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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:39 pm
by FamersAmers
Hey all thank you for the feedback and the words of encouragement. Sorry there is not time to respond to all of you, in a hurry! Thank you for the feedback...we appreciate it!


True to her word, Isabel arrived to pick up Stephanie at exactly eleven in the morning. She hopped out of her car, Starbuck’s cup in one hand, and her wedding planner in the other. With so little time left until her big day, every single moment had to be accounted for. Unfortunately, her hands were too full to bother unlocking the door, so instead she nudged the doorbell and leaned back against the wall.

Stephanie had heard all of the jokes about Isabel’s ‘Nazi’ side when it came to planning events, so she’d made sure she was ready half an hour early just in case. She practically bounced down the stairs, actually excited to be taking part in the upcoming nuptials. When she opened the door, a smiled spread across her face seeing Isabel attempting to juggle way too many things, considering her wedding organizer was getting bigger than she was, and generally looking nervous. Stephanie knew this situation had to be difficult for Isabel, especially on top of all the wedding details, but she was determined not to be a bother and to help in any way possible.

“Are you ready?” Isabel asked her as Stephanie unloaded the large book from her arms. She wanted so much for everything to turn out as well as she had planned, however, Alex hadn’t given her much hope. He thought she was just asking for trouble and refused to see why this was so important to her. It was the first time since she’d started planning the wedding that she’d really wanted to kill him. But Isabel was still holding out some hope that things would work themselves out. She’d known Liz for the better half of her life and hoped Liz would never cause trouble during her special time. As for Stephanie, while she didn’t know her very well just yet, she didn’t seem like the type to randomly start a fight. Yes, one way or another, things would go off without a hitch.

“Yep, I’m ready to go if you are.” Quickly, Stephanie grabbed her purse, and turned back to face Isabel. “As long as you’ll let me carry something.” She was still holding the wedding organizer but Isabel was already reaching for it.

“Are you sure you don’t mind?”

Stephanie smiled and shook her head. “Not at all. Besides, aren’t people supposed to be catering to your every whim? After all, you are the bride.” Stephanie winked when Isabel looked at her.

Isabel was starting to realize her brother hadn’t given this girl enough credit…she had more guts than he was aware of. “I think my brother underestimates you…you’re not as naïve as he’d love to believe you are.” Isabel had a newfound respect for Stephanie now, which made her want to get to know her that much more. “Ok. What do you say we get out of here?” Without waiting for an answer, Isabel opened the door and headed toward her car with Stephanie following closely behind.

They both climbed into the car and Isabel realized she really knew nothing about the woman sitting next to her, and if she was going to be a part of the family, she wanted to know everything.

“So, tell me about yourself and don’t leave any of the juicy details out.”

Stephanie glanced over at Isabel and the slightly devious smile covering her face. In that moment, the resemblance between her and her brother was much more obvious. Stephanie’s life was an open book as far as she was concerned, but she wasn’t sure where to begin. “Well, I was born and raised in Georgia, and then moved to Florida after my mom died.”

“I’m so sorry.” Isabel responded sincerely.

“It’s ok. It was a long time ago. My parents got divorced when I was still very young, so my mom raised me by herself…it wasn’t until after her death that I went to stay with my dad. Before then, I didn’t know the man.”

“How old were you?” Isabel couldn’t imagine what that must have been like for a young girl, but she was certain it had to have been hard. Isabel had been very lucky; she’d never had to go without her mom or dad.

“I was fifteen, so it was a big adjustment…for both of us. He’d gotten remarried years before, but they were unable to have children so I was the only one.”

“Do you like your step mother?” Most people she knew didn’t.

“Well, I lived with her and my dad for five years. She wasn’t my mom, but she was always nice and loving to me. So yes…I like her. They both absolutely adore Max.” She smiled, knowing Max was the one thing they seemed to give their approval on. Then again, Max was the only part of her life she wanted her father’s blessing on.

“Do they live close to you and Max?”

“Yes,” she smiled again. Whenever she didn’t find him at home, it was almost always a guarantee that he was with her parents. “Max is always over there helping my dad fix something or helping Cheri with something…like I said, they adore him.”

“How did the two of you meet?”

“It’s kind of funny that you should ask. Before I tell you, please understand that I’m not a heavy drinker and I certainly don’t make a habit out of spending all of my time in bars.” Stephanie said defensively, suddenly embarrassed by the story.

“Stephanie, you were both young…it’s ok.” Isabel reassured her, and then waited for her to continue.

“Well, we met one night at City Walk in Orlando. It was the hot spot to hang out and one of my friends had recently ended a long relationship so we were there a few nights a week. I’d seen your brother come into this piano bar I liked several times, and I’ll admit I started looking for him when I went there. I still remember the first time I saw him.” Stephanie closed her eyes, and for an instant she was there again. “He was so handsome and he always came in alone, but I could never approach him.”

“Why not?” Isabel questioned, a little confused.

Stephanie thought about it for a second, and then answered her question. “Because he always looked so sad, and so distant. It was obvious his mind was somewhere else, so I admired him from afar. Then one night he walked up to me and started talking to me as if we’d known each other forever.” She didn’t realize it, but her voice broke off in a whisper. She remembered those nights like they were just yesterday. She used to watch him from across the bar, sipping his drink, and staring down into it as if he were looking for something. Occasionally, he’d come in with some guys he worked with, but his demeanor was still the same.

“How long have you known him?” Isabel couldn’t help but be curious if it was the full ten years or less.

“It’s been about eight years now. Initially, we started out as friends and it gradually turned into something more. We never planned for it to be that way, but that’s what it turned out to be.”

“Well when and how did he propose?” Isabel didn’t mean to seem nosy, but Max had been gone so long…Stephanie was the only window into his life that she had. “I’m sorry, Stephanie. If I am prying or pushing you too hard you can tell me to back off. I’m just trying to get to know you better.” Isabel said apologetically.

Stephanie smiled at her knowing her motives were innocent. “Isabel, I don’t mind telling you anything you want to know. I understand that it must’ve been hard for you, not seeing Max and not knowing where he was. Then, as if that weren’t enough, I just show up like...oh here I am! I mean here I come disrupting what little you do know about Max and end up stirring up more problems. Now I know I should’ve stayed home. I just wanted to meet you all, to know where he came from…it was important to me. Here he has this family, this wonderful family, something I never had, and he willingly walked away from it. I had to understand why. I want you to know that before I came here he’d never explained any of it to me. I didn’t really know about Michael, and I sure didn’t know about Liz Parker. All I knew was that he’d walked away and I didn’t understand why. But now I know how hard it was for Max and now I can understand how difficult it was for you and your family being in the dark…and I know it’s hard for Liz too. I can see how much Max means to her, and I know he still cares about her, but I also know what Max means to me. I won’t lie and tell you I’m not scared, Isabel. A few days ago I was planning my own wedding and future with the man I love, and now…”

Isabel had pulled into the mall parking lot, found a space, and parked. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to say to Stephanie. She knew what Max felt for Liz, but she’d also seen the way he looked at Stephanie. “I believe he loves you, Stephanie. Yes, he still has feelings for Liz, he always will, because she was his first love, but he loves you, he’s with you, and that has to count for something.” They sat in silence looking at each other for a moment before Isabel spoke again. “Come on…we can’t fix all of this right now, but we can go find you a dress that will knock his socks off.” She reached down and pulled Stephanie out of the car and into the mall.

As soon as they walked in, they met up with Maria and Liz, and everyone exchanged pleasantries despite the awkwardness between them all.

“Stephanie…I hear you’re staying for the wedding, right?” Maria, although she knew Max and Liz belonged together, was going to be supportive and try to get to know her.

“Yes, Maria. I’ve decided to stay. I’ll be leaving to go home the day after the wedding because I have to get back to work. Although, I’m not sure what Max’s plans are or when he has to be back for work. I know he’d love to stay and visit with you all longer, we just haven’t really talked about it.” Liz said nothing, but she secretly hoped Max would stay longer without Stephanie.

“So Liz, aren’t you a teacher?” Stephanie figured she should be nice, and attempt to make conversation.

“Yeah, but I took the week off. I have so much sick leave acquired, so why not take it now. You know, so much to do and so little time to do it in. I’m sorry but I can’t seem to remember…what is it that you do?” She was hoping Max had landed a job bum who went from one job to the next carelessly or at least someone that only worked in sales.

“Retail.” Stephanie answered.

Liz smiled, she knew it! Stephanie didn’t have half her class and even at her age was still going form job to job. “Really? What store?”

Stephanie looked at her funny, but answered her regardless. “I work for a high end department store. I help pick out the clothes for our site.” Isabel and Maria’s heads turned rapidly.

“So, are you the purchaser or the consultant?”

Stephanie smiled and shook her head. She knew exactly what Liz was trying to do. Fortunately for her, she was proud of what she did. It had taken her a few years to get there, but she loved it. “Actually, I’m head of my department at the store in Florida. I make sure we have everything we need, and if we don’t I get it from headquarters.” She watched as Isabel and Maria’s faces lit up, and watched as Liz stood there stunned

“So what store do you work for?” Isabel was on her toes. Shopping was her life!

“Saks.” Stephanie said simply.

Isabel whipped her head around practically giving herself whiplash. “As in Saks 5th Avenue?”

Stephanie smiled. “That’s the one.”

Maria and Isabel were both in shock, and pleased to no end! They had a new shopping partner, one who knew all the latest fashions and trends before they ever hit. This, they were going to love.

“Yeah right.” Everyone turned toward Liz.

“Excuse me?” None of them were sure they’d heard correctly, so Stephanie wanted to clear the air. She was sure it was a misunderstanding.

“Yeah, you work for Saks and I’m Santa Clause.” While Liz may have found it funny, no one else did.

“Well, Liz, I do work for Saks, so ho ho ho.” Stephanie turned away from Liz to face a rack of dresses, while Maria watched in shock and Isabel tired to muffle her own laughter.

Liz was fuming. Who did she think she was? She couldn’t just come in here and take over everything Liz had worked for. “Well then, something in this lowly store wouldn’t be up to par for you…why don’t you have someone ship you a dress.” Liz crossed her arms over her chest and stood there like a pouting child.

Maria didn’t understand what had come over Liz but she grabbed her by the arm. “Liz, stop this…now.” Liz ignored her and yanked her arm free as she waited for Stephanie’s response.

“You know, Liz, I enjoy shopping at what you call lowly stores, and by the way, Macy’s isn’t lowly.” She kept her eyes focused on Liz. She didn’t know where Liz’s little tantrum had come from, but she was getting tired of being treated this way.

“Whatever.” Liz looked around at her friend’s faces and saw the looks she was receiving. Why weren’t they on her side? “I have to go.” She announced and started to walk away when she realized Maria wasn’t behind her. “Maria?” She called after her and Maria looked Stephanie with sympathy in her eyes.

“I’m really sorry.” Stephanie understood the predicament she was in and smiled. Then, Maria turned to Isabel. “I promise I’ll call you later.” Maria turned and took off after Liz who already had a large head start.

Stephanie and Isabel stood there for a second before Stephanie turned to her. “Isabel, if it’s ok with you I think I will just have my step mom ship me something from home. I’m sure I have something appropriate for your day, and maybe this wasn’t such a good idea…I don’t want to make anymore waves.” Isabel nodded her head. At this point what could she say to make what had just happened right? One thing was for sure, Liz Parker was going to get a piece of her mind tomorrow.


Max, Diane, Phillip, and Alex were setting the kitchen table when Isabel and Stephanie walked into the house. With both of them empty-handed Diane gave a questioning look to Isabel as Stephanie headed upstairs.

“What happened?”

Isabel sat in the chair, blew her bangs across her face, and sighed. “What didn’t happen would be a much easier question to answer? We were in Macy’s and Stephanie was trying very hard to make nice with Liz, well Liz got an attitude and insulted her, and after that Steph just wanted to come home. Once, just once, I wish she could just shut her mouth!”

Max looked from his sister to the stairs. “I’ll be right back.”

Max headed up the stairs, taking two at a time, finally stopping in front of Stephanie’s door. He gently knocked, and then he opened the door. There she was, lying on the bed facing the wall. Slowly, he walked into the room and walked over to the bed. Without saying a word, he lay down behind her and pulled her close to him.

“Are you ok?” He heard her sniffle and shake her head. He knew this was hard on her, and Liz wasn’t making it any easier. He pushed her hair out of her eyes and waited for her to talk to him.

“She hates me, and I understand why, but that was ridiculous.”

Max held her tighter and kissed her temple. She turned so she was facing him and as he looked down at her he saw everything about her that had made him fall in love with her. “I love you, Steph.”

Stephanie cupped his cheek and smiled. They were words she would never get tired of hearing, but until he was more certain of his feelings, they brought pain with them also. “I know.” She lay there looking up at him, and then leaned forward until her lips met his.

“I know this is hard on you, Steph, and I want you to know I love you for staying here.” She shook her head slowly giving him an easy smile, and then her stomach rumbled causing them both to laugh.

Max sat up, pulling her with him. “Come on…I’m starving.” He held onto her hand as they headed downstairs together. Half way down, they could already hear the laughter coming from the kitchen.

“Ok gang, dinner’s ready! Isabel, don’t forget the mustard.” Isabel reached in the fridge, grabbed the mustard, and took off for the table.

Diane saw Stephanie come into the room and smiled. “Welcome to Evans’ Chinese night! Eat all you want!” Stephanie nodded and scooted in the booth next to Max who was filling a plate for himself with one hand and handing her one of her own with the other.

Dinner was full of good food, good conversation, and a lot of laughter. As each person finished their plate Philip handed them a fortune cookie, and then made an announcement. “We have a tradition in our family, Stephanie, that each of us shares our good fortune with everyone. So, you break it, and read it to everyone. Alex, you go first.”

Alex always loved to go first and somehow managed to get the best fortune. He broke the cookie in two and grabbed his fortune. He cleared his throat and began. “Ok, mine says everyone at the table secretly agrees that Max’s ears are too big for his head." Everyone stopped to look at Alex when he starting laughing at his own joke. “Your ears are too big for your head!” He huffed and wiggled his head from side to side in a mocking manner.

“Ok, smart ass, what does it really say?”

Finally, able to control his laughter, he opened the piece of paper and read. “You or someone close to you will be married before the end of the year.” He threw the paper down and Max laughed.

“You were right the other one was better.” Max teased and they all laughed. Now it was Max’s turn. He picked up his cookie and broke it into two large pieces and began to read it. “The road to hell is paved with…pink flamingoes.”

They all looked at Max and Alex shook his head. “Dude, you suck at this! You always sucked at this…some things never change.” Alex reached over and took the paper from Max and read it himself. Laughing, he looked at Max. “You don’t have to think of lame ones, they come to you.” He threw the fortune on the table.

“Ok, Iz, what does yours say?” Diane asked.

Isabel cracked the cookie and took out the piece of paper. “Patience is not your virtue.” She frowned and everyone laughed knowing very well that it was Isabel to a tee.

Max looked at Steph and smiled. To most it would seem like a stupid tradition, but not to her, she was loving every second of it. “Steph, it’s your turn. Tell us what you have.”

She cracked her cookie and looked at Max. “What? Three servings of chow mien wasn’t enough for you, tubby?” She looked at it funny, and then everyone erupted into laughter. She threw the paper at Max and leaned back against the bench. “I always get good fortunes, and today I have the bad one. You cursed me!”

Max laughed at her words and kissed the side of her face. Philip was next, and as he and Diane read theirs, laughter filled the room. They all finished a wonderful family meal, and Stephanie offered to help Diane with the dishes. While the two women started to pick up, Philip, Max, Isabel, and Alex went into the dining room to play Monopoly.

“So…tell me about today?” Diane was clearing the table, while Stephanie loaded the dishwasher.

“I don’t know where to start. It just wasn’t a good day.”

“Honey,” Diane walked over and placed a gentle hand on Stephanie’s shoulder, “if you think I’m going to blame you in any way because I’ve know Liz longer…that’s just not who I am. It sounds like you could use a friendly ear to listen.”

Realizing that was exactly what she needed, Stephanie opened up. “I thought I would at least try to make the best of a difficult situation, I mean I know how Max feels about Liz, but it was my decision to stay and fight for him…I love him, but fighting for him never meant beating her down or belittling her in any way. It just meant I wasn’t going to walk away silently after all the years we’ve shared, you know? So I decided the only way I was going to get through this was to try and be nice to Liz. At first we seemed fine, but then we started talking about where I work, and the instant I told her she got an attitude and basically told me that I was a liar, and then moved on to tell me I’m too high class for Roswell when she figured it out that I wasn’t making it up. I can’t win no matter what I do and I feel bad that people are trying to be nice to me, and getting themselves in trouble with her. Why does everyone have to choose sides? Isn’t this between the three of us?” Stephanie rambled on.

Diane looked at her and smiled. Everything she said made perfect sense. It pleased her to see that Max had chosen another wonderful woman. “What do you do?” Ok, so she was curious. She hadn’t talked to Max about it and she wanted to know.

“I work for Saks 5th Avenue. Actually, I’m head of my department and I love what I do. I work in the office, not on the floor, so I order all the clothing for the store. I started as a sales girl, went to school, got my degree, and worked my way up. It wasn’t easy, but I earned it.”


Stephanie heard the hesitation in Diane’s voice. “But?”

“But nothing. I think it’s a wonderful job and you obviously seem to enjoy it. I think Liz expected something different. I think she wanted you to be beneath her, and you aren’t. You wouldn’t be even if you worked at the McDonalds on the main drag. It would have made her feel higher…like Max had stooped lower. You know,” Diane washed her hands, dried them, and then led Stephanie over to the table, “none of them ever got over losing Michael. They never had a chance to heal. I think if they’d stayed and faced it together things would’ve been very different, but all of them ran away from it. But you see, while everyone else was running away, Liz stayed right here and closed herself off from everyone and every feeling she had. It’s made them all hard, hard to each other, hard to others. They’ve all suffered equally, Max probably more, but Liz just shows it more than the others. While the others have dealt with it and learned to move on, Liz is stuck in a world where she did something she wasn’t proud of and that plagues her. She hasn’t moved on from that and she knows it.”

Stephanie sat there listening to everything Diane had to say. This time she knew it wasn’t someone simply making an excuse for Liz, but instead trying to help Stephanie understand, and finally she did. She realized maybe the only way to deal with this was to get Liz to talk to her.


Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:33 pm
Hey everyone *waves* :D

I wish I had time, or felt up to, dropping a line to all of our feedbackers, but I'm sick...AGAIN! I think I catch everything that goes around :roll: I would, however, like to thank all of you for reading and letting us know what you think! I know that everyone has their own opinions, and Amy & I both appreciate them being posted respectfully! Glad to see you're all enjoying this fic and if we can evoke so many emotions out of you, then obviously we must be doing something right as authors :)

We hope you all enjoy this chapter, but please go easy on me if you see typos :( Usually I'm great at picking 98% of them up, but this chapter was 14 pgs typed so it was kinda hard! Anyway, I'm shutting up now! Enjoy...


Liz stomped through the front door with a silent Maria following not too far behind. The car ride home had been quiet, which was unusual for her and Maria, but Liz was determined to calm down before she spoke to anyone. Once in her room, she changed into a silk, blue cami with matching pants and threw her hair into a ponytail. Looking in the mirror, she gave herself a once over, and headed for the living room to find Maria. She’d expected Maria to be changed by now, but instead she was sitting on the couch, still wearing the clothes she’d put on that morning, staring off into nowhere.

Poor Maria. Liz rounded the couch and plopped down next to her best friend. “You ok? I know today didn’t go as planned, and none of us needed the stress of having Stephanie around.” Liz said in a mocking tone.

Maria took in a deep breath, obviously realizing Liz felt no remorse for her part in the events of the afternoon. “You’re right…none of us needed any added stress, especially Isabel.”

Liz shook her head in frustration and slumped back against the large pillows that lined the back of the sofa. “I just don’t understand why that girl can’t get it through her head that she’s not wanted here. Everything would be fine if she would just go home!”

“Is that what you would do?” Maria asked, unfortunately knowing in advance what it would lead to.

Liz sent Maria a look of confusion, not really sure what she’d meant. “Huh?”

Preparing herself for things to come, Maria took another deep breath and began to explain herself. “I said is that what you would do? If you were in her shoes and you’d been with Max for the better part of eight years, would you just walk away?”

“Well, no…but Max and I belong together. Everyone knows that.”

“Except Stephanie. As far as she sees it, she’s been with Max this whole time, not you, so why should she just stick her tail between her legs and run home because it’s what you want her to do?”

“Maria…whose side are you on?”

“That’s just it, Liz…I’m not on anyone’s side. Of course I want to see you and Max back together, but so far Stephanie’s been nothing but nice to all of us and when I imagine myself in her position I’d fight like hell…I think you would too.” Maria said quietly.

Liz sat there in total shock. Of all the people in the world, why was Maria turning against her? “I can’t believe you’re saying this to me.” She whispered with tears forming in her eyes.

Growing more agitated by the second, Maria sat forward. “Why? Is it because I’m not telling you exactly what you want to hear? Is that the kind of friend you want? Someone who always agrees with you and lies to your face telling you that you’re right when you’re obviously wrong? If that’s what you want, Liz, then I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’ve always given it to you straight…even when it was tough to hear. I’m not going to start pretending now.”

Liz stood up, now absolutely furious. “So you are on her side? So much for loyalty!” Liz turned around to walk away but Maria’s grip on her arm stopped her.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me, Liz…we’ve been through too much together for you to throw a childish temper tantrum and ruin everything!” Maria watched the anger cover Liz’s entire face, but she continued to talk so Liz couldn’t. “As I told you before, I’m not on anyone’s side because I’m not a kid anymore! I see things differently and so should you! Maybe working with teenagers has gone to your head!”

Liz jerked her arm free, but this time fought back the threatening tears. “How dare you? I happen to love my job…it’s all I had left here when you abandoned me.”

Maria shook her head. “Normally, that guilt trip would work on me, but I’m too angry to let you play the pity card! We all made choices years ago…I chose to go and you chose to stay, so don’t you dare blame me for moving on with my life and growing up! Michael might’ve been your friend, Liz, but he was the love of my life! You don’t get to play the only victim here no matter how well you’ve rehearsed that role!”

“Why are you doing this?” Liz shouted at her.

“I’m doing this because today you were out of line! Anyone who wasn’t so self absorbed and only thinking about what they wanted would’ve already seen that no one is going to come out of this without being hurt! I know you love Max, and yes I think you belong together, but does that give you the right to make Stephanie’s life miserable? We both know that in the end Max will most likely pick you…have you even given the slightest thought to how devastated she’s going to be?” Maria had not intended for this to end up a screaming match, but if that’s what it took to get through to Liz, then that’s what she would do.

