A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult) A/N...10/17 [WIP]

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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult) Prt8....5/1

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, I had planned on updating last weekend, but I've lost the USB that I save everything to so I am having to start from scratch. :( Sorry I don't know when I'll be updating.


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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult) A/N...5/8

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, sorry it’s taken me so long to update. I finally found my USB stick only to find I hadn’t even started a new part. Hopefully next time Ill update sooner. Thanks for all the feedback. I hope you like the new part, let me know!

Part 9

Liz stood in front of the mirror, starting at the reflection in front of her. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun her bangs pinned back, her face clear of make-up but glistening with glistening with a light a layer of perspiration from the extremely run she had just taken.

After leaving the church, not long after her weird run-in with her estranged brother, she had come back to Spencer, originally planning on trying to sleep but had decided to go for a run. After changing into a sports bra, track pants and sneakers, she had set out at about 2a.m.
Before she had knew it she had seen the sun starting to rise ahead of her on the road and had been shocked that it was already half 5 in the morning. She had sadly turned back, enjoying the peace and quiet, allowing her to think clearly.

Now as she stood in the large bathroom/shower room. She was hit the memory’s she had avoided her whole time in Ipswich.

*Her and her whole unit, Liz the youngest at 4, all dressed in their normal clothing of grey sweats and combat boots, dragging themselves across the grass. Liz pulling up the sniper rifle and aiming at the target of a red dot spray painted onto a tree almost two hundred meters away. Pulling the trigger, she wasn’t surprised when the speeding bullet hit the small dot perfectly, looking over at Lydecker who stood off to the side watching them. He returned her gaze and for a moment Liz would’ve sworn blind that she saw something that looked like pride flash in his eyes before returning to their normal emotionless, icy blue.*

*Liz stood beside Ben, Zack, Jondy and Krit. They were up on the roof again looking over the miniature shrine they had created for The Blue Lady. There was some food, some human teeth, some food they had managed to sneak from dinner and lastly the card the care-taker had given Jack a few day’s back, sat in the middle, facing up towards the dark sky. Feeling a weight settle on her shoulder, Liz looked over at Ben and placed her own hand over his that was sitting on top of her thin paper gown she was forced to wear.*

Shaking her head, Liz cleared her head of the overpowering memories. Studying her profile again, she was shocked to see Caleb standing behind her. She must’ve been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard him entering the deserted shower room. Turning around, she looked up into his dark eyes that were gazing at her with concern.

“You ok?” The witch asked, he had entered the room a few minutes ago, having seen Liz through the small gap of the door where she hadn’t closed it properly and had been worried when he noticed she seemed stoic.

“Yeah, I always am.” Liz replied with her famous smirk. She was hoping to dodge this conversation, at least with Caleb. Sure he was a nice enough guy and her room-mates boyfriend, but she didn’t feel she was close enough to him to open up to him about how she was feeling after seeing her long lost brother.

“Liz-” Caleb started only to be cut off by the brunette transgenic.

“Don’t ok, I’ll be fine and when I do need to talk I’ll do it in my own time and to the person I choose.” With her statement finished, she walked past him and started for her dorm to get ready for the day of school, she couldn’t risk getting in trouble with classes.


End of part 9. YAY!! Feedback please.

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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult) Part 9.....5/28

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, glad you all liked the last part. I was planning on updating sooner than today but my muse has been stuck on two other fics that I may soon be posting on here. One is a OTH xo, and it’s a Liz/Lucas pairing and the other is a Smallville/DA xo with a Liz/Clark pairing. I have also had a craving for CSI: New York and have been watching all the episodes I can (Danny Messer is so hot!!). Well, hope you like my new post. Thanks for all the wonderful feedback, you all rock!!

Part 10

Liz sat on her bed, using Sarah’s laptop she had borrowed. It had been three day’s since the scene with Caleb, since then he had made an effort to earn her trust and friendship, something that made Liz both humbled and confused but she had decided to see where he was going with his quest.

She had returned to the church where she had talked to Ben several times a day trying to catch him again, sadly all her attempts had failed.

A loud knock on the door filled the almost silent room, getting up from her bed she walked over to the door. Pulling it open she wasn’t surprised to see one Pogue Parry on the other side. Ever since she had fallen asleep at his, the witch had been checking on her constantly to make sure she was ok. It reminded her of Max in someway, but in other ways it was completely different as Max done it possessively whereas Pogue was doing it through protectiveness and concern.

Standing to the side, Liz let the tall figure into her room. “Hey.”

He returned the welcome and after letting her close the door, he pulled her into his arms taking in the familiar feel, smell and sight of her. Liz was dressed in a tight red halter-neck top, low slung dark blue jeans, also tight and a pair of knee length New Rocks that had red/orange flames on them. Her hair was up in a messy bun and her make-up was dark and smoky.
Tilting Liz’s head up to his, Pogue leant down and placed his lips on her own, feeling the familiar fluttering in his gut he got whenever she was close. It was a slow soft kiss but was stilled filled with passion and feeling.

“Sarah, I’m -” Exclaimed a voice from the once again open door, trailing off as they seen the rooms occupants embrace.

