The Apocalypse(SV,XO,UC,YTeen) Seq[WIP]

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The Apocalypse(SV,XO,UC,YTeen) Seq[WIP]

Post by TessHardingEvans »

Title: The Apocalypse
Author: TessHardingEvans
Summary: The six return to the whirlwind galaxy where they made an alliance with four of the five planets. Ava came face to face with her destiny.
Disclaimer: If it was mine Roswell wouldn’t have been cancelled and Tess and Max would have been together.
Rating: Yteen
Category: Crossover
Author’s Note: To my new fanfic pal sdcheesehead who helped me with the new plot. This is a sequel to A Lost Relative.
They said their good-byes and said that soon they will meet again. With that they left the CrashDown and drove towards the cave where the Granolith was waiting for them. All six stepped into the relic and disappeared from view.
Kivar awoke suddenly from an abrupt disruption in his link with the Royal Four. He was pissed to learn that Serena was never truly destroyed. Her essence was placed in a human, just like the Royal Four. Chloe was the human harboring the essence of Serena. He still could remember the day when she was appointed the role as Ava’s protector. That was the day he learned that there was another Kryptonian somewhere in space. He just recently learned the identity of this Kryptonian, when he found Ava/Tess in Roswell. To add insult to injury, this Kryptonian, Clark, was Ava’s lost brother. As he sat on the throne he usurped from Zan he felt like the only thing he could do was to make sure no one finds out about the Royal Four and the two Kryptonians. If the other four planets learned that the Royal Four, at least their essence, were still alive, it was good-bye to him and his fifty years on the throne. Suddenly one of his trusted spies came up to him and said,
“Sire. I think you need to take a look at this” with that he gave Kivar a tele-text showing him the Granolith as it sped through space.
“Do you know what this means?” he asked his minion
“All I know sire, is that the rebels would have a field day with this knowledge”
“Then make sure that they don’t find it”
“Certainly” with those words the minion left the throne room.
“So they are on their way. I must organize a welcoming committee for them”
As he tried to figure out how to organize this plan another spy was in the vicinity, but this one was a rebel. As he heard that the true heirs to the throne were on their way back to Antar, he sped off to his hovercraft where in a swift movement he left. As he descended onto the Zenebian airstrip he ran towards the summer palace of King Zan where his trusted advisor took the throne as a custodial position after the king was killed. He stepped into the room and said,
“Sir, I just received news that the Royal Four are on their way back to Antar”
“Are you sure?” Larek asked
“Yes, sir. I heard it myself. We need to warn them before they descend onto Antar. Kivar is planning to trap and kill them again”
“I’ll try to contact them” with those words he took his communicator and linked it to the Granolith’s computer.

Tess sat next to Max near one of the computer consoles as they sped towards Antar. What was waiting for her there? She knew that it was the only planet besides Earth that she could remember, but she was never so close to it. All she wanted to do was to find out more about her true destiny. She loves Max with all her heart and soul and now that she found her brother everything was going to be fine. All she needed to do now was to find her true destiny. As she looked at Clark, she could see the shy, puppy-dog eyes he had for his friend Chloe. She smiled and walked up to her brother,
“Why don’t you tell her?” she asked him
“What do you mean?” he wanted to know
“Clark I am not blind I can see it. You are in love with her”
“I know that, but she is engaged to Larek”
“Are you sure about that?” Tess asked
“What are you talking about?”

Without any other indication of what she knew she said,
“Just go to her and ask her what you want to ask her”
Clark stood up and slides into the chair next to Chloe. With a nervous voice he asked,
“Um, Chloe, I know that you always thought that I would be with Lana, but it was You that I loved. Even the day I was sick and asked for Lana. Now I want to know, Chloe, would you marry me?”
Without any other indication of what she knew she suggested,

“Just go to her and ask her what you want to ask her”

Clark stood up and slides into the chair next to Chloe. With a nervous voice he asked,

“Chloe, I want to know if you would marry me?”

In shock Chloe looked up with tears in her eyes, for she has been waiting forever for Clark to come around, and said,

“Why have you waited so long to ask me?”

“Um…I don’t know. I was just scared I presume”

“Don’t be. And the answer to your question is YES. Yes Clark I will marry you” with those words she embraced him.

Michael and Isabel were eyeing this event and knew that sooner or later the Antarian counsel would want the Princess to marry the General, but she didn’t love him that way. She knew that after Alex was killed she vowed never to let any man into her heart and now that she was near her real home her memory as Vilandra was surfacing. She could still remember the kisses they shared and the long walks on the beach, but her love was gone. She drifted off to sleep and as she slept her memories became more frequent.


Vilandra looked at her brother as he ordered his men to leave the room. He was furious with her for something she did.

