The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 14 4/7/10 Pg 8[WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 14 4/7/10 Pg 8[WIP]

Post by Sydney »

Title: The Road Not Taken
Disclaimer: The characters of “Roswell” belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended. The title of this fic is borrowed from the Robert Frost poem.
Genre: CC, AU
Couples: M/L, M/M, A/I, K/?
Rating: ADULT eventually for sexual situations and language
Summary: On September 23, 1999, Max Evans tried to heal Liz Parker. Only he couldn’t. His powers failed him. This fanfic is about how things would have been different. Nacedo and Tess never came and Liz never found out that Max was in love with her.
Authors Note: I wrote this fic years ago and never finished it. I have just rediscovered this site because one of my friends has now joined it, LilithAnn. I’ve decided to finish but I have reposted it here because I made some corrections to the previous one. Thank you very much LilithAnn for being my Beta! <3

Disclaimer: The song used in Chapter One is I Shall Believe by Sheryl Crow.

Chapter One

May 17

I’m Liz Parker and today is the day I graduate. After that things are going to get really weird. My whole life I’ve always I never take risks, and I never do anything without calculating the pros and cons. But for once in my life, little Lizzie Parker is going to do something that is truly for herself. I’m going to UCLA for college. At first my parents were not too thrilled, but they finally accepted that I wouldn’t have been able to grow at Harvard or Yale. I wouldn’t have been able to evolve. I would still be the same old Liz Parker. Not that I don’t like myself or anything, but I want to find out who I’m really meant to be. I feel like I have this greater purpose, and I don’t know what it is. And I have this feeling that if I go to some Ivy League school and immerse myself in studying non-stop that I will never find out. So, I’m going to rent out an apartment with my three best friends and study molecular biology. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll cure cancer. But, if not, I know that some day I will do something great.

“Nancy, do you know where I put my camera? I can’t find it anywhere.”

“It’s in your camera case, dear.”

“Yes, but where is that?!”

Liz smiled as her parents stressed. She hopped off her bed and tucked her new journal into her dresser drawer. “Dad, it’s on the dining room table. I saw it there the other day,” she called out into the living room.

“Thanks honey,” he said as he came into her room. “ look so...grown up.”

“Thanks Dad.” He smiled at her as she started pinning her cap to her head.

“Sometimes I just think about what I would have done if I had lost you a few years ago.”

“Dad.... You can’t think like that. I’m fine. Perfectly healthy. Valedictorian even. So quit worrying.” She went over and sat next to him on the bed. She put her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her protectively.

“I’m so proud of you. You’re the best daughter I could have ever hoped for.”

Liz smiled and said, “And you’re the best dad ever. But come on. Enough of this moping. Today is going to be one of the best days of my life. I’m graduating after 13 years of hard work, and then I’m gonna party down at prom.”

“That’s my girl.”


“Chica, can you believe it?!! We’re freaking graduating in like five minutes.” Her best friend Maria paced the sidewalk outside of the auditorium. Everyone was outside with their families taking pictures and signing yearbooks.

“Maria, calm down. Sniff some cedar oil. Everything’s gonna go fine. Hey Lisa!” Liz waved as one of her friends from Physics class walked by.

“Good luck with the speech girl!”

Liz laughed and called back her thanks.

“What is with that anyway? Aren’t you even slightly nervous? I mean you have to get up and talk in front of the entire class and you seem as calm freaking calm person!”

Liz laughed and said, “That’s because I know everyone in there, Maria. It’s not like we haven’t known most of these people for the last thirteen years. They’re our friends. Well most of them anyway. Besides, they’re all so happy to be done that they probably aren’t going to listen to a word I say.”

“I bet Max will be listening.”

“Maria, would you listen to yourself? After all this time you still haven’t gotten over that. You’ve been saying that kind of crap since the third grade. Max Evans does not like me that way. If he did, he would have acted on it, okay?”

“No, he wouldn’t. He’s the strong silent type, and you know it. He’s nice and handsome and has the whole damn package and every girl in school knows it. You should have asked him out sister-girl.”

“How am I supposed to ask someone out who can’t even look me in the eye?”

“Okay, so I said he was shy didn’t I?”

“Maria, what does it even matter anymore? At the end of the summer we’re leaving for LA.”

“There’s still Prom girlie, and a whole summer open to that one last fling before we head off for college.”

“Oh,’re hopeless. Oh look, your Mom’s here. Come on, you know she’ll want a thousand pictures.”


Max Evans sighed as the graduation service seemed to go on forever. He was ready to get this show on the road.

Isabel watched her brother out of the corner of her eye, and when Liz Parker walked up to the podium he visibly tensed. She put her hand in his and he squeezed it. He looked at her and smiled as if to reassure her. Poor Max, she thought, always guarded.

He faced his attention back to the stage as Liz began to speak.

“I’m Liz Parker, and I’m sure all of you know me. And I’m sure all of you know what happened to me three years ago. This is a small town, and news travels fast and usually sticks around a lot longer. When I was shot that day, it changed everything. Though I am living and breathing here today, I actually died that day. It was only for a minute, but I did flat line. I’m not saying this to bring up bad memories for anyone, especially my family, but I want to make sure everyone remembers that life is short. I got a second chance somehow. Not everyone will. So, my point is: Live your life, experience anything and everything. Because we only live one life and we shouldn’t waste it. We have our whole future out there just waiting for us to grasp it. So congratulations class of 2001, reach for the stars!”

The whole class applauded and while Max wanted to be happy, all he kept thinking was.... I couldn’t save her.


Outside the auditorium everyone’s parents were laughing and crying and taking picture after picture. Liz was sitting on a bench with Maria, Alex, and Kyle. All of them were posing and laughing for their various parents. Maria and Kyle were griping at each other as usual. When their parents had gotten married they had easily fallen into the brother-sister relationship. Alex was trying not to blush over his tearful mother, while his Dad was trying to work out the details of the camera. All the parents started fiddling with it and the four teenagers started talking about the ceremony. Max Evans walked by with his sister and their friend Michael and Maria poked Liz in the ribs.

“Hey Max! How’s it going?” Liz said, quickly trying to avoid being poked again.

Max looked somewhat startled. The three of them stopped, and Max said, “Good. You?”

“Pretty good. So, how’d I do on my speech?” She said trying to make conversation, while carefully building up the guts to ask him.

“Oh, you did great.” He said while looking off to the side slightly.

“There you kids are! I was wondering where you had gone to. Okay, picture time! Oh good, I wanted to get some of you and your friends,” Max’s mother said as she and his father walked up.

“Okay Mom.” Max, Isabel, and Michael got behind the bench and they all smiled. The other parents got excited and started snapping pictures.

“Um, Max...I was wondering if you could sign my yearbook. I mean we’ve only been lab partners for the last four years...” She looked behind her and saw him smile slightly.

“Sure Liz.” The parents clicked one more photo, and then everyone was getting up.

“Mom, I have to go home.... I gotta get ready for tonight,” Isabel told her.

Liz handed Max her yearbook and he opened it up and then realized he didn’t have a pen. “Um, could I just give this to you later or something?”

She nodded quickly and said, “Sure...just bring it to The Crashdown tomorrow.” He handed his to her and smiled.

“Okay...see you later.” He looked up at Maria, Kyle, and Alex. “Bye.”

Isabel smiled half way at them, and Michael just rolled his eyes and followed Max to the jeep.

“Well...that was slightly awkward,” Kyle spoke up.

“They’re so exclusive. It’s like they’re their own little club,” Alex told them.

“It’s like they protect each other,” Liz replied.

“Alright Miss Scientist, let’s go put our party dresses on! We will see you guys there! And you guys better be looking good! Alex, make sure The Whits are ready to play their hearts out because I am ready to sing!” Maria laughed and pulled Liz along to the car.


Later that night, Max was wandering around the prom. It was in full swing by then and he was looking for her. Alex and Maria were up on stage with the Whits playing. He was pretty impressed with them. Needing some space from all of the dancing bodies though he walked out of the decorated gym, smiling at people he knew as he walked by. Once outside he walked down the hallway looking around for one last look at his high school. He thought about the last four years of his life and he thought about Liz. As he walked by one of the doors he heard sniffling. Curious he walked in and saw someone – a girl – sitting in one of the desks facing away from him. It took him only a second to know who it was.


She turned around in shock and she quickly stood up and wiped her eyes. He walked to the front of the room and sat on the teacher’s desk.

“Oh God, this is humiliating. I was just – um – I...”

“It’s weird isn’t it? Working your whole life for something and now it’s finished in just one day. We have to go out and live now. We don’t have any more practice runs, and if we screw up it’s real.”

Liz looked up at him and for once he was looking her right in the eye. She was shocked. “That’s amazing. I was having the same thoughts. And I know it’s kind of stupid, but I don’t know if I’m ready.” Liz sighed as another tear rolled down her cheek.

Max got up off the desk and walked over to her. He put his hands on her face and wiped away her tears. She was touched by his gentleness. “Liz, if anyone can handle this, you can.” It was his instant faith in her that made her put her arms around him and give him a big hug.

Though he knew he shouldn’t, he pulled her close to him and ran his fingers through her long hair. She relaxed into his hold and he put his face into her hair and breathed in everything about her. Memorizing this moment. She looked so beautiful tonight. He couldn’t stop himself. She was wearing a red satin dress that clung to her and dropped straight to the floor. All of her soft tan skin was making it hard for him to breathe. Finally, sense took over and he stepped back, letting her go.

“Thank you Max. I needed a friend.” She looked up at him and for once felt like she had seen the real Max Evans. “Now come on, we better get back, or Maria will kill me for missing the show.”


The Prom Chairwoman came up to the microphone. “And the prom king of 2002 is...

“...Max Evans!!’ Max and Liz had just entered the gym and everyone was looking at them.

“Max, I think you just won Prom King.”

Max blushed and looked at Liz. She wasn’t surprised he had won. Everything Maria had said earlier about him came rushing back. “Go on.”

Max went up there with a confused look on his face and then the announcer came back to the microphone. “And the Prom Queen of the Class of 2002 is......Liiiiz Parker!!!”

Liz had a doe in the headlights look on her face and then someone nudged her.

“If the Queen would please meet the King in the middle of the dance floor and there he will crown her and they will have their dance.”

Liz slowly walked through the crowd while people smiled and congratulated her. She met Max in the middle of the floor and she laughed as he slowly put the crown on top of her head. Then he took her by the hand and wrapped his other arm around her waist. He looked down at her, and her breath caught. “Dance with me?” he asked. She just nodded, unable to look away. The Whits began playing and Maria began to sing.

Come to me now
And lay your hands over me
Even if it’s a lie
Say it will be all right
And I shall believe

Liz laid her head on Max’s chest as they started dancing. She breathed in the scent and automatically thought of the last four years, them working together bent over lab after lab. She looked up at him and he smiled slightly at her. She barely even knew anything about him. He was always so closed off and careful. But this time he did not look away.

I'm broken in two
And I know you’re on to me
That I only come home
When I’m so all alone
But I do believe

In the back of they gym, Michael watched Maria as she swayed to the music. Her voice was like a beacon to him. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever known. He felt a longing to know her, smell her, touch her, kiss her. A call that could never be answered.

