Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 7/1/09 *Complete*

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 3/21/09 Chpt 13 & 14 p. 8

Post by Hunter »

Thanks AvalonRose for the fb! :D

Chapter 13

Liz's POV

Dinner was so strange, we all were sat at the table and it felt so awkward for me to be the only one eating. Rosalie's cold stares, keen smiles from Esme and Alice while Dr Cullen was too busy making sure I was okay and the other two were appearing to be bored. Edward had been sitting beside me the whole time and made me feel much better.

"How's the dinner Liz?".Esme asked.

"Amazing. You guys are such great cooks."

"Credit goes to Esme." Dr Cullen grinned. "My talented wife knows her stuff in the kitchen."

"Stop it honey." Esme playfully slapped her husband and blushed.

Rosalie began to choke from across the table and the laughter stopped. "What's wrong Rosalie?".

Her red eyes shone with a vicious form of lust and her eyes were directed at me. She began to tremble and her nails dug into the white tablecloth, denting it to the table.

It was then when I had seen a flash of pearly white fangs, I was completely mortified. "Oh no, she's hungry." Dr Cullen rose from his seat and the other two guys ran towards the blonde, grabbing her by the arms.

By then, Rosalie began to scream as she was being restrained. Dr Cullen had taken out a syringe and was about to inject her with it. Edward reached for my hand and gave it a small squeeze. "Don't worry." Edward told me. "She must have not fed in the last twenty four hours."

"This is unusual." Alice panicked. "Normally she'd have the strength to go out and hunt?".

"Liz is human." Esme said. "She must be attracted to Liz's blood."

"I'm not-" I was about to say but Edward pulls me out of the chair and drags me towards the door. It was then a screeching scream stopped us and Rosalie had thrown the guys off her.

"I WANT HER BLOOD!". She pointed at me, fangs elongated at full length.

In no time, she had rushed towards me but Edward darted out in front, using himself as a shield, my shield against Rosalie. He knocked her back and hissed. "Stay away from my Eva".

Rosalie threw back her blonde locks and staggered up. "Her blood is the rarest form, I must have a taste."

"How rare?".

Rosalie looked at Emmett. "Nothing like you've ever tasted." She grinned. "Her blood smells much better then..." Rosalie sniffs the air. "Human blood." She whispered.

I gulp. "She knows." I whispered to Edward who remained stiff.

Emmett began to shake violently and then sported his fangs. "I want a taste too."

"No Jasper!". Alice ran to him and tried to keep him from changing. Edward was too busy trying to protect me, making sure that none of them cross the line.

Emmett had joined Rosalie and both were lusting after my blood. Is that how vampires react to alien blood I thought? Edward had resisted me that means.


Both of them flung forwards but I threw up a shield to protect myself and Edward. Rosalie and Emmett cry of the shock the force field hits them , sending them on the floor.

All of the Cullen’s, look at me with confused stares and I hear Esme ask. "What are you?".

Chapter 14

Liz's POV

"What the hell was that about?". I ask Edward, throwing so more pebbles into the river. It was a dinner gone wrong. A complete disaster. I couldn't face them again and I wasn't sure if they even wanted to see me again.

"I think it's your alien blood." Edward answered, joining me in throwing the small stones into the sparkling river. "I was so attracted to your blood Liz." confessed Edward. "It drove me crazy until..."

"Until what?".

"Until I realised your...ahem...scent....was more appealing." Edward blushed.

I blush myself and realise what he is saying. "So you want me like that huh?". I teased.

A rustling in the leaves stop us from talking and the big black wolf darts out, lands at our feet and them changes back to the form of a young boy. Namely Jacob.

"Hello Jacob."

He doesn't look too happy which bothers me. "I have bad news guys."

"It's him". I can feel the fear from Edward and I know it's not good.


"We call him James." Edward said. "You call him Kivar."

"Oh god."

"He's been on a rampage, killing lots of innocent people." Jacob said. "He will continue doing it unless..."

"Unless what?".

"Unless you go to him." Jacob said in a quiet voice and didn't look at me. "We tried so hard to stop him. Two of our wolves have been killed....I don't know what else to do because he's half alien and half vampire. He's too powerful."

"I'll have to go to him." I say, when Edward is quiet.

"No." Edward growls. "I'm not letting you make the same mistake again Eva." He pulls me against his body and takes my face in his hands, bringing our faces closer so the tips of our nose touch. "I can't lose you again."

Memories began to spin uncontrollably right before my eyes as I lose myself in Edward's eyes.


"NO!". I reach out for Edward as Kivar rips me away from him.

"You're supposed to be mine." Kivar sneers in my ears. "Not attached to this pathetic human boy."

