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Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:21 pm
by SpiderGirl
Title: Divine Intervention
Author: SpiderGirl
Disclaimer: I own nothing on this planet. Roswell belongs to Metz and Katims.
Summary: The shooting happens but Liz doesn't get shot. Max dreams about this strange symbol and a dome and goes in search of it. He finds the necklace and RiverDog who shows him the cave. He decodes the map and realises just how important Liz Parker really is...
Rating: Mature
Coupling: This will focus on Max and Liz but it isn't really about whose paired off with whom.
Notes: Thanks to Mommo's site for inspiring me to come up with this. This is going to be really important to me and I'm focusing all my attention on this until it's done. The first part is of the shooting, so bear with me.

Part Ten

He sat with his back to the wall of the plane and rocked back and forth, everyone else was buckled in talking quietly but he couldn't concentrate. He glanced at Kyle and knew he was thinking the same thing
"When... when are you going to tell them?" he asked softly
"I don't know... I can't believe it... I lost two family members that day not one" he replied and Kyle nodded
"Did you know?"
"What? Of course not! All this time and I thought she was just my priestess, I never knew she was our sister as well and that we were... Kivar's children. I can't believe... what I felt- what I feel is something he manipulated for his own gain"
"What do you mean?" asked Kyle feeling suddenly cold
"You know what I mean. This... what I feel for you is all Kivar's doing. He's always going to be over us, do I really love you or is it something he cooked up so I would sleep with the Being of Power?" he snapped and Kyle looked away saddened
"Stop it" he begged "Please. You know it's been hard for me; don't make it any harder than it already is. I've overcome a great deal to be with you and now what...? You're pulling away from me just because Kivar thinks he can pull your strings? When you look at me does it feel at all fake?" he asked tears streaming down his face. Doby shook his head
"It just feels so real that I question it. It's so real and I... Divinity" he sighed "When I look at you I can't help myself, but I'll never know whether it's coming from me or from what my... my father has done"
"Dammit Doby! He's not your father! He never will be and I... I'll kill him with my bare hands. That I can promise you" he said fiercely determined.


Over in the corner Michael, Maria and Alex all sat together talking quietly. They, with the President, were being flown to safety. Max had given the troops that would remain all the inside information on how to kill skins and they were flying to the nearest safety point to meet with generals of the world and come up with strategies to beat Kivar
"I can't believe Liz is gone" whispered Maria as Alex put his arm around her
"I know. Do you think Kivar has Isabel?" asked Alex. Michael had tucked his black wings away and was wearing a thick snug jumper and army boots with heavy set silver buckles
"Kivar doesn't have Isabel, even if he captured her he'll never have her. She wouldn't allow it" he said "Even when she was Vilandra she never allowed it. No Kivar doesn't have her, she's outside of my power. She's in a different state of affairs now"
"What do you mean?" asked Alex
"Well in the prophecy we all had a role. Max was to bond with the Being Of Power, I was to protect the Royals until it was time and Isabel... her role is happening right now and it's something I cannot reveal as of yet. It's not my place" he said explaining it to them
"It has something to do with Liz doesn't it?" Maria whispered and he just smiled "She isn't dead, she's the Being of Power. It takes a hell of a lot to kill a being of power right?"
"Yes you're right. Liz is seen as a being of power because she is part Rathian, but they as a species lacked a certain strength that Liz has since she's a mix of Rath and Human DNA. She is the first of a new species and Kivar wants to use that to his advantage, now he cannot mate with her until her husband; the person she's bonded to is dead. That's Max, so that's why he wants Max dead. Kivar wants to sit as the head of the new powerful race of beings because he craves power. He's going to use Liz to become ruler so he won't kill her, at least not yet" he said then sat back.
"Can't you contact Liz and make sure she's okay? You're kind of related in a way aren't you?" asked Alex
"She's sitting on his side, although not willingly, so I can't contact her. He's found a way to make her sit on his side and because of that she'd inhibited from using all of her power; he hasn't figured that out yet" he said with a smirk.


