In Destiny's Shadow (CC ALL, Teen/Mature) Complete- 08/24/07

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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In Destiny's Shadow (CC ALL, Teen/Mature) Complete- 08/24/07

Post by PML »

Title- In Destiny’s Shadow

Disclaimer- I do not own Roswell, and mean no infringement. It is owned by Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, UPN, WB, etc.

Category- CC, ALL
Rating- Teen, possibly hitting Mature later on.

Summary- This story has been running through my head for a while. My plan is to put a bit of a spin on the second season, starting at Wipeout. At this point our heroes have much to grapple with, their leaders Max and Liz have managed to break themselves. Isabel is haunted by her past life. Maria’s heart is still not whole. Michael is suffering divided loyalties. Both Alex and Kyle are out of the loop by this point. Only Tess seems to be having things go her way. A perfect time to add complications, as unbeknownst to our heroes their enemies have planned a counterstrike for their actions at Copper Summit. They will have the chance to fulfill their destinies, but first they have to live through the Longest Day.

The Longest day is the first of four books- followed by Eidolon/Reflections, Shadows of the Past, and Redemption.

A/N- All direct thoughts are italicized, while the more general feelings are not.

Part 1/ Chapter 1- The Longest Day


It’s a nice morning, if a bit on the warm side, Alex thought. Just another fall morning in Roswell, I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts as Sweden is going to be freezing. He got out of the car and headed into the Crashdown Café.

“Alex, just the person I have been waiting for!” said a pretty blonde from one of the booths. She is drinking a soda, no doubt a hybrid special: Cherry Coke with extra sugar- Tabasco optional.

It was Tess of course, not the hybrid I would have liked to have seen naturally. I am not that lucky. “Hey, Tess what can I do for you?”

“Sit down for a moment. Did you work on the preliminaries for the project?”

What project? “Yes, although both the program and the computer it is being used on are still new. I can not guarantee success.” Huh, what am I talking about?

Tess just stared deeply into my eyes. Obviously she liked what she saw, because she broke into a huge smile. “Just do the best you can, and do not forget your ‘passport’”

Oh, right. I need to make sure I am ready to go to Sweden. It all seems so clear to me now. “Alright, I need to speak with Maria. I will see you when I get back from Sweden, ok?”

“Ok. And Alex,” she paused, “Have a safe trip”

“Thanks,” I say as I walk towards the counter.

"So what will it be today Alex? Pancakes with syrup and Tabasco?" Mr. Parker said nodding his head towards Tess, as Alex approached the counter.

Alex shuddered slightly. "No, sorry, I'm not Czechoslovakian.” At Mr. Parkers questioning look. “Sorry, inside joke. I'll take the pancakes though. And an orange juice, please."

"Huh," Jeff said as he wrote out the ticket and passed it to Jose.

"Is Maria around?"

"No I sent both her and Liz on a little provision run. They should be back soon, though." Spotting the shiny new CD, he smiled. "Still trying to be a rock star?"

"Yeah, well it’s just a little something the Whits have whipped up. Hopefully Maria likes it. Or better yet, that an exec loves it."

Mr. Parker continued to smile. "Well good luck on that. What did you say that made Tess so happy? And do you know why Liz and Maria dislike her so much?"

"Yeah, well as for Tess, there's a computer project she's been working on that I'm going to help her on. It looks like our plan may work. As for Liz and Maria, well Mr. Parker I would really rather not say."

"Aren't you going to Sweden soon? How are you going to help her from so far away?"

"Yeah, I leave right after Thanksgiving and come back right before Christmas. Not a long trip, but I'm happy to be going at all. I was totally surprised by it. I mean I had sent in the papers and received nothing. And then after I was certain I was completely not going to get accepted, I get a letter telling me I was heading to Sweden. A total surprise," Alex said, fingers thrumming softly on the counter.

Mr. Parker moved away to take care of a couple other customers, leaving Alex to his thoughts.

While there was no way he would tell on his friends, he was a little worried for both Liz and Maria. I just can not understand what happened between Liz and Max. Despite the distance that had grown between them over the summer, it seemed that they were slowly starting to get back together. And then boom, iceberg dead ahead, and the love ship slipped into the frigid waters. As for Maria, I think I might need an upgrade on my Maria filter. All I know is that Courtney is involved. Somehow. Exactly how seems to vary minute to minute, from her being someone who had saved them at Copper Summit to the evil bitch who was trying to steal Michael. And then there was Isabel. God, I hate ‘Let’s just be friends’.

Tess is right I need a break. And Sweden sounded like so much fun he had already started collecting pictures off the Web. Places that he planned to see. Maybe even have a girl friend, someone who wanted maybe to be more than just friends. I can hope. Maybe I should make another copy of the CD? Musicians often do get the girl. Hmm, I’ll wait to see what Maria thinks.

“Excuse me, Mr. Parker?” The voice that interrupts his reverie is a light baritone attached to a dark suited individual who is talking to Liz’s father. “I am Special Agent Byrnes, FBI.” He flashes his badge. “I need to speak to your daughter, Elizabeth Parker. I believe she works here now?”

Mr. Parker brings the pancakes and soda over to Alex. He then turns to the agent. “Yes, I’m Mr. Parker. My daughter is out at the moment, but she should be back shortly. Is something wrong?”

“No don’t worry. She is not in any trouble. I just need to ask her some questions about Congresswoman Vanessa Whitaker.” The agent reaches into his pocket and gets out a picture. “Although, maybe you can help me as well. Have you seen this individual. His name is Daniel Pierce.”

Alex felt his heart stop. Was there ever going to be a way to escape from the constant crises? Sweden. Calming down now. But what of my friends? Alex continued to listen as scenarios of doom paraded through his skull.

“Hmm. The name sounds familiar. And yeah, I think I saw him a couple of times a few weeks back. Not sure precisely when. I get so many strangers here, being close to the UFO museum.” Mr. Parker replied.

“You haven’t seen him anymore recently than that?”

“Not that I recall.”

“Here is my card, please let me know if you do see him. But, be careful, he may be dangerous. If it is alright with you I will wait for your daughter’s return.”

“No problem. Would you like some coffee or something to eat while you wait?”

“Yes, please. I’ll take a coffee, black.”

“Okay, I’ll get that right for you.” Turning to one of the waitresses, “Ashlyn, can you get this gentleman a table and some coffee.”

She nods and leads the agent to a table, and gets him some coffee. The agent opens up his laptop case and turns on his computer. Alex turns back to his pancakes.

Tess was having a wonderful morning. It seemed like her plan was going to work. By some miracle, Liz had put herself out of the running for Max. One of the main threats, one that she hadn’t even really known about had been stopped. The Skins. It did scare her a little. What other pitfalls and enemies lurked nearby. It will be a good thing to get that book decoded as soon as possible. Maybe I should have waited, but trying to persuade Max and the rest of the group of its necessity would have been very difficult. Even Alex had demurred on the likelihood of success until she had persuaded him.

And she could be very persuasive indeed.

Which brings up one worrisome point? Why had Kyle slept with Liz. I mean just earlier that evening he had been after me. What is it about Liz. I’m a blonde knockout with considerably more assets. I even have alien mind control powers, and yet Liz manages to catch the hearts of both the men I want. It’s just so not fair. Oh, well. It’s just a waiting game now, and I will own Max for good. Maybe then I will feel safe again. A feeling I have not felt on Earth, ever.

Gathering up her things, she walks towards the door. Maybe Kyle will be back from his fishing trip. She had a couple of surprises for him. Things were finally calm enough to continue her harassment. His sleeping with Liz, would make it even more satisfying. Plus it could count as powers practice. Two birds with one stone. It was a wonderful morning indeed. She was so deep in her thoughts that she almost ran over the person standing at the door.

“Rachel? Is that you?” The man asked. He looked to be in his late fifties, his white hair closely cropped.

Rachel, I haven’t been called that for years. “I am sorry I think you must be making a mistake.” She turned to go, but his hand stops her.

His eyes seem to almost look right past her. “Yes it is you. I have a package for your father. I need to talk with him.”

“I am sorry he is away on business. Can I take a message for you?” Who is this man and why does he seem familiar?

He mutters something she can’t quite catch. “Then we need to talk.” He looks over her shoulder at the FBI agent sitting at one of the tables. “But here and now is not the time or place. I will find you later.” He abruptly let go of her arm and headed right back out the door.

She looked behind her and saw the agent. This is bad. More agents in Roswell, will it ever stop. We have got to get off this damn planet before it kills us, or worse. She recognized him, a memory she would like to forget. At least he isn’t part of the Special Unit. But why is he here?

She walked out the door to her car when a bright green flash blinded her. And when her eyes cleared the busy Main Street in Roswell, with all its Saturday shoppers was empty.
Last edited by PML on Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:45 am, edited 37 times in total.
Obsessed Roswellian
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In Destiny's Shadow (CC ALL, Teen/Mature) ch 2a - 02/14/07

Post by PML »

A/N Thanks for the feed back.

Sternbetracher- Yeah, his trip is still on. As for the FBI, he is what he says he is. He is looking for Pierce, to tie up some loose ends regarding the Special Unit. Oh, and looking into a few other little odds and ends.

Begonia9508- See above.

Shiesty23- Thanks.

Its a bit short, I should have the rest of the chapter up in a few days. Just felt I should post something.

Longest day part 2

Disclaimer- some dialogue is taken from Wipeout.


It had been an interesting morning. It was one thing to grow up believing you are an alien. It’s another to have an alien changing her very skin in his bathroom. The water had turned black when she started to switch skins. Why? Good question. It made about as much sense as anything did lately. He had only caught a small glance of her real skin- a pale bluish grey. She only had four fingers. Courtney was without a doubt alien.

“The fit is good.” Courtney gasped as she rose from the dark water. “But the husk wasn’t fully mature. I don’t know what effect that will have.”

“It feels like real skin,” as he runs her finger along her arm.

“Thank you again. You saved my life, Michael.”

The phone in the living room rings. He gets up, and moves towards the phone. “There’s a towel, and there’s a robe.”


