On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 65 - Completed: 12/18/2019

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On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 65 - Completed: 12/18/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Title: On the Razor’s Edge
Author: Parker1947
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. They were created once upon a time by Jason Katims and those associated with the writing staff of Roswell and before them it was the esteem creator of the Roswell High series by Melinda Metz book that captured all our attentions for coming on 20 years and more… This series of stories are based on the television show that started in 1999 and ended in 2002. I am just borrowing them for my own fun and imagination.
Rating: Mature
Category: CC
Characters: ALL
Couples: Max/Liz, M/M, I/K
Synopsis: Continuing the drama from “Reunion” http://roswellfanatics.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=156493 A continuation of the story that came from “Reunion”. Max and Liz or the people they are currently are forced to figure out where to go from here, and if it’s together. And within the newest generation, they are forced to confront feelings and the prospect of growing up in a world completely different from their parents and can they prevent themselves from getting drawn into similar battles that tested their own parents or and will they even have the chance to choose before forces take it into their own hands to make their parents pay for the sins they believe that have been committed by using their children? Can they stop them, or will the damage be too great and lasting?
WARNING: This is a mature story but there are very violent scenes later in the story that contains very angsty scenes and scenes of intense violence towards someone under the age of 18. So, beware… it won’t be for the faint of heart as it might be graphic, but any other depiction of violence is largely implied, and the story led me there... as it supposed to show how everything is falling apart and how all branches of our squad is under attack by a threat they didn’t see coming but should have seen coming and in the process creating immense chaos and damage.

This will be a trilogy as the story had too many pieces to finish here, and so it will continue, so watch out because it spiraled into ways, I didn’t see coming…


How to Find Your Father
by Alexandra and Caroline Evans

We found our father. Turns out he was there in plain view, just on the other side of the country. See the birth of my sister and I were a surprise to our mother, only because five months before our births on Halloween, 2008 our mother was a victim of a brutal car crash that left her without her memory. She didn't know how she came to be here in New Haven, but she woke up in the hospital after a two-month coma without any knowledge of who she was and then to topped it off, she found out she was pregnant with my sister and me. Life began again for our mother who didn't even know her name.

She took the name Beth Evans, and it turns out she didn't even know how right she was because nearly fourteen years later she found out that she came from somewhere. And that somewhere was Roswell, New Mexico. And the name she was given at birth was Elizabeth Parker. She lived and was loved within city limits until the night of June 25, 2008 when she was a victim of car crash so brutal, that she was believed to have died.

Five days later, she was lifted barely conscious from a car on the other side of the country, on the outskirts of New Haven, Connecticut. How she got there is still open to be discovered but she did. And in the hospital, she laid. Unable to tell her identity because when she woke up, she had no clue who she was. She couldn’t tell them that she was married at age 18 to Maxwell Evans of Roswell, New Mexico or had a two-year-old daughter, Grace Maria Evans. Or that she was the daughter of Jeff and Nancy Parker who were left in the belief their only child was dead and the girl they had buried was not their daughter.

Or that she was truly loved by close friends, Maria Deluca Guerin and her family or at the age of seventeen she lost a faithful friend in Alexander Whitman. Or that even Kyle Valenti who she dated for a brief time in high school and remained a close friend before she found her true love, her husband, Max who was left a widow at 25, with a two-year-old to raise and the need to figure out how go on with life once he lost his true love.

Life went on. Max Evans became a successful attorney in town as he raised his little girl Grace who succeeded academically as she has just turned sixteen years old. Our mother did what only she could do and move on with her life as she was released from the hospital with us babies. She took on the name Beth, legally even though she didn't know how true to life that identity truly was. She began her education again and certified to be a doctor once again because she couldn't remember that in her life as Liz Parker Evans, she was already a doctor. or she was training to be one.

