Making the Magic Last (AU,M/L,Mature) (Complete)

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

:oops: I'm back with a new part. So no need to hunt me down Kara. :lol: The next part is what you guys have been waiting for but I hope this part doesn't disappoint. Thanks for all the feedback. We love hearing your comments and take on how everything is unfolding.

So anyway. Enjoy!

Chapter 10

I have nothing but bags of clothes to ship from Michael’s place to Liz’s. I left everything else I owned with Rachel. I neither wanted, nor need it. I’m ready to close that chapter of my life and move on to the next and I’m hoping that it involves my new roommate.

It’s been a week since Liz asked me to move in with her and it wasn’t until now that I could actually find the time to gather all my things and make the move across town. At least that’s what I’ve been telling Liz.

In reality, I was trying to construct a game plan. If I’m going to be living with this girl, I need to keep my control 24/7. With my feelings for her, I can’t just go into this thing without thinking it through and I think I’ve got my strategy boiled down to one simple specific point.

Whenever she’s dressed in pajamas, shorts, tank tops, jeans, dresses, or any other sort of clothing, I need to be at least ten feet away. Which means that at any given time, I must not be within touching distance or else I’ll jump her. Plain and simple.

And when she’s in the shower, naked… and wet… I will need ample time alone, to take care of… things before I’m allowed to come into any kind of contact with her.

I have no doubt that if I follow those simple rules, at least until I can figure out what to do about these feelings, that I can do this. I’m a man, a strong man and I can’t let this wisp of a woman break me.

I hop out of the car when I reach her place and grab my bags of clothes. Liz is waiting for me at the door, holding it open with an eager smile.

“You’re here!” she squeals. She pulls me into a hug. I hide my groan of defeat. Two seconds into this living situation and I’ve already broken my rule.

“Really munchkin? Are you sure?” I tease. She smacks my arm before taking one of my bags. I follow her through the living room, down the hall and into my new room. I can’t help but notice that her room is right across the hall. That might not be good.

“So, how about I make us some sandwiches while you unpack?”

I smile; her excitement is rubbing off on me. I’ve spent all this time agonizing over how I’m going to hide my feelings for her that I haven’t stopped to realize that she’s also my best friend. It might all not be complete torture after all.

“Sounds great. Could you…”

“You want ketchup and bologna. I know.” She scrunches up her nose and snorts in disgust.


“You’re going to get sick off that stuff you know? Ketchup and bologna? It’s disgusting Max.”

“You only say that because you haven’t tried it. You assume its disgusting only because it sounds horrible.”

She raises her brow challengingly. “So that means you’ll try frog legs?”

“Hell no! Anything that’s made from little slimy creatures from a swamp should not be eaten. Completely disgusting.” I click my tongue, imagining the horrible taste.

“You only assume that,” she counters, throwing my words back in my face.

I sputter. “So. That’s not the point.”

“Whatever Max.” She makes a run for the door, squealing as the pillow I chuck at her narrowly misses.

I hear her giggling in the other room and I smile. This definitely may not be so bad.


I glance at my watch and flip off the TV. “Liz! Are you ready yet?” We were supposed to have left fifteen minutes ago.

“I’m coming!” her muffled voice comes floating into the room and I sigh. Doesn’t matter who the woman is you’re living with. They’re all the same. My mom kept me waiting, Rachel kept me waiting and now Liz is doing the same thing. I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever escape it.

I rummage in the refrigerator while waiting. There’s some left over pizza from the night before and I grab a slice. I’ve been here two weeks and so far, so good, though there have been times when I’ve had to literally sprint from the room because she drives me crazy.

Just like she’s doing right now.

“Wow,” I breathe when I see her standing in the door in her midnight blue dress. She’s gorgeous and I can’t even begin to try and hide my amazement.

She blushes under my scrutiny. “Do I look okay?”

I blink, and try to focus on what she’s saying. “Did my ‘wow’ say anything other than you look stunning?”

“Wow right back at ya,” she giggles.

I finish off my pizza and grab a towel to wipe my hands. “Shall we leave?” I hold out my arm for her to take and she slides her slimmer one under mine.

“We shall.”

She grabs her purse on the way out. I open her door her for her when we reach the car. I desperately wish this were a date. I desperately wish that she returned the feelings I have for her. But this isn’t and she doesn’t. This is just a company party, an excuse for her to arrive on my arm as my “date.”

But I’ll take what I can get.

When we arrive, I swear the room goes quiet. Everyone’s eyes are on us and I don’t know what to make of it. I fiddle with my collar and Liz smoothes down her dress. This is about the only time we have to wear anything close to formal for anything work related, seeing the industry we’re in, and it gets uncomfortable. I smile politely, rest my hand on the small of Liz’s back and guide her towards our table.

I pull out her chair and she smiles. I remind myself, this is not a date, but I wish it were.

“Why is everyone staring?” she whispers to me when I take my seat beside her.

“Because they can’t take they’re eyes off you munchkin. You happen to be very beautiful.”

Again she blushes and is about to respond when the other occupants of the table arrive. One of them is Eddy, one of the guy’s I set Liz up with. Fork in the teeth guy.

Liz and I snicker.

I stand as Marissa Owen takes a seat. She works in the office beside mine and I’m surprised she’s here with Eddy. She’s so sweet and quiet and he’s just… obnoxious. “Hey you two. Long time no see.”

“Hi Liz. Max,” Marissa greets politely.

We all exchange friendly chit chat until the ceremony begins. They’re announcing a new animated movie we’re going to be working on. It was supposed to be something along the lines of ‘Shrek’ and ‘Finding Nemo.’ I’m excited and I know Liz is too.

I casually sling my arm across the back of Liz’s chair and smile when she leans against me. I can smell her perfume and the shampoo she used. I’m intoxicated in one breath and I close my eyes in bliss.

Her hand comes to rest on my knee and my pulse quickens. I’m unsure of what to do and I open my eyes to find her laughing at some joke the speaker had just told. She doesn’t notice the effect she has on me, or at least she doesn’t let me know she knows.

I stare at her hand, mesmerized as it innocently lies on my knee. It’s not just her hand, her wrist and forearm are resting on my thigh. I feel like young boy who’s just seen his first pair of boobs. I’m excited and completely terrified.

My heart pounds. What it were to just inch upwards, just a tad bit more…


I whip my gaze to hers. “Uh? What?”

“Are you okay? You look a little flushed?”

“I-I’m okay,” I squeak. “It’s just a little hot in here.”

She glances to the opened door of the hall. There’s a cool breeze blowing in from outside. She looks at me with those beautiful eyes. She looks concerned and that hand squeezes my knee. She can’t know what she’s doing to me. I’m going to flat line in a second if my pulse keeps going on like it is.

“I’m fine,” I lie. But my voice is a little stronger now.

I zero in on that hand again as she smiles and pats my knee. Feeling bold, I lay my free hand on top of hers, lacing my fingers with hers. She looks at me with a smile and I smile back. Mission accomplished.

I have no idea what was said through the ceremony, my focus being on Liz’s soft hand beneath mine.

Apparently I missed the whole thing. Because the next I know, Liz is pulling me towards the buffet. When I refuse to let go of her hand, she sends me a timid smile.

I shrug sheepishly. “Don’t want to lose you in the crowd.” That does the trick and we continue on our way.

After we eat, I stand and hold out my hand for Liz to take.

“May I have this dance pretty lady?”

She bites her lip and nods. I melt into a puddle.

I lead her to the middle of the hall where they are already a few people dancing. She fits against me perfectly and we sway softly with the music.

“This was nice,” she says.

“Yeah.” I laugh as I glance at our table where Marissa is smiling comfortably at Eddy. “It just sucks that we were stuck at Eddy’s table.”

She giggles and slips her arms around my neck. I force myself not to freak out. “I know. I feel sorry for Marissa. She’s a sweet girl.”

She doesn’t compare to you. I don’t have the balls to say it aloud, but I sure as hell think and believe it.

“I can’t believe I went out with him.”

I step closer, our bodies just a hair’s width apart. “Well I’m glad you saw the light because now you’re here with me.”

Something changes in the way she’s looking at me. “Me too.”

It makes me shiver and takes my breath away. Does she want me as much as I want her? Her fingers play with the hair at the nape of my neck. My eyes flutter shut and I lean in. The magic is here. The moment is coming. I can feel it and I can hardly wait.

It feels like an eternity later before she moves. Her lips are just close enough and I lean in the rest of the way. The first touch sends a jolt through me like I’ve never felt before. It spreads throughout my body and warms me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.

She deepens the kiss as her arms tighten around my neck. Mine do the same around her waist. I have to hold onto something or else I fear I’ll fall completely and I’d rather hold on to her more than anything else.

If it wasn’t for the round of applause that sounded around us, I’m hopeful that we would’ve kept going. Liz and I break apart, realizing the song has ended and the floor is clearing. We join in on the clapping and return to the table.

Liz is quiet beside me. She doesn’t say a word. My heart drops.

Her hand lies on my knee and I swing my arm along the back of her chair. I smile because there’s some hope.


My hope fades as the night wore on. I was hoping for some sort of sign, some clue that what happened on the dance floor wasn’t a mistake. But Liz continued to laugh and talk as if nothing happened at all.

I try not to let my disappointment show.

I lay in bed, watching the ceiling. There’s a spider just overhead. I smile. Liz hates spiders. She was bit by one when she was nine and when she was twelve she found one crawling on her hand when she woke in the morning.

I hear the TV cut on and Liz moving around the living room. Watching TV is one of her pastimes. That and drawing. I hear the theme song to Happy Days. She watches it when she can’t sleep. Is she restless because of the same reason? Is she wondering what’s going to happen to us? Is she being consumed by thoughts of me, like I am of her?

I sigh and roll over. “Liz!”

“What?!” I hear her call back.

“Come here for a second.”

I hear the TV shut off and her feet padding against the carpet. She opens my door and steps in.


“Come here.” She stops at the foot of my bed, her eyes wide and curious. “Look up.”

She screams as soon as she does, covering her head as she sprints out of the room

“Kill it! Kill it Max!” she shrieks from outside of my door.

I laugh and grab a shoe. I find her standing just outside my door. I show her the spider at the bottom of my shoe. She runs for dear life.

After I dispose of the spider, I find her watching TV again. I take a seat next to her and she smiles, letting me under the blanket she’s using.

We watch in silence and I start to drift off against her shoulder when she speaks up. “Max, do you think you’ll ever date again?”

The question comes out of nowhere and suddenly I’m wide awake. “What? Uh… Yeah. Rachel wasn’t the one for me and… and I think that the real love of my life is still out there.” Or sitting right beside me.

She nods.

“Why don’t you date?” The question comes out before I can stop it. It’s been on my mind for the longest time, but I never got around to asking it. I know about her fiancé. But I was married for three years and I’m ready to be with her now. What’s taking her so long to bounce back from her break up?

She looks surprised, but recovers quickly. “I just… I never find anyone that I’m interested in.” She lets out a smile laugh. “I mean look at the guys you’ve set me up with.”

I laugh. “They haven’ exactly been princes have they?” And thank God they weren’t. That’s the last thing I need. To compete with another guy for Liz’s affection; not that I have it now.

“No. I just… I guess I don’t want to go through the same thing I did with Kevin.”

I frown. “What him leaving you? Liz…” She ducks her head and I know her well enough to know that there’s something else. I make a mental note to kick this Kevin guy’s ass.

“Munchkin, what is it? Did something else happen?” I see a tear drop fall from her eye and I crumble. I always thought that there was more to her story than what she told me. Liz never struck me as the type of person that would cheat but I never wanted to push her into talking when she didn’t want to.

“I’m sorry Max. I’m fine.” She wipes her eyes, but I catch her hands, stilling their motions.

“No you’re not Liz. What happened?” Her tears turn into sobs and I’m taken over by an intense need to comfort her. “Did he hurt you?

My heart drops when she dips her head in a brief nod. I swallow thickly. “Did… did he hit you?”

Another nod and my heart completely breaks. I gather her in my arms and rub her back as she cries, rocking her gently and whispering comfortingly in her ear. This guy is definitely going to die. No on touches my Liz and lives to tell about it. I grind my jaw, getting angrier with every tear she cries.

“He was abusive,” she tells me when she calms down. Her face is still buried against my chest, but I don’t mind. Anything to make her feel better. “He was so possessive and I…He wouldn’t let me leave. I got the job offer to come work here but he didn’t want me to come. He threatened me if I ever tried to leave.”

“It was so embarrassing. He’d brag to his friends about how he was in control. And my parents loved him. They couldn’t see that he wasn’t the perfect boyfriend that he painted himself to be. They never knew me at all.”

I pull her onto my lap and wrap the blanket around us. I listen as she continues.

“I couldn’t get out of it. As a last attempt, I purposely cheated and let him find out about. I got a beating and at first he said that he wasn’t going to let me go. But then on the wedding day, he never showed up. It was… I had never felt so free in my life. Isn’t ironic?” she laughed softly and I sift my fingers through her hair. “That day I packed my bags and left. I came here, started a whole new life and met you.”

She smiles softly and I hug her tighter, pressing my lips to her temple.

“You’re with me now munchkin. You’re safe with me.”

“I know.”

I comfort her while she cries and eventually she drifts into slumber. Not ready to let her go just yet, I make myself comfortable and stroke her dark hair, listening to her deep even breaths.

I realize now, that even if she never returns the feelings I can never let her go.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

A/N - I know finally I'm back with an update. We really don't mean to make you wait...but yeah enough of that!

We want to thank all of you for the lovely feedback and welcome to the new readers!

This part will finish off where the prologue's all Max and Liz from here people...we hope you enjoy!!

Edited to add: I guess I should point out the last portion of this part was written by Tiffany (of course since she orignally wrote the pro...*I* simply copied and pasted) LOL!