I am still alive. I fought against them and I still am alive. I really didn’t expect that. She started to summon the working fluid back into her husk. Some of it would remain to dirty the water, but it was part of the husk and constantly replenished. She flexed her left fist, the pinky moving a little slower than the rest of her fingers. How annoying to go through this again. At least it’s responding better than my first human husk. She rose up and dried herself off.

She thought about dispensing with the robe. No need to annoy Michael. While he might enjoy the show, it would only deepen his guilt with regards to Maria. The trip back from Copper Summit had been very enlightening. For such a vocal couple it was surprising that so much of Michael and Maria’s relationship was in the silences. Watching the two of them was going to be amusing. I am following a new commander now. And no matter how much fun it would be I don’t want to annoy him. Not today anyway.

She donned the robe and moved out to the living room, where Michael was pacing. “What’s up Michael?”

“We need to get to the Crashdown. Max’s orders, something about people missing.”

She paused and listened. It was silent. This is Saturday morning, where are the children playing? “This is bad, Michael. Just let me get dressed and we’ll go.”

Moments later they are on his motorbike heading towards the Crashdown. Her worst fears revealed. They’re not going to kill him again. Not again. She hugged Michael’s body a little closer as they raced to the Crashdown.


This can’t be happening. Mom is gone. Dad is gone. Both Grant and Alex are unreachable. What are we going to do? “Max did you reach anyone?”

“I got a hold of Michael, he’s going to bring Courtney. No response from the Crashdown, the Sheriff’s Office, or the Valenti’s. I left a voicemail for Tess. We have to head to the Crashdown, now.”

“Why there? You just said that you called and it was empty.”

“It’s a rally point. If we couldn’t contact anyone, most of us would head there. I talked with Michael about it.”

“Well it’s nice to be kept in the loop. Don’t you think I would want to know where to go to?”

“Sorry, we were going to talk about it the next time we all got together. It just looks like disaster outpaced us.”

“Typical”, Isabel muttered softly as she headed back to her room. What to bring? Hmm, lip balm, hair band, maybe something to tie her hair back? “Max, do you have the healing stones? We should bring them don’t you think?”

“I’ll go get them,” she heard his muffled response.

As she walked out to the jeep, she couldn’t shake the feeling that this was all her fault. And it all centered on one little word. Vilondra.
Obsessed Roswellian
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In Destiny's Shadow (cc all, teen/mature) ch 3 - 02/28/07

Post by PML »

Thank you Shiesty23, Begonia9508, Sternbetrachter, and Luna_Seer for your feedback.

A/N - I ended up just tacking what was left of chapter two and adding it to three, so no ch 2b.

Longest day part 2b

Disclaimer- some dialogue may be taken from Wipeout.


She blinked her eyes as the world went mad. What was that? Where did everyone go? All the people just vanished. The sound of fallen objects would have been loud, had it not been drowned out by the sound of crashing cars. All she could do was stand and watch. How? Why? Her mind started to return to focus as the last dreaded question bounced in her head.


I almost hope it is the skins. At least I know something about them. And they do have cause. If we really did damage their new skins like Courtney said, then yeah, I would attack us too. But how did they zap all the humans. She reached for her cell phone to call and see if any of her pod-mates were also caught. Her phone was acting up, cycling from one mode to another. Great. Next idea.

Ok, so communications are out. Let’s see about transport. She walked across the street to where she had parked her SUV. Wonderful, someone happened to be headed in my direction at the burst. Now I am blocked in, and in need of some serious body work. She scanned the vehicle. Nothing too serious I guess. Hope they have good insurance.

If I could get this other car out of the way I might just be able to drive out. Hmm, keys are in the ignition. She reached out and scanned the car. Seriously damaged and leaking hydrocarbons. Oil I hope, sigh, no there’s a gas leak somewhere. I can fix this. Pictures of exploding cars flashed through her head- no doubt from a bunch of Kyle’s action flicks. Or not. I’ll just head back to the Crashdown, and use the phone there. And if I need a vehicle, I’ll take one.

But as she crossed the street again she got the eerie feeling of being watched. And the feeling continued to strengthen. The last time I felt this was right before Whitaker attacked. She couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, as she lengthened her strides toward the Crashdown’s door. She was almost there when she felt something pull the legs out from under her. No. Not again! Tess shrieked. She felt another burst of energy hit her scrambling her senses; all she could do is shake uncontrollably.

“Help me, please!” she called out to the empty streets

“You must be the Ava clone,” a disembodied voice called out, “always needing rescue. Where is the King or one of your Protectors now?”

Tess was still shivering as she watched the man, or more likely Skin, shimmer into being. They must be able to become invisible! That’s how Whitaker snuck up on me, I couldn’t see her. Now to just get my powers ready…

BOOM, Klickety- BOOM. “Do family friends count?” said a gray-haired gentleman with a shotgun pointed at the Skin. The Skin did not reply as he fell over and burst into a bunch of floating skin-like flakes. “Well, Miss Harding, if you are using your father’s current alias; I think we should get inside. We’ve got a lot to talk about.” He reached his hand to help her up as they heard a motorbike pull up.


Life in Roswell is weird. Trust me I work at the Crashdown, I know. But zipping through the streets of Roswell with cars stopped haphazardly everywhere, not your typical day.

I must have been three, maybe four blocks away when I heard her scream. (Mind you, it wasn’t until later I thought about it. How did I hear her scream? I was what over a half-mile away? Driving a motorbike forty to fifty miles an hour wearing a helmet? Sorry, sometimes Tess scares me.) “Hang on Courtney,” as he tried to eke out a little more speed on his bike.

He pulled up just in time to see an old man trying to help up Tess amid a swirl of what seemed to be dust. He dismounted the bike. Raised his hand up and said, “Stop right there.” Hey, I may not like Tess, but she is one of us.

‘He was just trying to help me out,” Tess said. “He knew Nesado. I don’t think he’s an enemy.”

But you’re not sure he’s a friend, either. His hand remained raised, “Alright, Max and Isabel should be here shortly.”

“We do not really have a lot of time.” The old man said. “Another scout could be wandering by. At the very least we should behind some glass.

“Glass?” Tess asked.

Courtney got off the bike and stared suspiciously at the old man. She seemed almost … worried. “Who are you?” she asked.

“My name is Richard Williams. I’m a business man, a dealer in antiquities and alien paraphernalia, and sometimes also,” he nods at the resting skin/ dust,” an alien hunter. By the way are you aware that your charming companion is Rhyjhaelian? They’re not the kindest of aliens to grace this green Earth.”

“My companions are my business,” Michael replied. “Why are you here?” He noticed that Tess was shocked by the turn of events. She’s just sitting there mouthing some word. Useful as always. Courtney looked almost frightened. Why does he scare her? He obviously can’t blast, as he’s using a shotgun. I’ve got him covered. He’d never get off a shot before I blasted him. And yet she seems frightened?

“Ah, you are not surprised. Well, this is Roswell, Alien Capital of the World. Where else would you go to meet an alien? I had a business proposition for one of them myself.”

There’s another alien in Roswell? That we don’t know about? He started thinking of likely candidates. This is getting beyond cliché. “Who?” Michael said.

Turning to Tess, Richard said, “Sorry princess, his name is Ed Harding.” Turning back to face Michael, “Ah, but I see that you are not surprised, and I feel know the gentleman I speak of. You must be another hybrid, by attitude Rath. Congratulations, you are one of the few people to ever survive a successful assassination. Now we really should get inside.”

Tess cleared her throat and said softly, “It’s Tess Harding for me, she’s Courtney, and he’s Michael. Why should we get inside and how will glass help us?”

“Well, the Rhyjhael are here and likely looking for you. As your friend Courtney over there could explain, when the Rhyjhael use their talents to shift their response to light, the spectrum in which they see also shifts. Glass is mostly opaque at that frequency. And so can we all retire to this delightfully ironic diner in front of us. We can exchange more pleasantries there.” He walks over to the door, “After you, princess.” He waves for Tess to go through the door.

Courtney walks over to Michael and said, “Don’t trust him. He might be useful at the moment, but don’t trust him.”

“Invisible? Rhyjhael?”

“It’s a very rare gift. It’s not something I can do. If your observant you can usually feel them when their nearby. Rhyjhael is close to what my race's name sounds like in Antarean.”

“I think I have felt it before, just didn’t know what I was looking for. Let’s go in.” They both entered the Crashdown.


It was slow going with all of the accidents. How is this ever going to be covered up? Assuming we get out of this how can any of this ever be explained. “Max, I still haven’t been able to reach anyone else. I think all the humans are gone.”

“But where did they go? Hey isn’t that Maria’s Jetta?”

“Max, what are you doing?” Isabel said to Max as he pulls over and gets out of the jeep. What is up with him? What has Liz done to him to make him so moody? She had heard a couple of rumors, but there was no way they could be true. Liz and Kyle? Together. Just not possible.

She smelled something burnt. Something like burnt wool and slightly scorched meat. But the people were gone, so for that matter were the animals. She got out of the jeep and surveyed the devastation. Hate to be an insurance agent when this day ends.

She thought she heard some crying. She walked towards it, and saw a battered girl slowly crawling towards the intersection. Moving almost towards where Max was. “Max come here!”

She moved toward the girl and saw with shock it was Maria. “Maria, what happened?” Isabel asked.

“I didn’t mean to. It’s all my fault. I was driving too fast and then I hit it and we stopped.” Maria said.

“Maria, you’re not making sense.”

“I didn’t mean to,” she starts to sob. “And then we looked. And no one was there. It’s all my fault.”

Isabel notices the scorch marks on Maria’s teal Crashdown uniform. The bad burn she had on her right shoulder. “Max get over her right now, Maria needs your help.”

Maria continued to ramble, ”I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. We found the skin. And no one was there. But I could feel… something looking at me.”

“I’m here, what’s the problem.” He notices Maria. “My God what happened to her?”

“No one was still there.” Maria continued between sobs. “But it wouldn’t go away. It’s all my fault. I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t know but maybe if you healed her she would be more coherent. Or as coherent as she ever gets,” Isabel snapped.