Our mother didn't have any memory, for the briefest flashes but she went on with life, but this project is what started to bring questions to the surface. And ultimately, they led to the discovery of a lifetime that we have a father. Max Evans of Roswell, New Mexico is our father. We have a history. We have family in our father, our older sister. Our grandparents on both sides in Jeff and Nancy Parker, and Phillip and Diane Evans. We have an aunt in Isabel Evans Valenti, cousins; Kylie, Michelle and Jamie and honorary family in Maria Deluca Guerin, her husband Michael and their kids, Jake, Elizabeth, Colin, Liam and Belle.

We are only in the beginning stages of our discoveries, but it's been a whirlwind because only a month ago did, we find this out on a trip to Roswell. Our mother still has a lot of work to do and whether she can truly get back to the life she left nearly fourteen years ago, but we as a family plan to try.

Try is all you can do.
"Wow," said Carrie as she read from her copy of what her sister had been typing in her bedroom back in their home in Madison, Connecticut. "You are really capturing it sis," she smiled. "More so than I could ever do."

"You are working on the tree?" Alexandra asked as she worked on the report they had to submit for their project. They had only been home twenty-four hours and had a pile of work to submit to school for final grades, so they could finish the year. They had stayed in Roswell much longer than their mother had planned or they had planned and now they were home and trying to deal with the emotions of the life they left in Roswell and all they didn't know yet.

"I am trying," Alexandra acknowledged. "We have school tomorrow."

"I know," Carrie muttered. "I liked our freedom in Roswell."

"That freedom was only going to last ever so long," Alexandra said as she looked over the text that she wrote on her desktop and saved it. "Is Aunt Serena downstairs?"

"She arrived a few minutes ago," Carrie murmured as she snacked on a piece of celery from the kitchen. "I am almost finished on the tree, I should have it ready for you to check over in a half hour."

"I am working on my Roswell story," Alexandra said as she thought of the research project she had to work on, and was just days away from being due thanks to an extension that she was granted due to the exceptional circumstances, but Alexandra didn't want to waste too much time on it given she had something special for the project.

"It's not every day you have a personal interview with the author of your favorite series, something personal you can use. I should check with my partner to see how much he did and was he able to pass in the part of the report I did while we were in Roswell.

"Callie was waiting for me, because of the circumstances of where we were... and our topic."

"Lucky you," Carrie murmured.

"I know," Alexandra smiled as downstairs Beth was filling in the latest for Serena. Serena had been at a medical conference when they had gotten home and therefore, she only had just gotten home herself and came right over when she heard that Beth had finally returned.

"Unbelievable," Serena breathed as Beth filled her friend in. "Do I even call you Beth anymore, or are you Liz Evans?"
Last edited by Parker1947 on Thu May 21, 2020 8:03 pm, edited 70 times in total.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - PROLOGUE - 06/10/2019

Post by L-J-L 76 »

A great start to a story. Can't wait to find out what happens between Max, Liz. Hoping they are together and are in love.

L-J-L 76
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - PROLOGUE - 06/10/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Finally we get the rest of the story.........will this be full of angst too?
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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 1 - (06/12/2019)

Post by Parker1947 »

Two weeks earlier,
Next morning

Beth tossed and turned as she rolled around in her bed in her motel room as she dealt with the emotions of the night before, or mere hours before as she thought of magical and out of ordinary the kiss she shared with Max was, and how it stirred up feelings within her that she hadn't felt since her crash and hadn't felt for any man since she woke up. She sometimes wondered if she even liked men. Because nothing peeked her interest over that time since she was released from the hospital after her crash. She had no desire to date. All that interested her was her daughters, and her career.

Now she had awakened, and she didn't know if she could go back into the shell again or even if she could, if she had wanted to?

"Wow," she whispered as she replayed the scene of the hours before. A tender kiss turned into a passionate one before Max pulled back and apologized. Acknowledging the awkward situation, they were in. I am very sorry. I didn't mean to push you into anything.

"It was as sudden for me as it was for you. I could have stopped it so don't be sorry. Really, I should be going in now as it’s way past my bedtime. It’s not my habit to stay out this late unless I am working.”

“Do you often work late?” Max asked, curious about this woman. “I was told you’re a doctor”

“I am,” Beth admitted. “Uncanny coincidence from your view, right?”

“It’s one of them,” Max admitted.