They had almost killed Edward but Kivar thought it would be best to let him be tortured and give him a painfully slow death. The color drained from Edward's face and he was on his knees. His expression hollow as he weakly reached out to me.

I could feel the warm tears running down my eyes as I was being pulled away from the only man I could ever love.

I hear Kivar's power sizzling and a sharp pain pushing through my head. Edward's screams and Kivar's laughter are the last things I hear before blackness consumes me.


I gasp sharply and see tears swimming in Edward's eyes. "They made me see your death Liz." He whispered, kissing my hand. "They made me see how he fucking killed you."

I shake my head and the tears just fall. "What did they do to you?".

"They left him to die." Carrie's voice startles us as she emerged from the forest and out into the open.

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 4/28/09 Chpt 15 p. 9

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!

Carrie (x2)

Chpt 15

Liz’s POV

“They left him to die.” Carrie spoke again, a hint of anguish and pain falling over her deep green eyes.

“What?” Looking back at Edward and then Carrie, I try to understand the situation here. “How do you know this?”

“This.” Carrie held up her bracelet, the one I gave to her because she loved it so much.

I frown. “The bracelet gave you my memories?”

“You placed your hidden memories in your stuff Liz.” She told me. “I just felt it and I saw Edward through your eyes.”


“I also know that Kivar was against it. You uniting with a human was a disgrace to him. He was supposed to marry you in his mind and when you fell in love with Edward and married him…”

“He separated us.”

“He killed you Liz.” Carrie tried to hold back the sobs. “He killed you and I watched you die in my arms.”

I feel awful for Carrie recalling that horrible memory and give her a hug. “Don’t worry, he’s not killing anyone now.” I promised.

Carrie sniffed and pulled away. “Max found out about Kivar today. He’s in this town.”

“What?” Edward was the first to react. “The killer is here?”

“Then we have to find him.” I state, determined to kill the actual beast this time.


“Maria and Kyle came up with the plan.” Carrie informs me as we run back to my house. “So that will give us enough time to prepare for any attack.”

“I’ll go and warn my family.” Edward says.

“No Edward, you can’t leave me right now. I won’t let you leave.” I growled. I lost Edward in the past life, I wasn’t going to lose him again.

“Liz is right Edward.” Carrie backed me up. “You need to stay with Liz.”

“But…” Edward dug his hands in his pockets.

“Don’t worry.” Carrie told him. “I’ll go and warn them. You just tell me where they live.”

“You sure about that?” Edward asked with uncertainty.

“Yeah I can protect myself if they try to bite me.” Carrie laughed a little.

Edward and I look at each other remembering the last time an alien was left with a pack of vampires. “Carrie it’s okay, we’ll use the phone.” I told her. “You just concentrate defending yourself and the others against Kivar and his allies.”


“Oh Isabel is protecting your parents Liz.” Carrie informed me as Isabel runs down the stairs.

“Hey guys.”

“I can’t believe this is happening so quick.” I hyperventilate.

“We’ll handle this.” Isabel answered. “Carrie you need to check up on Max now.” Isabel said, looking slightly panicked.

Carrie hugs me. “Be safe Liz.” She whispers and then leaves quickly.

Isabel, I and Edward exchange the glances.

What’s going to happen now?


Edward and I are lying in my bed. I’ve set up a shield around the house which Isabel is constantly recharging. My parents are unable to sleep and are sitting in the living room with a blank expression. They hadn’t taken the news that well.

I was a reborn child.

How would a parent feel learning that about their child? I had no idea.

And that reborn child’s life might end the same as their last life. I had no idea how I would kill Kivar or who would die. I was lying to myself. Would there be déjà vu? History repeating itself? Because if so, my rebirth was a waste.

Well looking at Edward, I take those words back. I got to find him again.

He tilts his head so he can see me looking up to him. “Hey.”


The glow in his eyes tell me he’s worried. “I know you feel scared Edward.”

“I can’t read you Liz. Sometimes reading you is like a blur but I can see your emotions written on your face. I know you’re just as scared as everyone else but you need to fight it. You need to believe in us.”

“He didn’t let me live with a human now he’s not going to let me live with a vampire.” I scoff. “He is one crazy monster.”

“I love you Eva”

“I know Ed.” Our fingers lace together.

“I want to show you something…something I’ve just discovered.”

“Show me.” I whisper.

“Are you sure?”


Edward caresses my face with his hand and I’m pulled into his mind.


Dr Cullen looked at his new patient, Edward who was shivering. He looked so close to death it scared Dr Cullen. Edward was in critical state but knew how the doctor felt when he looked at him.

“What is your name son?” Dr Cullen stroked Edward’s hair.

“Edward.” He shivered, clutching tightly at the blanket.

