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Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:29 am

I think that alot of people took the joke he made to Liz in EOTW and ran with it. YOu know..."I keep getting flashes of Max Evans naked."

I don't think Kyle is gay. He's as straight as they come. Finding out that he was gay would have broken my poor innocent heart. Can you tell I love the guy?

I think that Kyle is portrayed as gay because he's so funny as a gay dude. Kyle had some of the best one liners in the least in my opinion. Witty comebacks, or lines designed to make us giggle. Can't you just see a gay guy with that sense of humor??

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:22 pm
by killjoy
I hate the idea and any story that has Kyle gay.......but there is one exception.

It's called The Screaming Alien.And without a doubt Gay Kyle in that story is the funniest thing I have ever read :lol: Lets just say if you read this story you will never see Fruit Rollups or Jello the same ever again :lol:

It's a reverse story where Alex,Maria and Liz are the aliens.Michael,Max and Isabel are human brother and sister.The only bad part is it looks like the author isn't updating anymore but what's there will have you laughing so hard you can't stand it :lol: ... =1&stop=20

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:35 pm
by Stargazer's Delight
I just think that it's up to the author who potrays him as that, not that there is nothing wrong with that.

But then again for being the supposed hunky looking jock he never really did have that many women, what liz dumped him, and that women in the heatwave episode never stayed around, and well we all knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with Tess :cry: because she was only there to create problems for Max/Liz. And that whole thing with Isabel :roll: was never going to work out. after that poor kyle seemed to have a dry spell so maybe, just maybe he was.

But i still love Kyle, after his healing he was a great inclusion to the club.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:24 pm
by rie482
I think it's because he was portrayed as a sensitive guy from the beginning of season 2... but to be honest... I didn't see him as being at all gay. So I can't understand why he is portrayed that way :P

How ever, once again I think it is down to the author what they do with their character. If they saw Kyle as having a slightly homosexual side to him... then that's the way they saw that and have expanded on it. This is what I love about Fanfic - you can expand on elements of the show.