you.” did she just say that?

“I…I am so happy to hear you say that. But Liz right now I can’t love you in the way you should be loved.” And I can’t, not with Lara still around and this divorce messing with my head.

“Do you love her?” My mouth opens and closes and I’m trapped.

“Not like I love you.” Not like I love you? What is that?

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I don’t even know what the hell I mean by that.

“I care about her Liz, and I always will, but I am not in love with her.”

“Love and caring are two very different things Max. You either love her or you don’t and if you love her you can’t love me.” She has a point but it doesn’t change how I feel.

“That is why I need time. Everything is screwed up right now and I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’s too late” she lowers her head and I am at a loss. I scoot closer to her and pull her into my arms. I didn’t mean to hurt her, I really didn’t.

“This cant be good for you.” I say softly as I raise her head and wipe the tears from her cheeks and smooth her hair back. I want to be with her, but not in this way, not when things are so screwed up. She is still crying and I know it has to do with her hormones being out of whack because Liz doesn’t cry.

“Shhhh—it is going to be ok” I rock her in my arms when the front gate buzzes again and I get up and answer it.

“Yes?” I am annoyed and I know the man at the gate can tell.

“Mr. Evans your wife is here.” I roll my eyes and my blood is starting to boil.

“She is not my wife and I told you not to ring me for her.” I look back to Liz who is now cuddled on my couch.

“I know sir and I am really very sorry but….”

“But what?” I ask after he trails off. I feel Liz standing next to me I wrap my arm around her.

“You are going to have to hear this for yourself.” I have to strain to hear and then it hits me, she is doing that scream cry.

“What the hell is that? Is she hurt?” I have to laugh because this is the first time she has heard it.

“She always does this.”

“Are you serious?” I shake my head and I wonder what the hell she is screaming about now, but I am sure it is not good.

“Unfortunately she does” I let go of the speaker and seriously debate going out there. I should let her scream till she wears out and leaves, but then part of me wants to go fix it like I always do.

“Are you going to go out there?”

“I don’t want to”

“Do you think she will leave?”

“Knowing her, no” I have seen her do that for hours so the getting tired idea isn’t really very good.

“Well you need to go out there and find out what her damage is before someone calls the police.” She is right.

“Come with me” I take her hand but she doesn’t move.

“This is only going to set her off”

“I don’t care, she needs to see that we are together.” There I said it. That small statement is going to cause trouble but I do want to be with her. I just hope that my decision doesn’t hurt her in the end.

“Ok” I step outside and the closer I get to the gate the louder she is getting and I can hear her arguing with the guard.

“Max! I knew you would come. You really need to fire these…men, right now! Can you believe that—“ She stops short when she sees Liz at my side.

“Lara you really need to go. You are no longer welcome here.”

“I am not going anywhere.” Her voice is stern and I close my eyes. “Now let me through Maxwell.” She starts screaming and I signal for the guard to open the gate.

“You need to keep your voice down.” She parks the car and hops out.

“I want her out of here” She points to Liz and to the gate making me pull Liz closer towards me.

“I’m not going anywhere” Liz tells her sternly.

“Honey go sit down, the adults are talking mkay”

“Why are you here anyways?” I have to ask because I figure once you kick someone out of your house they wouldn’t return.

“Franco kicked me out” Liz starts to laugh and it all happens so fast there is no time to react.

Lara is lunging at Liz causing Liz to fall back and hit her head on the pavement.

“Liz!” I scoop her up and make sure she is conscious “it is ok we are going to get you to a doctor.” I turn to Lara with what can only be described as a look of pure hatred.

“Get out, get out now and don’t bother coming back. I never, ever want to see you again. If you are not gone by the time I get her inside I will call the police and have you arrested for assault. You have done nothing but cause trouble and me bring misery to me. I wont tell you again, I don’t want you here, I don’t want you in my life. Leave and forget you ever knew me.” I carry Liz inside and slam the door shut.