Liz jerked her head off to one side, refusing to meet Maria’s heated glare. “Why should I care about her?”

“Because she’s not the guilty one in all of this! She didn’t come here to hurt you…she came here to be with her fiancé! Maybe you should care because you know what it’s like to love Max Evans and you know how much it will hurt when he lets her go. Maybe you should show sympathy and respect for someone other than yourself! Liz, you’re not a kid anymore…it’s time for you to act like the adult you’re supposed to be.”


“Meaning, I didn’t even recognize you today. I don’t know who the hell you were trying to be, but it wasn’t the sweet, caring Liz Parker I’ve always known. She never would’ve treated a stranger like that…especially not in front of Isabel so close to her wedding.” Maria took one last deep breath and sat back down. She’d said all she could say. Now it was up to Liz.

Liz refused to give in. “She started it! All that talk about her work like she’s better than us.”

“I didn’t think she was doing that at all. In fact, if you hadn’t kept pushing I don’t think she would’ve told us as much as she did. I really believe she was excited to be around all of us, even you, and I don’t think she wanted to brag about herself in front of the bride to be.” Maria said calmly.

“Why are you holding her up so high on a pedestal? She’s not a saint!”

Maria smiled. “No, she’s not. She’s a woman that came to town with the best of intentions, and instead watched the future she’d been planning with the man she loved start to slip away. I don’t have her up on a pedestal…I just admire her for sticking to her guns and being no one’s fool. I think she’ll be great for Kyle!” Maria’s smile grew even broader. Kyle might be mending a broken heart right now, but Maria saw so much of Liz in Stephanie…he’d be an idiot to pass up a chance with a woman like her.

Liz’s head shot up again. “Kyle! Don’t tell me you’re considering setting her up with Kyle!”

“Actually, I am.” Maria confirmed.

Liz couldn’t believe what she was hearing. First she’d taken Stephanie’s side and now she was going to hand her boyfriend over to her! Not in this lifetime! “The hell you are!”

Maria looked at Liz. Now, she was confused. “Why not? I think they’d be good together.”

Liz was pacing furiously. The whole world was turning against her and it was all that bitches fault! “So what? I’m supposed to stand by and watch you hand my life over to her? Kyle’s mine!”

That’s it! Maria was on her feet, toe to toe with Liz. “No, Liz…he’s not! You made damn sure of that the moment Max came back into town! I have no problem helping you get Max back, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you hurt Kyle anymore in the process! He deserves to be happy too and if that had been with you I would’ve supported it, but you didn’t want him!”

“He’s the one who walked out on me!” Liz screamed back!

“Only because he knew you’d never love him! Was he supposed to wait forever? Or was he just supposed to wait until Max officially staked a claim on you?”

“That’s not fair and you know it!”

“You’re right, Liz…it was never fair to him to play second choice, so if I can help him find happiness then I will. As for you…I love you, but you need to grow up and take a look around you. The world doesn’t revolve around you, Liz, and other people’s feelings matter too! Why don’t you start by apologizing to Isabel. After all, you are her maid of honor!” Maria stormed out of the living room and went to bed. She had already been aware of how jaded Liz was from everything she’d endured, but she wasn’t the only person with problems!


Maria stared up at the ceiling as if willing the small white patches to form some kind of constellations or anything that might take her mind off what had happened. She wasn’t really sure how long she’d been lying there, but she could still hear Liz banging around in the kitchen, intentionally trying to get attention. She’d considered getting up several times, but she stopped herself. Liz was like a sister to her and she lover her more than anything left in this world, but she knew going to her would only make her think she was right. Maria had prayed for a long time that Liz would find herself again and be the caring person she’d always been, but instead Liz seemed to have grown more bitter toward the world with each passing day.

“There’s nothing you can do ya know. All women are stubborn and impossible. It’s just their nature.”

Maria closed her eyes and smiled. “Except me of course…I was always worth it.”

“You had your moments, but you were definitely impossible. Always had to have everything your way, and God help the person that tried to go against you.”

“Wait a minute,” Maria opened her eyes, sat up, and looked at the person sitting on the bed in front of her. “You made a living out of trying to prove me wrong.”

“Ah, yes,” Michael agreed, “but did I ever truly succeed?” He smiled wickedly at her.

Maria chuckled. “So I kept you on your toes…it was good for you.” She winked at him and curled up closer.

“You ok, kiddo? You seem…tired.”

“Is that a nice way of telling me I look like shit?” She teased.

Michael shook his head. “Dammit, woman! You always did have a way of turning my words against me! Hell, even dead I get no peace.” He replied sarcastically.

Maria raised her chin up until her eyes met his. “Did you honestly think I’d ever stop giving you a hard time?”

“No…I’ve come to realize it’s one of the things I loved most about you.” He brushed a hand gently through her hair and was thankful when her eyes closed just in time to miss his tears.

Maria kept her eyes closed, determined not to cry. “I can no longer count the many things I loved about you. I still think about our life, well the life we were supposed to have, and I wonder where we’d be right now.”

“Well…we’d have at least two beautiful daughters, gorgeous like their mother, and we’d never take a single day for granted. We’d live each day to the very fullest and we’d have all of our friends close by.” Michael had thought about it for years…if only I had one more chance…

“I miss you so much!” Maria blurted out as tears streamed down both of her cheeks. “It’s not fair! You should be here! You should be here with all of us, but you’re not because of some stupid, juvenile decision to prove you were a man!” She was beating her fists against his chest now and crying uncontrollably. “Damn you for making me cry!”

He hated to see her like this, would give anything to change it, but it was out of his control. “I’m so sorry, Maria. If I could go back I would, but I can’t. All I can give you are these few precious moments and assure you that I do love you and always have. There never could’ve been anyone else.”

Maria stopped beating against his chest and laid her head down. “I just miss you so much.” She sobbed.

“I know.”

“Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?”


“I love you, Michael.”

“I love you too.”

Maria drifted off only seconds later. Completely exhausted from traveling and the drama over the last few days, she couldn’t hold onto consciousness any longer. Her last memory was of Michael whispering to her.


Stephanie pushed open the door to Max’s bedroom, certain he would still be sleeping. She knew it was early, but she had something to accomplish today and it couldn’t wait. When she’d told Max the night before what she intended to do he’d been anything but supportive, but in the end he’d realized it was something she needed to do for herself.

She tiptoed over to the side of his bed and giggled when she noticed he was drooling. He always denied it, but there it was. “Baby.” She whispered as she gently shook him. “Max?” He grunted, but flung his body over instead of waking up. “Max!” She finally shouted, knowing how impossible he was to wake up when he knew he didn’t have to be at work.

Max jumped up at the sound of Steph’s voice and quickly rubbed his eyes to focus on what the problem might be. “What? What’s wrong? What happened?” He rambled off one question after another.

“Nothing happened.” Stephanie replied as she sat down on his bed. “I just wanted to say good bye before I head out. Depending on how things go with Liz, we might end up having a girls’ day out.” She said hopefully.

Max shook his head in frustration and fell back against his pillow. They’d beaten this horse to death the night before, so he knew there was no changing her mind. “Steph…I just hope you know what you’re walking into.”

“I do.”

“Sweetie, I know you have the very best of intentions, but you and Liz haven’t exactly had the best of luck as of yet…maybe you just weren’t meant to get along.” Max knew Liz had been out of line toward Steph and had hoped to talk to her himself, but Steph was beating him to it.

Stephanie understood Max’s point of view, but she didn’t agree with it. If she could just make Liz understand that she wasn’t here to hurt her and that they should at least put this all on hold until after Isabel’s wedding, everyone would be happier. “Max, we’re both adults…I think we can put our insecurities aside for Isabel’s sake.”

Max smiled. He had to admire her determination. “Ok, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I don’t want you getting your hopes up.”

“Dually noted. Now kiss me good bye.” She scooted over and pulled him close.

Max smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Somehow, she always made the impossible seem possible. No matter what happened, she always kept her faith in their happiness. “Have I said thank you lately?”


“For taking all of this on and trying to make the best out of it.” He watched her blush and thought instantly about how beautiful she looked. Even in simple sweats and no makeup she was absolutely beautiful.

“No…you haven’t, but I do it because I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Stephanie felt the tears forming, but didn’t want Max to see her cry. She wasn’t a fool and she knew this was far from over. “I’d better go. I’ll call you after I speak to Liz, ok?”

“Ok. Good luck.” Max waved, but she was already out the door. It was going to be a long day…he knew it.


Stephanie trotted down the stairs taking them two at a time. She had to get this over with before she lost her nerve. In her heart, she truly believed they could all put this aside long enough to give Isabel the most special day of her life. They’d simply just gotten off on the wrong foot. Quickly, she grabbed her purse, Max’s keys, and was in the truck in under a minute.

Ten minutes later, she pulled up in front of Liz’s building and took a deep breath. She’d almost turned around twice, but something kept driving her on. She walked up to Liz’s door, but hesitated before knocking. She still wasn’t sure what she would say or where she’d begin, but she knew she needed to do this. Finally, she knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

When the door opened she was staring at the floor, praying silently that this would work. She looked up, but it wasn’t Liz’s face that greeted her. “Hi, Maria…is Liz here?”

Maria smiled at her and stepped aside to let her in. “No, you missed her by about thirty minutes. Her parents own a café downtown, so she’s down there helping out for the day. Did you need something?”

Stephanie smiled slightly and pressed her lips together. “Umm…well I…I just wanted to talk to her. I know things went horribly yesterday, but I thought maybe we could talk and clear the air. I know how much a part of Max’s life she was and still is, and I also know that this whole week should be about Isabel…not us. I thought if I talked to her I could make things right.”

Maria smiled. She wasn’t at all surprised by Stephanie’s showing up this morning. In fact, Isabel had called to give her a heads up. Maria admired Stephanie for coming here and being the better person, but she was still worried about Liz. Being reasonable wasn’t exactly Liz’s priority at the current time. “You know what, let me get my coat and I’ll take you down there.”

“That would be great.” Stephanie said relieved. After yesterday, she really wasn’t sure how Maria would react toward her. She watched as Maria disappeared into the back, mumbling something out loud, but she couldn’t hear her. It didn’t matter, for the first time she thought maybe things wouldn’t go as badly as she’d considered they might.


By the time Maria and Stephanie pulled up to the Crashdown a few minutes later, they were both laughing hysterically! Maria was still open to getting to know Stephanie and had taken advantage of the ride over to do just that. After asking her questions about everything Maria could possible find to be nosy about, she found herself laughing and joking around as if they’d known each other forever. Stephanie was a genuinely nice person and easy to be around. Deep down she saw a side of Liz in Stephanie that had vanished many years ago, which saddened her. They were both more alike than they realized, and that’s when Maria realized why the choice was so difficult to make. Maria pushed the thoughts aside and laughed again at something Stephanie said as they rounded the corner onto the main street where the Crashdown Café was located. Their laughter faded as they came to a stop in front of the café. It felt as though there was something in the air, a bad omen, which had taken a hold of both of them. Slowly, they each climbed out of the car, muttering under their breath.

“I guess this is it, huh?” Stephanie took the lead and headed for the front door, pausing briefly before going in.

“Good morning, Maria.” Jeff said cheerfully, placing the food in his hands on a table in front of them, and then smiling when he looked back up. “What brings you by this morning?”

“Aww, Mr. P…I wanted to come in and see you.”

Jeff smiled and pulled her into a hug. Maria had always been like a second daughter to him. “You sure do know how to make an old man’s heart warm, but you don’t call, you don’t write…” He teased, and then noticed the person standing next to Maria. “And who is this beautiful lady with you?”

Maria released Jeff and stepped away smiling. “Mr. P, I’d like you to meet Stephanie Barry…Max Evans’s fiancé.”

For an instant, Jeff’s eyes got wide, finally understanding the foul mood his daughter had been in for days, but then he smiled at her. “Well, Ms. Barry soon to be Evans’s, welcome to the Crashdown.” As he shook her hand he heard the sound of crashing dishes coming from the kitchen. “Excuse me, ladies, but I should probably go check that out.” They watched as he disappeared into the kitchen, and almost on cue Liz emerged from the bathroom.

Bringing her head up she immediately stopped dead in her tracks. “What are you doing here? Maria, what the hell is she doing here?” She has no right to be here, especially with Maria.

“I was hoping we could talk, Liz.” It seemed like a perfectly reasonable request.

“We have nothing to talk about.” Liz’s angry stare moved to Maria who seemed to be shooting fire out of her eyes. Obviously, Maria agreed that it wasn’t too much to ask for.

“Please, Liz? All I’m asking for is ten minutes.” She let her breath out and brushed her bangs away from her face.

“Fine,” Liz responded reluctantly, “but not here. Let’s go upstairs.”

Stephanie shook her head in agreement, and began to follow Liz through the kitchen door and up the stairs, with Maria not far behind.

Once they were in the apartment above the Crashdown, Liz closed the door and faced Stephanie head on. “Ok, start talking.”

Stephanie could tell by Liz’s tone that this was not going to be easy, so she jumped right in. “Listen, I know things between us are not so…good, and I want you to know I can understand why. After all, we’re in love with the same man…I don’t think it’s supposed to be easy. I’m sure if I were in your position I would feel the same way about me too. However, this week isn’t about you and me. It’s not even about Max. This week is all about Isabel, or at least it should be. You’ve known her for most of your life, and I’m sure you want her wedding to be the most special day of her life…without her worrying about us. So…can we please be civil to each other until after the wedding? Can we call a truce?”

Liz could see the pleading in her eyes, but she still couldn’t find it within herself to care anything about the woman standing before her. “Why?”

“Because…again this isn’t about you and me, and us fighting. All of this bickering and throwing out hurtful comments isn’t going to do anyone any good.”

“No, I mean why should I? You’re the one who came here. Miss high and mighty, with your high end job, pretending to be perfect…”

“I’m far from…”

Liz didn’t give her a chance to finish, but interrupted her instead. “You’re the one who robbed me of my life, and now you have the nerve to ask me to play nice! I’ll tell you what…why don’t you leave, go back to Florida, and then we can all pretend you were never here. We both know you’ll never belong here, so you might as well stop pretending now.”
Liz could see the anger in Stephanie’s eyes, but to hell with her!

“I stole your life? No! I had nothing to do with ruining your life or your place with Max…you did that all by yourself. You’re the one who needs to stop pretending, Liz, and grow up! Max moved on…to me. So maybe it’s time you realize he’s with me, and that’s just the way the world works.” Stephanie turned to Maria, mouthing open in complete and utter shock. “Don’t worry…I think I can find my way back to the Evans’s.” Stephanie already had her hand on the doorknob when Liz opened her mouth…again.

“Moved on to you? Ha! The only reason he’s with you is because I let him be with you. He’s never going to love you. He’s using you, and hiding behind you. So, now who’s pretending?”

Stephanie stopped and turned around. She taken it and taken it, enough was enough! “You wouldn’t know the first thing about my relationship with Max, so don’t pretend you do. You abandoned him ten years ago. You destroyed him, so what makes you think he’d ever want to be put in that position again? Face it, Liz, you don’t know him anymore than you know yourself! So obviously, you don’t know the first thing about what Max and I share together or the relationship we’ve built over the last eight years!”

“Your relationship? Your relationship! That’s a good one. Your relationship is based on lies. He never even told his family about you, what do you think that says about you? It says you mean nothing to him. He can’t share his life, his past, or his family with you. That isn’t love! Yet I know everything about him. Everything there ever was to know, and in the end it’s you who will be going home with your tail between your legs.”

That’s it! Stephanie had tried to be nice, but there was only so much one person could take. She closed the space between them and slapped Liz across the face, knocking her off balance. Liz gasped, holding her hand against her face, and looked at Stephanie.

“You’re a real peace of work, you know that? You’re pathetic, and you’re cruel! You think I’m high and mighty? Well, it takes one to know one, cause you should really take a long look in the mirror.” Stephanie immediately turned and walked out of the room, leaving Maria with her mouth still hanging open, and Liz holding her cheek.

Maria stood there for a few seconds composing her thoughts, unable to speak, but Liz broke the silence.

“Can you believe the nerve…”

Maria held her hand up and closed her eyes. “In all the years we’ve been friends, that’s the first time I can honestly say I was ashamed of you. I don’t know what’s come over you, but you’d better get with the program, Liz, cause you’re going to start losing your friends. Everyone’s getting fed up with this bitter circle you’ve wrapped yourself in, and I think we’d all agree you need to start thinking about someone other than yourself.” Without another word, Maria quickly walked out of the room, passing Kyle on his way in.


Slowly, Liz made her way toward the familiar grassy area she’d spent so much time at, but something felt different now. Something she couldn’t explain. There was a brisk chill in the air, causing her to pull her coat closer to her body. Carefully, she watched her feet as she walked through the darkness and stopped at her destination. As usual, with a heavy heart, she looked at the bleak headstone and sat down beside it.

“I think I need to put a bench here! Think they’ll get mad?”

“I don’t know,” he looked up, pondering the thought. “I say go for it and find out. At least we wouldn’t have to sit on the ground anymore. Come to think about it, the dirt really messes up my suit. Plus, sometimes it’s just cold, and I freeze my ass off...” He finished sarcastically.

Liz laughed at his sense of humor. It was the one thing never wavering in her life. Michael was always Michael, no matter what the rest of the world threw at her.

“It’s good to hear you laugh. So tell me…are you Mrs.Valenti yet?” He made a funny face, pretended to gag, and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Again, she laughed. It was exactly what she needed right now. She knew if she didn’t laugh, she would cry. “Actually…no. We broke up. Better yet, he walked out on me.” She replied, her pride still wounded.

Surprised, Michael sat straight up. It was the last thing he’d expected to hear. He’d been waiting for the day Liz would wake up and realize Kyle wasn’t her future, but he’d never banked on Kyle letting her go so easily. “Why?”

“Cause I didn’t love him.” She confessed.

Michael cocked his head to one side and smiled. “Well everyone knew that, but it didn’t stop you six years ago…why now?” Her eyes met his and he saw the hesitation. “Ah, I see. That reason wouldn’t happen to be our dear Max Evans, would it?” She didn’t have to say a word, he already knew the answer to that particular question. “You know, I heard he’s dating a hot little number with great eyes from Orlando.” Knowing Liz way too well, he looked at her smugly and laughed.

Just at the mere mention of Stephanie, Liz could feel her blood start to boil. “Fine, you heard right! Her name is Stephanie. She’s from, actually I don’t know where she’s from, and I don’t care! She’s a smart mouth little bitch!” Liz stood up, unable to sit there calmly any longer. “I hate her, Michael!”

“Wow. Harsh words for a woman you don’t really know. That’s not like you, Liz.”


“Well what? Let me guess…she has something you want, so that makes her a bitch.” Liz spun around and looked at him again, meeting his eyes, and seeing the disappointment. “See, you don’t give me enough credit. You think that just because I’m dead I don’t know things, but you’re wrong. Trust me, you people keep me completely occupied. No rest for the dead!”

“That’s not funny, Michael.” Liz stated in a serious tone.

“Maybe not, but neither is watching all of my friends’ lives fall to pieces. Have you ever considered giving this Stephanie a chance? Maybe you should try it. Who knows, she could be the missing link you’ve all been searching for.”

Liz stood there silently for a minute, thinking about what he’d said. It seemed like everyone expected her to just accept Stephanie, and now everyone included Michael too.

“Liz, you know I’m right. Can’t you at least try? If only for the fact that no matter where all of this leads, she is a part of Max’s life, and that’s important. And not just to her, Liz, but to everyone. Don’t make an already impossible situation worse because you feel like she has something that belongs to you. I think there are some things you need to remember…she didn’t steal him from underneath you, Liz, she didn’t rob you of him. You have to start taking responsibility for the choices you made and stop blaming everyone else for them. You blamed Max for my death, so he left. It’s been ten years, Liz…what did you expect from him? Have you even given a single thought to how she feels?” He looked at her and shook his head. “You haven’t. You haven’t because you want to hate her. Why? What did she ever do to you, Liz? Have you thought about what this is like for her? No, because you’re only thinking of yourself, and what you want out of this.”

“You make me sound so cold hearted.”

Michael huffed and ran a hand through his hair. “Maybe because that’s the way you’re acting. You’re only considering yourself, and that’s not the Liz Parker I’ve always known. This is devastating for her, Liz. Think about it, the man she loves is in love with another woman. Regardless of Max’s decision or who he chooses, she’s always going to be measuring herself up to you. Cut her some slack, this isn’t her fault. She’s stuck in the middle, in love and hurting, just like you. So just stop, because we both know this isn’t you. And I’m worried if you keep acting this way…it will be you everyone shuts out.”

Suddenly she realized it was true…the truth hurt. Michael was right, and so was everyone else. She’d been rude, and now she deserved the slap in the face. While she knew it wouldn’t be easy to like Stephanie, she understood that Stephanie had not done this to her…she’d done this to herself many years ago. So they both wanted Max, but only one could have him and her behavior was pushing him straight into Stephanie’s arms. And Michael had been right about something else, Liz couldn’t even begin to imagine how hard this must be on Stephanie, because she hadn’t looked past herself to care. Finally, she felt ashamed.

“Well, I think it’s time for me to go. I think this time it’s you who has the visitor.” He winked at her, and when she heard a twig snap behind her she turned around.

“Hi.” She managed a small smile, but he didn’t smile back. She could tell he was upset, he had every right to be, and in his shoes she’d be upset too. “Is Stephanie ok?”

He huffed. “Like you care.” He said angrily, standing off to her side. After a minute, he finally sat down.

Liz nodded. “Ok, I had that coming. I deserved that.”

“You deserve a helluva lot more than that, Liz.” Liz tilted her head to the side and blew out a breath. “Life is hard, Liz! Our lives have been harder than most, but at some point you have to look at it and realize you have to let go and move on. We’ve all done that, except you. Everyone else found a way to heal, some of us went to therapy, some of us took up hobbies, but not you! Nope, you just held on. You couldn’t let go! You’re the only one who hasn’t realized it was no ones’ fault, so now you resent the hell out of all of us! You went from blaming Max, to blaming yourself. Well the blame is long gone, Liz. Everyone quit blaming each other and moved on years ago. Do you like being stuck in this spot? You aren’t going anywhere, and in the process you’re ruining your life and the people around you.”

She looked over to Kyle with tears in her eyes. “I hate being stuck here. I feel like I’m stuck in park, pushing on the gas, and going nowhere. I want to be the person I once was, but I don’t know how.” When she started sobbing harder, Kyle moved closer to her.