“Vilandra, I told you that you are going to marry Rath. He has been patient enough with you and it is time that you leave your stubborn attitude at home”

“Zan…I told you time and time again that I am not one of your subjects who you can boss around. I am not going to marry that Brute. He is arrogant and a beast. Anyone who takes pleasure in killing another person has nothing but distaste in my heart!”

With those words she turned around and left,

“Don’t you turn your back on me? I am your king if you remember”

With anger in her eyes she turned around and said,

“You might be the king to Antar, but you are still my younger brother!”

With those words she stormed out of the room, Zan couldn’t understand why his sister was being so difficult. It was best for the five planets if she married Rath. As he sat there Ava came into the room and looked at him,

“What is it my love?” she asked

“Well, I just can’t understand Vilandra. She is behaving like a…”
“A girl”
Ava sat next to him and said,
“Just give her a chance to find her own heart. Everything will work out fine in the end”

Zan sighed and slumped back into his chair. He knew what Ava said was true, but he could see the love Rath had for his sister. He saw the soul-mate link and it was as strong as what he had with Ava. Why does she rebel against her true feelings?

Vilandra stormed into her room and sat on her bed crying. Everything she ever wanted was taken away from her. Her heart told her that she belonged to Rath, but her head pulled her another way. Which way, was still a mystery to her. She stood up again and decided to go for a walk on the beach. It was the only place she knew her brother wouldn’t bother her, only she and Serena knew about this place.

As she walked out she was oblivious to the figure that was following her. Kivar was eager to take the throne away from Zan, by any means necessary and it looked like now would be the perfect opportunity. He heard about the argument she and Zan had and now was the time to put his plan into action. Vilandra stopped and turned around,

“What do you want?” she asked him
“Well, you my love” Kivar voiced
She was perplexed by this and said,
“ What makes you sure that I want you too?”
“Well, isn't it obvious? You don’t want to be with the one that your brother ordered you to be with and I know for a fact that there is someone else that wants to be with you more" turning towards her he confessed, "I have the power and the wealth to be that one”
“What do you want in return for my hand?”
He told her that he wanted to be the one on the throne, but only as an advisor. She would rule the five systems and all the power her brother had especially the Granolith would be hers.
“Let me think about it”

A week later she accepted the deal and announced to Zan that she was betrothed to Kivar. It was a week before the uprising and Vilandra was in her element. She was going to marry the man of her dreams and Zan couldn't do anything about it. As she stepped into her room a horrifying sight greeted her. There was blood all around her and as she stepped in closer she saw Ava lying on the floor covered in her own blood. As she tried to run out she was grabbed from behind and pulled into the throne room where she saw Rath and Zan with lasers pointed at them,
“Vilandra, what is going on?” Rath asked

She turned around and saw Kivar coming into the room,
“Tell them” she heard him say.
“What are you talking about?” she asked, but she knew what he was talking about. So she bowed her head and said, “I’d rather die than to help you any further!”
“That can be arranged” he said and ordered his soldiers to kill her in front of her brother. His soldiers carried out their orders and as she slid down towards the floor she said in a soft voice, “Sorry” and died.
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Post by TessHardingEvans »

With a jolt Isabel woke from her sleep and felt the tears well up in her eyes, she knew that she had to tell Max everything that happened on Antar, but would he forgive her for betraying their family. She slid towards him and said,
“Max I know that you have a lot of questions about what Congresswoman Whitaker told me about Vilandra, but I don’t want to loose you as a brother”
“What are you talking about?” he asked

With every ounce of courage she told him what she remembered about Vilandra and that it was her fault that they died.
“Isabel I forgave you a long time ago. You are not Vilandra the Princess. You are Isabel Evans and what your past self did cannot be held responsible for what you are now” with those words he hugged her. All of the sudden a light came visible and for the first time they saw Larek face to face without his human cell-phone,
“Your Majesty, I know that you are on your way to Antar, but I have to take control over the Granolith. Kivar knows you are on your way and I believe that you are in danger. The new route is Zeneebia where your summer palace is situated. Someone would be there to greet you. We also know that the two Kryptonians are with you and we have something to tell them”

When the Granolith left the cave everyone was in a dazed about what might happen now. Lex knew now why his father had a fascination with the caves and the meteors. Everything came into place and finally made sense. He looked at the rest of the group that stayed behind and said,
“As we now know there are still a few of these Skins left here on Earth and the only way we know of defeating them is to break the seals to their husk on their backs, but, I think I may have a alternative. Let me talk to my scientist and I’ll tell you what I find out”

Martha looked at him and said, “I hope you find a way, because I don’t want Clark and his sister to walk into a trap. If there is anything I could help you with just let me know."
Liz was standing nearby on the far side of the room when she heard that Lex was going to help Max. She walked up to them and said,
“I don’t know if this could help, but a few years ago there was a virus here on Earth that nearly destroyed the occupants of Roswell. The Ganderium, a genetically engineered organism used in combination with alien cells and human cells to genetically engineer The Royal Four, caused it. Fortunately, we were able to destroy the queen; otherwise if it leaked out, it wouldn’t have taken long before the whole planet was infected. I don’t know if it is still active, but if your scientist could locate some and combined them with something else it might be a weapon we could use against Kivar and the Skins.”

