My Favorite Brunette (M/L, CC Adult) Ch.5 7/27 pg.1 [WIP]

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My Favorite Brunette (M/L, CC Adult) Ch.5 7/27 pg.1 [WIP]

Post by LysCat »


Tbehr was nice enough to make both of these for me. Since I couldn't choose between them, I decided to post both.

Title: My Favorite Brunette
Author: Alysia
Category: Alternate Universe, no aliens.
Couple(s): M/L, mention of Ma/Ma, I/A, Mi/M
Summery: In high school, Max and Maria were the ‘it’ couple. Before going away to college, Maria ended things, but it was far from over for Max. He went away to school, but he vowed that he’d get her back sooner or later. After coming home for Christmas and meeting her new boyfriend, his resolve only strengthens. Liz Parker is Max’s closest friend at college, he has no idea that she is in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters familiar to Roswell.


Walking into his room, Max Evans threw himself dejectedly onto his bed. Dinner had been a horrible affair. Everything was going fine, until he had come face to face with Maria Deluca. Then again, it wasn’t so much that seeing his ex-girlfriend had set off the bad mood, more was the person attached to her. Michael Guerin.

Making a face, Max immaturely punched his pillow. What the hell kind of name was Michael, anyway? And didn’t the guy even have enough money for a haircut?! What the hell kind of guy wore his hair long?! Self consciously, Max ran his hand through his shortly groomed hair cut. She’d never been one for guys with longer hair...then again, she always wore her hair so short during high school, it probably wouldn’t have looked right if he had longer hair then her. And light brown hair? Didn’t Maria realize the Michael’s hair was only a shade darker then hers? Between her green eyes and his hazel ones, they looked as though they could have been related.

Turning over, he grumpily grabbed the picture frame from his night table. Reverently, he ran his fingers over the glass above her figure. She was so beautiful. While he always thought she was the most gorgeous girl he’d ever laid eyes on, he had to admit that he liked her with the long hair extensions. It only served to increase the beauty of her features. Her magnetic green eyes became so electric, her large pouty lips only stood out even more so for him.

She had been his every first. Growing up, he’d always had a crush on Maria Deluca. Where she was out going and nice to everyone she came across, he was shy and preferred to keep to himself. The door was opened for him the night of their homecoming dance their freshman year. At the time, he wasn’t the social butterfly that he evolved into. The night that his twin sister and his friends went to the dance, he opted to stay close to the house. He’d gone out to grab a movie to bring home, when he came across Maria. Apparently, her older date had left her when she refused to take things further that night with him. That was it, their beginning. Max spent the rest of the night cheering her up. From that night on, they were together for the rest of their high school career.

He’d been heartbroken when college got in the way of their relationship. Both had received scholarships for separate colleges. Max would have gladly agreed to a long distance relationship, but soon he realized that it wasn’t an option. Maria had refused to send him away while in a steady commitment, in a way, he understood her reasoning behind it. On the other hand, he was in love with her. He couldn’t imagine meeting anyone who could make his heart flutter the way she did whenever she was around.

Getting over Maria. The idea was a foreign concept to him. While he knew that he was still young, he had yet to feel for anyone else what he felt for his first love. After their breakup, he tried to look up to the fact that he would be introduced to an entire new wave of girls, and while he found them attractive, it never felt anything more. It was only after their first phone conversation during the new school year that he vowed to get her back sooner or later.

How hard could it prove to be? He still found himself feeling the same things he felt for Maria when they were together. Surely he couldn’t be the only one... Of course, he hadn’t anticipated on her returning home with a boyfriend. She was essentially introducing her new boyfriend to her old life, a large commitment, or so Max figured. He just hadn’t realized that she moved on so quickly.

A familiar jingle of his cell phone pulled him out of his thoughts. Looking to the id, he rolled his eyes. He’d expected Liz to call, and she never disappointed him. He really wasn’t in the mood to talk to her though, but he knew that if he didn’t answer, she would just continue calling him.


“Merry Christmas Eve,” Liz Parker greeted in a sin song voice.

Max winced at the cheeriness of her tone. He wasn’t in the mood for her happiness. “Whatever...”

“Ooh, someone’s in a mood,” she clucked, his words not affecting her in the least. “Better be careful Max, or you might find yourself getting nothing but coal tomorrow morning.”

“Aren’t we a little old to be believing in Santa Clause?” He shot back. At this point, the last thing on his mind was presents.

“You’re never too old for a little Christmas spirit,” she chastised simply.

On his end, Max rolled his eyes. Liz Parker and his sister would get along swimmingly. Hell, they already did. Somehow, Liz had managed to worm her way into his life and had developed a nice little friendship with his sister through phone conversations and emails.

“Now...tell me what has you so down.”

“I saw Maria,” Max confessed in a small voice.

“Oh.” Liz paused. She had expected it was something like that. From what she understood, Max and Maria only lived a few miles from one another, the chances that he would bump into her were pretty good.

“Yeah...and she wasn’t alone,” he tossed out.

Liz’s brows furrowed together. “Not alone?” He couldn’t possibly mean that she’d brought someone home to meet the family...wasn’t it too soon? From what Max had told her, they had been together up until that very last day when Max had to leave for college.

“She...has a...” Max couldn’t even force himself to say the words. He had never felt so betrayed in all his life.

“Oh, Max...” she wished she was there to help him feel better. “I’m sorry.” And she really was. From the first moment that she laid eyes on him, she knew that she wanted him in her life. Of course, she would have preferred to have a more prominent role in his life. Although, she had to wasn’t so bad being left in best friend territory. It could have been worse. He could have...been involved with lots of girls.

“Me too,” he sighed. Not wanting to dwell on the subject, he chose to ask her about her trip home.

Liz snickered. “We’ve been spending time with close friends of the family.”

“That must be fun.”

“Sure...except for the fact that it’s not.” She had yet to divulge her family’s status. More importantly, her reason for going away to college. Her father was trying to secure a business deal, of course...a marriage between herself and said business partner’s son was part of it.

“We’re a pair aren’t we?” Max asked over the phone.

“I’m sorry that Maria managed to rip your heart out and stomp on it once again,” Liz apologized after a pause. She wished more then anything that Max wasn’t so hung up on the girl. She had yet to meet the young woman, but from what she knew, she had grown to hate the name Maria Deluca.

“I’m sorry that your parents are driving you crazy,” he replied sympathetically. Hearing a knock on his door, Max sighed. “I have to go.”

“Okay,” Liz replied on the other side of the line. “In case I don’t have a chance to talk to you tomorrow...have a Merry Christmas.”

“You too,” he wished. “And Liz...thanks for calling.” He hung up without another word. “Come in!” Of all the people that could have walked through the bedroom door, Maria was the last person he suspected to see. He jumped up nervously. “Maria! What are you doing here?” Jerkily, he moved to place a pillow over the picture frame of them.

Self consciously, his former girlfriend stepped further into the room. “I thought that we” Briefly, her eyes scanned the room, taking in the differences. Most of it was the way she remembered it being. With a mind of their own, her eyes trained on the might table where Max used to keep a picture of them. When she noticed that it was no longer there, she tried to ignore the sting in her heart. She hadn’t been prepared for the feelings that came rushing back when she saw him that night.

“O...kay,” Max trailed off, not understanding why she was there.

“I...I’m sorry about tonight,” she apologized. “I guess tonight was a bit of a shock,” Maria surmised, referring back to the moment that she and Michael had run into Max. “I want you to know...I didn’t plan on...this thing with Michael, kind of snuck up on me and -”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Max interrupted. “You and I aren’t together anymore, you don’t owe me any explanations.” As far as he was concerned, his night was already ruined. He really didn’t want to dwell on the subject of his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.

Maria stopped immediately. “Still, I’m sorry that you had to see us,” she replied demurely.

“Eh,” Max played off with a shrug of his shoulders.

“And when you’re single...I can see how callous it looks,” Maria voiced, finding her hands very interesting.

At her words, Max’s head shot up. “Single?” He asked. How would she know his status...unless she was looking him up.

After Max’s call, Maria blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry, I just assumed,” she excused, positive that he was still hung up on her.

“Well, I’m not,” he cried out indignantly. “I have someone back at school, I didn’t invite her home because it’s still kind of new and I didn’t think it was appropriate.”

Maria frowned at his words. “Oh.” She was shocked that she hadn’t heard about this girlfriend. Even though she and Max had been broken up for a few months, she and Isabel kept in contact. She was sure that Isabel would have mentioned it at least once. “What’s her name?”

What was her name? Max looked around his room, his eyes landing on his phone. “Liz,” he answered without thought.

Maria followed his gaze, her frown deepening at the picture of Max and a small brunette on the wall paper of his phone. “Oh, is that her?”

Max nodded.

Maria looked more closely at it. She was sitting his lap, the two of them laughing at something someone had said. Liz was a brunette, Maria pouted. Max had never been one for brunettes. “She’s very pretty.”

Smirking at the look on her face, Max looked down the picture of him and Liz. It was by far his favorite picture. “She is.”

Standing up, Maia pasted a smile on her face. “Well, I should go...” she hedged. “I just wanted to make sure that there were no hard feelings.”
Last edited by LysCat on Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:10 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by LysCat »

Thank you so much for the fb! I don't think I've ever had such a big response to one of my chapters...or well, even the first. Thank you for the compliment!

Thursday's Child
youre my dreamgirl
L-J-L 76
JBehr's chica
Sweet Liz

BehrlyLiz: As for Book Of Days, I was hoping to get to that soon, but I signed up for another challenge, or well two of them. This one, and then I posted a short story in the UC thread. I'm almost done with my CC story, and then I can focus on my other stories.

Chapter 1
Summer break

Buckling her seatbelt, Liz Parker glanced over to her companion. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” she confessed in a soft voice, so as not to disturb the people around them.

Looking over to her, Max simply smiled soothingly. “Everything will be fine.”

“Fine?” Liz asked in a harsh whisper. They were about to return to Roswell for summer vacation where they would act as a couple, so Maria would realize what she was missing, or so that was Max’s idea. “This is wrong Max,” she confessed as their plane took it’s place in line to take off.

“Wrong?” He asked, not understanding how she came to the conclusion. “She was my girlfriend first,” he reminded his friend, not unkindly. He knew that what they were doing was less then honest, but what was the old saying? All’s fair in love and war...

Shaking her head, Liz looked away from him and out the window. It had all just snowballed out of control. In a moment of desperation, Max had stupidly told the girl that owned his heart that she wasn’t the only one who had moved on. Liz, had been less then thrilled when she realized that she was his make believe girlfriend. Not only did Maria know that, but now both of Max’s parents looked forward to meeting her as their son’s girlfriend.

“How are we going to pull off being a couple?” Liz asked. “You telling people about me was one thing, but having to convince the people closest to you?”

Grabbing her hand, Max placed a chaste kiss on the back of it. “You and I have grown so close this past year,” he reminded her. He and Liz knew just about everything about each other. “Besides, Isabel knows the deal...” he offered weakly. Surely his sister would help them...

“This was a bad idea Max,” Liz replied. “This is going to blow up in our faces,” she predicted. “I are we supposed to go around acting like a couple.”

Max shrugged as though it wasn’t a big deal. They were openly friendly. Whenever they would go out with their friends, she and Max were always side by side or she was in his lap. The two had often been mistaken as lovers on account of their closeness in the past, no, if there was one person he could pull this off with, it was Liz. “Do what we always do, except throw some kisses in there,” he supplied. “I mean I’m good looking and you’re...pretty-ish...” He frowned as he looked over his friend. He’d been so hung up on Maria for so many months, he had failed to notice just how attractive Liz was.

