Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Epilogue - Complete 3/8/2019

This is the place to post all your General Roswell fanfiction. Any Canon fics, which pick up directly from any episode of the show and that focus on Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex or Isabel/Jesse, Kyle/Tess, or all the couples together! Rule of Thumb: If Max healed Liz in the Crashdown in September 1999, then your fic belongs here. If it picks up from the show in any way, it belongs here.

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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 35 2/20/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Thirty-Five

“Could we say that her father has arranged for her to start school at his new location or he decided to send her to boarding school. I’m sure that between Alex’s internet abilities that could be accomplished.” Maria proposed.

“We can say her father decide she needed to go to an all-girls school on the east coast. She was working as a high-priced call girl.” Isabel added to the cover story.

“We can plan to meet at the old Harding house at noon. We will see everyone in Roswell tomorrow.” Max was trying hard to get everyone to leave.

“Are you and Zan planning on staying in Roswell?” Isabel asked Ava and Zan.

“We were living in an abandoned subway tunnel in New York. Anything would be better than returning to that life.” Ava replied.

“How are we going to explain two of Liz and Max running around Roswell?” Alex asked the assembled group.

“Isabel, I think it is time to tell our parents the truth. They could have been in danger with Lonnie running around Roswell. At any time, one of our enemies could come knocking on their door. I think we put them in more danger now than if they don’t know. Also, Liz wants the truth from her parents. How can she expect the truth from her parents if she is not willing to tell them the truth herself?”

“Max, I think this is a wise decision. I didn’t think your parents, especially Jeff Parker was not going to accept your bonding so easily. No father is ready for his daughter to find her husband especially at seventeen. I will be there if you want me when you tell them the truth. That goes for you as well Michael. You can’t tell the other parents without including Amy DeLuca.”

“Sheriff, do you think you have an extra bullet proof vest I can borrow when I tell Ms. DeLuca?” Michael tried to joke but Maria slapped him up the side of his head.

“She’s not that bad. Besides she is more likely to believe us than the other parents. She is very open minded about things, except for teen pregnancy.” Maria defended her mother.

“It is getting late. Kyle and I need to head back to town so we can be at the hospital when visiting hours start in the morning. Does anybody need a ride back to town?”

“I think I would like to go back to town. I have a room at the Tumbleweed Inn. I have to be checked out before 11 am.” By looking at all the auras Serena knew that most of those present were couples.

“We can stop by and pick you up.” Liz offered.

“If Serena doesn’t mind, I would be happy to pick her up.” Kyle offered.

“That would be great.” She liked Kyle’s aura she knew he was a good person.

“We have Tess’ SUV if we need it Sheriff. Hope your father has a speedy recovery.” Isabel called out.

“Thanks Isabel, we will see you tomorrow at noon.”

“If you guys are staying, I guess there is the matter of sleeping arrangements. Liz and I are taking the Master bedroom, Zan and Ava can have my room. There is a sleeper sofa in the living room and two reclining chairs.”

“Bummer, I was hoping us girls to have a slumber party.” Maria pouted.

“Maria, some other time soon. The last two days of have been the longest of my life. I just need some rest.” Liz tried to assure her friend.

“Ava and Zan can have my room. The bed is bigger. Maria and I can use your bunk beds. Come on roomie let’s get some sleep. Who knows what interesting things we will find at the Harding house? We can come up with a really good rumor for Tess.” Isabel knew her brother and Liz wanted to be alone.

Soon everyone found themselves in asleep. Maria and Isabel slept in Max’s room. Michael and Alex crashed in the living room recliners.

<Master bedroom>
“Are you really that tired or were you just letting Maria down easy?”

“This is the last night we get to spend without sneaking around behind our parent’s backs. I can eat ice cream and talk about you any night. I need my husband tonight.”

“Good because I need my wife tonight.”

“Did I tell you how much I like this look on you? This is a great look for you. It was a hard three days having Future Max with me.”

“So, you don’t want be change my appearance back yet? You had a thing for my future self.”

“I love you, Max Evans, present or future versions. Why don’t you let me show you how much?”

Within minutes, they had shed their clothes and showing each other how much they loved each other.

<Isabel’s Room>
Meanwhile, Ava and Zan were having a similar conversation.

“How are you feeling, Ava?”

“I’m better now that I have you back. I didn’t really have time to cope with your loss. I was focused on helping Max. If I didn’t have that to focus on, I think I wouldn’t have survived without you.”

“You’re not too tired?”

“No, honey, we need to celebrate our baby. I need to you. I can sleep tomorrow.”
“Well, never say I don’t listen to my wife.”

