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tell me what U want Chapter 5.d

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:02 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Title: Tell me what you want

Rating: TEEN-ADULT(well, I think, if I can write it))

Disclaimer: Even if it would be a dream come true, I don't own nothing from Roswell! And certainly not Jason "Hot" Behr!!

Author's noteHey, can you believe that guys??? I'm already giving you another update…….. You weren't expecting me so soon,huh????…….Am I not the best girl on Earth????? :lol:
I have to say that at first I didn't want to post today, but I'm going to have a few busy days, so I just decided to not postpone it otherwise you would have to wait long.

Brook, Bubbles, Roswellluver, AlienDreamer101, Sweetygurl, thank again for your feedbacks, girls…. You simply rock!!
Not_of_this_Earth…. I'm starting to believe that your nickname is not a coincidence.. you really are not from around here, huh?? How you can leave so much bumps is beyond me…:P but I LOVE THAT!!! :lol: :wink: THANK U SO MUCH!!
Saymi007, nothing was wrong with your feedback, I loved it.. Hope this new part help you with your rough days. :wink:
Max and Liz believer…. Girl, I always love your feedbacks, they are just so great! Keep on leaving them please!!!! Thank you for all of them.
SarahWhitman…. I can't tell you just yet who was the spy, but you will know about that in the next chapter. Be Patient.. just a little bit more, okay??!
Lovalien .. I can tell you for sure that Tess will not kill Alex…. Nor anyone else.. well at least not directly… but I can't tell you more for now.
Allysone Evans… girl you're really something. I just loved long feedbacks, and yours was simply incredibly wonderful.. thank U so much! It could really count for 10 without problem!! THANK U :onfire: THANK U. and the go back to mama and cry LMAO… I personally say something like 'get back baaabyy' but I like yours a lot.
ForeverDreaming8602, always happy to have a new reader. I hope I didn't deceive you so far and that I won't :lol: Hope I will have to read more of your bumps and feedbacks.
Frenchkiss70, Marteloise… the whole JB, BF, CH's scene… well I couldn't stop laughing myself while writing it, first because it was so strange to have the girl talking about that, and second because almost everything they said was really my inner thoughts… and Kyle's speech.. was really my bf's thoughts… man I can't count the time he had said some nasty things about Max's ears just because I have the good taste -- and I know that you girls understand me :wink: -- to find him soooo hot and attractive. Thank U for your feedbacks too.
Hope I'm not forgetting anyone! :sad:

Chapter Five.d

Just as he was ready to leave the Crash, Max remembered he had to talk with Isabel. He knew he hadn't time since he had been there for more than an hour now and he had yet to go back to his house, shower and change, and he was sure Mickael was going to kill him when he would be back, but he had to let Isabel know he needed to talk to her.

"Hey, Iz!"

"Max…. how is it going?…. Anything new? " she asked immediately, though she knew her brother wouldn't be there if anything had happened.

"No… not yet…. Uh…. look Iz…. Could we talk later…. or tomorrow if I can't see you again tonight?"

"Yeah, sure Max…. but about what? Did something happen?" she asked him, not knowing what Max wanted to talk about with her. But what she knew was that it should be important for Max otherwise he wouldn't plan their talk.

"About Tess…" he replied "…… Mickael told me something happened between Liz and her, and that Liz left crying."

"Oh… about that! …… I understand… but well…. there is not much to say…. You know what she said, no? "

"Yeah…. Uh, no!" he corrected quickly when he remembered that since Mickael hadn't heard what had been said he wasn't supposed to know yet himself. " But look Isabel… I… I don't have time to talk about that right now….. but maybe later, okay."

"Yes… I will be there until Liz and Maria finish… and then I will go home…. Uh …. I guess Tess will have to sleep at home tonight, since I heard that Kyle and the sheriff are going to be with you guys….. She can not stay alone." Isabel said trying to see her brother's reaction.
No doubt that once he would learn about Tess's lie, -- if it was a lie of course, she thought -- , he would be pissed to know she was staying with them.
Tess was staying at their home? Thank God Maria had accepted and he wouldn't have to see her at his house tonight.
Anyway, even if Maria had said no, he would have find another way to avoid Tess, he would just have slept in his car with Mickael and the others, but no way he would have gone home tonight.

"Yeah, whatever!" he replied matter-of-factly. " So…..I see you later Iz…. if I can…. Oh and I'm not going to sleep at home … so tell Mum I'm staying at Mickael's if she asks, okay" he finished before finally leaving.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Max had come back nearly two hours after he left and as he had predicted Mickael had been beyond pissed. He kept repeating that it didn't take two hours to go back to town and do what he was supposed to do, or that he couldn't be trusted and that anything could have happened during those two long hours when he had not been where he should have been.

Of course Tess seemed happy to see him back, though he could tell she also was wondering what had taken him so long.
Truth was he didn't care what she was thinking or not, he couldn't even look at her without remembering her lie and feeling again everything Liz had felt when she had told her he had slept with her.
Looking at the situation he realized that he had been wrong all along about Tess. He thought he knew her, but in reality what did he know about her, huh?
If she was able to lie so easily about things that were important to him and to the people he loved the more, to his friends and everyone else, what guarantees did he have that she wouldn't lie about anything or everything else.
Say that she had really deceived him was really under the truth. If it wasn't for Liz and to protect his still secret relationship with her, Tess Harding would already be hearing about him and what he thought of her right then.
But Liz was right, if Tess was able to lie about that and in front of everyone, she also was able to question anyone around them and find out that nobody had told him about what happened, not Isabel, nor Mickael, -- who anyway didn't know everything that had happened -- and since he wasn't supposed to have talked with Liz, nor were they supposed to be close enough for her to ask him such a personal question, he knew he had to wait. But as soon as he would have confirmation from Isabel, he would talk to her and make clear once and for all where was her place and where was Liz's.

The afternoon passed quickly since nothing changed and the skins didn't seemed to be willing to move nor Nicolas to appear. Mickael and Max had wondered why the little gnome as Maria called him hadn't been seen ever since the night he came and asked for the Granilith and threatened Liz's life to obtain it, but they couldn't come with a plausible explanation.
Why were his men here and not leaving this warehouse, and why wasn't he with them?
Was he just somewhere else with more skins and working on a new plan to have what he wanted ?

Eventually the sheriff had arrived and Max felt relieved to know that he wouldn't have to stay tonight. Like he had thought, or maybe it was hoped, Mickael was willing to stay, and Max would surely not contradict him, or deny him this pleasure. Mickael was too happy to deal with the situation and to show the world what a great and responsible soldier he was. So who was Max to deprive him of this opportunity? Of course if the situation hadn't been what it was, he would certainly have insisted to stay himself, but it was not, so….. he would not deny himself HIS pleasure.
Soon he would be in Liz's arms again, and if it wasn't because nothing was supposed to have changed in his life, he would be jumping up and down with happiness.

But before going back to the love of his life, he would have to take care of one or two little things. First he had to take Tess home and made sure she would stay with Kyle until Kyle would take her to his house so she would stay with his sister. Then he would have to go back to the Crashdown and sneak into Liz's room without being seen to prepare the surprise he had been thinking about almost all the afternoon, or at least ever since he had known that he would see her tonight.
And after that he would have to pick Liz up. And then…. then he sighed dreamingly, he would be able to spend another beautiful night with her, make love to her again, and sleep with her again.

When Max had taken Tess home he hadn't talked a word to her, in fact he hadn't even bother to try, knowing well that only the sound of her voice would be enough to upset him.
He still couldn't believe she would go to such length just to hurt Liz or make sure that she wouldn't want to see him, talk to him again, or whatever her intentions had been in fact. He couldn't wait to have this little talk with Isabel and then with Tess.
But right now he was finally heading to the Crashdown and nothing would stop him from enjoying the time he would, he could spend with Liz.

He had spent nearly half an hour in Liz's room and was ready to creep out through the window when he heard the sound of footsteps coming close.
Sure that it was Liz he hurried towards the door, and just when she was going to enter her room he stepped out, stopping her from looking behind him and see what he had been doing.

"Max…. god….. what are you doing here, you scared me!" she said while reaching her hand to her heart.

"Sorry… I didn't mean to!…. Are you ready?" he quickly asked hoping she didn't have to look for anything into her room.

"Yes…. I just need to go and grab my purse in fact… it is in….."

"NO… you don't need it… If you are ready, we can go now!" he said.
He then kissed her quickly and after he grabbed her hand he led her downstairs almost running.

"Max… you're crazy …. where are you taking me?……where are we going?" she giggled.

"I told you, Miss Parker… it's a secret… you will see once we will be there?"

"No Max… I want to know….. I'm not going anywhere if I don't know where I'm going!" Liz replied at the same time that she stopped in the restaurant backroom and waited for him to answer.
She really did want to know. She had been wondering all the afternoon what Max had planned for her, for them, and she couldn't wait anymore. She was sure that if she insisted a little or if she threatened him into not moving he would finally give in and tell her.
He couldn't resist her, could he?
No need to say that Maria hadn't help her to keep her head out of that since she had kept counting down the hours until her 'date' as she had insisted in calling it, though Liz had herself kept repeating it wasn't a date but some kind of meeting between two people who needed to catch up for the time they had been separated and not talking.
She had tried to convince Maria that there was nothing romantic there but of course she wouldn't hear about it. Eventually she had accepted to conceide that it wasn't a date, if Liz admitted that it was a more than just friends rendezvous and that she was willing to start things with Max again.
Like that was some news, huh?
Maria should have forgotten that Liz had every intention to win Max back until she heard that he didn't love her. But that was so long ago now and she didn't want to think about it anymore.

Max couldn't help but smile when he saw his Liz standing there in front of him, her arms crossed over her chest and pouting as he remembered she used to do each and every time he would not let her know, or do what she wanted to in the second.
Yes, some things never changed. But Liz was so cute when she pouted that he really didn't wish to see them changing.

"Well, tell me again, Lizziiiie…. I think I have forgotten…. it has been so long since we last talked…. how old are you, huh?" he asked knowing that Liz wouldn't like the fact that he wasn't answering, but he couldn't not tease her.

"Oh yeah…… I can see you're liking this Mister Evans…. You're liking this too much….. but ….I'm not moving!" She replied and continued pouting.
Seeing that she wouldn't come with him if he didn't give her some information he just told her:

"Okay… Liz…. I can't tell you where we're going… but I swear that it will be worth the wait… at least I hope that you will find it is worth it!"
With that he pushed open the back door and Liz had no choice but to follow him if she didn't want to be left behind.

Of course when Maria saw them together, she couldn't help but tease them. She could be sooo bad when she wanted , but she couldn't let this opportunity pass her by. No way she would let Max leave before embarassing him some more.
She kept repeating that if it wasn't a date Max didn't need to pick Liz up and that they could have met wherever he wanted, because usually, when a guy picked up a girl, that automatically meant that he would have to take her home. And usually that meant that there was a possibiliy he would kiss her goodbye, and that was what a date did.
She had asked Max at least five times if this was his intention, and like she had predicted the only thing Max could do was to deny and blush. Of course all this only made sense for her, but she really didn't care.
Say that she had been enjoying the ten minutes or so they had needed to make sure everything would be alright and that she would be able to take care of everything alone until the closing was a clear understatement.
Well alone, was not exactly the truth. Jose and Agnes would be there with her and she would just have to supervise everything, something that Maria really loved to do.
And then Mickael was supposed to come and pick her up so that she would not go home all by herself. Anyway, he had her car so it wasn't as if he had any choice there.

What he didn't know yet was that she was supposed to go and spend the evening at Max's place, with Isabel…. and Tess.
How she had gotten mixed up in this she couldn't even tell anymore. All she remembered was Isabel telling her that she really didn't want to have to spend too much time with Tess alone and that it would be safer for her and everyone else anyway if they all stayed together since the guys were out. Liz had been invited too of course, -- not that Isabel wanted to have to deal with Liz AND Tess in the same place, but due to the circumstances they didn't really have any other choice but to stick all together --but Maria had informed her that she would have to wait for her parents and then they would probably want to spend some time with their daughter since they hadn't seen her for almost a week.
Of course Maria being Maria, she couldn't keep her mouth shut and she had let out that Max was supposed to wait with her anyway so she would be safe too.
No need to say that this only confirmed the suspicion Isabel already had that something big was happening between Liz and her little brother. 'Maybe not so little anymore now', Isabel had thought.

Eventually Maria had accepted to help Isabel but on the condition that she would not have to stay all night and that she could sleep at her home and in her bed.
There was simply no way she would sleep in the same room, nor even the same place than the gerbil. Who knew what Tess was capable of. She could kill her during her sleep for all the nasty things she had told her ever since she had set foot in Roswell.
She would rather sleep on her jetta's hood, or with Nicolas himself than share a room with the last embodiment of Lucifer.
At least Nicolas was evil, yes, but he didn't pretend to be anything else.
Everything about Tess, from her hair, to her lips, her teeth or her boobs -- yeah, Maria was sure that there should be a touch of alien powers there -- , but most of all her personality and her supposed affection for the gang seemed just so fake.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Max….. can I take this blinfold off now?" Liz asked impatiently for at least the hundredth time when she realized that Max had finally stopped the car.

"No, not yet…. We're almost there Liz… be patient just a few more minutes." Max answered while he went around the car and opened her door for her.
He reached out his hand so that he could help her, and took hers in his.
He couldn't help but smile when he saw that she had yet to stop pouting.
He was sure she would kill him if she had to wait any longer to take off the blindfold he had delicately placed over her beautiful doe-eyes when they had left the Crashdown and when he was sure they couldn't be seen anymore, or maybe he should say spied, by the official gossips spreader of Roswell, also usually and better known as Maria Deluca.
Liz hadn't stopped questioning him all along the way to their destination and he thanked God it had only taken him ten minutes to take her there otherwise he would have told her everything she wanted to know, from the place where they were supposed to spend the evening, or at least part of it since he had yet so many other things planned for them once they would be back to her room, to the number of times he had masturbated while thinking about her over the years -- what?? he was a guy, no? and well his imagination and the lower part of his anatomy always went in overdrive when he thought about Liz, so no need to say that Roswell had not enough hands and fingers to help him to count them -- though that was something he so didn't want anyone to know and definitely not her. But he would have, just to see her stop asking questions and trying to seduce him.
She had been doing such a great job, kissing his neck, licking at his earlobe, purposely stroking him in the most intimate parts while begging him to give her some clue about his plan, that two minutes more and he would have had to turn back and go home and change his pants first.

"Here you go" Max said once they were inside and at the same time that he finally complied with her request and help her taking off the blindfold.
Liz hadn't known where they were, but as soon as she entered the place she was sure it smelled like food, maybe chinese food.
She could hear people talking though she thought they had stopped when Max and her had entered the room. But what was she expecting? Obviously they were in a public place, a restaurant if she guessed right and it wasn't everyday that two people entered a restaurant with one of them blindfolded. She had heard them whispering but she couldn't understand what they were saying and then finally they seemed to have resumed their previous conversation and activities and they didn't seem to mind them anymore.
No need to say that she was relieved and of course thrilled when she was finally freed from the dark piece of material. Not that she didn't like the surprises but right now she wasn't the most patient person. This was Max and she was too eager to find out what he had prepared for her to be able to be.

"Oh, Max…… we are….. it's so beautiful…. you remembered…." she said tears brimming at her eyes as soon she recognized the place. She couldn't even come up with a coherent sentence too moved with what was just in front of her

"I will never forget that Liz!" he whispered huskily and wrapped his arms around her from behind holding her tightly to him.

"Our first real date" they both said in unison.

They were at 'Senor Chow's' again.
Max had taken her to the place where he had taken her for their first date.
But tonight the place seemed to have nothing to do with what it had been that first time they had come there.
They were in an isolated portion of the restaurant and obviously they would be all alone, no one to interrupt them, no one to disturb them. In fact she didn't know yet that Max had made sure of that when he had booked.
In the middle of the little room she could see how the table had been set for two people in a very romantic way, a bunch of flowers, white roses in fact, -- her favorite ones -- , and a set of candlesticks standing on it. The candles light was giving the room an unreal glow and definitely adding to the intimate ambiance.

"So was it worth the wait?" Max asked her when he saw that she still had to talk and give him her impression.

"YES!" she replied immediately, not wanting him to think she didn't appreciate what he had done. She had thought about many things over the afternoon but she definitely hadn't think about that. "Of course… Max, is just so beautiful…. I can't believe you did that…… you shouldn't have…. How….. and … when did you… "

"I called this afternoon before going back to the warehouse….. I would have had the food already served but I wasn't sure when we could be there….. But I called again before picking you up and we should eat soon." he provided for her knowing that she was surely wondering how he had had time to set all this up. ".. I …. well…… here is where everything really started between us…. here is where I really felt normal for the first time… taking you on a date… playing pool with you … and here is where I really started believing and not just hoping and praying like I used to, that one day you would be able to love me just as much as I already did love you…. I just thought that this would be the better place to forget about the past and all we have gone through….. and start again ….as if this was our first time and then create new memories to erase ….. well…..the bad ones."

He still hadn't released his hold on her so she turned around in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck before standing on her tiptoes so that she could almost be face level with him. She looked lovingly into his eyes before declaring softly but sincerely:
"What did I do to deserve you Max Evans?" But she didn't let him answer. Instead she kissed him with all she had inside wanting him to know what this meant to her.
They might have had many problems and she still remembered the time when Max would be so mean to her almost each and every time he would see her, acting as if he wanted to hurt her just as much as she had hurt him, but right now he was again the Max she had fallen in love with that day she had seen his soul, the one she had always loved and still did.
The Max Evans who had only eyes for her, who was caring, considerate and attentive to her every needs.
The Max Evans who would do anything for her, and whose main purpose on life and on this Earth was to take care of her and make her happy.

"Hey… I think that was my line! " he said as soon as they came apart. "What did I do to deserve you" he added before locking their lips together again and darting his tongue out right away to deepen the kiss.
This time only the low cough behind them made them come apart.
Liz immediatley buried her head in Max's chest when she saw the waitress behind them with their starter in hands, completely embarassed to have been caught kissing Max like she had been when they were in a public place. Thank God there weren't other customers where they were.
Max held her tightly a few more precious seconds too happy to have her in his arms before finally leading her to the table and pulling her chair for her.
He had made sure everything would be perfect for her.
He had asked to be set on a part of the restaurant where they could have some privacy.
He had had the roses delivered directly to the restaurant and had made sure they would be put on their table with the candles.
And finally he had ordered her favorite food, remembering everything she liked, from the starter to the main course or the drink.
She couldn't have wished for a better way to 'start again', and she couldn't wait to thank him for all his efforts and for this beautiful and amazing night.
And the night was still far from over she thought.

They had spend most of the meal talking, catching up for lost time, and Liz was relieved to know that she wouldn't have to lie about everything when Maria would question her.
And she would, of that she was sure of.
But no matter what she would tell her next time she would see her, whether she told her that Max and her were together again, some things were for her alone.
Some things were personal and private and would stay between her and Max, and she would cherish those memories until the day she would die. She would never forget this night, just like she had never forgotten their first date, their first kiss, their first dance.

Music had been playing all through the meal and now that they had finished Max knew he would not wait a minute more to dance with her and hold her in his arms again.
He pushed back his chair and held out his hand for her.

"May I ask the most beautiful girl of Roswell if I can have this dance?" he asked her once she stood up.

"I'm sorry but I think Brittany Williams is not here tonight Max" she replied refering to the one who was supposed to be the most beautiful girl of Roswell. At least that was what most of the guys who went to West Roswell thought.

"Uh?" Max just said confused and not understanding who she was talking about. Who was this Brittany Williams and why would he ask her to dance with him.

"Nothing Max…… I was just kidding….. It would be my pleasure" she finally told him when she realized he had not the slightest idea of who she had been talking about.
Maybe Maria was right after all and Max had never paid any attention to any other girl but her. Because if he didn't know who Brittany was, he couldn't know the others.

She took his hand just when a new song started and after he encircled her with his arms and her head came to rest on his hard chest, they began to slowly swing to the music.

Since the beginning of time
Since it started to rain
Since I heard you laugh
Since I felt your pain
I was too young, you were much younger
We were afraid of each other's hunger

I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby
I have always loved you

"I could have written that…." Max told her when he heard the lyrics.
He didn't know who the man who was singing was but his words were really reflecting his own inner feelings.
He had only loved once in his life, had always been in love with Liz Parker, ever since that day he had stepped out of that bus in third grade and had seen her playing with Maria.
He had instantly loved everything about her, her smile, her laugh, her eyes, the way she seemed to light the whole area. And his love for her had only kept growing the more he saw her, the more he learnt about her.
But he had never dare coming too close to her even when he had realized what he felt was, too afraid of their differences, too afraid she would not love him back, too afraid he would scare her and he would lose her completley once she would know who he was.
What he was.
Only when her life had been threatened did he dare doing it, exposing himself, and risking his own life in the process. But he would do everything he did this day all over again if that meant that he could be with her like he was just then.

Liz had been listening to those words too and when he spoke she understood everything he meant, everything he felt, but she just couldn't talk, couldn't answered.
She knew no sound would come out of her mouth even if she tried with all her might. She was too overwhelmed with emotion. So many things were crossing her mind.
So instead of trying and failing to express her feelings she just kissed him, letting her body, her lips, her tongue tell him what she couldn't tell herself with words.
She showed him how she loved him, how she needed him, how she wanted him.
She tried to show him what he had said, what he had done meant for her, how this meal, this date had touched her, and before any of them realized it they were slowly but surely losing control.

Since we kiss the first time
Since we slept on the beach
You were too close for comfort
You were too far out of reach
You walked away, I should have held you
Would you have stayed for me to tell you?

I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby
I have always loved you
Years go by in a matter of days
And though we go separate ways
I never stop dreaming of you
I have always loved you

And when you call it makes me cry
We never made time for you and I
If I could live it all again
I'd never let it end, I'd still be with you
Oh God, I miss you

I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby
I have always loved you
Years go by in a matter of days
And though
We go separate ways
I never stop dreaming of you
I have Always loved you.

They stayed there dancing and kissing during a long time, song playing after songs, and only when the music suddenly stopped did they came apart and realized what had happened.

"I think we ….. should go…. home" he rested his forehead against hers and whispered once he had caught his breath again.

"Home ……… I like how it sounds" Liz replied before taking his hand and leading him towards the cash register.
She couldn't wait to be in her room and to give herself up to the passion, to give herself to this man she loved beyond words. She swore she could have made love to Max right there on their improvised dancefloor and there was simply no way she would have been able to stop, nor would she be able now to stay there another minute and not do something that would embarassed her, both of them in fact, even more than when the waitress had caught them before.
She just couldn't. Not when her mind was only and completely filled with sensual and sexual fantasies. Fantasies she wanted Max to make true, just as he had made each and every of her dreams come true until now.

Max was sure he had never driven so fast in his whole life, and he was hoping that they wouldn't be in an accident or get arrested. He needed to be with Liz. ALONE. Before he lost the little remains of control and sanity he still had.

Though he was dying to make love to Liz like right then, when they were climbing the stairs to her room he suddenly remembered that he still hadn't finished to surprise her.
He had been preparing this for almost half an hour this afternoon and he really hoped she would like this surprise too.
He knew she had lost more than she deserved, they had lost more than anyone could imagined, more than anyone their age should, when he had come back from the future, and he would do anything he could to make up for this, though the one thing he had in mind that would really make her forget about all of this nightmare would have to wait.
But one day, maybe sooner than he thought he would be able to give her everything she deserved.

"Wait!" he said and held her hand when he saw that she was ready to open her bedroom door.

"What is it Max?" she questioned immediately a little confused. She had thought he wanted to reach their private alcove just as much as she wanted to, so why was he stopping her now, here in the middle of the hallway.

"I…. uh….could…. could you close your eyes first?" he asked tentatively.

"Max… oh no…. please…. I don't want more of your little games…. I think I have been patient for a lifetime tonight." she said but couldn't help but smile and wondered what Max could want now.
That was when she remembered he was getting out of her room before they left and that he hadn't let her get inside.

"Liiiz, pleeaase" he said with a little child like voice. " Close your eyes…. It's going to take two minutes…. two little minutes…. and then… no more games, I swear…. Can you do that for me?"

"Fine, fine…. I will do like you want…… MysteryBoy" she replied using again the little nickname she had given him when she had first heard about their secret date

After asking her to wait for him outside he entered her room and went to her hifi-system. He searched for the cd he had brought with him when he had first came and switched the power on.
He checked everything one last time and only when he was sure everything would be perfect did he let Liz enter the room too.
Coming behind her and wrapping his arms around her again he whispered in her ear.

"Are you ready?"


"Open your eyes love."

At the same that she did as he said he waved his hand around the room and Liz's breath immediately caught in her throat.

"OH-MY-GOD, MAX!" she yelled completely shoked.

End of Chapter Five

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I know what you are going to say! I'm sooo bad!! But hey, this story needs some suspense, no?….. and I personally need a break! :P
God I can believe that I 've written 5 parts in only one week!
I really hope that you liked them!
Now tell me what you think about all this. :wink:
And if you want to know what happens next….. leave me many, many, many feedbacks…. I'm sure I work faster when I read a great amount of FEEDBACKS!!!!!

Max didn't know who was singing but I do!! :lol: (isn't that normal since I am the one writing this, duh!)
This song is from Enrique Iglesias's album 'Enrique' and it's called I have always loved you and for those who don't know it or have never heard it before…. Guys go and find it cos I can assure that it's simply BEAUTIFUL. Definitely a MAX AND LIZ 's song.

C U all very soon…. If you want me to come back of course!!!

Tell me what U want~New part 6.a

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 4:48 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Title: Tell me what you want

Rating: TEEN-ADULT(well, I think, if I can write it))

Disclaimer: Even if it would be a dream come true, I don't own nothing from Roswell! And certainly not Jason "Hot" Behr!!

