The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 14 4/7/10 Pg 8[WIP]

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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Ch 13 12/8/09

Post by Sydney »

I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was wonderful. Thank you to:

Chank_girl (Yes, Michael and Maria will be getting loud soon ;))
Michelle in LA
and of course LilithAnn (my best friend and lovely beta)

Chapter Thirteen

Wednesday August 27

Maria was just about to knock on the aliens’ door when it opened. “Liz!”

“Shhh.” Liz crept out the door quietly. “I don’t know who’s awake but I know Max is still sleeping. How are you doing?”

Maria frowned. “I’m okay. Still not sure if I can believe it all. Would have been nice if someone had come home last night so I could get all the answers.”

“I’m sorry about that. I just thought you guys might have wanted some time to…process? Besides…I don’t have any answers for you Maria. All the information I knew is what we told you guys last night. Trust me…not having all of the facts is bothering me as much as it’s probably bothering you.”

Maria frowned. “How could they have spent all of this time not knowing their origins? It would have driven me crazy.”

“I guess they didn’t have a choice.”

Maria nodded. “Well…I hope we all get some answers soon. I’m worried about you.”

“I know,” Liz said. “But Max meant it when he said he would protect us. Nothing’s gonna happen to me, ok? To any of us.” She reached over and gave Maria a hug.

Maria hugged her back and then said, “So where are you off to this early?”

“Thought I’d go home and get a shower before I have to head off to class.”

“Class. Yeah I have some today too. It’s so weird that today is just going to go on like any other day.” Maria fidgeted and then looked at the door again.

“So you want to go find some breakfast with me?” Liz asked.

“Well…I actually was coming up here to see if Michael was around.” Maria felt her face growing hot.

Liz’s eyes got a little wider. “Oh. Okay then. I’ll see you a little later then.” And she left smiling.

Maria grumbled and went in the door. Normally she wouldn’t have just walked into someone’s apartment without an invitation but she already knew that Max was asleep and she didn’t want to wake him up. When she had woken up this morning she had tried really hard to fight the urge to see Michael but it hadn’t worked out. Sure, they had class in a few hours together…but that was hours away. And she wanted to make sure he was okay now.

She knew which room was his because she couldn’t really picture Max or Isabel having a Metallica poster taped to theirs. She knocked gently hoping not to wake the others.

After a few moments she debated whether or not to knock again but then the door opened and Michael was standing there filling up the doorway. “Maria?”

“Good morning.” Now that she was here she was unsure about what she really wanted to say.

“It’s really fucking early. I wasn’t expecting any of you people to come around for a few hours.”

“You people?” She raised an eyebrow.

“You humans.” He sighed and opened the door. “Come in.”

Maria stepped into his bedroom and was mildly shocked to find it neat and orderly. For some reason she had expected him to be a messier person.

Michael walked past her and sat on the bed. “So. What’s up?” He still wasn’t looking at her.

She took a seat at his desk and said, “I just thought maybe I should make sure you were alright.”

He jerked his head up, “Make sure I’m alright?” Now he was looking at her.

“Yes! Okay? You seemed really upset yesterday and I wasn’t sure why.”

Michael scowled. “Let me get this straight. Yesterday you found out that not only do aliens exist but that they’re your neighbors and you’re asking me if I’m okay?”

“Well…yes. So?”

“So you’re crazy. I thought you’d be running back to Roswell by now.”

“Are you doubting my courage Guerin?”

Now Michael looked away again. “No, I’m just not sure why you’re still here.”

“Well because of a lot of reasons… We have to get to the bottom of all this. We need to know about your planet and this war that’s going on because if it gets dragged to Earth, we’ll all really be involved whether we like it or not. And Liz too. She stayed here last night you know?”

He nodded.

“Well she seems to be in this pretty deep. And she’s my best friend. So I’m here.” Maria smiled. “Besides, this is too insane for me to just forget about. I’d go stir crazy if I didn’t know what was going on with you guys.”