“Right.” He reaches out to Maria and a look of pure concentration formed on his face. His hand glowed golden, and the burn began to fade. His hand then moved towards her head, continuing to glow.

Just as he finished, Maria’s hands grabbed his shoulders, looked him in the eyes and said, “I’m sorry they have her.”


Maria’s eyes close again, tears streaming down her face and said, “They have her. The skins have Liz.”
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 614
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Post by PML »

Thanks for the feedback.

Xmag- What Richard is will be partially covered in this post, more in chapter 5- everyone should be at the crashdown by then. Well maybe not Liz.

KatnotKath- Thank you.

Disclaimer- Some scenes and possibly dialogue are from Wipeout.

Longest day- ch 4


Oh, God. What did I ever do to deserve this? She was lying down on the ground, hands grasping Max’s shoulders. Isabel was rubbing her back slightly, trying to comfort her. Another round of sobs erupted. “I am so sorry, Max. I couldn’t stop him.”

“Maria, what exactly happened?” Max asked.

She subconsciously reached into her left pocket for the cedar oil. Oh, right I left it in my locker. Calm down Deluca, you can do this. “We were traveling back to Roswell, me and Liz. Just some stuff we had to get for Mr. Parker for the lunch rush. Can you believe he made us do this on our break? Anyway, as we got to Roswell, well, I kind of hit a baby buggy. I got out to make sure everything’s okay and to apologize…”

“And what does this have to do with Liz being captured? How are the Skins involved?” Isabel asked.

Maria looked at the tall blonde. What is with Isabel? She looks almost like she feels guilty about something.

“Isabel, what’s with you? She can’t tell us if you’re interrupting her.” Max said.

“Well she’s just starting to babble and we don’t have time. I mean mom and dad and everyone are just gone. We need to get with the others. We’re not safe here.” Isabel shuddered slightly. She helped Maria to her feet. She turned to face Maria and said softly, “Come on, Michael and Courtney are waiting for us at the Crashdown. The Jeep is right over here.”

Michael’s okay? Wait Michael and Courtney are waiting for us… Is that tramp still after him. Well I’ll deal with them both… Wait Deluca, priorities. Save Liz. Sob. Save Roswell. (How? Well see item number one.) Kill Courtney. Skin Michael alive. Isabel helped her to the front seat of the jeep. She then reached out and held her hand up to Maria.

“Give me the keys, please.”

“Keys?” Maria looked over at Max, who just stared off into the distance. He looks terrible, like he hasn’t slept in a week.

Isabel sighed. “I need the keys to the Jetta. We are not going to leave a perfectly good automobile just sitting in the middle of the street. We might need it and the last thing is to have to travel to get the car when we can just get it now. Keys!” She held out her hand emphatically.

“Alright, here you are.”

“Thank you”, Isabel said as she rushed to the car. “Come on, Max, I’ll meet you there.” She drove off.

Max slowly got into the jeep. He was silent as he started to drive towards the Crashdown.

Maria looked at him and said, “Thank you for healing me, Max. Are you okay? Come on girlfriend, tell me what’s wrong.”

“I wished her gone. And now she might be. She hurt me so badly, so very badly. And now I just want her back.”

“Who hurt you? Liz?”

Max nodded.

“Well this isn’t really the time, but seriously we need to talk about this. Michael’s bad enough holding stuff in, we don’t need two of you.” Or three of you if how Isabel is acting is any clue. And Liz we have got to have another talk about hurting Max. Seriously, I hate seeing these two keep hurting each other. “We’ll get her back.”

“Yeah, we’ll get them all back,” Max said without emotion.


“Tess, check the back rooms, Courtney check the kitchen. I’ll watch our new friend here,” Michael said. The guy is carrying a ridiculous amount of firepower! At least two more pistols and a huge ass combat knife. Where does he think he is, a war zone?

Maybe he’s right at that. I hope not because we are just not ready.

Both Courtney and Tess glared briefly at Michael, looked at each other and went into the back.

“Kitchen’s clear”

“No one’s back here.”

They promptly returned. Courtney said. ”Cherry Coke, Michael? Anyone else need anything to drink?”

Richard had a slight smile as he shook his head and watched Tess get up and fix something for herself. He reached into a pocket, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it with his finger. “No need to hide as we are all Antarans here. I said I would continue my story, and so I will. What do you know about alien abduction?”


She felt herself returning to consciousness. My head hurts. The light is so bright. Her memory returned. She had been captured. In fact she was being carried over someone’s shoulder. She opened her eyes and looked around. The Central Plaza Hotel, I’m only a few blocks from home. Everyone’s still missing, where did they go? Is there any point to screaming? I mean now is the time, but it will only let him know I’m awake.

I need to figure out a way to escape. I wonder if my friends are caught up in this. Maria. He blasted her. I hope she’s okay. He hit me with something to, I feel as strong as a newborn kitten. So I can hope for help, but not count on it.

She heard a sort of whining noise as they got closer to one of the tour buses in the hotel’s parking lot. She saw a blur pass by. What is a remote control car doing whizzing around during an alien invasion? She felt her world tilt as she was set down. Then she heard a voice she recognized, Nicholas.

“Well, well Ragar, what do we have here? You captured a human? She’s not one of the Four.”

“She was on my target list. Look closely. Remember some of what Whitaker had written in her reports,” Ragar replied.

Whitaker wrote something about me? She struggled but was still too weak to move.

“Yeah, she’s Liz Parker. She might be useful, I guess.” Nicholas said. He walked over to Liz and ruffled her hair. “She’s awake, I’m going to extract some information.”

“Just don’t break her. Where is Ana?” Ragar said. When Nicholas pointed to one of the motor homes, he walked off.

“Well Liz we have come quite a ways from Copper Summit. Talk to me, I know your awake.”

“I’m not going to help you,” Liz said.

“Oh, but you are. You see Liz; we could spend hours without my getting much out of you if I used normal interrogation techniques. But fun as that might be I really don’t have the time to waste. I need to find your friends and the Granolith. So I will ask you nicely one last time, where are they?”

“Go to hell.”

“I’m already trapped on Earth, can’t see how it can get much worse really. So I guess we are going for the hard way. I kind of expected it anyway. Oh, and Liz the harder you resist the more it’s going to hurt so just relax.” With that his hands which had been ruffling her hair seized her temples and his eyes stared deeply into hers.

She felt pain as the connection opened. It was like and totally unlike what she had experienced with Max. There things were shared, here they were just taken. Get out, get out of my mind!

“Boring, boring. You really did your homework before you started your shift this morning? You felt guilty not getting it done on Friday night before going to Maria’s? Unbelievable. Calm down Liz, you’re only making it worse.”

There was so much pain. She simply could not stop him. But maybe she could shield some things from him. I can’t let him know about the Granolith or future Max. She brought up the memory of lying in bed with Kyle; and how Max looked as he saw them.

“Oh that is too precious. You slept with a friend to get the King off your back. Oh, priceless,” Nicholas said as he started to laugh. “That reduces some of your value to me, but Ana is still going to love having you.”

“You called for me?” A bright eyed Hispanic woman in a business suit walked up. Her voice carried a slight accent. “You have a patient for me?”

“Yes this is one of the people you were asking about, Ana, her name is Liz Parker.” Nicholas said.

“Ah the excellent Miss Parker, I am so pleased to meet you. Vanessa had such wonderful things to say about you.” Turning back to Nicholas, “Are you finished for now? Do you still need her?”

All she wanted to do was get up and start running. She barely managed to move her legs slightly. Oh, what is going to happen to me? Tears started to flow down her face.

“As it happens, I think I have most of what I need from her at the moment. But don’t do anything too permanent, she’s a gold mine of information on the Four.” He raised his walkie and called, ”Ida.”

“Don’t worry, I know my job,” said Ana. “Ragar, take my new patient to my trailer.”

“This is Ida, sir,” Nicholas’s walkie called out.

“Yeah, Ida gather a couple of the boys and meet me at the Crashdown Café. It’s just a couple of blocks south of the Hotel. I just have got to see this place.” He turns to Liz. “Who knows, maybe they will be meeting there. Bye for now, Liz.”

Nicholas walked off towards her home and maybe her friends. I wish I could warn them some how. Her world tilts again as she is once more carried over Ragar’s shoulder. It can’t end like this. He’ll never know. Please, someone help them. Please. Help me. As she was carried into the motor home tears covered her face.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by PML »

Well its a little early, but I have been thinking of this part for a while. Dreading it in some ways, as Liz is about to have a really bad day <shrug> Possible reader discretion advised.

On to feed back- thank you so much!

Begonia9508- Yeah these guys are not very nice at all.

xmag- Hopefully this post answered your questions regarding Richard. As to Antaran verses Antarian, just one of those quick dicisions made while writing.

Natalie36- Hopefully I can maintain some tension without it getting too melodramatic.

Thanks to all the Lurkers too,

Longest day part 5


She finally had a good idea who Richard was. Ed had always told her that the drugs he had used on her in training had come from another alien. He had talked of other Protectors too and so she had thought it had been one of them. Not so, apparently.

“So what, you are trying to say you are a human/Antaran hybrid by method of abduction,” Michael said. Michael’s voice is full of distrust. Some things never change.

“That is exactly correct. The body I am operating through suffered permanent damage in childhood. During his coma, one of our operatives possessed temporarily one of the doctors and set up the parameters for my possession. In the end the mission was a failure.” Richard said.

“Umm, but you are here. How was it a failure?” Tess asked.

“While I was able to eventually gain full control of this body it took years of work. We were trying to find a way to send permanent agents to Earth, but we had no long range vessels. While my insertion was a success, overall the plan was a failure. I managed to maintain some contact for a few years, but after I got drafted to Vietnam in ’68 I lost contact. I was so young for most of that time I was useless for the cause anyway.”

“So you were here to find us?” Michael asked.

“No by the time they sent me they all thought you had died. That the crazy mad cap plan of the Queen’s had met its expected failure. I was here to find out what the Skins were up to and eliminate them if I could.”