Isabel followed the little girl to a cave alive with glowing symbols and whispering
"Where are we?" asked Isabel
"It's a very special place. I come here sometimes when I'm sleeping" said the little girl "What's your name?"
"It's Isabel, what's yours?" she asked with a smile leaning over slightly to talk to the little girl
"Oh" said the girl and she stuck a finger in her mouth "I'm not supposedta say"
"Well what do you want me to call you?"
"Call me little Angel!" she said fluffing up her fake angel wings and running off further into the cave.
"Angel! Angel come back you might get hurt!" she cried out following Angel further into the cave.
She came to a stop when she saw Angel standing watching lots of native american men chanting around a fire. There were lots of white shadows flying around the room
"What are they doing?" asked Isabel
"They're talking to their spirits for help" said Angel "There's a space for you over there" she said taking her finger out of her mouth and pointed at a space not far from where she was standing. Isabel slowly walked forward and sat down on the little cushion and tried to pick up chant. Angel came over and stood behind her
"What do I do now?" she asked the little girl who seemed to have all the answers
"You talk to the spirits. Ask them if all is right with the world" she said cheerily
"How can I? Adarra and Liz are dead, things are definitely not right" she replied and Angel shook her head
"Well then ask Adarra's and Liz's spirits if they are okay and if they need a guide" she said and smacked Isabel on the head "Silly!"
"Um... Adarra and Liz! Are you okay where you are? Do you need guidance?" she asked closing her thinking that would help. The chanting stopped and she opened one eye to see all the men looking at her
"Child, you are no mere spirit guide like us. You are a guardian, a spirit has been cast from a body not dead yet and you must protect it until the time comes for it to return to it's temporary body" said the man in charge pointing to the girl behind him who just smiled and sucked her finger back in her mouth. Isabel looked up at Angel, she must be the spirit she had to protect!
"How do I protect a spirit? How can anyone hurt a spirit?" she asked and Angel smacked her on the head again
"If my body dies before I can get back to it and I'm not in it when I die then things go really bad. I get stuck! You really are silly Isabel!" she said shaking her head
"Go now child. Take the spirit away from this place, it only brings danger. Follow the tunnels deep into the darkness until you find the light" said the man pointing to the tunnel that was black as pitch
"Uh um okay" said Isabel standing up and taking Angel's hand "There better not be any bats" she said as they walked into the darkness of the tunnel.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:02 pm
by SpiderGirl
Title: Divine Intervention
Author: SpiderGirl
Disclaimer: I own nothing on this planet. Roswell belongs to Metz and Katims.
Summary: The shooting happens but Liz doesn't get shot. Max dreams about this strange symbol and a dome and goes in search of it. He finds the necklace and RiverDog who shows him the cave. He decodes the map and realises just how important Liz Parker really is...
Rating: Mature
Coupling: This will focus on Max and Liz but it isn't really about whose paired off with whom.
Notes: Thanks to Mommo's site for inspiring me to come up with this. This is going to be really important to me and I'm focusing all my attention on this until it's done. The first part is of the shooting, so bear with me.

Part Eleven

"Why isn't this working!" roared Kivar pointing wildly at Liz lying in a cage of energy on the floor. She was glaring at him with big black pupiless eyes
"I don't know your highness" said one of the lackeys moving forward "We've tried everything!"
"Well try it all again!"
"It could kill her" said the brave lackey trying to reason with the false king
"I don't care! If I can't use her then why are we keeping her alive?" he snapped
"Run more tests! Find out why it isn't working!" he said before he began pacing. A young lackey came forward slowly
"Uhm your highness, I think I know why it isn't working" he said timidly. Kivar whirled round and invaded the young boys' space
"Enlighten us! Because she's dying for us to know!" he hissed rudely
"Well Divinity is a being of both Rathian and Human denomination, what if she can seperate the denominations so that she has her stronger side where it matters and the weaker side some place else were we can't get at it" he said and Kivar shook his head before walking over to Liz's energy cage and crouched down eye level with her
"Is that what you've done chibi ichi" he asked her and she snarled at him before jumping up running at him. She hit the energy holding her in and went flying backwards landing on the floor groaning "If that is what she's done she won't hold out forever! Boy! I want you to order some troops to search for any weak looking being around the city then bring it too me" he ordered and the boy rushed off "The rest of you, start with the crystals, I want her stronger self weakened" he said before walking out. Liz scowled, she was strong but she didn't know how long she could last without being complete. She just hoped that her younger self got where she needed to be and soon!


"Wait, I know this place. Angel! We're near the Granilith chamber" gasped Isabel, she grabbed Angel up into her arms and went to turn to go back into the cave
"Nah uh Izzy. We gots to go down there" she said pointing the where Kivar had set up shop.
"But that's where Kivar is" she whispered fearfully
"Yep yep I know" she replied wriggling from Isabel's grasp "He's lookin for me"
"Well if he's looking for you that means he's going to do bad things to you, let's just go back to the nice chanting Indians okay?" she said not wanting anything to happen to the little Angel she had come to know
"But we hafta go down there. She's waiting" she said clearly
"Who is?"
"Liz a course!" she replied like Isabel was stupid "C'mon" then she was climbing down the rocks faster than believable
"Angel! Angel wait!" Isabel called hurrying after the little girl in her charge.