AN:Okay, so I've decided something… I'm not making promises anymore. Each time I said it will not take me too long to update I end up doing just the opposite. So from now on I will only promise a new part when I will be sure you'll have it in time. :wink:
Sweetygurl, Roswellluver, Moonlight, Cyrus, Lindsey, Ariel70, Saymi007,Scoobydoo4000, Aliendreamer101, Jules, Lovalien, ForeverDreaming8602, Luvjb, thank u so much for your feedbacks and bumps. I really hope the new part will be worth the wait.
Max and Liz Believer, -- yeah they better watch out Maria, she's already in whole 'Hurricane Spy Maria' mode and she won't calm down, so there is certainly no way they would be able to escape her next inquisition. :P Check out the next chapters to see her in action. Thank U too for your – always long – feedbacks. I really love them (think I already told you that but it's so true. ) so thank U for taking the time to leave them.
Brook, thank u for your numerous bumps, I really appreciated! My story was on the first page often thank to you :wink:
Not-of-this-earth, Frenchkiss70.. what is it ?? some kind of competition between the two of you?? LOL … I have not enough fingers to count down the number of feedbacks, bumps, or little notes you two left. Thank U so much … and keep the good work! I love your little bumps. You two are often making my day and making me believe this story is worth it!! :P
BTW Frenchkiss… I think there was a slight confusion… Jason WAS indeed with me in MY bedroom… so whoever was with you was definitely not him!! :lol: (are you sure it wasn't TED??? :wink: …. How is your Teddy Behr today??) Uh, :roll: what else… oh yeah, I use one of your anecdote in this part, :wink: I know you'll find it immediately. And of course… I'm waiting for some new ones! Okkayy???
Marteloise, LMAO, I love your last feedback!! :wink: Yeah like I said before Jason is very demanding and he didn't let me come back sooner and post this part. :lol: But here I am again, thanking you for your feedbacks and your friendly-french bumps. :P
And last but not least… JarodParker, okay I know I'm not keeping my promise to you either but what can I say? I just love the two of them together… and I can't be jealous of Liz! LOL :lol: . I hope you took the time to catch up with the parts you still didn't read, and you'll love this too. Thank you for your bump and your pms! :wink:
I hope I'm not forgetting anyone :sad: Anyway, if I didn't bored anyone to death with all this… you can all go and read the new part! :P :wink: :lol:

Chapter 6.a

"Are you ready?"


"Open your eyes love."

At the same that she did as he said he waved his hand around the room and Liz's breath immediately caught in her throat.

"OH-MY-GOD, MAX!" she yelled completely shoked. Almost automatically she covered her mouth with both her hands.
She had to blink her eyes several times just to be sure that she wasn't dreaming, but each time she opened them again, she could only realize that sure enough everything was still there.
She had thought back in the Senior Chow's that Max couldn't have found a better way to surprise her but this was simply incredible. Nothing could compare to this.

"Max, it's so… it's … wonderful…." she finally said once she remembered how to speak again. But then she instantly regretted the stupidity of her words. Wonderful?….. Wonderful didn't do any justice to what was in front of her. It didn't start to describe the magnificence of what she saw.
She had left a room.
She found now a scene worthy of the most amazing fairy tale. It was like her most secret and crazy dream, no …fantasie… come true. It was every girl's fantasie in fact,turned into reality. And all this had been created by her fantastic boyfriend, just for her.
"Max, it's too much,…. you shouldn't have,…. how did you find the time to prepare all this?" she asked softly before turning in his arms so that she could see his face.

"I just found it!" he answered before placing a chaste kiss on the tip of her nose. "And…. nothing it's too much… or too beautiful for you Liz!"
Unable to resist the sudden urge she had to kiss him she threw her arms around his neck before locking her lips with his and kissing him passionately.

"Do you love this?" he asked once they pulled apart, his breath still heavy.

"Love this? Max? ….Yes, of course I do. I really do!" she said hastily completely stunned by his question. How could he think that she didn't love what she was seeing? She would have to be completely crazy, silly, stupid, or maybe just blind to not love what he did.
Turning around again, she took a good and attentive look at her surroundings.
Oh yeah! She definitely love everything.

"Max, I really thought that you would never be able to surpass your first surprise, that nothing could better the restaurant, the dance and everything else, but THIS…. This is simply unbelievable." she told him, her eyes brimming with tears.
At first she had been too shoked to really notice everything, but now that the first effects of the surprise were slowly disappearing she could only be touched and moved by the sumptuousness of his gesture. This was simply the most beautiful and extraordinary thing that anyone had ever done for her.
She remembered that when she left her room on the afternoon before heading to the Crashdown to do some paperwork for the restaurant and wait patiently for Max, a thin blanket was thrown over her bed and she could see her pink sheets showing just underneath it.
But now, instead of her former but usual ones, her bed was neatly made with amazing ivory silk sheets. They would have been simply beautiful just like that, -- and she had really never thought that she would one day see and therefore even less sleep in silk sheets, -- but the richness of their texture and their color was enhanced by the hundred or maybe thousand, she couldn't tell, of red petals of roses that seemed to have been delicately placed and spread over them and the sight was simply breath-taking.
Actually, though the ones on her bed were exclusively red, there were different petals of different colors everywhere. She could have sworn that Max hadn't left one single spot uncovered. From her desk -- where she also noticed a vase with another bunch of white roses had been placed over -- to her bookshelves, from her chest of drawers to the headboard of her bed, to the floor, or her fitted carpet, the whole room in fact, was covered with white, pink, red, and even blue petals, those last the evident proof that Max had to have used his powers to create this beautiful scenery because Roswell florist's surely didn't have blue roses.

Where there were not roses, little candles stood, illuminating the whole place and giving it an unreal but stunning glow, just like it was the case at the restaurant. They didn't need to switch on the light, -- and actually she just did notice that fact, -- because there were so many candles that they were enough to entirely light up her room.
She couldn't not note that Max had done everything possible to create a very romantic ambiance again and obviously he had taken care of every detail to prolong the magic of this evening. However she was just a little surprised when she noticed the small bottle of what seemed to be massage oil on her nightstand. What did Max have in mind she wondered.

Her close inspection was finally only interrupted by Max's sudden but pleasing kissing and nibbling at her neck.

"Liz?" he called softly when he finally couldn't wait any longer to start what he was sure would be a fantastic night.
A night he had every intention to dedicate to Liz and her every need.
Tonight he was just there to take care of her and show her just how much he loved her and how much he wanted to make up for everything she had lost. Ever since he had seen what she had gone through because of him he had been thinking about a way to bring her back part of what she had given up for him and now was just his first opportunity.
Slowly she turned around to face him again and he had to swallow hard.
Yes he had hoped that she would be impressed and appreciate his attention but what he saw in her eyes when she turned nearly knocked him down. She was looking at him with so much love, so much desire and passion that he was sure he wouldn't be able to go on with everything he had planned initially anymore. When she looked at him like that the only thought that crossed his mind was pinning her on her bed or against the nearest wall and ravishing her.
God, she was so beautiful, so desirable, and she was all his, he remembered smiling.

"Thank you Max." she whispered before kissing him softly. "No one has ever done something so incredible and special for me before …. I don't know what to say… It's simply amazing."

"The only thing I want you to say is… yes!" he replied criptically before pulling away and holding out his hand for her to take.

"Yes?… yes, to what Max?" she asked confused.

Before answering her he knelt in front of her and after having kicked his own shoes he gently took off hers, not wanting to flatten the petals and make a complete mess on her floor, and once that done he stood up and took her hand again. "Maybe I'm going too far tonight but……may I ask for another dance?" he asked playfully a big smile playing on his lips.

"It would have been with real pleasure… again… but…… there is no music Max!" she answered her tone matching his. She had been a little confused at first when he took both her shoes and his off but now that she could see what he wanted she couldn't help but smile.

"Not yet" was all he said before pulling her in his arms again and raising his hand towards her hifi-system to start up the cd.

As soon as the music filled the room and she recognized the first notes of the song Liz knew this would be an highly emotionnal night for her. If Max kept surprising her like that, there was no way she would be able to see the end of it.

"Oh, Max" she said, her voice barely above a whisper and her eyes welling up with new tears. She knew she shouldn't cry and she was sure that Max had never meant to make her cry but this was just too much for her.

Come to me now,
And lay your hands over me
Even if it's a lie
Say it will be all right
And I shall believe

" I know what you felt dancing with me…. er……I mean… with my future self and thinking… thinking that you would never live that again ……and I know that it cannot be considered as your wedding dance, our wedding dance…… yet…… but… this… it's… well… it's just my way to tell you that I'm not forgetting… I won't forget …… and one day Liz….. I swear that one day we'll be dancing on this song…… our song…… on our wedding day…… God, I love you so much." he managed to say while they slowly swayed to the music and though this was certainly affecting him as much as it was affecting her. Much more than he had thought it would actually.
He had been preparing this, he knew what was coming but now holding Liz in his arms, dancing with her on this song that had come to mean so much to both of them was simply overwhelming.

I'm broken in two
And I know you're on to me
That I only come home
When I'm so all alone
But I do believe

Gently he wiped away with his thumbs the few tears that had escaped her beautiful eyes and he bent down his head to join his lips with hers, sealing this almost solemn promise with a sweet and tender kiss.

That not everything is gonna be the way
You think it ought to be
It seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me
Please say honestly you won't give up on me
And I shall believe
And I shall believe

"I love you too Max" she whispered before tighting her hold on him, as if she was afraid this was all a dream and she would wake up soon and find out that he wasn't there with her, that she wasn't safely held in his strong arms.
When she was there, when he held her like that, she was sure that nothing wrong could happen to her, to them. No one would ever be able to hurt her again. And now he was promising her a future she thought she had been denied forever, a wedding, a wedding dance she thought she would never live. He was giving her back her future and all her hopes to live with him, to spend the rest of her life with the one she loved again. Forever.
And this dance, this night were their first step together into this new life.
She took deep and long breaths trying to calm herself down and she leant her head on his chest. She then inhaled his masculine scent and somehow it helped her to reign over her ragged emotions.

Open the door
And show me your face tonight
I know it's true
No one heals me like you
And you hold the key

Sensing that Max should still be feeling guilty for what had happened with Future Max, and that this should surely be at least part of the reason for all his efforts, she felt that she had to reassure him again. Of course as far as she was concerned he had nothing to feel guilty about, but she knew him too well.

"Max, I'm sure you're thinking it is, but I told you before…… nothing that happened was your fault… I don't want you to think it was… Never… You didn't know…… and it was my choice. A bad choice, okay, but my choice anyway."

"Like I really give you any choice!" he replied sarcastically, still unable to understand how his future self could have come up with such a stupid plan. He doubt that he would ever be able to forgive him, and therefore himself for what he had done to his Liz.

"Max, please…… I don't want you to feel guilty or to even think about that anymore… it's… it's over now…… I shouldn't have even talk about it now…..can we just forget about that… and enjoy our wedding dance" she hastily tried to conclude with a smile.
She had been the one to start this conversation but seconds later she was there trying to change the subject, realizing that now was probably not the best moment to talk about it and regretting to have brought it up in the first place. Though she really hoped he had at least listened to her, when she searched his eyes she couldn't not notice that she had yet to convince him.
She knew first hand what he should be feeling and forgiveness in their case would not be a walk in the park. She had been the one living with this guilt for so long, and she had yet to forgive herself for having hurt him the way she had, though she was supposed to have all the reasons to do so. It was to save the world and prevent its end after all, no?
She had lived with it for longer than he was and though it was certainly different for him, -- since after all how could he blame himself for something he hadn't even really done himself -- she knew it would take him some time to finally accept the fact that he couldn't do anything about that and that it wasn't his fault. Just like she had to convince herself that she had no real choice.
They both had their part of responsability in a way, but actually Max should be feeling even worse than she was: for months he had believed she had betrayed him, been unfaithful to their love, only to finally find out that she had only been following the instructions a future version of himself had given her. How do you live with that knowledge?
Knowing Max, if he didn't blame himself for having initiated her plan, he surely would still be blaming himself for the way he treated her during all those months when he was so sure she had slept with Kyle.
Then how do you move on from this point if you're not able to forgive yourself?

Oh yes, he should be, no…. he was… feeling really guilty, she had felt that through their connection, and yes it would take time, a long time maybe to forget and forgive, but the big difference was that she would be there for him now, and she would do anything it took to help him through that. She had had no real choice back then , but he would not go through that alone. Not if she could be there and prevent that.

Never again
Would I turn away from you
I'm so heavy tonight
But your love is all right
And I do believe

That not everything is gonna be the way
You think it ought to be
It seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me
Please say honestly you won't give up on me
And I shall believe
And I shall believe

"I wish it could be so easy" he said sadly after a brief moment. "I really wish …. But anyway…." he hastily continued not wanting to break the mood and once he realized that the song had ended. "… Are you ready for my next surprise?"

"What?…… you are kidding right Max?…… this is just so much already…… you don't have to do anything else…… and anyway…… you should be careful Mister Evans…… I cant' behave when I'm too spoiled" Liz lamely tried to joke.
Truth was that she didn't know what to say. How to react. She still couln't believe how lucky she was. The dinner, the flowers, the candles and then the dance were already more than she would have dared dreaming about. She couldn't ask for more. And besides she didn't need anything else but Max to be happy and enjoy the present moment. But the mischievous smile on Max's handsome and perfect face was telling her that he surely had much more up his sleeves.

"I know I don't have…… but I want to…… Liz Parker you deserve the best…… and I have every intention to spoil you for the rest of your life…… starting today…… so we will just have to work on that behavior of yours…. later…" he answered before sweeping her into his arms, -- which earned him a surprised gasp from Liz -- and leading her to the bathroom.
Instinctively she wrapped her arms around his neck and let him carry her where he wanted, but her curiosity took the best of her and she couldn't help but ask:

"What are you up to my MysteryBoy, and how many surprises do you still have in store for me?"

"Well…… If I told you everything… it wouldn't be a surprise anymore… so you would just have to wait and see. "

"Hmm, are you sure there is no way I could convi……" she started in a seductive tone but stopped mid-sentence when they entered the bathroom and she looked around her. "Oh my god, Max, what have you done?"

Max could only laugh. Yes the look on her face was without a doubt priceless and more than he had dared hope. Gently he put her down on her feet again. "Does that mean that you like the surprise…… or is it a way to tell me you don't…" he teased, sure that he already knew the answer.
Liz was speechless. This had to be some kind of illusion, right? … her mind playing some trick on her?
Once again she blinked before realizing that sure enough her bathroom had been altered too. Actually it was nearly unrecognizable, and if it wasn't because she knew that she was indeed in her apartment, in her room and in her bathroom she could have sworn that she didn't know this place anymore.
Petals and candles were everywhere there too but what was really impressing her -- okay maybe shoking her would suit better -- was that where once stood her former tub was now another one lower but much larger. One where too people could definitely and perfecly fit in together, she thought and smiled unconsciously.
Water was almost at board level and some petals were floating at his surface while candles were arranged and lit up all around its frame except on the side where you entered it and part of the opposite.
Passing near her Max quickly moved his hand above the cold water and seconds later she could see hot steam rising above the bath and little bubbles coming to crash at the surface where the petals still were.
Next thing she saw was Max reaching for her strawberry foaming soap and adding a little amount to the bath. Yeah, this guy really had a thing for the stawberry flavour.
Liz still couldn't believe her eyes. Was it possible that she was there in her own bathroom with a personal mini-jacuzzi at her disposal?

"I…. oh…. Woooww….." was all Liz was able to stammer.

"Just in case you're wondering…" Max quickly said when he saw the complete look of disbelief on her face. "… it's still your old tub…… I just changed its molecular structure… like for the sheets in fact… but everything will be back to its initial form…… once we're done…" he finished a big suggestive smile on his lips, and took her in his arms.

That was all Liz needed to come back to her senses. Standing on her tiptoes she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Softly at first but then more passionately when she felt him respond to the touch of her lips on his.
What was surely meant to be an innocent kiss – okay, since when were their kisses innocent, huh? … they were almost always desire and passion-igniting – was quickly turning into something much more intense and Max knew he had to stop them there otherwise there was no way they would go through his plans.
Breaking the kiss and slightly pulling away he couldn't help but smile at the expression on Liz's face. Obviously this was affecting her just as much as it was him.

"This is amazing Max…… but not yet as amazing as you…… You're incredible" Liz finally said once she realized that she hadn't given him her impression yet.
Actually she was sure there were no words enough in a whole dictionnary to describe what she felt… what Max made her feel. She had never felt so special, so cherished and so loved in her whole life and she couldn't come up with enough words to thank him for everything he had done for her tonight.
"Thank you again Max, …… I don't know…… I… I feel so stupid in fact…… all this it's…… I so don't deser……" she started but was immediately cut off by Max.

"Eh…… I so don't want to hear that…... don't even think about it, okay!" he said knowing full well what she had in mind. "Now… if you're ready…… vowtre bain est pwret mon shiri ( :wink: ) "

"What?" Liz giggled.

"Okay, my french need some improvement ' your bath is ready darling.' " he elucidated sure that she had not understood a single word of what he had tried to say.
So much for wanting to impress her and try the 'French Charm', huh?

"Oh you meant 'votre bain est prêt ma chérie" she corrected with a perfect french accent.

"Well, I'm not exactly the perfect french student, so what? … I can't excel in all I do, no? …" he said in a feigned hurt voice. "…… Now… let me help you with that… You're wearing too much clothes for what I planned… " he continued at the same time that he started to take off her top. Soon her skirt followed and she was left standing there in front of him in her bra and panties.
When he was ready to unfasten the clasp she stopped him.

"What about you?" she asked him.

"What about me?"

"Yes, what about you… You're not joining me?" she questionned, not sure she would like it if he was to say no. She would certainly enjoy this bath a lot more if he was taking it with her.

"Not part of the plan" he simply stated, but his mischivious smile couldn't be missed.


"You heard me… this is about you Liz… the bath is just for you…… unless…" he left his sentence hanging in the air. Okay so initially this bath was supposed to be only for her, but seeing her there almost naked in front of him was really not helping him and he doubt he would be able to just watch AND wash her like he first intended to and not hope for more. So he would definitely took the offer if she was to ask him to join her.

"Unless what?" she smiled and raised her eyebrow suggestively.

"Unless you don't mind sharing and you want me to join you." he answered huskily before finally unfastening her bra and marvelling again at her beauty.

"Best idea of the night" she simply declared before reaching for the hem of his shirt and pulling it up above his head. Immediately after she tugged on his pants and soon they were joining the amount of discarded clothes on the floor before being followed seconds later by their last and respective undergarments.
Unconsciously Liz licked and bit at her lips at the sight of Max's evident erection standing there hard and proud before her and Max couldn't help groaning.
"Help me God" he thought, because there was simply no way he would be able to stay there with her and not make love to her before reaching the bedroom again. It was already a miracle in itself he had last so long.
Her next move proved him just how right he had to be.
Standing once again on her tiptoes she went to kiss him but not without rubbing her wet core against his cock. Seeing, feeling, that she was already so ready for him was driving him insane with want, with need, with desire.
Trying to cling on to the last straws of self-control he still had before it was too late Max stuttered. "Bb…ba-bath."

"You first" Liz giggled.
Oh, he wanted to wait? She would wait, but she would have her ways with Max Evans sooner than he thought… sooner than he planned.

So guys, how was that!??? I hope you liked it…. At least just a little bit?? :sad: Let me know, okay.

I'm maybe coming later tonight with Chapter 6.b…. otherwise, check for it tomorrow. :wink:

Well, I'm not exactly the perfect french student, so what?
Unofficial version:
- Well, I'm not exactly the perfect french student, though Rebecca is helping me a lot and every chance she got so I'm sure I'll be doing better soon.
What? Is this so far from reality?? LOL :lol:
Okay, who am I kidding here? Like Jason/Max would lie eyes on me if he was to meet me, huh?? :cry: …. Too busy contemplating Shiri/Liz! :P …. What?? You're being mean now!… let us French addicts (A.K.A. Frenchkiss, Marteloise, Lovalien, Dream and Candies, Fanonyme and ME) DREAM a little more (okay maybe a LOT more! :roll: ) :lol:

Tell me what U want Chapter 6.b

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:18 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Title: Tell me what you want

Rating: TEEN-ADULT(well, I think, if I can write it))

Disclaimer: Even if it would be a dream come true, I don't own nothing from Roswell! And certainly not Jason "Hot" Behr!!

AN: Sorry guys I know I said I was posting yesterday night but my own and personnal Max Evans was too demanding and wouldn't let me come near the computer :lol:, however here I am with the new part! :wink:
Marteloise, Frenchkiss70, AlienDreamer101, Scoobydoo4000, Roswellluver, thank you for your feedbacks.
Angeleyes … glad to see that you found this story and that you're loving it. Thank you so much for your feedback and for the great compliment. It warmed my heart! :wink: :P
Not-of-this-earth… thank U so much girl for the feedback and for Jason offering me flowers, I saw the picture just when I got up this morning and I swear that it made my day brighter! You rock!! :wink:

Chapter 6.b

Checking first the water temperature Max slowly entered the tub and lowered himself in the water before waiting for Liz to join him. Having moved to the opposite board, he saw her reaching for a clip and pulling her hair up in a bun, a few loose tendrils framing her face though, before approaching him again.
If he was thinking that she was going to sit next to him he was really wrong.
Instead, she made him spread his legs and settled herself between them, then she leaned back against his muscular chest and though he knew it wasn't the wiser move, he instinctively wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against him.
The bubbles and the feel of Max's body so close were doing magic to her senses and Liz relaxed in his embrace.
Oh yeah, she could definitely stay here all night long and not move anymore she thought.

Well maybe 'not moving' was not exactly what she was doing because in fact as soon as she felt Max's arms coming around her and most of all his hardness poking the small of her back she couldn't help it, she had to move against it. And of course Max's soft moans were not making her want to stop. Just the opposite in fact.

Max should have known she would not give up so easily. She had let him move without a protest but now she was doing her best to drive him completely crazy.
He gently grabbed her hips in a vain attempt to stop her slow movements and for an instant he even wondered if she wasn't aware of what she was doing and mostly of what she was doing to him, but when he felt her trying to continue nonetheless he knew she did.
"Liz?" he whispered, his voice sounding more hoarse than he had first intended to.

"Uh?" she replied not really paying attention to what sounded like a plea for her to stop. Instead she took his hands so that he would let her go and she resumed her previous moves.

Max was desesperately trying to find something, anything, that would make her stop torturing him but he couldn't come with a thing. Actually he would 'come' if she didn't stop but in a more figurative sense.

"Hm… I… I talked with … Isabel this afternoon" he told her suddenly.
That was the only thing he thought could help him. Starting casual conversation.
They had talked about many things during the meal but he had yet to tell her about his short talk with Isabel. Not that he had so much to say about it actually but he just hoped that this would distract her from her current task, at least for now and long enough to let him calm some down.
Not such a chance.

"Really?" she answered absently.
She passed her hand in her back, between their fitted body and grabbed hold of his manhood. She smiled when she started to move her hand up and down his length and she felt him slightly arched behind her and heard him suck in his breath. Obviously he wasn't expecting her move but she liked that.

"Huh-uh…..yeah… I … in f-f-fact I just told her …I … I wanted to t-t-talk to her… about well… you know ab-about wh-what…" he closed his eyes and whispered, enjoying her sweet ministrations despite his previous inner protest and though he couldn't help but winced at the end of his sentence, remembering what he would have to do tomorrow once he would have had this conversation with his sister.

"Tess's lies" she said almost as softly not really wanting, -- not more than him in fact -- to think again about what Tess had told her.

If it wasn't because she was holding him in her hand she would certainly have missed his reaction when she pronounced the blonde bimbo's -- like Maria really loved to call her, -- name. But she was and she couldn't help but grin when she noticed that when whenever she was near him, touched him or caressed him, she seemed to aroused him instantly, her supposed rival seemed to have just the opposite effect. And though she knew she had no reason to feel threatened or anything, this knowledge reassured her and was simply filling her heart with a new sense of pure joy and pride.
She stroked him a few more times and then she couldn't help but want and try to verify her theory. That was why she slowed her movement and repeated Tess's name again, and sure enough his shaft stopped pulsing in her hand when he heard it.
Unable to stop herself her laugh filled the room and left Max completely confused.

"What?" he asked her. She was supposed to be mad, she was not supposed to laugh or find the situation funny. Or had he missed something and she was laughing at him.

"Do you have a problem with… 'Tess', Mister Evans" she said, the alien's name rolling on her lips to emphasize it even more. And again she obtained the same reaction.

"What are you trying to do, Liz?" Max questionned amused when realization slowly downed on him. Obviously Liz was noticing the way he was reacting despite himself and she was certainly coming to the same conclusion he had before.
He had felt this way this afternoon when Tess had been so close to him, too close: when Liz seemed to aroused him beyond words and limits, the blonde alien seemed to repulse him in a way he never thought would be possible, and that was even before he knew what a liar she could be, so no wonder it was even worse now. However it wasn't that she wasn't attractive, he would lie if he said that -- though of course she wasn't his type either -- but she seemed to have a very negative effect on his libido nonetheless. Truth was that he didn't really cared how or why, but he couldn't help wondering if this had to do with the fact that Liz and him had made love and were now as close and intimate as two people could be. He had desired Liz before -- even when they weren't alone and were surrounded by all their friends -- but had never reacted that way to Tess's name, presence or touch before. Never until this morning, when Liz wasn't even with him but he had wanted her so much, and now.

"It's a 'scientific experience' I guess" she replied playfully before continuing. "Max….." she whispered seductively and pressed her body more firmly against his. "I want you so much it hurts…… I want to feel you inside me again….. "

"Ooh Liz…." Max only moaned before burying his face in the crook of her neck. She was going to kill him.

"…. feel you moving in and out of me…." she continued, proud to see that Max was growing harder and harder due to the combination of her hand moves and her sweet words. But as she had thought his cock started to soften slightly when she said Tess again.
Who would have thought that thinking and speaking about anything related to Tess Harding at such an intimate moment would turn her on so much, but truth was it was. She had certainly never wanted Max more, never wanted to claim him as hers so much than she did right now.

"God Liz… stop this….. what do you want?… Scare me or … or make me sick for life?" he tried to say seriously though he was really loving the fact that his body, something he couldn't always have control over, was showing Liz she had nothing to fear concerning Tess. What better proof could he give her?

"Oh, we wouldn't want that Max, would we! " she teased and squeezed him slightly.

Reaching for her hand, he made her release him before grabbing her gel. "Let's wash this beautiful body of yours" he said trying to change the subject or at least trying to refocus all the attention on her rather than let it where it was right now.
He worked the soap up into a lather and gently started to rub her shoulders, lightly massaging them at the same time, and Liz couldn't help arching her back against him. She just loved the way he was touching her with such gentleness and tenderness, like she was some precious piece of porcelain and he was afraid he would break her or just hurt her.
She felt his hands slide along her behr arms and then slowly under the foam and the water, along her back and her hips creating little goosebumps all over her skin. She wasn't cold, not at all, but his touch was making her shiver. She closed her eyes and sighed in contentment, -- or was it pleasure already? When she opened them again, the first thing she felt was his hands coming up her flat stomach, and she desesperately hoped that he would go further down. She needed to feel him touch her intimately,… but he didn't.
However she couldn't be too disappointed since instead he moved his hands up to cup both her breasts and she had to bite her lips to not moan loudly.
He was just caressing them, kneading them gently at first but the instant he brought his lips to the tender and sensitive flesh of her neck too she felt lost.

"Max" she moaned before placing her own hands above his to make him increase the pressure and the rhythm of his ministrations.

"Who's playing now?" he asked huskily and licked at her ear lobe while he teased her erected nipples, pinching them or rolling them between his forefingers and his thumbs. He played with them a moment before moving his hands down her stomach again. She shivered in anticipation but when she was sure that he was going to finally touch her where she ached the more he stopped.

"Don't stop!" she pleaded her voice betraying her need.

"I'm not" he replied softly.