“Yes, I am a doctor,” Beth said. “My schedule usually depends on my cases and because of the girls, I try not to work that many night shifts, but sometimes, I am forced to with the way things are scheduled but that was before my life took an unscheduled left turn this week.”

“I am sorry about that,” Max sighed.

"It’s not your fault. I was told that the past could always come back, but when it did, well, it all expanded in ways I never thought possible, so it’s taken a lot to adjust given my life has been such a blank slate for the last thirteen years, and it’s always easier to deal with the routine and normalcy, instead of change.”

“Yes, it is,” Max nodded. “You’re right, it is late, and I probably need to get home and achieve some of my own sleep because I will be needed at the hospital to deal with Grace as she faces the future. Jake has his own surgery, and Grace will need someone to fill her in as she deals with her prognosis."

"She has hope you know...."

"I know, and plus I have a secret talent for helping her along with her recovery."

"Right," Beth nodded as she remembered the twins, and their ability. "Can I ask, was Elizabeth telling the truth about Grace?"

"About Ellis" Max asked.

"Yes," Beth asked.

"Unfortunately. As much as I wish I could have allowed Elizabeth to be impulsive and let loose on Tommy, I also know the risk outweighs the justice and righteousness it would be for him to be taken out. The fact he's in the hospital is as good as it can be for now."

"The baby?" Beth asked.

"Yes," Max said. "Grace genuinely didn't know she was pregnant until she was admitted to your hospital in New Haven. Because of who she is, her heritage and makeup, it was easily hidden until the pregnancy was more advanced, and it was easy to miss the signs.”

"So, you would say it was a wakeup call?" Beth asked.

"Yes," Max admitted. "For both of us. I was oblivious to the fact my daughter was growing up. She was turning sixteen sure, but I got lucky, in that I had a studious well-adjusted teenager or, so I thought. That weekend trip she and Jake took on a lark ended up being a wakeup we both needed, and you can say it’s been a bumpy path as we both figure out the fallout of that weekend.”

"Well..." Beth said.

"I know," Max said. "But then our teenage lives weren't that care free so why should I have expected it not to show up in our kids one of these days."

"You have more knowledge than I do on that front, unfortunately... I guess I better go to bed," Beth nodded as she knew that she had to get some sleep even though she didn’t want to leave or let Max leave. "I will try to touch base sometime tomorrow."

"You're not going back to Connecticut yet, are you?" Max asked worried that Beth and the twins could up and disappear at any moment and leave him with a host of unanswered questions.

"No," Beth said. "I can't promise we won't eventually but not tomorrow."

"Thank you," Max said before walking away as he left Beth looking at the departing figure and whisper 'Wow' she told herself. 'I am so in trouble'

And therefore, Beth was now tossing and turning and reliving that moment with wonder and amazement, and wondered just what she was getting herself into, but those flashes were just the beginning of being curious of just who Elizabeth 'Liz' Evans was, and could she handle what would eventually be discovered or wished for.

While at the same time Max was doing the exact same thing in his bed, in his home. But his dreams were a mix of experiences that defined him and his wife. Their extraordinary start, the passion they felt. Making out with his wife, the pain that was felt at the same time due to actions they either did to themselves or were forced upon them by others. Flashes of their intense passion for each other, dreams of their wedding day, and their first dance as husband and wife, and the excitement of when they discovered they had a child on the way. Grace's birth. The devastation at the loss of their second baby, and then the utter pain and grief he experienced when they believed they had lost Liz.

He was so immersed in the dreams that he didn't hear the knocks on the door downstairs, for the first five attempts and then finally he woke up at the constant doorbell rings. "What... he muttered. "Grace, won't you get it."

Silence. Then it hit him that his sixteen-year-old wasn't in the house, asleep in her room but in the hospital struggling over possibility never walking again or at the most recovering from a horrific and brutal attack. "God, right..." he said as he pulled out of his bed, and threw on some clothes and went downstairs...

"What!" he said as he opened the door and found a familiar face. "Mom!"

"Max!" Diane said horrified at the sight of her son. "You look like death!"

