Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 45 - Updated - 3/09/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I so agree with Serena Beth and Carrie need to go to Roswell and get Alexandra. Love the way Maria is with her kids. Thank god Jim was there when Alexandra got off the bus. Oh my gosh Alexandra loves the Crash Down. Thank god Jeff and Nancy weren't there when Jim and Alexandra walked in. So glad that Sandra Casper will be keeping an eye Alexandra with Jim's help. Wow Love the way Isabel is trying to find out what is in Tommy's head. Hopefully Beth/ Liz and Carrie will be in Roswell in the morning. Wonder who is going to see Alexandra next? And wondering what will happen when Beth/ Liz and Carrie get to Roswell.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 45 - Updated - 3/09/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Yes Alex you are so busted! Oh my what if Max walks in and Sees Alex?
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 45 - Updated - 3/09/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

Great new part! Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
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Reunion - Chapter 46 - 3/11/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

Inside the dream, Isabel was in the park no far from the warring teenagers, and she could see what was getting under Jake’s skin.... even if Jake was not yet in this part of the dream...

Grace is lying,” Tommy snarled at Elizabeth with a sickening look on his face.

“Whatever that night, happened because she wanted it to happen” he taunted, and Elizabeth could smack him, or blast him with her considerable powers and she really had to keep her level of balance in preventing herself from lashing out.

“She was drunk,” Elizabeth said.

“Not drunk enough, and how would you know you weren’t even there, so you are a very unreliable witness.” Tommy smiled. “Mommy and Daddy didn’t let you go to the party, I remember hearing.”

“It doesn’t mean I don’t know what you did to her,” Elizabeth snarled.

“You can’t prove it,” Tommy taunted.

“She can,” Elizabeth muttered.

“No, she can’t,” Tommy taunted again.

“She was pregnant you dumbass,” Elizabeth blurted out not being able to hold it any longer.

“Asshole,” Isabel muttered as Jake now came into the dreamscape.

You can’t prove it was mine,” they overheard and both Grace and Jake looked at each other and their expressions turned to alarm as they quickened their step and soon was upon the quickly turned confrontation between Elizabeth and Tommy Ellis but were still hidden behind a bush.

“She can,” Elizabeth said not realizing they had been joined.

“Given she probably slept with Guerin, how would she know it is even mine. She’s a slut,” Tommy slammed.

“Don’t call her that,” Elizabeth threatened, and Grace had to pull on Jake’s arm to keep him from attacking. She knew this was escalating to the unprecedented attack and she was trying in vain from having that happen.”

“Why not, I hear she’s out with another guy tonight. After what she did with me, and she’s been leading on Guerin for months. If she was even pregnant then there is no proof that it was even mine. And what was that trip she was on, and then sick leave from school. Did Guerin take her out of state to get rid of it?”

“Take that back,” Elizabeth snarled.

“I won’t because it’s probably the truth,” Ellis smiled. “She’s a slut and whore.”

“What did you say,” Jake asked as he broke away from Grace’s hold of his arm and stampeded towards Tommy and Elizabeth. “Get away from my sister,” he said to the duo. “Elizabeth, get away from him.”

“Be careful Jake,” Elizabeth warned as she stepped away, closer to Grace who she realized had arrived on the scene. “He’s a loser, he’s not important enough to wreck your future.”

“It’s a free park Guerin,” Tommy snarled. “So, Grace is moving onto a new guy already, so Rhodes wasn’t good enough for you, huh or you’re going for a second guy in one night.”

“You’re an idiot Tommy,” Grace sighed as she could the murderous glare in Jake’s eyes and knew they were headed for trouble.

“Elizabeth tells me you were pregnant, so you got rid of it on that little trip you went on with Guerin, huh?” he said as he continued to try to provoke Jake and even Grace, but he knew the buttons to push to get to Jake and, so he went for it.

“Give it a rest Ellis,” Grace sighed.

“So, I wasn’t the father, or was it Jake or maybe Dominic?” Tommy snarled.

“I was pregnant, but I lost it and of course you were the one. You were the only one, and you know it.” Grace muttered softly. “And it’s none of your business whatever I did on my recent hiatus from school.”