She couldn't see where his hands were exactly since foam was still surrounding both of them but she found it all the more exhilarating. Not seeing them, not knowing what his next move would be made her shiver again. Unconsciously she spread her legs apart waiting for the moment to come, sure now that it wouldn't be long before he touched her again and worth the wait. But when he did she couldn't help the whining sound that escaped her lips.
She had played with him before but now he was surely paying her back.
She felt how he brushed his fingers against her knees before slowly moving them up her thighs until he reached her inner thighs. His right hand continued his journey up to her stomach until it stopped just under her breast once more.
He was teasing her mercilessly, bringing his left hand near, oh-so- near to her core but obstinately refusing to touch her there. Stopping just inches above her swollen bud he started to draw little circles with his fingers and Liz couldn't help but imagine how it would feel if he was touching her just lower.

"Max, stop… please" she whimpered.

"I thought you didn't want me to…" he chuckled, though he knew that wasn't what she had meant.

"Stop… teasing me." she clarified.

"Then… tell me… where do you want me to touch you Liz?" he whispered lasciviously at the same time that he flicked her clit with his thumb. "There?" he asked her. "Or there?" he said before running his middle finger along her slit. "Or maybe there?" he added when he finally cupped her right breast and fondled it.

"Wh-where you w-want Max…. just do it…. just t-touch me pleeaase." Liz begged shamelessly.

That was all Max needed. Seeing her so responsive and begging for his touch was his undoing. He couldn't deny her this pleasure, nor deny it to himself. He loved to drive her crazy, to see just how much she needed and wanted him. He himself was rock hard again just with hearing her moan his name and feeling the soft caresses of her behind against his throbbing cock.
He couldn't really feel if she was wet or not but if what he had felt before was any indication she surely was. While his right hand alternated between her breasts, his left returned to his previous task. He drew little circles at her entrance, purposely caressing the soft flesh of her core for what seemed like eternity for Liz and therefore he wasn't at all surprised when she moved her hips forward so that she could force him to insert his finger inside her. Slowly he started to move it in and out of her until she was the one moving almost furiously against his hand. He inserted a second finger and almost lost it when he heard the loud groan that escaped her lips when he did so. He started pumping them in and out of her and Liz felt like a puddle in his arms.

"Oooh Max….. Maax " she panted sure that she was going to completely melt in no time now.

"Come for me Liz… come for me baby" he asked her, the sound of his hoarse voice nearly sending her over the edge.

She wanted to. God how she wanted to come. She wanted to feel her inside burning, the particular sensation in the pit of her stomach, the first convulsion of her body when the climax envelopped her, and the incredible feeling of completion and peace it left her in once she reached it. She wanted to feel everything. But suddenly Max's fingers weren't enough for her. She needed to have him, feel him filling her.
Unable to wait any longer she stopped him, turned around and before he had the slightest chance to stop her she straddled him.

"I need you now Max." she whispered near his ear before grabbing his shaft and guiding him to her. When she looked at him, her eyes were blazing with fire and passion, and Max could have sworn she was going to eat him alive.

"Eh… I thought I was the boss here… " he said, still trying to joke though he surely wanted to join their bodies just as much as she seemed to want.

"Not this time!" she answered at the same time that she placed the head of his cock at her entrance and lowered herself so that he could enter her. As much as she wanted him she couldn't help but tease him a little more, wanting to drive him crazy and make him lose the last bits of control he still seemed to have. She stayed still, with an inch of his hard member already penetrating her, and she started to stroke his length instead.

"Liz….. stop… or this… this is going to end… be… before it starts and I'm not going… not going to be able… to continue." he told her hoarsily, nearly regretting to have teased her before.

"Well…. we're lucky I'm not blonde… otherwise you'd not be able to even start" she giggled clearly alluding to Tess and his little problem with her.

"Oh you little tease… you're liking this, huh?"

"Why Max, are you complaining? " she asked and slowly moved down him.

"Not at all!" was the only thing he could answer.
There was no way he could hold on anymore. At the same time that he spoke he thrusted his hips forward, embedding himself deeply inside her, and this time Liz didn't care to moan loudly, her own sounds coinciding with those Max emitted when he entered her. Max was inside her again. She had waited for this moment almost all the night and now she couldn't control herself even if her life depended on it.
Using his shoulders to steady herself and after firmly resting her knees and shins against the bottom of the tub to have some leverage, she started to lift herself up and down in a very slow rhythm. She knew she wouldn't last long, she was so near to climax just minutes before and if it hadn't been because she needed to feel him inside her so badly she would have let him bring her over the edge with his fingers, but she wanted more. She wanted him to be with her, she wanted him to join her into the throes of passion.

Seeing Liz moving, making love to him actually, was the most sensual and erotic thing Max had ever seen. Until now he had always been the one to 'call the tune', the one taking charge and leading them to completion, but he realized that the sight of her body undulating over him was a tremendous turn on. He was sure that he hadn't felt this hard in his whole life, and God knew if he had been before.
They were still discovering each other, discovering what the other one liked, what brought them the more pleasure, but as far as Max was concerned he really, really, liked this position, and he would see to let her have her ways with him more often from now on.
He grabbed her hips and helped her with her motions, the lapping of the water around them coming louder and louder to their ears by the minutes.
Soon she was gripping his shoulders, digging her nails in them and he knew she was reaching the point of no return. He loved how her walls clamped tightly at his member and in no time he was joining her. Liz collapsed in his arms, her breath heavy, and wrapped her own arms around him so that she would not lose his warmth yet.
No need to say that Max held her just as tightly, and so they stayed like this, each one slowly coming down to Earth and savoring the feel of each other body a few more precious minutes.

However after a moment Max pulled out of her and tried to get up.

"Max what are you doing?" Liz gasped when he finally lifted her with him and got out of the tub.
Foam and water splashed everywhere because of his sudden move but he didn't seem to mind he was making a mess of her floor.

"Taking you to your room…" he answered her when he put her down on her feet on the bathroom floor. "… But first let me dry you off." he said.
Of course he could have stay with her here forever but he still had other plans for her.
He reached for a towel and wrapped it around his waist before taking a second one and using it for her.
After a few seconds he decided that there was certainly another way to dry her without wasting too much time so he used his powers to do so more quickly. When he finished he reached for her clip and let her hair cascade again around her face, combing it with his fingers and drying the few strands that had gotten wet.

"Thank you" she whispered and kissed him softly after encircling his neck with her arms.
He was ready to take her hands and lead her to the bedroom when she jumped in his arms and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. "Take me to bed Max" she declared suggestively before bending her head and bringing her lips to his again.
This time she didn't wait to dart out her tongue as she silently begged for the entrance to his mouth and as soon as he opened it for her she caressed his tongue with her own.
Never breaking the kiss Max staggered with her in his arms until he reached her bed and lowered her over it, crushing some petals beneath her in the process. But none of them cared. They kissed and dueled endless minutes until they both needed to come up for air.

"What?" Liz questionned when she saw Max looking at her intensely.

"Did I already tell you tonight just how beautiful you are?" he told her seriously, his eyes showing her just as much he meant those words.
And he really did. Lying there beneath him only wrapped in a towel, her hair fanning out around her and her frame surrounded and contrasting with the ivory sheets and the red color of the roses, she was simply stunning.

"Nope….. I don't think so!" she said a little fake pout playing on her lips.

"Well… let me put things right then…. Elizabeth Parker.. you're the most beautiful… charming… enchanting… tempting and sexy woman I've ever seen in my whole life." he whispered truthfully before leaning down for another kiss. However he didn't let her deepen it.
If it wasn't because he still wanted this night to be hers, he surely would already be deeply buried inside her again. But he had sworn to himself earlier this afternoon that he would do anything to first please and take care of her and that started with controlling his own desires.
Okay so maybe he hadn't completely succeeded until now, but what could he say? She was simply irresistible, he just couldn't tell her no before.
But now instead of pinning her against the mattress and making crazy and wild love to her just like he wanted to, he asked her to turn around on her stomach.

"What? … what for?" she asked confused.

"Just turn around, … you'll see." he answered at the same time that he lifted his weigh from above her and then went to search for the bottle of massage oil he had left on her nightstand. He saw her getting up too and removed the upper sheet, making all the petals fall over the floor in the process, before lying on her stomach as he had asked her.

"Did I never tell you that I'm the best masseur in Roswell?" he went on when he saw she was ready.
She looked up and saw him joining her on the bed again and she smiled when she noticed the oil and understood what he was up to.

"Yeah, sure…" she replied sceptically nonetheless. " … and I'm Jennifer Lopez!"

"Well…. I prefer your butt!" he joked before straddling her behind but taking care to not crush her.
He reached for the edge of her towel and lowered it revealing her behr back to his hungry eyes. He then pulled her hair aside, poured a small amount of oil in his hands and rub them together, using his powers to heat it up.
Liz was going to retort with some joke of her own when she felt Max's hands on her shoulders, starting a slow massage, and the only thing she could do at this moment was moan and releve in the moment.
She had doubted him at first but truth was that his touch was simply magical. Gentle but firm at the same time and she could only think that Max surely knew what he was doing.
He expertly kneaded her skin, caressing and massaging first her shoulders before slowly sliding his hands down her back and then moving them up again.

Liz was sure that Max's first intentions were to help her to relax but his touch was doing just the opposite. Relaxation couldn't be further from her mind. She felt excited, aroused, sexually on the edge and the fact that Max's growing erection was slightly but surely pressing against her buttocks was definitely not helping her.
She let him take good care of her for at least fifteen minutes, gritting her teeth and stiffling her moans on her pillow, before deciding that she couldn't wait any longer. She needed to release the ache she felt between her thighs again, the ache he had created there. Now she wanted him to take her, to make love to her until she would be too exhausted to move anymore.
As if reading her thoughts Max bent down against her, his back fitting perfectly hers and started to lick at her ear lobe while he let his hands linger on her sides, on the swell of her breasts, on her hips. Liz groaned in delight before wiggling her hips explicitely and in response Max pressed his erection more firmly against her.
He knew what she wanted. He wanted it too. So badly.
He reached for the towel that was still covering her behind, separating her from him, and threw it on the floor not caring where it would land. He started with trailing a path of hot wet kisses along her shoulder blade and then he kissed his way down her back hardly leaving a single spot untouched until he reached the curves of her behind and moved up again.
Liz turned around beneath him and immediately Max's lips came crashing down on hers taking her breath away as he kissed her passionately.
He broke the kiss and resumed his previous ministrations, this time on the front of her body. He payed particular attention to her nipples sucking them in his avid mouth, twirling his tongue around them before continuing down his exploration of her body with his lips. He smiled when he reached her navel and heard her sharp intake of breath when he darted his tongue in and out of it. He then moved down even more until he reached the center of her feminity.
Liz stiffled a groan when she understood what he was going to do. God he had loved her only once this way, but she had been waiting for him to do it again ever since. And when he did she was not disappointed.
He parted her lower lips and once he found her swollen clit, he flicked it with his tongue, licked it and sucked it until Liz's crazy moans of pleasure echoed through the room. Unconsciously she lifted her hips and Max added more pressure to his licks until she couldn't take it anymore.
Once she climaxed he looked up and nearly climaxed himself from the sight she offered him. She was so beautiful, lying there, eyes half closed and breathing heavily, her breasts rising up and down with each respiration she took.

"God Liz, you drive me nuts…. One day I'm going to die with want." he stated huskily before throwing away his own towel and spreading her legs wide apart.

"Not if I can prevent it!" she smiled, grabbed his cock as soon as he settled himself between her parted thighs and guided him to her core again. Max propped his elbows against the mattress and didn't wait any longer to accept her silent invitation: he plunged inside her, his own desire burning him.
He marvelled again at the sensation, this first contact of their heat. Each time he entered her seemed different. It was as if he was discovering her over and over, as if it was always the first time, and he hoped their lovemaking would always be so special, so unique. But he had no idea just how much this time would be.
He brought his lips to hers and started thrusting in and out of her in a steady rhythm trying to bring them both over the edge as soon as possible. He had been able to control himself as much as he could but now was for both of them. Together.
During all their lovemakings they had never felt so close and Max was suddenly overwhelmed with emotions. It was as if Liz was slowly creeping under his skin, penetrating and taking possession of his body, becoming one with him, and their open connection proved him that she was feeling the exact same way about him. They couldn't tell anymore where their own bodies, their minds, their souls and their hearts started and where the other one's ended. They were one in every way possible.
Max broke the kiss and stared into her eyes before whispering.

"I love you so much Liz,…. so much baby". He had just meant to declare his love to her, never meant to get so emotionnal but looking down at her now he couldn't prevent his eyes from welling up with tears. He loved her so much, sometimes it even scared him. He so often had the impression he couldn't live without her, couldn't breathe. She was the one who made him alive. He couldn't be without her in his life.
Liz wiped his tears with her thumbs, though she was herself crying too by now, and pulled his head to hers so that she could kiss him. Max reached for her hand and pinned it against the bed gripping it with his own, while he tangled his other one in her hair. Their fingers intertwined together naturally and each time a wave of pleasure submerged one of them they would feel the pressure increasing on them. They were sure that by the time they would finish, their entwined hands would be all bruised, but they didn't care. None of them wanted to let go of the other.

They both closed their teary eyes when they felt the first waves of their imminent release envelopping them and were suddenly so wrapped together in their little world of bliss and pleasure that none of them realized what was happening around them.
Their lovemaking was simply surrealistic. At that particular moment they both could have sworn that they were floating together, their bodies being swept up into the air.
Liz couldn't even feel the mattress beneath her anymore but she couldn't care less. Max's thrusts were becoming desperate, deeper, harder and that was all that mattered. She felt how he tightened his grip on her hand and she knew it was only a matter of seconds before they both exploded together. However neither of them was prepared for the force of their orgasm.
It was as being swallowed up by a whirl, neither able to breath properly anymore, each having the sensation they were suddenly suffocating. The pleasure that coursed through them was indescribable, and all they could do was live and feel it. They couldn't even form a coherent thought anymore or utter a concrete word. The only sounds that filled the room were their loud and incessant moans combined with the steady and repetitive slapping of their joined bodies together.
Each inch of their skin was on fire and Liz was sure she was going to pass out any second now. She arched her back and that's when she realized just how soft the mattress seemed to be now. At least she still thought it was the mattress.
When their climax finally washed over them they both opened their eyes and gasped at the same time. What they saw was definitely not something they expected to see.
They had both felt that something had changed, felt how this time seemed different, how their lovemaking seemed suddenly more powerful, more intense, completely out-of-this-world, but none of them could comprehend what was happening.
One moment they were making love on her bed, and minutes later they were both really floating in the air, several feet above the matress but still joined and making passionate love, surrounded by a bright circle of green light, just like the one Max generated when using his protective shield.
Seeing the look of pure disbelief, incomprehension and most of all panic into Liz's eyes, Max pulled out of her without thinking about it and they both came back crashing down on her bed with a loud thud, Max crushing Liz with all his weight.

End of chapter 6

Now you all know the deal! I want to know how was that!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 9:41 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Title: Tell me what you want

Rating: TEEN-ADULT(well, I think, if I can write it))

Disclaimer: Even if it would be a dream come true, I don't own nothing from Roswell! And certainly not Jason "Hot" Behr!!

Chapter seven.a

One moment they were making love on her bed, and minutes later they were both really floating in the air, several feet above the mattress but still joined and making passionate love, surrounded by a bright circle of green light, just like the one Max generated when using his protective shield.
Seeing the look of pure disbelief, incomprehension and most of all panic into Liz's eyes, Max pulled out of her without thinking about it and they both came back crashing down on her bed with a loud thud, Max crushing Liz with all his weight.

It took both of them some time to get back to their senses and realized what had happened but Max was actually the first one to react.
'Oh God, what was that?' he immediately thought. What had happened? What had he done?
He hadn't even been aware he had been using his powers until it was too late, he hadn't felt them like he usually did, and he could have hurt Liz because of that.
Oh God Liz. He suddenly pulled away from her, resting all of his weight on his arms, when he realized that he was still crushing her.

"Liz?" he called when he looked down at her and saw her, eyes still closed and breathing heavily.
Seeing that she wasn't moving, that she wasn't even responding he tenderly brushed her cheek with his fingers and tried again "Liz, baby, are you alright?… Please be alright!… Liz?" his tone betraying just how much he was scared and concerned.
He saw her nodding and released the breath he hadn't even been aware he was holding.

"Liz look at me please!" he asked her, wanting to be sure she was really alright.

Liz slowly opened her eyes and took on her surrounding.
No, everything was normal again.
At first she had been afraid that the green circle of light that had been surrounding them minutes ago would still be there, but obviously it had vanished when Max had pulled out of her. That was the only explanation she could come up with to explain what had just happened and why they had came 'crashing down to Earth' so violently and suddenly. That had to have stopped it, she thought.
Now what she couldn't understand was why it had been created in the first place.
She knew Max had always been able to control his powers, at least he had been ever since he had figured them out and understood them, and nothing like that had ever happened before. Nothing she knew about at least.

"What was that? What has just happened Max?" she asked softly not wanting him to mistake the meaning of her words or to think her tone was accusing.

"I… I don't know… I'm… I'm sorry Liz… I'm so sorry… I didn't… I didn't mean… I…" he stammered helplessly, guilt already eating him up inside.

How could he have been so stupid? How could he have been so careless?
He was an alien for heaven's sake.
A frigging freaking alien.
He should have protected her, he should have known, should have felt that something like that could happen, that he could endanger her somehow.
He should have listened to his first instincts before taking their relationship to this level, and remembered who he was. WHAT he was.
That he was not normal, never had been and never would be, and therefore that he couldn't be ACTING like he was.
Maybe making love wasn't for him. Maybe he could simply not make love with a human without consequences. What could have possessed him to think he could anyway. How could he have believed that this was safe and taken such a risk with Liz.

"Max… Max… look at me please…"Liz pleaded when she realized where his thoughts were leading him.
Though she knew that this… thing… whatever it was, was definitively 'alien-related' , she wasn't blaming Max. It wasn't his fault. She knew he hadn't done it on purpose, knew he hadn't been able to control what had happened, and as far as she was concerned, he had no reasons to feel guilty. No reasons at all.
They had made love before and nothing remotely close to what they had just witnessed had ever happened, so this had to mean something. Though she couldn't understand what it was yet, she knew it had to be something special. She had felt it, and she knew Max had felt it too, now they just had to figure out, TOGETHER, what it was exactly and why it had happened only now, only this time precisely.

"Max… don't blame yourself please… it was not your fault… I know you didn't mean it!" Liz tried to convince him, feeling like they had already had the same kind of conversation once before.

"Liz… how can you say it was not MY fault?… I'm an ALIEN remember… and this… this was…" he started before she could cut him off.

"I know what it was Max… I mean I know it's linked to your alien's origins… but do you know why it happened now?… I mean you have always been able to control your powers until now… and it's not like it was the first time we… made love…so… it has to mean something no? … maybe even something important Max" she insisted hoping he would see her point and try to look at this scientifically.

"I don't know… I wish I knew but I don't… I don't even know when it started… I mean… I didn't even realize what was happening until we… until we climaxed… and then I opened my eyes… and then… well… God Liz… I was just as afraid as you were!… I'm really sorry " he declared.

"Max… I wasn't really … afraid or… or scared…. It's not that … I was just really… surprised… maybe shocked… I don't really know… but… you didn't hurt me Max… I guess… you just … took my breath away… literally I mean… when we fell… coz you were doing a pretty good job already just before that!" she clarified and teased hoping he would see the truth in her words and realize that she was really alright and that he had definitely not hurt her.

"Thank you for saying this… but that don't change the fact that I could have hurt you!" he answered stubbornly.

"But you didn't Max!" she countered just as stubbornly. "Until that moment,… until we both… panicked… it was amazingly beautiful… it was perfect… no… beyond perfect… and I don't regret it… Do you?"

"No… of course not" he replied truthfully." You know I couldn't regret anything that could happen between us… but I don't know … I mean… what if being with me… was… is… more dangerous for you than we first thought… what if you could be sick or… "

"Or what Max?….it is not dangerous… I know you couldn't hurt me even if you wanted, Max… and being with you won't hurt me either… I know you Max… and I'm fine… see… nothing happened to me!" she said pointing to herself so that he could see by himself.

"Uh… yeah… but… I… could I…. could I… check by myself.…..just to be sure…" Max asked hesitantly. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable with that but he really NEEDED to be sure.

"Will it stop you from worrying and feeling guilty?" she inquired.

"From feeling guilty……I don't know… but yeah it'll make me feel better!"

"Well… then go ahead Max… "she answered, giving him permission to check with his powers if everything was alright with her.

Max concentrated immediately, or at least he tried given her still very naked condition, and gently placed his hands on both side of her head before using his powers to search for any kind of lesion, hidden injury or change in her.
Once he finished with her head he moved down, letting his hands wander over her neck, her shoulders, her arms. Nothing wrong, he realized expelling a relieved sigh.
When he reached her rib cage though Liz's giggles stopped him from going further.

"What?" he immediately asked. "It's not funny Liz… I swear you scared me to death just minutes ago… I have to see if anything is wrong with you…. and you… you are definitely not helping me!"

"Well… if I didn't know you better… I would say that you were just… trying to find a way to… touch me Max…" she replied still giggling.
Truth was she found it cute the way he had to take care of her and make sure he hadn't hurt her, but she hadn't been able to stop herself. Though she knew he wasn't doing it on purpose his touch not only had tickled her but most of all had excited her all over again.

"I… no… and anyway… do I need to find any excuse to… touch you?" he told her.

"Definitely not!" she whispered huskily before pulling him to her and kissing him thoroughly.

"Liz… we should… I… we shouldn't… we should try to sleep!" he stuttered nervously. Truth be told he wanted to continue whatever he knew she had in mind but he wasn't sure he was ready for that. What if it happened again? What if they suddenly started floating again? Or if something even worse happened?

"What?… are you going to avoid me… avoid kissing me…. Are you going to swear you won't touch me ever again now?… just because of this!" she accused though he could see she wasn't really upset.

"No, no… I… no… it's not what I want… I… just… give me some time Liz… I don't want to do anything wrong… I don't want to…

"Hurt me?" she ventured. She breathed heavily and after a short pause she added apprehensively. "You can take as much time as you want Max but… just don't… reject me please…"
She knew that what had just happened had to be one of Max's greatest fear: that because of him, because of his 'alien status' and their differences, he could endanger her in any way, but she wouldn't be able to behr it if he suddenly rejected her or decided they should stop their relationship there all of a sudden, all because their lovemaking hadn't been as normal as it should have been and he was now scared. He had done it once before a long time ago, and she definitely wouldn't be able to go through it again.

"Liz… it's not what I'm doing!… I'm sorry… I didn't want you to feel that way!… I love you… so much Liz… I guess… I'm just a little bit down right now that's all!… I mean I really didn't expect something so… alien-ish to happen." he explained before trying to roll over to give her some space.

"No!" Liz almost yelled. " Don't move, stay here with me please!" she almost begged.

"I'm not going anywhere… I… I just don't want to crush you!" he immediately corrected, realizing that maybe she had thought he was already trying to put some distance between them.

"You were not… I kind of like to feel you above me Max…. feel your weight… your warmth…" she confessed suddenly shy.

"Are you sure? … I mean… you won't sleep if I stay here!" he stated before resuming his position.

"I think I will sleep even better actually… please!" she said batting her eyelashes and pouting slightly.

"Oh no… not the puppy dog eyes please… how am I supposed to resist you now, huh?" he said amused.

"That's my point… you're not supposed to!" she replied before caressing and capturing his lips with hers.

When they pulled apart Max lay down and naturally tucked his head just under her chin while Liz wrapped her arms around him and gently massaged his scalp, both just enjoying being in each other's arms.
For a long moment silence just filled the room, though they certainly were both still trying to analyze the events of the night.

"Do you feel… different… Liz?" Max suddenly asked out of the blue when Liz was sure he was almost already asleep.

"Not really… why?"

"I don't know… just a feeling… like we… like we're… missing something… I've been thinking… I don't know … it's like I should know what all this means… but I just can't remember…"
He couldn't really explained what he meant by that, or if he made any sense to her, but the more he thought about it the more he was sure that Liz was right and that it had to have a special signification. Like this signification was buried somewhere in the recesses of his mind, that he should know about it but he just couldn't reach it.

"Max?" Liz interrupted his thoughts.


"I think it wasn't just you…" she declared cryptically.

"What do you mean?" he asked, her statement intriguing him.

"I… well… what if it wasn't only due to you… but to the… two of us?" she hesitantly expressed what she had been thinking just before he had spoken to her.

"The two of us?" he repeated." But you are not… an… an alien… I mean… you are NOT…so you can't…"

"I know I'm not!" she said smiling at his choice of words. This had to be almost exactly what she had told him when she had first questioned him on who he was. "It's not that… I guess what I'm trying to say is that… I think that what generated this… kind of shield and… the floating thing… was due to us… the two of us… together I mean… to our joining …and not to you … or your sudden inability to feel and control your powers!" she tried to clarify her thoughts.

"And why are you thinking that?" he asked not really understanding how she had come to this conclusion.

"Didn't you say that you didn't realize you were using your powers?"

"Yes… so?"

"Okay… how come that we both didn't realize what was happening… like we were both in some sort of trance… unable to take on our surrounding anymore?… how come that we were floating?… I mean… even if I know that you can… create a protective shield or whatever you call it…. it doesn't explain the floating thing right?… Now how can you explain that… this thing… was bearing us… but immediately vanished the second you pulled out of me?… it's like when you broke the contact… it broke too!" she finished her reasoning.

"Well… I… I guess it could be a possibility…somehow we generated it … together… I mean… our lovemaking… our joining generated it… but what does that mean?… and where does that leave us?" Max couldn't help but wonder.

"That's what I can't figure out!" Liz deplored. "Maybe if we knew more about alien/human mating we could answer to that…but it's not as if we could … go around asking questions about that… so for now… I just don't know how to explain it!"

"I wish I could find a way to know… to answer all your questions… I mean I would like to know too… but don't worry okay… we'll just have to be more careful from now on… and watch if anything so 'out of the ordinary' happens again." Max concluded before yawning.

"I guess we have had enough emotions for today, no?" Liz said yawning herself.


"maybe we should just… sleep on it!" she suggested.

"Huh-uh!… yeah"

"Good night Max" Liz murmured.

"Night, sweetheart." Max said just as softly before tenderly nuzzling and kissing her neck.

They both drifted to sleep almost instantly, none of them noticing the V constellation symbol that had appeared at the nape of Liz's neck, nor seeing the green-colored electricity sparks that suddenly started to course through Liz's arms and hands, so exhausted they were after such an emotional night but most of all so unaware they still both were of how special their lovemaking had really been and what it had really meant.