Dr Cullen sighed in sadness as he looked at the seventeen year old boy. He was young and very close to death. Life was unfair. He should be living it up at this age but here he was instead among the ill. His parents were here no long ago and his father had passed away.

His mother was still alive and Dr Cullen knew she wasn’t going to make it. Just like his father. The boy seemed like he was going to join his parents in death too.

“I’ll take care of you.” Dr Cullen promised, wheeling Edward into his own room where he would stay for a while.

A few days passed and Edward’s mother had died, making Dr Cullen promise her he would save her son. Compelled to save the young boy, Dr Cullen paid him a midnight visit where he would do the deed.

For the first time in life, he broke a promise and sired Edward into a vampire.

Edward started into the mirror and was taken aback by his beauty…the color of his eyes changing into a breathtaking shimmering bright gold.

All he could focus on was survival.

Death was no longer a concern.


I gasp. “So that’s how you turned into a vampire..”

“Yes.” Edward gives one small nod.

“All because Kivar put you through that.” I hissed. “Turning you into a vampire was the only thing to save you then.” I smiled. “You lived Edward.”

“When you’re with me, I don’t feel like a monster.”

“You were never a monster Edward.”
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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) A/N 27/5/09

Post by Hunter »

Hello you wonderful ppl!

Apologies for not updating regularly like my other fics. My muse for this story is on hiatus and I will try to update in June hopefully so hang in there.

Thanks so much for your feedback and I promise I will get those fingers typing.

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 6/1/09 Chpt 16

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


A/N: Hope I haven't messed up too much! I just saw the trailer for NEW MOON and inspiration just hit me lol. Hope you guys enjoy this! Thanks so much for your support. :)

Chapter 16

Liz's POV

"Edward?" Frowning as the silence greets me, I roll onto my side and try to gain a hold of my blurry vision.

We had been talking for so long until we fell asleep or I fell asleep fully knowing Edward couldn't sleep because of his vampire status. With Edward nowhere to be seen and the pitch blackness, I move my hands about on the soft mattress like a blind person and call out Edward's name repetitively.

The cool sheets feel strange against my hands and I crawl out of the bed. "Who put the lights out." I muttered under my breath. My hands slap lightly against the walls as they reach for the light switch.

Or someone stubble chin. "Hello Elizabeth."

Well would you look at that? The prince of darkness himself.

"Kivar." I hiss his name out like venom and the lights suddenly flicker before lighting up the room.

"Liz." He states my usual nickname. "How nice to see you again."

"I heard they call you James here." I smirked.

He advances towards me and moves his hands effortlessly in the air as he gestures. I for one back away.

"Kivar...James...Master...they can call me any of those three as long as I get what I want." He grabs the back of my head and pulls me closer to him.

As an initial reaction I try to pull away. "Let go of me."

"No." He shakes his head. "Time after time you piss me off Lizzie." He sneers. "I thought once I kill that human, you will finally be mine. But I was wrong. He still dwells in your heart."

I smirked again. "Love conquers all."

"Maybe." He grinned. "But oh boy do I love playing with you both."

I frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

He releases me and walks to the window before lighting up a cigarette near it. He pops the lighter back into his pocket and takes a long deep drag before letting the smoke escape from his mouth. "You know, it's kind of funny. You would find him as a vampire in your second life." He laughs. "First human, then vampire...what next..werewolf?" He snorted before taking another drag.

"You didn't kill him." I was sure that my Edward was still alive.

"He will be back soon. I know he will." Kivar said. "But sadly, this will probably never happen again." He sighed, suddenly deciding he had enough of his cigarette and used the wall to put it out, leaving a small black hole behind.

"You better clean that." I pointed at the wall. "I want no reminder of your presence."

"Hush honey." He placed an index finger on his own smoky lips. "It'll be gone soon anyway."

"I wish you just killed yourself." I growled in anger. "Maybe you would finally be happy if you burned in hell."

He laughs heartlessly and applauds me for my attitude. "I love your feistiness babe, you would have been so wild in bed."

I shudder in disgust.

"Shame you are only loyal to him. He will lust after your blood."

"Kivar, fuck off."

Kivar cracks up again and before I could strike him, he leapt up and sent a blast my way.

I went numb.

A/N: Okay hoping not to confuse you guys, Kivar did something to Liz and this will be mentioned in bits over the updates. Songs used

Sugar by Flo Rida, Just Dance by Lady Gaga and Come to me by P diddy.

Liz's POV

Edward Cullen was watching me.

I knew it.

But why?

Why me?

What did I have to offer him?

My thoughts are clouded with worry and I haven't finished my sketches. I'm almost done but I force myself to answer the phone. Turns out Bella wanted to go clubbing tonight and the half done sketches were forgotten.