“It is.... if it was my baby,” Tommy smiled a sick smirk that truly revolted Grace and she had to wonder why she ever had fallen for his moves.

“Look we’re over Tommy,” Grace sighed. “It was a mistake. A one night I’ll always regret and let us leave anything to do with that night in the past,” she said. “It is over.” She muttered and thought of the baby she still didn’t know how to think about, and its departure from her life before she could even deal with it.

“It’s over when I say it’s over,” Tommy said.

“Get out of here,” Jake threatened.

“What are you going to do?” Tommy asked. “So, Grace, are you going to let your latest boy toy fight your battles for you or are you going to lie down and take it like you did it that night!”

Isabel watched the fight with jaw dropping and the urge to blast Tommy with her mighty powers but knew she couldn’t if not for the fact she was in the dream, but for she knew the result... chaos so she continued to watch...

“Take that back,” Jake said.

“Jake, don’t!” Grace warned, and Elizabeth tried to come and to ward off her brother, but it was too late.

“You think we’ll stand here and have Grace take your abuse after what you did to her on New Year’s Eve,” Jake started.

“Guerin, you won’t do anything,” Tommy said confidently.

“You’re wrong about that,” Jake said as he stepped forward and decked Tommy with a huge punch which elicited shouts from the girls ‘Jake!” before Tommy who staggered back at the weight of the punch came back at Jake with his own punch and before long the guys were at each other throats, hitting and punching each other and the girls weren’t strong enough to stop them without bringing their significant alien power into play.

“Oh, god Jake,” both Grace and Elizabeth screamed and tried to get in the middle of the fight, but was becoming too much of a brawl.... both were bleeding from the punch, the hitting on the ground. “Stop it,” Grace cried...

Jake tried to heed the advice of the two women in his life, but as he stopped he found himself pulled back into the fight.

“Damn it Jake, stop it.” Elizabeth demanded of her brother.

“Jake!” Grace cried. “Tommy is not worth it!”

“Oh, it’s worth it,” Jake shouted as he continued to fight Tommy and finally gaining an edge in the situation. “Given what he did to you.”

“Let me deal with it,” Grace cried. “It happened to me. He’s not worth losing your future.”

“He hurt you, he he....” Jake tries saying but couldn’t get out the words. “He changed a lot for you and I am not ready to let him walk for it,” he muttered.

“He’s an idiot,” Elizabeth smirked. “Leave him...” she tried her own way to get her brother to lay off, but the fight was continuing and progressing before Grace decided to take matters into her own hands...

Taking a step back, she raised her hand towards the tree branch above them, ready to take drastic measures to stop this once and for all and then just as she was about to do the worst, just heard a shriek from Elizabeth who looked over at Grace with stricken eyes. “No,” she cried, and Grace took a look and saw Tommy with a gun in his hand and pointed right at Jake.

“You’re the loser Guerin,” Tommy shouted. “You hit me again, you die.”

“No,” Grace yelled as she was too far gone to stop her plan but hoping it wouldn’t do as much damage as it would unleash when the branch she hit with her power fell knocking both Tommy to the ground but in the way, it fell the branch knocked the gun and it went off and Jake also hit the ground and both boys were unconscious.

“Jake!” Elizabeth and Grace screamed as they rushed the unconscious boys

“Oh god,” Isabel said as she came out of the dreamscape and looked at the comatose teenager. “You’re extremely lucky you’re only unconscious,” she muttered as she looked at the time and saw that her meeting was starting in twenty minutes, so she needed get out of this room, and she did....


After a bite to eat Alexandra found herself back at the police station bored with being forced to be there as the Sheriff was obviously afraid she would make a run for it and upset the delicate fact that Max and Grace didn’t know what everyone else in the pod squad was coming to terms with and now the teenager was forced to sit and watch the criminals come and go into the Sheriff’s office.

And because the Sheriff’s drafted babysitter had other duties to undertake, she was forced to sit and wait as well...

“So, do you know how to type?” Jim asked as he saw her sitting in the corner.

“Yeah,” Alexandra said.

“Take phone calls, patch calls?” Jim asked.

“I can learn,” Alexandra confirmed.