Lex looked at her and said, “If you find any of those Ganderium, let me know”
“I promise” with those words she left
Zeneebian Airspace
As the Granolith came near the planet everyone was trying to figure out what was going to happen to him or her. Tess and Max knew that the rebels would want them to take charge over the planets as soon as possible, but they were not ready. There were still a few things that they needed to figure out including what kind of destiny besides that of the Royal Four did Tess have.

Isabel and Michael were trying to rekindle the long lost love they shared in their past lives. They knew about the soul mate link they had, but Vilandra had fought against it hard and it ultimately cost her and the rest of her families lives.

As for Clark and Chloe, they were just glad they found each other. It was a time they always dreamt about, but never thought it would happen…and now it did. As the ship landed on the lush purple grass a soft hiss came from the door. Slowly, but carefully they climbed out of the Granolith. They each looked around at their welcoming committee for a familiar face. Finally, they saw him, their only link to Antar. This was the first face-to-face meeting with their advisor and it was joyous. Larek bowed down and said,

“It’s good to have you back Your Majesty. We were worried that you wouldn’t receive the message”

“Larek, I am glad you were able to warned us. It is great to know that there is someone out there who is looking out for us”

Max and the rest of the crew stepped out and looked around them.
“Wow, its beautiful” Isabel exclaimed, both Tess and Chloe agreed with her and looked at the rest of their group.

Seeing Isabel's apprehension of being here in a place that her other self caused so much damage, Michael walked towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder, “Isabel, I don’t think that the rebellion would hate you now. You are not the same as Vilandra.”

“I know that, but I still feel like it was my fault that we died. If that didn’t happen, we would have never needed to feel the pain of leaving Earth and all our friends behind”

He kissed her and said, “You are the only one I could ever think about.”

Larek looked at the two and said, “At last, the two have found each other.”

Chloe looked at him and with a nervous voice said, “Hello Larek it has been a long time.”

“Serena, I never thought that I would see you again. How are you?”

“Well, if you must know. Clark and I are engaged. We decided that we both love each other and it is best if we formed a union”

Larek looked at Clark and said, “Well, your parents would have been proud. I know for a fact that your father was a proud man.”

“Thank you. I have been very fortunate to be able to get to know my father on Earth. He was able to send that information with me to Earth as a child and when I was of age, I began to discover different aspects of my life, including the ability to build a replica place of Krypton, where I was able to speak with his essence."

Larek looked at Tess and said, “Ava, you have yet to discover the entire destiny your father planned for you”

“What do you mean?” she asked

“I don’t know exactly. All I know is that it is big. With your brother by your side and the rest of the Royal Four, Kivar doesn't stand a chance. He has two choices, first he could step down peacefully and flee or die fighting and I know that he would choose the latter”

They walked up to the palace and as they step through the entryway they knew that they were home.

Kivar looked up at the tele-text and cursed. He knew that the Granolith was on its way to Antar, but it should have landed hours ago. Now he just learned that there was no sign of the Royal Four and the two Kryptonians anywhere.

Suddenly the door burst open and Nicholas came into the room, “Sir, I believe you better take a look at this.”

He took the communicator and concentrated, suddenly Max’s face became visible and his voice drifted into the air, “Kivar, surrender now or suffer the consequences of a full scale war.”

He threw the communicator onto the floor and as it shattered into million pieces he asked, “Where are they!!!”

“Well, Sire, we believe that they are on Zeneebia. Larek must have warned them about landing onto Antar and they docked there”

“Do you know what that means?”

“No, what?”

