Changeover (SN XO,UC,Mature) Ch 11 9/14/07[WIP]

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Chapter 10

Post by sixpacschic »

Title: Changeover
Author: Christina Buchanan
Rating: M so far
Category: Liz/ Dean
Summary: "Sometimes you do something, and you get screwed. Sometimes it's the things you don't do, and you get screwed." Chuck Palahniuk "Fight Club"
Spoilers: Wipe Out!/Everybody Loves a Clown (Spoilers for SN will change)
Disclaimer: I don't own either show or the characters. I'm just borrowing them. Don't sue.
Author's Notes: "It's called a changeover. The movie goes on and nobody in the audience has any idea." "Fight Club" Before you ask, I'm fully aware of my obsession with the movie. The timeline in SN will be largely unchanged. I just kinda threw in a relative and Liz to make things interesting. Buck Dharma and Allen Lanier are members of Blue Oyster Cult.

July 16, 2002
Sedona, AZ

"This is like looking for a freaking needle in a haystack," I muttered.

This was the third antique store I'd searched today, not to mention the six stores I'd searched the day before. I was beginning to think that Dad had sent me on a wild goose chase so that he could track down Sam for another knock-down-drag-out argument. At this rate Dad would be lucky if Sam ever talked to him again. Whatever. Let him go to college.

I pulled the photograph out to compare it to something similar in the case. No such luck.

"I've seen that before."

I turned around to face the girl peeking over my shoulder. A blond with a decent rack. Nice.

"You're sure?" I asked, holding the photo closer to her.

She nodded. "Guy at one of the stands has it. He's real particular about finding the right buyer."

"Can you take me to him?"

She shrugged. "Sure."

I extended my hand. "Allen Lanier."

"And I'm Buck Dharma," she said with a snort.

"Smart girl," I commented, impressed.

"I'm also taken," she informed me as she led me to the booth. "Have a nice day, Allen."

"It's Dean," I corrected her.

She smirked. "Sure it is."

"Got a brother named Sam, too," I told her.

"Your parents named you after members of the Rat Pack?" she scoffed.

"Mom loved Ocean's Eleven," I said with a shrug. "I'm sure the George Clooney version would have made her cry though."

She rolled her eyes. "Alright, I believe you, Dean."

"So what's your real name, Buck?" I asked.

"Maria," she replied.

"Nice to meet you Maria," I said. "Thanks for your help."

"Anytime," she responded as she walked off.

I turned my attention away from Maria's ass and focused on the vendor. "How's it going?"

"Looking for anything in particular?" he asked.

I pulled out the picture and handed it to him. "Heard you had this."

"You don't want it," he told me. "That thing brings death."

"So why exactly are you keeping it in circulation?" I inquired.

"I'm not," he snapped. "Someone's supposed to take it off my hands and destroy it."

"Would that someone be John Winchester?"

His eyes narrowed. "You're not John."

"I'm his son," I answered. "Now how about you hand over the cross so I can get out of this place?"

The vendor pulled a silk bag out and thrust it at me. "Don't put it on."

I tucked the pouch in my pocket after confirming a match. "So what's the story on this thing? Dad just told me to salt and burn it."

"A serial killer on death row made it, put all the hate, despair and evil he had in him into that cross," he guy told me. "Everyone who wears it kills themselves the same way he killed his victims."

"And how's that?" I asked.

"He'd make them bleed."


"You gotta destroy it on holy ground," he informed me. "There's a church up the street."

After I finished the job, I went down to a local pub for a drink. Dad needed me in Salvation in a few days to pick up something from Pastor Jim. Tonight I was relaxing.

"Buy you a drink?" Maria offered, taking a seat next to me at the bar.

I gave her a sidelong glance. "You don't even look old enough to vote, darlin'."

"I'm almost nineteen," she said defensively, "and they don't card here."

"El Sol," I ordered.

"I'll have a Coke," Maria added.

"Thought you had a boyfriend," I said, taking a sip of my beer.

"I'm not hitting on you if that's what you're thinking," she told me. "Just curious."


"Why someone like you is poking around a place like this for cursed objects," she answered.

I tensed up. "And how would you know anything about that kind of stuff?"

"My father's name was Chase DeLuca," she replied. "He was a hunter and he left me and my mom when I was seven."

I take another swig of my beer. "I've met Chase. He's a good hunter."

"Made a shitty father though," she muttered.

I couldn't think of any way to comfort her. At least Dad, hadn't abandoned us the way Chase had run out on his family. Though to hear Sammy tell it, we'd have been better off if he did.

"He sent me a letter the day I graduated, telling me why he left, as if that would make a difference," she continued. "And now I can't stop thinking about hunting and I've been looking things up. Come to find out that all the weird stuff that happened to me back in high school doesn't even compare to the things that are out there killing people everyday."

"Here's a tip," I offered. "Don't take up hunting. Go to college, get married, have kids and forget you ever thought about hunting."

"You're just saying that because I'm a girl."

"I've met women who can do the job better than I can," I told her, "but they were born into it. Your father, for whatever reason, didn't want you to be a part of that life, so I suggest you follow my advice."

"So I'm supposed to just pretend that this stuff doesn't exist," she said irately.

"No," I answered. "You call me and I'll come take care of it."