Chapter 11

It’s been three long months since that damn kiss. And now I sit in my and Liz’s living room holding the documents that put an end to my marriage. It’s official and while I feel elated that everything between Rachel and I is over, I feel completely frustrated with the lack of movement between Liz and I.

I’m chicken shit if I want to be honest. I could have asked her about it, we could have discussed it like mature adults, but then what would that mean? Would we be together if she feels the same way as me? Or would it ruin our great friendship?
So while a part of me is tired of playing games the other part of me is terrified to stop. What if I’m wrong about Liz? Although I do get a vibe from her, I know she feels something for me, something more than friendship. Of course, logically the only way to find out if I am right is to just ask her.

Which is what I’m waiting to do right now. She’s at the store picking up our dinner for tonight and when she gets back, and I do mean the moment she walks through the door I’m going to ask her out on a date. Because as much as I want to talk about the kiss, I think if she responds positively to my question, then I’m obviously headed in the right direction. The main thing is as with any date, there is usually a good night kiss, which is what I’m betting on.

I know it’s the easy way out, but I have to take any chance I have without over stepping some imaginary boundary she’s set.

“Max you want to stop brooding and help me with these bags?” I hear her huff out while slamming the front door. I shoot up to my feet immediately and when I spin around to face her, I burst out laughing.

“This isn’t funny! Help me here!” she grumbles out, but the fact that she has her purse strap dangling from her mouth is making it kind of difficult to understand her.

“Sorry munchkin, but why didn’t you just call me from the car? I would have come out.” I say as I remove the bags from her hands and walk them into the kitchen.

“I guess if I was half as intelligent as some people, I would have thought of that. Now, I need to take a shower. Can you put the pizza in the oven?” she asks shrugging out of her jacket and throwing it over the couch.

“Pizza again?!” I grumble out and she ducks her head into the kitchen to stick out her tongue.

“It’s only fair. I went to the store. It’s my choice. If you want you can leave now and beat all the women for a parking space and get us something else.” I roll my eyes. Why does she have to be so damn adorable? And why does she make me want to jump her every five seconds?

Shit! I forgot I was going to ask her out. I guess I can wait until she gets out of the shower. Or I could run into the bathroom while she’s in the shower and ask her. She’ll be all naked and wet and…well damn now I won’t be able to look her in the eyes tonight. And I definitely should not step out from around the counter for a while.

What was I thinking again moving in with her?

Oh that’s right, I wasn’t. Not that it’s bad. Hell no, can’t complain at all. Of course when she rolls out of bed and her cheeks are all rosy and puffy she looks good enough to eat, making it really hard to eat breakfast with her. And let’s not forget the tiny scraps of material she calls sleepwear that she prances around the place with. Or the cute way she wears her hair on her head when she wants me to do something that she knows I would otherwise tell her to do herself. Okay so she only did it once, but if you knew what she asked me to do every other time, you’d understand.

I peek around the corner and make sure she’s still in the shower and not lounging on the couch waiting for the food to be ready.

Now, let me explain. Every single month the girl, as much as I love her feels the need to send me to the store and buy her feminine products. And every time she does, I tell her, hell no, get them yourself. She usually pouts and as sexy as her pout is, I will not give in. For Liz, at this point the way I feel about her, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her, except that. Period.

I now need to prepare myself for the conversation we will be having over dinner. And I say we will have it, because I’m going to ask her out. You’ll see.


She’s trying to kill me with her womanly sex appeal. Wearing away at my poor sex deprived soul with her teeny tiny shorts and tank top. Did I mention they come just below her cute little backside? As I strategically settle the bulge in my jeans and take a seat across from her at the table, I grip the corners of the table and swallow for suddenly my throat has gone dry.

Scratch what I said about her sex appeal, that doesn’t hold a candle to the almost see-through tank top she’s wearing. I’m honestly trying not to stare but how can I not? Her brown nip—

“Max, are you listening to me?” Huh? She was talking? I guess if I had my eyes on her instead of on her…uhm…assets then I would know what the hell she just said.

I adjust my collar and sit up a little straighter, “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I asked you how the meeting went today.” Again, I’m not really listening. Instead I’m watching as her pretty pink lips meet the can of soda. What I wouldn’t give to be a can of Coke right now.

“It went pretty good. We’ll have an overview of it tomorrow morning.” I smile and decide that I cannot spend the entire night staring at her ‘areas’ so I’ll keep my head down and eat.

She continues to talk and it would be rude of me not to look at her but my heart goes into overdrive when I do. I think it’s time for me to pop my question to her, maybe that will change the mood of the room.

“Liz, I wanted to ask you if you had any plans for tomorrow night,” I ask knowing damn well she doesn’t. Did I mention that as well? See she can have no excuses. She will have to say yes, kiss me and fall in love with me. Not a bad plan if I do say so myself.

“Actually I do.”

“Good, cause I wanted to ask…wait. You have plans?” How do I not know of this information?

“I do, a guy I met at the market asked me out.” You’ve got to be kidding me. I knew I should have gone instead of her. Now some asshole that will probably sweep her off her feet will get her.

“Oh, do you think that’s such a good idea? I mean he is a stranger.” I point out like I have no hidden agenda. It doesn’t matter what she says because I will use anything I can, because she cannot go out with this guy.

“Why not?” she shrugs and I drop the slice of pizza in my hand and stare at her. Is she serious? She can’t be. She just can’t.

“Liz, he’s a stranger. I don’t trust these guys nowadays. They only want one thing.” I tell her seriously but she simply raises an eyebrow in question and a small smile playing on her lips.


“Yes. Do I have to explain it all to you?”

“Maybe, I’m not sure I got it the first ten times you explained it,” she rolls her eyes and I shake my head.

“Besides, you always think all guys only want sex from girls.”

“It’s true.” I defend.

“Oh really?”


“So, if let’s say a guy like you were interested in…let’s say a girl like me, then you would only want me for sex, right?” Yes! Relax, okay that’s not what I mean, I do want her for that but for so much more than that. So very much more.

“No. I’m different.”

“You are? How?”

“If I have to tell you then obviously our friendship means nothing to you and I will have to reevaluate my decision in keeping you as a friend,” I explain.

“Oh no you didn’t just throw a piece of garlic bread at me!” And there it is people, this is how food fights start. I reach up and throw one back at her.

“Max, stop! I just washed my hair!” she screeches out as I chase her around the table.

“Hell no woman! You shouldn’t have started something you couldn’t finish!” I growl out as I watch all the right parts of her bounce around and since I’m so lost in thought I don’t realize when she stops right in front of me. We fall to the floor with her pinned beneath me.

“God Liz! Are you okay?” I ask rolling off of her and onto my back beside her. We managed to knock down half the mail that was sitting on the coffee table.

“I’m fine, Max. Look at this mess you made,” she huffs out with a small laugh that bubbles forth and I reach out to tickle her but she squirms away.

“What’s this?” she asks with a confused look on her face.

“Oh, those are the final divorce papers. I guess its official. I’m a free man.” I smile because I truly am happy about it.

“Max, are you okay…I mean do you want to talk?” If only she knew that talking was the last thing I wanted to do with my lips.

“I’m good, Liz. You know the situation; Rachel and I both decided it was what we wanted. What we needed for a long time,” I begin to explain. Not like she doesn’t already know all of this, but I feel the need to make her understand that this didn’t affect me, not the way it probably should have. Which only reinforces in my heart, that the decision was the right one.

She eyes me suspiciously, but turns away quickly before picking up the rest of the papers from the floor. I reach out and grab her wrist gently, “Liz, look at me. What’s wrong?” I ask softly.

“Nothing Max.” she quickly stands and makes her way into the dining area to clean up. I mechanically help her and try to figure out what the problem is. Two minutes ago she was teasing and laughing, and now she’s the complete opposite.

“Liz,” I start but she cuts me off.

“I’m going to head to bed, Max. I’m sorry…you know for the divorce.” Why is she apologizing? It’s not like she had anything to do with it. Okay maybe a little but she only helped me see the truth sooner rather than later.

“Night, Liz.” I whisper out and watch her retreating form enter her bedroom.

What in the hell just happened? I was in control of the situation and I was getting to the bottom of…shit!

I walk across the hall and knock on her door, I hear her softly tell me to come in.

“Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you before I hit the sheets.” She scoots over on her bed making room for me.

“What did you want to talk about?” she asks not looking at me.

“Do you really have a date tomorrow?” I hear her giggle and then she finally meets my eyes, and I smile.

“No, Max. I was only messing with you.” She smiles and in that moment, I’m lost. Our eyes are locked and our shoulders touching gently. I can hear her breathing has picked up as well as my own. I’m not sure if this is the right time, but I think I finally realized that the right time doesn’t come knocking, you have to open the door yourself.

Without much thought I pull her into my lap and wrap an arm around her slim waist as I slide my hand up her delicate back and cup her neck.

“Liz, do you feel it?” I whisper our huskily.

“I do,” she whispers out. Her soft puffs of air hitting my lips directly. My eyes drop as I see her lick them quickly.

“What is it?” I ask because I want her to tell me what she feels right now. I don’t want to guess and I don’t want it to just be from me. I need to know.

“Magic, Max.” Without preamble I cover her lips with mine. I claim her mouth as my own, dragging my lips roughly over hers. She moans and I’m in love, nothing has ever sounded as sweet as that. Our tongues glide against one another and I take a moment to slow us down. This is moving way too fast.

“Liz…” I rest my forehead against hers.

“Max…” She whispers out and when she finally opens her eyes I can see clearly, there is something there.

“Are you sure?” I ask already slipping my hand up the back of her shirt. She simply nods and closes her eyes as our lips meet again.

Before I know it, we’re both tangled between the sheets naked. Her hair splayed across her pillows, my body pressed flush against hers, hip to hip, chest to chest. I watch her because right now, I may want this more than my next breath, but I want her to be sure. I want her to feel what I feel. I lean in and kiss her softly, she gives me a small smile when I pull away and wraps her arms around my neck. I know this is right. Slowly I reach between us positing myself, and then close my eyes in anticipation of how incredible she’s going to feel.

“Max…” she moans out softly and digs her nails into my back.

“Amazing, Liz,” I murmur out as our bodies join for the first time. I’ve never felt anything like this before, ever. I know now, as if I needed confirmation that I never want to experience this with anyone other than her. I’ve finally found the person I know I’m supposed to be with…forever.


When I awake, I find myself sprawled across her chest, my cheek resting against her naked breast. My body comes alive at just the thought of what happened last night and my hardness against her thigh causes her to stir.

I roll away, propping myself on my elbow just as her eyes flutter open. I smile brightly and she eagerly produces a smile of her own before it slips away and she scrambles away from me.

“Liz.” I call out to her as my heartbreaks and she scrambles to cover herself from me. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this would happen. I knew that even though we shared the greatest experience that two people could share together last night she wouldn’t just fall into my arms and we’d live happily ever after.

But I couldn’t help but hope.

“This is bad,” she mutters. “Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!”

I grimace. “It wasn’t that bad,” I mutter under my breath as I search for my boxers. “I thought it was pretty good actually. The best that I’ve…”

“I’m not talking about that.” Obviously she heard me. “I mean… I am... I mean…” She sighs and closes her eyes. “Last night was…. this situation is just bad.” She clutches the sheets tighter to her chest as she scans the floor for her clothes. “Horrible,” she spits.

“Liz, you’re crushing my ego…”

“Max,” she hisses as she whirls around to face me, her face still flushed from last night’s events. “This is not a joke. What we did… it was a mistake.” I watch her pick up her panties and bra. “You’re still married for goodness sake!”

“No I’m not,” I say slowly. “We’re divorced as far as I know.”

“And you’ve been officially divorced for what eighteen hours now and we just… we just have sex like you don’t even have a wife at home…”

“As of eighteen hours ago, she’s no longer my wife!” I retort.

She shrugs it off and turns her back to me. “It doesn’t matter. What we did was still a mistake. We just caught up in the moment… in the magic. A huge mistake.”

She disappears into her bathroom and I slump against the bed. “You know, you didn’t have to sleep with me if you were going to make me feel bad afterwards,” I call.

As a response, I hear the shower running and I head for my room. I pick some clothes out of my dresser and cross the hall into the bathroom.

I strip out of my boxers and step into the shower. The water is as hot as I can stand it, which is just what I need right now to clear my head.

So, how do I tell Liz that I’m in love with her when I’m fresh from married life and she thinks that the best night of my life was just a mistake?

Mistake my ass. It didn’t feel like a mistake when she was putting those scratches on my back or asking me for more which I eagerly complied to. I gave her everything I had last night and I’ll be damned if I let it be ruled a mistake.

I determinately push my way through the shower curtain, dry off and hop into a clean pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I march straight into her room.

“Just because you’ve now seen me naked doesn’t mean you can just barge inhere Max,” she says calmly from her seat at her mirror as she brushes her long chocolate hair.

She doesn’t turn to face me and I sigh as I stalk towards her. “We need to talk.” I pull her towards me. I can’t help myself and I pull her into my arms.

“What are you doing?” she squeals.

“Liz, last night was anything but a mistake,” I declare as my eyes dip to her lips. I want to taste her so bad. I can feel her giving into me as I wrap one arm around her waist and let my other hand float into her hair.

“Max… you were hurting, you were on the rebound. We both were just caught in the moment.” She bites her lip and I’d rather by kissing her than talking right now.

“But it’s that what this is all about?” I rest my head against her forehead and she hesitantly brings her arms around my neck. “You said we were caught up in the magic. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Doesn’t that tell you that last night was something more than what you want to think it was?”

I think I’ve gotten to her when her eyes flutter close and I tentatively tip my lips towards hers. I hover mere centimeters away, waiting for her to make the last move.

I feel her breath against my cheek and we stand there for what seems like an eternity.

“Max,” she pulls out of my arms and my heart drops just as her arms fall away from my neck. “It was a mistake. We were both together out of pity for one another and that was all it was.”

