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Chapter 11

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:24 am
by magikhands
Chapter 11

Boone woke, the sun shining through a crack of the ugly motel curtain. It was shining straight in his eyes and quite annoying. He tried to turn away but found Max’s body wrapped tightly around his. He turned his head and studied the other man. His dark hair was messy, his bangs hanging over his eyebrows. His eyes were closed, his thick eyes lashes resting on his cheeks. His mouth was slightly open and Boone could feel the rush of each of his breaths against his skin.

The pressure in his pelvis insisted that he get up to relieve himself. With much care and maneuvering, Boone managed to wiggle out of Max’s grip on his body and head to the bathroom. His watch showed it was a little after seven in the morning and the promise of a hot shower beckoned him. Boone closed the door and started the shower waiting for the warmth to rise. He thought about how much he missed the hot water while on the island and was ready to enjoy every drop of it.

Boone stepped under the hot water and his thoughts drifted to his sister. He hoped that she was well and not still mad at him. He knew that she didn’t understand but he’s sure that Sayid will help her anyway he can. He also felt a little guilty enjoying the taste of good food and a hot shower while she was still stuck in the middle of nowhere, eating fruit and taking cold baths in the lake.

A tingle began in Boone’s body, knocking him out of his thoughts. He doesn’t know how, but he could sense that Max is awake. He continued with the shower trying to figure out what exactly it is that he’s feeling. But as his conscious mind tried to unravel the mystery, he senses that Max is walking into the bathroom before he heard him. It’s a strange thing to know what a person is doing without actually witnessing him do it. His normal five senses are slower than this new consciousness in his head that has Max etched all over it.

Rinsing the soap from his hair and body, Boone heard the shower curtain slide aside and he knows that Max has joined him in the shower. He could feel Max’s eyes on him, their amber glow roamed every curve that his body held. His stomach tightened as a sensual shiver rushed through his body as Max’s eyes gently caressd him. It was strange feeling Max’s stroke but he was not physically touching him.

Boone felt Max’s hands finally land on his shoulder and at first the touch is soft and gentle but then the fingers become firmer and dug slightly into his skin. He is pushed against the side of the shower wall and Max’s body is immediately pressed against his backside. He felt the erection that’s pressed between his cheeks. Boone groaned as Max’s hands slid down his wet body.

Max shifted once before thrusting deep within Boone’s body. There was no foreplay, no hesitation. Nothing but a raw desire and need. Max had waked with his cock hard and throbbing, his desire burning deep, urging him to release.

“Boone.” Max hissed as the tightness of his lover’s body surrounded his cock.

Max fucked Boone, the hot water pounding on their bodies, sliding down each ripple of muscle. Moans softly cascaded the air mingling with the steam. The temperature rose another two degrees as Max’s energy seeped from his desire.

Boone was pressed hard against the wall with Max’s body heavily on him. He could do nothing but brace himself and ride out the pleasure that filled his body and his lover dove into him roughly. Max’s hands held tightly to Boone’s hips, his fingertips digging brutally into his body. His teeth nipped at Boone’s tender flesh marking him. One hand released his hold and slid up until he fisted in Boone’s dark hair and jerked his lover’s head back to claim his mouth.

“Mine.” Max breathed as he relinquished Boone’s mouth.

This was not the soft, hesitant; gently love making that had happened the night before. This was Max claiming what was his. Marking Boone for who he was, a lover, the King’s consort.

Max thrusted harder and faster feeling his release eminent. The pressure in his body gushed as he spilled his seed into Boone and through his haze of passion heard the sound of cracking around him. He felt Boone’s body become rigid and sensed his release as well. Max leaned his head against Boone’s shoulder and closed his eyes. His breath came out in pants and though he felt weak in the knees he couldn’t bare to part from Boone just yet.

“Max.” Boone whispered a few minutes later. His legs were cramping and he needed to stretch his body.

“Hmmm…” Max opened his eyes. He sighed and knew what Boone was requesting without him saying another word. He pushed away from the warmth reluctantly. His eyes caught sight of bruises, bite marks, and scratches on various parts of Boone’s body along with the cracks in the wall.

“Oh shit Boone. I’m so sorry. I…” Regret and heartache filled his voice and his eyes clouded in shame.

Boone noticed the immediate change in Max. It was as if Max’s emotions had somehow seeped into the back of his mind, taking up permanent residence there. Boone turned to face Max and saw his head hung, refusing to meet Boone’s eyes. Boone lifted his Max’s face with a hand.

“Don’t do that Max.” He said softly. There was no anger or resentment in his voice, only love and affection.

“But I hurt you. I never want to…”

Boone shook his head. “I’m fine.” He gave a shy smile and a blush crept to his cheeks. “I liked it Max. I’ve never had someone so aggressive. It was exhilarating. It’s like you were…”

“Claiming you.” Max finished and his eyes looked down since Boone was still holding his chin up.

“Yes.” Boone studied Max thoughtfully. “This has happened before hasn’t it?”

Max nodded. “When Liz and I consummated our relationship and then again when Kyle and I became lovers.”

Max lifted a hand and gently caressed a spot on Boone’s chest. Boone looked down and found a symbol etched on his skin. It was identical to the one that Max had on his shoulder.

“This is what we called the whirlwind symbol. It’s a type of seal that the royal family carries inside. At first I thought it was a symbol of my relationship with Kyle and Liz. I was in the middle while each swirl surrounding me represented Liz and Kyle. Then I found out that Michael and Isabel had it. It comes out in the form of a tattoo when they find their partner.”

Max let his fingers trace the mark and it glowed in response to his touch.

Boone felt a warm tingling around the mark sending an arousing shiver through his body. “And it transfers to your partner.” Boone stated not questioned.

“Yes. Marking you as part of the Royal family. Look, Boone…I don’t know how to undo this. I didn’t mean to mark you. I wasn’t looking to drag you into this but it appears that I have. I would understand if you are mad at me or if you want me to try and find a way to get you out of this.”

Boone was shocked at Max’s words. They had made love the night before. Yes, he used the word love because he realized that was exactly how he felt for Max. He’d only known Max for a few days but he was sure what kind of man he was. He was sure that this was the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He’d follow Max anywhere, even to another planet to be with him. Boone could only imagine that this was how Kyle and Liz felt for this wonderfully, strong, caring man.

“Max. I know that I don’t know everything that is happening. I don’t know how all of this is possible but Liz saw you with me years ago. The Granolith protected you until I could find you. You are right. Neither one of us were looking for love anytime soon but it’s here and if you’ve transferred your mark to me, then that means I’m of some use to you.”

Boone leaned in and kissed Max softly on the lips. “No regrets. I’m glad that we met. I’m glad to help you through your grief, to help you move on. I know I’ve only known you for a short time but I love you Max.”

Tears filled Max’s eyes at Boone’s words. He’d become so emotional since he’d awaken. This must be part of Maria’s essence that contributed to his healing. She was the only one not changed out of their close-knit group but she was the emotional core of it.

“I…” Max paused, the tears growing thicker in his eyes, threatening to spill. He couldn’t say the words he felt. Not yet.

Boone seemed to understand and gave him a small smile. “It’s ok Max. You don’t have to say it right now. I know how you feel and when you are ready, you’ll be able to speak them.”

“Thank you.” Max choked out. He reached out and ran his fingers over a scratch on Boone’s arm healing it as he went.


Max looked up. “Why not?”

“I like them. I like the thought of your passion marking my skin.”

Max dropped his hand then kissed his lover. They embraced not feeling that the water had grown cold. Their passion flared again. Boone pulled away and dropped to his knees. Before Max could utter a sound of protest Boone had Max’s length in his mouth. Max groaned in contentment, loving the feel of Boone’s hotness on him.

Boone worked Max’s dick with expertise, working it from softness to hard swiftly. He swirled his tongue around the hard length. He varied the suction giving his lover pleasure. It didn’t take Boone long to bring Max to orgasm, swallowing every drop that spilled. Boone withdrew his mouth from Max’s softened dick.

“Wow.” Max sighed.

Boone smiled and stood kissing Max. “Thanks.”

Max chuckled. “Well, I can see that you’ll have no problems keeping up with my alien crazed sex drive.”

A brow rose on Boone questioningly. “Alien crazed sex drive? That bad?” He was now wondering what he’d gotten himself into.

Max laughed at the worry that flashed over Boone’s face. “Don’t worry. I won’t wear you out too fast. I’ll let you build up to it. But no promises…it has been three years since I’ve been active and even then I had two to please me.”

Concern filled Boone’s vibrant eyes. He could feel anxiety rush through his blood. “Crap.” He muttered and looked down.

Max lifted his face and smiled. “Don’t worry Island Boy. Trust me when I say you’ll be perfect.” He kissed Boone. “No worries. You’ve got enough stamina for me.”

Boone felt a wave of acceptance from Max and knew that he was speaking the truth. Boone returned the smile and they quickly got cleaned up and dressed.

By the time they had packed up their meager belongings Brody called. He related all the information he found on Zan’s adopted parents to Max and wished them the best of luck reminding him that he was just a phone call away if they needed anything. Max thanked him and hung up.

After a quick breakfast in the next town, the two men started on their journey east.


Chapter 12

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:29 am
by magikhands
Chapter 12

Max and Boone’s trip took them through Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and finally into North Carolina. It took them about four days to get there which allowed the two plenty of time to talk and get to know each other. Boone told Max how he grew up and even talked a little about the plane crash and how he’d ended up on the plane to begin with. Max opened up more and told him of his life in Roswell and their lives after Liz and the others had learned their secret. There were a few things that Boone felt that Max was holding back but he didn’t push. He also finished Liz’s journals, which filled in some of the blanks that Max didn’t offer.

Boone couldn’t help but admire Max for his strength and determination after everything he’d gone through in his life. He’d had so much loss and betrayal before he’d even become an adult. But he also knew that Liz had been a big factor in how Max had survived it all.

Each evening they would stop at a hotel and Max would keep Boone awake half the night making love to him. Max had warned Boone about his sexual appetite and he thought he was prepared for what Max had to give, eagerly receiving along with giving Max pleasure. Boone was surprised that he was able to keep up because it wasn’t just the nights in the hotels that Max took advantage of but also their stops at rest areas and where ever he felt the urge to show Boone how much he was desired.

All he saw was white. And the smell…it was of disinfectant like a hospital. Suddenly he felt pain. He looked down and found a needle being put in his arm. The clear plastic tube led to a bag that had clear liquid hanging on a metal holder. The pain of the needle was buried beneath a burning sensation that started in his arm then traveled through his body. He tried jerking his arm away but it was strappede down, just as the rest of his body was. His vision blurred as the burning enveloped him growing stronger and stronger.