Tess noticed how pale Courtney looked. I do believe she’s frightened. Good. If she wasn’t under Michael’s protection I would probably end her myself. I swear the next Skin I run up against isn’t going to think I help. I have just got to stop being surprised. “So you knew the Skins were here?”

“It wasn’t highly classified; but all we knew is that there was a small colony there. This was strange in that Earth is more hostile to them than Antar ever was, no one could understand why they were here.” Richard turns to Courtney, “I have changed my mind. Could you get me some coffee, please?”


Sigh. At this point I’ll do anything to move a little. Despite the glass, I really don’t feel safe here. And to be honest, Michael excepted, the company here isn’t helping my nerves.

She got up and moved to grab the coffee pot. Hmm, water’s a little cold. She gave a little laugh and passed her hand over the water, which began to steam. Well whatever you say about Richard, he’s right. It’s nice to be able to use my talents in a public place.

She heard Michael calling her name, “I’m sorry what was that?”

“I was just asking if it’s true that the Skins use husks on Antar?”

“Umm, yeah, but only if we were staying away from one of the…” She pauses trying to think of an applicable word, “arks.” Yeah, I will tell him it all. Michael needs to know who I am, who my people are. “They are where my ancestors hid when a massive catastrophe destroyed the second great civilization of Antar. They were there in those safe havens for thousands of years. When the Mitharans made contact several hundred years ago, we were shocked. Our people had thought the upper world forever poisoned. And in a way for us it was. Not so much that it had changed, but that we had.”

She continued, “We have little resistance to heavy metals and lots of quirky allergies, many fatal. But we had developed the husk technology to do things in the oceans in which we lived. We’ve just adapted them to different things.” She walked over and gave Richard his coffee.

She noticed his cigarette. What the hell. “Hey, can I borrow a smoke?” He hands her one and she lights it. Not my brand but it will do. It’s strange to be smoking inside the Crashdown for a change. “They act as filters…” She pauses and looks out the window. “And I think that’s the end of our history lesson today kids. Isabel just pulled up, in Maria’s Jetta? Oh and there’s Max and well it looks like our ‘all humans have vanished’ theory is gone. Maria is in the Jeep with him.”

Everyone gets up to greet the new comers and to rush them inside.



Ragar takes Liz from the front room of the motor home to a rear room that looks reminiscent of a doctors office, albeit one without windows. He sets her on something like unto an examination table.

Just great, I am getting a checkup. By evil aliens. In Roswell. Will my life ever stop being insane? I wonder if they’ll let me go if I tell them I forgot my insurance card at home. She looks up at the brutish Ragar. Probably not.

He holds her arms down and she can feel something tying her down. She feels the same for her legs. Max or Michael, this would be a great time to come rushing through that door. Maybe Isabel, heck at this point I would take Tess. Someone. Please. Help me. It was really strange but she almost felt something. It felt like if she could have just pushed a little harder…

Ragar was about to leave the room, when Ana walked in. “Thank you, Ragar. I will need you to stick around the base. I don’t trust the security Nicholas is providing. He may not mind if they attack, but I want to make sure that my patient is kept safe. Detail some guards to defend this site and liaise with his defense coordinator. I am counting on you.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ragar departed.

Ana walked up to where Liz could see her, “I am not really clear on what kind of history you have with the Royals, not how you met Nicholas; but I did read Whitaker’s reports on you. She was definitely impressed with your intelligence and she thought you might have other rarer qualities that might help the cause. I am not so sure, but let’s run some tests, ok?”

Liz just whimpered. For some reason she vastly feared this woman more than Ragar or Nicholas. Ana started to manipulate an odd shaped ovoid, from which a pale luminescent mist arose. Symbols seem to flash in the mist, and Liz started to feel pin pricks on her arms and legs. Blood tests of some sort? Liz grunted slightly as a device reaches over her head and pried open her eyes.

Ana walks over and with a small dropper put something in Liz’s eyes. “This will keep them from drying out. You have a lot to see today, Elizabeth.”

Liz’s eyes felt moist, but the tears she wished to shed would not come. She started to shake and whine slightly, trying desperately to escape. But she still felt so weak. She reached out again, prayed that anyone would help her. This time she felt what seemed like a wall that blocked her out. It was just beyond her reach, but so very close.

Ana continued to watch her glowing orb and said, “Interesting results, most surprising I might add. The high native intelligence I was expecting, the rest… Hmm… Oh bother, your mind is not right for possession. That is too bad; I had a colleague of mine who was so hoping. Well that is neither here nor there; we can still find a use for you Elizabeth.”

Ana set down the orb on the counter. She waved her hand and the table Liz was on moved to the wall and melded into the wall so that Liz now hanging by the straps which held her hands to the top of what was once a table. The pain in her wrist stopped as more bands moved across her stomach, holding her upright. She can now see herself in a mirror across from her in room. She can’t really look away as her head remained held by the brace that kept her eyes open.

“I hope you had a nice life Elizabeth. It is such a shame for it to end so soon. But I can not use you as you are. So let us dispense with your last physical defense,” Ana said. And with that pronouncement her hands glowed bright silver and pointed them at Liz.

Liz watched as her clothes seemed to burn up and cascade as dust to her feet. She tried to move her head or cry out. To do something. So she reached with her mind, shrieking with her entire being into the void. Just as she felt something give, that was when the pain began.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by PML »

Time for another post. Thanks as always for the fb.

xmag- the war back on Antar started for a reason, and the Skins' history is one of them. Basically the Rhyjhaelians were one of many groups to realize the coming disaster and take steps to avoid extinction. Their arks were the ultimate in controlled environments. Racially they lost the ability to deal with abnormal environments of any sort, basically they have killer allergies to just about everything. This was made worse by a combination of bioengineering and eugenics. And they haven't really dealt with the real problem, but used their ingenuity to devolop ways to deal with it.

As to whether an Antaran could survive on Earth or vice versa, well the story is still young. It will get touched on.

Begonia9508- There is more than one way to kill someone.

Natalie36- What a nice idea! It's a definate maybe.

Thanks again

Some Dialogue and Scenes may be taken from Wipeout

Longest Day part 6-


She parked the Jetta and walked over to the Crashdown. She looked at the saucer that decorated the front of the Crashdown. Why couldn’t my brother have fallen for someone who worked for a normal restaurant? It’s like getting my heritage ground into my face every time we meet here. And it’s tacky.

She heard the Jeep pull up. Good they did not dawdle, let’s get this over with. We need to find a way to stop all of this. She opened the door and saw Michael, Courtney, and Tess. And they were with some old man with a shotgun.

“It’s about time you got here,” said Michael.

“So you must be the one both sides consider a hero,” said the old man, as he got up and offered his hand. “The name is Richard Williams, and I hope to be your friend.”

What? I’m a hero to both sides? She glanced at the others. Richard seemed honest in his regard, Tess had an eyebrow raised in question, and Courtney nodded slightly. Michael seemed not to catch the remark. Why? What exactly did Vilondra do? She grasped his hand and shook it, “I certainly hope that’s possible, my name is Isabel Evans. The two walking into the restaurant are my brother Max and our friend Maria Deluca.” She wanted to ask questions, but not with so many to hear the answers. I’ll wait until this is over.

Max brought Maria to a booth, and she sat down. Michael moved over to see how she was doing. Courtney got drinks for the new arrivals. To Isabel’s amusement Maria lightly rebuffed Michael and just glared at Courtney. If looks could kill, Courtney would be tiny skin flakes.

“Amazing, it is the once and possibly future king. Ed collected the whole set of Royals. No wonder the Skins are here. So where is he? Where is your Protector?” asked Richard.

Isabel was silent. What do we say? She looked to Max, but he seemed lost in whatever dreary home his mind tended to wander to. Now is not the time, Max.

Suddenly her world tilted. She felt a sense of desperation, and an odd sensation in the back of her head. Almost like someone was faintly scratching their nails across a chalkboard. She rapidly took a seat. She smiled and thanked Courtney for the Cherry Coke.

Richard kept shooting glances at the Royal Four until Tess broke the silence. With eyes glowing with unshed tears she said, “He’s dead. The skins killed him.” Silence filled the room.

“Um, I hate breaking the moment, but can we work to save Liz now?” Maria asked.

Tess glared at her, eyes still gleaming.

“Look, she’s helped you before,” Maria continued. ”Who else is going to figure out what’s going on? She’s the brains of this outfit.” She turned to Max, “No insult to you or anything.”

Max sat quietly. Brooding most likely. Now is not the time to think of Liz!

Michael was not so reserved, and so the Deluca/Guerin war resumed. As usual Isabel ignored them, particularly since both were stressed. No snappy dialogue.

Sigh. She took a sip of her soda, and watched as the endless bickering between Michael and Maria continued. I wonder how their relationship will end; marriage, murder, or restraining order. She noticed as both Courtney’s and Richard’s heads shook, both with nearly identical smiles.

“What of the other Protector? Ed said one was watching over the ‘others’. I never thought the Queen’s plan would work,” Richard said. “Particularly after learning of the crash, it was considered impossible.”

“We never met a protector until Nesado, the man you call Ed Harding,” Michael said.

He’s hiding something, Michael could never deceive me. But what is he hiding? Despite his grades at school, he’s actually really bright. He has figured something out and I’ll have to ask him later. I hate waiting. She reached into her pocket and fingered her current lucky charm. It was a flash drive she had borrowed from Alex during a history project earlier in the school year. He had lent it to her before things became so complicated between them, before her birthday. It still made her feel safe, anchored in the here and now; and not tumbling helplessly in the alien abyss. Even when she was.

She could feel a pressure build in her head. From a distance she could hear a scream. “Did you hear that?” Isabel said suddenly. She looked around the room, but everyone just stared at her. Courtney just glanced and continued watching what was going on outside. “You did not hear the scream?”

“Um, no. Are you okay Isabel?” Max looked up and asked. When she nodded he continued, “We need to figure out what we are going to do.” He turned to Maria, “Can you talk now? About what happened to Liz?”