“Well, Ava’s true destiny lies on that planet and if they came into contact with it they will be undefeated”

“I think the best thing we can do now is wait a while and see what happens”

Tess and Clark decided to explore the alien landscape, before the rest of the group thought to look for them. As they walked outside the palace grounds Tess looked at her brother and asked,
“Clark, what if we never find out why they placed us on Earth?”
“Tess, you don’t have to worry. Our father told me once that the reason I was placed on Earth is to help wherever there is help to be needed”
“Wow, our father…I never thought that I would hear those words. Have you ever seen him?”
“No, but I talked to him in the caves near Smallville and he told me time and again that I had a great destiny”

Max looked over to where the two stood in deep conversation and he decided to talk to Larek about Tess,
“Larek, I need to know something about Ava.”
“What is it Sire?”
“Well, what do you know about her legacy?”
“Sire, all that we know is that somewhere here on Zeenebia there is a relic that Jor-El left behind that someday she and her brother might be able to use to defeat the Skins”
“Do you know where it might be?”
“Unfortunately all the records were destroyed the last time the war escalated to this part of the galaxy. The only ones that might be able to locate it are Cal-El and Ava."

Tess and Clark were still busy talking about their part in the destruction of the skins when suddenly Tess got a far off expression on her face. She saw a cave with a ship in it that looked exactly like the one they just arrived here on Zeenebia. All of a sudden a poem entered her mind and she started to recite it.

Pieces of my heart
I tried to be cold
I tried to do what I’ve been told
The pieces of my heart
Was scattered all around

You never know until it happens
The pieces might fit
When will you learn?
That memories could get burn

The winds of change blew
The pieces of my heart
Into different directions

To try and locate them
Is a journey of discovery
It might feel like I’m free

Never to see the sun set
Never to feel the rain
I feel empty inside
The pieces of my heart
Is a part of the universe

Clark looked at her and said, “Um, Tess, where did you get that poem?”
“I…I don’t know. It just came to me”
Clark turned around and said, “Maybe you need to go and talk to Larek. He might know something about the poem”
“I think that's a great idea” with that they walked back to the palace.

Liz looked outside the window and saw Lex coming towards the restaurant. She took a small container and walked up to greet him. As she waited for him to be seated she knew that if she handed the virus to him it would mean that maybe the group would be coming back to Earth to finish the Skins. Her heart was still aching for Max and now she knew that he would never be hers. Tess was his soul mate and there was nothing she could do about it. Lex beckoned for her and slowly she walked up to him,
“Do you have the virus?” he asked
“Um, yes. I do, but I must warn you it is dangerous. It might look harmless, but it can destroy anyone with a certain genetic marker in him or her. Oh, I found a piece of the Skins flesh. It is with the virus. You might be able to analyze it and figure out how to destroy them now” with those words she left him and walked into the kitchen. As she stood there the tears flowed freely and all the hurt she had to endure came pouring out.

Lex saw her enter the kitchen and followed her. He saw the tears and said,
“You know that it is better to love and lost than never to love at all”
“I know, but Max saved my life and I feel helpless that I can’t help him with the war.”
“That is where you are wrong. What do you think you are doing now?”
She raised her head and said, “I never thought about it that way.”

He gave her a hug and said he would have his scientist analyze the material and try to locate a proper virus to destroy the Skins for good.


Isabel was sitting in her room waiting for the right time to make herself known to the rebellion. She knew that some of them could still remember Vilandra and the treason she committed. She was ashamed for what had happened all those years ago and to be back now was something she had never fathom. Suddenly there was a knock on her door and as she stood up to opened it; Standing before her Tess who walked into the room and said,
“Isabel, I have to talk to you. I don’t want Max or Clark to know what I am about to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I think I remember something about the relic that my father left for me on this planet. I want you to come with me to look for it”
“Why don’t you want Max or your brother with you?”
“Well, if they know how dangerous this quest might be they would forbid me from doing it. I know that you are a fighter and I trust that you will be objective with whatever might happen”
“You can count on me. When are we leaving?”
Tess smiled and said,
“What about Now?”
With those words Isabel and Tess left the room and slowly tiptoed out of the castle. They took one of the nearest hovercrafts and about a mile from the castle they stopped,
“I think we are here,” Tess said.
“Are you sure?”
“Well, as sure as you are here with me” she replied.

They climbed out of the craft and walked further into the woods. The nearer they got to the sight the more nervous Tess got. She looked at Isabel and said,
“I think I need to go alone from here”
“It could be dangerous out there by yourself” Isabel voiced her concern.
“If I am not back in ten minutes go and find my brother and Max”
With those words Tess left Isabel standing near the entrance to the cave.

Inside the Cave
Tess took a deep breath and stepped into the dimly lit cavern. As her eyes adjusted to the light, images of Krypton bombarded her. With her hand she caressed the wall and stood there with her eyes transfixed to the petroglyphs. All of a sudden a voice emanated from the nearest symbol,

“My dearest Ava, when you hear this message just know that everyone on Krypton loved you. The reason you were placed on Antar was due to a prophecy. We heard that sooner or later the Antarian's enemy would come and destroy them. Your power of Mind-Warping was part of the gifts the Antarians bestow onto you, but there is more to your powers than what you know. Mind Warping is just a trickle in the lake of life. You can destroy anyone you hate by just looking at him or her, but you must have all of your family members with you. They must help you channel your power. That is why Khivar hated you and killed you the first time. He knew that you are very powerful. You, Serena and your brother are the only weapons the Skins truly fear. Please tell them about this and remember that we love you.