“Liz, I don’t think you’ll ever get back to being that innocent sixteen year old girl again, but I think a apart of her still lives inside of you. I do agree that you need to get back to being you, because the woman in the café today…well she wasn’t the woman we all know and love. Stephanie didn’t deserve your harsh words. She only wanted to talk to you, to find out more about you, and maybe make the time she has to be here a little easier for both of you.”

“I know. I mean I know that now…I just…”

Kyle wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “I know.” He kissed her forehead and stood up.

When he turned to walk away Liz called out his name. “Kyle”

He had only made it a few feet away, so he stopped and turned around. “Yeah?”

“Thank you.” She said quietly.

Kyle nodded and smiled down at her. “Anytime.”

Kyle turned back around and was headed for his car when he saw Max approaching him. He couldn’t help it, he had to smile. “Hey, Max.” He put his hand out and shook Max’s. “How’s Stephanie?”

“She’s…she seems ok. Thanks for asking.”

Kyle shook his head. “Max, I usually don’t like to stick my nose in other people’s business, but Liz is over at the gravesite. Maybe you two could talk?”

Max’s glance quickly moved to Michael’s grave, but by the time he looked back to say something to Kyle he was gone. Max took a few breaths in and out, and then realized it was time for him to face this.

“Here goes nothing.” Slowly, Max stepped forward, making his way to both Michael and Liz.


Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:31 pm
by FamersAmers
Wow, Melyssa and I thank you for the very thought provoking feedback. We always appreciate it and love to read it! We hope that you enjoy this chapter as well.

Ellie- I am glad that we make you think…it is something that we strive for. We want to make everyone think about what they read. We are so glad you are with us and we look forward to your feedback and we want you to know that as much as we make you think, you do the same for us, you make us think a lot more than we would want to.

begonia9508- we feel ya on the Liz healing. But have no fears, she will be ok, she will pull through!

RhondaAnn- thank you for your kind words! They mean a lot to both of us, and you will find out more about Michael and Maria. Thanks for reading

g7silvers- you very much put my thoughts into words! Thank you for reading I know I look for you every time…and it just isn’t a chapter without you!

janesdilemma- there are no words, for that novel feedback! LOL…but you put lots of thoughts into words! Thanks for being a sounding board for this…I would have been lost without you…I can see you laughing your head off as you start reading this! Thanks for everything, and Wow and the four way conversation you have going on….WOW! LOL highly entertaining. 

Maxsgurl- well well JB! Lol GO TEAM AMLES GO!! Lol what do you think about that one? LOL Stephanie shouldn’t erk you….she is a cool character and while she may be in the way of your dreamer ending…she is a good person, full of amazing qualities, I should know ;). Thanks for reading you are the bomb.

icequeen- BT#1…can I express my thanks to you, for this chapter! Well almost every chapter that I have imputed on. I love making you like people you hate and hate the people who you hate more! I live for it! And I know you like Stephanie and Maria and you are starting to like Alex too.

Emz80m- Wow Emma, you really feel strongly about Stephanie. Hopefully you will change your mind, hopefully. She isn’t bad, simply in love. And you are right, Max needs to stop playing and talk to them because he is doing a great injustice to all of them as well as to himself. Thank you for reading and sticking with us!

Nibbles2- Thank you for reading, we are glad you are with us. And we hope you stick with us. We agree with a lot of what you said, and we hope you keep giving us thought provoking feedback!

Timelord31- We were wondering where you were, well we are glad you are back!!!

Alien614- you are right about Liz, she needs to shape up and fly right or she will loose Max. Thanks for reading we always appreciate it!

Lurkers, let us know what you think! We know you are there and thank you for reading!


Stephanie sat on the bed with her head resting in her hands. This wasn’t the way she’d pictured her life. This wasn’t the dream she’d always had for herself and her future. Only days before her life had felt so perfect, like everything was finally fitting together the way it was supposed to, but now sitting here in Max’s childhood home she couldn’t help but think she deserved more than this. Maybe perfect had been too much to hope for, but was disaster really the opposite of perfect? Because that’s what her life was now…a disaster. Everything she’d believed to be true about her and Max, even their love for one another, seemed to be slipping through her fingertips and she felt completely helpless to stop it. She’d made a vow to herself and Max not to just give up because she believed in their love wholeheartedly, but was she fighting an uphill battle? Was there any chance for a happy ending after all of this?

Steph was lost in her thoughts and the questions rolling around in her mind, so the knock on the door startled her, causing her head to jerk up. She looked at the door, and for a moment pondered the thought of pretending she wasn’t there, but then she called out. “It’s open.” She watched as the door opened, hoping desperately it was Max, but when Philip stuck his head in she sighed.

“Can I come in?”

Stephanie smiled and nodded. She didn’t know if she was up for talking right now, but Phillip had been so kind to her…she couldn’t turn him away. “Sure.”

Phillip looked around the room as he stepped in and smiled. “You know, Isabel used to spend all of her time in here,” He shook his head as he smiled, remembering back to the noisy days of having teenagers in the house. “She and I were very close, so I was in here quite often, but I haven’t been in here much since she moved away. Now she’s getting married.” He shook his head again. “It’s amazing how the time flies.” He walked over to the bed and sat down when Stephanie scooted over making room for him. “How are you holding up?” He asked sincerely and fatherly.

“You know…” she stopped, not really sure how to put her thoughts into words.

“Let me guess, you never thought coming here would be such a challenge?” He said, all too knowingly.

She looked up at him with a horrified look. “Mr. Evans, I didn’t mean it that way.” She quickly assured him.

Phillip already knew she hadn’t, but it was obvious she was in pain. He’d raised a daughter, and if Isabel had taught him anything, it was the look on a young woman’s face when she was heartbroken. “I know you didn’t, and please…call me Philip. I simply meant that coming home to meet the parents has turned out to be more than you thought it would be.”

Stephanie smiled at his friendly face and shook her head. “Something like that. I definitely didn’t plan on this, that’s for sure.”

“You think coming here was a bad idea, and that maybe you should’ve stayed home?” She smiled again; he was too good at this. “Well, no matter how much you might believe that right now, it isn’t true. You came here for a reason, and that reason was Max. He needed you, and you wanted to be here for him. I think it takes a great woman to follow her fiancé home to the one place where all of his skeletons are most likely buried. And as if that wasn’t difficult enough, you accepted his past, and are here trying to make it work. That takes courage.”

Stephanie hung her head low, remembering Max hadn’t wanted her here in the first place. Now she knew why, and it hurt deeply to know he was going to keep all of this from her. “Mr. Evans-Phillip, Max didn’t want me to come home with him, so at first I didn’t. In fact, he told me to stay home. Did you know that?”

“No,” Phillip shook his head, “I didn’t.”

“So in reality, I never should’ve been here for any of this. But the night I decided to come here, I’d been lying there awake for most of the night and I just couldn’t stay home any longer. I know I should’ve respected Max’s wishes, but this was my chance to finally meet his family…a family I thought I was always going to be a part of. I wish I could tell you how much that meant to me. You see, my mom died when I was a teenager, so I went to live with my dad and my stepmother. And while I know they’re my family, I still wanted to meet Max’s. Family has always been important to me, so I hopped the first flight I could get and jumped at the chance to come here and meet you.” Stephanie lowered her head, embarrassed by the reality of everything that had happened since her arrival. “I realize now I was being selfish…I should’ve stayed home. It wasn’t my place to make the decision to come here.” She stared at her hands, twirling her fingers, wondering what would’ve happened if she had never got on that plane. Now, she wasn’t sure how to feel.

“Well, it sounds to me like you followed your heart and that can’t be wrong. Sometimes following your heart can be tricky and you may not always end up where you thought you would, but if you didn’t follow your heart then you wouldn’t be living.” He reached down and put a hand under her chin, raising it until their eyes met. “I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be living.”

Stephanie appreciated his kind words, but her heart was still breaking. “I just never thought it would turn out like this.” She spoke, barely above a whisper, and then leaned against Phillip’s large frame as she started to sob.

Phillip gently patted her back. He knew she was a wonderful girl and this was the last thing she deserved. His heart went out to her. “Stephanie, I won’t lie to you and tell you this is all going to be easy, it’s not, and I think you know that, but I will tell you that in the end everything will work out for the best. You’ll be ok. I just know it.”

She was miserable, but she smiled at him and gave him a hug. She could see where Max’s kind, tender nature had come from. “Thank you.”

Phillip nodded, and then stood up. He walked toward the door, but stopped before leaving the room and turned around. “Stephanie, Diane and I want you to know that you are Max’s fiancé and that makes you a part of this family, always.” He turned and walked out the door, but then quickly re-opened it. “Oh and, Stephanie,” He waited to see her smile, “welcome to the family. I, for one, am very glad you came.”

When the door shut again, Stephanie couldn’t help but giggle. The Evans were wonderful people and they made her feel at home regardless of how awful the situation appeared to be. She took in a deep breath and let it out, falling backwards on the bed. She didn’t know how, but things needed to change.


He’d known for a while now that this moment would come, but even knowing the certainty of it hadn’t calmed his nerves in the slightest. Slowly, Max stepped forward, closer to Liz, but stopped a few feet behind her. There she was sitting on the cold earth with the moonlight pouring down around her. Any other time he’d thought she looked like an angel, but tonight she looked more like a ghost, lost and sad. Never in his life could he remember a time he’d seen her looking like this. He thought briefly about walking away, but Kyle had encouraged him to stay. Since it had been Kyle, of all people, he felt he needed to stay. It took him a few minutes to find his voice, but then he spoke softly. “Hi, Liz.”

She turned around slowly, not at all taken off guard, as if she’d been expecting him. She looked up at him with sorrow in her eyes, and then after a few moments turned back around. She didn’t know what to say to him. What could she say that could possibly justify her actions over the last few days? Nothing. No, she didn’t know what would be the right thing to say, and she didn’t think he’d want to hear what she did have to say.

Max crept toward her until he was standing beside her, and then decided maybe sitting was the best option. He sat down next to her and got comfortable, knowing this wasn’t going to be easy. He’d hoped she might say something, but she continued to stare at the headstone before them. So he waited and stared forward. Finally, when the awkward silence was enough to drive him mad, he started to open his mouth but she beat him to it.

“How’s Stephanie?” She asked quietly.

Max pondered the thought for a moment and then looked at her. Truthfully, he didn’t know how Steph was handling any of this. “How would you be?”

Liz sighed and shook her head. “I guess I know the answer to that one. I was really mean to her today.” She looked at him again, but was unable to recognize the look on his face. It was one she’d never seen before. In that minute as she looked at him, she realized for the first time in ten years she didn’t know him, not anymore. The Max she knew was gone, and she knew nothing about this man.

“Mean is an understatement…you were cruel.” He noticed she wasn’t looking at him, but instead kept her eye focused on the headstone.

“I guess I deserved that.”

In frustration, his forehead wrinkled and he tilted his head slightly. “You guess? Liz, you told someone you don’t even know that I was hiding behind her, she knew nothing about me, that I didn’t want her to come home with me, and then you proceeded to tell her you knew me inside and out, you always have, you always will, and she should pack her bags and leave. Did I miss anything?”

“Yeah,” she nodded her head, “I know.”

He shook his head in disbelief. “Liz, you’re the only one that hasn’t changed in ten years. The rest of us have moved on with our lives. I’m sorry if that hurts you, but we have.”

“Well I was left here. You all left me here.” She said defensively.

Max knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to make him feel guilty, but it wasn’t going to work. One way or another, she needed to see. She needed to realize it was time to let the past go and move on. “Left you here? Is that what you think? No one left you, Liz.” He kept his eyes on her looking for something, anything to tell him what she was thinking.

“You did.” She turned to look him straight in the eyes, but she didn’t recognize what she saw there.

“You’re right…I left. I was running, Liz, I admit it, but do you know why I ran?” She said nothing to him, but continued to stare at him. “I could sit here right now and blame you for my leaving. Trust me, it would be a whole lot easier than admitting why I left, but it would be wrong. Do you remember that night out here? I do…like it was yesterday. When I came out here that night I’d already made my mind up to leave. I was gonna get out of here, away from the stares, away from the whispers, away from my own guilt, and then I saw you. Sitting here with you that night after everything I’d lost I realized how much I loved you. That’s when I knew I couldn’t leave. I couldn’t do that to you, especially after what had happened with Michael.” Max took a few deep breaths and lay down on the ground, staring up at the stars. He’d been hiding this for so long, but now it was time, time to let it go.

“Go on.” She whispered.

“But, when I found you and tried to talk to you, you didn’t want to listen to me. You blamed me for everything that had happened to Michael, and to all of us. You held me personally responsible for something I had no control over. Yes, I got in the car with Michael, but he was going to race Tony that day regardless of anything you and I or anyone else had to say. I know that now, but hearing you say that I killed him…it tore me apart. After that I knew I couldn’t stay, because I’d only be causing you and everyone else more pain. The way you looked at me…” Max closed his eyes, all of it still so vivid. “You looked at me like I was some kind of animal, and it broke something inside of me. I couldn’t bear the thought of ever seeing you look at me that way again. So, I left. That was my choice. But after I left Roswell I finally realized it wasn’t my fault. Someone made me realize it wasn’t my fault. Do you know who helped me realize that? Stephanie.”

Max stopped now, and stared at Liz. When he saw the tears in her eyes he felt a twinge in his heart, but he knew she needed to know everything. “She was always there for me, Liz. She sat with me when I woke up from my dreams screaming. She was there when I needed to talk. She never pushed me away no matter how complicated things got. She never blamed me for anything. She was simply there. In all her simplicity and wonder, she was there.”

Liz looked at him with questioning eyes. “Why are you telling me this?” She didn’t understand. Was he trying to hurt her?

“I’m telling you this because I need you to understand. I didn’t leave you just to leave you, you pushed. As for Isabel, Alex, and Maria, they had their own reasons for leaving. To them, there was no reason to be here. Life was out there waiting and staying in Roswell meant dwelling on a past we couldn’t change. We were all better than that. You were better than that. Liz, I don’t know why you stayed, but you made that choice.”

“I was poor…I didn’t have a choice.”

He shook his head. “And do you think Maria was made of money? She left with nothing more than the clothes in her closet and maybe ten dollars to her name. It didn’t stop her. So don’t tell me you were too poor to leave. I left with nothing but the clothes on my back and I made it. You made your choice, Liz, and now you have to take responsibility for it. You did this, no one did it to you.”

She looked at him with tears from her eyes flowing steadily down her face, but she said nothing. “Why do you do this to yourself? Why do you feel the need to take the blame for something you didn’t do, and yet you won’t take responsibility for the things you have done? All of us had to grow up, Liz, and you know what…life is hard. Anyone who tells you something different is selling something, but why do you make life even harder than it has to be? Do you really like being miserable? Because that’s not the Liz Parker I used to know.”

Liz wasn’t proud of the person she’d become or of the choices she’d made about her life. Although she wanted nothing more than to swear Max was wrong, everything he’d said rang true. Without meaning his eyes, unable to bear what she might see there, she shook her head in agreement.

“For the record, you don’t know me anymore, Liz. You haven’t known me for ten years.”

“You’re right, Max…I don’t know you. I don’t know you anymore than you know me.” It hurt to admit it out loud. She still remembered all the love they’d shared so many years ago, so it was hard to admit those two young lovers were gone forever.

Max stood up and dusted himself off, but kept his eyes focused on Liz. Even in the moonlight, he could still see her tears falling. “We may not know each other anymore, but I figure when you want to know the real me again…you’ll find me. But for tonight, I’m done here. I have a fiancé to get home to.” He turned and started to walk away, but stopped and called out over his shoulder. “I know the Liz Parker I once loved so much is still here…I know it because I can feel it. It’s up to you to find her, Liz, no one can do it for you.” With that, he left her there alone to ponder on his words.


By the time Max made it home, the drama of the day had taken its toll on him. Standing in the foyer, he peeled off his jacket and hung it up in the hall closet. He was about to head upstairs when he noticed the light in the den was still on, so he went to check it out. Max was surprised to find his mom still awake at such a late hour, and then felt guilty realizing he was probably the cause.

“Hi, Mom.” He said quietly, not wanting to wake anyone else in the house.

Diane looked up from her book and removed her glasses from her face. She smiled and waited for Max to cross the room and sit down on the couch beside her, but once he did she didn’t waste time. “So?”

Max had to smile. No one had really known where he was going when he’d left earlier, so how did she know where he’d been? How did she always know? It was obvious his mother wanted to know what had happened with Liz, but he wanted to talk to Stephanie first. “Mom, I promise you’ll be second to know, but I really should talk to Stephanie first…ok?”

Diane smiled at him, proud of the man he’d become, and nodded.


Stephanie wasn’t quite sure where she was or how she’d ended up in a park, but she decided getting lost was probably just the thing she needed right now. After wandering around aimlessly for over an hour, her feet were tired so she sat down on a bench near the merry-go-round. She tilted her head back to look up at the stars, hoping to find something peaceful and less complicated with the rest of her life in such turmoil, but she already felt the tears forming. It didn’t matter what she did, her problems were still right there on the surface, breaking her heart into a million pieces. She used to be so sure of who she was and what she wanted, but now as she sat here in Roswell, New Mexico she wasn’t sure of anything. Nothing in her life made sense anymore. Feeling hopeless, she let the tears fall, until she heard the familiar ring of her phone and smiled.

“Hey, Em.”

“Ok, start dishing. What’s the family like, the friends, everything?”

She couldn’t help but laugh. Emily had been her best friend since high school, and just hearing her voice right now made her feel better than she had in the last two days. “Emily, it’s such a disaster.” She was about to explain, but Emily took care of that for her.

“What do you mean disaster? Like “Meet the Parents” or “Meet the Fockers” disaster?”

Stephanie burst out laughing before she could control herself, but held her palm over the speaker so Emily couldn’t hear her. Fortunately for her, Emily never missed a beat.

“Are we talking like his parents are crazy, weird, nervous? I mean is his mother like the I TOLD YOU NO WIRE HANGERS type or is she like Psycho and her baby cant leave the nest? What exactly do you mean by disaster?”

Stephanie shook her head. Emily certainly was different. “No, not like that. The Evans are completely wonderful, caring, sweet…welcomed me right into the family.” She trailed off.

“Um…ok. So how does this qualify as a disaster?” Emily asked in a confused tone?

She could picture Emily so clearly in her mind, scratching her head, and trying to figure out what could be so horrible. “If you’ll breathe for a second I’ll tell you. The short version is Max came home to a past he’d left behind a long time ago, but now it’s all caught up to him…in the form of an ex-girlfriend who hasn’t let go.”

“Wow…that’s totally like that Lifetime Movie with Tori Spelling. You know the one where she moves with her husband to his hometown only to have his ex-girlfriend kill her cat and haunt her. Basically driving her crazy. Wow, Steph! You sure know how to pick em!!”

Stephanie rolled her eyes. Leave it to Emily to think of something like that.

“But seriously, is she like that? The psycho, stalker type?”

“No, I don’t think she’s the animal killer type.” Stephanie replied. “She’s not like that. Em, you’re impossible with an overactive imagination. She’s just stuck in the past and thinks Max belongs to her.”

“Well, she’s obviously delusional. Lock her up! I mean um hello! Did you show her who’s queen?”

“I hit her.” Stephanie rushed out before she could get too embarrassed to tell her.

“Really!?! What happened?” Emily asked, enjoying this a little too much.

Stephanie started from the beginning and told Emily all about her last two days in Roswell. Sadly enough, it didn’t even take that long to explain.

“So wait, he really told you that? He told you that he didn’t know what he wanted? Ok, so not the Max Evans I know. And the nerve of that chick! I mean could she be anymore cruel? If you ask me she deserved more than a slap. She deserved to have her ass kicked. Do you need me to fly out there and beat her and him both down?”

Stephanie laughed, knowing Emily’s intentions were honorable. At least more than everyone else’s it seemed. “No, it’s ok. You stay there.”

They both laughed for a minute and teased each other back and forth, but then Emily got serious. “So…has he given you any reason to think he isn’t going to chose you?”

Stephanie sighed and closed her eyes. “He’s a different Max here, Em, so I’m at a loss. I don’t know which way he’s leaning. He tells me he loves me, and he won’t ever lead me on, but I feel like that’s what he’s doing. I feel like he’s not being truthful with me. Oh sure, he loves me, but you know what? I’m not feeling it. I may not like his ex, but she said some things to me today, Em, something that made so much sense that I can’t help but think it was true. I’m just starting to wonder if this is the kind of life I want, always questioning?”

“Sweetheart, she was just talking to talk. Max loves you, otherwise he wouldn’t have asked you to marry him. I wouldn’t give any more thought to what she said, ok? Plus, this life is so much better than a life with Chad.”

“Sometimes I wonder.” Stephanie looked up at the stars and wondered. Would life have been better?

“Darlin, if you’d stayed with Chad you would be at home right now running after a toddler, nursing a six month old, and you’d have one in the womb. We would no longer talk, because he wouldn’t have allowed it, and the only light you would see, would be the light from the bulb in the ceiling. But yeah, Chad had his good points.”

Stephanie could just imagine Emily's face while saying this. She was sure Emily was rolling her eyes and making that look she made when she smelled, saw, or ate something disgusting. “No, Em…Chad didn’t have any good points.”

“Hey, I was trying to not be mean, cause I could’ve said...he had absolutely NO good points, he was an asshole who didn’t deserve your love, and he deserved to get some horrible disease. You know, like some sickening skin disease and be incredibly sick!”

“Sheesh, Em, that was harsh.” She heard Emily laugh on the other end of the line.

“No, that was nice, because I could have said get some horrible disease and DIE! There, are you happy now? I told you the truth…sheesh.” Stephanie laughed again. Emily sure was something else “You laugh, but you know it’s true, don’t you?”

“Yes, it’s true…but hey listen, it’s dark and I have absolutely no idea where I am.” Stephanie looked around the park, but nothing looked familiar enough to lead her back to the Evans’s.

“You mean to tell me you went out, by yourself, in the dark? Sheesh, Steph, that’s why nice girls get murdered and people like Nick Stokes and Greg have jobs.”

Now it was Stephanie’s turn to roll her eyes at Emily’s TV analogies. “You watch way too much TV.” She knew Emily was probably smiling.

“Yeah, but it makes me incredibly knowledgeable. Now get the hell out of Timbuktu and call me when you get home. If you don’t, I’ll call Roswell PD, if they even have a PD, and file a missing persons report. So go, be careful, and walk in the light, cause then they’ll be too afraid to take you.”