Even my parents were begging me to see Forks for myself.

I meet Bella and Alex at my place before heading to the club were I'd be spending my Saturday night. Bells looks dazzling. Her hair was dark, almost black and she had some of them in curls compared to my boring straight hair. "Honey, you will love this." Bella cheered, handing me a screaming orgasm drink which the bartender was more then happy to make.

"You and your screaming orgasms." I teased Bella.

"She is definitely a screamer." Alex gave us the thumbs up.

"Ewww Alex." I pretended to cringe. "Keep those details to yourself please."

"Okay...one the count of one, two, three..we gulp the whole thing down okay?" Bella insists, determined to have a good time tonight.

"Okay." Alex and I nod.


And there we go.

Minutes later, Bella is grinding against Alex on the dance floor like nothing I've seen before. Alcohol really lets someone loose doesn't it?

My lips like sugar (My lips like sugar)
This candy got you sprung (This candy got you sprung)
So call me your sugar (So call me your sugar )
You love you some (You love you some) I’m sweet like

I shake my head and order another drink. Bella runs up to me and pulls me onto the dance floor. "Come on Lizzie!" She whoops.

The DJ changes the song and I'm dancing with Alex and Bella. "Yeah girl, just like that."

Just dance. Gonna be okay.
Just dance. Spin that record babe.
Just dance. Gonna be okay.
Dance. Dance. Dance. Just dance

"Is that Rosalie?" Bella slurs and points lazily at the tall slender blonde who was with her boyfriend followed by a short redhead girl with her boyfriend and him...who was right behind them all.


"Slut." Bella hissed. "Those blonde curls are so beach type."

Alex and Bella continue to dance but I stand completely still; mesmerised by Edward's very presence. He's here! In this club!

I see you, I am me, I want cha, why don't cha
come to me, I can be, what you need oh baby
Im standin', been waitin', I’m yearnin’ im burnin’
Come to know me
Wanna come, come get to know me
Come to show me (Repeat)
Show me you wanna know me

Edward is standing among the crowd with that look, that look which I am hooked to. I love his golden eyes when his lips are a thin line like he's trying to read you or something. It feels like I have Edward's undivided attention and I just feel so amazed by his eyes on me.

I'm here, when will you make your move
I see you, I am me, I want cha, why don't cha
Come to me, I can be, what you need oh baby
I'm standin', been waitin', I’m yearnin’ im burnin’
Come to know me
Wanna come, come get to know me
Come to show me (Repeat)
Show me you wanna know me

I quickly dismiss myself from Bella and Alex. I think I need a few minutes to myself.

Or with a certain someone.


Edward's POV

I don't know why I let myself agree to this.

Rosalie is a bitch.

No make that her a mega bitch.

She just had to have me at the club tonight. I don't like to mingle with dogs in heat and I certainly do not like the taste of alcohol. It doesn't even compare to blood.

I froze for a moment when I caught the wide dark brown eyes of a familiar face. She was beautiful and I was very tempted to approach her. But I let my head lead this time and I couldn't just join her on the dance floor. That guy wasn't me.

Instead I let her leave and make my way to the bar. Rosalie opens up a hand size crucifix and pours some blood into the liquor. "Hmmm just the way I like it." She said to the guys who nodded in approval. "My kind of screaming orgasm."

"That is disgusting, you know that." I whispered harshly.

"Chill bro." Rosalie rolls her eyes. "It's called adapting to the modern world. Something that you need to learn dear Edward."

"I learned enough thank you." I muttered, remembering the amount of times I had to enrol myself at high school.

"Come one Eddy." Jasper grins and takes his own glass of mixed blood and alcohol. "Let loose, live a little."

"You guys are going to get drunk tonight aren't you?" Alice asks them.

"That's Alice." I smiled. "The ability to foresee events before they actually happen."

Alice smiles and nods. "They will get drunk tonight" She told me as a matter of fact. "That's why mom and dad sent us to chaperone them."

"Or rather, babysit." I corrected.

"Hey I'm not baby!" Emmett protested but no later was singing along to nursery rhymes with Rosalie after a couple of blood beers.

"Listen, I'm going to get some fresh air." I excused myself. "I feel suffocated in this false heat."

Alice who is the only coherent one apart from me nods and I find releif as soon as the cool air hits me when I step out onto the upper floor which is like a huge balcony only without a roof. It gives a great view and apparently, I'm not alone.

She's there too.

I walk slowly over to her and make sure there's one metre difference between us. I don't look at her but still manage to engage into a conversation with her.

"Nice stars aren't they?" I teased, noticing her intent gaze on the glimmering dots in the sky.

She smiled. "They're the only stars that we get to see."

