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Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:30 pm
by Liz_Parker

I walk down the hall and look into the window of the girl with the long blonde curly hair. Her name is Isabel Evans, and she's one of those girls of the past.

I open the door and walk in smiling softly.

"Time to rise and shine Ms. Evans.".

She groans and I smile softly at her.

"What's going on?", She asks softly. "Where am I?".

"Your in St. Andreas hospital, and you are in the year 3000, you were frozen and now are here......welcome to the future"., I smile trying to seem cheery but I doubt this is going to be an easy experience. Transitioning to year to year is one thing. But going from 1 year to a thousand years later,'s going to be hard.

"Your clothes are in the locker to oyur left, I will be standing outside waiting for you.".

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:39 am
by Anna-Liisa

Sudden accident of seeing Tess half naked made me wonder if people still believed in Buddha in the year 3000. I turned back to her. Alex and Max explain things to her. Doesn't believe either at first. I was starting to believe in it. I watched as Tess looked out of the window then I looked away.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starting to believe in this. I'm starting to believe that this...this isn't a joke" I sighed.

Alex looked at me, but didn't say anything. It seemed like he was starting to think about it too. I mean, flying cars, freezing feeling when waking up and everything else. Just too much to be a joke.

"And Max, about what you said...about the side-effect thing, that they might want check if the healing 'caused any side-effects" I scrathed my head.

Then I looked at him. "The side-effects, they're not possible right? I won't be turning into an alien...right?"

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:26 pm
by isabelle

'Turn you into an alien?" I do my best not to laugh out loud at Kyle's question. "No, I don't think that's the way it works, Kyle, and I doubt they're expecting anything like that, either. They're probably wondering about the energy and its effects - like a damaged immune system or long-term organ damage or something."

Seeing the look of alarm grow on Kyle's face, I quickly assure him. "That's not going to happen. There's never been any side-effects at all, that I'm aware of. If anything, I'd expect the opposite - that there might be increased health benefits, but most likely it'll be nothing at all."

Kyle seems to relax a bit and I have to wonder why he asked that particular question. Raising an eyebrow, I ask, "Why? Do you feel different, somehow?"

When I healed Liz, I'd never healed a life-threatening injury before. I was rushed and hoping nobody was looking too closely. It was fast and I wasn't even completely sure about it. But Kyle was different. There was time, and I'd done it before. The risk of exposure was passed, since I was among only friends. I was able to really see what I was doing, even to cleaning up the blood on his shirt. Nothing could have happened. ... Could it?

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:55 pm
by Anna-Liisa
Since this is AU and I don't remember Max seeing any flashes during Kyle's healing I'm going to put so that Kyle saw Flashes from Max during the healing. Complicated...yep.


I sighed in a relief. I wasn't going to be an alien. Those creepy dreams I had 1000 years ago were all just creepy dreams.

"Why? Do you feel different, somehow?" Max asks.

Did I? I though about it for awhile. There were times when I felt like I understood Max a little bit better. When he saved me there were things I saw.

"Well...I'm not feeling different right now, but when you, er, saved me I saw these, erm, flashes?" I say.

There were a few really passionated flashes about him and Liz. Alex looks at me curious. "What did you see Valenti?" he asks.

I look away from him blushing a little. "Something that will haunt me forever" I say.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:14 pm
by M
Sorry Is, I wasn't not posting, I just didn't get a chance before this, promise!


Listening to Alex, Kyle and Max discuss Kyle's healing I have a few minutes to get my bearings and collect myself.

'Umm, I hate to interupt this touching moment, but don't you think that maybe we should try and figure out what to do now? If they know about us then they will either have questions or be able to answer them. I agree the first thing to do is to find the others. Maybe we should split up and go look for them? I mean, that is if you boys can tear yourselves away?' I quirk an eyebrow to know that I'm mostly joking, but I keep my arms crossed so they know I'm not totally joking.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:29 pm
by isabelle

He saw flashes. I should have realized that might have happened. Liz didn't see them until I showed her, but I'd gotten used to letting her see so it's not too hard to imagine that he saw them on his own. His reaction is abit hard to read 'though. What did he see?

I'm guessing it was something alien - like watching us come out of the pods or something. I bet it looked like some horror movie or something. No wonder he's worried about becoming like us. The flashes I saw of his life were interesting - his mom, his sports teams, trying to make his dad proud of him - but all normal stuff.

"The flashes are part of the connection I need for healing. I guess you'd call them a side-effect but it doesn't last," I explain. "If you saw something weird that didn't make sense to you, I'll be happy to talk to you about it."

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:06 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the time this has taken to get out.



Didn’t my alarm go off this morning…? That light is way too bright… I’ve barely opened my eyes and already I find that I have to close them again. That light is just blinding… I roll over so that the window is behind my back and try opening one eye again. It’s better, but still rather bright… Squinting, my eyes fall on a bedside table that looks nothing like the one in my room. Warm cream walls covered in pictured and posters have been replaced by cold stark white walls.

