Alternate Universe Challenges

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »


Fine..... since numerous people seem to hate this challenge I've decided to take it off here.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by tequathisy »

I wouldn't normally comment on challenges, but why does Liz have to be married? I don't think it's a pre-requiste of the job.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by nibbles2 »


A few years ago, Liz and Michael were a couple. Michael was Liz's first love and she was heartbroken when he broke up with her and left town.

Flashforward a few years. Liz has never really gotten over Michael, she's never had a proper relationship since because she has trouble letting guys get close. Then Michael comes back or their paths cross again.

Maria is Liz's best friend. She hates Michael because of what he did to Liz, so she's shocked when she finds herself falling for Michael. Not only does she think he's a jerk but he's also her best friend's ex boyfriend and that's a big no no. Whether she was around when Liz was dating Michael or she met Liz afterwards is up to you.

Max can figure in however you like. He could be a friend of Liz who is love with her or a friend of Michael's who falls for Liz.

Must be CC.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamon »

#369 AU/CC Adult with aliens dreamer centered

Max, Isabelle, and Michael were all adopted by the Evans after they came out of the pods.

The Valentis, Delucas, Parkers, Whitmans, and Evans are all close friends. So the kids all grew up together hanging out and what not. Yet, Max, Isabel, and Michael were always reserved but Max was always the most quiet and shut off.

Max, Isabel, and Michael don't tell anyone that they are different but their parents know that they are "special". They have fully embraced their human side since thats all they have known. Theres no destiny, Tess, FBI, shooting etc. So Max doesn't heal Liz or anything like that.

Instead, they grow up being normal. Its at the age of 21 when they get their memories unlocked from their parents basically telling them that their ship crashed but they have nothing really to fear since they are mainly human. So its OK for them to be with humans etc. Up until then they have not really had intimate relationships with humans Micheal and Isabel the more outgoing ones date a lot. Where as, Max is shy loner type and stays more to himself and he loves Liz from afar. Liz likes him too but never acts on her feelings since Max has shown her no indication to do so. So like on the show she dates kyle but ends it with him after awhile since they are better off as friends, etc(but they do sleep together)

During their senior year Max and Liz get paired up on a project and they spend a lot of time together and eventually start dating. Yet, Max doesn't want to get intimate with Liz since hes an alien and out of fear and insecurity, and that Liz is more experienced etc- he feels that she can do better with a human etc. Also, he hasn't been honest with her since she doesn't know hes not human etc. This all happens before Max turns 21 so he doesn't know its safe. So they have fights etc. (also alcohol effects the aliens in the same way as it effects humans)

Its up to you how Liz, Maria, Alex, and Kyle find out that they are aliens and how the other couples get together. I want this to be mostly fluffy with a bit of drama and a bit of angst here and there

there are a couple more details that I left out and i'll let you know what the are of you pm me.
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamon »

#370 AU/CC Adult with aliens dreamer centered

Max emerges from the pods a earlier due to his pod being damaged and Cal finds him and takes him. Michael and Isabel end up with the Evans.

Max grows up with Cal whos like a father to him. Cal tells Max that hes a little different with the powers that he has and that his blood is different too but besides that he's completely human and that its safe for him to be with humans. Yet, even with all the money in the world and having a famous father figure Max still feels alone. He has no true friends and he can't really be who he wants to be with the spotlight always on him. but thats really all he knows. So, he starts modeling at the age of 16 and he lands a calvin klien or some other famous brands main ad campaign when hes like 18. The ad is being shot in the summer in the desert AKA Roswell. And this is where Max meets the gang. You can decide where and how. He feels drawn to Michael and Isabel and he mentions it to Cal who then uncovers that they are aliens too. He likes hanging out with people who don't like him for his money etc and they don't know that Max is a model and "son" of a millionaire. Max and Liz start dating. So they all become good friends some thing goes wrong and Max gets severely hurt. So hes barely conscious but he tells them that he can't go to the hospital and reveals that hes an alien like Isabel did when she was shot on the show. He know that Michael and Isabel are aliens so he knows that they can be trusted.