"It's time" Michael whispered and Kyle and Doby looked up confused
"Time for what?"
"You made a promise. It's time for you to fulfil it Kyle" he explained, he glanced around and they were out of ear shot of everyone else
"You mean... I'm the one..." he gasped then went faint. Doby caught him
"I'll do it" he said to Michael but Michael shook his head
"It has to be Kyle" he said firmly
"Why me?" he asked looking between them "I'm nothing special"
"You have more strength than you take credit for, trust me" he said with a knowing smirk
"I do?" he asked and Michael nodded. He held up both hands and pressed them to Kyle's shoulders and he was sent through space to Kivar's base.
Kyle ducked behind a post just as two burly guards came in dragging a young girl with them. He noticed she was carrying a small child in her arms
"Let me go!" she shouted and he instantly recognised that voice
"Isabel" he whispered then fell silent as she was brought before Kivar. She put the little girl down and pushed her behind her
"Vilandra long time no see" Kivar beamed at her "You're still beautiful as ever" he reached out to stroke her cheek and she slapped his hand away
"Don't you dare touch me!" she hissed in full Ice Princess mode
"You don't want to take that tone with me Princess. You're no where near as strong as your precious Divinity and I can do far worse" he said stepping aside showing the cage Liz was in. She gasped and tried to back away from Kivar, she wanted to get Angel to safety "Where are you going?" he teased her, she moved away from him and the ended up circling. Kivar nor Isabel noticed Angel move away into the little room that housed Liz but Kyle noticed
"Hello little weak Rathian self" said Angel with a smile reaching out to touch the electric bars of energy. His eyes widened and he waited for her to get hurt but nothing happened. The energy vanished and Liz slumped down on the floor looking exhausted
"What the...?" shouted Kivar pushing past Isabel
"No!" she cried when he spotted little Angel
"So you're the little weak one I've been looking for" he said and raised a fist summoning energy. He shot it forward and Isabel jumped in front of Angel. Angel and Liz disappeared and reappeared as one just as Isabel fell back into her arms
"Great now I can get rid of both of you" he said "You've caused enough trouble Divinity and Vilandra... you're no where near as beautiful as you were. Say goodbye"
"Nooo!" shouted Kyle leaping out from his hiding spot to stand in front of the blast like he could stop it from killing them. He opened his eyes a a few seconds later when nothing happened and saw a forcefield in front of him keeping the energy at bay. He sighed with relief as both the shield and the energy disappeared, he was standing in front of Kivar and he couldn't get hit by his blasts. Kyle marched forward and Kivar backed up
"You've done enough Kivar. Goodbye" he grabbed hold of the tyrants neck and began to squeeze as hard as he could. Kivar was scrabbling for breath but Kyle would not give it; he didn't let go until Kivar had stopped wriggling.
"Kyle" whispered Liz reached down placing her hand over the wound Kivar had caused on Isabel and healed it "Let's get back home. We've got a lot to tell" the three of them stood up and left the little tent.
"Long live King Zahn and Queen Elizabeth of Antar!" shouted Liz as she left the tent "Antar is free! Kivar has been slain!" the soldiers came out gasping and confused as what to do now, they couldn't quite believe their leader was dead. The trio kept walking until they were at a place where they could call and tell everyone the news.


"I don't get it. I mean you've told me that story a thousand times already" whined Maria
"Don't get what" asked Kyle as they all sat around in the warmth of the cafe. It had been a few months since Kivar had invaded and everything was just getting back to normal
"Well Liz told me that she didn't make that shield that stopped Kivar from blasting you. I'm still trying to figure out what it was then" Kyle scowled
"Are you sure Liz didn't make it?"
"I'm sure" she replied "Liz told me when we were still sleeping over on Air Force One"
"I wonder what did make it. Maybe Michael knows?" he suggested and Maria blushed, things between her and Michael had been heating up which did nothing for his ego; when people heard that he was like a religious icon they all flocked to see him. She had become quite a famous little person herself just for spending time with him
"Let's go ask him" she said and they got up and went in search of Michael; they found him sitting on a bench reading a book
"Hey, we wanted to ask you something" said Kyle coming to stand next to him as Maria sat down. Michael looked between them then back down to his book
"No threesomes" he said curtly and Kyle went red
"Jerk" he hissed smacking his shoulder "No we wanted to know what made that shield when I was fighting Kivar? And wasn't Max and Liz supposed to win the war?"
"You did" he replied not taking his eyes from the book "And the Being of Power won the war. Max just had to help it along some how, I can't believe you're all only getting this now. Doesn't it make sense when you think about it? Kivar put a warp on Doby for him to fall for the Being of Power and he fell for you, the prophecised Being of Power was meant to be a guy and you did put that shield up to save yourself, Liz and Isabel"
"Are you trying to tell me that I'm the Being of Power?"
"No I'm not. Not just you, your mother left; partly because she was an unfaithful person. Have you ever wondered why Liz looks nothing like her mom? That's because Nancy isn't Liz's real mom, your mom and Liz's dad did the deed so she is your half sister. You're both Being of Power she's just slightly older"
"Whoa" gasped Kyle "Ewww! I was dating my step sister"
"But you're not now Kyle. You never really dated it was more like hanging out with your baby sister" Maria pointed out "You appreciated her, boyfriends don't appreciate they mawl. Speaking of mawling we have a date" she said taking Michael's book off him "So let's go Buddy"
"Ah the things I do to be human" he said and winked at a flustered Kyle.


"Do you think they miss us?" asked Liz as she padded back to the bed where Max was lying in nothing but a sheet
"I don't really care right now" he said grabbing her and pulling her onto the bed with him, she giggled loudly as he began to tickle her
"I can't believe we're here" she said once he calmed down
"I can't believe you're mine Mrs Evans" he replied "My Queen"
"It's going to be hard balancing my studies and ruling a world" she said as he leaned down
"I'm sure you can handle it. You've got Divine Intervention on your side" she smirked and pulled him down for a kiss. That I do she thought then stopped thinking as she began to enjoy the rest of her honeymoon.

The End