"Hmmmm true." I nodded and dug my hands into my pockets. "So...what are you doing out here alone?"

I'm not that guy who is great at maintaining conversations. Seriously.

All those years, I've never been interested in talking to a girl.

I've just never found them beautiful or interesting to talk to.

Until Liz Parker.

"I just needed to cool down." She admits, blushing shyly under her eyelashes.

She is so cute.


"It did kind of get hot down there." I nodded.

"You here for the same reason?"

"Pretty much, yes."

I actually make eye contact with her this time. "You know....you have a poker face."

She looked puzzled. I can read her face well whenever she sports strong emotions but I can't get into that mind of hers for some reason and that irks me.

Which is the actual reason why I find her so fascinating.

I need to know her.

I have this urge.

"Me? A poker face?" She raised her eyebrows. "No way." She laughs it off. "People can read my face. I just have those eyes and..."

"Maybe, but to me...I find it so hard to read you."

"Well you just need to be around me more." She teased. I can tell she is teasing at least because her voice, the sound of it. I like it.

"Maybe I will." I teased back. "After all, we're class mates and close lab partners."

We both laugh.

It is the most incredible feeling right now, being able to be myself without warning and just laughing with this interesting girl; The one girl who I actually have shown any interest in.

And I'm not afraid to talk to her.

We pause for a brief moment, yes it's that moment were you contemplate both slowly and quickly whether to kiss the person you have set your eyes on. I want to kiss her. I have to touch those lips.

Maybe she feels the same.

But fate does.

I sense something and before we both know it, an explosion throws us both into each other's arms and I leap off the roof and into the forest next to the club.

As I am holding Liz so tightly in my arms, we both stare at the burning roof mixed with the flames hisses and the screams of people running out of the club.

Liz and I look back at each other.

And she realises....

Those eyes of hers realises what I've just done.
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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 6/9/09 chpt 17 p.10

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone! :D

Chapter 17

Liz's POV

Edward quickly leaves as I had feared. Without answering my questions or anything, he darts off and I am left standing there speechless.

In a shaky breath I compose myself together and stumble to where the crowd is being held back by the paramedics and the firemen come pouring in and out of the burning club. The thick orange cloud seeps out of the damaged building and sends asbestos floating in the air.

"Get outta here!" Alex pulls me to one side. "It's dangerous!"

From the corner of my eyes, I can see the Cullen’s rush towards the woods where they quickly disappear. "Where's Bella?" I look at Alex again.

"She's gone." Alex sounded scared. "One minute she was with me in the dance floor and the next, I was outside and she was no where to be seen!" He panicked.

"We need to find her."

Trying to get hold of a police officer was difficult, none of them actually listened so I tried to use my powers to find her. I could trace the person I wanted simply by following their mind energy. I could feel Bella close by but soon she was gone.

"Bella is gone." I whispered. "She's gone away from here."

"I'm going to her place." Alex said. "Come on, I'll drop you home."

After ten minutes of blinding walking in circles, we decide to head home and I rush to my room. I am more concerned about Bella's safety then what happened with me and Edward tonight.

Of course I am curious as hell to what Edward was but Bella, I feel uneasy about her.

As I'm about to lay down, I notice a pair of wolf eyes in the dark and jump up. "Whoa! Jeez!"

The wolf transforms into a dark haired boy with the whitest set of teeth I have ever seen and I calm down. "You're a shape shifter aren't you?" I relax a little but my experience of shape shifters have not been pleasant.

"Relax, it's me Jacob."

"Jacob?" I lift an eyebrow. "Do I know you?"

"We met, like the other day at La Push." He frowned. "Don't you remember Liz?"

Hold on, this shape shifter knew my name. "Are you Nasedo?"

The boy looked offended. "There's no chance in hell I would be that old wacko." He said. "I am Jacob Black, a werewolf. I am on your side remember? We're at war against the skins and Kivar slash James?"

I shake my head. "I don't remember."

Jacobs started to lose his patience with me. "Listen, I met you today but something happened. Someone messed with time and somehow, they can't make us wolves go back in time unless there is a witch involved or something." He muttered.

"You lost me." I said bluntly. "Did you just say werewolf and back in time?"

"Yes, I believe I did."

"Give me a good reason not to kill you right now."

"Because I am on your side Liz." He insisted. "You gotta believe me."

"Prove it."

"I can't."

"Why not?" I challenged.

"You and Edward were lovers in the previous life." He said. "You guys met at the house in La Push and since you have been together. I don't know about this time now but you both love each other."

"I love Edward Cullen?" I scoffed. "I don't even know him."

"Oh yes you do." Jacob grinned. "You know him so well that you can feel him as he can feel you."

"Jacob is it?"