"Well it was a long night," Max said as he struggled with the tiredness he felt and the desire to crawl right back into bed and stay there all day but knew he couldn’t… he had too many responsibilities to give into his cravings. "And right now, I feel like death has won the battle."

"Can I come in?" Diane asked.

"Oh, right. Come in." Max said as he allowed his mother into the house and looked behind her to see if there was anyone else. "Where is Dad, I expected he would be with you."

"He's waiting for Isabel and Kyle to pick up the grandkids and he'll come and join me later," Diane said. "God son, I am so sorry. You don’t deserve any of this…"

"Thanks Mom!"

"How is Grace?" Diane asked as she tears came to her eyes as she cried for her granddaughter's condition. The quickness of the previous night, and their need to take in Kylie, Michelle and Jamie prevented them from coming to the hospital and now it was her mission to help her son and granddaughter.

Max struggled to wake up and be coherent, "I assume all is well given I didn't hear from the hospital, or Jake."

"Jake stayed?" Diane asked as her eyes opened wide.

"Yeah," Max acknowledged. “There was no getting him to go home, and Michael and Maria weren't even going to try. So, at least Grace had some company during the night. "I am going to do a check in, before heading over."

"Can you drive me? I want to see Grace."

"Sure," Max nodded as she remembered the state, he was in. "Let me get more polished, and then we will head over."

"Let me make you some breakfast as you need to eat something."

"Thanks Mom. I would appreciate that," Max said as he walked upstairs to get dressed and while he did it, he checked in with the hospital and was assured that Grace was holding her own and was stable and, so he finished getting dressed, and then had a bite to eat before driving his mother to the hospital.


As Max did that, over at the hospital, and in Grace's hospital room, Jake woke up in his wheelchair by Grace's bedside. Still asleep, he was reassured that she was holding her own, and he squeezed her hand and her eyes opened. "Hey."

"Hey," Grace said slowly.

"How's the pain?" Jake asked as he was grateful to see her eyes open and alert, and the ability to communicate with him.

"It could be worse, so I assume the morphine is helping" Grace said as she took in her situation and evaluated the pole that the drugs were transporting through and into her body. “How long have you been here?"

"I didn't leave!"

"Jake!" Grace said. "You didn't have to."

"If the situation was reversed, I am sure you would have done the same although I have to say visiting you again in the hospital is not something, I thought I would be doing this weekend."

"Yeah," Grace said as she almost wished their positions were reversed and yet she didn’t. "You have your own surgery, don't you?” as her brain cleared of the drugs pumping into her system to help her heal.

"In a few hours," Jake admitted as he thought of his own surgery and his lack of desire to leave Grace's bedside and hatred of the idea of being separated from her as she recovers. "I should cancel it or at least postpone."

"NO," Grace said adamantly. "You are not calling it off. You need to get on your feet again Jake. As you said, if the situation was reversed and, in some ways, they are. I would do anything to get on my feet. So, you're doing it, and if you won't, I don't want to see you again until you do."

"Grace, don't say that."

"You are in that wheelchair because of me, so you're having that surgery. The last thing I need is a reminder of the incident. I need to know you're recovering, and that you will be on your feet sooner than later."

"You will be on your feet," Jake said. "Your father will see to it."

"Maybe," Grace said. "But I don't need you delaying your recovery because of me."

"Fine, but you have to promise me that you will get better." Jake smiled as he took her hand in his, and she smiled briefly as he knew the battle was lost and plus he wouldn't have won the battle with his parents either, so he had to do this for Grace, so that she can recover and for her sanity and feeling of guilt as they continued to talk and in walked someone Grace didn't expect. "What are you doing here?" she asked as she looked past Jake and saw a figure in the doorway.

"I was curious," said the visitor as she came further into the room now that she had been spotted.

"Who are you?" Jake asked although the girl looked familiar, and he was sure they had seen each other the night before but he hadn't been sure since it was a highly emotional night.

"Jake, this is Caroline.... you are Caroline, right?" Grace acknowledged.

"Yeah," Caroline nodded. "I am surprised you knew, most people Alex and I experience don't know, even our closest friends."