* * *

Max was having the best dream ever.
He had had many dreams like this one since the first day he had laid eyes on Liz Parker, but this one was… different.
During years his dreams had only been the reflection of his overactive imagination, his mind conjuring up images of him holding Liz, kissing Liz, touching her and making love to her while he was asleep, but always leaving him afterwards with the yearning to actually know how it really felt, how it really could be to live all those things with her.
But now he knew.
Now all he had to do was remember. Reach for memories of her body pressed beneath him, of her skin against his skin, of her lips on his lips, of her hands over him, of the way it felt to be inside her. Reach for memories that were vivid in his mind. Permanently imprinted, burned in him, in his soul and in his body. And it felt all more real. Maybe even too real.

Slowly his hand was moving up along her side where it had just been resting seconds ago and making its way to its next destination. Softly he caressed her breast, amazed again by its firmness and roundness and how it perfectly fit against his palm like it had been made just for him, and only him, to touch and hold. He felt how her hardened nipple poked against his hand, how Liz arched her back at his touch, heard how she moaned his name in obvious pleasure and he couldn't resist.
Slowly he moved down, sliding slightly along her body until his mouth was only a mere inch above her rosy bud and he could dart out his tongue to taste her. Lowering his head more he took it fully between his lips and started sucking on it during interminable seconds and like there was no tomorrow, only releasing it to give her other breast the same treatment. At some point during his ministrations his hand slid along her flat stomach and reached for her heat. She was so wet, he couldn't help but notice. So wet for him, so wet to welcome him and he knew he couldn't wait any longer.
He wouldn't be physically able to wait, he would die if he couldn't possess her this instant. He needed her. He needed to feel her surrounding him, and the knowledge that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her was enough to make him lose it before he could even join his body to hers.

Like it was the most natural thing then his cock found its way to her entrance and lingered there for a short instant. Only long enough in fact for Liz to realize what was happening and gasp at the first contact of his throbbing erection with her burning core.

She didn't even know who had woken up who?
Was it her? Was it Max who had made the first move? Were they only really awake?
It didn't matter actually. The only thing she knew was that it felt blissfully good.
She felt him entering her and a long and loud moan escaped her throat.
She just loved the feel of him inside her, warm; strong, powerful, loved how he filled her completely, but that was nothing compared to what he made her feel when he started to thrust in and out of her. Arching her back, she spread her leg wider apart to let him settle completely between his thighs and allow him to go deeper, and then raised herself to meet his strokes.
Soon his movements were becoming more frantic, more needy and it immediately triggered her own frenzy. They might have just started but she would climaxed soon, she just knew it.
A sudden wave of pure pleasure washed over her -- the kind of wave that without a doubt warned her of the imminent explosion -- and unable to control herself she bit Max's shoulder in an effort to stop herself from screaming out loud.

Oblivious to reality, Max had only one thought in mind. This was as close to heaven as he could ever be. Nothing could compare to what he was feeling. He could feel Liz's walls starting to throb around his erection and his balls tightening slightly and knew it wouldn't be long before they would both find the desperate but needed release they were both seeking.
But when Liz bit him, reality caught up on him. FAST. The slight pain that he felt when her teeth connected with his skin coursed through him and somehow made its way to his still fogged brain, definitely pulling him out of his dreamy land.
It was real.
Somehow, he didn't know how, he didn't even want to know how, dream and reality had entwined together and he indeed found himself deeply buried inside Liz's hot center. The mere knowledge that he had let that happen, that he had made his moves on her while she was sleeping -- well when they were both sleeping actually but this fact didn't comfort him nonetheless -- and when she couldn't even consciously protest or refuse, was enough to make him stop whatever he had been doing, how pleasurable and amazing it was.
God, what was wrong with him? he thought angrily. Even in his dreams, in his sleeping state he had reached for her, almost attacked her and maybe even forced himself into her.
No, no, this couldn't be happening .He still had to be dreaming. He had to.
But the evident proof of what he had done was lying there in front of his now very open eyes.
One minute ago he was sure he was going to die from the pleasure he was feeling and now he just wished he could die. Period.
How was he supposed to face her after that? God, he loved it, but he couldn't go on, no? Not when he wasn't even sure yet if making love to her was safe or not. Not when it only had been a few hours since the strangest thing he had ever experienced in his whole life had just happened. Whatever it took he had to stop.

"Liz…oh God…… I'm sorry… I…" he stammered apologetically, and immediately tried to pull away from her.

"Max… Evans… don't you…. dare move away now…" Liz ordered as soon as she realized what his intention was.
His scared and ashamed expression was enough to make her understand that he had not been really awake minutes ago, just like she hadn't been in fact, but that didn't change the fact that she wanted this. Badly. And there was no way she would let him withdraw just because he thought she didn't want it or because he was still afraid something out of this world could happen or was still thinking that their lovemaking could hurt her.

"Liz… we can't… I… I didn't mean this to happen… I don't want to hu…." he tried to explain but was immediately cut off by a panting Liz.

"God… Max…. I'm going… to be the one …. to hurt you… if you don't stop… I mean if you stop…. ohh… if you don't continue…… nooow" she said at the same time that she raised her hips to take him fully again.
God she had been so near. She was sure, only a few more thrusts, and she could have seen the stars, but suddenly when she could almost reach her release, when she could almost feel it enveloping her, he had abruptly stopped and had left her there trembling and frustrated.

"Liz… I… oh God, Liz …. no …. don't … do … this!" Max groaned not able to control the amazing sensation she was eliciting in him.
Unconsciously he resumed his previous moves and met Liz with long and hard thrusts each time she raised her hips. His mind was screaming 'stop, stop' while his body seemed to have grown a mind of his own and simply refused to obey him.

"Max… oh Max…don't stop…ohh no…. don't stop…." she pleaded like if some convincing was still necessary.

Max just wished he had the strength to deny her, wished he could stop so that he would be sure that nothing that had happened the last time they had let their feelings and desires overwhelm them could be repeated, but for the life of him he couldn't stop even if he wanted.
But truth was right now he DIDN'T want anymore. Not when it felt so good, not when Liz was driving him insane with her sensuous and torturous moves.

"Liz… Liz, look at me!" he asked breathlessly when he saw she had her eyes closed.
She opened them again and Max's breath caught in his throat at how dark they were, desire, passion and love burning, swirling inside the brown depth of them.

"Keep your eyes open please" he managed to say. He knew if he could keep a connection open with her he would immediately feel and know if anything was wrong with her and if anything happened.
His own eyes locked with hers Max drove in and out of her with a force he didn't even knew he had, but he just couldn't control himself anymore. Stopping when he was so near to climax had to be the hardest thing he had ever done, but now that the few doubts he had had concerning her own desires and want had been dispelled, he had every intentions to bring her over the edge as soon as possible and follow suit.
Not long after he made this inner promise he heard her moaning loudly, his name like a mantra on her lips and it took only a few more seconds before he could feel her clamping his shaft rapidly and his seed filling her. Almost immediately he collapsed on top of her, still deeply embedded into her warmth, refusing to leave her just yet.

"Are you alright?" Max couldn't help but ask once he could manage to move again.
He pulled out of her slowly, and after kissing her he rolled over his back. The moment he lay down though Liz snuggled close to him and rested her head on his chest.

"Yeah… don't worry Max!" she replied softly knowing that he just needed to be reassured or have some kind of verbal confirmation since he had already checked it himself.

"Nothing strange happened?" he whispered but Liz couldn't really tell if it was a question or actually a statement. What she could feel however was how relieved he was that this time had been all the more normal.

"No… maybe it was … just a one time occurrence….maybe because our lovemaking was too… intense that last time" she said though she was unsure of herself.

"Coz this time it wasn't so intense? "he questioned raising an eyebrow. As far as he was concerned he had found it pretty intense this time too.

"No… that's not what I meant…" she giggled. Of course it was. Every time they made love was different, yet always wonderful."… I… Max… you can't deny that though we can't explain why… it was particular… different… special… last time… I don't know…. like more powerful… yeah…. more intense" she repeated for lack of better words.

"Yeah… I guess I can see what you mean…."

"So that means that…… we can continue right?" she asked her tone teasing.

"Yeah, like I just didn't prove you that I'm not able to stop!" he replied sarcastically, though he couldn't help but smile. Yep, he was definitely like putty in Liz Parker's hand. Not that he minded anyway.

"I'm glad you are not" she whispered before kissing his chest. "…… now I hope you're going to wake me up this way more often… I surely wouldn't mind."

"Then I'll see what I can do for you!" he murmured lovingly reciprocating her gesture on her forehead.

"Max?" she called softly when one particular thought crossed her mind.

"Huh?" was all he could say since sleep was already claiming him.

"Do you think it's just another alien thing or… just us…. or……" she started hesitantly.


"This… I mean… waking up in the middle of the night… not being able to keep our hands off each other… going at it everywhere and every chance we've got… or do you think we're just another couple of horny teenagers not able to control their raging hormones?" she explained.

"Nope…… I'm a sane teenager that just happens to have the most beautiful and incredibly sexy girlfriend he could have hoped for and that simply can't resist her!" he answered as honestly as he could.
No need to say he didn't really understand when Liz hit him on the chest and almost denied everything he had just declared.

"I was serious Max!" she said though she couldn't keep the laugh in her tone.

"I was too!" was the last thing Max said before he slowly drifted back into a peaceful sleep and not even heard the 'I love you' that Liz murmured just before joining him.
* * *
End of Chapter seven.a

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 10:48 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Title: Tell me what you want

Rating: TEEN-ADULT(well, I think, if I can write it))

Disclaimer: Even if it would be a dream come true, I don't own nothing from Roswell! And certainly not Jason "Hot" Behr!!

Chapter seven.b
* * *

Not even an hour later Max was woken by the annoying sound of the 'Mission: Impossible' theme. At least he found it annoying now that he had to listen to it at… 2:38 am he realized it was when he turned to look at Liz's alarm clock. It took him two long minutes to remember that he was the one who had chosen this ringing for his cell phone, and by then the persistent sound had already stopped and started again twice. Whoever was calling him now was obviously not giving up.
He felt Liz stirring next to him but only when he heard her moaning his name did he realize that she would wake up too if he didn't answer the damn phone.

"Shhh, it's okay! I get that! Go back to sleep!" he whispered hoping that it wasn't already too late. He placed a quick kiss on her forehead and immediately tried to locate where the ringing was coming from.
He scanned the room trying to find his pants, and cursed when he couldn't see them.
By now he was finding the situation more and more ridiculous. Michael would have liked this one: one very naked Max Evans spinning and turning around in Liz's bedroom with the MI music playing behind.
He swore that the first thing he would do once he would find his phone and have some time would be to change the ringing. No way he would listen to it and not think about what was happening right now after that.
He was ready to give up his search and let the phone ring all it wanted when he remembered that they had taken their clothes off in the bathroom.
Entering it he spotted his pants on the floor and after having closed the door behind him he reached for his cell.

"Yes, Michael!" Max picked up and said when he recognized the phone number.

"Max, where are you? I called your house and no one knows where the hell you are! You... You have to come here! Something is going on! "Michael told him hastily not even giving Max time to answer his question.

"What is it? What's happening?" Max questioned already on alert. Michael would definitely not call him at nearly 3:00 am if something important wasn't going on.

"I don't know... I don't know yet... but three other men have just arrived and they are carrying some strange machine... I think you should join us... I don't know ... I have a strange feeling about all this... I don't like this Max... I really don't like it..."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming...... uh... Michael, ... did you inform Isabel and Tess ?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I did... they are on their way right now."

"Fine... wait for me Michael...... don't do anything ..." Max started to warn his friend but Michael cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"STUPID?...... of course not...... now could you please hurry up ?... Whatever their plans are I'm not sure these guys are going to wait for Our Majesty to join us!" he replied quite bitterly, offended to hear that his friend still seemed to not trust him completely when it came to this kind of matters. Granted he often did some stupid things when under pressure but he also knew when acting carefully was necessary.

"Whatever, Michael......I'll be there soon." Max replied before hanging up the phone on him.
If Nicholas's men were really preparing something he had no time to waste fighting with Michael over their different status.
If he had to join the others that meant that he had to find a way to take Liz to Maria's place before, since there was no way he was going to leave her there alone.
Quickly he gathered all his clothes and started to get dress and once done he get out of the bathroom but couldn't help but stop at the door.
Sometime during his conversation with Michael Liz had turned her back to his direction and she seemed to have found a peaceful sleep again. Truth was that he really hadn't the heart to wake her up, but on the other hand he knew he couldn't not do it.
During a few seconds he contemplated dressing her and carrying her to his car without waking her, but he gave up the idea once he realized that it would be too complicated for him to do so. The second reason he decided against it was because he didn't know when he was going to see her again, didn't know how long he would have to stay with the others or if he would have to fight soon or not, and he simply couldn't leave her without seeing her, talking to her, holding her once more before.
But if he had to wake her, at least he could do it in the most gentle way possible.
Slowly he made his way back to the bed and joined her under the sheet. He cuddled behind her and let his hand explore the behr skin of her stomach, while he nuzzled her neck.

"Liz!" he whispered hoping that it would be enough to wake her up.
When she didn't stir he proceeded to kiss her collarbone, then her shoulder, while his hand caressed her up and down between the valley of her breasts.

"Liz, wake up, love!" he insisted still caressing her.

Liz turned in his arms then and almost instinctively she wrapped her arms around him while her leg came to rest on his hip and she unconsciously but suggestively moved against him.

"Oh yeah!… Definitely… a horny… teenager!" she moaned still not completely or wide awake.
Though he knew he shouldn't, Max couldn't help but smile at her statement.
Obviously she thought that he had woken her for round two -- or was it already round three? four??-- and in a different situation he would have welcome the suggestion but right now he knew he couldn't let his mind wander away from what he had to do, otherwise he would never leave the haven that her room offered. Of course he would give anything to stay there with her but for once he knew he couldn't be selfish and couldn't let her distract him.

"Yes… well maybe I am a little after all!" he said truthfully though the smile in his voice couldn't be missed. " … but that's not why I need you to wake up love"

"Oh no? " she teased already pulling him to her for a proper good morning kiss. Their mouths fused together in a passionate kiss and Liz moaned at the first contact of their lips. God how she loved kissing him.
But then she let her hand move down his chest and that's when she realized that he was fully dressed.
Why was he already dressed? she wondered. And why was he dressed when she was still naked.

"Max… why are you dressed?" she suddenly questioned the teasing instantly forgotten.

"Michael called Liz… I've to join him" he explained.

"Why? … what's happening… Why do you have to go now Max?" she asked, panic assailing her all of a sudden.
She looked at her clock and noticed that it was still too early in the morning. What was happening?
They were supposed to continue taking turns. Michael wouldn't have called then if something hadn't happened. But she didn't want Max to go, she didn't want him to leave her. Not when he was supposed to stay and spend the night with her, not when he could be in danger if he left, she kept repeating inwardly though she realized she was just being irrational.

"I don't know what exactly is happening yet… that's why I have to go… I'm going to take you to Maria's first and then I will go and see what's going on!" he answered as softly as possible.
He could see her starting to panic and that was definitively not what he had wanted, but he didn't know much more than what he was telling her. Truth was that he didn't really know what would happen once he would leave her and he wasn't going to lie to her. Michael had just asked him to come and the least he could say was that he hadn't really taken the time to go through the details.

Liz felt like her world was suddenly falling apart and she couldn't understand why. Why was she so scared to see him leave? Why did she have the impression that it would be a long time before she could see him and be held by him again? Like something terrific was going to happen to Max if he went to the warehouse and like he shouldn't be over there. None of them should be there in fact. She couldn't explain why but she just felt it.

"Max… I… no… you… no I don't want you to go… you can't go Max please!" she stammered unable to express what she really wanted to say, what she really felt.

"Liz? What are you talking about?" Max asked concerned since she didn't make any sense to him. He was clearly taken aback by her reaction not expecting her to react so frantically. She hadn't even been scared before when that… alien thing had engulfed her and now she seemed completely panicked because he had to leave. No, he really didn't understand. "You know I have to go… I can't stay here… if Michael and the others need me!"

"I… I need… I need you too Max!" Liz cried incoherently, tears rapidly forming in her eyes. She wrapped the sheet around her suddenly cold body and got up before Max could reach for her.

"I know you do, baby!… I need you too… and that's not what I meant!" Max said getting up behind her. He saw her pacing her floor in tears and couldn't help but wonder again what was suddenly wrong with her. Why was she so upset with him leaving her? He had let her alone before and she had never reacted like that. What was different now?

"Liz" he softly called when he saw that she had yet to stop moving. He grabbed her hand to halt her movements when she passed by him and pulled her into his arms. "Liz… what is it? What's the problem ? Tell me Liz… you know you can tell me everything… so what's wrong?" he questioned her gently.

"I don't know Max… I just… I can't explain why… it's just… I have a bad feeling about all this… I … something is wrong Max… I just feel it." she replied tearfully.

"Liz… you're afraid that's all… I know you're worried but you have no reason to be!" he tried to reassure her, though his attempt didn't seem to succeed.

"I… I know it's… it's stupid… and I know you… must be thinking I'm … totally crazy… but I can't help what I'm feeling… please Max don't go…" she pleaded again though she knew it was no use. Of course she knew Michael needed him otherwise he wouldn't have called but she couldn't deny the bad feeling she had had ever since Max had told her he had called.

"Liz, look at me!" Max asked her when he saw her bury her head into his chest and felt her cling to him for dear life.
"Look at me baby!" he insisted lifting up her chin when she didn't move.
Ever so slowly she looked up and met his soft and concerned gaze just before he continued. "You know I love you right?" he asked her though he was sure she had no doubt about that.

"I love you too!" Liz whispered her eyes brimming with new tears.

"I don't want to go either Liz… but if there is any chance for us to end up this nightmare today… you know I can't let it pass us by!" he declared trying to convince her.

"I know but…" she started but he placed his finger over her lips to stop her.

"No buts Liz…. do you trust me?" he asked her instead.

"Yes!" she answered honestly.

"So you have to believe me when I tell you that I will be back… Nothing is going to happen to me, okay!… I will be really careful and everything is going to be just fine !" he stated showing her that it was a point that didn't need to be discussed any longer.
He didn't really know what he could add to relieve her fears anyway, since he was sure she would only be completely reassured once everything would be over with Nicholas. Until then he could only tell her what he thought would happen or at least what he hoped would happen.
He held her tightly during a few precious minutes before realizing that she was still only wrapped in the upper sheet and he couldn't help but add:

"Now please, could you go and put some clothes on before I lose the last remains of my sanity!" he said playfully.

"Okay!" she tried to smile and replied before reluctantly pulling away from him. "Uh… Max… could you take care of the petals before we leave?" she questioned at the same time that she moved to her wardrobe to retrieve some clothes.
She really loved her room like it was just now but she didn't know how she would be able to lie about what had taken place here last night if anyone was to see this obviously romantic setting. At least the candles had faded alone and anyway everyone knew she loved burning candles in her room so that at least could do, she would just have to put them away later, but the remains of the roses were another story.

"What do you want me to do with them?"

"I don't know… could you just… maybe collect them and put them in a vase?… I don't want to throw them out!" she answered sure that he could use his powers to do so without wasting too much time, at least less time than she would if she was to do it herself.

"Uh… okay!" he said before grabbing a vase that was on her desk.
He placed it in the middle of the room and raised his hand to start the task.
Liz dressed and turned just in time to see the different petals being swept up in the air and swirl around before falling inside the vase. The sight was simply breathtaking and magical, -- but hadn't the whole evening and night been just that? -- and she couldn't stop the small gasp that escaped her lips. Max surrounded by thousands of multicolored and flying petals had to be the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
Yes, her boyfriend was definitely special and unique, she thought. Never in her life would she have witnessed something so amazing if she hadn't fallen in love with an alien. She just wished he wasn't who he was sometimes. Wished he could be a normal alien, not one chased by other evil aliens, by the FBI or by whoever wanted to capture him or wanted him dead.

A few minutes later all the petals that were once spread all over her room were gathered in the vase. At first she hadn't thought it would be large enough but to her amazement they seemed to just perfectly fit in. No doubt Max had again worked his magic here.

"Do I have to change the sheets back too?" she heard him ask her once he had finished.

"Uh… no… I guess I prefer them like that!" she replied hoping she could keep them though she didn't know how she would explain about them to her mother. It wasn't as if they had ever had silk sheets before, but she would think about that later.

"Okay! Are you ready then?" he questioned, immediately regretting it when he saw her beautiful eyes misting over again.

"Yeah" she replied knowing she had no real choice now that she was dressed.
They had certainly already wasted too much time and they still had to make it to Maria.
Thinking about Maria, she wondered how she would react once she would see her, THEM, at her house, in the middle of the night.

"Let's go then!" Max said and grabbed her hand before they made their way to the door. Both of them totally forgetting about another of Max's little surprise.

Not ten minutes after having left the Crashdown they arrived at Maria's home.
Max parked the jeep in front of her house and immediately turned to look at Liz. She had been quiet all along the way and Max couldn't help wondering what was going on in her head now. He knew she was scared, he was too, not knowing what would be waiting for him once he would reach the warehouse, but he couldn’t show her his own fears. If he did, he knew there would be no way Liz would let him leave without her, and he couldn’t endanger her more than she already was.
It was during moments and situations like these ones that he came to regret having brought her into his world, but he quickly dismissed the thought though, trying to only remember all the good reasons he had to do it instead.
He hopped off the car and quickly made his way around to Liz’s side to help her getting out, but she didn’t move. She seemed completely lost in her thoughts, maybe not even aware of the fact that they had arrived.

" Liz? " Max softly called at the same time that he reached to touch her shoulder. He didn’t want to startle her but he knew he had to get her attention somehow.
She turned toward him and he felt his chest constricting from the sadness and the fear he could clearly see in her eyes.

" Come here " he said immediately and helped her to climb out of the jeep.
As soon as her feet touched the ground he pulled her into his arms and held her as tightly as he could. He really didn't want a repeat of what had happened in her room earlier and so he knew he had to do anything in his power to reassure her.

He could feel her petite body trembling and gently he caressed her back, trying to soothe her fears with his touch and his words. He couldn’t leave her, he wouldn’t, if he wasn’t sure she was alright. So they stayed there in the middle of the street, holding each other during several minutes, Max constantly whispering tender words in her ear, while each one tried to draw some strength and comfort from the other.

Max was the one who finally, but reluctantly broke their embrace. He pulled away from Liz and again lifted her chin with his fingers so that she would look at him. Once she did he bent his head and kissed her tenderly, trying to convey in one long kiss all the love he felt for her.

" We should go now " he finally whispered once he was sure she was calm enough, or at least as calm as she could ever be considering the situation.
Not trusting her voice and sure she would break down or beg him to stay with her again if she tried to form an answer, Liz only nodded and moved toward Maria’s path, all the while holding Max’s hand firmly in hers.
Max followed behind and once they reached Maria’s bedroom window he softly knocked, hoping it would wake Maria but not her mother. It would be bad enough to have to explain to her what they were doing there at three in the morning and why Liz had to stay with her when she was supposed to be at home with her parents, he certainly didn’t need an angry mother firing questions at them as well. He really didn’t think he could face two Delucas at the same time or even in the same day.

Maria was in the middle of a 'dreamy' and hot making-out session with her Spaceboy when she heard the soft knock on her window.
'What the hell?' she thought before deciding to ignore the sound and proceeding to take Michael’s shirt off instead. Her dreams had always been quite weird anyway, so that wasn’t even surprising.
Michael was reaching for the hem of her own top before pulling it above her head when she heard Liz’s voice calling her and asking her to open her window.
Not now, Liz ' she answered in her dream and with a strength she didn’t even know she had, she flipped Michael over so that she was now on the top and started to trail a path of hot open-mouth kisses along his throat. She smiled when she heard him groaning and whispering her name.
She was moving down his chest when the sound of someone trying to open her window disturbed her. Michael continued to call her name though but strangely she noticed that his voice was coming more and more high-pitched and somewhat…. 'feminine'. She looked up and almost fell off of the bed when she realized she was now straddling her best friend, Liz Parker, who was smiling and asking her again in a low and distant voice:

'Maria,… Maria… Open the window !'

'OH MY GOD!' Maria screamed in her dream before waking up with a start and realizing that she had indeed fallen on the floor.
She turned her head toward the window and sure enough someone was trying to enter her room. She could see two shadows moving outside and heard one of the two persons whispering:

"No, I think I heard something, if we enter now like that, we're going to scare her!"

'Scare her? Scare her?' Maria thought. 'What the hell do you think you just did?'
She was almost positive that Liz was one of the two people who were standing in front of her window but she couldn't understand what she could possibly be doing here at this hour.
Deciding to be at least careful, since after all those people could perfectly be some evil aliens coming to take her to who knew where and torture her and make her their sex slave and kill her after that, -- Okay, so she was being quite irrational, but who wouldn't be if they had to wake up to the sound of someone knocking at their window in the middle of the night when they were having a beautiful dream…. beautiful dream which, by the way, ended with them straddling their best friend and being in a very compromising position -- she reached for her 8th birthday present hoping it would be useful for once -- what could have possessed Alex and Liz to offer her this awful thing anyway, like pink fuchsia adorned with golden and orange glitters could be anyone favorite color, huh? :roll: -- and slowly moved toward the window.

" What the hell are you two doing here? Do you know what time is it? People are trying to sleep and dream here! God I swear if you wake up my mom be prepared to deal with Amy Deluca’s wrath! You think I’m bad but she’s even worse! " she said as soon as she opened the window and recognized Max and Liz. All that of course without even taking the time to catch her breath between each piece of sentence.

In a different situation Liz was sure she could have laughed just witnessing Maria’s appearance and reaction. Even just awoken, even at 3:00 am she could babble non-stop. But what was really worth the sight was one Maria Deluca wearing a little tank top that barely covered what it was supposed to cover and a short so small that Liz could have sworn it had to be her little sister’s had she had one, while she held her baseball bat like she was ready to ‘strike’ whoever had the nerve to disturb her peaceful sleep.

Note for self, Max thought. ‘Never, ever wake Maria Deluca in the middle of the night again!’ ‘Oh, and warn Michael about that……or maybe not’ he chuckled.

" Maria, it’s okay! It's just us… Could you let go of the bat now please! " Liz whispered when she saw that Maria had yet to stop ‘threatening’ them.
She didn't even know the girl still had this bat. The truth was it had been some kind of joke between the three of them, Maria, Alex and Liz, since at this time Maria claimed she was a guy, mistakenly trapped in a girl's body, or something like that, Liz remembered. For her 8th birthday then Alex had decided it would be a good idea to give her the typical male's present but with a 'touch of femininity' he had said, and of course knowing it would pissed Maria off, Liz had gladly participated.

"Wait! How do I know you really are Liz and Max and not some shape shifters who are there to kidnap me and take me with them so that I became their sex slave or something like that, huh?" Maria asked, much to Max and Liz's disbelief.

"WH-WHAT?" Max stammered incredulously.
What was she talking about now? Sex slave?
If he was a shape shifter and had some brain, the last person he would come to kidnap was definitely Maria Deluca. Not that he doubted that she could be… well… that was Michael's problem, not his anyway, but he would have to be crazy to consider spending several hours with a kidnapped and therefore very pissed off Maria Deluca. Even the best sex ever wasn't worth that.
Hey, maybe they could send Maria to Nicholas and maybe after hearing her babbling and screaming for hours and hours he would have some nervous breakdown and his husk would just fall apart and he would die a painful death, he found himself thinking afterwards. Okay, where was that coming from??