At the adjective he used to describe her, Liz rolled her eyes and pulled her hand away from him. She knew he was kidding about that, but she didn’t understand how he could be so nonchalant about this. They were essentially going to work at getting between an innocent couple. “Max...” Why couldn’t he do what normal guys did when they were dumped? Get drunk and go watch strippers or have unsafe sex with the nearest slut.

“Liz...” he whined. “Everything will work out.”

Liz narrowed her eyes at him. If they did succeed in breaking up the couple, then Liz would have to bow out gracefully. “Fine,” she acknowledged. “You better not embarrass me though.”

“Embarrass you?” Max asked unsurely. How would he do that?

Liz rolled her eyes. “I mean you can’t be obvious about your feelings for Maria,” she reminded him. “You can’t stare at her or scowl when she does something with Michael...because we have to make this real...and if you were to act like that, then everyone’s going to know that something’s up.” She may have resolved herself to the role of bowing out gracefully, but she certainly would never put up with her ‘boyfriend’ flirting with another girl in front of her.

“Scout’s honor,” he promised. “I won’t flirt or make faces or anything.” Grabbing her hand once again, he squeezed it. “I’m all yours.”

With the combination of his words and the serious look on his face, Liz’s stomach dropped as she struggled to swallow. If only he meant his words in a different context... It took a moment for words to come to her. Smiling easily enough, she winked at him. “Good to know.”

“Just relax,” he coaxed, as he turned to the magazine in his hands.

“I hope that your mother likes me,” Liz confessed in a whisper as the plane moved to take off. It was a fear of hers that neither of his parents would like her.

“Why?” He asked, not understanding his friend. They weren’t really dating, so he didn’t see why she was so worried about it.

Liz sighed. “It’s’s your mom,” she shrugged. “Even if we aren’t really dating, it would make things easier if she did like me.” Looking away from him, Liz inwardly rolled her eyes. She’d been so good about dealing with her feelings for him. From the moment they were introduced, she knew that she didn’t stand a chance. It was something that she had come to terms with. In exchange, she worked on concealing her feelings for him.

Then again, no matter how close they had grown over the past months, it was nothing compared to the time they were about to spend together. She just hoped that she could make it through things relatively unscathed and with her heart still intact.


“ that him?” Dianne Evans asked her husband as she and Phillip stood waiting to meet their son. It hadn’t been so long since he was last home, but he looked so different. Gone was his short kept hair, instead he wore his hair almost to his shoulders.

“I...I think so,” he agreed, a frown marring his face. “What did he do to his hair?” He asked.

“Max!” Dianne exclaimed, gathering her son’s attention.

“Mom!” Max stepped over and swept her into his arms before he turned to his father and shook his hand.

Dianne committed the picture of him to her memory. Gone was her little boy. For the first time, she was allowing herself to see him as the man he was becoming. “Your hair...”

Self consciously, Max ran his hand through it. He’d been growing it out since Christmas break. “Do you like it?” He asked hopefully. Liz had since figured out the reason behind growing it out. Since then, she’d done nothing but criticize him for it.

“It’s...I do,” Dianne replied. “It’s just different from the way you’ve always worn your hair.” Here her son was, home for the summer and she was talking about his hair? There were so many other important things to discuss. “Enough about that, what we really want, is to meet your girlfriend.”

Both Mr. And Mrs. Evans looked to the petite young woman standing next to their son.

At the mention of her character, Liz stepped forward. “Hi Mr. And Mrs. Evans. Thank you for inviting me,” Liz said as she held out her hand.

Ignoring the gesture, Dianne pulled the small young woman into her arms. “Oh, none of that formal stuff,” she excused. “I’m Dianne and this is Phillip.”

“Okay,” Liz smiled.

“Aren’t you just beautiful?” Dianne asked as she took perusal of the brunette. “Phillip, isn’t she just lovely?”

Liz’s face heated up in embarrassment. Her smile went from sincere to teasing as she turned to look at Max. Judging by the tight smile adorning his face, she knew that he was feeling the same thing she was, she surmised.

“Your picture doesn’t do you justice,” Phillip replied, backing up his wife on her words.

Liz looked back to Max’s parents. “Thank you...uh, picture?” She wasn’t aware that they had a picture of her. Pulling a strand of hair behind her ears, Liz looked unsurely to Max, silently praying that at the very least, the picture wasn’t an embarrassing one.

As if sensing her worry, Dianne rushed to reassure her. “Well, when we learned that Max was dating someone, you can imagine our surprise at his want of keeping it secret.”

Turning to Max, the young woman smiled and arched her eyebrows expectantly. “Secret huh? Wow Max, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were ashamed of me...” Liz goaded, turning her mouth into a frown for show.

Changing into character, Max placed an arm around her shoulders and pulled Liz closer to his body. “Ashamed of you?” he asked. “Never!” He denied.

“We just bugged him until he sent one home,” Dianne added.

After the young couple gathered their bags, Max’s parents ushered them outside to the Evans’ car.

“So...where’s Isabel?” Max asked his mother as he climbed into the back seat of his mother’s car.

“Oh, she’s out and about,” Phillip excused with a nonchalant wave of his hand. “You know your sister...”

Max nodded at the phrase. “Little miss popularity,” he clarified for Liz as he helped her into the car. He could only imagine the people that she picked back up with upon her return to Roswell.

“What about you Max?” Liz asked teasingly as his father started up the car. “Will you be meeting up with any old friends?”

Max paused at the question. He knew she was setting him up for something. Silently rising to the challenge, he stared into her eyes. “There’s only one person I want to spend my time with...” he answered determinedly.


As they pulled up to the cozy one story house on Murray Lane, Liz took in the appearance. She’d never lived in a house. Her entire life, she lived in Penthouses in New York’s most prominent buildings. Most of the time there was a coldness there, growing up, she’d often longed for a ‘normal’ life. Her parents had been so busy running their company that all of the things she should have learned from them, were instead taught by the maid and the cook.

“So...this is it...” Max trailed off as he and Liz followed his parents into the house.

“It’s...lovely,” she breathed, basking in the warmness of it. Various family pictures were splayed on the walls.

As well as he had gotten to know his companion in the past year, Max had noticed that whenever her past was brought up or questioned, Liz would always steer the conversation in a different direction. He only knew a few facts, things that he was sure he never would have even learned if Liz hadn’t been intoxicated at the time that she divulged the information. He knew that her family was very rich, and while she didn’t act like a girl who had come from money, he had been a little worried that she wouldn’t find his home acceptable.

“When I get married, I want to live in a house just like this,” she confessed, her attention on the various photographs, a particular one having captured her interest. “Oh my gosh, is this you?” It was a picture of Max, dressed up in a mediaeval costume.

“Yeah...” he answered, his cheeks turning an interesting shade of pink.

Looking back at Max as though she was sizing him up, Liz smirked. “I would never take you as a drama fan.”

“That’s because I’m not one. That was my’s not like I enjoy wearing tights...” he grunted back.

“Punishment? Punishment for what? See, that’s another thing I can’t picture. trouble at school,” she teased back. Max was the most diligent student. Even on his worst of days, he showed up to all his classes prepared and ready to learn.

“Maria and I were caught making out in the eraser room at school. We were forced to work for the drama club, after school as punishment,” he answered simply, obviously wanting to move on from the subject.

“And you had to be in the show?”

“No, the person cast in that part broke his leg and I was assigned the part,” Max snapped back, he’d had enough embarrassment for one day. The last thing he needed was to supply ammunition to Liz. “Did you want to see the rest of the house or...?”

Rolling her eyes at his snarky attitude, Liz sighed. “Boy, you sure do get grumpy after you fly...” Of their quaint circle of friends at school, she always felt that she and Max had a special friendship. In such a position, she’d learned that she was also the easiest target for his attitude, something that she’d learnt to deal with rather well. She no longer let it get to her.

“I’m not grumpy,” Max denied quickly. “I just don’t enjoy being made fun of.”

“I wasn’t making fun of you. In fact, I think you looked rather...dashing,” she supplied, moving to grab her suitcase from the floor, where she had put it down.

At her compliment, a small half smile kissed his lips. “Dashing huh?”

Liz offered him a genuine smile. “Yes. And that really added...the right touch,” she added, not able to resist teasing him.



“And here’s where you guys will be staying.”

Pulling her gaze from Max’s room, Liz look disbelievingly at Mrs. Evans upon hearing her statement. You in plural? Liz moved her eyes to Max to gage his response. He seemed just as shocked as she was, maybe even more so.

“That’s nice mom,” Max began, “but aren’t you forgetting something?” Seeing Dianne’s blank stare in response, he started up again. “An extra bed?!”

“For what?” Dianne asked. She had mulled over the decision since planning his return trip home. “Max, you really expect me to believe that while you’ve been off to college that the two of you haven’t...” she trailed off, unable to complete her question.

Seeing where his mother was heading, Max and Liz exchanged panicked glances. Neither was prepared to handle the situation. Max, most of all was shocked, mostly because of his parents cool attitude. He would have never...his mother was not that hip. In high school, Maria was never allowed to stay the night with Isabel because of Max, but now his parents were letting his girlfriend sleep in his room?

“, you really don’t have to worry about anything,” he tried to explain, but then stopped. No matter what he would say, it just wouldn’t sound right.

“Max, you’re an adult now, and a responsible one at that. You’ve never given me any reason to worry. All I ask, is that if the two of you decide to...” Dianne made a motion with her hands, “please wait until you are alone in the house.”

Liz turned around and pretended to inspect Max’s room a little more closely, all the while, she was fighting the laughter that was threatening to break through.

Completely horrified with his mother’s words, Max shook his head. “Mom! Really!”

Acting as though she hadn’t heard him, Dianne smiled. “Okay, well, I’ll let the two of you settle in. Dinner’s at seven.”

Max walked her to the door and closed it after she left the room. Turning back around, he found Liz collapsed on his bed, in a fit of giggles.

“Sorry about...her...that.” The apology only renewed Liz’s bout of laughter, moments later, Max joined her. “Now you understand why I refused to let her come with dad to freshman orientation last year.”

Sobering up a bit, Liz nodded. “I think it’s sweet that she takes interest in your life. At least she’s trying to make room for change. It could always be worse.” Sometimes, Max didn’t realize how lucky he was. Liz would be grateful if her mother took such an interest in her life. At the moment, her parents were complete strangers to her, as they had always been. Looking for something to change her mind, she thought about the sleeping arrangement. “So...what are we gonna do about the bed?”

Max shrugged. “We could always share it.” It wouldn’t be the first time they’d shared a bed, granted that the past two times were out of their control...or rather, alcohol was involved.

“Share? You and me?” Liz asked, feeling insecure at the thought. Was god trying to punish her? Had she been a bad person in her past life? It wasn’t enough that she had to spend the summer in such close proximity to the guy that she’d fallen in love with, they had to share a bed! How was she going to survive this with her heart intact?

“Why not?”

“You mean other than the fact that you’re...all movy and kicky?” She asked, grasping for straws. Okay, sure...she was reaching a bit, and while it didn’t bug her, she really wanted to find a different solution.

“Well, I have to be cuddled up to something,” Max replied. As soon as he was, his actions stopped. Looking to his friend, he playfully waggled his eye brows.

“Don’t even think about it,” Liz denied stiffly.

Max frowned. “Why not? Everyone wants to cuddle with me, I’m the man.”

“Yeah...maybe in your dreams,” Liz excused with a roll of her eyes. “And FYI, I’m not one of your brainless groupies,” she denied, referring to the semi-impressive amount of girls at school that liked him and often made passes at him.

Max shook his head. “No, you’re not...something that I’m thankful for.”