“We were coming back to Roswell, when I saw the flash. By the time we got to the city limits everyone seemed to be gone. I did not really notice it a first, not until I hit a baby buggy. When I got out to apologize, it was obvious. Everyone was gone. Liz got out and looked at some of the cars and noticed that they were all turned off, keys left in the ignition. That is when I noticed the skin and we began to feel watched.”

Maria reached for her soda, took a drink, and continued, “Both of us started to walk to the car. I mean we could feel we were being watched, and neither of us felt safe there. But we couldn’t see anyone until he appeared. He was tall, dark haired and definitely not handsome. If I were to grab a dictionary from Liz’s library upstairs, and look under thug it would have his picture. Naturally we ran.”

“But Liz must have tripped or something, because when she called to me she was a good ten feet behind me. As she was getting up he …zapped her or something, because she started shaking and fell unconscious. I grabbed my can of mace and tried to defend Liz, but he blasted me.” Maria’s eyes began to tear up, “And when I came to they were gone.”

Michael held a now crying Maria, looked to Max and said, “Well Maxwell, what should we do now?”

The Crashdown phone rang and Tess picks it up. “Hello?”

Her voice and demeanor brightened up immediately. It must be someone we know. Maria and Liz made it, so maybe Kyle?

“It’s Kyle and the Sheriff. They are on their way.”

Good we can use some backup, now we just need a plan.

Richard lights another cigarette, and said, “I will help you.”

There is some conversation, but she could not hear it because of the extreme pain in her head. It was almost like something was trying to break in. It felt like her skull was being hit with a hammer, and just when she felt that she could take no more the pain changes. It did not stop just changed, and the flashes began.

--Liz being carried to the hotel--
--Liz kissing her brother onstage during the Valentine’s Day contest--
--Liz dancing with what appeared to be an older version of Max--
--Liz talking with Nicholas before getting taken by Ana--
--Liz backing away from the circle to bring Michael back--
--Liz trying to calm down Maria about Isabel-
--Liz strapped to a table staring at a mirror and watching her eyes turn from brown to blue-

The flashes stopped as abruptly as they had begun taking the headache away. But Isabel still felt sympathy pain from the last image. It had been so clear, and her eyes hurt so badly. She spoke up, “Liz is in trouble. They are hurting her badly. She is being held not more than a mile from here, I think. At that hotel all the conventioneers stay at.”

“The new one, by the mayor’s office?” Maria said. “Let’s go!”

“We need a plan first,” said Michael.

“When has that slowed you down?” Maria replied.

“Enough,” Isabel said. “This isn’t helping. Max, what do you think?”

“Whatever the plan may be it is going to have to wait. We have company coming, around eight skins with Nicholas leading them. We need to either hide or run!”


“Quick follow me,” Tess said, as she moved into one of the restrooms. “I will mindwarp them.”

It was a sign how much they respected her power that they followed her. This worked with the FBI, so it should work now. She closed her eyes, scrunched her forehead a little, and felt as the real world became almost ephemeral. She could feel all of the minds in the little room, mostly full of fear. She pushed her senses out and felt the Skins as they got closer. She projected the image of a large mirror where the door to the restroom was. Those who were not actually looking at the mirror believed it without problem, it was only when a mind seriously concentrated on the item that pushed her power to the max.

All of the group could easily hear the conversation just outside the door.

“They were here, sir,” said Ida Crawford. “These drinks are still relatively fresh. Nathan and Ben, check the upstairs apartment. Sam and Charles, look through the restaurant itself.”

They hear footsteps walk away.

Nicholas’s voice spoke up, “Can you believe the irony, Mom? This is their main hangout. Celebrating their own crash so to speak. Too funny. If Liz’s memory serves, the food is pretty good. You know, I think we leave Nathan and Ben here and have them cook up some stuff for the troops. They are going to need a break soon, and this will certainly beat McDonalds.”

“Very well, sir. But we need to hurry; I do not trust that woman.”

“Khivar sent her, so we just have to live with it I guess. She is supposed to be very good at what she does.”

Tess started to feel a massive increase in pressure to her warp, someone powerful was staring into the mirror. She hears a bunch of foot steps coming back downstairs from the upstairs apartment. The fear in the bathroom was palpable. She could feel her warp starting to fail, when suddenly the pressure stopped.

Just as she felt them enter, she felt the minds leave. But not all of them. Two moved back from the front door back towards the kitchen.

She couldn't hold it for much longer.
Last edited by PML on Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:01 pm
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Post by PML »

Well its a bit early, but I had some free time. So here is part 8. Thanks to everyone who is reading this, in particular those leaving feedback. Thanks.

xmag- Your right that's what he guesses at. If someone says that Nasedo told him that another protector was watching 'others', then most likely there are other survivors of the Crash. Who knows, he may be right.

Natalie36- Thank you. As to Liz's powers, well that is a possibility. She was already showing capabilities in Psychometry (she got flashes, not only from Max, but Nesado as well.) But remember that Isabel was able to pick up Laurie Dupree's distress a couple of months later. Laurie did not have power in the story as far as I can tell.

Begonia9508- Thanks, I hope I can keep it up.

Dislaimer- some scenes and ideas are taken from Wipeout.

Longest Day Part 7


I can’t hold it for much longer. Why couldn’t they all just leave? She tried to control herself, but she was starting to shake under the strain. As she could feel the image slip, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Are you okay, Tess?” Max said.

She could hear the concern in his voice. He really does care about me. All it will take is for his memories to return, for him to remember our love. Our destiny. Now is not the time for me to melt, though. “Two of them are still there, and I can not hold this up for much longer. We are going to have to do something soon.” She said.

“Hey, where is that Richard guy, anyway?” said Michael.

Tess’s eyes flew open and the warp faded. She looked around at her still frightened friends. Michael was right, Richard was not with them. I trusted him! I recognized him, he knew me and my father and, and, and… I trusted him! How could he betray me, he’s family.

Huh? Why do I feel that? Why does his betrayal hurt so?

“He’s sold us out,” Michael said, “When I get my hands on him…”

“I’m too young to die,” Maria said, “I was going to sing and be a big star. I still owe grandma a thank you letter for the earrings!” She looked to Michael with pleading eyes and said softly, “We still have to save Liz.”

Michael hugged her close with one arm, and kissed her lightly on the temple. With a grim look, he nodded tightly to Max. His right hand left ready to start blasting.

Max just looked back with hooded eyes, tortured by whatever thoughts were racing through his mind. He gave Tess’s arm one more squeeze before raising it up to signal Michael to hold on. His other hand reached over to Isabel, who with grim countenance laced her hand with his.

Courtney looked resigned and said, “Just two, you are sure?”

Tess reached out again and sensed only two minds. “Yes, there are only two.”

“Are thy both Skins? You don’t sense Richard at all?”

“Yes they’re Skins, and I don’t feel anything else. Not close anyway.” Tess opened her eyes and stared suspiciously at Courtney. “Why,” she asked.

“I hope I am wrong. God, I hope I am,” Courtney muttered almost to herself. “Now Tess, did you ever really sense him ever. Other by what you may have seen?”

“Um, no. But I don’t usually scan unless I am about to warp. I mean it lets me know where the target is and their condition, but it’s, well it is hard to maintain for long.” Tess said. It has other uses, but I have no intention of mentioning them to you, bitch.

“Okay, this is probably going to be taxing, but can you focus really hard on the restaurant. Don’t skip over anything, no matter how seemingly insignificant.”

“Sure,” Tess says with a long suffering sigh. Like I missed anything the first time, I’ve been doing this for years! What the heck, if only to prove her wrong. She deep scans the room. How could I have missed him? He is sitting calm as can be at the same table! “He, he is still there. At the table, he is just sitting. How?”

“Theshta, he’s Theshta trained. God, we suspected they might send some. We thought we killed them though, damn. As if the Taran shape shifters hadn’t been enough, the damn Mitharans had to send a Theshta.” Courtney is just shaking her head. “We may be in real trouble here. But I doubt he has sold us out. I have no clue as to what he is up to, but unless he has gone completely local; he is not going to be working with the Skins.”

“What gives you that idea,” Michael said, still comforting Maria. His other hand remained ready to vaporize anyone walking through the door.

“Because he’s Mitharan, and saying they hate the Rhyajhael is an understatement,” Courtney said. “I doubt that Khivar’s use of us as shock troopers of the new order has changed that one bit. Enforced it if anything, right Tess?”

“What are you implying you useless tramp!” Tess replied.

“Thought that was my line,” said Maria a little whimsically. She looked amused, and continued to hug Michael.

Isabel seemed fascinated, and Max just was staring at the two girls. Michael kept an eye on the door.

“I’ve watched your little group for a while, and although I had my favorite,” Courtney shoots a large grin towards Michael, “I have seen how the group dynamic works. Any ideas as to one of the reasons why you see Tess as one of you, but you don’t quite click as a group?”

Max, Isabel, and Michael exchanged glances. Tess looked sad and defiant.

Courtney continued, “Some of it’s upraising, true. But, some is also the tiny little mannerisms and attitudes from your old selves from Antar. And she is Mitharan, while you three are Taran.”

“What does this matter? Who we were then is not important. We are ourselves!” Max says quietly, but with a bit of heat.

It matters, Max. You can not deny destiny! No matter how much you want to. Tess looked at Max, amazed that he continued to deny the truth. Destiny, Max.

Courtney, with a little smirk, answered, “It matters Max. As long as others consider you as the same as your past selves it will matter. Moreover, if you know what to look for, you can see traits that have been passed down. And in this case the Theshta is likely to help us because of it. For all we know there could be family bonds as well. Ava came from what was the most powerful and influential of the Mitharan families.”

Michael said, “Quiet.”


I am going to have to get a recap of what Courtney is saying. He moved a little closer to the door, and completely tuned out the argument in the room.

From the other side of the door a voice could be heard. “Um, Nate, did you take down that mirror?” A couple of seconds pass. “NATHAN Get Over Here!”

“What, I was just heating up the grill. Someone must have turned it off. We got to make a lot of food you know.”

“Food is the least of our worries. Do you remember a second bathroom? Right there, where the mirror used to be?”



“We’ve caught Ava. Don’t you remember the briefing?”

“Yeah, but what of it? Should I call the others?”