"Please stop, you're freaking me out."

"Fine. I just smelt danger and was sent here to protect you or help you in your case of being an alien."

"You know I am an alien?"

"I can smell it on you." He took a couple of sniffs.

"Okay Jacob." I took a few steps back, fearing that this boy could turn into a wolf again.

"Someone set the club on fire." He quickly said. "I think it was James, he loves playing games with everyone."

"That you got right."

That wasn't my voice.

Nor was it Jacobs.

Turning our eyes to the window, I see Bella standing right in front of us. She was shaking uncontrollably. "Bell's?" I call.

Her dark eyes are full of fear and James steps aside from behind her. "We meet again Liz." His voice is deadly and cold.

And I know he's been here before.

"Let her go." Jacob beats me to it, getting defensive.

James brushed Bella's hair to one side and then slowly said. "I want you to see this Liz."

His teeth are now sharp fangs and I am frozen.

Then he sinks his teeth into Bella's neck and she screams in agony.


He must have had a good sip of Bella before I blasted him. James disappears and Bella drops to the floor with a thud. Jacobs scoops her up in his arms. "Bella? Bella darling? Are you there?" He runs his fingers through her hair.

I turn the light on and bend down with Bella. "Oh Bella." I cringe at the bite mark on her neck.

Looking at Jacob, I ask him the big question. "Do you think you can suck the venom out of her?"

He looks terrified. "Vampire venom? Ew no way pal! That stuff is like acid to me."

"Well one of us has to do it." I said as I also cringed at the thought of sucking out vampire venom.

Jacob looks disgusted but shakes his head. "I'll do it." He declared and is about to bend down to suck the venom from Bella's neck but an earth shattering scream pierces both of our ears.

Bella leaps on Jacob and bites his lips. Jacob cries out in pain and pushes Bella away as he staggers back, bleeding from his bottom lip.

"Oh Jacob!" I fall backwards on the cool wall as Bella advances towards me.

It was too late.

Bella was a vampire now.

She was one of them.


Edward's POV

"How could you just do that!" Rosalie screeches at me. "You just risked all of our lives!"

"Harsh way to put it Rosalie!" I hollered over my shoulder as I climbed up the stairs.

I could feel everyone standing in the hall way just boring holes into my back. I couldn't say I cared, all I wanted to do was crawl in my bedroom and forget that everything happened.

I wanted to forget that I even existed.

Slamming my door shut, I play some loud music and lose myself in it. She won't notice. She won't say word to me.

After all, I didn't have to explain myself to her or anyone else for that matter.

But then again, I never used my abilities in front of a human before. I didn't have to explain myself to them before.

I screwed up.

Now I have no idea what is going to happen next.

For the first time in decades, I actually fall asleep.

Start of dream

"Eva!" I screamed as the water was splashed mercilessly against her for the umpteenth time.

She was tied to a stake as those monsters threw a bucket full of ice cold water at her in turns. I felt sick to the stomach, weren't they human enough to feel pity at least?

My Eva, she looked so pale and tired against the torturous anguish placed upon her. Her hair was in messy wet stands that looked like tangled spaghetti, her eyes had dark circles underneath them and her lips were pale. Her wet clothes clung on her small body and were almost see through. Some parts were torn and had dried blood on them from the result of being harshly whipped.

"No Eva...please don't give up." I sobbed, begging her to hold on for us. For our future.

He entered the scene and laughed. "Don't die Eva." He mocked my voice with a heartless laugh. "Oh thou shall not die Eva!" He crooned.

My eyes are burning in anger as they dart at the man responsible for our pain and I see red. "How dare you! Release her at once!"

He studied me for a moment and then cracked up. "You're just a puny boy, what the hell can you do?" He scoffed. "You're only seventeen."

"I'll be eighteen next month." I snapped. "And believe me, you do not want to see the strength I have bitch." I am forced to use a curse word for the first time in my life.

I promised myself I would never use the dirty language ever but I was so angry and mad that I would use all the disgusting words I could think off without remorse or shame. Yet, my anger continued and he never released Eva and me.

I feel sick and he forces his lips on Eva's lips. When she tries to resist him and move away, he grabbed the back of her head and forcibly pressed her face against his.

"We were supposed to fuck." He leered at her. "You were supposed to carry my heir not his!" He throws her head back in disgust and wipes his mouth.


Did he just say what I thought he did.

"What did you say?"

"Yes that's right." The blonde man laughed. "This little whore was pregnant with your child."

I gasp sharply and stare at Eva. "Is this true Eva?"

With tearful eyes, she nods feebly. "I am so sorry Edward. I am so sorry."

"What happened?" I gasped, my own voice betrayed me. I didn't want to know. I was too scared to know.