“Well, we wouldn’t be this close, if that was the case,” he admitted. While it was flattering that so many girls were interested in him, he was still very weary of them. It may have been months since he and Maria had broken up, but he was still very much in love with her. The last thing that he wanted, was to jeopardize that. “Besides, I have a feeling that I wouldn’t be able to hold my wits against you.”

At his confession, Liz stopped all movement. Her heart rate sped up at the implied words. Did that mean that if the situation was different, that he might have taken an interest in her? “What?” She needed to know exactly what he meant by that.

Before he could a word though, his bedroom door flew open as a lovely, statuesque blonde hurried in his direction. “Max!”

“Izzy!” Max stood up and brought her in his embrace. He and Isabel had always been close, even when they were in an argument. Until college, the longest that they’d ever been apart from one another was a few days. It wasn’t until he was holding her in his arms again that he realized just how much he missed her.

“You look great...even though your hair...” Isabel trailed off as she looked more closely at him. Max had told her about it, and she’d honestly thought he was crazy. Max had never been one to do something because of someone else, but whenever Maria was involved, the rules seemed to change.

“See, Max, she agrees with me,” Liz broke in. She loved his longer hair, there was just something about it that made him seem much more personable, she just didn’t agree with the reason why he had decided to grow it in the first place.

“Liz,” Isabel pulled away from her brother and moved to the petite girl standing by the bed. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Liz smiled brightly. “You too.”


“So, how did the two of you meet?” Dianne asked that night at dinner.

Max swallowed his bite before answering. “I thought I already told you this?” He had, hadn’t he?

Ignoring him, Liz decided to answer. “We met through mutual friends. His room mate and my room mate started dating...and that was it,” which it pretty much had been. When Tess Harding and Kyle Valenti started seeing one another, Max and Liz were thrown together many times. A few weeks later, the two realized that their friends would be together for a while, so their friendship began to grow from there.

“That’s it?” Isabel asked, a slight teasing tone to her voice. “That’s boring.”

Max rolled his eyes at her. “Well, sorry it’s not exactly a movie moment.”

“What was your first impression of Liz, Max?”

The question caused both Max and Liz to stop eating. Liz, because she had often wondered that same question herself, though she’d never admit that to him. Max, because he didn’t want to say anything to blow their cover. At the time of their first introduction, he was still so into Maria that he barely noticed the brunette. He was sure that if they hadn’t been thrown together time after time, after that, that he would have easily forgotten about her.

Seeing that Max was having such difficulty coming up with something, Liz shook her head. Once again, she was being reminded of the badness in their situation.

“Uh, the first thing that I thought, was that she was brunette.” Which was the truth. Max had never been into brunettes. Granted that his only girlfriend was a blonde, but he’d always found girls with lighter hair more attractive. He could remember meeting Liz and being blown away by her. It wasn’t that she was some unattainable beauty, it was his reaction to her, that had shocked him most.

“I can honestly say that when I saw her picture, I was surprised that you were a brunette Liz,” Phillip replied.

Liz offered a polite smile, but inside she felt like crying. That was his first thought? That she was brunette? What was that supposed to mean? And here she was, completely ga-ga over him. She could still remember the first time she’d met him, how she looked into his beautiful eyes, she knew that her heart was lost to him. Damn amber eyes!

Looking next to him, Max noticed something about her grin that no one else did. He could see the thinness of it, the strain that she had, trying to hold it in place. “Hey...” he reached over and grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb over it. “You’re my favorite brunette,” he confessed, trying to get her to cheer up.

Her smile became a bit more relaxed and Liz nodded softly. “I better be your only brunette,” she reminded him.

“What about you, Liz?” Isabel asked, pulling the smaller girl’s attention away from Max.


“What was the first thing you noticed about my brother?”

Placing down her fork, Liz looked over at her make shift boyfriend for the summer, who offered her an encouraging grin. “Well, apparently I didn’t make as good a first impression as he left on me. See, I’d noticed him around school long before our friends introduced us. Our first week of school, we ran into each other, literally. I would have fallen over due to the force of it, but Max grabbed me to keep me from toppling backwards. That was it. In that moment, being locked in his arms and staring deep into his eyes, I knew that my heart was no longer my own.” As she finished her explanation, Liz looked down at her plate in embarrassment. Max seemed pleased by the answer, as well as his parents, but she was mortified. She hadn’t meant to share such personal information.

Sitting across the table from the couple, Isabel’s eyes widened in surprise. Did Liz actually have feelings for her brother? How could Max not know that? Was he really so dense?
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Chapter 2

“Morning,” Max greeted as Liz rolled over. He was surprised to find himself awake before her. Liz was usually a morning person, so between that, and the lack of sleep that he’d had the night before, Max was surprised that he was up long before her.

Liz groaned in response. As a cool blast of air from the air conditioner hit her exposed skin, Liz pulled the covers up higher around her body.

Getting to bed, the night before, was a disaster. For Liz, her usual sleep wear included a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top. She’d never had difficulty sleeping in the combination before, but last night she was uncomfortable. She and Max may be good friends, but that didn’t mean that they needed to know everything about one another. She’d always felt inadequate where guys were concerned. She knew that she was thin, but with that came the lack of attributes that guys usually got off on. She was afraid that she wouldn’t be enough for Max. What if he did possibly start to like her, but seeing her in a such a way, noticing the things that she was lacking, made him stop? She knew it was highly improbable, but the thought was there all the same.

As for Max, he had found little comfort as well. At night, he usually stripped down to his boxers. He liked the feel of the sheet wrapped around his legs and bare chest. To him, there was nothing better than the feel of crisp, cold sheets, against his body. He didn’t want to sleep like that with Liz so close to him. First of all, he was a guy. Things...came to life in the morning and he was worried that she might see, or worse off, feel something. Even if he didn’t want it to happen, he knew that it probably would, and more than that, Liz was an attractive girl, so that only added to the chances. Instead of risking anything, he opted to wear a t-shirt and sweats to bed.

As the two awkwardly slipped into bed together, they laid there, stiff as boards, afraid to touch the other person. After a painfully slow forty-five minutes passed, Max apologized profusely for whatever could happen, but he needed to take off his sweat pants. As he slipped into his comfort zone, sleep came to him easily enough, however, it didn’t claim Liz. Instead, she laid awake for another forty-five minutes.

“Did you want the shower first...or?” Max trailed off.

“You go ahead and take it,” Liz denied. She needed a few minutes to wake up. She smelled the refreshing aroma of coffee and decided to head there first. As Max left the room, Liz threw her hair up into a messy bun before bounding out to the kitchen. “Morning, Isabel.”

“Good morning, Liz,” Isabel returned, facing the coffee pot. “Coffee?”


“Did you sleep well?” Isabel asked politely, as she fished out another coffee cup from the cabinet.

Liz shrugged. “It was an adjustment,” she shared awkwardly.

Isabel joined Liz at the table with two cups of black coffee. They each made their cup to their preference in silence. “So...what made you decide to go along with this...charade?” Isabel asked. When Maria questioned her about Liz, Max’s girlfriend, right after winter break, Isabel knew that her brother had made a huge mistake, but this was way worse. Why he couldn’t just tell everyone they broke up, was beyond her, but then she learned that Liz actually agreed to play the role of his better half.

Liz shrugged. “It was...Max.” He was her friend, her very dear friend that deserved to have some happiness. “I knew how bad Maria hurt him, and I just want to see him happy.”

Isabel shrugged. “So, you guys are hoping to make her jealous so that she realizes what she’s missing with Max?”

“Pretty much.”

“And what happens when you accomplish that?” Isabel asked. For her, it was a matter of ‘when’, not ‘if’. She knew her brother’s feelings for the blonde, and she also knew that no matter how hard Maria tried to deny it, she still had feelings for Max, as much as Isabel hated the idea of Max and Maria back together. She had nothing against Maria as a person, but she admitted to holding a grudge for the number that she pulled on her brother. She just wished that her brother would open his eyes and really see what was in front of him.

“I don’t know. I guess I leave quietly,” Liz replied softly, taking a sip from her coffee.

Isabel nodded, but deep down, she wondered if Liz would really be able to do that. The two girls settled into a minute of silence before Isabel asked the question that had been going through her mind since the night before. “How long have you been in love with my brother?”

At the quiet inquiry, Liz began choking on her coffee. “Beg your pardon?”

“You are in love with my brother, aren’t you?” The ‘deer caught in headlights’ look was enough of an answer for Isabel. “How long have you been in love with him?” She wasn’t an idiot. She’d seen it plenty of times in the past. In high school, all of her friends harbored a crush on him at one time or another.

“ did you know?” Liz felt her cheeks pinken with embarrassment. She thought that she had done a good job hiding her feelings away from anyone. Not even Tess knew how she felt. How did Isabel know after only meeting her face to face the day before?

Isabel shrugged. “I’ve seen it before.”

Liz only nodded.

“Why did you agree to do this?” Surely Liz must have known that no good could have come from this. “My brother can be so blind when he wants to be.”

“You know, even if he never knows about my feelings, I’ll be okay,” Liz denied. “I just want him to be happy, and if that’s tied up in Maria, then I’ll help him get her.”

“That’s awfully good of you, Liz.” Personally, Isabel couldn’t stand there and let the thing that she wanted most, go. She was taught to fight for what she wanted, and that was usually what she did.

“Yeah...well, what’s the point in fighting for something that just isn’t gonna happen?” She asked. Since becoming friends with Max, Liz had thought about saying something to him about her feelings, but she knew that she couldn’t. At the time, she had the overwhelming sense that if he knew about her true feelings, that he would have pulled away from her.

“You never tried, did you?” Isabel asked in a gentle tone.

“No, but when was I supposed to? He’s been so hung up on Maria, he doesn’t notice anything,” Liz really hated Maria. She hated the fact that the blonde had gotten to Max first, that she hurt him...

“You could say something. You don’t know, maybe something could come from it...” Isabel tried to coax. Maria had left a void in her brother when she ended things with him, some of which, Liz had since filled. Liz was good for him, whether Max realized it or not.

Liz only shook her head in denial. “I don’t think so.” She honestly felt that Max wasn’t in a place to move on, and on top of that, she felt fear. She was so afraid of losing him. She’d rather have him in her life as a friend, than as nothing at all.

Seeing that her companion was finished with their current conversation, Isabel finished with one last remark that she hoped Liz considered. “Even if you don’t say anything, at least think about it. My brother may surprise you.”

“Why would I surprise you?” Max asked as he stepped into the kitchen. Both girls stilled, and their eyes widened at his unexpected arrival.

“Uh...” Isabel tried to come up with an excuse, but it was too early. She knew that her brother would see through whatever falsehood she gave.

Turning his expectant gaze from his twin to Liz, he waited for an explanation. “Liz?”

She knew that Max wouldn’t let the matter drop until he was clued, so with a quick mind, she stood up and moved in front of him. “I don’t think I should say anything,” she shared softly, pretending to be coy.

Max grew confused. “What? Why not? We tell each other almost everything.” He didn’t understand why she was quiet about whatever it was that she was hiding from him. He and Liz had always had an awesome friendship. To him, she wasn’t just a girl, or one of the guys, she was Liz. Liz, whom he shared everything with, at one point or another.

“I know,” Liz agreed. “But this is different,” she insisted as she bent her pointer finger to make a knuckle before rubbing his stomach. “It’s embarrassing.”

Grabbing her hands in his, Max stared deep into her eyes. “Hey, you can tell me anything,” he tried to assure her.

Liz nodded. “Yeah, you’re right,” she agreed, willing to give in. “ I’m just gonna say it,” she told him, licking her lips as a sign of mock seriousness.