Zan waved his hands on each of the walls to and sound proofing. Nothing was going to interrupt them tonight. They needed each other. The leather pants and cat suit were quickly shed and they shared their love through the night.
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 35 2/20/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

It is time to tell the parents everything.
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 35 2/20/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Loved Michael's comment about a bullet proof vest when he tells Amy the truth.
Ava and Zan will be celebrating their baby........
What an interesting time it will be telling the parents.....
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 36 2/22/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Thirty-Six

<Evans Cabin>

It had been a peaceful night’s sleep for all the residents of the Evans cabin. Liz was the first to awaken. She snuggled closer to Max and was hit with a premonition. She could see his parents at the cabin. “Max, honey we need to get up.”

“Good morning, honey. Don’t I get a good morning kiss?”

Liz gave Max a good morning kiss but didn’t let herself get carried away.

“Your parents are on their way to the cabin. I really don’t think them finding their son naked in their bed with his naked girlfriend would make a good impression.”

“Damn, I was hoping that we could have some alone time this morning. Last night was great but I love starting my day making love to my beautiful wife. Do you know how long we have before they arrive?”

“Max, I’m new at this. I have no clue. Come on you need to get your clothes on and loose the long hair and facial hair.”

“We need to get the others moving as well. I might be telling my parents now rather later.”

“I know you are worried about telling them, but I just know that your parents are going to except you. It’s a not premonition but a gut feel.”

Max gave Liz a quick kiss. “Thanks, I need to hear that. This is something that I have struggled with as long as I can remember. I want my parents to accept me for what I am.”

Max and Liz quickly got dresses and went downstairs to wake the others.

“Michael, you need to get up.”

“What the hell, Maxwell. What is the rush? We are not meeting until noon.”

“My parents are on their way to the cabin. Liz had a vision.”

Michael tossed a pillow at Alex. “Alex, get a move on. We need to get moving. The parents are on the way.”

“Damn, I was just to the best part of the dream.”

“I don’t want to hear about your sex dream about Isabel.”

Liz went to wake Isabel and Maria. Maria was not a morning person. Why did she volunteer to get the ladies up?

“Rise and shine ladies. We need to get up and get moving.”

“But mom why can’t I sleep 5 more minutes.” Maria plead.

“We have parents arriving any minute now. Get a move on.”

“This better be good Liz. You interrupted a great dream.” Isabel complained.

“Your parents are coming to the cabin, Isabel. I don’t know how long it will be before they arrive.”

“I want to tell them the truth, but I thought I would have a little time to prepare myself.”

“Isabel, like I told Max I think it will be okay. It’s a gut feeling that I have. I think you parents are going to except you for who you are. If we all hurry up, we can get out of here and have the discussion later, when you are more prepared.”

Max knocked on the door. “Zan, Ava, it’s time to get up.”

“What the hell, Max. Ava needs her rest.” Zan knew very well why Ava needed to sleep in. Neither could get enough of the other the previous night. They had to make up for their days apart.

“Liz had a vision of my parents coming to the cabin. Unless you are ready to meet them you both need to get moving.”

<A few miles from the Cabin>

“Thank you for thinking of this Phillip. I’m looking forward to a little quiet time. It’s not as if the kids need us. Sometimes I think they are distancing themselves more than ever.”

“I know. I try to talk to Max, but he really will not tell me what happen to him over the summer. And Isabel. Why did she think she could date an older man and I would approve? He had to be at least ten years older than her. I could see a ten-year difference when she is twenty-five but at seventeen it is a different.”

“I know dear. She is mature for her age but not mature enough to date a man that age. Let’s not talk about the kids. We can just enjoy ourselves this weekend.”

“It may not be that quiet of a weekend after all. It looks like our kids decided to have a party. I’m going to love to see how Max and Isabel explain this away.”
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 36 2/22/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Oh this is going to be good.
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 36 2/22/2019

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Roswelllostcause wrote:Oh this is going to be good.
Agree with Roswelllostcause. Hope Max and the others can explain it. Hope Philip and Diane believe Max, Liz and others.

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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 36 2/22/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Wonder what the Evans found when they arrived at the cabin??
Hope everyone got up and dressed.
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 36 2/22/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Quite the unique story. I have enjoyed it so far, and can't wait for more...
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 37 2/24/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Thirty-Seven

<Evans Cabin>

Isabel hear the car pull up to the cabin. She was on the way to the door to great her parents. Phillip Evans didn’t bother knocking. It was his cabin after all.