Tess stepped out of the cave and looked at Isabel with tears in her eyes. “Tess, what is wrong?”
“I…I need to tell all of you guys as a group.”

Slowly she climbed back into the hovercraft and waited for Isabel to join her. As they sped off to the castle she was silent. She realized that she was the only one who might be able to destroy the Skins forever.

Inside Lex Corp there was a buzz on what they would come up with to destroy the Skins. Lex looked at one of his top scientist, as he was about to lecture him on what they were about to see,
“Mr. Luthor. Let me give you a little information on what we are planning to do. In every chromosome there are sections of DNA called transposons, whose function is not yet known. Scientist has learned that it’s possible to join these genetic elements together creating new genes. Many of these new genes produce enzymes, as genes usually do. You may know Mr. Luthor, that while most enzymes produced by an organism are essential, some enzymes that may be created by using transposons can be poisonous to the host. In other words it is possible to take a piece of a person’s own DNA and join them together into something that will kill them instantly”

Lex looked at the scientist and asked, “Could that DNA be combined with the virus that Miss. Parker gave to us to destroy the remaining Skins on Earth?"
“It is possible, but we need a specimen to test it on. It might work and it might not. We would not be sure until we captured one of these Skins to test it on”
“I’ll try to locate one for you. Just be sure to have this airborne virus ready for me. I want to destroy every known Skin on Earth. Maybe Max and the others would be able to use the virus on Antar too.”
“As you wish sir, we will be ready when the time is right.”
Lex left the lab and decided that the time was right to return to Roswell to locate one of the enemy subjects to test the virus on.

He took his private jet and told the pilot that he needed to be in Roswell as soon as possible. A few hours later he was standing on the airfield in Roswell. He took a cab and told the cab driver that he needed to go to the CrashDown Café. As he was driven to the restaurant he looked at the scene that greeted him. It was as if the town was preparing for a festival. When the cab stopped he paid the cab driver and walked into the café.
“Miss. Parker I need to speak to you” he said when she greeted him.
“Yes, Lex. What can I do for you?”
“Well, we have a way to destroy the Skins, but we need one of them to test it on. Do you know who we could use?”
“Well, I can only think of one individual that we could use, but at the moment he is on Antar. We don’t know if he will be returning.”
“Find a way to make him return” Lex said
Liz looked at Lex and said, “There is a way, but it might be tricky.”

Liz stepped into the back room and closed her eyes, after Max healed her, her powers started to develop and now it was time to use them. She sent a message to Max saying that Nicholas must return to Earth because they had discovered new virus and needed a guinea pig to experiment on.
Max was in the throne room when he received the message. He knew that the only reason Liz would want Nicholas back to Earth was because they found a way to destroy the Skins. He looked at Larek and asked,
“Larek, is there a way to deceive Kivar and Nicholas and tell them that they must return to Earth?”
“Sire, there is. We could tell them that Tess returned to Earth for a final good-bye. With her powers of Mind Warping it wouldn’t be difficult.”
“I think it is time that we do that”

Tess stepped into the throne room with Isabel and saw Max looking at her with hope. She walked up to her husband and gave him a kiss, “What is it?” she asked.
“Well, I just heard from Liz and they found a way to destroy Kivar and his followers, but they need Nicholas. The only way we could get him to go back to Earth is by using your Mind Warp power.”
“Let me do it. I just found out that it was the power my father said could destroy Kivar. Your elders gave it to me when I came to live on Antar and it is the way to defeat the Skins”
She closed her eyes and projected an image to Nicholas
Nicholas was sitting in the garden when the message came through. He saw Tess step into the Granolith and as she waved good-bye to Max he knew that it might be the only way to kill Tess. If she was dead there was no way the royal family could destroy Kivar. He walked towards Kivar and with an anxious voice he told his leader what he saw, Kivar looked at his second in command and said,
“You better return to Earth and dispose of Ava. I don’t want her alive”

“Yes. Your Highness” with those words he left the palace.

He took the only way he knew to get back to Earth and that was with a cave hidden on Antar, since the Granolith was with the Royal Four it was the only way. As he left the whirlwind galaxy he knew that if he could kill Tess it would mean that Khivar would give him a new position amongst the soldiers and that it couldn’t wait for. Suddenly he came to a halt and he was standing on the Earth’s green grass.