“Goodbye, Em.” Stephanie smiled as she flipped the phone shut and started looking for a way back.


When she heard the deep, male voice behind her she contemplated screaming, but there was something familiar about the voice. Quickly, she turned around just in case. She recognized his face immediately. She’d met him at the airport the day she’d arrived in Roswell. He’d been with Liz. “Kyle, right?”

Kyle smiled and stepped closer to her. He watched as she looked around the park, but couldn’t decide if she was frightened or lost. “Are you ok?”

She shook her head and turned to face him. “I….” she stopped, looked around again, and attempted a smile. “I have no clue where I am or how to get home.” Without another word, she sat back down on the park bench and started to cry.

“It’s ok. I know where Max’s house is…I’ll make sure you get home.” Kyle immediately sat down next to her and put his hand on her back. “I promise.” He tried to be reassuring, but her sobs grew louder and he watched as her body began to rock back and forth. “I know it’s probably none of my business, but are you ok?”

Stephanie shook her head and let out a sob. For the first time since all of this mess had begun, she didn’t attempt to hold back her emotions, but instead let it all out. “No, not really.”

Kyle’s first thought was that this was about her fight with Liz earlier that day, but then he realized it was so much more. He could see the hurt so obvious in her eyes. No, this wasn’t about one fight. He wasn’t sure about what she was crying over, but considering the state of his own personal life, he had an idea. Liz had broken his heart, and now hers was probably breaking over Max. Knowing exactly how she felt, Kyle put his arms around her and hugged her while she cried.

Stephanie didn’t realize she was crying in the arms of a stranger until the sound of her phone ringing brought her back to the moment. She pulled away from Kyle, wiped her eyes, and flipped the phone open.

“Emily, I’m not home yet.” She blurted out.

“Why not? Where are you? I can GPS you!”

Through her tears, she laughed and wiped her face again. “No, I’m almost home. I’ll call you in a few minutes.”

“Promise?” She shook her head. In reality, she didn’t know what she would do without her.

“Ok…you better.” Emily answered in defeat and hung up.

Stephanie flipped her phone shut and looked at Kyle. “Do you think you could possibly tell me how to get home now?” With fresh tears in her eyes, they both laughed.

“Come on. I’ll take you home.” Kyle smiled and gestured toward the parking lot. Stephanie stood up and wiped her face one last time, and then followed closely behind him.

They talked during the short ride to the Evans’ house, which eased Stephanie’s nerves a little. They didn’t talk about anything important, but more about every day life. She couldn’t help but notice it was just so easy, so natural. After talking to him, she decided Liz had been a fool to let him go. Kyle was obviously a good man.

When Kyle pulled into the driveway Stephanie smiled and reached for the door, but he had to say something first. “Stephanie?”

“Steph.” She added.

“Ok, Steph…I know all of this is hard on you, so I won’t try to tell you what I think you should do…”

“Ok.” Stephanie kept her eyes fixated on him when she noticed his entire demeanor had changed.

“All I wanted to say is don’t except being second place. If Max loves you and only you, then I wish you the best, but don’t be his runner up. I’ve been Liz’s for years and it’s not a good feeling.”

Stephanie sat back for a minute. “Kyle, can I ask you something?”


“What made you stay when you had so many doubts?”

Kyle shook his head, knowing exactly what she was asking. “I thought I could love enough for the both of us, but it just doesn’t work that way.” Kyle hated the thought of her being hurt, but he’d seen the power Liz and Max had over each other. He prayed she would fair better than he had.

“Goodnight, Kyle. Thanks again for the ride.” Slowly, she climbed out of the car and made her way to the front porch. She waved to Kyle as she pushed open the front door, and then disappeared inside.

When she walked inside she found Diane waiting up for her with a worried look on her face. “Are you ok?”

Stephanie appreciated the concern Diane showed for her, and smiled when their eyes met. “I think so.”

Diane walked over and touched her cheek. “Why don’t you go and wash up. Wash those tears away because that face is too beautiful for them.” Stephanie hugged Diane, and then excused herself.

After washing her face and changing into her pajamas, Stephanie headed into Max’s room. The light was still on, but Max was in a sitting position, eyes closed, and softly breathing. He must’ve fallen asleep waiting up for her, but she knew he was exhausted from the trip too. She tiptoed across the room and gently sat down beside him and watched as his chest rose and fell. She smiled, she loved this man with all her heart and sitting there next to him, watching him sleep, tears came to her eyes.

Max woke up to a sniffle and found Stephanie on the side of the bed with tears in her eyes. He ran his hand down her back, trying to sooth her. “Are you ok?”

Finally, she looked at him and shook her head. “No, Max. I’m not. I tried to pretend I was, but I’m not.”

Max sat up in the bed and pulled her close. At first she was hesitant, but then she began to cry into his chest. He held her there until she had cried herself to sleep, but instead of taking her back to her room, he maneuvered slightly, laying her down in the bed next to him. He turned off the light and there in the dark he held her. He closed his eyes, and drifted off into sleep with her.


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:54 pm
Hello everyone *waves* :D I know this chapter is way over due and I have to say it's all my fault :cry: I started writing this chapter several weeks ago and after about 4 or 5 sections just completely hit a brick wall :roll: I had intended to pick it back up soon, but unfortunately my muse just wasn't working :? Finally, when I found time to work on it and my muse had gotten her butt in gear, RL hit me with something I just wasn't prepared for at all. Something happened regarding my son and it was awful, so I stepped back and sent the chapter to Amy to finish. I should've made that decision much sooner, but I thought I could juggle everything and it just wasn't happening. Therefore, please throw all tomatoes in my direction and leave Amy out of it because she was the one to save this chapter so it could be posted this year!!!

I want to thank all of you for your amazing feedback, as always it is greatly appreciated :D I promise only one more thing to say before I let you all get on with the chapter...I want to send out two very special thank you's!!!

The first of course being to my writing partner, Amy! Amy, you are not only the other half of my brain, but the rock I lean on when things go wrong. You are such an amazing person and I honestly don't know what I would do without you! I only hope that one day the entire world will see just how special you truly are and how lucky we all are that someone like you exists! Thank you so much and I love you *Muah*

Second...oh boy...where do I start with this one? Stephanie, you rock! There just wasn't a better way to say it! You are my sounding board when I need to bitch, my advisor when I need to cry, and lately pure comic relief when I have to deal with my brother :wink: Now, if you would just put the poor boy out of his misery I might get to go back to sleeping at night without all of his whining over you :lol: Hey, you know I had to say it :wink: I love you, chickie :lol: *Muah*

Ok, enough mushiness...on with it... :D


When Maria’s alarm went off at 8:30 am all she wanted to do was pull the covers back over her head and sleep, but she knew there was too much to be done today. During all of the drama that had taken over everyone’s lives the last few days, the most important thing, and the reason they were all together again, had been forgotten. Maria could only imagine how Isabel must be feeling about her wedding right now, but she was determined that today would be the day to make it up to her.

After carrying on a conversation with Isabel in her head for nearly ten minutes, Maria finally crawled out from beneath the comforter and headed for the kitchen. She needed coffee and a lot of it if she was going to accomplish anything. She was surprised to find Liz already awake, coffee in hand, knees tucked under her, sitting on the small sofa in the living room. She didn’t want another confrontation with Liz, especially before she was officially awake, but she knew if she ignored her it would be worse.

“Morning.” She stated simply as she reached for a coffee mug in the cabinet.

Liz sat there silent for a moment, wondering what to say to her best friend, but then realized any way she started wasn’t going to be easy. At least Maria had spoken to her. It was something. “Morning.” She answered back, then took a deep breath and let it out. “Maria…can we talk?” She’d never been afraid to talk to Maria before, but in this moment, she was afraid. After the way she’d treated Maria, she knew she had it coming to her and truth be told, she knew she couldn’t blame Maria for being angry.

Maria sighed and set down the mug. “Liz, not this morning…I’m just not up to it. I know you’re hurting. I know you hate Stephanie. I know you’re mad at me. But this morning, I have other priorities to deal with.” Maria picked the mug back up, filled it, and was heading for the bathroom when she heard Liz’s soft voice speak out again.

“I was wrong, Maria.”

Maria halted, not entirely sure she’d heard Liz correctly, but willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. “Excuse me? I didn’t quite hear you.”

Ok, so Maria wasn’t going to make this easy for her. She could deal with that. “I said I was wrong, and I want you to know how sorry I am for the way I’ve been acting.”

It was enough to grab Maria’s attention, so she walked back around the couch and sat down next to Liz. “I’m listening.”

“Since the moment Max came into town I’ve been acting like someone I don’t even know…someone I don’t like. I’ve hurt every single person that means something to me in this world, and I’m sorrier than you can imagine.” A lonely tear slid down her right cheek, but she instantly brushed it away. “I’ve been…well I’ve acted…I just…” she couldn’t find the words she wanted so desperately to say.

“Selfish? Self centered? Self-indulgent? Irrational? Impossible to deal with? Stubborn?” Maria had plenty of words to describe Liz’s behavior, and without thinking about it first, she offered a few of them up.

Liz deserved that and more, so she took it. “Yeah…like that.” She turned to face Maria now, determined to start making up for everything she’d done wrong. “I know I’ve hurt a lot of people, and I’ll get to them, but right now I feel like you’re the one I need to make things right with. Regardless of what happens with Max or what’s already happened with Max, I owe you the biggest apology of them all. I’ve had a lot of people telling me how wrong I’ve been on so many levels, but one thing has stood out the most.”

When Liz paused, as if afraid to finish, Maria shook her head. “It’s ok, Liz. I’m not gonna bite.”

Liz nodded and continued. “Out of all the things I’ve done wrong, the worst was trying to pretend I had more right to grieve for Michael than anyone else…especially you, Maria. Yes, I was bitter because I felt like everyone else got out of Roswell and I got stuck here, but you’re the one who lost the most…I see that now so clearly.” Liz saw the tears forming in Maria’s eyes and that’s when she found the courage to finish what she’d started. “Michael was a good friend to me and I’ve missed him so much, but he was the love of your life. I know how much you loved him, and I’ve never shown you the proper consideration for how much you lost that day. Max might’ve left town, but he was still alive, which meant there would always be a chance for me to make things right…but Michael was gone and the future you’d planned with him was gone too. I don’t know if you can ever forgive me for taking so long to see what everyone else already knew, but I know you lost the most out of all of us. I’m sorry he was taken away from you so early, Maria.” Liz couldn’t hold back her own tears any longer. Large drops started to pour from her eyes, but it felt good to finally be making things right again.

Maria had started crying halfway through Liz’s speech, but it wasn’t until the end that she broke down. She’d grieved for Michael in her own way for years, but hearing the words out loud ripped at her heart. Before she knew it, she was in Liz’s arms, crying uncontrollably, and rocking back and forth. “Oh my God, Liz…I miss him so much! It feels like someone has been stabbing me in the heart for ten years and it’s never going to stop!”

Liz hadn’t seen Maria like this since the day after Michael’s funeral, but now she realized Maria had needed this as badly as she had. Together, they cried, rocking gently back and forth, ignoring the mess their spilled coffee mugs had made. Right now, nothing in the world mattered but them.


Isabel sat by the window in her satin, amethyst pajamas, staring blankly at the world outside. This was supposed to be the happiest time of her life. Planning her wedding, a day she’d dreamed about since she was six. Right now she should be spending time with her girlfriends gossiping about colors, and flowers, and the cake, and her dress, but instead it had turned out to be the loneliest time of her life. Sure Alex was trying to help, doing everything he could to keep her spirits up, but it wasn’t the same. In four days she was to be Mrs. Alex Whitman, and yet here she was…miserable.

Alex had been standing in the doorway for almost fifteen minutes, but he’d run out of the right things to say. At first he’d been hurt that he wasn’t enough to make Isabel happy, but slowly he’d finally seen the bigger picture. It wasn’t that Isabel was unhappy with him, it was that her dreams of her wedding weren’t coming true. She’d been so excited to see Max come home for her wedding, but all of her excitement had been darkened by the unhappiness of everyone she loved. Years ago, the old Isabel Evans wouldn’t have cared if anyone else was happy or not. After all, it was her day, but she’d left that selfish little girl behind when she’d left Roswell many years before. Sometimes, people still asked him what the hell he saw in her, and he’d wish, for one brief moment, they could see the woman he’d come to adore. His wife to be was one of the most caring women he’d ever known, and she deserved to have the perfect wedding. Unfortunately, this was one thing he couldn’t fix for her.

Reluctantly, he stepped out of the doorway to their bedroom and went back to the kitchen. Nothing seemed to be going right, and he was scared Isabel might call off the wedding if he didn’t do something and soon. But what? He couldn’t make Liz apologize. He couldn’t make Stephanie and the memory of her go away. Most of all, he couldn’t bring Michael back, which was the one thing they all agreed everyone wanted more than anything. Michael. The least romantic and most skeptical out of all of them, but if he was here, Alex was sure he’d know how to fix this mess.

When he heard a knock on the front door he considered ignoring it, but then the thought of reinforcements brought a brief, shining glimmer of hope. Quickly, he rushed to the door, praying for Max or Maria. After opening the door, he grunted at the smiling face staring back at him. “What do you want?”

“Nice, Alex, really nice. Do you greet all of your guests this way?”

“Nope,” Alex smiled, “only you.”

“Look, Alex…I know I’m not your favorite person, but right now we have a common goal.”

“Oh really? And what exactly would that be?” Alex asked sarcastically.

Kyle smiled widely. Now, they were getting somewhere. “Well, we both know everyone is fighting, everyone hates Liz, and Isabel is miserable, right?”

“Wow, Kyle…amazing powers of observation you got going on there.”

“Fine,” Kyle threw his arms up in frustration, “you can sit here and be snarky with me or we can try to fix this. Your choice.”

“Did you just actually use the word snarky?” Alex teased.

Kyle shook his head and reached for the doorknob. “Have it your way, Alex. It’s obvious you don’t need my help after all.” He started to turn the knob, but Alex finally gave in.

“What’d you have in mind?”

“Are you willing to accept my help?”

“At this point…what other choice do I have? What’s your plan?” Alex questioned.

“Well,” Kyle stared down at his feet and fidgeted with his keys, “I don’t really have one.” He heard Alex grunt, and then beat his head against the wall. “Yet…I don’t have a plan yet, but I figured we both want all of this to work out so if we put our heads together I know we can come up with something.” Kyle reasoned with him.

It made sense. Kyle wasn’t Alex’s favorite person, but at least he was willing to help salvage his wedding day. It was more than he could say about anyone else. “You’ve got a point. Let’s get out of here so whatever we come up with will be a surprise. I really think Isabel could use one.”

Kyle held up his keys and jingled them in front of Alex’s face. “I’m such a nice guy I’ll even let you drive my car.”

Alex didn’t like this at all…Kyle was actually being likable. He reached up, grabbed the keys, and called back toward the bedroom. “Isabel, I’ve gotta go out for a while, but I’ll be back soon! I love you!” Normally, he would’ve waited for a response, but she’d barely said two words to him in over twenty-four hours. He’d tried talking, now he was going to do something about this. He blew a kiss toward their room, even though he knew she couldn’t see, and then followed Kyle out the door.


Stephanie started to stretch, and then yawned without opening her eyes. She still felt exhausted. She could feel the sun shining through the window, so she knew it was morning…she just didn’t want to get up. At least she’d slept peacefully, that much she could tell, but one good nights sleep couldn’t take away everything that had happened. Finally, she rubbed her eyes with both hands and blinked them open until her eyes were ready to focus. Once they did, she was so startled she almost fell backwards out of bed. Max was staring at her. She was in Max’s bed, and he was awake and staring at her. The memory of the night before came rushing back, causing her to blush with embarrassment over her minor meltdown in front of Max.

“Good morning.” Max said sweetly, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Did you sleep ok?”

“I-I think so.” She really didn’t know what to say. She knew she shouldn’t be embarrassed by the night before, but she was. She’d always been Max’s rock, the strong one, and last night he’d seen her at her most vulnerable.

Max looked at the confused expressions washing over her face, and smiled. This was the Steph he knew. He wasn’t positive about what she was thinking, but he had a good idea. “Steph, about last night…”

Oh no! Stephanie grabbed the covers and pulled them back over her head. “Please don’t start with about last night…it sounds like a bad line after a one night stand.”

Max chuckled and yanked at the blankets until he could see her face. “Knock it off. What I was going to say before you so rudely interrupted,” he joked while trying to tickle her, “is that I heard you and I do understand where you’re coming from. All this time I’ve just expected you to be strong, but I should’ve known how hard this was for you. You have the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever known…I’m sorry it took so long for me to see you were really hurting.”

Slowly, Stephanie sat up in the bed and shook her head. “I tried to be strong, Max, but I’m hurting too and I’m glad you see that now. It shouldn’t have taken me breaking down in front of you for you to realize it.”

“I know.” Max agreed. “Which is why I’ve decided that today is all about us, just you and me. I think we need some quiet time alone, somewhere no one will bother us, and where we don’t have to think about anyone else.”

“Really? So you’ve planned a trip to the moon?” Stephanie knew wherever they went, their problems would be right there with them.

“No, smartass...I thought we’d go to the lake where I used to hang out as a kid. It’s pretty quiet this time of year, so I thought it would be a nice place to have a picnic and a little R&R…what do you think?”

Although their problems would be with them, the idea of being alone for a change was appealing. “How soon can we be out of here?” She responded smiling.

“Good answer. Grab some clothes, we’ll stop and grab some food on the way. Deal?”

“Deal. Give me ten minutes.” Stephanie had never gotten dressed so quickly before. She brushed her teeth, threw her hair in a ponytail, and slipped into a comfortable sundress she’d brought with her. She needed this day and she wasn’t going to waste a moment of it. She hadn’t said anything to Max, but she knew today would probably make or break their relationship, so she was determined to make the most of it. She needed Max to remember why they’d fallen in love, and she needed to see how much he’d really changed being back here around Liz Parker again after so many years.

Ten minutes after Max’s proposition, they were heading out the door.


Liz stopped just short of the door, still trying to figure out what she was going to say. After everything she’d done, where was she supposed to start? She knew she desperately needed to talk to Isabel and make things right again, but how could she do that after almost destroying what was supposed to be the happiest time of her life? Right now, she just prayed she wasn’t too late. Slowly, she raised her hand to knock on the door, hesitant and fearful of what was to come.

Isabel heard the knock at the door, and reluctantly put down the broom. She’d started cleaning in an effort to get her mind off of things, and had managed to clean most of the apartment on complete autopilot. Casually, she called out in the direction of the front door, but wasn’t in any real hurry to answer it. “Just a second! I’m coming.”

Truthfully, she wasn’t up for company, but she knew if she ignored the door whoever it was would only continue to knock until she finally gave in. That’s just the kind of town Roswell was, no one could ever mind their own business and let someone pout in peace. When she finally opened the door, she was shocked to find Liz standing there. “Hey…come in.” She knew she should be upset with Liz, but surprisingly she wasn’t.

“Hi.” Liz slowly walked through the door, instantly smelling the powerful aroma of pine sol. “Cleaning?”

Isabel shook her head. “Stress.”

They both laughed, but each of them could feel the tension in the air. They’d been friends for many years, but in all of those years never had the silence been so uncomfortable.

“Look, Isabel…I’m really sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I know that can’t possibly make everything magically ok, but I really am sorry. I made this about me and it isn’t…it’s about you.”

Isabel looked at Liz and smiled. “No, Liz, it isn’t. This is about Stephanie and Max. Yes, it may be my wedding, but everything that’s happened has been about Max and Stephanie, not me. I realize that now.” She looked at Liz’s face with deep concentration to see if there was any expression on Liz’s face, but she saw nothing.

“Liz, I understand you’re unhappy that she’s with Max, and I know you dislike her,” Isabel paused for a second and thought back to the fight between Liz and Stephanie. “I’m pretty sure even she knows it, but there’s something you need to understand. I don’t hate her, Liz. Actually, I like her and you need to understand why. First off, she’s an incredibly nice person, and I think under different circumstances, you would like her too. Second, if she and Max do decide to get married she is going to be my sister-in-law and if I hate her simply because you want me to…I’ll lose Max again. I can’t do that, Liz. I won’t do that. I know you’re hurt, and I know all of the events in our lives have taken their toll on you, but that doesn’t give you the right to be cruel.” Isabel never lost eye contact with Liz, and while Liz said nothing, Isabel knew she understood.

“You’re right, Isabel…I just wasn’t prepared to see Max with someone else. Anyway, I’m still very sorry.”

“I appreciate that, and it means a lot, but I’m not the only one you should be apologizing to, and I think you know that.” Liz let a single tear trail down her face and Isabel felt sorry for her.

“I know…I just don’t know what to say.” It was not only a statement, but also a question.

“How about I’m sorry…that usually works.” Isabel winked at her, and Liz smiled.

“So…are we ok? I would understand if you asked me to step down from the wedding.” Liz looked down at her feet, not wanting to meet Isabel’s eyes when she responded.

Isabel’s eyes grew wide, and she frowned. “Yes, we’re ok, and no you will not step down. I can’t fire my maid of honor three days before my wedding. That would just be bad luck.” She opened her arms and wrapped them around Liz. Finally, things were looking a little brighter.

“Thanks, Isabel.”


“Max, where are we going?” Stephanie looked around the town in wonder as the scenery passed by quickly. She hadn’t seen much of Roswell since she’d been there, so she found herself looking at the buildings and staring at the people wondering what they were like.

“I already told you. We’re going to the lake. Don’t worry, we’re almost there.” Max turned the steering wheel slowly as he pulled onto the familiar street he’d driven down so many times in his youth. It didn’t take long for the lake to come into view. “Ok…we’re here.”

Stephanie turned to face forward and smiled at the breathtaking view before her. It was absolutely beautiful. As the truck came to a stop, she stepped out and took a good look around. Off in the distance she could see a park with a playground and grill area, but the place Max had parked was a little more secluded. The trees that wrapped this end of the lake shaded it just enough to provide a quiet, romantic atmosphere for occasions like today. There was a bridge over the far corner of the lake, which seemed to set the scene even more. She smiled, thinking she could live in a place like this forever and be completely content, but then again she imagined anyone could be here.

Max caught a glimpse of Stephanie’s face out of the corner of his eye as he started to spread out the blanket and unpack the basket of food they’d picked up on the way there. Once everything seemed to be in order he walked up behind her and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. “It’s ready for you.” He whispered in her ear, and smiled when he heard the soft giggle escape her. He watched as she turned around slowly, and then for the first time in days felt like he’d done something right when he saw her face.