"You heard me 'Max'… but are you really Max after all? How do I know that you really are who you say you are?"

"Maria, come on, you know it's us! How do you want us to prove it?" Liz asked and couldn't help but roll her eyes. Leave it to Maria to make any complicated situation even worse.

"I don't know" she answered. " But do it!"

"Okay, okay! Ask me whatever you want!" Liz proposed, hoping it would be enough to prove Maria that they really were who they were and not who she thought they were. Uh? Oh God she was starting to think ''a la Deluca''.

"Whatever I want?" she repeated at the same time that she tried to come up with something that would definitely prove her that she had nothing to fear.
Of course she could ask Max to use his powers but since she didn't know if the other aliens could have the same powers he had she decided against it.
'Like they wouldn't already have used them against you, 'Babble Mouth', if they were evils aliens', a little voice in her head told her.

"Yes!" she heard Max and Liz answering at the same time.
That was when she realized that the two supposed aliens were holding hands and didn't even seem to notice.
Okay, so maybe she already had her answer, but that didn't mean she couldn't have some fun then, right?

"Okay!" she started before turning to Max. "Max…… do you ever jack-off thinking about Liz?" she finished with a smirk.

"MARIA??!!" Liz yelled, not believing her friend could ask something like that.
Okay, so maybe she did want to have this piece of information herself but Maria wasn't supposed to learn about that before her.
She turned to Max and saw him turning at least five shades of red and she had to cover her mouth to not laugh out loud at his face. Maybe she didn't have to ask anymore after all.

Max was mortified. He really hadn't seen this one coming. No way he was going to answer this question. She could ask him how long had he been in love with Liz, ask him if he had ever fantasize about her, even ask him if he had already imagined making love to Liz, -- not that he needed to imagine it anymore now, he remembered with a small smile despite the situation -- but that? Uh-huh! NO WAY. He would die before letting Maria 'Gossip Queen' Deluca know something like that. Who knew what she could or would do with that information. He might have been a little depressed lately, but he had no suicidal tendencies yet.
He was ready to tell her that it was none of her business anyway when he heard her laughing.

"Okay, I believe you!" she said, trying her best to not roll over the floor. "I'm sure no one but the real Max Evans could turn so red with a simple question like this one and in such a short time…… And no one could look at you like this guy is looking at you anyway Liz! … And well, if he is Max, I guess he would know if you weren't Liz, right?" she finished holding her sides.
Man, if she had known she would laugh so much, she would have opened the window sooner.

"Very funny Maria!" Max managed to say once he realized that she had played him and wasn't really waiting for an answer. Not that he had any intention to give her one anyway, but at least she wasn't going to embarrass him more than he already was.
How Michael could live through a relationship with this girl was really beyond him sometimes. He really liked Maria and she was not only a good friend to Liz but she had proved to be one to him also, but sometimes she was just too much.

"Well… now that I know that I have nothing to fear and that you're not going to attack me,… it still doesn't answer my other question: what are you doing at my window, together, AND in the middle of the night?" she questioned once she recovered enough to speak.

"I have to join Michael and the others, and Liz… well… she couldn't just stay alone, so… we thought that it would be better if she came and stayed with you!" Max declared without even realizing what his sentence was implying.

"Oh, of course!" Maria immediately answered. "But what was she doing with YOU until now anyway?… And how come that she couldn’t stay at her own house?… Aren't her parents supposed to be home?" she questioned already suspecting what their reaction would be.
Bingo! she thought triumphantly when she took a look at Max's face. He wouldn't have looked more guilty and embarrassed if someone had accused him of being an alien.

Liz on the other side knew Maria well enough to understand with that sentence that she had everything already figured out, or at least she thought she had everything figured out, and therefore she also understood that there was no way she would escape an interrogation in due form this time.

"I will explain later, but Max has to go now… so… can I stay?" Liz replied not wanting to discuss her love life with Maria right there and then.

"Fine… 'mi casa es tu casa'… Climb this window and join the fun chica!… But I want THE details later then!" she said shamelessly and not even caring that Max was still standing there in front of her.
She didn't seem to wonder why Max had to join Michael in the middle of the night either Liz thought. But if she wasn't going to ask, she wasn't going to explain either. She knew Maria and she would certainly flip out if she learnt that something could happen to her Spaceboy or be wrong with him. What she didn't know couldn't hurt her, right? Liz would worry enough for two anyway.
For now she just decided to ignore Maria's comment instead of saying anything that would embarrassed both Max and her even more, but she threw her a warning glare nonetheless.

Max was an other story though. Even knowing Liz enough to be sure that she wasn't going to give Maria any 'intimate' details about their new relationship, that didn't stop him from blushing again.
But who was he fooling?, he had known that something like that would happen with Maria. Was he really thinking that she was going to welcome Liz in the middle of the night without asking any questions? That was certainly what he hoped, but he should have known better.

"I… I really need to go now Liz…" Max finally declared, focusing his attention on Liz again.

"I know!" she whispered, new tears forming suddenly and quickly in her eyes at the imminent and inevitable separation.

Completely oblivious to Liz's sudden sad and crying mood Maria stood behind her open window and just wondered what they were going to do now, or more precisely how they were going to say goodbye to each other.
This should be interesting she thought.

Seeing that she wasn't moving though, Max turned to her.

"Could you give us a few minutes please?" he asked her.

"Of course!" Maria replied but didn't move nonetheless.

"Alone!" Max had to clarify.

"OH!" Maria acted like she hadn't understood him the first time, and then closed her window and feigned to turn around.

"She's still there!" Liz whispered.
She could see Maria's shadow behind the curtains and knew that she could see whatever they were doing.

"I know!" Max answered.
Truth was he wasn't expecting Maria to act differently this time, he knew her too well. She certainly thought she couldn't miss this opportunity, too eager she was to find out what was really going on between him and Liz.
He raised his hand toward the window like he was going to use his powers and immediately after he heard Maria laughing.

"Fine, fine… like I don't already know what you two are up to anyway!"

"So…" Liz pulled Max aside and finally said once she was sure Maria wasn't spying on them anymore.

"So…" Max repeated just as awkwardly.
Liz of course wanted nothing more than to throw herself into Max's arms but she knew that if she did so she wouldn't let him go ever again.

"Hey, I don't want to see you cry again !" Max whispered when he saw a single tear rolling on her cheek. Tear that he immediately wiped away with his thumb though he had yet to let go of Liz's hand. Truth be told he hadn't even realized he was still holding it until this moment.

"I know" Liz murmured just as softly.

"Don't worry Liz, okay?… And try to have some sleep!" Max told her hoping that she would be able to rest some though he himself wouldn't.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to get any Max." she answered truthfully.
How did he want her to sleep peacefully when she knew that at the same moment he could be in danger and could be risking his life.
"Why can't I go with you Max?… Please" she suddenly added though she already knew what he was going to say. But she had to try. She knew she wouldn't worry so much if she could go with him.

"Liz… we already talked about that… you can't come… I… I know you're scared but I told you… everything is going to be fine… I won't do anything that could endanger anyone or myself… I won't do anything ill-considered… but sooner or later you know we'll have to find a way to end this… and maybe tonight it's the first step… our first opportunity… but anyway… I'm gonna see what Michael wants… whatever it is… and then I'll find a way to come back here even if it's just for a few minutes… this way you'll see by yourself that I'm fine, okay?… Do you want me to do that?" he questioned her trying to find something that could appease her.
Liz nodded and despite all the good intentions she had had before, she let go of his hand only to wrap her arms around his waist.

"I'll see you in a few hours Liz… if you sleep you won't even realize that I left" Max whispered after having wrapped his own arms around her.
God, why did he have to be some alien King, he thought.
If he was human, if he was normal he could stay with Liz and savor each moment he could spend with her without having to wonder instead when he would be able to see her again or just if he would be able to see her ever again.
What if he couldn't come back? What if something terrible happened tonight? What if she was right?
NO. He couldn't think about that! He couldn't think like that! Not now! He needed to think positively and not let his doubts and his fears assail him, otherwise he might as well stay here and wait for Nicholas to come and capture him instead of trying to fight him.

"You promise?" Liz asked him, her voice so soft he wasn't sure she had really spoken. She slightly pulled away from him and looked up at him, knowing that he wouldn't lie to her no matter what.

"I promise!" he answered truthfully before sealing his promise with a kiss. " Now I should go… and you should enter before Maria starts to wonder what is taking us so long." he continued once they pulled apart.

"Yeah… I guess it's a miracle she hasn't already opened the window!" Liz tried to ease the tension. She knew she had to let him leave but her feet didn't seem to want to move. She stood up on her tip toes instead and kissed Max one last time, though this time the kiss seemed to be more demanding, more desperate. " I love you Max!" she whispered when they came up for air.

"And I love you more!" Max answered thickly his attempt to control his own emotions failing miserably.

"I see you later then!" Liz said but her sentence sounded more like a question than an affirmation. She moved toward the window then and pushed it open.

"Definitely!" Max replied.
"Wait… let me help you!" he added when he saw that she was trying to climb the window all by herself.

"Max… I can do it alone… you don't need…" she started, but before she could finish her sentence Max had her swept into his arms and was helping her to pass to the other side. "Thank you" she whispered lovingly and during what seemed like an eternity to her she was lost again into Max's beautiful amber eyes and it took all of her willpower to not kiss him again.

Both seemed suddenly completely oblivious to their surrounding, lost into each other's eyes, lost into each other's souls, and Maria who was observing them had to suppress a smile at their behavior. She was sure that during those few seconds they had completely forgotten that this was her room and that she was still there.

Once Liz was on her feet again she turned to Max and remembering Maria's presence but obviously not caring what she could think she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Take care Max… " she told him softly so that he would be the only one to hear her. " … and come back to me soon."

"I will be careful Liz… don't worry… and I'll be back in no time!" he answered before placing a tender kiss on her forehead.

Reluctantly he pulled away from her and though he barely broke their eyes' contact he made his way back to his car.
Liz stayed there looking at his retreating form and absolutely refused to move until she couldn't see him anymore. She saw him climbing in the jeep, and starting the ignition before looking at her again. She saw him wave his hand and smile though she could say that, like hers, his smile didn't reach his eyes.
She fought the tears that threatened to spill out again and only after he pulled out of the curve at the very end of Maria's street and she couldn't see the jeep anymore did she let them fall freely though silently.
Maria was near her immediately and wrapped her arms around her until her tears subsided.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

End of Chapter seven.b

Well, that's it for tonight... now tell me what you think about it so that I know if it's worth posting the rest :wink:
C U :P

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 11:23 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Title: Tell me what you want

Rating: TEEN-ADULT(well, I think, if I can write it))

Disclaimer: Even if it would be a dream come true, I don't own nothing from Roswell! And certainly not Jason "Hot" Behr!!

Just one little thing before you can go and read this new chapter…. Please don't hate Max ( I think you'll see why I'm telling you this in a moment) … he's just too good and has a heart too big to be really as bad with some people as he should be…. for now at least… but the change will come soon! :wink:

Chapter eight.a
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After leaving Liz Max drove as fast as he could. He knew Michael would probably be pissed again. Each time he said he wouldn't be long he had to be late.
But leaving Liz, saying goodbye to her even if it was only for a few hours was really too difficult. He just loved her so much, more than simple words could describe. She was everything to him and he couldn't help wondering how he was going to survive once her parents would really be back. How was he supposed to leave her at night when the only thing he wanted was to spend every single minute of his life with her. Just waking up with her wrapped in his arms made his day brighter and he wanted to live that as often as possible.
If they were older it wouldn't be a problem, but they were still so young, he didn't think that their respective parents would be pleased if he was to tell them 'guys we are in love and I want to live with Liz coz I simply can breathe when she's not with me!'
M. Parker would certainly find a gun and kill him the moment he would hear about his intentions, how sincere and honest they could be.

Finally nearing the warehouse, he immediately caught sight of the other cars and decided to park his much farther in order to not draw anymore attention. He was sure that three cars parked on the side of the road near an old and disused warehouse, -- though they were quite far from it --, was already enough.
Quickly he made his way toward Michael, the sheriff and Kyle, Isabel and Tess.
TESS. After spending such a beautiful evening and night with Liz, he had almost forgotten what she had done not twenty four hours before.
ALMOST, because now, seeing her standing there near everyone else, everything was coming back full force.
He would have to talk to her sooner or later, though the sooner would be the better of course. He just didn't think now was the best moment to do so.

"So guys, what's happening?" Max questioned as soon as he joined the group.

"Glad to see you could make it Max!" Michael said sarcastically.
Once again Max had taken forever to get there. He was starting to wonder what the guy could possibly do each time he left them, and if what he did had anything to do with a certain brunette. But what they were supposed to do here was far more important than anything else! Everyone knew it, then why couldn't Max understand it? he wondered.

"Where are they, and what are they doing?" Max ignored Michael's comment as much as everyone's inquisitive glare and questioned them instead.

"Over there!" Michael was the one to answer. He pointed in the direction of the front door of the warehouse at the same time that he handed him a pair of binoculars. "I don't know what they are preparing but two guys are guarding the door like what they have brought there is of great importance and now they seem to be waiting for someone to arrive." he elaborated.
He had been there long enough to know that the other aliens were up to something. Tonight they had seemed to be more agitated than they had been during the last days, and ever since the three other men had come with the little machine they seemed to be ready to burst. Every twenty minutes or so one of the aliens who stayed inside would come out and apparently ask for some news, and each time the guards would just shook their head no.
Yeah, Michael was sure that they were waiting for someone and he really hoped it would be Nicholas. Maybe by the end of the day they would have dealt with their problem once and for all.

"What did you say they were carrying? What does it look like?" Max asked. He wanted to know as much as he could about his enemies, and it was obvious they wouldn't be carrying things in the middle of the night if it wasn't essential.

"I guess the best way to describe it… "Michael started."… would be to say that it looks like some sort of … miniature version of our Granilith."

"What? You're kidding?" Max immediately said.

"Absolutely not! That's why I thought you had to be here! I don't know what they're preparing but whatever it is, it has to be big Max!"

"Okay,… so what are we supposed to do now?" Max wondered, unsure of what their next step should be.

"Wait… for now… at least until their guest of honor arrives… and then maybe it would be time for action… I guess we should try to come up with a plan ourselves in the meantime!" Michael answered.

"Yeah, I think you're right!" Max said though fighting was really the last thing he wanted to do. But like he had a choice anyway, he thought. It was the evil aliens, or them now.

"Max, can I talk to you for a minute?" Isabel asked him suddenly when she realized it would certainly be her last opportunity to speak to him before everyone started making plans.

"Yeah, of course!" Max said before following her.

Isabel stopped several feet away from the group and then turned to look at Max expectantly.

"What is it Iz?"

"Max, where have you been again tonight?" she questioned him immediately.
Her mother had come to her room twice, asking her where her brother was and each time she had told her what he had asked her to say; that he was staying at Michael's place. She herself had thought he was here with Michael and she hadn't given it much thought at first but when Michael had called her asking her where her brother was, she had known right away that there was more to Max's little escapades than what he wanted to admit.

"I stay here with Michael for a while and then went to his place to catch some sleep." he replied uncomfortably.

"Why are you lying Max?" Isabel countered immediately." I called at Michael's as soon as I hung up with him and you weren't there ….and plus…I know for sure that he didn't give you his keys."

"Yeah, like I would need them anyway." Max said rolling his eyes at his sister. Why did she want to know where he had been anyway?

"Max, don't play dumb with me… I'm not stupid… I know that this has something to do with Liz Parker… " she started and realized just how right she was when she saw Max blushing slightly." …You were with her right Max? … you were with Liz,… you two are back together no?"


"Don't 'Isabel' me Max… and don't you dare lie to me! Are you with Liz again, or not?" she insisted.

"Yes… Yes I am…" he admitted. "… but Iz… you have to understand that the situation is far more complicated than you could possibly imagine. We don't want anyone to know just yet…"

"I'm not ' anyone Max, I'm your sister, and I thought you would tell me if something as important as patching things up with the only girl you have ever loved was to happen." Isabel cut him off offended.

"Iz… it has nothing to do with you… I was going to tell you…eventually… I just didn't find the right moment to do it yet, that's all. "he told her truthfully.

"Yeah, whatever!" she said.

"It's true Isabel… do you really think I could have keep it a secret from you indefinitely?" Max asked her, his tone showing her he was trying to tease her.
Max had never really been able to keep anything from his sister before, one way or another she always ended figuring it all by herself anyway and they both knew it.

"Well… I guess you couldn't even if you're life depended on it right?" she teased him as well once her sudden anger faded away.

"Nope!… Not with you" came Max short but true answer.

"So… I guess that means that Liz explained the whole 'Kyle's thing' " she couldn't help but ask.
She knew how seeing Liz in bed with Kyle had affected Max and she was sure there was a rational explanation for her behavior back then, but knowing Max he would certainly not have considered sorting thing out with her if she hadn't clarified this mess first.
Little did she know that Max had made up his mind even before knowing that Liz had in fact never been touched by anyone but him, and that all that mattered to him was that he wanted to be with her no matter what.

"Yeah… she did!" Max replied nervously.
Strangely he didn't feel like sharing this piece of news with his sister just now, -- or even any details of his relationship with Liz. He certainly would some day, since he didn't want his sister, or anyone else for that matter, to think badly of Liz, but now was definitely not the moment for that.
"Speaking of Liz…" he went on. "Could you tell me now what exactly happened with Tess in the Crashdown yesterday?"
He already had Liz's version but he needed to hear it from his sister too, he wanted her to confirm it. Not that he didn't believe Liz but he wanted to have the more information possible to confront Tess when the time would come.
Little did he know that it would happened sooner than he thought.
And so Isabel started telling him everything she had heard, without forgetting to give him a piece of her mind concerning Tess and her behavior as well.

Ten minutes later Max and Isabel went back to join the group and for the next half an hour or so then they discussed the best course of action to take, everyone trying to come up with the best plan possible, while they take turns watching the warehouse again.
Each time Tess tried to give her opinion though Max always seemed to disapprove of her ideas, so after trying several times she just decided to keep her mouth shut.
Once they agreed on what seemed to be an appropriate plan, Max decided to go back to his jeep to retrieve another pair of binoculars and some other things he would need if he had to stay there and wait indefinitely.

Seeing him leave Tess immediately stood up from her spot and followed him.
Max had been giving her the silent treatment ever since he had arrived, when he didn't completely humiliate her in front of everyone else, and truth was that his behavior was seriously starting to get on her nerves.
Why wasn't he talking to her? What had she done? Tess wondered.
He kept looking at her like she had done something wrong or like he hated her and she definitely couldn't stand it anymore.
He couldn't possibly know what had happened in the Crashdown the day before, right? she desperately tried to reassure herself.
But she had to know anyway, otherwise she would just go crazy, waiting there for him to talk to her.
Max didn't even seem to acknowledge her -- or had simply decided to continue to ignore her -- so after taking several deep breaths she decided it was time to take the plunge.

"Okay Max! What is it?" she asked, hoping that her tone wasn't betraying her anxiety.

"What is what?" he snapped, not wanting to have this conversation, or any conversation for that matter, with her right now.

"Why are you acting like you are mad at me? Like I did something wrong or like you can't stand being in the same place than me?" she said, her tone almost matching his. If he wanted to shout, or get angry, she could too, no?

"Maybe because I can't!" Max replied immediately and turned to face the girl he once thought he knew.
If looks could kill, she was surely dead.

"You can't?" she asked shocked by his answer. "What do you mean you can't?… What… What is that supposed to mean? What happened?… What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Max asked his eyes nearly popping out of his head.
He turned in the direction of the others and realized that everyone was now looking toward them. Not wanting to make a scene in front of everyone else he reached for Tess's arm and pulled her forward, hoping that it would be enough for the others to not hear them.

"Max you're hurting me!" Tess whined at the same time that she tried to yank her arm off from his grip.

'Like I care!' Max thought inwardly and continued to walk.

"How do you dare ask me what's wrong? Like you don't know what the hell is wrong Tess!" Max hissed once they were far enough.

"I don't understand Max!" she said trying to look innocent.
What the hell could have happened between the moment he left her and now. She had never seen Max acting like that. Whatever it was, it was definitely not good. Not good for her obviously.

"You don't understand? You don't understand?... God Tess, how could you think I wouldn't hear about your little stunt in the Crash yesterday afternoon?" Max said through clenched teeth trying to hold on the last bit of control he still had.

"Max, I don't know what you're talking about!" Tess persisted stubbornly trying to gain some time to find what she could answer to that.
Maybe he didn't know exactly what had happened. Maybe he had just heard that she had 'talked' with Maria and Liz. If he didn't have all the elements of the discussion she wasn't going to be the one to give them to him.

"Stop Tess!… Stop now!… You have a hell of a nerve!… You know what I'm talking about!… How could you lie about that?… How could you pretend that we slept together?! You have to be insane Tess if you... if you think I could sleep with you when I don't even love you!" Max spat out angrily, not caring if he hurt her feelings.

So he knew, Tess finally realized.
She could feel her own anger coursing through her at the knowledge. She could feel her rage taking possession of her body as his last words echoed in her mind.
How could he treat her like that? How could he look at her like she was disgusting, like he couldn't even conceive the fact that they could be intimate, that he could love her?
Physically love her.
They had been married for heaven's sake. And he had loved her then, she knew he had.
He had to.
Remembering her purpose before it was too late she tried to control her boiling anger and just looked at him as if she was only shocked and hurt by his outburst.

"How could you?" he repeated, her face betraying her and showing him that everything was real.
Somehow he had still hoped that everyone had misunderstood her, that maybe they had heard her wrong though he also knew he was just trying to reassure himself. But her embarrassed silence was enough to tell him it was all true.

"Max..... Max, I'm sorry , I... I didn't... mean it!" Tess stammered lamely. She had to say something, anything, since obviously it was no use trying to deny what she had said anymore.

"You didn't mean it?... How can you say you didn't mean it??.... unless you are completely STUPID and didn't realize what you were saying!?" Max looked at her in disbelief before continuing. "......But I don't think so!... I know you, Tess, I know what you are capable of.... All those months I spent with you, thinking you were my friend and ... God, I really thought you had changed, but I guess I was wrong!" he yelled, not able to contain his anger any longer.

"No, no.... Max.... let me explain... It's not what you think!... I..." she tried again.

"Oh, no? How do you know what 'I' think Tess, huh?... you don't ... but maybe you want to know... I think you did it on purpose... I think you did it to hurt Liz... to make her think I betrayed her just like she betrayed me... you did it because Liz and I are getting 'close' again, and you can behr that thought... But guess what Tess... I don't care what you think... in fact... I don't care at all anymore!...... Stay away from me... and stay away from Liz! " Max said before turning around and leaving her where she was.
He had wanted to talk to her once she had insisted on having an explanation concerning his behavior, really he had. He had even thought he would be able to let her explain herself after all, but seeing her trying to come up with such lame excuses and pretending she hadn't 'meant' it, he couldn't stay near her any longer. How could he have been so stupid as to think that she would admit what she did and maybe even apologize.
Not that it would have really made any difference in fact, but at least he could have faced her if she had been honest.
Thinking about it maybe it was just that he wasn't ready to hear what she had to say yet, because now he knew for sure he couldn't stay here with her and not lose his temper. And if they had to fight soon, he needed to concentrate on what they were going to have to do, and not waste his energy with her.
All this was just wrong, and anyway even if he let her explain, it didn't change the fact that he felt betrayed. He really thought that they were friends, great friends, but friends didn't knowingly hurt each others. And right now he couldn't believe that she hadn't known that her lie would not only hurt Liz but him too.

He was already several feet away from her when Tess ran behind him and tried to stop him. She couldn't let him leave like that. Her lie was supposed to get them closer (A/N: bimbo bitch's logic :lol: :roll: ) not to make him run away from her, angry and refusing to talk to her ever again she thought irrationally. Maybe she had underestimated Liz Parker again. She had really believed Liz would be too proud and too angry to talk with Max and tell him what had happened, but obviously she had been completely wrong.
But after all, was it really Liz who had told Max what she had said? she wondered.
From the information she had gathered from Isabel and Maria, Liz was supposed to stay with her parents tonight so logically Max couldn't have been able to see her.
But then it only left one possibility, a possibility she really didn‘t like: Isabel had to be the one who couldn't keep her mouth shut. She had seen them talking before, and if what she thought was right maybe she would have to have a little talk with the other hybrid female and show her where her interests and priorities were.

But first things first.
She needed to have Max on her side again, and therefore some strategy was required, even if that meant she had to play dirty and accuse someone else for her behavior.

"No Max, wait!" she called. "... Please... I... I know it was wrong... but Max... it didn't happen like that... I didn't mean to say anything... I didn't mean to hurt anyone... but Maria... she's... she's always on my back....... always belittling me...... whenever I say or... or do something she has to make some stupid or mean remark...... I... I just couldn't take it anymore, I just tried to defend myself...... I had to say something… Max... I'm sorry!...." she cried doing her best to appear like the victim.
Maybe if she could convince him that it wasn't directly her fault, he would calm down and not hold it against her.
Fighting or having a row with Max now was definitely not part of her plan.

"Tess... it's not an excuse...... It didn't give you the right to lie...... nor did it give you the right to purposely hurt Liz....... You had a problem with Maria?... you should have handled the situation and sorted things out with Maria...... Liz had nothing to do with that...... what you said didn't hurt Maria,… it hurt Liz… and you know it...... so don't tell me you didn't mean it please!" Max shouted nonetheless.
Whether it was true or not, it didn't excuse what she had done, right?

Okay so this wasn't working as she hoped, she realized... but she had other cards to play.

"I didn't lie!" Tess yelled.

"WHAT?...... Tess, you are nuts...... you and I NEVER......" he started incredulously.
How could she say she didn't lie? How could she pretend they had slept together in front of him? Maybe she had more issues than he first thought if she really believed her own and obvious lie.

"We did!" she cut him off. "...... You may not remember Max but I do!... I... I remember when we were 'home'... not here... on Antar... when I... when I was your wife... when you had only eyes for me... and when you would... make love to me every occasion you had... and I... I might not have had anyone to compare you with back then… nor now......" she paused, shedding more tears and feigning to have to catch her breath. *Yeah you're good! Play the little innocent virgin. Obviously Max loved that, at least until Liz slept with Kyle...... Damn, the world should give me an Oscar!* she thought, proud of her little performance. Then once she was sure she had let the information sink in, she continued her little speech between sobs and hiccups. "...... but I do remember Max.... no... I know you were, and certainly still are the best lover I will ever know…… I didn't lie about that."