That not everything is gonna be the way you think it oughta be
Seems like every time I try to make it right it all comes down on me
Please say honestly you won’t give up on me
And I shall believe
And I shall believe

Isabel smiled as they danced. Finally Max had gotten what he’d always wanted. Even if it could only be for one night. And it hadn’t been very hard at all. Just a little power of dream persuasion.

Open the door
And show me your face tonite
I know it’s true
No one heals me like you
And you hold the key

Never again
Would I turn away from you
I’m so happy tonite
But your love is all right
And I do believe

Liz and Max danced while the whole school looked on. They didn’t know what they were witnessing. But it was the beginning. The beginning of something that would change everything.

That not everything is gonna be the way you think it oughta be
Seems like every time I try to make it right it all comes down on me
Please say honestly you won’t give up on me
And I shall believe
I shall believe
And I shall believe

Last edited by Sydney on Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:20 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 2 11/11/09

Post by Sydney »

Chapter Two

“Maria, come on. So we’re in LA, it doesn’t mean that we’re going to meet anyone famous,” Liz said as she carefully unpacked the dishes for their new kitchen.

“You never know. I mean we could find you some hot celebrity to get your mind off you know who.” Maria winced as she saw the look on Liz’s face.

“Maria, I told you, I’m over it. It was one dance. One. He left the next day. All he left was a note in my yearbook. If he had wanted to date me, he would have stuck around longer.”

“His parents said they all had some internship at one of his Dad’s friends law firm or something. He had to go. But you’ve been moping all summer.”

“I have not been moping. I’ve been restless to get here. And thank God we finally are. Besides, hot celebrities are not even close to my type.” Liz said as she started making some sandwiches.

“Honey, Ben Affleck is everyone’s type.”

”Are you girls just gonna yap all day or are you gonna help us move in?” Kyle said as he came through the door with Alex, both carrying boxes.

“Oh Maria, I guess we’ll have to eat these sandwiches all by ourselves then.”

“Sandwiches?” Alex and Kyle both said simultaneously as they sat their boxes on the floor.

“Yes, we’re making ham and turkey. Which one do you want?”

“Both.” They both replied.

Maria and Liz laughed. “It looks like we might be spending more money on groceries then rent,” Liz said.

“Man, can you believe the deal we got on this apartment? It’s so awesome. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms. And best of all it’s practically right off campus. College is gonna be so awesome,” Alex smiled giddily.

“Speaking of bedrooms, who gets which one?” Maria asked.

“They’re all the same so I guess it doesn’t really matter. Maria and I will share an adjoining bathroom and you guys can share the other one. Sound good?”

“Sounds excellent,” Kyle said as he walked into their newly appointed bathroom. And may I be the first to christen it.” He closed the door and the other three looked at each other.



Liz sat writing in her new bedroom, trying to get comfortable on her bed. It was one in the morning and their second night in the new place. So far, Liz loved it. The freedom. As it always did, her mind slowly drifted to Max Evans. She hadn’t seen him since prom. The next day he had come into the shop and left her yearbook with her Dad. She had never been able to give him his back. Liz opened it up to the page he had written on.


Thanks for the dance last night. Holding you was everything that I thought it would be. I’m sorry to say that I’m leaving for California today to intern at a law firm and I don’t know when I will see you next. There’s so much I want to say to you but in the end I guess it won’t make any difference, because this is the best it can ever get. It has to be.


What did he mean by ‘this is the best it can ever get’? It definitely could have gotten better. Liz knew people didn’t think of her as an impulsive person, but if Max had just asked she would have followed him anywhere in a second. Which is completely ridiculous because she really didn't know anything about him. It’s not plausible to fall in love with someone in the span of one night. Love isn’t like a chemical reaction. It takes time. Why was she trying so hard to convince herself of this? All of a sudden Liz heard a big boom coming from the apartment above and then the slamming of a door.

Liz put on her robe and walked out of her bedroom. Everyone else was asleep, tired out from unpacking and running around all day. She unlocked the front door and stepped outside into the humid night air. Above her she heard someone coming down the steps, and saw a tall male with spiky hair walk out into the parking lot, hop on a motor cycle, and ride off. As he drove off it got quieter, and Liz heard a quiet, “Damn it.”

Then she heard another person open the door and step out. The voice was quiet but persistent. “Max, it’s not your fault. Michael is a difficult person and when he has impulses he always acts on them. You’re like his conscience. Without you Michael would be lost. He’s just restless. He misses Roswell I think. I know it’s hard to believe, but I get this feeling that he does.” Oh my God. Max. He was here. Above her. Right now.

Liz heard Isabel go back into the apartment and heard Max sigh. Of all the strangest occurrences, he had come to LA and lived right above them. Liz paled just thinking about the yearbook letter. This was going to be interesting. School started on Monday, and she assumed that meant Max would be going here too. If this scientist didn’t believe in fate before, she did now. All she had to do now was think of a way to approach him so she could figure out what he had meant in her yearbook.

Liz quietly walked back to her room, and from out of nowhere a person grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with his hand. Liz let out a scream in terror but it was muffled.

“Liz, it’s Max. I’m gonna let you go now, but you can’t scream. I won’t hurt you ok?” Liz nods. She knows it can’t be Max. She had just heard him up on the second floor.

She turns around and sees.... “Max?!”

The man looks at her and nods.

“No, it’s not you, you’re old. You’re like 40!”

“Shhh...40? Do I really look for- no I’m 32. I need you to listen Liz. This isn’t going to make sense. I need your help. I’m from fourteen years into the future.”

Liz just stared at him with big eyes. God. He had forgotten how beautiful she was.

“Max, that’s not even possible.”

“Liz, I need you to trust me.” Liz looked up into his eyes and suddenly knew that he was telling her the truth. Max wouldn’t lie to her. But was this the same Max?

“Okay...I’m listening. You’re...from the future.”

“Yes. Thank you. Now....I’m an alien.”


“So are Michael and Isabel.”

“But...aliens don’t exist. You can’t BE an alien. That’s just ridiculous.”

“Yes they do. I’m from Roswell aren’t I? Remember the Crash? Liz, three years ago, when you were shot,” he sees her face pale and he grabs her hand in comfort, “I was supposed to save you. For some reason I couldn’t. The seer foretold it and it didn’t happen.”

“That’s why you came up to me. You were there when I died.”

“Yes. By some fluke you survived, and I’ve come back to give myself a second chance. To give the world a second chance.”

Liz saw the urgency in his face and asked, “The world?”

“Isabel, Michael and I are from another planet. A planet where I am King, Isabel is my sister, and Michael is my second in command. We are overthrown. We died and they mixed our DNA with some human DNA. They sent us o Earth to be protected until the time when we would rise again and fight back. But our enemies come Liz, and we are not strong enough to fight them. The seer said there were supposed to be eight not three. We were supposed to bond ourselves to humans. Four humans who would help us fight. Help save this planet, and ours. It was all prophesized. And that day in the Crashdown, it went wrong. It was supposed to happen then. It didn’t. And everyone dies. I came back, to try to change things. I only have a few more minutes left. Do you understand what I’m saying Liz?”

“Wait, four humans, bonded to four aliens. Who’s the fourth alien?”

“In my timeline we never even knew of the prophecy until it was too late. We hid ourselves away and never bonded to the humans like we were supposed to. We never knew there was even a fourth alien. That will be up to you and the others to find out. Supposedly if we connect with the humans like we are meant to it will all come into play.”

“Okay, so when you say connect, you mean...”

He turned to her and their was so much emotion in his eyes that she felt as if her world tilted on it’s axis. “Make love. And not just sex, it’s like a life commitment. It’s like marriage.”

“Oh. How do the aliens know who to choose?”

“Well, I would have chosen you. The others I don’t know. But right now, in your world, we are too closed off, we won’t let anyone in. You have to go to him--me. I’m the key. Once we have bonded the others will follow. You have to get Max to be with you. Whatever it takes. Or we will all die.”

“But...what if he doesn’t…want me?” Liz says with tears in her eyes.

“I do Liz. I’ve always wanted you. Right now, he wants you. He misses you and all he does is think about that one night you shared at Prom. Trust me, I know.” Max smiles and puts his hand to her cheek. “I’ve always loved you. No one else. Do you think you can do this?”

“I think I can do it. I mean, I have to be able to do it. I can do it.” She looks at Max and he looks relieved.

“Thank you. But remember, Max is the key. If he lets you in, the others will follow. I believe in you Liz. And I’m sorry for this, but you’re the only one I could come to. And...I’m sorry for this too.” Max leans over and kisses her softly on the lips. He wraps his hands around her and pulls her in tight. He withdraws finally, and puts his forehead to hers. “Thank you. I had to know. I have to go now. I have to find the seer. I have to find Serena.” And then he leaves. Liz is left sitting on her bed in a confused daze. She raises her hands to her lips and feels the warmth there. He was real. It wasn’t a dream, or an illusion.

She opens her journal and quickly writes down everything this future Max just told her.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 3 11/11/09

Post by Sydney »

Chapter Three

Maria woke up first the next morning and decided to make breakfast for everyone. She had had the strangest dreams last night about a man. She didn’t remember what he looked like, but it had been passionate. Liz opened the door to her bedroom and came out still in her pj’s. “Morning, roomie!”

Liz smiled and rubbed her eyes. “”

“Well, I figured just because you don’t live above The Crashdown anymore doesn’t mean you can’t wake up and have a delicious breakfast.”

“Thanks, Maria.”

“Not sleep good? You don’t look too well.”

“Just a little tired. Last night was....tiring.”

“Yeah, I know, but no more unpacking for us. We are finished!”

Liz smiled and sat down. “So Maria, guess what?”


“We know the people who live above us.”

“What?! Small world, who?”

“Yeah who?” Alex said as he came out of his room.

“Liz was just about to tell me who was living above us.”

“Okay, don’t freak Maria. It’s Max and Isabel Evans. And, Michael Guerin.”

“What? MAX?! Oh my GOD! That is so weird. They’re going to UCLA too?”

“I guess. I went outside last night and heard them talking.”

“Oh Liz, what are you gonna do?”

“What is she gonna do about what?” Kyle asks coming out of his room.

“Do about Max Evans living right above us?!” Maria said irritated.

“Evans? Weird. Small world.”

“Maria, I’m not going to do anything. I’m just going go up there and say hello.”

“Liz, do you realize what this means? Now, you have another chance with Max!”

“Maria, promise me you are not going to get all crazy about this.”

“I’m not, but hey, maybe it’s destiny that your high school dream boy just happened to live up there. You’ve got to give it a try.”

Liz cringed inwardly at the word destiny. “I plan to.”

Maria, Alex, and Kyle all looked at Liz with their jaws open. “What? I’m turning over a new leaf. I’ve decided that I have to start taking more risks and I’m going to start with finding out who the real Max Evans is.”

“Way to go Liz. Now tell me, you said Isabel lives up there too?” Alex inquired.

“Yup. And Michael.”

“Oh joy,” Maria replied.

Liz went over in her head what the future Max had told her last night. Maybe all three of them played a part in this whole thing. If so she was going to have to go about this thing very delicately. “I’m gonna go up there later and I’ll see if they all want to come to dinner tonight. Is that cool with you guys?”