“Well this isn’t an adventure Maria. This is going to be dangerous.”

“I know. All the more reason for me to keep an eye on everyone.”

Michael didn’t respond and so she looked at him again. He did have the most interesting bedhead. And he still was avoiding her eyes.

“So you wanna tell me why through that whole meeting yesterday you wouldn’t look at me?”


Michael hadn’t thought he had been so transparent. This is what I get for being such a coward and not looking at her the whole meeting. Now she knows something is up.

He looked her straight in the eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He thought he saw a flash of pain go through her eyes before she responded, “How could you not?”

“Look it was a tense time for all of us. What does it matter if I was looking at you or not?”

“Well…it doesn’t matter. It was just a little odd. I mean….I thought we were sort of becoming friends and at the meeting you just kind of shut down.”

“Friends?” He wasn’t sure in his wildest dreams he had ever thought he’d be friends with Maria. He knew he must look a little dumbfounded.

“Well…fine I guess I was wrong.” He was shocked to see her eyes get wetter. Is she about to cry?
She got off the chair and turned to the door. “Just forget I said anything. See you in class.”

Michael felt like he had no say in his body getting off the bed and grabbing her arm. It was like a compulsion. He couldn’t let her leave with tears in her eyes.


She was facing him and looking down at his hand on her arm. She looked up and Michael saw that he had been right. She had a tear that was seconds from leaking out.

“Why are you crying?

Maria cringed and as she closed her eyes he couldn’t help but see the tear leak out onto her cheek. “I don’t know!” She sounded disgusted with herself.

She pulled at her arm but Michael held tight. “Maria…” He took a step and it brought him incredibly close to her. “It isn’t that I don’t want to be friends with you…”

He looked at her face trying to find the right way to say what he felt. He wasn’t used to having to tell anyone anything he felt. But she was looking at him with her big eyes and pouty mouth. And he had to say something. Instead, he kissed her.

He couldn’t help himself. Her lips were soft and warm and she tasted like caramel. He felt her stiffen but he put his arm around her back and pulled her closer. Soon he felt her relax in his arms and he thanked whatever Gods existed.

He felt her arms loop over his shoulders and around his neck and then her body was pressed up against his. He knew he had to end it now. Soon he would not want to stop at all.

He found her hands and slowly moved them back down. He felt something unbelievably possessive for her when he saw how swollen her lips were and how dazed her eyes were. He let go of one of her hands to wipe the tear on her cheek. “It isn’t that I don’t want to be friends with you…it’s that I don’t want to be friends with you.”


Isabel was laying on the Green looking at the sky again. “You know…if we keep running into each other in this same place every day I’m gonna start thinking of it as our spot.”

She turned and smiled, “Either that or you’re stalking me. How are you, Alex?”

“Pretty good. On my way to my next class. Doesn’t start for twenty minutes though. You?”

“Same. Just wasting some time while I wait for mine.”

He sat down next to her. “Candy bar?” He held out a twix and a snickers.
“Oh no thanks. Some breakfast though,” she teased

“I have a slight chocolate addiction. I’m not gonna lie. Besides I ate breakfast hours ago with Liz.”

“I thought I heard her leaving this morning.”

“Does that bother you?”

“No…it’s just always been the three of us so it’s going to take some getting used to.” She laid back down and looked at the sky again. Alex moved to lay next to her.

He felt for her hand and held it. “It’ll be better, Isabel. You’ll see.”

“I know. I just hope we’re not dragging you guys into all of this mess. You all could get hurt.” She bit her lip worriedly.

He scoffed. “Oh and you couldn’t?”

“Well we at least have powers,” she whispered.

Alex sat up, “Woah woah woah…I knew you three had powers but what exactly are we talking about here? Can you….fly?”

Isabel laughed and he was happy to see that she didn’t look so worried anymore. “No! Of course not. But we can do a few interesting things. Let’s see…well you already know about healing. That’s what Max tried to do to Liz that day and it didn’t work. That’s the first time our powers haven’t worked actually.”