Pogue and Liz pulled away, both looking over to where now stood a girl that Liz didn’t recognise, she had mocha skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Feeling Pogue’s arms stiffen around her waist, she pulled away from him to talk to the mystery girl.

“Sarah’s not here, she went out to dinner with Caleb.” But it went unnoticed as the girl was too busy glaring at the man standing behind her anger, hurt and jealousy all shone in her eyes as she turned her stare to the brunette transgenic.

“Right. And who are you?” She asked with an icy tone.

“Liz Parker and who are you?” Liz replied, eyeing the girl over. She felt Pogue come up behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders.

“Kate Tunney.” Kate stated, watching every move her ex made. She hadn’t expected to see Pogue so soon and definitely didn’t expect to see him making out with some girl who seemed to be Sarah’s new room-mate.

Liz wanted to sing the chorus of ’Hallelujah’ when Caleb and Sarah appeared up behind Kate. She knew from her blonde room-mate that Kate and Pogue had really serious before she had freaked out when he had told her about his powers. Ignoring the sinking feeling in her gut, she knew it was time to go back to the church to check if Ben had been back. Going over to her chair, she quickly snuck her 9mm into the waistband of her pants, and covered it by slipping on her leather jacket without anybody saw her.

Grabbing her helmet and her keys, she started for the door as she alerted the people in the room that she was going out and didn’t know when she would be back.

As Sarah and Kate got reacquainted, Liz walked down the nearly deserted hall ways, passing a fellow student here and there. Honestly, she was expecting Pogue to follow but she could already tell, without looking behind her that only an empty hallway would be in her vision. Brushing the hurt out of her mind, she pushed the large doors to the school open and as she did she noticed Tyler sitting on the wall to her left.

Her eyebrows furrowed together as concern washed through her. Walking over to him, she sat down next to him, obviously startling him judging from the jerk he gave.

“Sorry,” Liz apologised as she settled next to him “you okay Baby Boy?”

“Yeah, I’ve just had a crappy day.” The brown haired witch replied. “You’re a girl right?” He asked.

“The last time I checked, yes.” The transgenic joked, but her smile dropped when she noticed that Tyler wasn’t smiling with her. “Okay, tell Aunt Liz what happened.” She stated, swinging around to straddle the wall as she faced him.

“Well I’ve been hanging out with this girl for the last couple of weeks, and I really like her. But today when me and Reid went into town I saw her with this other guy and they were holding hands and kissing and stuff. Why would she spend so much time with me, but have another guy on the side?” Tyler asked, hurt and confusion lacing his voice.

Liz’s heart broke a bit at his distressed expression, taking a deep breath she told him her view. “I think that she obviously didn’t know what she had in you and that if a girl is going to cheat on you, Tyler Simms, then she definitely isn’t good enough for you.” Trying to lighten the situation she went on. “You want me to kick her ass or hang her upside down over a toilet and accidentally flush it?”

Liz was pleased when he snorted and let out a little laugh, shaking his head at the same time. The two settled into a comfortable silence. She was brought out of her daze about cleaning her bike - which from where she was sitting looked a state, when Tyler spoke.

“So I saw Kate. How are you dealing with that?” Liz didn’t know how he knew she had saw Pogue’s ex, but he did.

“I honestly don’t know, it’s like Max all over." At Tyler's confused look, she just waved her hand in the air, trying to explain. "The ex thing, I’ve dealt with it all before and I really don’t want to again, so I’m just going to let things flow and see where they end up. No matter how much it hurts.” Liz felt relieved after letting her feelings out and looking at her watch she saw that it was getting late and she really needed to head to the church. Voicing her thoughts to the witch across from her, they both got off the wall and said their goodbyes.

Heading for her bike, Liz turned around at the sound of Tyler’s voice shouting after her.

“If you need us or you just want to talk, call.”

Smiling she replied to him. “I will, and think about my offer.” Tyler looked confused for a moment before he let out a chuckle that warmed her heart seeing that she had successfully cheered her friend up.

Liz’s good mood lasted all the way to the church, before she saw the couple of police cars that had parked outside of the aged building. Walking inside, she was shocked to see an few people being questioned by police, but what got to her most was the load of papers that had obviously been dropped up by the font and a few out the candles sitting beside it had fallen over, laying on the floor as if there had been a struggle.

The transgenics heart began to speed up as panic filled her. Walking over to the nearest person, she asked what had happened.

“Someone’s taken Father Scott. What’s happening to this world.” The elderly woman replied as tears welled up in her eyes. Liz didn’t notice though as before the woman could finish her sentence she had started for the exit, pulling out her cell phone she dialled a familiar number.

“I need you’re help.”


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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult)....Prt10...6/4

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, glad you liked the last part, so sorry it‘s taken me so long to update. Thanks so much for all the wonderful feedback and I hope you like the new part just the same. So, in this part we find out who Liz called, was it Zack? One of the witches? Michael? Someone else? Let’s find out………………….

Part 11

Twenty minutes later, he pulled up. A worried look on his face as he got out of his grey mustang. It had even shocked her that she had called him. Zack would claim that she couldn’t do this herself, Michael was too far away and she wasn’t really talking to Pogue. Walking over to her, his brown eyes travelling over her body platonically to make sure she wasn’t harmed. He pulled himself up onto the wall she sat on.