The rest is up to you.

Theres no destiny, skins, or evil Tess or anything like that. I basically want this to be a story about how a small town girl falls in love with a superstar alien.
I want this to be a fluffy dreamer centered fic with some angst here and there. I left out a couple of details but I'll inform you of them later once you decide to take the challenge.
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamon »

#371 AU without Aliens Dreamer Centered Taken by ArchAngel1973!
Last edited by dreamon on Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamon »

#372 AU without Aliens Dreamer Centered
Adult rating

Theres no destiny or anything like that.

Max doesnt get adopted by the Evans instead Michael and Isabelle do. And Tess gets adopted by the Parkers. While Max gets shifted from foster home to foster home until he ends up with Hank with which he has a horrible home life with. Tess is not evil instead her and Liz are actually pretty close.

The aliens actually do keep a pact and they dont tell anyone that they are different. and there blood is almost human and the slight difference is attributed to a rare blood disorder or something. The shooting actually happens but they are smart enough to get rid of the evidence and Tess's mindwarping ability comes in handy. Liz is also dating kyle but she breaks it off with him after the shooting. Max connects with Liz like on the show and the connection bonds Max to Liz without him knowing. During the connection Liz gets a sense of Max's horrible home life and his love for her etc. But Max is like how Michael was on the show he wants to find answers and a better home etc since he has no real attachments in Roswell.

Kyle hates Max and blames him for his and Liz's break up and like on the show Max gets beat up but pretty badly hes gets knocked out cold and someone finds him in the ally and he lands in the hospital.

Also Max doesn't have a lot of control over his powers and when he does try to use them he wears himself out since really bad since he has to try twice as hard. A few days after Max gets released from the hospital Liz's grandma comes and she has the stroke etc and Max actually sneaks into the hospital and does heal her he gets flashes of her and an alien that she met but he so so weak at the time due to him recovering from his recent injuries and from the healing that hes about to pass out when Liz walks into the room and sees him so her with Tess's help get Max into a car and take him to their house since he cant go to Hank's and Liz's parents are at the hospital so its a safe place for him to recover at - Liz looks over him etc. (Liz and Max do get together due to Liz's determination how and when its up to you.)

Claudia actually helped the alien secure the pods and she knows of there little history. That they were going to another planet the ship malfunctioned and crashed and the pods where tubes that made it so the bodies could adapt to earth's environment over time and that the kids would be able to live among humans without being scientifically detected.

Since healing Claudia and later learning from her about their origins the aliens finally find closure. But Max has it worst since his hopes are crashed of finding a better home. Hes also not fully recovering from his injuries and healing instead it seems that his health is getting worse. He tries to hide but it becomes obvious. This is mainly due to him being weak and also the fact that his "bond" has not been completed and he enters a "heat ".

The rest is up to you I want this to be CC and dreamer focused with a mixture of the other couples with an Adult rating. A bit of angst is also required for the challenge.
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Michelle17 »

#373 Alien Dreamer insured-Candy

 In the story the whole group is alien. I was kinda of thinking this story could  
focus on how Max and Liz characters fell in love on Antar. I would  
love to see what Michael and Maria would have gotten together on  
Antar. I was thinking that this story could focus on living a lie. Zan  
could be Max younger or older brother. Izze can be their sister. Alex  
could be really in love with her. Maria is a strong stand alone  
character so Michael will have to work. I would this to end cc. This  
fic could be a Adult-mature fic. I would Zan to end up with Serena in  
the end. Everybody has children in the end. I don't really want to be  
easy for Max and Liz. It will take a lot for them to get together same  
with michael and Maria.