“If she is not gone in three minutes call the police” I tell the guard and walk over to Liz

“She will never touch you again Liz”

“I’m ok but I need something for my head” she gives me the number for her doctor and I call.

When I get off the phone I get an ice pack from the freezer and look for Tylenol. Damn! I have none.

As much as I don’t want to leave Liz alone I need to run to the hotel and get some since her doctor said that was all she could have. I really cant believe that Lara did that, I never thought she would stoop that low. She could have really hurt Liz or worse she could have done major damage to the baby. I find myself thinking about the baby and can’t help the smile that forms on my lips. I’ve always wanted to be a father and at one time I thought that would happen for Lara and I. I walk through the hotel in a daze but manage to get what I need and rush back to the house.

“Liz?” I open the door and call out for her. I told her not to lay down and go to sleep.

“In here” I hear her call from what I believe to be my bedroom.

“You aren’t supposed to sleep” I find her in the middle of my bed under the covers.

“I’m not sleeping. Sleeping is the last thing on my mind.” I look at her puzzled and step closer to the bed. She lifts the covers off and I think I know what she means.

She is completely naked with her legs spread apart and I swear I can smell her from where I stand.

“I need you Max” I gulp the glass of water in my hand is shaking

“What about your head?” she smiles and bites her lip. I guess she is ok. She brings the bottoms of her feet together and drops her knees completely exposing herself to me.

“My head is fine but I do have an ache down here.” She places her hands between her legs and I swear I’ve never gotten undressed faster then I did then.

“I’ve missed you.” I say between kisses. Her skin has always tasted like candy. I don’t know if it’s her perfume or if it’s just her but she’s sweet.

“Me too.” I lift her legs high into the air and slide into her wet folds. She’s so tight that I swear I was going to finish right then and there. This is the first time we have done it without a condom and God does it feel good.

“Fuck, your so tight.” I bite my lip and drive into her faster. I know I won’t be able to hold out much longer but fuck I’m trying.

“Max, Max.” She chants my name over and over knowing how much I love it and it does the trick. I spill my seed into her and land next to her on the bed.

“Shit that was amazing.” I smile and lean over to give her a kiss. We lay in silence running our hands up and down each other arms when the shrill of my telephone cuts the silence. I reach over to grab the phone when I look at the caller ID and see that it’s Lara. I put the phone back down and roll over into Liz’s arms. Her cell phone rings moments later and she switches it to silent. I know it was Franco but tonight is about Liz and I. The two lunatics can wait until tomorrow to be dealt with.
"You know what?House rules, Sammy. Driver picks music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." Supernatural

"That Dude just full on obi woned me!" Supernatural
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Addicted Roswellian
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Location: wait IN HELL!

Post by FamersAmers »

Jazzy and I want to thank you not only for the feedback but for the nomination as well. We really appreciate it. Sorry that this is fly by but the hours are numbered. We hope you enjoy.

~*~Max POV~*~

I scan the airport for any sign of Isabel. When I called her and told her about Liz being pregnant and Lara being a pain in my ass she hopped the first flight here. I tired to tell her not to but alas she is the only person I have, that I trust with my life and as much as I would like to say I don’t need her, I do.

I spot her and her grin widens when she sees me. “Hey big brother” I immediately pull her into my arms. I tighten my grasp around her and hold her close to me. I have only hugged her twice like this in my entire life and she knows.

“I am so glad you are here” she pulls away and smiles at me.

“Me too, now let’s get out of this place. Old people give me the creeps” I look at her and realize that I am not even going to try to figure that out because this is Isabel, it won’t happen.

When we get to my house she immediately goes to my refrigerator, she is going to be in for a surprise when she finds all that is in it is alcohol.

“Maxwell Philip Evans, you know better!” I smile and walk into my kitchen.

“It isn’t want it looks like. With everything that has happened the last week I haven’t had time to shop” she shuts the door and comes over to me.