Everyone agreed that that would be fine, and Liz started thinking over what she should do.


Michael stuck his key in the door, and turned the lock. He was trying to be as quiet as possible. It was six in the morning, and he didn’t want to wake the others up. Just as he closed the door behind him he heard someone on the couch. Looking up he saw Isabel sitting there quietly watching him. “Isabel.”

“Michael. Where were you last night?” she questioned him while sipping her tea.

“Out.” He gave her a look that told her not to ask again.

“Okay, I can take a hint. I’m just worried about you Michael. You’ve been acting so...I don’t know. Agitated.”

He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes and said, “Okay, more agitated than usual.”

He sat down next to her and put his arm around her. “I’m alright, Iz.”

“I just want you to be careful, Michael.”

“I always am.” He leaned his head into the back of the couch. He was exhausted. Last night he had gone to Pete’s, and had his usual sip of beer. He had built a resistance to the stuff so that now a sip was just enough to get him mildly drunk. That’s when he had met the girl. Brown hair and brown eyes. He had gone back to her place and he had stayed there the whole night. It had been good enough to keep him from thinking about her, but not from dreaming about her. After the second dream, he had decided just to not sleep. Maria DeLuca. He hadn’t seen her in three months, yet she still plagued his dreams. He didn’t know why he couldn’t stop. Since the first day he had seen her she had been his solace. His dream. But she had barely even noticed him. Ironically she was best friends with Max’s one true love, Liz Parker. So, he had plenty of time to study Maria while Max mooned over Liz. They had an art class together senior year. It was the only class he went to regularly, and it wasn’t because he was interested in art. He didn’t become interested in it until the art teacher started encouraging his work. Michael’s room was now decorated with his paintings and drawings.

“Michael, you’re spacing.” He snapped his attention back to Isabel and gave her a half smile.

“Is Max still pissed at me?”

“No. He’s not mad. He just wants to do the best thing for us. And you know how he is. Cautious until the end. You guys just clash. It’s what makes you such good friends. Brothers.”

Michael looked up at her surprised. She gave him a quick smile and then went to fill her coffee cup with some more tea.

Michael laid out on the couch and quickly fell asleep, destined to dream about a certain blonde woman with big beautiful green eyes.


Maria sighed as she walked down the sidewalk outside of her apartment. She couldn’t believe the mailbox was on the other side of the complex. Oh well. She had gotten into the habit of jogging two miles a day. This would do. She walked down to the apartment and found a patch of grass. She had just begun to stretch when she heard a door above her close. She looked up. Leaning against the railing above her apartment was Michael Guerin. He hadn’t noticed her yet. He yawned and she smiled. It was almost noon and she had been up for hours. She looked up at him again and finally caught his eye. He had been sipping on some coffee and he started to choke on it. She stifled a giggle and waved at him. He looked shocked. She decided to go up and see him. They hadn’t been friends in high school, but they knew each other and had been in a few classes together. He had been the resident bad boy loner type. She climbed up the stairs and walked to him feeling rather stupid. She stopped in front of him and watched as he looked her over from top to bottom, and then back to top again. He caught her eyes and she felt herself blush for some unspeakable reason. His hair had been cut but was still long on top, spiking up in disarray. God, he is gorgeous. Then she found her voice.

“Small world.”

“Uh.... Yeah.” Real smooth, Michael thought to himself. “Um, do you want some coffee, or something?”

“Um, no thanks. I don’t drink the stuff. I’m always wired as it is.”

“We have hot tea.”

“Oh I’m fine. So, what brings you to LA?” she asked already knowing the answer partially.

“I’m working for a law firm and starting at UCLA tomorrow.”

“Me too.” Wow, this is awkward, she thought.

Michael couldn’t believe the subject of his fantasies was standing right in front of him. Wait, did this mean...

“Who are you with?”

“Uh...Liz, Alex, and Kyle. We all live below.”

“Liz?” Michael’s face betrays him.

“Yeah, Max is here too, huh?”

Michael nodded. Nothing more needed to be said. They had both been subjected to the short relationship that Max and Liz had had. One night and Max had never shut up. Michael suddenly realized he had nothing left to say so he just looked at her. He loved the way her long hair fell across her face and she slowly brushed it back behind her ear.

“Well...I guess I’ll be seeing you around, neighbor,” Maria said with a small smile. She walked backwards and then turned. Once she got downstairs she started jogging away. Michael watched her until she was out of sight. And then he smiled. Just wait until Maxwell hears about this one.


Maria couldn’t contain her giddiness. She was excited for Liz. The fact that Max was up there was wonderful because it gave Liz another chance with him. But now Maria couldn’t help but think of the spiky-haired man she had just talked to. Michael Guerin. She didn’t know much about him, except that he was friends with Max Evans. But he had definitely changed over the summer. In high school he had seemed so angry, almost like a wounded animal. But now...he had a more mature gaze. He seemed...gentle. And the way he had looked at her! What was that all about? He looked like he had seen a ghost. Then once he had started talking to her he was actually being nice. Weird. Very weird. Not that it wasn’t good. He was so handsome it took her breath away. It was the way he looked at she was a goddess or something. Damn. She wasn’t sure how she felt about all of this. First thing when she got home she would check her horoscope. Maybe that would shed some light on the situation.


Liz decided that the best way to go about seeing Max was just to go up there and say hello. This is so weird. Max is an alien. And he doesn’t even know I know. Well her goal for today would at least be to get him to come to dinner. She started to feel a little giddy, but then she shook it off and got more determined. She could do this. He wouldn’t push her away.

She opened the door to her apartment and stepped out. So what now? She took a deep breath and started climbing up the stairs. She reached his door and knocked. What if he’s not the one to answer the door, what if-

The door opened and it was none other than Max himself. He felt like his heart was gonna stop. “Liz?” He suddenly went very pale.

“Hey…Max.” She smiled. “I saw that you lived here and figured I should come say hello and get out all of the awkwardness before it like overcame me. We’re neighbors.”

“Neigh-neighbor?” Max said. “You live here?”

“Yeah, right below with Maria, Alex, and Kyle. I’m starting at UCLA on Monday. What a coincidence huh?”

“Yeah, um…” He looked at her and then stepped in and gave her a hug. She hesitated and then he felt her arms wrap around his body. He reluctantly let go while breathing her in. She smelled like vanilla. He blushed, and said, “So, do you want to come in?”

“Okay. Sure. I brought your yearbook. You never picked it up when you dropped mine off.” He moved back and held the door for her.

“Thanks. You can just set it on the table there if you want. Do you want anything to drink, or eat? Everyone is gone. Isabel went to the grocery store and Michael left a note saying he went to some art store.”

“No, I’m fine.” She sat down on the couch. “So…this is kind of awkward, isn’t it?”

He sat down on the couch next to her. “Yes. A little.”

“Max, that night…at prom. Did you feel…um well anything?”

Max looked at her. “What do you mean?” He tried to control his breathing. She was so close to him. Liz Parker. He thought he wouldn’t be seeing her again for a very long time.

“I don’t know. Wow, I feel really stupid.” Liz closed her eyes for a second and tried to remind herself what the future version of this man sitting next to her had said. “I…why didn’t you say goodbye? Why leave the yearbook with my father? What did you mean that we couldn’t ever be more than that?” She stopped afraid she was pushing him for too many answers.

Max looked up at her and smiled. This was what he loved about her. She was so curious. “Liz, I had to leave. And I was afraid if I talked to you I’d want to stay.”

She was amazed by his perfectly honest answer. “Oh.” She looked at him and smiled. She started to blush, and she cleared her throat, and turned slightly away.

“So, I can’t believe we’re neighbors. I didn’t even know you’d be coming here. I figured you’d go to Harvard or Yale. Stanford even,” Max said quickly trying to change the subject.

“Well, I didn’t want to be away from my friends. And UCLA is a good school. And pretty close to home.”

They were silent for a second. Neither knew what to say. But neither wanted their conversation to end.

“Hey! I was thinking,” Liz told him, “how about you guys come over to our apartment tonight, and we’ll have a big dinner? It can be like a last day of summer kind of thing. We haven’t really cooked dinner since we got there, so it could be fun.” She looked at him expectantly.

“Sure. Sounds great. I don’t know about the rest, but I doubt either of them will turn down food,” he told her. He looked at her lips. All he wanted to do was kiss her. Desperately. What was wrong with him? It would never work. She doesn’t want an alien for a boyfriend.

“Okay,” she said standing up. “How about seven thirty?”

“Alright. I’ll tell the others,” he said also standing up. She was so beautiful. The skirt she was wearing was high and it showed her tan smooth legs. He noticed her hair was a little shorter than it used to be. He wished he could run his fingers through it. He snapped out of his fantasy and walked her to the door.

“See you then Max. Apartment 4A.” She suddenly got an impulse and stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. He looked at her in surprise, and she prayed she hadn’t moved too fast. He smiled and said, “Bye Liz.” She walked out the door closing it behind her. That went pretty well. Now, tonight. That would be a different story. She had to go talk to her friends and get them to pitch in to make this night perfect.


Max was still sitting on the couch when Michael got home. Michael saw his smile and knew immediately. “You saw Parker.”

Max stared up at him. “You knew she was here and you didn’t tell me??”

“I was gonna. Maria’s here too.”

“Yeah, I know. Liz came over. She invited us all over for dinner tonight at 7:30.”

Michael frowned. “Are you sure that this is a good idea Maxwell? Nothing has changed just because she came to school here. We can’t get attached.”

“I know, Michael. It’s just dinner.”

“I’m in I guess. It’s either that or pizza again.”

Max looked up as Isabel came in. “What’s going on? Help me with groceries,” Isabel said.

“Liz lives downstairs.”

“And Maria. And jock boy, and the computer nerd,” Michael put in. Isabel laughed at how a certain someone got a name, but the other two had nicknames.

“They invited us to dinner tonight. 7:30.”

“Great. It’ll be nice to maybe see some people other than you two all the time,” Isabel said laughing at Michael’s glare.

“Yeah, who knows? Maybe we’ll all become best friends,” Michael said rolling his eyes.

Inside Isabel was smiling. Alex was here. Cute Alex. She hadn’t even noticed how handsome he was until Prom. She figured she’d never see him again. How lucky. “So does she need us to bring anything?”

Max said, “Um, I don’t know.”

“You didn’t even ask. I swear you guys are doofuses.” She smoothed out her hair and said, “Okay, I’m gonna run down and ask if they need anything or any help.”

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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 4 11/11/09

Post by Sydney »

Chapter Four

It was 7:25 p.m. and everything was going perfectly. Alex was making the salad as Liz stirred the sauce. She was making spaghetti. She figured it would be something easy enough to feed the seven of them, yet still delicious and elegant when eaten with a salad and garlic bread. Maria had made a cherry cheesecake to top it off. “Hey, Kyle. Why don’t you get off your ass and set the table for us?” she yelled to him while he sat lazily watching sports on the TV.

“Alright, alright. You’re a slave driver, Parker.” He got up and began to set their large dining table. Thankfully, Alex’s parents had bought it for them to take. They wanted it big enough to seat all of them and to give them a place to do school work if necessary.

“So chica, this is weird, huh?” Maria said as she came out of the bathroom. She had just straightened her hair and it looked beautiful.