“Hrmm… well what about what Max did with Liz’s hair. What was that?”

“That was just molecular manipulation. We can change the form of anything. That’s actually how we heal things too. We just remove what doesn’t belong.”

“Wow that’s pretty amazing.” He smiled. “And my dream last night? How’d you do that?” He chuckled a little as her eyes got round.

“How did you know that wasn’t just a normal dream?”

He hadn’t known. Until now. “Well you’re not usually quite so vivid when I dream about you.”

She laughed. “And I’m starting to see it’s rather often.”

Now it was his turn to feel embarrassed. “Do you…uh…do that a lot?”

“Only twice.” She saw him faintly blushing. “Don’t worry Alex. I saw what I needed to. I promise I won’t do it again without asking.”

He said, “Well thanks. Though I can’t say it matters. Either way you’re in there.”


Kyle knew that he was on the track again because he was looking for that girl. It was probably not the best idea due to her lack of interest, but Kyle was hoping maybe it was some sort of defense mechanism. She was way too cute to give up on so easily.

Not long after he got there did she arrive. White t-shirt, little black running shorts, Kyle had to catch up.

When he got beside her she slowed to a jog and he took it as a good sign.


“Tess. Funny meeting you here.” She smiled a little and Kyle knew he was starting to win her over.

“Yeah what a coincidence.” She rolled her eyes playfully.

“So you run like… faster then I’ve seen anyone with such short legs run.”

“Hey! My legs are not short!” She replied indignantly. “I’m petite.”

“Okay okay. So what were you, like a track star in high school?”

“Nope. I was home schooled. I just run for exercise.”

“Really?!” Kyle was pretty amazed. Most people who ran for exercise didn’t run like a bat out of hell.

“Yeah. What of it?”

“Well then I’m just wondering, are you running from something?” He asked playfully.

The look she gave him was more serious. “Why would you ask that?”

“Tess I was joking.”

“Oh. Well…I’m just into endurance sports.”

“Cool. What else do you do? I used to play football myself.”

“Well I’m trained in martial arts as well.” She looked faintly surprised that she was sharing this with him.

“Nice. So you can kick my ass?”

She laughed. It was the first time he had heard her laugh and Kyle was smitten immediately. It was musical and cheerful and funny coming out of this sarcastic little woman.

“I guess I could. If it was necessary.”

He smiled. “Well I’ll be sure to watch my back around you.”

Last edited by Sydney on Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Road Not Taken (AU,CC,ALL,ADULT) Chapter 14 4/7/10 Pg 8

Post by Sydney »

AN: Thanks everyone for your patience. I had intended to get this out sooner but it just didn’t happen. I’m getting married in 23 days so I’m a liiiittle busy. *lol* Let me know what you think! :D

Chapter Fourteen

“So have you thought about what we should do? About the seer I mean? And the other one?”

Max smiled at Liz’s use of we. It was amazing how she had jumped right into their crazy life. Amazing how she had accepted him and the others.


“Oh um…I’m not really sure. I guess we could start investigating the crash a little more. But it’s so hard sifting through all of it because most of it is garbage.”

“True.” She took another bite of salad. “I just really want to be pro-active about this whole thing. I don’t want to wait for it to come to us.”

Max looked around the cafeteria and had trouble believing that they were talking about a possible war in the making. Should I really be surprised that I’m not the typical college student though? This whole thing is far from typical.

“I know. But right now I think all we can do is keep our eyes open. Oh look, there’s Kyle.” He nodded in the direction of the entrance. “Who’s the girl?”

Liz turned to look, “No clue. But you know Kyle. I’m sure she’s just another one of his flings.”


Kyle wasn’t sure what he was doing right but he figured he’d keep doing it. Tess had agreed to have lunch with him.

“Come on, let’s get in line,” she said.