“I can be pretty observant when I want to be, so it was easy to figure out the differences between you and your sister.

"Caroline..." Jake asked.

"Caroline Evans, my sister. Is your mother here or Alexandra, " Grace asked as she was still unsure how to handle the upsetting life-changing family dynamic? It was only enough to deal with her fragile health, but to know her mother was alive, or she had other siblings. "Carrie, this is my friend, Jake Guerin."

"Hi," Jake said as he took in the younger version of Grace. It was uncanny.

"Hello," Carrie smiled. "No, I am alone. My sister and mother are still passed out back at the motel."

"How did you get here," Grace asked quietly as she took in her younger sister.

"Roswell is just like Madison, you know, where I live, and it's very easy to get around."

"Still you're a newcomer to Roswell so it might be wise to be cautious."

"It is still safer than how my sister came to town, so it's only a minor inconvenience as far as I am concerned" Carrie said as she batted off the concern even though she knew she would be in trouble if her sister and mother woke up and found her to be gone. She had woken up while Alexandra was still passed out, and no sound was coming from her mother's room, so she decided to head off on her own and found herself at the hospital after noticing that the Crashdown was closed for the morning.

And find her Beth did when she checked in with the girls' room after getting up because she was tired of the tossing and turning, she was doing as she dreamt of Max, and the situation and so she found out that her one daughter's bed was empty. "Alexandra, wake up. Where is Carrie?" she asked as she came into the room and threw a pillow at her daughter to wake her up.

"What" Alexandra moaned as she woke up at the disturbance and out of the fantastic dream she was having as her eyes opened at the angry eyes of her mother. "Mom!"

"Where is Carrie?" Beth asked, as she checked the bathroom and found it was empty and there was no note, nor one on the other bed.

"I don't know," Alexandra muttered as she struggled to wake up and concentrate. "I was obviously asleep."

"Damn it," Beth sighed. "Where could she have gone?"

"Who knows," Alexandra said as she sat up in bed and reached for her robe. "I guess we're going to find out."

"You bet we are," Beth said as she walked back towards the door. "Get dressed, I'll pick you up in twenty."

"Okay," Alexandra nodded as Beth left the room, and the teen walked slowly into the bathroom and ran the shower, muttering about her sister under her breath.

Back in her room, Beth struggled to figure out where her daughter would go in a strange town and tried Max's phone number but found that no one was home, so she decided to get dressed and figure out where her daughter would go. She finished getting ready, and once she picked up Alexandra, they walked over to the Crashdown with hope the teen had gone to get something to eat but was disheartened to find out that the café was closed for the morning due to a family emergency. My luck she moaned.

"I wonder if she headed to the hospital to see Grace?" Alexandra commented.

"She might have," Beth admitted as she thought of her daughter "Let us go and check for ourselves" as they got into a cab and drove off towards the hospital.


At the hospital, outside the room where Grace was talking to Jake and Carrie. Maria walked out of the elevator onto the floor where her goddaughter was, and where she could collect her son, so he could go and be admitted for his own surgery. As she walked, another set of elevators opened and out walked Jeff and Nancy Parker. Smiling, she went in for a hug with her former bosses, and close friends. "Planning on seeing Grace?"

"How is she?" Nancy asked. "How is our granddaughter?"

"I just arrived, so I was going to have to check myself as I collect my wayward son."

"Jake is here?" Jeff asked

"He wouldn't leave," Maria admitted as she didn’t relish the intensity that existed between her son and Grace but knew to leave well enough alone, for now, at least. "And it was useless to even try, so I need to pick him up for his own surgery."

"So, Grace is okay?" Nancy asked.

"She was doing as well as to be expected when I left. She was awake, but she still had plenty of recovering to do but was well on her way," Maria said confidently even though she didn't want to acknowledge that her goddaughter might be paralyzed although Max could easily help with that but still the prognosis was not a positive one, so she prayed it was just the swelling and it would go down, and the feeling would come back.

"Max," Jeff said as he saw his son-in-law come from the other end of the hall with Diane. "Diane, nice to see you."