Max was almost giddy with anticipation. The only thing that Liz was ever really secretive about, was her family life. When she held something so closely regarded to her, he became anxious to know about it. He really thought he was in for something good.

“You make really bad coffee,” Liz shared after a pregnant pause.

Looking behind her, Max glared at his giggling sister. “Hilarious, Liz...really.”


“Can you pass the tabasco sauce?” Liz asked, breaking the quiet that had settled over the breakfast table.

“So, what are your plans today?” Phillip asked the kids, but his attention was focused on Max.

Max shrugged. “I was thinking that I would take Liz to the Crashdown, show her the old haunt of mine...”

Liz frowned. Didn’t Maria’s mother own that place? Isn’t that what Max had mentioned once or twice before in the past? She looked across the table for Isabel’s thoughts about Max’s suggestion.

Discreetly, the blonde shook her head, no, Isabel knew that was a bad idea.

Nodding as if to say that the saw the movement, Liz looked over at Max. “Sure,” she answered tightly. “You know, I really wanted to see that other place...” Liz pretended as though she was thinking about the name. “What’s it called? The um, the museum that you told me about...”

“The UFO Museum?” Max asked, frowning.

Beaming, Liz nodded. “That’s the place. I really want to go there. See for myself how fake it all is.”

“It’s really fake,” Max replied. “Trust me, I worked there...I should know. Liz, I really don’t want to go there. Do you have any idea how much time I spent there as a teenager?” It was his after school job. He knew the building inside out.

Liz raised one eyebrow in silent question. “You don’t want to go there but you want to go to the Crashdown?” She asked in a sweet voice, so as not to alert Dianne and Phillip of any problem she had. “Come on, baby. It’ll be fun...” she tried to tempt.

Once breakfast finished, the occupants of the house, went their separate ways. Max and Liz, retired to his room. “ have something against going to the Crashdown?” he asked as they settled on his bed, side by side.

“Damn right I do,” Liz replied, turning to him. She didn’t care what Max thought. Their second day in Roswell, and he wanted to run and see Maria?! He was just so frustrating. Why couldn’t he feel that way about her? She would never leave him the way that Maria did. If Max had been her high school sweetheart, she would have said, ‘College be damned, you’re my man’. She knew exactly why Maria made that decision, because she wanted to explore different ‘avenues’. Grudgingly, she understood the decision. After all, Maria and Max were so young when they met. If they stayed together and got married without dating anyone else, she could see that fact coming between them down the road. She just wished that Max saw it the same way she did. If Maria didn’t love him enough to hang on to him, why was he wasting so much time and attention on her? What made Maria so special?

“Why?” He was genuinely confused at her denial.

Looking at him once again, Liz wanted to laugh at the expression that adorned Max’s face. “Hello? Are you really that dense? You can’t just go over there!” Didn’t he understand the plan? “You’re supposed to be over her,” she reminded him.

Max nodded. “Yeah, that’s what you’re for.”

Rolling her eyes, Liz shook her head. “Gee, I’ve never felt so loved and appreciated before. You really know what girls want to hear,” she sardonically replied.

“Well, you know what I mean,” he tried to excuse.

“And I see two flaws in that. First, you’re over her, or supposedly, why run out to see her?” If he appeared too anxious, it wouldn’t work. “Secondly, I’m supposed to be your girlfriend. Why would you want to bring me to her...territory?” Liz brought up. She told him she would help him, and while she planned to, she had an ulterior motive for not wanting to meet Maria. It was hard to be in love with someone who didn’t know you existed in a romantic sense, meeting the object of his affection, was definitely worse.

“True...” he allowed. He couldn’t help himself though. He and Maria, she was his everything in high school. All he wanted, was to get back to that place. They made it work for three and a half years, he knew that they could do it again. All he needed was the opportunity to prove it to Maria.

Placing her hand on his arm, Liz smiled gently. “I know that you want her back, it’s just gonna take a bit more time than you would like.”

Max nodded as he covered her hand with his much larger one. “You’re right.” He shook his head. How did he get so lucky to get her in his life? “Thanks, Liz. You really are the best friend a guy could ask for.

Liz watched him walk out of his room, with a heavy heart. She was both pleased and disappointed with his words.


“So...tell me a little bit more about yourself...” Isabel coaxed as she and Liz walked through the mall. After breakfast that morning, Isabel decided to give Liz a break from Max. She proposed a girl’s day. After lunch, they headed to the salon to get their hair and nails done. Afterward, they headed to the mall, to ‘complete their new changes’, or so Isabel insisted.

Her invitation was two fold, though. While she did want to get to know Liz more, she also wanted to get the girl out shopping for some new clothes. While Liz was beautiful herself, she knew that with the right clothes, her brother might finally take a look at her.

“There’s really not much to say,” Liz excused, feeling modest. “I grew up in New York. My parents were always so busy, so I didn’t get to see them much. I was an only child...but that’s about it.”

“I’m sure there has to be more to it than that,” Isabel insisted.

Shaking her head, Liz looked away. “Not really. The truth is Isabel, I don’t really know my parents. I mean I know the surface facts, but...other than that, they are complete strangers. I spent more time with our maid and cook than with them.”

Seeing that Liz was growing uncomfortable with the present conversation, Isabel switched topics. “Ah, yes. Max told me that your family had some money. I have to say, you don’t act like it.”

Liz smirked. “I think my mother is a little upset with that fact. I grew up with shallow, air heads that were more concerned with money and fashion than anything. I vowed not to be like that.”

“I’m sorry,” the taller girl offered. She didn’t quite know what to say to Liz. What does one say to information like that?

“Well...thanks,” Liz replied, stupidly. She hated when people gave her sympathy. Sure, she didn’t have a relationship with her parents, but growing up wasn’t all bad. “, not that I’m complaining, but what is all this?”

“What, you’re not into the occasional shopping spree?” Isabel asked, innocently.

“It’s not that,” the other girl excused, “but something tells me that you’re doing this for another reason.”

“Why, whatever do you mean?”

Liz scoffed. “The new hair, the painted nails, not to mention the fact that most, if not all these bags, are for me.”

“Two of them are mine,” Isabel tried to excuse. “As for the rest, well...” she trailed off, trying to think up an excuse. “Don’t take this the wrong way, because I think you’re cute as a button.”

“But...” Liz interceded, knowing that one was coming.

“If Maria is really supposed to be jealous, you need a different...well, clothes.”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Liz asked, looking down at her capris and tank top.

“Nothing, it’s just that Maria won’t be very jealous is she knows that she dresses better than you,” Isabel supplied. Truthfully, she knew that Maria could care less. Maria never worried about clothes. “You and Max want to make this as authentic as possible, and to do that...well, Maria knows his taste.”

“Seriously?” Liz couldn’t believe that. While she didn’t like Maria, she knew that Max could never be with anyone so shallow...right?

Shrugging, Isabel smiled. “I’m just saying...”

Narrowing her eyes, Liz spied Isabel’s true meaning for everything. “Let’s try and remember that I’m not actually trying to land your brother...”

“Oh, look, shoes. Want to go look?”

“Nah, you go ahead though,” Liz insisted. “I think I find something much more appealing,” she added, pointing to the vacant bench a few feet away.

“You sure?”

Liz nodded. “Yeah, go right ahead.” She waited for Isabel to depart before she headed towards her destination. She was so focused on the idea of resting her aching feet, Liz didn’t notice the hard body walking in her path, until she collided with it and lost her balance, as well as her shopping bags.

“Whoa!” The owner of a masculine voice, grabbed her around the waist.

Biting her lip, Liz’s face flamed. How many guys would she meet in this position? “Um...thanks,” she said pulling away from him. “I have such a habit of being a klutz.”

The guy laughed at her explanation. “That’s okay. I don’t mind an attractive woman falling into my arms.”

Usually, Liz would have taken a comment like that as a lame come on line, but there was a genuine sparkle in his eyes. She knew that he was just kidding around. “Such a charmer.”

“I try.”

Liz moved down to the groung to retreat her fallen parcels, she noticed that he followed her.

“So...I take it that it’s been a productive day?” He asked, taking inventory of all her bags.

Liz shrugged. “My friend made me go shopping with her.”

His eyes grew amused, hearing her lame excuse. “Uh-huh. And I bet she held a gun to your head the entire time.”

Making a face, Liz laughed. “Okay, you caught me,” she admitted, “but I did resist before we got here,” she finished as they moved to an open seat. “Thanks, for helping me with my bags.”

“You’re welcome. So...” he looked around. “Where’s your friend?”

Pointing to the shoe store, Liz laughed. “Making a pit stop.”

Her companion laughed along with her. “My name’s Alex...Alex Whitman.”

“Liz Parker.”

“ in computer programming?” He asked after a pause. Hadn’t he read an article about the famous Jeff Parker? Who also had a daughter named Liz?

Feeling sheepish, Liz nodded. “Guilty.”

Alex scoffed. “Your father is just amazing. I mean the way that he...well, you know.”

Liz laughed over his stuttered words. “Big fan, huh?”

“Does it make me bad if I admit to it?” He asked first. “I guess I’m a bit of a computer geek,” he admitted, upon seeing her all knowing gaze.

“You guess?” She teased, feeling a fast friendship growing between them.

Before their conversation could further, they were interrupted.

“Yeah, they were ridiculously over priced,” Isabel said. “So, what do you want to look at...” her eyes traveled to Liz’s companion. “Alex?”

“Isabel!” Standing up quickly, Alex tried not to trip over himself. “Wow, you look...good, I’s good to see you.”

Blushing, Isabel nodded. “It’s good to see you too.” Taking the initiative, she moved forward to hug him. “So, how was school?” She asked as they pulled apart, ignoring the butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

“Not bad.”

Rolling her eyes at Alex’s modesty, Isabel questioned him further. “Star pupil?”

“I’m...okay,” he allowed. “What about your classes?”

“I did okay, a lot better than I did for most of my high school career.”

“I’m proud of you.”

Smiling gently, Isabel shrugged. “Well, I had a good tutor.”

Liz’s eyebrows arched up at the comment. There was something behind the words, something that held more than just a compliment. And, judging by the hot looks the two were sharing, Alex caught the implied tone as well.

After a few more minutes of pleasantries, the girls departed from him after the promise to meet up again. As Isabel and Liz headed to the parking lot, the taller girl tried to ignore the brunette’s imploring gaze. Finally, she caved. “What?”

“You two were pretty friendly...”

“Yeah, so?”

“Well, you just don’t strike me as the type to...what I mean is, you two are so different.” The ‘Beauty and the Geek’, such a cliched situation, but interesting all the same.

“Senior year we got paired up on a project,” Isabel downplayed. “And then I needed help in a few of my classes and Alex offered to tutor me. I guess he grew on me.”

“That’s a nice way to put it,” Liz agreed.

“Liz! It’s Alex! He’s this complete...dork! We have nothing in common, other than our friendship...and even if there was something there, which there’s not,” Isabel added quickly. “Our schools are just...too far from each other.”

Liz nodded outwardly, all the while questioning if Isabel was trying to convince her, or herself. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, he’s not at all interested in you either,” she finished with a sly smirk.
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Post by LysCat »

Sorry it's taken me a while to get this out. I got stuck for a bit on this last part, but it's gone now. Also, let me apologize ahead of time, I wanted to get this out, so needless to say, my beta hasn't read it, yet. Also, thank you guys for your wonderful fb. I'm so glad that you are enjoying this.

Chapter 3

“I take it that the shopping trip was successful...” Max said as Liz placed her bags down in his room.

“Apparently,” Liz muttered as she fell back on his bed. “Your sister is exhausting.”

Max scratched at his eyebrow. “ uh...grows on you.”

Her eyebrows arched as she spied Max eyeing her bags. “What?”