White. The color doesn’t blur. Everything else around blurred except for the walls. It was still white. Cold settled over his skin and with the burning under his skin coursing through his veins he could not take it. He opened his mouth and screamed.

Boone jerked up in bed screaming. His body was trembling and covered in sweat. Max was instantly awake.

“I’m sorry Boone. Shit…I hate not having full control.” Max said as he pulled Boone into his embrace.

“Max…what the hell was that?” His voice was hoarse and shaky. He eagerly fell into Max’s arms wanting to feel warm again.

“A nightmare.”

Boone shook his head, his damp hair rubbing at Max’s chest. “No. That wasn’t just a nightmare. It was too real.”

A lump formed in Max’s throat. He’d not told Boone about the White Room. He knew the FBI had captured Max but he didn’t go into any details. He wanted to spare Boone of that grief or was it because he didn’t want to relive it. Either way, he had hoped that it would not come up.

“Come on, let’s get you in the shower and warm you up.” Max said feeling Boone’s body trembling against his.

“I need to know Max. Was that a memory? Did that really happen to you?”

Max sighed. “Yes.” He said so softly that Boone almost missed it. “Come on. A nice hot shower should do you good.” Max insisted pulling Boone from the bed.

Together they got into the shower and Max gently washed down Boone’s body. It didn’t take long before the shivers went away but the vision was still clear in his mind. He turned to Max and looked into the beautiful but haunted eyes. Yes, this man has gone through many horrors in his lifetime.

“What I saw. That memory. That was when the FBI took you. When…um Pierce captured you?”

Max looked down and was suddenly interested in Boone’s chest. He nodded and swallowed hard. He didn’t like thinking about that hellish time. He’d tried so hard to block it from Boone. He didn’t want him to see the tortures he’d been through.

Boone gathered Max into his arms and held him closely to him. His hands thread through his damp hair and held it to his shoulder.

“I’m sorry Max. I’m sorry that people are so cruel and that you had to go through so much pain in your lifetime.” Boone wept openly for his lover. “Don’t hide things from me. Don’t protect me Max. I’m a big boy. I can handle it. I want to be a part of your life. I choose to stand by your side, to be your friend and lover.”

Max raised his head. “It’s just…it’s been…”

“I know.” Boone comforted. He understood that even though Max is trying to get on with his life, to live without his wife, his lover, his family, they would come to times like this. Where his emotions would override his common sense. The loss is still new to him but Boone was determined to ride it out with Max. Through thick and thin.

They made love slow and easy. It was a show of pure emotion. Their bodies clinging to each other as Max opened fully to Boone, allowing the unique connection that Max formed with those he bonds with, to open fully. Boone did not have flashes like Liz and Kyle but he received other gifts from his lover.

Boone could feel Max inside the back of his head stronger than before. He could sense Max’s emotions. It was a strange sensation that he’d had several days to get used to. He liked it and found it comforting.

They lay together in the aftermath of their lovemaking embraced in each other’s limbs.

“We should reach Asheville sometime tomorrow. Are you ready to see your son again?”

“I don’t know. Sometimes I can’t wait but then other times I’m terrified and have to wonder if he’ll even want to know me. I mean, I gave him up. I’ve let other people, strangers, raise him for the last four years.”

“Max, you were raised by strangers. Strangers who took you into their home, raising you and loving you like their own. What makes you think that your son hasn’t had the same thing? Your father made sure of the people who adopted him were the right ones to raise him. You must have confidence in him to do the right thing.”

“You’re right.” Max admitted. He’d been having doubts since they started this trip. He feared that the people who adopted Zan wouldn’t let him see his son. He feared that his son would want nothing to do with him. Then he had no idea how he could convince his adopted parents to let him take Zan away to another planet.

Max sighed heavily. He pulled Boone closer taking comfort in his touch. “It’s late. Let’s get a few hours of sleep before we get back on the road.” Boone said nothing and let Max divert the subject away.


Chapter 13

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:58 pm
by magikhands
Chapter 13

Max and Boone reached Asheville mid morning. After stopping to ask directions, they found the address they were looking for shortly after noontime. They parked in front of the house and Max took a deep breath.

“Are you ready?” Boone asked squeezing Max’s hand that lay in his.

Max nodded and tried to smile but nervousness was written all over his face.

“You’ll be fine. Come on, let’s go meet your son.”

They got out of the car and walked up to the front porch. The house was white and had two stories. The lawn was well taken care of and the neighborhood looked like it was a good for a child to grow up in, resembling his own in Roswell.

They climbed the steps and stopped at the door. Max reached his hand out to ring the bell but stopped before his finger could push the button. It hung in the air trembling.

“Max?” Boone slid closer to his lover.

“I don’t know if I can do this. What if they don’t want me anywhere near Zan?”

“Everything will be fine. They may not be happy about you just showing up here unannounced but they can’t keep him from you. It’s part of the adoption agreement.”

He knew that Max heard his words but they didn’t erase the fear that shone in his eyes.

“I’ll do it.” Boone moved closer to the doorbell and rang it.

Max opened his mouth, about to say that no one was home, when the door opened. A young red haired woman stood before them.

“Yes…may I help you?”

“Is this the Coleman home?” Boone asked when Max didn’t say anything right away. He wanted so badly to reach out and embrace Max but he knew that this was not the place for such show of affections. He’d have time later, after Max saw his son.

“Um…well…yes.” The woman said.

Suddenly they could all hear little footsteps pounding down the stairs that was behind the woman.

“Daddy!” A small voice yelled as a blur propelled its way past the woman and straight into Max’s arms.

Thanks to Max’s quick reflexes he was able to catch the little child that had leapt at him. He felt small arms wrap tightly around his neck and wet, sloppy kisses on his cheek.

“I knew you’d come. She said that you were on your way Daddy.”

Max looked at the red haired woman who looked shocked but not as nearly as he thought she’d be. Of course he was too stunned to say anything as he continued holding the small child in his arms.

The boy turned his head and looked to the woman still standing in the doorway. “See ‘Rina…told ya my Daddy was comin.” His voice full of the excitement of a child.

The woman merely nodded and her expression saddened.

Max turned his attention to the boy in his arms. He had a head full of thick blonde hair, bright like his mother’s. His lips were smiling showing that he’d already lost a bottom tooth. His eyes were the same as his own, an amber color and his lashes dark and thick. Max could see some of Tess’s features this child had inherited along with some of his own.

“Zan?” His voice was hoarse with emotion.

The boy nodded and his smile grew as he hugged Max tightly again. “Yes Daddy.”

Tears slid down his cheeks as he finally returned his son’s embrace.

Feeling a bit awkward, Boone stepped up to the woman who still stood in the doorway.

“I’m Boone and that is…”

“Max Evans.” The woman said.

Boone nodded. “Yes.”

“I’m Serina Maples. Alex’s guardian.”


Serina nodded. “Yes. Why don’t we all go inside?” She stepped back inside but her eyes were watchful over the young boy.

“’Rina…can I show Daddy my room?”

Serina put a smile on her lips. “Sure Alex. I’ll get a snack together in the kitchen while you do that.”

Alex wiggled out of Max ‘s arms and took hold of his hand and started pulling him. “This way Daddy. I got lots of stuff that you will like.”

Max looked to Boone who smiled and nodded encouragingly. He let his son lead the way upstairs to his room.

Boone meanwhile followed Serina inside and offered to help her. She accepted and they worked silently in the kitchen gathering drinks and some food for a snack for them.

Max sat on the twin bed and looked around the bright room. It was decorated with posters and pictures of space accented with stars and planets hanging from the ceiling. It was the normal room of a five-year-old boy.

Max couldn’t believe that he was sitting in his son’s room. He never dreamed that he’d see him again when he handed his small son over to his mother for the last time all those years ago. Joy and sorrow welled up inside of him. He was so happy to be there, sitting next to his son who was chatting away about all his toys but he felt sadness that he’d missed his son’s first steps, his first words, and other things that occurred as a child grew.

When the child stopped long enough to get a word in edge wise, Max managed to ask a question. His son’s speech was quite clear for a five year old and he could see that he was intelligent.

“Serina called you Alex. Is that your name?” He knew it was a stupid question but he couldn’t help it.

The blonde haired boy smiled up at Max. His chest puffed out in pride. “My name is Alexander Philip Coleman.”

Max looked stunned at his son. “Alexander Philip.” He whispered in awe.

The little boy nodded. “Yep. My other Mommy and Daddy, they tol’ me that when they got me my name was Zan. The man who brought me to them wanted them to keep it. Mommy said that they liked Alexander because it had Zan in it. Then the man who brought me to my Mommy and Daddy was named Philip so they named me in h…” His face screwed as he tried to remember the word that had been used.


The most beautiful smile replaced his frustrated look. “Yeah. In honor of that man.”

“So, you like to be called Alex?”

Alex nodded. “Yeah, and guess what?”

“What?” Max smiled at the boy’s excitement.

“It’s also the name of one of your friends.”

Max’s eyes widened in surprise. “Alex. How do you know that?” Alex had died five years before. Killed by his son’s mother.

“Momma Liz told me.” He said proudly.

Max’s heart stopped beating. His stomach tightened and he felt nauseated. He stared at his son and suddenly wondered if his son isn’t as human as Tess claimed he was.

“Momma Liz?”

Alex nodded. “Yeah, she tol’ me all ‘bout her friend Alex. He liked computers and play g-g-…”


“Yeah, guitar in a band with Aunt Maria.”

“How do you talk to Momma Liz Alex?” Max’s face lost its smile.

“She visits me in my dreams.”

“And what does she look like?”

Alex laughed. “You’re silly Daddy. You know what she looks like.”

“Yes, I do but I want you to describe her to me. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her.” Max slid off the bed and kneeled in front of Alex.

“She’s pretty. With long, brown, shiny hair. She smiles a lot but sometimes her eyes are sad, ‘specially when she talks about you.”

“And what does she talk to you about Alex?” Max was an alien hybrid and knew that anything was possible.

“She tells me stories. Funny ones. She tol’ me that you were coming to get me and take me…” He stopped and pointed his index finger up toward the ceiling.

Max couldn’t stop the smile. He remembered doing that same motion the first time he told Liz that he was not from Roswell.

“She says that she loves you and Unca Kyle…”

“Kyle? You see Kyle?”

Alex nodded. “Yeah. He’s funny. Always talking bout some Bu…”


“Yeah. And he talks bout sports a lot.”

Max laughed. That sounded so much like Kyle. His heart ached as he missed his loved ones.

“Do you…talk with anyone else?”