“That is why I am here! Now since you have no food in this place, we need to go out!” I wonder if it is safe to take her to the hotel, but I don’t get to say anything because she is already out the door and walking up the beach to the hotel.

When we get to the Lobby she takes her sunglasses off and links her arm in mine. I am sure that half the staff thinks I am a player by now, but whatever, these people know nothing.

“So when do I get to see Liz?” she is always so blunt, even when I don’t want her to be.

“She had some business to take care of”

“Well, she is carrying my niece we need to meet” I have to laugh; she automatically assumes the baby is a girl.

“How do you know it is a girl” she gives me that famous Isabel look.

“Max, you doubt my gift. When Paulie and Pam had Ethan and Andrew and Beth had Lucia did I not call those? I can’t believe you doubt me?” she did, she didn’t even have to see Pam or Beth to know what the babies were.


“Besides I am no good at shopping for boys, so she has to have a girl” I laugh and shake me head.

“Well Liz is meeting us for dinner” she smiles and takes the menu the waiter has offered her. After looking over it for some time she puts it down and stares me down. Her stare really is scary but it always makes me talk.

“So, how are things?” I let my breath out, not need to keep it bottled up now.

“Things are bad Isabel, so bad. I don’t know how I feel; I don’t know what I want. I am so confused” and I am. I mean I know that I want Liz, but it is all confusing!

“How do you feel? Do you love her? Do you love this baby?” how could she think I wouldn’t.

“I do Iz, but it isn’t that simple. I am not ready for this” I mean yeah there were years when I knew I was ready for father hood. I was ready for a baby, but I was ready for that with Lara. We spent years together I knew I wanted her to be the mother of my children. This is not how I planned any of it.

“Well, you better get ready Max, because it is happening whether you are ready or not” once again always so blunt even when she isn’t trying to be.

“I know that Isabel” I hiss at her and she looks hurt when I do it. I sigh and I am about to apologize when she speaks.

“Max this isn’t you. What happened to you?” I wish I could tell her.

“I wish I knew Izzy, I really do” I look at my water glass. This is not how my life was supposed to turn out.

“What about Lara?” I knew it would only be a matter of time before she asked.

“Hopefully she is gone. I need her to sign those papers though; I don’t know what she is waiting for.” Isabel huffs.

“She’s waiting for you to feel bad for her and call the whole thing off.”

“We’ll then she’s going to be very disappointed because that’s not going to happen. I just don’t know why she won’t move on. I’ve made it more then clear that I don’t want to be with her anymore.”

“Because she’s always been able to get you to do what she wants Max. She expects you to come running back to her like you’ve done a hundred times before.” We are so engrossed in our conversation neither of us sees Lara walk up to the table.

“Well, you always were so jealous of me Isabel” this is not the time.

“What are you doing here?” there is hatred in my voice and I wonder when I got this way.

“You didn’t think I would leave just because you told me to? Awww Max, you know me better than that. Didn’t ten years of being with me teach you anything?” she is like a fly!

“You really need to take a hint, go away no one wants you here” I knew Isabel wouldn’t be able to be quiet.

“Are you still afraid of losing your precious brother to me?” I see the hatred flash in Isabel’s eyes.

“I never lost him to you” her teeth are clenched and I see her fists balled.

“You did at one point” that is about all Isabel can take and she is up from her seat and so am I. I give her a look and she straightens her skirt and sits back down.

“I don’t know when you became such a bitch but Max was right to get rid of you” I look at Isabel again; there is no need to start a fight in my hotel.

“Whatever” she puts her hand up to Isabel as if she were five and turns to me. “We need to talk” does she not get it?

“I don’t want to talk to you Lara. I am done talking to you, just go away” I am about defeated, she is wearing me thin.

“So this is it?” there is a hint of sadness in her voice and if I didn’t know better I would give in. But I know better, this is another one of her ploys. “Did all of those years mean nothing to you? You are just throwing it all away?” I laugh

“No sweetheart you did that, not me”

“Fine, but I want half of everything Max, nothing less” I hear Isabel laugh and she rolls her eyes.