“I’ve just never seen you buy so much.”

Liz laughed. “That’s because I never have. I think I’ll need to buy another bag just to get all this home.”

Listening to her explanation, Max began looking through the bags. He pulled out a champagne colored piece of fabric, something that Liz would never wear. “What is all this?”

Hearing the humor in his voice, Liz snatched back her top. “Stuff,” she answered, indignantly. Why was he so amused with her clothes? Okay, so she normally stuck with pants, and her shirts were...for lack of a better word, normal, but she could change her style.

“Stuff?” Is that what that was? “How did Isabel convince you to buy this?” He asked, holding up another scrap of clothing from a different bag. Liz never wore appealing outfits. Even her most ‘risky’ article of clothing was relatively modest. Liz just wasn’t the type of girl to wear this style of clothing. He hoped that she didn’t spend too much money on the clothes.

“It never hurts to bring on the attention,” Liz denied. Once this charade ended, Liz knew that the clothing would come in handy. There was no doubt that any guy she found to turn her attention from Max, would find the clothes perfect.

“Right...” Max nodded, though he didn’t believe her words or reasoning. “My parents made dinner reservations at...”

“Oooh,” Liz was excited with the idea. It would give her and Max a reason to act like a couple. “What should I wear?”

Looking to the bags, Max shrugged. “Something tells me, you’ll find something to wear. We’re leaving in an hour and a half, don’t be late,” he warned before leaving the bedroom.

Making a face, Liz pouted at his back. What a...jerk! Why couldn’t he just get over Maria and move on, preferably to her? It was that moment that Liz decided to change her own personal goals. At first, she was just humoring Isabel, but now? She was going to make Max eat his words. She wasn’t just some scrub that he could so easily use and then discard. No, she was dedicated to making Max notice her as more than just a friend. Moving to a particular bag, Liz help up the contents. It wasn’t the most revealing of outfits, but it was something more than she usually wore. Eat you heart out, Max Evans!

Making her way across the hall to Isabel’s room, Liz knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

Liz stepped in the room and closed it behind her. “Could you help me with something?”

“With what?” Isabel asked, thumbing through a magazine.

“I guess we’re all going out tonight and I want to make Max...”

Looking up, Isabel smirked. “Really notice you?” She finished.

Finding the floor interesting all of a sudden, Liz nodded. “Yeah. I just want him to really look at me for once, make him realize that I’m more than just a friend, or that I could be more.”

“I’d love to help you.”

An hour and twenty-five minutes later, Max was standing in the living room, impatiently waiting for his sister and friend to grace them with their presence. Looking at his watch once again in the last ten minutes, he sighed. “Isabel! Liz! Come on! It’s time to go!” He called. Both his parents were sitting on the couch, talking to each other softly, as though they weren’t waiting on the two young women.

“Why don’t you guys head over there? Liz and I will meet you there!” His sister called back. “We’re almost done.”

Max turned to his father. “Why an hour and a half isn’t long enough to get ready, is beyond me.”

Dianne stood up and patted his cheek. “It’s just one of our many ways,” she played off airily. “You know how Isabel is,” she added softly, so as not to offend Isabel if she were to overhear. Isabel had always taken a very conscious effort in looking good, that often meant primping for hours at a time. “And Liz, well, she’s just trying to look good for you.”

“She doesn’t have to do that,” Max denied easily. It was just Liz, besides, she was pretty enough.

Beaming at her son, she shook her head. “Funny thing about that, we enjoy looking good for our men,” Dianne replied.

Hearing a car pull away, Isabel unrolled Liz’s last curl from the curling iron. Looking at her reflection, Liz sighed. “Do you think Max will notice me?”

Smiling Isabel sprayed the last bit of hair spray to complete Liz’s look. She took in the result of her attention, her hair and make up, Liz’s clothes...she looked very good. “He’d be blind, not to.”

“Thanks for helping me with all this Isabel,” Liz thanked as she spoke to the other girl through the reflection of the mirror. “I feel just like Drew Barrymore in Ever After.”

Isabel laughed. “And that would make me what? Your fairy godmother.”

Liz shrugged. “Well, every Cinderella needs one.”

Doing a once over of her reflection, Isabel nodded at what she saw. “Okay then Cinderella, your prince charming is waiting.”

“He’s not my prince charming,” Liz denied in a small voice as she followed Isabel through the house and out the front door.

“He very well could be.”

“Right, because I really get off on my guys obsessing over other women,” Liz snorted in disbelief.

“My brother won’t always obsess about Maria. He’ll get over it...I know he will. Who knows Liz, you may be the reason why.”

“Right,” for some reason, Liz didn’t think so. “Look Isabel, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t say stuff like that. I don’t want to get my hopes up.” When nothing happened as a result of all this, Liz knew it would hurt. Adding on someone else’s positive thoughts, and believe them...she knew she would only fall harder.

“You give yourself far too little credit,” Isabel criticized. “You’ve got good looks and a great personality going for you,” she finished off with a compliment. She just hoped that her brother opened his eyes, because he would be an idiot to let Liz go.

Ignoring the second part of Isabel’s declaration, Liz only shook her head. “Humor me,” she replied as they approached the remaining vehicle.

Liz knew it didn’t make any sense. She wanted Max, she wanted Max to notice her. She wanted to be more than just his friend, and she’d enjoyed the help that Isabel had given her that day. It wasn’t as though she was some unkept, frumpy thing, but Liz liked the clothes that Isabel coaxed her into buying. She wore pants and shorts, and anything in between. Liz had never been one for dresses or skirts, but apparently, that didn’t work at catching Max’s attention. As nice as it felt to own such clothes, things that she would have never thought to buy for herself, she felt bad. She didn’t want to change who she was just to get a guy to notice her.

“Fine,” Isabel acceded as she started up the car. “I promise I won’t make such comments, if you promise to try and improve your self esteem.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my self esteem,” the passenger denied.

“Of course not,” Isabel rushed to agree. “I just meant that, it doesn’t seem fair that you think that you are so low below my brother. You could get any guy you want, you just...picked the wrong one.”

“I feel ridiculous for putting myself in this situation.” Liz stared out her window, afraid to look at her companion. “Max should have chosen Tess to bring home and help him out.” Her room mate would have been the smarter choice. Not only was she more attractive, she and Max looked good together, and there was also the fact that Tess felt no attraction to Max, in the slightest bit.

Isabel shook her head. “I can see why he chose you. You’re smart and polite, and there’s this...thing about you, people just take an instant liking to you. Aside from that, it’s easy to see the closeness that the two of you share. Maybe you just need to step it up a bit.”

Hearing the suggestion, Liz’s eyes widened. “Step it up?”

“I refuse to believe that there haven’t been any guys in you life, any romance...” Isabel began, looking to her companion for confirmation.

“Maybe one or two...”

“ you thing. Step up the act so that you make a point to Max. Make him really look at you.”

After pulling into a parking spot, Isabel turned off the car and gathered her purse. Sitting in the passenger seat, Liz nodded. “Step up...I can do that,” she rehearsed to herself. Repeating the phrase once more, she grabbed her things and joined Isabel at the door of the restaurant.

“Wow, I feel like I’ve just been propelled through time once again,” Isabel confessed as she looked around the restaurant, everything exactly as she remembered it.

Taking in the type of music that was playing, as well as the pool tables off to the side, Liz’s eyes widened. “You’re parents chose to come here?” She asked, honestly surprised by the findings. While she didn’t know the Evans very well, they didn’t seem like the kind of people to enjoy the environment.

“I know!” Isabel laughed. “Once we started high school, Max and I didn’t really have time to devote to our parents. So my mom made this corny rule, where we went out to eat once a week. They wanted a place that they felt we could identify with and...” Isabel trailed off.

“You’ve never stopped coming,” Liz supplied. “It’s sweet, really. I’m gonna go use the restroom. I’ll join you guys in a minute.”

“There you are,” Max grumbled as his sister approached the table. He noticed that his makeshift girlfriend was missing. “Where’s Liz?”

Making a face at him, Isabel resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Geez Max, you act like we’re an hour late or something...and she went to the restroom.”

“Weren’t you guys in the bathroom before the three of us left?” He asked, genuinely confused. One would suppose that after growing up with Isabel, he would at least understand why women did the things they did. Needless to say, that would be the wrong assumption about him.

Not even bothering to give her brother a reply, Isabel turned to her mother with pleading eyes. “Are you sure he’s not adopted?”

“Hey!” Max cried out indignantly, the adoption statement really cutting him. Though he knew Isabel was just playing, it might have something to do with the fact that when they were nine, Isabel made up an elaborate story about how Max was adopted. She’d gotten into quite a bit of trouble for that bit, but it was something that Max still took to heart.

Dianne sighed. “No, honey. He’s just a guy.”

Max looked to his mother and pouted at her statement. “What, is this ‘pick on Max dinner’ or something?” He asked back, offended with two women at the table.

Looking beyond her brother, Isabel noticed Liz standing at the bar. “You might want to go rescue Liz,” she suggested to her most of the time clueless brother.

His eyebrows drew together in a mix of confusion and audacity. “From the bathroom?”

“No, you ninny,” she argued, using her head to nod over towards the bar.

Max followed her gaze and frowned at the sight of a guy hassling Liz. It looked like she was trying to make excuses to get away from him, but he wasn’t having it. “Excuse me,” he bid, not even casting a glance at his family.

“Are you sure I can’t tempt you into having a drink with me? Afterwards, I could show you around and then maybe we could head back to my place for an intimate dinner for two...”

Max balled his hands into fists. Just who did this guy think he was? Sometimes Liz was too nice. She would have been better off just telling this guy where he could stick his invitation. But Liz? She would never say anything like that. She was too sweet, always trying to please people. She hated to offend them, and when she did, she would fret over it for days.

“Oh, I really don’t think that...” Liz stopped immediately when she felt his hand grasp her own. Well, this was a bit forward. “Do you think you could remove your hand now?” She asked.

Pulling his hand away, the guy smiled. “I just didn’t like the way that your response was sounding,” he excused.

Max resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Was that line supposed to work? “It sounded okay to me,” Max shared, announcing his presence.

Spinning around, Liz beamed, her entire body relaxing over his close proximity. “Max...”

“Hey, I was wondering what was taking you so long?” He excused, stepping forward and holding his arms out for an invitation. Liz didn’t hesitate in melting into his form. “Getting tired of me so quickly?” he joked.

The guy at the bar was completely forgotten as Liz gazed up at Max. “Never.” Deciding to take things up a notch, Liz stepped up on her tippy toes and framed his face with her hands before planting a kiss on his lips. Her heart was beating out of her chest and her lips tingled upon meeting his.

Max immediately froze. His hands may have been grasping her waist, but there was no strength in it. He was shocked by her move. On the plane, when he’d suggested that they could throw in a few kisses, he hadn’t had this in mind. It was definitely more than a peck. At least, if he bothered to respond at all, it would be. With that realization, he mentally shook off the awe.

When she felt no response at all, Liz began pulling away, already worrying if she’d overstepped the line. Getting ready to step back, she was surprised when Max’s hands held her in place, and suddenly, she was shocked into oblivion when he began returning the kiss. Closing her eyes once again, she sagged against them and let the moment take her over.

When they pulled away, Liz instantly wished that she could rewind the moment and act it out repeatedly. Who would have known what a great kisser Max would be?

Opening his eyes, Max stared at his companion with a mixture of emotions. What was happening to him? The kiss, it wasn’t supposed to mean anything. Yeah, he had admitted that maybe because they were so close, it meant something, but that didn’t explain why he felt somewhat bummed when the moment ended.

The two stared at one another, both trying to get their breathing back to normal. “You hungry?” Max asked, feeling dumb.

