Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)Ch 04.21.2008 [WIP]

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Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)Ch 04.21.2008 [WIP]

Post by flyawayraven »

Title ~ Concrete Angels

Disclaimer ~ I don't own anything of Roswell, and the songs 'Tomorrow' and 'Sk8er Boy' belong completely to Avril Lavigne, although I kinda wished I was as talented.

Mature ~ There are a few sexual scenes.

Summary ~ Michael has always been different from other people. A loner in high school, he fell in love with an unattainable girl. What happens when years later, he's in la serious relationship and famous and 'she' comes back into his life. What will his girlfriend do about it?

Chapter 1

Michael huffed with annoyance as he hung up his cell phone before jogging up the steps to the studio. All he wanted to do was finish practice, maybe record a song or two and head home with Liz.

Taking the elevator up to the fifth floor he stood from where he had been leaning against the wall when the door dinged his arrival. When the doors slid open he was greeted by the one sound that always made his day, the delighted laughter of his girlfriend, Liz.

Michael and his family were all from Roswell, New Mexico. Although not related by blood, they had all grown up together sharing a secret, they were aliens. Max and Isabel were the only ones of the group of four that were related in any way. The Evans had adopted them shortly after they had emerged from their pods; the Harding’s had adopted Tess.

Michael hadn’t been so lucky; he had been picked up and thrown into the foster care system. He had landed with a foster father who kept him around for the monthly check. An angry drunk, Hank had used his fists on Michael from an early age, causing him to create an outer shell, becoming a stonewall.

Tess and Isabel could have been the most popular girls in school had they cared, but they didn’t, instead sticking to their group. Through the years it worked for them, Michael was the punk of the group. Baggy cloths that ranged on one color… black. Using skate boarding as an excuse to avoid going home. Max was the leader, giving orders when it was needed, perfecting hiding in plain sight. Isabel and Tess were known for their fashion sense and their ice queen exteriors.

It had worked for Michael who wasn’t interested in getting to know anyone else anyway. That was until their sophomore year of high school when Maria DeLuca had moved to Roswell with her mother, entering their class at West Roswell High.

Michael had thought she was the most beautiful young woman he had ever seen. With her sparkling emerald eyes and long blond hair, she had become his infatuation. It had worked for him, and then one day it all changed. Maria had approached him and asked him out.

He wasn’t sure what to make of it, but he agreed. They had dated for nearly a month when he found out that she was hiding him from her friends. She may have wanted him, but he wasn’t good enough for her popular friends. They often ragged on him, making fun of his baggy cloths and the fact that according to them, he was from the wrong side of the tracks.

Maria was everything he wasn’t. She came from a good home, had danced ballet since she was three, had more money then he would know what to do with, but worse she became the most popular girl in school and all of Roswell.

He had thought that their differences didn’t matter to her; only to find out he was wrong. She had been his first everything. She was the first girl he kissed, his first girlfriend, his first sexual partner, and the first person that Michael had thought about telling his secret to, out side of the group.

He was glad that he had found out what she was really like before that had happened though. He learned that in her eyes, he was good enough for a few nights but not good enough to be seen with in public. When he had found out and confronted her about it she had simply laughed at him and dropped him like yesterdays news. He wouldn’t deny that it had crushed him.

After that Michael didn’t even attempt making friends beside Max, Isabel and Tess. For him, they became enough and he simply continued through high school like Maria had never existed to him.

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Re: Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)Ch 1 04.03.2008

Post by flyawayraven »

Thanks guys!

Jensen Lover 37

On to the next part!

Chapter 2

Michael and his family had graduated and together they went to New York there they went to college and once again Michael stuck to the group. It had been Tess’s idea to start the band one day after finding out that the owner to the club Max and Michael worked at was having a battle of the bands.

Although they had all dabbled and all played, they had never sat down and played together. So, that’s how their group originally formed, and they had become pretty popular.

Alex and Liz hadn’t entered until later. Michael had seen Liz around campus and around the club on a regular basis. Much to his irritation at himself, he became infatuated with the petite brunette.

The first time Michael saw Liz she was zipping past him on a skateboard and yelled at him to get the hell out of her way. All Michael had seen of her was her black cargos, flashing brown eyes and her long purple streaked brown hair as it flowed around her as she passed him. He had rolled his eyes, turned, walking back wards had yelled after her to slow the hell down. He had been shocked when she had turned her face to him, smirked and flipped him off. He had found himself slapping his thighs with laughter at her audacity.

He hadn’t seen her until later in the week when she came in when he was working at the club. She had come in on the arm of a man who was different as night to day. It was laughable, she looked like a sewer rat and he looked like he had walked off the cover of some fashion magazine.

From then on it was like he couldn’t get away from her, she was everywhere. Either it was on campus or at the club, she was always there and most of the time with that guy. Although it seemed that they were always in the same vicinity, they never talked, unless he was taking a drink order from her at the bar at the club. He noticed though that she was always front and center when their band played.

Later, Alex would tease Liz until she was red in the face that she had been stalking him, and he would always laugh as she hit Alex and tell him to shut up.

They had decided to take on a lead singer when their play list became repetitive, and that is how Liz entered the picture, bringing Alex with her. They had held tryouts at the club with the permission of their boss before opening.

Tess had insisted on taping everyone who auditioned so that they could go back and review. Nothing had popped for them during the whole three hours, and when they had been ready to throw in the rag and pack up Liz had walked in, Alex in tow. Her guitar case slung over her head, her skateboard in one had and sheet music in the other.

She had simply thrown an unmarked CD case at him and began to unpack her guitar. Alex had simply stood back with a smirk on his face. The rest of the group had stood there shocked, not knowing what to make of her. When she noticed that no one was moving she had paused, looking up she had simply stated, “This is the tryouts for lead singer right?”

She had worn a very confused look on her face, like they were all stupid. Max had cleared his throat and nodded. She had given a small smile and said, “Well then, what are you all standing around for. I could simply sing the song… play my guitar but I thought it would be more effective if I had some back up.”

She pointed absentmindedly at the CD Michael had been holding. He put it in the stereo that was hooked up to the large speakers that they used when they played, surrounding the club. She had then pulled out a headpiece that was attached to a microphone. Walked up to the sound system, plugged it in and situated her guitar.

No one in the group had known what to make of her straightforward attitude. The next moment though, she had turned the whole groups world upside down, and it’s a good thing at the time Tess had reacted and recorded her. He still has that tape, and watches it.

And I want to believe you
When you tell me that it will be ok
Yeah I try to believe you
But I don’t

Her voice had been smooth as silk, a blend of husky tones and perfect pitches.

When you say that it’s gonna be
It always turns out to be a different way
I try to believe you
Not today, today, today, today, today

He remembered it wasn’t her voice that captured his attention at the time though, or even the music flowing from the speakers, but the pure emotion on her face as she sang.

I don’t know how I feel
Tomorrow, Tomorrow
I don’t’ know what to say
Tomorrow, tomorrow is a different day

Her eyes were closed, her head tilted and her whole body moved to the music as she played and sung.

It’s always been up to you
It’s turning around that’s up to me
I’m gonna do what I have to do
Just don’t

Her fingers plucked the guitar as if they were one, and he remembered thinking ‘she must have been born playing.’

Give me a little time
Leave me alone a little while
Maybe it’s not to late
Not today, today, today, today, today

Michael glanced at Tess to see her staring at the camera’s little screen, her head bobbing softly as Liz sang.

I don’t know how I feel
Tomorrow, tomorrow
I don’t know what to say
Tomorrow, tomorrow it’s a different day

Isabel had her arms crossed, a pensive expression on her face, but he could see that she was just as entranced as the rest of them.

Hey yeah yee ya hey yeah yee ya
And I know I’m not ready
Hey yeah yee ya hey yeah yee ya
Maybe tomorrow
Hey yeah yee ya hey yeah yee ya
I’m not ready
Hey yeah yee ya hey yeah yee ya
Maybe tomorrow

Max, he looked awe struck, and Michael felt a hot bolt of energy flow through his body. Max had never been the one girl type of guy, preferring to play a very large field.

And I want to believe you
When you tell me that it will be ok
And I try to believe you
Not today, today, today, today, today
Tomorrow it may change
Tomorrow it may change
Tomorrow it may change
Tomorrow it may change

As the song ended, she opened her eyes as if coming out of a trance. She had a startled look on her face as if she had forgotten that she had an audience.

Tess squealed, snapping the window shut on the video camera. Michael almost laughed when he noticed Liz blush as everyone clapped. She slipped her headpiece off as Isabel approached her.

“Did you write that yourself?” Isabel had asked. Liz paused before nodding, then she shook her head. “Not all of it, I wrote the words and the tune, Alex wrote the instrumental.” She had told us with a jerk of her head in Alex’s direction. “That’s how we operate I guess.” She had said, as Alex came and took her guitar to put it away.
“So you have anymore music like that?” Max asked. Liz nodded, handing him the sheet music. “Alex usually write it out, but we don’t actually use people when we record.”

“You record?” Michael asked, she glanced at him and he found it intriguing when her flushed face deepened.

“Yup, Alex created his own recording studio at his place. I dabble when I’m bored.” She shrugged her shoulders as if it didn’t matter.

“You have anymore with you?” Michael asked curious, she thought about it for a second before nodding, grabbing another unmarked case from her guitar case before handing it to him.

“I um… just recorded this last night, it’s some pieces I’ve been working on.” She said, and as he looked into her eyes, Michael realized that although she maybe straight forward on the outside, it was just as much a front as his stonewall, and he found himself wanting a look behind the façade, and it terrified him.

TBC...What do you think?
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Re: Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)Ch 2 04.05.2008

Post by flyawayraven »

Thank you everyone!!

Jensen Lover 37
polar vixen
KiaraAlexisKlay ~ Yes it's a real song, it's called 'Tomorrow' by Avril Lavigne. Thank you...

Once again, thanks everyone!!

Chapter 3

So, that’s how Liz and Alex joined the band. In the beginning Michael couldn’t understand how two people who were more different then anything he’d ever witnessed besides his own group, could be best friends.

Alex lived in a pent house, in the richest part of New York and yet his best friend was someone who he later learned was a genius, and grew up in a pretty bad neighborhood.

It took him months after Liz joined the band to get close enough to either Alex or Liz to find out the back-story. Liz had gotten a scholarship to Alex’s school, it was prestigious and private, and no one really understood the slip of a girl who showed up out of nowhere and just didn’t care.

They had been partnered for a project and when Alex couldn’t seem to corner Liz to arrange study time he had hunted her down at her home. When no one had answered the door, he had gone around the back of the building to climb the fire escape when he heard her singing; she had been sitting outside on the little metal fire escape. He had hide out and listened until she went in. When she had returned it was like he had just been climbing up.

Alex said it was like tearing down a wall brick by brick and for the life of her Liz hadn’t understood why Alex would even bother with her. She figured she would just do the project and both would get credit for it, that’s how it had always worked in the past.

Over the years as Alex leaned more about her home life; he had been her escape from life. Although he became a social pariah himself for being friends with her, Alex said that he would rather have one Liz in his life then a circle of friends any day.

When Alex’s parents died in a plane crash when he was seventeen, it was Liz who was there for him during everything, and it was Alex who hauled her off to live with him when her half brother Kyle was hauled off to prison for selling drugs, trying to support both him and Liz and a mother who prostituted herself for drugs. When Liz baulked, Alex had simply said that he couldn’t bear the thought of her living with her stung out mother all by herself, that when Kyle was around, at least Alex was half way reassured that Nancy’s ‘friends’ wouldn’t go after her.

Alex had turned one of the rooms in his pent house into a recording studio for Liz as a surprise after snatching a few of her pieces, writing some back ground music and putting it together for Liz, they had begun a routine.

In the beginning Michael found a kindred spirit in Liz. Both of them kept their distance though, afraid of different things. It wasn’t until Alex and Liz were brought in on the secret that he let his walls down for her.

Michael would never forget that night. The group had been packing up for the night, the club was closed, and Alex was staying over at Isabel’s. They had been dating since nearly the beginning. Liz had waved and walked out the door. He left shortly after, only to pale when he reached the parking lot where his bike was.

Four beefy guys surrounded Liz; one was holding a gun on her. She was shouting at them about something when the one holding the gun grabbed her by the hair, forcing Liz to her knees. He held the gun to her temple and demanded something. When her reaction was to spit in his face he pistol-whipped her and she fell hard.

Michael didn’t even think, just held out his hand and sent the guys flying. They hadn’t seen him but they ran like bats out of hell when they regained their footing. Michael ran to her, and when he found her out cold he had picked her up and carried her back into the club, yelling for Alex and Max, silently thanking whatever higher power out there that we were the only ones left at the club.

Alex had asked a million questions that Michael didn’t know how to answer while he silently pleaded with Max to heal her. He hadn’t realized until that moment just how much she had come to mean to him.

The group had silently agreed, and when Max began healing her Alex had flipped out even more, before falling completely silent as Max’s hands glowed with an eerie green light.

It had taken Max longer then something as simple as this should have taken and Michael remembered tears had formed in his eyes when Max had finished saying she was almost gone. The guy had hit her so hard in the temple there had been severe brain damage.

Alex had accepted it pretty easily after seeing Max heal Liz, but it had taken longer for Liz after she had woken up from the sleep Max had placed her in.

Michael had a hard time leaving Liz alone after that, much to her annoyance. Now that he realized how close he had come to losing her, he couldn’t seem to let her out of his sight.

They had been at Alex’s place; Liz refused to call it ‘their’ place, to her it would always be Alex’s. Liz yelled at him to leave her alone, stating that she needed space when Michael had simply hauled her against him and kissed her.

It had been passionate and hot, and before he knew it he had her pressed up against the closed door of her bedroom, grinding into her, savoring the taste of her, and basking in the sounds she was making, all while struggling to get her shirt off.

You can pretty much figure out what happened from there. They’d been together ever since, and to Michael, she’s his own slice of heaven.

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Re: Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)AN 04.07.2008

Post by flyawayraven »

So, I've decided that I'm just going to leave the little thing on the first page where the image is supposed to be in hopes that someone can tell me what's wrong... thanks...

Thanks to the feedbackers!!

Chapter 4

Michael just stood there, a small smile on his face as he watched Liz laugh and shriek with their band mates. He was late, but then again being on time was never one of his strong suites.

Finally Liz noticed him through the clear glass that separated the recording studio from the sound room. Detaching herself from the fray she came to him. Throwing her arms around his neck, she stood on tiptoes and gave him a passionate kiss, inflaming him immediately.

He knew that she suspected something was going on with him, and he planned on telling her. He just hadn’t had the time. He had started to bring it up with Max, but he had never talked about this particular problem with anyone, and now he found it hard to open up about it.

Finally Liz broke the kiss, giving his lips on last sweep before pulling back, staring into his eyes allowing the connection to linger a little longer. He always loved the passion that glazed in her eyes when they connected, and it was nice being able to feel her all the time close to his heart.

Michael groaned when she settled back on her heels, his arms still wrapped around her tightly, causing a delicious friction against a certain swollen part of him. It was a good thing his personal style of clothing was baggy, otherwise the world would know he walked around with a boner nearly twenty-four seven, it was hard not to with her around.
Just like his mind craved its connection to her, his body was addicted also. Not that he minded; he loved that it was a part of being with her.

He looked up when Alex knocked on the window. Cal, their newfound protector and agent had arrived. Michael grabbed Liz’s hand and led her to one of the couches, pulling her into his lap.

“Ok, kiddies. Your video hit number one on MTV this week, the big boys upstairs are happy. Your single has hit number one on the charts. So, although you don’t know it yet you’re about to go on your first tour.” Cal announced, causing everyone else to cheer.

Michael gave a full-blown smile at the news. When Cal had approached them near the end of their last year of college and told them who he was, it was like a dream come true on more then one front. Cal was a protector from Antar, the planet that Max, Isabel, Tess and himself were from. He came bearing news that they were allowed to live normal lives, and after seeing them play at the club had told them he was also a partner for a recording company.

It had taken off from there; within weeks they were signing a contract with ‘Golden Records’, one of the hottest in the music industry. They not only loved Liz’s lyrics but also Alex’s music, so part of their contract was that they got to write and record their own stuff. The aliens didn’t mind; their popularity had soared when Liz had joined.

They had tried to convince Alex to join also, since he played guitar, but he was happy being behind the scenes. Being their manager, music writer and also the boyfriend to their keyboard player.

The work was hard, but he didn’t mind as long as he got to spend those hours with the people in this room. Cal then informed them that they were all due at nine AM for the photo shoot of their CD case cover. He wondered what Isabel had come up with on that front, between her and Tess; they were being very tight lipped.

With that, Cal left them to their devices and Liz and Alex showed them a few new songs, when they left the studio that night it was close to nine. The group promised to meet up at their favorite coffee shop at eight the next morning.

By the time that Michael and Liz arrived at the apartment they shared both were exhausted, but that didn’t stop Michael’s body from becoming inflamed as Liz stripped her cloths off one article at a time on her way to the bathroom. When she arrived at the bathroom door she was gloriously naked, pausing she glanced back at Michael with a smirk.

“Are you coming?” She asked, he voice low and husky.

Michael eyes gleamed as he rushed to strip. “Not yet honey, but I soon will be.”

By the time he reached the shower, Liz’s hair was dark and wet, slicked back against her head. She ran her hands slowly down her body, ignoring the cool air that entered as he opened the door, her nipples puckering in reaction.

A small knowing smile was on her face as she cupped her breasts, moaning as she messaged her flesh. Through their connection Michael could feel Liz, just as she could feel what she was doing to him. Her breasts felt heavy and swollen and Michael was surprised at himself when he felt his groin tighten more at the thought of those same breasts swollen with milk for the child they would someday have.

Liz opened her eyes in surprise at the thoughts running though his head. Her eyes dilating as pleasure surged though her body. It was all Michael could take, hauling her into his arms, his lips crashing down onto hers in a hot passionate kiss, his tongue thrusting into her mouth with brutal intensity.

Liz moaned as Michael lifted her up, wrapping her legs around him. Michael knowing that she was ready for him, thrusted into her. He set a fast pace that had them crashing into the shower wall, and Michael cradled Liz head when it would have slammed into the tile.

He went deep, her silken walls gripping him with such intensity his whole body shuddered. The push and pull of their bodies created such a glorious friction that Michael nearly collapsed as he felt Liz fall apart. Not just around his cock, but his whole body felt the rush of heat spread through him, causing his breathing to become harsh pants.

He moaned harshly as he struggled to hold on, but Liz’s unrelenting grinding caused him to let go, his whole body taunt as he erupted into her. Liz screamed as she climaxed again, feeling his seed splash her walls.

Their combined climax bounced sensations back and forth between them until Michael couldn’t take anymore and flipped them around, sliding down the shower wall with Liz in his arms. With her completely out of it cradled against his chest, Michael allowed himself to drift into the haze of pleasure.

Liz had once joked that he had ruined her for all other men, and Michael didn’t know what sex between two humans was like but if it was anything less then alien sex, he pitied them. For to him, there was nothing better then the after glow of making love with Liz, literally. Even the few times he had been with Maria were nothing in comparison.

Maybe it was because after Max’s healing, Liz had developed powers of her own. Raising her status from regular human to advanced human. The same current of energy that ran through his veins also ran through hers, and then there was the connection, and how they fed off each other’s thoughts and feelings

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Re: Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)Ch 4 04.08.2008

Post by flyawayraven »

Thanks everyone! I really loved the feedback!

Jensen Lover 37

Chapter 5

An hour later, Liz shifted in his arms, calling him back from the haze. Everywhere she touched, a golden glow followed. It was then he noticed that the water had chilled, causing small shivers of a different kind to race through Liz’s small body.

Raising a heavy limb, Michael rewarmed the water with his powers. Standing on shaky legs he pulled Liz up with him. He knew in a few minuets both of them would have more energy then they knew what to do with, but while they were still shaky Michael helped her wash her hair then quickly washed his own hair and body.

Stepping out he wrapped Liz in a fluffy towel, allowing her to wrap one around his waist. Arms around each other they headed straight to their bedroom. Liz dropped her towel and climbed in, pulling Michael in after her. As Michael settled his weight on top of her he smiled when she sighed. He remembered what he needed to talk to her about.

Propping his chin on her chest, he weighted for her to open her eyes. His arms lay on either side of her; finally she opened her eyes after a little mental whisper. She peered at him and he knew she was waiting for him to speak.

Finally he sighed. “When I was in high school I briefly dated this girl named Maria. She was the most popular girl at school and I thought she was different from the other girls who grew up there. I found out that she wasn’t.”

He went on to tell her about their relationship and Michael had found out from the boyfriend of one of the girls how they would sit around and drag his name though the mud. This guy had always thought that Michael was a stand up guy, a little standoffish but not that bad and didn’t think it was nice or fair for them to talk that way about him.

Michael told Liz how when he had confronted Maria about it she had laughed at him and brushed him off as if he was less then a ruined pair of shoes to be thrown in the garbage.
About how crushed he had been that he had been wrong. It broke Liz’s heart as she listened to him talk.

Liz was shocked when Michael told her that he had gotten a phone call earlier in the day from Maria. She had called the studio and they had just handed out his cell number. After Liz’s initial rage at Maria she was even more enraged that someone would give out his personal number and told him she would make sure who ever it was would be punished.

They talked about the problem for a few more minuets before Michael felt Liz energy renew with vengeance. He slid up her body slowly, kissing every inch of skin he could reach without removing his body.

Soon both fell into an exhausted sleep after making love twice more. Liz rested completely on top of his body, her hands folded across his chest, supporting her cheek.

The next morning Liz bounded into the coffee shop, spotting Alex immediately. Pulling him to the side her eyes hardened. “I need you to find out who gave out Michael’s cell phone number yesterday. I want them found and I want them fired. They not only breached their contract but someone invaded his privacy.”

Alex looked shocked for a second before nodding his head. As the bands manager it was his job to make sure everything ran as smoothly for them and if someone was invading their space, he’d take care of it.

Liz gave him a hug, apologizing for the rude greeting. Alex laughed as she gave him a chocking hug. That was his Liz, straight to the point, and then she’d go back and smooth everything out. It was the way she worked and he hoped she never changed.

The group finished their usual morning routine. They had been coming to this coffee shop for years, since before becoming famous and it was a nice way to begin the morning where the staff knew them for themselves, and wouldn’t become star struck.

Throwing their garbage away, they all slid into the limo that Cal insisted they take everywhere during business hours. But it was ok to them as long as they were together.

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Re: Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)Ch 5 04.11.2008

Post by flyawayraven »

Thanks everybody!!

Chapter 6

As the group was getting ready Alex made a phone call to Cal stating that they had a breach of contract that needed to be taken care of right away. Alex held the phone away from his ear at Cal’s screaming. Not only did it insult Cal professionally, but also it raised his instincts as a protector, anyone finding out who his charges were.

Cal promised to take care of it right away before hanging up without saying good-bye. Alex walked by Liz’s dressing table, giving her a wink to let him know he had taken care of it before heading over to Isabel’s table. The lights in the surround mirror gave her face an angelic glow as a makeup artist fussed about with coloring and Alex knew that all the fussing was getting on Isabel’s nerves. He knew she wished she could just wave her hand and get on with it.

Alex leaned against the table, asking his girlfriend if she had told the others of her and Tess’s plans. Isabel gave him a small smile, indicating no. Alex’s knew her idea and thought it was brilliant but it wasn’t going to be easy to pull off.

Finally Isabel was done and before anyone else was finished pulled the photographer aside to let him know what was going on. Then she called everyone together and began to give orders.

Liz was to stand in the middle and then they were to V out from her. Another one, everyone with his or her instruments, Liz once more front and center. Another one had Liz on Michael’s back, Tess on Max’s with Isabel standing in the middle. In between each photo Isabel tried to waste as much time as possible, letting the photographer do the actual work.

After a few hours, they stopped for lunch, before heading back to the dressing rooms. This continued until a little before dinner. Michael and Liz having to be dismissed for an hour and a half with the rest of the band covering for them so that the workers around them wouldn’t wonder why those two looked like they were in some drugged out state.

Isabel was pissed that she had to do this, but she had smuggled a camera into Liz dressing room and snapped a few up close photo’s of the couple on the couch, after sending Alex in to make sure they were properly covered. Then she had Max had sealed the door and they had continued, waiting for them to come back to themselves.

Although it was possible to function directly after having an orgasm, Michael and Liz preferred lay in the after haze, floating along. Liz once stated that it felt like flying to her, while Michael thought it felt like floating on cloud high in the havens. He had shrugged his shoulders at how corny it sounded.

Liz flushed deeply when they emerged and ignored the curious stress of those around her and the smirks of her friends. Michael just pulled her against his side, a cocky grin that said it all.

When they were all finished they all decided to head back to Alex’s where Michael immediately got started in the kitchen, Liz at his side. It was a surprise to the rest of the Aliens that Michael enjoyed cooking, and after Liz taught him how he was often found making a meal for everyone while Liz worked on the desert.

While Michael was waiting for the meal to finish cooking, his cell phone rang. Thinking it was Cal he answered it without looking at the caller Id. Liz was alerted when he dropped the metal spoon in the pot with a clatter that something wasn’t right.

Maria’s voice was chipper on the other end as she said hi, and then started into a stream of chatter. Asking him how his day was and so forth. Liz watched him out of the corner of her eye, eavesdropping though their connection.

Michael felt a bolt of possessiveness flair though his body and he knew it wasn’t coming from him. He glanced at Liz and to the outside eye she looked normal, folding the doe and inserting the flipping of the apple turnovers she was making. Michael however could see the stiff posture indicating she wasn’t happy, or maybe it was the scowl of her face.

Michael nearly cracked up laughing as she began to mimic in her head to what she thought was the voice of the other annoying girl. The pout of her face was adorable in his eyes. He sent her waves of love that nearly had her dropping into a chair, the pout gone, and a dreamy smile in its place.

Michael stopped in his tracks as Maria informed him that she had gotten tickets with her friends for the show in Santa Fe. None of the group had gotten the itinerary for the tour and dread fell in Michael’s stomach that wasn’t his. He glanced at Liz, and was worried when she looked a little pale, but worried him more was when their connection slammed shut.

Michael said a quick good bye to Maria, ignoring her when she tried to entice him into a longer conversation. Walking to his girlfriend we wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest and laying a kiss on the side of her neck.

He frowned when she seemed to be holding her breath and she was still a little pale but shrugged it off. He thought he understood her reaction. If it had been some guy calling her he’d be pissed. He figured if he gave her some space she’d open back up. To bad he didn’t know how wrong he was.

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Re: Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)Ch 6 04.15.2008

Post by flyawayraven »

So here's the next part, I hope ya'll like it!


Thanks you two for the feedback!!

Chapter 7

Michael slammed the door to the tour bus, causing Isabel and Tess to jump where they were reclined on one of the couches, watching TV during the little down time they had since their tour had begun.

There were two buses; one Michael and Liz shared with Alex and Isabel. Max and Tess being the only single people in their group shared the other. They had been on the road for two weeks and Michael was about ready to blast a hole in something or weep.

He didn’t understand what was going on, Liz had continued to keep their connection closed, for the most part. Although he could still feel Liz’s love it was like a little trickled where a wide river once run. He felt like he was suffocating without her.

He knew that she was up to something, he just didn’t know what and it hurt that she was keeping it from him. To make matters worse, Cal had gotten him a new cell phone before they had left New York, only for Maria to show up at their Chicago concert, back stage passes in hand.

It had been uncomfortable to say the least and Michael was glad that Liz had chosen to head straight back to the buses when the concert had ended. Seeing her there Michael had had to inform the rest of the group in what was going on.

They had sympathized with him, and Isabel had wanted to go all ‘grrr’ on Maria but Michael had asked her to let him handle it. He hadn’t been doing that good of a job. She had shown up at three more concerts since then and at one occasion had simply told Michael that her showing up wouldn’t have been necessary if he hadn’t changed his number.

Michael had informed her that he had a girlfriend, one that he loved dearly. Maria had just shrugged coyly and asked what was wrong with one friend hanging out with another. Michael had then informed her that they had never been friends. Maria had shrugged and said, “lovers then.” Before walking off, saying she’d see him later.

It was enough to make him want to scream. Alex had mentioned putting a restraining order on her, but Michael didn’t think she would care and he knew that although she wasn’t a very good one, she was a mother of a two-year-old little boy. Who was currently staying at grandmas while Maria was following him around.

Michael slumped into a chair, staring out the tinted window. Max came and sat near him.
“Still nothing?” He asked

Michael shook his head, leaning his head back. “I miss her man, it’s like she’s this cyclone of activity and there’s no room left for me, or I keep getting pushed aside.” He mumbled.

Tess and Isabel perked up, Michael wasn’t one for talking about what was bothering him but when he did they knew to sit up and listen.

“Maybe she’s worried you’ll leave her for Maria.” Tess spoke up. Michael looked at her as if she was crazy.

“Are you insane, why the hell would Liz think that? I love her and only her!” Michael stated, a pained expression on his face.

Isabel marveled at the emotion on Michael’s face, she had never really noticed it before but being with Liz really helped him open up and not be so closed. “Well you did tell her that you used to be infatuated with Maria and that you two were lovers. Michael you even told her that you had loved Maria at the time.” Isabel told him gently, resting a perfectly manicured hand on his sleeve.

Michael couldn’t believe it, “well if she would just open up the damn connection she would see that I don’t love anyone else but her!” He shouted, frustrated.

Max sat there thinking. “Well, think about it Michael, Maria is following you around and we’ve all offered to help you get rid of her but you won’t accept our help. It seems that you make up one excuse or another. I mean come on, a few years ago you wouldn’t have care about what happened. You’ve gone soft. Of course I just see it as Liz’s influence.”

Michael gawked. “What!” he exploded.

Tess rolled her eyes, “think about it, all Liz sees is that she isn’t gone.”

Alex bounding into the bus interrupted them. “It’s here!” he exclaimed, excitement on his face. He threw each of them a CD case.

The cover had their band’s name across the top. “Concrete Angels” There was a picture of Liz, sitting backwards on a chair. Her arms folded across the back, her head tilted slightly to the side as her chin rested on her hands. Her hair falling all around her shoulders and arms. She had a small smile on her face, and Michael knew from the look of love that she had been watching him while he was on the sidelines. It was beautiful, and the picture was perfect for the cover, she looked like an angel.

Opening it, the CD itself had their name on it; it’s metallic shine mixing with a group picture in the background of them all laughing at something, Liz on Michael’s lap.

When you pulled out the little booklet there were random pictures of their group or single pictures of them just being themselves. Michael looked at Isabel and Tess. They had satisfied looks on their faces. “All that posing for you to just not use any of those pictures?” he asked. Tess laughed as Isabel gave him a small smirk.

There were the song lyrics and on the last page a photo that caused Michael to blanch. It was of him and Liz, an up close photo of their sleeping faces, Liz’s face tucked into his neck, his arms around her. Below that was a blogg written by Alex.

“As the manager of this amazing group of people I’ve had the rare opportunity to see a side of this group of people that the world doesn’t. That when it comes down to it they are just a simple group of people who consider themselves family, all have their little quirks that make up a diverse group. Though offered fame and fortune they haven’t allowed it to go to their heads, instead I’ve watched as they work all the harder to live up to the privilege that has been offered to them.” The blogg went on to the thank yous.

All they could do was look at Alex with a look of wow on their faces.

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Re: Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)Ch 7 04.17.2008

Post by flyawayraven »

Thanks for the feedback you three, you know who you are. On to the next part!

Chapter 8

Michael found Alex watching TV in the bus they shared, they were getting ready to embark onto Santa Fe and Michael was determined to talk to Liz. “Where’s Liz?” He asked.

Alex looked up from where he was sitting. “Um… I think she’s working on something, I’m not sure where she is at this particular moment.” He answered.

Michael slumped in the chair, knowing she was going to have to come back eventually. Alex looked sadly at Michael, the poor man looked defeated.

“Michael can I ask you something?” he asked. Michael waved his hand letting him know to go ahead.

“Do you trust Liz?” Alex asked. Michael looked up in surprise. “Of course.” Michael stated bluntly.

Alex nodded, “then I’m going to offer you a piece of advice. Trust her, I know that she seems to be distant lately, but she loves you more then anything, so trust in that and everything will be fine.”

Michael stared hard at his friend. “You know what’s going on with her don’t you?” It all made sense to him then. Alex nodded, “of course, I’m her best friend. She came to me needing help with a project and before you ask I can’t tell you what it is, but I can tell you that in the end it will all be worth it.”

“Worth it!” Michael exploded, “How can this be worth it!” Alex shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know but I do know that if your patient in the end you’ll understand.”

Their conversation was interrupted as Liz opened the door. “Hey babe!” she greeted giving Michael a peck on the cheek. She handed him some sheet music.

“Scan this, memorize it… it’s a new piece I’m gonna try out in Santa Fe.” She said as she handed Alex a CD.

Michael quirked an eyebrow at her, “I don’t think Golden’s gonna like it if your trying something new out before they have a chance to hear it.”

Liz looked at him puzzled. “Oh!” She said with a wide smile. “I’ve already sent them a copy, so they have it… I thought it would be fun to test it out with a live crowd, like the old days at the club.”

Michael nodded, looking at the sheets he could almost hear the guitar playing the cords in his head and he could tell it was going to be a fun song.

“Where are the lyrics?” He asked her. She gave him a sly smile. “It’s a secret, you’ll find out when everyone else finds out… can’t let the cat out of the bag yet.”

Alex laughed at the look on Michaels face as Isabel joined them and they bus lurched forward, taking off on their way to Santa Fe.

“Did you get the new music?” Isabel asked. Michael nodded. “What’s with all the secrecy?” she asked as Liz left the room. Michael shrugged his shoulders and Alex avoided her eyes.

It was late when they pulled into Santa Fe. Alex left the bus to help set up a security perimeter, leaving the other three sleeping.

He was irritated when he noticed a red jetta pulling up outside the perimeter. Maria stepped out of the car, waving to Alex as he made his way over to her.

“What are you doing here?” he asked bluntly, it didn’t faze her. “Well we’re only like an hour and a half from Roswell, I thought I would ask Michael if he would like to drive down their with me. You know check out all his old haunts.” She answered.

“Well Michael’s sleeping so I would suggest you leave before I call the police for stalking.” Alex told her.

Maria frowned at him. “I am not stalking him, why does everyone have a problem with me trying to be supportive of a friend?”

Alex laughed, “Your stalking him Maria, he has a girlfriend, one whom he loves dearly. You’ve seen her around I’m sure, and not likely on stage. You know Liz, lead singer. Long brown hair, usually has a pencil behind her ear and a guitar. Don’t pretend you don’t know who I’m talking about.”

Maria stared at him blankly. I was as if she refused to see and hear that Michael wasn’t available. “Speaking of Liz.” He muttered as he saw her approach from the bus. Liz came to stand by him, flashing a brilliant fake smile at Maria. “Maria, why am I not surprised to see you?”

Maria narrowed her eyes at the other girl, but gave her a smile anyway. “I came to talk to Michael.” She said bluntly.

Liz raised her eyebrow, “Well then what are you doing standing out here? Please come on up to the bus.”

Alex stood shocked at Liz. What could she possibly be thinking!

Maria gave a smug smile at Alex before she brushed past him, following Liz into the bus.

She looked around a little awed at her plush surroundings. Isabel sat on the couch watching a movie, filing her nails. She stopped and glared at Maria, shifting her gaze to Liz who walked past her.

“Take a seat, I’ll just go tell Michael you’re here.” Liz called over her shoulder.

A few minuets later Michael emerged from the bathroom with Liz over his shoulder, shrieking for him to put her down.

Isabel cleared her throat causing Michael to turn in her direction. He nearly dropped Liz when he saw Maria sitting on a chair, Alex leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

Sliding Liz down she gave him a mock glare, “as I was trying to tell you… you have a guest. Go see what she wants.” She gave him a gentle push into the main area of the bus.

He frowned when Maria gave him a brilliant smile. “What are you doing here?” He asked her.

“Well I had a really great plan. I thought since you have two days until the concert you might want to take a trip to Roswell. You’re only an hour and a half away. You could all stay at my house; I have plenty of room. It could be fun! Think about it, you could all check out your childhood haunts and you could see the parents. It would be a lot of fun!”

Isabel spoke up, ice in her voice. “For your information our parents are driving up to see us tomorrow.”

Michael nodded, “Why would we want to go to Roswell when everything we left behind in coming to us?”

Maria frowned. “Just for the fun of it I guess, all you guys do is hide on these buses unless you’re performing. Don’t you get bored? We could all go shopping or something. Don’t you miss the food at the Crashdown?”

The Crashdown Café was one of the restaurants that Maria’s mother owned. Michael and the gang had spent a lot of time there growing up, due to the fact that it was the most popular teenage hang out.

Michael shrugged his shoulders. “Not really and I am not going shopping. Sorry Maria but I think it’s time for you to leave; it’s eleven thirty. I’m tired and just want to go to

Maria’s emerald eyes hardened as she pouted. “Well if you change your mind you know how to reach me.” She threw a fake smile in Liz’s direction as Michael frowned. He didn’t know how to contact her, she just showed up and then he realized that she had said that to piss off Liz.

Michael pulled Liz into his body and glared at Maria. “Goodbye Maria.” He said bluntly before turning and dragging Liz to their bedroom.

The next day both the Harding’s and the Evans arrived and spent the day with the group of friends. Alex, Liz and Michael enjoyed the mothering of both older women while Isabel, Max and Tess rolled their eyes with exasperation.

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Re: Concrete Angels, (Mi/L,Mature)Ch 04.21.2008

Post by flyawayraven »

Thank you guys for reading, here's the next part!


Chapter 9

The day of the concert dawned hot and sunny. The boys on the top of one of the buses, tanning, found Liz, Tess and Isabel before they were required to go get ready.

In the dressing room Liz dressed in her normal black cargos, black tank top with the band name on it over a fish net long sleeved shirt. Black chunky boots darned her feet. Her nails were painted black and she had very little makeup on accept for the dark eyeliner making her eyes pop. Her long dark brown hair was layered and straitened, the blond and blue highlights sticking out in contrast to the rest of it.

Liz bounced on the balls off her feet as she waited impatiently for the rest to finish getting ready. Finally grabbing Alex she set out to finish the rest of her plan.

They went out to the front of the stadium where they were performing. Even though there was still half an hour before they opened the doors, the line was huge.

Alex pulled a security guard aside and asked him to find one Maria DeLuca and the rest of her party. Before long the security guard was headed in their direction with Maria and three other women following behind her.

Liz gave what she hoped was a welcoming smile. She asked them were they were sitting, and when they told her that they had tickets for the main floor but closer to the back Liz nodded at Alex.

Liz told Maria that Michael had requested that her and her friends’ tickets be updated for front and center, which caused them all to squeal with glee. Maria stared hard at Liz, then Alex asking why if Michael requested this he didn’t tell them himself.

Liz gave a fake laugh stating that he took longer to get ready then she did and so he had sent her. Which was a lie, Michael didn’t know she was even out here. Then handed Maria an autographed copy of the CD that hadn’t been released yet saying it was for the all the ‘support’ she had shown them on the tour.

Liz could see the envy on the faces of Maria’s friends and it made her want to laugh. For her to think that she was so special.

Finally after leading them to where they would watch the concert she left them and returned back stage. Michael was waiting for her and asked her where she had been. Liz shrugged and said Alex and her had gone for a walk.

Michael accepted it, pulling her into his arms, his heart constricting when she stiffened. He really wished he knew what was going on with her.

As the roar of the audience became nearly deafening, they waited for them to be announced.

“Hey Santa Fe!”

The screaming was thunderous.

“You ready for this?! Well then let me welcome ‘Concrete Angels’! On drums we have Max Evans!”

Max walked out on stage throwing a wave with his sticks.

“On base we have Tess Harding!”

Tess walked out with a smile, plugging in her guitar.

“On keyboard we have Isabel Evans!”

Isabel ran out with a large smile, waving at the crowds before throwing them a kiss.

“On lead guitar we have Michael Gruien!”

Michael gave Liz a last kiss before heading out, sending an absent-minded wave while concentrating on his guitar.

“And last but not least we have the voice that has sent ‘Concrete Angels’ to the top, throw your hands together for Elizabeth Parker!”

Liz walked out, throwing the strap of her own guitar over her head. She welcomed then and thanked the crowd for their support before getting the concert underway.

Two hours later the group was sweating and the crowd was having a blast. Finally, for the last song Liz turned to her friends. “I want to do the new one now!” She shouted over the crowd, taking a swig of water from the bottle before placing it back on the floor.