“You are about to get half of my foot up your ass” Lara turns to Isabel and I have to hold her back.

“That is enough, both of you. The lawyers will deal with this, I want nothing to do with you” she crosses her arms with an amused look on her face.

“Franco got me a new lawyer Max, you are finished” she looks at me like she has defeated me and I lean back and smile. Her smile however, quickly fades.

“You seem to have forgot one thing Lara” Isabel is talking now and I am even curious as to what is going on

“What’s that?” she looks nervous and I have to admit I’m loving it.

“I talked to Adam and it seems that since things didn’t work out for you two…” she stops Isabel from talking anymore.

“You didn’t!” There is fear in her eyes. If she is proven to have had an affair she gets nothing.

“I did, and he is willing to admit to everything” Isabel is now standing up and extremely close to Lara. I am a little shocked, but then I am not. Isabel and Adam had always been close and it doesn’t surprise me that Isabel went to him.

“Why are you trying to ruin me?” There are tears in Lara’s eyes and I would love to say that they are fake but I know these are real.

“Because you hurt Max. You shouldn’t have married him if you knew you weren’t planning on being faithful. You really didn’t think I would let you do this do you?” Lara says nothing, backs away from the table and turns to me.

“I hope you are miserable with her Max!” she turns on her Jimmy Choo’s and stomps out of the restaurant.

“Those hideous feet should not be in those wonderful shoes” leave it to Isabel to be worried about the shoes. I just sit there in awe at the woman before me.

“Why did you do that Isabel?” she looks at me, her face has softened and she smiles.

“You are all I have Max, and besides I have never liked that HBC!” I laugh now knowing what that means. I have to admit having Isabel as a sister, is more than wonderful at this point in time.

~*~Liz POV~*~

I really didn’t want to have to come into the office, but my office needed to be cleaned out and I am really the only person who can do it. I actually would rather be with Max and Isabel but this had to be done.

I am putting my last picture in a box when I see Franco standing in my door. “I thought you quit?”

“I did, but someone had to clean out my office.” He steps in and shuts the door coming closer to me.

“Your boyfriend is going to ruin me Elizabeth , get him to stop” He is seriously scared. I can see it in his eyes. Franco may be good at hiding many things, but fear is not one of those things.

“I don’t have a boyfriend” Well I don’t. I mean I don’t know what Max and I are exactly.

“DON’T PLAY STUPID” his fists are clenched and he has to take a deep breath to calm down. “Call him, tell him to end this” He emphasizes each word as if that’s going to work on me.

“Who told you that you owned the world” he laughs, I swear this man is bipolar.

“I did, and I was pretty damn close to doing it too” I really cant believe he just told me that.

“Xavier you are demented, you need serious help” I pick up my box and start to walk toward the door.

“I always treated you right Elizabeth , why was that not enough for you?” I stop and turn around to face him.

“Xavier you want to own me and I am not for sale” he laughs.

“Everyone has a price Elizabeth , you did at one time” he seriously did not just say that to me.

“I worked for you, you didn’t own me. And don’t you ever insinuate that again” I am stern and my eyes are burning with fire.

“Do you really think he can give you what you deserve?” I smile.

“I know he can. He loves me and that is all I need” he laughs again, what is it with this man and his laughing. I don’t know why he thinks everything is so damn funny.

“That is a stupid notion, all you need is love. You are naïve, love doesn’t pay the bills” he is right it doesn’t.

“I don’t need his money, or yours” I open the door and what he says stops me.

“If he succeeds and I go down you are going with me” I put my box down on the chair and turn around to face him. He has a smug look on his face, the one that tells me ‘I got you’.

“I was your assistant I had nothing to do with your business dealings. You know that.” he smiles

“Do I?”

“You wouldn’t lie?” I mean he is low, but not that low right?

“Wouldn’t I? And I thought you knew me?” I step closer to him.

“You can’t just make things up Xavier.”

“Why not? I’ve done it before” I have had enough.