Liz nodded. “Famished.”

“Me too,” he added.

“Let’s go order.”

Max nodded. “Great,” he agreed, taking her hand and walking with her to his parent’s table.

“So, Liz,” Dianne began as she pushed the remains of her dinner around on her plate. “You haven’t really mentioned your parents.”

At the abrupt subject change, Liz dropped her fork. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I’m just not very close with my parents, so I usually don’t mention them. Uh, my father owns his own company and my mom helps him out.”

“Oh, that’s nice...” the older woman finished, lamely.

“They weren’t really around much when I grew up so...” Liz trailed off.

“Phillip and I worked a lot too when the kids were younger. Let me tell you something from a parent’s perspective. They were probably just trying to build the kind of life for you that they didn’t have growing up.”

Liz nodded at the advice. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard it, and she did understand, really she did. Maybe that was one of her father’s motivations when he first started out, but now it was more about money than anything. As privileged a life she’d had, she wished more than anything that her parents were around to experience it with her. “So they say.”

“What about college? Isn’t it somewhat close to your home?” Phillip asked.

“Not really. Since I never really saw my parents, I decided that they wouldn’t miss me much during my college years,” Liz replied, awkwardly. It was apparent to the rest of her table mates that she was growing uncomfortable with the conversation.

“What about your major?” Isabel asked, shifting things in a slightly different direction.

“Uh, actually,” Liz looked to the parental units. “I haven’t yet decided on one. I would really like to write, become an author,” she shared. “My dad wants me to do business...” Every time she spoke to her parents, her father always mentioned it, questioning her on her decision. It wasn’t so much that he disapproved of her first choice, it was just that when he retired, he wanted to pass the company down to her. “It’s odd, when I was in high school, I really wanted to study microbiology.”

“What happened with that?”

Liz shrugged. “I really don’t know,” she answered, honestly. “I just woke up one morning and the idea didn’t hold the same sort of appeal for me.”

Phillip nodded. “That can happen. My father was a lawyer, so was my grandfather. The last thing I ever wanted to be, growing up, was a lawyer. I spent my freshman year changing my mind about my major, but I ended up choosing law. While my father never said anything, I know that he was saddened that I didn’t want to carry on the tradition.”

“But you ended up becoming one anyway...” Liz trailed off. “You ever regret your decision?”

Phillip shook his head. “Though I can say, it’s not for everyone. While it was a tough course, I managed it pretty well. I often wonder, if I hadn’t taken to it as well as I had, would I have pushed forward with it.”

When a silence settled over the table, Liz took the chance to change the subject. “So, when Isabel and I went shopping today, we ran into a certain person.”

“Really?” Max asked with mock surprise. “You ran into someone at a mall, oh! What a concept,” he finished off with a tease.

Liz rolled her eyes at his words. Since her arms were crossed, she took the chance of scooting closer to him and pinching his skin with her hand closest to him. “Yes, I believe he goes by the name Alex Whitman.”

At the name, Dianne turned to Isabel. “He is such a nice young man, and smart too.”

Not liking the look that her mother was giving her, Isabel turned to Liz with a pout. “Thank you, Liz. I have to say, I used to like you.”

Giggling, Liz only shook her head. “What did I say?”

As Dianne began talking to Isabel about Alex and the things she remembered from the previous school year, Max took the chance to lean closer to Liz. “My mom really wanted Alex and Isabel to get together last year. He and Isabel became good friends, but it wasn’t enough for my mom. She constantly tried to talk Izzy into trying something more for him. Now that you mentioned him again, I believe it may just start all over again.”

“Oh.” She looked to mother and daughter once again, Dianne’s voice filtering through her ears. “I feel bad now.”

“Don’t. Isabel deserves it.”

How did he figure? She felt a smile pull at her lips. Something told her that she would never tire of seeing Max in his home environment. “She told me I was adopted.”

When her eyebrow furrowed together in confusion, Liz turned to him. “What?”

“It’s exactly how it sounds,” he insisted. “I’ll tell you about it later.” When his father also began speaking to Isabel, Max took the chance to move his head closer to Liz. “So, apparently the clothes worked...” he murmured softly.

Thinking back to her previous encounter with the man at the bar, Liz fought a smile. While she hadn’t enjoyed his hands on her, she had to admit that it was a big boost for her ego that he was interested. “What can I say? The man’s got good taste,” she finished off, making a show of blowing on her nails and then wiping them across her shirt.


“So, what do you say that tomorrow, I show you around town?” Max offered. “I’ll even take you to the UFO Center, and I won’t even gripe about it...much.” After dinner, Isabel offered to take her parents home while Max and Liz opted to stay at the restaurant.

Looking up at her companion, Liz nodded. “Sounds good.”

Max smiled. “Though, I’m not quite sure that you’ll enjoy everything that Roswell has to offer.”

Shrugging, Liz figured as much. “Well, then show Show me around town and places that mean something to you.”

“I suppose that I could do that,” he acknowledged. “As for now, I was thinking that I might show you that pool table over there and see if I might convince you to play a game with me...” he shared, gesturing to the open table.

Making a face, Liz shook her head. “I’m really bad at this game, you know that.”

“Are you sure you’re that bad, and it wasn’t just the alcohol that night?” The one and only time he’d ever seen Liz play that game was at a frat party. Needless to say, she was less than coherent, and she’d done a horrible job.

“Trust me, the alcohol was so that I wouldn’t feel much embarrassment.”

“Just one game...” he pleaded, giving her a pout, while his eyes held a hopeful expression.

“Fine,” she agreed. “So long as you promise not to keep score and do the whole...calling shots thing.” Max was a stickler for rules where most, if not all things were concerned.

“Where’s the fun in that?” He asked back, frowning.

Giving him a bored look, Liz shook her head. “Promise me, or there will be no game.”

Rolling his eyes, Max knew it was the only way to get her to agree to that, and he also knew that he would. He could never refuse Liz, anything. Judging by the smirk playing along her features, he knew that Liz knew that as well. “Fine,” he grumbled, hating that she knew that she had him wrapped around her finger.

Once the balls were set up, Liz leaned down to break the formation when Max’s voice stopped her. She twirled her stick horizontal, and leaned against it as her companion spoke his piece.

“Are you sure you want to do that Liz?” He asked. “It can be kind of hard, plus, I remember the last time you tried to do that. The balls didn’t move very well,” he served, reminding her of that instance.

“Thanks for the excuse,” Liz replied, getting back down to business. “But I think that there’s something you should know...” she trailed off, taking the shot. She watched the myriad of colors break up and smiled when two striped balls fell in a pocket. She spared a glance at her companion, wanting to laugh at the surprised expression on his face. “Kyle’s been teaching me some things.”

Max nodded. “Apparently, he has.” His brows furrowed in confusion. “Uh, where was I when this was going on?” Kyle spent most of his time with Tess, so when would he have time to help Liz?

“Well, when you decided that you would rather sit in your dorm room than go out with the rest of us.”

Looking back down to the table, Max shook his head. “I had decided to go easy on you, but after that little display, I’ve decided not to.”

“Bring it on, Evans,” Liz cajoled. She knew that she was going to lose. Sure, her skills may have improved, but Kyle wasn’t a miracle worker.

Due to that preparation, Liz wasn’t too upset when she lost the game, like she knew she was going to. Instead, she watched with interest when Max did everything short of a victory dance.

“Sore winner...” she mumbled.

Her words were enough to stop his movements. “Sore loser,” Max argued.

“I mean really, who throws their hands in the air chanting when they beat a girl? Did it make you feel like your masculinity was intact, beating a girl?” She knew she was being completely unfair, but she hated to lose at anything.

“Is my masculinity intact? Why, yes, I believe it. Am I happy about beating you, just happen to be a girl,” Max replied, smirking. He knew that Liz hadn’t meant any offense with her attitude. “Don’t I at least get my victory hug?”

“Your what?”

“Whenever I play someone and win, you always give me a hug.”

Liz tried to think back, but it was difficult to settle on one time. Usually when they hung out with their friends, there was alcohol involved. Not that either of them would get drunk every night, but when they did drink, neither tended to focus on the tiny details. “I do?”

Max smiled. “You ready to head back?”

Liz nodded, before letting out a yawn. As they headed out, she caught sight of a clock hanging on the wall. “Wow, I hadn’t realized it was so late...” she murmured.

“Me either.” At least when they got home, his parents, and hopefully his sister, would be asleep. Liz looked as though she could pass out at any moment, and he knew he’d have some time to himself.

Opening the front door, he waited for Liz to enter the house before following her and shutting and locking the door.

“Man, I can’t believe I dozed off on the way here,” she laughed a little. “I guess I was more tired than I thought.”

“Why don’t you go head to bed, then?” Max offered in a gentle tone.

Liz nodded to his advice, already turned around to the direction of the bedrooms. When she sensed that he wasn’t following, she turned back around. “You coming?”

“I’m actually not tired yet,” he fibbed, smiling. “I think I’ll just watch a movie and relax.”

Liz shrugged in response. “Okay, night.”


Sitting on the couch, Max turned on the tv, his thoughts already getting away from him. He’d just needed some time to think. All night, he’d been feeling weird. Ever since they got to the restaurant, ever since he saw Liz by the bar. She was a good friend of his, as such, she’d often be in his thoughts, but not like this. He was consumed with thoughts of her, just like he had been all night.

What was wrong with him? Ever since their kiss, he often found himself wondering what it would be like to kiss her again, would she taste the same way? Would she feel the same, wrapped in his arms? Feeling that he was about to fall again, he forced himself back to the original question. After mulling it over for a few seconds, a thought came to him and he jumped forward. Aha! He had it! He was a guy. That was why he thought of those things. He’d never had any reason to think of Liz like that before, and now that she’d given him that kiss, he knew that was why his feelings were funny. Despite the fact that they were just friends, he was guy, and Liz was most obviously a girl. He just hoped that things would be back to normal in the morning, and they could go back to being Max and Liz. Plain old, no kissing, strictly friends, Max and Liz.
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Post by LysCat »

Woohoo! I have five chapters posted. :lol: When I started posting this, I didn't think that I'd get this far. I'm really hoping to stick to this and get it out sooner rather than later. This story is actually based off a challenge at RH and the deadline is for the end of July. *Snorts* For some reason, I don't think it'll be finished by then. Story of my life. Oh well, at least you are all enjoying it.

You have all blown me away with your response to this story and I really am thankful that you've taken the time out of your day to read it.

Chapter 4

“So, I was swinging on the swing set, and this...bully came up and pushed me off...” Max shared as he pointed to the swing set, off to the side of the park. The two headed out that morning, Max was dragging his feet, due to the lack of sleep from the night before. Liz was refreshed as ever though, and wanted to learn as much as she could.

Hearing the revelation, Liz giggled. It was so difficult to picture Max as a scrawny child.

When he heard the noise, Max turned to his friend with a mock glare. “You go ahead and laugh. This kid was huge!” He exclaimed. Deciding that he was being too unfair in his words, he reworded his phrase. “At least to a seven year old, he was,” he grumbled.

“So, what happened?”

Max turned to his companion with a blank stare. “What do you mean, ‘what happened?’ It just made me mad.”

Taking a moment, Liz chose her words carefully. “That’s it? You mean I wasted five minutes of my life for that?” She let a smile play on her lips though, so Max knew she was only joking. “Isabel didn’t even come to your rescue?” She was so fiercely protective of Max, surely she would have helped.

“Isabel?” Max snorted. “Are you kidding? She was so mean, back then,” he insisted.

“So, she let you get beat up?” Liz asked. That had to be wrong.

Max shrugged after being called out. “Okay, so she didn’t about that,” he acceded, “but she was still mean.”