“Liz…” I reach for her, but she backs away.

“I’m sorry Max.”

With that, she leaves me standing alone in the middle of the room.

Last edited by Behrsgirl77 on Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Just dropping this and the new part off. Thanks for the feedback and for those who nominated us, thanks a bunch. We really appreciate this and the feedback.


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Chapter 12

I catch her just as she shoves on her shoes and starts for the door.

“Liz, wait!” I grab her arm, pulling her back into the living room.

“Max, I have to go.”

“No you don’t,” I protest, tightening my hold on her as she tries to get away. “You were planning on lazing around the house today. And now you’ve suddenly got some place to go?”


“No. Liz, listen to me. Last night…”

“It was a mistake Max.”

I want to strangle her and kiss at the same time. What do I do to convince her? “Liz it wasn’t for me. It was the best night of my life.”

She shakes her head in protest. “Max…”

“Liz, do you really think something like that would happen between us if it didn’t mean anything?” She opens her mouth to protest, but I cut her off. “I don’t take that lightly. And I know you don’t either. You’re my best friend Liz. I care about you. I… I love you.”

Saying that she is shocked would be an understatement and it blows me away that she was really that blind to it. Everyone else could tell that I am head over heels for her, but why can’t she?

She jerks out of my grip, stepping away as if I'd hit her. “Don’t say that Max.”

“Why? Because it’s the truth Liz and I know you feel something too otherwise what happened last night wouldn’t have happened.”

“No Max… I…”

“What Liz? You and I both know that that’s not a mistake we’d make easily.” She ducks her head and I think I’ve gotten through at least one layer of her resolve. I want to be completely honest with her and I think it's time to lay it all out on the table.

I grab her hands in mine and she looks at me with those big brown eyes of hers and it brings me to my knees. I don’t know what I’d do if she doesn’t feel the same because I know that she’s the only one I want. If I can’t have her, then I’ll have no one.

Man, that’s kinda depressing.

“Liz, I’ve been in love with you for the longest time and I didn’t even know it.”

Still, she protests. “What about Rachel? What about your marriage?”

“My marriage is over Liz. Rachel… Rachel even saw what I feel for you. She knows that what I felt for her can’t even compare to what I feel for you. This is about me and you. I’m not married anymore. I haven’t been for a long time. There’s no Rachel and I. This is about us.”

I cup her cheek and slid my other hand behind her head, burying my fingers in her hair. That’s just another thing I love about her. She leans into me, her eyes locked on mine. This is how I know there is something between us. There has to be.

I lean in, just millimeters away from her lips. I can feel her intake a breath but before I know it, she’s stepping back.

She shakes her head, untangling herself from my embrace. “I’m sorry Max, but there’s no us.”

She scurries to the door and is gone before I have a chance to do anything about it.

Michael is less than sympathetic when I show up at his apartment defeated and heartbroken.

“Good grief, get your ass in here,” he tells me. I step inside the apartment and collapse on his lumpy couch. I don’t know why he won’t get a new one. It’s not like he can’t afford it.

“What’d you do?”

“Why do I have to be the one that did something?” He disappears into the kitchen, returning with two bottles of beer. With the way I’m feeling, I’ll need more than this.

He gestures to my crushed posture. “Does this have anything to do with a woman?”

“Yes,” I mumbled into my bottle.

“Then it’s most likely your fault.” He smirks and it takes all of my control not to chuck this bottle at him.

Michael finally got his head out of his ass and he and Maria are back together. He already has the love of his life, though he doesn’t want to admit it, we all know it. Maria is and will always be the girl for him and he knows he’d be an idiot to let her go.

“My divorce was finalized yesterday,” I announce. “And unfortunately I’m still single.”


I sigh and take a long gulp of my beer. “Liz and I slept together last night,” I tell him.

“What?! How did that happen?”

I smile dryly. “Well you see Michael, when two people really like each other…”

He rolls his eyes. “I know how it happened. I want to know how it happened.”

“I… it just happened.”

He cocks his head as he studies me. “I’m guessing from the stars in your eyes that it was good?”

I nod solemnly. “The best.”

“So what’d you do? Why aren’t you home with her?” He props his feet on the coffee table, the dirt from the bottom of his shoes falling onto the table. I’ll never eat pizza off this table again.

“She freaked out this morning when we woke up. She says that it was a mistake and she didn’t believe me when I told her I loved her.”

He shrugs nonchalantly, as if none of this matters. “Well what did you expect?”

“I… I don’t know.”

I really don’t know what I expected. In my fantasy, she just accepted what we had and we lived happily ever after. But I guess back in the real world, it’s nothing like that.

“Hey guys.” We both turn when Maria storms into the apartment, carrying a bag of groceries. “Michael, come put these up,” she orders in true Maria fashion.

“We’re in the middle of something babe,” he calls back. She pokes her head out of the kitchen and frowns.

“What’s going on?”

“Max’s divorce was finalized yesterday and Max and Liz slept together last night. Now Liz is freaking out and doesn’t believe that he loves her.”

She looks to me for confirmation and I nod.

“I can’t believe her,” she starts. “How can she not think that you love her?”

“Maria, look at it from her side,” Michael says. “Can you blame her for not believing him? I mean he just got divorced, and up until this point she thought that they were just friends. Now all of a sudden he comes and tells her that he’s in love with her.”

“Okay, but she didn’t have to sleep with him,” Maria argues.

“Yeah,” I add. “She didn’t have to go through with it. I asked her if she was sure and she told me she was. Now all of a sudden it was a mistake and it meant nothing when I know it did.”

“Look Max, I know you love her,” Maria says, “And I know she loves you too. I can tell when she looks at you. You just have to make her realize that she’s more than a rebound girl. Let her know that you want to be with her and that you love her, but respect her wishes.”

I frown, scratching the back of my head. “How do I do that?”

“Well, that’s what you have to figure out Romeo.”

For the rest of the weekend, Liz avoided me like a plague. That is until I cornered her in her office on Monday. She fidgets, trying to play as if she hasn’t noticed me yet, but I know she has. I shut the door behind me, and block her only escape.

“Liz, we need to talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about Max,” she mumbles as she continues to bury her nose in her sketch.

“Yeah there is. I don’t like how things are between us.”

It takes her awhile before she responds and I wait patiently. Finally, when she realizes that I’m not leaving just because she’s ignoring me, she looks up with a sigh. “I don’t like it either.”

“Good. Liz, I don’t want it to be weird between us, but I can’t and I won’t hide how I feel.”


“No Liz, let me finish.” When she nods, I continue. “I don’t want to lose you as a friend, but I’m not going to deny that I wish we were more than that. But if you don’ feel the same, I’ll respect your wishes.” And I’ll just have to make you fall in love with me, I add silently.

“This is a little weird,” she says.

“I know. But I missed not talking with you this weekend munchkin.”

That gets a smile and I step deeper into her office. “I missed you too Max. I’m sorry about running out on you. I just…”

“I know Liz.” I smirk. Now it’s time to set my plan into action. “So we missed each other. How about we go see a movie tonight?”

She shakes her head in mock skepticism. “I don’t know Max. You always want to go see horror flicks and you know I can’t handle those.”

“Aw come on munchkin, there’s nothing wrong in getting a little scared once in a while.”

“Max,” she hisses, “What did I tell you about calling me that at the office?”

I ignore her. “Come on. It’ll be fun. I’ll pay.”

She sighs. “Fine. But I get to pick the movie.”

I smile. “Fine.”

After work, we head home for awhile before going out to grab a bite to eat. We take our food to the park and whether she notices or not I shamelessly flirt with her like crazy. And whether she’s aware of what she’s doing or not, she returns my come-ons. My confidence spikes in operation get Liz to fall in love with me.

When we get to the theater, Liz picks some comedy, but I hardly care about the movie. I casually throw my arm across the back of her seat, my hand resting on her shoulder.

I wonder if my hand there tortures her just as much her hand did that night of the company party.

I steadily rub her arm, feeling the goose bumps beneath my fingertips. I hide my smile.

I tug her closer. “Hey Liz,” I whisper half way through the movie. She turns to me, our lips mere breath widths apart. She leans into me, her lips touching mine.

Not wanting to miss this chance, I caress her lips, my free hand rising to cup her cheek. But just as soon as it started, it’s over and she pushes away from me as if she’d been burned.

“I um… I’m just going to go to the bathroom.”

I nod and watch her go, a smile tugging at my lips. I hadn’t expected that. I was just going to ask her if she wanted more popcorn.

But I’ll take what I can get.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Just dropping this off. :D


Thanks to everyone who voted for us. We really appreciate it. Tanya will be back with an update later this week. Thanks for all the feedback and comments. :D

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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

A/N - Well late is better than never right? Sorry for the long wait. Tiffany and I are trying our best to not let our muses go missing on this. Thank you for all your support and kind words.

Oh...and the Seahorses are all mine *lol* I knew there was a species out there more dominate than man *lol* And Tiffany confirmed it for me! Sorry guys if you're offense seriously. You'll see what I'm referring to in this part :D

Chapter 13

“Welcome home!” I say as soon as she enters the living room. She went out shopping this morning for a new purse. I honestly don’t know why she needed another one. The woman has about twenty, but she’s always complaining about them. Must be a female thing.

“Hi, what are you up to?” she asks and I know her interest is piqued. After all, the aroma of my infamous baked chicken fills the place.

“Oh, just making you dinner. I figured after a long hard day of warding off all those other women in the mall, you need a nice hearty dinner to get your strength up,” I joke as she plops down on my lap. She feels so perfect there, so touchable, and kissable and…

“Max, did you hear me?” I was too busy drooling over her to hear what she asked.

“Of course I heard you,” I lie. “Liz, how many times do I have to remind you that I’m the kind of a guy that listens to women? That I appreciate the pleasure of your company and how rude I think it is to not focus all of my attention on your cuteness.” I conclude my statement with a coy smile. Just like I knew, she rolls her eyes and slaps my arm playfully.

“Please! Max, I know you better than that. Which means that I know your head was up in the clouds ignoring me,” she places a kiss on my cheek and wraps her arms around me. I feel the warmth of its innocence increase my body heat. Having her this close to me, now more than ever is trying at my patience and my will. But I am strong! I will not fail!

Still, I wrap my arms around her slim waist and rest my head against the soft well of her breast. Her body heat radiates off her flawless skin and engulfs me. How is it, I wonder, that such a tiny woman managed to run away with my heart? She seems too good to be true, and although I know she feels she’s not good enough, I am hell bent on proving her wrong. My plan is still in full force, and I will not stop until she’s mine.

“Tell me munchkin, what were you talking about before?”

“See! I thought you just said that you were focusing all your attention on me,” she accuses as she pokes her index finger into the center of my chest. I quickly reach between us and wrap my hand around hers, successfully stopping her movement.

“Liz, trust me. I may not have heard what you were talking about, but rest assured all my attention was focused on you.” I lick my lips and pin her with a heated gaze. I see her sharp intake of breath and her tiny pink tongue poke out and swipe her perfect lips…once…twice. I’m about to go in for the kill. I can almost …damn!

Before I know what’s happening she has her soft lips dragging roughly over mine. I pull her body closer, sliding my hand up her back and using my other to cup her delicate cheek. She tastes amazing, and her sweet perfume fills my nostrils, all the while increasing the amount of testosterone I have running through my body. I feel her delicate hips grind into mine, and without a second thought my body reacts. Unfortunately, so does she.

“Oh God! I’m s-sorry,” she says jumping to her feet in a rush. She covers her mouth with her hands.

“What are you sorry about?” I ask reaching out my hand to pull her back down into my lap, but she steps back.

“Liz…” I start but she shakes her head in protest.

“No. I shouldn’t have done that. I didn’t mean to do it.” She turns on her heels before I am able to stand to my feet, and runs to her room down the hall. Well that didn’t go as planned.

That’s okay because the night is still young and I have a lot of fight left in me.


After dinner is finished, I make my way down the hall to her room. She still hasn’t come out and it’s been a good thirty minutes. I don’t know why she just won’t give in. I know she’s scared but she has to know I want no one but her.

I knock lightly. “Liz.” I say through the door and hear a rustling altering me to the fact that she didn’t fall asleep in there.

“Max, I’m not really that hungry and…” I know she’s probably nibbling on the sexy lower lip of hers. Oh well, looks like I’ll have to just barge in on her. I wonder if it would be too much to ask for her to be lying naked on her bed waiting for me. Probably, but I am a guy above all else.

“Liz, I’m coming in.” I announce as I swing the door open. Much to my dismay she’s completely dressed. But she still looks sexy as hell.

“Max. I’m sorry. I told you….” I cut her off waving my hand in the air.

“Liz, please. I know you’re hungry. And besides I slaved over a hot stove for hours making your favorite meal.” I see her shrug her shoulders. I’m sure she’s embarrassed, which means I’ll have to make sure she knows that I wanted that kiss probably more than she did.

I move closer to her. She’s sitting in the center of her bed with her head bent down. As soon as I reach the edge of her bed, I take a seat and rest my hand against her knee. I feel her tremble softly beneath my fingertips. Instantly, the corners of my mouth begin to rise into the form of a smile, but I stop myself.

“You know, I have to ask you this one thing,” I try and break the ice.

“What?” she mumbles out, still not looking at me.

“Did you switch lip glosses? Cause I really liked the other one better,” I joke lightly which elicits a soft laugh from her. I see her delicate shoulders shake as she shakes her head in exasperation.

“Max,” she chides me with a gentle push against my shoulders. I quickly reach up and lay my hand over hers, waiting until our eyes lock.

“I’m not him, Liz.” I begin sympathetically.

“I know that, Max.” she retorts with a sigh of indignation.

“Do you?” I probe gently.

“Yes! I know you’re not him.” She pins me with an incredulously glare. I know she’s not angry with me. She’s just hurt by the fact that she still allows him to get to her.