“Good morning Isabel, care to explain.”

“Mom, Dad. I didn’t know you were coming to the cabin this weekend.” Phillip was taking in the appearance of the cabin. He was looking for the signs of a high school party. Good, it didn’t look like any alcohol or pot was present. He also didn’t see any signs of couples still sleeping together. Michael Guerin, Maria DeLuca, Liz Parker and Alex Whitman were present.

“Is your brother here as well? Just as he said it, he thought he saw double. There was Max and another that looked like Max with stubble and long hair coming into the living room.

“Max, Isabel, we don’t care if you come to the cabin. You just need to let us know.” Diane was lecturing when she also noticed what had caught Phillip’s eye. A twin of her son.

Phillip finally found his voice. “Who is this Max?”

“Mom and Dad. This is my brother Zan. There is an explanation, but it will take a while. Have a seat and we will tell you everything we know. There is coffee already made would you like a cup?”

“That would be nice honey.” His mother replied.

After her bout of morning sickness, Ava emerged from the bathroom and joined the others in the living room. “Mr. and Mrs. Evans, this is my sister Ava.” Liz introduced Ava.

“There is no easy way to say this but Liz, Isabel, Michael, Ava, Zan and I are not from earth. There was a conflict on our home planet. The original King Zan and his queen Ava were killed along with his sister Princess Violandra and his second Rath. There essence was mixed with human DNA to create us. We were in the 1947 crash.”

“Max, I thought you were going to tell the truth, not some science fiction story.”

“Dad, Max is telling you the truth.”

“You’re seventeen. The crash was in 1947.”

“Dad, we can explain it you will just stop being a lawyer for a few moments and listen to us.” A frustrated Isabel pleaded.

“We were in incubation pods. Michael, Isabel and I emerged from our pods on the day you found us out in the desert. Liz’s pod had been damaged. We still don’t know all the details, but life with the Parkers is all she remembers. Liz grew up believing she was human. Ava and Zan were in a different group of pods in New York City. Their Michael and Isabel were working for our enemies and are no longer on Earth. We knew we were different. We all can manipulate molecular structures. I can heal. Michael has a killer blast and Isabel can get into people’s dreams. We knew no one could find out or we would become nothing more than lab rats. We made a pact to tell no one. I didn’t think you could accept us as your children if you knew the truth. Isabel always wanted to tell you. After our enemies found us, we didn’t think it would be safe for you to know.”

“Max, how could you ever think that. You have been my kids from the moment I found you on the road. You will be my kids until the day I die.” Diane got out of her seat and hugged Max first then Isabel.

“Daddy, how do you feel?” A tear-eyed Isabel asked her father.

“I’m sorry for not believing you earlier. You are my children nothing going to change that.” Phillip joined his wife with his children.

“That all changed the day Liz was shot at the Crashdown. I had to heal her. I have been drawn to her from the first day of school. I didn’t care about the consequences. I healed her in public. That let Liz in our secret. It wasn't long before Maria knew. A few months later Alex found out. It got the wrong people interested in me. I did heal that bird, Mom. I did use my abilities to put out the grease fire in the kitchen. The FBI has a special unit that hunts aliens. It also let some of our enemies from the home world know where we were.”

Liz knew the next part of the story would be difficult for Max. She decided to take it from here.

“Because your son was willing to heal me, he paid the price. The FBI captured him thanks to help from one of our enemies. They tortured him for information that he just didn’t have. Isabel, Michael, Tess, Nasado, Sheriff Valenti and me were able to free him. Tess and Nasado were not our true friends. They claimed that Tess was his former queen. I thought I was human so I couldn’t stop Max from helping his people and being reunited with his queen.”

“Those were the reasons for my nightmares this summer, the torture from the FBI and losing Liz. Until Ava showed up in town, I thought I would never get Liz back.”

“When Max met me, he realized that Liz was his true mate. He took me and Liz out of town to this cabin to protect us from Tess. I also knew that Rath and Lonnie, Michael’s and Isabel’s doubles, were coming for Max to take him to New York for a peace summit. Zan refused to go to the summit so they tried to kill him which I thought they succeeded. After Max and Liz worked out some of there misunderstandings, I performed their bonding ceremony Thursday night. By the laws and traditions of Antar, they are together until death. This allowed them both to access their memories of Antar and Liz to access her powers. Max’s powers also increased with the bonding. We would be strong enough to face our enemies.”

“So, you are telling us that our son and Liz are married now.” Diane asked.
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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 37 2/24/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Well so far everything is going well. But I can't see it going this well with Amy.
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