“How could she not know about it?”

“I never told anyone,” Max admitted. “I was so embarrassed over what happened. When I tried to stand up for myself, he punched me. When I got home that night, I told my mom that I was dirty and beat up because my friends and I got too rough.”

Liz nodded, not really sure of what to do with Max’s confession. Should she say something? It didn’t really look like he was asking for guidance or anything. “Oh...” She trailed off. Running her hand through her hair she picked up on something else he’d said. “You keep insisting that Isabel was mean...?”

“Right about the time I began noticing genes, I began having difficulty. See, my friends, they all had someone in their family that looked like them. Isabel is a mix of both my parents. Me, whenever I would look at family photos, I always seemed to stick out. My hair was too dark, both my parents had wavy hair, no one that I even met in my family had my eyes. One day I was so worked up about it that I went to talk to my sister, thinking that she would help me, which, in case you’re wondering, was the wrong thing to do,” he added for good measurement. “Anyway, she tells me that I’m really adopted. She comes up with this whole elaborate story of how I came to live with them. That night at dinner, I yelled at my parents for adopting me and not telling me.”

Liz threw her head back and let out a vivacious laugh. She could imagine it. While she didn’t know Isabel very well, from what she did know, she could honestly picture Isabel doing something like that.

“Of course my parents were furious with her.”

“Naturally,” Liz agreed.

“We never got along, growing up. When we were teenagers, we would do everything short of spy on each other to get information against the other. In retaliation, the other person would find some dirt back and we would blackmail one another.”

Liz only shook her head at the revelation. “Sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister out there.” She felt nothing but a void where she assumed her relationship with her parents was supposed to be. If only she had a sibling, she might not feel so alone.

“See, and I always wanted to be an only child, to be spoiled and left alone...”

“You know you love your sister.” That much was obvious.

“ I do. I didn’t always.” When a silence fell between them, Max lightly pinched her arm. “Okay, on with the rest of the tour.”


“So, what was high school like for you?” Liz asked.

Max shrugged as they sat on the hood of his car that parked in the deserted parking lot of West Roswell. “I guess I was popular, but I think it was more of by association than anything. I mean Isabel was always popular, she had the popular friends. Her friends often spoke to me...and then when Maria and I got together, she was already popular. I guess it was a good experience. I wasn’t picked on, at least not after the first week.” He could still remember the first day of his high school career. Oh, that had been horrible. All the freshmen were on the edge of their seats, none quite not knowing what to expect. Then Freshman Friday came around, and that was when all the upperclassmen acted. He didn’t know how many of the male freshmen were picked on or had become the brunt of someone’s joke.

“God Max, you are so modest,” Liz rolled her eyes. “Why can’t you just admit that you were popular?”

“Because I wasn’t. It was all about association.”

“You say that, but I guarantee that you were popular enough on your own,” she replied. Besides, what did it matter behind the reason of why someone was popular?

“Ah, spoken like a true geek.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Liz muttered, horrified with his assumption. She hated high school. She had two really good friends, but that changed their sophomore year. Her friends wound up playing a nasty trick on her that she’d never quite gotten over. Needless to say, her faith in people was pretty much lost in people after that. She chose to guard her heart, lest she’d be hurt again. She concentrated on her studies, excelling in all of her classes.

“You were, weren’t you?” He double checked, when she didn’t answer him.

“Well, it’s not like I had glasses that were too big for me, and pocket protectors. I wasn’t awkward in any way. I was just...not recognized.” Which was how she preferred things. Sure, things were a little unsettling for her after that joke her ‘friends’ played on her, but after the dust settled, everything was back to normal.

Hearing the defensive tone of her voice, Max smiled softly. “I never said that you did,” he reminded her. “I had my first kiss over there,” he pointed to the side of the school. “Maria and I were sneaking off campus to ditch.”

“My first kiss...happened in my science lab. It was after school, and the school was pretty much deserted.” Liz’s thoughts drifted to that day. “Mr. Terry and I were alone. God, Max, he was like the most handsome man I’d ever seen up close at that point in my life. I was his star pupil and so we spent a lot of time talking and getting to know one another.”

Max frowned with the direction of Liz’s story. “A teacher? That was your first kiss?” He asked, double checking for sure. Because it was something that he would never have imagined.

Looking over, Liz smiled. “No, that wasn’t my first kiss,” she answered. “So, where to next?” She asked, getting off of the hood and making her way to the passenger side of the car.

Slowly, his smile dimmed when he replayed her words. All she’d said, was that it wasn’t her first kiss. Did that mean that she did kiss him? Or that she didn’t? Jumping down, he walked to the driver side door. “Uh Liz, about what you said back there...”

Playing dumb, Liz looked over with a completely blank expression. “Back where?”

“A few minutes ago...”

“Uh huh...”

“What exactly did you mean? You told me that he wasn’t your first kiss, but you kinda left that part open for interpretation, and to be honest, my thoughts are kinda all over.”

“What? You don’t think that anyone could be interested in me?” She asked back with a serious face, though she knew what he’d meant by his question.

“I didn’t say that,” Max denied. “I was just wondering.”

Liz hesitated in answering her companion. Instead, she settled on remaining elusive. “What do you think happened?” She asked, quietly.

Turning on the ignition, Max looked to her. He only had to think it over a few precious seconds. “You’re just messing with me,” he called. “You’re too smart to do anything like that.” Confident in his answer, he pulled away from the school.

“I’ve really enjoyed today,” Liz confessed, changing the subject. “You know, getting a chance to see you in a different way.”

Max nodded. When he started the journey that morning, he couldn’t imagine that he’d enjoy himself as well. Surprisingly though, he had a great time talking with Liz, sharing things about his past that he didn’t often get to. “Me too. Maybe next time we go out of town together, you could introduce me to your parents and then you can take me on a tour of your life, growing up...”

Liz laughed. “Right, we’ll do that Thanksgiving weekend,” she replied in a joking manner.

“I’m serious,” Max insisted. “I shared my past with you, it’s only fair that you return the sentiment.”

“It’s not like I asked you to,” Liz denied weakly, knowing that her words were a total contradiction to what happened.

Giving his passenger a sideways glance, Max snorted. “Yes, you did.”

“Shut up!” Liz laughed. As they headed back into town, Liz snuck a few glances at her driver through the corner of her eye. He had such a strong chiseled jaw. She wonder what it would be like to kiss her way around it. Did he like that? What were his erogenous zone?


The question pulled Liz out of her thoughts. She moved her gaze to the windshield. “What?”

“You were looking at me...”

“I was not,” Liz denied.

Max shook his head. “Yes, you were. I saw you.”

“Well, what are you doing watching me instead of the road?” Liz asked back, feeling embarrassed. She hadn’t realized that her gaze was so intense.

Max shrugged. “You got quiet so I looked over to see why. Now, it’s your turn.”

Repeating his motion, Liz rolled her shoulders. “I was just looking at your ears. You know, they don’t look quite as big from the side...”

Max rolled his eyes at her joke. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about your chest...”

Liz’s flamed in embarrassment. Without hesitation, she punched his arm with as much force as she could muster.

In reaction, Max automatically grabbed it with his other hand. “Damn, woman! It was just a joke!”

“Obviously, not a funny one.”

The two friends slipped into silence and Max drove back in the direction of town. “Man, you hit hard. I think you gave me dead arm,” he muttered quietly.

From her position in the passenger seat, Liz smirked. “First of all, serves you right, and secondly...stop whining.”


“Oh my gosh, this is tacky...” Liz whispered to Max as they walked through the various exhibits, housed by the UFO Museum.

Max smirked. “I told you, but you wouldn’t listen to me. You just had to come.”

“It’s my first time in Roswell, how could I not make at least one pit stop at a tourist trap?” Liz defended weakly.

Snorting, Max looked away from the model in front of them.

“So...inquiring minds want to know, how many times did you have to mess with all the exhibits?”

“More times than I can count. I don’t know why Brody bothers putting these card up. It doesn’t work,” he said picking up the small card that was meant to warn visitors from touching the exhibit. “People would always mess with these things. Kids...parents really didn’t even stop them, and then some local teens would come in every so often and mess with this stuff.”

Liz nodded. “So, you had to stuff the aliens...?”


“So, one could say that you probed an alien...” she trailed off, smirking.

Max smiled right along with her. “Does that excite you?”

Waggling her eyebrows, Liz giggled. More than you know.”

Placing down the small card, Max placed his hand at the small of Liz’s back, ready to escort her to another scene, but was interrupted.

“Excuse me,” a young teenager wearing a mustard colored vest said, walking over. “Visitors aren’t supposed to touch the exhibits.”

“Well,” Max began, going for an explanation. “I was just...”

“Jared, leave them alone,” a man with a British accent said. “This is a former employee, he knows all the rules.”

Max scratched his eyebrow uncomfortably. It wasn’t that he disliked his boss in any way, it’s just that the man was weird, he wasn’t sure if he wanted Liz exposed to that. The last thing she needed was more ammunition against him. God only knew what she would be telling their friends once they returned to school in the fall. “Brody.”

Dismissing the young employee, Brody turned to the college aged man. “How are you doing, Max?”


“I was wondering how long it would take you to come back here,” he admitted. He was rather disconcerted that it had taken him to long to stumble through those doors. Max had been his favorite employee, he excelled at his job. “How’s school going?”

“Good. It’s been keeping me on my feet,” the younger man shared. “I’ve been busy.”

Brody used the pause to turn to Max’s companion. “So I see,” he agreed, offering the small brunette a genuine smile. “Brody Davis.”

“Brody, this is Liz Parker, my...” he hesitated in his introduction. He was about to say ‘friend’ rather than slip into their roll.

Seeing that he was having difficulty, Liz stepped up. “Hi, I’m Max’s girlfriend.”

“Well, aren’t you just the sweetest little thing?” Brody winked over at Max, obviously approving his choice. “This your first time in Roswell?”

“Yup. I insisted that Max take me here, and he can never refuse me,” she whispered the last part to her new acquaintance. Belatedly, she realized that was one thing she didn’t have to lie about. Max could never turn her down anything. In the end, he always gave in.

“Tell me, Liz Parker, do you believe in alien life?”

Liz opened her mouth to answer, but the nod of Max’s head changed her mind. She nodded along with him. “Sure...I mean, it would be pretty ignorant of us to assume that we’re alone in this place,” she replied diplomatically.

“Well, let us set about changing your mind.” Brody held out an arm.

Not knowing what else to do, Liz locked her arm through his. “We were just going to watch the movie...”

Using his free hand, Brody waved the motion away. “I have a much better selection in my office.” Following behind them, Max contemplated who he would kill first. If he’d had the opportunity, he’d have banged his head on the wall, repeatedly.
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Post by LysCat »

Chapter 5

“Did you have fun today?” Liz asked as she moved around the kitchen, preparing dinner. She’d quite enjoyed herself. While she found Brody to be a bit overbearing, he was a sweet man. She just felt bad that their tour was cut short by him.

Max snorted. “I can’t honestly tell you which was worse. Today, or having my wisdom teeth removed.” Leaning against the counter, he watched her throw seasonings into the spaghetti sauce.

“You are so over-dramatic. It wasn’t that bad,” she tried to insist. Really it wasn’t. Brody was certainly correct about his private collection being much better than anything else. It was very interesting to hear things from his prospective.

“Liz, do you have any idea how many times I’ve had to sit through that?”

Liz shrugged. “A few, I guess...”

“Yeah, and then multiply that by like, ten,” he said throwing out a number. “And Brody, don’t get me wrong, he’s a nice guy, but he’s certifiable! Do you know that he actually claims to have been abducted...repeatedly.”