Say that Max was left completely speechless would be a major understatement.
He hadn't wanted to give it second thoughts at first, but either she was one hell of an actress or she was telling him the truth.
So was that what really happened? he thought seeing how she seemed to be so distraught. Was her 'lie' -- because really he didn't want to question or even think about her last statement since, true or not, he couldn't bring his mind, his heart, and most of all his body to think about making love to anyone but Liz, not in this life... and since he didn't remember the previous one... this one was the only one that mattered -- yes, was her lie just a defensive reaction? Had she just wanted to shut Maria up?
He knew first hand how Maria could be a real pain when she meant it, but was it enough to forget and forgive what Tess had done to Liz? Could he trust her when she said she hadn't meant to hurt Liz? She seemed to be really sorry, but was her supposed sincerity a reason to let go and move on from here like nothing had happened?
He didn't have enough time to think about it before Tess flung herself in his arms and started sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry Max...... I'm so sorry...... please, I didn't mean it...... I didn't mean to cause any problem...... I don't want you to hate me.... I'm sorry...... could you forgive me please Max...... please!" she managed to say, her body racking with her cries. (A/N: Geez, pathetic much, huh? :roll: )

Max was now caught completely off guard, he certainly didn't expect Tess to cry like that in his arms.
Since she came to Roswell, he had always seen her as a strong woman, someone who most of the time seemed to be totally unaffected by everything that surrounded her, and definitely not like someone who could be hurt too.
She hadn't even really cried when Nasedo, the only father's figure she had known her whole life died, and now here she was crying her eyes out because of him and what he could think of her, because she was afraid he could hate her.
After seeing her acting like that, he really didn't know what he was supposed to do, how he was supposed to act with her. Could he forgive her for hurting Liz, for almost destroying his relationship with her? What would have he done if Liz had refused to talk to him ever again after that? What if he had lost her again because of Tess?

"Tess…… I don't know what to say...... I don't... I don't hate you... and I understand that sometimes it can be hard for you... I really do... but what you did... it was really wrong... and ... I don't know if I will be able to forgive you..... and actually..... I don't think it's my place to forgive you or not anyway!… You should apologize to Liz, not to me..... but I'm not sure I can forget what you did to her!"

"I..... I will....I promise Max, I will...... but please I need to know that you're not angry anymore...... can you at least try to forgive me?" she continued to sob.

Reluctantly Max stroked her arms in an effort to calm her down, but truth was that the only reason he was touching her right now was because he knew that they certainly would need her if they decided, or if they had, to enter the warehouse. He needed her to be as calm as possible and ready to fight if something happened.
However he couldn't help wondering why was it that he suddenly found himself very uncomfortable around her? Like he could be sick just by being in her presence.
He definitely needed to talk to someone about what was happening with Tess.
'Oh yeah sure Evans' he thought sarcastically 'Like you could go to your sister or Michael and tell them ' Hey guys, I made love to Liz and now each time I'm near Tess or Tess touches me I have to suppress the urge to throw up'. That would do just fine.'

"Tess..."Max finally started, hoping that after that they could go back to what was really important tonight. "I... I'm not angry... at least... I'm not really anymore... but I would lie if I said that I'm not disappointed.... I didn't think you could go so far...... what you did was just ... I don't know... low,… wrong… and completely inappropriate... no matter what happened between Liz and matter what happened between you and Maria... you had no right to pretend we slept together... and in front of everybody else moreover......" He paused when he realized that what he was saying wasn't helping the situation at all. Quite the opposite in fact since Tess seemed to cry even harder with each word that escaped his mouth. "... Look... maybe I didn't realize how hard it could be for you... I mean... I know you weren't raised like us and everything....... I know you're not really used to be around or deal with …humans… like we do… so, maybe.... maybe I could talk to Maria,.... and ask her to leave you alone from now on.... but you have to promise me that something like what happened yesterday won't happen ever again...... or I swear Tess...." he tried to finish but she cut him off again before he could voice what she was sure had to be some kind of threat.

"I promise Max, whatever you want." she said before looking up to him, her icy-blue eyes pleading with him to believe her and to leave it at that.
Why did he care anyway?, she wondered.
Liz Parker had betrayed him and slept with her ex as soon as Max turned his back to her, and here he was, trying to defend her and lamenting the fact that she had been hurt because of her when he should be thanking her for paying her back for everything he had been through because of that damn human.
Inwardly, she was fuming and felt completely humiliated, but on the outside her face remained unchanged and didn't betrayed her true and inner thoughts. She couldn't let him see what was really going on in her head.
Never in her life had she thought she would have to lower herself to almost beg for his forgiveness or anyone forgiveness actually, -- she was an alien Queen for heaven's sake -- and even less to let him take care of a matter she could handle with a wave of her hand, but what was at stake was too important to her to not do what he was asking, and therefore she would swallow her pride again in the blink of an eye if she had to, provided that she could achieve her final goal.
But she swore, and that was a promise she intended to keep no matter what it took, that eventually everyone would have to pay for everything she had been through ever since she had set foot in Roswell, New Mexico. And she would soon start to present the bills, and then Maria Deluca and her dear friend Liz 'I'm so innocent, please take care of me Max' Parker would definitely be the first ones she would make pay.
Why hadn't she gotten rid of Maria before when she had had the opportunity, she wondered again.

"Okay!" Max said growing more and more uneasy with her and with the situation by the minute, and before he pulled her away from him ."...... I...... well...... I guess... I guess... we should get back, before they start wondering where we went or what we are doing......" he finished before walking back to the jeep and grabbing the stuff he needed.
Tess just nodded then, wiped her fake tears away and followed, trying to hide the smile that threatened to appear on her lips.
God they were so easy to fool, she thought.
They were weak, they all were. That was what they got and what they became being raised by humans. No wonder they weren't even aware of their potential.
But after all it was all for the best and she was not going to complain. This way they weren't aware of HER own potential as well.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
End of chapter eight.a

Well, Max has to suppress the urge to throw up every time Tess is near him now, and I can completely understand him… I myself feel like I'm going to puke any minute when I have to write anything about Tess… God I hate the girl… but unfortunately I need her too… at least in my story…..but I can't wait till the day I'll write Tess's end…..hhahahahaha! I'm going to enjoy it!!
So now, like I said there were two more parts already written…. If you want the next one… you know the drill….. Feedbacks, feedbacks…. The more I receive… the more motivated to post I am!! :wink:
Take care!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 9:33 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Title: Tell me what you want

Rating: TEEN-ADULT(well, I think, if I can write it))

Disclaimer: Even if it would be a dream come true, I don't own nothing from Roswell! And certainly not Jason "Hot" Behr!!

AN: Please... Don't kill the writer :?

Chapter eight.b
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Okay girl! Details, details! I WANT DETAILS!" Maria exclaimed cheerfully as soon as both girls settled themselves on her bed and Liz had calm down.
Truth be told she didn't really understand what had just happened and why Liz had been acting like she had, but she didn't really questioned it either. She knew what Liz had been through when she had thought she had definitely lost Max so she just supposed that now that Liz had obviously found her Max again she just didn't want to let him go ever again and couldn't behr to be apart from him for too long.
Now, all she wanted was to lift Liz's spirits as much as she could, and she would do her best to succeed, and what better way to do so than make her talk about the love of her life, she thought. And if it was possible,…with all the spicy details.
Yes, Liz was definitively a goner but if what she had seen tonight was any indication Max had it just as bad, so this conversation should be interesting.

"Details?" Liz asked innocently. "Details about what?"

"Oh come on chica! You know about what! You. Max. This night!" Maria elucidated though she was sure Liz knew perfectly well what she wanted to talk about.

"Maria, Please!"

"Oh, no, no, no! You escaped last time but I know that something is going on between you and Maxie Boy, so spill now… or do I have to force the words out of your mouth?… Coz I can do that… you know I can!" Maria told her trying to remain serious.
There was no way she would let Liz elude this subject again. One way or another she would have her talk about her relationship with Max.
She could bet her life that those two were together again -- okay, so it didn't take a genius to figure this out, anyone who would have seen them tonight could have guess that -- but why Liz didn't want to tell her or talk about it, she didn't know.

"Hey,… how was your evening with Isabel and Tess?… I didn't even ask you!" Liz said all of a sudden, trying to change the subject.

"Uh-huh! I know what you're trying to do, but it's not going to work!" Maria warned her before continuing nonetheless.
Truth was she wanted to tell Liz what had happened with Tess but she didn't want to let her think that she would forget about her. "Okay, here's the deal… I tell you what happened…. but then you will have to tell me everything I want!"
She saw Liz nodding and so she went on.

"Which part do you want me tell you about first?…… Before or … after Tess tried to strangle me?" she demanded matter-of-factly, though Liz could see a grin creeping on her lips.

"She what?" Liz asked incredulously.

"SHE-TRIED-TO-STRANGLE-ME!" Maria repeated this time speaking like she would to a little child.

"You're kidding me Maria! Why would Tess want to strangle you?"
Okay so maybe she already had a few answers to this question herselfbut she couldn't believe that this had really happened. Tess trying to strangle Maria? Nope, she had to be kidding, right?.

"Okay girl… Short version: I arrived at Isabel's house before Tess and we were polishing our toe nails when the 'Incarnation of The Evil' arrived…… I think Kyle dropped her there but anyway…… So we were polishing our nails and at first everything was okay, … she even asked Isabel if she could borrow one of her nail varnish… and well after a moment then the girl looked at mine and started to say that she had never seen such an awful color and that only someone as crazy as me could like this color!….. What's wrong with this color, huh?" she showed Liz her nails and asked.

"Nothing Maria,… can you go on?!" Liz sighed before shaking her head.
What would it be if she was to give her the long version? she couldn't help but wonder.
But maybe she shouldn't complain.
Maybe if Maria was distracted enough she would forget about questioning her. At least that was what she was desperately hoping.

"Yeah… well… so of course Isabel tried to defend me and told her that she couldn't understand why she had to be so mean with me each and every time she saw me… and she answered something like… because I am human…blah blah blah… I'm not even sure the girl could understand what she was babbling herself… but anyway… I told her that if the humans were so inferiors,… how came that the King of her home planet preferred a poor human girl over his supposed Queen… and well that's when she snapped… I guess she blew a fuse or something coz I had never seen her so mad before! And God knows she is!" she finished giggling and proud of herself.

"And then she just … tried to strangle you?" Liz wondered out loud.

"Not exactly…she tried to strangle me when I said that the only way Max would touch her or the only way she could have him was… 1. in another life… and I wasn't even sure she hadn't made this up… 2. if he was dead… or 3. if he was kidnapped by the FBI again and they practiced a lobotomy on him or had his brain totally removed…… Let me tell you that though Isabel laughed her ass off… Tess really didn't like those …truths… so she threw herself at me and she tried to strangle me… Thank God Isabel was there otherwise I'm sure she could have killed me." she related, though Liz could see that Tess hadn't even succeeded in scaring her. Actually it was obvious that Maria had found the situation rather funny.
Truth be told she was laughing herself, trying to picture Maria in this situation but most of all Tess's face when she heard her. No doubt that the alien girl was certainly not expecting a 'simple human' to dare defy her. But that only proved that Tess was still definitely not ready to know the truth about her relationship with Max she also realized.

"And you stayed there after that?" she questioned her friend.

"Are you crazy? … I told Isabel I was out of there and next time she wanted someone to help her deal with 'the fury' she would have to find someone else!….. unless of course she just wanted someone to kick Tess's ass, … then I would gladly take the job… and I just left after that!" Maria answered smiling. She would lie if she said she hadn't loved fighting with Tess and she was sure, though the other girl had acted like nothing had happened after Isabel had separated them, that she had hurt her quite badly too.

"You're unbelievable Maria… she could have … I don't know… zap you with her powers…" Liz pointed out.

"Yeah, I know… but you should have seen her face… it was really funny……"she paused and eyed Liz carefully before coming back to what she found much more interesting. "… but enough with the crazy bitch…… I'm sure you had an even better evening with Max…. so stop trying to escape my questions… What did you and Max Evans do together alone, until almost three in the morning, huh?"

"Maria,… I'm not trying to escape anything… I just… I just don't want to talk about that now. It's 3:25 am… I'm tired… and well… maybe we should try to sleep……" Liz countered, though she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully until she would be sure that everything was alright with Max and the rest of the group. Even if Maria's story had somehow helped her to relax a bit, the persistent bad feeling she had had ever since Max had woken her up had yet to leave her. She tried to convince herself that she was just overeacting but it didn't changed the fact that she was really and still scared.

"We don't work tomorrow Liz,… well today actually,… we don't need to sleep… and I'm sure you won't be able to sleep anyway… and well… besides… I already know for sure that you and Max are back together… I just want … confirmation… and some details of course" she said raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"Oh, and how can you be so sure?" Liz asked her… 'unless you were spying on us again' she thought inwardly.

"Okay, forget about the 'I can't keep my eyes off you', the 'can you do me a favor, I want to spend some time alone with Liz', or even the 'I can't let go of your hand, and I can't leave you',… let me guess… maybe what give you away could be the fact that your parents called the Crash tonight and were very sad when they couldn't talk to their little baby girl… and that I'm supposed to tell you that they miss you since it's… ALMOST A WEEK… since they last saw you!… yep, that's it… that must be why….Do I need to say more?"

"Oh!" was all Liz could say.
Okay so maybe tonight they had been pretty obvious and truth be told she had known she would have to tell Maria the truth anyway, or at least part of it, so she hadn't really cared, but Maria wasn't supposed to learn that she had spent last night with Max too.
Two minutes ago she could have still lied about tonight and tell her that they had just talked and finally sorted things out while waiting for her parents who never came home in the end. But now she would have to explain why she had told everyone that her parents had come back once before leaving again, and what she had done… with Max… yesterday night, and that was something she definitely didn't want Maria to know. At least not yet.

"Yeah, Oh-OH??… Now could you explain me young girl why you lied about your parents and what you and Max Evans did last night too… coz I'm pretty sure Prince Charming was with you!… I don't see him leaving you all night alone with everything that is happening, right? So……" Maria questioned.
It was obvious that this time she was really waiting for an answer, and Liz really didn't know how she was going to avoid her questions any longer.
Maria didn't miss Liz blushing furiously though and instantly the wheels in her head went into overdrive. She jumped off the bed and started to spin around in her room, screaming and jumping up and down.

"Oh, my!… Oh my!… You did it!… YOU DID IT!… I knew it, I knew it!… I SO KNEW IT!…… How was it?… Did it hurt?… How long… I mean how long did it last?… How was Max? … Is he also… different…there?… Did you… you know… did you come? Was it like you thought it would be?……" she paused to catch her breath but completely ignored the fact that Liz was calling her name in an attempt to calm her or stop her. "… Oh my God, I can't believe it Liz!… I can't believe you had sex with Max Evans!… Oh God… nothing strange happened right? … you know what I mean… nothing 'alien' happened?" she suddenly finished concerned, before resuming her position on her bed.
Obviously nothing had happened to Liz, but since Max was indeed an alien she couldn't know for sure. Not so long before she didn't even know if it was possible for an alien and a human to do it… together.

"MARIA! Could you scream louder? I'm not sure your mom heard you!" Liz hissed.
How Amy Deluca hadn't already woken up and co me to Maria's room to throw her out of her house was beyond Liz. She swore that Maria's squeals could even wake the dead.

"Liz, please… don't answer those questions" came a sleepy voice from the floor. "I so don't need nor even want to hear about that!"

"ALEX??" Liz gasped, her eyes nearly popping out of her head when she saw his head appearing from under Maria's bed, or at least that was the impression it gave. She looked at him in pure shock before she turned to Maria and stuttered.
" Maria… I can't… I can't believe YOU… I can't believe you questioned me like that and you said that… when… when you knew Alex was there… lying on your floor!"
Liz was sure she had never been so embarrassed in her whole life.
Alex had been there all along and had probably heard everything. How had she done to not see him before anyway?
Yeah, maybe just because she hadn't gone to that side of the bed yet…. and because Maria hadn't cared telling her, she couldn't help thinking again.
'Oh God! Someone, shoot me now please' she thought.

"I sort of forget he was there… do you think I would have gone alone to open the window if I hadn't forget about him…… he came to stay with me after I left from Isabel's" Maria answered between fits of giggles. "… Not that it matters anyway… Alex, did you know that Lizzie here had sex with an alien last night…… and certainly tonight too!" she continued as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
Oh yeah, the looks on Liz and Alex's faces were really priceless.

"Maria, Max and I… we…we've just gotten back together! … we haven't… we haven't had sex!…" Liz tried to defend herself.
Technically it wasn't a lie, right? What she had shared with Max went beyond just sex.
They had made love.
They had shared their bodies, but their souls too. They had completed each others in a way she knew nobody would ever be able to complete them. They had become ONE in every possible way. It had been so intense that they had even created an alien … thing… or whatever it was… together. Of course she couldn't be sure of that but the more she thought about it the more convinced she was that she was right.
Then no, it wasn’t just sex.

"Riiiight!" Maria said obviously unconvinced. "And Tess Harding is my new best friend!"
Alex rolled his eyes, suddenly very much awake and stood up to join Liz on the bed.

"It's none of your business anyway! Whether they…… well… you see… it's not our problem… So why don't you stop now and we tried to catch some sleep!… I for one would really appreciate since I was really enjoying it until YOU started this!" Alex said hoping Maria would stop and not embarrass both Liz and him even more.

He had already learnt more about Liz' s love life in the few hours he had been back there than in his whole life and he really didn't need any more information.
He didn't know how long Liz had been here, since she wasn't when they had fallen asleep and he remembered Maria telling him that she was staying with her parents -- parents who obviously weren't there --, but he had woken sometime by the end of Maria's tale about Tess, …tale he had already heard at least four times tonight… and had been listening ever since.
Though everything was quite blurred at first, when he had heard her insinuating that Max Evans had taken his best friend's virtue he knew he couldn't keep quiet any longer.
He already suspected what the answer to this question could be but he really didn't want to have any kind of confirmation. Not in front of Maria anyway. Who knew how she would react if Liz was to give her the details of her night with Max.
NightS in fact, Alex now guessed and corrected.

"Oh God, you should look at you!" Maria continued still laughing like there was no tomorrow. "Oh no… I think I'm gonna pee." she suddenly said before running out of her bedroom and directly to the bathroom, leaving then Liz alone with Alex.
Alex, her best male friend who had heard everything, she remembered. Why hadn't she left with Max? She would rather face and fight a bunch of aliens right now than be in her position.

After an awkward silence Liz finally decided that she had to say something.

"Umm… look Alex… I'm sorry about that!…" she stammered, the uneasiness evident in her voice.

"Hey, no problem here… you know me… no problem at all!" Alex replied, just as embarrassed as she was.

Silence fell upon them again and though he hadn't meant to say anything at first, Alex knew he had to tell her that he knew about her and Max, at least more than she thought he did.

"Look, Liz… like I said before it's none of our business… but… well I know that you and Max were back together before tonight…and …" he started before Liz cut him off.

"What … what do you mean by 'you know we were together before tonight'… we didn't… we... until…." she tried to say but Alex didn't let her continue either.
How could he know?, he had only been there for a few hours; Liz rationalized.

"Liz… I saw you two yesterday at the Crash,… in the backroom… and if what I saw is any indication I'm sure that you and Max are not just 'friends' or even just 'boyfriend and girlfriend'… …I understand if you don’t want to talk about it… … what you share with Max is between you and Max anyway… so tell me you don't want to talk about it, but don't lie to me please……you know I can keep a secret… and I'm here for you if you… if you need me to…" he told her without any kind of animosity and hoping she would see she could trust him.

If Liz didn't want people to know how deep her relationship with Max was, he wouldn't be the one to tell anyone. Whatever reasons she had to lie, or hide the truth, he knew that they had to be good ones and he could respect that. But what he had told her was true, he knew there was much more to her relationship with Max Evans than what she was ready to admit just yet.
What he had witnessed the day before in the few minutes he had been observing them, was far more than a simple boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
The way they looked at each other, the way they talked, the way they interacted together and most of all the way they touched couldn't be mistaken. What they shared now was different from everything he had seen before between the two of them.
What they shared now was the closeness and complicity of lovers.
When he had left for Sweden Max and Liz were barely in speaking terms but somehow during this time they had found their way back to each other, and Alex could almost bet that it had something to do with what had happened to Liz a few days ago, at least that what he had thought after seeing them in the Crashdown and after Maria had told him everything that had happened during the weeks he hadn't been there and more specifically during the last one.
Now of course he would lie if he said that he hadn't been a little surprised to see that their relationship had developed so much in such a short period of time, but he knew Liz and he knew that she wouldn't have taken this huge step with Max if she hadn't been sure, and therefore he would respect her choice and he would be there for her if she needed or wanted to talk about it, or if she just needed a friend, no matter what.

"I'm sorry Alex, … I didn't mean to lie to you… it's just… I don't want everyone to know about Max and me for now…it's too new yet and… it's complicated…" she said, confirming what Alex already thought. Maybe he hadn't been completely sure until now, but the way she was reacting now had just dispelled any doubt he still could have.

"I'm sure it is,… otherwise I have no doubts Max Evans would be in town right now screaming at the top of his lungs that you two are back together and claiming you as his!" Alex joked before adding more seriously. "… I'm happy for you Liz… I really am… I know how you feel about Max,… how you always felt, despite everything that happened between the two of you, and I'm glad you could sort out whatever were the problems that kept you apart from him for so long… I know he can make you happy… I just want you…well just… just be careful Liz, okay?"

"I am Alex!" Liz said understanding what he meant without really voicing his concerns out loud.
She really found it difficult to not cry at Alex's declaration and obvious concern, but Maria would certainly not understand if she came back to find her in tears again. So she tried to control her emotions and instead she pulled Alex into a hug and whispered in his ear. "Thank you Alex! … I love you!"

"I love you too, Liz!" Alex replied and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly.
He would kill Evans himself, alien powers or not, if he hurt Liz in any way, but right now he was more concerned about what an intimate relationship between Liz and an alien could imply. It wasn't as if they had any precedent to compare with.
What if being with him intimately was dangerous for Liz? he couldn't help but wonder.

"Did I miss something?" they both heard Maria saying as soon as she entered her room again.

"Nope!" Alex quickly said before pulling away from Liz. "It's just… two girlfriends reuniting" he joked.

"Ohhhhh! I missed you too Alex" Maria half- screamed half-laughed all of a sudden before jumping on the bed and hugging both Alex and Liz. Well in fact maybe, crushing them both would suit better.

"Okay, okay! Enough with that Maria!" Alex declared when almost two minutes after Maria was still rocking him back and forth and had yet to let go of him. Man if he didn't know her better he could have sworn she was trying to squeeze the life out of him.
" … Can we go back to sleep now please, and … talk about whatever you girls want to talk later?… Someone I know has just gotten back from a long, long trip and he needs his beauty sleep."

"Fine!… I don't really feel like sleeping anymore now… but I don't know what I could do awake here alone… so…" Maria answered before reluctantly crawling under the sheets with Liz following just behind while Alex resumed his previous position on the floor.
Liz was sure that Maria had to have proposed him to share her bed but knowing her and her habit to kick her feet while sleeping he certainly had refused again. Liz was the only one who was used to her weird antics enough to not care anymore.

"Good night Alex, good night Liz" Maria whispered once she was comfortably settled.

"Night Maria,… Liz!" Alex replied.

"Night guys!" was Liz's answer.

She closed her eyes and tried to not think about the fact that Max might be fighting his enemies right now when she was 'trying to sleep' like he had asked her, and instead tried to concentrate on all the good things they had done together ever since they had gotten back together. Or all the things they would do once everything would be over with Nicholas and the skins, but of course it was easier said than done.
Max had promised he would be careful, but she knew he wouldn't have told her if he had thought he could really be in danger anyway so eager he was to protect her first. She knew he didn't want her to panic or be scared but she just couldn't help it. What would she do if anything was to happen to him? What……

Everyone had been quiet for at least five long minutes and Liz was completely lost in her own thoughts when she suddenly heard Maria's voice again.

"HOT MONKEY SEX…WUUUHUHHH… I KNOW YOU DID IT LIZ!" she said before bursting into laughter.

"MARIA!!" Alex and Liz yelled before laughing themselves.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two hours later still nothing had changed outside the warehouse.
Obviously the skins were still waiting for whoever they could be waiting and Max was starting to wonder if they would ever see the end of this day.
Michael was growing more and more impatient by the minute and Max was sure it wouldn't be long before he would snap and say that they needed to move and do something before the others did it first. The more they waited, the more risks they took to see more men coming.
He chanced a glance toward Isabel and saw her in deep conversation with Tess. Those two were obviously sorting out whatever problem they had he realized.
Tess seemed to be really upset but Isabel didn't seem more quiet. He could have sworn he could see steam coming out of his sister's ears. Whatever Tess was trying to explain to her, she definitively wasn't buying it. He would have to ask her what all this was about later.
He turned toward the sheriff's car and noticed with a smile that Kyle had fallen asleep on the passenger's seat. His mouth was wide open but he was sure he had to be snoring nonetheless.

"Max! Max!" he suddenly heard Michael calling him. "A car is coming"
Max turned to the direction Michael was pointing to and sure enough a car was approaching the warehouse. It stopped just in front of the entrance and seconds later they both saw a man and a small guy, obviously a teenager, getting out of it and entering the building.
From where they stood they couldn't see his face clearly or made out his features since he was too far from them and was wearing a cap, but Michael was sure that it could only be Nicholas.

"It's him, Max!" Michael said as soon as he saw him. " It's Nicholas"

"Are you sure? " Max questioned not as categorical. They hadn't even had time to reach for their binoculars to see if it was really him before he was already inside.

"How many aliens do you know that look like some 14 year old-teenager, huh?" Michael answered incredulously. Of course it was him.

"He's right Max… It had to be him." Isabel intervened as soon as she joined them.
She had heard Michael calling Max and seen him getting very agitated all of a sudden and instinctively she had known that something was going on. Something she certainly wouldn't like.
They would have to act soon, no more turning back, she thought.

"Okay!" Max said. "I guess that means it's time to move with the plan! … Isabel, go and wake Kyle up!… we'll need everyone."
He looked as Isabel went and got Kyle and seconds later they were both there ready to go.

"So… everyone knows what he or she had to do?" Max asked one last time looking at everyone successively.
If they wanted to succeed they needed to be precise and follow exactly what they had planned.
They had gone over every details several times after deciding that if they wanted to be free to move on with their life and not be afraid anymore they had to take charge of the problem at hand and be the one to move first. He just hoped that everything would be alright and that no one would be hurt. No one on his side at least.
With Tess's help they should be able to distract Nicholas and his men long enough to enter and then eliminate them one after the other.

"Kyle, you come with Tess and me…… Jim… you go with Michael and Isabel… but you stay behind us!" Max ordered." If anything goes wrong … if anything doesn’t go according to the plan… you're out of there, okay!?"
When he saw the two humans nodding he sighed heavily and added: "Let' go then!"