She didn’t say anything immediately, but instead walked over to the blanket and sat down. It was perfect, exactly what she’d needed, but more importantly, it was exactly what she and Max had needed together. “It’s wonderful, Max.”

He sat down on the blanket beside her, and reached for two plates while they talked. “Yeah, I thought you might like it here. I used to come here a lot when I was younger, because it was so peaceful. Sometimes it was the only place I could come and just be.” He turned and looked out over the water before returning his attention to Stephanie. “It’s funny…it’s the one place that seems to have frozen in time. It looks exactly like it did the last time…”

Stephanie saw the distant expression wash over his face. “Max? Are you ok?”

Max shook his head. “I’m fine…it’s just been a really long time.”

“Wow Max…this is so nice.” She leaned over and kissed him and let her lips linger there for a moment. “Thank you.” She pulled away and he handed her a plate.

They ate together, basking in each other’s company and talking quietly about life back in Florida like nothing had changed. Stephanie couldn’t remember the last time they’d been together like this, and while it was what she’d wanted for them, she couldn’t ignore the events that had transpired since coming to Roswell…no matter how much she wanted to. She knew Max could feel it too. They both knew the storm was looming on the horizon for them, and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

They finished eating, and lay there on the blanket together, wrapped in each other’s arms. Stephanie was watching the children on the swings in the distance, and a smiled came to her face.

“Come on,” she said standing up. “Get up.” She held out a hand for Max, and waited for him to take it. As romantic as their cozy little spot was, they needed to laugh. She held on tightly to his hand, leading him to the playground with a childlike smile on his face.

She didn’t waste any time, immediately heading for the swings. Max chuckled when she plopped down in one of the small swings, innocent and eager like a child. Naturally, he walked around behind her, and began to push her.

“Do you remember doing this as a kid and being so carefree?” Stephanie asked with the wind just starting to catch her hair.

Max said nothing, but he knew what she was talking about. If only he could be a kid again, wild and carefree, life had been much simpler then.

Stephanie closed her eyes, and then leaned back and kicked her legs with the wind blowing through her hair. Max continued to push her in silence, but it was nice feeling his touch each time the swing went back and he pushed her forward again. She let the air hit her face and for the first time in awhile she felt somewhat free.

Max kept pushing her, watching as she sailed through the air. She looked beautiful, causing his heart to catch in his throat. He wanted nothing more than to be with her and make her happy like they’d been before, but what about Liz? Could he really let her go? He let the thought go, and decided for right now he would enjoy being here with Stephanie, and let the rest come to him.


Liz walked up the Evans’ walkway just as she’d done a thousand times, but this time felt different. She was almost to the door when she saw Diane sitting on the porch swing looking at her.

“Hi, Liz.”

She smiled at Diane and climbed the few steps that led to the front porch. A little unsure of herself, she slowly made her way over to the swing where Diane was sitting, and noticed she’d already moved over to make room for her. The moment she sat down, Diane put her arm around her without hesitation.

“What brings you by?”

Liz looked up at her with shame in her eyes. “I’m here to talk to Stephanie. I owe her an apology.”

Diane nodded in understanding. “Well, she and Max are gone for the day.”

Diane said nothing more than that, but Liz felt the tears quickly form in her eyes. “Do you like her?”

Diane looked at her and smiled. “It’s not a popularity contest, Liz. Yes, Philip and I like her. She’s a very nice and caring person, and she’s a part of our lives now. She would make it hard not to like her, and I think that’s what the problem is, isn’t it?”

Diane looked to Liz for confirmation, but Liz said nothing. “Do you want to know what I think?” Diane asked and waited for Liz to shake her head. “I think you want to like her too, because you see something in her that fits well with the rest of you.” She knew exactly what Liz felt. She had watched Stephanie for the last three days, and had come to realize she was just what the group had needed. Somehow she filled a void that had been missing for a very long time. “But while she makes it so easy to like her, she has something you want, and that bothers you.” Liz looked up at Diane and shook her head again.

“Liz, baby someone is always going to have something you want. That’s life. You can’t make yourself, her, and everyone else miserable for it. Give her a chance…you might find she could be a good friend to you regardless of the situation with Max. Possibly as good of a friend as Isabel or Maria.” Diane finished. She understood this was difficult for Liz, but she cared too much about her to see her stop living her life due to a situation beyond her control. When Liz continued to sob, she pulled her closer and held her tight while she cried.

After several minutes, Liz finally composed herself. “Thank you, Diane.”

“Sweetie, you will always be a part of this family, and no matter how much we like Stephanie…it doesn’t make us love you any less.”

“I know.”

Diane stood up and offered Liz her hand. “Now come on…we can go in, get some food, and wait for them to get back.” Liz smiled and took the hand held out for her. Although she may not have everything she wants, Liz could see she already had more than she’d realized. With some relief, she followed Diane into the familiar house she’d always thought of as home.


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:04 pm
by FamersAmers
Well, we want to thank you all reading and for the feedback. We do appreciate it as always! I wish I had time to leave each and everyone of you a note but I am in a hurry, work and school are a doozy! So thank you and we hope you all enjoy this chapter. Lurkers we know you are out there...let us know!


After a while, Stephanie finally left the swings and strolled toward the merry-go-round with Max’s hand holding onto hers. She sat down on the side and curled her legs up under her as she stared off in the distance. She could feel Max’s eyes on her, but so far the day had been perfect, and something inside of her told her to hold on to this moment for as long as she could.

Max couldn’t help but notice they hadn’t really spoken for almost an hour now. Sure they’d been laughing and teasing one another, but Max could feel each of them holding something back. At times he’d thought about mentioning it, but bringing it to the surface just didn’t seem like a good idea at the moment. Slowly, he sat down beside Stephanie with his feet dangling off the side, and then rested his hands on the bar. She was staring off into the distance again…she’d been doing that a lot lately as if looking for a sign somewhere off in the horizon. He sighed, knowing he’d done this to her, but still so confused that he didn’t know how to fix it. The only thing he was certain of was that he could give her right now. It wasn’t everything she deserved, but right now it felt like the world.

“Hey there you.” He teased while nudging her gently in the side. “What’s up?”

It was such a simple question, but held too much weight to answer. Instead, she looked up and smiled into his beautiful face. “Nothing,” she answered, shaking her head. “Push me?” She asked with her smile growing wider.

Seeing the playful spark back in her eyes, Max smiled and jumped up. He got a running start and began to twirl her around and around on the equipment. This was the way he loved to see her, wild and carefree, head thrown back, hair flying in the wind, spinning around as innocently as a child. Even through the passing years she’d never lost that playful side, it was one of the things Max had always admired so much about her. Life had not always been easy for her, but she’d found her own way of releasing her tension and letting the stress go, and watching her right now he knew that’s exactly what she was trying to do. Unfortunately, off in the distance he could see the storm looming and knew they would have to leave soon to avoid getting caught in it.

He stopped pushing the merry-go-round, but he still had to wait for it to come to a stop. When he looked down at Stephanie’s smiling face, arms up as she lay there spinning, he knew she would be disappointed. Truthfully, so was he. Today they’d been able to take a step back to a time where things had been much easier for the both of them, and facing the reality beyond that scared him. He didn’t know what was going to happen next, but it was obvious that he had a decision to make and time was running out.

Even as she lay there still spinning and dizzy, Stephanie saw the large thunderheads rolling in from the west and knew the day was coming to an end. She laid still for a few minutes, not wanting to jump right up, but also not in any real hurry to leave. She didn’t care if it did rain, as long as her time with Max didn’t have to come to an end.

“You ok?” Max asked taking a seat next to her and brushing her hair away from her face.

She didn’t want to admit that inside her heart was breaking, so as she’d done many times before, she smiled and nodded her head. “Yeah, but I’m getting tired.” She glanced back at the clouds, and then turned to face Max. “Guess we should be going.”

Max shook his head in agreement and took her hand to help her up. “What do you say we call it a day?”

It was the last thing she wanted, but she knew it was pointless to fight it. Together, they walked back to toward the lake where the truck was parked, hand in hand. The wind was starting to pick up, causing them to quicken their pace, bringing them back to the truck much faster than it had taken them to abandon it. Stephanie stopped just short of the truck, and looked back at the playground one last time. The sun was shinning down on the sand like a spotlight making the metal gleam, yet in the distance the storm loomed, and that was the sign she’d been expecting. She could avoid it now, but sooner or later it was going to catch up to her. The question she kept coming back to in her heart and mind was could she sit back and wait for it?

Max’s voice managed to penetrate through her distant thoughts, but she wasn’t sure how long he’d been calling her name. Her eyes lingered for a moment longer, taking that one last glance at the sight before her, but then she turned away and headed for the truck.


Alex and Kyle continued to wander aimlessly up and down the aisles of the store for something, anything to send to Isabel, but neither one of them had the slightest clue where to begin.

“What do you think Liz would buy her?” Kyle questioned Alex while looking at the selection of flowers for the tenth time.

Alex looked at him and wrinkled his brow. “How the hell should I know.” Alex growled in response. “Aren’t you the one who lived with her for more than six years?”

Kyle picked up a rose and stared at it intently rather than looking at Alex. “Six years doesn’t mean I know her. Women are very complex creatures. Besides, you’re her best friend. Best friends are supposed to know stuff like this.”

Alex stopped what he was doing and glared at Kyle. He knew this had been a mistake! Yeah, driving his car may have been cool, but now he was ready to hit him with the bottle of liquor he had in his hand. He only managed to keep his cool by reminding himself repeatedly that he was doing this for the greater good, and therefore could not kill Kyle during the process.

“Ok,” Kyle finally said after a minute or two of zoning out, “flowers are out of the question, so it’s gonna have to be jewelry. Got any ideas about what kind to get her?”

Alex was at a complete loss, and was starting to think this had been the worst idea anyone had ever come up with. He was about to suggest getting out of there when Kyle turned around to face him and noticed the bottle of liquor in his hands.

“Let’s do liquor!” Kyle said excitedly, and then smiled proudly as if he’d just discovered a lost continent.

“Ok, as much as I know you like the bottle, we need to figure this out.” Alex looked down at his watch and frowned. “And fast.” He looked back at Kyle who was now standing in front of him juggling several bottles of liquor.

“No, I’m serious. What if we did a liquor basket? I mean it’s perfect! Women love to drink, and they can use it at the party tomorrow.”

“You can’t be serious?” He said matter of factly, but Kyle’s grinning face said it all. “You are serious.” Alex wasn’t too sure about this plan, but he didn’t know what else to do. He didn’t have any ideas of his own, so it was this or nothing. Worst-case scenario, he could always blame Kyle. “Ok, let’s get the booze.”

Alex followed Kyle up to the counter where Kyle proceeded to explain exactly what he wanted as if he were a frat boy ordering for a typical Friday night kegger. As much as he wanted to hate Kyle, even he had to admit Kyle was definitely entertaining.

“Would you like to pick out a card?” The woman behind the counter asked once she’d double-checked their order. She gestured toward a rack of cards on the counter, so Alex quickly picked out one that said I’m Sorry. He borrowed a pen, scribbled a short message, and then placed the card in an envelope.

Glancing at his watch again, Alex handed the pen back across the counter. “Well as much fun as this has been, I need to get to my tux fitting before Isabel has yet another reason to call off our wedding.” Alex patted Kyle on the back and rushed out the front door, hoping he could still make it to his appointment, but knowing he was cutting it pretty close. Luckily, the store was just across Main Street so he didn’t have far to go. He’d already made it across the street by the time he heard Kyle call out to him.

“Hey, Alex, thanks for doing this. I know I’m not your favorite person, so thanks for helping me.”

Alex smiled at Kyle and shook his head. Kyle was determined to wear him down. “Aww, it was for a good cause. I’ll see you later.” He turned back around and took off to finish his last minute alterations.


The moment Max pulled up in front of his parents’ house and saw the car he knew exactly who it belonged to. While he knew it was important for him to see and spend some time with Liz, now just wasn’t that time. It had been a nearly perfect day with Stephanie, but he wasn’t naïve enough to believe everything was all right. In fact, he knew it was far from it. His heart was still torn in two very different directions, leaving him and Stephanie on shaky ground.

Other than the sound of his own sigh, the cab was silent. He glanced at the passenger side seat where Stephanie had curled up and fallen asleep on the way home, and smiled. She looked peaceful, content in her dreams, so the thought of another confrontation between her and Liz made him cringe. There was no denying his role in all of this, and he desperately wished he could protect Stephanie from any more hurt, unfortunately he knew that was impossible.

After several minutes of stalling, Max reluctantly climbed out of the SUV and walked around to open Stephanie’s door. Gently, he raised a hand to brush against her cheek, then grinned when the edges of her mouth curved up slightly. “Steph.” He whispered, careful not to startle her.

“Hmmmm…” she mumbled somewhere before reaching consciousness, and then turned her head to face the direction of Max’s voice.

Max smiled again at the ease with which she woke up, but frowned when he noticed the beginning of dark circles under her eyes. He’d never seen her look so drained before…emotionally or physically. “Come on, baby, you have to get up…we’re home.”

The words we’re home echoed through her mind, and she made a quiet wish to wake up in her own bed, but as she opened her eyes the pain of reality was blinding. She stared at Max, wondering if this was the last time she would wake in a sleepy haze to the sight of his tender face, and that’s when she was met with the sinking feeling that had been growing within her. She’d learned many years ago not to ask herself, or anyone else for that matter, questions she didn’t really want the answers to, but it was too difficult not to wonder if this was their last everything.

Max saw the distant expression in Stephanie’s eyes, but didn’t hazard a guess as to what it was about. He’d unintentionally brought so much pain and grief into her life recently, making the list of possibilities endless. For now, he had to focus on the situation at hand. “Hi,” he whispered, and then took a deep breath. “We have company.”

This can’t be good. The look on Max’s face said it all. She sat straight up and looked at the driveway. Immediately recognizing Liz’s car, she groaned. She’d hoped to have more time with Max, but putting off Liz was just holding off the inevitable. She leaned forward and hopped out of the truck, taking Max’s outstretched hand. Walking toward the front door, Stephanie knew this was going to be an adventure all on its own.

Max reached for the doorknob, but hesitated before turning it. It was obvious this couldn’t be avoided, but he felt like a soldier about to go forward in battle without any armor. On the other side of this door stood his first love, while on his arm was the woman who had saved him from himself during a time when he never thought he’d recover. How was he supposed to tell one of them that life was now over…for good?

Knowing him far too well and sensing his uneasiness, Stephanie nudged his arm and gestured her head forward. Finally, he slowly opened the door and let Stephanie walk in first. Instantly, he heard his mother’s voice along with Liz’s coming from the den.

Suddenly, Stephanie realized she needed to catch her breath and compose herself before she could handle this, so she turned to Max. “I think I’m gonna go change, but I’ll be back down in a few minutes.” In a way she knew it might be a mistake to leave Max alone with Liz, but if she was going to lose Max, she wasn’t going to do it hovering like a child. She loved Max, but she was certain he was already aware of that. At this point, all she could do was love him, but hold onto the small shred of dignity she had left. When he smiled nervously back at her, she excused herself, and headed up stairs.

Max watched her disappear around the corner at the top of the stairs, and then walked into the den. Part of him wanted to maintain a cold distance, but what he saw broke down all the barriers he’d attempted to place around his heart. His mom and Liz were sitting on the couch, sharing stories, and laughing until tears formed in their eyes. It wasn’t right to eavesdrop, but he didn’t have the heart to interrupt them, so instead he stood there silently, watching them. For many years, it had been his dream for him to see this, his mom and Liz, together in a moment, and now standing back watching his heart took a picture of the sight before him.

Diane wiped the moisture away from her eyes and looked up to see Max staring at her and Liz from the doorway. “Max,” she stood up and gave him an easy smile, but kept a reassuring hand on one of Liz’s shoulders. “I didn’t hear you come in, but I guess we were lost in conversation, so I wasn’t really paying attention.”

“It’s ok. Sorry I interrupted.” Liz had her back turned toward him, but the moment his mother had said his name aloud he’s watched her back go straight and rigid. Although he couldn’t see her face, he imagined she’d mostly likely turned pale at the sound of his voice. “Sounds like you guys were having fun.” Max walked into the room and over to the desk and sat down.

The tension in the room was so thick it could’ve been cut with a knife, but Diane was determined to keep the mood as light as possible. “We were. We’ve been sitting here catching up…feels like it’s been weeks since we’ve had time to chat. How was your day? Where’s Stephanie?”

Max looked toward the stairs quickly, and then back to his mom. “She went upstairs to change. She’ll be down in a minute.”

Liz turned around slowly until she was facing Max, and smiled nervously. She honestly didn’t know what to expect from him considering their last conversation at Michael’s grave, so naturally she was feeling apprehensive. “Hi.” She mumbled.

“Hi.” Max replied. Seeing a small glimpse of the Liz he’d fallen in love with so many years ago made his heart beat faster, but at the same time seeing her apprehension made him smirk.

Diane watched the scene between Max and Liz play out and remembered so clearly what it had been like to watch them as children. Max had always been confident of himself in school, until the day Liz Parker had captured his heart. Even then, although they were young, their love had been apparent.

Liz bit her bottom lip trying to find the right words, but was finding the simplest task such as small talk difficult. “I hope you don’t mind me stopping by…I just…”

“Don’t worry about it, you’re always welcome here. I’m…” Max paused when he saw Stephanie coming down the stairs. When she came into the room, she made her way to his side. “I’m glad you and my mom have kept in touch.” He finished.

“Hi, Diane.” Stephanie said when Max’s mother greeted her with a smile, and then she turned her attention to Liz. “Hey, Liz.” She said politely.

“Hi, sweetie.” Diane looked around the room and realized she was out of place. The kids needed some privacy, and if she didn’t start dinner soon no one would be eating tonight. “Well, I’ve got some things to do. Liz, thank you for spending the afternoon with me…it’s been too long since we’ve done that.” She leaned forward and bent down to kiss the top of Liz’s head. She smiled and gave Liz a look of understanding when Liz’s eyes met hers, and then she quietly left the room.

Liz knew she was on her own now, it was time to finish what she’d come here to do. With every ounce of courage she could muster, she stood up and took in a deep breath. “Stephanie…I was wondering if we could talk?”

Stephanie saw the fear in Liz’s eyes and pressed her lips together. “Yeah, sure.” She understood this was hard for Liz, because it was hard for her too. She wasn’t sure why Liz had come here, but from the puffiness in her eyes it was obvious she’d been crying.

Max stood up, not really sure what he should do, but Stephanie nodded that it was ok for him to leave. “I’ll leave you two alone. If you need anything, I’ll be in the other room with my mom.”

They both watched as Max walked out, leaving them alone in an awkward silence. At first neither of them made any attempt to speak, each of them waiting for a cue from the other, but after a few minutes of silence, Stephanie finally spoke up.

“So…” was all she managed to say.

Liz looked up from the tiny piece of carpet she’d been fixated on, and saw Stephanie staring at her. She’d expected to see hate and anger, but looking at Stephanie she saw neither. Instead, she saw a questioning look, and that she could understand. She’d been afraid to come here, but she wasn’t so afraid anymore. “Stephanie…I need to apologize.”

Stephanie immediately held up her hand, causing Liz to stop. She didn’t want to sound rude, but there was something she needed to say. “Look, please don’t take this the wrong way, but from the looks of it I’d say you’ve been saying you’re sorry all day. Truth is, I really don’t want to hear it.” Stephanie stated boldly.

Liz didn’t know how to react. True, she didn’t know how Stephanie would react to her after everything that had happened, but she had never expected this. Just as she was about to say something Stephanie continued.

“Liz, we both know I have something you want. I have Max, I know that’s hard on you, and I know you don’t like me because of it. Truth be told, I would probably feel the same way if the roles were reversed, but if you could somehow find it in yourself to see past that for now, then maybe we can make the next few days pleasant for us and everyone around us.” It was a proposition, one that didn’t have to make Liz like her, but one she felt Liz could handle.

Liz nodded her head slowly in agreement. “I can do that. I’m sure that under different circumstances…we might’ve been friends. Unfortunately for now, because of all this, we aren’t…maybe one day I’ll be able to let go of him and we can be friends.” She surprised herself when she realized she truly meant what she was saying from the bottom of her heart. Hopefully, Stephanie felt the same way. Maybe, someday, they would find a way to make a lasting friendship out of this, but right now it was more than Liz was capable of.

Stephanie said nothing, but shook her head letting Liz know she understood. She didn’t move as Liz turned and started to leave, but she realized there was one more thing she had to say. “Liz,” Liz stopped and looked to her. “I’m sorry for hitting you. I was angry, but it was uncalled for.”

Liz touched her cheek and smiled. “No, I think I deserved that.” Liz said nothing more, but turned around and walked out of the den.

Stephanie sat on the couch and pulled her knees up to her chin, resting her head on her knees. This was so much harder than she’d thought it would be. A large part of her didn’t want to forgive Liz parker, and she didn’t want to feel the need to apologize, but at the same time she didn’t want to be the cause of any more tension between friends or reason for more fights.

Stephanie stayed in the den until she heard the front door close, signaling that Liz had left. Finally, she made her way to the kitchen, knowing Max and Diane were both probably dying to know what had happened. When she walked in they were talking, but when they noticed her presence they both went silent. Max was sitting at the island on a barstool, and Diane was on the other side waiting patiently for Stephanie to say something. She knew they were both eager, but to her this felt like the beginning of the end.


The deliveryman made his way toward the door, but couldn’t hold back his laughter. Who in their right mind would buy someone a liquor basket? Still grinning, he raised a fist to knock on the door, and then waited for a response.

Isabel looked through the peephole first, then she leaned over to look out one of the front windows, but still couldn’t figure out what this man could possibly want with her. Keeping one foot braced behind the door, she pulled it open. “Can I help you?” She stared at him intently, but her confusion refused to pass.

“I have a delivery for Isabel Evans.” He looked closer at the order and finished. “Soon-to-be Whitman?”

“That’s me.” Isabel opened the door wider and grabbed the large basket of liquor as it was thrust into her arms. Carefully, she set it on the table by the door and turned back to face the door.

“If you could sign here.” He handed her the pen and clipboard, and pointed at the line. Taking one last look at the basket, he chuckled again. “I really hope you aren’t in AA.”

Isabel attempted a smile, quickly glancing at the basket, and handed him back his clipboard. “Thank you.” She shut the door and began searching for a card. Who in their right mind would send her a basket full of liquor? She doesn’t even drink. She found the small envelope and ripped it open to read the note inside.