“What?” Liz said as she put the spaghetti in the middle of the table.

“Having them over. I mean. We could all end up being friends, and you and Max could actually happen. Who’d have thought?”

“I know. I just want to get to know him better. This is like a second chance. And I’m not gonna let him run away again.”

“You tell ‘im sister.”

Alex smiled at her, and put the salad bowl on the table. Liz thought that she couldn’t have planned this better. Well, technically it had to work. Only she was the only one who knew that. God, this was so hard. Seeing Max today was wonderful. A part of her wanted to just start things where they had left off and forget about the alien thing. But, another part knew that she had to make sure things happened this way. Not that it was work. She thought there was a possibility that she might be in love with Max. Which is stupid because she really didn’t even know the real him. But she couldn’t help what she felt.

There was a knock at the door and Liz went and opened it. She greeted the group. Isabel handed her a non-alcoholic wine bottle and smiled. “I know that you told me not to bring anything but I couldn’t not. It’s so nice to be doing something with someone other than just us three.”

“Oh, that’s so nice. Thanks. I’ll just put it in the fridge.”

She saw Michael and greeted him warmly. Max was the last one and she smiled at him. “Hey.”

“Hey Liz. God, it smells great in here. What are we having?”

“Spaghetti. I hope that’s okay. It’s pretty much the only thing I know how to make other than burgers and fries.”

He laughed, and came in.

“Okay, everyone come on and sit down. Let’s eat!” Maria decided.

Everyone sat down, all talking. By the end of dinner they were all in good moods. Liz was finishing her cheesecake still and Max was loving watching her eat it.

“So, are you guys actually ready for school tomorrow?” Alex asked.

“No way,” Michael responded.

“I know. It’s so weird. College,” Maria said back. She was sitting next to Michael.

“I’m ready,” Liz stated with a smile.

“Of course you are Liz. You’ve always been smart, Miss Valedictorian,” Alex laughed good-naturedly. Liz blushed and Max felt like he was falling in love with her all over again. She looked at him and he smiled. She felt like she could lose herself in his eyes. But then he looked away. He couldn’t have her so, he couldn’t bear to look at her.

“Hey, guys. I have an idea. What do y’all say about doing this every Sunday night? I’ve had a good time, and we all have to eat,” Kyle said.

“Sounds good to me,” Max said.

“Me too,” Isabel spoke up. “Only next time, how about y’all come over to our apartment and we’ll cook.”

Michael groaned and she rephrased the statement to, “Okay, I’ll cook.”

Everyone laughed and began standing up and stretching. They had all been sitting and they were tired from eating so much. Liz took this opportunity to pull Max aside. She grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall a bit. She turned to him and said, “Max I had fun tonight. You will come again right?”

He looked at her knowing he wouldn’t be able to resist. “Yes.”

“Good. It wouldn’t be the same without you. Um, Max. It’s still only nine o’clock. Do you want to stay and watch one of my movies with me? We could watch it alone, room.” Liz held her breath waiting for him to respond.


“Alright. Let me just tell the others.”

“Yeah, I’ll have to tell them I’ll be up later.”

Liz and Max went and told their friends. Liz tried to ignore Maria’s raised eyebrow, and Max firmly told Michael and Isabel that he could handle himself and didn’t need babysitters. The others said their good-byes while Liz and Max retreated to her room.

“So, this is your room,” Max said as he sat down on the bed.

“Yup. Okay, so we have Runaway Bride, Can’t Hardly Wait, Whatever It Takes, and Timeline,” she listed as she crouched down in front of the DVD player.

“Um, how about Can’t Hardly Wait,” Max replied. He couldn’t believe he was in Liz Parker’s bedroom. God, she was so beautiful. But, she didn’t know what he was. If she knew she wouldn’t be doing this.

Liz went around to the other side of the bed and stretched out on her stomach. “Good choice.”

He quickly followed suit and laid out next to her, careful not to touch her. Halfway through the movie she looked over and caught him staring at her. “Max?”


“What do you think about me?”

“I think you’re the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Inside and out.”

Liz was shocked. “But Max. How can you say that? You don’t really even know me.”

“I know you Liz. I’ve watched you since the third grade. You’re beautiful.”

“Max...” Liz’s eyes started to swell with tears and Max panicked.

“I’m sorry. What’s wrong?”

“ you ever have this feeling like you know exactly what you need to do, but you’re afraid to because you know exactly what’s gonna happen if you do?”

Max looked at her oddly. “Sometimes. Why, Liz...what-“

His sentence was broken off as Liz kissed him. Her lips were like silk and they touched his ever so softly. Then she moved back and looked at him. He smiled and said, “I think I know exactly what you’re talking about. And…I don’t want to be afraid anymore.” He pulled her to him and kissed her with all the built up passion he had had in him ever since prom. He laid on his back and had his arms wrapped around her. He put his hand through her hair just like he dreamed of doing so many nights before. She moaned and it brought him out of his fantasy. “”

Liz pulled back. Her lips were puffy from kissing, and Max was afraid he would take her right there. “This isn’t right. We...should.... go on a date. I shouldn’t be mauling you in bed.”

Liz chuckled. “You’re not mauling me, Max. We can go on a date though.”

“I’ve just...wanted this for so long, and I’ve told myself we couldn’t. But, I don’t care anymore. I want to do this right.”

“Okay, so how about tomorrow night?” Liz asked him sweetly.

“Great. Um... I should go.”

“Okay,” she said disappointedly. Max stood up, and she walked him to the door. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips, It was soft, and gentle. Restrained.

“Goodnight Liz. Thank you for dinner, and everything.”

“You’re welcome. See you tomorrow. Good luck in school.” He nodded and left. She closed the door and sighed. This was just too good of a night. Things were gonna work with Max.

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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 5 11/11/09

Post by Sydney »

Chapter Five

Max walked out of his first class of the day with a headache. He couldn’t stop thinking about the night before. He had let things get out of hand. What had he been thinking? You can’t get her involved in this. If she knew what he was she wouldn’t be pursuing it. And what was up with that anyway? The Liz Parker he had known had never seemed like the kind to pursue a guy, let alone him. Not that he was complaining really. It was what he had always wanted, but just because he wanted it didn’t mean he could have it. He could never have normal. He couldn’t drag her into this. Especially when he knew that if something ever happened to her, he wouldn’t be able to save her. Just like last time.

He would just have to cancel on her. She will understand. She’ll have to.


Maria was hyperventilating already. Two classes and she already felt like she was failing. She decided to stop at a coffee shop on campus and have some tea. That would calm her. She went inside and stood in line.

“Glad to see I’m not the only one turning to caffeine on the first day of classes.”

Maria turned around and her breath caught in her chest. “Hey Michael.”

“DeLuca.” He was wearing a black Metallica T-shirt and jeans. His hair as usual was sticking up in a thousand different directions.

She smiled at him and said, “How are your classes so far?”

“Well, they all pretty much suck, but I have an art class next so I think it’ll get better.” He rubbed his hand through his spiky hair and yawned.

“Oh, what art class do you have next? I’ve got one too.”

“Drawing with Cooper.”

“Me too! Weird.” Michael couldn’t believe it. He’d get to spend an hour and a half with her three days a week. He slowly smiled at the idea, but then slowly brought up the stonewall.

“Yeah, that is really weird. Well, at least if it sucks we’ll get to go through it together,” she said with a laugh. She turned around and started to order before Michael could respond to that.

He could only think about one word: together. God, he knew this was insane but he couldn’t help his infatuation with her. Right now he was breathing in the scent of her. She smelled like one of her oils she was always sniffing. Almost spicy. He watched her order her raspberry tea and smiled at her choice. Sweet, yet spicy. How intriguing. She went and sat down at a table while he went up and ordered his coffee. Then he went over and sat down across from her. She looked up and smirked at him. He noticed the sketchbook sitting in front of her and said, “So, you draw?”

“Well, I like to do watercolors of mostly landscapes. I love the idea of escaping and drawing imaginary far away places. I figured if I took the class I would learn how to draw something other than landscapes.” She was surprised at how much she was opening up to him. She barely knew him. Just because she thought he was sort of cute in an annoying tough guy sort of way didn’t mean he would want to hear about her fantasies.

It was the exact opposite actually. Michael was listening eagerly to everything she was saying. This was the first time they had ever actually talked in a normal way. As opposed to “cherry coke please” or “move”.

Maria was starting to feel uncomfortable with the way he was intensely watching her when all of a sudden he broke eye contact and looked away. “What about you, Michael? Do you draw?”

“I paint. You have to draw first usually, but I like paint.” He realized he probably sounded like a moron, but she had that affect on him.

“Well, wanna head over to class with me? We can get the seats at the back of the room where all the slackers sit.”

He nodded and they both got up. He held the door for her and they both headed on their way while Michael said, “You’re alright, DeLuca.”


Liz saw Max walking toward her before he noticed her. She felt her cheeks start to blush as she thought about the night before and how passionately Max had kissed her. She watched as his eyes finally caught hers and she couldn’t quite read the expression in his eyes.

“Hey Max.”

“Oh…hey Liz.” She turned and started walking with him in the direction he was going.

“So, how has your first day been so far?” She asked him cheerfully. He loved the way she always had that freshness to her. It didn’t matter if she had just woken up or was about to go to sleep she always had a glow.

He smiled. “Alright I suppose.” His smile quickly faded. “Listen, Liz....”

“Yeah, Max?” He looked so dejected. She wondered what was wrong.

“I think that maybe this dating thing was a bad idea. I think we should just be...friends.” She could see how much it pained him just to say it.

Max watched her face immediately fall, and he stopped and grabbed her hand. He quickly told her, “It’s not because of you, it’s....”

“Why Max?” Liz cursed herself for feeling disappointed. Future Max had told her that he would try to push her away, she just hadn’t known it would be so soon.

“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” He looked like he was faltering and she knew she’d have to assert herself.

“Are you telling me you don’t have any feelings for me?”

“Of course I do.”

She moved closer to him and said, “Then show me. Let’s go out some time. I don’t want to be just your friend.”

Max looked down at her and knew it was no use. With her looking at him with those deep pools of brown and a slight pink in her cheeks.....he was a goner.

“Liz....” He moved in closer to her and took her in his arms. Putting his face up against hers he whispered in her ear, “It almost seems like you’re trying to seduce me, Liz Parker.”

Liz giggled nervously and said, “Come by when you figure out when we’re going.” And then she leaned up and kissed him on his cheek. She smiled at his smile and walked away hoping she was not moving too fast. She understood why he was reluctant to start a relationship with someone who didn’t know his secret, but as soon as she got him to admit that he was in love with her, she would tell him that she already knew, and that....she was head over heels in love with him too. That she had been ever since that one night when they had danced.


Alex and Isabel were watching TV in Alex’s apartment. It was lunchtime and they were both eating left over spaghetti from the night before. Alex had gotten home from his classes for the day and thought he’d go see if Isabel was home yet, and if she was hungry. She had been and they were currently stuffing their faces and watching The Price Is Right.

“Oh, I knew the detergent was more expensive then the fabric softener. Man, what an idiot!” Isabel yelled out at the TV, while laughing in outrage. She looked over at Alex watching her. “What? Do I have oregano in my teeth?”