The two groups parted immediately and each one took the direction they had been assigned to. Max, Tess and Kyle were supposed to enter through the front door once Tess would have taken care of the guards while Michael, Isabel and the sheriff were suppose to enter at the same time by the side door.
At first of course the sheriff hadn't wanted to let Kyle enter through the main entrance with Max and Tess but he had been convinced once he had realized that with Tess's powers he wouldn't be seen and that if anything went wrong at least Max could protect him with his shield more than Michael or Isabel could with their powers.
It didn't stop him from worrying for his son, but he also knew that Kyle would refuse to stay behind anyway, so he preferred to know that he was with them and somehow protected than alone outside.

Max and his group were supposed to wait until Michael and the others would be close enough to the side of the building, which strangely wasn't even guarded, before moving.

Once they were settled Max started to move along with Kyle, and Tess followed just behind, but half way to the building Tess suddenly stopped to do her laces up. :roll:
Max who had been concentrated on what was happening in front of him didn't noticed and went on supposing that she was still behind.

"Max, wait!" Tess called when she saw that he wasn’t waiting for her. For now and from where they were they couldn't be seen yet, but if they kept moving forward, without her and her powers they would be spotted immediately.
She was just standing up when she saw Max turning around. He was going to tell her something but she never heard what he had to say.
Suddenly all hell broke on Earth.
A tremendous detonation sent her flying through the air and she landed up on her back with a loud thud, knocked unconscious.
It took her several minutes to come back to her senses and when she did she wished she hadn't.
Everything around her was dark like the night had suddenly replaced the rising day.
She couldn't see more than a few feet in front of her and for a moment she considered just staying there and not move anymore.
A loud and painful groan escaped her lips when she tried to stand up but she had to, she thought: she needed to find the others.
Every cell of her body was hurting her and she fought to stay awake and not faint again. She couldn't comprehend what had just happened but she was sure of one thing: the warehouse had completely exploded.
She looked up and through the smoke and the flames she saw what was left of it. She might as well be saying nothing.
Everything was burning and she noticed the ribbons of skin that were flying everywhere through the air, the only proof she needed that at least the other aliens had been exterminated.
She gave up trying to get up and instead started to crawl in the direction she had last seen Max.

"Max?" she called when she didn't see him. "MAX?"

She finally spotted him on the ground, a few feet away from Kyle and as quickly as she could in her state she made her way toward them.
Reaching Max first she immediately realized he wasn’t' moving.
His once handsome and perfect face was now covered in blood and he was barely recognizable. She checked for a pulse and desperately tried to shake his apparently lifeless body when she couldn't find one.

"Max?" she tried again.

"MAAAAAAXX!" was finally the last cry that pierced the night before blackness surrounded and took hold of Tess's body again.

End of chapter eight.b

So that's it for today! Now if you just could tell what you thought about it, I'll be the happiest girl on Earth…. Do I sound a little desperate here?? :lol: … okay … so maybe I am! :wink:

Just one precision, for those who wonder why Alex didn't wake up earlier with all the noise that Maria was doing… I will explain about that later! :wink:
…. Or maybe you were more interested in knowing what happened to Max??…. is he just unconscious? Is he… dead? :cry: … are the others in the same state?…..worse?…..well you'd have to wait a little and give me a great amount of feedbacks to have the next part and know about that! :P
Take Care and See You Soon! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 11:40 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Title: Tell me what you want

Rating: TEEN-ADULT(well, I think, if I can write it))

Disclaimer: Even if it would be a dream come true, I don't own nothing from Roswell! And certainly not Jason "Hot" Behr!!

A/N:Hey, guys :P
First let me just say.... Aliendreamer101, Julia, Roswellchick03, Dreams And Candy, Hunnybehr, Frenchkiss70, Roswellluver, Rosbuffyangelfanatl, maxandlizbeliever, Marteloise, AshleyBehr666, sweetygurl, kittens, candydreamer, marylineevan, lattegirl, Norafanofmaxandliz, not-of-this-earth: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE WONDERFUL FEEDBACKS, PM AND BUMPS!!!

:lol: … love you too, babe… Hope YOU'll still love me after reading :wink: LOL

Now... here are the new parts…finally... yeah… there are two instead of one… that's for the long wait :wink:
Honestly, I'm not quite satisfied with them but well… since I couldn't come up with something better… and I didn't want you to wait any longer… I'm closing my eyes… crossing my finger… and posting them anyway… hoping that some of you will like them though.
Let me know about that, okay?
I know that many of you asked me to NOT hurt Max… what can I say… PLEASE FORGIVE ME! :sad:

Just two things though:
1. The beginning of this chapter may be a little confusing… don’t worry you'll understand everything soon…
2. When you read the second one… you could feel a sudden urge to kill the writer… aka… ME…. Just keep this in mind then….. I'M STILL… AND DEFINITELY A DREAMER!!!!

Now… enjoy… or maybe not :sad: :roll:

Chapter nine.a

Screaming his name Liz bolted out of her dream, her body sweating and trembling and her head throbbing painfully. Instinctively she placed her hands over her ears in an attempt to stop the horrible screams and sounds that still echoed in her head. The scene she had just witnessed instants ago kept replaying over and over again in her head and she shut her eyes hoping that the images would just disappear. But they didn't.
Like some bad movie she kept seeing everything in a continuous loop: Max walking toward the warehouse. Max turning to see what Tess was doing. Max being sent flying through the air with the force of the terrible explosion. Max dying on the ground and herself unable to stop it. Unable to do anything.

Max was dead. Max was DEAD, she kept repeating herself again and again, rocking back and forth on the bed, ignoring the loud sobs that escaped her throat and the tears that just couldn't stop spilling on her cheeks. MAX WAS DEAD.

She didn't hear Maria and Alex's panicked voices. She didn't feel their hands on her as they tried to pull her out of her trance. All she could hear was her own cries as she witnessed the whole scene like she was seeing everything from afar but couldn't move to prevent it. All she could see was Max's lifeless body lying on the cold ground and the blood, his blood, slipping out of his body and surrounding him. And all she could feel was his own last thoughts invading her head.
How he wished he had listened to her and kept away from this place that was going to see him die. How he wished he could see her one last time just to tell her that even if he would never be with her again he would always love her, because wherever his soul would go he would remember her.

"Maax… Maax… Maaax!" she sobbed painfully, the wailing sound of her cries tearing Maria's heart apart.

"Liz, Liz, look at me… talk to me!… LIZ!" Maria kept repeating at the same time that she tried to stop her rocking motions.
She desperately tried to make her look at her but it seemed like Liz wasn't there with them anymore. It was obvious that she had had a nightmare but the force of her reaction and how it seemed to have affected her was really scaring her. She had never seen Liz reacting this way before and she couldn’t help but think that something was definitely wrong here.
Liz had waken up screaming Max's name at the top of her lungs and crying and ever since she hadn't stopped rocking, her hands on her ears and her eyes shut as if she was hearing and seeing something in her head that the others couldn't. And it frightened her.
Not knowing what to do to help her friend she turned pleading eyes toward Alex hoping that he would be more successful.
Even if she didn't know what all this was about she wasn't able to hold her own tears and she started crying herself when after five long minutes Liz had yet to answer them. Seeing her friend so distraught was killing her slowly. She felt so useless suddenly. What kind of friend was she if she couldn't help or understand her best friend when she obviously needed her the more?

"Liz… look at me!" Alex pleaded using both his hands to cradle her face after having taking off her own.
Truth be told he was terrified by her reaction as well since he didn't understand how a dream could affect her so much and get her in such a state but with Maria not so far from becoming hysterical herself he knew he had to be the one to take charge of the situation. " Liz… you had a nightmare… it's over… it was a dream… just a dream… I'm here now… you're fine! Liz… open your eyes please!" he soothed.
But his words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Liz didn't even seem to acknowledge him or realize where she was. She had opened her eyes when he had asked her to but though she was now staring at him it was as if she wasn't really seeing him or as she was actually seeing through him, when all the while she kept on crying Max's name.

"Alex… Alex… what the hell is happening to her?" Maria asked him frantically when she realized that Liz wasn't reacting to their calls.
She was going to lose it if they didn't find out soon what was wrong with her.
And she almost did right there and then when something drew her attention and she looked down at Liz's hands that were now resting on her lap. "OH MY GOD! Alex… Alex look at her hands! HER HANDS!" she yelled, involuntarily moving backwards.

Lowering his gaze to Liz's hands Alex nearly had a heart attack.
This wasn't good. Oh no this was SO FUCKING NOT good.
He could deal with young girls crying their eyes out and being hysterical. He could deal with young girls having horrible nightmares. Heck he could even deal with Maria Deluca suffering PMS if he had to. But for the life of him he COULD NOT deal with alien's human girlfriends having freaking green sparks of electricity coursing through their hands. What the hell was that and what was he supposed to do now? What if she zapped him suddenly? What if…. Oh God!

"Okay, Liz… you have to help me here… I'm flipping now… See, I said it… I AM FLIPPING… Now could you stop please?… you can't do this to me Liz… look at me!" he pleaded again while lifting up her head some more so that their eyes would be at the same level.

Why him? Why hadn't he stay longer in Sweden, huh? Why had he come back?
In Sweden there were no aliens, no skins, and no paranormal phenomenon. Why had he felt the need to come back to Roswell, home of the freaking aliens, huh?!

Oh, wait until he would put his hands on Max Evans! Whatever he had done to Liz he would have to explain one or two things to him, and he'd better have one hell of an explanation for this one. But he knew that this would have to wait, first he had to take care of Liz.
At this point he was seriously considering that slapping her on the face would be the only way to make her come back with them. But how was he supposed to slap his best friend? And what if doing it made it even worse?

He was still assessing his options when Liz's puffy red eyes seemed to finally really focus on him. They seemed to cloud even more when she recognized him and suddenly as quickly as it had started the green light went out and he finally heard her speaking to him.

"He's dead, Alex… Max is dead!" she said her voice thick with tears.

"Shhh… Liz… it was a nightmare… just a nightmare… Max is alright… I'm sure he is… you don't have to worry." Alex replied at the same time that he took her in his arms.

"No… I saw him dying, Alex… I saw him… He's dead!" she pulled away from him and insisted. She knew what she had seen. It was too real to be just a nightmare. She had had tons of nightmare before in her life and nothing compared to that.

"Liz… you're not making any sense… how could you see him dying when you were here!… I told you… it was just a horrible nightmare!… Nothing more!" Alex repeated to reassure her.

"No… they are all dead… no one survived the explosion… no one… except … except Tess!" she said between new sobs and hiccups.

"Yeah, I bet she did!… Weeds die hard!" Maria mumbled under her breath, immediately regretting her words when she saw Alex disapprovingly looking at her.
Actually he was sure that Liz hadn't even realized that her friend was here too until she heard her speak but one hysterical or even sarcastic Maria was definitely not what they needed. But what could she say? She needed something to lessen her own stress and that was the only way she knew. That and the cedar oil. Where the hell was her cedar oil?

"MARIA! I don't think Liz needs your sarcastic remarks just now!" Alex berated her before turning again to Liz and continuing. " Liz, baby, I'm not telling you that I don't believe you… I mean I think you really believe that you saw them dying… but Liz… it wasn't real!"

"It was… I knew it before he left… I knew that something horrible was going to happen… and now they are all dead… Max is dead… I should have stopped him… I should have made him listen to me!" she cried incoherently.
Alex looked at her like she had grown a second head and wondered again what she could have seen to make her react the way she was. Liz was a logical person usually, and he just couldn't understand how she didn't realize that this dream wasn't, couldn't, be real.

"Liz… would you listen to yourself… you're talking nonsense… it was just…" he tried again to convince her but she just wouldn't listen.

"IT WAS NOT A NIGHTMARE… I know what I saw… I have to go there… I have to see him… I have…" she suddenly yelled and then before Alex could do anything to stop her she was standing up and searching for her shoes.
She didn't care if she wasn't dressed properly to go out, all she knew was that she needed to go and see Max. She knew it was too late but she just had to go and see him. Nothing else mattered. She didn't even noticed the green sparks that had suddenly reappeared when she started screaming. All she wanted was to get out of here and find him.

Carefully approaching her Alex grabbed her by the shoulders to stop her and thanked God that at least this… thing, whatever it was, didn't hurt him when he touched her. But even if it had he just knew he had to stop her. What if someone saw her wandering the streets of Roswell in her state? They couldn't take such a risk.

"Liz… you have to calm down okay! … listen to me… we're going to call him… okay?… this way you will see yourself that he's alright… but you can't go out in your state… do you understand? " he told her, speaking like she was some little child who needed to be reassured constantly. Strangely enough the sparks seemed to subside and Alex could only conclude that they were somehow connected to Liz's emotional state. Whenever she got upset or lost her temper they appeared and when she seemed to calm some down they disappeared or at least diminished. But obviously she herself didn't seem to notice or else she didn't care.

"He won't answer!" Liz whispered still sure of herself. Why didn't he just understand that it was too late?

"If he doesn't … then we will try to look at this rationally… and we'll see what we can do… okay?… are you with me in this Liz? …do you understand what we have to do?" he questioned her softly. Then when he saw her nodding her head he turned to Maria and asked her to dial Max's cell number.
Putting down the cedar oil she had searched for after Alex had reprimanded her, she reached for her phone and dialed the number that Liz was giving her.
Of course she prayed that he would answer, otherwise she just knew there would be no way to stop Liz from going over there.
Silence filled the room during a few seconds until Maria turned toward them again, her expression showing them that he wasn't answering.

"I only get the voice mail!" she said her voice just above a whisper knowing that this wasn't going to please Liz.

"Okay… try to call Michael then!" Alex ordered her quickly.

"Same!" Maria informed him after a moment.

"Okay… that doesn't mean anything… maybe they just didn't want to be spotted and…" Alex was starting to feel panic assailing him nonetheless despite his external 'cool' attitude but then he remembered something he hadn't given second thought to at first. "Wait… didn't you talk about an explosion?"

"Yes?" Liz answered not understanding why he was asking her that now. She couldn't waste time explaining them everything in details.

"They… died in an explosion?" Alex questioned again just to be sure his theory could be right.

"Yes… Yes Alex… there was an explosion… actually the whole warehouse exploded… killing everybody over there!" she said impatiently and trying to not break down again.

"Liz… Max is alright then… we are only ten, maybe fifteen minutes from where they are, right?… do you really think that if there had been an explosion we wouldn't have heard it?… I'm sure it would have woken up the whole town… but I didn't hear anything… did you Maria?" he turned once more toward Maria asking confirmation even if he couldn't help but think that all this was quite ridiculous. He for one knew that it had only been a nightmare nothing more and he didn't even understand why he was humouring Liz. But obviously she had yet to be convinced. He just needed to find rational elements to prove her wrong then.

"Actually the only sounds that awoken me were Liz's cries" Maria just replied confirming Alex's statement in her own particular way.
So yes the fact that Max and Michael weren't answering their phones was quite odd but that didn't mean that anything had happened to them. Truth be told she was thinking exactly the same thing than Alex. If there had been an explosion anywhere near Roswell they would surely have heard it. Now if they could just convince Liz, maybe they could just all forget about that nightmare and go back to sleep.

For the first time since she had awoken Liz could feel hope warming her heart but at the same time she was too afraid to hold on to this shred and be disappointed afterwards. What Alex was suggesting was logical even if she hadn't thought about it herself, but then why was she still having this horrible bad feeling? It had been strong before Max had left her and before she had gone to sleep but now it was getting even worse and even Alex's soothing words and explanations couldn't make her get past it.

"Okay… maybe… maybe you're right… but I want to go there nonetheless!" she said all of a sudden before moving to get dressed.

"Liz… we can't go there… Michael is going to throw a fit if he saw us going anywhere near that place now!" Maria tried to stop her and make her change her mind.
Now that she had calm down she couldn't not realize that all this was really going too far, and she was sure that Michael wouldn't be the only one to not appreciate it if they didn't do what they had been asked.

"I don't care what Michael is going to say… I need to see Max!" Liz replied stubbornly at the same time that she hastily took off Maria's pj's shorts and put on her jeans.


"Look Maria… I will have more chances to find them quickly if I'm not alone… and you know this town better than anyone else… please you have to come with me…" Liz pleaded with her knowing that it would be easier for her to find the warehouse and where exactly they were hiding if they came with her since all she knew for sure was that they were on the outskirts of the town. But anyway, one way or another she would go and see Max.

"But I don't want to go… Do you know what time is it? … this is just so ridiculous! " Maria answered still not believing that Liz wanted to drag her into this.

"She's right Liz… maybe you should calm down first and really think about what you are doing… What do you think Max is going to say when he sees you turning up there when I'm sure he told you you couldn't come!" Alex intervened hoping that reminding her that Max didn't want her to take any risks or endanger her life would be enough to convince her she had to stay here.

"Max won't be able to say anything if he's dead!" she replied angrily.
Why couldn't they just be supportive now that she needed them to trust her. She knew what she was feeling, and what she was feeling told her that something was wrong. She couldn't waste her time with their doubts right now. She looked at her friends and seeing them still hesitating she knew what she had to do.
"Okay… I can understand if you don't want to come… I can't force you to… now you can come with me or stay here… but with or without you I'm going…" she informed them once she was dressed. "Could you give me your keys Maria?"

"My mum's car is in the garage Liz, … there is no way you're going to be able to get it out without her hearing it! Do you know how much noise this thing can do?" Maria said in a last attempt to stop her even if she was thinking that if her mother hadn't awoken with Liz's cries even an earthquake wouldn't awake her now. And not for the first time she thanked God that her mother often needed sleeping pills to fall asleep otherwise she was sure she would already have killed her.

"Maria… I need a car!" Liz whined already wondering how she was supposed to make it to the warehouse if she couldn't find a car. Desperate she turned pleading and watery eyes again toward the one who represented her last chance. "Alex?"

"Are you sure about this?" he asked her not really at ease with her idea but knowing at the same time that once Liz had made up her mind there was no way to stop her.
Out of the corner of his eyes he saw how Maria herself was starting to get dressed and he understood that she had given up fighting Liz. Right away he knew what his only answer could be. If she was going, he would go too. Not that he had had any doubt that this would end this way anyway, but at least now he knew he wasn't the only one who was not able to deny anything to Liz Parker.

"Trust me Alex… I know what I'm doing!" …at least I think so, she added silently.

"Liz… this is my father's new car… do you understand what that means… I didn't even know he had bought a new one until I came back… it's his new 'baby'… if anything happens to it… YOU will give him an explanation… get it?" he told her the most seriously possible. Why was he sure that he was making the biggest mistake of his life?

"Yes, Alex! I swear… nothing's gonna happen to this car! Don't worry!" she answered before extending her hand to take his keys. But to her surprise, instead of giving her the keys she saw him go and put his shirt on.

"Okay… now that everything is clear… Let's go" he announced once he was dressed and before going to the window.

"You…?" Liz started but wasn't able to finish her sentence.

"What? … did you really think that I was going to let you drive my dad's new baby? … do I need to remind you something… you're… a woman!" he said with a smile.
So yeah that was supposed to be a rather critical moment but that didn't mean he couldn't try to ease some of the tension, right? Even if it was stupid, he needed this. Who knew what was waiting for them now?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Alex drove as fast as he could while at the same time praying that they would all arrive in one piece. Never in his life had he thought it was possible to speed so much and keep a car on the road, but either he was a hell of a driver or the stars were really with them today. Now if Maria could just stop babbling and repeating that this was the worst idea they had ever had, everything would be perfect. Like he didn't already know that anyway huh?
Surprisingly with Liz giving him the right indications they were able to arrive in record time even if at first they had thought it would be more difficult.
Yeah, so Maria was supposed to be the one who knew Roswell like the back of her hand, but Liz seemed to be driven by a supernatural force, as if somehow she could feel Max and just knew exactly where he was, where she would find him.
Ten minutes later then they could see two warehouses in the distance and two little dirty roads leading to them, one that obviously made you arrive to the front of one of them and the second one that made it possible to go around both of them.

"Well… if you ask me… those two seem to be still standing and intact, no?" Alex said as soon as he saw the warehouses in front of them. Well, that only confirmed what he had always thought, but did he need to mention it?
"Now…… left… or right?" he finally indicated the two roads and asked Liz. Man, how he wanted this to be over soon.

"On the right!" Liz answered succinctly after a few seconds.
Even if she had wanted to she wouldn't have been able to say more than a few words. She was still trying to understand what was happening to her and right now even 'totally confused' wasn't enough to describe how she felt.
She had been so sure of herself. So sure something had happened to Max and that her nightmare wasn't just a nightmare but so much more. And here she was looking at the two buildings that seemed to be mocking her, standing there in front of her high and proud, showing her that nothing she had… imagined?… had happened.
And that wasn't the strangest thing: how was she able to indicate so clearly where they needed to go to? she wondered again.

Taking to the right like Liz had told him to Alex followed the dusty road but slowed down as soon as he saw the first car parked on its side.

During the last two hours, all Max had done was sit down on the ground and wait. Nothing had happened and he was seriously starting to think that all their watch was just an immense waste of time. The skins didn't seem to be ready to move and whoever Michael was sure they were waiting for had yet to arrive. He would really die of boredom if nothing happened soon.
Little did he know that his wish would be granted sooner than he even thought possible.
Right on cue they all heard the sound of what seemed to be an engine and it didn't take them long to understand that someone was coming.
Standing up and trying to locate where exactly the noise was coming from they all looked in different directions until they realized it was coming from behind them.

Max turned around as soon as he clearly heard the car approaching them and when he finally saw it he instinctively stepped forward with Michael, Tess and Isabel following just behind and raising their hands defensively at the same time.
Whoever it was and whatever they wanted that couldn't be good they all thought.

Max was already gathering his powers to project his protective shield if he needed to when suddenly he felt it.
This inexplicable sensation he felt whenever she was near. He felt HER.
LIZ. He could feel her approaching him and even if he still couldn't clearly see the occupants of the car, he just knew that she was inside and was one of them. That was when he took a better look at the car and remembered seeing it in front of Maria's house earlier when he had left Liz there.

"Stop! STOP THE CAR Alex!" Maria yelled as soon as she saw all the aliens in close formation obviously ready to blast into oblivion whoever was intruding their territory.
Alex slammed the brakes and only just avoided to collide with Max's car that was still parked much further from the others', the vehicle leaving skid marks just behind them.

Max knew it wasn't Maria's car and therefore he couldn't help but wonder who could be with Liz, until it stopped near his jeep and he saw the driver getting out, his hand above his head in surrender and screaming something he couldn't really comprehend. ALEX.
Okay, what the hell was Alex doing here and at this hour?
Just behind him he saw Maria joining him and finally his eyes focused on the front passenger. Liz. He was right. She was there but what they were all doing here was still something he couldn't quite figure out.
What he didn't miss though was Alex and Maria's relieved face when they saw him lowering his hand and Liz's… distraught one? What the hell was happening here? he wondered again.

As soon as Liz had spotted Max in front of the others she had started crying again and was unable to control her now trembling body. It just felt like everything was suddenly catching up on her again.
She was almost afraid to move sure that her mind was imagining him there in front of her when in reality he was not, and even with both her hands now covering her mouth she couldn't muffle the loud sob that escaped her throat at the sight of him.

His name was the only thing she could whisper before starting to half walk, half run toward him.
Max moved at the same time, instinctively knowing that she needed him and met her half way, and before he could even react or understand what was happening he had her in his arms, crying and clinging to him for dear life.
He didn't know what was happening or why she was here though it was obvious something had happened that made her come all this way to see him and made her break down like this. All he knew was that she was crying and he couldn't stand to see her cry.

"Liz… baby what is it?… what are you doing here?" he asked her softly while he held her firmly in his arms. "Liz… what happened?… talk to me please… I'm here Liz… why are you crying baby?"
God how it felt good to have her in his arms again he couldn't help but think despite the situation.

Liz felt one of his hands gently stroking her back while he tangled the other one in her hair and though she heard his words she wasn't able to answer him. All of a sudden it just seemed like she had lost all ability to speak and all she could do was hold him even tighter if that was possible, like she was too afraid to lose him if she just let him go.
He was alive, and he was alright but just the memory of what she thought had happened to him made her sob even louder and Max started to panic even more.
Just then Maria who at first had only been there observing the reunion in front of her passed by him and Max couldn't help but give her a puzzled look, hoping that she could help him to understand. But like it could explain anything she just patted his shoulder and whispered 'nightmare' only succeeding in confusing Max even more. Add to that Alex's "You. ME. Later… we need to talk!" and he was utterly lost.
What? A nightmare? he thought, quickly forgetting Alex's cryptic words.
Was it a simple nightmare that had driven Liz to such a state? And even if it was, what was it all about? Was it related to him somehow? Had she dreamt that something had happened to him?
That was the only explanation he could come up with to justify her presence here, moreover when he remembered how she had reacted when he had told her he had to go. She knew he didn't want her to be here. They had talked about that again just before he left so if she had decided to come nonetheless knowing how it could be, or become very dangerous she had to have a good reason.
Ignoring the sound of Maria and Michael's almost immediate bickering or Tess's not so subtle 'what the hell are they doing here?', he tried to concentrate only on Liz still trembling in his arms. At this moment he became totally oblivious to what was happening around him.
Forgotten were the others, Nicholas, the skins, their fight. Only Liz mattered to him.

Trying to pull away despite her strong grip, he finally managed to reach her chin and lifted it up so that he could make eye contact with her.

"Liz… don't cry love… what is it? Tell me… what's wrong baby? …You're scaring me!" he whispered softly.

Breathing heavily Liz tried to answer but just looking at his beautiful and concerned amber eyes made her cry even harder.

"Shhh… Liz… whatever it is it can't be that bad… talk to me… I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong!" Max asked again in the same soft voice before using the information Maria had given him. "Did you have a nightmare? … Is that why you're crying?… It's okay Liz… it was just a dream…. I'm here now… it's over!"

A nightmare. Yeah. It was just a nightmare Liz finally realized. Just a bad dream.
Even if Alex and Maria had tried to convince her it wasn't real, seeing Max again and hearing him saying it out loud was all the reassurance she needed. Nothing bad had happened to Max and nothing was going to happen to him.
Feeling Max's thumbs gently caressing her cheeks and wiping her tears away she closed her eyes, inhaled deeply and finally managed to whisper.

"I… I was… so scared…"

"Why?" he asked her his eyes never leaving her face.

"We couldn't join you…… I thought… I thought you… were dead… I dreamt you were… dying… and I… I couldn't do anything… I couldn't help you!… I thought… I had lost you!" she said her eyes welling up again.

"Oh Liz… I'm fine… you didn't have to worry… it was just a dream… nothing else… I'm alright… and nothing happened to me baby… I'm here with you… and I have no intention to leave you!" he whispered his fingers still brushing her face.
He saw her nod her head and then heard her apologize.

"I'm sorry Max… I didn't mean to cause any trouble." she said now embarrassed by her behavior.
She had heard Michael fighting with Maria because according to him 'they had nothing to do here' and 'it was crazy to have come' and she couldn't help but feel responsible. This was all her fault. Maria hadn't wanted to come but she had insisted and almost dragged Alex and her here and obviously for nothing.
Truth was that at that moment she hadn't cared about Michael or what he could say but now she really felt stupid. What was he going to think once he would know that she had come all this way to see Max only because she had had a nightmare?

