For those of you who read and enjoyed that story, you'll be glad to know that I kept much of the heart of it. The inner conflict that can plague many of us and force us to make bad decisions when we see no other option. I felt that was an essential element to what made the story what it was. It's a tough read, emotionally packed, and definitely capable of sparking those *pull your hair out* vibes.

Many of the characters do feel different. You may find hints of Max in my hero, but he is certainly a new man. I always felt my heroine wasn't quite Liz... but a broken version of who we can all become. The person most faithful to the original rendering is Ryan. He was exactly what the story needed and til this day I find his part in the whole thing heartbreaking and beautiful. I've grown to love him!
So anyway, to make a long story short, my publisher, Freya's Bower, contracted the story, now titled Surfacing, last year and I've worked on it for about 6 months to get it in tip top shape. I'm proud of the changes I've made and I hope that you all will enjoy it just as much as I did. I should be receiving my official release date soon, but keep an eye out for sometime in February. Either way, I'll keep you all posted.