“Whatever, you are the one that will be going to jail” he snickers

“No, I wont.” He steps in front of me and blocks my way. I look up at him and he bends down to whisper in my ear. “I will kill him first”

I look up at him in shock. “You are a sick bastard, I’m done with you” I push past his arm and head for the elevator. I leave him behind me with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face.

When the elevator door shuts I let my breath out. For the second time in my time with Franco he has scared me. Why do I get the feeling he would make good on his promise. I have to go to Max.

~*~Max POV~*~

I leave Isabel at the house to cook dinner. She decided that she wanted to make dinner for the three of us. I let her have my car to go shopping and I headed for my office. When I step out of the elevator Lisa has a nervous look on her face.

“Mr. Evans I tried but he refused to leave and since he is a board member…” I smile at her and tell her it is ok.

“Why don’t you go down and find Michael for me and get yourself some coffee.” I speak calmly trying to get her to relax.

“It’s ok, go and take my elevator” She smiles and goes straight for the lift. I hope she finds Michael fast.

I look into my office and there he is sitting in my chair with his feet on my desk. He is such a smug son of a bitch. I glide into my office and shut the door.

“Ahh Maxwell, nice to see you again” I look at him and want to punch him in the face.

“There is no need for the act. I sent her for coffee” His feet come off my desk and he stands quickly.

“I will ruin you Maxwell if you don’t stop this NOW” I laugh. His face is turning red.

“You couldn’t even if you tried. I have you by the balls Xavier” I have a smug look on my face and I know he is so agitated he would love to smack it off.

“Think about what you are doing. I have friends” I laugh again. He’s seriously deluded if he thinks he has one friend in this world.

“We both know that is a lie. You have no one and pretty soon you will have nothing”

“If this is about Elizabeth you can stop, besides we both know she can never love you completely” Why do I get the feeling that isn’t the first time he has said that?

“Why? You don’t think she loves you do you?” God I hope he doesn’t think that.

“I know her. She doesn’t have it in her to love or to be faithful. Wouldn’t it be a shame Maxwell?”

“Wouldn’t what be a shame?” I have a feeling I know where he is going with this.

“That she ends up doing exactly what Lara did. Sleeping with your good friend?” I have to clench my fists at my side to keep from punching him. He knows my blood is now boiling.

“Get out.” I say it calmly and he just stays where he is.

“You won’t get away with this.” I laugh.

“If you are going to plot your revenge it is going to have to be from jail” he just smiles and walks past me opening the door. I see Michael standing not to far away and I look back to Franco.

“I would remember what you have Maxwell, you wouldn’t want the ones you love to end up hurt” he just threatened my family and I am speechless, how is it that he always gets the last word.

When the elevator closes Michael quickly comes into my office. I motion for him to shut the door and I sit back in my chair.

“We can take that to the police Max” I don’t say anything I just look up.

“He has no idea what war he just started. He won’t get away with this. I can promise that” A small smile forms on my lips as I think about his demise.
"You know what?House rules, Sammy. Driver picks music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." Supernatural

"That Dude just full on obi woned me!" Supernatural
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:51 pm
Location: wait IN HELL!

Post by FamersAmers »

Hi all! We have had this for a while but RL is kicking both our asses and it is not fun! We appreciate and thank you for all the feedback! Lurkers are you are awesome too! Thank You


Chapter 20

~*~Max POV~*~

It is funny how a little thing like calling the FBI can set off a chain reaction. I’m currently parked in front of Xavier’s offices, or should I say former offices as I watch officers seize all of his computer equipment and files. I don’t know why but when I heard they were moving in I wanted to see it for myself.

As it turns out when I called the FBI they had already started an investigation into his business transactions. Now that they know the ins and outs, thanks to Michael’s friend that went undercover, they have everything they need to take him down—hopefully.