“No, the more dangerous ones would have already dealt with us. No need to split the bonus.”

“But how will we get her out of there?”

“Dan, there are times I have wondered how you’ve managed to live so long.”

Michael pushed Maria behind him. So the dangerous ones would have dealt with you? If I’m not on that list you had better add me. He felt a restraining hand grab his arm. Max we have to do this! “Maxwell,” Michael said shortly.

“Hold on for just a moment, Michael,” Max said. “Tess, can you pin point where they are for us? I will open and shield the door. Then we take them.”

Tess did her familiar head scrunch right as one of the Skins knocked on the door.

“Ava you might as well come out. We aren’t going to hurt you. We only want to know the location of the Granolith.”

“Neither of them is by the door- they knocked with light blasts, I think. One is near the kitchen door though. The other is at an angle in the dining area. They have the door covered and they can’t hit each other,” Tess said.

“Tess, if you can warp them to see you walking out the door that would help immensely.” Tess nodded at Max. “I will shield the entrance way wide enough for you to get out Michael. Blast the one by the kitchen, which will let me cover the rest of us as we leave the room. If someone gets an open shot at the other one take it. If we can capture him, that would be all the better. Because as much as I hate it we can not let either of them just leave.” Max ran his hands through his hair and continues, “We did not start this fight, but we will finish it. Get ready, everyone.”

After a couple of heavier pounds on the door, Nathan’s voice rang out, “Come on Ava, we don’t want to hurt you, but if you do not come out we will have to.”

Tess called out, “Okay, I am coming out. Just don’t hurt me.” She turned to Michael and says, “You had better hurry, I only partially recovered, I might be able to hold this warp for a few seconds. No more.”

Michael nodded. More that enough time. He opened the door, and immediately felt the static charge feeling that Max’s shield always gave him. The green blurred his vision of the dining room, but there was a small gap towards the kitchen. He stuck his hand out and blasted the Skin that was hiding by the kitchen door. The other one blasted at him, but it was absorbed by Max’s shield.

“Come on guys, I got the first one,” Michael said. He watched as the shield expanded and the rest of his friends came out of the restroom. He also saw Richard appear as if out of nowhere and stab the other skin in the back. He promptly turned into a swirl of flakes.

“It is about time,” Richard mumbled around his cigarette. “I was wondering when you folks planned on leaving. You know that was a huge mistake in hiding in a place you did not have an exit from. I am fairly disappointed in you. And Tess, you use your powers as a sledgehammer, and need to learn subtlety and finesse if you plan to survive. Still your plan to escape was not too bad.”


Great an after action debriefing, I think that I will pass. Someone needs to check on the kitchen anyway. She got up and walked toward the kitchen and the back room. Maria, oddly enough, followed.

The door had one of the hinges damaged; it would need to be replaced. Unless I fix it. Still too weird that no one is around to see. She put her hand up and fixed the door.

“It still amazes me how all of you can do that,” Maria said.

At least no one I need to worry about, I guess. “You know that in theory, you humans should be able to do this stuff too. Hmm, maybe if you are nice I will see what you can learn to do.”

“Why are you being nice to me?” Maria asked. “I haven’t exactly been your biggest fan here. Of course you totally deserve most of what I have said about you regarding Michael.”

“Maria, I am here for the long haul. When I told you guys that I follow Michael politically, I wasn’t kidding. I plan to be here to see that he succeeds in whatever he chooses to do. I know what I think he should do and be, but in the end that is his decision. Not mine, nor to be honest yours. And he cares deeply about you, much deeper than I thought at first. We will be dealing with each other quite a bit, so we might as well be friends.”

“Are you still chasing after Michael? Because if you are, there is no possibility of friendship. None.”

Courtney laughs, “And what would you do about it, nag me to death? But seriously, I am not chasing after him at the moment. I just thought it would be the easiest way into his life, not to mention fun.”

Maria was about to respond when a groan came from the back room. Courtney walked in front of Maria as they moved to the other room. There was a Skin crawling slowly towards the back door. Courtney raised her right hand.

“Sorry Nathan, I can not let you go,” Courtney said. Why does it have to be you?

Nathan turned over and looked at Courtney with contempt at her betrayal. He raised his hand shakily, but before his hand could do more than glow slightly, Courtney shot him. The bright amber bolt hit him squarely in the chest, burning him badly before he became yet another swirling mass of skin flakes.

With tears in her eyes, Courtney said softly, “May God shelter and protect you.”

Maria, who had been stunned, walked up to Courtney and said, “Are you okay?”

Is it always going to be like this? Fighting against my friends and lovers, kith and kin? “Nathan and I were once close.”

“I am so sorry."

“As am I. So does this mean that we are no longer enemies?”

Maria pulls slightly back from the hug, and said, “Just stop trying to seduce my poorly groomed but handsome boyfriend and we’ll see.”

“A conditional truce. Well I can live with that.”


The tears made it hard to see the road way, let alone all the accidents and stranded cars. “Come on dad, just hold on. We are almost to the Crashdown, Max can fix this.”

“Kyle did I tell you how proud of you I am.”

“Dad, stop talking like that.” Oh, Buddha, how do I get into situations like this? His little green friends, how could he love and hate them at the same time. Love them for who they are, but hate them for the chaos that inevitably follows in their wake. “We are almost there.”
Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by PML »

Surprise! Yet another part. Thanks again to all the folks who are reading this, particularly those who have left feedback.

Natalie36, begonia9508- I hope they do, too.

Thanks again.

Some scenes and ideas are taken from Wipeout.

Longest day part 8-


She ached all over. It must have been a hell of a party. I don’t remember a thing. God, I hurt. At least I am alone in bed. To her memory, that had not always been the case after a major party.

Where am I anyway? She slipped out of bed and looked around. I am in Aunt Ana’s RV. I wonder where she has taken me this time. Depends on how long I have been out, I guess. She walks over to the windows and peaks out. Hmm, based on the architecture and the flora, I would say somewhere in the Southwest. Something about it all just says New Mexico. We are at a hotel, but it’s not one of the major four of five star places. We must be stopped for a bit.

I wonder if we are stopped for business or pleasure. I tell you some of her business associates make me nervous. It is probably just as well I don’t know what she really does with her ‘studio.’ She shuddered.

She walks into the kitchenette, grabs some Tylenol, a bowl of cereal, and some strawberries. I’ve always loved strawberries.
She reached up to eat one and-
- She was kissing a dark haired boy, a kiss like she had never had before. One that she wished would never stop.
End Flash

I just had a flash! Oh and I don’t remember his name. She reached for another strawberry, and was disappointed at the lack of flashes. I hope I at least gave him my phone number, he was yummy.

Ana did tell me it was only a matter of time before my talents started to manifest. She’ll be pleased. I’ll have to practice a bit later. Maybe I’ll catch another glance of him. Another reason to love strawberries I guess.

The room seemed too dark so she got up and opened all the window shades. She was half way through her cereal when she realized her state of undress. Sigh, I don’t want to hear from Ana that we had a complaint lodged against us again. She got up and went back to her room to grab some clothes, as she walked by she saw a mirror. She stopped to admire herself. She had wavy strawberry blonde hair, creamy flawless skin, and bright blue eyes topping a slim and trim body. Not bad if I do say so myself.

Have to enjoy myself now, as I will be busy later on. But we will bring civilization to Earth, and destroy those who foolishly back the Royal Four. Until then its practice, study, and most importantly, party!


Normally driving the cruiser would be a pleasure. Dad never lets me drive it, something about it being public property or something. It helped me get the Mustang, so I am not too disappointed. Still it’s a nice ride with a lot of cool gadgets in it. But rushing to the Crashdown because my dad is sick, and one of my friends is an alien ex-King of a planet who can heal; that takes a lot of the fun out of it.

But he healed me of a gunshot wound, so I figure whatever is bothering dad should be a snap to fix. Right, Kyle bitch about the LGM’s until you need them. Great just great. Of course, when have I been consistent, and why should I start now. Kyle glanced over at his father. He was very pale and the strain on his face was palpable. “Just hold on, dad. Just a couple of minutes more.”

The sheriff just continued to focus, on what Kyle did not know. Is it good or bad that he’s not singing my praises, and trying to say all that he wants to say before he dies? At least he’s not embarrassing me right now. Take a deep breath Kyle, none of this is permanent. No condition is, remember?

With a sigh, he really did feel a little better. Whether it was the deep breath or the fact he could see a neon flying saucer he wasn’t sure. He saw all his friends vehicles in front of the Crashdown, noticed the damage to Tess’s SUV. Ouch, that’s gonna cost a bundle. He pulled the cruiser into a space, released the seat belt, and opened the driver’s side door in one fluid set of movements. He was surprised that his father had done the same.

“What are you doing, Dad?” Kyle asked, noticing how stiff his father walked.

“We need to see Max.”

“Right, we do Dad, but you’re sick. You should rest.”


Shaking his head, Kyle opened the door.


Sheriff Valenti walked into the Crashdown, looking half dead. Kyle followed, his eyes pleaded with Max. Max’s eyes shot daggers back. As much as I hate Kyle, I can not take it out on Valenti. He has helped us too much.

He reached out, hand glimmering with golden light. What is wrong? He feels … normal.

“Max, protect Kyle, please. For me, protect him!” Sheriff Valenti said grasping Max’s shoulders and shaking him slightly. He closes his eyes briefly, looked to Kyle, and said, “Stay safe and know how proud of you I am.” He opened his mouth to say something else but vanished right before their eyes.

Sheriff? What just happened? There is too much going on; it’s all spinning out of control. He never saw Kyle’s fist coming. It hit him square in the face, knocking him down.

“How could you? How could you let him die?” Kyle said, hovering over Max, obviously eager to continue his attack

”Kyle,” cried Tess.

Isabel moved to protect her brother. Restraining Kyle was a bit much for her, however. “Michael can you give me a hand?”

“How could I?” Max said getting up, “How could you? How could you sleep with Liz?”

All eyes swing to Kyle. “You let him die for that! After all the risks he’s run for you. What kind of soulless monster are you?”