“I could never lie to you, Liz. I could never hurt you that way,” I say reaching out and run my hand down her arm. Her eyes divert mine, but I continue to speak.

“I love you. And I know you love me, but you’re scared. I understand, but I want you to know that I’m not going anywhere. And no matter how long it takes you, I’ll be right here.” I can tell that my words have touched her. I hope they made a dent in the gigantic hole in her heart, but are they enough?

A moment later, I see the tears trickle down the sides of her cheeks. I don’t hesitate to pull her into a fierce hug, whispering words of reassurance to her.

When her tears subside, she pulls out of my embrace to fix herself. She’s still avoiding my eyes, and as much as I wish it didn’t hurt, it does. More than I want to admit. I just want her to love me for the rest of her life. The way I’m going to love her.

“You ready for dinner?” I ask hesitantly. I don’t want to see her cry anymore, so maybe I can take her mind off of things for a little while.

“Yeah. Dinner would be great.” She offers me a small smile and I reach out my hand to lead her back down the hall to the dining room.

<center>**** </center>

“That is so not true!” she yells out over a mouthful of marshmallows. We finished dinner an hour ago and now we’re relaxing on the couch.

“Yes, it is. I saw it on the discovery channel,” I retort with a chuckle.

“No way! How is that possible? They are males. They can’t have babies,” she tries to figure this out in her mind. I still can’t believe she didn’t know about seahorses.

“Yes, they can,” I begin and she settles down for a minute to listen.

“See they have this pouch that sits on their stomachs. That’s where they carry the babies.”

“You’re so lying!” She pins me with a suspicious glare. Too bad I’m telling the truth.

“Would you just listen?” I ask with a smile. She nods and I finish.

“So, they meet up with the sexy young seahorse of their choice. And they do this dance, intertwining their tails and swimming together. It can last for something like eight hours,” I have to pause for a moment, if I had eight hours with Liz…now that would be magic.

“Eight hours?” Her eyes grow wide, and I have to wonder if she’s thinking the same thing as me. I’ll save that discussion for another time.

“Yes. So after their long…uhm culmination…” I blush when I see her blush. She’s so damn adorable.

“The female deposits her eggs into the male’s pouch. And voila! The babies are implanted or whatever. Then like ten to twenty five days later, the babies are born!” I clap my hands together and rise from the couch.

“I should have paid better attention in science class instead of drawing pictures in my notebook,” she says with a giggle.

“Yeah, you should have.” I shake my head, lean over and grab a marshmallow from her hand and pop it into my mouth.

“Max, don’t take my marshmallows!” She reprimands me and I just shrug it off.

“You have a whole bag,” I nod towards the large, albeit almost empty bag of marshmallows.

“That’s not the point. You don’t even like them.” True, but I enjoy messing with her. So if I have to choke down one of those nasty, fluffy, sticky…well enough about them.

“Liz, don’t worry. I bought you another bag this morning.” She bounces off the couch with a smile.

“You know you’re going to turn into one of them.” I mumble out playfully.

“Oh no you didn’t!” she squeaks as she begins to attack me with the bag of marshmallows. I guess I should be lucky they’re not a bag of peanuts or something, right?

“I give!” I yell out when she tackles me to the floor and begins to shove one of those nasty things into my mouth.

“That’s much better. Now, I have to get to bed.” She leans over and kisses my cheek before standing and skipping down the hall to her room. I lay here for a few minutes, on my back, just thinking about the fact that I can’t wait to make her mine.


I’ve been in bed exactly one hour and ten minutes. After Liz left me on the floor with my thoughts, I decided to take a nice long hot shower. And now, I’m staring at the rain falling steadily outside my window.

If I’m honest, I’m hoping the thunder and lighting wakes Liz up, so she can crawl into bed with me. It’s not my intention to rush her into anything. I just really want her to know that I’m here for her.

Another thunderous boom sounds, followed by a loud crackle. Even I jumped that time. I can’t help the smile that forms on my lips as soon as it quiets down. I can hear the creak of her door opening, and her tiny feet padding down the short distance between her room and mine. And then, like music to my ears, I hear her sweet voice as she opens the door. I pretend to be asleep. I don’t know why, but I like the idea of hearing her speak to me when she thinks I’m sleeping. It’s not to pry, just simply to get little glimpses of her feelings.

I feel the bed dip gently, and then her slipping between the sheets. I wish I’d had the hindsight to wear something more than my boxers and a t-shirt. I don’t want her getting uncomfortable and leaving. However, the moment I feel her warm body lay halfway on mine, I can’t help but automatically wrap my arm around her.

“What’s wrong munchkin?” As if I don’t know.

“I hate it when it’s lightninging out.” She mumbles out as she buries her head in my neck. I can tell she’s not wearing anything more than a long t-shirt. The hairs on my arms are standing at attention, as well as another part of my anatomy.

“Liz, that’s not a word. It’s lightning.” She giggles and drapes her leg over my waist. I suck in a deep breath when she brushes across my erection.

“I don’t care. It’s lightninging out, that’s how I say it,” she mutters as she places a kiss on my neck. God, is she trying to kill me?

I stiffen when I feel her lick the shell of my ear, now I know she’s trying to drive me crazy. I quickly turn my head and our lips meet. I pull her on top of me and smile against her mouth when I hear her soft whimper. I run my hands up her back as I probe her mouth with my tongue. I gently ease her lips open wider to accept the demands of my kiss. I want to consume her, make her mine and never let go.

Much to my surprise, I feel her grind her hips against mine. The friction begins to increase with each roll of our hips against one another. Our tongues caressing and our hands roaming. I want this woman more than my next breath, but I have to take it slow. She’s vulnerable and I don’t want to impede the progress we’ve made so far.

However, that notion dies the moment I feel her tug on my shirt. We pull away gasping for air. I look her in the eyes. The thunder and lightning continue to rumble outside, giving me a perfect unobstructed view of her features. She looks so sure. I let her take the lead. I slowly lean up and allow her to pull my shirt over my head. The second my head touches my pillow I feel her lips against my collarbone. I moan out her name and grasp the back of her head gently and tug her lips back to mine.

Our lips drag against one another, our tongues duel and our breaths mingle heatedly. I feel the palms of her hands settle against my bare chest. My muscles automatically reflex as I reach up and run my hands up the back of her shirt. Once my fingers touch the delicate skin of her back, my body grows tighter than before. The feel of her in my arms in incredible, indescribable even.

“God, Liz…I love you,” I breathe out against her lips just as I lift my head to capture them in another torrid kiss. The moment I do, I regret it because she stiffens in my arms and extracts herself from my lap.

I close my eyes and drag in long deep breaths. “What’s wrong?” I ask into the darkness. She’s lying on her back staring at the ceiling.

“Nothing, I’m just tired.” She turns and offers me a weak smile. Even if I can’t see it, I can hear it in her voice.

“Liz, I’m sor—” I begin to apologize for whatever it is that I did wrong. But she won’t allow me to continue.

“No, Max. I’m sorry. It’s just…we can’t…” she trails off searching for the words. I know what she means and so I nod my understanding.

“Night Max.”

“Goodnight, Liz.” Without preamble, I turn to my side and pull her against me. I kiss her cheek softly, and wait patiently as she settles in my arms. I know I probably shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I need her just as much as she needs me.

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

I'm back, on time lol, with a new part. Thanks for all the feedback guys. We know you're frustrated with Liz but it's coming. lol No one can resist Max for too long :wink: Enjoy!

Chapter 14

Squinting my eyes at the blurred figure next to me, I realize Michael is saying something. I try and concentrate, but the many glasses of alcohol that I’ve already digested has shortened my attention span.

“Max, are you listening to me?”

I nod. “No.”

He sighs, sitting down his beer. “Don’t tell me you were thinking about her again?”

“Actually,” I drawl through a hiccup, “I was thinking ‘bout how drunk I am. But thanks Michael cause now I am thinking about her. Again.”

It’s been a month. That’s four freaking long weeks of trying to get Liz to fall in love with me. I’ve made no progress and if anything, she’s been acting a little distant. I’m desperate at this point and I’m about hair’s width away from going insane and throwing caution into the wind and attacking her.

She does absolutely nothing. She simply walks by me in the hall or makes that little sighing noise when she’s bored and it drives me completely insane. I feel like a madman and the fact that it seems like I’m the only one being affected makes it even worse because it means that I’m getting no where with her.

Feeling even more depressed than I did when I came, I motion for the waitress and ask her to bring me another drink. Michael raises his brow, knowing that I’m not usually a big drinker. But I ignore him. I deserve to wallow in my self-pity for awhile.

“Look Max, I feel your pain.”

I snort. “Fuck you. You do not.” He’s with the love of his life.

“Okay. I don’t feel your pain.”

“Then why did you say it?” I interrupt, grabbing my drink the waitress returned with. I chug the whole thing, the stinging liquid helps soothe my broken heart.

“Because I thought it’d make you feel better,” he grunts.

Slamming the glass down, I motion to the hazy waitress in front of me to bring me another.

“Well it didn’t,” I growl.

“Well excuse me for trying to be sensitive for once.”

“Michael I think we all agree that you’re lacking in the sensitivity area, so why don’t you try a different tactic?”

From what I can see through my unclear vision, he’s glaring at me. I feel like picking a fight with someone and Michael just happens to be sitting the closest to me.

“Look Max, I know you’re a little tipsy so I’m just going to let that slide.”

“Thank you oh kind sir,” I say, bowing my head, “For your civility astounds me. And I’m sorry Michael. I’m so… so sorry. You are sensitive. You are the most sensitive man that I know.”

I smile as he shifts uncomfortably. The waitress returns with my drink and I smile politely. “I’m sitting with Mr. Sensitivity himself,” I announce gesturing to my friend proudly. “Aren’t I lucky to have a friend like him?”

“Max shut up,” he hisses.

I snort. Everyone deserves to know what a great friend I have and I’ll tell it to anyone who’ll hear. I grab the waitress’ arm before she can walk away and wrap my free arm around Michael’s shoulders. She should know what a great friend I have.

“No. Listen, this guy is a great friend. A wonderful… wonderful guy and I love’em.”

“What?” Michael shrugs out of my hold but I pull him back.

“No listen. I don’t tell you this ‘nough Michael.” There’s two Michaels and they won’t stop moving. I cup his face between my hands to steady him so I can let him know how much he means to me. “You are my best friend. We’ve known each other for sooo long and I love you man. I do. I really, really do.”

“Get off me man!” He pushes me away and pushes me back onto my chair when I start to tip over.

“See, always catching me when I fall. Don’t you just love’em?” I ask the waitress.

She shrugs. “Uh, sure. Enjoy,” she says. I’m not sure why she’s walking away so fast, but I simply shrug, giving my best friend a big smile.

I reach for the drink only to find that its not there anymore. I drag my heavy lidded eyes to Michael, finding him holding my drink.

“Michael, what are you doing with my drink?”

“I think you’ve had enough Max.”

“No haven’t. I’m perfectly fine Michael.” I reach across the table but he holds the glass out of my reach.

“You’re not Max. Announcing that I’m sensitive to the entire bar…do you realize how close your lips were to mine just a few seconds ago? You have completely lost it.”

“Calm down Michael,” I sigh, keeping a close eye on my drink in his hand. “There’s nothing wrong with two grown men declaring their love for each other in a crowded bar.”

“I swear if you come any closer to me there’s going to be a problem,” he growls. “Can’t you keep that sentimental shit to yourself?”

Instead of answering, I leap across the table, snatching my drink from his hand. I smile as it sloshes around in the glass, some of it spilling onto my shirt.

I down the whole glass before he can say anything else. “That’s your last one Max. I’m serious,” he warns.

I raise my hands in surrender. I know that tone and choose not to disobey.

A woman walks by our table. She has long brown hair and it reminds me of Liz. She’s the reason I’m here in the first place. I’m at a dead end.

“Michael, how did you get Maria to fall in love with you?” I feel like I’m back in junior high, trying to figure out how to ask out my crush.

“Max maybe you should take a different approach. I mean right now you’re kinda in her face. Why don’t you step back a little and let her come to you.”

“Let her come to me?” I frown. It’s hard to get that idea throw my fuzzy mind. “Well I hope she comes fast cause I don’t know how long I can wait ‘afore I explode.”

Michael burst into laughter and I pout. Why is my desperation funny to him?

I click my heavy tongue and stumble to my feet. “I’ma need ‘nother drink.” I swagger forward, stumbling over own feet as the floor swims before me. It’s making me dizzy and Michael catches me as I fall.

Michael groans. “Please tell me you’re not about to cry.”

“Did I mention that I love you Michael?”

He sighs. “Come on buddy. Let’s get you home.” I lean against him as he tosses a few bills on the table before he practically carries me out of the bar.

The bright street lights hurt my eyes and I squeeze them shut as Michael slams the car door shut. I groan as my brain spins inside my head and I lean my forehead against the cool window.

We’re back at my place before I know it and I roll out of the car. Michael hoists me up and I smile gratefully.

“Michael I…”

“If you tell me you love me, I’m leaving you right here,” he says.

I nod and carefully climb the stairs.

“Do I really have to see her?” I ask when we reach the door.

“You’ve got it bad don’t you?”

I sigh as Michael pushes the door open and drags me inside. I don’t think my legs are functional at this point. “As bad as it can get.”

Despite myself, I smile when I see her walk in from the hall. Her hair is tossed all over the place and she’s sporting just a long t-shirt that stops just half way down her thighs. She’s so gorgeous when she just wakes up.

“What’s going on?”

Michael dumps me on the couch and I sag into the cushions, letting out a soft chuckle as I bounce.

“He had too much to drink. Do you think you can handle him?”

“She can’t handle the truth,” I announce from the couch, raising a heavy hand in the air.