He laughed at her horrified expression. “No. I was just observing how beautiful you are when you really let yourself laugh.”

Isabel felt herself flush and looked at him like he was insane. “Alex why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Talk to me like I’m a goddess or something. I’m just Isabel Evans. Random girl who went to your high school. I’m not even a nice person. I was probably mean to you too.”

“You’re definitely not random. I think there’s something special about you, and I’m sure the more I get to know you the sooner I’ll find out.” He was looking at her so intensely. Isabel didn’t know what to say. No one had ever spoke to her like she was an intelligent being. It was always eyes on the boobs and no where else. But not with Alex.

“Well thank you Alex.” And with that she got up and went to put her bowl in the sink.


Michael sat listening to the professor talking about the art supplies they would need for the class. He tried to keep his mind off the playful pixie next to him who was perpetually annoying him, trying to make him laugh. He looked over at her as she pulled out a piece of paper and started scribbling something down. She rolled it up and threw it at him. It bounced off his nose and landed on the table. He picked it up and slowly opened it.

It said, Are you always this serious in class?

He pulled out his pen, wrote on the back, and passed it to her.

It said, Are you always this annoying?

She shot him a scowl and he rolled his eyes. That’s all he needed. This girl ruining the only class he’d actually pass. But, he had to admit it wasn’t so bad being around her. She smelled good and he loved watching her. He turned his head and tried to focus on the instructor. It was impossible. Maria was intoxicating. He looked at her as she was dutifully writing notes. She looked up and saw him watching her. She giggled. He took a deep breath and forced himself to listen.

“For your first assignment you will do a drawing. It can be of anything you want. A portrait, object, scenery. Anything. The subject you use will be a recurring thing we will use all semester, so make sure it’s something you don’t mind getting your hands dirty in. You need to be able to work with it on a continual basis while I will be working with you on it. I expect by your next class for you to submit your idea and maybe even some preliminary sketches. I guess that’s it for now. See you Wednesday.”

Michael and Maria got up and shuffled out of the classroom. “So what are you gonna do for your drawing?” Maria asked him.

“I’m not sure, but I’ll figure something out.”

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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 6 11/11/09

Post by Sydney »

Chapter Six

Kyle had already decided that college was an awesome thing. Everywhere he looked there were hot chicks. There were brainy ones, preppy ones, sorority ones...Everywhere he turned there was another beautiful woman.

He loved the campus. The athletics department was great, and even though he would not being playing football here, it didn’t mean he wouldn’t make use of the facilities. And that was exactly what he was doing when he saw the girl.

He had just made his way to the track and was in the process of stretching when she sprinted by him. This girl was not just jogging, she was running. Fast. Kyle had never seen a woman run that fast. When she got around the track again he got a good look at her. She was in black running shorts and a tank top. Her blonde hair was pulled completely back with a few stray wisps of hair falling on her face. She was petite with nice curves. And though she couldn’t have been more than five four, her body was toned and strong looking.

When she made her third lap around the track and had still not slowed her pace, Kyle decided to stop staring and join her. He started jogging on the track and he knew he would not ever be able to catch her until finally she slowed and fell into a slow jog. As Kyle came up behind her he said, “I’ve never seen someone run like that before.”

Surprised, she threw him a look that said, What’s it to you?

Kyle tried not to let the coldness he felt from her sway him. “You must be out here a lot. Do you go to UCLA?”

She did not slow her jogging as he kept up with her. She looked at him wearily and said, “Yes.”

“Me too. I just started actually.” Kyle smiled at her. “My name’s Kyle. Kyle Valenti.”

She looked at him again, and finally after sighing she said, “Tess. My name is Tess.”


Maria walked up to her apartment door just as she saw Michael pulling up on his motorcycle. She stopped and waved at him. He got off of his bike and strode over to her.

“Hey.” He wasn’t sure what had possessed him to walk over to her, but he knew there could be no backing out.

“Hey.” They had not seen each other since class earlier, and Maria was surprised that he was actively pursuing a conversation with her.

“I was thinking...” he started.

She smiled as he ran his fingers through his hair. He definitely did that when he was nervous. And annoyed for that matter.


“You know our art project?”


“Well, I was thinking I could do a still life. Of a person. And...I was thinking that I could do you?”

“Excuse me?”

“Draw you.”

“Oh...draw me?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah...I mean. You wouldn’t be naked or anything,” he said after catching her look. “And if you want I could help you with whatever you choose to do.”


He sighed as she said yes, and Maria inwardly chuckled at how stressed he had seemed just to ask her.

“Okay so, I guess I’ll let you know when I’ve got it all planned okay?”

She nodded as he backed up slowly and then made his way up the stairs to his apartment.

He was definitely a little odd.


The Facts According to “Future Max”

1. He came from fourteen years into our future.
2. Michael, Isabel, and he are all aliens.
3. The seer (?) foretold that Max would save me that day in the Crashdown but he tried and failed.
4. On the planet where they are from Max is king. They are overthrown and sent to Earth to live safely, but in their future their enemies find them.
5. The seer foretold that there should have been eight not three.
6. There is supposed to be a fourth alien. The four aliens are supposed to bond themselves to four humans (bonding is not just having sex but making love and making a lifetime commitment to each other).
7. The seer’s name is Serena and she is close to, if not in, LA.

August 25

I’m Liz Parker and I’m questioning my sanity. Can everything be real? Could this all be an illusion? No. I felt his warmth. When Future Max kissed me it was real. Am I going about this the wrong way? Should I just go and tell Max everything? I have so many questions and so few answers. I must do this to save the world. But how can I save the world and concentrate on falling in love at the same time? Are these feelings I have for Max only brought on because they are a duty and not real? Future Max said he would have chosen me to bond but my Max might not. He doesn’t technically have to. So, really my duty is just to see it done. And if we happen to fall in love in the process and he chooses me then so be it. But, I think I am already in love with him. Ever since Prom, I just feel this connection with him. So what do I do? Tell him? Will he think I’m crazy?


Liz looked up from her journal and saw Max standing a few feet away.

“Do you always write while you swing?” he asked her as he took the swing next to her.

Liz self-consciously closed her journal and set it down on the ground. “Only when I’m doing my best thinking,” she joked with him.

“And what are you doing at this particular playground at sunset?” She inquired of him.

“Actually I was going to check the mail. My mother is supposed to have mailed us something.”

He seemed somewhat wistful, so she asked, “Do you miss Roswell, Max?”

“Yes and no. I’ve found that here it’s a lot easier to fade into the background.”

“And why would you want to do that?” she asked him knowing full well why.

He looked taken aback that he had actually said it.

Instead of answering he just looked at her. Liz felt as though he was looking through her and into her soul. Even though she had never been intimate with anyone before, right now she felt naked. Like Max knew who she really was. Like he knew exactly what she was up to.

But of course he didn’t. And she found it amazing that he could provoke those feelings in her.

She sighed as she looked into his amber eyes. They were almost golden. And then slowly he reached to her and pulled her swing next to his. He put his hand to her face, and slowly ran his fingers across her skin, and down her neck. Liz felt like she was on fire. She looked down to see if all of this heat was coming from somewhere. And then she looked up. “I missed you,” he told her.

And then his mouth was on hers. And she was seeing things...

Max stepping off of a school bus and seeing Liz for the very first time.

Walking hand in hand with Isabel and Michael through the desert.

Watching her in the Crashdown with Michael day after day.

Holding Liz close at Prom.

Seeing her get shot and rushing to her. Touching her, frantically trying to save her.

She pulled away breathing heavily. She now knew what the future Max had been talking about. Max Evans was in love with her. She couldn’t look away from him. But what she now saw scared her.

He immediately pulled away and stood up. He looked angry.

“Max...” she said standing up.

He grabbed her wrist. “Has it all been a lie? How long have you known?”

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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 7 11/11/09

Post by Sydney »

Chapter Seven

Liz felt her chest constricting as she tried to make sense of what she was hearing. One minute Max had been passionately kissing her and she finally knew Max loved her, and the next moment he was yelling at her.

“Max, I can explain.”

“What is going on?!” He squeezed her wrist harder and she cried out and yanked her arm away. She held it up to her and tried to stop her eyes from welling up with tears.

“Oh God, Liz, I’m sorry.” He stepped towards her and took her wrist in his hands. He held it for a moment and she felt her hand grow warmer.

He released it after a moment and Liz was amazed. Her wrist didn’t hurt anymore, and the red marks he had put there were gone. She looked up at him with wide eyes.

“Apparently you don’t know as much as I thought you did.” He smiled and stepped back. “Liz, I need you to help me understand what I saw.”

“Okay. What did you see?”

“I Only older. And I saw him telling you I was an alien. I might have seen a few other things. But most of all I just got this feeling from you that you knew my secret. And....a feeling of....duty.”

Liz sighed. Max finding out was definitely not how she had planned on telling him, but a part of her was grateful that he knew. She felt immense relief knowing that he would help her now. God, she hoped he would help her.

“Max let’s sit back down.” He nodded and they both sat down on the swings. “I’m going to start at the beginning because it’s really important that you understand how I feel about you.”

“I’ve known you since I was in the third grade Max. We’ve pretty much grown up together. I know we weren’t friends, but in high school we talked every day. Granted it was in lab, but a part of me always felt something for you. I didn’t realize how strong those feelings were until Prom night. I didn’t really date a whole lot in high school. I think it’s because all along I didn’t want them. I wanted you.”

Max blew out a breath and looked at her. “I never knew.”

“I know. And I didn’t really ever know either. You always seemed unreachable to me. You were nice, and smart, and handsome, and you didn’t care I was a science nerd. And the way you look at me. God, Max, people aren’t supposed to be able to look at people the way you do.”

He looked utterly confused, and so she tried to clarify. “I guess you don’t really look at other people like that.”

Max blushed, and Liz smiled and went on. “At Prom, I was really upset, and I didn’t really know why. I didn’t mind leaving high school, but I was upset that something would change too greatly for me to handle. And the change was you. I wouldn’t see you every day.”

The way Liz was looking at him made Max’s heart flutter. “You never really ever gave me the impression you were interested. In fact you were so shy and withdrawn, I’m surprised you could even talk to me.”

“So on Prom night, when you said all of those things to me in the classroom, it was like an awakening. It made me think that maybe you might have felt the things I had just realized I felt. And then we danced.”

Max took her hand in threaded his fingers through hers. “Max, when you left and I thought that I wouldn’t see you again for a long time, I was heart broken. I felt like that night was the defining moment of my life. And I thought you felt it too.”

“I did.” She looked up and met his eyes. She saw he meant it. Maybe everything would be okay after all.

“So the night we moved in here, I had a visitor.”

“A visitor?”

“It was you. From fourteen years into the future.”


“It’s true. That’s who you saw in I guess you would call it. He came to me, and he told me horrible things...and wonderful, amazing things.”

“He said that you tried to save me Max and that you couldn’t.” She saw his face pale and she squeezed his hand. “Max it’s okay. I know you tried.”

“It’s not good enough. I know I am capable of it, I just couldn’t. As hard as I tried. I just couldn’t. You were dying Liz. God, their was so much blood.” He tried to slide his hand away from her and she squeezed it tighter.

“Max, you’re not God. You are just one man. And I didn’t die.”

