Pains Loss (SN, XO, Mature) Chapter 6 & 7 19/01/09 [WIP]

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Pains Loss (SN, XO, Mature) Chapter 6 & 7 19/01/09 [WIP]

Post by emmareed »

Title: Pains Loss
Author: emma reed
Category: Supernatural Crossover
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: none one belongs to me apart from serenity, slay, dray and bascially any alien side that i made up. So all characters belong to Roswell and Supernatural.
Summary: Dean is an old hermit who is dead inside. This story tells us how he lived through lost love, deceipt, revenge, war and ended up alone.
Authors Note: This story can be dark in some places and is sad to an extent but it will have lots of revenge.

Chapter 1

On a cold stormy night the wind was whipping branches against the window. On a tall steep hill there was a old house. The floorboards creaked and the house was literally falling apart. This house belonged to an old man who had become a hermit over the years. His life had been filled with so much sorrow and death that it was intoxicating. He had retreated from the world outside and he had no spirit left in him at all.

This old man was Dean Whinchester. He hated the life that he led. He had lost every single person that he had ever loved and this made his life gaunt and unlived. The story that I am about to tell you is the story of his life and about what brought him to become like this.


Dean Whinchester was a very unfortunate child. When he was younger he had heard his dad screaming his name. The voice was coming from his baby brothers room and it scared him right down to the bone. He ran as fast as he could towards the nursery and what he saw was imbedded into his mind forever. His mum was on the celing ingulfed in fire and all his dad told him to do was to get his little baby brother called Sam out.

Since the day that his mother died Dean had always felt responsible for Sam and he looked after him and treated him like he was actually his dad. He never really had a normal childhood as he had to grow up so quickly.

My story begins when Dean is 20 .

Dean and Sammy as he liked to call him were riding down the long highway called route 285 South. They were travelling to the town of Roswell. Sammy had insisted that there was a case that they could do there. There was a report of a young waitress in a diner being shot her name was Elizabeth Parker and then it was reported that a young boy went up to her and put his had over her shot wound as was brought back to life. Sammy was drawn to this case whilst as you can imagine Dean thought it was a lot of crap as it sounded all hocus pocusy. Like it cam out of a tv show.

So they were driving down the long highway and were just pulling into the town with the radio blaring with the song "King Nothing" by Metallica.

'I'm hungry do you think we should catch some food Dean'

'Yeah ok dude let's check out a cafe then'

The first place they saw was a cafe called 'The Crashdown' and when they looked at it the neon lights were shining and all Dean could do was burst out into laughter. They walked into the cafe and they both ordered blood of alien smothies and men in black pie. When Dean looked at the menu he couldn't help but make a snide comment about what he thought about the restaurant.

'Sammy look at this. The people who own this place must be idiots'

Exactly at that time a young waitress called Elizabeth Parker walked by and was infuriated by the comment that she had heard him say.

'Excuse me? I will have you know that my parents own this restaurant and I am not going to let you insult it just because you think you are some tuff bloke who is really a scared little boy who is crying inside and hiding his real emotions with sarcasim and loud music. So I want you to get out of this cafe now before I throw you out'

'Really I would like to see you try sweety. Just try'

At this time Sammy couldnt help but burst into laughter at the scence that was happening before him.

'Dean bro. Stop flirting we need to check into a motel'

Chapter 2

As they were walking out of the cafe Dean was infuriated with his brother.

'Sammy why did you embarass me in there?'

'I have no idea what you were talking about brother dear'

'Oh really, you just embarassed me right in front of that hot number there'

'Dean she dont like you man. She looks like the type that is smart and would go for someone more intellectual like me and who doesn't listen to trashy music like Metallica.'

'Really well why don't you put your money where your mouth is'

'Dean that is wrong you can't bet on whether a woman is going to like either one of us'

'Yeah well I am. So are you in or are you out? Or are you just a chicken Sammy?'

'Well if you put it like that then I am in. Let the games begin'

What the pair did not realise is that the pod squad were lurking in a alleyway listening to every word that they were talking about. The pod squad were 4 aliens that were in the original Roswell crash in 1947. They were in incubation pods and when they cam out over 50 years later they looked like 6 year old children. They had lived before and were re-created to help save their planet. Their names are Max and Isabel Evans, Michael Guerin and Tess Harding. Max was the former King on his planet and his name Was Zan, Isabel was his sister and she was Princess Vilandra. Michael was Zan's second in command and leader of his army and his name was Rath and then Tess was Max's bride and her name was Ava.

In this life Max is actually Elizabeths or as many call her Liz's ex boyfriend, he had been in love with her since the first time he saw her but she only went out with him because he saved her life. In reality what the pod squad didn't know was that Liz held a secret that was important to their very existence.