Isabel, I’m so sorry for everything. Please forgive me your BFF. Love you, Liz

Isabel lowered the card a little and studied it. It didn’t sound like Liz. She’d seen Liz earlier in the day and they’d already discussed everything, so why would Liz send her something like this?

“Isabel baby, who was at the door?”

She turned around and looked at Alex suspiciously. “A delivery man. He was dropping off my booze basket from Liz.” She crossed her arms and shifted to one side holding the card out in one hand.

Alex frowned, and then started laughing. “She bought you a basket full of liquor?” He started to turn around, but Isabel stopped him before he could get away.

“Yeah, she did. You wanna hear the card?” She didn’t wait for him to answer; she just started reading it out loud. When she was finished she looked back up at Alex, but he still wouldn’t face her. “She must have hit her head or something. I mean first off all, I don’t drink half the stuff in that basket, which she knows. Second, who in their right mind would send me a liquor basket after coming to see me, and sign the card BFF? We haven’t done that since grade school.” Isabel stood there waiting for him to crack. She knew he had done this.

“Um, yeah she must’ve hit her head…must’ve been a doozy.” Alex responded, never for a moment meeting her eyes.

Isabel wrinkled her forehead. “Doozy? What the hell is that? Alex Whitman, I know you wrote this. I can tell.” She tapped her foot on the floor and waited.

It took him a minute, but realizing there was no getting out of this, Alex slowly turned around with his hands in the air as if he were surrendering. “Ok…Kyle and I couldn’t stand to see you fighting with Liz and so unhappy right before our wedding, so we wanted to fix it. We knew you were hurting, Iz. Besides, how were we supposed to know she had come by this morning? We were gone.”

Isabel didn’t say anything. Instead, she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you. Despite the fact that you two made fools out of yourself, it was a nice thought.”

Alex was just thankful to see her smiling again, and to know he wasn’t in the doghouse. He wrapped his arms around her more tightly, and smiled when she buried her head in his shoulder. “I love you, Isabel.” He squeezed her, and then pulled away to look at her. “I just want this to be the happiest time of your life.”

Isabel could feel the tears forming in her eyes and thought to herself…for the first time in years, it is.

“Everything ok?” Max questioned when Stephanie didn’t speak up.

She might have been standing in the Evans’ kitchen, but Stephanie’s mind was somewhere else. Her conversation with Liz hadn’t gone badly, but it put certain things she’d been denying into perspective. Standing there staring at Max, something was different. From the minute she’d learned who Liz Parker was she’d wanted to be angry with her and stake a claim on the man she loved and what she felt rightfully belonged to her, but seeing Liz in such a vulnerable position was like looking in a mirror. She finally understood that in Liz’s eyes, Max was the man she loved too. It wasn’t fair. None of it was fair, but it was what it was. No one had intentionally set out to hurt each other, but that’s exactly what was going to happen.

Stephanie wanted desperately to disappear. To be anywhere but where she was in this moment in time, but she wanted to be there with Max, and that was the part she could no longer count on. They’d planned a future together, marriage, a house, kids, everything that came along with growing old together, but that dream felt like a lifetime ago. What was she accomplishing by holding onto Max with a cast iron grip? Would it make him stay in the end?

Max looked at his mom with a worried expression and saw that she was equally concerned. Stephanie looked pale and she wasn’t saying a word, which caused their concern to grow quickly. Neither of them had heard any shouting, so they didn’t understand the reason for Stephanie’s semi catatonic state. Max stood up and went to Stephanie’s side and was relieved when her eyes followed his movement.

“Baby? Baby, are you ok? You’re scaring me.”

Max’s worried tone finally made her snap out of it, and she cleared her throat before trying to talk. “Umm…yeah. I’m sorry…I just…”

Diane set down the knife she’d been using to chop vegetables with, and joined Max at Stephanie’s side. “Sweetheart, are you feeling ok?” Diane placed a gentle hand on Stephanie’s forehead to check for fever, but her head was cool. “You’re not hot…maybe you just need to lie down for a few minutes before dinner. Max, why don’t you take her upstairs…I’m sure it’s been a long day.”

Max agreed. He’d known Stephanie was tired, but this seemed to be more. “Come on…I’ll go upstairs with you.” He put his arm around her shoulders to help support her body weight, but she resisted.

“I can walk…I’m fine.” She assured Diane and smiled to ease her nerves. “You’re right…it’s been a long day. I’m gonna go rest for a little while before everyone starts showing up for dinner.” She looked away from Diane and met Max’s eyes directly. “Can we please talk?” She whispered, hoping to avoid alerting Diane of any problems.

Max shook his head and followed her as she left the kitchen. He watched her with great care as she climbed the stairs, but calmed down when she was safely in her room and off her feet. “Steph, what’s going on?”

Right now she had the courage, but if she waited she didn’t know if she’d ever be strong enough again. “Max…” she took a couple of deep breaths and forced herself to continue, “I can’t do this anymore.”


Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 3:27 pm
Hello everyone :) I know how late this chapter is and we are sooo sorry!!! RL has been really hectic these last few months, so finding any time to write at all has been almost impossible :cry: We have been trying though, and I must admit this is more my fault than Amy's...she wrote half of this over 2 weeks ago. So yes...throw all tomatoes my way!!! Hopefully (I know I've said this before) things will calm down as we near the end of the school year but I can't make any promises. We will do our absolute best though...PROMISE!!!

I want to thank you ALL for your amazing feedback!!! When Amy and I first started this fic we never thought it would get the kind of response it has, and that's why we're so determined to finish it! It may be taking us longer than we had planned, but it will get done! Thanks again and we look forward to hearing from you :D

*Small note - there is one line in the first section that sounds similiar to a line from the movie "Mr. Wonderful" so I must give credit where credit is due. Hope you enjoy!!!


The moment the words escaped her lips, Stephanie knew it was the beginning of the end. It wasn’t what she wanted or what she’d expected, but fighting this wasn’t going to change anything. All she was doing was prolonging the inevitable, and the longer she fought it, the more her heart would break.

Max looked at Stephanie with great confusion, not entirely sure what she was talking about. He could see she was upset, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out the visit with Liz had gotten to her, but after the day they’d spent together he didn’t understand what could be wrong between the two of them. Yes, they still had issues to deal with and try to work through, but that’s what today had been about…them.

“I can’t do this anymore, Max. I can’t go on pretending there’s nothing wrong. I think you know I had an amazing time today, but it doesn’t fix what’s really going on.” She knew she needed to explain, but it was taking everything in her to stay calm. If it took longer for her to explain, then Max could wait. After all, he’d kept her dangling long enough.

Slowly, she stood up and walked to the window and stared out at the peaceful neighborhood Max had lived in most of his life. The streetlights had just come on, illuminating the sidewalks and casting a glow on the houses. Stephanie would’ve liked to raise their children here in Roswell, surrounded by family and friends, growing old in the town that had raised the love of her life. Unfortunately, that dream was gone and she had no choice but to accept it.

“Steph?” Max asked when she fell silent.

Stephanie took a deep breath and continued. “For a long time you kept a side of yourself hidden from me, Max, but I never once complained. I was always right there…patient, loving, and waiting for the time when you would let me in. I always knew that day would come, but I knew it would be when you were ready, and not a moment sooner. When you finally let your guard down, and let yourself be happy with me I thought nothing could ever touch us again…I was wrong.” She turned around and leaned against the windowsill. “I really thought after everything we’d been through we could make it through anything. Silly me, I thought it was destiny.” Stephanie chuckled sarcastically.

“Stephanie, don’t do this. I know things have been strained, but we can get through this.”

“Strained? Is that what you think? Max, I love you, but sometimes I wonder how you can be so oblivious to what everyone else can see so clearly. From the moment I got here things have been awful, and you…you’ve been a fool! I don’t know what happened to the smart, sensitive man I had planned to marry, because if you honestly can’t see how horrible this situation is…” This was already hard enough on her, but to think he really didn’t understand made it worse.

Max took a step closer to her and sighed. “You’re right.”


Max stood there, shaking his head and staring at her. “You’re right. I’ve tried to ignore this and put on a happy face because I didn’t want to think about the alternative. I admitted that I was confused, and then I just expected you to wait. I knew it wasn’t right, Steph. Do you really think this is what I wanted? I thought I was coming back for my sister’s wedding. Period. I didn’t plan on any of this, and when it happened…I didn’t know what to do.”

“You could’ve tried being honest with me, Max. Instead, you let me stay here and make a fool of myself chasing around after my fiancé who’s in love with another woman. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?”

“It’s not like that, and you know it. If it was that simple, then I would’ve been honest with you. Steph, I haven’t even been honest with myself. This isn’t about me loving Liz Parker…it’s about me loving you too.”

The words stung more than she could’ve imagined. It was the truth, and she’d known it, but to hear the words was heartbreaking. “At least you’re finally admitting it…you’re in love with Liz Parker.”

Part of him still wanted to deny it to spare her feelings, but his denial had not sheltered her from the pain. He owed her the truth. “Yes…I never stopped loving her. I don’t know what that really means because I don’t know her anymore, but I still love the person I remember. What you need to understand is that I love you too. That’s why this is so hard, Steph. I love you and we’ve planned a future together…I can’t just forget about that. I don’t want to. I’ve tried to figure out the easiest solution here, but there isn’t one.”

With tears streaming down both cheeks, Stephanie took a deep breath and prepared herself for what was coming next. “I believe you when you say you love me, but it’s not enough anymore. Since you haven’t been able to make a decision, I’m going to make it for you. I know this isn’t going to be easy, but it’s something I have to do for myself.”


“No, Max. Tell me right now. Tell me it’s just you and me…no more waiting.” As she stood there, second-guessing herself and the courage it had taken to do this, she realized she already knew his answer.

“I just…”

It was really over. “I guess that’s it.”

"But, Steph…if you’ll just-"

“No, Max. No more. You had your say, and I gave you time. I could try to fight for you, but I think we both know it would be pointless in the end. You see, you’re stuck someplace and I’ve been stuck there with you. I could try to hold on and pretend we still have a future together, but in the end we’d still be stuck right where we are at this moment. I deserve better than this, Max. I deserve someone who doesn’t have to question his love for me, or how it compares to his love for someone else. I have loved you with everything in me, and I’ll always love you, but I can’t go on like this. Right now my heart may be breaking, but if I let this continue…I’m afraid there might not be anything left for me to start over with when you leave me.”

Now Max was crying too. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. It wasn’t supposed to end, but he knew if he couldn’t offer her a guarantee that he no longer loved Liz, then he had nothing to offer her. “This wasn’t supposed to happen…especially not like this.”

“Maybe not, but I don’t think either one of us could’ve kept going like this for much longer.” The pain in her chest was unbearable, and she wondered how she would ever get past this moment. She wanted nothing more than to take Max into her arms and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist, but that was a fantasy she couldn’t hold on to anymore. Still, Max was right. It wasn’t supposed to end like this, but if it didn’t end now they would only hate each other when it did. “This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, and I’m sure there are going to be times when I’ll regret this moment, but I have to do this, Max. If I thought there was hope I’d fight for us,” she took another deep breath, knowing this would hurt even more, “but you’ve never looked at me the way you look at her. If I had been stronger…I would’ve admitted that before now, but I thought if I kept praying,” she was crying so hard it was getting too difficult to speak, “it would be enough.”

Max rushed to her and took her in his arms. She’d always been so strong, but now here she was lost and broken…he’d brought her to this. “I’m so sorry. If I could go back, if I could change things, I’d have met you first. I love you, Steph…I always have.” He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head, but when he felt her tense within his arms, he knew she was slipping away.

She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t break down in his arms, because it would be too easy for her to forget everything it had taken her days to admit. She let herself linger there for one final moment, and then she pulled away. “I know you do, but love isn’t enough.” She stood up straight, and composed herself. She wanted Max’s memories of her to be good ones, not just sad ones.

“So…what happens now?” How was he supposed to say good-bye to her? After eight years together, how was he supposed to let her go?

“I came here for Isabel’s wedding, and considering the hell she’s been through this week, I don’t think it’s fair for us to put her through anything else. I’m going to stay for the wedding, I promised her, but on Sunday I’m gone.”

“That soon?” Max asked surprised.

“Max, I have to move on with my life, and I can’t stay here and watch you reunite with Liz. I know I’m doing what’s best for me, but I’m not that strong. All I ask is that you wait until I’m gone…please show me that much respect?” The idea of actually seeing them together was more than she could bear.

He deserved that, but he didn’t want her to think just because she was leaving he was going to run to Liz. Regardless of his feelings for Liz, he still loved her and letting her walk away wasn’t going to be easy. “Stephanie, I would never do that to you.”

“Thank you.” She turned and started to walk toward the door, but stopped. “I hope you find the peace you’ve been searching for, Max. Even when we were happy, you never seemed like you were at peace.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t give you what you deserved. I didn’t plan on any of this, but I know those are just words…I hope someday you find what you’re looking for…you deserve happiness. Thank you for always being there.”

Stephanie nodded her head, but didn’t attempt to smile. She knew Max would see right through it. She would hold herself together, and maintain what little dignity she felt like she had left, but she wouldn’t pretend for Max that his actions had not hurt her. “Please tell your mother I needed some fresh air…I’ll be back soon.” She managed to make it to the front door before the tears started to fall again, but when she glanced around at the image of what could’ve been, she couldn’t hold it all inside. Quietly, she slipped out the door and disappeared into the night…alone.


Liz threw her keys down on the entrance table and plopped down on the couch next to Maria without saying a word. She was still processing her chat with Stephanie and really didn’t know what to think. She was grateful Stephanie hadn’t kicked her out, and she really couldn’t blame her for not wanting to keep up the ridiculous charade that they were friends, but there was something else eating away at Liz…she just couldn’t figure out what.

Maria glanced at Liz, back at the TV, and then back to Liz before finally clicking the TV off. “Ok, what gives?”

“Huh?” Liz asked confused.

“Huh?” Maria mocked, hitting Liz with her pillow. “What’s wrong with you? It didn’t go well?”

“What?” Liz questioned again, wondering if she was missing a large part of this conversation.

“The Inaugural Ball.” When she saw the puzzled expression on Liz’s face she seriously considered smacking her. “Oh my God, Liz! Have you dyed your hair recently?”

Liz grabbed a chunk of hair and studied it for a second. “My hair? No. Why? What’s wrong with it?”

Obviously, directness was the only thing that was going to get through to Liz right now. “Isabel and Stephanie, Liz. How did it go? You’re alive, so neither of them killed you.”

“Oh…it went ok. Isabel never ceases to amaze me though. Ten years ago she would’ve killed me for the shit I’ve pulled in the last week, but no…she was just happy everything was back on track. Alex really does make her happy.” Liz smiled. They all really had come a long way.

“And Stephanie?” Maria couldn’t wait. It was wrong, but she was dying to know.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I went over there and I spoke to her, but I still have this weird feeling.”

“Ok, you lost me. What’d she say?” Maria pressed.

Liz took a deep breath and blew it out in frustration. “It was just weird. She was very straightforward about not playing games. Kinda refreshing actually. Then she told me she was with Max and to deal with it, which was no surprise…but there was something else…”


“I don’t know. I just got this bad feeling like everything wasn’t as great between them as she wanted me to believe.” Liz frowned.

Maria felt sad because she’d been expecting this since she’d met Stephanie. She was a nice person, but Maria knew how much Max still loved Liz. It was obvious. “So why don’t you look happier? Isn’t that what you want?”

“You’d think so, but no. Maria, of course I want to be with Max, but not at someone else’s expense.”

“Liz, how did you think this was gonna work? If Max chooses to be with you, it’s going to be at her expense.”

Liz shook her head. “That’s not what I want. I don’t want Max by default. I have to believe if we’re meant to be together, then we will be…someday. Ugh!” Liz screamed as she shoved her head into Maria’s pillow.

Maria held back her laughter the best she could, but the occasional chuckle managed to escape her. “Oh, Liz…I love you. This is the Liz I’ve missed. I do understand what you mean, and hopefully if Max still loves you he’ll do the right thing and let her go. I know this is awkward for you, but she’s a good person.”

Liz sat up, and looked at Maria. “I know. I think that’s why I had a sudden attack of conscience. I saw the fear in her eyes and I knew exactly where I’d seen it before.”



“Aww, honey.” Maria wrapped her arms around Liz and kissed her head. “It’s all going to work out…you’ll see.” One way or another Maria knew they would have a happy ending. They’d all suffered enough over the last ten years, so they were long overdue for some happy times.


Fortunately, Stephanie had learned her way around the quiet neighborhood where Max had grown up, so this time she wouldn’t get lost. She really did need some air, and she desperately needed to escape the Evans’ house now that she knew she was not a part of their family. They’d all been so kind and welcoming toward, but they were Max’s family and in many ways, Liz’s.

It didn’t take her long to find the park, and she settled comfortably on a bench before digging her cell phone out of her pocket. She flipped it open and started to call Emily, but then realized she didn’t know what to say. She knew Emily would be sympathetic, but she was too far away to really do anything and that would only make her feel bad. Just as she started to shove the phone back in her pocket, she heard the all too familiar ring of her cell phone, and wiped the tears away from her eyes.

“Hi, Em.”

Normally, Emily was quick to say something smart or sarcastic, but instantly she knew something wasn’t right. Truthfully, she’d been waiting for this since their conversation a few nights ago. “What happened?”

Somehow, Emily always knew. “I told him I was done.” She stated simply, trying to maintain control, but as she relayed the events of the day, the tears had started to fall steadily.

“Oh Stephanie…so you two are officially over?” Emily didn’t want it to be true, after all she and Max had been together for eight years…you just don’t end an eight year relationship in the span of three days.

“I guess so. I just couldn’t do this anymore, Em. I can’t sit here and watch him choose her.” She took a deep breath and let it out. Saying it out loud to Emily made it real. After eight years who was she without Max? She’d been part of him for so long, how was she supposed to know who she was without him?

“Do you think that’s what he was going to do? Choose her? If you really do, then you made the only decision you could’ve made. You had to end it, otherwise what are you holding on to?” Emily hated saying it, but for once she knew she was right and she hoped Stephanie would see it too.

“But how do I let go?” She could feel the tears forming in her eyes again, but she quickly wiped them away.

Emily knew her too well. Not only could she hear the doubt in Stephanie’s voice, she could hear the tears. Feeling helpless, she decided to change the subject. “So what day are you coming in?”

“I still have to book my flight, but definitely sometime Sunday.” She wasn’t sure when, but the earlier the flight, the better off she would be.

“Ok, well when you get everything booked let me know. I’ll pick you up and we can go for weekly coffee. You know I need my fix. Do you have any idea what it was like this week not having you here for Monday coffee?”

Stephanie laughed and shook her head. “I can only imagine.” Only Emily could make her laugh through her tears.

“You should imagine me in the shop alone talking to my coffee cup. People were staring.”

Stephanie rolled her eyes and bit her lip to keep from laughing. “Ems, people stare at you all the time. You don’t have to be talking to a coffee cup for that to happen.” She knew Emily’s mouth was open.

“If you were here, I would throw something at you. You get a F!”

They were both laughing, knowing full well that Emily really would’ve thrown something at that moment if she had been there.

“Well, I’m tired, so I’m sure you’re exhausted. Let’s call it a night, but I want you to call me when you get all the information on your flight home, promise?”


Stephanie talked to her for another minute, assuring her she would call if she needed anything, and then finally hung up the phone. The night was quiet, but as much as she usually enjoyed that, it was too quiet. Over the next several months, she would probably have many nights spent alone in silence, but right now the silence was deafening. She stood up and dusted herself off. Looking around the small playground she could almost imagine her own children playing there, and it made her heart ache. All of the things she’d planned for her and Max were gone now. Reluctantly, she headed back to the Evans’ house.


Max had waited to make sure Stephanie was gone before he went downstairs. He’d put her through enough already; the least he could do was give her some space. He heard voices coming from the kitchen, but he wanted to be alone. Everything in his life had fallen apart in less than a week, and he had no one to blame but himself. He slipped quietly out the front door, and sat down on the porch. Hopefully, no one would look for him out here.

“If you want to be alone, you’re gonna have to do better than this.”

Max laid his face in his hands, hoping he would realize Max wanted to be alone and go away. “Not now.”

“Oh yeah…now. I wonder, huh, could you have possibly screwed things up more?”

Max grunted in his hands, and then lifted his head. “Is it too much to ask for a little care or concern for me? You’re supposed to be my friend, so why don’t you try and act like it!” He growled in response.

“Friend? You want me to be a friend? Ok, I can do that. Maxwell, you fucked up royally! Buddy, you couldn’t have fucked up worse if you were…if you were…well if you were me. How’s that for friendship?” Michael leaned against the house and crossed his arms over his chest.

“You know, there are some people that would be really happy to see you right about now. Go haunt them.” Max stood up and shoved both hands in his pockets as he stared out across the street.

“I’d love to, but unfortunately you’re the one who needs me right now.” He saw Max look back at him out of the corner of his eyes, and suddenly he felt bad. “C’mon, man…I didn’t mean to sound so cold. I just don’t get what you’re doin’. I mean, on one hand you’ve got Liz which I don’t think I need to elaborate on, and on the other you’ve got this amazing woman you’ve been with for eight years that makes you happy. Most men would kill to have your problems.” Michael waited for him to look back again, and then he winked at him with a big smile on his face.

Only Michael could get away with such a thing. “You really are an ass, you know that? If you think it’s so easy, then what would you have done?”

“I wouldn’t have left them both hangin’ that’s for sure. Max, they both love you, but that doesn’t mean they’re gonna hang their hearts out on a line waitin’ to see which one you’re gonna pick. You couldn’t have really thought that was a good idea.”

“No…but I didn’t know what else to do. I love them both, so how was I supposed to choose?”

Michael shook his head. All these years, and Max still hadn’t learned a damn thing. “You’re over thinking this whole thing.” Max started to object, but Michael continued. “Look, no matter which one you picked someone was gonna get hurt, right?” Max nodded. “Then you should’ve been following your heart from the get go. You can’t please everyone, Maxwell. Hell, sometimes you’re lucky if you can even please yourself, and that’s why you gotta follow your heart.”

“But I love them both…”

“Ok, but when you think about forever which one do you see?”

“It’s not that easy.”

“You’re wrong, Max. It is that easy. I think Stephanie is an amazing woman, but do you think it’s fair to her that you’ve always loved someone else?”

"But I didn’t-"

Michael placed a hand on Max’s shoulder to get his attention. “Yeah, you did. I’m not saying you didn’t love her, but after seeing Liz again do you really believe you could’ve gone on with your life and been happy without her? I know you better than anybody, man…you couldn’t have. That’s how easy your choice should’ve been. It should’ve been to spare Stephanie the pain because you never could’ve given her what she deserved after you saw Liz again.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“I don’t think it would’ve been easy either way. I said the choice was simple. Hurting people you love is never easy.”