Alex smile grew. “Sometimes Aunt Maria is there fighting with Unca Michael.” He giggled. “They are really funny. They make me laugh. She calls him Spaceboy and he calls her a pixie. Oh, and Aunt Isabel comes with Unca Jesse. She’s always smiling and happy. I like her.”

Tears welled up in Max’s eyes as his son spoke of his family who had died years ago. “How is that…possible?”

Alex shrugged like only a five year old could. “Momma Liz says it’s because I’m special.”

“You are Alex. You are very special. But why do you call Liz Momma Liz?”

“You really are silly Daddy.” Alex laughed like the answer was so simple. “You married her so she’s my momma.”

“Alex…” He paused a moment and wondered if he should tell his son the truth. It is obvious that he knew that his adoptive parent were not his birth parents. “Do you know that Liz is not your real mother?” He didn’t want to ever lie to his son or make him believe something that wasn’t true. Max and Liz had discussed keeping Zan all those years ago but Max’s life was so uncertain. The government was still a possible threat and he feared for his child’s safety. How could he drag a child into his life where they may have to run in a moments notice?

“My first momma was Momma Tess. She brought me to you. She’s very pretty. Then Mommy raised me before Momma Liz could come to me.”

Alex sounded so sure and comfortable by his answer and all the strange events that had happened in his life.

Max was speechless and could only nod. Alex knew that Tess was his real mother and it was apparent that he knew what she looked like. He was actually glad that he didn’t have to get into that discussion. After a moment Max managed to gain his voice back.

“You are such a smart boy. And I’m proud of you Alex.”

“Alex…” Serina’s voice floated up from downstairs. “Come and get your snack.”

Max stood and knew that he had a lot to catch up on with his son and looked forward to it. He was a very bright boy and apparently well adjusted to the gifts he seems to possess.

“Let’s go get that snack before she comes looking for us.” Max took Alex’s small hand in his and they walked downstairs together.


Chapter 14

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:44 pm
by magikhands
Chapter 14

Max and Alex made their way downstairs to the kitchen where Serina and Boone waited. Official introductions were made as the four sat at the table, Alex taking a seat between Max and Serina. Alex happily munched on his bowl of fruit while the others drank lemonade.

Max couldn’t seem to tear his gaze from his son. He was so happy and animated even when he was quiet. Alex kept looking from Max, to Serina, to Boone. He kept a light conversation going between them all and they would laugh as he spoke of the small things that a five year old speaks of.

Once his snack was eaten, Serina announced that it was his naptime. He was hesitant and looked to Max.

“It’s ok Alex. I’ll be here when you wake up. Boone and I will sit here and talk with Serina while you sleep. Ok?”

Alex nodded and hugged Max before following Serina upstairs.

“You doing ok?” Boone asked placing his hand over Max’s.

Max smiled. Thankful for Boone’s quiet understanding in this. He turned his hand and entwined their fingers together. “He’s beautiful isn’t he?”

Boone nodded.

“He’s very smart and appears to be happy. When I’m near him, I feel his warmth inside of me. And despite some obvious tragedy that has filled his life, he’s well adjusted.”

He stopped speaking when Serina came back into the kitchen and returned to her seat. He wanted to tell Boone about Alex’s ability to speak with Liz and the others but he knew that other information was needed first.

“I guess you’re finally here to claim Alex.” She said, sadness filling her tone.

Max felt a lump in his throat seeing her sorrow. He nodded. She looked down and he could see that she was fighting back tears.

“How is it that you came to have my son? It was not you that adopted him.” Max forced himself to ask. He wanted to know what had happened in Alex’s life.

“My sister Linda and her husband Chad were unable to have children. They tried for years but nothing worked so they decided to adopt but as you know, it’s a long tedious process sometimes.” She got up and refilled her glass of lemonade.

“Chad’s father, Tom, was a lawyer. Apparently he and your father, Philip, were close friends from law school. It was Philip that approached Chad’s father about helping him find a good home for Alex. Tom knew Linda and Chad would make wonderful parents for Alex so it was arranged so they could adopt him.”

“Where are Linda and Chad now?” Max knew that they had died. Alex had told him that much but he didn’t know how.

“About a year ago, Chad, Linda, and Alex were in a serious car accident. It was raining really hard and Chad lost control of the car. It hit a guardrail then ended up rolling until it a tree. Linda and Chad were killed instantly. At least that’s what the medical report said. Alex was seriously hurt. My sister entrusted Alex to my care granting me guardianship.”

“And where are the grandparents? Tom?”

“They died in a fire when Alex was two. My parents had died when I was about 12 so it was Linda that raised me. I was all the Alex had left.”

“How bad was Alex hurt?” Max didn’t remember seeing any scars on him when they were in the room and he noticed nothing hindering his walking or other limbs.

“Alex…he was able to call for help.”

“What do you mean call for help? Like with a cell phone?”

Serina shook her head and lowered her eyes to her hands that were clasped on her glass of lemonade. “No. He called out to…Zan.”

“Zan?” Max asked quietly, shocked by the name.

Serina looked up at him and nodded. “Somehow he was able to communicate with him and he and Ava were able to find him. Alex was close to death by the time Zan reached him. He was able to heal him, leaving only a few minor injuries.” Boone saw the tears that had formed in Serina’s eyes but Max was staring off into space.

“Zan and Ava?” His voice was so quiet that they almost couldn’t hear him. “He’s supposed to be dead. Ava…she said he was…” It was all a shock to him. Silence filled the air as Serina’s words sunk into Max’s consciousness. He finally focused and looked over at Boone.

Boone knew the look in his eyes. He’d seen it a few times since they met. He put his hand on Max’s and squeezed.

“Don’t.” Boone said knowing Max was blaming himself, feeling the regret of not being there for his son.

“I wasn’t there.” Max looked down at Boone’s hand. He blinked back the tears that formed. His son had almost died and he didn’t know. He didn’t feel him, he wasn’t there.

“Be thankful that Zan was.” Serina interrupted his pity session. “Alex would have died if he wasn’t there.”

Max looked up to Serina. “About Zan…” It was strange saying his name. “How did he become a part of Alex’s life?” There was a cold bitterness in his voice.

Serina ignored his tone. “That is a story in itself.” She sighed. “Zan and Ava came to town about four years ago. Right after Linda and Chad adopted Alex. They posed as brother and sister and opened a dance club here. I had just moved back here, to help Linda with Alex and to be closer to home.”

Max felt as if something else had happened to bring her home from where ever she was before but he didn’t ask. “You met at the club?” He was trying to get a feel of what kind of person she was.

“I got a part time job bartending there while I continued my schooling. Ava and I clicked and became friends quickly. Zan…well let’s just say that he wasn’t as friendly.” She said thinking of how standoffish Zan was when they first met.

“How did you find out who they were?” Boone asked. He was sure that they didn’t announce that they were aliens. He had read about Ava in Liz’s journal and she had mentioned that Zan was Max’s duplicate along with the fact that Ava was Tess’s.

“Much like the way your wife found out about you. He healed me. One night someone managed to slip a gun into the club. There was a fight and a shot went wild, finding its way into my chest. Zan was nearby when it happened. The cops came did their report but no one saw that I was shot so it never came up. The club was closed for the night but Zan and Ava wouldn’t let me leave. Not until they could explain.”

“They told you everything?”

Serina nodded. “They let me have a couple of days to let it all sink in. I’d look at Alex and I could clearly see the both of them in him. It was strange really how their duplicates were Alex’s true parents. How they’d come to keep watch over him. Once it all sank in, I realized that I’d had a second chance at life. I accepted them for who they were and kept their secret.”

“Have you…um, well since Zan healed you…experienced any changes?” Max asked hesitantly. He knew that Liz and Kyle had changed after he healed them and Valenti had developed a small amount of abilities right before the battle.

“You mean have I developed certain powers?” She asked bluntly. Max nodded. “Yes, I have.”

Max grimaced and closed his eyes. It appears that his dupe carries the same curse at forever changing those who he helps.

“It’s a special gift Max. It gives those you love another chance at life. Those children that you healed in Phoenix, none have exhibited any special abilities. They are normal kids getting the chance to grow up healthy. I think that it depends on the emotional attachment you and Zan have to that person.”

“How did you know about the children?”

Before she could answer the kitchen door burst open causing all three to stand. A male and female rushed in.

“Serina, What’s wrong? Is Alex ok?” The male asked taking Serina into his arms.

“He’s fine Zan but…”

“Max!” Ava cried out as she jumped into his arms before Serina could say more.

Max was stunned by the intrusion. He’d instinctively held out his hand in protection only to have to catch a flying body that propelled itself toward him. He looked down at the whirl of blonde and pink to find Ava hugging him tightly. Her squeal of delight followed by laughter was contagious and he couldn’t stop the smile on his face.

“Ava.” He said as she finally released her tight grip on him and slid down his body to take a step back. This allowed him his first full look at her. She looked good. Her blonde hair still had pink strips in it but it had grown out and held a little wave…much like Tess’s had been. But as he looked down into those bright blue eyes he saw nothing that had made Tess. He only saw Ava but she was no longer the shy, withdrawn, scared woman that he’d first met. She had an air of confidence and stability. She looked happy and he was glad for her.

“You look really good Ava.”

“Thanks.” She said with a big smile and a wink. “So do you for being dead for three years.”

Max shrugged. He knew he was going to like this new Ava. She reminded him of Maria.

“So…the King has returned.” Zan’s gruff voice sounded through the kitchen, Serina still locked in his arm.

“Zan.” Max said his former name without emotion. It was strange standing there looking at his duplicate. “I guess they just can’t seem to keep us dead.”

“And who is this here?” Ava’s voice interrupted their intense stare off. It was obvious that they didn’t like each other.

“This is…” Max paused but a second and looked to Boone. They hadn’t talked about their relationship and what they were to each other. “My lover, Boone.”

“Still playing with boys, huh Max? No wonder you haven’t had more kids.” Zan huffed.

“Zan.” Ava scolded her eyes narrowed.

Max’s hands curled into fists as a soft growl emitted from his throat.

“Boys! There will be no testosterone wars today.” Serina turned to Zan. “You knew he was coming back so give it a rest.”

Max watched slightly amused as Zan gave him one last glare then lowered his head as he gave in to Serina’s scolding. Max thought he just might like Serina after all.

“Let’s sit and talk. Alex will be up from his nap shortly and I’d like to have some of this over with before he comes out.” Serina sat back in her chair seeing that she was going to have to play mediator between Zan and Max. She could see how alike they were, yet so different at the same time. It was quite scary.

“So you’re here to take Alex from us.” It was not a question but a statement from Zan.

“Yes.” Max answered simply.