I have more ideas for the challenge taker


Special thanks too

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

Mostly M/L and K/T but the others can be thrown in if needed.
AU All Human
Any rating is fine but adult is better

At the start of this story Kyle and Liz are in long time relationship....childhood sweethearts now adults.But will happen as time has passed they and their relationship has started to drift apart.Neither one is the bad guy in the relationship it's just one of those things that happens some times.For example Kyle is big into sports Liz is not,Liz is big into art Kyle is not.It was something they could look past when they were younger but is not working for them as adults.

Hoping to get things right in their relationship Kyle spends a large sum of money(non refundable) to book a very romantic surprise vacation for him and Liz,kind of a beach/island tropical thing,walk the beach see the sunset that sort of thing.He spent big money on it,but there's only one problem,it seems the dates Kyle picked to go on is the same day Liz has something BIG going on with work and can't go.If she's a doctor she has to go to this very important conference close by,if a lawyer she has a court date...something along those lines.

So know Kyle is stuck with two tickets and reservations he can't get his money back on.Trying to be nice LIz tells him to go on the vacation anyway,she even makes the suggestion of taking Tess with him in her spot.Tess can either be....Tess Harding Kyle's best friend...Tess Harding Liz's best friend...or she can be Tess Parker Liz's sister...anyone will work.

The idea is that while on vacation Tess and Kyle hit it off,realize how much they care for each other and start a relationship.On the flip side while at her big conference(or whatever it is she's going to) Liz meets Max who is also there.They two start to hang out with one another and start to enjoy the time with each other.

Must haves

No evil Tess

Kyle seeing Tess in some skimpy bathing suit and lusting
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

AU All Human/both CC and UC
Any Rating Is Fine
Max/Liz,Liz/Zan,Kyle/Tess,Michael/Maria and Isabel/Alex

In this challenge Antar is a small country in Europe,it can be small island country or a small country on Europe.Antar is ruled by a royal family which is currently King Phillip and Queen Diana.The royal couple have three kids.....Max,Zan and Isabel.Even though they are brothers Max and Zan are complete opposites.

Max...born first and next in line for the throne.Max is the perfect Prince.All his clothing is freashly pressed,his manners are spot on,he's all spit and polish and he knows everything there is to being a prince.He is at every royal function,knows all the formal dances,all the correct manners and is the love of the country. the playboy of the royal family.Would rather fly off to some casino to gamble than show up at a royal function.Zan is either late or never even shows up at said royal functions.Instead of wearing the 'correct' royal clothing Zan wears the current 'cool' clothing from the US and Europe.Where Max is clean cut Zan has a bit longer hair,goes a bit without shaving giving him the scruffy look and may have a few tats here or there....much to his mom's dismay :lol:

Now Max and Zan get along alright.They are not the best of friends as brothers should be but there's never been that big of a problem between them.....until now.

For it seems that Jeff Parker has been named the new US Ambassador to Antar.He brings his family with him to Antar....which includes Liz.When the Royal family greets the Parkers both Max and Zan are taken with Liz.Liz is our normal Liz a very brain trust person,she comes to Antar wanting to study the country and learn it's past and see it's sights.So King Phillip offers his son's to be tour guides to Liz.And just like they are different in person both Max and Zan show LIz different sights on the island.

Max is very formal and takes Liz out during the day.He shows her landmarks and nice things like waterfalls,beaches and the sights.He takes her to meet the common folk and Liz is touched at how much Max is loved by them and how he cares for them.Max is very gentleman like and LIz has a great time.

Zan on the other hand takes Liz out at night showing her all the hot spots and clubs.He helps Liz let her hair down,to dance,to laugh and have fun.He shows her that there is more to life than books,studing and things like that.

Both men care for Liz a lot....even Zan and his tough 'I'm just a playboy' cover....and now Liz has to chose which one she wants.

I have a subplot idea for Kyle/Tess but didn't want to make it a part of the challenge.If you want to hear it let me know and I'll tell you.

Now which one does Liz pick? Max or Zan? Well I'm going to leave it up to whoever takes up the challenge to pick!


No evil Tess
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