“Yeah, I think I got him.”

The front door closes and Liz appears beside me. She brushes back my hair and I smile. I love the way she makes me feel when she touches me.

“Are you okay?”

“No. But I love you.” I grin and she shifts away. I simply shift closer, trying to figure out which of the two Lizs I see is the real one.

“I really wish you’d let me kiss you Liz. Doesn’t matter which one.” I gesture to her twin sitting next to her. I throw her a smile so that she doesn’t feel left out.

“Max what are you talking about?”

“I bet I could make you fall in love with me if you’d let me kiss you.”

She laughs and brushes me off. “Come on Max, you need sleep.”

“Sleep is not what I need Liz,” I say, giving her a knowing look.


Her voice fades away as my spinning vision increases and I start to feel nauseous. Once I manage to successfully stand, I stagger down the hall, only making it half way before I tip over. But Liz is right there to catch me.

“You and Michael are the best people. I never have to worry about falling with you two around.”

We stagger into the bathroom just in time for me to bury my head in the toilet and empty the contents of my stomach. I suppose I don’t look very attractive with my head in a toilet and my butt in the air… Liz has a cute butt. And I tell her that much when I’m done.

“What?” she shrieks.

“I like to watch it all the time an I wish you’d let me touch it more often. Do you like my butt Liz?”

She giggles and I smile. I love her laugh too. I love everything about her.

Unfortunately I can’t watch her anymore because the nauseous feeling is back. I lean over the toilet once more and Liz is right beside me, placing a cold towel against my neck and rubbing my back. I wonder if my love for her will ever stop growing. I couldn’t imagine it doing so.

When I’m done, she helps me sit against the tub while she goes to get me a glass of water.

“Max how much did you drink?”

I shrug, spitting out the water in the toilet after I rinse my mouth. I lost count my third drink.

She places one hand on my knee while the other strokes my arm. I lean into her and rest my head against her chest. My eyes are getting heavier and I couldn’t get up even if I wanted to. Her warmth surrounds me, lulling me as she continues to stroke my arm.

“Feeling better?”

I grunt in response.

The next thing I know, we’re making our way to my room and I collapse onto my bed. She begins to tug on my shoes, but I shoo her away and attempt to stand.

“Max where are you going?”

“I need to brush my teeth.”

“Max, why don’t you do that in the morning when you can stand on your own?” She pushes me back against the pillows but I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her down with me.

“No. If you decide to let me kiss you tonight, I want my breath to be minty fresh.”

She sighs. “Max, we’re not going to kiss.”

“Why?” I pout.


“Liz, I love you. You’re all I could ever need and want and I’d do anything to have you.” She pries herself from my arms, but I reach out for her again, catching her wrist and pulling her close. “I know you feel the same. I know it, but what I don’t know is why you hide it. It’s been a month Liz.”

“H-How do you know how I feel, Max?”

I gesture between us. “Because of this. Because of the way you act around me. Because of how you take care of me.” I capture the hand that’s brushing back my hair and kiss her fingers.

“That doesn’t mean anything Max,” she argues. “You’re my friend. I…”

“This is different Liz.” I retort. “The hugs you give last a little bit too long and the caresses are a little bit too gentle to be just friends. I feel it Liz. And what I feel for you is more than friendly.” I cup her cheek and brush my thumb across her soft skin. “I’m in love with you Liz Parker. What will it take to make you believe that and admit that you love me too?”

She’s crying now and I wipe her tears as they fall.

“I need time Max. I… I’m really confused right now and I just need some space.”


“Max, you just got divorced…”

“That was a month ago and we’ve been separated three before that. I never loved her like I love you.”

She pulls away, rubbing her tears away. “I need time and space Max. Please just understand.”

I nod. If that’s what she’s wants, I can’t force anything on her. I decide that Michael’s advice is the best way to go.

“Okay Liz. If that’s what you want, then I’ll respect you’re wishes. I’ll start packing tomorrow.”

Her eyes widen. “Packing? What?”

“I can move in with Michael.”

“Max, you’re drunk. You don’t know wha…”

“Liz, maybe you’re right. You need time and space. You’re confused and that’s fine. But you know what it’s like to live with my love, now it’s time to see what it’s like without it. See which one you like better.”

Through my hazy vision I can see her tears. “All you have to do is say you love me and I can make those tears go away Liz.”

She bites her lip and I know she’s struggling and I wish I wasn’t so drunk because I feel like I’m about to pass out.

“Max, I don’t want to lose you as a friend,” she cries.

“You’re not. I’d never take back my friendship, but I can’t play this hot and cold game with you anymore. I love you Liz, but if that means letting you go to find what you want, then so be it.”

She nods and that’s all I need. I let my heavy eyes fall shut and the last thing I hear is her soft crying and her soft lips against my cheek.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

A/N - I know you're all shocked! But I do have an update. As some of you know I've been sick for close to three weeks, and finally I'm feeling much better, at least better enough to sit and write. Therefore, I appreciate your patience.

Now...Tiffany and I want to thank each of you for the feedback, we appreciate it and are so happy you are all enjoying this. Hope this makes you all feel warm and fuzzy inside :wink:



Chapter 15

What was I thinking? Moving in with Michael was a disaster that lasted all of one day. Luckily, there are enough apartments in this city to suffice everyone. Well, that’s a lie. Luckily I know the building owner and was able to cut a deal with him for a few months. Because we all know that sooner or later, Liz will be dragging herself back to me, begging for my forgiveness.

“Did you buy any beer? I hope you did,” Michael says as he enters my half furnished apartment. I could afford better, but what is the point? Not like I’m going to be living here for long.

“You know I did. Even though this is supposed to be some kind of housewarming slash football game watching celebration, why am I supplying the food, beer and entertainment?” I ask wondering how my friends managed to get that over on me.

“Hey! We’re here for moral support and all that other good shit, which I might add is priceless.” He nods his head and turns towards the kitchen, no doubt to make a sandwich or something.

I turn my attention elsewhere while flicking on the television. It’s been a whole week and the girl has not cracked. Am I that resistible? Seriously, maybe I’m just looking for something in Liz that isn’t really there. Maybe I love her so much that it’s blinding me to the truth.

“Still brooding?” I flip Michael off as he hands me a beer. Honestly after the disaster that was last week, I shouldn’t be drinking anything. However, today is a special day, game day baby as well as a celebration of my freedom! Which, don’t tell Michael, but I don’t want. I’ve had enough freedom to last my lifetime. I want Liz.

“I’m not brooding, for your information. And besides that, since when are you worried about what I’m thinking about?” I ask indifferently. I do care, and I’m glad that I have Michael to talk to.

“Please, you have only been moaning and groaning to me everyday after work about how Liz is not biting the bait you say you’ve laid out for her.” I narrow my eyes in anger. So what if it’s true? The girl is like…like a damn brick wall! I can tell she misses me but she makes no efforts to show me. I shrug and chug down my first beer of what appears to be the first of many.

“Max, just give it a rest. You’re wearing yourself out worrying about what she’s thinking. If she loves you, she’ll come around.” He’s right but that’s what scares the shit out of me. What if she doesn’t love me? I never thought she truly didn’t have feelings for me. But what if they aren’t the deep down, warm fuzzy feelings you get when you see this person that means so much to you? Oh damn, obviously I need to stop drinking. I don’t know why, but lately every time I drink I get sentimental. And seeing as how in a few short minutes my place will be filled with guys ready to watch a football game, I think I should keep those feelings to myself.


“Damn is the ref blind? I swear that’s the third shitty call he’s made today and its only first quarter. This is bullshit!” Michael grumbles and I nod my head in agreement. The rest of the guys are yelling over the television and honestly I would normally join in but instead I’m sitting here sulking.

Sulking like a lost puppy. I’m sad and it’s about time I do something about it. Just as I’m lifting myself off the couch, the sound of the doorbell breaks through the guys yelling. Since I’m closest to the door I decide what the hell, not like I was really going to do something important anyway.

What the hell?

“Hi Max” She’s here! Just like I knew she would be except a little sooner. I knew my good looks, charm and of course my great sense of humor would draw her back to me.

“Liz, what are you doing here?” I play it off like I really couldn’t care, while inside I’m doing the happy dance of joy. She’s here!

“I heard from Maria that you found an apartment, and I…I wanted to just you know…stop by and…uhm…and bring you a house warming gift,” she blurts out as she thrusts the bag she was holding at me.

I look at the bag in my hands, and then back up at her. I can’t hide my smile. She looks adorable wearing a short denim skirt and a blue long sleeved shirt that says, ‘I hate Sundays’. She would wear that around the apartment because as she knows Sunday is football day and that was her way of protesting it, even though she truly did enjoy the game. She said it was her contribution to the women of the world that didn’t like the sport, but were made to watch it by their significant others. I love her logic…makes no sense but at least she looks sexy as hell, so that works.

“Thank you. You want to come in?” I ask stepping away from the door. She nods and makes her way past me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. She smells amazing; a light scented floral mixed with powder. She’s terribly addicting. I finally realize I look like an idiot standing outside my own apartment door with her staring at me with an expression of confusion. I groan, but smile despite it, and make my way inside.

I place the bag she gave me on the kitchen counter and ask if she wants something to drink. They guys were once again yelling at the screen, so I decided to duck inside the kitchen with her for a few minutes. I wonder if it’s normal to miss someone as much as I miss her.

“So, how are you? Do anything exciting this weekend?” I ask and want to roll my eyes at the stupidity of my words when she shakes her head.

“I’m doing okay. How about you? Do I get the grand tour while the guys rip apart the refs?” she asks with a small smile, that if I look close enough I can see touches her eyes.

“Of course!” I slap my hands together and reach out for her to take one of mine. To which, with my never-ending gratitude, she takes without hesitation.

“There really isn’t much to the place. But I figured if I need to, I can rent a bigger one, or finally maybe look into buying a house.”

“Really? Wouldn’t it be a lot of space for just you to live in?” She’s a smart girl did I mention that as well?

“Well,” I shrug my shoulders, “If I could find someone to settle down with then maybe, but for now the apartment is good. Don’t you think?” I ask and watch as she gives me this weird look. I wonder what that was all about.

“Here is my bedroom, but you’re not really interested in that are you?” I wink, knowing a second later she will slap me.

“Max! Do you ever quit?” she asks peering over my shoulder into my open bedroom door. I give her a little push and she’s inside, just like that.

“Wonders never cease,” I comment with a smirk walking across the room to take a seat at the edge of my bed. Okay, so I’m not being subtle but I can’t stand it any longer. I have no more will left, no strength, and very little patience. I mean her legs are creamy and soft, I just know they are. What I wouldn’t give to run my hands up them, caressing the warm flesh I know I’ll find beneath my fingertips. I watch as she eyes the contents my room slowly, almost as if she were soaking it in. But what would that mean? If she were, then would that mean she missed me as much as I missed her? I miss waking up and seeing her, and our late night talks. I digress.

“I see you’re all unpacked and everything,” she says with a touch of sadness in her voice. Dare I dream, she really wants me? I watch her a little closer and I can see something in her eyes, she won’t meet mine, which only serves to reinforce my prior thoughts.

“You want to take a seat?” I gesture for her to sit next to me on my big, comfy bed.

“Sure,” she smiles and practically jumps on the bed next to me. We both bounce softly and laugh. I really want to wrap my arms around her small frame, but to my surprise, she settles on the bed and rests her head against my shoulder.

“It’s kind of lonely at my place, you know? Without you there,” she practically whispers and my heart begins to thrum in my chest.

“I know what you mean.” I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer. I have the urge to ask her if she has thought about what I said to her the day I left her place. But I don’t. I chicken out, a part of me wants to drag the answer out of her, the other part of me wants her to beg me to take her and throw her on this bed. I wake up from fantasyland when I hear Michael’s voice down the hall.

“Sorry,” I mumble as I remove my arm. Before I walk away she calls out to me. I turn to her in hope, in desperation to hear those three little words…

“Do you mind if I use your bathroom?” she points towards the open door across the room and with great disappointment I tell her, “Sure.”


I wonder what’s taking Liz so long. She’s been in my room for a good fifteen minutes, but maybe she’s doing girl things and I don’t want to interrupt that.

“Max, fetch me another beer!” I turn to Rob and look at him as if he’s lost his damn mind! This is my place; I will not be a servant or some crazy shit like that. Hell, he knows where the kitchen is. I go to tell him just that when I feel a beer bottle on my shoulder.

I look up to see my brown-eyed beauty leaning over the couch, her face inches from mine. I have every mind to pull her down and kiss those soft pink lips…hard.

“Oh we have a guest!” Josh announces, like he really cares. But the truth is I want to hide Liz from every guys’ wandering eye. I can already see Josh eyeing her up and down, and while Josh is a friend of mine, he’s not my best friend. Which means, I would have no problem throwing his ass first out of my apartment.

Liz smiles and gives a shy wave, I growl. How sexy does she look doing that? God! I can’t take it. Without any preamble, I lean up, turn and pull her over the couch, making sure no one gets a look up her skirt. I glare at them all, including Michael.

“Whoa Cujo!” Michael feigns innocence at my look. Obviously I’m more intimidating than I thought. I smile smugly as I rest Liz in my lap, staking my claim to her. So what if she didn’t return the feelings the first time? I’m a man, which means one thing, I can handle rejection fairly well. It’s not like I sit up at night pinning after her, wondering if she’s thinking about me. And it sure as hell isn’t like I watch her walk around the office, and drink her cherry coke through a bright pink straw, and swear that she is the cutest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.

No! Not me! I’m a man. A manly man, who chugs beers and watches sports! That’s right, I would never do such wimpy things!

“Max, you gonna introduce me or what?” She giggles a little against my chest, and did it just get warmer in here or is it me? I feel her small palm against my chest and I think I’ve gone to heaven. She’s perfect.