“What gives you the right to take Alex from the only family that he’s ever known to who knows where?” Anger was evident in Zan’s voice.

Max suddenly saw through Zan’s anger and heard the love that Zan had for Alex. Zan had been there for his son for four years. He was probably around when he said his first words, took his first steps, and went potty for the first time. A dark cloud of resentment filled a void in Max’s body. It was he who should have been there for Alex. Not a substitute.

“He’s my son. That gives me all the right to take him with me.” Max said through clenched teeth. His body was rigid and he knew that no matter what these people thought, he was going to leave here with his son. He didn’t endure the loss of his entire family, the loss of his loves, for it all to be for naught.

“Yeah? Well where the hell have you been? You gave him up. You sent him off for someone else to raise so you could play with your little human wife and consort.” Zan egged Max on.

Max pounded his fists on the table and stood, leaning across the table where Zan sat. He didn’t hear the gasps from Serina or Boone. He didn’t see that they were staring at his hands with wide eyes. He didn’t feel the green electric streaks flow in his hands and up his arms. His anger dissipated the pain as he locked gazes with Zan.

“I was saving this fucking world from the Skins and Khivar so that my son could grow up with a safe and normal life. So that my enemies…our enemies wouldn’t come after him every time he turned around. If I hadn’t given him up he would have ended up like the rest of my family. Dead! So, I was doing what I thought was best and protected my son the only way I knew how.”

Max finally gave in to his anger. “You don’t have a clue what I’ve been through. While you’ve been hiding out in New York, and playing dead yourself and living this…life here, playing ‘daddy’ to my son, I’ve lost friends and family, people that I loved dearly. I’ve been captured, tortured, and hunted down through the years just because of what I am. I’ve sacrificed my life to protect the ones I love. So don’t think you can judge me until you’ve walked in my shoes.”

How dare Zan accuse him of throwing away his son. Handing Alex over to his parents had been the hardest thing to do. He did it to save him. Zan didn’t possess the Royal Seal. He didn’t have the responsibility to protecting his family when enemies came after him. He’d even left Ava to Lonnie and Rath just to play dead.

“Daddy?” Alex’s small and frightened voice sounded from the kitchen entrance.

The sound immediately calmed Max, the green electric currents that ran through his skin dissipated. He turned to Alex and went to him, kneeling, looking at the T-Rex that he was clutching tightly against him. He gave a small smile, trying to reassure Alex. Hearing him say ‘daddy’ was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard.

“Alex.” Max said softly. “Are you ok?”

Alex nodded and his sad eyes filled with tears. “I felt you angry Daddy. Are you mad at me?”

Max gathered his son into his arms feeling bad. He had no idea that Alex could sense his feelings. “No Alex. Daddy’s not mad at you. Zan and I were just…having a discussion. And I got a little mad with him. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“You and Unca Zan were fighting.”

Max let his hand softly caress Alex’s back. “Yes. We were arguing. We didn’t mean to wake you.”

“But you aren’t leaving are you?” Alex asked pulling away, his expression scared.

“No Son. I’m not leaving. I’ll never leave you again. You’re stuck with me.” He smiled.

Alex returned a sweet smile, his eyes beginning to dry and gave Max another hug. “Good.”


Chapter 15

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:53 pm
by magikhands
Image Hey Scottie. I can always count on you to promote my fics :D And welcome new readers. Thanks for the feedback. I'm hoping to get a new part out soon, however RL has really been a pain on my muse.

Chapter 15

Alex looked to Zan and gave him a big hug. “Unca Zan. You and Auntie are home early.”

Zan released the boy and smiled at him. “Yes. Serina called us and told us about your…about Max coming to see you.”

“I tol’ you he would come.” Alex’s smile spread across his face.

Zan couldn’t help but return the smile and laugh at the boy’s excitement despite what Max’s appearance meant to this family. Zan had always been in wonder at Alex’s ability to adapt. Yes, he has his sad times, when he missed his mom and dad but he, Ava, and Serina had always been there for him. They’d become a family and Zan didn’t like the thought of losing Alex.

Zan turned to Max and his eyes hardened. No, he didn’t want to lose the boy who had given him so much joy in his life. Happiness that he’d thought that he’d never achieve because of who he was.

“Don’t be sad Unca Zan. It’ll be great.” Alex said as if he sensed Zan’s emotions.

Zan took a hand and ruffled the boy’s hair making him giggle. “No worries.” He said but his eyes were still locked with Max’s.

Alex ignored the two and went to where Boone stood. He tugged on the man’s pants to get his attention. Boone sat in the chair dragging his eyes from Max and Zan. He just hoped that they didn’t make more of a scene than they already had. He looked down at a pair of eyes much like his father’s. Alex then crawled into his lap. Serina and Ava watched curiously.

“Hey.” Boone said softly. He’d never been around young kids much so this was a little awkward. Especially the way the boy was staring at him like he was looking into his soul.

Alex lifted his hands and cupped Boone’s face. “Unca Kyle tol’ me ‘bout you.”

“He did?” Boone’s eyebrow raised and his eyes glanced at Max who was now watching the two.

Alex nodded. “Yeah, he said you were good lookin’. And that I should be nice to you.”

Boone fought the smile that danced on his lips. “Really? He told you that?” He couldn’t believe he was speaking to a five year old who was telling him that a dead man said he was good looking. He wondered when all the alien craziness would set in and he’d finally freak.

“U-huh. He said that I had to be nice ‘cause you were gonna make my Daddy happy. Like he was with Unca Kyle and Momma Liz.”

A blush crept into Boone’s cheeks. He didn’t know what to say and only managed a clearing of the throat. He looked up when he heard a chuckled from Ava and Max was hiding a smile behind a raised hand. Zan looked to be giving him the death look when Serina just shook her head like it was normal for Alex to talk about dead people.

Alex turned to Serina. “Can I show Boone my room? I bet he would like it like Daddy did.”

“Sure Honey. Go ahead.” She answered and they all watched as Alex jumped off Boone’s lap and dragged him out of the kitchen by the hand.

Max almost felt sorry for Boone as his lover shot him a helpless look. Max had a feeling that Boone didn’t have much experience with young children but knowing Alex, he was about to get a crash course real fast.

Max went back and sat in the chair that he occupied earlier. He’d noticed that Serina, Ava, or Zan had not reacted when Alex mentioned Kyle and Liz. Obviously, they knew about his ability to speak with them.

“How long has Alex been speaking to…” He didn’t know how to really say it. Dead people?

Zan sat across from Max with Serina and Ava on each side. “You mean your wife and lover?”

Max caught the sneer on Zan’s face but it quickly left as Ava elbowed him in the side. Max really liked Ava.

“It started about a month or so after his parents were killed. At first I thought that they were imaginary friends. You know, a way to deal with his loss. It started with just Liz and we thought nothing of it. He’d talk about dreaming about her and how they would play and talk. Then he started talking about Kyle, Michael, Isabel, and the others.” Serina explained.

“That’s when it clicked.” Ava said. “So one night Zan and I got into his head and saw them.”

“Did they see you?” Max was curious.

Ava nodded. “Liz did somehow. She just nodded and smiled at us before she faded. But I don’t think the others realized it. After that Alex started talking about how Liz was there to watch over him until his Daddy came.”

“And powers. Does he have abilities like the rest of us?” Max asked looking to Serina.

“Yes. According to Zan and Ava, he’s very powerful. But those have only developed in the last six months. We’ve been trying to teach him to control them and not to use them when others are around.”

Max closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His son was not completely human like Tess and Khivar thought. Max was silent as the truth set in. He’d believed Tess about their son. He’d sent his son out into the world to develop powers without someone to watch over him, to help him with them. Max opened his eyes and met with Zan’s. But he did have someone to teach him. He had three people around to help him, guide him. The guilt once more settled in his heart. Max had to wonder if he’d ever do something right.

‘Just look into Alex’s eyes.’ A voice answered inside his head.

Max’s eyes snapped to Serina. “Did you…?”

“Sorry. I sometimes can’t help it. When emotions are very intense I hear everything the person thinks.”

Max watched as she bowed her head like a child who’d done wrong. “It’s alright Serina. You’re right. And I’m glad that you were all here for him.”

“It’s been a joy to help raise him.” Serina replied with sadness.

“So now what? We just pack a bag and let you take him? By the way…just where are you taking him?” Zan said. His voice held bitterness but his eyes shone with sorrow.

“I’m taking him home to Antar so he can take his rightful place as heir. As for a specific plan…I didn’t really have one. My main goal was to meet him first. To maybe get to know him a little and have him trust me. I really didn’t know that he knew I was coming. Or that he even had any abilities. His mother told me that he was completely human. That was why Khivar rejected him.”

“Sure. Get him to trust you then rip his life away just to take him to some strange planet that none of us has ever seen in this lifetime.” Zan remarked.

“Alex was born on Antar. That is his home.” Max countered. “Just as it will be mine.”

“But can humans survive on Antar?” Boone asked from the doorway. Alex was in his arms with his head on Boone’s shoulder.

Max turned and felt Boone’s nervousness. This was something that they had not talked about. Boone had agreed to help him find his son and in turn Max would help the others off the island but what happened after that? Would Boone remain here on Earth or go with him to Antar?

“They have to right?” Serina asked. “I mean if Alex was born there and they thought he was human, he was fine there. He could breath. Tess didn’t say anything about that did she?”

“Yes, humans can survive. The air is not quite as heavy but breathable by humans and Antarians alike.” Max answered keeping his eyes on Boone. He immediately saw and felt the relief in his lover.

“I’m starving. All this tension’s got my stomach growling. Serina, let’s make dinner for everyone while Max and Alex visit some more. Then we can…talk some more.” Ava said making sure she had Zan’s eye with the last sentence.


Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:48 pm
by magikhands
My move got postponed (ggrrr...don't get me started :x ) so here in a small part I've been working on.

Chapter 16

Max and Alex went outside to the backyard to spend time together. Alex was more than happy to tell his father all about his life, who his friends were and what he did on an average day. He was a normal energetic five year old boy and Max was pleased that he was happy and had people who loved him very much.

Serina and Ava made dinner. Ava watched Boone, who stood in the doorway after Max went outside with Alex, looking lost. She invited him to help with dinner, which he happily agreed. It had been awhile since he’d been in a kitchen and forgot how relaxing it could be to cook. Ava and Serina made easy conversation asking Boone about his life and how he met Max.

Serina would often poke her head into the den where Zan sat on the couch watching Max and Alex with narrowed eyes. She sighed as she went back into the kitchen after the fourth time. Zan hadn’t moved an inch. He just sat there and watched over the boy who’d come to mean so much to all of them.