As he walked towards the town, he could see that everything was different. It was as if he never was on Earth. Even though he was there for fifty years. All of the sudden he ‘heard’ a voice,
“Nicholas, I am not on Earth. I just wanted you to believe that I was. You are needed there though. It’s been a blast to know you”
He heard another movement behind him and when he turn around he met the barrel of a gun,
“Move!” was the only word he heard and as he walked towards the van, it was the last time he would be alive on either Earth or Antar.

Lex looked at the young boy that stood there. He couldn’t believe that this was the infamous Nicholas, but Liz told him that Nicholas was placed in a young boy’s body, or husk so it was only a defense mechanism. The Skins real body can’t survive on Earth, that is why they needed the husk, but with the virus they made even the husk would be destroyed.
“Nicholas, the reason we took you is because we have a message for your leader Khivar”
“What is it?” he asked annoyed
Lex didn’t have to tell him anything, because all of the sudden a blue mist enveloped the chamber and everyone was looking at the reaction of the scientist and Nicholas. Nicholas was about to utter an obscene word when all of the sudden he doubled over with pain. As the pain increased, blood came pouring out of every pore in his body.
“You see Nicholas, we have concocted the perfect virus against your kind. We are going to spray the entire Earth with it. Just to make sure that all the Skins that are still on Earth is destroyed. Then we are going to send it to Zan and tell him how to use it against the remaining Skins on Antar”
All of the sudden Nicholas collapsed and as he turned to dust, they knew that the test was a success. Now they have to tell Liz to let her inform Max on the progress they made.
Liz stood in the café as she is about to inform Max on the test, she knew that if all the skins are destroyed it would mean that Max would never return to Earth. Even though she let him go she still loved him. With a final deep breath she closed her eyes and send the final message to Max,
“Max, the test was a success. Nicholas is dead, Kivar might be next, but we are going to use the virus here on Earth first to destroy all of the remaining Skins here, then we want to send it to you. Please tell us how to do it? Max just remember one thing. I will always love you no matter what” with those words she opened her eyes again.
Max stood in the garden with Tess when he received the message. He smiled and looked at Tess, and then he said,
“Khivar wouldn’t be please to learn that Nicholas is no more”
“Are you saying…?”
“Yes, he is dead. The test was a success. Now we just have to wait then Antar would be ours again”
“What about Isabel? She still hasn’t faced the rebellion yet”
“Give her time. When she’s ready she will come and face them”
Tess kissed Max and decided to walk back into the castle. Maybe she could urge Isabel to come out
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Post by TessHardingEvans »

Maybe she could urge Isabel to come out? Tess walked towards Isabel’s room and knocked on it. Before she could enter she swore that she heard someone crying from inside,
“Isabel may I come in?”
With a soft voice she heard,
“Um Sure”
slowly she opened the door and stepped into the young princess’s room,
“Isabel I know that you don’t want to face the rebellion, but I think that it is time that you do. You know that they will forgive you for what happened when you were Vilandra”
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Post by TessHardingEvans »

I know that you were waiting in anticipation for the next part so here it is.
“Isabel I know that you don’t want to face the rebellion, but I think that it is time that you do. You know that they will forgive you for what happened when you were Vilandra”
“What makes you sure that they will forgive me for what happened?”
“You for one should know that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Look at the first time we met. You didn’t trust me straight away, but soon we became friends”
“I…I know, but that was different”
“How different could it be?”
Isabel sighed and stood up, slowly she straightened her nightgown and walked with Tess to the dining room. As they entered it, the room became silent as the entire rebellion looked at the two,
“What is she doing here?” one of the soldiers asked when he saw Isabel standing there
Max looked at the soldier and said,
“You can speak to my sister with more respect. I know about the betrayal. I just have to tell you this is Isabel my sister not Vilandra the traitor. I forgave her and I think it would be in the best interest if all of you do the same”
“Sorry Your Majesty. It is just that she was responsible for killing my baby sister”
Max asked him who is sister was and when he revealed that it was Serena Max grinned. Clark and Chloe haven’t returned with Larek yet. So there was a surprise waiting for Nazen. Tess sat next to Max and as the group sat down according to rank it was evident that three spaces was open. The rebellion looked at Max and as he said,
“What all in good time. We are waiting for three more members of the rebellion”
Slowly the door opened and the three entered, Nazen looked puzzled at the blonde standing next to Larek. He felt a familiar memory nudging at his brain. Larek sat down and said,
“Cal-El you sit next to your betrothed and Serena…”
When he heard the name he dropped his water and walked up to him. As their eyes met, memories flooded both their senses and everything was revealed to them. In a moment of surprise Nazen embraced his sister and said,
“I never thought that I would see you. I thought that they killed you and that would be the last I saw of you”
“Nazen, I never knew that this would happen, but they decided that it was time for me to join the royal four on Earth. I am sorry”
“Don’t be. I am just glad that you are here”
Max smiled and said,
“We are here because I heard from one of our allies on Earth that the poison was a success. Nicholas is dead and they are preparing it to be distributed across the Earth so that all the Skins would be dead. I just want to ask, is everyone here willing to risk their own lives to rid Antar of Kivar and the other Skins”
In unison the hall echoed, “Yes”
Rebels Rule
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by TessHardingEvans »