“I guess that explains his obsession.”

Max laughed. “When I walked through those doors, I felt like I had gone back in time. God, I hated my job. Between all the freaks that would come in, the extra tweaking I was required to do and the fact that I had to”

“I suppose you got your fill of aliens, huh?”

“To last me a lifetime,” he agreed. “Hey, I didn’t know you could cook...”

By the time the two had gotten home, they’d already missed supper. His mom had leftovers for them, but Liz offered to cook for Max, as her way of thanking him for doing something she knew he didn’t want to.

“It’s only spaghetti,” she brushed up. “Besides, it’s not like college dorm rooms come complete with a kitchen.”

Feeling bad that she was cooking for him, Max tried once again to tell her that it wasn’t needed. “You know, you really don’t have to do this.”

“I know, I thought it would be nice.” Putting water on the stove to boil, she looked back over at him. “You love spaghetti.” Every time they went out to eat at an Italian restaurant he ordered the same thing. “And you know, the best way to get to a guy’s heart...”

Max chuckled. “Yeah, I know the best way to a guys heart, and sorry to break it to you, Liz, but food, isn’t one of them.”

Pursing her lips, Liz sent him a semi-evil glare. “Don’t go there,” she cautioned. “However, since you seem so bent out of shape about me cooking, I deem thee the kitchen clean-up guy.”

“Clean-up? That’s And you can’t just deem someone that. It has to be earned.”

Liz laughed. “It was, by all the snarky comments you made today.”

“That wasn’t what I meant,” he argued.

“And that matters to me, why?” Liz bit back, a smile tugging at her lips. “Surely, you wouldn’t make your guest clean up.”

“Well, if said guest didn’t cook, then we wouldn’t be arguing over who was going to be cleaning.”

“There is no argument, there’s the truth...that being that you have that role.”

Before Max could open his mouth and argue, Dianne stepped into the room. “Max, stop being difficult. Now, Liz was kind enough to cook for you, the least you could do is clean.”

Looking chagrined, Max nodded in a jerky manner. “Yes, ma’am.” Turning his attention to Liz, he saw her grinning.

“Liz, that smells delicious,” the older woman complimented, before leaving.

Looking to the chef, Max saw her wearing a completely neutral expression. “Don’t think that I didn’t see that triumphant smile on your face, seconds ago,” he warned.

“Well, if you weren’t so...difficult,” Liz retorted, throwing his mother’s phrase back in his face. “Honestly Max, that could have been avoided if you gave in like I knew you would.”

“Hey, I did not give in, I was forced,” he threw back.

Moments later, Isabel stepped into the room. She’d been in her room, but the enticing aroma from the kitchen had beckoned to her. “What is that smell?”

“Liz decided to cook.”

“It smells great.”

“Did you want to join us?” Liz asked. “There’s definitely enough.”

“You don’t mind?” She asked, looking from one brunette to the other.

“Not all,” Liz insisted.

At the same time, Max threw in his two cents. “Of course I mind.”

Upon his reply, both girls turned to him.

Isabel offered him an icy glare. “Why thank you, Liz. I’d love to have dinner with you.”

Max threw his hands up in the air. “Do I ever get to make a decision around here.”

“No,” was the simultaneous reply by both women.

The three sat in a comfortable silence around the dinner table. The only sounds that were heard was chewing and the clinking of their forks against their plates. Having eaten her fill, Isabel placed her fork down and leaned back. “That was delicious.”

“Thank you,” Liz accepted meekly. “It’s the first time that I’ve made it since before I headed off to college. I was worried that there was too much garlic.”

Max shook his head. “There’s no such thing as too much garlic.”

“So, what did you guys do today?”

Max shrugged. “I took Liz around town, we stopped by the UFO Museum.”

Isabel smirked at her brother. She couldn’t only imagine how he felt being in that place once again. “Blast from the past, huh?”

“And then we got suckered into the private collection with Brody,” he replied, staring Liz down. Isabel let out a loud laugh at that. Needless to say that, she too, had been privy to that little experience as well. It wasn’t even something that she would wish upon her worst enemy.

“I couldn’t very well turn him down and hurt his feelings,” Liz defended.

Isabel yawned. “Man, I could head off to bed right about now.” She hadn’t eaten with her parents earlier, she’d been snacking earlier that day. By the time that she’d smelt the spaghetti sauce, her hunger was back in full force.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Max excused himself to answer it.

“So, how was today?”

“It was okay, we had fun. It was nice to get away from prying eyes and just be ourselves once again,” Liz answered.

“Anything special happen between you?” When Liz looked down at her plate, Isabel nodded. “I take that as a ‘no’.”

Liz smiled sadly. “I think that Max was kind of happy about that, that things between us were they used to be.”

“My brother doesn’t know what’s good for him,” Isabel insisted. “This is what you’re gonna do, when you get ready for bed...” She trailed off when Max entered the kitchen with Alex trailing behind him. “Alex.”

Alex smiled politely, but it was obvious to everyone in the room that he was a little confused.

“We had plans...” Isabel trailed off, feeling badly about forgetting about them. “For tonight,” she added softly. “I’m sorry, I completely forgot.”

“You don’t say,” Alex teased. “I’m so glad that you’re able to keep me in your thoughts.”

“I really am sorry, Alex. I ended up taking a bit of a cat nap, and when I woke up, I completely spaced our conversation last night.”

“And look, you already ate. I didn’t realize that you’d be such a cheap date.”

Hearing his description, Liz’s eyes moved to Isabel’s slightly embarrassed form. “Date, huh? Interesting.”

Alex looked to Liz. “Hey, Liz.”


Alex sighed. “Listen, since you already ate, maybe we should postpone this...”

Immediately, Isabel shook her head. She didn’t like that idea. “No. I haven’t had dessert yet...”

“You want to?” Alex asked, his hope flairing up once again.

“Sure,” Isabel stood up. “Just let me go change real quick.”

Before she could maneuver around, Alex shook his head. “No.”

Not used to hearing that tone of voice coming from him, Isabel paused. “Excuse me?” She was not one for being told what to do.

“You’re beautiful.”

Isabel bit her bottom lip, pleased with his honest confession. “Okay, then let me put my shoes on.”

Liz followed Max’s sister into the other room, leaving both buys in complete silence. “So...a date huh?” Liz asked, a bright smile on her face.

“It’s not what it looks like. He called last night and we thought we’d catch up,” Isabel denied.

“Right,” Liz agreed. “And the word ‘date’ was just a slip, right? Although, he did manage to make you blush, which I’m sure that many guys aren’t able to do.”

“Liz, it’s different right now. We’re on summer vacation,” Isabel explained softly. “We can go and hang out, but that’s all it will be. That’s all it can be.” As much as she was anticipating spending time with Alex again, she knew that it couldn’t go far. They were both serious about their school work, and she’d seen first hand how long distance relationships went. She was not about to tie Alex to one.

Nodding, Liz tried to turn Isabel’s attention to a much nicer side. “Look, don’t worry about the future, just live for today. The rest will come.”

As she finished tying her shoes, Isabel’s looked to her companion with raised eyebrows. “Funny you should say that.”

“Our situations are totally different.” Isabel was going to make things difficult for herself. Liz, knew that there was more to consider in her situation than just her feelings.


“So, Isabel and Alex, huh?” Liz asked, through the door that separated Max’s bedroom and bathroom.

“What about them?” Max called back, already under the covers.

“You were awfully quiet. I was just wondering what you thought about that.”

Max shrugged, belatedly realizing that Liz couldn’t see. “I’m just surprised.” His sister had never been into the intellectual type. Growing up, she’d surrounded herself with the most vapid and shallow people, naturally going along with them. He knew that the two had grown close the year before, but they’d never gotten near that far.

“I think your sister really likes him,” Liz confided.

“He’s a great guy. Isabel could do a hell of a lot worse.” Growing up, Isabel surrounded herself with the most vapid and shallow people, pretty much taking on their frame of mind. She’d dated some real losers in the past.

Leaning down, Liz lotioned up her legs. She wasn’t yet used to the dry weather. She prided herself on her soft skin, but ever since she’d been in New Mexico, she could actually feel her dry skin. When she finished, she looked to her reflection in the mirror. “Here goes nothin’....” she muttered quietly, before opening the door.

When light flooded the already darkened room, Max cocked one eye open in reaction. The sight that greeted him caused him to both regret and revel in the decision. His other eye opened and he stared at his friend with complete shock. Liz had decided to forgo the boxer shorts. Instead, she was wearing a pair of short little shorts, too tight and that left far too much for the imagination.

“ something wrong?” Liz asked, pretending not to notice the way that Max was so obviously trying not to look at her...and failing miserably. For show, she turned around in a small circle. She almost giggled when she heard the strangled noise come from Max’s mouth.

“What are you wearing?”

Mock pouting, Liz looked down at her outfit. “You don’t like it? When I saw them the other day I just knew they would be perfect.”

“For what?” Max finally managed to drag his gaze away from her bottom half, instead his gaze settled on her face. Wait, were...were her nipples hard? With a quick glance down, Max nodded to himself. Yup, they were.

“For me, silly,” Liz rolled her eyes. Flipping off the bathroom light, she made her way to Max’s bed.

Max let out a pain filled groan. He was positive that after this night, he would never look at her in the same way again. He’d always known that Liz was attractive, but other than that, he hadn’t given the idea much thought. How could he? It was Liz, for crying out loud. She was his friend, his closest friend. He thought that he’d gotten past that point, then there was also the small fact of him having been so hung up on Maria.

He wasn’t supposed to know that the rest of her skin was just as sunkissed as her face. He knew she had a thing for lotion, but he wasn’t supposed to visualize her actually rubbing it one her slim, toned legs. All he knew was that he was closer than ever to including her in his spank bank, and he refused to tarnish their friendship like that.

Liz tried to hide her smile of delight when she sat on the bed. Max went stock still, he wouldn’t even turn to look at her. “You okay, Max?”

“Just, tired,” he replied weakly.

Liz laid in her position for a moment before tossing the covers back. “Is it just me, or is it hot in here?” Spreading her legs a bit, Liz reveled as the cool material surrounded her feet.

Hmm, Liz’s thigh was so close that he reach down and lay a hand over it, just to find out if her skin was as soft as he imagined it to be. And then maybe he could....

Mud. Bad smells. Mom.

Thankful that he could pull that out, Max let out a breath that he hadn’t known he was holding. Things were definitely getting a little too intense for him. Using that time, he rolled over, turning his back to his companion.

“Good night, Liz,” he bit out in complete silence.

Stretching out a bit more, Liz nodded. “Night,” she replied, grinning.

Staring at the far wall, Max nibbled on his bottom lip, his thoughts completely engrossing his attention. What was wrong with him? He was thinking about Liz in a completely different capacity. Never before had she been part of his thoughts in any other way than friendly, but lately, he couldn’t seem to get her out of his mind. He found himself obsessing over certain things that she said.

And, what was with those clothes? Not that he didn’t like them, because he certainly did, they were just different compared to what Liz usually wore. He found himself noticing little things about her body that he’d never known or cared to know about before, and she was acting strange, but then again, so was he. If someone would have told him around Christmas time how he would be reacting to Liz now, he’d have laughed in their face. It was such an absurd thought.

Though his bed mate did have an awesome body and great kissing skills, she was also smart, challenging, open and great to be around. How was it that no one had managed to snatch her up the year before? If he wasn’t so hung up on Maria...maybe...under different circumstances, Max would be that guy.

But they weren’t like that, and he was growing so confused over his conflicted feelings. He still wanted Maria, that he was certain of, but the more time he spent with Liz, the more he began thinking about her, wondering about the possibilities. He needed help.