“He’s still watching?” Ava asked when Serina came back in.

Serina nodded as she went back to chopping vegetables for the salad.

Ava turned her attention back to Boone who was listening to the two with interest. “So…how’s the food on the island?”

Boone looked at the petite girl with a brow raised. He had told her about surviving a plane crash on some strange island filled with man-eating creatures, then finding Max, an alien in a hatch, things that any normal person would think was crazy. But not Ava, she asks about the food.

He shook his head and chuckled glad to have a diversion from the stress that filled the air between Max and Zan. “It sucks.” Then he really looks at her. “You know…you look a lot like a pregnant girl that survived the crash too.”

She arches a brow at him. “Really?” She asks as she turns to set the table. He didn’t see the way her expression of dread fall over her cheery exterior.

“Yes. I think it was a miracle for both her and the baby to survive what we went through.”

“Well, I think all of you that survived can be considered a miracle. But what about your sister? Tell me about her.” Serina said steering their chitchat in a different direction. Ava gave a small sigh, thankful for the change of subject.


After dinner, Serina helped Alex bathe then he was tucked into bed. He got plenty of attention and loved the fact he had five people to give him a kiss and say goodnight. Boone was hesitant but Alex demanded that he get his hug and kiss from his newest uncle. Boone couldn’t stop the smile that lit his face when he walked out of the room.

“You and Boone can take my room tonight.” Ava offered once the five adults were back downstairs.

“No way Ava.” Zan snapped. “You don’t have to give up your bed for them. They can sleep on the couches.”

“Zan.” Serina reprimanded him. “You are being rude again.”

“It’s ok really. We can sleep down here.” Max said after giving Zan a nasty look. “We don’t want to cause a bother.”

“Not a bother. I’ll take the couch.” She shot Zan a warning look. “Now off to bed you two. You both look exhausted. It’s been some day.” The petite girl ushered them back upstairs, both grabbing the bags Boone had laid by the staircase when they first arrived. She chatted the entire way up and acted much like a mother hen as she instructed them on what to make sure to do before crawling in bed.

Max couldn’t help the chuckle as an image of Maria came to mind. It felt good to smile and laugh, he thought as they ascended the stairs. He had a feeling he was going to do it more often now that Boone and Alex were in his life.

Once Ava finally left them, Max stripped and crawled under the covers. Boone looked on with wide eyes.

“Max…do you think it’s a good idea? I mean, we are guests. Alex is just down the hall.”

Max looked at his lover. “I haven’t had you all day. You know how much it’s killing me not to be able to touch you and kiss you like I’ve wanted to all day? Boone, I don’t think I can make it through the night if I can’t be with you.”

Boone sighed but couldn’t hold back a smile. He’d felt the same. So many times he’d wanted to take Max into his embrace and kiss away all his worries and fears but he’d held back.

“Well if I must.” Boone stripped out of his clothing and climbed into bed with Max.

Max immediately drew Boone into his arms and claimed his lover’s mouth to his. He felt Boone harden against him and groaned as their dicks rubbed against each other. His hands roamed Boone’s muscular back and slid to Boone’s ass and pulled him closer.

“I need to feel you Boone. I need you to fill me.” Max said between heated kisses, voicing his yearning.

Boone said nothing in response but his actions spoke volumes as he moved and turned Max to his stomach. Max lifted to his knees giving his lover full access. He closed his eyes and enjoyed Boone’s touch and teasing as he let a finger caress his opening.

“Please.” Max begged when he couldn’t take the teasing any longer.

Boone readily obliged gliding his thick cock inside Max’s waiting and ready body.

“Yes!” Max hissed as his lover’s length completely filled him.

Max had long ago found that he happily submitted to his lover’s wishes in bed though sometimes he initiated it. All of his life, Isabel and Michael had looked up to him, looked to him for leadership. Then when Liz and the others came to learn the truth, they too looked to him to lead them. It was mentally exhausting and quite stressful to have so much responsibility and burden but he knew that was the way of things. He was King, the Ruler of his people. He would be who he was meant to be.

However when he became sexually active with Liz then Kyle, Max had found that he could give up any role of leader in bed. He let them take over and loved it. It felt…fitting. As if that was the way things were meant to be with him. And now that he was with Boone, it became the same. Max led during the day but when they were alone in bed, Boone had complete control and Max had little say.

Max felt Boone begin sliding in and out of him and groan in pleasure. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have Boone. The longer he was with Boone, the more he fell in love with him. As Boone brought him slowly to orgasm and Max called out his name and silently gave thanks to Liz, Kyle, and those that be for bringing him someone to love like Boone.

“I love you.” Boone whispered as he held Max’s trembling body. He kissed the top of Max’s head whose face was buried in his shoulder.

Max sighed and felt as if he was finally at home in Boone’s arms and his son just two doors down. “I love you too Boone.”


Chapter 17

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:07 pm
by magikhands
sylvia37 wrote:Okay, confused much? This is an interesting twist.
I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that...and let me assure you, it will be broached later in the story :wink: so patience please

Chapter 17

Max instantly woke when the creak sounded. His body grew tense as it readied for battle. The creaking sound came again. Max opened his eyes to slits and saw the bedroom door move a little with each sound. He stayed still; keeping his breath even as if he was sleeping thankful he was on his stomach and head turned toward the door. He felt Boone’s arm slung over his waist where the sheet lay.

A shadow moved just beyond the door as the door creaked again. Max was ready and waiting for the attack, his body tense with alertness and prepared to move with a speed that only his alien DNA could manage.

The attack was made swift and calculated but Max was faster. He threw his hand in the air and caught the assailant in a shield that cocooned him completely. A high-pitched…giggle filled the air as Max flipped onto his back and lowered the attacker to his chest. As soon as the shield touched his check it disappeared leaving a squealing and squirming five year old.

“Gotcha.” Max said as he started tickling his son.

“Daddy!” Alex screeched as Max’s fingers hit all his ticklish spots.

Max flipped him and Alex so that his son was on his back on the bed and he was hovering over.

“The Tickle Monster can never be snuck up on.” Max said laughing along with his son.

Boone had been oblivious to everything, deep asleep until Max’s movements and Alex’s squeals abruptly jerked him from sleep. He was so surprised with the sudden noise that he nearly fell out of the bed. It took a moment to realize what was happening. At first he thought someone was attacking them and fear ripped through his heart but then once he saw that it was Alex, he relaxed and lay back to watch the sight of son and father having fun together.

Once the two had finally settled down, Alex lay between Max and Boone. Max looked over and saw his lover smiling but he could also feel his…discomfort in the situation. Max understood. Boone was not used to being around children and they were lying here in bed with nothing but a sheet shielding their nudity from a five year old. Max reached over Alex and took Boone’s hand and smiled reassuringly at him.

Alex saw this and turned to Boone. “Morning Unca Boone.” Giving Boone his most charming smile.

Boone chuckled. “You are truly like your father with that gorgeous smile of yours.” He ruffled the boy’s hair. “Good morning to you. Did you sleep well?” What else to you say to a little boy? Boone wondered.

Alex nodded and gave Boone a kiss on the cheek before turning to Max. The laughter left his face as amber eyes met matching ones.

“Mama Liz said that we have to leave. She says that danger is coming.”

Max’s heart cramped a little with the mention of Liz’s name but he took in his son’s seriousness. “Did she say anything else like what kind of danger?”

“No but she said we have to leave today.” There was sadness in his voice. Max knew Alex would be leaving everything he knew but there was no other way. He had hoped they could spend a little more time together with Serina and the others before he took Alex away.

Alex reached up and touched his fingers to Max’s temples. Immediately Max felt a connection to his son. It was a feeling he’d not felt since Alex had tried to contact him before Tess came back to Earth. It felt natural, and the connection stayed open easily. Like this was how it was supposed to have been from the beginning.

“Unca Michael tol’ me to do that. He says it will pro…um…”


“Yeah. Protect me. He tol’ me that you’d always be there for me like you were for him.”

Max’s emotions swelled inside. Tears tried to flow into his eyes but he held them back. Michael had been his best friend, his brother through thick and thin, even when they argued, they were always there for each other.

“Ok. Let us take showers and have some breakfast. We talk with Zan, Serina, and Ava about it.”

“’K.” Alex said smiling like he knew something that Max didn’t. Gone was the seriousness that had just filled the boy replaced by the usual cheerfulness of Alex. He jumped off the bed and rushed out the door.

“That boy is amazing.” Boone said shaking his head and sitting up.

“Yeah, he is.” Max smiled before kissing Boone. “Morning. Let’s shower before he barges in on us again.

Boone saw the twinkle in Max’s eye and chuckled shaking his head knowing exactly what Max had in mind during their shower.


When Max and Boone came down to the kitchen they found Alex at the table enjoying a bowl of oatmeal while laughing at something Zan was saying. Serina was at the stove making eggs while Ava was buttering some toast.

“Good morning fellows. Did you two sleep well?” Ava asked with a smirk.

“Yes, we did. Thank you Ava for offering us the use of your bed.” Max said. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Boone fidget and a little blush creep to his cheeks.

“No problem,” Ava said going back to buttering the stack of toast.

“Need any help?” Boone offered.

“No. Just have a seat. It’s almost ready.” Serina said.

Max sat on the others side of Alex with Boone right next to him. Max and Zan shared a greeting of a glare but said nothing to each other. Their little battle of dominance still had not ended. Ava and Serina placed the food on the table and everyone ate. It was Ava and Boone that kept the silence between Max and Zan from becoming too tense with their chitchat.

“’Rina, can I go see if Charlie is out?” Alex asked when he finished his oatmeal.

“Who’s Charlie?” Max asked.

“Charlie is our neighbor Norman’s cat.” Ava informed them.

“Yes Alex. Just stay in the yard. If Charlie won’t come over, don’t chase him.”

“’K.” Alex said as he jumped down from his chair and headed out the back door.

The five adults watched the happy child bounce out of the room, each wishing they had his endless energy.

“Liz visited Alex again last night.” Max started when Alex was gone. “She said that we had to leave today. There was danger.”

“What kind of danger?” Serina asked suddenly concerned for Alex.

“She didn’t say. Just that we needed to leave…today.”

Zan shook his head. “No enemy has attacked us…not since we’ve been here. No one knows who Alex really is…or us.”

“Maybe not, but Liz has yet to guide Alex wrong. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to leave this soon. I wanted to make it easier on Alex.”
“We talked last night.” Ava spoke before Zan could answer Max. “We’ve decided to come with you.”

Max shook his head. “I couldn’t ask you to leave the lives you’ve built here.”