I know that you were waiting in anticipation for the next part so here it is.
“Isabel I know that you don’t want to face the rebellion, but I think that it is time that you do. You know that they will forgive you for what happened when you were Vilandra”
“What makes you sure that they will forgive me for what happened?”
“You for one should know that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Look at the first time we met. You didn’t trust me straight away, but soon we became friends”
“I…I know, but that was different”
“How different could it be?”
Isabel sighed and stood up, slowly she straightened her nightgown and walked with Tess to the dining room. As they entered it, the room became silent as the entire rebellion looked at the two,
“What is she doing here?” one of the soldiers asked when he saw Isabel standing there
Max looked at the soldier and said,
“You can speak to my sister with more respect. I know about the betrayal. I just have to tell you this is Isabel my sister not Vilandra the traitor. I forgave her and I think it would be in the best interest if all of you do the same”
“Sorry Your Majesty. It is just that she was responsible for killing my baby sister”
Max asked him who is sister was and when he revealed that it was Serena Max grinned. Clark and Chloe haven’t returned with Larek yet. So there was a surprise waiting for Nazen. Tess sat next to Max and as the group sat down according to rank it was evident that three spaces was open. The rebellion looked at Max and as he said,
“What all in good time. We are waiting for three more members of the rebellion”
Slowly the door opened and the three entered, Nazen looked puzzled at the blonde standing next to Larek. He felt a familiar memory nudging at his brain. Larek sat down and said,
“Cal-El you sit next to your betrothed and Serena…”
When he heard the name he dropped his water and walked up to him. As their eyes met, memories flooded both their senses and everything was revealed to them. In a moment of surprise Nazen embraced his sister and said,
“I never thought that I would see you. I thought that they killed you and that would be the last I saw of you”
“Nazen, I never knew that this would happen, but they decided that it was time for me to join the royal four on Earth. I am sorry”
“Don’t be. I am just glad that you are here”
Max smiled and said,
“We are here because I heard from one of our allies on Earth that the poison was a success. Nicholas is dead and they are preparing it to be distributed across the Earth so that all the Skins would be dead. I just want to ask, is everyone here willing to risk their own lives to rid Antar of Kivar and the other Skins”
In unison the hall echoed, “Yes”
Rebels Rule
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by TessHardingEvans »

I know that you were waiting in anticipation for the next part so here it is.
“Isabel I know that you don’t want to face the rebellion, but I think that it is time that you do. You know that they will forgive you for what happened when you were Vilandra”
“What makes you sure that they will forgive me for what happened?”
“You for one should know that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Look at the first time we met. You didn’t trust me straight away, but soon we became friends”
“I…I know, but that was different”
“How different could it be?”
Isabel sighed and stood up, slowly she straightened her nightgown and walked with Tess to the dining room. As they entered it, the room became silent as the entire rebellion looked at the two,
“What is she doing here?” one of the soldiers asked when he saw Isabel standing there
Max looked at the soldier and said,
“You can speak to my sister with more respect. I know about the betrayal. I just have to tell you this is Isabel my sister not Vilandra the traitor. I forgave her and I think it would be in the best interest if all of you do the same”
“Sorry Your Majesty. It is just that she was responsible for killing my baby sister”
Max asked him who is sister was and when he revealed that it was Serena Max grinned. Clark and Chloe haven’t returned with Larek yet. So there was a surprise waiting for Nazen. Tess sat next to Max and as the group sat down according to rank it was evident that three spaces was open. The rebellion looked at Max and as he said,
“What all in good time. We are waiting for three more members of the rebellion”
Slowly the door opened and the three entered, Nazen looked puzzled at the blonde standing next to Larek. He felt a familiar memory nudging at his brain. Larek sat down and said,
“Cal-El you sit next to your betrothed and Serena…”
When he heard the name he dropped his water and walked up to him. As their eyes met, memories flooded both their senses and everything was revealed to them. In a moment of surprise Nazen embraced his sister and said,
“I never thought that I would see you. I thought that they killed you and that would be the last I saw of you”
“Nazen, I never knew that this would happen, but they decided that it was time for me to join the royal four on Earth. I am sorry”
“Don’t be. I am just glad that you are here”
Max smiled and said,
“We are here because I heard from one of our allies on Earth that the poison was a success. Nicholas is dead and they are preparing it to be distributed across the Earth so that all the Skins would be dead. I just want to ask, is everyone here willing to risk their own lives to rid Antar of Kivar and the other Skins”
In unison the hall echoed, “Yes”
Rebels Rule
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by TessHardingEvans »