“Look, I know we’re not close and I know that I wasn’t the nicest person to you but I really need your help Caleb.” She said to the witch beside her. She knew deep down that the reason she had called him was because he would help her with anything, he knew what it was like having to deal with a rebellious brother he after all had Reid to deal with.

“Anything.” He said determined to show her that he cared. She had become a good friend of his, even though he wouldn’t let her know that.

“I have an idea where he is. Ben like’s high places and the highest point in Ipswich is the old bell tower.” Liz pointed to the old building in sight, at about 100ft in the air, you could see the whole town from up there. “But Ben’s taken Father Scott and I need you to get him to safety whilst I try and rationalise with my brother.”

Caleb nodded his head, knowing that Liz was depending on him to help her with this.

The two got off the wall and as Caleb started for his car, he was shocked when Liz grabbed his arm - pulling him towards her bike. His face must’ve shown his feelings as when he turned to ask why he couldn’t take his car, she stated her way was faster.

Fifteen minutes later they pulled up outside the abandoned building, the two got off the bike and looked up.

Liz turned to Caleb, taking the helmet she had given him and placing it on her bike. “You get Father Scott out and then stay out, don’t act the hero and come back inside.”

The male witch nodded, although he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay outside and that his leader instincts would make him go back inside after seeing that the Priest was safe.

Liz took a deep breath, preparing herself for the showdown with her big brother. Stalking towards the door, she turned to remind her company to keep silent, but she was shocked at the sight of his pure black eyes and knew that he was Using to stay as quiet as her.

Smirking, she headed for the building again, feeling her primal instinct that Liz had fought to keep at bay for so long, take over and knew that things were about to drastically go downhill in the nice little life she had made for herself in Ipswich.

Ok, so this parts a little shorter than expected, but hopefully the next part will be longer.

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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult)....Prt11...7/17

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey you guys.

I had planned on updating recently, but my sister has been seriously ill and since her boyfriend works a lot, she's moved in with me temporarily whilst she recovers , plus my ideas have started turning towards a few OTH xo's with either a Nathan/Liz or Lucas/Liz pairing and it's stopping me from writing. But I hope to update relativly soon. Thanks for the feedback on the last part, hope you like the next part, when it's posted.


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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult)....A/N...8/11

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, just a note that i probably won't be updating for a while as my sister has just been diagnosed with cervical cancer and we won't know mich more until she has an MRI. Sorry.

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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult) A/N 8/13

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, so I’m sorry about the update taking so long but what with my sister being ill and all I really haven’t had time to write up till now.
So, I'm sorry, but this part is really more of a really short interlude, rather than the large chapter that I had originally planned it to be. But anyways, I hope you like this new part and I hope to have another part up soon!

Part 12

Liz and Caleb snuck behind a large wooden box, thankful that they hadn’t attracted Ben’s attention yet. They had silently crept through the abandoned building, and had finally found Liz’s brother on the top floor looking out one of the only windows that wasn’t boarded up.
She knew that she should've let Caleb call one of the other guys, just to alert them of where they were going but she knew it would probably be Pogue that he called and at that a moment she had been reminded of the scene that had taken part in her dorm just a few hours ago and had replied with a short shake of the head which she knew was silly and immature.
Looking around Liz winced as she read the words spray painted on the walls, the red paint completely contrasting against the dull, aging paint that the buildings walls had been painted with.





Seeing those words again, she could literally feel herself sitting in the cold metal seats that would make her ass go numb after about an hour of sitting on it, with her arms tiring from being held out in front of her for so long.
A noise coming from across the room had Liz on alert, ready to pounce if she saw fit. Carefully looking over the top of the box, her heart skipped a beat at what she saw.
Ben, with the priest. Her big brother had tied up his hands and was leading him towards the ratty old couch in the corner of the room.

Looking back at Caleb, she motioned with her hand for him to stay and before he could protest she had blurred over to another wooden crate, large enough for her to hide behind and a few meters closer to Ben and the Priest. Seeing an opportunity, as Ben turned around to pick something up from the window sill, Liz prepared to her body for the leap that she would take to pull her brother down.

Dun, Dun, Dun. Major cliff-hanger or what?? Remember and tell me what you think!

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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult) Prt12 9/4

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys.

Just thought I'd stop by and leave a quick note, no matter how bad it is. So, I had hoped to have updated by now, bu unfortunately I've broken my laptop and am currently using my old computer, which is on it's last legs.
Hopefully I'll be getting it sorted soon and an start writing again. Sorry.


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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult) A/N...11/20

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys. Thought I would leave you a little note.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and that you will go on to have great New Years! But I have some sad news, I have no idea when I will be updating again, as I had a huge fight with my mother today and have no idea if I want to see her again. So, the an update could be in 2 days or it could be in a month or 2. I'm sorry, guys!


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Re: A Transgenic in Ipswich(Multi,XO,UC,Adult) A/N...12/29

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

New Poll and Coming Soon section added to my Authors page. Check it out please! :D


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