“Max…you don’t understand. For Zan and I, Alex is our life. Our instincts led us to him and to protect him. He’s your heir, our future King. We were engineered to keep him safe when you are unable. Just as Michael and Isabel would have.”

“But I’m here for him now.” Max argued.

“You can’t be with him twenty four hours a day.” Zan said.

“He’s got a point.” Boone said quietly.

Max sighed. “What about your business? You have employees and people depending on you.”

“One phone call and our partner has full ownership and all our assets will be taken care of.” Ava said.

“I’m going too. Without Alex or Zan…there’s nothing for me here. They are my family and where they go I go.” Serina announced before Max could argue.

‘Before going back to Antar you will have some unexpected company in your quest. You will be reluctant to accept their help but trust them Max. You will need their help and support. You will build another family unit with them and they will help you achieve your goal.’

The words Kyle wrote in his letter came to mind. Zan and Ava were very unexpected and yes, he was reluctant to have them along. He felt a little selfish, wanting to have Alex all to himself but it was Zan, Serina, and Ava who had helped raised him. They were familiar to him. It wouldn’t be fair not to let them come just because Max wanted Alex to himself.

“Fine. Do what you need to do to take care of your things. Pack some things to take. I want to be on the road right after lunch.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Zan seethed sarcastically.

Max opened his mouth to say something about it when Alex’s voice screamed inside of his head.

‘Help Daddy!!’

“Alex is in trouble.” Max stood abruptly and rushed out toward the back yard, Zan right behind him and the others followed.


Chapter 18

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:03 pm
by magikhands
Chapter 18

Max rushed out to find an older man holding Alex tightly against him. The man’s hand was covering Alex’s mouth but the young body still struggled despite the fear that filled his eyes.

“Put him down.” Max growled at the man, his protectiveness over his son kicking into high gear. The man looked to be in his sixties. His hair was silver but his body looked fit under his clothing.

The man looked at Max and sneered. “So…the might King lives.” Then he chuckles. “You’re too late. He’s mine now.”

“Norman…What are you doing?” Serina asked as she rushed out the door and seeing him hold Alex like he was.

Zan and Ava stood on each side of Max while Serina and Boone held off and stayed behind them. Zan and Ava both raised their hands and were about to use their powers on the man when Max’s command stopped them.

“Don’t.” All was quiet as they took a moment to take in the scene. This man Norman had the upper hand at the moment despite three aliens and Serina’s powers. He held Alex against him like a shield and Max was not about to risk injuring his son. “This is your neighbor? Why the hell does he have my son?” Max demanded but never took his eyes off Alex.

“Don’t have a clue.” Zan grounded out ready to throw the man away from Alex but Max’s command had stopped him from doing it. It bothered him that with just a word from his dup, he had no control over all of his actions. “Just let me get him away for Alex.”

“Always so protective of the little one Zan. It took me months to get near him. Months of trying everything friendly thing I could think of. But I knew one day I would gain your trust and get my chance.”

“What the hell are you talking about? Who are you?” Max asked. “What do you want with Alex?”

Norman’s grip tightened on Alex and they could all hear the muffled whimper from him. Ava stepped forward but Max held his arm out preventing her from going closer.

“Let Alex go.”

Norman chuckled. “You think your Kingly commands effect me? I’m not one of your servants. I don’t serve you. I’ve waited a long time for this.”

“Who are you really?” Zan asked getting impatient. He’d always been suspect of all new people but Norman had led them to believe that he was a normal nice widow. They’d even had him over for bar-b-ques.

“Zan…It’s funny how the one that carries the seal does not carry his original name. Ever think about it? Why you weren’t the one chosen to have the active seal?”

Norman’s words bit into Zan. He’d often wondered the same thing since finding out there was another set of clones on Earth. But now was not the time for those thoughts.

‘Alex…can you hear me?’ Max queried while Zan kept Norman occupied.

‘Daddy…help me. I can’t get away.’ Alex pleaded and Max could see him squirm harder against the strong arms around his body.

‘It’s ok Son. I won’t let him hurt you but I need you to help me. Can you do that?’

There was a pause and Alex’s body seemed to calm a little. ‘Yes.’ Came quietly through the connection but Max could feel the fear.

‘Relax your body. Don’t fight. When he drops you, you have to be ready to lie on the ground and roll away from him. Can you do that?’

‘Yes Daddy.’

‘Good. Now do you remember what we practiced yesterday? How you can make people feel things that aren’t really happening?’


‘When I tell you, I want you to do that along with your shield. I want you to make Norman think that his skin is burning where your shield is.’

‘But Daddy, you tol’ me that using it could hurt people.’

‘I know I did Alex. But remember, I said only if you misuse it and don’t learn to control it. Now when Norman feels the burning he should drop you then I want you to roll away and stay lying down. Ok?’


“The Heir is coming back with me.” Norman was saying when Max focused on the man again. “He who controls the Heir, controls the Throne of Antar.”

“You are telling us that you are going to rule Antar?” Zan asked.

Norman shook his head. “No but the rightful ruler will.”

Max started laughing and Norman looked over at him confused. “You’ve been stuck here on Earth for too long. Khivar is dead. I killed him myself.”

Norman gave Max a smile that sent a shiver down his spine. “Khivar may be dead but there are…others that are more fit to rule. One that will make Antar powerful again, not weak and willful to other planets.”

Zan was doing a good job of distracting Norman that he didn’t seem to notice that Alex had stopped his struggles and lay limp in his arms. Max saw him close his eyes and he could feel him concentrating. Alex wasn’t very strong in controlling his powers but he had power behind it. One that came from two hybrids mating.

‘Now Alex.’ Max said.

Suddenly Norman’s eyes widened as he looked down at his captive. “What the…?”

Just as Max expected Norman dropped Alex as he tried to stop the burning sensation that was running through his body. Max took the opportunity to shoot a blast at the man. He flew back but he didn’t die. Ava rushed forward trying to get to Alex but Norman was able to raise a hand to fling her back letting her smash against the wall. He slowly raised to a sitting position a hole gapping in the middle of his chest.

“No!” Zan yelled as he flew his hand out. He pinned Norman to the ground then took hold of some vessels of his brains and began squeezing them, cutting the blood flow. Norman laughed.

“You can’t kill me.”

“Want to bet?” Max said stepping up to the man. “Let him go.”

“What? Are you crazy?” Zan demanded.

“There’s only one way to kill him. Let him go.” Max ordered.

Reluctantly Zan let Norman go and found himself flying back across the yard. Max quickly flipped Norman over and used a blast to the small of his back and watched as Norman turned to dust.

Max, the dust not settled yet, rushed to Alex who was lying on the ground face down whimpering. He took his son in his arms and held him close.

“It’s ok. You did good. You were brave. Uncle Michael would be so proud of you.” Max soothed rocking him back and forth. “You’ve got a warrior spirit in you. So strong…” Max’s voice failed as he realized that he’d almost lost his son again.

When Alex calmed Max looked up to find Serina helping Ava up while Boone was tending to Zan.

“Everyone ok?” He asked. The others nodded.

“I just can’t believe it.” Serina said as she knelt beside Max making sure Alex was ok. She was in shock that someone who she thought was a friend would turn out to be a foe. He had only been there to try and get to Alex.

“Norman has lived here two years and he…” She shook her head. “How did you know how to kill him?”

“He’s a skin. I’ve had my share of run ins with them through the years.” Max took the opportunity to start looking around the area, looking for more Skins to pop out of the woodwork. “Did he live alone?”

“Yes.” Ava said rubbing her neck as she approached them. “He said his wife died about six years ago. In a fire if I recall. He didn’t like to talk about her much.”

Max’s hand continued rubbing Alex’s back but his mind was whirling. Six years ago…a fire…wife…

“Shit.” Max muttered.

“What?” Zan kneeled down and touched Alex’s arm drawing the boy’s attention. He gave him a lopsided grin and Alex nodded indicating that he was ok, his tears dried.

“There was a community of Skins from Copper Summit that invaded Roswell about six years ago. They made all the humans disappear just to find us. Tess…she had this power that somehow wiped them out using fire. We had destroyed their husks and they were dying but they were determined to get us. I think she was one of them.”

“Could be.” Zan said getting up and scanning the area. “I’ll go check out his house. Maybe there will be some more information whether he was alone.”

“I’ll help.” Before Zan could protest he turned his attention to Alex. “Buddy…I want you to help your Aunts and Boone in packing a few things to take with us. Can you be a good helper while Zan and I go check out some things?”

Alex nodded but Max could feel his fear.

“We’ll be fine. We are just going next door for a few minutes to make sure things are safe. I can feel you in here.” Max tapped his head. “If you need me, just call. OK?”

Alex nodded and unwrapped his arms from Max.

“Come on.” Boone offered his hand to Alex. “I’ll help you pick out some stuff to take while Serina and Ava pack their stuff.”

Max watched Boone lead Alex inside while Serina and Ava followed before he stood.

“Let’s go.”

Zan led the way to Norman’s backyard where they entered the home unobserved. It looked like it always had whenever Zan had come over. Everything was in its place, the kitchen clean, the laundry done. Norman was a very neat man. Max walked around the small house and began searching while Zan sat down at the computer and turned it on.

“So…how is it that you can blast? I’ve tried and tried and never could get it down.” Zan admitted.

“When I killed Khivar and everyone else died I was severely injured.” Max said as he looked through the kitchen drawers. “I should have died but the Granolith kept me alive and healed me. It trapped me inside of it and during my three years of stasis it somehow mixed in the other’s essences with my own, giving me their powers.”

“So can do what the four of us could do?” Zan began searching through the files that popped up on the screen.

“Something like that but I also have different powers. I have the healing and shield that I’ve found is unique to us. I have Michael’s blasting and fighting strength, and Isabel’s dreamwalking abilities. But also Liz’s visions, though I haven’t really experienced one of those yet, and Kyle’s empathetic abilities. I can’t mindwarp like Ava and Alex can.”

“Would have been nice to know that before all of this.” Zan grumbled.

Max merely shrugged his shoulders. “You never asked what I could do.”

They continued their search in silence but the tension was still heavy. Zan was not used to following anyone while Max stubbornly realized that until Alex was old enough he had to step once again in to the role of King.

“Got something.” Zan said looking up from the screen. Max came over and looked over Zan’s shoulders. The screen was filled with zeros and ones.

“What’s this?”

“This is something that is easy to decode.” Zan’s fingers flew across the keyboard. The numbers slowly started turning into symbols.

“And you knew how to do this…?” It was Max’s turn to be surprised by Zan’s skill.

“Took some computer classes here and there.” Zan answered casually.