I know that you were waiting in anticipation for the next part so here it is.
“Isabel I know that you don’t want to face the rebellion, but I think that it is time that you do. You know that they will forgive you for what happened when you were Vilandra”
“What makes you sure that they will forgive me for what happened?”
“You for one should know that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Look at the first time we met. You didn’t trust me straight away, but soon we became friends”
“I…I know, but that was different”
“How different could it be?”
Isabel sighed and stood up, slowly she straightened her nightgown and walked with Tess to the dining room. As they entered it, the room became silent as the entire rebellion looked at the two,
“What is she doing here?” one of the soldiers asked when he saw Isabel standing there
Max looked at the soldier and said,
“You can speak to my sister with more respect. I know about the betrayal. I just have to tell you this is Isabel my sister not Vilandra the traitor. I forgave her and I think it would be in the best interest if all of you do the same”
“Sorry Your Majesty. It is just that she was responsible for killing my baby sister”
Max asked him who is sister was and when he revealed that it was Serena Max grinned. Clark and Chloe haven’t returned with Larek yet. So there was a surprise waiting for Nazen. Tess sat next to Max and as the group sat down according to rank it was evident that three spaces was open. The rebellion looked at Max and as he said,
“What all in good time. We are waiting for three more members of the rebellion”
Slowly the door opened and the three entered, Nazen looked puzzled at the blonde standing next to Larek. He felt a familiar memory nudging at his brain. Larek sat down and said,
“Cal-El you sit next to your betrothed and Serena…”
When he heard the name he dropped his water and walked up to him. As their eyes met, memories flooded both their senses and everything was revealed to them. In a moment of surprise Nazen embraced his sister and said,
“I never thought that I would see you. I thought that they killed you and that would be the last I saw of you”
“Nazen, I never knew that this would happen, but they decided that it was time for me to join the royal four on Earth. I am sorry”
“Don’t be. I am just glad that you are here”
Max smiled and said,
“We are here because I heard from one of our allies on Earth that the poison was a success. Nicholas is dead and they are preparing it to be distributed across the Earth so that all the Skins would be dead. I just want to ask, is everyone here willing to risk their own lives to rid Antar of Kivar and the other Skins”
In unison the hall echoed, “Yes”
Rebels Rule
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: South Africa

Post by TessHardingEvans »

As all the locations were revealed to where every Skin was situated on Earth. Lex informed the group to move on with the plan for the destruction of the Skins. It was the time to act and there can be no slip-ups on their part. Slowly the transportation vehicles were dispatch to where they are going to distribute the virus. It was time for them to take Earth back from the vermin. Slowly a soft blue/green mist enveloped the air and gasped could be heard from every corner of the town. All around them Skins were dying and there was nothing they could do about it. Lex looked at the scientist that developed the virus and congratulated him on a job well done. He turned towards Liz and said,
“Contact Max and tell him that we are sending the serum to him. All the Skins on Earth is dead”
Liz looked at him and said,
“Max would be pleased to hear that. I will do it as soon as possible”
Max was sitting in the throne room with Tess when he heard the message come through. He looked at Tess and as he delivered the news he knew that Antar would soon be in the hands of the Royal family again. All that has to be done is that Clark and Tess must combine their powers with that of the other Royals then everything would be fine. Tess was feeling a little under the weather when Max gave her the news, but she knew that everything couldn’t stop when she is feeling sick. She decided to visit the royal physician to try and figure what was wrong with her. As she entered the waiting area she was scared what if the human side of her body can’t adjust to this environment? As the physician looked at her he said,
“Your Highness. There is nothing to worry about that won’t be cured in nine months”
“What…?” she asked
“Yes, you are pregnant”
“What about the war? Won’t it be dangerous for me to fight?”
“Actually, it might be beneficial for you to do. Antarian children can feel their mother’s emotions and your child is feeling your fighting spirit. He/she would be one great leader when the war is over”
“What about the fact that I am not Antarian, but Kryptonian?”
“That I don’t know much about. All I know is your physical body can survive in the war to come”
“My husband doesn’t even know about this”
“I think it is wise if you tell him as soon as possible”
With those words Tess left the office and walked back to the throne room
Rebels Rule