Kyle grabbed a couple pieces of pizza and put them on his tray. He chuckled as she grabbed a grilled chicken sandwich.

“You’re gonna make me feel guilty if you keep eating healthy and working out more than me.”

Tess smiled, “Well maybe you should join in. That’s a lot of meat on that pizza Kyle.”

He liked the sound of his name coming out of her mouth. He thought he could get used to it. “True. Or I could get disgustingly full so that I have an excuse to work out tomorrow and seeing a certain blonde I know.”

He laughed as she narrowed her eyes at him and said, “You don’t know me.”

“Well I’m coming to know you, and if you go out with me this Friday then I can get to know you even more.”

She just looked at him and he could see her considering it. Instead of answering she grabbed her tray and went to pay. When he met her at the table she was covering her chicken sandwich in Tabasco sauce.

“What is it with people I know and hot sauce? Granted…I am from New Mexico.”

“I just like it hot.”

Kyle quirked an eyebrow and pursed his lips.

Tess looked at him. “You’re trying really hard not to say anything right now, aren’t you?”



Maria was sure that he was looking at her again. She felt like his eyes hadn’t really left her since that morning. And now they were in class together. And still she felt his kisses.

The professor was making his rounds discussing with each student the subjects chosen. When he got to their table he stopped at Michael first.

“Wow. These initial sketches are quite good. And you can keep this subject for the remainder of the semester?”

Michael looked at the professor. “Hopefully longer.”

Maria swallowed. This is getting…intense.

“And you, Miss…Deluca? What have you chosen?”

“What? Oh, the project. Umm…I decided I was going to work on the night sky. I did some sketches here, but I didn’t get too in depth yet.”

He looked them over and gave her some pointers on different aspects to try and then moved on.

She sighed and looked at Michael. “Sooo….”

He looked at her. “So?”

“About this morning. When I said…”



“’Oh.’ You said ‘oh’. When I told you…what I told you, you said ‘oh’.”

“Well, I wanted to explain. At the time I was a little bit distracted. And it took a minute for what you were saying to process.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He looked away and Maria thought that now she was the one screwing it up.

“No. I just wanted you to know that I feel the same way.”

He looked at her again, assessed her hesitancy. “Slow is good. I’m not quite sure what I feel yet either. We don’t need to Max and Liz this. Right?”

Maria smiled. “Right. Slow.”


Max came home that evening and found Isabel in the kitchen cooking dinner and chatting on the phone.

“Yes Mom we’re eating. In fact I’m cooking right now. No actually, I still have all of those recipes packed but I’ll be sure to try one of those dishes soon.” She playfully rolled her eyes at him.

He was happy to find that it was chicken she was seasoning and not some crazy casserole courtesy of Mom. He washed his hands and pulled some zucchini out of the fridge to start chopping.

“Okay Mom. I’ll send them your love. Okay. Okay. Love you too. Bye.” She hung up and turned to him. “She needs a hobby.”

Max smiled and said, “You know you love her.”

“Speaking of love…Liz stayed over eh?”

Max felt himself start to flush. “Yeah…but it’s not…we haven’t…we’re moving slow.”

“Well usually I’d say that’s good but I’ve been thinking we need to form a plan of action.”

“I actually agree.” He was pleased to see that he had surprised her. “I was thinking we need to find a place to start practicing our powers.”

“Well that’s the thing. I’m not sure which powers we need to work on. I mean…I’m not sure that dreamwalking and manipulating matter is going to save the plantet--er, planets.”

“No maybe not but Michael would probably be interested in teaching us to blast.”

“Blast? We’ll be lucky if we don’t blast ourselves. You know how unpredictable Michael can be with that. The only time I’ve seen him do it is when he was angry.”

“True.” He threw all the chopped zucchini in a frying pan.

“What I think we need to concentrate on is finding the fourth. And finding Serena.”

“Yes but how? Liz was talking about researching the crash but it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. There’s just too many cracked out conspiracy theorists to know what’s true and what’s not.”