"Jeff, how is our granddaughter?" Diane asked.

"We just arrived" Jeff smiled as Nancy hugged Max. "You look tired Max."

"I have seen better days," Max admitted as they continued to walk towards his daughter's room. "I am just glad she's still with us” he sighed as he knew they had gotten very lucky, because they should have lost her, but they didn’t, and therefore he knew he should take that as a win for now, which he was…

"We all are," Jeff smiled as he hoped for the best regarding his granddaughter as they finally reached the hospital room and entered the room. Max was suddenly on guard and stunned by the visitor near her daughter. Mustering courage to deal with this new situation, he smiled at his bed ridden daughter "Grace!"

"Dad!" Grace smiled as the group had entered her room and her spirits improved by the sight of so many of her family. "You came."

"Like I would stay away," Max smiled as he came further into the room. Ignoring the implications of the other visitor, he nodded "Jake...

"Uncle Max," Jake smiled.

“I hope you got some sleep?” Max asked of his god-son. He had seen Jake and Grace holding hands before he walked in and hated the reminder of how his daughter was growing up, and how much he didn’t control. So, he focused on something he could control. "And...." Max asked.

"It's Carrie," Caroline answered for Max because she knew he was unlikely to know the differences between her and Alexandra yet, as she knew Grace had gotten lucky. "Nice to see you again," the teenager smiled but started to frown when they were joined by Maria, and three adults she hadn't seen before or she had but from a distance in terms of the Parkers.

"Grandma Evans, Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Nancy," Grace said her eyes perked up, and her smile grew brighter. "You guys came."

"We wouldn't have stayed away," the collection of grandparents said in unison.

"How are you doing Grace?" Diane Evans asked as she came to the side of her granddaughter's bedside as Jake rolled away but stayed in the room so to allow Grace time to take in her new visitors. "I am glad to see you are in good spirits."

"I could be worse off, I could be dead.... and apparently I was indeed dead for a few minutes." Grace realized as it dawned on her. "So, whatever my recovery is, it’s better than the alternative.”

"That is a great attitude," Jeff said.

"And you are?" Diane asked as she saw the younger teenager in room and was struck by her resemblance to Grace, and to her son. "I am Diane Evans, and you are?" she asked again.

"Mom, Jeff, Nancy" Max said as he felt cornered into making the introduction but knew that needed to be done because it didn’t serve anyone to keep it a secret. "This is Carrie.... Caroline Evans, my daughter"

"Oh my god," the adults gasped in unison and it made Carrie feel uncomfortable by the sudden attention she was now getting.


Elizabeth was walking a tightrope as she arrived at school and met up with Sue. She had protested her parents mandate that she attend school despite her brother's surgery and most important her best friend's hospitalization, but Maria and Michael had put the hammer down and told she would attend her classes. "Hey," she said as she came out of the principal's office. "You are just arriving?" she asked.

"Yes," Sue said. "What were you doing in the principal's office?"

"Reporting my brother's continued absence from school and giving them a note from Uncle Max that Grace would be out for the near future," Elizabeth sighed. "How are you doing?"

"Better. I had to convince my parents to come to school today. They wanted me to stay home until Monday."

"I see you tried to cover up the bruises?" Elizabeth cringed at the memory of the night before, and all that happened as they walked to their first class. "I know we haven't talked."

"No, we haven't," Sue thought of all she learned about her friends. She barely could come to terms with what had almost happened to, and then compounded the newest revelations about both Elizabeth and Grace, it confused her and yet she was trying to be cool about it, after all it seemed normal for her friends, even if it was bizarre for her. "How is Grace?"

"Holding her own," Elizabeth said. "I didn't want to come to school but my parents forced me too."

"I see a long lunch break coming, aren't I?" Sue smiled as she knew her friend to well and suspected this was all a rouse for the moment.

"Most likely," Elizabeth smiled as they saw Camryn come their way. "Hey, Cam..."

"What is going on with your little group," Cam asked as she approached the younger girls. "I heard Grace is now in the hospital and added to the fact your brother needs surgery. How is it possible that so much mayhem befalls your group these days?”