I can feel myself tensing. This definitely isn’t the Crashdown…

As I open my other eye, and sit up, I suddenly become aware that I’m not dressed in my usual nightwear either… The cold feeling of air on my back tells me even without me looking that I’m in the sort of gown hospital’s use… I shiver and pull the banket up around my shoulders.

Multiple features of the room are leading me to think it’s some sort of hospital…to say nothing of my state of undress, and I try hard to remain calm and collected. I can’t freak, I have to think this through sensibly.

Ok, so where am I…? - A hospital it seems… How did I get here…? - I have no idea! It reminds me of the time when Max and I had the accident in the jeep… Oh G** Max… As soon as I think about him I start to worry. What if I was in an accident…what if Max was with me…?

I want to remember what’s happened so much but there’s nothing no matter how much I wrack my brains… The last thing I remember is Max phoning and saying that we needed to meet… we’d arranged to all go out to the cave… It’s the last place I want to spend time after last summer…but it is the safest place we know now…

I shake my head and take another look around the room.

Right, first thing is to get some clothes, and try and find out where I am, and why I’m here… Sliding off the bed, I bend down and open the cupboard next to the bed. It’s empty…

Ok…so where else might I find clothes…? My eyes scan the room and I notice a strange looking panel on one wall. I stand up and go over to investigate, running my hand over the surface and stepping back in shock as it suddenly slides open.

What the…? I shake my head but questions are put on hold for the moment as I see a number of clothes hanging up inside what it would now appear is a closet. A number of shirts, but no trousers…curious… Still, there’s little point in wondering over it now, whatever they are, they’re clothes, and that’s what I need. Quickly I grab a white blouse and red skirt that are hanging up, sliding off the gown I’m wearing and getting dressed.

The skirt is actually quite nice, mid length and falls nicely, but given the circumstances I barely notice and slip my feet quickly into a pair of red shoes that are lying at the bottom of the closet.

Feeling much happier not that I’m actually dressed, I walk over to the window and pull at the blinds to open them. Pushing them back I have to look twice and then pinch myself, wondering if I’m dreaming. Ok, this does not look like Roswell… Ow! It’s definitely real though… I rub my arm and try to keep the panic that’s boiling up inside me from making me lose it. Staying as calm as I can, I walk over to the door and reach out to turn the knob…

Nothing happens… Right, so now I know something really isn’t right… I have to get out of here...

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:13 am
by destinysucks
"And that's not all," Alex says. He seems to have recovered as he strides to the window and throws open the curtain. "We've been frozen for a thousand years. It's the year 3000."

Tess looks suitably shocked and Max sugests that we should fins some of the others.

"It seems as if all the room sare on this corridor if wwe carry on along the corridor making sure that we dont get caught we should be able to find the others quickly".

It's only a suggestion but hopefully one that makes sence afterall this has shocked me just as much as the others,I'll feel better when I know that Izz is okay

End Alex

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:48 pm
by Galita

I woke up when someone tells me it is time to wake up. I look around the rooms and I see this lady. She has redish blonde hair and blue eyes.

" What do you mean I was frozen? Where's my friends? Where's Max?!" I asked right as she walked out the door.

I get up and go to the locker and get dressed. I need to see Max, and them just to make sure their ok.

After I get dressed I go out the door to that lady.

" Where are my friends and brother? I want to see them all now." I said to the girl.

"It's ok. I'll explain everything but first we need to get you something to eat and you need to calm down." She says. How on earth can I calm down when I have no clue on what's going on or where my friends and brother are?

I just sigh and we walk past alot of doors that had names and stuff on them and lot of people in scrubs. I shiver a little.

"Are you cold Isabel?" Serena askes me. I just shake my head.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 8:08 am
by isabelle

I don't know exactly what Kyle saw in the flash he got, but I hope he talks to me about it. I think things are going to be tough enough without issues like that making it awkward.

Alex suggests looking around for the others. "Good idea," I tell him. "I gotta find Isabel and Michael." I don't know who else is out there, but as Kyle suggested, I'm pretty sure those two are here somewhere. And maybe Liz and Maria, too.

I want to see Liz very badly. I need her and I'm worried about her. It might be wrong to be hoping she's here. Maybe I should be hoping that she escaped this and died a happy woman, married to someone-else over nine-hundred years ago. Maybe I should, but I can't. I want to see her. If Isabel, and Michael and Liz are here, then I'll have my family, and that will help alot. And Maria, too. Assuming that the other parents, like Sheriff Valenti, weren't part of whatever this is.

"Tess, our abilities don't seem to be hampered at all. Will you be able to help 'hide' us if anyone else is in the hallway?"

I move towards the door and stop to listen, hoping to be able to hear if the hallway is clear for us to go try the next door.