“Our friend Alex was good with computers. He was able to translate a book Tess brought using a computer. You and he would have had lots to talk about.” There was a note of sadness in Max’s words as he recalled that was also how Tess killed him with her mindwarping. Max knew that if asked Alex would have willingly found a way to translate the book. She wouldn’t have had to mindwarp him.

“That is written in Antarian. It’s a message from Antar telling Norman that I was alive and it was time to bring the heir home no matter what.”

“You can read this stuff? I remember a few symbols but not enough to read it.” Zan asked looking at the screen baffled.

“The Granolith stuffed a lot of knowledge into my head while it healed me.”

Zan huffed. “Apparently.”

After printing out several pages and going through all the other files and saving them to a disk Zan put a virus through the system wiping it clean before he destroyed it. Finding nothing else that would help them Zan and Max left out the back door and returned to where the others were finishing up with their packing. After loading the two vehicles Max went back around and set Norman’s house aflame. He didn’t want to take the chance of anything else hidden there to be found by another Skin.


Chapter 19

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:07 am
by magikhands
Chapter 19

The trip back to Roswell started without further incident. Serina, Zan, and Alex rode in Serena’s Camry while Ava rode with Max and Boone in Brody’s Explorer.

“The last I saw you Ava, you were sure Zan was dead. How did you come to find each other?” Max asked once they got out of town. He glanced in the rearview mirror and caught Ava’s blue eyes looking up at his. He could also see the silver of the car Zan was driving.

“I’d settled in Cali. But that only last for a short time. I soon got restless. It was weird. I loved it out there, the sun, the surf, and the guys. But inside something told me that I was needed elsewhere. So I up and left. Headed east.”

“Just like that? You up and left?” Boone turned in his seat. Having the responsibility he did from such a young age, he couldn’t imagine doing something like that. Even as a child, he felt responsible for Shannon and tried to keep her out of trouble along with learning his mother’s business.

“Yeah. I travel light.” She gave him a smile. “Anyways, I was shacked up in this motel in Tennessee when there was a knock at my door. When I opened it, there stood Zan. Healthy and that damn smirk on his face. At first I thought it was a Skin but, well, let’s just say he convinced me otherwise.” She winked at Boone whose cheeks burned red knowing the meaning of her words.

“He said we had to go to North Carolina. It felt right so we went.”

“But how did he know where to go. And why?”

“He said he felt it when you died. That he had to go and find your heir and protect him. Said it was our job now.”

“Wait. You went by his word that he felt it when I died? But Ava…I didn’t die. The Granolith kept me alive.”

Ava shook her head. “No, it was before your fight with big, bad Khivar. This happened just months after I left Roswell.”

Max shook his head. “But I…” His voice trailed off. “Died.” It was spoken so softly Boone and Ava could barely hear it.

Michael’s words came back to him. It was after the incident with Clayton, when he’d been forced to try and heal the old man. He’d died doing it. Valenti had seen his body turn to dust. Michael said that it freaked him out because he was supposed to be dead yet there he was. Alive and breathing.

“He felt it?” Liz had felt it so why not his duplicate. That was a reasonable connection though they’d never met.

“Yeah, that’s what he said. Afterwards he just knew things like you had a child with my dup.”

“What else did he know?” Max’s voice was so low it almost came out as an animalistic growl. If Zan knew he’d sired a child, he had to wonder what other knowledge Zan had ‘inheritated’ from his death.

Ava shrugged. “He wouldn’t talk about it.”

Max sighed and placed his attention back to the road ahead. “Michael once told me that he felt it when…Rath died. Though Isabel would never answer me, I’m sure she did too.”

“Logical.” Boone said, his gaze going to Max. He hadn’t liked the way Max was acting about Zan knowing about Alex. It was almost as if he was jealous of the other man. Sitting there watching Max’s jaw tighten and his knuckles go white on the steering wheel Boone knew what was going on. Max was jealous, of the years he’d been stolen with his son while Zan had gained them.

“That means you felt it when Tess died then, right?” Boone asked trying to get the subject off of Zan while shedding some light on these alien connections. It was fascinating.

Ava looked down at her hands and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t like talking about it.” She said softly.

“Oh, I’m sorry Ava. I was just…”

“It’s ok.” Her head raised and she put a smile on her lips though it didn’t reach her eyes. “I understand your curiosity with all of this.”

Boone nodded. “But I don’t ever want to make you feel uncomfortable. It’s just weird, you know. Here I was, living my life, running a company, while trying to keep my sister out of trouble, then poof….I’m stranded on this island with strange monsters. Then I’m drawn into an alien abyss. If I hadn’t seen the things I’d seen, I’d swear I was locked at an institution somewhere in a strait jacket and locked in a room with padded walls.”

Ava laughed. “Yeah, try being an alien hatched from a pod.”

Boone felt Max’s hand go to his thigh. He looked over and found Max’s attention on the road but a somber look. Boone didn’t say anything, just reached down and let his hand lay on Max’s.

Max glanced over at his lover. He felt guilty for pulling, yet again, one more person into all of this chaos but he could feel Boone’s feelings. Despite his guilt, Max knew Boone wasn’t regretting a single moment with him. That made his heart jump in his chest. He just hoped he could get Boone to return to Antar with him.

“Thank you Ava.”

Ava’s shapely brow arched in question.

“For watching over Alex when I couldn’t.” Max explained.

She reached out and patted his shoulder. “No problem. I couldn’t let one of us be raised the way we were.”

Max nodded. He and Isabel had been lucky. They’d been raised in a good family. Michael wasn’t so lucky but he and Isabel did the best they could to show him their love. Tess had been raised by Nesado, a huge mistake but she’d tried to redeem herself when she’d brought his son back. Their duplicates had it the worst. They’d been abandoned by Cal. Forced to raise themselves in the sewers of New York City. To fend for themselves and never know what it was like to receive love.

Max knew he’d told them all thank you, but he wished there was something else he could do to show him his gratitude.


During the last stretch to Roswell, it was unanimous that Max and Zan should ride together in the Explorer. Both balked but Serina put her foot down and ordered Zan to get into the other vehicle. Zan opened and closed his mouth in protest several times but no sound came out. He finally gave up, gave Serina a kiss, then proceeded to get in the passenger seat.

Max and Zan drove in silence ahead of Ava for a while before Max started chuckling.

Zan looked at him with a sour look. “What are you laughing at?”

Max noticed that there was only a hint of a New York accent left as with Ava. He was glad because it didn’t’ remind him too much of his run in with Rath and Vilondra. Max shook his head.

“I just can’t get over how you tucked your tail between your legs and did what Serina bid. I thought you were the mighty Zan, King reincarnated.” Max was still chuckling.

Zan arched a brow. “Oh, really? I don’t know about you and Pretty Boy’s relationship but I think I can dig in here somewhere,” He tapped the side of his head. “And find a time or two that a pretty doe eyed brunette did the same to you.”

Max’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?” He wasn’t about to admit to anything just in case Zan was bluffing. Zan knew about Liz and who she was to Max. Surely, Alex or Ava could have described her to him.

Zan continued tapping his head as a smirk came to his face. “Hmmm…You were maybe 16 years old. She came to your room through the window. She wanted a necklace Isabel had found. She was going up to the reservation and there was no way you could stop her. Is that close enough or do you need more detail?”

Max’s breath stopped. He nearly slammed on the brakes but he figured it would be best he kept driving. It kept the urge to blast Zan controllable if he had to concentrate on something else.

“Oh, and then there’s this time when your blue eyed lover…”

“Point taken.” Max grounded out through clenched teeth interrupting what Zan was going to say. He didn’t need a reminder of his own memories.

Now it was Zan’s turn to chuckle. “I guess the Mighty King really can be brought down a peg or two.”

Max glared at Zan. “Just remember that. I’m the King.”

“Getting egotistical, aren’t we?”

Max growled. “Just reminding you of your position.”

Max hated pulling the King card. He had spent years after finding out who he was hating his position but every time he turned, he needed to make decisions. Right before returning to Roswell to face Khivar, Max had finally embraced his role though he was never truly comfortable with it. He hoped his son would have better success at it.

Zan continued laughing. “Yes El Presidente.”

Max surprised Zan by slamming hard on the brakes and swerved off to the side of the road. He threw a shield over the back of the vehicle just before Ava hit him, protecting everyone. Max put the Explorer in park and turned off the engine.

“Get out.” He ordered.

Zan had stopped laughing by now. He was looking wide eyed at Max, his mouth opening to scold about how the others could have been seriously injured but immediately closed his mouth when he saw Max’s cold glare.

“Get…out…” Max said slower. The words came out harshly and it was clearly an order.

Zan held up his hands in surrender. “Fine.” The door beside him popped open and he slid out. He expected Max to take off but found him getting out also.

Max walked around the back of the Explorer and told Boone for them to all stay in the car. They did so but watched with curiosity.

Max approached Zan until he had Zan’s back against the Explorer. Max felt the anger simmering inside, it was near boiling. His muscles were strained as he fought the desire to hurt Zan. His emotions seemed to be going wild, his control barely there. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, he was not a monster, but Zan had pushed him too far. He now understood Michael more than he ever had before as his lack of control flared. Max could feel Michael’s essence pulsing through his veins, his impulsive nature demanding that he blast Zan, to put an end to this silent power struggle.

Max’s face was inches from Zan’s.

“I’ve taken a lot in my life, but you’ve pushed too far Zan.” Max paused to gain an inch of control on the burning anger inside of him. “Those things you have inside of your head…my memories you inherited…keep them to yourself. Don’t try to be funny, or a smart ass by throwing comments my way. I will not tolerate you chastising my memories to see how far you can push.”

Zan met Max’s eyes but deep inside he felt himself melting. Yes, he knew he was pushing too hard when he saw Max’s jaw clench, but he couldn’t help himself, he had to.

“I will take you with me back to the Granolith, even to Antar because I know Alex loves you and wants you with us. But, you will remember, he is my son. I made him, not you.”

Max’s head began to pound and his vision blurred slightly. He couldn’t stop the words or emotions as he chewed Zan a new ass. He brought up things that Zan had nothing to do with, including the death of his precious wife and lover. Once the words started, he couldn’t stop as he vented all the pent up emotions he wasn’t even sure where they were coming from.

“And as for Boone. You will treat him with the respect he deserves. If not, I will blast your ass to Antar the old fashion way.”

Zan never broke eye contact the entire time Max spoke to him. When the words finally quit coming, he saw that Max’s chest was heaving and his face flushed. A glance down showed Max’s hands fisted and trembling. He looked down both ways of the road they were on and saw it was deserted. They had seen few cars since getting on it.

“Go ahead. Do it. Get it over with.” Zan said softly.

Max’s breath hitched. He’d just finished yelling at Zan, blaming him from being made to his family dying, and all he can say is ‘Go ahead’?

Zan slowly reached a hand out and gently took hold of Max’s wrist. He raised it until they both could see it. Zan used his other hand to unfurl the fingers. What Max saw startled him. Blood covered his palm. It wasn’t just a drop or two from his own fingernails, but pooled there and dripping through his fingers.

“I think it’s time you finally let go.” Zan’s words were gentle and …so uncharacteristic.

Max looked at him confused. He didn’t understand what Zan was saying. Did Zan want him to do what he’s been itching to do since he laid eyes on him?

Zan pushed Max’s arm out toward the desert. “You won’t be able to go any further until you release it. If not, I’m scared you will explode, and me the unlucky victim.”

Max suddenly realized what he was saying. He could feel the energy swirling inside of his body. The hair along his arms and neck were standing on ends. His eyes were pulsing in time with the pounding in his head. Only the control he’d managed to keep kept him from, as Zan put it, exploding.

“There’s no one around. Let it go.” Zan encouraged.

Max glanced around and was assured no one was coming. He turned and held his bloody hand out to the near empty land. Taking a deep breath he gathered the dangerous energy and threw it out. An unlucky cactus got the brunt of the attack and burst into flames.

Max collapsed to his knees suddenly exhausted…and relieved. He heard a car door open but Zan stopped whoever it was from coming over. Zan helped Max into the passenger seat of the Explorer. He took Max’s hands in his own. In seconds they were cleaned and healed. Zan took his seat on the driver’s side, started the vehicle, and pulled back onto the road.

Max felt light headed from expending so much. Boone’s concern was knocking loudly inside so he sent a comforting image to his lover. It calmed Boone a little but Max knew as soon as they got back to Brody’s he would be all over him.

“Feel better?” Zan asked not taking his eyes from the road.

Max sighed. “Yeah.” He turned his head. “You knew. How?”

Zan shrugged like it was no big deal. “Not sure really. I just saw something different about you since the thing with Norman. Even though you blasted the shit out of him it seemed as if you were holding back. Then add the hate you have for me…”

“I don’t hate you.” Max turned away and looked out the window. “I’ve never hated you.” Max’s words were true. How can you hate someone you didn’t know? Yes, Rath and Vilondra had turned out evil but Ava wasn’t. And from what he could sense from Zan, he had the ability to love and show compassion. Two traits Michaela and Isabel’s duplicates didn’t possess.

“Yeah, whatever.” Silence fell over them for a minute.

“Listen. I’m sorry. I know I was goading you too far. But I knew something had to be done before we got back to the Granolith.”

Max didn’t say anything.

“Truce?” Zan asked.

Max turned to look at his duplicate.

“We are going to Antar with you. You, I mean we, still have enemies out there that are after Alex. You need our help. We want to help.” Zan paused but when Max still didn’t respond he continued. “An all those things you said, the ones about me being a total shit head. They are true. I knew you would be back one day but I tried not to think of it. I let myself believe that Alex would keep looking to me for answers and guidance. That I would be the one in his life who would show him how to be a man. Something I never had.” His last sentence was said softly as if ashamed of himself.

An image of his own father came to Max’s mind. Philip Evans had taught him everything he knew…including how to be a caring and loving husband, father, and friend.

“Alex is a very lucky boy. He’s got so many people who love him. He loves you. You protected him and kept him safe. You will always have a big part in his life Zan. I can’t take nothing he loves away from him.”

Max held out his hand. “Truce.”

Zan took it and squeezed it. “Truce. And I’ll quite being an ass.”

Max chuckled. “I don’t seeing that happening but I’ll stop the King ego trip.”

“Right.” Zan shook his head and smiled.

As they passed the Welcome to Roswell sign Max turned to Zan. “In that jumble you call a brain, do you have the memory of when Nicholas and the Skins came to Roswell and how they made everyone disappear?” Max’s voice was full of humor as he remembered the long green pole that punctured the sign.


Chapter 20

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:26 pm
by magikhands
Chapter 20

The sun was setting when the two cars reached the UFO Center. Not sure who they may run into, Max and Zan donned ball caps and wore them low.

Alex gasped as they walked down the steps that led to the main hall of the Center. The lighting was dim with spotlights illuminating the exhibits. His eyes widened as they skimmed over the ‘alien autopsy’ display. The old alien doll lying on a steel table, its chest cut open, while mannequins dressed as doctors stood over it. Alex tightened his grip on Ava’s hand.

“Don’t worry Sweetie. It’s not real. It’s just a dummy and how this world perceives aliens.” Ava reassured her nephew.

Alex nodded but his unease didn’t disappear. Max kneeled down in front of Alex.

“Don’t let anything you see here scare you. This stuff here, it’s the perception people here on Earth have of those of us not born here. They fear those not like them. They fear the unknown.

“Where we are going, back to Antar, everyone will be like you. They will possess abilities of their own. They will not want to study you or for find out how you work. Ok?” Max explained, trying to ease the fear he felt in his son. “Did you know that I used to work here when I was a teenager?” Max asked.

Alex shook his head in confusion but Max could feel his fear easing.

Max nodded. “I spent a lot of time here. And the first time I came in here, it scared me too. But as time went by, I knew they were fake and nothing to be frightened of.”

Max was not about to tell his son the cruelties of the government. Why they had hunted them and still on the look out for. He didn’t want to think about the time years ago, he himself had been in the position of the alien doll. He didn’t want to relive the feel of the knife slicing through his skin as it trailed down his chest. He swore when he escaped Pierce that no one he loved would ever experience the pain and fear he did at the hands of the government. That was one reason he’d given Alex up to begin with.

“I want you to meet a friend of mine. He actually owns this place and was one of my bosses. All right Buddy?”

Alex gave a small smile and nodded.

“Good. His office is this way.” Max stood and led the way to Brody’s office. The small group passed by several lingering visitors but none paid much attention to him. Max softly knocked on the door before entering the office.

Brody smiled and stood seeing Max enter. “You’re back. How did it go?”
Brody’s eyes widened when the others filed into the office behind Max. Boone was last and shut the door behind them, giving them the privacy they needed.

“It went…” Max shrugged, unable to truly answer the question. Well wasn’t the appropriate response since he’d had to destroy a Skin that had lived next to Alex for years, and bad wasn’t appropriate either since he had his son, a lover, and new allies.

Movement behind Brody caught Alex’s attention.

“Daddy. Who’s that?” He asked while tugging on Max’s shirt and pointed toward Brody.

“Alex, this is Brody. The friend I wanted you to meet.”

“No, not him…her.” He continued pointing.

This time Max saw who Alex was asking about. A dark haired girl was sitting in another chair behind Brody.

“Is that…?” Max started.

Brody moved to the side giving Max a full view of the girl. “Sydney.” Brody answered as she stood and slowly walked up to Max. He kneeled but was speechless. He’d not seen her since he healed her in the Phoenix hospital. Her hand reached out and cupped his cheek gently.

“You’re the Angel. The one who made me feel better.”

Max nodded, eyes shinning with unshed tears, his speech still stuck in his throat. He could remember that night like it was yesterday. Sydney was so small, fragile, and sick. The doctors had said they could do no more for her. With that diagnosis, she would never grow and experience her first kiss, her first prom, love, marriage…a future.

That night, he was able to give her and the other kids a future. Something everyone else had given up. Who he was, what he was, brought her the chance at a full life.

“Thank you.” She withdrew her hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re welcome.” Max finally found his voice.

“I believe these are yours.” Boone broke the moment and handed the Explorer’s keys to Brody.

“Oh, yeah. Thanks.” Brody said taking them and putting them in his pocket. “I see that you picked up friends.” He nodded to the people standing behind Max.

“Yeah.” Max stood. “This is my son Alex, Serena, Ava, who you met several years ago, and…Zan.” Who had removed his hat.

“Nice to meet you. This is my daughter Sydney.”

With introductions made, Max lifted a bag onto Brody’s desk.

“What’s this?” Brody asked.

“This is what is left of all the money our parents left me. Inside is also the deed to the land across the street.” Max said.

“Did you want me to keep it safe for you?” Brody asked feeling confused.

Max shook his head. “No Brody. I’m giving it to you. The money and the deed. It’s already been signed over to you so everything is legal.”

“Max…I just…I can’t. It’s yours.” Brody protested.

“I have no more use of it. Once I leave here, I will never return to Roswell. Possibly Earth.”

“Max, really…I can’t.”

“Yes you can. But I’m not just giving it to you. I know you have more than enough money for yourself. This…” He indicated to the bag. “Is to continue a legacy. I want you to use this to rebuild the CrashDown. Make it like it once was. Rebuild it in memory of my family, those who died to protect Earth.”

Tears shone in Max’s eyes as he spoke. He’d told himself that he wouldn’t cry but when he thought of Alex, Liz, all the parents. His family. He couldn’t help but to feel the grief of losing them all over again.

Brody, seeing how much this meant to Max, only nodded as a lump of sadness clogged his throat.

“There are also pictures in there of everyone to hang in the Crash.”

“Of course.” Brody said finally finding his voice again.

“Thanks Brody. Thanks for everything.” Max reached out and embraced his friend. When Brody’s arms wrapped around him, he received flashes. Max saw Brody smiling as he said wedding vows to a beautiful dark haired woman. He also saw Brody leaning out of Liz’s old bedroom window watching a thirteen-year-old Sydney lounging in a chair on the balcony and looking up at the stars, smiling. He could feel a happiness in Brody, one that was heart-felt.

Max stepped back knowing that his friend was going to be all right. He smiled and patted Brody’s shoulder.

“Have a happy life Brody.” Max picked up a small device that was lying on Brody’s desk. It was the one that had once rendered he and Tess powerless. “You know how to use this if you ever need me, right?”

Brody nodded. “Yes. Larek left that information for me.”

“Good.” Max turned to Sydney. “Good-bye Sydney. Be good for your dad. He’s a great guy.”

The girl smiled up at Max and wrapped her arms around one of Brody’s arms. “I will.”

“It was nice meeting you.” Boone said shaking Brody’s hand.

“Good luck Boone. And to the rest of you.”

The others nodded and exited the office following Max into the small storage room.

“It’s a bit of a tighter fit than when we came here.” Boone chuckled, wrapping his arm around Max’s waist. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” Max said softly. He knew in his heart that he’d never see Roswell again. It would be too risky to ever return. He was dead to the world. That was the way it would stay.

Everyone joined hands as Max closed his eyes. He concentrated and felt the Granolith’s power grow in him. He then imagined the small bunker that had housed him safely for three years. With a bright flash of light the six were gone from the UFO Center.
