Enjoy The Silence [7/19/07] MATURE

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Enjoy The Silence [7/19/07] MATURE

Post by coracat »

Story Title: Enjoy The Silence- Sequel

Spoilers: Story is set up after the show.

Category: Polar Story
Rating: Mature ( for good measure)
Summary: Sequel to a former one- parter
Warnings: Deals with suicide, a little at least
Disclaimer: Roswell doesn't belong to me, at all.

http://efiction.polarattraction.com/vie ... hp?sid=502
is the original story, maybe read that before reading this. I realize there are some typos/ grammar mistakes, I wrote it years ago.


She died two weeks ago.

Two weeks since she decided to take her life, two weeks since she left us forever. Left me.

Max is still so out of it that he doesn't notice Isabel's fear. She fears him, but she tries so hard to not show it, trying to disguise her fear with sadness over Liz’ death- I can’t believe I have to say it.

She’s dead.
She’s gone.
She’s.. we lost her.

I’m the impulsive one, and I have to fight back every urge to beat the shit out of Max- knowing he could mind-warp me, erase my memory, destroy everything that is left of my feelings for Liz.

Kyle emailed me, and called. Told me to keep it low, he’s my rock, if that makes any sense. I’m brooding, I’m cooking. I’m about to explode. I have trouble to focus, I want to fucking kill Max.

Rip him apart, tear him into pieces.

Smash him into parts, make him suffer the way he made Liz suffer.

But I am not like him, I am not the pervert he is, and I know that I shouldn’t get my hands dirty with his blood.

Liz wouldn’t want me to.

We need to stop him, we need him to stop this.
What made him this way?

Being tortured by the FBI? Was it that traumatising? The responsibility he’s got?
I’m trying, I want to know why my brother turned into this, why he manipulated us, why he does all that, why why why… I trusted him with everything, when did I miss this change?

Kyle tries to calm us down, every one of us. But the other day on the phone he way crying, he lost his composure, he sobbed and yelled and punched his wall – he told me so.

Too much blood spilled, too many tears.

After her death, the memories came back.

” He’ll take my life, Michael.”

“No, he won’t”

“He told me he would”

“I won’t let him.”

I failed.[/i]