“Their seizing all of his assets too” Michael says from the passengers seat breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Cry me a river; I am sure he has millions stashed in a shoe box under his bed.” And I am more than sure he does. I already know about the watches in the safe, Liz has had to go check on them more than once because the man swore his maid was stealing them.

“I doubt that Max, money burns a hole in that man’s pocket. Saving for a rainy day is not a term Franco was taught” That brings a smile to my face.

“What will happen to him now?” I wonder because I am worried about Liz, but not only Liz, I’m worried about everyone close to me. Franco’s last comment to me still has me weirded out.

“Honestly, I don’t know. Once the FBI has all their info I am sure they will move in”

“What if he leaves the country?”

“Max chill, you need to stop worrying so much” That is easier said than done. We watch until they have taken everything out of the office and then head back to work. We both have duties we have neglected for the day.

“So how are things with Liz?” I was really hoping not to have to answer that because I really don’t know what to say.


“Because of Franco or because of the baby” he looks at me and I look back. “And by the look on your face you aren’t happy?”

“It’s not that. It’s just—unexpected. Don’t get my wrong I have always wanted kids but my vision wasn’t like this.” he laughs.

“Max this is called life, you roll with it. I never wanted a divorce either but it happened”

“So you are going through with it” He hasn’t said anything about it for a while and I didn’t want to ask.

“Not by choice, but yes.” I stop the car at the local coffee shop and we head inside.

“I may not be the best person to offer advice right now but if you love her and there is a chance you should go for it. Fight for what you love, what you have to gain is much greater than what you will lose.”

“When did you get so wise?”

“When my perfect life dramatically changed and fell apart in front of me. If there had been a chance for Lara and me then I would have taken it. I’m still hurting over failing her and our marriage.” I wish I could say that she failed me, because she did but I can’t get it out of my head what she said to me when I confronted her. I failed her, that is all there is to it.

“You said it yourself Max, you can’t win them all besides you have a good thing going with Liz, don’t you?”

“That my friend is the million dollar question. I am so drawn to her but I don’t know why. It is so different with her than it was with Lara and I have to keep telling myself to stay away” he smiles and shakes his head.

“That my friend is called love” Is it love?

“I don’t know Michael, I don’t know if it is love”

“You know you do, you just have to admit it you yourself.” I sit back and think about his words. I never felt this way about Lara and I knew what loving Lara was like and this isn’t like that.

“Let’s get back to work before you give yourself a stroke from thinking to much.” I laugh and we head back to the office.

I see Lisa looking frantic and I wonder what is wrong. “Hey”

“Mr. Evans your sister scares me” I laugh as she hands me the stack of messages and my cell phone. I look down and notice I have several missed calls and I start to worry, something is wrong.

~*~Liz POV~*~

Something is going to happen today, I can feel it and I don’t like it. A soon as I woke up I could feel it. It is almost unnerving.

I am about to start making breakfast when there is a knock on my door.

“Hi, I am Isabel, Max’s sister” I stand there and stare at her wondering how in the world she got my address.

“I hope you don’t mind but I got your address out of Max’s planner. He wasn’t going to give it to me”

“No it is ok” I look down at my pink pajama bottoms and suddenly I feel inadequate compared to her perfectly put together frame. I step aside and let her in suddenly self conscious about the blanket I left on the couch last night.

“I just really wanted to meet you, and I know that Max wouldn’t set it up” she is right about that.

“Have a seat I was just about to make breakfast”

“Oh I am sorry! Here let me take you out, I insist” she has a look about her that says she is more than serious. Max has already warned me about her.

“Let me just get dressed” she actually follows me back to my room and I laugh.

“I just want to tell you that I am so excited for this baby…” that makes one Evans who is excited. “…and I know that Max is too even though he might not show it.” I have a feeling she is just trying to be nice.

“He really hasn’t said anything about it” I scan my closet for a pair of jeans that actually fit and have no luck.

“Looks like we have some shopping to do” she sounds way too excited about that.

“I think I have been avoiding shopping for bigger clothes” I settle for a jogging suit and she the smile on her face. I finish putting my sneakers on and she grabs her purse.