“Shush it up munchkin,” I tease her softly, only for her to hear. Her cheeks turn pink and she buries her head in my shoulder. Ah, that had just the right effect. I am a master at winning this woman over. I feel the urge to pat myself on the back, but resist.

“Rob, Josh, Eric, this is Liz. Liz these are the guys.” She says a quick hello to all of them and then turns to face me with yet another strange look. Do I have chips on my face or something?

“What?” I ask and she shakes her head. Now that I think about it, she looks a little, I don’t know different. I can’t quite figure it out. I remember what she looked like sitting on my bed, looking scrumptious and inviting but now I notice she has on a two shirts. Was she wearing the other one when she came in but I just didn’t notice?

Obviously I have too much Liz on the brain, because I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about anymore.

“Hey! What about me? No introductions to the beautiful lady?” Michael grumbles out over a mouthful of chips. How gentlemanly of him. I roll my eyes.

“Michael you already know Liz. Why would I introduce you?”

He shrugs, “I don’t know. I don’t feel important.” Liz gets up and takes a seat next to him. Once again I feel the jealousy monster rearing its ugly head, but I manage to stomp him down.

“Aww, Michael. You know you’re extra special.” She tweaks his cheek and I feel like hurling. God! What the fuck is wrong with me?! I swear, I am not this jealous, except when it comes to Liz. I love the woman with every breath and I want to make her love me, but I can’t. The hardest thing, is watching her watch me, with that indescribable expression. Was it desire? Want? Need? Was she secretly trying to tell me something and I’m just too dumb to realize it? I shrug, I’ll never figure it out at this point.

I lean back against the couch and see the guys are now back enthralled into the television; she slowly gets up and leans over me.

“I’m gonna head out.” What?!

“Why?” I ask, pulling her down beside me. I don’t want her to go, but I can’t make her stay either.

“You’re with your friends, Max. I don’t want to interrupt,” she evades my gaze but I quickly remedy that situation. I reach out and cup her cheek softly, “Stay. I want you to say…if you want to.” I smile meekly figuring that she doesn’t want to stay. She’s probably had enough of me and…

“Okay!” she smiles and reaches out to grab my beer off the table.

“Really?!” I ask dumbfounded. She actually seemed happy, very happy that I told her to stay.

“Yes! Thanks Max.” She smiles one last time before tucking her legs beneath her, and turning her attention to the game. Well I’ll be damned. I thought I would have to convince her more. That was pretty damn easy. I turn my head towards her. She’s cuddling up, nuzzling her head against my chest. Even though I wrap my arm around her shoulder, I narrow my eyes in suspicion.

Why, if she was avoiding my advances all week, is she all of a sudden all gung ho to hang out with me? And why, does she show up at my apartment today, even though I’ve offered her the same in the past, yet she turned me down? Lastly, why for my housewarming gift did she give me a picture of herself? The one that she had in her house that I truly loved. It’s of her sitting on a park bench, staring up at the sky. The sun reflecting off her long brown hair, giving it a shiny glow, and the smile on her face…it takes my breath away every time.

My suspicion grows as the night continues on. She doesn’t leave my side, in fact, it’s almost as if she wants to crawl on my lap. I have the urge to let her, but then I realize something. I’m not making her sweat for it. I’m not making her do any work and she’s the one that has to this time. I’ve told her how I feel. It’s only fair that if she does feel something for me, other than friends that she is the one to step up to the plate.

Max Evans will pine no more!


The night grows to an end, unfortunately too soon for me. Liz stands and stretches and turns to me expectantly. I reach out and she takes my hand, pulling me from the couch.

“Come on Max! You’re in the prime of your life,” she teases and I growl tickling her side.

“Max!” she squeaks out.

“Stop teasing Parker, or you’re gonna get it,” I threaten coolly.

“Ooh, I’m gonna get it!” she jumps and runs to the door. I run up to her and pin her against the door. I want to kiss her. I want to pull her into my arms, lean in and cover those luscious lips with mine. I want to kiss her until she’s breathless and moaning my name, running her fingers through my hair, writhing beneath me…

“Max?” Her soft voice breaks me from my revere. What was she saying?

“Sorry. Night Liz.”

“Night Max. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She looks at me expectantly. Almost as if she is waiting for me to do something. Surely, it’s not to kiss her, right?

Nah! I’m delusional now. I better get to bed soon.

I lean in and watch as her breath hitches, and her eyes close. Ah ha! She is waiting for me to kiss her. Well, well Miss Parker, you are in for a rude awakening.

Instead, I turn and kiss her on the cheek.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smile inwardly in satisfaction when I pull away and see her disappointment.

“R-right. Bye Max.” She smiles softly, before opening the door and closing it behind her.

“Now, that’s how a real man does it!” I pump my fist in the air. She’ll be mine soon.

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

A/N: I'm soooo sorry about the wait guys. I've been really busy and haven't had the time or muse to write. Senior year is kicking my ass. lol Anyway, I'm finally back with a new part. Thanks for all the fb and bumps. Tanya and I really appreciate it.

Now, on with the story.

Chapter 16

I wonder if it’s possible for a man to die from an extreme amount of sexual tension. If it is, I might as well start digging my grave right now. The small woman sitting next to me would be at fault and they’d probably lock her up for murder.

I can see the writing on my gravestone already.

Here lies Max Evans.
All he wanted was a little loving

I sigh as I pull into the parking lot of the movie theater. Liz smiles at me and climbs out of the car. I shake my head, trying to get myself together. She’s sending me all the signs. The green light is flashing rapidly and brightly, but I won’t give in to her. She has to come to me this time and I won’t settle for anything less.

I get out of my car and walk around to meet her on the other side. She grabs my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine. Again, she smiles up at me, her eyes twinkling. She wants me to kiss her, to give her an excuse to give in to me. I’m not exactly sure why, but she doesn’t want to make the first move. But if she wants to be with me, then she’s going to have to.

“What are we seeing?” I ask as I pull her toward the line leading to the ticket booth.

“Silent Hill,” she says as she presses herself closer to my side.

“Really?” Liz hates scary movies. She can’t sit through one without having a panic attack even if her life depended on it.

“Yeah.” Her smile is wide and bright as she looks up at me though I know she’s terrified.

“I thought that it’d be nice to have a change of pace.”

I’m unconvinced. Liz was never a very good liar, but I go along with her plan. “You’re sure?”

“Yeah. Now come on!”

After the tickets are bought and my arms are full of various snacks; a large tub of popcorn and a large drink, which she insisted on sharing, Liz and I make our way into the theater.

I follow her down the dimmed aisle as she searches for a pair of empty seats, though I’m not sure I’m much help. My eyes are glued to her round bottom, mesmerized as her hips sway. How does she do that?

My eyes travel lower falling passed the hem of her skirt to the back of her thighs, down to her slender legs. She is so gorgeous. And I briefly wonder if she could drive me this crazy without doing anything, how insane would she make me if she were actually doing it on purpose?

She finds two empty seats just as the previews start.

I swing my arm across the back of her seat. “Are you sure about this?” I ask her after the lights dim and the theater is bathed in darkness.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

Does she think I’m that stupid?

“I know you munchkin. You can’t stand scary movies. You’re too much of a wimp,” I tease. Seconds later, her little fist is embedded against my chest.

“I am not a wimp Max Evans,” she whispers sternly. “I can handle this. You’ll see.”

She raises her chin in defiance and I fall even deeper. I really wish she would break and make a move already so I can go completely wild on her.

Twenty minutes into the movie, Liz lifts the armrest between us and buries her face in my chest. I chuckle in response though I pull her closer. With her in my arms, I can no longer focus my attention on the movie and now I realize why she chose to see this. So she’d have an excuse to be close to me.

She has unknowingly inflated my ego a notch and I grin widely in the dark as I stroke her arm with my fingertips.

Could she be any more obvious? Does she know that all she has to do is tell me she loves me and she wouldn’t have to go through this to just be with me?

“I thought you could handle this,” I whisper to her.

She’s peeking through her fingers, which are covering her eyes. “I can. You don’t see me bolting out of here do you?”

I smile. It doesn’t matter to me. As long as she’s close, I’m up for anything.


“I thought it was a pretty good movie.”

I shoot her an incredulous look as I pull into her driveway. “How would you know? You didn’t even see half of it.” She scowls. I love getting to her.

“Well at least I sat through it,” her tone laced with achievement.

“Yeah,” I laugh, “last time I dragged you to a horror flick you ran from the theater.”

She glares at me while pinching my arm. “Shut up. Are you going to sit out here and rag on me or are you coming in?”

When I tap my chin as if I have to think about it, she huffs and unbuckles her seatbelt. “I don’t know. I may have a few more good cracks up my sleeve.”

“Whatever Max.”

I laugh and follow her as she walks up to her door. Unable to help myself, my arms slide around her waist from behind as she searches her purse for her keys. I know I’m supposed to be waiting for her, but I just can’t help myself when she’s this close to me.

She melts in my arms, leaning back into my chest as I blow softly in her ear. “Stop,” she giggles.

“Hey, you’re supposed to be opening the door,” I chuckle in her ear.

“I’m trying,” the smile is evident even in her tone. I could just seduce her right here and she’d be all mine.

With a playful shove, I fall back as she returns her attention back to her front door. “Stay away, I need to concentrate.”

“To open a door?” I query, my brow raised in disbelief. “Munchkin, am I distracting you?”

“Shut up Evans,” she growls. When she finally pushes the door open, I step pass her, ignoring the funny face she’s making at me.

I head straight for the couch, flopping on its softness and propping my feet on the coffee table. I find Liz still standing at the door, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. I shoot her a wide grin. “You got anything to eat around here?”

“You’ll be swallowing your teeth if you don’t get your dirty shoes off my table,” she retorts.

I love it when she takes charge. It’s terrifying and arousing all in one. I obey immediately, kicking off my shoes while she heads into the kitchen.

Liz returns moments later with a bottle of beer in each hand and a bag of chips hanging from her teeth.

I roll my eyes at her as she settles beside me, immediately cuddling up to me. She hands me a beer, I toast to us and we watch TV in silence. I’m in heaven.

It wasn’t until she pulled the afghan from the arm of the couch that I notice the black shirt lying underneath it. I frown, recognizing the shirt immediately.

“Liz, how did you get this?”

She stops her task of tucking the afghan around us as she stammers to come up with an excuse.

“You must have forgotten to pack it,” she says. She shrugs nonchalantly, but I don’t believe her one bit. Liz was always a bad liar.

“Liz, this is my favorite shirt. I know I wouldn’t forget this.” She snatches it from my hands, studies it as if she’s never seen it before and throws it at my face.

“How’d it get over here?”

She shrugs. “I have no idea. Drink your beer.” She shoves a beer into my hands and turns her attention to the TV.

With narrowed eyes, I stare her down, knowing she knows I’m watching her. “Liz…” I urge.

“Okay! Fine!” she shrieks, cracking easily. “I stole the damn shirt from your apartment. Are you happy now?”

I pull my lips inward to hide my smile. “Okay,” I drawl slowly. “You want to elaborate on this situation?”

“No,” she pouts.


“I just… I missed you okay,” she admits softly. “I didn’t realize how much I would miss you being here until you left. And I stole the shirt because I thought that... I don’t know, I’d feel closer to you or something.”

My heart is pounding in my chest. I know that I’ve just broken down one of her walls and I’m one step closer to hearing those words that I’ve longed to hear from her for the longest time. I’ve proven that I’m a patient guy, but I don’t know how long I can hold up until I fold under the pressure.

“I’m sorry.” She’s looking down at her hands, obviously trying to hide her embarrassed blush.

All I want is to be with her. Nothing has ever felt so right, but until she’s ready to admit that she love me like I know she does, we can’t move forward… no matter how good she smells. Or how tempting the skin of her neck is.

My gaze narrows in on her velveteen skin, ready to attack like Dracula on his next victim. Unable to stop myself, I nibble my way down her jaw, stopping at her collarbone.

My cell phone ringing in my pocket prevents me from going any further and my Liz induced haze lets up.

“Hello,” I growl into my phone.

“Max, where the hell are you?” Michael asks.

“I’m at Liz’s. Where are you?”

“I’m just leaving your place after knocking for over a half f hour.”

“And is that supposed to be my fault?” I retort. “I’m sorry I’m not at home every time you decide to unexpectedly drop by.”

He sighs and I hear a car door closing in the background. “Whatever. Don’t have a hissy fit.”

Liz releases herself from my arms and my eyes follow her as she wanders into the kitchen. “Is there a reason you’re gracing me with this late night call?”

“I want to go out for drinks. I’m bored as hell.”


“What? Are you and Liz doing the nasty?”

Getting annoyed, I breathe heavily into the phone. “No.”

“Well then what’s more important than having a drink with your best friend?”

“Spending time with my other, more attractive best friend,” I comeback easily.

I can almost hear the scowl in his tone. “Max, we haven’t been out in weeks.”

I laugh. “Yeah because you were the one who banned me from drinking with you ever again in the first place. I believe the reason was because you can’t handle it when I reveal my true feelings about you. I think about you constantly, Michael. ”

“You’re pushing Max,” he growls.

“I dream about you every night,” I sigh dreamily.

“See!” he shrieks. “This is the shit I’m talking about. You have just lost your man card.” Fucking with Michael is so easy. “Look, bring Liz too. Maybe with her around you can manage to keep what little dignity you have.”



This time, I manage to control my drinking. I only have a few beers and Michael is gratefully saved from my sentiments, though I can’t help but tease him a little.

Liz on the other hand can chug with the best of them. It worries me how she’s swaying in her seat and with how many drinks she has consumed, its any wonder how her small stature hasn’t exploded already.

“I gotta get home to the little lady,” Michael says. He stands and reaches in his pocket to pay for his half of the bill. “Maria doesn’t know I’m here.”

I laugh. “So I’m guessing the next time I see you will be at your funeral?” I joke.