“He’s not dead,” Richard said, “just a victim of a Temporal Stasis Device. They are military weapons used on Antar to maneuver troops in the face of the enemy. It is a lot of fun when both sides have them. You can never be sure where the enemy is. Of course it can be jammed. Never mind, it is not important now.”

“So he’ll come back okay?” Kyle asked before getting hit by Max. They proceeded to fight, with Isabel still trying to stop them.

Tess stood by looking torn as to who to help.

Richard just shook his head.

Isabel said, “Michael. Help me, NOW!”

It took a couple minutes, but between Michael and Isabel, the two combatants were separated. “We don’t have time for this,” Michael said. “You two can beat the crap out each other after we get out of this.”

Et tu, Michael? Sigh, I guess you’re right though. Now is not the time. He let Tess heal his minor cuts and bruises. Isabel did the same for Kyle..

Isabel asked, “So you really slept with Liz?”

“Yes, no, um yes I guess. It’s complicated,” Kyle said.

“How complicated can it be, Kyle,” Isabel said, frost glazing every word. “It’s a simple question.”

“Isabel, in our lives there are no more simple questions. I don’t know. Maybe Liz will explain it to you. She didn’t to me.”

What the...

“Did I miss anything,” Maria asked as she walked into the dining room. She led a distraught Courtney, who obviously had been crying.


I hate it when I miss drama. Hmm, when this is over whom am I going to drag all the details from? I’ll get the basics from Michael, but he leaves out all the juicy stuff so I need some one else too. Not Tess, as I hate her. Hmm, Max is not in the best mental shape. I guess I am stuck with Kyle and Isabel. Isabel will have seen everything, and understand it easily, but she might not talk. Kyle will talk, but he’s a guy. Guess I will have to try both.

I wish Alex were here, he would have seen through everything. Maybe even have caught something I missed. Or Liz. God, we have to save her. I don’t know if I can live without her.
She realized that Richard was talking, something about a good strategic place, one with lots of places to hide and move.

“The school, it’s our turf. It is big enough so that we can avoid being surrounded, but they will have to split up to find us.” Max said.

“And we can pick them off in their small groups, good plan Maxwell.” Michael said.

“What about Liz?” Maria asked. “How are we going to save her?”

“Well if she is human, she will probably fade. Sort of like your father did Kyle. Unless she has used an Antaran power based item like you two,” Richard nodded to Maria and Kyle.

“Fade?” Maria said, “You mean like disappear? Like everyone else has. Will they come back? Is the Sheriff dead? Is Liz going to die too?”

“Don’t you have some of that smelly stuff to calm you down?” Michael asked.

“Its cedar oil; and I forgot it at home.” Of all the days to space something so crucial! I need Liz.

Isabel stared into her eyes and said, “Maria, focus.” Her eyes looked hard and cold.

“Okay,” she said. If only because I want to live. “I never used any Antaran stuff. I mean, besides the communicators do we even have anything.”

“The healing stones, we used them to save Michael, remember,” Isabel said. “But so did Alex and he vanished.”

“She is strong enough to hold on, but if she had been here so close to the center, she also would be gone. Kyle is stronger, he might have made it.” Richard said.

“Yeah, but I didn’t use those stones,” Kyle said. “All that’s happened to me is that Evan’s here healed me of a fatal gun shot wound.”

“Impressive, it must have left a permanent mark on you. How fascinating,” Richard said studying Kyle with new interest. “And Liz?”

“Well, I’m going to have trouble sleeping tonight,” Kyle said

“I saved her as well, right here in this room.” Max said quietly.

“Then we will have to save her, if she is still alive.” Richard said, “No telling what those barbarians might do.”

“She is alive, I would know.”

“Right, then we need to save her. A variation on your plan, one group draws off most of the Skins. The other sneaks in and rescues her.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 614
Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:01 pm
Location: Virginia

Post by PML »

Thanks to everyone reading this fic. Particular thanks to those leaving feed back.

Natalie36- That will be answered in the next couple of chapters.

begonia9508- Thank you.

Disclaimer- Some scenes and ideas are from Wipeout.

Longest day part 9


If you had asked me on Friday what I would have been doing this weekend, defending Roswell from invading aliens would not have been on the list. I was actually quite happy when dad had suggested a fishing trip this morning. It seems like we seldom do much together anymore. At least not non-alien related. So you would think my current plight would have some nice father/ son moments, huh. You know defending home from invaders, rescuing a local damsel in distress: it almost sounds like some old time western. Even more when you add the fact that dad is the local sheriff.

But this is Roswell. So naturally the invaders are marauding aliens wearing people suits. And my allies are? A bunch of alien hybrids, an abductee who I gather is still abducted, and a human who might vanish at any time. Oh, yeah and me, apparently not as human as I used to be. Oh, joy.

“So who will be in each group?” Kyle asked.

“Well the group that goes to rescue the girl should have a lot of the offensive power, as they will be taking on the Skins directly,” Richard said. “Who here can blast?”

Michael and Courtney raised their hands immediately, while Isabel looked thoughtful for a moment and then raised her hand as well.

“I can but not well,” said Tess.

“My powers seem more defensive,” said Max quietly.

“Hey, don’t look at me I’m human,” said Kyle.

Maria remained quiet.

“Okay, how about firearms. Can any of you shoot well?” Richard asked.

“Yeah,” said Kyle, raising his hand. This is more my speed, as I have actually won awards for my firearms skills. Of course, I have never had to shoot at a person before. To be honest, I am not sure I could actually bring myself to go hunting any more. Killing things is wrong.

Michael shrugged, and said, “Hank may have been a worthless foster father, but he did teach me to shoot.”

“That is all?” said Richard. He looked thoughtful for a moment. “I will take Michael and Courtney with me to rescue the girl. The rest of you provide a distraction, and pull them towards your school. After we get the girl, we will meet you there. Stay on the defensive until we arrive. When we do, we should be able to pick off the small groups as they try to capture you.”

I am not sure I like the idea of all of us splitting up. And to be honest I don’t really trust this Richard guy. Although Tess seems to, which is weird. She’s only a little less paranoid than Guerin. “Wouldn’t it be better if we all went to save Liz? I mean we are stronger as a group right?”

Now normally Max would stand up here and agree or do something. I mean we are talking about saving Liz Parker here. He has been after her since forever. But he is quiet and brooding. He almost seems, well he almost seems broken. I really hope that Liz knew what she was doing when we pulled that prank the other night. And from what I can see, no one knows that it did not really happen. That it was all a practical joke of sorts, a way to cool Evans off of her for a while. Or so I thought.

Now I like a good practical joke, always have. And I can not say that I am truly part of the Max Evans fan club. I am grateful he saved me, but still not a big fan. Liz on the other hand, I have always liked. Haven’t always been happy with her, but I have always liked her. So when she came to me with her plan, I said yes. But looking at Max now… I am not so sure that what I did was right. I can only hope Liz knew what she was doing, that she has some sort of plan. She usually does.

Whatever it is, I hope it is worth it. Because, Max ‘I love you to death Liz Parker’ Evans is not breaking in to help save her. It’s kind of sad really.

“They have to come and get you. The TSD will not hold up forever. This is their chance to grab you without needing to deal with the rest of the town, “Richard said.

Michael nodded, “Yeah, and the more you can pull away from the hotel, the easier it will be for us.”

“Oh, and guys, should you get the opportunity hit the Skin in the lower back. It’s a weak point on the husk,” Courtney said. “It’s very painful. Hit them hard enough you could knock them out, possibly even kill one of them.”

“Is that it?” Michael asked.

“What were you expecting, a disintegration button?” She replied.

“Anything to make my job easier,” Michael said

Maria quietly spoke up, “Should I just go hide somewhere? I do not really see how I can help.”

Richard looked at her for a second and said, “Actually there is something you can do.”


The Tylenol is finally starting to kick in, but I still hurt. Hmm, what to do. I am tempted to go back to bed for a little while, as it is still pretty early. I am so not a morning person. But that is not so easy a task after a couple of cups of coffee.

I guess I will practice for a while my aunt is still busy. I might as well get this over with, that way we can have fun when both of us are done Emily got up and walked over to a small cabinet which contained several crystals, pulling out a small round one. She closed her eyes and concentrated. After around five minutes, the crystal began to glow faintly.

Emily tried hard to hold onto her concentration as the door to the RV opened. The crystal continued to glow. She looked down at it with wonder. Today was a good day already. She looked up to see who had entered the RV. It was her aunt and a young teenager, both of them deep in conversation. He looked vaguely familiar. Nicholas, his name is Nicholas Crawford.

“So how is the patient,” Nicholas asked Ana.

“She is doing well. I performed some alterations, basic memory sequestration, and a few memory overlays. She will be like an amnesiac; she will keep all of her skills. But she won’t remember her old life. She shows some promise.”

“Hmm, well Khivar said you were highly skilled at this. Will I still be able to access those memories?” Nicholas asked.

“Yes, the memories are still there, just isolated.” Ana noticed that Emily was awake. “Good morning, sunshine. Did you have a nice rest?”

“Yes I did, thank you. I was just practicing a little. Oh, and Ana, I got a flash during breakfast!”

“What about, Emily?”

With a bit of a blush, Emily said, “I would rather not say at the moment.”

Nicholas chuckled slightly.

“We will talk about it later, okay, sunshine? Have you met Nicholas?”

“He seems familiar, but I don’t think we have been introduced,” Emily said.

“Well then, Emily, this is one of my colleagues, Nicholas Crawford. He is a Skin, so don’t let the apparent age fool you. Nicholas, this is my niece, Emily.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you Emily, your aunt has sung your praises.” Nicholas said.

“Can I fix either of you something, some coffee maybe?” Emily asked.

“Yes dear, some coffee would be nice,” Ana said.

“No, I am fine,” Nicholas said. Turning to Ana he added, “Some of the soldiers are fixing lunch at one of the local restaurants. You are welcome to join us.”

“I think we will. Would you like that Emily?”

“That would be fine. I just had breakfast though.”

“You really should see the place we are going to. Its pretty funny,” Nicholas said, “very ironic, too. Ana, can we speak a bit in your office?”