"Wherever our baby is, they're safe now." She whispered. "They're safe."

I couldn't hold back the tears and sobbed. I cried for the loss of my baby. I cried for the loss of my Eva's support and now I was mourning the loss of the future I thought we could have together.

"Please Edward, don't cry." She sobbed. "Forgive me please."

"Our baby is gone..." I hiccupped. "How?"

My answer was a punch to the face by him which knocked me out.

I heard his name before I saw darkness.


End of Dream

"James!"I panted and shot up like I had been electrocuted.

I had seen James in my human life!

And Eva too...


"Where are you going Edward?" Alice asked as I ran down the stairs with a backpack. I was in a hurry and didn’t' have time for family confrontations right now.

"To see Eva." I quickly answered as I darted towards the door.

Alice staggers after me. "What- I mean whose Eva?"

"No time to explain, just make sure James doesn't come anywhere near you guys."

"Whose James?" Alice rains me down with questions that it makes me lose my temper.

"My killer in my human life!" I snapped before running out of the house.

With my powers, I raced towards her house. I had her scent on speed dial and for the first time I was actually grateful that I was a vampire. As a human I probably would have died on the way to her house.

Climbing up the tree, I get a glimpse of her bedroom window.

Damn, she's with someone.

And it looked like she had being attacked!
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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 7/1/09 chpt 18 p.11

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!

A/N: Sorry this is a short part.

Chapter 18

Liz's POV

Jacob staggered back and screamed, my ears were taunted with the piercing sound and my eyes noticed the blood dripping from his shirt. The trail of the red blood had disappeared and his lip was intact. He cracked his neck sideward’s as if nothing happen.


Bella grabbed my hair and sends me crashing out of my bedroom window, with a muffled cry, I feel the force of gravity as I shut my eyes, terrified of feeling myself slam against the hard concrete.

But I feel a pair of strong arms catch me. "It's okay." He whispered. "You'll be okay now."

"Edward!" I grabbed him and place a crushing kiss on his lips.

He kissed me back briefly and put me back on my two feet. Both of us look up and notice Bella staring down on us with a disgusted look on her face.

"He converted her didn't he?" Edward's mere whisper haunted my ears as I stared at my cousin Bella.

"It's too late, she's officially one of you guys now." My voice was weak and pathetic.

Bella stood there for a moment and then hurled herself out of the window. Jacob followed closely behind and Edward grabbed my arm so I wouldn't follow them.

"Maybe you should stay with me." Edward insisted. "Newborn vampires-you wouldn't want to mess with them. They're extremely powerful."

"I can't let her kill anyone Edward. It would be wrong."

"For now she will be with James." Edward said. "He will train her to toy with us, not attack humans. She is bound to him."

"That makes me feel better." I rolled my eyes.

My parents came running out of the house in their nightwear. "Liz is everything- Holy Jesus!" My mother screeched as she discovered the glittering shards of glass on the concrete. "Liz, how did this happen?"


My parents and I had a huge argument; they wanted to call the police but I knew it would not do any good. It was my good fortune that Carrie came by and helped me to fix the mess and put on another window with her powers. She was more better at fixing things then I was and at this rate, all I could think of was Bella.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright sweetie?"

"I don't know Carrie, I really don't know."

Carrie shook her head as soon as Edward glided in the room. "Well I would have to say you should keep away from Bella till morning. She seems dangerous."

"She is dangerous." I scoffed. "Look what she did to Jacob." I winced at the memory of his bleeding lip. I had called Sam who sent the werewolf tribe to go search for Jacob, they found him healing on the beach by himself..it was a pretty nasty sight.

"I'm going to bunk in the guest room." Carrie said. "See you in the morning."

She quickly left the room and Edward shut the door after her. "It's four am, you should get some sleep." Edward murmured.

"I can't. I worry too much."

Edward pulled me closer to him and kiss me on the right cheek. "Things happen, you just have to be prepared."

"It's my fault she turned Edwards, I should have protected her." I cried. "I failed with you and now with her. I wonder whose next."

"It's not a curse." Edward replied coolly as he cupped my cheeks. "It's a gift, staying alive for all those years just to be with you again." He said softly. "It was meant to be Liz. You were reborn and I was converted. We are soul mates."

"I love you Edward." I battered my tearful eyelashes. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Eva." He whispered and his lips lingered close to mine. "Put your curtain around us."

My shield spread across my room and the whole house as Edward's lips touched mine. Our hands touched each other's bodies, shedding off any clothing until we had nothing left on our bare skin.

I drop lightly onto the bed and Edward crawled between my parted legs. His eyes were a bright gold and his breathing quickened as the pace of my heart beats sped.

We kissed again and rolled our hips forwards until we met..

