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Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:03 pm
by POM

Everyday was lonely....I didn't have any friends, my step dad didn't allow me to see or talk to anyone, But I was planning to run away..I hated it here. To always be called the loner...the geek...the bookworm...I couldn't stand it anymore! It was the same thing everyday..I'd walk the halls of Roswell High..and everyone would point and laugh at me. But every day I ignored them--just wishing I were someplace other than here. But what made everything worth while--was Max Evans. I walked into the first period..and there he was, I was the lucky one to have him as my lab partner...Everything went in slow motion at that time--he was helping the teacher Mr. Franks pass out the lab reports, when he reached me...All I could do was smile...he told me hi...but all I could do was smile...Nothing ever came out...and when he walked past me, I slammed my head down on the counter. I was hopless. He was my mystery man...but I was the sad pathetic girl...I was just glad that my junior year was coming to a close...and I would spend the entire summer away from this god forsaken place. I looked back at Max who was talking to his sister..and when He looked at me...I quickly looked cheecks flushed, god I loved him. But how could a the most popular guy in school want me? I mean..he was captain of the foot ball, westling, baseball, basketball, and Debate Team--He had friends, and girls hanging around him all the my daydreams went on...the Bell woke me up...and Max came to sit in the seat besides me. I asked. "What did you get on you lab report?" I felt so stupid...that's all I ever talked about was science and school work.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:22 pm
by Earth Angel
.:* Isabel *:.

This is the last day of school which is fine with me. I get to spend more time with Alex. I walk to into my first period class and I catch Liz Parker like always staring at my brother.

I can't help but roll my eyes. Every day it the same with those too. I think my brother as a crush on her. But he's to blind to see. Hopefully he get's the hint before school's over.

I get to my seat, I know this is going to sound werid but I watch Liz watch my brother. I think it cute and funny in a way. I never seen someone so shy. I'm not the shy type, if I see something I want; I get it. With no problem.

Max heads my way I laugh alittle as I see Liz put her head on the counter.

"Max I think someone as a crush on you.." I say as I look at Liz and back at him. He turns to see who I'm looking at. I see Liz bush.

"Liz only screams I like you."

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:13 am
by madroswellfan
First period. Well, to me it felt like the third because all morning I had been surrounded by my loving fans. By that, I mean cheerleaders and other girls. I don't mind being popular or being known as a stud, and I will go along with the whole infamous thing, but Im not really like that. It's nice to have attention, but most of the time what I crave is privacy....and Liz Parker.
I know, I know. Everyone calls her a bookworm and a geek. But when I first saw her and looked into her eyes, it was a beautiful girl that I saw, not a geek. And I would be shot if anyone ever found that out. My popularity would disappear overnight. And I need to be noticed if I want to play pro.
Yeah, Im a jock. Actually, Im the head of the football team. But, thats not because Im the best, but because Im popular.
Anyway was I? Oh yeah, 1st period.
Well, I walked into Mr. Franks room to cheers of "Great game Evans". (I had won us the game yesterday.) Mr Franks looked at me and says "Well Mr. Evans you won't get special treatment from me" (aka he hates sports!).
So he made me hand out the lab reports. My lab partner is Liz Parker. Man how lucky am I? So I handed her lab report to her and she smiles. I nod my head at her and walk back to my sister to give her hers.
"Max I think someone as a crush on you.." she says to me.
I turn around and see Liz just looking out the window.
"Liz only screams I like you."
"Issy it's all in your head." I tell her. I hand out the remaining book reports and go and sit down.
"What did you get on you lab report?" Liz asks me. A typical question from Liz, but it still made me happy.
"A-. What about you?" I ask her, smiling. She shows me her lab report. "Wow! You always beat me" I say sticking my tongue out at her. Mr Franks coughs loudly and the class finally begins.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:45 am
by POM