“Let’s feed you” I laugh and walk outside with her.

“You have a driver?” I ask when I see the unmistakable black car complete with a driver holding the door open for her.

“Doesn’t everyone?” I can do nothing but stare. “I’m kidding. Max got him for me since I don’t know my way around” We get into the car and drive to a place that serves brunch.

“We have so much to talk about. First I am going to be honest. Lara is a bitch; she has been since the day Max brought her home. Don’t listen to her at all; I am taking care of that!” I laugh. It is obvious that she hates her.

“So are you excited? How far along are you?” I have been trying not to stuff my face but I am so hungry it can’t be helped.

“I am, it took my by surprise but yes I am happy. And I am 22 weeks pregnant.” She looks at me with confusion.

“I know, I have never had a regular cycle so when I didn’t get my period for a couple of months I didn’t think anything about it. Then I got sick and that is when the doctor told me.”

“Max has always wanted a big family. He had such high hopes then she ruined it all. I am only telling you this so you know where he is coming from. His plans and his hopes were crushed when she slept with his friend”

“I know how much his marriage failing hurt him”

“I’m glad you’re so understanding. I know it is asking a lot to stick by him, but I promise you if you do and you let him in, he would rope the moon for you.” I smile knowing she is right. We finish our food and head straight for the mall.

“Ok so you need—everything. Let’s start at Sak’s!” My eyes widen. I am not unemployed I can’t afford Sak’s.

“Isabel I can’t…”

“It’s on me Liz, it is a gift” she pulls me towards the store and we head in. Close to two hours later we have enough outfits to satisfy her.

“Ok, one more thing and we can go” I have no idea what could be missing but I have a feeling that protesting wont go over at all.

We walk into Tiffany’s and I get goose bumps. The last time I was here was with Max and I blush as I see the elevator and remember what we did.

“Are you ok”

“I’m fine” we both walk to the back and I’m still in la la land

“Is it ready?” Isabel asks the sales lady. She hands her the box and Isabel thanks her.

“What is that?”

“You’ll see” we head back to the car and I hear my stomach rumble.

“I see someone is hungry. Lets head to Max’s and eat” I don’t really want to since I am tired but she is so excited I can’t say no to her.

“Sure” I sit back and close my eyes. I don’t feel well and I think she can tell.

“Roll down the window for some air, you look like you are going to throw up” I reach over and roll the window down letting the cool air hit my face. “Better”

I nod my head and as soon as we cross the bridge we are at his house. It feels strange not being here with him, he is always here and I almost feel like I am intruding.

“He isn’t going to care that you are here. So, take a seat and make yourself comfortable” I sit in the oversized chair that I love and close my eyes. I still have that feeling and I am getting more and more agitated.

“What do you want for lunch, I know that some pregnant people have a craving for pickles” I scrunch up my nose and she laughs.

“I hate pickles! And whatever it doesn’t matter” I would rather we ate here but I have a feeling she is going to want to go to the hotel.

“Let go up to the beach club and we can not only get good food but our fill of eye candy too” she raises her eyebrows and I laugh. I have to hide my disappointment about the club. She summons a golf cart to take us to the hotel; I think she thinks I can’t walk.


We eat a quite lunch and I am surprised I kept my food down. I still do not feel well and I want to tell Isabel I want to go lay down.

“So where do you see you and Max going?”

“Not very far considering he is still married” she looks at me shocked and I sigh.

“I’m sorry Isabel. I am tired and I don’t feel well. I lo—like Max but his life is so complicated right now he doesn’t need to add me to that list.”

“Liz, his life may be a mess, but you are a part of his life forever now. He will make time for you.”

“I don’t want to be a burden. I can take care of myself” she starts to laugh and I am starting to get pissed.

“I’m sorry I am not laughing at you. You and Max are so much a like I can see why he fell for you” huh?