Isabel sighed. “I just feel like we should be doing something. Before it’s too late. Like there’s this death sentence hanging over our head and we’re wasting time.”

Max stopped cooking for a second and hugged his sister. “Just one thing at a time. It’s all we can do. Let’s just focus on building our powers to the best of our abilities. And hopefully when the fourth or the seer find us they’ll know more.”

“Okay. We’ll just see how it all plays out.”


Later that night Liz was standing in her and Maria’s bathroom, trying to decide on the sexy nightwear or the safe nightwear. This would be the third night her and Max had spent together and she knew that soon enough they would move on to the next step. It might not be tonight but that didn’t mean she had to sleep like a nun. Granted nuns don’t usually sleep with men.

She decided on the sexy nightgown and put it on. When she opened the door heading into her bedroom she saw that Max was already dozing on the bed. She couldn’t contain her smile as she walked to him. He was bare-chested and wearing navy blue pajama pants. When Liz laid on the bed his eyes opened and visibly softened as he saw her.

“Max, you shouldn’t stare. You’ll embarrass me.” She was blushing already.

He sat up and smiled. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re so beautiful it’s hard for me to breathe sometimes.” He pulled her to him and kissed her. As their lips touched his hand went to her hair and he dried it.

She giggled and he stopped kissing her.

“It’ll just take some getting used to.”

He nodded and said, “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to this feeling.” He kissed her again and this time his hand went to her waist. His touch was warm but somehow she was shivering all over.

He stood up and they pulled back the covers and got beneath. Once they were under he stopped touching her but continued to look at her. “I love you Liz.”

Just hearing him say it immediately took away any anxiety she was having. She snuggled closer. “I love you too. Now please, touch me?”

He looked surprised and so she took his hand and put it on her leg. She saw him look at his hand and before she knew it he had pulled her to him. He kissed her and she moaned into his mouth. She squeezed his shoulder when his lips left hers but bit her lip when his mouth started leaving soft kisses down her neck.

She felt him lower the spaghetti strap of her nightgown and she stopped breathing for a second.

“Liz is this ok?”

“Yes! I mean--yes, just don’t stop.”

He chuckled and she laid her head back into the pillow as continued the trail of kisses down to her breast. Soon the other strap was down and she was more exposed to him then she had ever been with a guy. She closed her eyes and wasn’t sure if it was the nervousness or the heat in his eyes that was causing her to flush.

He was propped up on one arm and his other hand was caressing her breasts but when it got to her stomach it stopped. Why is he stopping?

She opened her eyes not expecting the look on his face. He looked sad and upset. She sat up and started pulling her nightgown up. “Max, am I not---” He pushed her back down into the bed gently.

“Let me heal you. Let me fix it.”

Oh. Of course. The scar. He’d seen it. She’d not thought about it. It was pretty second nature to her at this point. Her heart clenched at the pain written across his face.

“Oh Max. It wasn’t your fault.”

“I should have been able to heal you.”

“But it all turned out right. I’m here now. I’m alive. Right?”

“Yes fine, but just let me do this. I can’t bare to see it knowing that I could have prevented it.”

“Okay Max. You can heal me.”

“Thank you. Now look at me.”

She did. And in the flashes, they saw the day at The Crashdown. Only a little differently this time. Liz bringing a check to a quiet red head woman with an NYU sweatshirt. Liz chatting with the woman about NYU and asking if they have a good science program. Max bumping into the same red headed woman as he enters The Crashdown. The woman apologizing profusely as she starts to tear up and then quickly leaves. Max watching Liz laughing with Maria. The gun going off. Max running to her and having to be pulled away when the healing doesn‘t work. Liz’s life fading away slowly.

“Did you just--”

“Oh my God.”

“What was that?”

“Max, I think that was Serena. Or maybe the Fourth.”

“She was there. When you were shot. Why?”

“I’m not sure. But…I think I can find her.”