I gasped and closed my eyes at the magical feeling of becoming whole again.

"Edward." I whispered as my fingertips rake over his back.

The dim lights faded away as pleasure filled us with warmth....
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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 7/1/09 chpt 18 & Epilogue

Post by Hunter »

Thanks so much to everyone who left fb, as this was my first XO fic, you guys have given me enough support to continue with "Timeless" so thank you so much for being here for me!

And thanks to the lurkers too!

much love,

ps: If I've missed anyone please let me know asap! :D

Touch of the wind
Alys Luv
Womanof mystery


Everyone was here with their black umbrella, the cold raindrops burning everything it touched while hot tears ran down faces with a painful expression etched onto their faces. The priest’s words were strained as he tried to remain calm while the coffin was lowered into the ground. Roses were tossed along with handful of soil which hit the surface of the polished coffin.

My parents stood next to me crying and I was numb.

Another part of my life was being buried away. I have this guilt, because of my survival, someone had to die. It was true. Someone I deeply cared about and loved was gone.

Alex puts his hand on my shoulder and I reach out to hug him. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Jacob standing with a sour expression on his face. Hand tucked into his black slack pockets as the look of wearing a suit makes him look much much older then he really is. He cared for her too, he thought he even loved her.

A twinge of agony twisted my heart.

Alex lets go and moves away, unable to take the pain. Isabel Evans arms are open for Alex who falls into them. For some time, they had become increasingly close. Isabel had broken up with Micheal and it affected her badly. Alex was their to fill the gap and now Isabel seemed to be the only one who knew the pain inside Alex's heart. It was something I could not understand.

Kyle, Maria and Micheal hadn't been able to make it. I don't blame them. They felt it was my fault again. I was the cause for more devastation. They were right.

Max and Carrie held hands and supported me throughout the whole ordeal. They believed in me and kept me going. I would have broken down if they hadn't supported me.

A single tear slipped down my cheek as I notice the Cullen’s also pay their respect.

Edward is far away from us, he's standing beside the big oak tree, just staring at us all with no expression.

I don't know what to make of it.

I don't think I want to know how he feels about me know.

Tossing the last white rose with the coffin, I say my final goodbye to Bella.

I look up and Edward is gone.

I guess he's made up his mind now.

Carrie and Max hug me again, reminding me it wasn't my fault. I cry in their arms a little and then walk away.

"Liz." Edward is right behind me. "Please don't go."

"I always thought I belong somewhere Edward." I said without turning back to face him. "Looks like I was wrong. I don't belong anywhere."

"You belong with me." He urged, his voice more powerful.

"Don't." I warned. "Don't put me on a pedestal. I can't be a play thing anymore Edward."

"If this is about James-"

"It's always been about James, Edward. Even in death, he got what he wanted." I croaked. I didn't want to speak of the devil anymore.

"Don't go, I don't want to be alone." Edward's voice was strangled. "Please." He begged.

"You'll find her someday. It's just not me. I was meant to be alone."

Unable to say my goodbyes to Edward, I walked away from everything.

I didn't know where I was going but Forks was not going to see me for a while.

Two months later,

Now, I was living with Max and Carrie at their apartment. Well, I had my own but I lived next door to them. Carrie and Max had tied the knot and I have officially become the god mother of their future children.

I had to say, I got down that road before Carrie. I was two months pregnant and already anxious to see my baby. My pregnancy helped me take my mind of things. All the shit that's happened with James and the whole skins attack, it was blocked momentarily from my mind.

I was having a baby and I was going to make sure this child would have a normal life.

Although I was trying to sort my life out.

"Liz, you have a phone call." Carrie tossed the phone to me and sung Beyonce's "Crazy in Love" with a grin on her face.

Curious, I grabbed the phone. "Hello?"

There was no answer. "Hello?" I repeated.

I looked at the phone and cursed. "What a joke." I put it down and then looked up to see him.

No way!

With a dozen of red roses, he emerges from the red forest and grins. "Hey."


"I have waited." He began. "For years. Now I want you." He grabbed a rose and strolled closer to me. "Will you marry me Liz?"

Inside the rose is a ring. I gasp. "Edward I-"

"Just say yes." He whispered. "You know you want to."

I thought about his family a lot. How Rosalie would be so mean to me for seducing Edward and how Jasper and Emmett would lust after my blood. Dr Cullen and Esme thought it was best if I stayed away from half of their family. Alice apart from Edward was the only one who let me in.

Marrying Edward, would mean marrying into that family I barely knew.

"Well?" Carrie called. "Hurry up woman!"

Max held a camera to film this moment much to my embarrassment. My dream man was standing in front of me probably for the final time depending on my answer.

I beleived that our love was timeless.