“Good because I have something for you to do. Deputy Peterson has an appointment to attend to, and I could use your help taking up some the slack. I figure you could do something while I keep an eye on you.”

“So, I don’t go off searching?” Alexandra asked. “I am sorry your wife couldn’t meet you for your lunch.”

“She was meeting her daughter and grandson,” Jim commented of the last minute cancellation of his date with his wife after Amy found out that her daughter had gotten back, she rushed off to check in on Maria and Jake and Jim was left on his own but not that much on his own given that he did have Alexandra as a tag along which he was sorta glad to not have to explain to his wife, and to deal Amy one more obstacle to the complicated tale that kept unfolding with such acceleration after fourteen years of silence.

“Oh,” Alexandra said. “So, what do you want me to do?”


“Mom you didn’t have to track me down,” Maria was saying as she sat outside of the appointment with Jake. Jake was being examined, and felt he didn’t need his mother by his side and given his age she couldn’t blame him, so she sat out and prayed that the injury wasn’t more serious than it appeared. Elizabeth and Max had been able to heal the head injury, but the leg one was that was hampering him

“It’s just I feel like I am responsible as I was such a bad guardian. I should have kept them at the house last night.”

“Mom,” Maria sighed. “Your place is too small for Elizabeth and Jake as well as Colin and Liam, and second, even if I was home or Michael, we could not have prevented last night from happening, okay, maybe it would have been delayed a tad, but it was destined to happen.”

“I should have been on them more,” Amy insisted.

“Mom,” Maria smiled. “It’s not your fault, it’s more mine for leaving them in the first place. I created their ability to be out on their own without accountability, and really, it was all pretty innocent until it wasn’t... Jake is eighteen and we can’t control him, and Elizabeth has a lot of abilities that can keep her safe, but not as safe as we like.”

“Still,” Amy muttered.

“Mom, just count your lucky stars that Jake was able to make it to this office on his own volition and he is lucky to have the family he does that can help him. At most he’s going to walk out of here with crutches, it could be very different. He could be you know, that other guy.”

“I know,” Amy nodded as they sat and waited when the door opened, and the doctor came out and motioned Maria and Amy to join them.

“What is it?” Maria asked as they walked in.

“A bad break,” Dr. Anna Jacobs said. “I am amazed he was able to be able to walk in here quite frankly.”

“What does that mean?” Maria asked as she looked at her son and her mother.

“Well he’s going to need a cast, and crutches,” Dr. Jacobs confirmed to the concerned family.

“I figured as much,” Jake muttered.

“But the break was a pretty bad one as I said and it’s almost like it was shattered by something and therefore I am recommending that he has it operated on to be able to have it healed completely...”

“No way,” Jake said adamantly because knowledge that he would be in the hospital would only bring on more pain for Grace. “Can’t it be corrected by the cast, and crutches to keep me off it for awhile?”

“I am shocked you’re able to walk at all,” Dr. Jacobs admitted. “To be honest with you, I have no idea how you did it,” she asked, and Jake muttered Uncle Max helped speed up my ability to walk despite not healing the actual injury. The bone in your leg needs to be surgically mended with screws likely, and then a cast and crutches can help you in your recovery.”

“When can it be done?” Maria asked as she was not prepared for the severity of the injury and knew she had to keep her son quiet before he said something they would regret.... “No Jake, no more comment from you. If your leg needs to be worked on, it has to be done...”

“Because you didn’t go the hospital, I’ll have to call to schedule it and the hospital is always stacked with more important cases with high priority, hopefully by the end of the week, but maybe not until Monday.”

“Which means?” Jake asked as he glared at his mother.

“Off school, bed rest to try to keep the pressure off the leg. Only the minimum movement and you’ll have crutches to help.”

“Do I get the cast?” Jake asked.

“Yes,” Dr. Jacobs said. “When the surgery does happen, we’ll probably have to break it again, but it needs to heal in the meantime.”

“Great,” Jake said but not feeling so joyous even if meant he got off school, but he could just feel guilt for Grace.

“I need the prepare the other room to start with the cast as that is where they are and therefore I’ll leave you guys to talk” she said before vanishing to the other room to set up.

“This is a pain,” Jake muttered.

“You should have thought about this before you engaged in that fight,” Maria warned her son.