"Hey, don't be, okay! I'm glad you came!" Max said smiling and caressing her arms up and down reassuringly. He then rested his forehead against hers and couldn't help murmuring what he had thought ever since he had left her. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" she answered with a smile of her own just before Max bent his head down and quickly touched his lips to hers.
At this moment he didn't care if anyone saw him. He needed this just as much as he knew Liz needed it and there was no way he could stop himself from doing what felt right. And nothing could feel more right if you asked him.
He didn't need to worry however since everyone behind them seemed more engrossed in calming Michael and Maria than they were in them.
Everyone except Tess of course.
From her position she couldn't see what they were exactly doing since Liz was hidden behind Max's taller stature but she had a pretty good idea of what was happening.
Max had his arms apparently tightly wrapped around Liz's waist while she had hers around his neck, therefore it didn't take a genius to understand that something was going on, and if they weren't already together again, obviously it wouldn't take them long to take that plunge. And she didn't like it one bit.
Oh yeah, she needed to act and fast. Otherwise it would be too late.
Just when she was ready to move and remind Max that he had more important things to do and take care of than playing the sick loverboy with Miss Crashdown, she heard Michael's voice calling him.

"Max… Max… A car is coming" he yelled from where he was, hoping that Max would hear him. And obviously he did since she saw him pulling away from Liz and turning to the direction Michael was pointing to.

Michael was still fighting with Maria about the stupidity of their act when he had heard the sound of a second car approaching and had turned just in time to see it stopping in front of the warehouse and then two men getting out of it right away.
One had to be in his mid thirties, but the other one seemed much younger. Too young actually, and even with the cap on Michael knew who it was.

"It's him, Max!" Michael said as soon as he saw him. "It's Nicholas"

"Are you sure? " Max asked him since from his position he hadn't been able to have a good look at the passengers of the car.
Holding Liz's hand in his he tried to move forward and join Michael but she didn't follow him and Max turned around to see what she was doing just when Michael was answering.

"How many aliens do you know that look like some 14 year old-teenager, huh?" Michael said incredulously. Of course it was him.

"He's right Max… It had to be him." he then heard Isabel saying.

Okay, he needed to get Liz out of here. If Nicholas was here now he knew what that meant. They had gone over this several times before. They were going to act and end this once and for all. TONIGHT. But he wouldn't do anything if Liz was anywhere near them when it happened.

End of chapter nine.a

Coming back with part nine b in a minute :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 12:19 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Chapter nine.b

Liz stood frozen on the spot completely unable to react at first.
No. NO. This couldn't be true. She was dreaming again, right? No, this couldn't be happening. None of this was real. It couldn't be real.
She looked toward the warehouse and like she had seen it in her nightmare she saw the two same men entering the warehouse, heard Michael, Max and Isabel's words and her breath caught in her throat. Everything was exactly the same.
Suddenly she was sweating, suffocating again, unable to think or move, as if the fear was paralysing her. She knew what was going to happen but she just wasn't able to react.
She barely registered Max's soft voice asking her, Maria and Alex to go back to the car and leave, all she could focus on was the warehouse and the stream of images that passed through her head. The two men. Max deciding it was time to act. The explosion. Max dead.
It was all going to happen just like she had seen it. But how could she have seen it? How was it possible?

"Liz… did you hear me?" Max asked again when she didn't answer. He saw her eyes suddenly filling with tears and the next second she was looking at him with an expression of terror on her face that sent shivers down his spine.

"Liz… are you alright?"

"We need to get out of here Max! NOW!" she suddenly yelled, startling him.

"I know… I just told you you three have to leave!" Max repeated not understanding what she really meant and thinking that she was just afraid because of what was going to take place here.

"No, NO… You don't understand… the explosion… it's going to happen! "she said crying and trying to explain him.

"What?… what are you talking about?" he asked her still not registering what she was saying.
But this time she didn't answer him, instead she started to run in Michael's direction and he heard her yelling his name.
Liz could only think about one thing. If everything happened like she had seen it, they might not be close enough to get killed but definitely too close to not be severely injured. And Michael and Maria were definitively the closest. They needed to leave. NOW.

Max was already behind Liz when Tess stepped in front of him and grabbed his arm.

"You're with her again, right Max?" she said accusingly not caring that this wasn't the right moment to have this discussion with him. Jealousy was blinding her, eating her up inside and she was totally forgetting why they were here and what they were supposed to do. She wanted to know what exactly was happening and she wanted to know it right now.

Max stopped in his tracks and following Liz with his eyes he pondered telling Tess the truth just then or not. At the last moment even if he couldn't explain why, he decided against it though.

"Not yet......" Max lied "… but I want to Tess!" he added wanting to pave the way. Sooner or later he would have to tell her anyway. At least this way it wouldn't be a surprise when he would announce her that Liz and him were a couple again. But now he didn't have time for this, he needed to go and see what was wrong with Liz.

"No, you can't Max…… have you forgotten everything she did? Max you can't want to be with her… She doesn't deserve you!… You two are not meant to be!" Tess said through clenched teeth not wanting to draw all the attention on them again.

"She deserves me more than anyone else in this world Tess… I'm the one that don't deserve her…. Now could you let go of me?" Max replied hastily but truthfully.
Yes Liz deserved to be loved and happy more than anyone else he knew, and even if he didn't understand by which miracle she had chosen him above all the other men who surely would have wanted to be loved by her, he knew he would do everything in his power to love her, take care of her, cherish her, and be worth of her undying love if he was the one she wanted to be with.

He looked toward Liz and saw her pulling at Michael's arm obviously trying to tell him something and couldn't help wondering what she was doing.

"Michael… we have to get out of here!" Liz yelled at Michael as soon as she got his attention. She had seen him moving forward and known she had to stop him before it was too late. Max would listen to her, but Michael. He would just want to go into there and have it done with the skins and Nicholas.
God, everything was happening too fast. They wouldn't have time to leave if he didn't listen to her.

"What?… what are you talking about?" he asked her not understanding why she seemed to become so hysterical suddenly. And what was Max doing now? He was the one who knew how to deal with Liz. What was she doing here anyway?

"The warehouse… the skins… they are going to blow themselves up!… we need to leave, NOW, Michael!" she tried again pushing him backwards.

"Are you crazy?… what the hell are you talking about?… and how would you know that?" he said looking at her like she had grown a second head. "YOU… get the hell out of here… you have nothing to do here!" he then told her not believing she could say such stupid things.

"He's right Liz… we shouldn't be here!… WE need to leave" Liz suddenly heard Maria telling her and immediately pleaded with her to help her.

"No Maria… tell him… help me… they can't stay here…" she continued to say stubbornly. Why didn't they want to believe her? As crazy as it seemed and even if she didn't understand how it was possible, she knew what she was saying.

"Liz… Liz… you have to calm down!" Maria said still not realizing what was happening to her friend. How was she supposed to know that somehow Liz had been able to see a future event? How was she supposed to know that Liz wasn't losing it but just trying to protect and save them?
But Liz wasn't listening to her. She couldn't listen to her. Not when everybody's life was at stake.
Desperate, she called Max hoping that he would be able to convince Michael. They were running out of time now.
Max turned to Liz again when he heard her calling him but before he could move to join her Tess was stopping him again.

"How can you say that Max?… How can you stand here and look at me and tell me that she deserves anything from you after the way she treated you?" Tess replied angrily and completely shocked. What was wrong with him?
Sometimes she really wondered if Liz Parker had mindwarping powers too because when it came to that little bitch Max surely acted like he had been brainwashed. But she wouldn't let her get him back. No way. She would destroy her if she had to, she would even destroy him if it was the only way, but she wouldn't let Liz Parker win her man and jeopardize her future.

Max let out a frustrated sigh before answering. Why was she always making everything so complicated he wondered again. Couldn't she just be happy for him and accept the fact that he was old enough to make his own decision and lead his life the way he wanted to.

"Why are you doing this Tess? I thought I made it clear before that my relationship with Liz was no one's business but mine. How many times do we have to go through this again? This is my life… and I will love and be with who I want! As a friend you're supposed to understand that, aren't you?" he said trying to remain as calm as possible. Once again he had to remember that fighting with Tess right now was not what they needed.
If only he had understood the seriousness of the situation then, he would have fought with Tess a thousand times and left her there rather than trying to not lose his temper and calm her down. He would have been with Liz. He would have been listening to her. And nothing would have happened to her. He would have protected her. But he didn't know. How could he know?

"I can't understand that … don't ask me to… I'm… I'm only trying to protect you Max" she lied forcefully when in reality she knew that she was only protecting her own interests. If Max took Liz back, it would be the end of it. He would never let her leave his side ever again and she knew she wouldn't be able to go along with the plan. And she couldn't fail this time. No way she would let that happen. " I don't know what came over you… or why you changed your mind about her… but you're only gonna end hurt!… And I don't want to see that happening!… Max you need to think with your brain here… not with your…"

"Look, Tess…" Max interrupted her before she could say whatever she had in mind. " Whatever this sermon is supposed to mean… stop and forget it please… now it's not the time to talk about that anyway… I need to…"
...go to Liz, was certainly what Tess would have heard if Max could have finished his sentence, but he didn't have the chance to do so.

Before anyone could react or understand what was happening the warehouse exploded and they all were sent flying through the air and all landed in the middle of a heap of bricks, stones, glass and dust. Day turned into night and Roswell once beautiful landscape turned into an almost apocalyptic one.

It took them all several minutes to come back to their senses and understand what had just happened and Max could only think about one word to describe what he felt once he could open his eyes. PAIN.
Never in his life had he experienced so much pain, not even when Pierce was torturing him.
His head hurt, his legs and his right arm hurt too, but what was actually throbbing with pain was the small of his back and the part just above his right hip. The pain here was excruciating and he couldn't help the cry that escaped his lips when he tried to move.
But he knew he had to fight it, fight to stay conscious and not let the pain overwhelm him: he needed to check on the others. He and Tess had been the furthest from the explosion, if he had been hurt so badly, he could only imagine what had happened to the others.
Rolling over his side he saw Tess slowly regaining consciousness and immediately asked her if she was alright. Seeing her only nod her head, obviously still disoriented and shocked by what had just happened he tried to concentrate on his back injury.
All the rest could wait, it was just some bruises and cuts, but this one was hurting him too badly and he wouldn't be able to go anywhere if he didn't take care of that first.
Pressing his hand behind him he tried to visualize the damage and frowned in confusion and pain when it kept hurting him but he couldn't find anything to heal. Everything seemed to be perfectly fine, so why was his side killing him?
Giving up on finding any logical explanation right now he turned around and slowly started to move on his hands and knees, then really taking in his surrounding for the first time he realized the extent of the mess all around him.
Gone was the warehouse. All he could see was the fire, the flames, the ashes, the ribbon of skin flying everywhere and the smoke that enveloped him. So much smoke it was hard to breathe. So much smoke he couldn't distinguish anything clearly except the rare remains of the destroyed warehouse licked by the flames in the distance.
Oh God he needed to find Liz. He needed to make sure she was okay.

"Liz" he yelled still struggling to fill his lungs with pure air. The heavy smoke that surrounded him was preventing him from breathing in properly and he couldn't help coughing.

"Liz" he called again when he didn't hear her responding.

"Max… Max… over here" he suddenly heard someone calling him and immediately recognized his sister's voice.
Crawling towards the sound he finally reached her and saw Alex trying to help her sitting up.

"What the hell happened?" Isabel asked him as soon as he was near her.
The last thing she remembered was moving with Alex to see what was happening with Michael and Liz and then she was sent hurtling on the ground.

"I don't know… are you alright?" he immediately asked her, having noticed how she seemed to struggle to move up.

"Yeah… I think I'm fine…"she started and then winced in pain when she tried to move her left leg more. "Max… I think I twisted my ankle… oh God it hurts!" she finally cried.

"Let me see that!" Max said at the same time that he slightly lifted her leg and placed his hand around her hurt ankle. Concentrating on the lesion he quickly found what the problem was and fixed it before turning to Alex.

"Alex… are you alright?" he asked the guy who obviously had protected his sister with his body, preventing her from being even more hurt.
All he could see was some bruises here and there and a nasty cut on his behr shoulder since his shirt had been torn, but other than that he seemed to be alright. Shaken, but alright.

"Yeah… yeah… I'm fine" Alex answered not even sure himself if he really was. Actually he barely registered the pain, so shocked he was.
Everything seemed just so surreal. One minute they were talking, and the next one the whole warehouse exploded. Just like Liz had said it would.
How could she know? How could she be so sure something was going to happen?
God he should have listened to her instead of thinking that she was losing it, then nothing like this would have happened. They would have been far away from here when it would have happened and no one would have been hurt.

"I will fix that later Alex… I need… I need to find the others… I need to find Liz" he heard Max say and was going to tell him it wasn't a problem when he heard Maria screaming.

"OH MY GOD… Michael! …. MICHAEL!… LIZ!" Maria yelled, bursting into tears immediately.
At first she had opened her eyes and had felt completely disoriented, not understanding what had happened and why she was lying on the ground, with every cell of her body hurting her like she had been run into by a truck, and then she remembered.
Coming here with Liz because of her nightmare. Fighting with Michael because he didn't want her to be there. Liz screaming that they had to get out of here because the warehouse was going to explode. And then the explosion and after that nothing. Blackness. Until she had opened her eyes again, recovered her senses and crawled to where Michael and Liz had been fighting before it all happened, just a few feet from her.
And all she could see now was their inert bodies lying on the ground, with Liz on top of Michael like she was shielding him with her body. And the blood. God there was so much blood.
She saw Michael slowly opening his eyes and cried even harder when she realized that he was still alive.

"Michael… Michael… God, are you alright?" she asked immediately pulling his head on her lap when she saw him trying to sit up. "Michael… you're bleeding… don't move" she then told him between tears before calling Max.
She didn't care if she was bleeding and hurting herself, all that mattered right now was Michael and Liz. They both seemed to be in a worse state.
Oh God, she suddenly realized, Liz wasn't moving. She still seemed to be unconscious. Or … no… she didn't even want to start thinking about that.
"MAX!" she yelled again while she bent forward to check on the pulse on Liz's neck.

Michael tried to move but with Liz's body on top of him and all his injuries it was nearly impossible. His back and his shoulder were killing him and he was sure that half his bones had to be broken otherwise he couldn't understand how his body could hurt him so much. He heard Maria asking him to not move and repeating that he was losing too much blood but at first he didn't understand how it was possible since it didn't feel like he had any severe open wound.

"Liz!" he suddenly called her trying to move her from upon his body. She was sprawled on top of him with her head on the upper part of his arm but due to her awkward position he couldn't see her face.

"Liz… are you alright?" he tried again when she didn't budge.
Moving his hand to her side to gently shake her, he felt a warm and thick liquid cover his hand and immediately knew what it was.
Lifting his hand as much as he could he saw it covered in red. BLOOD.
Oh God. He wasn't bleeding. He couldn't bleed so much and not feel it. It wasn't him.

"It's not me…. God Maria it's not me!" he yelled becoming suddenly very agitated. "It's her… it's Liz" he finally said at the same time that he tried to see where she was bleeding from.

Like Alex, Max had heard Maria's screams the first time too and the blood had frozen in his veins.
Liz. Liz was badly hurt. He didn't even need to see her. Now he just knew it. He could feel it in his bones. Liz was hurt.
Moving as fast as he could in his state he tried to reach Maria using her voice to find his bearings but was unable to determine where she was at first.
If only all this smoke could clear, he thought.
Knowing that he was wasting time moving blindly, he raised his hand and used his powers to clear his path. And that was when he saw them.
Kyle and his father trying to get up on his left. And Michael his head resting on Maria's lap and with Liz on top of him a few feet forward.
What he also saw was how Michael lifted his hand to inspect it and seemed to panic immediately, and right away he knew why.

"Max… Max… hurry… she's bleeding!" Michael screamed at the top of his lungs when he saw him approaching them with great difficulties.

"Oh God Liz… LIZ!" Max yelled and gathered all his strength to move faster.
He still couldn't understand how his hip could hurt so much when he couldn't find anything wrong with it, but now just the fear of losing Liz could have made him walk on one hand if he had to.

"Liz… oh God, Liz NO!…NO… Liz… Liz… please open your eyes… Liz… you have to open your eyes love… You have to look at me!" he desperately cried as soon as he reached her and realized the seriousness of her state.
He didn't need to look at her more carefully to know that he would have to heal her. He brushed her hair aside to be able to look at her face and felt his eyes welling up even more when he saw the cut on her forehead. She had to have bang her head on the ground, he thought, but this one wasn't bleeding too much.
Immediately after he searched for her main injury and couldn't help feeling sick to the core when he saw what was causing her bleeding.
A large fragment of glass was deeply embedded in her flesh just above her own right hip, and that was when realization downed on him.
He couldn't find anything wrong with him because there was nothing wrong with him. He had nothing at all. He wasn't injured, Liz was, and somehow he was feeling her pain, but if he couldn't behr it, how was she supposed to?
God, why had he been listening to Tess's crap. Why hadn't he come to Liz when she had called him? Why hadn't he been there for her when she needed him? WHY?

Though his tears were blurring his vision he could see how profound her wound was, and he knew that he had to remove the glass and stop the haemorrhage somehow, at least until he could connect with her and fix the damage.
He kept on calling her, and tried to block out Maria's wailing cries and sobs to concentrate only on her. What was he supposed to do if he couldn't use his powers? Could he move her from where she was, on top of Michael, or not? Could he take the risk? What if he hurt her more?

"Michael… stay still!" he suddenly told his friend, finally deciding that he didn't have time to dither on the pros and cons.

He was just taking his shirt off when he suddenly heard a loud gasp coming from behind him and only then did he notice that Alex, Tess and Isabel were now there too.

"Oh God Max… " Isabel said in tears as soon as she saw Liz.

"Iz… come here" Max ordered his sister and made room for her to kneel down next to Liz's body, just in front of her open and bleeding injury. They needed to act and fast but he wouldn't be able to do this alone.

"Is she alright?… Max… is she alright?" Michael asked not seeing what the others were seeing from his position. But by the look on everyone's face he knew that this was bad.
God, it should be him he thought. He should be the one bleeding on the ground, not Liz. If he had listened to her instead of being so damn stubborn and yelling at her, nothing would have happened to her.
Max wouldn't be able to forgive him if anything happened to her, but he wouldn't be able to forgive himself either. Voluntarily or not she had protected him with her life, with her body, when he should have been the one protecting her.

"No… don't move Michael!" he heard both Maria and Max telling him at the same time, and then heard Kyle and his father's swearings.

"I can't see… a damn thing" he insisted. " Is she going to… be alright?… Maria… is she alright?" he turned his eyes to Maria pleading with her to tell him what was happening, but all Maria could do was cry and watch as Max desperately tried to save her best friend's life.

"Iz… you have to take this out" Max pointed to the fragment of glass and told Isabel before asking Alex to come near him too. "Alex, once she's got it out… press my shirt on the wound as hard as you can, okay!".
If he was right he knew what was going to happen once Isabel would do what he asked her and he wouldn't be able to put enough pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding himself, but he knew they had to take the glass out somehow before anything else.
He saw as Alex and Isabel both looked at him dumbfounded obviously not understanding why he wasn't doing it himself and just hastily added: "I can't do it myself… do it please! NOW"

After quickly looking at Alex, Isabel concentrated on the glass and raised her hand just above it. Gathering and using her powers she quickly pulled the glass out in one swift motion and no sooner had she done it Alex pressed as hard as he could on Liz's injury just like he had been told.
What neither of them expected though was to see Max roll on the ground, holding his side and crying in pain. But it didn't take them long to understand.
Max wasn't able to do it himself not because he was too affected or too directly concerned like they had first thought he was, Max couldn't do it because he was feeling Liz's pain and knew he would barely be able to stay conscious after what Isabel had just done.

"What the hell… is happening?" Michael asked when he saw his friend suddenly on the ground and obviously fighting to not faint himself.

But that was definitely not the most shocking sight.
As soon as Isabel had extracted the glass, they all heard Maria's squeal and looking at Liz's hands they all gasped.

"OH MY GOD!… She's doing it again." Alex said, not believing that this was happening again. But everyone could now see the green sparks of electricity coursing through Liz's hands again and Alex couldn't help but think that in her state this couldn't be good.
" Max… what the hell is happening to her?" he immediately asked Max who with the help of the sheriff and Kyle was trying to sit up.

"I don't know…. God, I don't know!" he said through clenched teeth before wincing in pain again. God it hurt so much.
But right at this moment the only thing he could think was that he deserved this pain and so much more. All this was his fault.
Oh Lord, what was happening to her? What had he done to her?

"Max… do something!" Maria yelled not caring if Max was hurt too or not.
He needed to do something for Liz. This was an alien thing, and he was an alien, for God's sake.

Ignoring the pain that was burning his own flesh and trying to not think about what those green sparks could be, Max bent down near Liz's head again, and once more tried to make her react.

"Liz… open your eyes… you can't do this to me… baby… don't do this to me… you CAN'T leave me now… do you hear me… I won't let you leave me… pleeeaaase… you have to look at me… I can't do anything if you don't look at me… Liiiz!… LIIIZ" he begged her choking on his own sobs and tears.
This couldn't be happening. He couldn't lose her, not when he had just found her again. Not when he needed her so much.

"Max… Max, you have to do something!" he then heard Maria and Alex say but could only shake his head.
Of course he had to. But what? And how? What did he have all those powers for if he couldn't use them to save the only one he loved. That was just so unfair.
Pushing Alex aside and taking his place he laid one hand over Liz's wounded hip and the other on her forehead and tried to concentrate. If he could feel her pain that meant that somehow they were strongly connected, then why couldn't he reach her and heal her?

"God.. I can't… I can't connect with her if she doesn't open her eyes… and I can't heal her if I can't connect with her!" he sobbed after another unsuccessful try.

"You can't let her die Max… you can't!" Maria continued to cry.

Looking at her desperate look and panicked face he came to a quick decision and said the first thing he could think about. If he couldn't help her he had to find someone who would be able to.

"I'm taking her to the hospital!"

"Are you… crazy! You… can't!… what do you think you're doing… Look… at her hands! You can't take her… to the hospital in her state… anyway we're not even sure you would… make it to the hospital… in time!… Max… you have… to find something else…" Michael expelled painfully, his back and shoulder hurting him more and more by the minute.
However he would find enough strength if he had to, to stop Max and knock some sense into him. He might not be able to see how badly hurt Liz was but even from his position he could clearly see one of her hands and what he saw was definitely not a human reaction to an injury. Going to the hospital would not only draw attention on them but on Liz too now. And that wasn’t something they could afford. For any of them.

"What are you saying?… That I should let her die to protect us? … I don't give a damn if they catch me… I'm not going to stay here and let her bleed to death!… I would give my life for her without second thoughts… I'm not going to let her die… Try to stop me if you think you can!" Max yelled angrily.
Liz had just saved his life and that was how she was rewarded. Michael would certainly be in a worse shape, maybe even dead if it hadn't been for her. They all would be dead if Liz hadn't arrived and they had carried on with their supposed plan.

Gently he tried to turn Liz on her side to see if he could pick her up in his arms but was stopped before he could move her more.

"Max… I think it's already too…" Tess carefully ventured but she couldn't go further since Max gave her a black look and that was enough for her to understand that he wouldn't listen.
What? She knew she was saying what everyone else was thinking.
Liz was losing too much blood and Max was obviously not able to help her. Even if they took her to the hospital, she was sure they wouldn't be able to save her. The only difference between her and all the others was that she was ready to admit it when the others weren't.

"SHUT UP!" Alex and Maria both said at the time again before hearing Max's voice.

"Tess, if that's the only help you can offer… GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" he replied fuming and trembling and immediately yanked off the hand she had placed over his shoulder. She would need more than that to make him leave Liz's side. He wouldn't listen to her. She couldn't die. It wasn't too late. It couldn't be too late.
Desperately he bent down again over Liz's body and tried again to awaken her.

"Liz… Liz… please… open your eyes for me love… " he whispered in her ears but like all the other times she still didn't seem to hear him and therefore he tried again to move her. "LIZ… PLEASE!"

"Max… Max… you have to calm down… please… you're not going to help her if you lose your temper…. Michael is right Max… you can't move her in her state… she's losing too much blood… " Isabel knelt down near her brother again and tried to reason with him though she knew it was an impossible task at the moment. Reasonable was the last thing Max could be with what was happening. She could only imagine what he was going through right now, and she understood that he couldn't listen to any of them but she was also lucid enough to realize that moving Liz in her state would only make it worse. They had to find another way or pray for Liz to regain consciousness soon so that Max could heal her before it was too late.

"Iz… I can't let her die… She can't leave me… she can't… not now!… help me Iz… please… help me…" Max beseeched her. He could feel Liz's life slowly slipping away and he knew he had to do something. He couldn't let her die. He wouldn't. He would not survive if he couldn't save her. The only thing he could think about now was that maybe his sister was his last chance to connect with Liz, even if it was a slim one.

"How?… I mean… you know I can't heal … like you… I don't…" Isabel replied, her tone betraying her emotional state.
How could she help Max? What was he excepting from her? she wondered.
In any other circumstances she certainly would have understood what her brother was asking from her right away, but right now she just couldn't think.

"No… no, but he's right… you could dreamwalk her Isabel… and maybe this way Max could connect with her!" Alex said hastily when he understood what Max needed. He knew that each second counted now and that he was clutching at straws but if Max couldn't do it alone, Isabel could certainly be of great help here. Liz was unconscious after all and that was more or less her field.

"I don't know if I…." Isabel started hesitantly. What if it didn't work? Of course she wanted to help her brother, but what if she just couldn't? Liz's life couldn't depend on her only.

"Iz… please… you have to try… try it for me… please… don't let me lose her… I can't lose her… You…" Max pleaded again before being interrupted by Maria's sudden scream.

"OH MY GOD, Max… it's working! MAX!" she said when she noticed Max's hand glowing.

"What?… I'm… not…." he stuttered not understanding what she was saying.
Just then he looked down at his hand that was still covering Liz's wound and his breath caught in his throat at the sight. Sure enough his hands was glowing brightly, but even through his now drenched in blood shirt he could see Liz's injury glowing as well.

"What the hell is happening?" he cried his voice still thick with emotion and not understanding what was happening or how this was even possible.
He wasn't using his powers. He couldn’t be healing Liz if he wasn't directly connected to her.
Immediately he removed his shirt, his hand still glowing and hovering above Liz though, and couldn't believe his eyes. "I'm not… I didn't… It's not…" he started, but when realization downed on him the words died in his throat and only one thought remained clear.

End of chapter nine.b

Well, like I said before I'm sure that you all want to kill me for what's happening to Liz or for stopping here, but if you 're not too upset… let me know what you thought about those last two chapters, okay? :wink: