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Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:20 pm
by Raychelxluscious
out of this world wrote:I understand that Max was devastated however when he kissed Tess the First Season Max told Liz to keep Faith in them however what happened to his Faith then. I mean he should have known that Liz was not that kind of girl and pursed the truth further.

Ok I guess what I am trying to say is that Max eventually went to Tess and Liz still stayed loyal to the fact that someday her and Max might be together.

It is just a tough decision all around

Good point. But we later found out about Max's pull towards Tess. And in EOTW, Liz had been trying every other way she could think of to break up with him. Seeing Liz and Kyle was the last straw for him.

Besides, that's a bit of incriminating evidence. :roll:

Just my POV.


Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:28 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
out of this world wrote:I understand that Max was devastated however when he kissed Tess the First Season Max told Liz to keep Faith in them however what happened to his Faith then. I mean he should have known that Liz was not that kind of girl and pursed the truth further.

Ok I guess what I am trying to say is that Max eventually went to Tess and Liz still stayed loyal to the fact that someday her and Max might be together.

It is just a tough decision all around

The kiss with Tess was different. This was sex, not a simple kiss. And Liz didn't try to convince him otherwise like he did after the kiss. She even said it again and again and again, 'I slept with Kyle, it happened, we made love, etc.' And he did think 'she wouldn't do that' for a long time, until she finally convinced him. As for her staying faithful, again Max didn't know she had.

We're off topic, but this might make a good seperate discussion.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:40 am
by ~*Sonia E.*~
Truthfully, I think neither did and I honestly loved Max and Liz.

I think Max loved Tess more and Liz was starting to fall for Sean which would have been better in the long run anyway. That was until Sean disappeared into thin air and never to be heard from again.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:05 am
by maxandliz4ever1357
:shock: :shock: :shock:

That's your opinion, and your completely within your right to have it, but you might wanna be careful around us dreamers. One of us might jump you :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:18 am
by Stars in my eyes
I don't think neither one loved the other more. Max's world was Liz, and Liz would never love anyone as she loved Max. Liz said it best in ETOW
Don't you realize what you are to me...and you're always gonna be? You're the love of my life. Everyone else is gonna be second best. There'll never be another you.
and Max said it in Destiny
Liz, when I was in that room, and they did what they did to me. You're what kept me alive. The thought of you. The way your eyes look into mine. Your smile. The touch of your skin. Your lips. Knowing you has made me human. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same: it's you. I want to be with you, Liz. I love you.
When Max thought they were really though he was devested, and he turned to Tess. When Liz found out that Max sleep with Tess, she turned to Sean. Max didn't love Tess, nor did Liz love Sean. They were substitutes for what they were missing. Something to feel the empty place inside of them, even if for a little while. I can understand Max's reason for turning to Tess just like I understand Liz's for Sean.

They both loved each other. They were young, and people make mistakes. They had alien destiny's, being chased by the special unit and evil alien enemies, and saving the world, all while continuing to go to school and act normal. It was hard and would take a toll on anyone.

Liz is not a saint, but neither is Max. They both fucked up at times. While one struggle to survive, one tried to forget. Did that make one more in love then the other? No, they both loved each other equally.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:29 pm
by Sologirl102
wow. a girl after my own heart.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:17 pm
by Max&LizLuver6
Stars in my eyes wrote:I don't think neither one loved the other more. Max's world was Liz, and Liz would never love anyone as she loved Max.

When Max thought they were really though he was devested, and he turned to Tess. When Liz found out that Max sleep with Tess, she turned to Sean. Max didn't love Tess, nor did Liz love Sean. They were substitutes for what they were missing. Something to feel the empty place inside of them, even if for a little while. I can understand Max's reason for turning to Tess just like I understand Liz's for Sean.
I truely couldn't agree more!! They loved each other with all their hearts and when they thought their relationship was over they tried to move on... unfortunately for them, it didn't work... they screwed their lives up... Max fucked it up both physically and mentally... while Liz fucked up only mentally, I mean she had to have been beating herself up inside wishing she hadn't pretended to sleep with kyle... and Max must have done the same wishing he hadn't had sex with Tess... but peope make mistakes... but technically their mistakes turned out for the better...

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:47 pm
by Jessibelle47
Liz definetely, definetely loves Max more than he loves her. I know that Max thought that Liz slept with Kyle but if oyu truly love someone then you still have some hope that you will inevitably end up with the person that you love even if all hope seems to be lost. I mean, when exactly has there ever seemed to be just soooo much hope that Max and Liz would end up with each other. Yet, Liz never seemed to give up hope and Max just gave up and slept with TESS!!! OF ALL PEOPLE!!! WHY TESS!?!?!?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:27 pm
by Max&LizLuver6
I really don't think he gave up... I mean she kinda suduced him... The way I see it is she was there when he was crushed and she just suduced him... being there whenever he needed someone... I'm not saying you are wrong, that is just my opinion... and you know he also saw Liz with Sean and I'm sure that crushed him too... I dunno... this is a very hard question!

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:45 pm
by trulov
So I am finally able to answer my own question after pondering long and hard. My answer is this - I think Max loved Liz more. Don't get me wrong - as stated in many opinions (which I totally respect) both M/L loved each other sooo much and both would have died for the other if given the chance.
That being said - I still think max loved Liz more. I could sit here and list and weigh all the things they each did, and sacraficed for one another from the Pilot to Graduation, to show how much they loved each other, but I won't. Their feelings and actions are not how I came to my conclusion.

I think Max loved Liz more due to the fact that he simply fell apart without her. He became a selfish, rash person no one really wanted to be around (except Tess). He lost himself when he thought he had lost Liz. Without Max, Liz was not happy, but she was still Liz Parker. Without Liz the Max we all knew and loved disappeared showing he couldn't be the man he was meant to be without her.