Time After Time Challenge

Have a challenge you'd like to see written? Have an idea that just won't get out of your head? Want to talk anything and everything fanfic or writer related? This is the place.

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Post by Fred »

Kath has been great about this. Anyone who is thinking about this but is confused at all should really read Destiny's Circle by Kath. I have read up to Part 19 and so far it is exactly what I was thinking. :D You can find that on her Author's Page.

Feel free to ask questions too. I think the locket idea should stick. Like I said - it can be something besides a locket. Just something that she wears that can hold something. It is just so there is something that ties it all together.

For those of you who would like to do this but are concerned about it. All it is - is you writing one story from your time period. It can be CC or M/L, 1 part or 50 parts, happy or sad (just a thought though - if they all live to be 99 then we can't have as many stories :wink: - of course when I think about it - happily ever after during certain time periods might mean that they live to a ripe old age of 35 or 40 ), alien heavy or not, memories of past lives or not. Anything you want - it is your story - it will just go along with the group in that the time periods won't overlap and there is a 'locket' or something like it involved.

And for some of the authors that think they can't handle it - I'm :roll: at you. I've seen your awards so don't be so modest!!! :lol:

Also - I wanted to tell everyone that if they want me to help with historical facts (though I'm no history professor) or if they want to use me as a sounding board I'd be more then happy to help (but my help is not a requirement).

One more thing - if you want to participate but you have other fics you are working on I do understand you wanting to finish the others first. I have ideas for a few of these but I'm going to wait to start when Without You is near the end. :roll:

I just wanted people to start thinking about it now. Of course if you have a time period that you just MUST have you probably need to let us know.

Any other questions? Feel free to ask.

Hugs - Fred
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Post by BelevnDreamsToo »

WAHOO!! GREAT idea, Fred!! I LIKE IT...I LIKE IT!!! 8)

I LOVED Destiny's Circle and remember Kath had said she wanted to do other time periods!! Can't wait to read all of them!! YEA!!! :D

PLEASE keep me informed, Sissy!! :wink:

xox, J :D
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Post by Anniepoo98 »


This sounds like an incredible challenge, and I would love to toss my hat in. I had a story that I posted years ago that I would love to revise (okay, more like overhaul) that would be perfect for this. It takes place in Salem 1692/1693 during the witch trials. The ros gang are all about 17-18 at the time (no older than 20).

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Post by Christmasnazi »

I love this idea... I want to claim Ancient Greece around the time of the Greek gods... I'll get back to you with the exact dates. However I'd like to do this time period as either stargazer or, preferably, and if acceptable, as Incrowder so if there are a couple authors out there willing to do this time period as Dreamer or Candy... I'd love to get together to work out a concept for our fics...

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Post by Chione »

Okay, I can't resist the lure of historical fiction, much less that has to do with Roswell. So I'm claimin' the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, if that's okay, pharaohs Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, and the infamous Tutankhamun. And for the locket idea, I really like that. In Egypt though, it'd probably have to be more of a pendant than a locket. They didn't have those. :D Maybe something like the pendant Max gave Liz or something? Just tossin' out suggestions.

This really is a wonderful idea. I hope enough people get involved! I, for one, am looking forward to lots more dreamer stories to read.
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Post by Kath7 »

In DC, the pendant Max gave Liz plays a very significant role, so it seems appropriate that it be the link between the stories. I already mentioned that to Fred. If she's on Part 19, she hasn't read about it yet, though. lol

As for help with historical details, I'm available for that too. :) I am a history buff of the first order, plus teach it.

I must say, when I see the quality of writers taking part in this, I'm getting even MORE excited.

And I think it's a great idea having other characters central in some stories. If the pendant is going to work, there has to be a Max/Liz connection somehow, but some of them might be fun to see what's happening with them from another pov. My story DC: The Forest actually has major Candy and Gazer storylines too. So full CC stories are also possible (but do end up longer).
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Post by Kath7 »

Oh, and by the way, I'm also reserving rights on the French Revolution - circa the 1790's. Since the characters will be in their late teens and twenties, anything after 1770 is off limits. And since my next story is regency, no one needs to worry about ending dates for this one.

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Post by Anniepoo98 »

Just to let everyone know... if you want banners for you story, just shoot me a pm and I will give it a shot!


PS... I am so excited about this. It's going to be so much fun!
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Post by Luvya »

I would love to join in and I'll PM you for the timeline that I want to choose so hopefully it will be okay :-)
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Post by LysCat »

Do you have room for one more?
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Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."
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