"I have no idea," Elizabeth admitted as she also had the same thoughts running through her head and hourly debates with the heavenly gods. "It's almost like we caught some bad luck. But Grace will be okay in the end, and Jake will be on his feet in no time."

"I'll be visiting him later, and maybe I will stop in and see Grace."

"Do that, I think they will appreciate that." Elizabeth smiled as she and Sue ducked into their first class together and Camryn walked on.

"Does Camryn know your family secret?" Sue asked as they sat down in their desks.

"Nope," Elizabeth said quietly. "There was never any reason tell her as you know Jake is normal. A product of an ill-fated relationship of Mom’s and Dad adopted him at birth, and you know any special abilities come through my father's side."

"Oh," Sue asked. "So, am I the only one to know outside of your exclusive group?"

"Yes," Elizabeth admitted. "It's not that Grace and I didn't trust you Sue you know, it's just from an early age we all learned to keep what we might be able to accomplish a secret. Grace and I sorta continued in that tradition, and I assume my brothers and little Belle are too."

"It's just a lot to deal with" Sue muttered.

"I know, try living it..." Elizabeth smiled as the teacher came, and soon class commenced.


Meanwhile at the police station, Jim was dealing with the fallout of the stabbing and now was forced to deal with the announcement that Tommy Ellis had come out of his coma and was ready to talk. His deputy had the news when he arrived at the station after leaving Amy with the grandkids to see off to school, and he almost wanted to have decided to stay home that day and not deal with any police work, but duty calls. "Damn it," he muttered when he got the world. "Tell the hospital, I will be over in the next few hours and get me Max Evans and Maria Guerin in that order, pronto."

"Will do, sir." the deputy said before coming back and saying that both of who he desired were now at the hospital.

"Right," Jim murmured. "I am off for the rest of the morning. Call me with any emergencies."

"Yes sir," the deputy nodded.

"Thank you, deputy," Jim said as he put his hat on, and headed for his car and dialed as he walked. "I need to speak to Michael Guerin if he's in?" he asked. "He's off for the day, thank you Mary. If he calls in, tell him that Jim Valenti called, and I am headed over to the hospital, and I need to speak with him or his wife as soon as it's possible."

Sighing, he got into his car and drove to the house to pick up his wife who had sent the grandkids off to school. "We have trouble," he said to Amy as she got into the car and they drove over to the hospital to be with Maria when Jake has his surgery. "What?"

"Tommy Ellis is awake," Jim muttered.

"No..." Amy said stunned. "He can't be."

"Well he is, and apparently he wants to talk before he’s released. So, it's something I have to do when I am at the hospital."

"What are you going to do. What is he even going to say?" Amy asked, stricken for their grandchildren, and even Grace.

"I don't even know what he recalls of the situation in the park," Jim asked, hopeful for the best scenario where he has no recall and prayed that is what he would find when he got there to question the creep.

Sighing, he continued to drive.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Thu Nov 12, 2020 1:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 1 - 06/12/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Love this. Hurry back.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 1 - 06/12/2019

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Roswelllostcause wrote:Love this. Hurry back.
Agree with Roswelllostcause Love this and please hurry back. Can't wait for Beth and Alex to find Max, Diane, Grace , Jake, Nancy, Jeff.

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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 1 - 06/12/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I'm glad you started posting the next part of the trilogy. I just hope I can take the angst.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 1 - 06/12/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Can someone please get to the hospital and remove memories from Tommy's brain, the sooner the better?
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 1 - 06/12/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

keepsmiling7 wrote:Can someone please get to the hospital and remove memories from Tommy's brain, the sooner the better?
I think Isabel needs to give him nightmares and slowly drive him insane.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - PROLOGUE - 06/10/2019

Post by Superman86 »

L-J-L 76 wrote:A great start to a story. Can't wait to find out what happens between Max, Liz. Hoping they are together and are in love.

L-J-L 76
Ditto to the above, I can't wait to read more. Thank you for sticking to your word on updating and writing a part 2 of Reunion... nice start :D Please let Max and Liz reconnect
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