“I don’t regret that as I had to do it for Grace’s sake given all he was saying about her, and what he did to her in the first place, but this is only going to add to her guilt around the incident.”

“At least it could worse,” Maria reminded her son.

“Maybe you should get Max to help him?” Amy asked her daughter.

“Too late as the injury is recorded in the files,” Maria pointed it out and really, I don’t think we should be calling on Max unless it’s something more serious. At least the doctor didn’t suspect what really caused the broken bone.”

“I know,” Jake said thinking back to the night before and the gun, and alien powers that preceded it and what else happened in the aftermath. “At least you can’t ground me if I am not at school.”


Back in Madison, Beth was returning home from making plans to go find her wayward daughter before her one daughter she knew the whereabouts of came home from school when she saw that there was a message on the machine...

“Mom, this is Alexandra. I am sorry if I worried you but know I am perfectly safe and I love you and Carrie, but I needed this.... hey, watch it, Beth, you don’t know me or maybe you do but you’ve forgotten our connection, but this is the Sheriff here in Roswell, New Mexico. My name is James Valenti, Jr. You know my son Kyle. As you can tell we found your daughter.... she’s safe. And we’ll make arrangements for her to stay that way until we are made aware of what you want to be done with her... you can reach me at this number...” Beth stopped the tape and sighed a big sigh of relief that she at least her daughter was safe.”

“Mom,” came a voice.

“Carrie,” Beth turned around and went to her daughter who was standing at the door.

“Did I just hear Alex’s voice?”

“Yes,” Beth confirmed for her daughter. “She’s been found in Roswell...”

“Wow,” Carrie smiled. “What’s going to happen now and please don’t tell me you’re going after her, and leaving me back here with Aunt Serena and Keith.”

“I am going....” Beth started.

“Mom, please No....” Carrie cried.

If you would let me finish what I was going to tell you than I would let you know you`re coming with me,” Beth confirmed to the teenager.


“Look honey I don’t know what will happen when we get there, but right now all I want is to find your sister and anything else is gravy okay, so please don’t get your hopes up that this trip will be anything other than picking up you sister. Okay?”

“No fair,” Carrie grumbled but conceded to her mother. “Fine!”

“Good. We’re leaving first thing in the morning, so I want you to go up and pack enough clothes for up to a week,” she smiled. “I have called your school and gotten you an extension on any papers or tests that are done before you’re back, but I want you to be taking any school work that needs to be concluded that you know about. This won’t just be some free vacation from school.”

Carrie grumbled all the way upstairs.

“Oh god,” Beth said. “Am I ready for this?” she asked herself.


“So, I called,” Alexandra asked as she sat in Sheriff Department. “What do you want me to do now?”

“You can type this for me,” Jim smiled as she handed the teen one of his cases he needed typed up. “Here is one that can be used as an example.”

“Thanks,” Alexandra smiled as she got to work. It was at least something to do. She wasn’t getting to what she wanted to do, which was find her father and older sister. Or learn about her mother’s past but this would do for the moment.


“It was just vile Max, the things that were in that boy’s head of the fight with Jake, Grace and Elizabeth. After her meeting, and checking in on the kids, she saw that her brother was back at the office for a few hours and, so she checked in on her brother. “I don’t blame Jake for doing what he did.”

“Or Grace?” Max asked as he looked up from his desk.

“It was the only way she could stop it from getting going even worse for all involved. She had enough self control to prevent from using even more of her gifts to stop, and given the circumstances, it was the only way to stop the fighting.”

“And how are we supposed to say that to a court?” Max asked.

“Let’s pray it doesn’t get that far,” Isabel smiled.

“So, are the Ellis family still as disinterested in their son as ever?” Max asked as it was famous in the legal corridors and elsewhere that the Ellis parents barely showed any interest in their only son, and Tommy was acting out due to that disinterest and it was colliding to horrifying events which to Grace, already consequential events had changed the course of her own life.

“They aren’t at the hospital, or at least when I was there.

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” Max muttered as he looked down at one of his cases on his desk and then looked at Isabel. “I heard from Maria before you got here, Jake needs surgery.”

“Surgery?” Isabel asked, shocked.