He nodded, but would not look at her. She decided to go on, and maybe it would distract him.

“Future Max said that a seer named Serena had predicted there would be eight not three. Supposedly four aliens and four humans who are meant to bond, and that only then could they save the world.”

“Save the world? From who?”

“He said you were overthrown on your planet, and that your DNA was mixed with human DNA to create the four of you.”

“Four? There’s a fourth one of us?”

“Yes. And, he said you are all meant to take control again, in a few years. And if you four have not bonded and come into your true power, then they will win, and destroy Earth. Max, he said that you were King of your planet.”

“King? I can’t be a King. I’m eighteen years old.”

“Isabel is truly your sister, and Michael is your second in command.”

“And the other?”

“He didn’t know. He never found him or her.”

“Okay, so I understand everything you’re saying, but Liz, why did he go to you?”

“He said that if he had been able to bond to someone in his life, he would have chosen me. He said that he knew you would choose me.”

Liz studied his face for a reaction but his face was not showing anything...He got up and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Liz, I have to think. I gotta go. I-This is just a lot to digest.” He turned to look at her and was startled that she had started to cry.

“Liz...what is it?” He went to her and lifted her up out of the swing.

“I was just expecting a better reaction to that ya know? I thought you’d be happy. If you don’t want me, you don’t have to choose-“ He cut her off by kissing her.

When it ended, he put his forehead to hers. “Liz, I just said I needed time to think. It’s a lot to take in. But, I will come for you tomorrow ok? We’ll finish talking. I don’t think I can handle anymore tonight.”

She nodded and wiped at her cheeks. She felt stupid for getting teary, but she had felt rejected. Max took her hand in his and they walked back to the apartment in silence. They didn’t say anything but goodnight at Liz’s door, and then Max made his way up to the apartment as he contemplated when to tell the others.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 8 11/11/09

Post by Sydney »

Disclaimer: The song used in this is “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day.

Chapter Eight

Max didn’t make it all the way up to his apartment. He sat down on the stairs and put his head into his hands. In his mind he kept going over everything Liz had said.

He said that he knew you would choose me.

God, and he had just turned her away. “Idiot.” The love of your life tells me that she has been in love with me all this time, and the best I can do is say, “I gotta go.” And her face. She had been so heartbroken. God, but I can’t. I can’t do this. A king? This was too fast. How am I supposed to save the world? Two worlds for that matter. I want her. I’ve always wanted her. And she wants me too. But, if I choose her I’ll do nothing but put her in danger.

And what if I cant save her? I couldn’t last time. Oh God, I can’t do this to her. But, if I have to choose someone I want it to be her. And right now she thinks I don’t want her. She accepted what I told her, she accepted me. She loved me before she knew and she loved me after. I’m such a fool.

He got up from the stairs and started back down for Liz’s apartment. He got to her door, and knocked.

It took only a moment for her to answer, and when she did Max felt guilt eat at him. She was in her pajamas and her hair was pulled away from her face. Her puffy eyes were in plain view.


“I thought you had to go think.”

“It didn’t take long for me to come to the conclusion that I’m an idiot. Liz, forgive me. Please forgive me.” She started to cry again, and he took her in his arms. In her hair he whispered, “I have always wanted you. Since the first time I laid eyes on you, I have loved you. I wanted so badly to be human, and normal, so I could love you. And I thought that if only I could be normal then you would love me too.”

“What’s so great about normal? Besides I do love you.” He pulled back from her and put his hand to her face.

“I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

“Well I guess I’ll forgive you since you came to your senses so fast.” She pulled him into her apartment.

“Where is everyone?”

“They went to a movie. I wasn’t really in the mood to go. I’ve got some studying and stuff-

Max pulled her to him and in moments his mouth was on hers. He picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. He laid her on the bed and continued kissing her. He couldn’t get enough of her. She tasted so good. And she loved him! This sweet angel was his. But he still had so many questions....He pulled back slowly and groaned at the tightness in his jeans. “Liz, I want you so bad, but we need to wait.”

“Okay. But, will you just stay here with me tonight? We could talk. I still have some things I should tell you.” He looked at her puffy lips and her flushed face. He couldn’t say no. And even though he knew it would be hard not to touch her all night he nodded his head.

August 26

Isabel sighed as she looked at the clock. Okay so it was one o’ clock in the morning and Max had still not gotten home. And she had a feeling she knew right where he was. Liz Parker. God, this girl was gonna turn their whole life upside down.

Michael walked out of his bedroom in nothing but a pair of boxers. “Michael how many times do I have to tell you, this is NOT a studio apartment.”

Michael smirked and opened up their refrigerator. He pulled out a bottle of water and said, “What are you doing up still? Don’t you have early morning classes?”

“Max isn’t home yet.”

Michael sighed as he sat down on the other couch. “Wonder where he is?” Isabel looked at him and knew by his scowl that he knew exactly where Max was. “I don’t know what he’s thinking. We aren’t supposed to form relationships with humans. Max knows the rules. Oh man, what if he tells her?”

“Max wouldn’t do that. Not without telling us first,” Isabel replied.

“How can you be so sure?”

“He just wouldn’t. Do you think if he told her that she would tell the others?”

“I don’t know.” Michael got up and walked back toward his door. “Get some sleep Isabel. I don’t think he’s coming home anytime tonight.”

She meant to go right to sleep then but her thoughts drifted elsewhere. She thought about Alex and what he would do if he found out. He’d probably be pretty freaked. And he would have a right to be. And then he wouldn’t want to be my friend anymore. Or would he?

Isabel got an idea and went into her room. She dug around for her yearbook, and paged through it. After finding Alex’s picture, she closed her eyes and concentrated on it. It was time for a little harmless dreamwalking.

She was in Alex’s dream in moments.

“Honey, will you bring me Jenny’s bottle? I left it in the kitchen?

Isabel was staring at herself sitting in a rocking chair in a nursery. In her arms was a tiny little girl.

“Here you go darling. Oh, God she’s beautiful. She looks just like her mother.”

He walked up next to the chair and put his hand on her cheek.

“No, dear, she has your ears.”

Alex pretended to look indignant but you could see the love in his eyes.

Isabel felt tears coming to her eyes as she watched the scene before her. Alex was dreaming that they were married and had a child together. She couldn’t believe it. She shook her head and left the dream.

As she paged through the yearbook she came to Michael. Michael had explicitly told her he didn’t like her going through his dreams. Ever since she had seen one with Hank in it, she had listened to him.

But, he never knew she was there until she made her presence known....and she promised herself she would only take a quick peek.

“Maria, please I can explain...” he was sobbing on his knees in front of her. He clung to her legs.

“Did you think I wouldn’t care Michael that you were some kind of freak? You actually thought you were good enough for me! You will never be good enough for me!”

“Please Maria, you can’t mean that. I lo-“ Michael stopped as she slapped him hard across the face.

“Don’t you dare say that to me! You are disgusting! You’re worthless!”

“Maria...Maria please...”

“Oh Michael...” Isabel had not meant to say anything, but she couldn’t help it. Her heart hurt for him. He turned to look at her and screamed, “GET OUT!” and Isabel was flung from the dream. She sat up in her bed her heart pounding. God, she couldn’t believe Michael thought that way. And Maria? What have I done? She quickly got out of bed and made her way to the bedroom door but before she made it she heard the front door slam. Michael was gone.


I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don’t know where it goes
But it’s home to me and I walk alone

Michael was downstairs and on his bike before he even stopped shaking from the nightmare he had just had. Isabel had no right to invade my privacy in this way. And of all the dreams she had to see that was the one she walked into.

He didn’t know what had brought on that dream but he figured it had something to do with Isabel questioning him on whether he thought Liz would tell the others. Maria wouldn’t react like that would she?

He was at Pete’s bar before he even knew how he had gotten there. He told himself that getting drunk was not the way to solve this problem, but he needed to forget the way Maria had looked when she had slapped him. He ordered his beer and took his single gulp. He felt the liquor warm him all over his body. And soon his brain felt fuzzy.

He smiled at the girl that sat next to him. She looked at him and smiled back. She was tall and sexy in her black mini-skirt and heels. She was out to fuck, and Michael figured she’d do. Before he knew it she was on the back of his bike and they were headed to her place.

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I’m the only one and I walk alone

In her small apartment he had her up against the wall and was kissing on her neck. She cried out as he put his hand up her shirt, and kneaded her breasts. He had to get her out of his mind. He could still see her screaming at him as he cried at her feet.

My shadow’s the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart’s the only thing that’s beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
‘Til then I walk alone

“Oh God...” He ripped the buttons on her shirt and pulled it off quickly. She didn’t smell sweet like Maria did. She smelled like cheap perfume and cigarettes. “I don’t even know your name,” she said.

“Exactly.” He started pulling her skirt up.

I’m walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone

Maria screaming. He’d never be good enough for her. Never...And then he saw her laughing next to him. Writing him that little note in class. Her smile when he had said he wanted to draw her. Michael backed up and the girl slid to the floor. She was still unbuttoning his pants, so he moved her hands away.

“What? Where are you going?!”

“I’m sorry...I have to go.” He grabbed his helmet and walked out on the girl who was definitely not Maria.

Read between the lines
What’s fucked up and everything’s alright
Check my vital signs
To know I’m still alive and I walk alone.…

Last edited by Sydney on Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 9-11 11/11/09

Post by Sydney »

Chapter Nine

Max woke up to the sun shining in through Liz’s window, and while he felt the body lying in his arms, it did not register until he opened his eyes. And there she was. Her brown wavy hair lying across his chest, her head snuggled up into his arm. Time went by as he watched her, but eventually her eyes began to flicker, and she moved her hand up from his chest to his shoulder. He smiled down at her knowing that she was trying to resist. When she crunched her eyes closed and pulled herself closer he laughed.

She popped one eye open and looked at him. “What is so funny?”

“I’m surprised you didn’t try to pull the blanket over your head.”

“Oh ha ha. How can you be so calm? Aren’t you worried about telling the others?”

“I can’t worry about anything when I’m lying in bed with Liz Parker.”

She crooked an eyebrow at him, and then realized that her leg was overlapping his. She slowly removed it back to her side, and blushed. Even though they had lain in bed all night, Liz was not sure if she was ready for what the next level would mean.

Max picked up on her emotions and casually rose from the bed and put his shirt back on. Then he turned and looked at her. “I don’t think you should be there when I tell Michael and Isabel. I’m afraid that their reaction won’t be pretty at first and I don’t want them to upset you.”

She nodded and said, “Okay, but after you tell them, we need to decide how to tell the others.”

“I’m not sure that they’re going to agree with telling them. With you it’s different. You got pulled into this and they didn’t. Telling them could put all of them in danger.”

“Yes, but not telling them could put them in even more danger. And you don’t know Maria. She will know something is up with me. She’s my best friend. I have to tell her. I can’t not tell her. And if I don’t she’ll get it out of me. I’m telling you, she’s relentless, she..”

Max came to her and put his arms around her. “Liz you’re rambling. I think you’re right. As long as you’re going to be involved in this and you’re going to be living with them, they should know. It’s just a matter of convincing Michael and Isabel. But leave that to me ok?” He ran his hand up and down her back soothing her.

“Okay Max. Okay.”