Max knew he was right. He loved Steph, there was no denying it, but he never could’ve given her one hundred percent of himself again. “What do I do now? I hurt her really badly.”

“You show her the same love and support she always showed you…you be her friend and you give her the space and time she needs to realize you weren’t the one for her.”

“It still hurts. I don’t know how to let her go.”

“That part’s easy. You care more about her than you do about yourself. Do what’s right for her…not for you.”

Max smiled. For a dead guy, Michael was pretty wise.


By the time she made it back to her room, Stephanie felt drained. Everything was finally starting to take its toll on her physically, and she could feel her body shutting down. Mentally, she was exhausted. Physically, she was exhausted. Nothing in her life felt like it should anymore. She wanted Max.

She looked toward the door that connected Isabel’s old room to Max’s, and slowly walked to it. She leaned forward and put her ear to the door and listened for any sound coming from Max’s room, but she heard nothing. Although she knew she should turn around and go to bed, she put her hand on the doorknob, and slowly turned it.


Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 9:52 pm
by FamersAmers
Thank you all so much for the feedback! It is very much appreciated! I am sorry for the lack of personals, I am on a fly by today! But thank you so much.


Chapter 16

Stephanie started to open the door and stopped. She couldn’t do this; she couldn’t go back on what she had just said. She quickly shut the door and locked it.

Max sauntered into his room as the connecting door quickly shut. He quickly raced to it but it was too late, he heard the soft sound of the latch and knew she had locked the door. He let his hand rest on the knob and that is when he heard the soft crying coming from the other side.

The soft cries were muffled; he kept his hand on the door and rested his ear against it so to hear more clearly. His heart broke at the sound of her crying, he knew he had caused this and it broke his heart.

He leaned against the door and slide down to the floor. His head was resting on the wall and as he sat there listening to her cry he couldn’t help but let his own tears fall.

Stephanie couldn’t move from the door, she simply sat there, crying. This chapter of her life was now done and she had no idea what she was supposed to do.


Stephanie was jolted awake by the banging of doors. She quickly sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Her body ached and her head was throbbing. She turned to the clock, it was too early. She flopped back against the bed put a pillow over her head and tried going back to sleep.

Not long after she heard the soft knock at the door. She wanted to tell whoever it was to go away, she didn’t want to see anyone. However, this wasn’t her house and she had to be polite.

“Come in” she took the pillow off her head and watched as Isabel came into the room.

Isabel looked to the bed and saw Stephanie under the comforter. She looked small underneath all the blankets and as Isabel closed in on her she noticed her eyes were swollen, red and she could tell she has been crying the night before.

“Are you ok?” Stephanie chuckled. Ok, was she ok? She wasn’t sure what she was, but ok was not it.

“I don’t know.” Isabel took a seat on the bed.

“What happened?” she wasn’t sure she wasn’t overstepping her boundaries. She didn’t know Stephanie well enough to be prying, but she also knew that Stephanie didn’t have any friends here and she would need someone.

“I told Max I was finished.” Isabel’s eyes grew wide.

“Wow, so that means?” Isabel wasn’t sure what that meant, did it mean
she and Max were over for good, or she was through putting up with his behavior.

“It means I am going home. I can’t sit here and watch him chose her Isabel. It is just too hard.” Isabel’s heart went out to Stephanie.

“I hope you will still stay for the wedding.” She really wanted her to stay, but she understood completely if she didn’t want to.

“I am, I am going home Sunday.” Isabel shook her head.

“Ok then, well get up and get dressed. We have things to do today and you are getting out of this house.” Stephanie wasn’t sure she wanted to go, but a day out of the house was something she really needed.


Isabel had stopped by various vendors to make sure everything was in order for the rehearsal dinner the following night. Stephanie couldn’t help but smile at Isabel’s excitement. She was happy for Isabel even after knowing her for a short time she knew that she and Alex were truly happy. A short trip to the dress shop almost brought tears to her eyes. Looking down at the ring on her finger she wondered why she even had it on. She would have been in Isabel’s place one day marrying the man she thought was so in love with her. Now she has to say goodbye to him in a few days, forever.

“Are you ok?” Isabel asked after making sure her dress still fit properly.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Stephanie blinked back the tears and put on a smile for Isabel.

“Why don’t we get some coffee? I could use a caffeine fix.” Isabel laughed and led the way to a small coffee shop not to far away.

They ordered their coffee and pastries and sat at a table outside.

“If I know my brother I know that he’s just as upset as you are right
now.” Isabel said after a moment of silence. Stephanie could do nothing more then nod. Thinking about Max’s feelings right now was not on her mind.

“I really thought he was for me you know? I thought he was the one.” Stephanie brought the coffee cup to her mouth to shield her face from Isabel. She didn’t want to cry, she was done crying.

“I know you did. Max is a good guy and I’m sorry that you are hurting right now.” Isabel looked at Stephanie’s fallen face and knew that she truly loved her brother but she knew that his heart would always belong to Liz Parker no matter how long they were apart.

“I had a feeling that coming here would be a bad thing, but I came anyway. It’s not that I regret it…well maybe I do.” Stephanie had to laugh. It was ironic that she came to Roswell hoping to meet her future in-laws only to be leaving alone.

“I won’t try to say that I know how you feel because I don’t. If Alex ever-

” She stopped not wanting to think about Alex leaving her.

“It’s ok Isabel. You don’t have to.” They sat in silence looking at the cars drive by. Stephanie smiled thinking for one brief moment what her life would be like in Roswell with Max.

“I’m not sure what Max or Liz has told you, but they have a deep connection. I’m not trying to make excuses for either of them, least of all Max but I always knew that he couldn’t get over her. Not after everything they’ve been through especially with the way things ended between them.” Stephanie stared at her not knowing what to say but interested in what Isabel had to say.

“Ever since they started dating it was always Max and Liz. Whenever you would say one of their names it was always followed by the other. They were the golden couple.” Isabel stopped not knowing if she should continue, not wanting to hurt her more. She looked up and saw that Steph was indeed listening so she went on.

“At first our parents thought it was too intense too soon but they didn’t interfere. My parents have always wanted us to be happy above all else. I know that they shared a lot of firsts and that’s not something you can forget. Anyway, when Max left like he did it broke Liz. She was angry but I knew that on the inside she was hurting for him.” Steph was trying to process what Isabel was saying knowing that she wasn’t trying to hurt her but to make her understand.

“What I’m trying to say here is that I don’t think that Max ever got over Liz. He seemed to have moved on but he never really closed that part of his life and neither did she. I don’t know what he was thinking when he came back here but he had to have known that he would run into her. I’m a firm believer in fate and I truly believe that there is something or someone out there for you Steph but unfortunately it’s not Max.” Isabel reached over and squeezed Stephanie’s hand.

“Thank you for being so nice to me. I feel badly that you’ve had to deal with all this drama while planning a wedding.” Isabel waved her hand at her.

“It’s not your fault and it didn’t ruin anything. I’m glad to have met you and hope to still call you a friend when you go back home?”

“I’d like that.” For the first time today Stephanie smiled a genuine smile. She liked Isabel and would consider her a friend. Isabel was the only one that was truly nice to her and made an effort to be friends with her.

“Besides you never know what can happen. I mean, Max isn’t really choosing Liz over you. He just needs time. If he’s for you then he’ll come back to you.” Isabel winked at Stephanie but she knew better. Max never looked at her the way he did Liz. Stephanie knew that his heart would always belong to Liz and she didn’t want to share him with her any longer, she couldn’t. She also knew that the longer she stayed here the more pain she would be in.

“Isabel, I know I promised you that I would stay for the wedding, but I don’t think I can do it.” Isabel smiled

“I know and if I were in your place, I wouldn’t be able to stay either.” Stephanie let her breath out and smiled.

“I still hope the invitation to be friends still stands?” Isabel smiled and reached for her hand.

“Of course it does!” she smiled widely at Stephanie hoping that she knew she really meant it.

Both girls abandoned their coffee and headed to a few more shops. The eventually made it back to the house and found Max and Diane in the kitchen talking quietly.

“Hey guys. Is everything ok?” Diane asked knowing that Isabel would be making last minute checks on everything up until the day of the wedding.

“So far so good.” Stephanie couldn’t help but stare at Max while Diane and Isabel talked about the rehearsal dinner for tomorrow. No words were spoken but they knew that they needed to talk again. There was still something that Stephanie had to give to Max and she knew that it would finalize everything.


Max took her hand as they walked to the park. She didn’t pull her hand away and Max took that as a good sign. They were quiet along the walk and for the first time in a long time the silence was less than comforting.

As soon as she stepped foot on the grass she let go of Max’s hand and walked to the bench. The bench had been her spot of comfort the last few days and as she sat there she felt the tears come to her eyes.

“Talk to me.” Max was almost pleading with her. Since she had gotten up this morning she had given him the silent treatment and it scared him. It was the first time he had ever seen her this way and that frightened him.

“What do you want me to say?” she turned to him the tears in her eyes. It was easy for her to say she wouldn’t cry, but as her life came to a halt in front of her she couldn’t help but cry.

“Tell me you are ok, tell me anything.” She blinked her tears away and turned from him.

“I can’t tell you that.” He reached for her but she didn’t move. The ring on her finger glistened in the evening sun light and she couldn’t help but twirl it on her finger. She knew she needed to take it off, but something kept stopping her.

“Max, I am not going to tell you everything is ok, that I am ok, because everything isn’t ok.” She turned and looked at him, his face was sullen and his eyes were tearing. “I am going home tonight Max; I can not stay here any longer.”

“Why?” Max looked at her in shock.

“Max, this, you and me, we are finished and I am not going to stay in your parents house and pretend that everything is ok.”

“I know.” He looked into her sad eyes and wiped a tear from her cheek. She knew this was the end and as she looked down at her hand she slipped the ring off her finger. She looked at it one last time before placing it in the palm of Max’s hand. He couldn’t help but look at the ring and part of his heart broke. This wasn’t supposed to end this way.

“I really do love you.” She smiled through her tears and wiped her face.

“I know, but sometimes love just isn’t enough.” She quickly kissed his head and proceeded to walk away from the park. Max watched her till she was no longer in sight. He leaned against the park bench and openly let the tears fall from his eyes.


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:35 pm
by FamersAmers
Hi everyone. I want to thank you for your feedback it really meant a lot! Thanks to Jazzy for helping with this chapter and the last! Gold star for you! Lurkers I know you are out there, thanks to you too!


~~ Chapter 17~~

Stephanie made her way into the house and Diane, Isabel and Philip were laughing and cooking dinner. She smiled at the sight in front of her. She was almost a part of this; this was the family she had always wanted.

Philip turned around and saw Stephanie standing there her cheeks tear stained.

“Do you need any help?” her voice was soft and light and Philip knew she probably needed a distraction.

“Sure, you can help me peel potatoes I was never really good at it.” Stephanie laughed and he put his arm out signaling for her to come and join him.

As they peeled potatoes Philip watched her closely. He knew what had just happened between she and Max and he was sure their relationship was done. He admired her for staying but he couldn’t help but wonder why she wanted to put up with the misery it was causing.

He looked to Diane and made a signal.

“I need a can of tomato paste, Philip would you mind running to the store to get one for me?” Philip nodded

“Isabel, want to run to the store with me for old times sake?” she caught on to what her parents were doing, dried her hands and followed her dad.

Stephanie was paying no attention to what was going on and she jumped when Diane put her hand on her shoulder.

“Sorry.” She wiped her forehead with her hand and set the peeler on the counter.

“Are you ok” Diane led her to the kitchen table and as Stephanie sat down she let everything flow.

Diane listened and her heart broke for Stephanie. Here was a beautiful, smart, and caring woman who loved her son, but she was never going to be the one and only in his eyes.

“Oh sweetheart, this is for the best. I know you don’t think so but it is. When he left he never really got the chance to get over Liz, he never got the closure he needed.” Stephanie shook her head, this explanation while it was truth did not give her the peace she was longing for.

“I know you love him, and if I know my son, he loves you. I can see it in his eyes, but he and Liz have a history that can’t easily be erased.” Stephanie wiped her face and looked to Diane.

“I know, that is why I am leaving. I don’t want to have to look in his eyes and see that I am not the only one. I don’t want to have to worry about if he is thinking about Liz, or wondering what his life would have been like.” Diane pulled the girl into her arms.

“You will be ok, you are a strong girl. ” Stephanie pulled away and looked at the clock she needed to get packed and still had to call the airlines for a return flight. She excused herself to go get packed.


Her bags were packed and as she looked around the room for anything she might have left she let her breath out. This was harder that she had thought, or even imagined, things were not supposed to be this way.

She put her bag near the door and realized she had yet to call Emily to tell her she was coming home.

“Hey” she felt comforted by the voice of a friend she had known for so long.

“Did you get your travel arrangements all set?” she picked up the paper on the bed.

“Yeah my flight comes in tomorrow morning at seven, don’t worry I will call a cab when I get there.” She heard Emily make a funny noise and she braced herself for her reaction.

“A cab, you think I am going to let you take a cab. You have another thing coming. Did you not sit through the Bone Collector with me? The cab driver took people, and who knows whose cab you would be getting into. And another thing, seven AM could you have not picked a worse time?”

“You watch way too many movies and plus you have to be up then anyway. You work at 8:30.” She rolled her eyes.

“That is not the point, seven am? Only crazy people are up that early. But I guess you take what you can get! Wait…why are you coming home tomorrow?” it took her long enough.

“I can’t do this; I can’t stay here and pretend to be a part of something I’m not. To spend two more days in this house and living a lie, it was going to be uncomfortable and why put myself or anyone else for that matter through it.” She blew out her breath it felt good admitting that to someone.

“Yeah, I thought it was weird that you wanted to stay. So it is really over?” she shook her head and knew that even if Emily see her she would know.

“Well, then you have to come home so we can splurge! It is the ceremonial thing to do.” Stephanie rolled her eyes

“Cant you think of anything original?”

“No! And you don’t have a choice, it is a date! You and me and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s, I was thinking Cookie Dough, but I know how you love that nasty Very Cherry shit.” Stephanie knew she was rolling her eyes.

“OH and forget the movie! Our favorite program is on, we will have to watch and make fun of the HBC!” Stephanie couldn’t help but start laughing. Emily was almost too much for her!

“Ok we will do that, but I have to go Em, I have to say goodbye to everyone” this was going to be super hard and while she really didn’t want to hang up she knew she had to do this.

“Ok, I will be at the airport tomorrow morning waiting. Call me when you land.” They both said their goodbyes and she slowly flipped the phone shut.

She gave the room one last look over, picked up her bag, turned the light out and closed the door.


Downstairs Philip, Diane and Isabel were patiently waiting on Stephanie to finish packing her things. None of them said anything to each other, they simply waited.

Stephanie came down the stairs a few minutes later and Philip met her half way offering to carry her bags. This was it she was going home.

“Sweetheart we are so glad you came, you are always welcome here, you are family now.” Diane pulled her into a hug and squeezed her tightly.

“Thank you for everything you have done for me.” Diane pulled away and smiled at Stephanie.

“Anytime” Isabel took her turn next and automatically pulled Stephanie into her arms.

“I am so glad that Max met you and that I was able to meet you. What I told you earlier still stands, you always have a friend here and I hope you will keep in touch.” She looked at Stephanie and as she told her she would she hugged her again.

They were just about ready to go when the front door opened and Max walked in. He noticed that she was packed and he frowned. She had told him she was leaving but part of him wanted to not believe her.

She took a few steps toward him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He wasted not time he followed her movements and engulfed her in a hug. The tears ran down his face and as he buried his cheek in her hair he closed his eyes and squeezed her.

Stephanie knew she had to pull away and the longer she stayed wrapped in his arms the harder it would be. She finally pulled away and looked up to him. She saw the tears and she reached up and touched his face.

“Goodbye Max” she let her hand drop and she picked up her bag. He watched her and his father walk out of the house. He was unable to speak and as he wiped his face and stepped off of the porch.

“Goodbye Steph” she was already in the car and as he put his hand up to wave she did the same. Her small hand was on the window glass and as the cab pulled out of the driveway she turned her head. It was too hard to watch him; it was too hard to watch her life disappear right in front of her.


The next day was a busy day. Isabel had taken the two girls shopping and on errands for anything last minute they might have forgotten. Alex and Max had gone for the last minute tuxedo fittings and then headed back to the Evans’s house to help with any last minute preparations before the rehearsal dinner.

“Why are we doing this?” Max wondered why he was making a bouquet made out of bows and ribbons.

“I don’t know, it is tradition I guess. Maria called and said it had to be made she didn’t have time to do it.” Max mimicked Maria as he put another bow on the cardboard base. He didn’t know if this was looking right and he held it up for Alex to see.

“Max your mom explained it. You have to use glue, there is no way that is going to stay on.” Max put some hot glue on his bow and pressed it on the cardboard.

“Couldn’t she have just bought a rose or something?” he didn’t know why this had to be so complicated.

“Max, I love her and if this is what she wants this is what I am going to give her. So glue more bows!” Max had never seen Alex so persistent and as he put the last bow on and combined his with Max’s they had the perfect bouquet.


The caterers had everything set up by the time that the wedding party came from the church. They had lined the back yard with torches and flowers and the tables were very simply decorated. The night was intimate and special for Isabel and Alex who had chosen to include not just family members but important friends that influenced their lives.

Alex and Isabel were seated at the front of the yard with both sets of parents on either side of them while the wedding party was dispersed through out the yard. Max had taken Alex’s friend Jeremy under his wing for the night and as they sat at their table eating Maria and Liz brought their plates to the table.

“Do you mind” Maria pointed to the two empty chairs. Both Max and Jeremy had shaken their heads, the two that were set to sit in those chairs were not coming.

“We got stuck next to Pam Troy and Theresa Spouts and that was about as fun as it was in high school.” Max laughed, he remember high school with Pam Troy and Tess he knew exactly what Maria was talking about.

“Do you know what you are going to say?” Liz leaned over and whispered in Maria’s ear. She had her toast for tomorrow planned, but she had no idea what she was supposed to say right now.

“I came prepared. Why you don’t?” Liz looked at her and then to Max he was in a daze simply eating his food and answering Jeremy any time he asked a question or made a comment.

Looking around the table she realized that Stephanie was not here. She took notice of Maria’s place card and frowned.

“Where is Stephanie?” Max’s head snapped up and looked to Maria’s seat and then back at Liz.
“She is not here.” He snapped and said nothing more he didn’t want to discuss it, especially not with Liz.

The clanking of crystal made everyone and look to the head table, Philip was standing up and waiting for people to quite down.

“Diane and I want to thank you today for being here with our family and the Whitman’s. When we asked the kids what they wanted to do for a rehearsal dinner they shocked us. They didn’t want a restaurant with only the wedding party, they wanted this intimate gathering with close family and friends. We couldn’t have liked that idea more. So, tonight we are giving you the opportunity to share funny, happy, sad, embarrassing anything you want stories. So we will pass the microphone around and you all can share.” He sat down and the microphone was passed.

The microphone was passed around to the many tables and many people shared stories. The stories were humorous but mostly just reiterating how important Alex and Isabel were in the lives of others.

When the microphone got around to Max he sat there for a second and stood up. “Isabel is my sister, Alex one of my best friends and my story isn’t going to be funny it is simply going to be a wish for the best. I wish you both everything.” People clapped and Isabel wiped the tears from hers eyes. Max passed the microphone to Maria.

“Liz and I tired to think of something funny to tell, and when we couldn’t we thought of something embarrassing and we couldn’t come up with one for that either. And if you know us we were up all night trying to come up with something perfect. Then we realized that all we had to do was tell a story about anything and it would end up funny and most likely embarrassing. “Alex shook his head knowing that story was most likely about him.

“Alex has come along way since we were in high school. Alex has always been a nerd and he didn’t hide that very well. But then again he didn’t have to hide it, it made him who he was. Well he decided to change his style because he wanted to date Isabel. So after hearing Isabel talk about her obsession with blondes Alex got this hare brained idea to dye his hair blonde” Isabel remembered that day like it was yesterday, she had never seen anything more disturbing.

“We had never seen anything more disturbing. His hair did not turn out blonde, it turned more of a nasty orange color." Maria's face was pricelss as she crinkled her nose in disgust.

"He tried to cover it up and when he came to school he was not able to hide it. He was mortified and Isabel walked by him and made a comment and Alex went straight for the drug store. He called Liz and I and asked us to help him dye his hair back. Well when all was said and done his hair turned green. It was the biggest mess, and he did it to impress Isabel. She told him once not long ago that he didn’t have to do anything to impress her she was just as smitten with him as he was with her, however had he known that he wouldn’t have dyed his hair orange and green! Thank you Isabel for keeping that secret! We got many good laughs out of it!” Alex shook his head and Isabel chuckled.

“Liz and I can’t imagine a better couple, we love you both and wish you the best” people began to clap and Maria passed on the microphone.

There were more embarrassing stories and humorous accounts of things past. Isabel sat watching her family and friends and she clasped her hand in Alex’s. The world at this moment was right and she couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

Max excused himself from the table, all the sentimental talk was making him a little sick to his stomach. He walked over to the side of the house and rested his back against the wall and closed his eyes.

“Max are you ok?” he didn’t have to open his eyes to know it was her. He kept his eyes closed and shook his head. He wanted to blame her for everything that had happened but he knew he couldn’t.

“Go away Liz” he had to push her away. He heard nothing for a few moments and opened his eyes to see Liz standing right in front of him.

“Talk to me” he blew out his breath and pushed past her. “Please”

He stopped and turned around. “I can’t right now Liz, I wish I could but I can’t” he walked away leaving her alone on the side of the house staring after him.


Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 5:49 pm
by FamersAmers
Thank you all for the feedback it is much appreciated. You all are awesome! Lurkers I know you are there….so Thank you too! The song is The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra

~*~Chapter 18~*~

Max rolled over and stared at the clock. He looked at his phone for a missed call but there wasn’t one. He turned onto his back looking at the popcorn ceiling wondering, debating on picking up the phone and calling to make sure she had gotten to Orlando safe. He looked at the clock one more time and let out his breath.

He had two hours before he had to be at the Whitman’s. He got himself out of the bed and headed downstairs.

The house was anything but quiet and as he descended the stairs he stared at all the people rushing back and forth.

“Why did I ever let her talk me into a backyard reception I had the perfect place picked out. But, NO she had to have it at the house!” Diane was shaking her head as she looked through the crystal glasses making sure that none of them were broken.