Later that night Dean and Sam had booked into the only motel in town called the Tumbleweed Motel and they had only just fallen asleep.


A young girl had walken up to him and she had long brown hair and doe brown eyes. Dean looked into her eyes and he reckonised her it was the waitress from the Crashdown that he likes.

'Hello Dray isn't the sky lovely today'

' sorry sweet cheeks my name is not Dray it is Dean'

'Listen very closely to me. My name is Serenity and you have lived before. In your past life your name was Dray and you had two brother's one of them you already know as he is your brother Sammy in this life his name was Slay. You was a mighty warrior but you were fighting against your younger brother and against me. You were fighting with Kivar, he went against the royals because I am his daughter as I picked their side. The royals were King Zan, Princess Vilandra, General Rath and the Princess Ava. You helped kill them and you would have survived but King Zan killed you for reasons I cannot explain to you.'

'What are you talking about with past lives? I am not a alien chicky and neither are you. You are a waitress at a local cafe and I am only dreaming'

'If you are no alien then how comes you can sense your brother when he is hurt. How did you get out of the house when you were younger when it was filled with fire. Ask yourelf these questions. One word of warning you are not the only one to be reborn I have and so has Sammy and your other younger brother. You will know him by your connection as siblings but watch out for the rest of the royals especially King Zan as they have all be reborn and are in Roswell.'

Chapter 3

Once Dean had awoken he was breathing in deep ragged breaths and had swear dripping off of his body. He looked over at his brother Sammy and was listening to him talking in his sleep. Sammy was screaming;

'No don't kill them !!!!!!!'

'Please leave them alone !!!'

'Pick. I can't pick between them. They are my brother Dray and the woman that I love'. He spoke this with so much anger in his voice that it actually scared Dean.

'Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You killed our brother!!! You murdering scum, I wish you would die in Hades world and are tortured there for the rest of eternity!!!!!'. He screamed this out and let out a blood curling scream.

After Sammy spoke these words his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he started to float above the bed with his legs dangling down. His eyes rolled back into his head and they were replaced with ice cold blue eyes that were glowing. But if you looked deep into these eyes you could tell that this person had suffered a great lose and was broken inside. THIS WAS NOT SAMMY. Dean looked up at his brother and wondered who was possessing him.

Chapter 4

As soon as Dean had any thought in his mind about what was going on Sam had collapsed to the floor into a crumpled heap. In Dean's mind he was going over everything that had been said. It sounded so much like his dream. But how could Sammy know anything about it?

'Sammy.... Sammy bro please get up. Please wake up' , you could hear Deans voice woven full of worry.

'Sammy please get up I cant lose you. I'm supposed to protect you. It's my job and I am letting you down. It's my fault I'm so sorry' , whilst Dean was saying this he had tears dripping down the side if hus face and was in comlete agony.

'Deannnnn........ Dean ..... What hapened? What is going on? Why am I on the floor?'

'Dean bro. You were levitating off the ground. You were saying don't make me choose between what seemed to be a brother and the women that you love'

'What? Let's just forget about this and sort it out later because right now i am starving and I've got a bet to win'

By the time the two of them had gotten changed and ready to go out The Crashdown was just opening, so they missed the morning rush as it was still quite early. They walked into the restaurant and Dean saw that girl. That girl but he couldn't quite remember her name. Was it Beth, Lizzie. That's it it was Elizabeth but he heard her friends call her Liz. When he looked into her eyes he started to have a flash.


Serenity was running around a garden with a little boy chasing her


The two children lying under a tree looking at the two suns of a planet setting and looking into each others eyes


Them arguing and the boy grabbing the girl and pulling her in for a fierce kiss


The two of them proclaiming their love for each other


Making love in a bed of roses


Serenity dying in his arms and feeling a blood curling scream come from his throat and looking around and seeing a river of blood and dead bodies covering everything.

*End Of Flash*

As soon as the flashes ended Dean was breathing heavily and he looked back into Liz's eyes and could se reckognition pass over her eyes. He got up out of his seat walked up to her and kissed her in front of the whole restaurant. The gasps and whispers started straight away and what was worse was that at the exact moment Maxwell Evans walked through the door.

'GET YOU FILTHY DISGUSTING HANDS OFF OF MY GIRL' and he punched Dean right in the face.

Chapter 5

The whole of the restaurant went dead silent and it was filled with two people screaming with the whole of their lungs.

'What the f*** did you do that for you dick weed?'

'What...... What..... you never swear and i am defending your honour. You are my girlfriend!!!! MINE DO YOU HEAR ME. I AM NOT GOING TO LET SOME STRANGER KISS YOU IN FRONT OF ME. YOU ARE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!'


And then Liz went all silent and whispered with her eyes going ice blue with veins going across them.

'Go Zan!!'

Max who was completely gobsmacked with this walked out of the room and all he could think is what the hell is happening. Why did her eyes change and who the hell is Zan.

Hi people thats as far as ive gotten so if you think i should continue then post a reply coz otherwise i will think that it is rubbish and forget about it. Thanxs for taking time to read it and hopefully you will like it
Last edited by emmareed on Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by emmareed »

hi guys i am so sorry i havent added a new part in like 8 months but my muse and isnpiration had left me and ive been busy getting settled in with starting my A-Levels. SO here is the long anticipated next chapter LOL joking.

Liz looked down at the floor where Dean was lying unconscious and she got one of the customers in the cafe to help her carry him upstairs and put him on top of her bed. About 1 hr later Dean woke up in a bit of a haze and was trying to take in his surroundings. He was lying in some strangers bed but what was even weirder was that he felt a arm around him and a head laying on his naked chest. He looked down at this perfect women who was sleeping and he felt that this was what it was like to be home.


'Guys I am telling you that something is up with Liz'

'Max what are you talking about'; said Michael in a fed up and annoyed voice

'Well i think that that guy Dean has done something to her. Her eyes were blue with veins across them and she was kissing him. You all know that she is MINE. SHE WOULDNT GO AGAINST ME, WE ARE SOULMATES'

Isabel and Michael both started to get a bad feeling. Max has changed and it was not for the good. He was acting like a caveman and they were both actually afraid of what he would do to Liz if she didnt follow his rules.

Tess on the otherhand had an evil look on her face, she was happy with the changes that had occured on Max. If she kept on mindwarping him then he would eventually kill Liz and she could finally have her King back.
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Re: Pains Loss (SN, XO, Mature)[WIP]

Post by emmareed »

Chapter 6

Liz slowly started to stir from her slumber and all she could do was admire the specimen before her. She longed for him to remember their past lives and how much they loved each other. She couldnt believe that after all this time she had actually found him and Slay they were her friends and even her family. With these thoughts her mind started to wander to Khivar.

Khivar wasn't evil like everyone presumed of him, he was a sweet, considerate man that would try to help everyone around him if he could. But there was one thing that he wouldnt suffer and that was fools. He also had a vengeful side that would appear if anyone ever hurt the people he cared for. Whilst Liz was thinking about this Dean had grabbed hold of her arm and was brought along for a ride full of flashbacks of this Khivar person that he had never met.

His pupils were dilated and his hair was sticking matted to his face. Why was his girl thinking of this man? Didn't she know that she was his amor. They were destined for each other but she was dreaming of this man. His voice started to get deep and he said;

'Why are you thinking of him!!!!'

'You are mine!!!!'


Lizs' eyes went blue with veins running across them and she blasted Dean right into the wall on the other side. She cocked her head to one side and stared at his unconcious body and then blinked out of the room.

What Liz did not realise was that Alex was standing out side of the window even though he is dead.


Where am I, there was this bright light and then nothing just darkness. Just this man with a kind face and then I'm standing outside Liz's window. Who is that man with her and what is going on with everyone. My parents arent at our house they have moved out. What is going on here. All of a sudden he fell down to the floor on his knees screaming out in pain as green electirc waves overtook his body making him convulse on the floor.

Chapter 7

When Liz blinked out of the room she appeared outside in the street and she was walking down it with electiricity waves flying out of her arms and destroying everything that is in sight. She was in so much turmoil over her life and really didnt know what to do. But then she heard a pure animalistic scream of someone in pain and everything in her body screamed for her to help that person.

So she started to float down the road getting closer and closer to the person in trouble when she found them.


'OMG Alex.........' She said this whilst absolutely crying her heart out in so much happiness at finding him back alive.

Alex lifted his head slowly whilst he was in pain and quietly whispered;

'Liz..... Is that you????..... Please HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP' , he started to scream again as his body was convulsing again and again and again.

Meanwhile On The Otherside Of Town

Isabel was in her house with the Pod Squad when she heard someone screaming in her head and they were in so much pain that she was finding it hard to breathe.

The whole gang were screaming asking her what was wrong when they all felt this weird feeling crawling up their necks and then they disappeared.

All you could hear was a slow demonic laugh enveloping the group into this darkness.

They were so confused, they were in a dark room and couldnt see anything around them but they could hear people mumbling. Then the lights came on and they were absolutely blinded by this light and then they saw it!!!!!