Kyle was eating breakfast in the cafe when he saw Tess come in and sit down. He debated whether or not to get up and go and say hello. When he had met her yesterday, she had not seemed too thrilled over the prospect of a new friendship. He saw her pour Tabasco sauce over her fruit salad, and he knew he had to talk to this strange girl. Picking up his tray he walked to her table. He sat down and smiled as she looked up.

“Okay, I’ve gotta know. What is with the Tabasco?”

She rolled her eyes and ignored him.

“Aw, so it’s a case of the laryngitis today is it? That’s ok. I’ll talk.”

She looked at him as she continued eating her fruit salad.

“Sooo…how are you classes?”

“What’s your major?”

“Have you always lived in LA?”

“Does you family live here?”

“Got a boyfriend?”

She quirked a smile at the last question, but still said nothing.

“Is there a reason you won’t talk to me today, Tess?”

He saw her brow knit in irritation and he laughed. “You regret that you told me your name the other day don’t you?”

She looked at him incredulously and he said, “What can I say? I’m a psych major.”

She stood and picked up her tray. “Fine, you want me to answer your questions? I like things spicy, my classes are fine, American history, no, I hope so and finally no – I do not have a boyfriend. Happy?”


She glared at him and then walked away, dumping her tray in the bin.

Kyle laughed and starting eating his omelet.


Maria opened the door to Michael in her pajamas. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

He looked at his watch and said, “Ten-thirty.”

“Oh. Well, I was sleeping.” She moved from the door and let him in. He tried not to focus on her tank top riding up in the back.

“I want to sketch you today.”

“Hey, as long as you don’t mind sketching me asleep, that’s fine.”

He followed her into her room and snorted as he saw her crawl into bed and snuggle under the covers. “That’s fine with me. If you’re sleeping, you won’t be talking.”

“Funny Guerin.”

And after a few minutes she really was asleep. Once she had stopped fidgeting, his charcoal pencil had started moving. Today he would do a basic black and white, nothing too fancy, just to get a feel of things.

This wasn’t the first time he had skimmed his eyes over her delicate features. Her pale creamy skin and pouty lips. Her long lashes and rosy cheeks. He saw the way she grasped the blanket in her hand and tucked it right under her chin. Her golden hair sticking out crazily from sleep.

He didn’t know what he had done to deserve this. To be able to spend this time with her. Though they were forming this odd friendship, Michael was still very wary about his feelings for her. Even though he wanted to crawl into bed with her and wake her with his kisses, it wasn’t safe. He wasn’t safe. He felt guilty just taking this simple pleasure of drawing her, because he saw how she looked at him. Though she threw barbs at him just as easily as he did with her, he saw the desire in her eyes. But he was a threat to her, and until he could give her something safe and normal, the only thing he would do is draw her. Unfortunately things would never be safe and normal.


Isabel was sitting on The Green -- a big patch of grass in the center of campus -- reading a book for her Lit class. Reading was not one of her favorite things to do, so she eventually was stretched out on the grass looking at the clouds.

She closed her eyes and was just starting to snooze when she felt something blocking out the sun. “Hey pretty lady.”

She opened her eyes and said, “Oh hey Alex.”

“Hey. What are you doing napping on a fine day like this?” He sat down next to her and stretched out also.

“Just waiting for my next class. Didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Aw, so you’re the worrier of the group.”

“Excuse me?”

“Way I figure it, every group has a worrier. Maria’s the worrier of our group. You’re the worrier of your crazy little group.”

“Alex you’re….right. You’re absolutely right. But you don’t understand. They’re crazy and they have these issues, and then last night Michael stormed off and didn’t even come home until early this morning, and Max, I don’t even know where Max is, he went for a walk and then never came back!”

“Uh...I know where Max is.” He ducked his head sheepishly and didn’t look her in the eye.

“You’re kidding me. I’m worried about him all night and he’s with Liz! Oh my God, do you think…oh God…do you think they slept together? Ugh…”

“Isabel, calm down…Max is a grown up now, and I guess they’re dating, so…”

“But Max knows the rules. He made the rules. And then he pulls this…”

“What rules?”

Isabel looked up and had a look on her face he could not read. “Um…you know what Alex, it was good talking but, I gotta go.” She got up and gathered her stuff.

“Isabel wait.”

“I’ll see you later, Alex.” And she left him sitting there, confused as hell.


Chapter Ten

Max opened the door to his apartment and found Isabel sitting on the couch.

“And he returns…”

“Isabel, where’s Michael?”

“I don’t know. He left last night and didn’t come back. Seems to be the norm around here.”

Max sighed and sat down. He really wanted them both to be here when he got home so he could just break the news. “Well, we need to have a meeting. I’ve got something to talk about.”

Isabel tensed. “Max…. please just tell me that you weren’t with her last night. That you didn’t tell her our secret.”

“Where the hell is Michael? He doesn’t have classes today.” Max ignored her questions, hoping she would ease up until Michael got there.

“Well… last night I might have done a little dream walking.”

“On him? Isabel, are you crazy? You know how he feels about you invading his privacy.”

“I know. It was stupid, and I’m not going to tell you what I saw, but Max, he is hurting…”

“Well that’s not something new. He lived with Hank his whole life. That guy was as demeaning as they got.”

“I wish there was something we could do to make him happy.”

“Well, he wants to know about his alien side, and well…. he might be able to now.”

“What does that mean?”

“You’ll see. When Michael gets home.”

“No, I want you to tell me right now!”

Michael opened the front door and Max sighed and said, “Okay.”

Michael closed the door and then said, “What the hell is going on with you two?”

“Max called a meeting. He wants to tell us something.” They both noticed as Michael tensed. He sat down and said, “Shit.”

“Okay, well. Liz had a visitor.”

“What the hell does that mean, Maxwell?”

“Hold on and I will tell you.”

“It was me. From fourteen years into the future.”

Isabel gasped and Michael rolled his eyes. “Maxwell, do you expect us to believe…”

“I saw it. I touched her and I saw it.”

“What?! Max what do you mean you saw it?” Isabel asked him.

“I got a flash from her. Like a vision. I know she’s telling the truth.”

“Well what the hell did this vision mean?”

“He – I – came from the future to tell Liz that fourteen years from now, our enemies come, and we lose.”

“Our enemies?” Isabel rubbed her hands over her eyes in confusion.

“Just let me tell this, and then you can ask questions. Okay… he told her that we were aliens. And that I was supposed to save her that day in the Crashdown. I was supposed to save her and bond with her. If I had then we would have been able to fight. A seer named Serena foretold it. All four of us are supposed to bond. Only then will we be strong enough.”

“Four?” Michael asked.

“Yes, there’s another one of us.”

“Oh my God.”

“When you say bond, what exactly do you mean?”

He turned to Michael and said, “ Make love.”

“Well, then I’ve bonded many times over.”

“Ugh. It’s not the same. You have to be in love. It’s a commitment. Like marriage. There’s more… we are from another planet. A planet where I was king and you Isabel were my sister, a princess. Michael, you were my second in command, and general of our armies. As of right now, it is our job to save this planet and ours. To do this, sometime in the next, I’d say five years, we have to meet and mate with the one we want to help us save the world. Both worlds. We have to find the fourth one, and we have to prepare.”

“Why did he come to Liz Parker?” Michael asked.

Max gave a half smile and said, “Because she’s the one I would have chosen, if I had saved her, well, she’s the one I’m going to choose. The only one I would ever choose.”

“So, how are we supposed to prepare for something like this?” Isabel asked.

“I think we need to start by finding the fourth one.”

“Max…Liz knows…does that mean that Maria knows?” Michael asked him.

Isabel jerked her head up at Michael and saw the fear in his eyes. He saw her looking at him and scowled. She looked away.

“Uh…Maria doesn’t know, yet. But Liz wants to tell her, and the others, and I think we should too. If she is going to know, it might put her in danger. And that would put them all in danger, and they need to be aware. In case they want to leave…”

Max waited for the eruption from Michael and when none came, he looked up. Michael was leaning over with his hands on his knees, face in hands. He looked at Isabel, and she just sat there in shock.

“I know that this is a lot to take in, but we have to stay together on this more than ever. So do you agree, we should tell the others?”

Isabel looked up in shock. “Max, what if they freak and go to the police? Or the government?”

“They won’t. They love Liz, and she’s involved now. They would never hurt her. Plus, I’d like to think that they wouldn’t do that.”

She sighed, and said, “This can’t be happening.”

He looked over at Michael. “Michael?”

“I agree. If Liz is willing to protect us, help us, if this future version of you knew she was important, then she is. And maybe for once it wouldn’t be bad for it to not just be the three of us.”

Max shocked said, “Thank you Michael.”

“Michael, are you sure about this?” Isabel asked him.

“Yes. If we need to fight, we’re gonna need help. But Maxwell, if they don’t back us on this, if they do anything to hurt us, I will deal with it.”

Max sighed and said, “Agreed.”

“Wow, I can’t believe we’re really gonna do this.” Isabel stood and wrapped her arms around herself.

“To tell you the truth, me either.” Max got up and wrapped his arms around Isabel. She was shaking.

“If this is all wrapped up, I’m gonna go out for a little while,” Michael told them.

Max turned and said, “Yeah, I think we’re done for now. The next meeting is tonight, I’m gonna help Liz tell the others. You both can be there if you want. Nine o’clock.” Michael nodded and left.

Max watched as Isabel picked up her coffee cup, hands still shaking.


Chapter Eleven

Liz anxiously knocked on Maria’s door. She had already called Kyle and Alex but she knew Maria would be the toughest to convince everything was normal.

“Hey Liz.” Maria was surfing the internet for a project at school.

“Hey. I’m going over to Max’s tonight. They’re gonna eat ice cream and watch that new action movie. Wanna come?”

Maria grinned. “Sure. But only if you tell me what happened last night. He was here this morning wasn’t he? What happened?”

“Not much. We just hung out.”

“You just hung out? You better spill missy!”

Liz sat on Maria’s bed. “Oh Maria, I’m in love with him. And he feels the same way about me.” She knew she couldn’t tell her much but this was Maria. Better to give some details to throw her off the trail.

“You guys are in love? Wow, that was quick. I mean…not really I suppose…but wow that’s huge.”

Liz smiled. “I’m scared and happy at the same time.”

“Don’t be scared, chica. Love isn’t something to be scared of.” Liz wondered if she’d still feel like that once she knew.

“But…I have something interesting to share.”

“Oh yeah?” Liz said.

“Michael and I are in the same drawing class. And he is making a project out of me. He wants to draw me. All semester.”

“Michael Guerin?!”

“Yes Michael Guerin. What other Michael’s do we know here?”

“I just didn’t know that he had that side of him. You said yes then?”

“Well yeah.” Maria blushed. “I was actually pretty flattered. I think he has layers, Liz.”

“Layers?” Inside Liz chuckled. “I think you’re right.”


When Maria came to Michael’s apartment with the group that night she figured out pretty quickly it wasn’t for sundaes and movies. Max and Isabel were sitting on the couch and Michael was leaning against the wall next to them with his arms crossed. Max looked nervous, Isabel looked sick, and Michael looked angry. She looked at Liz and then saw that Alex and Kyle were just as confused by the scene before them.

Alex went over to Isabel and crouched down before her, “What’s happened?”