“Probably,” he laughs.

“Whipped,” I cough.

I simply laugh when he flips me off. He ruffles Liz’s hair in response to her garbled goodbye before leaving.

Liz is openly staring at me from across the table and I feel my cheeks burn at her intense gaze. “Are you ready to go munchkin?”

She smiles and shakes her head as she tries to reach for the rest of her drink. I quickly divert her maneuver. She’s going to be sick enough as it is. “I think you’ve had enough Liz. Why don’t we head home?”

She makes no move to follow when I stand. Instead her face stretches to a wide smile as she watches me. “Ya know, I love how you say ma name Max. It makes me feel special... very tingly.”

I smile at her adorableness. She’s cute even when she’s wasted. “That’s because you are munchkin.”

“Michael says ma name all the time and I don’t feel all tingly. So does Maria and ever’body at work. Why is that Max?”

I grasp her chin in my hand to steady her as I gaze into her eyes. “Because I love you, baby.”

“I like it when you call me baby.” She smiles, her eyes glaze over and she throws herself in my arms. After throwing some money on the table, I help her out of the smoky bar.

She rambles all the way car to the car and I can’t understand half of what she’s saying.

“Ya know what else I love?” She doesn’t wait for my response, though I really wasn’t planning on giving one as I ease her into the passenger seat. “I love how you look when you’re at your desk and you tap your pencil against your forehead when you’re thinking.” She continues to talk when I close the door. “And how your eyes soften when you look at me.” She leans across the seat and rests her head on my shoulder. One arm wraps tightly around mine as the other lands heavily on my thigh.

“You smell so good. What do you use?”

I bite back a groan as she rubs my inner thigh, inching her way closer to my crotch. She’s going to kill me.

After a few curses to get myself under control, I gently remove her hand and start the car.

“Let’s go back to your place. I like your place. It smells like you. I like the way you smell.” Her hand returning and I eye it as it again makes its way to my thigh.

“Liz,” I grunt. “You have to stop that,” I plead.

She ignores me and continues her rubbing. “Holy mother of…”

“Are we going to your place?”

I gulp when her hand reaches the bulge in my jeans. It takes all that I am not to pull over and ravish her like I want to. “N-No.”

She pouts, unsatisfied with my answer. “Please.”

Her evil hand runs up my chest, her cool fingers creeping through the buttons of my shirt and making me shiver with the light contact. “I want to be with you.”

I don’t think that’s possible without me taking advantage of this situation and I don’t want to do that. She’s drunk, I remind myself. It’d be very wrong to take her like I want to.

She continues to try and persuade me with her influential hands the entire way to her house. After promising that I’d stay with her, which I think its best since I know she’s going to get sick with how much she drank, she concentrates on driving me insane with her light touches.

“I want you to love me.”

“I already do Liz.”

She smiles. “There’s the tingles.”

She passes out not long after I carry her inside and I tuck her in, so very tempted to crawl into bed with her and hold her. But as horrible of a job as I’m doing, I have to stick to the game plan. She has to come to me.

Leaving her to rest, I fix up the couch and fall onto the cushion. It doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep with dreams of my Liz taking over me.


I awake later that same morning to a loud banging. I shoot up, finding Liz standing behind the couch, looking as angry as I’ve ever seen her.

“Morning,” groan groggily. She continues to glare at me, and I cower away. “What?”

“Do you not want me anymore Max?”

Her statement does nothing to ease my confusion. “I’ve been practically throwing myself at you and yet you still won’t give way.”


“No.” Her anger seems to dissolve away only to be replaced by desperation. “You… you said that you wanted to be with me and I… I don’t know what to do. Why don’t you want me anymore?”

I open my arms for her and she crawls into my arms. “You know that’s not true.”

“You terrify me Max. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.”

My heart bursts and I realize that I’ve finally broken her. I just need to hear those three little words that mean so much.

“Liz, I’m ready and willing. I’ve waited so long and I know you’re it for me.”

She ducks her head, hiding her face and I have no idea what she’s feeling. It’s time for her to decide whether she wants me or not.

“You know what you have to do and I'm all yours.”

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by Behrsgirl77 »

A/N - Okay so here I am with an update...sorry it took so long, but I blame Tiffany! Don't ask why...I just do! *lol*

Thanks for the feedback, as always we are happy to hear you are enjoying this. And sorry to keep you waiting with such a cliffhanger :P

Chapter 17

As I sit behind my desk, I have to wonder, what in the hell went wrong? It was perfect, the moment, the chemistry, everything and then it all went downhill from there.

There she was, the love of my life, in my arms and she was about to say those three perfect little words. Words, I might add, that I myself have only said to one other woman besides Liz. This time however, I know she is it for me. I might have loved Rachel, but it was different. I may not have known it then, while I was living through it, but ever since I met Liz, I knew it was different. That the feelings I should have been feeling for my wife weren’t what I was feeling for this new person that entered my life.

Liz changed me. Yet, she still doesn’t understand. At least…I don’t think she does.

So there we were sitting on her couch and all her walls had come crumbling down. She was infuriated with me because she thought I didn’t want her, and then she softened up and I told her what she needed to do, and I would be all hers.

The words were there…right on the tip of her tongue. But something broke her attention and she’d leapt to her feet and began pacing. Thinking back on it, I snap my pencil in frustration and relive it once again.

<center>****** </center>

“This isn’t easy, Max. You make it seem like its no big deal and it is,” she says with a voice filled with desperation. But what is she desperate for? I can’t think straight right now as she prances around in just a nightshirt, which barely covers her creamy thighs. I think she’s trying to throw me off, and on top of that, I am still half asleep.

“I never said it wasn’t a big deal, this is my life too you know? I want you to be a part of it, not just as a friend. I’ve told you this already; all I’m doing is waiting for you to be on the same page as me. Have I not showed you enough, how much I love and want you?” I ask, trying to hide the displeasure that she is fighting me around every corner. I am patient, but there is only so much strength a man has for disappointment until he finally gets the idea.

Don’t get me wrong, I will fight for her but I need to know without a doubt and if she can’t tell me how she feels, then what is all of this for? I find myself thinking these complex thoughts, but as soon as they appear, they fade just as quickly. Replaced, are thoughts of her beneath me rolling around and showing me how much she wants me.

A few moans would help too.

“I know what you want…but…I’m not ready,” she says softly and I snap. Maybe I’m still tired or maybe it’s the migraine that started as a soft pounding and has gradually increased to a full-blown mind numbing sensation.

“Not ready? You’re kidding me right?” I stare at her as I stand to my feet, towering over her. God, she is beautifully breathtaking and I would give anything to have her right now, but she’ll fight me, just as she always does. How tiring.

“Why are you getting so upset? I told you that I missed you and…”

“And I want more, Liz. Don’t you want more? I don’t want to walk out of here today not knowing whether you return my feelings or not. I need to know…I deserve to know.” I say staring into her deep brown eyes and I can see the tears beginning to brim them.

“I just need the words, Liz. Just…” I plead gently.

“Max, I care about you. You are my best friend and I…” Come on baby; just say the words and this can be over, I chant over and over again. I wait in awesome anticipation of her next words. My heart thundering in my chest, this is it, the moment of truth.

“I’m not ready.” And I fall back to the couch soundlessly.

“I won’t beg you, Liz. You decide. I’m giving you magic and you are just throwing it away,” I state firmly as I get myself together. I need to go. I can’t face her right now. Maybe I need to reevaluate this entire scheme I had.

“Magic?” she peers down at me with confusion swimming in her eyes.

“You don’t get it do you? You and I are the magic.”

She shakes her head. “I told you magic dies.”

“And I say it only dies, when one person is too scared to say what they really feel in their heart. If you don’t love me then just say it. It might die, but at least I’ll know how you really feel. I can’t guess anymore and I can’t assume because that hasn’t gotten me very far at all,” I retort blandly. I quickly slip on my sneakers and grab my jacket, heading for the door.

I pray she stops me, but in my heart, I know she’s going to let me walk away.

<center>****** </center>

And that’s all she wrote. It just, I don’t know what the hell happened but that was it. I left and I haven’t seen her since.

In fact, I narrow my eyes in thought; she hasn’t come in to work for the past two days. Where the hell is she? A moment later panic creeps up my spine, what if she left town to get away from me.

No, she wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. Nevertheless, I refuse to sit on my ass while the love of my life walks away. Damn it, I will find her and if I have to tie her to the bed to get her to tell me that she loves me, then I will!

Of course, she is probably muddling around in her head the conversation we had, and all the things I said to her. They were the truth, but maybe…no she needed to hear it regardless if it upset her or not.

I push my chair back and rip my jacket off the back of my chair. I have one goal and before the end of the day it will be fulfilled!

<center>***** </center>

I get to her place and ring her doorbell, but receive no answer. Nor do I receive one when I bang on the door.

“Liz!” I yell and I hear a scuffling noise. Is she in there with someone? My eyes narrow in anger. I pound on the door once more and to my utter relief, I hear her voice through the door.

“Leave me alone, Max!” she nearly barks out at me. Well hell, now how the hell am I supposed to get in now? I gave her the key back when I left, and I’m kicking myself because of it now. Just as I’m about to lift my hand to the door to bang until either I get arrested or she answers, I remember there is a window in her room. If I’m lucky she didn’t lock it.

A few minutes later I’m trying to climb in and I hear her swing open the door and screech in fear.

“Oh my God!”
“Liz, it’s okay. It’s me.” I reassure her as my ass hangs out the window and I land unceremoniously onto her bedroom floor, flat on my face. Thank God for rugs.

“What are you doing?!” she asks somewhat breathless, but to my astonished amazement she bends down to help me up.

“I was worried, and you won’t answer your phone.” I turn to her with a small smirk, “and you sure as hell weren’t going to open your door. How else was I supposed to get in?” I ask shrugging and moving past her quickly and into the living room.

“What the hell?” I say surprised by the sight before my eyes.

“Oh God.” I hear her groan while she tries to pull me back into the bedroom. Now, under normal circumstances, I would be more than happy to join her in her bedroom, but I need to know what’s going on.

I whip my head around and stare at her, waiting for an explanation, but she’s not even looking at me.

“What are you doing, Liz?” I asked walking through the living room, or rather what parts of the living room I can still see. There are pizza boxes, bags of chips, and cans of soda and beer bottles thrown askew.

“What?” she says and I turn to regard her with a look of disbelief. I know she doesn’t think I’m stupid.

“I’m not doing anything.” She moves past me to start cleaning, something it seems she hasn’t done for days. I start to feel guilt rise in my chest. She was sulking because I left. But what was I supposed to do? Continue to let her guide our relationship, at a snails pace?

“Well, either you had a party and didn’t invite me, or you’ve been drowning in your sorrows,” I say coming to stand a few feet from her. And because I can’t resist pushing her just a little, hell, maybe she’ll break for good this time, I push a button that I know will elicit a reaction from her, “Just admit that you miss me.” I smile smugly and a second later I have a bag of chips thrown at my head.

“Okay, I’ll go.” I start to move past her but I hear her intake of breath, so I stop. My back to her I ask, “Unless there is something you want to tell me,” I offer. And all I receive is movement behind me. I stiffen in anticipation of her next move, but she remains silent. I step away and she calls out to me, I spin around to face her.

I reign in the thunderous beat of my heart, just waiting.

“I miss you, Max. I miss you so much…” she half cries out as she moves closer to me. Her tears spill over onto her flawless cheeks and I hesitate in brushing them away. I’m afraid she’ll reign in her emotions again. I don’t think I could live through another moment like that.

“That-that night we spent together was not a mistake. I was just scared. I never felt that way about anyone,” she whispers out, staring right into my eyes. I want to wrap my arms around her, but I hesitate, she’s not done yet.
“I’m sorry I pushed you away. You’ve been so patient with me,” she stumbles on her words and begins to nibble on her bottom lip. How I want to sink my teeth into that soft flesh, I sigh. I need the words.

“Max?” she asks softly.


“I wanted to tell you something, but I need you to come closer.” She smiles shyly, and I can’t resist, I take three steps and I’m right in front of her now.

“I’m here,” I say with a double meaning, hoping she understands it.

“I know you are. I just think it took a while to tell my head that,” she smiles and leans up and kisses my lips softly. I can’t resist and I wrap my arms around her slim waste. I rest my forehead against hers.

“Max,” she whispers out and I open my eyes to see her staring directly at me. “I love you,” she says and seals our lips. I let out a ragged breath and crush her body against mine. I kiss her as if I haven’t in years; her tears mingle with shockingly enough, my own.

We pull away panting and I stare down into her face. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that,” I smile and kiss her once again.

“I know, I should have told you long ago Max.”

“Really? How long?” I can’t help it; my ego needs a little boost, after all she has put me through the ringer.

“Longer than I’ll admit.”

“Tell me.” I nudge her with my lips against her neck, nipping at her delicate flesh. “Actually, don’t. I’ll just be reminded of the wasted time,” I joke lightly.

“Not wasted. It was fun wasn’t it?” she asks looking up at me, her eyes sparkling and a smile that lights up her entire face settles on her lips.

“It was, but now, I think its time for some other kind of fun.” I wink, as I lift her in my arms and carry her back to her room.

It’s time to catch up on all that wasted making out time.

<center>****** </center>

“Happy birthday, baby.” I smile down at her, as she walks into the room with a surprised gasp. It took a little while to get this thing together; then again, what did I have to do while she was pushing me away?

“Max! I can’t believe you!” she smiles and pulls me down for a kiss. A kiss that leaves little to my twisted imagination, about what she wants later. I can hardly wait until tonight.

“Thank you.” She beams brightly as she enters the room more fully. It’s not an overtly big party, just some people from work and our friends of course. I watch as she moves around the room thanking everyone, and I can’t help the feeling of pride the fills me.