“Yeah, it was a bad leg break. They need to reattach it with likely some screws, and he can’t move for the time being until they can schedule the surgery.

“Damn, Grace is going to be horrified!”

“I know,” Max sighed as Grace looked from behind the door at her father and aunt with the words she overheard in horror, with tears coming down her face, she ran.


Grace had yet another blank slot on her afternoon time table and she had decided to go visit her father to see what her dad may know about Jake and she had arrived to hear her father and Aunt talking and she stayed behind the door so not to disturb them while talking and knew they were likely talking about her so she kept an eye on the talk but then her ears felt like they were burning when she heard about Jake, and she peeped in and heard the fateful words and she ran from the office.


“This place is small,” Alexandra said as she came in from a brief 10-minute break that Jim had counted from his desk. “I thought Madison was small, but this place seems smaller.”

“It has its charm and it’s actually not that small,” Jim said. “You’ve done a very good job Alexandra. For a thirteen year, old, you seem very professional.”

“I have always enjoyed school. I like the knowledge that comes with it.”

“You sound like someone else I once knew,” Jim remarked.

“Whom?” Alexandra asked.

“Your mother,” Jim commented as Alexandra seemed like a mini Liz down to her core. From what he could recall was that Liz had been very much into school, and was the complete opposite of his son which was probably why they didn’t work out and of course Liz also had met Max at the same time, but something about his son and Liz never rang like they were meant to be.

“Really?” Alexandra asked. “You knew my mother.”

“If she’s the woman we’re all thinking she is, yes, she used to live here, and you probably know she knew my son and well she knows how to make an impression. It was a great loss to have lost her.”

“When you guys believed, she had died,” Alexandra asked.

“Yes,” Jim said. “It was a very complicated situation, and if you really are who you are believed to be than let us say you have a large and wonderful family, and plenty of friends of the family.”

“I want to meet them,” Alexandra asked in awe of the mere thought she might have a larger family than just her mother, Carrie and herself.

“You will,” Jim smiled.

“But isn’t it time that they know that my mother is alive, and that my sister and I are also in the picture?” Alexandra asked.

“It will come to that,” Jim promised. “You just need to wait...”

“Then when? Alexandra asked. “And what do I have to wait for....”

“I know you’ve been waiting a long time, but this is a matter that requires a lot of patience and careful steps. A lot of lives are at stake.”

“Yeah, mine,” Alexandra muttered.

“But others, too...” Jim reminded the teenager.

“But if Max Evans if my father and if his daughter Grace is my older sister than don’t I deserve to know them, and them to know me or my sister.” Alexandra asked.

“What in the hell did you say,” came a shriek and Jim and Alexandra twisted in quick unison to see the voice, and Jim grimaced when he realized who it was....

Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 46 - Updated - 3/11/2018

Post by roswell4life »

YESSSSS!!!!! : :shock: :shock: Poor Grace is getting one shock after another today!!! So excited that she is the one to over hear that last part!!!! Can not wait to see how this unfolds!!! :D
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 46 - Updated - 3/11/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Oh my god Grace knows. That was a hell of a.way to find out. I guess Jim is going to have to start checking his car. Thank God Beth and Carrie are going to Roswell to get Alexandra. Please please please please come back with more really really really really soon.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 46 - Updated - 3/11/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Grace it seems your mom is alive with no memory of you.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 46 - Updated - 3/11/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Thank goodness Grace over heard Jim's comment!
Wish I could see Alex working in Jim's office.......she's in the perfect place to find out lots of information.
Lucky Jake, he will have to have surgery but just think what shape his leg would have been in without some special help.
Isabel knows all about Grace and Tommy now......that's good, and it's time to share with Max.
I'm with Alex's comment........"wait for what"......but Grace has now taken things into her own hands.
Please hurry back, Carolyn
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 46 - Updated - 3/11/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I don't think that Jim is going to be able to hide Alexandra from her sister or father now. Now Beth/Liz and Carrie need to get to Roswell.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 46 - Updated - 3/11/2018

Post by begonia9508 »

Another great part which brought us near the final truth, even if not so sure about what will happens in Roswell!
It will be a devastating experience, for Max, Liz and Family... for all the time they have lost... which will never come back!

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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