I scribbled my number on a cocktail napkin and slid it over to her.

"Okay," Maria agreed reluctantly.

"Seriously," I stressed. "No playing hero."

"My hero days are long over," she assured me. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it," I responded.
"Yes, I know, gravity is a harsh mistress. But we have to learn to work with her."
-Cassandra Clare
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Chapter 11

Post by sixpacschic »

Title: Changeover
Author: Christina Buchanan
Rating: M so far
Category: Liz/ Dean
Summary: "Sometimes you do something, and you get screwed. Sometimes it's the things you don't do, and you get screwed." Chuck Palahniuk "Fight Club"
Spoilers: Wipe Out!/Everybody Loves a Clown (Spoilers for SN will change)
Disclaimer: I don't own either show or the characters. I'm just borrowing them. Don't sue.
Author's Notes: "It's called a changeover. The movie goes on and nobody in the audience has any idea." "Fight Club" Before you ask, I'm fully aware of my obsession with the movie. The timeline in SN will be largely unchanged. I just kinda threw in a relative and Liz to make things interesting

December 23, 2006
Crashdown Cafe
Roswell, NM

We were back at the cafe in time for lunch and Liz's best friend was supposed to be there.

"Well if it isn't Allen Lanier," Maria drawled as I seated myself in the booth across from her.

To say that I was surprised to see her was an understatement.

"How's it going, Buck?" I asked with a grin.

Sam's eyebrows raised. "You two know each other?"

Serena was eying me in that way that made me uncomfortable and Liz was shooting both of us nervous glances.

"Met in Sedona in '02," I explained. "She's Chase's daughter."

"No shit," Sam said.

Maria chuckled. "Funny you should mention him because he stopped by a few months ago."

I smirked into my coffee cup. After the conversation Dad had with Chase, he'd been down right suicidal not to visit his daughter.

"Figured you had something to do with that," she mused.

Liz squeezed my hand under the table and gave me a little smile.

"I owed you one," I told Maria. "I'd been screwed if you hadn't recognized that cross. Dad never told me shit about the job."

Sam furrowed his brow. "That's not like Dad."

"He had other things on his mind," I said, giving Sam a pointed look.

My brother had the good sense to shut up after that.

"And before you ask, Liz, the reason I didn't tell you that I already knew Dean was because Mr. Winchester, here, never bothered giving me his full name," Maria said. "Up until you all walked through the door, I thought they were two very different men."

"So you guys didn't hook up in Sedona, did you?" Serena asked point blank.

I rolled my eyes. "Contrary to your comic book fantasies, I don't screw everything that moves, Rena."

"Damn, Dean," she said. "Can't fault a girl for wanting a little clarification."

I glared at her.

"Who's Allen Lanier?" Liz asked.

"Lead singer for Blue Oyster Cult," Sam replied. "I'm assuming that's the alias you used."

I shrugged. "Seemed like a good idea at the time. Didn't know I had an expert on my hands."

"I busted your ass so good," Maria bragged.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled.

After lunch Sam and Rena took off to tour the town and I drove Liz to the firing range to fulfill her end of the bargain.

"That was really nice what you did for Maria with her dad," she told me as we checked in.

I shrugged. "She's a nice girl and Chase was a shithead for abandoning her the way he did."

"It's weird that you grew up moving around all the time, but you're closer to your family than I am," she commented.

"I guess when you don't have a place to call home, you don't have time to take anything for granted, especially family," I said.

She nodded. "That makes sense."

We walked down to our assigned stalls and I handed Liz Sam's pistol. "This is a nine millimeter Taurus. It's light, easy to handle and there's not much kick."

She frowned at the gun. "Is this what you shoot?"

"Sometimes," I replied. "I mostly use a Colt nineteen-eleven. It's a forty-five and it kicks like a mule compared to the Taurus."

"Less kick is good," she said with a nod.

"You remember all the safety rules we went over?" I asked as I handed her a pair of ear plugs and shooting glasses.

"Always assume it's loaded and don't point it at anyone unless you intend on shooting them," she recited as she set the gun down, put her ear plugs in and adjusted her glasses.

"Alright," I said. "Let's see how you do."

Liz picked up the gun, took the stance that I'd taught her and aimed the pistol. After she emptied the clip and set down the gun, I flipped the switch to bring the target forward. I took the paper off the clip and handed it to Liz.

"Not bad," I said. "Your grouping got pretty good in the last few shots."

Her hands were trembling and she was worrying her lower lip with her teeth. I felt like an ass. I shouldn't have taken her here.

"I think you fulfilled your end of the bargain," I said. "Let's get you home."

"You're not going to make me clean it?" she asked gesturing to the Taurus.

"Nah," I replied as I picked up the pistol and stashed it in its' case. "I'll make Sammy do it tonight."

"Thanks," she murmured as she took out her ear plugs and removed her glasses.

I put my arm around her shoulders as we exited the range. "I should teach you how to use a bo staff."

"Right," she said, giving me a doubtful look.

"You're graceful enough," I insisted. "I think you could handle it."

"Then we'll go base jumping," Liz joked.

"Fuck that."

She laughed and I felt better.
"Yes, I know, gravity is a harsh mistress. But we have to learn to work with her."
-Cassandra Clare