She’s really mine. After all this time, I feel like I am right where I’m supposed to be. I feel as though this time it’s really forever. I love her more than anything, more than I thought I could ever love someone else.

It’s been two weeks since she professed her love to me, and I can honestly say that there isn’t a day that goes by that she doesn’t tell me so. She’s moving out of her place and into mine. We had a discussion about it, and I thought better of moving from my place, but she insisted she liked mine better. Who am I to argue?

She turns and steals a glace in my direction, which makes my heart skip a beat. I never thought it was possible to feel this way after everything. A small part of me couldn’t believe that she and I would ever be this happy together. I can only hope that it gets even better than this.

Rest assured, I will make damn sure of it.

“So, handsome, you know I should be mad at you for this party?” she says as she pecks my lips softly.

“I know, but you love me anyway,” I tease.

“You’re right. I do love you, Max. I can’t believe it,” she says as she takes my hand in hers.

“What’s that baby?”

“That we are finally here, and happy. I never thought…” she trails off as I pull her into my arms and kiss her deeply. I revel in the feel of her body against mine and I know now more than ever, she is the only one I ever want to kiss for the rest of my life.

“Okay, break it up! There are children present!” comes the infamous voice of Maria. I roll my eyes and pull away from Liz slowly, but never letting go.

“Maria, there are no children present.” I retort dryly.

“Michael is here, is he not? And if he isn’t a child, I don’t know who is,” she jokes but smiles pulling me into an awkward hug.

“I’m so happy for the two of you.” She says as she drags Liz off. Liz and Maria end up sometime after that in a deep conversation, one of which I could get a hint of, but Michael has insisted that if I had any dignity left, that I would leave them to their talk. With great reluctance I found something else to occupy my time.

It’s been two hours and I’m ready to go, damn it.

“Max, why are you in such a hurry?” she asks as I drag her out of the place.

“I want to give you your present,” I tell her as we get situated in the car.

“You already did, that party was great.” She smiles brightly as I begin to drive.

“Liz, the party wasn’t your present. I love you, baby and I have something else much more special for you,” I offer knowing damn well she will beg me to tell her what it is.

“Come on, please!” She’s bouncing up and down behind me, as I try and open our front door.

“Liz, be still. Geesh, you act like I never buy you anything.” I hear her scoff lightly.

“I never said that, it’s just this is the best birthday. And I’m just so happy,” she says as she wraps her arms around my waist. I can’t help but freeze and turn in her arms. I look down at her and smile.

“I hope there are many more, Liz. And I hope to keep you happy for a lifetime,” I tell her boldly.

“Me too,” she whispers out, and I growl turning around and jerking open the door, and pulling her up against it.

“I want you baby,” I say already kissing my way down her neck.

“Max,” she whispers out grinding up against me, her hands threading through my hair.

“Inside,” I manage to lift her off the door, and slamming the door closed behind us. I quickly make my way into our bedroom. We haven’t made love, yet. It wasn’t that we both didn’t want to; we just didn’t want to rush into it.

Now though, having her in my arms I know the moment couldn’t be anymore right. I look down at her and smile in happiness. Her lips are swollen from our kisses, her hair fanning around her across the pillows, our naked bodies heated to a fever against each other.

I take her slowly and languidly, cherishing every breathy moan, every movement and every kiss we share. This is what it should always feel like, I think as she lay panting beside me a while later.

“Are you okay?” I ask pulling her against me. She pulls the sheets up higher on our cooling bodies.

“I’m great, Max. I don’t know why I waited so long for that,” she smiles devilishly at me and I can’t help the groan that passes my lips.

“You know, we have all night and I’m just getting started,” I smiled wickedly.

“Wait! What about my present?”

“What? I wasn’t enough?” I feign innocence.

“Oh please.” She rolls her eyes and sits up a bit. “Weren’t you the one that was acting like a five year old when it was his birthday?” she asks with a knowing smirk on her face.

“Yeah so? I’m a man, what the hell else did you expect?” I say, already climbing out of the bed and over to my dresser. I pull out a long box and turn towards her. She’s sitting straight up and the sheet falls from her body, giving me an obstructed view of her perky breasts. I lick my lips in anticipation and she crosses her arms over her chest.

“Max, focus,” she reprimands softly.

“Oh trust me, I am focusing.” I finally reach her side of the bed, and take a seat, handing her the box.

“Max…” she trails off as she pulls the top off and sees the bracelet inside.

“You like it?” I ask after a moment of silence. She simply nods and then looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

“I love it. It‘s beautiful and it looks really expensive,” she adds in a tone that speaks volumes.

“Don’t think about it like that. I bought it for you because I want you to only have the best, but more importantly than that, I love you. I want to make you happy and trust me this will not be the most expensive thing I buy you.” I say kissing her cheek as I take the bracelet and place it on her delicate wrist.

“What do you mean?” she asks hesitantly. I don’t answer though; instead I remove the box from her hands and pick up where I left off a few minutes ago…getting lost in her body.

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

I know, I know! Finally! Even though this part is a little on the short side, it's still something right? lol Anyway, thanks for the feedback and we hope you enjoy!

Chapter 18

It’s becoming a common occurrence that I find myself sprawled across Liz, my cheek resting comfortably between her breasts. How I love her breasts; and her legs, her hair, and butt…especially her ass. Oh man.

I leave my eyes shut, content to revel in the feeling of her laying beneath her, her heart beating steadily just below my ear. Her fingers drift through my hair, lightly massaging my scalp. She knows I love it when she does that and I can’t stop the moan of satisfaction from escaping.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” she whispers from above me.

Smiling at her sweet voice, I nuzzle my nose against her warm, silky skin. “Morning, beautiful,” I rumble.

When she gently tugs my hair, I lean up to capture her lips in a slow good morning kiss. I will never tire of this.

“I’ve been smothering you for most of the night,” I breathe while I roll onto my back and pull her on top of me.

“Did you hear any complaints from me?”

I run my lips along her jaw, down her smooth, elegant neck. “You wouldn’t have told me if I was crushing you.”

“No,” she agrees. “I would’ve shoved you off and onto the floor.”

I hold her closer as she fully stretches over me. “I know you would’ve. That’s why I love you,” I laugh.

She smiles, and buries her face in the crook of my neck. In utter bliss, my fingers roam the smooth expanse of her back. And we lay in silent happiness.

Every morning I wake up with her next to me, I can’t help but realize how lucky I am. Even with everything we went through, I believe it was worth it just to have moments like this with her.

Looking back, we’ve come a long way from when she first walked into my office, cute and shy… my little munchkin. Anyone would laugh at how sappy I get, but I can’t help it. It’s what she does to me and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Now I see first hand what Rachael and I were missing. With Liz, it’s that turn the strongest man to a quivering mess and a mouse to a lion type of thing.

I’d do anything for her. I tell her all the time and though she teases me about it, she knows it’s true.

I keep thinking back to when her house was broken to and the terrified look on her face, I never want to see that look again. Not if I cane help it.

And to think whatever maniac broke into her place was never caught…


“Mmmhmm?” She nuzzles her nose against me, giggling as my stubble rubs against her cheek.

“Did you ever find out who broke into your house? What was that about?”

“That was a long time ago,” she says, trailing a lone finger down my chest. “I don’t remember.”

I frown, temporarily losing my train of thought as her hand wanders pass my belly button. I grab her hand and bring it above the sheets before she can do any damage.

“You don’t remember if they caught the guy or not? Did they not tell you?”

She unravels herself from my arms and lies beside me. I frown. “It’s no big deal, Max. That was like a year ago.”

“It is a big deal,” I argue, “What are you not telling me?”

Her gaze falls to the bedspread and I know that she’s hiding something. “Max, just let it go.”

When she starts to slip from beneath the sheets, I grab her around her waist and pull her back. “Where are you going?”

“Bathroom,” she mumbles, trying to untangle herself from me.

I hold on tight. “You don’t have to go.”

“I do.”

“You’re fidgeting.”

“That’s cause I have to pee.”

As soon as I loosen my grip, she quickly makes her escape and disappears into the hallway. She returns moments later, dressed in one of my t-shirts. I wish she wouldn’t hide from me.

She slides back into my arms. “Liz…”

“I know,” she says immediately. She knows what I’m going to say. “I’m sorry. I think… I know that Kevin was the one who broke into my house,” she admits quietly.

“What!? Liz, why didn’t you tell me… the police, someone?”

“It wouldn’t have made any difference…”

“God, Liz! What if you had been in the house? That asshole put his hands on you…”

When she starts to cry, my anger still grows but my features soften.

“Baby, don’t cry.” If I could get my hands on her ex I’m sure I’d murder him. “He’s not worth it.”

She hiccups as I stroke her back, holding her tightly. I want her to know that I’ll be here for her through everything.

“I know,” she whimpers. “The minute I saw everything… nothing was taken. He always used to say that I would never be free from him.”

I take her tearful face into my hands, cupping her cheeks and wiping away her tears. “But you are baby. You’re moving on. He has no right to have control over your life. And you can’t let him.” She looks away and tucks her head beneath my chin.

“You’re not him.”

“No, I’m not,” I agree, stroking her hair. “I love you. Otherwise I wouldn’t have let you torture me for all those months while waiting for you,” I joke.

I feel her smile. “You loved chasing me,” she laughs.

“Yeah. But I loved catching you better.”

Wanting to make her forget all about that asshole, I roll over, pinning her beneath me. She squeals, her eyes brightening as the tears stop flowing.

Her arms slip around my neck and our eyes lock while I hover closely over her. I swoop in when her eyes darken hungrily, kissing her deeply and completely.

Our time together is always passionate and satisfying, but I take my time, making sure to cherish every expanse of skin as I slip off her t-shirt and toss it over my shoulder.

She purrs, moaning softly while I leave my marks all over her. I feel her fingers claw at my back and it makes me want her all the more. She arches into me, her moans urging me to take her, but I hold steady. I’m going to slowly drive us both insane. But I’m going to have fun doing it.

Later, we lay sated and full after a heavy breakfast in bed we both cooked together. She feeds me the last piece of bacon and I take eagerly, kissing the tips of her fingers in the process.

“Sex and food is all I need,” I announce.

“What about TV?” Liz laughs.

“That too,” I nod in agreement.

“And me,” she says with meek innocence.

“Well, you’re incorporated in the sex,” I explain with a cheeky smile, “and possibly the food.”

“Eww,” she giggles. I laugh at her attempt at a disgusted face

“You know you love it,” I tease.

“I love you.”

I encircle her petite body in my arms a she snuggles against me. “I love you too.” I’ll never tire of saying that and hearing her say it back. I’ve waited so long.

We lounge in bed, going from making out, to sleeping, to watching TV. I let her have control over the remote. Or maybe it was more like she put me in a head lock until I surrendered it over to her. I hate that I taught her how to do that.

She switches pass a ‘Zales’ commercial, complete with a smiling woman proudly showing off her diamond ring. It’s easy for me to picture Liz as the woman instead, smiling after I have just proposed. It’s what I want to do soon, but I want to make sure she’s ready.



I stroke her arm, hoping to comfort her even before I ask the question. “Do you ever think of your parents?”

Liz has a lot of things to deal with concerning her past that I think we should resolve before we move forward. When we marry, I want it to be the best day of our lives, save for the birth of our children. I don’t want it to air any dirty laundry.

She immediately tenses, and I know this is hard for her. I continue to stroke her arm, letting my fingertips lightly skim her soft skin.

“I try not to.”

I press my lips against her temple, shifting to wrap her tight in my arms as she turns off the TV.

“Do you ever want to see them again?”

She stutters terribly before she answers. “No… .yes… I don’t know.” She sits up, the sheet falling away from her naked chest. She quickly searches for a shirt, looking very vulnerable.


“Max, why do you want to bring this up now? We were having a good day… no drama.”

I reach out for her but she pulls away as she tugs a shirt over her head. “Liz, you can’t just ignore this. They’re your parents.”

“Parents?!” she shrieks. “Parents don’t choose my fucked up ex over their own daughter! They disowned me Max. They treated me like shit because I didn’t love the man who beat me as much as they did.”

She starts to pace and I reach for her again, in agony for her. I want to make it all better for her. “Baby…”

“And you know what’s worse? Even after all that, I still miss them. I still love them,” she cries. “They don’t deserve it.”

She collapses into tears and I’m right there to catch her. “You’re right. They don’t,” I whisper to her as she folds into me, sniffling into my chest. “But I saw the way you were with my parents. You just admitted to yourself, you miss them. You love them. Without giving them excuses for what they did, they didn’t know what that asshole was doing to you.”

“But Max…”

“I know it’s hard Liz,” I interrupt gently. “But regardless, they are your parents.”

“I haven’t forgiven them,” she mumbles.

“I know. But don’t you think you’d regret it if you never saw them again or resolved this.” She pouts and I know I’m getting to her. “Wouldn’t you want them at our wedding? At the hospital when little Max and Maxine are born? I just want you to be happy, baby.”

“I am,” she whimpers, gently kissing my neck. “But we’re not naming the kids after you.”

I smile softly, noticing the slight tug of her lips. “What better time to make amends? Show them that you are stronger than this whole situation.”

She wipes her eyes as she sits up. “But what if they won’t accept me?”

“I don’t see how anyone couldn’t love you.”

“You’re biased,” she laughs.

I shrug. “Yeah, and?” She laughs and I smile, reaching to tug off her shirt. She lets me, but when I look to grab her breast, she swats my hand away. “I love you.”

“I love you too. But um… Why’d you bring all this up today?”

“Because when we do have all those specials days I mentioned, I don’t want you to have any regrets.”

I’m rewarded with a kiss. “You’re always looking out for me. Thank you.”

It’s what I do. I love her too much to let anything happen to her. “So is there a trip to California in the near future?” I ask tentatively. I don’t want to push her.

“Only if you come with me.”

“With you is where I belong.”

Be at Peace MJ