“My brother is a big boy Liz, he can handle it. Plus I can see it in his eyes, he loves you. But, how do you feel about him?” she is starting that protector thing that Max told me about. I can see it in her face that she wants me to answer, but I am not about to say that I love Max Evans at a beach club.

“Come on lets take a walk it is good for you and the baby.” I laugh, I can walk now but I couldn’t walk earlier, I am starting to think she might not be sane.

We don’t get very far before I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. I bend over as it comes again and I fall to the sand in pain. I look to Isabel and she looks scared.

“What?” I look down at my pants and see what she is staring at. There is blood and I am officially freaked out.

“Isabel something is wrong”

“I’m calling Max” she does it so quickly if I could think I would wonder how. “Shit, he isn’t answering” she dials another number.

“I need to speak to Max it is an emergency… I need you to find him and tell him to call his sister ASAP!” she slaps the phone shut and calls an attendant.

“We need an ambulance.” The pain is getting worse and I try to hold back my tears. I am scared to death.

“Isabel I am scared”

“It is going to be ok Liz, everything is going to be fine” her voice is soothing but the look on her face is less than encouraging. When I see the ambulance I relax a little.

When the EMT pulls out the gurney I look to Isabel “Where is Max?”

“We’re trying to find him. Don’t worry Liz he will be here soon”

On the ride to the hospital all I can think of is that I knew something was going to happen today. I however, did not think it would involve me riding in an ambulance and my child’s life at stake.

I decide to focus on a happier moment and I remember when I first met Max and the night we spent on the beach talking.

“Liz open your eyes” I feel like they weigh a ton but I open then and look at her.

“You are going to be ok” she keeps repeating it over and over and I am starting to think it is more for her than for me.

They wheel me into the hospital and I am taken into a room where they attach me to several machines and when the EMT tells them I am pregnant I let the hot tears slide down my face.

“Isabel I need Max, I can’t do this without him” I watch her walk out and all I can do is pray that he gets here and that everything is going to be ok.


I quickly flip through my messages and dial into my voicemail and realize that all of the messages are from Isabel and she sounds panicked.

“Come to the hospital…” I don’t bother with the rest of the message. I hang up and head straight for the hospital.

I have to wonder why she didn’t call my phone but as I look to my seat I remember I left it at the office. I look at the clock and pray that the bridge isn’t up; it shouldn’t be up since it is twenty after.

A million thoughts are racing through my mind as I cross the bridge. Isabel is not one to panic and that scares me. I pull up to the front and hop out throwing my keys to the valet; I don’t ever bother getting the ticket.

I run up to the nurses station and stare at the small plump woman behind the counter. “Hi, I’m Max Evans—“

“Oh, right this way sir. We were just about to call you” I look at her funny, Isabel called me a thousand times, why would she need to call?

“She is pretty out of it but she has been asking for you” my heart races as I wonder what is going on. She stops me in front of the room and turns to me.

“I want you to be prepared, they had to do a lot of work she was pretty bad when they brought her in” I shake my head as I picture what has to be Liz because I know she is not talking about Isabel, and what she is going to look like.

When I walk into the room the sight that greets me both angers and confuses me. Why in the world was Isabel calling me about Lara, and who the world did this to her?

I slowly walk to the bed and get a closer look at her. “Oh my—“ I am shocked at the sight in front of me. Her once perfectly flawless face is black and blue and stitched in several places. She starts to moan and I am torn between walking out and comforting her.

“Max?” it is barley a whisper and I feel the twinge in my heart.

“Yeah, I am here” I keep my hands back, normally I would have touched her by now but I don’t.

“Thank you” it is obvious she is struggling to speak.

“Lar, who did this to you?” she turns her head away from me and I see the tears escape her eyes.

“Lara, did Franco do this?” she simple stares and I have my answer. I have never in my life disliked someone more than I do Xavier Franco. Why he would put his hands on her is beyond me but I am going to find out.
"You know what?House rules, Sammy. Driver picks music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." Supernatural

"That Dude just full on obi woned me!" Supernatural