A man in a uniform came into the kitchen “Mrs. Evans we need to know where exactly you want the tent?” She turned around, her face red and she was obviously flustered. Shaking her head she started to lead the man out to the back yard.

“Max!” she looked overjoyed to see him. “I need to you go call the caterer and make sure they are picking up the cake” she looked desperately at him and he smiled at her.

“Don’t worry mom, it will be taken care of.” She hugged him and he watched as she walked with the man out the backdoor explaining where the tent was going to go.

Max got on the phone and made sure the caterer was brining the cake and then went out back to find his mom. He needed to do something productive.


Isabel sat in the chair at the salon watching meticulously as the girl wrapped her hair around the curling iron.

“Make sure you don’t crimp it, I don’t want it crimped on the end.” Maria and Liz both looked at Isabel and rolled their eyes.

“She is going to throw you out of that chair if you don’t stop telling her that” Maria had heard for the hundredth time this morning not to crimp the end of her hair.

Isabel shot them the look of death and they both turned around and chuckled. Maria turned to the woman who was about to start her hair.

“Don’t worry, I wont tell you not to crimp it” the stylist laughed and turned Maria around in the chair.

Isabel looked to the stylist, “Make sure it is up, her hair has to be up”

“Ok, it will be up.” She turned back around and started talking to her own stylist about how exactly her hair needed to be done.


Alex stared at the mirror, he was already dressed and standing around waiting for Max to finish getting ready.

“Are you almost finished?” Alex looked in the mirror again and messed with his bow tie.

“Just a second”

“You are worse than a girl!” the bathroom door flew open and Max came waltzing out.

“Look the hair takes time, and if the hair isn’t perfect the look isn’t perfect.” Alex rolled his eyes.

“Well at least you got it cut; you were beginning to look like a homeless bum who had not washed his hair in a very LONG time.” Max threw Alex a glare and threw the towel at him.

“Jeremy, are you ready?” Jeremy came into the bedroom with his bow tie untied.

“Ok seriously I didn’t grow up tying these.” He had it in his hands twisting it and Max laughed. He walked over and tied the tie quickly and let Jeremy straighten it.

“Thanks Max”

“Anytime, I had to tie Alex’s too” Jeremy looked to Alex and shook his head.

“Cause you are the master?” Jeremy was sarcastic and Alex rolled his eyes and threw the hand towel at Jeremy.

“I am the master, just not of bow ties! Now I have a wedding to get to and you two girls are going to make me late!” They all filed out of the room and into the waiting car that would take them to the church.


Maria and Liz were buttoning the last three buttons on the back of Isabel’s dress when the church coordinator came into the room.

“Ladies the men are here and we are all set for pictures when you are all ready.”

“Thank you, we will be out in a moment.” Liz looked to the woman and as she closed the door she quickly went back to finishing getting Isabel ready.

“Ok you are ready” Liz puffed out her skirt one last time as Isabel looked into the mirror.

“Ok” she let out the breath she had been holding, “Let’s do this” Maria handed her the bouquet and they headed for the back of the church.

Alex, Max and Jeremy were out in the garden talking when the three girls arrived. Each went silent as they emerged and Alex sucked in his breath.

He had never seen her as beautiful as she was at this moment. Standing there in her dress glowing and radiant he moved slowly toward her.

“You look….” There were no words to explain it and as he inched toward her she smiled. There was nothing he could say that would do her justice.

“Ok ladies gentle men, lets get this done so we can get you married” the photographer was all set up and ready for them.

Alex took Isabel’s hand and led her to the spot the photographer marked. Max, Liz, Maria and Jeremy stood aside watching as each photograph was taken.

“Ok you four men on the grooms side, ladies on the brides.” He snapped the photos and had them change positions.

The Whitman’s and the Evans’s emerged from the chapel and photos were taken with families. When all the pictures were taken the wedding planner came out.

“It is almost time.” Isabel looked to Alex.

“Let’s do this” he shook his head and kissed her on the cheek.

“I will see you at the alter.” She nodded her head and Alex walked with his parents to the church. Maria, Liz and Jeremy excused themselves to the front of the church leaving the Evans’s in the garden.

“You look beautiful sweetie” Diane embraced her.

“Thank you” she looked at her parents and they told her how much they loved her and excused themselves. She turned to Max and he pulled her into his arms.

“Thank you for coming home for me” he felt her squeeze and he held her tighter.

“I wouldn’t have missed this” she pulled away from him and smiled.

“I know this hasn’t been easy, and this turned your life upside down.” Max shook his head. “You know in your heart it was for the best, and while it wasn’t easy it was the right thing to
do.” He knew this.

Isabel turned her attention to the church where Maria, Jeremy and Liz were laughing. “Don’t take your hurt and anger out on her” she turned back to Max and smiled. She knew she had given him something to think about.

“I love you Max.” he looked her in the eyes and smiled.

“Me too Iz, me too.” He kissed her on the cheek and she took his hand.

“Come on let’s go get you married” they both walked to the church hand in hand.


There ceremony lasted a little over an hour and everyone headed straight for the reception. Max volunteered to take the wedding party in his truck. While he knew it would be awkward he just wanted to get it over with as fast as possible.

He parked his truck in the driveway of the house and helped Maria out while Jeremy helped Liz. Maria had been playing mediator most of the day and as Jeremy walked in with Liz Maria stopped him.

“Talk to her” he rolled his eyes, every one was telling him the same thing and they sounded like broken records. He was getting tired of hearing it.

“Do NOT roll your eyes at me. You know I am right” he shook his head; he knew she was right but that didn’t mean he wanted to do it.

“Ok” she smiled and linked her arm in his.

“Good lets go get this party started!” he smiled and as the strolled into the back yard Liz and Jeremy quickly joined them.


The reception was going well and as it came time for the speeches Max felt the butterflies in his stomach. The DJ made his announcement and as Max stood up he was handed the microphone.

He looked down at his notes cards smiled and then looked to his sister. “Isabel is my favorite person. I can’t imagine what my childhood would have been like had she not been around for me to torture.” Isabel smiled

“When I left home, Isabel and I talked all of the time and we stayed as close as we could for being four thousand miles apart. She is my touchstone. I can’t imagine a better husband for Isabel than Alex. We have been friends since middle school and I know he will take care of her, just as he as always done.” Max looked to Alex and Isabel and caught sight of Liz on the other side of Isabel; there were tears in her eyes. He quickly looked back to Isabel.
“I wish, no I know that you two are going to have a wonderful life together. Your love and your devotion to each other are an inspiration to us all. I love you both and wish you the best!” everyone clapped and Isabel wiped the tears from her eyes and mouthed a thank you.

Liz knew it was her turn next and as the clapping died down she took the microphone in her hand and stood up.

“Isabel and Alex have been two of my best friends and I have been privileged to watch them grow in their love. Everyday their love grows and watching it has been amazing. Alex you are a wonderful man and you truly are a special person. You have the love of a wonderful woman and I know that together you two will find all the love and happiness you have ever wanted and deserved.” She looked to Max and kept her eyes on him.

“Max said that you were an example in what everyone should want in that other person. He was right. I hope that one day I will be someone’s Isabel and that someone special will be my Alex.” Max turned away from her and played with his dinner knife. Liz looked back top Alex and Isabel.

“May you both have a long and happy life, I love you both.” She raised her flute to them and watched as everyone drank from theirs.

Isabel stood up and hugged Liz while Alex shook Max’s hand. “Thank you Max” Max brought Alex into a hug and then let go so he could hug Isabel.

“Thank you Max.” she squeezed him and let go to look at him. She smiled and then turned to Alex.

Alex took the microphone and turned to their guests. “We want to thank all of you for coming and celebrating this special day with us. You each have touched our lives and we appreciate and love each and every one of you.” They clapped and the DJ announced the first dance.

Maria had offered to sing and as Isabel and Alex stepped out onto the dance floor she bang singing.

Some day, when I'm awfully low,
When the world is cold,
I will feel a glow just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight.

Alex swung Isabel around and pulled her flush to him as they swayed to the words that Maria sang. They were tender and as Max watched them he looked to his watch. She was still up; he could call and make sure she got in ok.

You're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft,
There is nothing for me but to love you,
And the way you look tonight.

Alex and Isabel swayed back and forth with Alex occasionally spinning Isabel. The song was perfect for them.

With each word your tenderness grows,
Tearing my fears apart
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,
Touches my foolish heart.

“I love you” she smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

“I love you too; you are my dream come true.” He smiled and spun her again watching as her dress fanned out around her. She was perfection

Yes you're lovely, never, ever change
Keep that breathless charm.
Won't you please arrange it?
'Cause I love you
Just the way you look tonight.

The guests watched as the couple danced, it was more than obvious they were in love. And as Maria sang the song was given new meaning.

With each word your tenderness grows,
Tearing my fears apart
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,
Touches my foolish heart.

Yes you're lovely, never, ever change
Keep that breathless charm.
Won't you please arrange it?
'Cause I love you
Just the way you look tonight.
Just the way you look tonight.
Just the way you look tonight.

He listened to Maria finish the song and she came to sit next to him.

“The bridal party may now join the couple on the dance floor” Jeremy got up first making sure that he could grab Maria. She gave him an apologetic look and he knew there was nothing to do but face her.

“Join me” she smiled and took the hand he had extended. They made their way to the dance floor and he swung her around to meet him.

“Wow, when did you learn how to dance?” he smiled and they moved in time to the music.

“Stephanie taught me” he saw her smile and looked over his shoulder.

“Well she did a good job.” He twirled her and when he brought her back he smiled.

“That she did” their conversation was short and almost uncomfortable. He said nothing more and neither did she they simply danced in each other’s arms.

When the song ended Max was the first to walk away quickly and Liz looked after him. Anger flashed across her face and while she knew that he was hurting it was no reason to treat her badly.

As he made his way out of the tent she picked up her dress and ran after him. She reached him quickly and grabbed his arm.

“What is your problem!” he could see the anger and confusion in her eyes.

“You, you are my problem.” He saw her expression of shock at his words and he closed his eyes.

“I’m sorry.” There was a long pause while he tired to think of something to say. “Listen I know you are trying but I can’t right now. The wound is too fresh Liz. I just ended an eight year relationship with someone I thought I was going to marry. I am not ready for this, not yet. I need space and I need you to give it to me.” He waited for her to shake her head and then he turned around and walked toward the house.


He got up to his room and let his breath out. He closed his eyes and the image of Liz’s face popped into his mind. He knew that his words had hurt her and he felt horrible for that but he didn’t know what else to tell her.

He felt the vibration in his pocket and he quickly grabbed for his phone.

“Hello!” he hadn’t even looked at his caller id.

“Hey” her voice was softer than normal and he closed his eyes and blew out his breath.

“Did you get in ok?”

“Yeah I did, I just wanted to let you know” this was the first time he could remember that their conversation was not flowing.

“I’m glad.” It was obvious they were both fishing for something to say and he hated that. He had never pictured this happening at least not with her.

“Well you should get back to the wedding. Give Isabel and Alex my love. Bye Max” she hung up before he could say anything and he watched the phone as the call ended and he threw it on the bed in frustration.

He knew he needed to get back downstairs; he opened the door and made his way back to the reception.

“Liz, you have to give him space.” Her heard Maria’s voice before he ever saw her. He stopped and stood where he was on the stairs listening.

“I know Maria; it is just hard to see him hurting.” Maria sighed and he saw her hands move.

“Liz, leave it alone. I have no doubt that you and he were meant for each other. But, if you don’t give him his space you will lose him.” He wished he could see their faces and he crouched down lower on the stairs trying to go undetected.

“Liz he just ended a serious relationship, one that was supposed to end in happily ever after. He needs time to heal. You can be there for him without following him and trying to talk to him. He knows you care.” He heard Liz sigh and as they moved he saw the expression on her face.

“Ok, I will leave him alone.” He sat on the stairs thinking about that. It was what he wanted. He wanted Liz to give him his space. However the pained expression on her face was something he didn’t want.

He watched as Maria and Liz headed outside and he gave himself a few minuets before joining them.


Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:45 pm
by FamersAmers
Hey all, thanks so much for the feedback it is greatly appreciated. Thanks to all the Lurkers and to Jazzy for the help! Thanks for the nominations as well, it really meant alot!

Sweet Liz

~*~Chapter 19~*~

Max sat on the front porch looking into the night sky. Nursing his beer he watched as people left the reception and return to the safety of their homes. Home, he thought of what that meant and how there was no home to go back to when he left Roswell.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he snapped his head up at the sound of Maria and smiled.

“I would think they are worth more than a penny” he smiled and she sat down and took his beer from him.

“Look I don’t pay blackmailers. So you can forget that, a penny is all you are getting!” he laughed and watched as she drank his beer.

“You know there are more of those in the back” she looked at him and took another drink.

“Yeah but I want to drink yours.” He took his beer back and took a drink.

“So…what did you think of Jeremy?” Max looked at her and for the first time in a long time he saw a glitter in her eye.

“I think he is a nice guy. Alex always did have good taste in friends if I do say so myself.” She crinkled her nose at him and pulled back.

“Yeah you wish!” they both laughed

“No seriously, what do you think of him?” she really wanted his honest opinion; she wanted to know what he thought. As Michael’s best friend and she was hoping that he would tell her what she wanted to hear.

“I think….” He paused for a moment and wondered if he should say what he was feeling. But he knew that was all she wanted.

“I think that Michael would be happy for you. No, I know he would be happy for you. If you like Jeremy, go for it. You have been friends with him for five years. You can’t deny chemistry Maria. He would want you to be happy, not sitting here not living because you are living in the past.” She smiled at him and took his beer back.

“You know, I sometimes dream of what my life would have been like if Michael were still here. Would I have taken another route, married him. I think about what everyone else’s lives would have been like. Then I know that this all happened for a reason and we are where we are supposed to be.” He looked at her intently, he wasn’t sure if he had wanted his life to turn out this way. He would have preferred the other way.

“You know, I never got to tell you something that you needed to hear.” He looked at her attentively.

“I never got to tell you that I didn’t blame you. I never blamed you for the accident. I guess seeing you afterwards was a reminder of everything I lost, everything that Liz still had. I couldn’t bring myself to see you because if I did it made it real, and for so long I lived in this dream world where Michael was still here and we were still so much in love.” He watched the tears stream down her cheeks and her hand as they pushed them away.

“But, that was a dream and this is reality and I let you leave without telling you what I really thought. I am sorry Max. Sorry that you felt like you had to run, that you created this problem and that you were the cause. You weren’t and you needed to hear that.” She looked at him tears down both of their faces and he immediately pulled her into his arms.

“Thank you Maria, you really are the best!” she chuckled through her tears and she pulled away from him.

“Thanks I try!” she flipped her hair over her shoulders and after the laugh they shared they both sat looking out to the street.

“So, what’s next for you Max?” he knew she knew about Stephanie and he was thankful that she didn’t bring it up.

“I have to go home, I have to figure out what I am going to do.” She turned to him, afraid to ask if he would be back, afraid to know the answer.

“Don’t worry, I will be back.” She smiled.

“Good!” they both sat there for sometime before Jeremy came out looking for Maria. Max had smiled at her and her face lit up. She followed Jeremy to the back leaving Max alone with his thoughts and the quite night.


The reception had gone off smoothly and when the night ended Max over saw the clean up and take down efforts of the catering service.

“Mr. Evans we are all finished.” The man stood there and handed Max some papers.

“Thank you.” He took them and saw the man out and shut the door. It was finally over. He let his breath out and joined his parents in the kitchen.

“Where is mom?” he looked around and his mother was no where to be seen.

“I sent her to bed and told her we would clean up.” Max shook his head and grabbed a couple of glasses on the counter and set them in the dish washer.

“So you leave tomorrow.” Max looked at his dad and shook his head.

“Yeah, I really have to get back, but part of me doesn’t want to leave.” His father looked at him, but stayed silent.

“I need to go home and think about what I want to do.” Max walked over to the bench and his father followed him.

“I think that is a good idea. But Max…” he stopped and studied his son. “Are you planning on coming back to Roswell?” Max shrugged it was obvious from his face that he had thought about it.

“As much as I would like to say stay I am afraid if you did you would simply be taking steps backwards instead of moving on with your life. Do not move back here Max, if you are going to leave Orlando then go somewhere and start fresh. Move somewhere where no one knows you, or somewhere you can be you.” Max looked at his father unsure of what to say.

“Son, I am not telling you to run. You have done enough of that. But start over, start fresh and find out who you are.” His words penetrated Max’s thoughts and as they sat there in silence Max knew he had to go back and see if he could float. His father was right he had to find out who he was, with no strings attached.


Max put his last bag in the truck and then went for the cooler. As he lifted it he noticed how much heavier it had gotten.

“Did you pack the whole fridge ma?” she rolled her eyes.

“I packed everything I thought you might need.” She walked behind him and watched as he placed it in the back seat.

“Are you sure you don’t need anything else?” Max rolled his eyes and then turned to his mother.

“No mom, I will be fine.” She huffed and held out her arms.

“Don’t be a stranger, please.” It was almost pleading and he felt bad that he had stayed away for so long.

“I wont mom, I promise” he squeezed her and then as she pulled away she kissed his cheek and let his father have him.

“Thanks dad” his father wasted no time in hugging him.

“We will see you soon.” He let go of his dad and hopped into his truck. He put his sun glasses on and started the car.

“Love you guys” they waved at him and watched as he backed out of the driveway. Diane’s heart didn’t feel as heavy this time as it had the last, she knew he would be back but it still didn’t make her feel any better.

~~2 days later~~

Max pulled up in his normal parking spot and noticed that her car was not parked in her space. He knew it wouldn’t be, she was at work. But something in him had hoped that she would be there and they could talk.

He let his breath out and got out of the car. The humidity was enough to make him sick to his stomach.

“Hey Max!” he heard the voice he would know anywhere and turned around to see PJ standing on the sidewalk.

“Hey Peej, how was Rosarito?” he heard him laugh and Max shook his head.

“Man, Max you totally missed a fun filled week with babes and drinks with those umbrellas in them. You missed out! And all to go to your sisters wedding” Max looked at PJ and handed him a bag.

“Well at this point I think I would have rather been in Mex.” PJ shook his head.

“That bad?” Max huffed

“You have no clue! Have you seen Steph?” he wasn’t sure if he had since he had probably just gotten home the day before.

“Yesterday she was going in and out with Emily, but you know me. I had a chick with me so I didn’t stop to talk. Emily did say hi though. I’m telling you Max she wants my body” Max laughed.

“You keep telling yourself that and maybe in your dreams it will come true.” PJ rolled his eyes and helped Max up the stairs with his stuff.

Max stopped as he flung the condo door open. It was half empty except for a few boxes. She had taken all of her things and moved out, before he could even talk to her.

“So like I was saying…” PJ stopped when he saw the half empty condo. To say he was shocked was an understatement.

“Max…” but Max said nothing. He simply removed his sun glasses and set his bag down on the floor near the door.

PJ set the other bag down and watched as Max looked around the condo. He knew he would probably want to be alone and he took it as his cue to leave.

“Max, I’m gonna go. Call me later.” Max waved him off not really paying attention he was more shocked by what he came home to. Had he really thought she would still be here when he got home?

Part of him did, part of him hoped that she would still be here waiting for him, wanting him. He would take her in his arms; tell her he had made a huge mistake and that he would love her forever. Yet, he knew she wouldn’t be here. She would have to be a masochist to still be here.

He walked throughout the house taking in the emptiness of it all. She had taken everything that was something to her and left the rest for him. There were pictures gone from the wall, paintings, cross stitch that she had made. The house was no longer their house. It was his.

He sunk onto the couch and for the first time since she had come to Orlando he cried. His crying was not muffled but sobs that racked his body. His shoulders shook and his face was buried in his hands. He had done this, not only to himself but to her as well.


Emily and Stephanie were making their way though the mall when Emily pushed her with her shoulder.

“You look like a lost puppy and it is starting to depress me!” Stephanie looked at her and smiled.

“I know I am sorry, this whole thing just sucks.” Emily frowned.

“I am sure it does, but honey you left him.” She said nothing just kept walking. Emily sighed and made her strides quick to catch up to her.

“How much do we still have at the condo?” Stephanie thought for a few seconds.

“I have three boxes still there and some clothes in the closet. I need to get them out before he gets home.” She looked at her watch and hoped she had sometime before Max got back.

“Well lets go get them.” She smiled and both headed to the car, both hoping to get there and back before Max made it home.

Pulling up to her normal spot she saw Max’s truck immediately. She knew he was home and he had probably seen the house. She looked to Emily who had the same expression on her face.

“Let me go first and if all is clear I will come and get you.” Emily simply nodded and watched as she made her way out of the car and up the stairs.

PJ immediately surfaced and Emily rolled her eyes. He was one of Max’s friends that she openly hated and was irritated just by seeing him.

“Yes” her tone was almost condescending and PJ smiled right at her.

“When are you going to give up this charade and go out with me so we can do the horizontal mambo” Emily looked at him like he had a loose screw.

“Horizontal mambo? Who says that shit? Wait never mind you do, that explains it all.” She looked back at the stairs and PJ followed her glance.

“Your girl up there?” she shook her head, she hated that PJ called her that.

“Your boy up there?” the sarcasm was heavy but PJ didn’t catch on he smiply nodded.

“Dude, she moved out!” she looked at PJ, she was always sure he had a screw loose and wondered how Max had ever become friends with him.

“You think!” PJ rolled his eyes and she could tell he was irritated. But she really didn’t care.

“Whatever, it was harsh, especially since he found out that way.” She had to agree with him. She had told her to wait till he got home and they could talk about it, but she didn’t want to.

“You might as well come in; I have a feeling she is going to be there for a while.” Emily shook her head and turned off the car and followed PJ into his apartment, this was the last place she wanted to be


Stephanie slowly turned the knob, she was almost scared, and she didn’t know what she would find. The house was dark and the blinds drawn just as she had left them. His bags were at the front door and she heard no noise.

“Max?” she heard nothing, maybe he was downstairs with PJ. She was turning around to go downstairs when she heard the noise. It was light and barely audible but it was there.

She started slowly making her way to the back and the noise began to be clearer and clear. She knew it was Max and her stomach was suddenly at her mouth.

“Max…” she opened the door slightly and looked around the room. She could hear him but he was no where in sight.

Pushing her way farther into the bedroom she looked to the bathroom. Taking small slow steps she wondered why she was moving so slowly. She knew she was apprehensive but this was Max.

Pushing the bathroom door open the sight she came upon made her heart drop and her eyes go wide.