“Yeah why does everyone look like someone died?” Kyle asked.

“I think everyone better sit. Max and I want to talk to you about something,” Liz told them.

Alex sat on the floor next to Isabel and Kyle and she took the couch across from them. Liz went over and sat on the arm rest next to Max. Maria noticed Max take Liz’s hand and thread her fingers through his.

Maria smiled. “Well you guys are looking cozy.”

“Yeah that’s actually sort of what we needed to discuss.” Max sighed heavily. “Look what we’re about to say is really important. We need you all to listen to the whole thing and not leave before we’ve said it.”

Alex looked at him and said, “You guys are really starting to freak me out so you’d best just get to the point.” Isabel cringed and looked at Max.

“Okay I will then. Michael, Isabel, and myself….we’re aliens.”

Kyle snorted and Maria started giggling. Max and Isabel just stared. Maria looked at them and said, “Come on. Aliens? Are we on candid camera? That’s the best you guys could do? We’re from Roswell and you pull a prank involving aliens? I mean really?” She just continued laughing.

“Guys stop it,” Alex said. “Do they look like they’re kidding?”

Maria stuck her tongue out at Alex and then she looked at Michael and didn’t like what she saw. He wasn’t even looking at anyone. He was specifically not looking at her. “Michael?”

He still didn’t look at her. “Just finish it Maxwell.”

Instead Liz continued. “Guys the other night I was visited by someone that looked like Max. Only many years older. He was fourteen years from the future. He told me the same thing you guys are hearing. I know it sounds crazy, but they are. The crash. That was them. They didn’t know who they were any more then we did. They’ve been going about their lives in secrecy until…now. Future Max told me that Max was supposed to save me that day in The Crashdown. Because he didn’t it through off a bunch of things.”

“That’s why you were with her when she died.,” Kyle said. “I always wondered. People told me how broken up about it you were.”

Max paled and Liz squeezed his hand. He looked at them and said, “This future version of me told her that there was one more of us out there. And that we needed to find her. And that a seer told him that it should have been eight. Four aliens, and four humans. Bonded together . That that is the only way we will be able to defeat our enemies.”

“Enemies?” Maria said. “You have enemies?”

Michael finally spoke up. “We were at war. On our home planet. Max was the King. I’m his second, and Isabel was the princess. But we were overthrown.”

“I always knew you were a princess,” Alex told Isabel. She smiled and let out a relieved sigh.

“These enemies killed us and our people took some of our DNA and mixed it with human DNA. They sent us here to be protected until the time that we could come back and fight them.”

“I’m just…still finding this all a little hard to believe,” Kyle said.

Max said, “I understand. It’s a lot to take in.” Then he ran his fingers through Liz’s hair and as he got to the tips it grew longer.

“OH MY GOD!!” Kyle shouted

Maria felt like her eyes were going to bug out of her head.

“Wow Liz I forgot how great you look with long hair,” Alex said.

Isabel jerked to look at Alex. “That’s all you’re going to say? You’re not scared?”

Alex shrugged, “No really it makes a lot of sense.”

Isabel just continued to look incredulously at him.

“Guys…there’s more,” Liz said.

“MORE?” Maria asked. She heard Michael sigh in the corner

“Max maybe we should just wrap it up here.”

“No Michael. Liz is part of this now. And they’re her friends. They deserve to know everything.” He looked at the humans. “To beat our enemies he said we have to bond four humans. I am going to be choosing Liz. She’s going to be a part of this. I don’t want to bring her into it but apparently both of our worlds depend on this and I’m not going to fight it anymore. I thought staying away from her was best but apparently even if I do it doesn’t work out.”

“So…when you say bond….” Kyle asked.

“To bond someone is a lifetime commitment. I’m not even really sure how to do it but I do know that it involves…” He started to flush and said, “We have to…”

“Oh my God…” Maria looked between Liz and Max.

“We have to have sex. Apparently it creates the bond if it’s with the person you choose. The person you make that commitment to. And it’s permanent,” Liz said.

“Well…that’s…” Alex couldn’t finish. He was at a loss for words.

“Look. I know this is way too much information to digest. But the most important part of this is that you can’t tell anyone. Our lives depend on it. Liz’s too. We just…thought you deserved to know.”

“Well thank you for telling us. For trusting us.” Alex put his hand on Isabel’s knee and said, “Really. Thank you.”

“We won’t tell anyone,” Kyle said. “But you’re gonna have to forgive me if I need a couple days to think all of this over. It’s…a lot.”

Liz looked at Maria, “And you? How are you taking this? You’re quieter then I’ve ever seen you.”

Maria wasn’t sure. She felt like she was in a dream. “I’m just worried for you Liz. This is dangerous. If I can believe it…it just seems really dangerous. I’m worried for all of us.”

Max said, “We’ll do everything we can to protect those of you that decide to involve yourselves in this. I don’t know how open all of this will become but if you decide to you can walk away.” Maria saw Michael turn his back on the group and walk to the window.

“I’m not walking away from this Max. I’m worried for Liz, but I’m worried for all of us. You three included.” Maria looked at Michael and then stood up. “I think this is probably enough for us to handle on one evening. I’m gonna go sniff some cedar oil.” Most of the group laughed and then all the humans except for Liz made there way back to their apartment. Maria noticed that Michael had not turned around to say goodbye.
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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 12 11/24/09

Post by Sydney »

A/N: First I want to say thank you so much for all of the feedback. It really warms my heart to know that you guys are liking what I’m writing. So thank you to:

Mary mary
Michelle in LA

This part is short, like really short…I guess that’s what I get for writing it out instead of typing it. I’ll be going out of town for Thanksgiving and I’ll be gone Wed--Mon. I’m not sure when the next part will be posted but most likely sometime next week. Enjoy!

Chapter Twelve

The ten o’clock news just didn’t seem all that fascinating once you knew you weren’t alone in the universe. Or maybe we are alone in the universe and they’re from another one, Alex thought.

He and his roommates had been in a daze since the meeting. He was lying on the couch, Maria was in the chair staring off into nothing, and Kyle was…Kyle was making a sandwich.

“Kyle how can you eat right now?” Maria asked.

“Hey, I get it. We’re not alone in the universe. As groundbreaking as that is, a guy’s still gotta eat.” Kyle put his sandwich on a plate and joined them.

They were all quiet for a few minutes until Kyle asked, “How did they keep it a secret for so long?”

Alex shrugged. “I imagine it wasn’t too hard. They just didn’t tell anyone. I mean, even their parents didn’t know. Besides, if you’re not Mr. Popularity it’s pretty easy to fade into the background.”

Kyle chuckled. “True. But Isabel was pretty popular. I’m surprised no one noticed she was different.”

Alex frowned and ran his fingers through his hair. “I noticed she was different. I just never thought she was THIS different.”

“What do you think we should do?” Maria asked.

“Well…I don’t think their enemies will come for a while. From the sounds of what this future Max said, we have a bit of time to prepare. And Max has…chosen Liz but that doesn’t really have any effect on us. Not yet, anyway. As for the other ones bonding, I’d say that’s not really something we need to be concerned with. At least for the time being,” Alex said while blushing faintly.

“Oh man, you TOO?” Kyle asked.

Alex didn’t look at them as his face got pinker and pinker. “Shut up. You both know I’ve always had a thing for Isabel.”

Even Maria giggled. “Think she’ll bond you Alex?” She waggled her eyebrows and then ducked as he threw a pillow at her head.

“Oh you’re one to talk Maria! I see the way you look at Michael. You may have gotten snippy with that ‘big spiky headed oaf’-- as you so lovingly called him-- in high school but now you’re letting your true feeling shine through,” Alex told her while snickering.

Maria just rolled her eyes and looked at Kyle. “And what about you, brother dear? When do we get to meet YOUR alien?”


When Liz came out of Max’s bathroom and saw him pulling back the covers and fluffing the pillows, her heart started racing. Little did she know his heart had started a similar pace the moment she stepped out of the bathroom wearing his old Roswell High t-shirt.

He smiled warmly and said, “Are you sure you don’t want me to borrow some pajamas from Iz?”

“Oh no, I don’t want to bother her. It was a stressful night and I’m sure she’s already in bed.” She came over to the bed and sat down. This night felt a lot more intimate. It was probably due to the lack of clothing. Last night they had both fallen asleep in their clothes.

Max climbed into bed next to her and she tried not to stare at his naked chest.. “I really appreciate you letting me stay the night. I didn’t really want to go back to the apartment. Not until the others have some time to adjust.”

Max turned on his side and propped himself up on one arm. “You are always welcome her Liz. Now that things are out in the open I feel so much better. Now that you know how I feel about you….I don’t want to waste any moments NOT being with you.”

Liz smiled and snuggled up to him. “Will you kiss me again Max?”

His answer was his lips touching hers. With just one kiss her senses were flooded with all things Max. His cologne was the same one he always wore in high school and his arms wrapping around her were strong.

She moaned against his mouth and he flipped them around to where he was lying on top of her. This was the closest she had ever been to a guy and she marveled at how confidant she felt. Maybe this means it’s right. US together. I wonder what it will be like to bond.

Max ended the kiss and looked down at her. “Liz Parker. In my bed. I’m not sure you can understand just how many times I’ve dreamed this.”

Liz smiled. “Did you picture it like this?”

“Well…just like this minus a t-shirt.”

Liz chuckled. “I bet.” She pushed Max off of her and got cozy by putting her head on his shoulder.

“Max…I’m worried.”

“About the others?”

“Yeah. I just hope it was the right thing to do.”

“Well, they took it well. As well as can be expected.”

“Maria was awfully quiet though,” she said biting her lip.

He caressed her face and said, “Yeah but so was Michael.”

“Do you think that she and Michael will…”

“Bond? Well…it’s definitely a possibility.”

“Yeah.” Liz frowned. “Isn’t it kind of odd how everyone’s breaking off into their own couples? It’s kind of hard not to believe in destiny after this.”

“Are you sorry for it?” Max asked as he traced the lines in her palm.



Isabel knew that going into a person’s dream twice in one week was bordering on powers abuse but she couldn’t help herself. Now that Alex knew the truth she had to see if his dreams had changed.

The first couple of times she had tried he hadn’t been asleep. But it was one o’clock in the morning and she knew he had to be by now.

Alex’s dream was actually sort of comforting. It took place in The Crashdown Café. Isabel hadn’t realized how much she missed Roswell.

He was sitting up at the counter and she could see people coming and going but no one person took shape. She decided to sit next to him hoping she wouldn’t surprise him too badly.

“Hi Alex.”

“Isabel. And we’re in the Crashdown. I must have come here to….eat I guess. Or to visit Liz? This is weird.”

Isabel was used to the confusion that was caused when she made herself visible in dreams. “Alex, how are you taking things?”

“What things?”

“The whole alien thi--”
“Shhh…” He put his finger up to her lips. “We’re in public Isabel. You can’t say it in front of just anyone.”

“Well it’s good to know that you won’t tell anyone.”

Alex frowned. “You can trust me. You know you can.”

“Yes. I think you’re right.”

Alex smiled and seemed satisfied. Then he changed her outfit from pj’s to a long black dress with more than a little cleavage showing.

One corner of Isabel’s mouth turned up. “Really Alex? Really?”