I almost died when he was playing around with me...I was screaming in my head... "OMG...what more could happen today..of all days--the very last day of school. Once it was time for individual study time...and the teacher walked out of the room...everyone...was talking...and it sounded as if it were a party. Ususally I would continue studing as all the choas went around me, but I decided to be bold. I turned to Max..who was putting away his book in his bag, I cleared my thoart and just dived in..."Um... Max...I was wondering if you could sign my yearbook?" I was thrilled when he smiled and took the book from me, then I started to explain to him.."You see I'm going away to flordia for the summer--to family." I didn't want to tell him the real reason--that I was running away from my diraged foster dad. And there was a good chance that I still wouldn't be able to go..but hey this was the edge for me--and I was way over it. "What are plans?" I asked him. I knew that his signature would be the only one in my book...and this year I didn't really care. At least I had someone else signature in there besides my own. The clock was ticking...I said in my head... "Five minutes left..." I looked at him and smiled.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:52 am
by madroswellfan
She's adorable when she puts on that quiet voice. Everyone else when they do that really piss me off. But with Liz it's different.
She gives me the yearbook and I smile at her. I take my pen and i suddenly think "Oh my god. What do I write?" So I make and exaggereated movement of chewing my pen lid. She laughs. God her laugh is beautiful.
I look at her book and see she has no other signatures. So I decide to give her a really good one. I write
"Liz, Have a great summer. Enjoy Florida and make sure you come back because I will need you first day back to explain the new science work and to remind me of all the stuff we've learnt that I will have forgotten. See you soon.
I then smiled at Liz and say "Hope that's ok? Im never very good at writing in these things. Everyone's normally "Oh my god he signed his name! The shock!" Because I can never think to write anything else. I have no idea what Im going to do over summer. Probably hang out and play football as usual."

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:07 am
by POM

The bell rang..."Well, incase I don't see you in sixth...we'll umm...I have a great summer...Take care will you..bye.." and with that I was out the classroom, I didn't have anywhere else to be--but I had to get out of there and away from that situation...he smiled at me...I can't believe it..." As I walked down the hall...some people taunted me, others laughed...I made my way to math class--I knew that inside those doors would let out a sigh of relief. I flipped throught the yearbook and read his message my head quietly. I could tell that he was a good person deep within...and not this jock everyone claimed him to be. Come to think of it...I didn't really know if I'd be comming back to roswell--maybe I would just stay there. The bell rang and almost no one was in the room. I was the last day--I could just leave now if I wanted to...I wanted to be bold...I wanted to do something I've never done before...I asked for a restroom pass, got my things together...walked out..but instead of going to the restroom I went ouside to the P.E. area and sat on bleachers where I could see Max practicing for next season. I think he saw me, because he looked up...and smiled. then continued to what he was doing... I just sat there looking at the sky..wondering what the hell I was going to do--and If I could get away with it. The next thing I knew was, he was heading towards me.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:16 am
by madroswellfan
Liz seemed to bolt after class. I was rather disappointed but I knew she loved school, so it wasn't that surprising. "See ya later sis" I called out to Isabel. I walked away down to the courts. I know, I know we had finished the season, but I wanted something to take my mind off Liz and I knew no better way than playing some sport. In the end I decided today I would shoot some hoops. I got out a ball from the closet and started to dunk them in. Each time I scored a hoop I mentally counted in my head. Today my aim was at least two hundred and fifty. I was up to one hundred and twenty six when I turned around to go for a long shot. I looked up and saw Liz. Now I knew I was meant to be in class, but I would never get done for it as Im Max Evans. But I knew Liz had math. I had memorised her schedule in the first week.
I looked at her and walked over. I gave her a smile and asked "So hows maths class going?" grinning.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:22 am
by POM

"oh..umm..Hey didn't know you were here..." I stummered. "Oh..Math--yeah..I wanted to ditch..but I don't think I have the guts to do so after all. I'm suppose to be in the restroom. I holded up the pass, I shouldn't have come to school today." I told him. "you know there is a first time for everything..." I smiled. I was shocked when he sat down next to me.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:28 am
by madroswellfan
I smiled at her and sat down.
"Hey you seem to be doing pretty well at the ditching class thing. Don't stop because Im here. Although I have to say Im surprised, Id have thought that you would want to go to math. But Im not complaining, I hate history. That's why Im here. So don't leave on my account. So you thought what you want to do im the future?"

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:35 am
by POM

I try not to...I mean what for..It's not like my dad cares...he's my foster dad...he only sticks around for the monthly check--" I sighed. "You know..I lied about the whole flordia thing before...I want to go there..but I don't have any other family that Foster parent. I ususally call him by his first name--he dosen't really notice me at all. so I was thinking about running away...from this..from everything..but only one thing is holding me back..." I look at him. He looks at me like he's concerned.. and asks me.. "Whats holding you back?" I smiled at him and replied..."YOU." I looked down at my hands. I couldn't believe I just said that.