Ana nodded, took the coffee cup from Emily, and walked back toward her ‘studio.’ Nicholas followed, but stopped when he saw the mirror that Emily had admired herself in earlier.

He looked at the mirror and said, “Damn. What kind of restaurant only has a men’s room? That mirror was Ava.” He grabbed his walkie, “Ida, try to raise Nathan and Dan for me.”

“Yes, sir,” after a few moments, she came back on the walkie and said, “Sir, neither of them is responding.”

“Ida, gather the troops. If we hurry we can probably catch them. They were in that restaurant all along.”


I am so nervous. And these two aren’t helping. She looked over at Courtney and Tess. Not a lot of love in this group. Okay, it’s simple. Just grab the thing-a-majigee and turn the dial to that squiggly thing. And the skins won’t be able to steal stuff from the UFO Center.

She looked again at the drawing. What could they steal from there anyway?

The three of them walked into the UFO Center.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 614
Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:01 pm
Location: Virginia

Post by PML »

Thanks again for everyone reading this story. Particular thanks go to those leaving feedback. Thanks.

xmag- It is not an impossibility really, if you just extrapolate the podsquads powers a couple of decades, Tess could probably easily do this. But would Nicholas and Ana truly be so brazen as to openly discuss it in front of Liz?

begonia9508- see above, and yeah if it happened, it would indeed be evil.

Natalie36- see above.

Thanks again for the comments.

Disclaimer- some scenes and ideas came from the episode Wipeout.

Longest day part 10


I can’t believe that Max actually works here. Mind you Brody has made some needed changes. Just making the lighting better is a big plus. But having been chased by the Special Unit all my life, some of the exhibits give me the chills.

Say like the alien examination table. Tess shuddered. My fears have only grown worse since we freed Max. And then there was that incident in Florida… What is that saying? ‘There but by the grace of God go I.’

“Worried about something?” Courtney said. “This place is so ridiculous, if only the humans knew.”

“Yeah, well some of us do. Now can you two follow me quietly, or what?” Maria asked. “I need to find that doohickey. It’s probably in the employee area.”

All three girls walk across the main floor towards the employee area. Once there it takes them a few minutes to find what they are looking for.

“Courtney what is this thing called again?” Maria asked

“A Trithium Amplification Device. Basically a power jammer, it has a variety of settings. Including this one,” Courtney points to symbol on the top of the device, “this activates the active, area denial function.”

“The squiggly symbol,” asked Maria.

Tess rolled her eyes. What does Michael see in her?

Courtney just smiled, “Yeah, the squiggly symbol. Let Tess and I have, like five minutes to get clear before you set it off. If you set it off early, it won’t be pretty.”

“Let’s go,” Tess said. The sooner we are done, the sooner I can get back to Max. I can’t help it, he just makes me feel… safe.

Courtney followed Tess out of the door. “You might want to hurry Tess, we are still in the lethal area. I know that I am not certain how much she cares for my safety. But I am only a threat to take Michael away; you’re a threat to Liz.”

Tess followed quickly behind, but not so quickly so as to make Courtney think she was afraid. Who does she think she is, anyway? I am queen of Antar, she is just a lowly Skin. And a rebel at that. He mental rant would have continued if Courtney hadn’t knocked her over, a bar of amber fire washing through the place her head had been.

“I said get down!” Courtney told Tess angrily. “We are at the point it’ll just be annoying. Stay down and I will take care of him.” She rolled off of Tess, her hand at the ready. “Maria, hurry up! Press the damn button.”


She looked at her watch for what seemed the millionth time, 12:13. Was I supposed to hit it at 12:15 or was it 12:16? I don’t want to hit it too early and accidentally fry Tess and Courtney. For one thing I have a truce with Courtney at the moment, so it would be cheating. Besides, how did she describe it, being ripped apart by your own powers doesn’t seem to be bloody or painful enough if I do ever decide to kill her. It’s just not personal enough I guess. Besides if I threw the switch early, I would want Liz to be here too. That way we’d be done with both of them. She glanced at her watch again, 12:14.

She heard a muffled voice come from the main room. Huh, I wonder if they are clear. I will wait another minute I guess. She heard a noise in the employee vault. They had expected to go in there to find the device, but apparently Brody had been playing with it at his desk. Brody. He also claimed to be abducted. Maybe he had just been fiddling with his artifacts and had not noticed that the rest of Roswell had disappeared.

He does lose track of time a lot. Sometimes I think he would never have lunch if I did not deliver it to him. And yeah, he’s a little weird, but he listens to me prattle on about Michael all the time. I don’t want to hurt him on accident. I can’t take the chance.

Maria got up from the consoles, grabbed the device, and walked into the vault. “Brody, are you there,” Maria called.

“Well what do we have here?” an unfamiliar voice called back.

That’s NOT Brody’s voice

Kyle and Michael followed Richard out to his SUV to get some needed supplies. Kyle looked over at the UFO museum. I hope they can find it easily so that we can get out of here. Much as I like the Crashdown, it is kind of scary out here with no one else around. Roswell is supposed to be a small town, not a ghost town. It makes me feel exposed.

Kyle’s hands itched to drive Richard’s vehicle once he realized what it was. The man’s got a freaking Hummer! What exactly does he do for a living anyway?

Richard opened the back, and Kyle could see a bunch of guns neatly stacked. Paintball guns unfortunately, not much help unless there is something I don’t know. Which is possible I guess. He reached into a case and handed Kyle six plastic coated baggies containing some gelatin like substance.

“Hold these for a second will you? We might need some of them if someone gets hurt.” Richard said.

“Right,” Kyle replied. I am so far over my head… Richard opened another large cargo box and pulled out a large number of walkies with headsets. “Were you expecting trouble when you came here?”

“No, tomorrow Becky and I were supposed to meet up with some of her friends from Los Cruces. We were going to have a little friendly paintball match. Loser gets to buy dinner and drinks, so I plan to win.”

“Becky,” Kyle asked, as Michael took the walkies.

“My daughter, she goes to school at Los Cruces. Like all of your other friends and family, she too is trapped. I can’t wait to give her a hug once this ends.” Richard unlocked and opened another large cabinet, and removed a rifle and a couple of pistols. “I know you said you are a better shot with a rifle, but take one of the pistols anyway. You too, Michael, if you get too tired to blast you will still have something. Umm, just be careful, because the ammo can act as an incendiary at times.”

“Uh, what kind of ammo does that?” Kyle asked. Who travels with a bunch of guns and potentially incendiary ammo?

Michael accepted the pistol with a small “Hmm.”

“Depleted Uranium, sometimes it burns.”

Michael dropped one of the magazines.

“Oh, of course, Depleted Uranium,” Kyle said. “What kind of person needs Depleted Uranium pistol ammunition?”

Richard gave Kyle an enigmatic look and said, “An alien hunter.” He closed up the Hummer, grabbed the gelatin like baggies, and walked back to the Crashdown.

“Um, Michael, tell me you understood what he just said. Why would an alien hunter need Depleted Uranium bullets? Do you know why?”

Michael looked thoughtful for a second as he picked up the fallen magazine. “Maybe,” he said as he walked away, back toward the Crashdown.

Oh dear, Buddha. Never have I felt further from knowing what is going on. Enlightenment is so far away. Kyle took a deep breath and followed Michael.


“You are still going to defend this position, aren’t you Nicholas? We have too much tied up here to just leave it open to the enemy,” Ana said.

Nicholas sighed and said “You’re right; I’ll have Ida hold back a dozen or so men. Hmm, in fact I will stay here too. That way if it is a trap or diversion, I’ll be able to react. I need to head back to headquarters, will you join me?”

“How can I help?” Emily asked.

“Umm, that is up to your aunt,” Nicholas said.

Emily’s bright blue eyes moved to Ana. “Can I help, please?” she asked.

“Nicholas, I will catch up with you in a few moments. I need to talk to Emily,” Ana said.

Nicholas nodded and said, “It was a pleasure to meet you Emily. I hope to see you again soon.”

“It was nice to meet you, too.” Although I still feel like I know you from somewhere. Emily turned back to Ana, eyes still gleaming with hope. This may be my first chance to test my mettle against the enemy. I am not sure what I could do, but I want to help.

“Sorry, sunshine, but you are not ready. I do have something you can do. At least until I can find a safer place for you. Your parents would never forgive me if you came to any harm.” Ana stopped and looked thoughtful for a moment. “I have a patient in the studio. I want you to protect her. It is not likely that anyone will get close enough to be a danger. But if you want to help me…”

It is not what I was hoping to do, true. But it is something. Ana has always been my favorite aunt, always showering me with gifts. She’s fun. It will be nice to do something for her for a change. “Okay, Aunt Ana, I will do what you ask.”

“Alright, here is a stun shot,” Ana handed her something that looked similar to a small metallic TV remote control. “Now if anyone other than me or Ragar comes in, I want you to shoot them with this. It will knock them out if you hit them, so be careful not to shoot me, please.”

“Okay Ana.”

Ana walked back to the door to follow Nicholas, she stopped and said, “Please be careful, sunshine. Remember not to disturb the patient. If things get dangerous, I will send Ragar to take you to someplace safe.”

“What about the patient?”

“Don’t worry, we will take care of her,” Ana said as she left. “Just leave her alone, okay, sunshine.”

Emily shuddered slightly at the coldness in Ana’s eyes as she talked about ‘taking care off the patient.’ What am I getting myself into anyway? Well, whatever it is, I won’t disappoint my favorite aunt. She studied the stun shot. It looks simple to use. Just point and zap.

I wonder what is wrong with the patient. I wonder why she is here. Emily walked and stared at the door to the studio. Her hand reached out and stopped. She told me not to bother her. I can’t disappoint Ana. She leaned against the door and for the second time in a day, she got a flash.
- A young girl, around Emily’s age and build carried into the studio. Emily could feel her fear and desperation, and beneath that a deep sense of loss. –
End Flash

Emily staggered away from the door. What exactly does my aunt do in there? She walked back towards the door hand reaching for the handle once more. And paused. Do I really want to know?